The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 20, 1895, Image 1

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i ( in" in
NO. 17.
The Eugene City (iuanl.
pabll.brr nd lrrlelor. j
rtpril'l -On the Kt aid f Willamette
. I .' no
pnT. :"..::'.'...'...:'... Loo
ll Jin"",
AJttr-i''": R"ht -V'"le ''0,p"
.Xppl tuition.
Tun a.lrtir will b charged at th fob
x th. Ho
imaeiuw '" Jr,r .L.
TfM"'" D"l,, in lot"i ooI,un'1' cnU
lie. ( ' 'Iu"rt'"n
jUttftuiM hill. wiU b rendered TtarVrlT.
j ,b wrk ' ro ""-ivint.
Cxks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
III M ark Warranted
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
I'ltyMicl.'iit iM Surgeon.
l)lH .i'l re"idt-iica tr pnalnHiue. Hour.;
; la . m.; I'.' to - to . tu.
B. C. 2 AXSZE.
Kr Ki.tai and Nt'W Price. In Fort-Inn ami
IWDKtilc M.rMr awl Granite, MoimineiiU,
l.t.itn-. .ml ("cmcler work nf
.11 kln.l. lor 14.
Rlilamrltv -iruot, near IV.liiTln. Eugene, Or
nrrtii -one ball MWk nouth t'i
At rvwiilftii-o for. oth and Lincoln Kt
Oflh-e up.tair in MeClaren'a hulld
Ing, corner Htti and Willamette at recti
T. ti.lltxniucKK,
8. B. Km. Jr.,
national Ban
Ol Eugene.
Paid up lash Capital $.0,000
Surplus and Pronts, $.0,000
Eugene - - Oregon.
A rMrl banking buioM. d.m no maaou
?iUtmi. Hight draft on NKW YOHK,
LtXIt, oHKiioN.
BilU uf tiehang enM on fnraiirn eountrinn.
P"iU monirsd nbjsot to check or cart it)
at. o
All eo'.lKtiona mtraatad to a. will recei
P"H .ttosCon.
1m M .!Dm, I..w, wriUv an.Ur dU ol
Much 'A IMS:
B. Med. Mko. Co.,
Dufur, Oreifon.
"EXTLEMtjr: On arrivliiK home Ial
I foiinil all well and anxiously
'.itinif. Our little jrirl, ellit and one
balf jreanidld, who hal wanted away
lo:Vi jN.und. U now well, .tronK and
imimiK an 1 well flexlied up. r. i.
I'-Uifli ( ure )BJI ,joni, U wr)i well.
Jti.ft,e, hildivii like It. Your 8.
o-l-'KJifl! fure ia cured and kept
y all hntnewi from nie. ro Rive
" to 'Very one, with irreetlnira for all.
i.liinic you iroHiierity, we are
Mr. axi Mum. J. F. Ford.
I'Tilh, (el Mt and rhrrfil. nd
th ;-ri" win k, rlMinw .fm
jih ih. llr.Urhf n.l Urer un, tr U.iti.
"1 'iii'lrr pnaitlrr (uarantK
"ou pr boitM bf all drmiUUL
iit More.!
-Willamette and Ninth Streets-
Dollars Must Be Madc
To count as far as possible, and if we expect to get them,
t r. .,4. i.,,i,,wicj Tim i-vlionnTiipnnllv low r
UUl UllCi t)i UilL lUUULCiUCUio. a.iv
vi, 7irir.PQ nf lnhnv -mrl fill ftirm m'0(lUCtS COmwelS tilt? fill-
mer and laborer to insist on receiving- 100 cts. worth ot
ds. and the onlv way in
which we can receive his trade- is offering live bargains
Siring oF FisB.
em. : : : oregon. 1 1 wc Arc Chuck Full
Ptent Medicines.
Toilet Articles.
Of bargains in Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc., and guarantee to sell as
mucn gooas ior $i,uu as yuu nave ucuu ay .www iT
guarantee to everyone fair and honorable treatment, and ask, in
return, your patronage. ii tr nr llA A V
V. I ll IVIl iww- i .
Know x IV Fl dKv,:. Vi. iimr Hi
fullowiHK coiutTliiliK Mr. I.. M. Vmw
ley, who wu. one of l In? prominent
llieiubera nf the Cuiiiherland 1'ni.tiv.
terianOenerul A-inl(ly held lu re hint
auy, aim w ho n refii-ed ordinntlon
n. a reculnr miniiter hut v IkviimmI
k. uil eviinp'li.t. ,t. IIIIUIy
friend. In Kuielie: "The people
tliH'ked to the CuiiilMTliilid l'nlivtet
lull rhureli yeMerduv to hear the hid v
evaiiKeliot. Mr. VmhIv niwike at
10:: and Hi 3 mid 7::U) i. m. Hie .')
o'eliK'k Nerviiv w u. mi aildrc. to hi nd,
of f:tmi I !. Them- luevl Mii;. xtill urow
ill cie and inten-Nl, and l ave already
IhtII II hlt'iwiUK to our low II, thiiii;ti
they have hardly Ikiiii. A. imhui
a. the weather will mtiiiU there will
likely Ih Mime ciih-ii air iiici'lliiir. hehl.
