m THE LAV Of THE SCARLET KING. . ,m. kiint llilng U rh-borJ Kin! P'.ii ...-' h.ii," H..I ,n Mir majrallrally rur.rall ',. , .I..u.aiii.arl " Iw-nfbjr axulaln. ,., ..a I '" wralher l 1n, ,ri. t- " "'thaat !"". 1,rrA,,,; lt,r i,ilior nuutl. Ilk a stair. tlrtu,a. ntt-d f"U" doe not hamper nif 11)1 ui. i- ,r I maoe "' W'" el a time; J', ,. rwl ra-.. sgalnat '' Baat.sd. f. r i ,i,ru I il illwlwl pantomime. Uiw,, i,, mi ai.lrladaaliliiguuiigbrlde vv bv a.at-i-a "'I "' b,rd l command; t,.,urr. iNi kiiiglila-ibueiuif ,rid ah ,a Initial , a "f her nondescript hand. II) i aata-r a King tout am laughter, ..... .rt lU ' . , L. b .il ffniflllUB iff llilsla. ).,. ,IIIM --. li , n.r I" IM " " h hlaa.-ajha.rtadlaijU)ral, In r.4111 i , . r , r,l ami marina; hgtiirrs. am rimng in uicir a sua. i. i.nrk and can suacor th weak. j, a. in""" .......... .... Tl. lai.guag ' I bree gulden balls. I'tMCII. ,,1, . ii ful tiling la a rubicund King i,.,.eilviiai) claiac In sr. 1,A' a are lilt liara, amiuuifii aaiaaacr Ilia am-a. Hat ml r 1. 1 rlmlira anil Ma Ivor JT waM, Ami rr.l la Ilia weltering guru. -I,. anui Waddle In Yuuib's Companion. .Mi ' Jl) " A IIKKOIXE. ami lliumi tmt without atari.... i. La.l been c..ntructed fr l)0 ., h weight " .. Katlieni.e ,lar.-d u..t take time to run to the top of .. kntlll for further oh, rvt,. Every utunma u prti'ioiin. A blanket utnl a tm ,.,,. lalliltiK l.r. H.1 Hii l , , lllrllti , f t.-r Hint I,, r r..t).r Ul trmuht frm tlie diatant Minn tlut tii..ri,nU. Hr liiitl!y li t ilowti t.i U'lihih. an.l l.,.t f II. the U.y. w,.T, jw hulhfntie h. rvlf waaul,,t to ilrwrml Iipii a l.r. ih of h..t wiii.l ,w..i,t , riwg hvr tm-t. She rwoyminl ti,.wwhiit tin- kn-iu-r lliatitiftaof thB.-i.lt hl l. ,, lf,,re. The (iruinv a un tiivl In Hint tiiiiiiii-i.t ini.'iiM' in. ntiil ui;,.iiy tik m ..iii i.f tliH l,r;,u- Kirl. Tli Hrewui i-i.tuinK atr.iuht t..ar.l th.iu; thut thi r . ti,. .li,,t. What roiilj he Jo? Sh cliii,U,l ,ttiiUj up Uu. h,,). tltTlltlil lonkl'il uroiin.l. A lur(u line ii,vi ri-. UurJ. f,,nii. rly ! to pit iiinl. r the kit. ln u tuvr.iu ImiiiIiii j lii-iir. Ii iiuiiii,' iikMiii,t the liutiH.. Thi ulie ilraKiil to the iimutli t,f the extern ami ,ull,., u ,.arv ov,.r ,li0 cijwiiiujr. u'.nl wu rejuii-1-.l to nrtliut it WHi lartfu eiiniinh to rnr the .-titire pme t lri pt a few im hi un eiu h ai.le. Then ahe ran to the km In n uti.l jjot Kunu tnatchi'4. I niiiHt try Lack firing." ,he aai.l. "It li our only chatire i-ithi r to avn the Imtiaeor ourM-lvea, but fan I tin Una lf f,ire the Iinliatia jji-t i,-u ':" Fear Hi rv.-. her tn-iiiblin.' Iinml aa ahe iM'rati'hi'il a tiiati li iin.l, tiNiniitf ilowu. npiliil it to the graM a few rl away from the Iioiim-. A inll of H tml t xliii(,'uilie,l it U fi.re the J,Ti '!IUht file. Almtlier Mini yet unotlier hiiri il the Mine fale. h.-r lian 1 ahak Hit; o that alie wcinl. r.il h,,w aiie IiiM the Itcht. AtiotluT alt.ln.t w.ia MU'feaafti), iilnl ahe adw a fivblti blazii run iiImiik the yrmiii.! at In r feet. Akmui ami anam ahe ni,,!ie.l the tire, until a litilit, thin flame i xt. n.li ,1 fur ulmtit X Vanla eai h al.le of the houae. Thia ah." knew wotil.l main burn over mi.) g;vt the I'liiiiiii;; tlatliea II, ,tlim to f,-v, m ill. while the liht tire ahe alarteil wool, I ma !e suflicietit to burn the 1ii.um or htable. ' She ulam-fi) nruiiml la-fure attain ile-n-einliiij; into the l iMern. Notlniii; wan ill i-ik'ht except a wall i,f t-nmke, black at the bae, r.'l alaive ami blue w ith the writhitiK. curling raor that awirll ami apreiul alaive lill it waa MbaurU-il in the aliuoiliere. I'itIihj.s the Imliaii have ymie to the ravine for protection." ahe thoiiKht: "if ao, it ia well we di, I not try it." The air waa crow iii( hotter; the w iml, feil by the coinhuMinii of the inlvalicitiK fl.'imea, waa blowing the fire in the rani cloaiT every tiiiimte. There waa a .lull roariiu; la'voml, w here the hit;h wall of tin rolled like liery breaker, nathenn I force with each breath of wiml. Clearly ahe could delay no longer. I "Help me pull up the la.l.li r. IWulah," ' and Una removed, ahe aat down with her fi-t over the of the fiatern and kiJnapiinf. and that 1.a thau a uitlefl'i I 1 1 Vl ' I W TUP l III a) aUndof th.-ti,urderouarrtche l.l.KI. lllh .Mil la rre hidden In a praine aloujih or ravine M-I....1. .1..... II.. - . ' ....... r, ,m,i ma ie a aafe rrtrrat by RECORD FOR LONG a nrirtf. waling t..r iiight to fall la forethi y .., ,.,,ilK1the littlecau intowriak tlmr bKaalthiraty iiittinct iy n Ita inlialiitaiita. lUulah tn.w r, pi'Mt) that Kathume thoiild :o up and put down the la'li-r for In r to limn out luto more comfort al'le ijiuit. r. "Stfine hko I ditie I nut out bv all dn Winn I'lojd (iardner and hii wifede- ri.liil to leave home for few dayi. for the pin of making aome uifenaary ,nM.ai . tliey did it with many mia ' null;.'-. Lit lie Crow and hia bund had ,,n fuiiiiuiitiiiu aoine rmi'iit depnilu- ; tii.na HM-ral inlli-a away, but had la-en f,,i:,i., by two regiment of (,'oveni- Uirtit IriNipa and dnvrli over the Dakota J, r,l r. 'i lu re waa really no fattae fur aUnii. t In y .u,l. but neighbor bad kii.illv, 'lb-red to aend hiafolori-d woman H-n.ml. lately brought from Kentucky, tn , k a(t r hoiix'hobl inattera and May uli tin- cliil.lreti, and Mr. (iardner told ti.wile tli.it they could not leave the hi'tiM- hi U tter rare. The family con- , I,. ! K.itherjie.a girl of 14; Harvey, I a.;.