c,fy ASiVcmiNTV. I'll rt.'t. vTt-Ul'AV - " llie 1.1 M .Blla-'-''',',f',,,,,,"k,Nl 1 -... i.-r bushel. P..tt.s I (M.l"r'"" lUvil " 1 hd. i:.-. l.-lttT l.lt. IVtlT Aril 4, MiV IUT, W I. MiHire, I. XV M ur, I.unu Sullivan, C W Tlluiil, Mux Trcltrvii, M:iry il.lv, llichurd n.kriii" J"-" ., ..... .--in will t msd mi all J C' yrt. railing lor letters hell advertised. T. i. fltAl'l. I'. M. J,niiilrv of i i Wall"". uttrney-iit-hiw .,.., i l..aii on farm. ju,,p- Walt I .UK " IIr r 'X '"' B ni,. All f""l' ,-d,, i full lint of wood rlinper hs.1 at l li,,..- price. L- ''" ir (i W. Kiddle nmy I f'mnd at i i. fii.iciiiv "i "vt' nirxfi, U tw.vii fihmi -iw-i". ';' V If Mmm.U hotel, lie l pre vj to il.i all dental work In tin- laid lainii.'f. i.rv pump Tlx- "Lugeiie," built ,,,'K.ij.iiH, iiu.l knock out nil compel- ;tur f.rforee. F. I.. ClIAMUKKH. t.. i Moiii'V to loan n lm- Kill III KK. Eugene, Or. ..I frni uroia-rt V ' hll KK W.K.I. IJlHR Farm Wanted!! I have stvcrul enquiries fnuil the Kit f"r k.""l land. Tin hav ing u.li land fr wili will do well to ,ll at mv "HI' a 1 probably nuktasakiforynii. liK". M. Mll.I.KK, Wilkin lllock, Kugeiie. harden Seeti. Over 1 ten Just received in bulk. F. 1.. Ctiauiler. nuim ..! at Oliver chilled plow extra F. 1.. CIlUllllaT. (V.lar Post Wanted. Alsiut .7ii ivditr jhihU wanted tie livrinl lit tin- hopya.d at Juilklna ..iul, 1) mil. east of F.ugclic, by April 1: t" ! mailt) of sound, smooth lark cedar, II feet long, and square, 4 lorhin thick lit the niiiuII and. Ad-J:i-, fluting terms, or full on W. It. Wai.kkh, Springfield, Or. Kg,' for lUictiluff. From pure Fred fowl bred for rtltti aii'l prullt. L. lirahma, It. .tnif'UMii, White, lin.wu, li.iirand j Black D-glmrn, Minorca. 1. llock. j . IUiuU ti;-., iiI-m. tluna and etc., for moiiwi'ir-tlif tx-it liatuher on rword. I Ii.-'. .1 ... ..... 1. nf . nH iii- n .1 ... ...I. ... i-i oi4Kiii)!, h ii, 1.(4) rKk' iilze. I'lnlia au.J tti'.. nut fr ilW. l'.jri f l.m) Mr it A..ln-, I'uipiMia i'oultry Yard, ltwliurif, Ore. Fiiki. Toi.i.m, Trop. Tim "l.iim" revuinlle dull harrow thrum the fiirlli ritlivr way lliejiiteat inij.n flop and on-linrd cultlva mm. F. I.. Cliuiiibwrs. WFU.SIisU.VV, Al'ltll. n. V TlinilAY, AI'HIL4. April lnwir. ('"ininl-.ioii. r- r F. M. Walt., . I.n Muidi'. I U . T. S.ilifnid, "Utl.ill u. nt of ,Iat, Clurlon iMiinly. l'a., wrlU'n; ' I rim rvootniiii'iidOiie Miliutv I'oiiijIi (;... V L. ii i i.. . . . I ' llr" "' "t I iAr U-..I. II gave nn. . . I It Ki ll I Itailc J iiti. I in! i t i y ' i , a vl.it IihIuv. ' i "'",!,"t ri'ln f mihI a ijiili k cure. mrl - "I ', lull. N.Ull . 0Mr:.1 l AMUH.UKS liiKOrllii:. altrrull IlfllM. I I'.rrurr Wnmrii tirl Oi:t a Srruitfbl j Kiiulnino lirkct lr ii ompr. l'hi' fikv (itry ..' FI. ii.'ui, k.' iviry U ti"l pn'i.iiii'.'il a iiiii. Ii a itmU f.'ii" it un tm: llu- imrlv tuumin; it Tin' cllv illUii of Fl. ri'ii.w wn U not r -riencvd, iin.l Vi T.t Imve lii'l.l I'lli-nliiy, Imt the reult I not vvl ' tli Hvmlrirk to lii'lp lilni. It known tit-re. We have U-vii hiiiioVd rviulr. an vxiHTieii.itl limn and Trent ll.m-. I A ril ;t, Jutilt'4 111 t-r viml.'il lliiK'eiio limt i Tuewlny, rvl irniiit; I ho iiuu day. Mr. and Mi, t'otrina i c:ive tlivir tw in Iml.lva a hirth.l.iv limirr Tu-- C3 moiif. cnimn IMrUOUMEST.S. Tim ( lirMUn I hnrrh Mty lave (lie mil "liil, V liiiildiua for Uetti-r Mra.'iiirr. ;.lli. C'oiiuiiiMii iinr, IVrkiiM iiinl I Mk- In l.iikj.'iii'. i foil. F. I'. Col. inall of Ciliur,', uj. in 1 -u n u.