The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 08, 1895, Image 1

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NO, 2d,
Hi in 7
J. JO. EL U' u o
The Eugene City ttuanl.
PablW'ter Proprietor.
nVFICK-Irt tha Hut sl b of Willsniette
l!2i h ,veutb Ki,l4l,, trW!U
i 00
p,r annum '
Sii Unth
fhrtt BODtlU
AJvtrtuin'J Ii'ites MmI Known on
Tims l"rt"" wil1 -hrKJ th f il-
JSMTi - g
,H,...ur.. mouth- Q . . n-tices ill local ooluuin, 20 cuU
m lint for c-h lowtion. , O. ,
jkJfertUiiW Mlli will be rendered qnurterly.
U job work muibe paid fob on prxivEiir.
i a TTTflKEY
gjjeki. tf atcnes, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
.tllWArk VarraOtrt.trl
0 Physician inul Surgeon.
iBkt and resilience over piMlninue,
J to t a. m.i 12 to 2, 0 to i) p. ni.
vDi'w:i iul N'flK Itlcei ' Foreign fid
IH illc Marble aud Granite? Monuments,
H,'l-t"iK'.ri(l Century Cork of
til kinds for 1Hii5.
i;a'tte Street, near 1'nitolTlco. Eugene, Or
i c. wooacacx,
-Ouo half block south of C'hrlniiRi'
At residence cor. 6th
am? Lincoln Sts
Oinee upstairs In McCluren's build
lug, corner Sth and Willaiaette streets
K.AKIN, .1 H.,
01 Eugene.
fU up lash liital 50,000
Orpins and ProHts, 850,000
Eugene - - OrCgon.
A mtiifrnl tunklin; bualneaa ilme on reannu-
1AM), OHKliON.
Bill, f en Iudr milil on foreign countrkQ
Pwumv.'vediubii'ot to clock or certifi
of tovmi.
AUooll,x.-i,,n4eDtr11-tfl,j tons will reeeivt
prompt atUnilnn.
... (EvanBelist,)
'!! Moium, Iowa, writm urAir ilat ot
March 3:1. lb'J3: "
B. Med. mfo. C!o.,
r Dufur, Oregon.
"Extlkmkx: On arriving home last
k, I found all well and anxiously
aitinB. our little girl, eight and one
'years old, who hud wasted away
jo x (xmnds, U now well, strong and
Vigorous, and, well lleshed up. S. H.
y-ugli Cure has done Its work well.
of the children like It. Your 8,
It l:,lre lm cuKd and kept
' all Iinarsiii'ss from nie. Ho give
vi ieiVcr' nne wlth Rret'tlngs for all.
isiilng you prosperity, we are
Urs, "Mr. and Mll8i Jf Ff Ji'oRD.
hZX? wl.,h ,n ,p' "n"! cheerful, and
iih'.k,.11' jyaf ' work, eleanse the lystem
wth rwj .wii week.
un.lra ve Kimrnnte
cenu per bottle bj all drug-gilt.
Exclusively For Cash,
I cauuffur the public better prlcft
M 9iW M,
ARAl Ail
t ?
Costs no more than i::fciior rLd;. soJj
neverQpoils the flour, keeps sui't, anJ is uni.
verstfly acknowledged purest in tie xwld.
Made only by CHURCH CO., New York.
Sold by rroccri cverywUcre.
Writ (or Arm tod Hammer Dwli of,1.
iiw iui Ann .ou uunnicr or Tumuli
Spring anil Summer of 1895.
Newest Stoci and Lowest Pricss.
IrjCatestStyles adSades.
WYi 8 ile Willamette St., lx't e. n Kill mi l luth.
A Film II : mttii-i' in lli I.u9l.
Jackson ville ')iikh: A tunoolli
young iiituiQoni the stinny fliini's of
C'aliforniii wo iii J.ick-iiii villi- on
W'i'dnotlny, wnilffnjj llii' oll chuni:t'
rufUi-t, lnii whiulyvus a r.-vulation to
MiOnu of our I'i'oiili'. ile mu ll1 1 lie
rounils uml liiiiiilleil 11, e iiniiuy of
soiiiH of the UllWess men; Imt us lliey
ull ili'cluio that they i'aulit on to hit
Utile Hume like u iiouse iilliv, ami ili'l
not lose any of their coin, wecoinuio
the L'liui'lu'sicn that this fcMive llim
ll.iuiiuer I'jiiikI the town a little enter
Lilian iiiiv of the ol hem lie had visited.
