The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 15, 1895, Image 10

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    for Infants and
m CatoriaUowenUptedUchrUrMitht
I rooomraeod U a euparlor to any i.rocripttou
known to ma." It A. Aamsa, i
111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Ton UN of 'Caatoria U so unlTerial and
ll niariu to well known that II nmu a work
ot aiipererofatlnn to eodoraa It, Tew are tlx
InU-Ulpnt famille who do nut keep t'artoria
wlUiin auy reach.''
Cabloc VUtt, I). D.,
tfew York City.
fralal. Vlc Prlanl. CsWr.
Eipc Loan and Savings
Of Eugene, - -
DMECTOllB-J. C. Church, J. B. Harris,
Brown, B. 0. Falno. K. W. Oslmrn.
W. I
Fall Up Capital,
A General Banking Business Transacted.
Interest allowed on time deposit.
CotlMtlnn antruited to our care will reclv
prompt attention.
Lane County Bank.
(Established In lHhi.)
A general Banking business
In all branches transacted on
favorable terms.
A. O. HOVF.Y, President.
J. M. AHHAM8, Cashier.
A. O. HOVKY, JK., AssLCashr.
jljl. Breeding pens second
u nuns 111 urn iaio.
White and Itarred
Plymouth Hock. Hull
unit Itiown Leghorns
stid Wlver Hpaiigled
lm 51.50 csr 15; twoscttinas $2.50.
I aim hava a lr choice KnuUih llerlohlre
Idas lor salo. uatantrml. Address
a inn un.Hnt,
Coburg, Oregon.
Caked & Inflamed Udder.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailment!,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,.
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it In a Jiffy.
Rub In Vigorously.
MuMang Liniment conquerl
Make Mao or Beast wall
Mot aaia at Yartftgioa-i ttfc ta44ntf etas
AA t,V-g,fr
Caitorla eum Colic, CoMtlpatlon,
Oxir HUawh, Ularrlwaa, truc-Utloa.
KllU Worm, gin aleep, and promote '
Without Injurious medtrat Ion.
For aoreml years I havo rwsomnvu.'
jour 'Cutiirla,' and aliall alway eonllr t--do
an oa It ha Invariably produced beoe.Vi-i
r.nww T. riaora, M. P,
JXtb Btnwt and 7th Ava.,
New York City
T Curnt-a Commst, 77 Mcsjut Sinn, K Yo Cn
Debs and his associates roust go
to jail.
Tho hot weather makes people
begin to think of mountain and
seaside tesorts.
The wool market is encouraging,
prices being stiir and better than
for several days.
President Cleveland has the fac
ulty of keeping cabinet together.
Few changes have been made under
either one of his administrations.
We notice that tho newspapers
that contemptuously refer to the
fiftv cent silver dollar, are willing
to accept them at par. In fact
silver is about all that most of them
The people of Eugene do not
. r I ! . . -.1.1 I. l.o
seem lo desire w ceitnraiu mo
Fourth of July. The result will be
the same as of the excursion Sun
day. Tho money will bo spent
It is very pleasing to note the
marked interest in athletics through
out tho union. W ith an increase
of the athletic spirit will come
healthier and better relations in all
the departments of life.
It is reported that John L. Sul
livan, the once famous prize lighter,
ia penniless and deiiemU on his
friends for a living. He made a
fortune, but spent it as quickly as
it was realized.
Diplomats come high. It is said
that John W. Foster received f 100,-
000 for his services in behalf of the
Chinese government. It is seldom
that a great nation takes a foreign
er into servico and trusts him with
affairs of state.
Two years ago the Union Pacific
railroad controlled a powerful sys
tem of over 8000 miles of track.
Tho courts have been shearing oil
its arms and feeder until little
mor Minn its own line of about
1100 miles remains.
Tho Daily (iiahu commenced
its fourth year Saturday. We be
lieve it is appreciated by tho public,
and shall strive in tho future, as in
the past, to maintain its standing
as a first class local paper, tilling
tho field in which it circulates to
the fullest extent.