-.! U. aiid l!t uce, the baby, 3 yearn old. With many injunctiona aa to the care uf the colt III the atable, to look out for ' jirnne tirea ami to kwp the children 1 r. (ii i.triyin too far away on the prai r:r. Mr, tiardm T departel, feellim that j.e w.i very utireaaotiable to entertain (ur a nioiiietit thevatctie fear that filled Ut iiilinl and made her auae with her f..t on the wagon atcp, uncertain w belli- , rrrvi'ii at I ln hint minute it would not be la tter to abandon the journey. At la-t, however, they were off, and . oiK-r i.iil aigni oi tne nonae alio tell bi-r ini-nivinga grow wenker. A f v hour after they went away a (tr.iti.-e Miltriin"a waa apparent in the it:n',.liere. "What makea the light ao ipueer, sU t.ry" a-ked Harvey, atanding in the open tl-r. K ith, ritio went to the door and look) d aiuiiti'l. Twelve or fifte-n inilea to the l.,,rtli a belt of wooded country the (ireat Woo. I of Mlliueaotil nme clear -. i ii -t the horizon, while in every other direct n in the prairie, atretched away ill uinliil.iling I,,k-, yellow with golden nl. No cloinU were to be aeeii in tho ky. w Inch hung above them, dull and luiiiky, like a copper dome. The aim i k .1 luu a braaay aphere suapeiidel in ii'i'Uir A cloe, aultry ntiuoaphereHurrounded tliem. a dead calm, only relieved by an co.i-li'li.il nitT of hot wind that utaaed tn at). I left the mine dead calm as be fore IVnl.ih. the colored woman, came to the d.r and atood baiking off to the t her hand ahadiii) her blinking Je Lnwa! Mi Katherine. dat ar cilt am Iniitiyiu right amart. Kain't be he gwihe to die on u, honey? Ver paw tuk a r n liaik at him W fing to' he lit nut. ahilah:'" She waddled aloti( slowly, for the day warm and Ik-ulah was fat, toward the lumber ahop, or stable, where the cult was kept at night. beiliK tethere.1 on ttir oj.-ti prairie during the day in sight ot the h, iue. Katherine, more swift of f,,t. tli-w on la-fore and quickly gained il.e Minn. lit of the gradual ascent on fu, h the barn was built. II, r hand was on the latch and she a nlK.ut to enter, when on the diatant lr-.Z' ti ahe aaw sight that laid her Ua.tii.t.leaa with sudden terror. Tne It, 'liana were coming! Away to the uorthweat an Irrfgular In.a o( horeuieu were riding directly dou ti Ua,n them, and though at that dis tance !, could not diatinguiah clearly lie knew by their peculiar inoile of rid that they were not white men. For en moment her heart sank in terror, the nnt her reaolute spirit aaaerted itself. Save thi tnvlves they mnst, but hov f fuor. fuoliali old IJeuIali, clever enough t ccriojctiiig choice dirdieaOVrr the kitch en raii.-e. was an added burden in this ... i i.-'. l-.r nl.-.l at 'em. boner ""''-''"y. Could Katherine take the j Yon must hold me np, IVulali, and cini,lr, n with her on the colt's back and ' ,.t me take a loik out," said Katherine. f ,lu with thefii tn Ilia near4.t rabiu? I tt-i.u . mwf hp e-eat To the in ancb caae would become of m the left, as far as she could see, l.la.-k aal.en t'lain xtended. Oone and her brothers tulght gain the were te goldeiirod and the prairie grass, H'lea. of tl.M raei.iA V.v nin.lrf..pl'Ml ' 1.. I...u .1 .f n,Ml,liri7 In - - ""w n. j ."-- - - Willi lis lit . J i naua v. .. ..... n ... J hide securely in the caves alonrf the ii,ewiud. On every side only aahes, that . hut there was U.-ulah. ! rne in dense clouds with every paasinif " papa were only here, shethought, I ghtt except here and there diiuple.1 : hollow where tho Art) still auioked od ji-ri-aiwaiirpiti.au 1 j. a' a piiung f.-r a cup u' tea. honey. Ie waters v.-ro all handy, an I II j, . take a few t-bs from de stable fi r a lire, an u U I r.jy illik'u je can bat i r eye." Hut, alu: in the hi at Inovement that she iiia.le lU ulah ov. rtiirned the pail, and once on t. rr.i lirina the difficulty grew more pning. They muat have a,metl.iiig to eat. f,,r It Waa paat mi.l afterinaiu and they bad had nothing. since bn-akf.u-t. "I'm not afraid, (iive Hie the said Katherine l.il.llv. and starts) im swift run toward the apriug. At the t..p of the ridc ahe paused a tin iiii-nt. and mring iiotlitng ran on. Uilt the liiotlielit ahe took another atep he km w by the liu'ht covering of aahea that the htai,.t of the tire bad Hot pid over the ground, and it miiat have la-, n bai klired. While ahe iaued. mm it. uu what to do, a fearful jell aoiiiid. d i-U to her ear. and a burly'lu ill.ui, hid.-oti in warpaint and featiu ra, gratd h. rfr. in behind, b apid into hia saddle and w ith another Jell to hi pony rode aw ay like the w ind, followed by his band. Falign.il w ith the excitement of the day, Katherine, atrotig and brave aa ahe waa, auccilliilail to the aeiikatlolis of deadly terror that km-mm-i1 her. She made no sound, for fear choked the ahri, ki upon In r lijw. She made no re alat.mce, but. white ami hclple-a with fright, ahe felt heraelf dragged w ith bru tal force to the pony'a back and borne with incredible awiftuefa acroaa the prairie. Sick with a deadly faintnca, she aalik into iiiaeliaibility. When alio regained coiiacioiianeaa she waa in an Indian camp. There were loud, hoarae alioiita and aavage Jellaaa ritle ball w blatled through the air. The .e lilea of the Indiana, tethered cI.imi by, tugged ami tore at their fastenings. There Were shrill cries of dirinny from the aipiaws ami warwluaijia from the braves as they hurried alamt in vain at tempts at defeuao from a Midden sur prise. Then voice called, "We've got 'em tin time!" and Katherine waa wide awake flow, for in those tones she recog nized a voice, loved always, but never ao Welcome aa now tne Voice of her dear father. "tine night uioreatid they would have eM-aMil u." said Mr. (iardmr. as he held Katherine in his anna, trembling and