The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 18, 1895, Image 7

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I lor b'fson, dentist.
J. J. Walton, nttorney-at-laM.
Full II'' "love at I'', ti. Chamta'tV.
Money to loim on farms. K,7iuiro of
judge Walton.
Fitst nu ility Castor niuchiiio oil nl
F. L Chambers'.
I)r. O. iti'l'l'e ".V I found at
1,1 rilili'iiiM- on Olive slree'. between
Fifth awl Sixth streets, one block west
of tho Minnesota hotel. He in pre
pared to do nil dental work In the Uttt
t ar
Foil !4ai.K. A full blood Jersey bull,
ufil 4 vt-arx. For purlieu I urn enquire
lit Hit! (il'AUH ofllce.
To Loan. Money to hum em Im
proved form proH-rty.
Kugene, Or.
rC. Mitlock & Co will pay the
iVi'CiiL-it market price for wool.
Cf'unm for Sale,
O 1 tiuve nowuiirty fine farms in the
V"",luniette valley for Hide. Them
farms include every variety in size and
price. For description lint, inldreQ
1 iK(. M. Mil I.KK,
Wilklia lllock, lOugene, Or.
1 f you want good granite and tin
ware' at low price go to F. L. Cham
I cii. No el it'll p John goods in stock.
Ktfif (r Hatching.
From pure l-red fowls bred for
health and tiruilt. L. lirnhmas, 1.
Lainjsliai'H, white, lirowu, Ilutt'and
Mack Leghorn-, Minorca, 1'. Hock,
S. II. "nbcrgs, also plans and etc., for
Incubator the liest hatcher on record.
Don't cost one cent to run it. Cost of
making, .IH), 10 egg I'lanit
and etc.. sent for $2.00. Kggs f 1.(10 per
1:1. Addr.-", L'mpqua Poultry Yard,
Koeburg, Ore.
Fkeu Toi.i.ks, Prop.
Vire fencing of all widths Just re
reived. F.nough to build a half a
mile o,' fence, at F. L. Chambers'.
Whooping Coil if I). ..,
Tliere is no danger from this disease
when Chamberlain's Cough Itcmedy
is freely given. It liquefies the tough
mucus and aids its expeetoratiou. it
al-o lessen? the severity and frequency
of paroxyuis of coughing, and insures
a sp.s'dy" recovery. There Is not the
danger iu giving the remedy to child
ren or babies, as it contains no Injur
ious kiiIihI niK-e. For vale by ()-bum
& IV La no.
A buggy for Ho; b two-seated hack
for Kw both new. Over forty other
biiL'ities and wagons with prices to
suit the times. F. L. Chambers.
Mit-a Ifcitiv u nick, we gave her C5to.V
K irn sin was a Clill J, she cried (or CutorU.
When the tx-came MbJt, ahe clung to Oatorii.
)Fko ilie IwJ Children, the gave them Caitoria.
While hi Stockton, Cal., some time
airo. Tuos. F. Lnmtan. of Los Kanns,
that slate, was t'.dsen very severebr J
with eramiis ait-diaRhoea. CJwd
chanced to meet C. M. Carter, who was
mmilarly alllicted. He Kays: "I told
him of riiamberlaiu's Colic, Cholera
ami Diarrhoea Remedy and we went
to the Holilcn Drug StoreQnd procur
ed a liotile of it. It irave M. Carter
prompt relief and P can vouM)
can vouch for us
F'or sale by Os-
having cured 1110
burnJc DeLaun.
II. Powinan, pub. Enquirer, of
Bremen, Ind., writes: Last week our
little girl baiiy the only one we have
q was taken sick with oroug, After two
d-tors foiled to give relief and lile
was liangingQi a tnere'tread we tried
One Minute Cough GtmCand its life
was saved.
Any uiO who has had an attack of
inflammatory rheumatism will rejoice
with Mr J A Stumm, 23) Kovle
Helgliths, Lm Angeles, over Ills for
tutiate escape from a Beige, of that dis
tressing ailment. Mr Stumm Is fore
man of Merrlaiu's Gnfectienery es
taUllshnient. s:ome months ago on
leaving the heated wrk room to run
leruss the street oil an errand, he was
caught out in the tain. The result
that when ready to go home that
night he was unable to walk, owing to
inflammatory rheumatism. He was
taken home, and on arrival was placed
n front of a good tire and thoroughly
, ruMwd with liamberlnln'i Pain
UhIiii. Dicing the evening and night
he was reputedly bathed with this
liniment and by morning was re
lifved of all rheumatic pains. He
- now takes especial pleasure lu praising
(liamlMTlaiu's Pain Halm, and al
ways keeps a bottle of it in the house,
"rsale by Osburn & DeLano.
kwior A. II. Fish, of Oravols Mills,
Mo. u practicing physician of many
vea's experience, writes: De Witt's
wch Haztl Salve lias no equal for
'"'I dent wires, scalds and burns. It
'l"P- pain instantly, heals a bum
I'ockiv and leaves no scar.
Ospt KN & DeLaso.
Park-.' Cu igh Syrup cutes Coughs
c"lll ami Consumption. Mrs. Cath.
r'e iiiuek , r T.e Uoy, N. Y., says: "I
,) '""k one botUe of Parks' Cough Syrup.