The two postofficcs in the United
States most widely separated from
each other are those at Key West,
Fla., and Ounalaska, Alaska.
Thoy are (1271 miles apart, and yet
a two cent stamp will carry a letter
from one to the other as readily as
from New York to llrooklyn.
Lane county has three splendid
hot springs resorts in the Cascade
mountains, two on the McKenzie
and one on the Willamette. Tho
traveling public should remember
that there is n toll on the Mc
Kenzie road now, and that the
Hendricks lerry is run (reo by tho
young woman at Astoria,
whoso husband had been missing
live days, hearing that the body
of a man had been found in the
river at once decided that it was
that of her spouse. She imme
diately went to town and without
troubling herself to identify the
remains, spent b buying crape
and material for a mourning dress
When she reached home she found
her husband making a pot of tea at
the kitchen tire.
It has been decided by the senate
of the university of Michigan to
hold elaborate exercises a year
from this coming commencement
to celebrate the successful close of
Dr. Angell's first quarter of a cen
tury as president of the university
A committee was appointed con
sisting of the deans of the various
departments to take the matter in
charge and prepare A plan for the
celebration. Jt was also voted to
aak the regents to appoint a simi
lar cotuu)iltct to join in the under
That bricht paper, the East Ore
gonian, published at Pond lo ton,
has this: "The Oregon State Prij
Association will meet at Newport,
on Yaquina lUy, iu July. The
'buvs', say 117 r going to have
an all-fired 'good tiuW July is
the right month for stub atiuM,
and we hop hey have mads no
mistake in the plat1." Jackson
you can rest assured (bat tlu) place
is tho right one. The Pwuetet
girls on earth are to be found on
the Yaquina beach during IhH
month, as Handsome Bob Johnson
will assure you upon private cor
respondenc). Jtowever, don't whis-tx-r
this to Mrs, J, or
not be present.
Th Siuslaw bar lias rectified
itself, and schooners can again
cross it. The delay was only tem
porary and nucli it state of allair
may not occur again for many
ye irs.
'Coin' Financial School" is a
littlq book, hut is causing gold
standard advocate an immense
amount of trouble. It in a com
plete exposition of the silver argu
ment clearly and concisely stated.
At least if oOO waa takon out of Eu
gene by tho conductor's excursion
oa ticket sales alone, and it is but
reasonable calculation to say there
was at least one dollar on an aver-
a no
spent by each 01 those nve
hundred neoolo while in t
This will make 1000 taken out of
our city and tho only way to get it
h ick in' to eel ui something that will
draw the crowd here a Fourth of
July celebration for instance.
President Cleveland takes a man
for attorney general unknown out
a'de of bis own locality. It has been
the fashion of late presidents to
select their cabinets from men liav
inir no national reputation, then
make clerks out of them. In the
first years of the republic, cabinet
officers enjoyed liberty oi action
Now thev are simple mouthpieces
of the r.resident and few men of
note will accept such barren hon
ors, lfaflairsgo wrong the cabi
net officer cets the blame. If sue
ccssful the president. He becomes
a catspaw.
College students are ulmoit dis
tinct in their character wnen stu
dents, says the Albany Demo
crat. They stand out in bold re
lief and you know they are around.
Some are ercater than ever after in
life. Their names on account of
some athletic or other feat may be
sounded across tho continent, but
in a short time after leaving their
alma mater they are absorbed in
the ereat maelstrom of life and only
encrav will keen them on their
feet: perhaps you never hear of
them aeain. Others then are
almost unknown during their col
leco days whose light grows bright
er rs they stand on the pinnacle
eventually. A collego career makes
the chances decidedly in favor of
tho ambitious young man
It is too often the case that in
eventof disaster tho owners of a shi
are condemned without a hearing,
Tho steamer Col i ma foundered in a
hurricano and many lives were lost
and now the company is charged
with over loading tho vessel, niak
ins her toodieavy. From the facts
adduced the charuo appears to be
unju-t. The experienced seamen
who commanded the steamer were
utterly unable to hold her head to
the cnle, and she fell into a trougl
of tho sea and foundered. It must
have lieen a terrible storm that a
staunch steamer could not fare,
and when she swung broadside to
the storm, a position from which
sho had not nower to escape, des
t ruction was inevitable.