ami eons. (iieiitly ilepai l9. With tt IiIrIi
oiinloii ul us ami a vaetinin wnere l lie
lllthy lucre is miiiom'i to reiile. l'or
the benefit of those who lOe iu this
vieinily it is not in-cemary for yie
Ti'ms to miravi'l (lie ino-lery which
enve ois the proceedings oi the change
artist; but tootbu unsophisticated it
may I e interesting to read uhmit It:
'1 ho f. f. f., when jio enters a place of
business, is geiivrinly possesseiDivitli u
desire to pun base a small article, ami
throws down a J10 niecto which the
merchant proceeds to change. Just
mi 1 1 mm b in.ii ... vii. ....v.
then the purcliaser discovers that he
has enough silver to pay for wlial lie
lias boulit, and tem'.t rs it with the re
quest that his cold or bill I returned
to him. When that is dona he sutf
uests that hu would after ull rather
have a f ' piece for the chamje, if il
would make no particular di Mere nee,
QeturnliiK the nieio unit's o 11 silver as
part of the amount, out ot wnicn ne
hones to mzzle dazzle him. Arilhniet-
leal as well as optical delusion Is the
scmimTrel in ou'csli.'m is evidently
. . . e
traveling. Hweurs a dark suit and
brown Fedoru hut, has n blink mus
tache, weighs about lot) pounds, and it
Is said has lately llnishcd doing time
in a California prison.
Tmict) to Hkiiik Him. -Cmvallis
rimes: Apropos of the hullabaloo
raised Ijj- Portland papers over tip
eouvictioii of Lotan and Seid UaciT,
the slatcmeiit of a CoAallis man who
served on the juries
tkit convicted
Dunbar Muikey and Ilanuon is per-1
linent. He regards the conviction oi :
Lotall iml Seid Hack us Itisl, una says: ,
"iMii ouiv nie on
. r.. ..ii l..w. ti-lwiuM iiiinieH
whose liiimcs
have been nicntioncd rotten to ine
core, but there are titty otheis who are
equally guilty with them." He de
clares stolillv that while he served on
onejiny lust summer that deliberate
uttcmp s were made to bribe hi n, and
has proof to substantiate his statement
to that tlleet if necessary. He made
no fuss ubout the attempt because he
shrank from being the bull's-eye In a
Kkckxt Coxvktions. Al the term
of circuit court for Harney county lust
closed. Judge M. D. Chllwrd presiding
and C. W. Purrlsh, prosecutmtf tutor
torOcy, the newspaper fraternity was
roughly handled. John K. J looeris i.x-1
-,iii,.r of the Ilarncv 1 lines, was touml
ittiilty of li'Ol ami was lined )(.
Chas. Newell, editor of the Harney
Item-", convicted of the name charge,
was lined ltM).0 FraiiOSmith, convict
ed of assault with a dangerous weap
on, was lined ?2oil.
There will
be a ureut gtitheriug o
tlio Hth an
P.e (i..OI
I lowMimiimeiV ol ",e
Armv of the Itepubllc, Women's
lief corps, Sons of Veterans and com
rades at Oregon City 'h;ii. I he em
eampment holds its session on June
17th and ISth.
Pall? (iuarJ. Jue
I'. vvkhv. The Euv'ue can-
' JJ. . . ,ii I... run .,11
nerv and drier win ihh io.n..-
cl.."rrics and early small fruits and
berries this season, but will begin op
erationsln time for the prune crop
this fall and will also h mdle tomatoes
and other late fruits.
palfVCi-d, Ji-net.
Acul'lTTEl). The jury lust evening
that tried the Ave little boys for tres
pils on II. H. Sliekney's yard was on
lv out about live minutes when a ver
dict of not guilty was returned. I be
verdict seemed to rec ive the applo al
of those who heard the case.
C-iUs answered day or
cnc, Willamette street.
of Imitation
trade mark
and labels.
e. m
K.cipn-t Hr.l. w
Hip Ti)out.
lull)- Unnr.l, J ii tl I.
At the tennis tryout at the univer
sity, Saturday Oris ltoU'rlon won
MM place ami John N'ewsinn, sccoinl.
KohcrMou replisent llietlliivcrsity
in the shinies, and Newoui will am-iit
liiiu i'l the (l iill.les.
ToIaOs KAt'Ks.
A l.ire crowd was out to witness the
trial Held day races at the v
campus this afteriioon. The follow ink'
raws were run, the winners to it pie
sent the univelsil v In the Inter Colic
Kiale Held day exercises nt Salem, June
va-d iLfti fiMit raw, 'J heals Mer
rill D.iOsV.l; Fred Tcinpletoii L'nd.
-liilyard dali was won by V.W.
Kceiie. q
M0 yard dash, Teinpleton I.t; M.
i 'avis .mi.
1 mile bicycle race Al
1st; Itruce Harnett, 2d.
9v (lykcnilall,
1 mile foot race E. IE, Iiryson, 1st;
(toy llurlev, 2nd.
