The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 13, 1895, Image 5

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3 00
2 uu
8 IS
13 i X)
2 10
nomiiuNKiw (uutr.
t till -in" tlio court coiulJi red
tlic follow Ing bills and clerk ordered
todraw .arraiitsoii the giiHral fund
to ay I le same:
jurv I Art Valley ptccinct ..
P N I'.irviii, ui'.iiig m inak
Vik'Jury lit Lest Valley pre
cinct ;-
11 L Williams, altlng ! iimk
Intf jury ltli it Valley pre
cinct V H KHttlll J CW State T
F.U Dvle and C'luuil Hiuith
(i W Kimball constable I'aMt
state v Kll Davis "-ml Claud
Mrs Winkle witneae I day 0
miles case state vi Kit Davis
uiid Claud Smith
llnac Winkle witness 1 day
miles case stale v Kll Davit
ai,, I Claud siiiillh
IUltil Wtuklu wltiifvs 1 day 6
mile ease slate vi Kll Davis
mid ( laud Smith
Joseph Fleming Hues I day 12
mile I'uw aiaie v r.u 1'uvia
and Claud Siullli 2 TO
Milu n Vcateh witness I day 10
miles en state v EH l'avl"
and Claud Smith 2 fto
James Howard w Itiicea 1 Hay 30
uillcscac atate vs Kll Davla
and Claud Hiuith 4 00
J I.ooiiey Smith w lliiese I day
;, miles tie alute vi Kll Da-
via and Claud Smith 4 30
At this time rt K Nye by permission
of I he court withdrew hi bid of tl-si
for operating the anld McKciizie lurry
boat, he la-lng the lnwewt bidder.
At thl time the blil of F. W. Ziim
wait at I'1 and O. M. Davla at tliVl
wvre considered and ..either party U-
ItiK rt't-nt lu er r by reprcaeula-
live, It was considered by the court
that neither of anld blda be accepted.
At this time tlie court consult-red
the bid of J. T. Donald-on at t.,'74 ami
J. T. lna iImiii iflng present In r
roll anil ready to take charge f the
K firry Unit at once; It la
therefore oidercd by the eourt that the
conltacl at the ngrecd prion of f27t ei
year upon entering Into contract and
tiling uu approved bond for fiilthful
is-iforiimnce of duliea III accordaniv
wiih mntiucl, be awarded "aid J. T.
At this time the court after due nm-
aidi-ruthm of iiiUcreiil plans and apec-
ideation for the cnnaiructloii oin icr
ry boat to be lined on the McKciizie
rivcr at "Heiidrlcka' ferry" and the
bid therefor, the bid of W It Johnson
tK'll wan reduced on account of
chaugcs in ea-c Heat Ion to 111 al'd
the isiurt isn shit-ring the kuid bid ol
W It Johnson I he IndI bid tlicrefoi ; It
It hereby ordered that the conlruet foi
building Raid ferrv Isatl be ami la here
bv awnnleil to W It Johnson at tlie
aiinid nrlce of flM on filing hisnp
proved bond and entering Into a con
tract wicreior.
At thia time the court couoidereJ 0"d
nlioaol the following bill and the clcc
o'dereti to draw warruuta ou ihe K iiural
fmiil in pn merit thennf:
V lleineiiway. pnncripti"!! for
8 1 .Hi
117 no
4 20
1 oo
6 K
4 00
12 00
7 W
G 00
in t;j ! r w ii rr,.j:,- l! i- f .... . order. that ivrtifi.Mt.. No Tl f u
for of l-'.r Ui ,i,EII pv,.
riord of land. pM fr tur, V,,l l. j
lalitfellid by tLe cltrk UD.l Iho xume Li ld '
f.r umi.'l.t mi J ileoUrd void mul ..f i
effect. I
j At tliin lilllK the C.lirt CMli-l lere I, '
2 00 Bll..w,s the f.. I oiiU' bill, aiidcleikor-!
d. redtodraw warr.mli. on the ucncr.d :
lima to pay the ume:
All IVk. CollUtV iu.L'i'. nl.irr
for March (, 70 1
A J J.ihii-ni. county hhenlT, aidary
f.r March !;
C'liaa L d- puty nhrnlT, m.
ary for March 7;, mi
W I Eakin, deputy heriffularv
for March 50 10
A C Jen in tip., clerk, aalurv for
March W, 70
F L Oihlm, deputy cl. rk salary for
March loot"
J (1 (Iniy, tteftKiirer. aalurv
March 41 70
J (I Stevetiaon, ai'hcMil hiiperuitiMi-
dent, aalary for March .VI li
SAlfKl) K Al'1.11,'1
The Dal If,
hat bcvli kick
ft F i:ila.ell, puilpera....
K 11 Incliam, pauper supplies. . . .
CCC'h.udler. " "
M E tollman Co , paur aiip-
J II McClniic, pniiiK'r auppliea...
S II Friendly - "
Enkiu llrialow " "
F L tii-iulwrn hardware for roada
and bridge
John Winzi nrei.l, brid)0 lumber
for dial 50
John Winzeiireid, bridge IiiuiIht
forditl7 AW
J M Iterkithire, work on road plow
81.10 continuej for verification.
J S llih'h'iua, work on road tooU. . .
R Williatm bridge lumber, dial 10.
