EUGENE CITY GUARD. LbCAirBILU rrrlUr, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. INDEMNITY TO BE PUD Only Question Now Is a Guar antee of Payment. MCAIUGUA WILL MAKE IT AMPLE I ay mm t to II Mult In London Fifteen liar Afler Ilia llrltl.h Klret Kalla From Corlnlo. Washington, May 8. The guaran tee of the payment by Nicaragua tuu indemnity an rtxuind ly Great ltritaiu will bo Hindu in thu amplest manner jioasible, 11 there apisfars to bo ii fur ther obstacle lM.-tweou the two countries art ti thu final adjustment. Thu guaran ty will 1) ill any ouo of several forma an fulliiwH: First Tho pomiao of tho Nicara guali KoviTUiiii lit, which art a govern incut hurt never defaulted ill ita obliga- . l i . . l. . IJ I Hons, anil IN oi iiacu n'Krara an guarantee. Soi'oikI Tho Hunk of Nicaragua, a national iiiHtitution, with a roeogniwd standing in London, will, if mill bu given, guarautixj it. Third Thu republic, of Guatemala, olio of the rirhiixt of the Central Atnorl can ntat, stand ready to deposit 100, 000 pound in a Loudon bank if Nica ragua dcaire tho favor. Fourth Thu Nicaragua Canal Com any, whom) word in lynidon will lai acceptable in thu highoat financial cir cltK, will give cither a guaraut.x) or thu cash if mill bo. Beside those guaranty's, any onu of which in availablti, ami in ri'Kardcd a a ampin, Niearaguaii authorities are said to havu ai t mil funds immediately avail able, without calling for outside help. Uuaraiit.xj by thu United KtaUn in not rcgardtxl art essential under thu forego ing circtimstauctxi. Thu llnal tiou, art now eoiioludtxl betwix'ii Nii'H niKUtt ami Orcnt llritain, will, there foru, bu hh follows: I) rial llritain agrees to iinmixliatly evacuate Coriuto ami withdraw her Mii't. Nicaragua iignx-s to ay thu 15,500 Miiindrt ill Iindoii in flft.x'ti days from tho sailing of tho fhx't from Cor into. According to thi'au terms thu llft.xm iluvn iIimwi not Is'gin to run until thu iii'tual nailing of thu llix t, Thu hitler feature wan Insisted upon by Nicaragua an a lueaiirt of chocking popular agita tiou, and an a atop toward maiiitainiiiK her diKiiity. Dr. Uuziiuin calltxl at thu atatu do partiuent at 1 1 o'ol.x'k today. Up to that time he hail not received olllclal confirmation of Groat Ilritniu'a accept iinee, though thu cornx-tiius of thu un official advice wart not quactioinxl. From thu British standpoint thu accept ance of thu comproiiiiNu and thu im-I mediate uvaciiatioii of Coriuto estab liahea thu good faith of (treat Britain in her h'!artioii that theru wan lio purpose, of lax-upylng territory. From1 thu II rut, thu llriliali nuthoritiea havu assured AmluiHaador ltayard, anil thu latter Iiiih ao adviatxl Six-rotary Orch am, that theru wan no puretu of ag grcsxiou or of mx-uriiig fNthold in Nicaragua. Thu only iurMMn, Iird Kimlx'rly lias said, was to colhxt thu debt by audi force an wan ntxx'ssary ami tlieu depart, Nicaragua notwith standing these aHNiiraiieeM, him main tained that the ooll.x'tiou of said (77, 500 waa merely a covert lueaiirt of copying her territory. Thla view hint prevailed very widely here, even in somo ofllcial quarters, although tho policy of thu government Iium Imhu to aiHvpt thu K'xxl faith of ( treat llritain' repreaeiitatiomi. Thu withdrawal of triMiM from Coriuto ami thu departure of the tle't not only endx all queMtion of llritiah territorial cxtciiHioii iu Nica- niKua, Imt hImo (luta at reat tho fcara entcrtaiueil that thu control of thu ca nal route would N aeriouaty alTectixl by the proximity of llritiah fonva. Thu iswt to Nicaraxua may In' inoro than thu original 177, 500. It waa nix-ea-nrvto raiae il.OOO extra tnna at acoat of f 11,000 per day. Thu abaudouineiit of Coriuto a a cuatoniM Niint haa ulao reaulteil in much loan. The diaturliance to buaiueaa and commerce- ia a loaa which cannot la incaaunxl in lUdlara. U.udou, May 3. It is leariuxl on gxxl authority that Ureal llritain hit . agnxxl to thu propoxl settlement of her I dispute with Nicaragua if tho payment of tho indemnity Is guaranteed. It i : aaid tho affair i practically aettl.xl. The following emi-nicial hiiuouiux' liient wa mado thi eveuiug: The statement that the Salvadorean minis ter submitted to Ureal llritain 011 tx half of Nicaragua certain proxxtitiou i ixirnx't Tho matter i now Ix ing ixiiisidenxl, and if reaoiiablo mvurity ix given for the fulfillment of any un dertaking to comply with Ureal llrit Bin's demand tho matter will U ar ranged without inflicting further hu miliation. The I ar.ll.ial a V tall to Itome. Homo, May 3. Cardinal Uibliou' inteiid.xl visit to Homo wa p.wtpomxl last Novemlar, and ho wa to leave May 4. Hi departure, however, ha lax'ii again postponed, lax'aus ho wishes to assist at Archbishop Will iam' jubil.x. on Mav IS. at which Monsiguoro Satolli, the papal delegate to the I'uttixl State, will ho present, The pope will ml hi blessing to the archbishop of MiMtou. A.l.a.ire In the I'rl.r ul