ME TH f CG Til T1 ii TT T o o KSTiBLISnED COR TUB 0IMEB11JTI0S OPDEJOCRITIC PRIMCIFLES. AND TO E1R.1 IN BOSEITLITWO BT TEBBWE1T OP OIR BROW VrOL27 EUGENE, OlC SATURDAY. MAY 25. 1893. NO. 22. rm G ( The Eugene City Guard. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. I. L. CAMPBELL, roblWhrr nd Proprietor. nVFICR On th Eaet aide of WilUmetU gtTKt, Drt30 TKRM3 OP SUBSCRIPTION. 12 00 fa annum.... Six Mnthi.... jkj month... , LOO .75 ii.riUinn Unlet Made Known on flllkV" , Application. Timt advertiaer will be charged at tht fol losing rate: , Do, Hr three month n.. x.uniiil month. ,16 00 , 8 00 ,12 00 oenU Vuw Onture one yr.. T.i.nt not co la local ooliimn, 20 liutnrnth Insertion. AdrertUinK bilta will b rendered qiarterly. Al) job work mint DS Tkio roa on wuimi J S. LUCKEY DEALER IN Clocks. Watcnes, Chains. Jewelry, Etc, promptly done j-.ill Work Warranted. L. W. BROWN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Office .oil mill ica over postoffice. Hour 1 to K a, id,; 12 to ., 6 to 9 p. m. GRANITE AHD MARBLE WORKS. Ke Design, ami New Price tn Foreign and Domeitlc Marble and Granite, Monument, Hi-e-lntonea and Cemetery work of all kind (or lsiS. ALL WORK GUARANTEED ! VUlimelt Street, near Poto(Bce. Eugene, Or fil. C. WOODCOCK, AUoriicy-at-Law. Ormi-Une hall block outb of CbrUman' BlOCt, EUGENE, : ORKGOS. ' 0. M. COLLIER, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. NOTARY PUBLIC. At residence cor. 5th and Lincoln Sts EUGENE ABSTRACT COMPANY. W. I. SCARBOROUGH, Manner. Office UDntalra in McClaren'a build log, corner 8th and Willamette streets EUGENE. OREOON. T. Q.HlKDBICIS, Preaidrnt. 8.B. EaJKIH, Jn.. Caehler Ol Eugene. ftld up Ush Capital $.0,000 surplus and.rronts,i5wO,000 Eugene - - Oregon. A nneral banking buelnea done on reaon. Biht d o" NEW YORK, 1 TvtA,?an FRANCISCO nd POKT OREGON. BUli of ezchanK old on foreign ooontriee. "Potiu received tubjeot to check or certlfi of All collection entrusted to na will reoetr ""wipt attention. J. F. FORD. Ill n , (Evangelist.) ' Is Moine. Iowa, write onder data of March 23, 1893: "B. Med. Mfo. Co., n Dufur, Oregoc. umLEMEN: On arriving home last I found all well and anxiously mng. our little girl, eight and one ri,rear8 who had wasted away " pounds, is now well, strong and "KQ Cure has done Its work well. h of the children like It. Your a a.. ?, C,,re hM c"i kept rJ all hnarsness from nie. Ho give Wuh.Vnery one- wlth Kreetings for alL "iililng you prosnerltv. we are OUr. Mb IvnUn. T V Vnc .. v . . . w i' Y,0.wi,h V .' freh and cheerful and Mrs. J. F. Ford. tut jr.. .w , "" and cheerful, ana uh th. ii ;?r::' work, nleauae the .fatem oot iirl!Uch n1 Uver Cure, bf Ukln aj.d T week, .a onder po.mTejmarnto uu per bottl br all druiglita. J. L. PAGE, DEALER IN B1ES H!.1-?': AND COMPL1TI STOCK kM( au7,itod ,M,:T trooerte. booiht In th National Bank Exclusively For Cash, WIN EUGENK. : u, of all klDu ukeo al market rrffcrfiirfVrfVArt rffc rffcrtrfVrt rfWh i.ftrtftftAftft e.w Rett! Estate Traur,r. STOLEN GOODS. liilvprslty or California. ! Tin: ADVAM 1. ,i K.v r ( l.ll. . . iND HAi. k R-Mrl d dally by EroasaABtTSAiTCollMklY Thnv in L'ntiit. lit Ik. ....b l.h.i !.. 1 I- i !.., ,, "T r Fro 1WWARE of Imitation trad, nark and is the whole story about A f n . i flKfn AND HflrnrnFR in pacKages Cosls no flour univerMllya;, Made only by CHURCH & CO., 5cw Wriw for Arm mad llammrr MRS. J. H. HARRISS, FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. Spring and Summer of 1895. o Newest Stock tml lowest Prices. B099ets,atsar;dTrimTiir;8, Ir; Catest Styles ar;d Shades. EGG$ AND POULTRY TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Wet Side Willamette Bt., between Sith and 10th. JL'KT3 LIST. A Llt nf the Gentlemen W ho Will Decide the Cases lit Jane. County Clork Jenulnirs. Judne Fisk and Hherill' Johnson, this foreiiiKxi, ait required by l..w, drew thsjury lit for the June term of the circuit court. I he following are the ueutleincu who will coiuiKMie the panel: Jawdi Net-ley, farmer, Ulentena C D Suunder, " Fall Creek B C Iteemau, " Itithardson J V White, merchatit, Eu4ene M L ChilHon, curpeiiter, " O J W Pollock, farmer, " L D Gibson A K Patterson, butcher, ,; A W Haskell, merchant, " Matthew