C F Croticr, bnulinic road tools
from di'xit to tool house
Orifliu Hardware Co. ainke for
Oriflin Hardware Co, repair nt
Eutfeno E'ectrio Lik'ht Co, aeiviee
for March
Ira McFarlatid. janitor work
J M Fnuicia, juror (ouiiltud
March t rm)
W B Fenifra, county aurveyor, e-
tahliahiui; corners
V U reiiKra, county aurvejor, on
survey of SKI and W.i
Frank l'oat, chainmiin on road SCI
W E Fiak, cliMinman on road .
Orant Hendricks marker on roaJ
R Small chninman on nad .TO. . . .
John M William, deputy district
attorney, atate vs E L Eaton nt
John M Williams, deputy diatrict
attorney, etaminution of John
Wilcox, iusane
F W 1'reiitice M I), examination of
John Wilcox, iuaane
O W Writfht, Mad material on
Low l'aaa nmd
J M William, leifal services
A J Johuaon, board of prisoners
for March
A J Johnwin. ahemTa telegrams
aud subpoenas
J (I Stevenson w-rceiitnije on 153
districts ti I2.&0
2 (0
4 SO
3 00
IS 30
6 70
2S 00
1 40
2 00
3 i)
13 no
I'tTTitOAT KILE K'U K 1.0 It KM E.
Kloranre Women Viriiirlmia Klected
by Majnritlra.
A letter received here this imirnhiL'
from Floremv brink's the Inforinatiou
that the 'I'omiliir" ticket for the city
lllivaof Florence, all the tioiinun's
Is-iliK of the k'ciller sex, carried the
lay bv the handsome vote of 31 to !'.
last Tue-.lav.
The Flori nee charier i.rovides that
.fllce holders must Is) taxpayers pay.
HiK at least tlli tax. II Is llioiik'hl this
provision of the charier w ill distjnal
llv some of the wotiifii, aed the old
oillccra will hold over until the l.ext
election. Then the constitution of the
Into Is Interpreted as not ailowlnir
females to hold ulllce.
Lane count v has the union dis-
tiuctioii of havitiK the tlrst town in
the state to elect a city ticket composed
exclusively of women.
For president, Aliev K. Iliirns; for
touii cotmeil, Hippie Malersoii,
Christina C Kvle, IVnii'lu ('luisieic
11. Nats'lhi Kola-; for n-corder, A 1 1 it
II. Wilson: for marshal, Jennie S.
citizens' ticket.
For president, II. F. Alley: forcoun
ciliiien. . W. Kurd, Wni.'Kyie, F.J.
KoiM-, I.. Cliristi-ns. n; for recorder, D.
K. Severy; for marshal, O. W. ."rul-toii.
Di". I'.. F. r.usscll s nt List niht in
W . I.. ChiUvlidcll, of
Is III Lunelle.
I. p'Uy lnir Kakin
a hhu..ii ..f il.e M.-i k. ll.tiris, of Cottiijv tirovc,rv
tin lioiiii. this afternoon.
Mi-s I.iic II hi-. 11, uf i,ttnk-i.
tin .v.-. is visituit; in Ku.-ne
Ju.Ue Walton has beu appointed a
notary public.
The opium kiuuydcts w 111 Isj tried
ill Portland May lt.
I'nsideut Cl-velaiid will not call a
special ses.ioli of cminss.
t'uss Mutlis'k Went to Saletn tils
luoniitu; to sH Bd a few days.
Mis. Ias- and sou left for San Fran
clco uu the over uud last tiltit.
t ints tiol.Umitli has Isj. 11 i, k this
week with luiiH'ular rchuiuatitm.
l'rof. McF.lroy returticl home this
; afternoon from a visit to 1'ortlaiid and
A. Suiter, the thuirint; mill man, ! t
for I.afuelte tins inoriimk'. He will
return hen. in a few ilajs.
Mr. H. F. Alley, of Florence, will
arrive here on tomorrow aft. moon's
tiik'e t visit for a wcvk or more.
The Oregon Slate Agricultural ('!
Iik-ewlll graduate fifty students tins
Two l'llkll Cows for sale cheap.
In.iiire at Second and Lawrence
Ib-v. Skiik'us, of Junction City, Is
hol.liin; su.-isfiil revival nicctlii'ks at
The Southern 1'aeiflc Company is
makiiiK pn piiriitions to build n uew
depot at llillsisiro.
I- 111
A regular iprii day,
I luster Is ejSjHi I. d smu.
(le.t. I! Ja-rris visited Jiiu.tkill
cretary Kincui.l came from a
Mi Mi mile l.iuns of Moliaw
tow 11.
A Hew sWei hojM' Is to Is.' IiU'.I
nt l.atliaui.
Mr. Wilson, df Mohan k, is s. rto,i-ly
111 w ltd cancer.'s foundry is now lo;n it
JJissl lillsiuess.
Coke Itilveil has Iss-n visiting r. la
tlvn. in AlPaiiy.
(. Ilelidi roii, of llaril-l.ui,', I'll. l
In Kuk'enu l "lay.
Miss Carrie l.aiivr is sick al ihu home
of her 1 au nts.
lliik'h Ueushaw has icturucil 1 1 1 11 a 10 Cuants l'a-s.
W. A. Sinn li visited hi claim ou I he
McKt UZIc last Wis k.
i. It. ('Ill Ismail and little sou Wi lli
to Collate (irove this alterii.s.u.