Hhora. ltiwtou, May 3. Seventy -five leading shia. mauufactureni of New Kngland met tixlay at the I'mted StaUxi hotel ami vot.xl to issue notice to their cu toinera iiiformitig them tht tho price of shoe would be advanced. The high price of l.xither 1 given a tho cause of tho Increase. The advance wll be from 10 to 83 wilt er pair. '"' mm Atoauy, pt. ., .May 5. I he bill tor- i.i.i.iinKineapp.arn.xiotwoiueuuia.ii,Hai,ilm ( w,t mvnurr of tho me suige uuio attlnxl lu aklrt lail.xt In the assembly Uxlay. The vote was 65 aye to il u.hh, not tha aouatutnuial majority. , I THOSE NEW GUNBOATS. IMairrf mriil In Ilia lloanl of ! llurrau htrtt. WaahliiKton, May 8. For the firat time in ita hlatory, the board of naval bureau chief haa come to an ai'tua din atfreemeiit and ao reiortel tu Kocn-tary Herbert, leavliiK him t deunuine which aide ia right The diaaKreenieiit grow out of thu count rnct Ion of the ill new k"1'"hU which plana were prepared. There are two n jairU on the pubjix't, onu aigned by four of the board, totally disproving f thu plana, and one Hignud by two inemliera vigoroualy upholdiiiK thu plan. Thu four tiiombi'ni objixrtixl laxiauae thu bout projxaii d will draw fourteen fwt of wau-r, and ao would not niix-t thu rnquiromciitrt of tho act of congreaa, which deaiTila- them a light dniUKht KiililxmtK. They alao hold that fitting the vuitael with complete Kail power irt a miataku, for the experience of tho de partment with Nlich veaaelrt an thu Adam ahow that no ateamer flttixl with Kail can beat againat thu wind, and therefore: nail would lie ulinoKt uaeleHii on average condition. On the other hand thu HUpporter of thu plan undertake to demouatratu that thu ve cl would be efllcjent and much more LX'onomical than boat without aail, arguing that the criticism i found on veaaelrt not given full Kail power, and giving figure to mipimrt their aaacr tion. NINE MONTHS' IMMIGRATION. ArrltaU In III I'nltnl Hlatra 'oni.arnl With Kuri.irr Vrara. Washington, May 8. A statement ha Isx'ti pn'pan-d at the bureau of im migration which shows the liiunls r of Immigrant arriving in thu United State for thu nine months ending March .'II iu each of thu last three year to have lax'ii a follows: In IH'j:i, 25U,&mi; 1HU1, 21H,1S; 1M.'., MO.OHO. Thu amount of money brought in by Immigrant during thu past nine month wa J,:tlir.,h 1(1. Although this amount wa known to havu Imx-ii brought in, it is Islieved that the money atx-rctcd and undisixiverxl by thu ofllcial may havu laxji severul time that amount. Of thu arrival during the last nine month, 2 1, Ml I came from Ireland; 21,100 from llcrinany; lU.HIO from ItusMia projH'r; 10, U.'i from Italy and 111,1 111 from Kngland. Of those de barred from limiting 1,071 were pan s rs or likely to lax-omu so. Kleven weni shown to have lax'ii convict, and :!.':) contract lalsirer. Of those lauded, lU.flOi! could neither read nor write. Of those who brought money, Oermany head thu list with f.'.ril.lHl; Ireland next with :lir,;.ol ; Kngland, .".ll, H1H; Italy, (1110,713; Swedes, (i;H, 412; KussiaiiM, (Ml,!)!!; liungariaiis, (10)1,011. TO KEEP WHEAT DOWN. r.xil for Tlil rorHiaa Nalil to llatr lliri. Formril III Nna l-'rant'laro. San Francisco, May 3. In thu local wheat market there was a firm finding 1 today, but thu uncertainty regarding the lissiitioii of thu 200,000 ton held j by thu Fair syndicate wa such that 1 N'ratioiiM weru disinclined to business, j Au evening paper says that the leading wheat shipper of California have com-1 billed for thu purpose of kixping thu j ... ,.r.e .... ..o... ,.,. ,,., . . 1 1.. 1 ...... they havu agnx-d to pay a much lower ...... .0, n, ,,,., n.-nl .,. ,.........- peau quotation warrant, hour firm control thu shipping trade and touuagn auiiplv. It i said all purchase will go into a common pool, and that the mn1 inenils rs havu agnxxl not to bid against each other. Thi influence chix'k open coiuictition for wheat. The firm of U (1. McOlautliti .V- Co., wheat broker for the Into Jame (1. Fair, now admit that it missing cash ier, C. S. Smith, I proliahly a default er, though they claim thu amount will not cxcxxxl (20,000. Mcdlantlin .V Co. denies collusion with Smith regarding thu disappearance or any knowledge of hi whereaUiut. Thu firm also de uie that thu settlement of thu Fair wheat deal inspired Smith's flight. THE ELBE DISASTER. rr.1ti'l of ll.r t'o.i.n. litre That I. .trail, galnl Ihe Arrl.lri.l. Iwestoft, Kngland, May 3. The committix. which ha lax-u invest igat- lug tno cause ot tno sinking or the , norm i,eriiiau i.iovn aieamsuip r.ux' ' after her collision January 30, returned ' a verdict today of gross ncgligeiuv upon I the part of the mate and lookout man of thu llritish steamer Crathiu, which ran into and sunk tho KlUv, The two men mentiomxl were found by Sharp, the steward of the Crathio, in tho gal- ' ley of tho steamer when the steward; went on d.vk at 5 o'ebx-k on tho morn- 1 ing of thu collision, although 011 ho ' ..... . ..I .1... I '...!.:.. 