aoblniig, and oh, how- happy! "And if we'd taken the north trail instead of the south ou our wav to town dropped into the strong arms held up to ' shouldn't have met the troops w ho were tatch In r. "Don't pull me dowti; I muat pull the board over," she g;isied. And this task accomplished, she sank dowti exhausted bcaide her brothers. Harvey had been reciting to little Ilruce the most blood curdling tales of Indian atrocitiea, and, frightened at the pictures he himself had conjured up to Irighteii his blother, sat with his brad bent forward upon his knees, sobbing loiiill', liruce threw his arms around Kather ine's neck, too fnghteneil to apeak or tit ter a cry. "Katy," he whispered, hia breath com- ' IngiiMiiiick gasps, "are thej'fomiug.aiid ! will Little Crow acalp us mid burn us at ' the stake, with little bnrtiiug snliiiters ' stuck all over our bodies:-" j Harvev, brought face to face, aa it were, with tho realization of his own bloirdthirsty fancies, gave an agonizing howl. "Hear 'im roarT he cried. "O-o-h, why don't papa roine? What did he go and leave us for?" "It is the roar of the fire," his sister answered, with white lips; "it is coming nearer; but don't be af rani and don't cry. for it cannot touch us here." The tide of living fire swept over them; the air. almost rxcluded from ' their cramia-d quarters. ,rew hot and suffocating; they could hear the crackle of the lurid flames, and a spark or two fell upon them through the crack over-1 head. Hut this fire was slight compared ' with the flaming wi II. 12 or 13 fi-ct high, j which rotred louder ami still louder it came leaping, crackling on. in pursuit of the w retches. As it was we turned back under their escort, and when I found that my brave girl had been carried off captive 1 rode on w ith the soldiers. Thank Uod, my child, I iilid you safe!" Katherine is wumau now, with chil dren of her owu to w hoiu she sometimes tells this true story of the Sioux uprising of 172. "liut, mamma," cries little liruce, whose eyes and hair are so like those of the babv brother she remembers so well, ( though he has slept under the waving I grass in the prairie cemetery theae many year; "but, mamma, why didn't you light back!'" And w ith these words the incipient warrior lu atles sleepily in her arms, to un-am oi iiiijioasinie inniaii fights in which he is the chief actor. Montreal Star. A 1 hraabuard 11 rata. The most wonderful deformity in the human brain that baa ever beeu noted by the scientists and made a matter of record was that of the phenomena! chess player, Kichnrd Kockwoode. lba kwoials could play 12 games of chess simultane ously, but no more, not even being abl to la-gin on the thirteenth. After death his brain was carefully examined by skilled anatomists, who found ill the re gion known to phrenologists as "local ity" that the molecules of that artioii of the brain had actually arranged them selves into combination of squares re sembling cliesalaaird and that each of these squares had certain marks Uan it, ... ...v. .u.l .k ...-..., f tl. ffltiul unaitiitiia I of the pieces in the lat 12 games played This large tire, finding nothing to con- v.v lh9 eat xtiert while he w as blind- sum, thanks to Kathenne's foresight in fjl. ThediK-tors w ho make this won- back tiring." divided, when it came to dt-rfut reiairt declare that it is true in every particular, but that the arrange ment of the atoms of the brain into the l ..I- 1 .. l.l.V.lA.I ...-A. u.t.l au-A.it ' me aaii nrii-n'ij m.ii ...'. v i. . , - - i' each side of the cabin. Hut the air was full of flying cinders, great clump of graaa were taken up by the w ind and blown in every direction, sometime falling down throngh the oiretiitig. where they were promptly caught and extinguished by Ueulah. w he bal slowly recovered her wit. Laws, chile, dem c hanks boun ter chessWird square referred to could tiuly las distinguished by microacojies of the highest power. More than 40 years ago, when Sir Wil liam Dean Dakkermade au examination of the brain of ForUs. the shipbuilder, and reported that the molecules of the brain had arrange! themselves (tlie distance con versation WITHOUT A WIRE. i e. llutj arl..lla .ut aa Aaualaar Kaaiooatol . Hi Mile I la the Air- Urr Vulra Itrarlird Oirr Bar Mlln-du. laaga Arlad aa Itverlvrr. ! Tale are plenty of long iliatance over which men's vonva have U-eii cinvi-ytd It the mediuiii of plai-ld water. Au Adirondack guide tells of having talked in ordinary tone, tut a very atill day, with companion I mile diatant at the other end of lake, and another guide cap this story with one i f yell, which were heard and n turned mar Water extent of three liillea. Theo tale ire quite outdone by a Well aiithiiitl rated story told by Carlotta, otico tlm m ,it famous woman ba!loiiil in the world. In her story air, lnti .il of wa ter, was the medium, an I the diatauce of the cotiveraatioii waa four miles. It look lare alaive the outkirt of M Louis some years ago. "Il was au acMiiautic exlnl ition. " says Carlotta in telling the story, "mid a v, ung man uaine.l While, who was im xpericuced In balbHiniiig, bad agreed to make an ascension. I bad alrcinly gone ti i ami was quietly drifting east on au eaT air current w hen he started out lie had had enough i ipcricuce to know how to handle l!m valves and sandbag, and he iuteiiih-d to go up a mile or Miami then di aceml t aily. Now, the upra r air i full of vanring current. You mar I. going dun Wi-at at a half mile altitude, and when you get up a few hundred yards farther you may strike current that rnrries you due east. Mr White