Isinaril (iro lm r.-sik'ned Ins pis.
sill.. 11 in Jerry Horn's hartsT sUop.
J. A. Waddle, the alt' Portland
loniini li lal lrut ler, Is in Lunelle.
Mr. Ilutton and wife weul to Port
lai.d on this morniiiK's oveiland
lk'V. J. C. Wiailcy haa ;oie to IHI
lard, I )oU;hw county to hold revival
Mr., i:. F. Willis, of Oakland. Cal .
arrived h. re Una mormu); uu a vimI
lo relatives.
The Hairisburt; Itcview says Harvey
: Siinmervillti is talkllij; of lion Pack
! to that elty.
K. Willis aud wife went to Mo.
H.OKKIl K Ahll ill. I).
1 1 . . ..1. I 1: v Conn, r April '. Tlust. I ""
I'. :i. .-. . f I tli. (1. t k. a. il.l. iitallT ,TUe Wrt lias Its I ruins' Hie
snot 1, 11. .Saturday and tl.etl within I1'1 "T r b'ttbtli.
1 11, iioiles altirwa .1. Iln was null ,, ,
l.untin.-nro.i-.. a -l.ort .llstamv frs.ui : , " I annual tl.stiou of.nit.i
..... 1 -. n... 1 1.. Ihu tow of Hotiliiv was belt
a.ula lew mn.ut.. una of the rursslay and otr very t,n idly.
t s wit.t to ms if uv k' ime I1a.ltw.11 "twlihsta . Iht re wa. a .tr..iik
.,, 1 li. " 1 1, .,,,. .i.i opiMwIllon lo the rriciilar ticket. n
t lnoiljli III.' i.l -1 1 II lllld !-ptllf Ills
l i-l. I'll." il. ti a l w us i'l ol ae (
an. I 1. urn 11 1 led. Ill fattier came to
his death alino-t precisely the same
lliatllit-r s i . I tl eat s
K I.iir liet li t :
till' p. ople f.eel an I
nol 1 e a liidure,
lui;l.,s .tit .
or J.lllies
k'. I
1 bice ia a w tills
. :T1 . I it 1 w ho ihs-a
and w tot liohly
!. clloti pletlis.. Iiovern.
II. Iludd of California
luss-liuii was heht prior to the 1 h t tion
to iiuiui nitlo ollltvi. and the city of
ficials iiiutls up a ticket composliik' the
prvseiil Kovernmeiit W illi twn Jntlll-
abls extsj'ptloiia. Thes were the mar
stint and on coui.cllmaa. As the
tow 11 has I sr.-11 without a marshal for
svwral month and k tleputy servim;,
O W. hiilton was pla.ed oil tlietl. ket.
A. O. Kunke, a memls-r of the pnenl
tvuucil, havilik' relilstsl to tt-rve, was
UtSsirdlllIV left out and F. J. Kola
auhslttulcd. oins of our street corner
politicians, protuiiieiit among whom
wasail avowvtl la.iiultsl of iiuestloii
;able principles, Isyiiif tliswtll.ltvd with
tl... ...ku. llt.lll.Sbl M .llll..twr llf IsilllSt
lli'i. . 1.. ..m. ..m ,i... ...U.L ,.r
.l IUII lf. I'lkllV, M . ..... u.w-n s
fin 1 It s an Distaiiec of this kin. I, slot
tl.cuav he Is t.Unii Useltss exia-litll
Hires of money by the legislature
oiii.t to male our own (ioveruor
l.t-'i I l'lu-h like a full blown aurora
l.oit .dis. J 1 1 1 1 1 o.i.l.l hits alri ady done
noiili (jifci.l a. ch.vf executive of
,.,. ,, , ... y well knowiutf tin
h. art. .. he aop e ., w , , , ,,,,.
r .. 11. 1 itl.MUUi.ttAl . . 1
lafi- 111 a Miiisiii.e
u. I- :ii him lo t he
"I niil 1 1 loici. r. am 1 11 nivis ir..iu..t it... in. our
that thev are not
trust. A ma
run I'" 1 ollliw ii.'aiii jii oiiriuy
Thechlefof jstlh-eof P.irtlaild ih bk l'lil.iiHrriiiiiill to sis'iid Mlli.h.v
siiliinitttsl his monthly reniil for ,,i, ,,.1,,...,.
A UK KM l.D M)K lUul.KUY.
J. W. Illll the Vlcilni of Mlsplared
CoullJruce. He is ;scharifvil.
hilly l.usru. A .r It ...
Yesler.lay F. W. O-biirn aivoro out a
warrant charin one J W. Hill, wki
is a stin k buyer In a amaM way, uf
having committed Uiei-rime of forinx
and iiitikiiiKan iiistruuieiit in writing
purMsrtliiHT to lie Ihe promissory nolo
or John Maxwell as aiirvty for J W.
and I'. J. Illll with Intent to defraud
ami injure Addie li. Oahurn and otln r
(s rsoiis. The note was for f I .VI, and
was tlaletl March 2.'i, I !. It apH,ara
that Mr. Osburu was not itltoii tlier
satlalled that the aik'natuie of Mux
well was genuine, therefore hu ap
p roach iid him alaiul Ihe matter aud lie
denied eVt r having aik'ned it uiid pro
fessed ignorance colieiTuiinr the mai
ler. Then, naturally. Mr. o.hurn
aworu out the warrant.