120 yiini hule race V J White
and K Mathews.
This ends the prorainine for this up
I'ulljr tiiinrd, Junv I.
The try i ut of feats to determine t ho
represent the I ulversilv of
Oi;oii in the IntercollcKiato Field
Day contests at Salem next Saturday
was held nt the university irvintinsiuni
l;it evening with the following re
sults: llamiiier 11. row uml shot put E P
fiihattuck luid Harry Temnletoii,
I lliKli Juliip Merritt Davis and W J
J'ole Vault-K V Sliatli k ui.d t W
Iu addition to the races mentioned
yesterday there will be a bicycle tiftn
..... ...... ... j . .
raiv, a distance of live miles, wlif h
will be entered 9y Charlie (IrilTii),
Bruce Itnriifjt and Al Kuykendull, 0
the I niversiiy ot uregon.
O Dully Uuanl, June I,
Apvanckmkxt VlXtt. Tlio Ad
vancement Club met in Mount's hall
last evening. Owing to the public
school exercises the attendance was
not very large. No papers hud been
trepared and the time was devoted
ir I I ll'l I III I 1 V 111 11 iMCIiMMIIIM III I IIH M III H
already performed by the club and
that outlined lor the futiift'. Oil tun
Hon the club decided to adjourn until
the tall months, tho next meeting to
be held on the Hist Monday In Octo-
ber. At that time vipers on the topic
I of intemperance win be presented by
Dr Kuykendull and Pres Chapman.
ASot rii A t'Ktt'A Lcttkr. ilark
Cury writing from Ihilluwayo, fToutli
Africa, to the Prineville Iteview, saysi
'I am maiuiL'er of a lartre hotel here
called Hia 'Charter Hotel.' I am run-
nmg h on tne Americiui pian ana ii is
meeting Itli great lavor ising crown-
eti all me time, imam aid per umv.ii
iii.ti. l.ut ri'iim
now but from May 1 It will lie tl i at
this hotel. Since I have been here I
have paid XI2 for a bag of potatoes; 0
tntoes are tho only vegetable that
doesn't thrive here, they get watery,
uml are not good."
China Piikasamh Pi.kxtikli,.
In conversation with people living In
localities where Chinese phiiMunts are
plentiful it is learned that tne young
birds are already to be seen In large
numbers and tho outlook Is for an
abundance of tbese tine young game
birds. The eeasnn lias been favorable,
ami the number promises to In- greater
than ivir before. Hunters, if they
wish L'ond huiitinir to continue, should
. ! stop shooting birds too young, uml then
K,ull hu.r tht,m oy tie hundred
pally (lusnl.Juneo.
CoJIIXU TO Kl'OKN'K. E J Frasier
today received u letter from W T Hal
liduv, of Oakland, Oil., in which that
gentleman states thut lie bus bonded
his Inyo county property, consisting of
4,l)iH) acres, uudera system of irrigation,
for the sum or JVI.ikhj, and that as
soon as lie can straighten up hisatlairs
lie exs'cl8 to come to Eugene and will
probably locate here. Mrs F W Parker
MotlK Hoi' CoXTKA'TS - Phil- Nets
.1 Co.. of Salem, has filed at Oregon
City a contract for 11,000 ixiunds of
lions, to be delivered by the Mileys, of
Wilsonville, ill 1H) (1-7, at H, 10 and 12
cents for the resK-ctlve crops. It is
iOwiI that 6 cents per pound shall lie
iidvunccil on or alsiut the llrst day of
September of each year as part my.
mentfort e crop and to defiay the
expei'ses of picking.
Pally UuarU, Jui,e 1.
A km Hi'KT. Willis Jackson took a
header oil of his bicycle Saturday af
lornniiii oil the university track and
.clved a hnrd fall. hruisiiiK one of
his arms badly. whb-!i he Is no v or
ryinu in asK. o,'. Luckily b carried
so accident policy.
Opposi'e Hotel Eu-
1 s'.ly tiiiMt.l, Jui.e I.
Prof McElroy Suudnyed ut Salmi.
S. A. D.-il'ortt r, of Silver Lake, is In
Eugene. w
ion II It Killcaid siK'iit Sunday iu
I'm Hand.
MrC M Stayl.ack, of Florence, is
In Eugene.
W S, of Junction City, was iu
tow n loilay.
Attorney E K Iteuedict, of Fioreliee,
is In Eugene
':iptain Isauc (.inly lias relurnid
from Portland.
Frank Titton came up fruiu Mon
Uniiitli yisle day.
Pi'i'ftiilciit Chiipiiiaii is liuine fioiii
Soiitln i n Oregon.
liev. 1M Dering, of Poitluii l, snnt
lat llil.t in Eugene.