1. . of light, which thu . 1 steward then be- ! lievod to lx fishing Ixmt. They stayed Iu tho galley until tho collision ixx'iir rod. In spite of this, owing to absence of evidence from survivor of tho Kllx, tho jury found that there wa not sutti cient pmf that tho Crathio wa solely to Maine for tho collision, and thu jury exonerated Captain Uordou, command er of tho Crathis, from all blame Unlit S11I.I to the II. .ml N mil, ale. Denver, May 3. Tho Hix-ky Moun tain New say editorially tod : Uold nxx'ipt at the Denver mint have fallen off heavily iu tho past mouth in spite of tho iucreasixl prvxliu'tiou. There ha Ixx'ii 110 iiicrcaso in rtxvipt at tho other mint and assay office to account for the discrepancy. Hut tho mvsterv ha becu aolv.xl. Tho smellers have W selling their product to thu agents of thu Rothschilds and other interested iu tho rtxx'iit Ix.nd sale itistead of plac ing it in tho mint. The same agent have Ux'ii purchasing thu large retort sent up from prinoipjil gold mine, thus keeping a considerable quantity over and above the smelter product out of thu mint These fact arc vouched for by men iu a p. wit ion to know w hat is occurring iu tho inner circle. No l.u.iarr Mlnlaler, New York. Mav S TI... M.,v W A. New bold, recently removed fr.,... I.i. American Miasioiiarr Svietv, ha also been dejaaaxl from tho miinatrv of tho Ihstant Kmsciml church. Mr. Now. I hold's aewouut ware abort (1W.000. An nivmnln Attnrnv Said to . . . . J ...U.H BV. J Be Among Them. HIS LIFE IM THE SOUTHWEST Hlilla'a Neighbor Bar Tbat th oid Man Waa In III Hahll of Making Will. Olympla, Wash., May 2. Preston M. Troy, a young attorney of this city, today received new that hu wa heir to a New York estate of ( 1.000.000. by will of Ansel White, for whom m arch break of cholera, which has completely had been in progrc so long. For 1 ineapaciUiti-d thu Japanese force and many years Ansel White resided alone created great alarm. The entire uum on a ranch adjoining the father of I'. 1 la-r of tnp sent Southward wa only . . ... .. ..t 1... I . .... r..n L..J .li.-l 51. iroy III I liilliim coumy. nii wa a baihelor and lived in a log cabin on hi ranch for twenty years. May 1H, 1SHS, hu died at thu age of 70 years, and was buried iu thu laud on .... it i ... i i'iiio fancy to young Troy, and made a will .....ti.... 1.1... Mi.l.. uml 1. -untiti. .Inst prior to hi death, however, hu aold hi ranch for a nominal price, retain ing a life interest, and at thu time of his death was suppoacd to have quitu a lot of money in hi poHWHsioii. Yet none wa ever found, although search whs made high and low. Hi neigh lair ladievu he buried the money aomu where 011 thu ranch. White, wa extremely eccentric, and seldom held communication with any onu except thu Troy family, before (1iiiing to Washington hu made Home m(lncy in California. Seven hundred ! ,l11t,.ra of thin hu handed to a WOimill j u Han Francisco it hu wa alsnit to leave, telling her to until hu called for it. iu Sun Francisco regarding his destimi tiou, and this fact ha for fift.x'ii year balked those searching for him to in form him of hi having fallen heir to the estate in New York. It wa bii: piauxt that Ansel White' wan one of those unknown laxlie found floating iu thu Sail Francisco harlsir, yet during the past two year W. I'ierpolit White, a son of Ansel White's nephew, has Ux'U aearchiiig for thu lost heir or for conclusive evidence of hi death. He wa traced to California. Advertising led to thu identity of thu old rancher as the missing heir for whom long search had lax'ii made. At thu time of milk ing thu will there i little probability that thu old man wa aware that the New York estate wa hi. This, how ever, di' not atT.x't thu will made. It wa executed in accordance with law, and thu witnesses aru still living. Among White' former neighlsir in l'ort Angeles it is generally known that thu will is in thu iN.xcssiou of Preston Troy, who has taken step to havu the will acknowledged. Wl.ll Mxli Many Will.. l'ort Townscnd, Wash., May 2. The ueighlsir ami friend of Ansel White statu positively that hu ha made no les than three wills to a many differ ent iHTsoii. I'sually for sonic trivial favor tendered he would inaku out a will leaving all of hi property uncon ditionally to hi benefactor' child. I hen ir anything went wrong he woulil . , ,,.,, f .,, U...,.,!,.!..,... Thi,w m.Wni,wl(H,K1,llt.lltH w,.ro uUsu H tjlkllll H)111, I. iitioried ofllrt-r. Mcp are now la'ing taken to prove that White made a will leaving all of hi possessions to half a dozen person. INDIAN TROUBLES. IttHlmpn on tt. While r'arlli Itraarva Hon Cattail.; Trout.lo, Duluth, Minn., May 2. Thu set tler around thu White Earth Indian I reaervation are greatly excited over ix..ji nvnii.u, in, inu iiiiiiiiua, n.. I Home of them are even talking of leav ing the district for a time. It is feared that the Indian will cause a disturb ance when thu next allotment is made, a many of thu rctlmcii who havu white blixxl iu their veins, will bu debarred from receiving land, and thi i mak ing them ugly. Arrangements are now la'iug made for holding a ghost dance against thu order of thu department, ami Major Baldw in, the commissioner, has acnt word to Washington that there may lie trouble, and that troops may i, ,MHM,sl to prevent bl.a.dshed High! of a Trlrphotte t'ou..any. St. l'aul, May 2. Hy a majority ; opinion tho supremo court sustained ! tho lower court iu holding that the ; stile law of I8t;l, granting to tele i phono and elect iro light compatiie tho right of eminent domain tho same a j to tho erection of telephone pole iu . , .1 1.. 