Constable Lluton went to Junction
Cltvlast night on the freight train
am) arnssled Hill ami brought him
hereon the overland.
Ileal Estate Irausfers.
Rris.rt A .tally I'T Kenans ABtiat.Ti-. ar iNV
. k. snaausixU. Mansn.'t.'.M KV.
Nicolas Strulihar ami wife to John
V Sllligl. V, aw J ofae Sec Xt. tp 17.
s r 0, w, 11 i ot ae J ae J of su J s-o H.l.
lota 0, 7, 8 at 34, tp 17, rw, l:t7.b7
acre; f I. . . , ,.
J H Perkins and w ife to Lizzie Ham
ilton, a tract of laud 111 see 31, lp 20, s
r 3 w, SO acris.; H"0.
J P Inmaii and wife to I) tl Palm, a
part of d I v (itsirge Lews imtf :t'i2 el
4. In tp 20, a r A w, 5 acres; .'.'i. M. llisj iiml w ife, a trad il
laud In see 3, t i 17, a r 2 w, 1 ade; i" and Kalians
March, allowing that 310 arrests
Hindu during Ihe month.
Mo Saxtoii, au tilil ii-sidcut of Eu
gene, is working the Waynes phnvr ,
mines in Joscphiuu county, It Is said
W illi good naulla. :
There was nearly ail Inch of snow j
fell on the Polk county hills WciImcs- I
iy night and froze 011 Ihe ground, but
no damage to trtltt st far is reported. j
K. F. Willis, of Oakland. Cal., ia in
Kuueni'. His wife w ill arrive here uu !
tomorrow- morning's overland trniu.
Twenty men an at woik en the
Hew cannery building near Salem.
Jaa. II. Haley has Is-eli appointed by
(iov. Lord a regent of Weston uormal
T.ud" or Tom Ktearns is still In the
county jail at Salem. His term of iin
piisoiiiuclil will expire in a few days.
The Illinois dcuiiM'ratic atate con
vention w ill meet ill June. It ia said
the democrat or that al tie are in favor
or the flee coinage or silver.
Medford Monitor: "P. II. Realty,
w ho h:is Is-cti prosK'ding In Jai kon
county for several weeks, left this
morning for Kurvka, Colorado, w here
he has mining pros rty Interests." j
Mr. Ileal ty was until retvnlly a mer
chant al Springfield, this county.
Miss Ada Hanson was a passenger lo
Cottage I i rove (his afternoon, w here
she will sH'iii several days visiting
w llh her aislt-ra.
Mrs. Mary K. (iriflln of Fall Creek,
has returned from a visit to her old
home at l.a Plata, Mo. Her father
tiivompaliled her hmue for an extemletl
A. Sehultz, orSiknne, a conductor
uu the (.real Northern Railway, ar
rived here yesterday and is visiting
with his wile at her mot tier's, Mrs.
Ili sthurg Plaimlaaler: "Dr. Kuy
keiidall and Dr. Paine, or Kugrnu,
were in the city lasl italurday. They
visited Ihe Soldiers' home and ex
pressed themselves well pleased with
the surroundings al Ihe home."
It'Mtdiiirg Keviaw: Mr Merriinun,
the Mftlfrd mail, who irnl.l out hi
business to take the otllee or wanlell of
Ihe ifiiltcntiary. only lo see Ihe plum
aw aided n a Salem man, is very sad
ami refuses lo lw tvunf.irte.1. "Whoiii
Ihe Lord lovctli hechiistiaeth," should
' I. Mr. Merri inn n's lalin of consola
1 lion.
! The March uiimU-r or the American
Artisan ci.tulns a lengthy editorial
show ing the workings of the Wrought
Iron Itiinge Co., of St. I.oul-, in Oliio
1 1 allows them up as or
Mr. D. L. Sweet, who bus ls-eii
llerkllig in Mi Kelltlio'a thug slole, lias
ret.iriie.l lo Portland.
Mrs. Jm I Ware, uivoiupatiicd by In r
mot her Mrs. t'lH-hrnu, leliinod hoiiie
today from Wallowa county.
The adv-rtlseinelit is the blossom
that ludi-s; but tillsllless Is the Hull
thai grows aud deveoss liom it.
The Portland Iron Co. works nt
Portland was burned last night; loss,
tln.noo, partly covered hy iiisiiiuinv.
Some people are sllliple eunilgli to
wolnler w by a Uewspaer gives iiioiu
proiiiiiii.uce to a church row than lo a
Miss Mary Thompson left (lis morn
ing f..r Spencer precinct where she
will Is-giu a term of sclnsil Monday.
Iiev. M. C. Wire relumed home
Dallas, w here he has Iss'ii in h-ndi 11
Ihu distil, t t-.ui vent mil of the l.pwortli
League, this afleruiaiii.
The twelve year old daughter of
Steve Mcl'alsky, w ho lives onl'tiry
street near llili, is very 1. 1 w itli a se
vere attack of la grippe.
Two Initios risle the ba-al into tows
Ibis uI'l.Tliotin, but were uliahlo to c.t I
aw ay en it. They will probably call
on you lor something local.
The Ortgoitlan heads the Florence
election: "An Adauilus -.d 11. Hit
town of Florence lo U- run by women
At lust Election Mi-iiiIst ol that a-
Werechoacll Colinelllllell Itecolder
and Marshal."