" aiieii like magic. Stopped my
c!'u1' ud I am perfectly well now."
""l llV A. VfllKllTM
1 'J-slic Steel lUinge..
'." M'i..k Stove.. ....
s Holler..
V""" l-ined Oil Can....
..$42.00 ;
... 1200;
'.K-i 1
... .3
... .
... .!
,. .10
.., .
... .a)
" 'I'. milk
u io-w pan.
"our sitier
r,"1' 1'asi,,.
""U pun
'uilk nail 15
1 pan u
i eoiiit? ihii i s
tit t, t I 1. . .. : t OA
"-a p.,t
"t k 1 1 1 r i -s A i r VsV.V.V " " " ".V.V
i. ...... i i )
; (,". tiriml t ,.
i '""" '-I man's axi".
, "nif li.iie,t KIOV(.
Ce i,,
i , , i mat
011 1 llurb Wire
Fine growing uli-cr.
Piano ad, next wttk.
.... r.nirj, ileal n.t,ro.ini 3, Dunn blk.
M. LeviiiKer Ih I-miiiu froiu Portland, i
1 1 Vnu-1.!'!! nioieburg, was ;
flaa ... I
Ir. 11. F. HuNhi-ll, of Thurton, uUs
in l-.ugene today.
Miss Lottie White hi returned
home from Su' mi.
A ear loadof lo.' was shipped to
Hoschurg today.
Ax Blllyf ia .t received 7 tons of
bob p. Watch the dro.jii price.
Kobt. Alll f Varieu, did btiai-
Hess In F.ilgclie today. ,j
MNh Jennie Teim-eli. of Civ-'.v.ll'Ti
visiting Lunelle
Hon. (J. II. Itaker, of Wallcrville,
has been in town today.
I.ouglinilller ATcter Mvlvt-d
loud of IllaclillicK
IV t
this morning.
Piano ad will mane Its anuu d ap
pearance next Week.
Walter Davis, of ISeiiton county, Is
((pending a few d iys In Kugene.
CJiyik Wilkins is now asistunt lo
cal man on our morning eontempor-
Just received 7 tons of soap. Ax
Dilly has just nvl ived 7 tons of soup
watch the drop in price.
A largCdilpment of shoes was re
ceived by Ax Hilly today which .s
to be placed ill his new room.
Mr. Meriau lias built a lante boat
rjiouseat tils paik, painted the pavilion
fand otherwise Improved the place. 0
A marriage license was yes'erday Is
sued to O. A. Wheeler irf t 0t Hallie
Stewart, both o-SyinCleid.
The south bound freight and wreck
ing train met the belaud northbound
overland train at this place this imCu
Ing. Mr. Meriau Is arranging Q- a grand
picnic at his nark one week from Sat
urday, at w hich time he expects to for
mally open the park to the public.
A member of the Zig Zag Cycle Club
of Portland was in tow n today, having
rode up from Portland on his wheel.
He made the run from Albany litre
today la four hours.
A large shipment of shoes was re
wived by ix Hilly today which is le
iug placed in his new room on Ninth
street. 0
M. Ltvliigcr reivived a cur load of
binders and binder twine from the
Fast this m iming. The freight bill
was over i 100. CT
Mrs. J. J. F.iweod of this city left
on the overland last night for Yrcka,
California. u
Mm. Abrams expects to go to Salem
tomorrow morning. Her houscliold
elb cts were shipped today.
Miss Kate Dalrymple, well known
in this city, was uiairied at Salem Irvt
evening to Dr. John Orilllth '
Mr. Tjlerand family, xf MeMinn
villc, are spending a few days at the
home of Chan Fish in this city.
Deputy U. S. Mirshal Heo. Hum
phrey ol Portland left on the overland
train tills morning fur Yaijulna on of
ficial business. 0
"DijKcon" Davis went to Junction
today to make aO'iugements to con
duct a candv stand at that place (lur
ing the picnic May lit.
La Grippe is here again with Oil its
old time vigor. One Minute Cough
Cure Is a reliable remedy. It cures
aud cures quickly.
Os ni' k.n & DicLano.
t) K- Pettis will be up from
Portland tonight to attend to hand
ling tho Sleinway concert granO piano
to be used at the university tomorrow
evening. o o
Mrs. Clark, si-ter of Mrs.CPRi. F.
Craw, who has sR-nt some time here
in the past, left Brooklyn, New York,
for this city Inst Sunday night, and is
expected here Saturday. 0
Police Judge Jim Caniplsjll, of San
Francisco, who needs no Introduction
here, was a passenger on the overland
trniu for Junction this morning. He
will visit Eugene in a few days.
W. T. Sanford, fetation aynt of
Letper, Clarion county. Pa., writes:
I can recommend One Minute Cough
Cure as the liest I ever used. It gave
instant relief and a quick cure.
Osiii'KN & DeLano.
A cup of Parks' Tea at night moves
the bowels in the morning without
pain r discomfort. It Is a great
health giver and blood purifier. Sold
by A. Yekinutox.
(Win. Neas, who recently had a
cancer removed from bin. face, having
lieen in Kugene some tiihe lor thiJur-
pose, went to collage urove uns uner
uoon to visit at ills home a few days.