Servlee. ri-if ular at Hainl Tu'UI eai'h day ant Mirpriw imrly ww tenden-.! at I he
lor Mime weeK. to cine." : reMeure ol lira .ieiUT, corner ol i n
. ntll i'harnellou Htnvt., Iat evening in
I'oit A sin if Kit OiKiiATiox. Salur-' honor of hi. mot her. Mr.. I'ryme, tlie
dav'a CorviilliB Tl M. 1'. Taylor. oivaNion lieinx (lie 4Mh nunivepiary of
tli- m ill uIiiim' aiHlomc ii wiik relieved In r birth. Mm went nut eallinu ami
ol 4;i iiii'lii'H of kiiiiiII iiilixiiuu hy n on n luniinir home foiiinJ llilrty
I'l rlhuid HurKeon mmio time ai;o l', r friend, there to ttrcet her. 1 lie
leave, for the hofpital niiin today, evening wa. very pleaHiinlly .M-nt.
He ha. Urn under the weather for two ' I'"1' ereaiii and i ako were rvrd. Mr..
or three week. and nl. vlil to rryine retvive-i a nuinm r m iim-iiii
I'.inhui.l will iini.i.ii- r...oii iii ih.. . Mtwiit.. and at a late Hour tna KUift.
h i fonnimr of another opt ration. The departed, wUhinj; tier many return, of j
.Mlirpliy llllllou " u-H-il in llllltlllK the oe on. .
Da. SrHrhroiiirh'. More at I rriwrll
llroken Into auil Uuliheil.
HIh-i-ihI In lh lit'.!.
t'HKsw f:i.i., April !. lr. I.. I)
SfurliiiniL'lf p lural tm n luuidi-e
.lore at tlii. plmv w a. entered hy turn
lllal. Iut lilnlit, and no douht a ureal
ainouiit of tood were earriiHl away.
An eiil ranee wan ellectcd hy lakimr
out a eouple of pane, of cla. from Urn
rear window. No elue lia. I..'ii ill.-f.iven-d
yet, hut the olllivr. f.d eoiill
deiil that they w ill get the thief U-fore
Ii.llv l.u.r.l. April i.
IllKllll'AY I'aktv. A very plea.-
liltlH At l.l. lliliS M I'l 1 .11
I retlv Meihlmir at
at Hon. e. It,
I lii hldPlir
I II K MOl i:.Kl!v
umber of Kufi ne
I.Ike lolulrnleu J
IVoiile MonM.U'i.l- llir lrned H"! l.olllhh Kiln
I i.iu II..I.I V at a 1 1 at 1'
. Hill.
vered iiititiue. ill the for ner ni.-r
atloii ha. never i:ih.-m-I au.iy, and the
Itiiisuli In front of the ulxloiuell have
purled, allow Iiik the llili liin . tu drop
out of their nori'ial Hniiion. Toriilii
IhiKe irn KUlarltu-. will prohahly re
ipnre limn her ordeal lor .M r. I ay lor.
and It i. to he hoia-d that the n-llli
of It all will I.- KIM,d heallh after it I
over. t'ollitKrr. Klurriiee Vel: When
eiiiipred with other eilie. of the
Willanietie valley, lliii-ne m-eiu. to
I.-untoili'lied with the xpint of maiiii
fiielurili) proKle.. whirh .tillillhile.
into briilidle. activity wmie of In-r
.i-tei town.. There it a vat ainoiiiil
of eoiiiinerelal life in the pay roll of a
a tliounaud men. Jlu.y liu.ine. men
ami a ready mile uf the prmliiel. of
farmer, are "the natural re.ult. of lui-y
working H-ople. Our eoiiimi reial eeii
ter ha. many wei.lthy men w ho ran
.tart the wheel, of manufactura-., and
Ihe result, of Hlleh enlerpriM ill lf
if more iiiiMrlauv to Iheinwlve.,
their town and .'ople, than loaiiiiiK
money at 10 K-rivnl interest.
IS Oooll Hf.MOH. Col. Alley ill the
Ve.t, hi. pamr, wiy.: "Fortunately
wc were not at home when our name
wa. put on the tleket fi r mayor of tin.
city, and knew ixithiiin of the re.ult
of the election until rendiui; it in the
dallien at Kucene. Hut there I. aati.
faction in the reflection that we were
defeateil hy one i f thu brightest wom
en ill Oregon."