The tow 11 of Latham has elected the
follow lug city olliirrs: Wm. Thorn,
uiavor; Jus. Cliapin, cininciliu in; J.
C. S'.ewari, rvconler; H. C. Dun
Capt. D J. Feins-, of Klamath coun
ty, and well known here, has Ufii ap
pointed fclitv guard al Ihe atiito
M-uttuiitiary. The "Sal.-m hog" over
liaikutl this small position by some
Postmaster Houston, of Junction,
was in tow n over nicht. Tim mill
III 111. or w Inch he is manager,
line but little by the lailure ol tin)
biiny Hetl Crowu mills. Not
Iudctwiitleucii West Side.
I.'. Inn Kerns uf Lunelle. A ili.sf ol
Mr. I. t 'laggelt, sa 1.1 a hW days III d
this city W hile oil her way toiiltelida
tlm Epworth Ltiigue coiiveiitinii at
Itev. I. D. Driver went to Portland
. ... ... . . 11 11
oil the local this morning. 11"
preach there tomorrow morning and
uveuilnz. Slnl oil liexi I in -nay
lug he will I
uld Im a tri
iiiii.Ii:.I loiii ttisr tlowt r-strew 11 roads,
while the f.-lloii who ran agnilist him
would only ktd the vote o( the rail
road oIll. lsU and their hirelings,
ll.iM'1 P. P.row iisville i'iincs; Some
tune a.:- the ow ner of the Lucky Hoy
inn nil i.-.l ill nil ugr.vtneiil with a
iieh ait Lake company lo bond said
mine fur Ihe sum of ijo.Oul, provided
I be t.w m is of Ihe initio would ntcli a
wed tlelliied ledge. The papel were
all signed and Messrs Distill, Mis. re,
Stand all and Stoue w enl'up lo uncover
the ledge. They have never claimed
mole than a live f.a.t vein, and woeld
have l en contented with a four f'st
one, nut imagine Uleir atirptl when
they Ulieoveied a WJll d-d l 'd, eiglll
totii ledge, the pti funis 1111 lal tsirly
glistening all over it. Now the present
uw lit is iin praying night and day
that the sad Lake company will break
their contract, tor tiny claim their
mine is worth V-iO.Otm iu oad cash.
The Salt Lake company ha already
Uvii uoiille.l by their agent, Dr Smith,
l llalsey, aud ale eXsi ieii 10 arrivt
in this eiiy within Hie nexl Iwo weeks,
li is possible, i va iirobalde, that this
coiiiimiiv will put up a large mill this
summer, and thoroughly demonstrate
to the s-.ple that Ho "Lucky I toy"
Isiys have not Isvii talking through
their w hiskt r all lliesss many years
w hen tin y said gold abounds there In
pay ing iiialilities.
Cm 1 A I ION A I. Co N V KM I I ON,
rang, uieiils have bts-n luatle lo hold
an t-diicatl. Dial convention al Eugene
1111 ler the iiusnice of tin. f nlversby of
iiieeoii. on Suiiirdiiv. May IS, s.'X
1'iie uiore iiroiiilnc lit etlucalors of the
state have promised to take part, and a
programme ha las li prepares u great
inter, si. State Siia-riul iiileui u. .vi.
Iritinha iitiiiuised ) dell ver an ml-
dress In the cveuim;: Pntlilent J. M.
P.lo.sof Ihe Agileultural College, Prts
i.leiit Willis I '. Haw ley of Wlllallielto
I'liliersllV, Presldeul Thos. MtH'allan
of P.n'lllc I'liliersllV, Pr.-alilelll F. II. of AlbaliV Collet:.'. PresldcUt
P. 1.. Ciiini.U II of the state Normal
school. Siiiii riiitciiilciit I'.. II. Antler
...11 of S ali-m. Principal J. Iluridisiu
..f I'oiilaii.l, N. L. Narregan of Metl
f.r l. C. A. HitelusM-k of Ashland. T
A. iln.M-s of liiileliileiiec, Supls.
Kulhi iloid of I. inn niunty, Wondiutl
,,i I noil 1 1 1 1 coii 11 1 v and liialiv others
have cx pit ssetl a" great Inlerest III the
eotiveiiiioii and w ill prol.itlilv prepare
i.ali. rs. The palM-r-i will Is' limited lo
I 1 minutes aud will bo followed by
.li-. ii-.ioim. s.innneiil orgiinl.s
1 no. mil U t llectetl mid yearly nusst
in,-. 01 tin- convention will Is. held al
prominent educational centers.
4 Is)
John ICnnedv ami wife l John
Setcka, the d I r of John D Kenlmly
and wife notf :iil4 a s.-o 1 lp !, r
3 w, 327 nrn-a; 7.VHI.
AO Hov.-vand wife to K Mortimr'.
II w of 11 I sec 21. part or aw I of
I see 24, tp 17, s r 2 w, 4H.74 acres; t; o.
t l (iK.NK.
JHStowell nud w ife to Jane Ada
Colter, lot II blk 3, Skinner's donation;
O W Miller to Mary J Miller, I.Hs.i
and S blk , Chrlatin'a Jd add; M.
(ieorge lmg and wife lo Jacob (ill
lcaplc, lot 1 blk I, Ellsworth's add;t'ii
Mcllrlde's Lucid Vims.