Spores, fanner. Molmwk O 11 Murcu. lllaiiiette Henry pores, James Jo!, II V Perkins, KP Caldwell, J It Crow Isaao Edwards 11 a Hyland Geo Smith C W Youag T J Blakely Henry Helton Johu Tait FN Schrimaf Win Stewart F8 Younger O W Sears A F HtormauO Itnht Milliuau Albert Hendricks A J Zumwalt " Bpencer it it " Junction City Pprliigfleld it Middle Fork 'rew!i H Coyote 1 Uosbeu Cuttage Orove ' Camp Creek " Pleasant Hill " Irvlug A Mt'EDEREK ESCAPES. Sam Browu Walks Out of the Rose. burg Jail. Special to the Daily Guard, Roseburo, May 22 Sam Brown, the murderer of Alfred Kincald, at Oakland last August, walked out of ail last night. '1 he Jailor carelessly left the doors unlocked. ISrown's execution had been suspended pending an appeal to the supreme court. He is a desperate character. Drowsed His Wiek. A man by the name of Charles Hester, who worked intheBPD A CVs logging camn at Merlin. Josophine ceuuty, drowned his wife In a small pool of wa ter near that place Monday anern.ion, holding bur nvau unuer until mo wasextluot. Their three small child ren wltuesseJ me irngeay aim mo father sent them off to give the alarm, aud then gave himself up to the first comers, aud was tsken to Grants Pass and lodged in Jail. Domes tic trouble was the cause of the murd er, the woman not having a very good reputation. Her parents are well to do people uamed Brow n, at WoodUurn, and a sister, Mrs. Case, conducts a hotel at Junction City. Dalit Guard, May 21. Advancement Club. Professor Shaw of the Oregon Agricultural Col lege, at Corvallis, lectured to a good bouse at Mount's hall last evening under the auspices of the Advancement Club. Tonight the club will now another meeting. The subject of village improvement will be tuKen up again and an Interesting meeting is anticipated. Dally Guard, May 21 Busy Times. It is busy times now adays in the vicinity or tlie new flouring mill. AHout thirty men are employed In that viciaity. Twetity of them are working on tho new water main to the river ani ins rest on tue mill. The largest piece of geld, free of quaru, in the worm was m" nuiu tue river s jihhidbh i-wiui, New JSuutli Wales, Australia, on May 10, 1872, lis weight being 640 pound eiuht four feet niae Inches, lu width three leet two inches, average tmea b4 four Inches, ana was worm c w 800. It was reuml lmueaneu in thick wall of blue slate, at a depth of 2M feet from the sarface. The owner were living oa cnaniy wueu fuuud it. LINN & , FURNITURE UNDERTAKERS Calls answirei dan or SODA more fun ..! ,.r r4. .!i iwwrsjMi's y t rarest la (hi worU. York. r:i erocc,s everywhere. tliutle i- : . .'.. r....i ...i t .n it:i- r it EASTERN LOAN rOMPlMES. Tlie Appllrsnts Ate up by Vets, aud lift do Loau. A well posted business 111:111 furnish es us the follewiug: Uao of the latent swindles, or rather one or the old ones being revived, aud now being worked uuiie successfully at the present time lliroiiL'liout the Piicitlo corst states, is a few "loan syu uiciiles" located In the lare money centers, who are lliMiding lliu country with virculiirs olleriug to loan money to the hnrd pream-d grander at rules say ti or 7 er cent on lime to suit. Any iK-rsnn on applying can sr-'tire the agency for the eaiiiu, and by the way one company lias some U or agents lu l.aue county at the present time. They preswe to loan from 'St to oi per cent ol tlie value, and are gen erous enough to allow the borrower to inline the tweappraisers, aud all the oilier courtesies he may require, but in an cases n.ey rivure tin advance fee of 10 to frl' to accompany each apiili' cut Ion to insure good laitii ou the part oi tne nonest larmer. The borrower forwards his tipiili lion with tlie advance fee, then the proposed borrower is untitled tn for ward his abstract of title with the sum of fii to puy theii attorney for examining tlie sumo, mid they then keep calling for ; -s for dilleruut pur poses until (lie iMirrower grows weary or tue proposed company "kicks It ver boanl" on fome teclinical ground. This swindle is being work ed extensively, and these rnlilK-rs are growing rich while the verdant are getting the experience. Beware! Vole tor Trxi Haoka. Salem, Or., May 17. Tlie canvass of the second