Pally i. in id. April 1'..
WlKK llltoKK. Lat lllght ahollt 1
o'eluck the llioalidcwelil light, went
out. After an hour or two the break
wa. located I" front of F. K. Dunn',
.tore, and it wa. reMired and aervlce
hailjr IjU.M. April I'l.
Tax foi.t-EiTtoN!. I'p to la.t
nl. -hi the ahi-rltr hail i-ued 37i'l r-
eelpi., lejirenentlng a total collection of
fM,M4 Wl. Al.iui ioiii wnmTimi
tod'uv. The roll, will he cloned May 1. Make a Imle ol it.
I'.ily I. April 111.
Mo. A iit Symi'Hiinv Ci.iii. The
Moari hyini'honv Club appeared in
I'arker'. ohtii liou-e lal evening he-'
fore a fair aiidiemv. Thi. liltlu coin- i
puny uf niii'.ii'ian. pi -'- rare mul-1
eal talent., and Kugene lover, nf j
who were not prcent lat evening
mied an excellent treat. Nearly!
every part wa. hcailily encored. Herri
ThiKHlure lloch made a dii'ided hit
with the ICoinaii Triuinplial Truiiipi-t. j
The Moart chih Ih no .utile allair, hut '
every meinlier I. a iiiu.icinii of far,
more than ordinary ahilily and they!
.holild have giMid lintlc wherever,
they go. 1
A Wii ki:i TiiKf.r. The A.toriai
llinlgett coiilaiii. the following: "A
I'ottlaud lady whowu.oueof the lead
cri ill the late moral w ave, h.ik one of
the nulled dove to her home to reform
her and make her lead a Christaii. life, i
Imagine the aloiiihiiieiit of the,
woman when .he .uihleiily entered
the parlor and found the nulled dove
and hci dear hubby inoliig together on ;
a little mugle nifa. The dove Hew out i
over the tranwilii, hut the gimd wife,
held a tight grip on her blonde wig
w hich .he .hoved dow n her old tiiun's ;
thro it and came near chokini: litm to
Foi.KV Si'Hixii-i. In another col
miin w ill lie found the adverliieiiieni .
of thi. iiotN n-w.rt. Many linprove
nieiil. have been made during the1
winter to theur npring.. and KU-nt.
will Ikj better cared tor Hiaii ever I.-
fore. If u want health be .ure ami
H iid a few wi-k. at thi. renort.
CoMIM.IMKSTAKV. In recounting
the luakinging of arrangement by the
Hrow n.ville merchant. t have their
giH.ln nhlppe.1 to Albanv by the Umt.
and then hauUd to their ile.tinatlon.
the Albany IeiiiiMrat heaJ the Item
"The Kugene Myle.'
Howk A Hu n. Thi. enterpri.lng
clothing llrm talk to lhr friend and
the public generally III t'Mlay l Ann.
.ciOCA.V, j
dew am;
I Initalio Ir.d.
aiark. labl.
is the w!io!e itory
kkl i
3 in packages.
Costs no more fun 1 -
fl.jur ur....Tvj. y J..:i
Ma4e only by CHTRCn I CO.. York.
Write tor Arm ami Hammer llx-k :
I rurc.l In the r urU.
iT'ijccrs ccrTbsre.
lfcv;,i'. LAR'.R aI rOMPl.m T'X K
Kxelusively For Cash
, i
eanofTrr the publie tU-r pn"eii
''" any other Iiimiw-J
f'i i- f all kl, ukeu at li.fiUct
Il.llr I' l.r.l. V rll ...
A very pretty wedding wa mileiun-l.-il
lit Ihe ri'oidi'iiif of Hull. Otti. H
iKirri-. on Willamette ntrect hint even
ing, It I cing Iheiiiarriageof Minn May,
their wH-oud ihiiiuhu-r, to Mr. Jeiry K.
liroiiaugh, of "ikiiiic. Wanh.
Thehomeof Mr. Itwrri. wa liand
Miiuely decorated iii honor oftheoe
cnliiii. I lie wet parlur wan drenxil
in palm, and hn.lal wreath and the
miiitli parlor in tin-gnu graeand I'.a
ter lilllc., while the lihiary irewnlcd
a chariiung apN-arance clothed III ivy
and l.-auiiliil ll.iuei.. Tie apcar
amt'of the dining room wa mado
lovely hy the prccuce of the wild
graN an. I many colored rone. Tin
Moral ilHplav ihroilghout wa niont.
beautiful ami imparted hrightuen. and
joy to the ncclic.