Vr The follow Iiil. as near as we
! can learn, represents "senator Mcllridi 's
views 011 the llnanclal tii.noo.
by KDJOwm ehm.M''" ll'h,,. ""'
tall g.a-s with the hide, e pliirihll lill
um, world without end. Amen.
I Li'ckv Km'ai'k. Ijtst w.-ek an old
M 28 tree fell onto Ihe Lucky lloy ..g c.ib
I In it, II.H Ithle IliVer lllilllllg diatrict.
but fortunately no damage w a done
01 her than searing or four min
ers half lo death and misplacing a few
;t2 50 of the logs and a greater s)rtl".u of the
IS 32
30 IK)
1 23
gatii.-d swiutllers and reix-als tl Id
warning not to buy of lrremihle
pctltllers, but to palroni.e regular ileal
or. A demurrer of the Oregon bin Pub
lishing Company to tin tsiuiultiilit in
the suit for tto.lJ""! liislituttsl ak' it
by ClareiitsB Cole has Ims-Ii argued antl
taken under adviseti.eiit. The Ihiii-
! tilt was allowed live days In w Inch to
I pn-pare uiid II le a brnf.
I The bicycle club held a mn-ling last
I evening t."l Hie Hoard id Trade riMima.
1 Thev w ill ask the council at Ila Hi-xl
inn-ting to pas a stun genl law in re
ward lo bicycle riding In the corporate
limits. Ihe club Is against reckless
Corvallis liaelte: "Ijisl wn k I-o
(i. rhnrd went to Portland intending
to reiu.iin only lay; but he round
some of his old friend, w ho (arrsuaded
him to remain uulll Saturday. On re
turning In Corvallis, his aparan.s
indicated that they had shown him a
gissl lime.' "
Horcburg Heview: Ktes. the
P. agfiil. has gone to Portland for
l, treat 1111. lit. Frelirhl Alfelit It.
It. Houston will have charge of attair on th. ir t.w 11 account.
How A I' Cnliru.i. Saturday fore-
ittHin Cobiiri' wils Hie atrlie of consltl
.ruble eM-ili-ment. It aiusars that
one N. Viindl ami Kd ami Carson
spores had las-ii on had li-rins for some
11 Alsiul unit month ago I urrll
and the Spores latys had a light at
11 lin-li the former whs worsted. Salur-
tiny morning be attacked thotholssyi
1 the streets or t otnirg to gel
r.-veuge. iinweier 1 u t wo
iti'itiii citiiie out vlettirloti anil III the
liijht Vmelt was klt ketl 011 Ihe cheek in tlm eve. receiving a severe
wound He mill, tl his vim ami fired
two shots at Ihe I ova, hut his marks-
.,..,. ... , . 1 . r(lVM. iiiair altnoiigii uie
cture iuinei...........y ',,,,.,.,, ,,,H wrBl, were only ten to
1111 was iimts-ti
s ing tried -ftire
uw at Cohlirg tie
aasnull with In
i.nt to kill, I vim ty District Allorney
Williams, of llu city, apia-aniiK on
hvhalf ll Hie plosc.-lllloll.
Proseeutiug Attorney Williams ar.
riv.-d 1 1. r.- this ult-rinsui from Cobiirg.
He Informs u that Justice ajts-let ur.
att 10 on hi own recognizance, an
Saturday aflertiooii In. wild bis chat
h I ami 'lust night left lor parts uu
know 11.
rownavilie Thne. C. ... Job,,,,,,. ! J
wasln the city the fore parlor the, ... ... t,ti la-ae
wn-k. lie Is Just cwuipletnig an order , " , J'';?
for lino he I I. ina birds for ihu lbl , . , ,. 1,
anil (illll Club, Los Angele, ( al.
The Dulles T. .M -: This morning :
the uuusiiiil anlie was prta. ol
snuw 011 Ihe ground, fruit tree in.
hlssssnni and lluwcra in IiIim.iii. Such
an oceiirreinsj is a phenomenon iu tin,
lalilude, and i witnessed very rarely. ,
Orignii City Couri-r: Mis Lama
K. Heatlle is visiiing In r sisteis, Mrs.
J. J. Cooke ami Mrs. David I uiil'n Id. i
She will return to Eugene nexl wtsik
lo resume her studies al tin' state mil-1
veraity, from w Inch aln- will graduate ,
It is now known there were llms
men in the big S P. roiii ry, mid thai
the third man was the one who ah.
Hit aherilt, and iml the small man
heretofore supposed to have llolie the
A Eentleman from the Warm,
Springs any a the Indians o-t in illy
one half of their alia k on Mc. oillil of
tlm st-vere w inter. IV-id.-s th-v run
short "f Ilour, and bad hard piekin,;
Virgil Ilowlaiid deputy alienlf. ... 13 73
Uols-rt Johnson, b ard aud hxlg-
o fm
mg paupers -
At this time Oo V Urown aud W
others presented their petition slmwing
that John Omdmy and wife were old and
feeble, and in destitute cou.htion prating
for relief. It is therefore ordered by the
court that pray-r of petitioners la grnut
ed tiid that J U Job be and is hereby or-
Mi Ki.nik Toi.i. HoAif. - Tlie
diM tors id Ihe tt.ll risid vernally made
a iirota-sitioii to the county nmrt to
take il'M) for their rlrfht. or to let the
court appoint I hr.e appraisers to value
the props-rty and abide by their de
rision. The ma't'-r w a- routintml un
til the next term.
l-arjT'.iissl. Af'os-
DiKH. Mr. Norton, an .d
.1. ..!... l. ... T..l.n IVn.lrnv sliit 70 years. d:.-l
1...1 ; I,..mniit.tnfll.'jll holiir of hi d . lighter.
per week and prissent no itemized bill
therefor to this court.
g. Ill le
af th
Mrs H'-nry
liuriuon. on Hrsl str.-ei. nornt no.
ii In day. The :rt'ii"l:a'e ' . "O
hisd. aMi wa I., art .i.-s a-e.
