Toil LITTLE FOLKS. A DCC'9 CHARITY. IIDItK IIASTK, I.KMi MI'KKlt. The U. S. Government Tests ;how the Absolute Superiority of I Royal Baking Powder. o Official U. S. Govtrnmtnt Rtporton baking qY xj placed first cf the cream of tartar R powders; actual strength, 160.6 cubic inches of lcaenm0 b 1 ..u:i.:. i 1. Other pOWUCr ll'Mi'ii i.xniuuai .1 uiiiLii nh than the Royal, the average king Every l.nver strong ,.r cent. less. i 3t ) .,,. wlr.,- Iil-pvi'iui cUowi'il the urescncf j every oimwo -"-- ufalunorsuipnuncaciu. Q t, rhim that this report shows any other powder of superior i - . . v, minfil nas ix-cn 1 Hi lru( In Ilia dim Boy uud girl ure often wont to write uiixsivri to each other, sometime in ?iph-r ami sometimes with the letter formed backwr',.,1. The simplest way o( reading tho latter N by holding it in front of the looking glass and reading the reflection. The Si ictiee AimiKiint tells of a more novel itinl amusing way to necon liah the suiue tiling. It is as follow: Till 11 gl;n with water niS hold it above the . Place the piipvr in the water So th'it the top uf tlie letter will be turned Jown mid apply to the opposite lideof the glass. Look now at the in- There u a natural and very strong deire In Iti aritiK ami early suinnif r to get rid 01 underwear and ove rare-, to tliat the freah air may thoroughly refreh. Hut the aondrol.l of the whole year are taken, and specially at open window., where the Imfta i atromrral and a dull the surest. anreof a bound, hi.h trotted up to hluOlt, v-.liere hei lumlagtt et III. U I ,.. ... . . JJl.,.1 linn liv ill h'a-a condition ami circumstance to n iitun, ,' i,ti"j 1 1 - - : tUwarbabl la.a f a lulleliuUa l or a I oiupaaloa. Ijite in the aftenioon of a raw day in November. n the doctor alighted from bU .nrria,:. at the door of bU .table after a long drive ovu frot IhiuiuI road, be waa aoiuewkat Ma.ihd by the auddeii epiear- SPRING MAKES ME TIRED vt denounced on Vt iuiii Q )V0rlllU'l'Q w"u a labehoouQy the ftOVAL BASING POWDER CO., 10 WAl 1ST., NEW-VORK. , Ib.M..ll"'l;uU,,,, J 1 .1.:..., i.,ii. v ft ednv. lr.DLh.oenne.UoiVl.ich iO'!V ,7 we. l.v nil these 1 t tux 11. --- I inM .,i,,in, the churaO O .. ..... n.,nnt lll'1p(?:Lt0 miu w .::...- triiiam viiroiQin- trJwn"'u,"V .... .nn.lnrK of - , .imll, t i I ....ii.kila. Ami""" . . ru .. v, Involve uui mother? It Wlls O tu" ' TL f..n-e of mothers' influeuco .? Knmiier. wife of theWahop of J I'' . . 1.. .null trtimvn nsirt ),..t mill a reiiuj " : 51 writer "i? ,: . .-.,,,. r k n.'il HIT II"""- " w SKUVKniNTWOWAHS o THE GRIP ALMOST WON WHERE THE BULLET FAILED. If -x . .if v 1 rii -Mm VI .. ...KtOil III L11C IT VdfcWMw i.uitnreau wuii 1 f" :.. illUiau,."- ,.vp1nn ri.. it 1:1a p HI eau ----- C, fft 1 1 .....,. hnimr 1 o'l over Murium l""" o II"' .' -lull without cler- ' . 11 V-M now ni,w.wv. .u ' tilV-il 1 J, , , l,i,rl,af to li .,.lr,f IIU'IIIIMTK. iroui i"b 1 i.iu-.w III I J.V-, II 1 .0.11.1, v I 7 : . Il.l M-Mll,tTl 1 17 . .. 1 .-;.!ar,f 1111,111. ,to ivasiiin.uii'i i-uuMi.v 1 T-1 Mnnra in Who a" I k llif liillrmllli'i r H Vrti-rnu WIIIiimiI a l-Vi-lliiK of Q I M I S) llllltlll t K10111 t!ie llernlJ, WuuiUteek, Vh 1 Tliero is an old )ddierii Woodstoik, Va.. who si YVd in tho war wuiW-viexi iuo and in the war otOlie n-Udlioii, Mr. Levi Meluturtl. He passed lu,tli of these wars without il wound. The limit-ships, howev. told seriously on him, for when the grip at taeked him four years ago O "early killed him. Who euu bsiK on G" in firmities of aQeterau without 11 feel inir of tho deepest sympathy for him': h.j tou-iiiu'oiilo saw Qnn eoniiued to o ferior Qirizontal mirface of theQiter. and von will see just ubove the iiltfe of Q' p'ajKT the inverted imnh'e of paper and words, with the letters rilit M.le np. This curious iiheiioiiienon is owing to what is called total reflection. Tho rays emitted by the inscription nre re fleoted on the inferior hor.Ontal surface of the water aiO impressUho eye like ravs retl.