1.. fismt .if hlta i.lii...i a, i.l ,.wilf ,11., , ., ' .,. . .... . , ., 111 uu' .'.....a. i.iu iiinrr conn lien. that thu telephone companies had tho right to place tho pole there- without compensation to tho laud owuor, a it wa a public service, and a part of that for which tho road wa laid out. This verdict wa mistaiucd today, although I Chief Justice Stuart and Justice Muck I .1 i ....... 1 Tl... 1. iiL-vM-uii-.,, a 1..' ii-.ii'. in o. 11.11111 importance. Army untrera Tranarerred. Washington, May 2. Mojor-Ueneral Ruger ha Ux'ii transfeml from Chi cago to Washington for svial duty with tho sixTctary of war; Major-Uen-oral Merritt, frinn St. l'aul to Chicago; llrigadicr-Ueiieral ltnx.ko from (huaha to St. l'aul; Hrigadior-Ueneral Coppiu gor to tlmaha, relieving Ueueral Hrooko; Mrigadicr-Ueneral Wheat on from San Antonio to Denver, iu phnv of Ueueral MeC.xik, retinxl, and Ueu eral Hliss to San Antonio. ttrrelrer MrNulla' H . rta. I'.xiria, III., May 2. Receiver Mc Nulta this aftermx'ii hi six bonds in (100,000 each for tho protection of the Peoria disttllerie. Altog' tlnr. he w ill tile lamd aggregating nearly (3, OtHl.tHHl. He til also file Ixm.l for a larger sum when tho ho takes xse xion of llio warehouse. Hi survtic are two trust companies. The t'roaaley Telearope. Sau FrauciM, May 3. Tho mx-ce-xary money to bring the great Crosslcy rcrl.x'ting from Fngland to California ha hecu raimxl, ami the tcl ex.MM) will laj pla.xxl iu the obeurva tory at Mouut Uamiltou. NEWS BY STEAMER. Kavaga i f Cbol.ra Am . lh J"P Tr.i. Victoria. If. C. May 2. -The Em- 1 i.rea of China arrived thla afternoon, , ad- t-o.vfii nava irum i uaoimiw", .w vlca to Anril 1U. a folloWl The capture of the principal atatiou on the l'ecadore ialaiid waa easily effecteil by the Japam ae during the last week of March, thu pna ea U ing aiml lar to the iteizuru of thu Northern KtrongholiL Admiral I to, in thu flag ship MatauHhima, coiidui tixl thu na val oia ration. in which six of hi fleet were engaged. I'ang Hu and several ainaller islandrt of the group were oc cupied after merely nominal resist ance, and tnsiprt would have proceeded to Formosa U-forw tin but lor tno out alaiut o.OOO, ami oi mew; .eiu uuu m j t lust advices, while 1,000 weru in thu hospital. The excessive mortality is attributed to the unhealthy climate of the l'cscadores, to the bad quality of i ... -,,1.1.... li..inu ! ( the cool weather of Japan to the i......u.ruir,. ..I .n.u nril of 00 (lek-rix-H. Ill .MlillcniiriB l lion ui linn oin.. ed, but not iu s.. threatening a form, and thu latest reports are reassuring, f.. a ( : . ..I. I ..lj.. u.i,M.ur. Strenuous efforts aru la.iiny mailu to pn-vent thu disiiise from spreading. Thu town of I'jina, m ar Hirisihima, ha Un isolated, and most rigid quar antine regulation aru everywhere en forced. Theru ha alsola-cn an epidemic of HiuallHx in tho Yaiuauashi prefec ture, the nimila-r of case being 3,000. ESTIMATED DEFICIT. Traaury llrrrlpla Will fall Off Korty lit Milll ma. keep it for him Washington, May 2. Treasury re He left no word ceinte iluriinr tho month of April have not met tlir expectation oi otliclais, and the indication are the deficit at the end of thu fiscal year will li little if any les than (43,000,000. The re ceipts for the month of April amount to f 1,247, ollll and thu expenditure to (:i2,o:.2,fi!itl, leaving a deficit of (S,. 7IM,H.',1 for thu mouth, and for thu fis cal vear to date (13,247,000. The re- ceints from internal revenue show falling off for April a coin pan the same month in 1H01 of more than (700,000, and a falling off for the ten months of the fiscal year of alaiut (', During tint remaining two month or tliu llacal year tlieru win t no extraordinary expenditure. The pension payment will amount to alamt (22,000,000, and (1,250,000 will Ihj re. paid on interest account. Thu net re - suit of the year i not expected to differ mat. riallv from today's figures, and yet in making this estimate a considerable revenue from the income tax is nntici - 1 l'"" o. A Frauilulvnt Conrrra. New York, May 2. Judgu Iliik staver iu thu special term of thu court of common plea today granted an or der tM'rmittiiig Attorney tieneral