V. YV. t enter, of llarrishurg, sK)nt
i.i-i iiiiii iu I'.ugeiie.
E P .McCornack, of Salem, spent
la-1 night in Eugene.
M Ni Ella 1'iei.tou went to Ci.ttage
(li'nve this nfieriioiui.
The M a-es Comlon have returned
home f it hi i Sun Franciico.
Attorney Dit libiini, of Portl unl,
was In Eugene over Sunday.
"Deacon" Davis paid his IhQ girl ul
Junclioii City a Sunday visit.
It A War-lib lime, of SprlngtlAI, was
doing Qnics III tills city today.
Miss l.ililiie Yorau went to Salem
yesterday to visit friends a few days.
Clui". V. I.iulcy, of the suagboat
Coi vtilili, n nt Siiinlay in tliis city.
Mins Long O'l Mi" Helle Chapniaii
A i iit to Cott'ige drove this afternoon.
Miss Eaves, ol Fuirmouut, has re
turned home fruiu Stanford university.
T. J. Hogers ami Misa lla'4 Kliv, f
llanl-liiir vUitfi in Euueiie yester
Attorney K. ('. Matleon returned
from Fall Crei la'e Sturdily i'ler
noon. Hon. S. II. Friendly and Mr. A.
'Idsiiiitli paid llurrlnburgt visit yes
terday. Dr. 11. F. ItuallofTliuayti return
ed from Itoillaiid on the loitl tiajln
.Irs. Dr. J. V Harris went to Cot
tage drove y!erday ufteruoon to v lu
ll t e days.
Mr. Lionel Stag', 9f Portend, ar
rived hero on yesterday nfti noon's
train foru fliorj visit.
.1. W. Hendeison left yesrday nf-tertoon-for
drauts Pii id other
Southern Oirjotowns.
Mi Ann Ciain tent to Walter 0
ville (his morning where she mil
tench a Hire mouths school.
A S Pot ers, of the cHnzie bridK,
Is In Eugene. He thinks the abolish
inn of th toll rd t ill be a draf -kc
to tbt srtion.
Dr C K Loouils returned from Foley
springs about nOoii tliiy. He says
the health of Peter Kunwy Is linprovlng
now rLht along. Ile Is uble to'C up
and around the Iiouse. O
E. P. 'fiiori-, the live editor Of the
Collate drove ICcho-Leuder, gave us a
pletisuut cull tills morigug. He pub
lishes the best local gfiewspajier ill Ore-
aon. considering the size o( the town
Mrs. Mary F. linker and children
will remove to HuJr home in Itichard
son precinct tbliP week, Q here they
will spend the summer. T!0y will
come uackjjo wn whA7i school com
mences ugaln.
K It Eakln returned yesU-rduy after
noon from a slxveeks' visit t Clilci.-
go and points In Illinois. He cuine
back liv way or tlie-A auniiiail ruciuc
railroud. lie repot huvlng bad a
very pleaant(j'lsit. It Is unnecessary
to statu that he is glad to get hack to
Pally Guard, June i
Word was received here last evening
announcing the death of Altsrt dray,
son of Y A dray who resides on the
IIIaiOfiiiMi Just west of town, ut I he
Dalles, where ho had been taken on
Monday of last week with 0 liIK-
that his health might be bcnelited by
the change. The cause of death was
consumption. The body was brought
here today for Interment.
The Isitly nf (leccuscd was iiroiigiu
here on the local train this after m
and conveyed to the late home of the j
young num.
Deceased would nuve reiicneu ine
2(Jth milestone or the Journey of bio
next August had not the Divine Killer
saw lit to remove lilui from this world
ut this time. He had never been,
strong, but his death came much soon
er thiin was expected. Itemoved lust
at the prime of life, It Is a sad nllllc
tion to Ills liereaved purents am! rela
tives and they have the sympathy of
the entire community.
The funeral will be held tomo: row
afternoo nt 2 o'clock from the f.iinlly
residence to the Muikey cemetery,
where the remains will be laid in their
last resting place, Itev. J. A. Long
bottom olliciatillg.
("AS. not Coi.l.HT.- Judge Khatluck,
of Portland, has de lded that, accord
ing to the Itut ler act of 181(0, the fees
paid to the clerk of the circuit conrt
for tiling complaints in civil cases cov
er ull of the fii s required to be pub) iu
such eases, and (hut the shcrllflsno
longer entitled by law to collect fees
lor serving complaints. Neither can
lie collect mileiige. This Is a great
hunishlp on the counties and is anoth
er nf (lie pieces (it villainous work (lone
by the lute lamented legislature. The
cuse will be appealed to the supremo
PU'iiiwti.Y a Swisid.KH, A Santa
I'. isa. ( '!.. diMuteli of June 3 say:
"H"V Fred Elliott, f O.Jjluuil, is the
defelidulit Iu a suit Lroiliht by J IJ
Helmut) lu have the deeds In a
land transaollnn Let weep them set
aside. F.IIIott guve Deimou 405 acres
of laud near F:ugeiie City, Or., for 15
a.-rcs near here. Iteiisoii claims that
Klllot by fraudulent P-presenlallons,
induced lilui to make the trade, telling
him the Uml was wurtli 110,(1)0, when
he says It Is worth only auoui j,ooo."