At this tune c mes Nsncy Lncaa by l,,ri. Jame II lUtley. of
Leratb.rney.Oeo. B. Dorna. and ahos will oou apply f'T admivujn U the
to IL e urt ttat the vmt ct of latuls bar.
a l the station during hi alwtice.
I'nder the hind of "Thought of
Thinker" the sal.-m Journal copies
the following line front au advertise
ment iu this paper: "A long string of
tl-h is not earned up a aide street."
At the approaching convention of
the .laughters f Hcbekah hieh lm. t
at -,:,;em .Monday. May i t. I here w ill
Is- iinsitl rhains a-ked for. its
plvVlded by the nnle of the Sovereign
grand hslge at Chatoiiaogt la-t er.
It i d.-airl that the li--t kuiis of this
state !. authorinl by the lirai.d l'lge
of Oregon, lo orgntio ate ass. m-b!y.
ltr.wtiiil!e Titli'-s: I- v. I. I.
I r, r I in Ist-n s.-iir.. ! tlie La ne
. I -.s-n-iy f the M. K t iiu'. h. to
.1. iivt r a i ourse .f .s tures als.ul the
la-t of this month. The subjects w ill
anrioiniT'l later.
Kural Northwest; If the Nicaragua
canal were in iis-r:ition our t ..! rti.-ii.ioiis w ithoul
would Is- WOIJJI altotlt IWI.s- lis mill h .ujt ,, ! he deel"on
... t i.. e now are In I'ort land I'o'ti'ts-s
are elling t from li t" I i-i.tssr
le.iind IU New 1 oik. Hie lr. i.'ht. t'.v
wav of tlie 'anal, Im il l not ex
cent r pound.
o. P. I'.x o:n-ionm. A. II. Ham
moinl, one of the purchasers of the
Oiiu'iin I'm- I hi ml 1 1 ad lias Isyeil Vlsii-
iior iu I orinl I, and among other m.: "We will build where
..v.-r ue rail ci I bllslnes. WeUllllef-
.t Hid that Ih' people of Salem ami
hugs-lie an1 ready to give aulatlalitial
eiii-oiirair.-nirat to branch Inns of Ihe
Ohvoii Piteille, and If we find Ihls to
Is-true, and that the business Justify
Ih itlav, the llr-l hralo h line will
I built to tin ., plaits.. Or niuis.', we
are now Imedieiipi d by the a.eal
pending in Ihe siipn-uie eourt, bill It is
-i.s,i,ie (iiai we may oa.e pui.rj.n.
in the f. Id making .stimales on Hies
wailing lor llierv-
aa a Joke, vniiai lor ine lanns. ami tiius
eleclisl their tlckst. I he ntlairwas
much talkial of Hntiday ami liiesday
and exsM-d the ladles to coiinneut
that would Ih rather ui.pleas.tiil lor
feinlnlne ears. When ihe council
meets the regular ticket w ill I de
clared uninitiated.
Section (I, chapter 2, of Ihe charter
as: !) rsou Is eliginiti l any 01
11 ee in this uiuulclpal mriNiratiou who
I the time of ma election or n point-
lueiil la not rut it lt"l to Ihe privileges
of an elector accenting to the laws of
this Slate
W. It. (. Kxplaiuliou.
The lad lea of Ihe J. W. licary Kelief
Coriw ilcaire to inn as an explanation
lo ine puiiiiu regariiing nit- sii.i.-iii.-u.
that that society weul. I tie nothing for
Mrs. Altec Miller. I hey bate assisted
her rcira(rdly during her sickness,
having paid out stxlccu dollars ami
seventy-five ivuls for ihiim hire ls
sides sending hei gitK.t r it s at ditlcrrnt
times They ntlcretl lo aelul her lo
Porllaml to the hospital for treatment.
but she decidedly refused lo go anil
now they think they have done all
that duly demand.
Jaca vt ii.i.ot tin uv, i rvs.
Kl.l.A Fha.i.h, S.f.
Hkv. I. D. Dkivkii. Oregonlan of
t.alay aayt: Hev. 1. D. Driver re
ceived hearty welcome at Centenary
church yesterday morning riom his
former n lends. I le aerveti 1 ue euurcii
for nearly three years, ami Hie an
nouncement that lie would preach Iu
the morning was sulllciciil In till the
ailditerluin. The choir loft had la-en
greatly enlarged, and was tilled with
tlue singers tor the occasion. IT.
Driver preached Willi Ills oltl-limn
vigor anil power, coininiiiidlng the
lesest attention throughout his ills-
course, which arupled almiit an hour.