-cted by n mirror. If yon place the eye too low. the image will disap of the rnva of thoruyh lj(,llt'lmv'ig aiiuinishe Otbe eye will then i'"u" ohjei-ts pluceil aliove I lie levji iiip water. u-ii I.,. lit .... tliiKllM.'l cklrtof buloiitf drrr-Jurf coat rndia to pull blin in the direction uf a mM ao Joininu the utable. The doctor niiioimtrnl rd rather, whereat the ib' tin Mlitely releiicd iii bol.l. but lnte.ol of runiiiiitf away retreated In K'l "filer to ward the chid, wbeiicn he ptwiitly r'l p.are.1 and fie.l at the inmt Ufore. Ilavliiic fnvd the hoie from Hie abaft of hi bunny, the lbs-tor went Into the bonne for a lantern. A he came out the hound aunlu Bppnwuhed and n-eii-l the piTforinaiu-iK. Tbi time, Kn-ntly to the tn-atun-'s .b light. Ibed.M-tor folli.we.l blhl i,,, ,1... ki,Ml mill iliereiii a n-ninte corm r, atn-teheil at full length upon bin lde and evidently In n comlition of cxhail-thm, lay wlmi U known ana coach don"-a short haired animal of medium sire. whoe coat is thickly covered with small black ami while hi. liy the liulit of the lantern the doctor looked Hie Kr fellow over can-fully and found the canne of bis breakdow n In tWaud hlecilinn f.i-tO,1Ml ,un'W ,r"v''1 nisw.ihle. Here w a a charity cn-e In hiil. and in such n'l4 of charity the phvnician ever ready to n-ionil. A eomOiable Ud of traw nn.lii e.-nl atymer were quickly pro ol' d I' 1 L "'if fiW. His feet wi re t lu ll cb allied, anoint nl with a soolliU;ii olntineiit and wrnppQ in hamhujo, tliQionnd bioklnu on niciir , while with every iniiiiifc-tation of Inter et and lilea-un-. He wii4 liivi(JI oy ine hovpilable ilmlor to ;Qd tbeiimbl with his canine friend, but he declined the In vi'atioii. llavinnwi nliiscoiiji.oiion prop (Orimil for. liQhurriiil iO 'fon lniKirtant buini. but w hi u the doctor went to the s'O'" m vt mO'i'U he found the failhfi Qrcalnri- at the si able door wait ititf lor niinii-Moii. ' .1. - 1. t. ,,,kl lit make men an anava urr. tune alien M. Jacob ld loiild be bauitv lor immedsa'e ue. It i a time, t.m. shell it make ill uret curt. I-or biuilino it i a certain Q A lair )iiurluiillT. T. U liiK told that he bad a fair 0h portiiulty of lakiuK advnnlaneof a very,..r xietllV. telilllll. "I ih not to plim tier him. but there are thtnu which lwl.h to take fnmihlm -not hi honor or hi life, To many people Pprlng and iu duties mean an aching head, tired liml, and throbbing nervea. Jut at the milder weather rumen, the strength Wgins to wane and "that tireJ feeling" ia tlie iMin plaint of all. The reason for thla condition ie found In the deficient quality of the blood, -yring the winter, owing to various causes, the blood Ixyomes loade.1 with impurities and loses its richness ami vitality. Consequently, "', the bracing effect of cold air is lost, there is huoMior and lack of energy. The cure a t : f .. ! .. ah. I anisioliinil but hi. mslh-e nd 111 will.'1 rf'll le lonn.i in puniying -.. - s ... .. ... i i.i.. .-I,,.... it .1.. i.i.. i VVrll li1'lieir. . lioiliw iniii'n .......... , r iuiF,. . . .. . . 11 I" II. ,u' rueniv, "Ills malice ami iin la that doiief Uive Is the potent weapon. Heap coal of lire on bl brad." K rhaiiije. ( .uilrrlril Ton min. Mark Twain tell of a young coloted girl I w hn "i-Ttf need religion" lu a revival, i The next day In diisting her master' dek she hapiHiied upon a bill which hnd Ihhii left there by Qldent 'l-orda mav." he an id n she covered Vlvy a Uiek aoa.liot to liefurtherteinptcuVbow wi.hl that revival ml Ihsu put olT till to "",r,vr:" Q ! Su Oinccd were theajithoritiea atone lime that Kuroisnn coy not live In In- ! ilia without iilcohollc-iimifhint that they aclilHlfssprnhlbited the forWQ'oni.f leni- inraliiV-oi letles among the siHilWa. 