Uo to Osburn A DeLano, druggists,
soUCugents in Kugene, for a bottle of
LIVKKINK, for the Liver, Kidneys,
Sick headache and Constipation. 0
Da Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures
scalds, bums, Indolent sores and never
falls to cure piles.
Osni BS 4 DkLano.
E. K. Henderson and Sell
leave tomorrow morning on a trip to
Eastern Oregon to look after some land
u the vicinity of Silver Lake. They
will go by way of the military wagon
road and will be gone tj4jut three
J. A. nichardson, of Jefferson ( By.
Mo., chief enrolling force, 8Mli jeiieml
assembly of Missouri, writes: I w i-h
to testify to the merits of One Minute
Cough Cure. When other so-called
cures failed, T obtained almost instant
relief and a b '.Vly cure by the use of
One Minute Cough Cure.
Ohuukn A DeLano.
"We dlrectfdio atte'n of our read
ers to the advertisement of Simmon's
Liver Regulator otl another page. We
have used the niedicino in our family
and are prepared to say, c' cxIr'
lence. ti.atfor a torpid liver o.j dis
ordered slumaeh it Is a remedy.
When traveling wo usually carry some
itf our valise."-Krom the "Christian
Visitor," Sml'hflcld, N. C.
L k.,ut for the PlaL Manufacturing
Bd next week,
Iiatlj ijuaril, Mar 1".
L... IlL- ATll -Jl I i 15.
died at bis home on ran ,-
evenlnc. He had U-en worKir.K l,ur
IriK the afternoon, au " T"1
w.nt to the huuie biding III. u'1
'a io rt -itne. Nis troul.le was l.v,rl
failure. Ho wm aimut nny
... ni
Bk.-eand leave a wife aud
dreu. n
l..rwj tnu-
The Piano MaiiUi ',(. :'""l!l"i3.
..n i .... - 1,1 a, I ii." in xt w'k's is-;
T)iiirnii Mews.
(ffurijo Cumming, of Thurston,
11, Parted wl:li Sain f i( .onncgel
to w.u k ttu ir ledge. They f.niud a
treJ'.ad fallen across their t'lall; Cuiii-
mint;, sto,'H d to c ut it out, the other
going on to the ledge. The tree lay up
hill and had broken and split in half.
While looking where to cut, dim
ming., placed his axe on the tree, when
without warning, ttie upper half slid
downward, striking Cumiuings on the
ri:ht thigh, 'browing him down and
the en I striking Ids h-g aUive the an
kle nC-hliii; both bones an 1 forcing
the bon'ii' tl'.ugh the opposite side,
pinning him to the ground; in his
agony he rnUd himself up nod thrust
the log oil' his leg, w hen it entered the
ground over S inches, lie lay tl'Vv lu
the hot sun from 7 o'clock mulO,
when Mcdonneg'.e heard Cumniings
call. He then went tO help, getting
back with him to their cabin at 4 p.
1:1., Cuiiimiiigs having laid 7 hours
before lieing moved. Word was sent
to Dr. Kucll and he rode all night,
arriving at the cabin at S o'clock Sun
day morning. After die sing the
leg, he was placed in a wagon Mid
MikeSlioma brought liiO to Dr. Huh
sell's It i.pital. 0:n-(ioelor has hopes
of saving his leg, although it is htuicd
to Ids h'0
The republicans formed a club in
Thurston ast Saturday, called tin
"Mitchell" club. II. M. IOceand F.
LO illlll were clccte I delegates.
A. (i. Curtiu Pot w.ll send a lepre
selltatioll to Kilgenc oil Decoration
Iay. o
Ed. Whiteaker, while loading his
gun, shuck his foot against the trigger
causing the gun to dicluirge; the
charge entering hi rQhJ hand, tearing
tiMtlesh finm the middle linger and
pa-sing through the fore linger tearing
part of the second joint away; at the
same time the charge passed close to
the head of a little boy. 0
Tlitf Allotlilfit Completed .
Special Allotting Agent llartwig,
who w as sent out to arrange for allot
ting the lands of the Warm Springs
Indian reservation lias completed Ins
work mid returned to S nshiugtoii.
The survey of.allotineiits was maile bv
Deputy V K anipbell of The Dalles
and K It Henry of Salem, and theii
work has all been eonipieted, and, yes.
terday Surveyor ! it'ueral Arnold sifpt
otl to Ilie laud department 4 1 bisiks of
transcripts and "ii plats snow ing the
boundaries of the allotments survey.
Warm Spiings reservation i a hiige
tract of land King between the Des
chutes liver aud the summit of the
Cascade range. It will make a Hue
country of Itself when the Indians are
all settled on their allotments, and the
remainder of the good Oud has Ufli
sold to settlers. The w arm sprints are
away up Warm Springs creek. mile 10
distant from the agency, and there is
not much agricultural iai.d near thetn;
but there is a great deal ol good laud
on the ti servation, and, it is claimed.
valuable mines in the mountains
which form the western boundary.
Ti ensure.
D. W. Fuller, ol Canajoliarie, N. Y.,
says that he always keeps Dr. King's
New Discovery in the house and his
family has9lw ays found the very best
results follow its uscq that he would
not be without it if procurable, fl. A.