The wtil. ling march wa noiindiil tic
! p. in. and with the beautiful .trail,
ol 1 1 1 II -if Ihe bride and griMiui i liter I
the wi-t parlor w here they were nirt
by I'rof. Mark lluli-y, of the Stare
1'iiivcr.ity, who In a brief hut iru-pn-ivc
ceremuny wild the wold
which madu ihe l.appy eouple man
and wile.
The bride wa. attinil In a hainl-in
white hroi-aded .ilk and eairied a
bunch nf roMM and tern., w hile Ihe
groom wore t ho conventional blin k of
I'rince, All.-rt pattern.
The bride ha. lived and grownup
from childhood In Kugciic and I. one
nl Ihe hilgblenl ami uiit charoiilig
young ladle in aneiety clrele. She I.
highly aci-ouipii.hed, l.-ing a gradu
al!' of the I'liivemity of Oregon.
The groom la a young man of excel
lent character who I. well known In
Kugene, having alo graduated from
Ihe Ciiivermty. Iln I. now engaged
in the practice of law at bmkalic and I
ha. a bright Inlurv In-fnre him.
After the marriagn ciTeiiioiiy had
U-eii M'rformed the guunt. wereiuvift
ed to partake of light refri-hhiiiuiit.,
alter w hich the evening wa. .pent m
eially, iiiiiny remaining to m-c the
hay py couple ilepart on the early
Irani thi. morning fur their future
In. nie in Spokane.
The well winhc. of a large number
nf in pie In F.ugcliu go W illi tin-in to
their new- home.
The prevent were di.played in th
library and connixted of many pretty
and urn fill art It-leu.
The wedding wa a epiiet one, (he
gtnvt cuii.intir.g principally of rela
tive, and clanniiiatc of the hride and
groom. TIiomc prewni were: (ieo II
liorri. and wife, Mina Stella lKirri.,
llugli 'I houimou ami w ife of Salem,
Jinl.-e I-; J Itrouaugh and w ife of I'ort
land, l'rof Mark llailey and wife, 11 K
I lorn, and w ife, tieo A lorri. and
wife, K II McAIUter and wife. M H
f rleinlly and wire, Klclcher I. In" and
wife, Frank I'orler and w ife of Shedd,
Or, MrN J Fitch. Mr M I I'nder
wimhI, Mr M II Yiniiig fA.liland,
Or, I'nib-wuir LCCarnou; MIm- Aliiv,
Cecile, Wue and Ih-netta lorrl, Carrie,
Then-Mi aril Ihmitlle Friendly, lra
Si'ott, Klnr.alnth Sawvem, l.lunia
Holt, Kthel Hunter of llwaco, Wa.h,
Mal.-I and Itlaiicho Straight, Maud
ami Hlauche FiU'h, Ivlitli Hoffman,
Carrie l.uer and Margaret 1'inier
wimhI; M-.ra Frank Matthew., II T
( on. Inn, Leu Steven, Oeo Norn., J K
f ining, John Mct'lure, CK Wilkinnoti
and A K l:iiiea of Cortland, (iei I)
I. Inn and Wa'tcr Orinin.
At Ike Kuadlnfc Kooiu.
The promoter of Ihe free reading
room are ilomg all III their xtwer to
make that in-litutluu a pleanaut and
attractive place for the public of Ku
geae. Sim the nxuii. have been
u....rl.Ui.U..I htt.1 renrrmnifwl llit-v art
I even more inviting than Ihey were be-'.
I lore.
The -riilicL l I found there are:
April' iiuuil. r of the Century, Forum.
Ninth American llevlew. Jtviw of
Kfviewn, daily Kugene Id'gi.ler, daily
Kl lii'AKH, S. F. Kxamluer, and
I many elher m w-puper. ami maga-
! .Ilo-n.
j J he phiiii. are i'.ii to the public
;i-twern the hour, of ti a. m. and
j 1i p. in.
A Conviit Cli'ilH. A 1'ortlann
I nrn tol.l the Sjii aliout a trip to the
.-n : While al the nilei.iiry I at
t. i..l.-l a nt-iii.-c, which wan con
i d i, led by a choir f I'l men. It ol
win. m are fr.m I'nrtland. Among
th'Ui ire Willwn, the e preacher
U-iuhart, l.u-k and rf n, ireeu who
I, nerving a o yam' M-uteiice, In the
-omliictir, and'l.u.k l Hie orgun-t.
All have will traliiel voii.-n, and
the noun, are exi-ellciitly reiflered.
1 he I'ortlaii'l alo have a ehnir of
thiirewn, whlrh in known a. Ihe
Mulliminuh ! Ii-gntmll
I'al.r I'liuril. Aj nl I.'.