becked hi upward can r in a west Isuiml draft, so that when he finally drited out of that cur rent into mine we W ere a gaal long dis tance apart. "I always have awcrful glass with me w hen I make an aaceuslon. When I turned this mi him, 1 saw that he vva in trouble. His balloon had twisted a little In such a way that 1 judged it was likely totwit more, and he was clambering around the mpes trying to right it, but without much apparent conception of w hat was best to do. I was frightened lor him, for when the bag of a balloon tun s too much the gaa begin to eaca' rapldlv, and the n-siilta are likely to he serious. I knew that voices could I' heard long way in the air, for I h i, I often beard p)ople a mil below me shouting, ao without know ing how far the two Lathams were apart 1 decided to hall the other one, I gath ered all my breath and hontel: j " 'Hello, hello, hello!' ' "Then I turned my glass on the other balloon again. I p w here the air is so rlear as it is a mile alaive the earth one can see at gn at distances with wonder ful ilist l m-t ins-. Through my gla-a I could M-e Mr. White start and liaik nil round 1 1 i in. Thai w.wiiuite aw hile aft er I ha I all, nit' d He didn't seem to till derstatid where tlie Toiii- came from, but finally 1 aaw him put his hands to bis mouth, evidently making NHaking trumi t of them. 1 waited niid w alt.il and was Jut alamt to shout again when the huge gasbag alaive ine In-gan to thrill with sounds. They aocmed to hnra along its sides and diffuse the air, only to collect and mine whirring and rum bling down the funnel to tai pouri-d into my ears, and they formed in a tone that seemed luado up of a million other tones: " 'Hello! Where are you?' "It was the most peculiar sound I had ever heard. When it had scattered Itself Into silence, I took out my w atch, and timing myself shouted: " 'Throw out ouo sandbag. I'll come to you!' "Forty seconds later my balloon bo gau to vibrate again, finally forming the words: " 'All right In trouble!' "There was method in my telling him to throw out the sandbag, as it was afterward of use. I threw out number myself, for I reckoned that little alaive me I would tlnd current to carry me toward Mr. Win to. This I diil and was soon within a short dis tance of him, aerially conndeniL The trouble with his balloon waa a slight disarrangement of the ropes, which I had myself experienced, so I told him what to do, and lie was soon all right As I explained to him when we reached the earth, we had been talking over an a-rial telephone, the gasbags being the only material object up there collecting all thesouud and acting as huge receiv ers." " 'Well,' said lie, 'you got me out of a very bad srrapn, but I never was so scared in my life as when thut voice surrounded nut I thought the balloon waa talking, and that I had gone crazy. " 'It waa a pretty long talk,' said I, 'for, allowing the voice to travel five sM-ouds to a mile by my timing, waniaat have laa-n close In four mile apart' " "That's simply impossible, ' said he Very well,' I said. 'That why I 8WANCO SOUGHT A CONSORT. Aaal Tfwlaal I ha r oiraa f ul a MalrlasvaUl Ailtarllsrinrnl. Henry Sarsiig.i. a fanner vl Co.,ntown. Full. hi county. I ml , hss achieved great ilulin, 11,'H r.-.-. in I jr through lua endeavors to nl'ialii a w Ife lanpsiiiti-il In a pre i Vl.'iia innlrliiioi.ini afT.or and left a grass widoMi-r' l y llie detriei f Ida curt, ha ! laid Ida Una to a.-.-,. in) ll.li a la. f.'ld nli J. t by advertising for an. 'tin r inalr In I a cal. ulatlng im ml he nrkoni-il that tie tulglil llni. mi ura hia rlinlce i f a liiimla r of ih "I rn I I" I'arlli' and at the aauia lima vialt i oiifiialoii uHn his formi r wife y Ida spi'iirv lit illarvanl Aiionlliiglr hs Mil ns follows to a t'hli-ng'i uv r, In i loalr.g II ! ' I would rather have a woman not over 3.'i ii'-r iitid.-r I'll, one imt afraid of work preferred. We keep a'Veii cowa sn tin our nan hakin an wa-htn. U s a little l. iu Iv hrri- ruayl) for a cliy woiuan, but t wuuld A IJXigL'K FACTO It Y. TMtRE ARE WONDERFUL MACHINES, BUT NO VISIBLE PRODUCT. W.'lC':': ' lit Mil SH IMMl try to make it l,:i'' for a g d wlfi There I no ngur In 11,1 a. . lion cut more, an the aceiierv is g.l I will pay railroad fare here for the rigl.l woinau all will meet her at the tl. h. lo t aa lion h of tlilaaa you can III J.'iir 'n r f. rtl an ohllg Ultra, IlKMiV . JVI.ll. " The lie It ntniilay ' 'Hunk.' aa all the CiKiiitnw ii Hiile fsuilliiirlv dull Mr s-wnngo. re-i-lil a coijr of the 'nM-rcon tiiiiilnu hi ad., and had It not la-en for a Idne 'iicll mark eiicln ling II he would Ina rally have la-eu aide to tlnd It For his dollar lie ns-elvrd line hrli f line, which aald moot lervly hut Irnllifnlll . ' Wanted A wife Henry Saraimn, Caintown. 1 ml. " , ' line dollar' .tiinilii .lehoaliaphnt !" walled Swang.i ' My num. a 1 1 . r, . w J away. That diirn line II never do me any gir' Hut he was deat I uil to I, agm-aldy aurirlacd. The in ltlhiy reitlea U'gnll til conic, ntld for over two wi ka Hi. jr alfled Into the Ciauitown mi..(IIit at the average rate of 87 per day The letters are still I coming, and aa neither Swnngu nor the I Hwtuiaati-rran (h-viarsny way of abutting them of! It Is hard tu tell what the end ' will be. I "laive letters" aald !