Dykcman, druggi-t, Catskill, N. Y.,
says that Dr. King's New Discovery is
undoubtedly tho best cough medicine;
tOt he has used it in his family for 8
years, and it has never failed to do all
that is claimed for it. Why not try a
remedy so long tried and tested? Trial
bottles free at Henderson & Linn's
drug store. Begular size A0c and f I.
It ell on Ilie Iliad Kras,
OiiQiii: rsll, 011 a iii'HinlKiat, nii snl h tlslilng
iiisi'k.or yiielitliiR on tha iMSft, Hosteller's
StomHoh Ililt.TS will Is" (mind n rellsbleQicina
olsveillUK ami relievinx niltni'im lu which
irsveleis. limrniiTS ami ellllrlll kit peeu
lisrly auhjecl Sea cnt 1 11-. hhlii d-ei.jt.,
vuyiiKer! or MiJ-mrm ri' In the Iroi'iC!, an l all
aiMiiil 10 eiieHiiiiter iniHeelinintril, ami iiiiHe
eiisloine I or ilatnienuis clinmic, nhoald mil
liealeet to avail Ilie Ivra i'l thl Hd uuaril
iOell aJi-ertO'd'"l l'WW'l merit. oil
KtlpAtiiill, WllUlllUless. miliar :ll-Ver, lll'lllleij-
L'l'Knoll, rneiiiiiaii-iii aini in-' 1 "v
.Ir an. I knlneva are iimiuiik the ailments hli h
it eradicate, ami II limy Ic r. nrleii to not
only wit 1 e.iniidi'iH'O In l! rrim cliai vIIiciVl.
hut al-Oi Oil" KTf.el frts-iloiii from 'vry
olijectl..iml.U' llniredU'liI, slnre It la ilerive-l
from Iht' pnrinl ami nnwl aln ary aoiini-a. It
I'ounti Tiirtalhei'lh'i'K of un holuwimo hssl anJ
fiiiiifPiA- 1 1.1..-Mrs. (jco. F. Craw
is still seriously ill from the attack of
her old trouble with which she was
taken alsiut t-W'O weeks ago. She Is
very xo'akC'fiiid can scarcely 8siik
ll'.-'jve a W liisis'r. There Is but little
hoH'(,fher recovery. The lady has
nrr I" ( n at invalid for two years or
more, but has borne all hersuttering
with tgcat (Jdieiice.
ol Ol 11 1 ill ills lor lamilh
nl tniHMlu 'lrir-
. Bill mir. lv le-trriy Ilie V.-nw o(
a ini'i" ;
('..nii.lrtclv il.-ra. ae the dhole y-trln
h..n ,.n r i t , if 11 IhlMinrtl II"' nuic'ina aiirfae'..
I, n ,.',. hoal lo v.'r ti- u-'-'l t-xc.'l'l ull
.r-.rriiti"iiH fro ri'iO1,1'' l' l-"i i. hi the
'tamaisi H i " ill 'lo 1" i'" I"'1' '" "!'
,lv ,!, Til,-(noil t lie ill . Iluli'a ( alar-ll
('nri-in iniim tur.-l l.jr K. J. ( lo ii-y ( o , lo
i...i ui,,i mi iiit-rnirv. ami l tiikfti In.
i.r,'.iiv. ,.i:mir ilKM'tlr upon the I'loi"! ami
...I . ,. 1,.... ,,l l. avl.'lil. I" I'llVllia ll
I a,,i.,r I I ,, Im, Hllll ,Ql't til'' Kl'll'lHI". It
llk,-i, u 1. niHllT. nii.l ma, I.- in 1 iil-Mo, "111
liv K I I lii'lii'T ,. Co. T,-till.oiiiHl f if.
-il 1 t,y all ilriiKKlm', Tie' I'vr laitt,
i-C' 1 1 -OII'S Ci'liK, the Kreat ConIf
and Croup l ure, is in jrn-ai oeiioui'i
1',,. l;,'t si.e ci i ii I n 1 1 1 -.w-t'Ti I )" -11 V f io-e
only i''C C'hiiliivu it. Sob. I j
lii iiiler.on (V I. inn.
9he American ISeauty owes hernres-llo,-
more ton char eoiiiplxlou than
to" any oilier attiibuie. A eup of
Parks' Tea will enable anyone to pos-w'-sthi-i.
It dears the akin and re
moves pimples and that cullow, mud
dy I'H.k. l'urk-' Tea is used by Ihous
audi of heli'-' for the complexion.
Will, out beinif a cathartic It eurcs con-
I st i j uat i en
Mrs. T.
IVnn., "ay
My Life.'
.I v for a
Qawkina.of Chattanooga,
Shilo's 'Saved
I ( -id. r it the best retne
l.-bllitated ay-t.-m I ever
in y
I " Fur Dv-ia-l'-ni, l.i r or
7j cents.
ii. v trouine it ravp.
, , !. I . lr! ...
I lend. Ti'in A' I-""'-
J lu Mcinoriu;ii.