1 tie theory l now altogether changed, ""d the i KngliVh soldli-ra In India Include 3U.IHK1 tolal D-lalnem. UixsPs SarsaparilU is the greatesl and Nut spring medicine Isvause it is the greatest and lest bhssl purifier. It overcomes that tired feeling U-caoe it makes pure, rich Mood. It gives strength to nerve, and muscles because it endows the blood with new powers ol nourishment. It creates an appetite, tones ami strengthens the stomach and digestive organs, and thus builds up the whole syatem and prepares it to meet the change to warmerjwettther. Hood's Rarsaparilla is a medicine upon which you may deend. It is the only true Wood partner promiueunjr q IQire the public eye today, it na a record lp( cures unecUulled i" the his tory oHiiedicine. It is the m-diclne of which so many people write. "Hood's Sarsaparilla does all that il is claimed to d i." You can take Howl's Hsnia parilla with the confident expectation that it will give you pure blood and renewe.1 health, fake it now. Hood's Sarsaparilla s the Onjy f rue Blood Purifier O The folCpng suggest ion was noticed in the cam of a llrooklyn strict car line: "When the car Is crowded. ecb passenger will kindly occupy no more thau the usual space required IW one tiersoii, 10mt " nialtV S SI4HI0U-TIIBJ Mini mn.-. TromiiuMuly in lO l'uMie (j.,voJo'hOA p o esrr - ... .i . iiiVi'ivvu ..I v I I'lKSIK .1 I Imve iHingbl lroin ine n i a i i . v- rj -SON. the stink, fixtures and good will olUjunil l,l,h7'.e"" latelv carried on bv them and will continue thUeaine at M ThirU Street. ' HL KI.L LAM I1KKS0N, I'oiin.AM., On. When linu-iisiH'riuitted toeiit.-r. be went slraiuht to the mO t. and I l-h I couhl-v f n port word for wind w I O)1"' '1 u'' Hie siillau of Turkey ii.fsity alway the two. I hiivij i,o iioui i B,e. U alilcs. UBtl',-llle aim Qired Inlohis (ricnd coimU' (rl. are whewe.1. He II' only a aiss.n bl;Od him upon having fi 1 an nieajuin , , u ,,,., thus lUhlng out the fowl in bis extremity, mid In r. ply to i yn fnin little saiicepaiu placed u the fliair. SRW-Bf Miira Willi eohl wler. Improvei the wivq jivo uioisV i to., hu oi, z ia:,,.;:.f'.,,v;:ra",,i' ff-in Eatnb I . i r-mk. not oniy in mo v. - . .. ..i. n ... I il n in iwtu, oIU, I'm '-" W anadu ami Aiucrnu. for nil classy iroiu r i 4- libil I. li. t,,iirn:il. fX j Jean (Oo..k.f;re0'CD ,imi fur the hrst time iuw ohji. if. .. .. A tliieer V(y . Bova nnd girls would surely have laughed if thev could have seen a funny yacht ra.Owhi.Oloi'fc pO " CcQral m.rli 1:ik sllllllller. n . . U .-V. mil.. Thii two Vac II OWIlel-s eiu i" ...... . ions of m-nl it tide find nbligntioii prot.-l-A that he liiol 'CS no inon- than any self rv spcctiim dg Would do under tln Miine cir- eiiniManees. lie riliiaiu. d alsail lliesia ble for half an hour and then left. Out Animal Friends. A TMtHUU.Q VlalTAMT. Inc. 1803. mi innrflriai 1M.OIlTHlS.SIIin'IN.I....I.V.Mllssn n u. i i, T. j rfiy l..veM.-. 011, l" 'mil itlm -o Ale. i-.l..l.e..' IMrteV ft-teh ...d ! &'! gh';."'r.1Mtri'ml? no U. "ilanttite. .O...I. .... U.He. IfRrLAsRoK. Q n lerrih e IfTfaul, nil o'leii i iim in 11 . . . . .. ...O ...;. I. ,,r..,.t ii, r. i T ins nouse so v omuu. .. . . . . Q - - x tMr Hiunutnn ' , V- , iQ the 17 1....F il, itrMOilent 3 l-i i .. . ...v... w.. t, .Mi.r.1 uuufH'iiii Kin. iorH Plam siiiimh" ; , ) , 1. 1- ii, iireminceor an uiuiviuuiu- tll Viu. - - . f. f. - ,, liiuncniKnccRiiiuuitv f, . i .. i f i,,ivt i lpr Toiiinrcw V. I,,,,, i 11 llll-i o. . A...ner-'V. ber Voico is emu " . i i'... i m-i.r ready adV'Aate M'i "i" "" , i i... i.., m u'lirm v esnouseu. iir 1-411W " :- - , q liiGreetileaf was nmiie presnieiix ui . i j.i.Mtnn ill ir-ii jmci..,u i-ir:!,',! Ky.wiiaiiuu ... a-m UtlOia.r w - - - . -y U : .!..., i,u nw inii.lfl nnctr.siT.-s t) 3i:nr in.. i ii " - w l :. ni..(a tt nnulirv e, I t to organize uic m j I nnrintr nie Meit vear II I IKdl Co.-" (' o i ) with the a-sistatice of tlie secretary ,, ,':it,.,l overrt'O documents. '( Ur. n-af was nouiiiO'ed by the VT i.aI. a-.-. I ..ivrats of t sic? Iweiity-eigiiuio-'i"1-"- ik ilmtrict as deli rate to tho constitu- i.i ...,v..,iii,,Ti. She mud nn active ia nolk-d a handsome vote, but was i).ittil with the of the th;1- As i' filling ulhi'er Mrs ureenieai iscieur iU (Wisivo. teimieritig Oibdom with i i.t. As a friend und fellow worker li irruial. kimllv nature baa endearw. ytoall.