Ezra Ponjileton med Charley
Nickell. of the Jacksonville limes
for 110,000 for libel, and got a ver
diet of II. He would not have gotten
that either had not the instructions
of tho judge almost compelled somo
verdict for tlainaccs 1 ho men
that sue newspapers for libel gener
ally come out with a dollar charac
ter or none at all. the law is
wiong that allows an irresponsible
bilk to drag a newspaper publish
er into court lor exposing aim
warning tho public of his character
and crooked work, all of which is
done for the benefit of tho com
munitv. Whilo tho verdict seldom
amounts to anything, the cost am
expenses may lie considerable. 1
tins case Mr. .Nu-kell proved the
truth of his statement, yet he was
compelled to go to Portland, a dis
tance of oOU miles, with his wit
nesses, to defend himself from dam
A story told of Horace tireeley
relates that an acquaintance of his
cot otleuded at one of Ins article
in the Tribune, went to the oll'n
and put an end to his subscription
Later in tho day ho met tho editor
and said: "Mr. Ureeley, I've
stopped your paper. "Have you I
oueried Horace, adaing, "Wei
that's too bad." and the old white
hat went its way. The next morn
inr (ireeley encountered his forme
subscriber again and accosted him
with: I thought you had stoppe
the Tribune." "So I did." "Th.
their must be some miblake." re
plied Horace, "for I just came from
the office, and when I left the
prei-s.'s were running as usual, ll
clerks were as busy as ever, and
the compositors were hard at work
and the business 'was going on the
same as yesterday and the d.ty b
fore." "Oh!" ejaculated the oh
subscriber, "I didn't mean that
stopped the paper. I stopped nly
niv copy of it because I ilidn t 111.
one of your editorials " "lVhawl
retorted tireeluv. "it wasn't worth
taking up my time to tell mc snyj
a tntl as that. Mv dear sir,
you expect to control the utterance
of the Tribune by the purchase of
one copy a il;iy. or if jou think to
find any uewspape," worth reading
that never cxpro.'nes convi (iorjj at
right angles with your own you are
dttouBiJ to disappointment. The
Tribune wl.J not bo deserving of
respect if it could be uvjvd by the
threat of the los of one ytcriwT.
or a hundred, or ten thousand,
or e.veu .every otyj jt ha-, to refrain
from telling Jthe jtruth as it sees it.
My friend, this is a n country,
and the man who d.n-s not give
freedom of opinion to others does
Dot deserve it himself, liood-bve."
(julte warm.
J II O.MMlnmn
went to Sulcm to-
Col (leo O Yonin I
visiting at Port-
A 8 Power Is down from McKenzie
Low are coining liitulhe hugene saw
mill boom.
Al Auten was after I lie fenlive trout
Ir McKeiiiK-y returned home mi
J L Kcolt, ihe drummer, went to Al
bany today.-
L. Jleatherlv, of Kl Pa", l x is, Is
In Kuk-iiw.
W W llnlues went down the road
Hen Lurch, of Cottage Grove, Is In
town today.
Work Is temporarily stopped on the
new (louring mill.
Commissioners court will meet
gain next Monday.
8 M Htiell of Die Hoffman House is
viilting In Portlund.
WT Matlock In down from roley
prlugs for a few days.
Weie you at Salem yestrlay; ll
ho, how do you fuel today.
Mrs. Geo. M. Jones was a pam-nger
to t'orvallls this morning.
Miss Mae Cochran returned to Cot-
ta,'i Grove this morning.
Marshal Day returned from Port
land on the excursion train.
Mrs Annie Millard came down from
Cottage Grove this morning.
Mr. Moore, of the Vlavl Company Is
visiting in Portland tor a weeK.
Two carloads of coal and one. carload
of beer was received here yesterday.
Mrs. M. P. Matzgerand Mi. K. A.