I John Bailey departed this I he May
I K'tli, LSts'i, havingjust entered his 7lh
I .M ar. lieceased w as Isirn 111 Clay
.ounty, Kentucky, -May s, He
came to California by way of Oregon
during the great gold excitement in
ls.47. Having met w ith some success
he returned to Missouri by way of the
I-thmasof Panama in lsp.l. Again in
the spring vt l!J he n crowed the
plains to Oregon with a drove of cattle.
Benching the Willamette valley he lo
cated for a short time lu 'Benton
county, w here during the same vear
lie was united in 11 irrltige to .Miss
Kli.ahcth Wright, who died in the
year lNiJ. In 114 he was again mar
ried to Mrs. KlUalsth Murphev. 1
the vear lsol he removed to tills j
county, during which year he and his
w ife liK'ateil 011 a section of land seme
six or m-vi-i,' miles west of Kugene, on
w hich his . body now res s in the
bosom of ak Hill cemetery. He
afterwatds lived for a short time in (he
upH-r Siuslaw valley. 1 11 the year
iS he Is'gan to prepate for himself
and family a home aome four or ll'?
miles southwest of KCeue, upon
w liii h he spent the last thirty-seven
years of his life. He was the father of
eleven children llvs by h', first wife
and six by his last wife. S hree of Ins
children, twe sons and one daughter,
pi'ec.fded hllll ill death, while eight
children, four sons and four daughters,
willi his berenvedn compaion mourn
their great..nss in the death or a kind
and indulgent husband and father.
He was a strong believer in the Bible
and made a profession of faith In
Christ a few yeats prior to his death.
I hough lie rrcuucully sixike of uniting
with the church he never did so.
Few men in Lane county were bet
ter, and none more favorably known
than he. Fittingly may it be said
that iVA'"ble and true man has gone.
ScriO'll'iisly Irviest Inobuslness, gen
erous and InHpitahle to a fault, eminent
ly rclntiie In all the relations, 01 una.
baud, father, neighlsir and citizen he
will Is' sadly missed by many.
IlieVAiicralserv-riva weie coininsiea
bv U v. J. A. LonglMittoni assisted by
Rev. Champ Hichardsoii. With ten
der hands lie was laid to rest on the
Mill lust in Oak Hill cemetery sur
rounded bv a largo ooncourse of rcl
ativesauil friends. He had reached
the gisxl old hl'c (.f 77 years Bad 10
lavs. Peace to Ids slumts-rtng dust
and upon memoiy's page lie cherished
Ills liotile ileeil.
By one who knew him long and
Wiilding Hells at SprlngQeld.
hally Uuard, May lii.
Married - at the residence ol the
bride's parents, at SiiriugrVld, at 7
o'clock a. m. lodav, Mr. Omar Wheel
er, one of Springfield's popular young
litl-lness men, to .Miss name Mcwan,
daughter of J. W. Ktewart.
o After congratulations and hand soak
ing, the newly married couple were
escorled to the depot by a delegation
of relatives and friends, where they 1
boarded the train amidst a shower of
rice, for Kingston; neat which plaiv
Mr Wheeler has a line prune orchard.
Sin uiL'lleld regrets the loss of sucf?
an estimablecouple, but congratulates
Kingston 011 her gain. O The Ul'AHl)
il.wli..a to lu eoiioleil Hiiinnir the Inanv
friends of the young couple, who wish
1 hem succi'ssfsnd happiness in their
newly wedded life. u
-Tin-: Wiikat Aphis Early In tho
spring nftny farmers of the county re
ported the wheat aplils present in vasi
nuuiliers in nearly all localities, ltv
conversation witli a nunilierol farmers
the past few days we leariJlhat very
tew 01 me nugs can now ne seen, ami
1 he prospects are that the wheat crop
will not be seriously damaged by
Kconomy is wealth. Heii Seal
Bakimi Pownr.K isjpurer and strong
er than others. Costs no more. Hold
by all first class grocers. I ry them.
cWill make the
Mares insured, money due when known to be with foal. Ifturanco money duo on all
changing liantls or leaving the county. Mares from a distSiico pastured on reasonable terms.
P Care will bo taken to prevent accidents, but will not bo renponsiblo foany. O
f Favorite Wilkkc,' 327
Sire of
Crawford 1.
J. M. I).,
Noluber Heven,
And H oiners wiin rec
ords of 2:.W and better
Full brother to Uourbou
hire or
CoiiHttnan I',
IlniirlKiii 1'atchen 1"
( oust Hay I',
Abdullah Wilkes I
I ,nir! ion Wilkes Jr.
ami .Hi others with re
cords of 2:31) and better,
o o
For further particulars
Al t I HUNT.
Jucke riurkey l.o-'' Hand at Put
tier's 4IUill.