-Ainerican WoiniuiOJourit (Chlri-a Wmiieii' I'y-tlcal Cg,rlty. The practical ability of women iu be fy.l.j work has been recently illus U:l at Chicugo, where, while the rtxl citizens' coiiiinittee" did nothing A. plan nnd talk. Mrs. Mary Ahrens, 'j-nUiit of the CoO Couuty Suffrage n-iatioti, paid the rent out of her Ovn i stt of two stoves on Wabash avenue J ). circulated requests for supplies. The wl nlci ho were onlv waitins until the ji tape should be sQlieiently nu wound iif their irifts to reach the nuedy re- HaiKil freelv. and i.'i.OOt) men have 0 u houM-d liud fed. The G. A. R. la 0 slave a IO Oil) kitchen at 60 Pa- tea ,.,Vcl, ..lO,!,,. t.ible. scarfelv able to walk tisi, nnd us ho attempted it, lie ft..,i Kiniiibled and fell. They-saw him tivCtPll ft the Ust lent to U- had but still he sutlered ou nr n-i Ai....iit it i.h.iuiir i years, anil gave up iiiiiuij "-i Quo day, however, ho wastruca oj the account ol a cure xviui-u n ot tl0 ted by tho us of Ur. imams Pilih lO'i- He liniiiediateiy onieieu i. Isix and coninienced taking tliem. iu says ho was greatly relieved within three, dav's time. The blood found its m II I yachts were of course tlio nihyne an.i the Vigilant, ueorgo ownen .B' hint, and Joe tho Vulkyflii'. In the race tho Vigilant won, which . .1... ...tvl.tti,. litllM Owns very nice ior mo ...... i .i..,..,a tviui u-iitehed Jo race. Tlje niut-iHnii . w Vulkyrie upset nnd was washed nslmre 611 hour later with her sails all torn nnd nothing left of her but a piece of kin dling wood. llotli the vacbts were strips of lath a foot long. Holes were bored iu each endmnd pieces of white cloth served for O O J, tn.r.O t II Hilar. On the rciiMi of .lames IV of Scotl.Q1 John O llroat and his two bin: hers. Mal colm and (iavin. arrived at Outlines nnd iH.uhl the lands of W aneQhl liigisby. mo. r I li Im JII ir- tlOiuouiii i f I'eulaml lirlh, Ihe iiorthea-tern extn'iO.v ii.i.. i. wH, a a . . . .. .. , . life tltllllll ii,- ' - . ... .r - lion la lei-irlllU'le. ea-eaoi mi ...". - ! ,iv r ri l. JJ..-1 uet a si.imnch Bit eia, l .llel,,.a.t!x0''-,A,l'l',,', iM "'ri' :.,,:.,.l. AnX..i.pV ,"",r' rl ear i r ii lii.e' I ' ! ice rillM-iHr. I", rneii- . ..." '.. I ,,.le l.le. X.l lea lmoliy ?,,l,i-t r.l e iicrreiil lino. ll.l f' 1 WIMI H 'liii ....... : - (INAKl.H OK IIO I II.KS) Srronil to none- T".X J.rV .. .... So ai.inr where from. l OUTI. a.M. OU. TO' Knglisli fli'tf floated from one, flag trolil ine oilier. primely thuiioys ., . i , . 1 .1... l..,.,L'U l.T lll.l I1IKH a.UrU d U1IMH1 Oil II1U Otllinn t- - ed his strength to such an extent that .rei xvbile the yachts sailed heisuVe to chop woou, sup x. f MeQile. . . ., . i.;.. ....l,.r eiirk ll Hillt Us x''V w .- aim o "i" iK"" - . v ; it was a sw lniie. He now says no can u". ". , . ... .1 ......1, l.til J,ti will1". v -" V tiiri'o nay mi".-. " r , : i ; i. sails TO' Knglwh Hag uoateu i wtJ)0hiBi.gen.i..U.w hands nJtm flag from ti had been palsied assume, uaturaiiv ' .l,,, VIU.,ltA ere launclied at and ho was soou able to use his kinle n - ,nti UI, . M and fork at tho table. He has recover- , q,-, oti on the banks of ...i i,u to kiii'li mi extent that: ,py , .ilu til vui'li of the . . . ....... i I t Itelr fillll- mainlami oi .-icon" e - Hie increased until ther.Mvereelnht boiiae ,l,l of the (Vine name. They lived a in theKreatest -aieiu.d amity, each year holding n festival In the original '""uonoof these annual gatherlugs the um-stion of pr.iedeniH ar.e among the youimO member, and they di-pule.1 a to wboJaiuld sit nearest Ihe 'head of the talile or enter the rooiiLm-. ii i.aii oi inMoii, llfpronilied to have lllil. r In 11.1 .ll-ae. IVrn... Inear a "M ., ..n,v ..raiuiwr wralhi villi I alioare. -.W-J ...i,-vlii..ali..'.bl ii- W- lllllera ivr, III i tfei l ii,i i.. . ... ... ..... r l aione.i." - inline, mm. m m! ., anion i.lar nielli Ine ri-a.l.tJ .ori-lic-a and aliu U'lli-H. 11. n a ine- M-lurl. .I)apell. I'Ver irrvoiiane" ami runny . i.i a lii n l.,,r ih Innrinnhi mi.