It tiikin have returned home from Ho
davllle. T II Learned, wife and children, ar
rived here yesterday from Kronson,
JudireJ. 'C. Fullerton arrived this
iiiorxinK tooiieu the June term of the
circuit court.
Whitney, the foot racer, returned to
Kuireiie last nlirht aua Mils alter noon
went on out Soutb.
W. C. Yoran and P. K. Siiodifrass,
with their families, picnlced acrots
the liver yesterday,
Wm Kspey and wife came up on the
local yesterday and are visiting with
her father, wm i-.uris.
). O. ltowland and Miss Monteom
erv were nasseiiKers on tue siaife ior
Florence this morning.
Counlv School Superintendent Kiev
ensiin is visiting the schools through
out the county this week.
Deserted streets yesterday. loo
much excursion and iiicuiclnir. No one
objected to Htiiiday closing.
Fred llerliold. one of the Ouahd
cirriers and a stuileut of the university
is spending a lew days in remand,
Jutlire Medley, of Collate Grove,
came do. en on the local this morning
aud returned on the aftornoou train.
Dr. Wall returned to Cottage Grove
yesterday. Master Chester Chrlsman
went in his t-a re to stop a low utiys.
(Julie n number of people took ad
vtintaire of the oportuulty ollered to ito
to Por land on the excursion tickets
Count v Tiieasurcr Grtiy has about
$1imju to disburse n county warrants,
and makes a call for of them he
lm: from registered numbers 70U3 to
i.i-i inclusive.
I L Campbell returned this after-
niiciii from a meeting of the executive
committee of the Oregon Slate Press
Association at Newport.
Itev l-jirl Wilbur of Portland and
Hev C W Yeodte ol Oakland, Cal.,
Uuilarian to In Inters, are in the city
looking over the Held for their burch
Miss Ca'herine 8. Cogeswell, who
lias Ice n tilling the position if leading
lady at the Alcazar theatre, Sun Fran
cisco, during llie past winter, very ac
ceptably returned here this afternoon
to visit a lew wecKS witu relatives anu
friends. She came via the lauuina
Hay route.
A dog In some unaecouutable way
gained admittance to Parker's 0era
house today and In order to make his
exit juiiq-ed out through the glass
door of the front entrance.
At the meeting of the Masons In
Portland next Wednesday, a secretary
will la- elected to succeed 8 K Chad
wick, deceased. Since the death of
MrCbadwiek Jas F ltohluson, of this
eitv, has held the olllee by appoint
nienl. and Masonry in this state
would not make any mistake hy elect
lug him to the position. Mr ltohiuson
ha- tilled many high places in the
ditlerent Masonic organizations,
thoroughly conversant with tne laws
rulings mid usages of Masonry,
prompt, and has the clerical ability
needed for the Important position equal
to any man In tne stale,
W. C. T. 0. Kntkktaixmknt. A
goodly iiumu-r of tickets had been
wild and a fair crowd waauut to wit
tiesMtheW C T U entertainment at
Parker's opera house Saturday veiling,
A number of recitations aud musical
selections were rendered, all of which
were irooil. some of them being en
eered. Hut that which received the
moot favor from the audience was the
oriuiuat play, "The Coming Woman
This nliiv was well sustained throuirl
out and heartily applauded by the ail
dlence. All the pieces on the
programme went very excellent for
amateurs and the entertainment was
well worth the price.
Skvkn I NPICTMKNT9. Tuesday
Salem Journal: " The grand Jury re
turned seven true bills against Charles
KJon-smr larcenies in dwellings in
this city. The grand Jury has not yet
passed lipmi the case ol JNirs iripp,
supiMtsed to have disposed or some o
Jones' property, with whom she whs
living." Junes is tU Pleasant Hill
piwiottlii- robU-r.