OneJ.W. lll l hit. la-en creating ii ror Item, f.-r the newnpap. r.
fi Ilie pa.t week tr mi. Jlc claimed
lobe a inn of iiiiim.IiThJ'Ii' wealth
and lcalt I'riiiclpiillv. n -he Milled,
ia cituie and .hevp. II now turn, out
he ia Ji bilk, or cine crazy. In fact
we learn he w an ill t he ay lam at Sa
lem at ie lime. When liewaaar
re.led for giving a note In F. W. O.
biiru, a day. aiiicc, he liln-cailly
paid hi iitrnc'y, lorri A Sl.-xen.
and llilyuu A Voung, with aujol
.ied note. AJiiolig hi other creditor
are K. J. M. lainilian, w ho loaned
hiuiMi'oiiii urouiiwry note; C. H.
W illiam, who hit him hn fT'i, Ink
ing a chattel liinitiige on (M head of
.bei'p nilpHmed to In- at Jaiiie. How
ard'n fiirin; H. II. Frimdly, who lull
ed him th' on I'.'l nlM.-p nilpfMwc.l to
la-at the M. M:ilnni farm, Kkl head of
nhi.-poii the Win. I'll uey place, and
one Itu-o. II h) home power eagine;
John Maxwell I. miie. I him 7oua
note, and to cap the climax, he bor
rowed Mki from attorney ouiiuU
prociin a marriage liivune which
he never IImiI. It I- llow Mated that
heilidnot ow n any fln-cp or all en
gine. K.J. Met laiiahaii followed him to
Harri.hiirg ycnlenlay, bill learned that
he had left on the train the night la
fore for Mime new II. M.
ICvidently he i. denervingof puiiinh
lllellt for hi. criuiinal pnetiev.
Our Hr.t
flip Hewn I lie
tNilly liii.r.l, A-ril t .
e left Kugene at N a. in. to per-ein-1
ally lupvct the river to Uarrmvurg. i
We Ion n.i a much larger river llimi c
eXM-cted to m-c. We naw no place that I
we could not handle a boat 1'iii'ecl long
provided nhe had the Hiwer, whieli
I. IliillHpcntably lieit-nniiry to nnfety ill
nieh a rapid ciiireul. Cnpl. Hatch in
a thorough nleamlM4tl mail, nafe and
reliable, and i. doing g'xi.l work In nn
proving Ihe river We think a nmall
iln'dge ImiiiI ceuld Im iix-u to advant
age III coiiiii.'Iioii w ith the nnag Inial.
I he gravel on noinenf the bar. necm. tu
have become packed and if once re
moved would lint till again a. the con
ecntrated current would keep it .wept
out. A .mall iippropnat ion each year
with a tmat own.-.! In our city will
give u it permanent river acrvlee
w hl'-h iiieiili a great deal for Ihe fu
ture nf Kugene with her rapidly In
crca.lug IiUmIiicw, aad development.
I'AIM'. I.AAl liKA.
King out yo merry merry ehinii-,
King otit In tuneful rhyme,
And priH'laim te man both far ami
The gladnomu Ka-li r tlirw.
I t truiliiel nound and lutea Ih, Mriing,
Ia-1 man for mercy crave,
For did not Je.ii. Chn.t our Ird
Win victory o'er the grave?
While cch-ntlal mimic matr. on high,
To Ihe fimt of mercy', nhrine,
I-t the .inm-r oa hi tn-uded knee
Seek forgivencn IMvllie.
K. N'KWTO.V (ilU K.NK.
man Held W.terd).
t'.U) i.unl.l. A -rl I l..
(., ,,; fcrvicc. were held Thumday
flcrn.U "d. ralon week, at tin-rc-Klclne
' 'U' pa.tor of the lieimaii
Lutheran iloiii', ''.' Kigbili
nlrecl. III UK lilui lUH vf llll' l.iy t.oltlicb
Iteiiiiuall who way .tr lied III Ihe
Willamette rivor thri tui'c. Udow
Kugene ulmut two week "go
The dci'ply iiftl letcd parent, aie n ifii
lar coiiimuiiieanl. of Sinn, mid i :nd
(iolllleh received regular illlrui tlolm
with a view of preparing for piirtn ip.i
tiou ofthc Kurd . mipi.r. Milt in on
M.h rut ion that the Lord gave, mid the
Kurd liatli taken away, we delivered n
M illion vo Matthew "il:
I-.I Ht.n nj.'i ring..
I'll III. Hllhllll' -Ss'l.