llan cirk to bring suit iu thu name of tho sxiple for the dissolution of thu Kquit able Mutual Fire Insurance Corpora tion. It is alleged that thu corporation had fraudulently represented to thu in Hiirancu department that it had a capi tal Ht.K-k of (200,000, consisting of ,m 000 in cash and (110,000 in sol vent notes, whereas it had only (it, 100. It i also charged that its liabilities ex cxxl the asset hv t.Vl.Otll. Japan lpix.arlnK for lirtmn. Iterlin. May 2. The Frankfurter Zeitung ha a St. Petersburg dispatch which says that .lapiin is making ex tensive preparations for defense. She ha mobilized large iMxlie of troops, and ha erected fortillcations and bliK'ked important coast iHiiuts with mines. Several swift steamers have recently lax'ii bought for thu Japanese goveriiiiictit in Migtiiuil ami America. , Hussiu. thu disnntch savs. is still nend- ing tixaip to Vladivostok. The Crularr Mlnur.IU. Washingtion, May 2. Tho official report of thu final trial of tho cruiser Minneapolis has reached the navy de partment, and shows that the vessel is practically faultless, even under ex treme conditions of service. Without effort tho Minneapolis maintained a siaxxlfor forty-eight hour within a small fraction of 20 knots without us ing her blowers for assisting her tin', which iu tho tropic i unprecedented. llrokrn Tottery Truxl. Arkoii, O., May 2. Tho combina tion of pottery manufacturer known a tho Akron Canton Stoneware Agen cy, which ha sold more than two third of thu stoneware of tho Tinted State for tho last ten years, ha boon I nuo'i.tixl. Tho iiuniediiitt. ctTiW i.f tU.. 1 disruption will bo to paralyze price iu tho stoneware industry. The I'araon Mint In vratlgallno. lrMit.t Xev. . Mitv ') TI... tir.c.i..ti tiou ill the Jones investigation closed tixlav.aud tho case wa postponed nntil Mav 10. Cashier Mender, of tho First National Hank of Kei..i. wa II... only said witness examiiuxl tixlav. Ho Jame Henry cashed certificate of do lxwit with him to the amount of over (5,000, which ho had received from the Reno roduetiou work for bullion. r or a Mlatue of Monroe. Washington, May 1. Advices re Cfivcd at the Yeiieztielan legation state that a popular sulwcriptioii ha WM opeinxl at Caracas for tho statue of rresidetit MonrtH., which 1 to com memorato tho Monroe diK'triiu Man uel Carrilloii open tho sulxscriptton with 100 bolivars, a coin equal to a franc. lrlt.ll I t t ,.l. rally Funli i Sau Fraucis.x,May 2. It wa stated ' at the meeting of tho university r gent t.xlay that thert would lx a de-, H.'il i.f ,.Lm. I0 OOO in .1... ..iv..rvi. . ... ". - iiiii.i. i onxsiueiuiy mere win nave to N a retn'tichmeut, and tho plat.xl engagement of new ill Ul abaudoiuxl. iMUtem teacher The l-arlOe I oa.l rallnre. San FTancisiM, April 30. The Mrad- i street Mercantile Agency report six- j txu failurva iu the Pacific st state , and terrimries for the wwk en.W yes- icroay, a compared wim tnirtwn lor the previous week and thirteen for the XO FUR THIS So Washington Commission ers Have Decided. OTHER FAIRS WOULD CONFLICT Ttarv Will All lh Monty l'o..lbl for a tiraod lpUy ' K" hltolla Suit laar. Vorth Yakima. May l.-At the r g- . . ..lar monthly meeting of the state lair coinmisioii this evening, it was iinaiii - mou" v d-x iiled to forego holding a fair noubiy i.x in. i s in the comtiig fall K- a . of h kaue. niirlKugK of Sattle. ouMl.le i.f iliu con .mission, wrote lei- 1 t..ry l.iihlv commending audi -" - - ucriou. Tlw. I,. Mil tneinbers were mx-olidcd bv --- ,... i.. u.l H ailing inercnau.s a. ... '" " " ditto., to dilator Lcsh an 1 " live Milroy. Thu c. miuua. ' "K' gauized late in the .-asoii. uu i v.. thus debarred from inukiug n"cc.-io arrangements in time to ',u,u ' " oeonlo of thu Htat. IV gei oeiore in. MUlUllie ITllll la.r Hie. " 1' . . , fair have Isx-n J would have confined w. h thu s . Illir. wnicii n.iu r " " "j could not lie changed. Ihe coiiunis sioiier feel that the general depression, low priii' of crop and the inability of the farmer and general public to coinfc to Yiikimii thi fall make it almost mandatory that thu states' money should not be jixipardized or injudici ously fxM-ndcd. The expense this year will be small, a only thu grounds must bu maintained. Thu commission will havu almost a full appropriation for thu fair in 1H1M, at which time the exhibits, it is hoped, will do credit to Washington and thu Pacific Northw est. SAN FRANCISCO FINANCES. No Moury to MM lh Kimm of Hi' Nnt two Mo. .Ilia. San Francisix), April 30. The city officials havu not u yet been able to solve thu problem of how to tide over thu citv's financial distress until the how a beginning of thu next fiscal year, June per dozen ; 50 ier ctate; sweet ota d with j. While the mayor, thu supervisors toes, (2.75i.3 per crate; cucumbers, hot- ,j tho heads of department weru wrestling with thu subject yesterday (i10 supreme court was engaged in writ decision, affirming it lormer tie- cision that the expense of onu year i,mv uot bo paid out of thu revenue of another. Iu other words, thu city can- uot ul(,rtgago it future, although the 1 expense of maintaining thu firu depart- .t and public institutions for the remainiinr two mi.Mh of the fiscal year ; wjU i. 123,000, to meet which theru ' j i,rm ticallv nothing in thu treasury. . ; 1 iiiKCU Willi tnu reiusai 01 couirai i". s to furnish supplies to the hospitals, almshouses and county jails after April 30, this i thu condition of affair that ha caused the finance committee to do a uT.