The Statesman of today says: Jones
was taken Ulore Judge llurnett at
1:1") p. m. and arraigned He was
given uiitil '. o'clock this moiniiig to
plead. Dining the reading of the in
diclineiit hy District Attorney
James McCu'in t lie Indictee became
quite iit-rvnu and as the officer took
up tl.e llfth i iipt r and l-ogan to read
tl.i n irom he a eompelleil to step to
the clerk's d.-sK nod lean thereon l.
prevent his falling over. In other
winds be became suddenly tired.
llKnji i'lioM An ain. The Dally
Stio-TImm, ol iii;. Junction, Mesa
county, Colorado, of Julie Htl I14J the
following local item conesriilug Lee
Teutsch: "Phil Farueat. the Main
wrvl .h'H maker, starts In the morn
ing for St Jiv Jfo. He will ride a
FratherMone llond Kln. He will U
accompanied by Lee Teutsch, who ar.
rived in town yesterday from F.ugene.
Oivgou, luvlng covered a distance of
1.000 miles si nve My )t. He Is rid
ing a Victor s liwl and will go on from
Si Jos to Fort Worth, Tex."
Ultt l lT com.
A Verv UK'H -rc,f,,tJ"irir
Drawn witli I "sue Ldwartlj Nre-iiian.-lliit
Pew Jury lilais.
PaiWouanl. June l'.
The June term of the Lane county
circuit court convened at the cuit
. . iu,!0 o'chM k ihU morning,
Judge Fullerton on the bench
tii.n l. I. Attoruey
Ch rk Jen'uinuK and her ir .lohl.-on.
The following grand Jury wasdraw n.
w i. m IL.nrv Snores. 1. J.
I.. 1. VIII"--"'! ' 'J ,
Hlakel.V, Jasol" N'-eley, Ijaae UWi
i.- Ji...iiit un.l Wm. Mearl.
IsimJ F.dWards was aipiuled foreman-
udge Fullerton deiivereu inr
uddiess to the grand lory ana it
tired to commence wortt. ...,.
Khner Gray was appoinn-u um -
the grand Jury, and C M Jacason anu
KC Larimer coruiuauiua.
i i.- Miimliv. executor estute n l
Church vs V L M-Kires et al; conllrma-
Hon. cotilinned.
2 JCO.sidulevs McBee & to; to
recover money. Continued.
8 W D Itrereton vs bvaverud 4
Co. o recovermoney. Continued.
6 E (i apurry vs j .h rw..-j
equity. Continued.
0 Jllllonigvs Eliza A banders;
foreclosure, (IS O roller reieree.;
fU7U8 N Hutrlcli vs II Bundy; cou
flrmatlon. (-'oullrmed.
9 Frank Hagerman et al vs Sam
uel Looney, etal; equity. Default.
11 Lizzie lliompsoii et ui "
W Itlnehartet al; coiiftrmatlou. Coo
ii VI Susuti Grubb vs V si "ruuus,
admin et al; coiitlriuatloii. louuu
"vv- ... .
i.t J.i in Ktuarl vs iJ M anu L,aura
McKulght; equity. Continued for ser
15 II L Lawren -e vs M ft urown-
t..u..t ,,l- ..niiMrmiillnii. Continued.
ri . :. i. ii
18 Leander Conger, guaruiau va
Wllllams.-SeltleU. ,
9ii Wm Smith vs J M and It A
Kltson; to recover money. Default.
32 Jacob Ulllesple vs JJ u aim a j
Caswell and It KiUoo; coullrmation.
Continued. . . .
si Matthew Walls vs J KJolili-
mom. autiuuiHiruior: couunuuiwu.
I i'iflriiifii-
xi H ! W hie hester vs Jonn
Stewart et al; confirmation. Con
rl rmnil
30 JFHturrvs J isuduhmbi;
nriiiHtlon. Confirmed
38 The Investors Mortgage Security
Co Limited, a corporation; eonnrma
linn ( 'mi tinned.
4U JO lthinehart vs J U ithine-
linrt- nnili v. Continued.
41 W ft isrown vs J ii iJiuasuu anu
u.lf... ponrlriniit Ion. Settled.