vote for school text books showed the American Book Company bad been, named to furnish nil school books for the next six years. The vote ou the two leading authorities stood as follows: SiH-ller, Watson's 20; Heed's 10, Sm-llintr blanks. Matisou's2,.l: Merrill's 8. Drawing, Kcieetlc series 20; Thomp son's in. Kngllhh literature, Smith's M; t a' Heart s li:. I fiiuposlllon aud rlietorlc,'s 2H; Hill's 11. Plivs- leal ireoirrapliy. Kcleclic 25; Guyota 14 The books rtculviug the highest number of votes in Kuglish literature anil physical tcorapliy are both pub lished by the American Book Com pany. Died at Coliurg. Pally Guatd, May 1. Isaac Smith, a young maa aged S7 yeurs, U moiitlis and 27 days, died of eonsumption at tlie home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Knmurl Smith, at Coburg last night, May 20, lS'.i.j, at 10: 1 o'cl(Hk. Deceased luid been sick for the past eighteen months. He was born where lit died and had spent most of his life at Coburg. Ho had never been mar ried, and bore an excellent reputation, being well thought of by nil w ho knew him. The funeral services will be conduct ed from the church in Coburg tomor row, May 22, at 11 a. in., to the I. U. O. F. cemetery at that place, Itev. J. A. Longbottmn of this city olilciattug. PeoI'I.i: Wk Know. Koscbiirg Re view: Mr. A. J. Dryer, oflbiscity, came around "l lie jiorii" lorty-iwo years ni;o, and among the pasnenjiers were Tiioinas Condon and wife, then a you iii? married couple set-king their for'uii'- in the Golden West. Mr. Condon has since liecome one of the leading eolgls!s of, the country and has bci-n for maiiy years professor In the University of Oregon. Mrs. Cos ilon w is among the delegates to lbs Stute W. C. T. I', convention, and Mr. Dryer n it her for the first tun since landin.' on the Pacific coast. It is un necessary to say that the meeting of these pioneers was a pleasant one after a lapse of so many years. Pally Guard, May !. ErtiKMJ St r a w h e k in kh. Ca I i fo r nia CJii.not beat us much ou early straw crrii s and cannot neat us ui mi on '.' and quality. Mr. A. Anderson of this city today had three si raw I s-r- rleson exhibition, me largest m wnirn mfMisiirct 1 six Inches in circumference. The bcrri.-s were grown on vines plant ed In Mr. Anderson's yard last full, m-iiiir now olilv about six mouths old. They Hlejtlst rigkt for table Use. A Gixd One. The editor of the Providence Journal is inti -rested in Or egon attain, and is evidently sinai; enough torunsu Knglish journal. He s,i.s: "Out In the California city of Florence, women have beeti elected to till the Important ottlces, and Senator Alley has gone crazy over It, and w ill be sent to be Oregon Intans Asylum at Portlait;!." RAYS, DEALERS, & EMBALMERS. ni$M. Opposite Hotel Eu- Rsport d dally by Ei'orsi AstTBAiTCoarAST W. K. kCASBORvluu, Manaar. COCKTBT. Charles E. Burbank and w ife to S P, Cieasingcr utid of the e J, J of n e I, n of n e , e i of n w mo m tp 21 s, r 4 w, aud itrj sec 2 tp 10 s, r 1 e; I00. Frederick Elliott and wile to J. 15. Benson lot 1, 2, Sand s ) of n w j, wj of s w of d e i of s w 1 , s w I of ii o , ti w ef s e j sec 20 and w of u w i see2!, tp 19 , r 2 w; 110. Joseph Irish to Jesse llopkius a tract of land lu sec 2o, 26, So, 'M tp 10 s, r 3 w, 7! acres; f 1005. Jo.cpli Irish to Adella-rt Hopkins lots 4 and 5 sec 35, s i sec 35, tp U s, r .r '1. r W. K. "- iiuih mi i.miiwiimi iiu.-,-.(i iiiiiiiy myuui I irdllllll"s MS 11 fl-H liTII,. llh w, j,s acres; u w or a w e 1 or s w t and s J of e J sec 80, tp 10 s, r 8 w, HiO oervs; w of n w ), w 4 of aw J 1 e J of sec 2 and tl e j of s w and u w J sec 2 tp 17 s, r 3 w, in all 1225 acres; mwo. IDTTAOE UROVK. A T Workman and w Ife to Ardella O Maitin w j lot 2 blk 4 Shields add 1150. K P Bedford and wife to R 1. Wa.k er Into blk 17 Long A Landers add; S5. JUNCTION IITY. Willamette Real Estate Co to C W Washburne lots 5, 0, blk 13 Waabburne & Williams add; H. A Canard. The Gi AKD retvnily copied an Item from a Perilaud pavr about how Studebaker Bros, were about to ship a tliouaud bicycle to Portland to be sold for 125 to :i0 a s-lce. An Albany iirui w role a letter or liniuirv to l'rl- UIi.l H"- received the