-Ohe K"t ""'a''1) WFMRD'S c . -a av. n iki Vt)U rKKL BAD? DOKS YUUR ACK SJar3P urntidfalhcrrtohiiiiy was made afoitrw Oi-tnile h i.rrle.l a m" l'1 r'er- I l.V It Tea f 1 ''l I'"'1'"" w"""", "'J'," nVi.l.a... Itl-i.lhalla.l..d a.s who, Uo.i "he..i. .lay .aer, bul ca.i'l." Vjh , reply. O fH A- ttiitv, ! -an THAT ffORJJ90HAS.LY. WCRKS eUCCHSSFULLY." CLEAP3 liOUStt WUKJ O lllft Allr: . OlQlBTV' TAIilHI lHr MINI AIM ,i tiled by the time of the Acronfly be ...Tll WiMidstocli. UUl -r-.oi acWs tho inouutaiiis. Ho is uuie io lift up a fifty-two pound weight wuV one hand and says he (hs'.s not what Dr. WilliiMs' l'liik rms i.a.v J, mo foy-others, but Knows Tiavo (b.m. a (,'Wt work for hini. Ho xvas in town last wwy, com. day, nnd was loud iu Ins praises of the ,,,x.lioino that had givQ him so great ndieP He purchased another box and 1 took it homo with Him. -y-lhi ... ... i.oiLo a 1 davit to turn is wiiiiim io these facts. .sl,r...-' The proprietors an oiOuf those beautiful, . . r..l bi", white ones with a long graceuu netk-that upset the Valkyrie, for the swan was not used to swing a yacht race and poked out ber long inquisitive bill to find outQhiit l 1,11 meant. It was rare sport for boys amWrls, for you may be sure that none of them had evtr la-fore seen a yacht upset by a sganPsew YorkLedger. An Animal How". The inhabitants of St. Lucia have late ly discovereOi most wonderful plant. It rrowa in a cavern, in an imiiieiise basin ; 0f brackish water has Q Trlowed from tluxJH. Tlie lautom uiiam all satiifactorily .,,,,t iitt'i'lllllf l.niltOi elullt aided house III whiMi to bold the annual J.d.iO- This oel,Q''" ""' die was llt.ePwuh a d.s.r iii.Ya window on each side ami a round table in the cen tra This arrangeO'it made It posle ("reach family 'f iO'tiroatat.i enten.y his own Pifir and u. sit ..t a table w hich was prnetically "without a bead." This famous hO-ewas longOandmark In Britain and even to this ,h.y Is ' one of the Knglishmaira starting sints of iiieas--"l and's Knd to .lohliny till III' . i-i:r..niV krilfvinrxfrom Kngbind to the sf)ilfvinVr.'m one en otheother.-M'hlladelphial of ml ress. ' 11 I u unv-. - . Pink Pills hftite that they i' : ercd with pebbles and each pebble ,, .ti nt medicine but a proscription used f 0e to nve of these plants, which, n r l-r-rti- for want of a better, are termed Tbry Snrraril 1 1. I l.orll. The ltev. H. P. Hawker. In the 'Q" aome reminisrencQ of an ;Q f rlififl I of his. ,,uot.-s0.i BiuVilote w hhVl.i friend, bitttselfncPrgy.nan.wnsO'1 "f It Is aliout n marrhigu reri'inony ami a i.l.w b of snull and lu the narrator s own 1 .....renrv will surtlv distroy the sense rll and c pletely deraiife the whole iy.lem alien entering It through the mil . .... .0,-..-e.. Quel, astlclea should never lie iimhI excel t on ta'O pbyiician .1.. .. iHli'lobl III I I...-,...,.. 1 1, rill. HllllSiX- T I i. V. J. I'lienvV .V lliuiuri.i. i ;v - lH LsXj II IIIIMI1.S HO lliriv-.,, , - - - - u ii lerna lv.r Hn' oirecny i.e.... - .in iii i S surfaces ... the ayatem. l In, lug Hall's Or,'''re-,T"',,v',T. tbi grnuii.e. It W taken in ler Oiy. , "'I made Hi Ion-no i'iiio, njr . - ('.,. IVsliiuoiiQ free. , . .. . Told by aV U.uggisls. price o per i.,ave found IMsu'a '"re for t I.Waii unlail'i'g medicine. r. It. ln. ;iU'. ocolt St.. Oivinglon. KT-. ' lKH n aaaaaaaaBSBBrS. .ataaaWklTV Bl an Baafaiam. X alAPOUO. aaaaaaaaaav n - O - n EKa BOT Bate! Ol ICKI Y I'l'llKH .ITj8ffl!Jtff ...U... (r..O reiul- I II irrac -..-.-,-; , i A, the damage Ibry I r i'ri lirSgoial yo-icail l osallil) n ' .. ll.ill'r4trrh 'tte.O,1 ,,.., o.. JJ' a 1 .fcri l-rl.i- ft I 'e"rV a tin into ntf" awriiv..' " u i mm OiffWri Bp Trssa . . . f r i ii.. Oi sM aTiV "", H- l ,no ' , i . i. ' orri.i. Jll Kn.l St.. hirilaml. i lili-k'ilna. H..Mi.ian. Kliehrr Pla.i.. k. ef ii i.,r aii-i iiii-revil-!. t'rel liia.l.) m w On-got. lllVnl l urtfl.r. ... .y .... ..e.a,,i...d tho most wijuifi r- tioncr P-U' - wrlk ful results with twin, cuiuib .... of weakness arising from a watery con dition of tho bbsid or shattered lieiyes. two fruitful causes ed aiin - , " to which llesn is ne.i. ', , a spocith) for tno in.uoi r - . 