43 Charles Lauer vs II J Day and
wlfi-: foreelosure. Decree for fs0. lut,
at 10 ner cent. ctiU attorney lee, auu
lur-r,w fur suit- of nniuert V.
r. v.. . t
44 J It Klllson VS J Y Harris aim
45 W 8 Locke vs Geo M Whitney
and wife; continuation. Continued.
u. l fe- mi ll mint on. 1 on ll rmeu .
60 win ft bwentzell vs itienaru a
Haves et al: fureclosure. Default.
63 The New Kngh'lid Mortgage be-
curitv Co vs Klizabeth W I toss, former
ly Klizalieth W Goodcliild; foreclosure,
64 James I loll man vs A A Meek;
to reo iver money. judgment ior
tlt;9l and interest at 10 tier cent.
67 Herald M Telinell vs u A micks
and A A Meek; to recover money.
Judgment for tiioU and luteret at 10
oer cent and attorney lee ol too.
70 J it ruzer auu w ite, vs i vj
. .... , i v f
Pitzer. to recover money. Settled.
1 Lucy Scarborough and Jennie M
Williams, vs Julia A Hyde: tor posses
sioti of property. A. 8. MeCltire sub
stituted as deft, for Julia A. Hydo.
! J H Pitzer. vs X U Pitzer; to re
cover monev. -Settled.
Kiidoiiih l-unke was adimiieu to
30 Henry Maxwell vs jjiiftaaiu
and Sol C Jacobs: eouity to reform
deed, ill T Condon referee.) lteferee
report on tile.
33 Barbara ft Brownlee vs A
Johnson, shurift. aud J K Iloach; in
Iu net ion. Settled and dismissed
- . . .... . . ... , j.
4U J-.ii .Muimx vs iviuinix, ui
voice. Default, nelcr rea to rrana
61 J M Horn vs B F Wilkes etal
foreclosure. Default. Judgment fi
f33o.n0, interest at 1(1 per cent and $50
attorney fees and sale of mortgaged
orem -r.
55 Nora Marcot vs George Marcot
divorce. Default lU-ferred to G. W
56 K B Prentice vs Wm P Camp-
hell et al; foreclosure. Deluull. judg
nieut for t'Ml f25 attorney fee, and
sale of mortgaged premises.
68 W M r isk vs l Hoax et al
fort closure. Default. Judgment for
f041.8., interest at 10 per cent and sale
of premises.
til A l. and ii ?i noney vs v jj
and It C Koeiioy; to recover money.
Default. Judgment tor $110 70. In
terest at 10 per cent, $25 attorney fees.
and order of sale of attached property
ti'i OCKoevsJH ltltiger; to re
cover money. Default. Juilgment for
$772, Interest at 8 percent and sale ot
attached property.
10 AO Hovey v Thomas Cbappel
and N B. Ltle. To recover money.
The following Jury was drawn in the
ease: Albert Hendricks, J. it. crow.
II. L. Chilson, B. 8. Hylaud, A,
Zuniwalt, 8. N. Schrlmpt, C. W. Si-ars,
C. D. Sanders, It. C. KcHiuan, Mathew
Sltores, James Job, J. W. Pollock
Yenlict for deft-udant. Plaiutlfl
attorneys allowed until Monday to
make motion for a new trial.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Natural Growth
of Trts
wnrs -
"I can cordially Indorse Ayer's Hair o
Vlt-nr. Rl one ol the hrl pioparatloni O
for ih hilr VTifii 1 bpiu using Ayer's J
llulr Vigor, all Ilia trout part of urylica.l o
ii-rtui U.iU .'f It -was bald. Til Be ?
ot only two botil.-i rcslursU Dntursl J
prowih. litoh still continues as In Try Ol
youth. 1 tried several other dressing, O
pi,t t'y all failed. Aer" Hair Vigor 5
is It- liasl " Jjrj J. C. 1 RCrssER. O
ronr, Texas. ' " ' P
Ayer's Hair Vigor!
i. -.