fullowing letter: " 1 no re.ort that we latend to man ufacture or handle bicycles is a canard. We have not made enough on our wagons to Indulge in tho luxury of a f25 bicycle, it will probably be some time before a good bicycle can be sold for this price. We have had thousand of Inquiries la the Inst two weeks and we have a lucbester ri tie lu the room lor the mail who started the story." qtudehakkr uros., Airg. Co, Pally Guard, May 21. Election. Corvallis held a lively city election yesterday, at which 451 votes were cast. The tiues- tiou agitated was: "Miull or shail not h laws be Inlorccd." And It seem the voters decided tlmr should not be The chief ol poll e sad police Judut-' wuouave neeu in oince uuruiir tne past two years, aud whose candidacy was vigorously up potted by the lo-ul papers, were both elected. The Amer ican Piotsctive Association hVured quite largely, but was successful only In the t-lvctiou of its candidate for treasurer. Tho successful candidates are: ioIiu Kelsay, mavor; E. 11. lay, lor. chief of isil ice; J. M. Porter, police judge; A. Cauthoru, treasurer; couu Cllmuii, llMt ward, J. M. Davis; sH-ond ward. Lharies lilakesie and J. J Fiett; third ward, William Crees. Ri imon ok Four ihtkhs. Port land Oregoniau: Ou Tureduy last a reuulou of the four daughters of Gen eral Joseph Lane took place In this city. Mrs. Mellisa Barlow, oue of the ladles, happened to bo In the city on her way Iroiu PiMikaue to visit ber sou at Gold Hill, it was the anniversary ef her birthday, and also the 42d anni versary or the arrival ol Ueneral i.ane lu this state with his five sons and four daughters. At the resldsuce of her sister, Mrs. Wluaifred Moshsr, Mrs. Barlow met her two other alsleis, Mrs. Shelby aud Mrs. ti. E. Fined. One of General Lane's sons, Nat, is dead; the others, Joseph, Kiinnn, John and Lafayette, are llvlug lu Southern Oregon. Boon to Commence. Florence West: A letter from Mr. II. H. Scbwi.tka, who Is now al Coos bay, and will superintend the haibor work in the Interest of the contractor, states that he is ready tn tow up the govern- nuitil uiniila aatnl iMiiiiliuiiina' U'urL iiivui wwwsi so 1 1 va viuiiisin Tbey may be expected at any lime and those interested should be prvsareo. The government will have in charge a Mr. l-.ldridge, Instead or Major 11 oi- combe, as was supposed. Mr. Eld ridge is at Coo bay, and, if we aro not mistaken, is a relative or rapiaiu Thomas W. Symons. 7.000 Caitle. Prliieville Review: Frank Hampton, who has bceeu oiier- aling in calllo In the Willamette val ley during the wluter, arrived In rrineviiie ihursday morning. lie believes there has been near 7,000 young cattle nought and shipad out of that valley during the past winter aud spring, average price, 10 s-r cap ita. Mr. Hampton thinks that busi ness will not resume and good times apM-ar again until the currency ques tion Is fettled. This, he sava, Is the prevalcut opinion among all business men. Pl'ltSE TO bE Raihkd. A purse will lis raised in Eugene to have "W l is kers" and Whitney run another fisil race iiere on May 81st, at the time (he horse races are to take place here. I he raw will bo 100 yards aud large sums of money will be wagered on the result. Both men are fast, aud it is very doubtful which will win. The event will draw to l-.ugt-se several thousand people. Lek Heard From. The Baker City Democrat of last Saturday has this about Mr. Lee 'leulscn: "After a twenty-four hours' sojourn In Baker t .ly lor a rest. Mr. Lee I'eulsuh, of Eu . n'e, left the Hotel Warshausr at 8:30 y iterdiiy morning on a bicycle ou his IH, to Dallas, Texas, SXpectlng to oov- r the entire distance on his wheel." Pally Guard. May 22. CoNKIDEKARLB SNOW YET. We learn from authentic Information that considerable snow yet remains on the mountains via the McKeazie route. It I soft aud lushy, but freze of nights. Our informant says it will be several days yet before wagons can cross. Marhuoe License. A marriage license was today Issued to James England and Cynthia Mysner, by County Clerk Jennings. The gruom esides at Cottage Grove. Pally Guard, May IL Ovek50 Tons. The stesmer Eu gene la now unloading at Harrisburg. she has IO0.5O4 pounds of Height fur the