:H Hi. ib alh
lac ncrvhee, mil.;., ,,m er. ami m r
inon aire held in (tie'iiaii bin
glllli;e. The ilwiwil wa. I.tru in Wn.tli J'u
kola May -, I :', ami wa. II yarn,
10 me.'ilh. an.1 day. of age. May
(iHl'n grmi' fwgore connohriou In ihe
i,..r....i. nml iiiiiv- Ihe l.-ii 'Voleiic- of
1,-ailel. of I IC Ot'AIII'
toward, the Inab-rial lo.
fi-r.l. I. the di Kir of
Yoiii. ri.fnvl fully,
K. I l HSU, I'll
Tu. Imlv el th" ilrowiu
not yit L.-ii I mini - i'.ii.
A riiTocioaH I'iiw,
I'uneville it"lcw: 1'i.uevllli- i.
again tu the tfni.t w ith a gllledi:ed
cow ntury. Ouriiew ly r" orgaiiieil
lire ilcpartmeiit hn. Imvii aorcly vexed
of lain bv a nil infer of false lire alarm
' ami though lininry ha. Imen made
each time to 11 ii. I the vllllan who rang
I he lu ll, II. i nli.i wan found. home of
Ihe cieilul'ili. Iiieiuln-r. illMMcd Hint
the old I
had at
flatter, went from hud to woi.
Tin my.tery d.-ccne.l until half the II i o
hoy vowed thu town could burn
il.iW II. Heed that old h.illile.l llri-l.i II
any inon Ihey would not. A few
there were, however, who llminted that
Ihe In'II could Hot ring llnelf, e..i-liil
y In broad ifiyllght, ami .et a guard
over the fewer. Imagine their nur-
nrlne when 11. A. Ilclkiiap . old uill. h
cow came ulouir and l.-gan to rub her
neck agaiu.t Ihe tlinln-r to which I lie
Im'II ro. wioi fantclicil. One of her
long horn, noon la itiuo eiitanglcil In
the lope and whang, whang, wining!
went the old Im-II. '1 hU J an ahmihile
I .. i.- i . ,
h -"-I i i - "i . t
K -iii .i- .
' . l! i -ill , w
Ihoiii. .: :-. ,. r
.- -..-! ,.! ,a. ......
n. ti a. i i , ; l,i ,1 .
Hi. ii I ! a.l .. '..i '
' .i ' t .. Ii. f r 1 1 v u .
.I- i , i.;
' . iM'..
n.. '. . !.
.IU ..'-I
.11, ,'h.l. '
- . n t!i.'
.. i tip in.
.- .-II-
11,' irtl.-
, i, i ., iil.y
V. Hemenway.
P. S. Prescriptions a Specially.
I'mliate Mutt' T.
they uf-
nr hioii.
tniy ha
Im-II, failhlill lor no InllllV year.,
I la-t Ik'couio "rallicii" or
.... r . .J It, .4,1 JT,
Sjene, illimctte street.
'.- ,- Ii a IVntm h ha. now
pu ."in'l lartimr on hi. bicycle trip
to lext. lllitil the mail get g'nil
OKKK'KKH Kl.MTKIi. The InenilM-m
of St. Mary' Kpincopal church held
their annual meeting Monday and
elected ollleer. for the eii.uliig year.
The matter of building a new church
the coming neawm wa diwiinm-d.
A fund for the purMnu wa ntarted
nometime ago ami it i. iiitu likely
that a hamlnome chun-h eilill.-e will he
eriitiil during the niiuimer. 'l'hoe
eli.'ted were: Wanh n. I'rof. IS. J.
Hawthorne and J. A. SI might; ventry-
men, Or. I . I-.. lmiiiii, -o. r. i raw
and John Imvie. J. A. straight wa
rc-eh-clc-d nin-riutemh nt of I he Sunday
w hiM.I. Ir. I). K. IIVeri'lge, Ihe
rector, ha. ulno l'ii n-taineil for Ihe
coming year.
Il.iin,-Corvalli. Time: J. H S.
I'nwell, the Itueiia Vi-ta hop grower,
Hit, hi Corvalli 1 ml 1 He i Xprenn
el the opiiiimi that U'p. will lie a good
prii-e tin. m-:ioii, and will not mil for
enn tliali ten cent n-r niuiid. Cor
valli. hop grower have had prnpi
twi.. to com rai t t lieir I. op product thl
nuu. Ill I'll n Ml' .T hi iii. I. .... I fir
two nucii-c'lnig year, al I .' ci-nt r
oiiiid, lii'liiallon. are gmxl for all
exii llvlitcrop thin year, and the hop
yard, iu the vicinity f rhiliunalU
ami Corvalli. will I-' the iinan-ol
bringing i "! inoiivy into J t--g:i
Krai Kntato Iransfir..
Iti-inn d, 1.7 Ki Ai4.Ti'.uir mi
W k. taaoa.. ua, M.n.-r.
t'H totirnut llciiilrieka ) of the lie
I ncc Wl Ip 17 r I w, Ml acre; patent.