1. ..j iiimroSSlOUS. Ull to leinaies, sm n 1 1 -, - . fonns of weakness, chronic const. p tion, Ix-ariiK down pains, " " theQiso of Q-'ll wi" Bvo sedy icliet 1 y ... net.t ClireVll IlllcaseS ami eiu-vi i - - ,.,.,. ,1,11 U' Ul . ,,i,.,. - arising iioin m - -ver inn...-. rt.c avenue, where thousands are Oilv. Tlie Hebrew ladies' charitable r excesses of what 0 ittiO have another. Vne Catholic Ladies' Aid society is doing practical 01 The ChicauM Woman's club is -.11 ' . a ns a treat ileal of work among tne .i.tnunr, J - . I rm l ... . . . rf.tni.n ii.l liiliU-.t. .W.l nil this While .l...,lfa! ur Will iHi Will the Tarioti iti71nH' coinniittees were i,,t ,,f orice. (uO wnts a i"'. !n.naiziiig and ulanninir and figuring i1(.v,.s for A-'. BO they are never so ; , 'i. ... ...i.. i. ..,iu.l I. ,. i.y,i,., nun bv n muiii money wuuiu uo mlK or o. " 1 uirajj'o Currespulideiit. They . .1.. i , unil can lie given n are eiitirei in..""---...... ,i. .V...,.u, i. ....a -i.-lilv cliiiureu xxuji : - ...,i,t to xveun , , .vjri,,,, ,, f,.r w n.tever lias ucvn i....r"v. .r,ul nnd Wltlioill nn- ..4 3 n Pink Pills are old by all ....! 1 IL.SYrd i.f..-. , Th-O curious creatures, which nre In all shades of color, remind one of a beau tiful tW bed. To the sight they are perfect flowers, but on the approach of a hand or a stick they r. tire out of sight. Close examination shows that the mid dle of the tlowerhke disk is provided with four filaments which move round the petals with a brisk, s.s.!,taneons I motion. pRach of tOse lilatnents is pr J yided wnO pin-'hers tor receiving vrvf. They live upon O- Hwn of fish and ! marine insects. Whenever the pmehers the filaments inauencaicii,i .lone, and lliere is no Wilt tor PrlOs. . O i to. DlwlQItll ...forOXA?. Ortjts a i pruHDKres. CUHES- ire oiii ; posVpaid lYumrn'a Uxclinnge. The women of a certain city are pro- !ng toestablish an exchange for worn- jti'i work that shall provide the material 'it underclothing, line embroidery anu all snch articles us are salable, and buy 'MB at once from the makers, paying iiwm a certain stun for their labor. The Widen are then to be disposed of at a i-tiUic sale or private Bale treasonable Wes, covering the cost of material and r. Charities managed n? this way ' Engl and have proved successful. The 'Mam of another city announce to the I'iw.c tnat thev have established a uu- faa where nieiuling of all kinds will be JjM at the residences or taken away ""l a particular atuieal to bach- '"ri and buiness women to avail them- "ires of its advantages. Women seaiu Kr!e4 are also provided to make boys' iv tiling out of old material. New York on re or si.x Id in iidilressinif Ur- Williams' Medicine tuiapiuo ectudy, N. Y. N'heli- Orgai'l'e'1 In l ener. a r..,rt that a ladies' fencing club - av.-. - . i.tuli ii bed in i. ins be recruited from uuio.. . and their numbers are to w re- atricted. Or course u n , - t erv one will want to join, but on y adepts with the foils will be and men vigorously excluded, sot only , f o n membership, but also Wm he , rro ., .. , i nmiches. to which lady ommy .t-..v..? . ,vUwi So : The Itunil. 00 has re- t-U h ! CVI4 a i 1 1 u' . mid waited I "Where are we now, uui u!ti mar" asked the 1 r"!,""..;. : invited, irieini" o. , , m. tne uiaiier - Now. Kalie, come! roll, roll theurum. And let the musl""""' And while I try tl.Hui.e r. hum I hots, you'll M play well. JokiHttl. IW! "y''""1 11 "E' And then the lim 1 II ts-at. v .'rank and I'bil. play 1" )" '" Then soruy-an, ui. )( llieil IHi"ii . . , li.a-s it g U.?"-I'."Hburg i sweet! far, however, O. u ...o.., ----- (IpntleWO the execution oi u. - bryo, and many ..i.-7' , ,., Honor does (ioou Advlr to ly. not lie only in me mm.