uiershants of this city. They are Found lu the Trunk Left at ! the Hotel Hngens by r.sthcr Tripp aud l'. K. Jour. Pally Guard May .'1. It will lie remembered that nt the time the pototlUt at Pleasant Hill was robbed, about December I, sn4, mat a loi or clothing belonging to V L. Bristow, poslnmsu-r and storekeep er, was. also taken. It will also be re uiemtarred that s ,cvuple reprew-utlng to be man and wife and passing under in name or .Mr. and Mrs. Jones stop ped for some time during February at the Hvtel Eugene and that shortly af ter leaving Jones wus arrested at Sa lem and the woman was arrested at Portland under the name of Esther Iri pp. tlie Guard giving au account of their arrests at the time and tlie do ing of the couple while here. It was believed by the olllccrs that Joneif was connected with the robherv of the postofllcv at Pleasant Hill anil Maislial Day of this city and others have ticcii corresKnlihg with Mr. Bristow ever si nee his ar-vst. Yester day Detmty Prosecuting Attorney J. M.Williams was at Pleasant Hill on business and while thore conferred wnii air. isrislow lit renard to ,ne clothing in the trunk now held nt tlie Hotel Kugcuc as security for the Imard bill oil'. E. Jones and" Esther Tripp. Today Mr. Bristow came to Eugene aud examined the goods In the trunk, Identifying a number of articles as stolen from his store on the night of Decern tier 1. Among the articles were ovcrshirts, men's hose, underdo! hiiiir and a pair of engineer's overalls. Some ol the articles bore M" Krlstow's prl vat cost marks. Thin will furnish conclusive evidence that Jones and his Kangaretli parties who roblied the Pleasant Hill postofflce and also per pctralcd a number of other burglaries throughout the Willamette valley aisHii mat time. C. E. Jones was In Eugene during oveiiilier or last year, reirlsterinu at the Minnesota hotel eu the Hlh of that month and remaining there until the 20th. Two men rcKlstcrlng as F. M. Mallett and S. C. C. Webb were also nt the Minnesota hotel about that time, These parties all left town owing more or less eu hotel bills. It Is now lie- lieved by tne officer here that Janney and Sullivan, who are now In Jail at I'orllaini, are tne same men who were here under the names of llasleti and Webb. It Is likely this Is true, for during tlie period between Nov, 8 and Nov. 20, Hll-tho time that Jones, Hallet and Wubb were In Eu-geiie-a uumlier of petty burglaries were committed In this city, and sluee that time none have been com milted. These men doubtless belong to au organized party and are the ones who commuted tne rouneries at mis place as well as at other points throughout tlie valley. AN OVATION. Many Endeavor (irect Dr. Clark. Pally Guard, Ma. ".-.!. Dr. Clark, organizer of the first Christian Endeavor society, was ten dered an ovation at the dot on tlie arrival of the local train this afternoon. The Christ iau Eudeavorers of tho town were expecting Father Clark and several hundred of them, with others, were congregated al the depot to welcome liiui. Eveti the de pot oniclais seemed to nave imnioed some of tho spirit of the occasion and had neatly scrubbed the walling room aud tidied things up generally. As the train pulled into tlie depot Father (.'lark was greeted with the song, "Sunshine in the Soul," sung by hun dreds of fresh voices. He soon lauded on the platform amidst a dense crowd of eager young people, all anxious to shake hands with bliu. As the train pulled out "At the Cress," was sung, aud after Dr. Clark and Pres. 11. Is. Gile were escorted to a carriage and conveyed to the beuutlful home of Mr. aud Mrs. R. McMurphry, where they will beeutertaiued (luring Dr. Clark's snort slay In this city. TO Peisonal Mention. HI (i rare, moat Rev. Archbishop Gross w ill be In this fair city of learn ing on the 25th Inst., aud ou Sunday he will administer tlie sacrament of Conllrmatiou to those who have beer. preparing. The Interior of the Catholic church has undergone a complete renovation under the dlrtction of two very exper ienced artists. The walls aud celling have been frescoed ia the most delicate tints, aud bordered with a handsome decoration of various patterns The ceiling would remind oue of tho