The sermon was Mil ol scieiiiiuu
thought, as well as practical sugges
tions. Al the close of Ihe service Ihe
memlasra of the ehurcli crowded
around the sneaker, and eagerly nui
gratulated him, lenderlng him an
ovation. It bad lvn alaml 10
vears since be wits pastor el
Centenary chinch, ami the senium
showed lie had lost none ol his old
f..rif. In the pulpit with Dr. Driver
at Itev John Flynn, one of Ihogiay
haired pioneer missionaries ef the
Wll.l.lNH to Mkkt Dim vkk.-Portland
Wun: In an.nvcrsiitioii with Mr.
C. II. Ilcyaeltls. upon Ihe present enii
Uoveray relative to Hob Ingeraoll ami
Dr. Driver, this gentleman said It was
U-Bculh theiligliltv of a genlleinan III
bis position te rvlhs t credit uiaui Dr.
Driver, net because It would add In Ida
(Dr. Driver's) aipularliy, but alum he
tn'iiis to Isj the only available cham
pion or mouthpiece of Hie church. Mr.
Ib-vnolds declaied lie was ready aud
willing to meet Dr. Driver on any
terms and under any circumstances,
lu public debute, tlthel on the Inspira
tion of the scripture or Ihe divinity ef
Christ; but he made the proviso I hat
Dr. Driver shall not presume, on no
count of that debate, to addn as him
Ha l. i m, Or., Arll ft. -The hoard id
rxgciit of the Htalo rnlversily at Ku
gene, are having difficulty In ebtalu
lug the (7.'i00 appropriation due forth
Ural tuar(vr. The aecrciary of
stale was notified the last of
March that oneipiarler of the
yearly appropriation was needed, but
hurlalmetl he was not authorized te
Issue warrants for the money until
hills for the Mine were audited In tile
olTlee. The ats-retary was flerwanla
furiilsheil stalemeul shew lug
the list of teachers ami their
salaries, but Secrttary Waltuu, of
the board, was today not I lied that sep
arate vouchers for all ex-nilltures
must be presented and audited In the
secretary of stale's ntllee before war
rants WDuld In) lssue.1.
The II intiiigloii Il.-ral-l p il.o i l
tlie l.llowiiig advert I-.-1II.-I.I :
"Wati'td -A y.-eng won, Hi. in.'
pnt '' . srs of hire .lu-lle pl. ttv
of amiai.l" dissltl.ii. au orplisii on
the dam side and dead hr..k-. s t j . -s -T
litat ruiiony I ritl. r Irs d n-.t i. fi
I i 1.- V.:'Ay Wiiirhf, f sr. b
Vut.-a his W hole Ulie ( lli.kl'..' Mil
ion ' lior radish. k" ii k' ml 'l
d'.w a to- t ml y and t ikii. i' lo r.
hum- "f -''l.'. H !' :"''
it would s.v S..I1.C tlnr i-nt. r r.-iii.
reilowt go Into II e mu-tard bli-l
Ki WIN'. Ft I.I. TlMK. Salem
Journal ot Saturday: J. ( '. (iiaalale,
tl,.-Cl ing liimlaT man I lu town
. s. king aii. r In luiulK-r interests and
,:.. lo- K-s l.-y pais.iiii.gv. He re.rt
h:. ii,, ..i I over ZAi.i" f.-el or IlllllU r
.1 it hill t- ii d t. lie say be is run
Mi, a h.s n. i l ev.-ry day, full llMie,
In-' .'idi-il luiproVclllelll
.- s generally, and hi predic-a-ll','
Is lleted.
Anotiikk Piomkkk ( Mra.
Pho lss Itiiti'manl away at her
home In Halay (Ills iiiornlng, April
ath. Agrd 71. She leaves a huslsind,
four children and large iiumtajr of
relatives and friends to mourn her Uma.
She massed the plain with ler hus
band lu '47 ami haa lived lu Linn
counts ever since.
Al'I'olKTMKNTS M Alii:. The Free
Mclhodlts elias'tl Ihelr rt.tilercnoe lu
Portland yesterday. The appoint
ments for tlie F.ugeiie tliatrict are: H.
F. Smalli y. tll.lricl hh r-hugeiie,
Oak Hill aud Sprliigllnd. A. L. IVs,
gartner; Mohawk and Cedar Flat, W.
M Piatt; Hosrl urg and D, J. C.
lull) (,ii"l. .
Skhi.ii a Issm Miaa Ikira Smlt,
librarian of Hie university. Ial Sslur
dsy lost b.-r purs.', couiniiilng tlod.
Sbewa- carrtiiig Ihe purse lisgi-lher
Willi stiliiv iH-raiid In some way tt
It without knowing Ju-l bow or when
- i"
the Is
1 1
A M'.i: I-. t'.i: -llie Corvallis (ia
: i, il.lis ,. . Ih.-f .llow ing moitKm-ea
d i'i ;'s l.-t l-sile: 'I'ort alii Co.
,. '.,. -.. H'lmphr.-r A Co. -t al. Fu
ll -.1. , Iin iidly iwnilll plant fur t-'i.-
s.'i.-lsij. I. a a.linoli'i; aame
I . '' is, nd inort. -
;? ..i.anl. Ap-n s
A S vi a I.I. Pl.H Ck r. A statement
was made by in f Kilu't ne' divines
lu the pulpit y.-l.-nlav, iimii w hat be
ism-Id. red g Slitle
over St vr it lit ..I I lit
, are virtuous. Cither
the ft.
.riti, that not
in, ii of I'.ngvue
a hard In k ou