Itensoti was hvrv alout a week agu,
t .arrll K n111 .
AsWKlA. June 8.-H A Smith, the
missing slu-rill 1ms been heard from.
"Fudge" Perkins, ot Portland, saw
hi m In Honolulu. He is with the wo
man he ran away with from Portland.
Tlielirinluailiig l'lns of tti. Kuciie
1' it lil it Schools Wcrcf-Prciriil-
cii witn iMpiuiiiipn ii-t
K veiling.
1'itny iiiinr.1, June 1.
The i'ioiiig exercise of the second
division of the l!iiciie public schools,
district number 4, wne held at Par
ker's opera house la-it evening, and the
class was anain greeted by a lare nil -dieiice,
anxious to see the voting crad
nates aciplit themselves ill the llual
exereiscH I'Hbcir public school life.
The stiiKe .is in: tin l iiutitully dec
o'tited, as on Fi;0.v "I't, ami the
class of 'li'i, ami ot tiers who took pint
In the program, occiipiid "eats on the
rostrum. The cxcivlscsQ eie Inter
spersed I hroiinhout illi music and
tile proL'iaiu, tln ligh lone;, ns enjoy
ed by all present. Kuril I'lemliiTof
the division who recited lu-t liiht lie
iiitled himself III good shape and all
alike dcscnQ praise. Frank MeMur
ry recited the class prophecy, In
r'y Ihnii tic order, cieatinu' mt a little
uierriuu lit by his fanciful pictures of
future itoins of the class members.
Miss (irace Driver delivered IIQvalc
dictorv address. At the close (if t he
'exercises Piiuclpal D. V. S. K. id made
I .. r .i..!.. I- . i .. 1... ..I ...
a II lliiliti inn- iroiiiin. i uir ri.n
and then presented the diplom ts
Til K l'liiKillAM.
The follow inn is the program ren
dered lat night:
Piano Solo Ella Mc.Misier
Industry Aon ll.vflaiison
Letters Ei .0.1 K. Howell
Pay as You do ("live S. Cheshire
Selection o Associates... Amelia Voder
Study of Nature Florence Holloway
Sv I nun in ir Joseph (I. llrowulee
Piano and Violin ImicU.
Ethel Yn& l.enna K.'ld
Perscvcreliee Neble D. Wood
I lope and MOoory E I.ucile Tilloii
Traiiscoiiiineiital Tie
Leonora A. Ilulln
Stepping Stones Wistar Hawthorne
Cheerfulness Lennu I,. Keld
WonlswoiOi Iuvi of NnWre
.....?. ..May M. llciiieiiway
Music Sing I'hildreiis' Chorus
Wasted Time ....Mertle Auten
Faiiltmling Clam It. Evenson
Flowers II. Until l.overidge
Character Minnie M. Morris
here There is a Will There Is a Way
Illiinche Hull
(I real Inventions Walter I lodes
The Country IIoy... O l.illie 1 (ostein
Prophecy Frank McMurry
Valed IclLr y nice 1 rl ver
ig I rise of Sdiool I lv Class
Arrcs'eil fur l.arctfy by Itullee.
Pally duaril.Juiie 1.
Constit le Linton left here Sum!y
noon with iiOvarrant r one deo. A.
Itrown, of Wolf Creek, SU. miles west
of here, charging said party wiCi lar
c.iy by bailee. Linton returned with
Ins prisoner today ut uo'A, after a hd
ThCcouipluiiit Is iu the following
wtrtls; o
"deorge A. llrown on the day
ufMay, isn'i, Iu tho county of Lane,
iSalo of Oregon, then and there U'lng,
did tit n ami there emU'.zle uml
wrongfully convert to his own use and
fail, neglect and refuse to deliver, keeu,
and account for uccordiu t he na
ture of his trust, the folio winft describ
ed personal pOperty towit: One buck
skin mure, ll years old, numed 'Qute,'
the said tieoro' A. llrow n Is-ing then
uml there a bailee of said prniicrly.o
wita mortgagor thcr f and having
possession then of as suc.Cmortgagor,
S. It. Williams."
As we go te press tho trial Is being
held before Justice Wheeler. "At
torneys I'o'ter & Condon are repre
senting the suite, the deputy prosecut
ing attorney, J M Williams, Is ing the
attorney for one of the parties who
have some kind or a claim on u
horse. Attorneys deo. A. Ilurris
anCF. C Matteson appear for tlnr do-
The defendant was discharged.