heav ens ou a beautirui stany evening, so well have the artists done their work. Tbesinoeiest thanks of Rov. I-at her HtraVetis Is tendered to those who have so kiudiy ana wnungiy iiouaieo mr the renovation of the Parish Church. His Grace, the Archbishop, has kind ly accented an Invitation to lecture in the ball at Creswell, which leo'uie will take place on the evening of the 20th at 7 oVIock. Cor. Daily Guard, May !. Dihtinouisiied Visitor. Henry HollenU'ck today received a telegram from F A Falkenbsrg anuouuclng that Mrs Falksuburg would arrt-'O in Eugene on the early train Friday morning and would remain here until the arrival of Mr. Falkenburg, as I lis guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hollen- bck, to whom she is related. Mr. ral ken t)U rg I neao consul oi Iheorderof Whueti of the World, Pacific coast Jurisdiction, ami will I In Eugene ami deliver an address be fore the lecal lodge May 27. Pally i.uard, May .'I. r.: r-rivt -ion Wei i. - The foun dation lor the new llouiii ' n.iil will be completed in alsiut two duys, when the carpenters will commence active work on the mill proper. The mill will I in operation ready for the new crop of grain, Euokse Winners. W. ('. Yoran drew a maudelin ami G F Bullock a Simplex type writer in tin last draw ing lor vVeekly Examiner prizes at San Frsnclsco. Circus Coming. "The great, the grand, the only Syndicate aihow aud Paris Hiuprodrome ' is beaded ror Ore gon, aud will probably exhibit In Eu gene early in Auguit. Em roit Guard: So ninny of your readers are Interested In educational matters through thu imliien.-o of the noble State Cnlversity located at En gene, that it has occurred to mo to semi you aUcw haitlly penned items about the I'uivorsity of California. It Is located at llcrlicley, m-russ the bay fioiuSati Francisco, and adjoining Oakland. It is w ithin easy reach of a populating of 400,000 people. It has a noble site, backed by high bills and fronted by San Francisco ll iy. Theru are seveu I a rue buildiriL's U -iilcs coi- luges mr siuncniH, suo is, etc. i no new mechanical aud electrical build Ing Is very line, costing $'",( . Tlie endowment fuud ainonuts to $l,s;i;,,. 757.02 according to the report ottlic secretary for Is'.ii. Tlie value of tho grounds,, etc, is ?.l,'JOIl,4.' .. n. And tlje annual expi'iises an-over $-Jn0,O0O. The prisldcnt's salary is s,. ooo and a house. The professor re ci-ive ironi t:i,ooo to The new register of the I'ulversliy of California show s the total number of students enrolled at the colleges at Berkeley tn is 112-1 of which 3:ni arc woiiion. This Is a, i ccw-s over tin sisler I'niversity at Palo Alto of 21, they having increased I .'I -r cent while the Slato I'nlverslly's Increase Is .'M iier cent, lucludini! tliosi enroll ed ill the nllllialed colleees In Nan Francisco, the grand total aiiiouuls to I7S1. A brief account of the last i i- liienisinent w ill Is of Interest. There were 112 graduates, an lucreaseof .11 per cunt over lied year. The exercises were held in the gymnasium w hleh Is a very shabby place for sj gn at an oc casion. It was packed to (lie doors. There weie no students on the plat form, only professors, reeenls and oth er dignitaries. President Kcllocn wore his iwu and cap. Hie gradual ing class sat In a body at ore side. There were lour speakeis. The sub jects rnluht he considered dry by an Eugeno audience. Tbey were treated as it seemed lo mo without any special reference to the audience. As address cs I should say they were heavy and nell'i-etive. As essays or review arti cles I hey w ere able aud scholarly. The follow in ir are the sulieels of (hose w ho spoke: "The Value of l.ils-ral Science," "Is the Method of Jurisprudence Ex clusively Scientific," I'iK-ni, "Misan tluopas" nml "l-'alllo in the Moral Consciousness." The poem was very good, delivered fairly well, though mil perfectly committed. The speaker held thu roll of manuscript In his hand. Both of tho other y oiing gen tlemen placed the manuscript ou tho desk beloro them and referred to it fre quently. Neither of tin hi showed any oratorical training. Ouo of (hcin paused palniully between sentences. 