- '"'"I n Cncle Hob's otnee." He gl"n' ''d '""''' rth,!r c"''ln,C,e'1 minrters nnu men " "When rhronicle. Money. Professor White-Wben did money first '"to,- I isn't known Hir hl it waa sul.Mi.uel.t to the failure of ,,','::r:i.::w!:!;e:i,.d.s-d! nowdidyou ri'"'" learn that? man. AWAY Absolutely free ol cost, for a LHITED TliTG ONLY, fli IVonlp- i-,tfnn,nn Kt Xleilicnl Ad- "r :r k V I'irrcr. M H . Cliiel c'"niilting ; "?i uu lothc invalids- ll.ael n.l Siiriiical inmiutr. Iiiulalo, bunk of over i.c lame . oi.-n ami m rulorrd ml oihrr illu-ir-e o-.nt, , Ml11)t p.,lKr cvrra to any one '" on 2i cent in onc-crnt H.niipa ir PKtil,. ,, p,MaM .;,.. Over b-oono , '.'''"V' U'laomplrie 1-ainilv Doctor Boo S IU y,'11 "' vl.ah bin.liiig l regular L il " Address: I with stamps nd 3 I, !. t-"tin) V,li iisri'iav Mtr y fcfa''ixTI0"' ' s"t,, A.,Api.ovr.lH..Dr..lon. Oblong buckles, curved more or lew. are a most approval decoration for hats have rather ioruno...- . -- - . . ... fi v.a uu'iril. nor In ,i0Tl of statecra - , ,, rllwI1Hy ...dnetive tne realms u. --"... ., , mtyb;a;q;i;ed,Bndwitl.itweanh 1 d'at.y American boy w ho ?,.rti I in life with no capital save a clean heart, willing bands and a.nbiti. n hloii.nke the best I-ss.ble nse of which pierce, u - rpneVt,v . . ,,,red aire await the , .l.rAlnrll fllfl UlxMCi a..--,-- - Blll'I'fM mi' (.rn t,vHo" ... . Him w r" . is not con of a sailor hat. iu ' , deck fined to una s. , - - - tickle. rrrqiL.- . guc.L.,.8S n(l noiio.e.. ob -- ;W inches in length W,1U lilbor, diligently, and who ice antl iruguii..' , . ...t,, it, a put i. nniill I11S Ow n ear. . . they meaaure six on ? - youti - , - . . - A u lieari uui. - wuii n-'i'r . , '....... Tim iguish i .i Lriiiis nnd lociurs .itu...v , sometimes, u.n V .7 , .....i... ore made in cut jet. oiu wiH receiv in imitation diamonds i. the favor- jail,.0Blne and Gray. element of - for lie wnu loij -- ,-e scant favor from i ne k. Huhndll w hen S Mill 1- o llllowH- to hemstitch onr Shrrll and I n. .n.liiiue XX e inaj Ilb.a-enaes. aheet. and put mi s r- WAe tbe sheets that is jusi c , n,i.,iiioWelips hemstitched at bull , u lan hemstitched and fn . M iUem. also hemstitched. I . . I . in i it'ik-" " ltoyaltlr at Kl. IUlna- yu, '- . n"fulhr they will ever leev, IheRZdprinalive.-l'a the house. f the motto is .....1 a Wi.raeu ' . . ..... l..,f..rllli Thougu in 7 , . , ju.-bes. it is done in the small space of I , i w , distinct M to beeai..r.ado . York Advertiser. O r Why are buttons on ineii clothing on clot II- . . i .i.i- and on women a KtUleftbl.r Thi.l.-rio but true. It would N iutereatlng to knowr ti reason- (j o iiiialvsls.slr. .Mm aiooil us hoik"" iligloll. . A Waal of Moliry ..,,, ds.-rj:-rrDHl-!'"jj "What s the matter i.ow u -l J, -t threw a .et out of tbe window, .l Id wife who was wailing forblm be andhisw l. , )lll(llr(ic, low, IIUS I"' - , . ...,.,i at Ihe caihu-r '"' . . . i i...r i inn ione, tint his everting gratitude. -London Tit-Hit. j It I, estimated that the cmt of eiippart j in"ch an ..labliihm-ntas wonl, be ' cud of a married man In aoe My : Nj Vork city would not I l """ J" h vear and would b. more apt to n-s- h $100,000. , ' TbeTdrvrle las brought aliout the re 1 lie oi y f ,,,, ,1,1 time country ?;tn b, V an e wh ' h bad closed long .o'r.h.h.tnsii.ctlonof rail- road. . .On for th. age "f chivalry," sighed Cha-V. -when knights u-d to wear t n trouVS.wblh nsver bagga! t th. knee.. ,,,r3elw,.Vae.o.n lull b,y. for the.lergy.nnnafter the marriage to sa It.tetheOidB first, la-fore any oilier la-ruin. Well, it was so that I lnol jus k i,uv,ii. rosv voniaV)lad. aim when ilXvas over 1 proceeded to observe ravfinaMKA for breakfast. 1 I llii iiniiai . " ' rtli ' Hut I had Just taken nn enormous mi Kcrand tl.unibful of snuff, en w 0 bad the bride rm-lvial my kiss--and I , ,0,e ber n smart kiss for Iter g..l looks- , Tan she began to snco.e. The bridegro..... lined her, of course. i.ndQ- la-gan also , Then the best man advanced to the prlv 11,..,. Helter be hadn't, for be Is-gan tn t aw fully, and by and by the hridni maids also, for they wen. nil kissed In ( urn. till the whole party went , ,,wn the aisle, and the last thing hei-rd (,,side the church door; was ;. ' '" tchu.till the noise was drowned by the ,;,1Ih from .butower.