-wngo when a Cincinnati Kn,iilrvr n 're iilailts railed on him. "Will, I ahniild amlle. Uaiky here, stranger." And with a duhlnus grin I he polnli-d to a niaiiiiiinth dry giasla Inn I that was doing duty as au caen-tolm There were gn at aim ka of letters, w ritten on rv. rjr rolorevl ma r under the sun ami liicliwcd In eim-,'M-a nf every conrelvahle slin and design Sune eniltled the repul sive odor of iiuesiliinalilii (a rfiniie, while other were written 0'ii cheap while note paper and were tacked In a hand whloh Indicated that milking the cowa or even splitting the wiaal lulghl lai Im for eign tak to the w rlti r. I There are several Inli n-allcg letter among the coll. lion, l.nt ,waiigu saf s he may yet mako his sileclloii (mm auiong the li u tn ln-r. and he di-s not wsnt them plildlaliiil for that renaoli There has laa'li a rumor afloat that lwaiigo Inleinls after msrrlage to niilillh the letters In laaik form and thus n-onp the cia'iise lie hss llicurnal. He Informed the re.rlcr, how ever, that he will not pursue this fourae las-aiiaeof the delicacy nf some nf his nioal Intenwtlng correasniileiila Mr. tawaugo I has succeeded In sorting the lot down ' to six and says his selection will Iss ' made known sain. The lucky woman, IwlWver she may be, limy expert a hearty rvoi'litliin, aa the neighbor laiys for mile around have promtaad Hank and hi prMNf live bride a mualng chsrlvsrl. BANK EMBEZZLEMENTS IN 1894 anal Thar :sasai All I'rvaluas Hasrurala Aaaiaauat In Over i.i.ooo.oasu. Twenty five million dollars warn lint last ya-ar through viiilN-xleinenl, alefalca tlon and other swindling, which ah pleleal lunik ruaoun-aia li juat that extent and wlpad out Juat so much vlalhle wealth Here la the record hy alales and terrl torlasi for 1M burn de house plum down ef dey shin I -gray matta-r" separating from theotlu r told yon to drop that sandbag. I thrvav rotin dat way. Ntta-r seen aath befo'. ! ct,natitueiita of the brain and "lining some out, t.ai, and we can find out how What IVtilal.? i-d w ith the thought came. like an in I ration, a suggestion of hiding place. be turned to Benlah. who had juat 1 11. 1 np to the atable. "Untie the c''-t sr.,) mm him loose. Benlah" b ; rapidly and with authority "and ti'-n hurry back to the bou:u and help ! 'it tiie children and aome thing we !,: H...J duwn in the cistern. The In- .'.. re coming." " treat day in de niawnin!" exclaimed 'aa. turning sickly gray and sink- a tnau of quivering flesh, to the UL,L ' screatrisd but she kr Ka iLt, fr ATI 'i-a-ritie in B,-uUh'a ear, "it have Uiked to stone as well, so '"'fied was the poor creature with 'r-.-M. I in going to leave yon here." ad b-d h':.eriiie in the hope of rousing her. I atarte-J f,,r jj,, w hen IV-nlah. "':t f ai,e.-r terror, gathered hr wits t. af-'t'-r an.l m, rl,...,i. I airi.....cri-d. j ! Hut the houae was still standing ; , With a glad cry she called out. "lieulah, tii" hoile an 1 stable are save.1! Now we will ga t out of this hot plaa-e." "Hut where are the Indiana?" howled H.irv.y. ina- we don't want to get 1 sa-alja-l, do we'" j 1 Sure enough, wha re were they? In her exultation at ea-aa from a na-arer dan ger, Katherine had alim-t forgotten tlie greata r one. She aw ept the b'TUoll with her kea iia--t glance. In that murky at- mo"pntTe tlie view. ll-,iai. aia -'- one. narrowed itaelf to closer Umndanes. Bat so far aa she could sea? no moving ubji t met Iwr view. TJiey must have lsen driven wet of this jaiiiit by the fire." argrja.1 Kathenne. iisdllig her eVrt with ber ban.L aitbenne knew that military da fense Lad l-eri provide! by the gvvenniiei.t after a si k'tnng l "f bfe aniwig tlie T'i a iatern had la-en newly plastered t-l. rs. and that Little Crnw and hi '1 s vet a lml al.int. l.nt an water I .! 1. ),,! t litis la-rn driven over th Ul i i conducta! into it ' down that Udder," commanded V. T- . V - i 1 I . . 1. - . . auv lau'iri in bean left iD th cistern by the work atd IVuUh, not without difficulty, Iakota l..r la-rs. But she did Hot mo that preaUtory bands were making occa sional detour fr m the main roote of re treat about the less thickly settled part if the country, etealir-g, murdrntg ai.4 np") iuto rude form of vassa l hull, far tin y lamieai apart ha was only laughed at. Th lbs kwW "It wasn't much trouble to find peo. investigation proves that Bakker knew pie who IukI fonnd the bags and knew what he was talking about. -St. La mi ) Just w hare lliay were. Fortunataly they hail laii'li! near a railroad traa-g, so tlie diatancu a-stiiuuting was made easy for 1 us. It was 4 '4 mile. I guarn that I the n-cord up to date for long distance talk- , lug without a wire. " j Aa laaf-tdt-nl aif Keeaaaw Moajalalaa. j j In the c'ltirse of the battle there oe rurreal a pathetic iiii ida-nt showing that I "bbasl i thuka-r than water." Atone plaa-e on the mountain the dry leaves and brtiah lagan to burn, anal thea-ra-ep-ing flaini-a cm it, ld many a Jsja.r fa llow lying helpba and in agony on th ground. The otifa-ab-rata- at that por tion of th bne were ordera-l toraaao tiring, and tin n one of their offii-cr ' ralla-d to the Fa-deral and offered to ' suspend haadiliti. a long enough to allow the ra moval of the dioableal. While the I'liloli aaddo rs I- re their comrsdi-s to the rear, the C.i, fa-da rate looke! on, and then the fighting waa renewed. Blu and lit' Iralag aaal Mia Tarrf'a llrssia. Thsy arar talhr.g I ha ataary In Sao Fran riaro. whrre Mr Irving aud Miaa Ta-rrj ta I iiiinanal s. ml atla-ntlona. that at a g,niaer gust) in tt.eir tiMHiv by .Vr ami Mrs lap Voti'.g ! m Terry waa uitahl t tw .r--i.t ou a .o.o.tof bar neuralgia Ttaia Mr. Irvu.g kindly riolairsrd. "Hut. I aaatir )"U. muniiun! Mr. Irving la. tie biastama. " M ia 1 etry la maast diaau- I pointasl. and alar ha t a Dew dreaa, taai, for Its orraai..b " 1 L-u a bsppy tb'suaht stru'k Sim " But Im Is tbsdrraav