-at deal of fiuurimr to carry on the function of the government As the O - - rt ' ' salary demands each month amount to (135,000, it was proposed that the em ployes of thu city should forego thu drawing of sararie for April until May 211. Of course this plan dta-s not meet with the approval of tho e'liployes. After much talking thu ofllcial gather ing adjourned without having accom plished anything. WHO WROTE "TRILBY?" Tito A utlioraltlp of Oil Manrlrr I l by Stork Company. IVnver, Mav 1. Did Du Maurier writo "Trilbv?" Tin sensational question wa today propounded in the I'nittxl States court in gisd faith when thu suit of Hana r Un.ther and A. M. l'almer for an injuction against the I.vceum stiK'k companv to restrain it r... ....1.. ''iviii.i." ...... ....11. ..1 """i i'i"iuv .in",' mm nii. llic (telenilant allege that tho tssik entitled "Trilby waa not originated, invented or written by Du Maurier. It assorts that tho original Ixxik of "Tril by" was first published in Franco iu 1K20, and afterward translated and published in Knglish in 1S47, and that the title ami lxxk have been common property for seveiity-tivo years. The time attornevs for tho plaintiffs asked ,,, L.mimlI,K.ato with their clients in New York as to tho course thev should pursue, and hearing. Coualn lo l.litroln. Reading, Pa., May 1. John Lin coln, aged Stl, a cotisiu of Abraham Lincoln, i au inmate of the almshouse here. Ho is tall, muscular and clean shaven, and hi feature much resemble those of tho martyr president. Recent ly hi mind has given way. Ho is the son of Thomas Lincoln, a wealthy farmer and hotel keeper, who died in 1 1850. John inherited (30,000, and iu : his time was regarded a a great sinirt. 1 ti: . .1 . . 1 111s money went rapidly anil he was ! finally compelled through family es- "V " " V. ,n"'y " iT". ' AllUW, .Llnw,ln ?lwl h" h"1"0 m txi,,"r' ,h" IVU- . w ..a agm Drba Will laaue a l lrriilar. Tem Haute, Ind., April 29. Presi dent Dobs will issue a circular to the local union tomorrow iu regard to the work of reogriinizatiou. Hu predict that by January 1, ISttrt, there will lie 1.000 unions with a membership of 200,000. Fourteen organizers are at ,'" m the Northwest and on the Pa- f""'. ft"'1 the gnnvth of the American Kailway Cmon is working ristwant rapidly. y.ella llaa Sunt (leore )"Ulil. i New York, April 30. Miss Zella j Ni.xda ha retained Alexander Simp- sou, 01 jersey city, to tiring suit against Uoorge J. Uould for malicious prosecution. She will claim (30.000. .'" . ' ,TU ".X1 Oil 1 TI... .,ow. ;.. .1 : 'Mr. Uonl.l this morninir as he nliMif.wt frvmi a Central railnwid traiu at the .' ..:-. .-. . ... v ouiuuiuipaw icrry. Ito ha ten davs iu which to tile his answer. Aahore la Ihe Saea t enet. Tort Said. May 2. The Frouch Tr.xphip Thilx t," .x.nvcying for Madagascar, i ashorw iii the ..,. ..a. ual. She lie iu a bad position, and her situation u such that passa. through the eaual is suspvuded. pcu.liu her PORTLAND A cailoa.l of bananua wai distributed along the utreet, "J '"K ,u Prime condition found buyer, at eitabliahed quotations. Another car it due in a few dayi. The butter market ia till very weak, and quotation- are aliuoot entirely nominal. I'gg l'old Heady at the prices. No changes were reporieu ' j oliier jinei. Wheat Market. The local market I steady, as cables come through without anything in them j to disturb values. Trading is of small i ..r.,w.riiina. Kinorters nuote the fol lowing prices Walla Walla, HQiHc; il.... f.iii.vrail .r nr bushel. 1 i-ro.lur. Marfc.t. . FwuB-l'ortland. Kalem, Casta. ha and I i)uyt(jn ,re oiloU-d at 'LSh per barrel a n ,. fllk .35. ,,. , 33 ,,, mi-.M; 1 an i.eriine. i.ou. . 1 . Hit tiood white are quoted steady, at 2S(n3iV; milium, 31x.')2c; gray, StidlWc. Kolled oats are quoted as follow: Bags f.r).75jtl.OU; barrels, 0.00(tfU.l; caaes, :t Tfi. Hay Timothy, 111 per ton; cheat, (5 clover, ;ti; oats, ti; wheat, ti, IIablkv feeil barley, u-"w05c pet cental; brewing, S0iu8.")c per cental, according to quality. .Mn.iTi-rKa Uran, (12.50; shorU, i:i.,rs)L clioi) feed. tl'.'dilS: middiings, none in market: chicken wheat. 70 (1171k1 per cental. Bc rraa an(v creamery is ii noted at 14al7'.c: fancv dairy. UMlL'i.c; fair to goal, K(ul0c; common, 67'jc per nouiid. 