I'M to I n n lei M Hollmail ne of
m-c Ip I'l n r I cant, I 'IH acren; patent
i: to Klljuh II Went lota II, ID ami
no I of aw I m-c .11 tp 17; lota -, .1 m-c 3
tp I r Hi w, Pis I'l acre; ab ut.
J II Hawley mid wife to Arthur
Liudlcye t or lol 1!, .1 and lot 0 blk '2
Haw lev add; H'.l.
J II llaw ley and wile to Ih tny Llt:d
lev lot I, 4 and ' blk '1 Hawley add;
1 01. 1. :'.)-: 11111. i' a UK
H It AIwimmI and wife to A N Striker
lot ii blk 11; ti.
1 II V Llreuely.
Thi. 1. one uf Ihe day u.hi w hich
the city Ireamiry 1 coimnlerably lu-creax-il
hy the llci'inw. cllcclcil for the
nelling of Inpior.. The following
Miown Ihe amount.:
H naliMinn V
I brewery I
' drug klorcn iVSt
In' I '
ad 11.
, rd
Total lilil
The two former climc. pay their II-reiia,-
M'lni Miimially while the hitler
pay up anaually.
t'mlif '' '''' Ar.i 1 .
Sil.l.V am Yotcrday'a
Salem Jeiirmil pilnl. tlil: "Stvano r
Kugene wa. at her ib.-k In thi. city
for a rboit linn- ln-1 i-ti-ihi j. and ln'i r
mi up the riv r 11 Harris
biiig. It I. i i.p'Mnihle fuf the Kilg'-ne
to reach Ihe cily of Ku , lie al the
pri-nelil nlage of I he rivrr, . there i.
but 7 In. bo "l w nt'-r In . numln r of
plac.- In-tMi-'U llirn-fc" and K'l
gene." I lie , IV T J e-terd i . aftelliooll
Ml thi. point, ill". 111 the tin.e the a'.ive
item wa. wri. ti n. nl'-i.l nix fi-el aUive
low water, vhn Ii clearly .how. Ihe
almve Item n finne. At I. place he
a) n thi. eiiy and Harri-ourg wa
the Water li'lhall 1) feet 'liep.
Klnle of Crball Hi'lilcliWflV,
i-i'ii-M.I; Until 1 -11 1 1 1 lil. 'I.
K-talc of llnrin t H.irger, di nned;
thill cilice the lllllll M-t'le Ill Jfl.IlM)
him uppeared and 1 linl.l.' In eome into
the hand, ol Ihe i-M-eiiinr; Win. lar
ger apHilutel tnliiiiiii-iiitor with
hoiiiU plin-ed at J.'".-'""-t
iiiurihiiiihip ol Ann M llngl.i. and
llll.'l Hllhen, IlliUi'ln; I'll', ku K
Hughe., their iiii'ther, nppolnteil
guardian. ItoinN, I,ihi. Sun-tie.:
John II S-olt and I' C Nnlatul.
I i uuri I in uh i p of I'hilip Coiiklc, 1111
j IIIMIlie 1-.IMI. .'i 11111 , -ii,.ii i-p
I 1'k id Cherry, Il'uiti , eniillriiu d.
I "!.. liau-iiip of F.vii Vayimd Percy
t M.-.M'iii i, miiior 1 hil. Iu 11 of Maggie
MiMurrr. i .ii-ir.liiui nut li.irie.l to
niuke a loan of tni "ii real enlale,
I -lute ol J'-. li I'.a.l -v:
lllen niippleliii nlaiv -li"M lug
that fl l.''s" i. now in "liii liainl- ready
for il.nltilillllnu Iii ll.-llri
I - ate of Silepln 11 Jeiikilin, 1I.11 it il ;
Shi I Imi and John Jenkln. appointed
exie'ilorn, 11. prov nlcil i.ii.l.-r the w ill.
II.. ml. , F-ii. ""'; ilh J I ' Kiik, F W, J lMiil!.H-k, Small Jeukiu.
aiiu Vancy WiMril, fine1 a-.. Apiiral.
ern , p;oiiileil: II C llii.toli, It II
Huv 1 ami I I ion i Mi l iilloch.
l! nle of loil.-i McCow;
pclit .hi ly e.M i 1. i a-king that .he
in, 1 charged. iMii.c.-.l Unit matter
ird Juno 4, ,v ''1. nl '0 :i. 111.
lie of 'larrli 1 I'.a'i' r, diveiined;
.targ.r lllen ..1 nf clVce a
ate ol Join P.ioun, di. ni.Kil,
iiNlnilor llli bin ll ml a.vouut
cd to ! hi a il May 7 In''..