- t.'.lnv. The eoti.liliiHi uf (i. . (irlllln re- lliallm linrhuii;rd. Will i.i.iiiiiii, n 1'orllainl.liii'iiiiiiT. in the I'ity l.nlav. J. II. O'Neil, tli.- tH.i.tilar railroad in. in, u in F.iii'Mc. Mr. J.m'ii Klein i vimtiiiit lu r piireiiln at I 'ol.ur. Hlll.iDi CollC. IVrrf.ii who are mil.jurt to attack of uiii.iu colic will ti pieaneil to Know '.list innuit relief luay Iw lind by tnk " if t Iminu ilnlu'g t'olle, Cholera and Iinrrlwii lu-niedy. It acta iuii'kly mil mil alwa.VH Ikj ilependeil upon. Ill tuany i iIM hi tuck iimy i reveiit "1 tv lukiin: tin remedy aa immiii aa '.he llrl luJi.atlon of the diaeaiM ai- pwrx. iiand oO cent bottle for ule iiyt.l)urii A IK-Lano, drugglt. Frank Shenardimn. an nirineeron lhS.ullurii I'aelllu Ily., who realde l Aiiirilea, t'al., waa troubled with riiruinmi.,,1 for n ol,K t,t, ne WM irvtinl l.v wvenit phyni.-lan, almi vla itnl the Hut Siriii, but rei-elved no l-niiancm r. lief until lie iwcil Lliam irbui I'mih H.,1,,,. He aaya it I ih ut infdieiiiB in the world for "I'uriiuti.iii. For aale by Oslmrno A iljiiiB, liriiKijIiita. "W take pleavure In recomiiieiid m t-liaiiilKTlaiii' Cough Remedy be-u-lti, i,ri.d l.v Hll whnlrvlt." r J- W. Cox A Sinn, druf (tlt, Mnnib. a.. UMjnn. No one alUieted with a ttirimt or limit trouble can une thU TiiiKiy uitii out praiNiuir It. It ftl- givf urnrnut relief. ItlnewiH-O l.v valuahla for eold a It rtdieve "' iurnr, makH breathiiifr eaiiler and Mpectnratlon. A cold will never j U,J '" pneiiiiiouia when till remedy takf n hii. I renwmnble rare exen-l-!!. t ""e v (Jburiie it DeLano, Drug 'letiny price on hop wire belore iiritf. r . L. Chamiikhh. . "AI.K.-A full blood Jerwy bull , 1 '.y"1- Kr particular euquire ti . : .. " superior" itovon and ranire r .1 I'b-a-e in both iiiality ee menial r. L. Cham The Oliver plow Xo. 10. V 1 enpec ' . lpied for hom and orchard, J", 'v few Oaln one home plow price. r. i t uambeni, vf.WMciuJ4,hcrto.l farOulMia. -zn Vim, th tlunt in rM.ia. U Ud CaiUna, ah fan Omcs Caufla. O-iii u .V 1:I.AN. y All kind of wim-4 strictly pure mi. I of U .(ii.ilily at llenliaw'. Ifyon tnvd m iii.-n for nicJi.nl uv call mi V. M. I!.iiia. Mri.tly pure uiid uuruiiti e.l. Unite a heavy fro.t tils', morning. The poiii:ati.iii of Silvcrlon in 10U. The river ii r'iter 1 fwi ahnve low wuiur. l ine wine hit return' ( it iv.d by W. M. he nhuw. .Uoriicy j. M. v llliaiu en ir.nti a trip lo .-.u. ni. J. It. Haven iilurii. il to Li" home llurrialmrK thin moriiiii. Kd Wwt. who woiki for Win. Kheii- haw, in ipiile rick IihIiiv. JuiIl'u S'utt. and Mnvor Yalc. of Irving, were in tuM ii I.nI.iv. IIoii.C. . It.k.r, of Wullerville. im.'IiI lal infill in thin city. W. V. Hume n turned llil iiunn- hit; from u liiiniiicw. trip to Southern Olcg.ill. Local hnpiH-iiiiiK are acanv totlav, a mliiittioii I nut I not iipprci laid by a h eal reiMirler. Who wilt he appointed city mar- hal and iiltrhluuii'hmitn? Candi date are Miid lo l pit iilifnl. Mr, (ieo. Friwl, of McKenic bridge, it vl.iiln in (hilt city it It Mr. and Air. Oeorut' rumr. Jui'kouville Time: Mr. Fr.i.cr. of Kuueiie, in lm