Stand up, fc-lith. and show them all ymr tuotb er s lis Lruad. ' New Yixk fcua. Alatialiia Arkanaaaa. I ailfurtila ... I'aalairaalia ollllia-tleut. . Ik-laarare KloruU N. Ilaiuiilrv. New Vi.rfc N. I'ara.llna .. N. Isakota latitat Oregon IVtitiavlaanla. Ororula Mah.1 III111.1I Indiana Ina a ... Kanaaa K.tilu. kr lymlaiana Mallir War; land .... MaaaaMv-liusv-tta Ml.'hl(an .... Inrllldeal In IIA'.JUU Tu.iUU ita.iKi aw. lai a. iii Hi) t.UU Im uki .u;.;rv s ITU a., 10 T.'i.rrs sr., m nr,:.i ITI.lAI n:,u l.ai.t.'M . urs.ira l.lil.T'O . M.0 S..IU '."'I M.ilU . IT7.M ,17.710 tUV.ltMl this Wlalrrlag Halls aaal Whlrlleg rallars la fcaalar W aakaliai - anaua a. I III lldal THIaaga lua by W waaare - Salggealaal a I aaalla tailaaa laa lla Uaasorlar. Without any ineati"ii whatever, it it the most iiiiiine f.ta t.,ry in New Vork. Whi ll Von elita-r the d.a.r, the whir and bmt of ma. hiiia rr ilit rea ls your ears. You see la-Its and pullets in rapid mo tion; Voll fail the heat of the engine win, h kea a all the Ina. Inio ry g.iiug, ami joti know that you ar in a place w 111 re aa iiia tlutig or id her la being llianu-l.i.tiir.-d It la bard, boweva-r, to dlrn-ov , Just what the manufactured product may be, and the polite atleudatit w ho meets you at the door give you 110 clew of It as h Uahera Voii into the In 'lay w orkahop. I Vlaited this eataldlahineiit the ollur day at the augga-atnui of a fi lend, who said It waa the ati-a-ri't f.lace in (i.-thalll and had "never Wu writta-u no." The iiiachim ry w aa pla, ail on one side 'of a long, sunny r,'iu. I'n the oth.-r sldeof the r'lu Were alamt a doii-n vel ' Vat couches, on which were nvliliing ' iiMiMla-.! up tigura-a. As I eiiten-al, a tig lire arose and walked over to one of the ! macliuii-a. It Waa the figure of a woiu ! au. She drew up a hair, sat alow n and J placed ln-r hands on a little horuonlul metal bar. The bar j.-ik.-d and tremble.1 1 and the lingers gave little simamodio ' jllllv III ra s,lae. Thla ijlli-a-r J lforill auce contmii.il for several miuuti-a, and I llt.il. II.M 1a11i10.11 . I11.11, '...I li.-r ixMOtiiiti - "" - a I and I laca-d her fai t III a aort of saUar stirrup at the aide of the machine. The stirrup Immediately ah. 'k back ward ami forward, half revolved, spring ing baa k and revolving again with moat asl.'iualiing ii-centrii Itn-a. The f.sd wa shaken into the semblance of half a dos en fi-et, and the movement was all from the ankle joints. What any foot had ever done to ibm-rve such tii atuielit, or what giasl to the foa.t the treatment wa enplaned to do ultimately, was to me an ineiplicable inv ata-ry. At snoth.-r machine a second woman tat, with her arm claspeal by two rubla-r ami mi-tal plates w Inch rapidly rcvolveal, rit-eilitig and retiirniiig, pn-aaiug th arm until it 1, Hiked like a vv.-e Hat band of aaarb't riblaili (the woman wore a real gown i and then receding agaiu. whirring and whirling with wonderful veha ity. 1 was invatillcd at II rat, but as the miniita- Hew by 1 la'gan to lav a bit alarineal. 1 did Hot relish the idea of lass ing ill a lunatic aaj luiii, w ha-re the pa tient ran machina-ry and thrust their Inula into the revolving wheels without any apparent fear or ra-aaaiti. The atteiidauta, however, seemed to take everything aa matter of conns and left me to my own resources. On of thes attendants went to a couch on which young woman waa lying fac downward, and without moment's warning one end of the couch rose to an upright paiaition, leaving the young woman in an attitude which would It eaaieat ata-scrihea! aa standing on her ahouldiTs, ha-r hands clas-d over ha-r beaal. The couch was lowern) and raised gain, and this aerformance waa repa-at-tsl four or five tiiiu-. Then the young woman lay down and went to slea-p. Chie ina hine waa work a I by hand ap parently. It colialatiMl of a horixolital bar, paddi! with leather, iu front of which was a movable rod of metal fur niahe.1 with rrsisting spring. Kvery few inlnuti' aome one would brae against the leather arm and pull tlie rial in front. When It sprang up. It carried thesubji'ct alimaat iuto the air, ami to retain the grasp of it the eubjevt waa obllga-al to breathe hard, stand on her bat ami pull with all her might. A casual observer aaka-d to gua - vhat thlt uiachine maiiufaetured would certainly reply, "Long arms." But the (ua-reat machine of all war two couches, in tho center of which were moving wiaalen Italia. These Italia moved slow ly up and down In regular motion. Just aa I waa getting very much iuter eateal iii this apparatus some on gently puahe.1 me aside and plaa-a-d herself on one of the couches, lying deliberately on top of the moving balls. Far from being dlacoucerteal or annoyed, thla peculiar MTaainag seemeal to enjoy her nasties resting plaa-e, and after few liiiuutea' atay she w ent to the other couch to test theeffat ts of theothiT balls presumably. All thi w as very intermting, of course, and iu the Intervals of manufacturing every one struck snituui-s, swung iiiem- a.ura aadvaaj around by placing their feet firmly ' together on the lhtr and grasping Iron K.STJ ""at tM sv th'lr lu-ada, I.inhiau I Another tiiisiiiily game which they in- vmm; Julga-al in wa to kna-l uu couch, with I SK oai "le I'0'''1"! ,rlr band ml some I aa. uu on else uoiuingiueir leei, ami men ning -irr.ivu ' tbemaelves forward the entire length of ' lit!,o ..lr tasliist. They were certaiuly ener getic, ami the expresmion of dignilled j ' gravity on their faces at they performed icon these pn-ulisr gyration waa ludicrous in . '.1 tbe extreme. il" T1" l"'','l'r ttctory undertake to t manufacture have you gueaaedf health I without mi-allclue rosy cheek, palule liat are the figures bodies, supple musclar and sound orgaut ' BRILLIANT AND BRAINY. la Xrs. laaaler l ashlar u I ha lUaratU. tlaaa Haai aa A 1.1 rlalaal Uvaaarai. Mrs. John W. r',t.