1'lte other was some! lines in lislinct in ulteranco aud varied bis delivery only by thrusting his hand into his pocket up to his elbow. It was very uvidenl mat in inis scuooi no particular alien lion Is paid to public address. On the contrary you would say grace of speech was held in contempt. Al Ivast luilir ing by this commencement oratory Is uot at a promium lu c. c. The medalist of tho class was a young lady. She declined tho medal with thanks. Her essay was the best fiveu. It seemed to Interest imrticu arly the veuerablo and celebralod Prof. LeConto. It was suhl to be di ametrically opposed to the teachings of this most Illustrious of the Univer sity's teachers. Tho president gavo a rnvlowoftho year's work, which seamed to please everylsxly, after which decrees were conferred upon the graduates as thoy came to tno piatiorni in groups. I he University is one ol the great Institutions of the country, and is if row Ing rapidly. Its athletic team is l-.ast now to meet the team ot the "Big Four" and It has already gnined a victory over Princeton. Tho V. of C. Is up to date. There is no moss anywhere unless It Ik) on the eloeutlou chair. Howe vet I think there Is no such chair. They have outgrown it. I'hev havo hero iilentv of money. professors of world-wide reputation progressive, public spirited regents, au army of student aud buck of it all a rich, proud and liberal state. C. Al. J1II..L HUE Dl ( Kl-'.r MINKS. Au Old Pioneer Who Still Hopes to Discover These Itlrli Deposits. TI e Dallas T. M. says: In conversa tion with an old pioneer yesterday who arrived in Oregon in 1845 we learn that his faith has not abated in eventually finding what has been termed by those immigrants who took tho Meek Cut-Oil the Blue Bucket mines. He recollects well w lillo passing through a dry gulch of picking up I ho bright yellow chunk of some kind of mineral, and says that a bucketful could easily be procured. When they eamned at night I hey took the nuuets out of their pocket and beat them between stones aud proved they were perfectly malle able. But they did not know w here they were, winter was aprimehlng and they were anxious to reach the scttlo nionts. Weary and footsoru, with -IckhHss aud ileutli as constant visitors, tbey hail little Inclination to think about gold, and their only desire was to reach the Wlllnmstt valley and rest after their toilsome Journey. There are ocitalo landmarks w hich our In lormatit discerned in the Harney coun try a few yeais ago, and smne day lie calculates to spend some time lu loca ting the stmt when) tho precious metal covered the ground In as great profus ion as pebble (lo a rocky beach. An Ai iianv Comment. Tuesday's Albany Is-mocrat: Geo M Miller, Eu gene's well known real e-tate rustler and flying machine inveu or, was In the city today on Ins way to Portland to attend tho state convention (if re publican clubs. Mr Miller lsnl-oin tenanted In the knife factory at Eugene Perhaps lie I best known as the broth er ef the famous Joaquin Miller, nt whose original home lie has visited. From his bonne be could ste the elec tric lights of 12 different cities. A LlTTI.K "Oek." Salem Daily Pisdof Tuesday: "Mr. Ira L. Cnm bcll, of the Eugene Guard, Is back East, aud during bis abeni'o a bicy cle Intended for lady oamo to his address. Ws do not see an vlhlng out of the wny In that. Ho will probably bring back somebody to lit It." The bicycle has been sold and tint mouey paid out to the poor pi inters. as a source ! I'i-t'ii-i-il. I l'it!') Iiuih,!, .V.iy 1 AtC'ic mi-i-iiiig of tho A lvaiiOient 1 club in Mount's 1, ,1! . evening .Mrs. j Dr. Chapman tra-Pn :inrou '-.-sireel and Health." Givat inveutiuiM are not ncci-ssrii-y j vn need to apply our .thoughts to eoiiiiimii iliin-M; cleanll. i ess is ueeessary; germ of discus ' ni i-p from souit es of iiiieleanliness; the nlipnxlous habit nf spilling upon the ! sidewalks of inn- si -, . i H U i,i,.. r i l.u i m my causes li.oii liieli .lise.