Yesterday afternoon :lii!.i woiklug
in Potter's Miwmill wi-st oftvscity
near Monroe Jacke lltirkey, a Wcrmati,
ami one of the employes of the mill,
met with an accident which caused
him to lose one of his hands.
lturkey was einploved as sawyer aud
while working a mnall piece of'timher
U'cauie lodged under the saw and he
attempted to remove. It. In doing so
he picked up another piece of timU'r
and readied down to raku thutlrt
I ikv dill, w hen the piece he had in
Ills hand caught ill tlie teeth of the
t -'liiir miw hiiiI in mi Instant, liefniv
"' ',uld releaso the stick, Icrkcd his
hand into the saw. Ills hand, the
right one, was sawed oil' across the
palm, the lingers ami a part of the
palm being separated and only the
thumb remaining. His thumb, how
ever, and the remaining part of the
hand was bad'y lacerated to the w rit.
lturkey Is a ''young unmarried man
Hged alsiut 21 or 22. As sihui as the
accident happened he was taken to
the home of his step father, Mr Kil
mer, who resides on the Purkison farm
hImiiiI eight miles west of Kugene, aud
Dr. L. W Brown, of this city, was
summoned. I'poti examination the
doctor found that an operation was
necessary and accordingly almut eight
o'clock last evening he amputated the
arm just above the w rist. The patient
is getting along nicely and w ill pron
ably soon recover, but he w ill ever Is'
minus that most useful member of the
laid V.
The Old Railroad IVinmlsshiiieis Will
Maj lu Ollire.
Albany Democrat Wednesday:
Judge if. II. Hewitt of this city ldav
rendered his decision in iheca-eofj.
B. Eddy vs II. It Kincaid, werwlary
I ol state, asking for a mandamus, coin
pelllug him to deliver over to Mr. I.d
dy ns railroad commissioner, a warrant
for his salary. The decision overrules
tho demurrer of the defendant to the
mnndamus and orders the secretary of
state to issue a warrant for the amount
asked. The argument is long and ex
haustive, aud contains an interesting
feature, that of ail opinion by (invent
or Lord, while on r!he Is-ncb, covering
the same (Miint and practically settling
the case It was asserted by the de
fense (hat the appointing of tlw com
missiotiers was an executive function,
and that therefore the law providing
for the slectlou of the railroad com
missioners was unconstitutional.
Judge Hewitt holds that (lie law is
constitutional and that the present
commissioners may hold until their
successors are elected aud qualify.
llarns llurned. -
O i, (iuard May 10.
Just as the (ll'Alit) was going (o
1 tula... III., tlr. uliirm u'ua aolliuleil Tim
firvsses were delayed long chough w
earn that the lire was in the barns of
(ieo (. Yoran aud W. W. Williams in
the western part of town. The II ro
caught from the engine of a w wod saw
near by aud both buildings and a cQ-,
rlagw belonging to Mr. Williams were
destroyed. ,
LiiQ: Kii.i.kii. Ho0 growers renQl
that the past few exUmely warm days
have lieenQlestructlvtr to Imp lice and
that those dangerous s'sls have en
tirely disapicarcd from Hie hop vines,
Alii, I, ii..,u .,,,,1 r.1-11 iiiumr In do.
ugh the
- irovin., in..,.. r.,,..iii in.. .Qui-
-V. . ..ll.l. . I 1 1 tl
age which (hey might have d
one will
oiui r..w
lie e real If) modlllc!)aild tiie past
warm days have proven a Imkiii to the
hop grower.
U guaranteed to euro I'llel and Coiiatlialloii
or money refuailed. Ml cenl i-r N'i. send
two name" lor rlro Oar ami Vr"tOaii!iln to
MAK TIN UI'llY. Hrslalensl I'harinai'lal.Uiicaa.
ter, I'a. No I'ostals Asnwaaai.U K,,r i-ale hy all
Ural elaaa 1 r 1 1 k k 1 everywhere, and In Eiiitrne
Q i'on by (laburn V llelJino
season of 1895 at ELI
0 TERMS, o
o u
f Hambletoniaii
hire oi
Clrane (llrl
Jay (loubl
(Jeo. Wilkes, 610.
Bire of
70 Id
24 la
70 in
32 In
70 in
and 34 others
Dolly Hpanker
Abdullah 11..
Nirw af
2:30'i j CdoWetnitli
Hi. m nf HniiUnii unii ( others In 2:.'I0,
Wilkes sin.oA2 listed I-lzzii) I'eebles, s. t. In
in 2:30. o ly 'Ker.
Tim only mare on Dam of
earth that has 4 sotis.OCJoo Downing (lOslreoI
sires of a 2:20 trotter.
Ala Dnwnlug, 2:201
l'at Downing, 2:13
American Clay 34
Hire of i
(Iranvlllc, 2:2t. J
MiiL'Kie llrlKir, 2:27
Klla Clay,
MukIc Mil
ftlre of
Chuaanle O,
Tost Hoy,
I unii of
VHIlaxn 13)
lloslyn, (4,i
Vatleau, 11)
Dnins or
Kir Walter J H 2:1 M
Nutmeg, 2:10
liarnet, 2:l'-
and 21 others lu 2.30
bum uf
IbiKi-r Hanson, 2:1!'
Matilda, q 2:30
2:2.VJ Clark Chief
Sire of
WoislforJ Chler 2:L'J
and 4 others in 2:30
Dams of
Miss Wax ie..
inquire of
trc.well lastialllps.
Mis. I.illic Scott w ill tit t ud the state
convention of the W. C. T. Vi. at Hose
burg. ' '
S. J. Wright left for Idaho Mo.iday
of this wii'k lo remain there oilll fall.
There w ill be iiIkuiI .'si acres of beans
planted in this precinct tills season.