-r, the new president genrrsl a.f tha Hanghta-r aif tlie American Hevailull'.n, la the w ife of r Secretary of Ststa John V Koata-r, who wa recently Iliad mi of China s peace envoys In th negottatt. ms with Jmii. Mrs Kaater bss long ihtiii.-.I a high ptsre In Wsahlngton Si lety, and her rtl. n-lv ris-rlrnre Iu Itiisalnn, Siniiiah, Meilcaii and Washing ton at 1 1 1 math- a lr lea has lnadlii-r on of the I at lnf,,ruiea worn, n In A inertia eon rrrntiig tlir etl'iuetta of iitlh lal Ufa. Iter maiden nam waa Mel'heraon, and early III ll.'aa ahe resldi-al III I'lka caillllty, Ind. She waa but 10 Jenraif aga. and young Koaterwna but Ittwheii tha-y Urt met, and a-lglii year Inla-rlhiy were marrleal. Mrhl. r was In ilellaalai hawllh, and Ida wife made him ,r ,mlaai that tin Would not g'l I i tin' war. I ut his father, Jiiatgaa Ko tcr, rul. . I ..th i rw I..-, niul Joilli.t Foatrr w. nt i.i il.at front a maj, r Iii an Indiana n-glmeiit. After the w.ir Mr. Koater nrwonipauleal her hiialuinil to Ma ti. ,,. hem be served as ChIIihI M.it. a inltil.t. r nodi r l'n.ldeuls tarsnt ami II iv, s, and ah" nlaai vialled St. 1'i ta rstiurg when he wns'iiilnlata-r to Una sla. In l.i ahe havaill famlllnr with dliiloiuailc life In Madrid while Mr. ry -S- 4 'ss-r,.VTr. K, '. aif- Mllineaa.t Mlallipl . Missouri ... . Montana Na-vaata . Ni-liraaka. New Jeraa jr. Illi'.l. I. land H. Carolina . H. Itaknta.... Ta-tllia-aaaaa Ta-ias Vrniaafflt .... Virginia Wa-al Virginia Wtaaatnaln .... taaalilngtaas. . . Wyoming Aria, ma Ii.of ('..Iu mlile N-w M. lleai flah. . lint T'rrlta.rjr. Oklarean.,... Ala-ka r.siuo IIS.UU ku.sis K.UaJ Mil. Joh w. roariR. ter wss niliilatar to Spalu, and she hs since llvi'd In Waahlngtnn. The foster heliacal tha catdtal Is am I street, next ,,r to the real, I,. n. -e of the Mexla-an inln-l-ta-r. S-iior ltomero, whose wife Is tha In IIiiibIii friend of Mr i',ii r In the par lor hang an liiinn-n-e uilnilng of a group nf la'ggnr alamt a ehiira h il.a.r This pic ture Was pra-sa llta-al to Mllllata-r Fiaater hy Drill. h nil, I I ra ni h nald. iits of the City of Mi'ilcia who were protactaa hy him during the trauilihuis tlniea following the aaansainalli.il of Maximilian. At the same time Mrs Koata-r was presented with Vnliiahle allaunilid brnaa-let. Mr. Koata-r Is a very brilliant and brainy woman, and she has always la-en her hus band a vsl ileal adviser. She Is a devout meinla'r of the I'ra-al.) la rlnn church and Is as familiar a figure at prayer meetings as she Is at reca ptions In Washington's most exclusiv e rln la-s. She Is familiar with sev eral langusgaw snd Is a woman of rare cul tivation, liiU lllgriiee, tact and gentleness. In her youth she ra-celvrd a thorough clas sical ciliiiatlon, owing til the efforts nf an linclaa who wss actillegn praifeaaor, and she tins allien maale the niisst of the great edu cntloiuvl aiiMirtuiiltlcs her husbtvnd't ca reer has given her. WASHINGTON'S COLORED 400. Republic The iMIlgrraaaia Naalliarg. Caea are not ii.frrapient ly rea.ria-. in whn li chil'lreii iin.l aoiiici uiu grown a-r sfins are tiaaaiia-a hythe fn-e ue of nut niega.lt not U-inif i:enerally ktiow n tl. it this artnle of i-a.tniiion hon-ehold n- i. really a ala-nallv ih.i-.ii. This I Inn-. Inf.ait. of niael a-olllllioli a-ondlllia-tila, hut ai l.a n miaiiaeil thee artiel.-. sin h n- s r. a.aj. alclllll. etc.. are sal ohn..l alia t.i the trwle, excejitiiig when taken in -ry minute iiian titles, that the i-ol.a i n.a r l- av.iri.a-l in a Very ltle UlMlil.rr la-fore he hna had igi ppirtunity to do him-if aenoiia Injury Thi I li' at the aa-e. however, n itla tlieimt ina g. 1 hi no'. I.H hioi.t.nn a ,ia,ou rna c-..le a.f a v.rj deadly rharu ler. may I Cot,alimal Without llic.ativelilelii'e III lU.1!a tllia-a ailffiilel.t Ol ppalua-e falsi oiti aiiei.i. and it la iiri.n-.ng ret thai death laxaaionaily a- ora fr .r.i it uae. l.nt that de,l!.ire tt-'t more fra-aleit. . llaliaae haa lii reo-iit !y n-a.r.l in huh a If.) if sjeara fell into a comat'-at ri.nditioii aftt-r rating t't liu'tii' a' and alia-l within U hours. Allasi.y Knprt-a. found hy winding up financial Inalltu ml giaal digealiolis just by mechanical linns Ilia I wrra w ra kro the pravioiis year, iera-ae. as In Tennrsaee, where a nuinla r a.f large n-ruits from the raiikl of th lam, hanks siia lidiil wh.ava total llahllltles jjj , i,!,, C0II1, here I- hsve only recariilly ln aa.ri.led. hut , t.rw, UytU.nm tight ,h Sa.,,11, Dakota, ngures are na.t ., eluded. 1)fr,,wllllttlI)( aend patient, here, aalavlors ah fah atlon was made puhllo " . ' ' . .. . . sln.a, the I.I of January. , ' whT AJ t0 The figure, of emlah mi nts over the the inexperience.,, like so many lrr whnla country began to laa ra-gi.ltrly ki- t sponsible lunatic. It Is simply another In laTs. Krom that time a.n to last they version ol th Chicago boast that in amounfa-at to ahout U.iasi.isai r year, that western I'lty they have Inai'hiiia- III The amounts einta-idral since then are at rn.l of which tbev nut a tug which follows: 14 14 Its r, 1sm ! tUf.t'a 'to . icvuu . S.Taunil . liVI'lll . ..'l.lU t 'III uu lauj 11 . KJ . IWI . IMal . 