-is,. arise: ,t!io custom should not bo tolerated' In oilier countries ills prohibited by i law. ' Mrs. G. M. Miller next r-ad a paper I on summer Stivele." The viliiiLfuof j the future w 111 be the ,eal villaneof our iiopes o1 today; slieeis s ill l,u frt I from du-t: inooerlv on snU-s nf .im,i. least lllli-eted l.y ilu-l I cllliniiced in value, streets should U sru inkled; the city could best oh ii and operate its own transportation lines, elect rid liiilit plants, water works, ete.; health of the town t lint (lie dust should be laved. O DISCI SMoSM. Dr Cliapman: Wo should have ioxcs at least one at toe pustnllUf placed at Convrniout places ou the slrcel as receptacles for waste papers, refuse matter, etc., the, eluli should plant a box; it would bo a monument which would U I'sikud back uimiii with pride. Persons olleu catch ilisease from spit ileposiied upon sidewalks; there should lie an uilempl to lla conraiie Ibis bad luillt ; tho eluli should make I ho beginning. Chairman Wilkuis: Will not to bacco juico (lepo.Mied upon (sidewulks destroy bacilli'.' Dr. Cliiipuum: Only great beat or strong acids will ile-lrov llieill. Mrs. Prof. Bally related unaecilotes on houv-ki-eper's exH-riemv; moral cultivaiu cleauliuess. Her remarks caused great laughter. Prof. Coi.dono d'wo ilcpartments of our work have had a ipiickeuiug to-inght-seiuiililie and religious. 1st, we Heed M-li-lilill.i pictures ol our needs for eb an liners, "ml, the world is pussiug throiuha change; religion cliaracter will allacli uiaii lo a body; he will then Iry towive bis iieighbor'schildren; cli-aullnesa w ill follow. M rs Mil'luiiif: Our strietsare very lilt by; l-ihacco juice may kill bacilli It does kill sense i.f de -ency and shock the bolter feelings of pedestrians; we are fuivcd lo unhcir Hum who practice such obnoxious habits. Chi iiinHn Wilkius, fiiucsilou to Dr. Chapiuau): Some early pioneers did not In, etc., but lived to a ripe old age; why lr. I'hapnuin: Probablv inhsr ted good Iieallli and bad Niillicient power lo resist germs of iii.scasc; stronger may rtsisi germs wmio weaker will sue- iiiiiu nil,,,.: uinviiU. Piof, Condon: A vigorously -'growing tree is always sain from disease. Same rule applies to heallhy man; pioneers lived open air I Ho aud had ro list health. C. M. Smith: Poorest class of Jews healthiest. Dr. I.ooinls: RcinarkH not compli mentary to modes of living practiced by pioneers in early days. Dr. Chapman: Savages mo longer lived than civilized man; yet modern man Is larger than savage or men of ancient lii.ics; cleanliness Is a preven tative ol disease. Dr. Kuykendull: People live lit be older now than In ancient times; then a great ninny Infants died early; now statistics show that people me longer lived; piouewrs have lived as long as those who survive liieiii; they are a class of men who ate clean lu mind and lsidy;they are noble men more noble than thuso w ho have, fol lowed them; they lived to a great ex tent an open air 1 1 1'o which is condu cive to good health. H. N. Coekerline presented Insur ance tables showing that expei latioli of life today Is from five to ten yearn greater than two centuries ago. This closer! the discussion and the meeting adjourned. S. M. Yoran agreed to furnish the box to lie, placed at tho postoftlce If Dr. Cliapiunu would furnish the pedi-sial. The next meuti-'g of the club will lie held two weeks later, w hen the sub ject of villuvo Improvement will again lie taken up. l lie club will probably adjourn for tho summer at tho next meeting. Pally (iuanl, May ..1. Mketincih Clowkd. Mrs. L. M. Wuosley closed her work hero on ftat urdav evening last, and will leave for her Kentucky home, via Seattle, on the 10:.'I0 train Thursday morning. Tho congregation been greatly bene fitted and strengthened by her earn est, scriptural preaching. That the great Head of the church may be with her aud crown her ellorts w llli abun dant success In the future Is the desire of our hearts. J. A. Lonoiiottom, Pastor. Dally Guard, Ma, .'!. Kkitiii. icanh. Among those who wuut to Portland today to attend the nicctinu of the Voiuin Men's ltepubll- eail Chilis are Senator Alley and E. E, llrodlu of Morence, JCeprusentnllves Maker Slid Hillegas of Springfield, Senator McCTung, C. J. Howard, Rev. I. I). Driver, H. l). ralue, Jas. AbniuiM, H II. Friendly L, N. Roney aud W. V. Henderson. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR; CREAM Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. o l e- IT iene, n lUimeite arm.