Misses Lli ami Itoso Hanson, of
Leinatl, visited Saturday and Sunday
w ith their sUter, Mrs. A W. Wallace,
of Crcswell. r
K. L. Howe, of (Ills'1 place, has a
young cow that Is deserx ing of men
tion. yf has Incrcaird Ilie herd by
Ihnv calves w ithin tl montlis J-m'iI
ten days. --'
III the fall of ''.'1 S. B. Morss receiv
ed from the I'.n-t a pair of Southdown
noep ami the increase from them to
date amounts to ten head.
The lib silver medal contest at this
place hi' ) Thur.ilay night was very
largely attended, every sent ill the
house living occupied ami a number
standing. The church was beautiful
ly decorated w ith lJts and Mower.
The Judges fertile occasion were f. "'rs.
McClung, .Vj. Hendricks and Mrs.
Jctvtuc Kcniieas. The contestants
were Mi-.s llattie Martin, (luy Ib'gers,
Mi;s Laura Venv,-, Kilph Sairs,
Ka'.vlli Stone, Mls Wclhoitrue, ol Clo
verdale, aud Alla-rl Tillanv. Mrs.
Met lung iiiinoiiiiivd the decUloii of
theludg. s aud iin-MMilji the silver
Qiedal to Alla-rt Tillaiiy. All the con
ic 1 1111 1 1 ncquittsd themselves very
creditably. I lie recitations were in
terspersed with some very excellent
inti-lc. O ecu.
Letter List.
May lit, wr,
Kingslcy, I Vila
Moore, Nettle
Mors', Leui
Owen. Wm U
Powell, Jennie
Curler, Dick
Kincrson, II Bay
Fii Id, (IS
Hughe. N 11
llllld, Nettle
el loo
A eliaiitu ol om i
letter mien mil t
m will lx in. I.' 1111 all
r.ot.a rallliia for latter
Sill eli'a-e state shell aitvertl
T. J. I iaii. 1'. M
Notice in Pouat Ion Claimants.
All persons w ho own or claim any
iotele-t 111 lauds under the Act of Con
gress approved S'pt. 27, lSod, and have
not obtained patents for the same,
should take notice of IheActofC'i
gress approved July 2(1, ls'.H. Infor
mation in regard (o this matter will be
frcch given by calling on oraddrcasing
The Kugene Abstract Company, Titus
block, opposite Qollinail House, Ku
gene, Oregon.
(all (or Warrants,
Notice Is hereby given that the fol
lowing warrants w ilt be paid on pre
sentation at my olllcc. InUTeston
the same w ill cease May IHth: All
Lane county warrants from registered
number tls.V.1 to registered nunibcr 70113,
Isith incl ii-lvQ
Kugene, Or., May II, 113. O
J. O.tlllAV,
County Treasurer.
Iliicklea's Arnica Sulve.
Af3io Best Salvo lu tlie world
i ( ''Us, Bruises .Son's I'lecra,
' ivui'uui, 1 ever r-on s, leuer, inn ph'h
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
, Erupt iiins, and positively cures Piles.
or 110 lift reunited. It is guarauleed
to give period saiisiaciion or money
reluuilul. rrlce -i cents fvr laix
For siito by Henderson & I, Inn.
Shilo's Cure Is sold on a guarantee.
It cures Incipient consumption. It Is
the best cough cure. Only one i(ta
dose. 2ofts., tM't., Iq Sold by Hen
derson it Linn.
BANGS' STABLE, Eugene, Oregon.
SEASON, $15; :
v.1 Auuauau i i niamuriuu
Hire of
10 Hlr Waller
and 3 others In 2:30
LChns Kent mare. Imp.
(Iraiul dam vf -Hreeif a ,l)ne
llashHW 60
Henry Clny 8 Andrew Juukson 4
Hire ol I Lady burrey U
lilack Douglas, 2:30
and two others in
tfcb ttt.
Telegraph Uaker's Hylander.
in 2:30
1 1 niiiiiia inure,
f Hambltoiilan 10.. ... f Abdallah 1.
Hlreof 41 in from lU71 Chas. Ksiit mare
to 2:30
Maid 2:14 Kaly Darling ()ndrew Jackson 2.
t nir
u fCasslusM. Clay IS by
CWus M. Clay 22.. ..J Henry Clay 8.
Keeord 'i'XiZ: Daughter of Abdailali 1.
Klre of
DuratiKo. 2:23 j
Harry Clay, 2:23j O
CoiiMcrliit's (lam Imp. Tranby.
Hire dams of
Flora Wilkes, r:H
and 20 others in 2:30
F.d win Foreht, Jr. . ...
Sire dams of
ChiauteO, 2:l--
and 0 others In 2:.V.
Dauuliter of
o, 0
'Ambrino Chief li.-
Sire of
I.iulv Thorn
2:l!i j L
2:18 f
uruh; I
lulu Norah..
Sister to Hilt N
gran'' un of Sultan, 2.24.
2:I0J ( Wa
Sire of
Dut. Hi,! ci o'..
. 1
Isabel IteliiS.
James McQee will soon leave for
Charles Lloyden Is working for E.
F. Chapman on Cedar Flat.
Decoration day w..l be observed at
this place.