Daily uuanl, June I.
1'lXKP $100. Myron II. Wood, of
Mohaw k, who was convicted last Sal
unlay in the V, H. court ut Portland
for cutting timber on government lui.fl
was yesterday lined HU0. The Judge
told him he could depart ami pay the
same whenever he gut It. The olllciul
also tub! liJ in to go home ami deliver
Ills logs, which would indicate tliul
this is the total penalty. It ems
that the only reason he was convicted
was becjiuse Iu tho few days between
the expiration of the time of his pre
emption unci the tiling of his home
stead ne had cut a few trees on his
place. Tlrefoie the conviction wmu
technical olie.
Pally liiiard, June A.
By tiik Mn.iTAitv ItoAii.-Chas
Campbell, Ithly Karnes, Dug Sellers
uml Fred Foster, occoinpaincd by
their families, arrived here from
Paisley, Lake county, this morning.
They cume across the Military road
with three four-horse teams. At the
summit of the mountains they found
live leet of snow. They found the
roads In fair condition part of the way
but in some places thcQWcru very bad.
They will return in a few days and
will take uboul tyXXI pounds or silpplii s
with them. Vicse are the first teams
to cross the Military road this season.
A O.OKK CAi.i..-lcio Press: T.J.
Munkers returned from Portland Tues
day morning, having secured un'ex
euse from the IT. S. Jury. Ho Is loud
in his pruisc for the Finest drove liv
eryman that drove him from that city
to Portland coveting the 25 miles in
2J hours. Tom says he made his up
IKHraiice lu the court room lust 4 miu
utcs liefore roll call. Should he have
not Is'en there he would have been
subject to u line of (W).
I' .liy ti lanl, June I.
.Nl.w Hunk Hcit sK -M, u uie ut
work now lining up the little bouse
on the north sido ol Eleventh street,
bet weed Ferry and Patterson, to Is)
used for u hose curt thut will be put la
for better protection (if the east end of
town. The front ol the house is being
torn out and a broud porch and walk
laid nut to the street. Tho racing cart
will probably be put there for the
Pally, Jure .'.
Ill PI Ml Eyl'M'MKNTH. Ouarteruiiis
ter Sergeant F L Chamber of the 2nd
regiment, O N O, today received two
saddles and equipments to bo usud by
(he stutl olllit-rs. They are of the bent
muterlul ami are very handsome,
' piebahlv
A MAN 1.0 V! !
Perished on t lit Nil in in it of
the Mountains
About two weeks since aliianiiist.
of the moiiiilaiiis, (is years or nge, ,
name unknown, started 'for the alley
via (lie Santiaiii route. Since that'
time lie has not been beard from. Mr. i
A. S. Powers, of l lie McKciizle bridge, j
probably lias n solution to (he mystery. ;
lie says a couple of men u bile eio-s-1
ing tlie Ml 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I of the Ca-cude moun
tains about fell (lavs since heard Uie
el ie. oi a mall cal Ujg for help. rfic
men relracd I lieir Oi.l-it"p s iryi I
lor the persoif3 short time, hunilht
lall iM'ing near al Land, ami v. it bout
any l'i Md lor themselves or I heir Ions
is, alter a short lime, thcQ iv up Ihe
Ii nil less seaicli. They said the iioimc
appealed to cine trout u hole or can
yon in the lii'iintains. As soon as
Ihey reached The sellli nil Ills they
made kinQu t he fuels Q d a purl v w as
organized at the McKclizie loii.O u ho
went In (be sum O t and uiiide quite a
sareli lint found no trace of I lie man.
II Is l.kcly lie perished us the storms
have been ircquent and severe dining
the past (wo weeks on the su Q nil.
Q.Mr. Powers Is of the opinion that
the man became lost on the Si.inl.ini
route and wandered ovQr to the Mc road.
Ainu st Q Filial Ai'i'ldeiit .
Prineville llevlew: "I.a-t Wednes.
day Andy Lytic met with mi acci
dent while titilll 1 1 0 wood, in the
uiouiitaiiis bet ween McKay and Wii
low creek, which eaui'i. near costing
him his life. His tiaiiixecauie filgbt
cned w liile goiiiilow ii a hill and 1 0 1
away, throw iug him oil' (li.wugou
witli stnO violence us to smn him
severely, and he remained liliconcious
until totiiO by a iiciglibor several
hours after the iiccl Out occured. He
was taken to his brother's place on
Willow creek, and did not ifeaiii cifl
seioiisuess until the I'olbnOng morning.