'comes out th other end a plump and I;ju '4 luai ions saeiaage. You began at the foot h kcmi shaker here and end by being able to it MaiVI play footUII-o they say. New York . Advertiser. I IIIIJV , a They ar both llttl b UlM ""'' tnanner. An i For ova r 400 year N'jV. IS wa ob served in England feativaL It ca,m. mem irate-1 the ileath of Hardicanot and the a"-i"n 'if Ealward th Con-f.-as,, l y which the country wa dtliv-ra-d from the yoke of th Dane. Amnlct ar now w rn ly rvyal nobl famille in India thai avm UlieveJ tu hav been haudl down from father to on f'jr ntarly J.O'jO year. Ilia a A pair f tw ins was born in the Back Bay district. A bright Is.y set about to try to nam Hu m. Haaaid, "Will they la.es I la-.! fa tar and K. a star?" But no. His motha-r would not listen to the name I'a tar Th-n herald, "Let them im rallasl Mx ami Climax." "No, " tha said. girla, so we cannot name on of tbero Max" 0 Than he said afta-r much thought, "Ut tha tn m ralleal Kate and Dupli $atn." After that hi bead wa baud-aga-al, and b wa sent ct to play L'ui'Si Signal " Tk t.ttasr aat Haabaatah. It Is said that under tlie InUuttirai of r.ahfh you know raelthrr tlm nor spaca, sod thst If you have jour thoughts on someplsra you !, narrrsasn you obtain a claar and atxursl Image of Tk raasat asf Aaaass. Tha Faatum Asinorum, or feast ef aasea, waa formerly held Jau. 14 to commi-moratH the flight Into Egypt. There are still extant several ritoalt of this festivaL n", rd Ileauvaia, in France, oraler the priest fto bray tri time and th congregaliou to raavouiid dnaTitfated with caaitly txivering, waa ted to the altar In pruoession aud with byniut of rejoicing. Q A Naaas Thai ailrka. a in.a,lV,.kliii roaiaitrv lad. ta whose - - e f i - - - . lot fell Ih leaalisg question to th rate- 1 Chlain. "What la your naniaf" repllaal "Car- Who fs you list tisroa'" "All the boys la th psrlUi, sir," whia Ingty answrml tht rl hairs! urchin. LubdoB Tit-Hit. O Tbr Hav Wealth aaal Ar ArlatoeraUe ana I'llra I Mklataaatl. A ncgroarlatoamcyl Pounds isld, doesn't It P Yet such an arlatocraa-y rxlata In Wash ington, ami II Is, relatively at least, th eiiial In wealth, culture ami refinement of that of our heat clrt law of whit aatrlety. Washliigton la a rolorral man' paradise. The term "roloreal man" la the on they luvarlalily employ In M-aklng nf thiu selvea. They tell you thry ar nut D eg roe t hat 1 1 eg roe are the low black; that they are caihireal people, aud that whit ladle and gentlemen appreciate that fact ami sd.lraaaa them aa-cordlugly. The stand ant of gentility among the wbltea I fliaxl by their ua of theae terms. But, call them what you please, Washington I Ibelr paraallata the one e.t on earth wharrea utrt of their im in Iter hsve a social stand ing, and where they are BoitiHhliig trior than mere bawer of wood and drawen of water. The cobireal aristocracy of Washington really iiuiiila-ra alamt 400 all told, and Iu that rea-t they stand on an usl foot ing with Wsral McAllister's Kamr llundreal In Ih New York lnrlroills. Tllns Wash ington colored swells live In flu lion saw. They ar aianeaned In many rasea of large Wealth. They keep their own rarrlagaaa, ami they have sa-rvanls In ahundance w bat mlulater to their wauta. Thry have every thing, Iu short, that money anal good taste ran suggest. In their rhun-h worship the colored Four llundreil are quite aa exclusive as their while neigh lair, and a roloreal day lalanvr would bawitate as much to enter one of theae aalictiiarlaw aa a whit man of the same degree would In presenting himself at Ibe portala of (Jrare church In New York. There are other ralorwi churches there where the poor and the fairly well to do mean on eapial term, but they are not Ih churches of lb Four Hun dred." Th awfllrsl roloreal church In Washing Inn Is the Fifteenth Wln-et lmbytertan. On Stindsy mornings Fifteenth street In the vlclulty of the church Is nileal with rarrlsgea. The church Is small and ultra fashlonabl. The moat of th mem tsars keep rarrlaga, and thry ua them on theae nrraalnn. In thla respect thry ar aping ths worst form of white ennlihery. Iu Fug land every gentlrmsn walk to church. He may own a hnmlreal rarrlagr. but he doesn't lis them lo lake bitn to and from the church. Sum of theae days Ameri cana will rep y this custom from Ibelr Eng lish rainaliia.siid when the American white aladlah Ibe pment fsahlon of riding lo church the Wsahlngton color) swells will profit by thsohjea t Itaaaoa. Buffalo Com merrtal. A lllal rr SI i.(l atater. Two sisters ran help each Mher graait di al hy wearing gowns Ibal suit each other and hy pasting slanit harmoniously, making pictures of themselves. It Is ornamental tat the rooms loo I know a pair of girla who nw half their Invitations to th fact that they make a point of posing In eortvsra and lis, king sweet aud Interesting. Tbay devote themselves so much to lb It tbat Ihrysr not at all particular about garttlng th usual altrntlou girla expect, atvl bossv raers real iu how decorative they ar and useful, too, In a way Of count girla whe go In for this kind of thing should set each other off. On might be, for InsUDoa, a vivid red blood and th other a dull asbe blond. On ought to be either distinctly prettier than the otbsr, or one should h quite anajtbrr type from th other. Uajeton Courier. A Bar Rale. Gneet So yon always want pay tn ad vance now, oaggaa or do baKgagef Hotel Clerk Yea. You see, a great dr of moory ha been lost lataly by botela burning down. ! York Wklf. l-maalasal Sllaa. "I don't see why I lose so many place," taid Jltuaiie, th x -office boy. "Day ain't smarter kid on de block dan m. Dry ain't single on of 'em kin smoke cigarette mud whistle at d sain Uu like I kin." iodlaaapolU Journal . . aa) 3