Clias. Evens is laid up wtih a felon
on each hand.
'.i suuday school was organised here
last Sunday and Hie follow Ing otllecrs
were elected: Superintendent, N H
Workman; assistant stijit., W Duryee;
secretary, Bertha Waugh; asslstsnt
sec, 1 iina Holcomb; treasurer, H W
' sM'tt; librarian, May Duryee.
li'hK Dixit.
I'ally liuar.t, y -y 1
Iwi'itiiviNd.-i.onr F. M. WLklns
visited Coburg yesteiday. He reports
that his brother Jars-r, who was hurt
by a horse falling on him, is improv
ing slnwly, but isHtill itm lined to his
UmI most of (lie time aud it Is Willi
(lilllculty (hat he can get up. His hip
is severely injured, and he will proba
bly be con lined for some time.
Sick headache, coilstlp' m ami In
digestion are quickly ( ;ired by Do
Witt's Little Karly Itinera, the famous
little pills.
Osnt'RN A DeLano.
Dreudfiil 8kln Disease O Years. En
tire .tody Covered. Ooclors and
Medicines I'selesa. iuv up
as I'seloas. Cured by
Cl'TICl ISA for $4.73.
I fcrl It la niv dntv to n il von tnr ;wrl
sue wltli l i'Tii i in III semis. 1 ( 1
troulilnil for oier mm with a ilrr.u.:i 1
lKiti ili-ea-e. Whi n I let
ell It, Iti.-ri- aetx'.irril a l'w
aiiull rel a'tla 011 11, y
lin-1-1. and 1: I-.-; t oil
si -'.elini! -lowly. Ii-eirtrd
tlii' H.IIIU on luy l,;trl., If
I,'. ,S'll 11, ' aholltili'ts. .V
frv.- it.o'aMer H10 Botj
tmif'il t:r;o ,unl l4't;uii iieh
In". Smi.iII aealea woiilil
I.' I 1. 'I, an K iimtliiiii'l
,ri.-- nil liver niv ImnI- .
. -.1 all the piiti-iil inrid
. - I t oiihl 1 ho, k of or
I'm' 'of. I alaoiiillailttt'd
' . H . . they would
1 la a abort 111111. I .ti t.
. 'i I 111 It all up. Ilniil:
(mi 111 . I notiiiil i.i ;
1 ... Mri .'.' -.
thrv nlwav ftltcil
liiltrttiuini'iit in il
and thought I w,'iil, r t lie 11 11. 1 1:1 In v..
HUM. 'lo lll all: pllne. UlKI'lNoti-iot Cl III I I'. A,
one eakii of ( 1 ri. 1 11 1 s., ie, ami Hit, 11 l,;tl' 1
eireilel It A lie 'ol.x l' r iiiretl nie elitiri'h . M'
Kia la now its i,tii 110.I ii,ite 11a 1I1 11 nt a cUllo.
.lilllN K. I'f.AltsilN,
r.o. i'o 1 1 '. wiMiioiii, vij.-iiin-to.i.
Ci'THViM mi I 'rii rn Hai I'Mtm .l!:',
Hixl 4 1 HK 'IJ1. tt liitiThiillv, 1 It :nc i
llit ttMn .tin I kiu of vM ty rniptltm.luipurii, ,
timl tl.KftfH. Hlu'ii tin Im"1 lnHiri:uit nm li .
iil.i' hill. Tim run- d.itlv i tti'd'il ly Ummii mi i
t tniiljr utiutiorfiil. ln iitt IhmuI alt ilin.l ;
tlto croatrtt nkm ciin-t, I il. l imttlivrB, eiiul It
luor ri'iinlift nt i.ttMlcru inurn.
Hoi I Ihroiivhout Itu r.iM. I'nci, ClTirrp
Nc.; K''"i w T, fl. I'iiarit4
I'trTTRi; Vlll U ANI I I . I t"UtM ltonli.
'How Inl'tlltt AH Mal'l t." ina.K'iI f:i
,'I.KH, I'lm Khinit-, Ti mitt nly ikitt
Vi'llUtl ftUU CUUU hy -VI TH I Hi Oi.AIV
lUckachp, npiVoui mnt ami wwik.
nfn4'i. n'Mr-pl In nn nilmtlft l.y
tlin Cutimrit Aiill-I'nln l'l;i"r
Tlitf oi:'v 1 .-i-k.!... : I i
A choice roll of butter
2 lbs new Cream Cheese....
Just Received
A choice lot of Ka.Urn-
UK AN 1'OTrf,
j With or wltboiilivcri.
Prices Away Down
Amazon lii.
iieiujr man.,
Aratus mare.
f Kdwin Forest 49 Kentucky Hunter.
,. Sire of 21 In 2:30 Highlander niar.
I Woodford ma re.
drey F.agle.
Itolivar mare.
fMambrlno I'ayniaster
by Mambrlno.
(Joliuha' daui untraced.
Dowulngs' liay Messen-
Highlander mare.
2:22) (Oano (thoroughbred)..
American Kcllpse
lletsy Kichards.
Hire dams of
Tjidv Thorn. 2:1S1
Mambrluo 1'atchen 08
BANGS, Eugene, Oregon.
G,iffin Hardware Co.
i sue