as ' -.,fB Kamlihrd by tha "Piano" Fly Wbl. U tb greaulT"
PCTORED PmOWE improvement ever mad In cll-BlnUiog Marvwur,"
" . -"' ,
TUC riV UUrPI round;cau.airanlihilvov .ft.lac nukwMrii
I P t iLT lVn-ULn, huru Imhli-r draft anil bind a bumllc uuci the iam u
More Jone SUel Headers oiu m ti"icg. -
v. . th jones r u a I M UAIVFR tff .Jl?..: "M
.nd.,rh.-tdr.ft mowm.h. U M .1
ir out, no frir ion no noi., iioOiinic io n
t wheel, idu p"" w -'"
cno ton ourt ran-ron-aLt
The Piano Ml. Co., M.nrurer,
Also the largest and most complete stock of repairs in the
Willamette valley, tall and see sample at
Junction City :
o o o ooFLOUR.---? "
The most popular Hour
eaJing grocers.
I)extr Items.
June 12, Wi.
lloadmiLster llarbre has theiH-otib
mending their roadways this week.
Messrs William and Leander truzan
visited Ktigene Monday in a cart, hut
returned Tuesday "Hors du coinuat."
We anxiously awuii uu account 01 tue
Win Williams and family and also
Lester Wheeler attended tliechildreirs
day exercises at Pleasant Hill 8unday.
Hug burning Is the order of the day
and then it apa-ars that the vines
must succumb to the little striped
pests. Kcmedy, take the bug between
the thumb aud Index linger, press
firmly and steadily until homeliiing
pops uoiiiiug else win uo.
Alex Urifliti Intends starting Mon-
diiv to help t-ellx Itussell. of fall
Creek, across the mountains with a
band of cattle.
Hops, gardens and grain looking
flue, but a raiu would be highly bene
Tom Uolce started down the valley
Monday looking for a place where
good times reigns Bupreme. Quite a
trip before him we predict.
Travel has commenced fording the
river regularly between this place aud
Miss Connie Uandsaker and
daughter ot Dr Paiue, visited at Mr
lsarbre's last week.
Mrs Laura Haskell, of Eugene, vis
ited at Thomas Hunsuker s several
days last week.
E R Parker closed his school at Treut
Friday. He will teach the fallteun
of school at Pleasant Hill.
The date for the plculc Is set for July
4th. Dont forget the date.
J H Scrioner aad Mr Mayo returned
1 mm Hiiver Lake (Sunday. They are
thoroughly satisfied with Webfoot.
Cam I'M ektino. There will lie
campmeeting at hiudaville. In Linn
county, begiuning June 20th, under
the auspices of the Cumberland Pres
byterian Church. The camp giound is
near llie nod a tsprings, attirditig excel
lent opportunity to enjoy the bent-tits
of these health restoring waters while
attending these meetings. Persous at
tending by railroad will pay full fare
from Btarting poiut to Lebanon aud
one-third fare returning. Fare ftsut
Lebanon to Sodaville, 25 wnts.
Tti't nt--
ortltoiey Re
Jureuaior I
the most
discovery of
the aire. It
hiu bn en
iord ny th
tilo of
Kumpo apd
Hu)tn i
Wirely Togo
t khle.
Hudym ttopo
Fulllnt; Sen
ou,ajfty cnstwltclilni
ol die eye
and other
and tons Ui
Hudts cure
1 blluy,
anis resUire
iseas prnnL
V.' ii al
of th dl.
f rso In -A)
d:. f-ina
Pain lo 111
bC, lone
S,;iirja.fisa byoayet
.it- -Tct r'.? wir'vv-r -i "i t: ..
qekly . fiver 2,000 rrlmtc en.1o eoientn.
. rnn:. n:( .ns linioien7 tn ih (nt
nun- it Ui i7mpom of seminal wciunen
i i.l brr, nnc. u cia bo I orrcl lu a'dava
ty 'he iiori!ndi-rr.
Thei ew ,' ... ,Vr v ,i i . 1 y the-etal-r
'' ' i'"--' ?':t.cul Inslltvti.
i '' if i- ..?. ; ,
a-ifu, t,-- f.. .f tv (.,. J f,., jj uit!