1'otatok Weak ; top quotations are 35c per Hack. Union Good Oregon, IK). l pel sack. l'oULTay Chickens, old, (-S.50 per dozen; broileis, $3.50iO.OO per dozen; ducks, (.')i0i 0.00; geese, 7.60(8.00; turkeys, live, 10c jn-r poiiud; dresne.1, U'c per pound. tuns Oregon, quoted tteady at Ik per dozen. Taora-AL Fhtit California lemons, ;i.00(a l.t.O; t-icily, 45.00u5.60; bananas, Honolulu, j l.OOd.i 2 60; New Orleans, 2 m3.W per bunih; ('alifornia navels, :i.40w:i.OO box ; pineapples, Honolulu, f 3.50; sugar loaf, scarce at (H.60. Figs, Turkish, boxes, HiaUk1; fancy large, 20 (.i21c; bags, 10c. Cai.ifokm Ynmr.iii.Ks (ireen peas, I noted if per pound; artichokes, 60o( tXk: per ilozen; eaiilillower, inuiaji.w IIOUSC, f 1 .OVi" 1.1 ! , pa. lit , iuc ie. , asparagus, f 1.50m per bux; new Mtatoes, 3'.,.c per x n n 1 ; rhuliarb, 2's (it 3c per pound; string beans, 15c per ,,ou,u. Fkksii Fih it Apples, good, l..r0(i?2 per box ; comnioii, 75i i U ; stiaw lx-rries", 17C per pound. Okkoon Vkoktaiii.ks Cabbage, firm at l'4e per puind; radishes, 10c per dozen hunches; green onions, 10c per dzen ; hothouse lettuce, 35(45c per (y'JJ,-,, nii,i. Valley, 8(tfI0e, according to L'nipiiiia, 7M0c: fall cliD.SwOc; ?: ' Kasteru Oregon, 5i 7c. Hoc Nominal at the following range: per pound. Nil Almonds, solt shell, dalle IHr l"n;! ; l,BP'r ''ell, 12'.,(.il4c; new ? ttllfor"la '.iHs. soft shell, Ilia 12V; standard walnuts, lO'jdillc; Italian chesnuts, 12's(ciHo; pecans, lllcaltic; Uiazils, l:Ms(ijl3c; iiiberts, I4i15c; peanuts, raw, fancy, 5(n7c; loasted, 10c; hickory nuts, SiiilOe; co coanuts, !Hic per dozen. 1'kovihions Kastern hams, medium, ll'iiMl-c per K)iitid; hams, picnic, N'sWOcj breakfast bacon 1 l'...(rf 12c; short clear sides, Hv(t!ic; dry salt sides, 7'4.tSe; dried beef hums, 12 di 13c; lanl, compound, in tins, 714 ; lard, pure, in tins, U'.,.rl0r; pigs' feet, 80s, (3.60; pigs' feet, 40s, (3.26; kits, Mcrclia.ullaa Market. Salmon. Columbia, river No. 1, talis, (1.25il.ti0; No. 2, falls, f2.25is2.50; lancy. No. 1. flats. 1.7Ai,i l.Kfi- Aluulro NO-- tails, (1.20irf 1.30; No. 2, talis, (1.00 .,...""...' . exira,4'uc dry granulated, 6'4e; cube crushed and Mjwdeied, 0.'Bc per pound ; '4c per xjuiid discount on all tirades for l.rillli ttt fault . ..ii 1. 1. f 1. " 1 .inn uni reia, -sc more lliati uarrels' maple sugar, loca ltkr ier pound. CXiKFKa Costa Kica, 22iii2310c: Rio. 20 (:'.:-0!,u'a.lva.,lor' -lt21'c; .Mocha, -'.(.il'So; 1 adang Java, 31c; ralembang Java, 2tiy2.Sc; Uliat Java, 23wi25c; Ar buckle's .Mokaeka and l.ion, 22.30 pel 100-pound case; Columbia, (21.80 per 100-pouiiil case. Coal Steady ; domestic. .riniV7Rn per ton; foreign, (8 50(a 11,00. Kuans Small white, No. 1, 3'B'c nei IV,,lulj lMlvr iJO'.i, 3c; Lima, 0 . . 'iiuiw.i. m....;i.. Bioat Market. Bk-KF liross, top steers, (.!.003.50; !8',rU,.,?0,1 ?tee,i (2.50M3.00; cows, -.-o(it2.,o; dresseil beef, StrttiLc per pound. " a.,M:'TTJ,-."C"'088' be8t B,1WP. wethers, l-'.bOi ,0; ewes, (2.L-5; d.eesed mut ton, 4(i4'c per Mjunil. V ( a l D ressed , small, 5.i': large. 3 (t4c per K)uiul. " ' , J'00?-; -iru3, choice, heavy, (,!,60 3-. 5; light and feeders, (3 25W3.50: drease.1, 4',c per pound. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. Fl.oi'H Net cash nrices: trae, ts3.25,a 3.35 per barrel; bakers' ex ex- ..., t...o.i.i..o; stiperiiiie, (2.102 35 B . ki. v r eed , fai r to g . jo I , tio ,t 07 1. c .' choii-e, Ikx'4j brewing, 8087 i.e. W in it No. 1, 88'. nsrctl lul ling, .HVt!,5; Waila Walla. 78 m 81 y tor fair average quality, 82',i 8-V for blue stem and 75771,c tor damp. ', 1.07,(31.171,; ur Pnse,(1.07's(iil.l7't; fancy feed iul Wl.0. l; goo! to choii-e. P. uii mi. inn 10 KUJ.I, '.XI'i.MIr K't8, 'vc; black, (1.10(1.17',: red , I, l.-o; Rray, lifi 00 per cental. Kt out, vC fr potimL J. Hf I 1 . f ...r n.M'ii.1 . L'n.l.. .... - . 'jC per txiniiil : Karlv k'. -m.j ., . ' Kiver lUxl. 35ot45c: liurdanb. '!in vt,J: Oregon llui banks, 40. 8.V. ' ' tl.xtoss Uool to Uioice California '5lo; cut, 25(u5); Oreeon, Mid? oi lHr ceutai. - Wool Spring-San J.MHiinn, year1 sUple, 4,7c; do 7 months, 4m Cal- i- i m per pound 7 m 9. il'wi:t. a A 'v. . K ao ..luiiuiiiin, ireo. .ii . . ... . plains. , ''nht and choice. 8'Im l'ne-iL.'-!?"' ""'."i Oregon, spring, Ka.tern, choice,' i fr. ti .r7c; Valley, choice, mnV do, low grade, 8 ii 10c. ' 1 IU V,:K,"T're,a",er.T. fancv, 12's (fll.Tc ;n.,l9, 12,; dairy, fancy lo'.miie'' g-l to choice 8 HV: tne-lmm grade, .V.,,'';,torebuttrr,ou7c per pound' Kiio. More, 10.111c: ran.l. ...a,., (.r r doien ; din k eggs, M a 17c per down. , (.iiKKsif-rancy, mild, new, 6t7c ''I .-oinn-on to pa1.4 X-tet Yonng Ami --. , i..-,r.u, lS14,So: West. ern, 4 10c pr pound. ' 1 PACIFIC K0RTIlyg Condensed Tlegraphic p 4 . r r BBIEF SPARKS FIt0MTlUrTIlfi Budget of News For Easy Ulg.,,,, All Parla af . ... " ...,,, w logton and i.ui, The Dulles, Or., ha 3,043 p, -juiib i is tne tlnte of t, eucanipmeiit at Spokane. ' 1 Prairie schooners, headed vw, familiar sights iu Walla WhII- The Lano county, Or., n&; . its population will reach 20,000. I Grants, Or., i putting ,lp , . senooinoiiKo witn money raiwj 1- I txiiul issue. ' ' I Tho present iiiuniciiml ,. : U.w.k.iliu ... 