-You.b'sl'ompau- i"'- o Ha Wanted to I bid Out. A littles boy whose exarience with ele vabi s had been a very limited one brought to tbe city by his mamma, and In ! h course of two or ibris. bo,,' shopping ,1,0 little fellow was taken up and down ! , different stores a good mny " Finally the two went to an mce Irnllil look chairs ill r""'' " IDNEYJLLIVtR DISf ASCS. DYSitPBI., 1 DiDliSril HLuTCHlb ANU aw oriiasia aw iirAPiruix i:ir-i vi n Lrvvtr""""!, ' . trioa-zr--v-. m av AMU Kl UU ruled .in. I xJTVJJ. v U -UU- ttj riotor all te4 r eVl Culler WortSi mrrira'a riiieal o-cciH-'vi" i... inrina In alia a a iniwi i your i r' ! 'I'" n-, O ei1, a, 1P1 aia." ,,f ,r,i ..... . l,i olMleiaata. I f . iwil.ll CI., Ml lrl tl. II mucr CoiQ. I Cougfi I I hacking cough that often ends in the most serious irouoic. 4 mm 4 -a, m.ia VktT ctnn the C011 C 11 ai uio- "J remov nir the cause anu mu prevents the trouble. Put two luinnnn I1M OI 11113 KUli v.v liu.ii.wv.. . t.. tn a small CUP Ol rciii.-vij - ----- . . Incce take ll tc.-iiPooful o,,rl votir coitih will UIVCll, " v J - " i-b1tf cease. Sold every imre You now ect double the quantity of Pain-KiUer for the Ranie old price Perry Darts l Son.ProTlJence.R.I M ilte Or Hl-i'lal t:aatt rner-i. ai. CVtRDINCArARRELV..POMLMO.OR fM- a Jw f, , 7 .1. j . m ,.kl... a" .aalaa.a.aa V.1-.,"-" AOr Jml, I, - , im a- "7. L. m Uiurt wi '1". " 7 .r.H. . m- mr. Tha Its tslltl w .I1M ... ,i .kinia fiou. aiaaiaa a lila W a . aMs CMILDR3 l-Nft S2PT OHILDtCT) TIITg 67rla f. QDR. GUUti'S 1MPUOVKD UVER PILLS A MILD PHYSIC. keilm I " S ". ' ' " .,l., h.' linrliow Ilia ,11 ma.. i:-; v- m I'll U.I.. laill Alt " " ' l.u.i A ASK YOUR DRCQOIST I OK Portland. WII W1I u...h.i...vlaO. B n.lla !and Ureal Northern Hallway lf..,,iBiia IMtllllJ, Ul n naaitol I --.---.. .... Ilmalia, rl. ixnn", raaoaud Kl. A ldreal ajfeni. v.. Ismavaii, oi-n. ...o.,i ur K.O HU ii... Atfl Jleattl . . . .. . ui.i,.i ,.nnn. it. u..ii ' I' ll uiaoii,".'". "a"-,".- r.k.lallaat track; Uu .Ireplng and dining car; lamlly loiiriai iiw uv" NEW WAY EAST: btiffpt library cn new fiuiinui. t Iism m r v.- rW kifk IllM Will I' - , Thii ill l f'aa.a a JjT ! aara aaaartsf I uu la.1 rar. as. as. RAMBLER BICYCLES. to Ht a Ladies' and Genu' All Slzes...All Weights 45. 880, S05, 885, 8100 Hicnnd baud Wheel for sale and exchanga .. . - ...i.i .... rani la ftft-Th. mo,,., ynu in . , j . I Forever "" ,m' P: ' "I 'I Z. " V.,u i-xuiiy H leei li i ' , .... ,.7 .... , 1 1 in. aninimi Su'iloT'.n'y.aVuiVuiV.. i....... in.,., m jfiiaii """"""' .. I... .....ainlll l-'r.,,,,-.-'! 'll. eminr .- I '.,,..,.:.. i L4aaaFa ,,i,vniei.i lor mono. , agTO'STTi J are , pronub . THE BEST TOOt INVALIDS i? JOHN CAKLE 40NS. Ktw Vork. FRAZER AXLE CREASE Hand lor catalotu. FHKE- f-lva agf. w.iitd FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE CO. Iti Waahlnaloa St . rOKTLANU. OB. .... aaa Usl ItfftUI fl ,u "ar ngnnalltle ar. .m...nsx.d.el.llj (,om Animal Oil. BK(J0H ANU -WASHINlTO! HkHtHAKTI " .a ltoalen eueilly. P. N. U. No. T97-8. F. N. U. No. 674 & SURE CURE FOR PILES Itchina I'll-'"'Vir" iZ Vila Taurt nau4.Uwl InUliar IK i."i-'t; , .ur ia f-.a! XOUIUSl ' " - a flLl MEMEDV, IliAT tM ax- ' ..iaia on. u r".:.H..n.i itoi'nei.i- .hlrh ra ai'-,',' J ..nt ...-a, rr 'iriLai"!. STir. ITMt faliaut,., fa. !. aj IxiuKD D7 '"V- - . In lima SqM wamwiaia lid rl atf RHIfiKEH RMSIBO PAYS 1 Ifyo Ihe Palal"" lacabawr S Braaaai. 4k money wlnl other ar. waaiinf lima hv old Drorraar. Calallllaall alKul II anddracTlla rarry artlclaoeedrd I. Ilit, poultry buune. s ran Illualratra CaUlugu. a ska. The "ERIE" mn-hanlrally th. til hacl. l-rrttlrat mwlrl Mt ar Par. he Cuaal Aarnla. Bifvil. cal- ugu.,mallcd (icgirt Ml drarrtpllon pHee. aowwrs waa f tTALfjllA ITICOlATOt CO...talam.Cai. I WW IK 1 v