When the tiumus found one horse
was dead, uml the wugou was u per
fect wreck. At last accounts Mr Lytic,
was getting along as well as comd be
expected, though his head Is badly
Mrl.ytlo formerly re led here.
Q Hit llMlUO.
. Pally (iiianl, Jiie V
The Wisiilnii or the World held a
special meeting In Mount's hall lH
evening in the Interest of the ludi'
auxiliary of Unit orr. (Julie unin
teresting meeting whs held and about
.'15 liuUes sigtiilled (I elr filllugutss
IsconVo me9ilM.'rs of the ne bid,
Accordlliftly, meetiiif asheldal
(lie home of Mrs. W. K. Si'arligli,
ln and High stieets, ut 2 o'clock this
ufternooH by ,f rs. Soulhwii. of
tern, deputy supreme guardian, and n '
i....ii... M.r i... i...nv
i iiii.iivi. .i i" 11 in uiv iiiiiira
auxlliury ell'eeted itli a clPirter iiiem
bcrshlpof as.
Mrs Alberta McMurfhey t as eleed
Worthy duardian, Mrs Lucy Hcar
I'foiyh, Advisor; .Yiclan, Au
gusta ? Jtcrson; clerk, .Iss flla Pat
terson; VciMirefc Mrs. Hello Paine;
attendant. Miss fP.itherlne Patterson;
Puje'iciun, Dr Kuykendall; Sentinel.
Mrs Mae Cockerline; Outer Sentinel
Mrs H E Itrown.
Tiik Ovkui.axp. Ever since tho
brakemeii's convention adjourned
wigiout day, says the StutiQinan,
there have Imm'U a thousiy il and one
vague runi'Os in the air reiutlve to pro
posed changes in the passenger runs
on the SouthornvVucffie, tlio projected
withdrawal of th Itoseburg express
and tho reinstatement of 0'ie old Al
bany local (with terminus at lOugetie)
iniisstenii. itut aow un oi mis cu,i
i .-n. .. ..i ... .i. 1..1V
uoone inin. 19 iiuoiii. iu iirvi'iu- llllU
soiiiethlng tangible. Tho changes
here eiitllued, it Is said by those who
are In a position to kow, will be In
corporated Into the new schedule for
the overland to be adopted July 1st.
At thai, time tho lime of the overland
bvtiO'cn Portland ainL Han Francis's
will be materially rednued. The train
will arrive and depart from Portland
at ubout the same .'0 now, but under
tho new Ome card the run front Port
land to Eugene will bo shortened one
hour mid another hour will be knock
ad (ifPbctwccn Eugene and Ashlut I.
II wus said a (lining car service would
be added to the overlaid, but us the
weight of an additional car over Tne
hills would seriously interfere with
the proposed rust time It seems gen
erally conceded the diner project has
been given Ut
We shall see what we
shall see.
Pally (iuard Juno 1.
Tkaciikhh Hki.kitkp. The Junc
tion City school board met yesterday
and elected the following teachers:
Principal, J. P. Holland; first assist
ant, Miss Peurl Durelius: Miss K. Del
Hrumlcy and Mrs. J. P. Ilollund. The
two hut named have not been assign
ed yet. School will not likely com
mence before Sept. 30.
Pi.kxtv of Cahh. The fear that
theie would not Is enough cars to cur
ry all the iioople to Salem who desired
to go on the day of the conductors' ex
cursion has lieeli allayed by the fact
thut arrangements huve Is en made to
secure curs from tho O. It. & N. and
dreat Northern railways.
Wn.t, ItK HKHK.-8ulctn Post: Hon.
Jell Myers bus Just received a letter
from lion. John J. Ingulls, of Kansas,
stating tl ul that gentleman would If
here during the meeting of the state
fair and deliver an address. Mr. Ill-
gulls Is one of the most noted men of
the day uud his apM-arruce w ill be a
drawing card for the state fair.
Pally (iuard, June 4
Commission Cahk. Sulcm Journal:
Col. Frank V. Drake, attorney for
Scctctiirv of Ktute Klnculd, Is In the
city today to M-rfect an apcal from
Judge Hewitt to the supreme court In
tlie case of James Eddy, railroad com
mlsloner, vsrsus llurrison It. Klnculd,
Secretary of State. His paers have
Is-en properly filed and an appeal has
been lakell.
Sit'XDH Stkaxok. Florence West:
Florence sent to Eugene the spirit of
progress recently, and that town'i peo
ple are buildim a tlourlug mill. The
skeleton ofthul much-to-be despised in
dividual Is now (pilully reposing In
this town ami we desire that which
we have loaned our capital city be re
turned at once.
-w sr-
Th Bait Spring Medlcln
J'.'st now evcrvl'iiJv is thinking about
taking Qmi'thiug tor the blood.