1... ... ... ' " SI . ...... lMU n,)t,(1it., mm ni'u l.i. ...... X" I ..Mn.v. M..'. .. II, Whatcom ponntv'u . . debt i t '.H r.t:t ...ui ; Some tSO.OOO is f..r 1 -; ! A unliwrifttinti j i Pwitllt'tou. Or., to (rh-ar nfT the inlZ .1... 1 I ttilliatu county, Or., lm ix.m her aeuii-aiinual stateimut, expenditures for all 0f ; The county owes (1 7,f.ntl on wrriu,u llie tlistillery at (faints n. shipped a carload of spirits and to San Francisco last week, and h.n tirders for two more carloads fi,r w ee a. A sea lion alxiut ten feet lung ty caugui, 111 a uip-uei oeionging to Sin. moils & Hybierger, at Ilwaixi, Wtk." I.iufr Vtfl.lV T..1. ....11 M ' .uni- a ...ii.j. Avi gi.uiiun ni oii t, ooiaiucd irom me carcass. R. D. Hume offers to furnish the mj. terial for a new telephone liue Bandon to Gold beach, Or., pmvidni the citizens along tho lino would ii j ... ... . . 6 uie jsiiea 10111 (itacu iiiem m pusitu.i It is reported that the old chaunrl it Humbug mining district, Dotiglancum. ry, ur., wnicn was so rich in w, days, has been cut again, l.y a niiw named Piado, who ha alnalyui (1,500 out of It. Tho total amount of taxes fur ill . i.. purjaws 111 v asco county, ur., 11 1 fraction less than (8'j,ooo fur therm 1894. Although tho rolls were in" the sheriff's hands only a month, (;i,. 330.73 of tho amount was collected. The first gold ever known to hin been takeii from the Middle fork of tlx Coipuillu river was brought into MuraV field, Or., lust Monday and sold to 8, 0. Lchinanowsky. It was placer-tuioid from tho river bod opposite Kuchiuitd prairie. A work of practical temperance n form is that of tho llwaco, Wash., Li ipior Dealers' AssiK-iatioii, which but standing offer of ('.'3 reward of infura ntiou leading to the arrest and convic tion of any 0110 selling liimur coutrtrt to tho city ordinances. The growing hop crop f the Apple- gato, Or., Hop Company, together with all their horse, farming iiuplem.tiu, etc., were attached by Sheriff Pntw son, of Jackson county, last wirk, to satisfy a claim of Calhoun Bros., of Grunt's Pass, of nearly (1,1100. Tho run of fish in Baker's bay, nr the mouth of the Columbia, the hit three days has been far ahead of that of last year or the previous year. In fact many of tho traps have caught more fish up to this time than during tho whole month of May, 18'.i4. K. Boettcher has started 5,500 shT on a drive from Pendleton, Or., to tlw pastures of Colorado, expecting them W arrive at tho destination iu the hl They were purchased from Messrs. gill, Doherty & Halo, of I'uiatilli county, and L. Rhea, Hugh Fields 111J Mr. Ayora, of Hcppiier county. At a mooting of tho directors of the Yiikimii, Wash., Irrigation Company, Stxnmd Viee-Prosidt,:it C. H. FnKwtt, of the Northern Pacific, was chosen president of tho irrigation cuinpuiiy V snccix'd tho Into Paul Schulze. S. J Maxwell, Mr. Present t 'a private secw-tarj-, was eltx-ted stx-retary to smwJ K. N. Castillo. Charles H. Stpiires, a Sinner ag.ut of tho Northern Pacific Express Com pany, at Seattle, has sued the company for (10,000 damages. Squires was w custxl of complicity in tho h'"S of 1 express pack a go containing (3,000, a April, 18U3, and disi'hiirge.1, but W priKxedings were brought against 1D1 that ho might prove his iiiinxviiee. The Union Brick works, of Taeom. ha becu awarded tho contract of fur nishiug the Northern Pacilie railway 2,200,000 bricks to complete the w ing of tho great Stampede tunnel iutw Cast-ados. Tho company hix'U gradually replacing tho woodwork i tho tunnel with brick for six yes" past, and this firm has supplied Ii. 000,000 bricks for the work. Tho Traders' National bank of fpv kane has sued the town of CoKi'l"1' Wush., upon about (13,000 city war rants issued in 18J1, together with the interest thereon from their date up w the present time. The pris-ccding t byway of mainliimus to omipil tM city tnnsuri'r to pay these warrants in the order ill which they were issued' It is likely that tho town will r"""'t tho action. A big hotel at the Soap creek springs, Benton county, Or., is the thiiiL-x rlmr id it. rtro.-iHi't. ulplinr one T. tK- iHlllllcd t'"' spring and eighty acres of land f"t (" 000 to a New York man. T'"' 1"''.r' aivording to the statement "f Mr Baker, proposes if he cotnpleti s tn' pim-hase to erwt a big summer h'''1'1, and make the springs famous as a nier resort. The flattering prospects of the SiuoV river, Burnt river, Willow cm k ' Payette stx-tions, iu Oregon, iu ,ru way have resultinl in an agitation ' ,T cauuery at Huntington. The oiitp"' 01 this district, now oi ly iu its tx gini'111-'' is already sufficient to supply I'1"" of 5,000 cans dailv for four uioutl" ,n the year the fruit season. A i'"" ette vallev man is now on tho gi uud negotiating with the grower w' ' an promiswi of co-operation.