-k.-.f i --.- , r !. v(. ie u:s;.l.-olSi..
v. i;..o a-xr-n v (r v f..rac-n. UrootnT
rtNt-t.vaa I to 1 . eml-clv c-i"s1,ix uorit
l 1 1 si-nl to t 11 li c 1 r;-t r' i
ton 1 1' r a - a.: 1 -1 -iv .,. ,1 irc.
M.iiSON MrXiv- '. I. l.HfiVl'Tl', ,
JuurUoa Storli-.-n, -nrfc.t a .lilau.
Kr I ran. : 0. t,,.
r-itt.v.j "i
at.I. ,
TM1 ftV-VMIU't ON Ti KjikTU
I.. ..a. ln in I .not.! rain anil mi i.
f ( vai
iuuTaTio caxatooui
West Pullman, Chicago, 111.
Cor. 9th and Oak, Eugene
Milling Company.
in the market.
Sold bv all
Oij Improved Farms
Et'oK.xK, : : : o'ti.uuy
Day & Henderson's.
Kitchen Tables
M 23
2 00
.. 4 .'0
'.) 00
Ii 00
Fall Leaf "
Extension "
Maple Hrucuu
Wash Stand with glass
lied Stead -
Wire Matress. .
Top Matrt-ss
Kitchen chair
Cane rockers
All Wool Carpet
3 ply wool carpet
63 rfTHl lfrZi!
hkamiiNS WIM'
yuu tliould buy II.
1. It Is made light lu re i t lio:e.
i. It la mado of the very line I
maU-ria.s and Is uarni.n- "
In every rosH- t mual 1
u por lor to the wry l-i
3. Tho makers inmrant" 1 .
tin and evury ti" ' 1
authorised to retu 11
nioutiy if it ta not sal I '
CUMaar livuu, Puil......
vilTl'r-E m rUEDITOluS
Notice is hereby given that E'.ibetk
Kaileybts been daly ai-poinled i"1"'
of the estabi of Jobs Kaili-y, deceae.l. 4"
personiLsvhw rlnioy auml said esiaie
ro hereby tiotiQ-d to present tlie ssnieto
the executrix at lha ufUce of Geo B.
ris Io Eogi-ne. Oregtsp. ithiu six umniN
from Ibodato of this uotice witli Hie DtW
gary vonrher.
Dated May 25th, 181)5.
Enzn:rn Paii
Oio. B. Dnaiiw. Eiei-u'rix.
Atty for estate
All persons who have not set" IN
assessor or given In their B-".-es.-snieiit
are requested to call In at the coiiiny
assessor's offlce not later I ban "'"e
20 and attend to It. A personal stie
ment may save5 taxpayers a much an
noyance and 0 the same time liisuri
an equitable assessment.'
I). P. lll'HT".
Notice ia ber-byTiven tbul O'ige D.
Dorris has beeu duly nt.p..ii.l d -"lii.!'"'
tratorol tba ea::0e ol 'A illu-iu Hiri '""
ceaaed. Allpiuns having l -im "fi""'
said estate are h.nhy to'itt- ii t' I
lh..Lll..ln ll ... iwtlbl.r lit lil" lhV
I office Id Eg-1 Or. -gon, itbiu six uieuil
I Lom tile jate 1. 1 ,'.' ii',
Msy 4ih, mi.
C,m. P. Pt'S'-tr
' a.IiuimsI'h'-':
yO'fKE TOtpEprt'OUy.
Nolle i- L- lebv siv-D th .1 F. O-l"
b.bu duly j.fni. it'1"1' 1
lhehl:e nt 1!. tcr Ostium, d. c '
All pi-rs nii having cUima agsmst
lute up luielij- noiifi-d in 1 n'iit 'h -"'
In Ibe ,1ailli)'lrMr M il-.i C'lki'o- I '
Sid i5avli.(g Itnlik M lifci'J', ' ,r'
:thl-' hu Die.iiib (1 m Hie dutc 1 f il i-'
lira ..
M J 4th. lHil.-,
E W. OeBCkS. II DokSia. Admii.i-tr-'"
Atty f r Ealali