.'. Ult "' T K tiuiwall, diecaned. IMVo.'Ul Ol liuiiliiiiniinoir nj,"
iHlf.'llotllll t'H"
a i'm ir.
li.v. Mi. Onbui.i, ot Turner, v na
hern Mm. day VLiiting old Iowa
Mont of the recent n.i'K uru ulmut !
covered from the grippe.
KdJudkiiin, of II. n.i. i., 11, -.van lit
tow 11 Siilnliiy.
Mr. SI. h'., a Thiimlou fiiiiner, wa
Vi.lllug friend In 10 I II. c.luy.
Mamiii Ditvi I. the latent viutlm uf
A dramatic company of nix mem
bem ha been urgaui.ed ill town.
Tim lie w church gallery I II 11 Mud
ami the plantrriug ha coiiimemvd.
A rather .mall turn out nt (he tun
mei tlug Monday night.
Two of our i-ltiiiin iMiitcmiiliile
going to Portland next week.
The Falrmouiil Drumallo club have
I.H'N engaged to preM'iit thu play "A
r rigiiit ui-i imIl'i-i next r rnluvrveu-
ing at tho (l'"l Templar' entertain-
men 1.
The rltlu-ii. imvilug Momlur night
wa. pn-niihil ever by M iyor t ieo. M.
Miller whw demeiiniratcl clearly the
nkjivl nl Ihe gathering and a.l vain v.l
nevcral piai tii ul meaniir. for wi-urlng
clii-HM-r trau. Mirtatloii ruli-n. ro
di Unite renult were aci-omiiliHhed,
hut action on (vrtaiu ineanin ., prliicl
pally trau.portatiou, will retriva
iroiupt attention.
Lkamnu Th k a 1 'Hi.. Say the Med
ford Mall: ('. O. I 'anion came up
from Orant. Pan. Sun. lay morning.
and remained until evening, w hen he
took Ihe north houuil panneiigcr train
for Itonebiirg. From there ho w ill go
to Kugene and pcrhap. further dnw n
the valley, hln ol.J.-i t In-lng to neclirw,
If Minthlo, tin rental ami manage
mi ni of nuiuln r of on-ra houwnlii
the Willamette valley, al-i at ltae
burgaml Orant. Pan. He ha al
ready rented the Orant. Pan. houne.
If enough Iioiim . are necureil he will
lake a i-uiiipanv when they leave
Portland and imw them, on a per
cciilugc, nt all tho Important cille
from rorMaml ! AMilaml ami ban-
die nothing but g'.nl .how. He will
Imi.-a l.n al iiiunagcr ill each place.
CM. l'aiii'Ui manage the Med ford
I NnTAl.l.A I lo SKKVIi I I- lU-V. W.
I iill. rl w ill Ik innlalli'd a. im.lor of
the llr-t Pp-Mi) lenail l liul' ll i f thin
city next sumlnv at I lie regular iicrn- t'liinij Kim: Itmiin n. Some
Ing .rvliv. 1 1. lli-lillat w til In- iiiimreaiil vi-ili'l ilie 1 lo Ini lineal
colidll' teil I'V lieV. I UolllI'Voll I.I I or-
valll", and IUv- I in inn a'.dllul.k
ln, of s.i. cm. The r.-viit
at I ulia. anlhi.iled thi. prmivilmg.
c O
the lnv nf l.ll Hang, la.t in.'hl
and i ri .m-I It of valmilile family
nn. 11. No clue to the Id. nllly of the
oll.nd.r. O
Klatra l.rr
S.', April I
Kin aid i. gnu
tin- -He of t
Ii a-yluni.
Mil In lu'l,
lapte.l lo II,
iiv"ary for
te In aiiytl.
. 111 lit of the
Oth. r llielllln-r. I
Salt 11, and their
Jcct lia not Invn
lot .
allr llla...
;. S i-rel.iry of Sute
tly lIl-lileaMil with
.. I:.. -tern Oregon
He fliiten that the
Hi" liiinl low and nf .iieli artl
111 w In"), and the
i g but favorable for
. ivilte'n le allli. The
lie not returned to
o iiii-.'i on the sub-ir(:iilled.
Ir l!n; A 1:11 A M II' Tlie 1 le
Inn nn lie. of a I -'I race wire arrang
ed 1 e.ierd iy at t rciw.-ll U-twivu
"W'.ii-ker-. ' mid a ruiuli hand from
m ai Collage I iro n ii:iiim-I J nil Whit
my The r.'v I-. lo U- fi yard, for
H .in, to In- run April :."(!'. James
lol. aker w a. i- l. . e. a. .tnkcholdef
and each placed adip'il of Id with
liii? a a forfeit