A Spring nieJkine as we spe.ik uf
It. AnJ it's a good tiling to Jo, but vou
want to 1$ thepiOcrmeJiJne. If you
c)i(BMt your physkUn he will tell you to
11kB 8 piEDIClNE
anJ that, rw.nise Hie liver ha?every
thing to JoOitli the blood. If the liver
qIs sluggish Hie system Is cli'ggej, the ,
M'looJ btvonies impure, and the whole
Obudv suiters. Lvery ineJiiine tecum
nieiiJeJ tor the blooj is supposed to
work on the liviC Then ret at mue the
It Jiies Its work well, an ob'nrs up the
whole system. It Is" Hettrr than Pills,"
0 J can be Ii.iJ in li.piid or fJer.
TllfcQ'KF.NIF. VUliON feU.U.
t0IICt) or Stock hobh. fur I9
Ciltntvto I'Onl.K Smiii'tnC
It'CEP' or by A9 ai-t'iucnt.
lially (iuar.l,.Qie ."'.
The following petition of stockhold
ers ml director of tlio MiSiouziu
Wtui Itoad Company was Died in
the commissioners' court toiUy:
In the county court of the of
Onin for Lane Qouutv.
In the matter of cKen
Sprlif, and Ddhutcs Wu(.u il
To th HonorabL- County Court of
Lnne Ccnly, Oregrni:
Your 1 s.'ti tinners, tho directors al
stiHholders of the above named eoin
ny would most spectfully repre
sent uud show to your honorable body
tlit said conifitiy is the or and .
for lainy years past has been main
Itinlnf and ip('ttig a toll road In
La to county. "ml said road wi
ffl4)rt'(ct) at a cost ot out f 10,1 K if
luxii er receipt, and is a road of
M H-ral utility to tho liihabltuutsof
l count-. '1 lint your liotraiile
body refin-tl at Its last Mity term to tlx
the ittes or toll ( to allow suit com
pany to collect s.l tolls for the ensii
Infl year, by reason or which said roud
Is flow being used by tho inhabitants
or Aid eouflty us u free road. That by
reason ol this act 9r your honorable
body ufiiusiiH, said company Is total
ly (leprivet of nil revenue Ifuii said
road aiftj Is unable to make needed
affd coin,n plated Improvements and
repairs theieon. That snld ci tiipanv
is willing to trausier ail its rights lu
said road iWd rhlges to l.nnc cifitit
.....l..H ....u ). I r.i:S .. 1111
iillili l li lBi .1., "ill-li. 1 11! f III, .
Hill's code or OnOon for tliesumiif
Uhhi or If your honorable body is un
willing to allow said sum, said com
pany hereby oilers (o sell said ruud at
such a sum us muyOlie tigreed upon by
three competent appraisers to be a u
H)inted by your honorul' body, said
appraisers to have the usual qu jjillcii
Qons quired I,' law ! such cies.
Wherifore your pctlif mcrs tost re
ys'Ctfully pray that your (honorable
body make uO (Oler fr thepurchaso
of said roud ut the price or HooO or thut
appraisers be appointed to appraise
said road and tlx the compensated! to
be paid by the county therefor, anil
your H'tltloners w ill ever pray.
(rtignuti) a. ii. iiovkv,
A. H. Powkkh,
A. V. Pktkhs,
ii:o. A. Doituts,
d. N. M( J.KAN,
T, d. OlKNIirttl'KH,
J. M. llKXPHU KS, (heirs).
Cllol' PlioHl'Kcrs. All tho farmer
are now enthusiastic over the splendid
crop prosM'cts. Oldcoll Illicit, of
Junction precl'0' t, was here today and
says ho ha a seventy acre Held of Fall
wheat which ho Is conlldcut will yield
MOD bushels. It is now bended out.
Pally Ouaril, June I.
UHKAil.Y I.Ml'ROVK.I). Mr. V. L.
ChamlM-r returned homo rVotn Port
land on lust night's train. Ho informs
us thatohis wile Is now greatly Im
proved, and that every symptom
points to her recovery. Mr. and Mr.
T. O.o Hendricks will remain with
their daughter for ttioprcsont.
c C.
t luance.
He You see. If wo wcro on a silver
basis, every dollar would lose half IU
She-Then those hateful llrown-Jonem-s
couldn't put on so many airs
as they dojiow
CiniriT Coukt Camk. lD W.
Itlood, Chas. Crane, Philip Jenkins
and Aaron Kelly have sued John Cole
and Peter McMasters in the circuit
court for 250 for hi I sir.
Koun. In Ashluud, Juno 2, to the
wife of O. W. Dunn, a lU-lb sou.
O "
Q Awarded
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Tcrfect Made.
40 Years the Standurd.