villi: II. K. Aukciiv and (amily of Sitrliii(villi. a vii.it. . . . it i . liurncv t. . wHiewt k Kria iu'ii 11.. I'ortlui.d .hi. morning on I. im.1 bul- ",lr tiuM. He ha a caw In the I . S. court. About 10,0m bufilit'U of wheat re main in the Irviuu warehoiiM-. A amull Mirtiou ol it la three yeura old. The Multnomah irran.l Jury I u in- dicteii a large number of gumliltT ami owner of untiling housoi iu I'ort- laui). Hon. IC. I). McKee hit Ikioi up- pointed clerk of the I'. S. ill-tli. t .tiurl ul 1'oriluinl. An excellent appoint ment. A hov from Mohawk Inula very nice I. Hiking tunic silver lux in town today, which he wa trying to nil. No buyer appeared. The northliouiid freight train for to- lay hii been annulled inn I 11 cciitl Block Irani will pa.vt throiigli 111 it place Ihlit I'Veiilug. llev. n..lt. M.'Unii, at thu t'ltrnetit ntiietof hi pitrinlnoucni iulirunl I'ai. lilt ileclllietl the rail ny .nizpall 1'rexl.ytcrlaii chuich of l'ortluiid. Mr. Marv l'hinncy, of Sealllc, in MUllig the MuUlal Life IliNUriimv Coin- paav to rec.ver Imi,4II, liirurance oil the life of her .1. reae.l Uilil.ilid. A WohIiiiuii of the World lodye liu la-rll organized ill .M'dlord. Cl.a. K. Woleott, lormeily of ICugene wan elect- d clerk of the urgiiuir.alioii. Toiluv'a Albany Herald: Mr. W. I.. HoukIoii, of Juuciloii City, wan in Al ballV VviterdilV littcllilillK the lllifllllg of the creditor of the lied ( rown mill. Captain Hutch and Kngiiievr (iwlnn l..fi il.iwii ibe river to Juaclloii tint morning to ma II Ihu ehantiel wa ob- V slrucletl by imiig. 11 tncy nun itoy no. tructioim the uug Uut w ill coiuo up and clear thcui out. Dr J W (iury, whohalweii praclio for family ue Jut re- , I he I r..' It. adllig (loom i the r.- 1(1 j clpieiit of u Uauiiml rug fitiiu Mayor 11. 1-rifiniiy. (Icll. Neul I low, of Maine, I over i'l year of age. Water evidently agree with the In iieral. Albany Herald J. It. Montgomery, of J imt-l i.iii City, Urhorlly lo lake the pla.v of mglii operator at the tlt'ol iu liu city. A I'l'li. Ileton 11 rill ahlpHtl :tlWdoell egg Saturday to the r-oun.l. They tere purchuM-d al 0 cent a dozen. Mr. A. Wil.011. of Mohawk. I very ill wit Ii a cancer 011 the idc of hi fa.v, and lii dculli may be exct'lvd at any lime. Twenty car load of cuttle pawed through Kugelie yeterdu eu route to the Cnic.go iimrkel. There were over .inn head of Iht-lil. Our pa rou will llml IK Wilt' Little F.aily Kier a ufc and reliable remedy for C"iilipiitiou,dypepila and two prliit.il tlckt t. one of w hi. h c,.n lain the iixitif t.f women exclusive Iv thc other of mi ll. They are it fol low . lo III. VK lllKLI. For president, Alice K. Ilurii.; for town council, Heppie Mteron, Christina C. Kyle, iVntH-ia Christen en. N tU'lIu KoU-; for n tMr.lcr, Alt.t li. WilMin; for uian.hu,, Jennie . I Yale. ! tlllINH' lltKir. Forpr.siil.nl, 11 F. Alley: forcoun 1 ciliiit ii.O. W. Hurd. Win. Ivy .e, F. J. I Km', L. Christen. 11; fr recorder, li. I K. Severy; for marshal, O. W. AMI. toll. TIIK KS I HAT Mil A I . w Inn the riv. r 1 hL'li It takes tw iiu u, and if they put Iu a larger boat, which is the calculation, it will take two me nail the tium lo run It. It woul.l pay the county to wait until the ut w lsat is put on and the lauding on each si.le Unit. The leirymaii, Mr. Wlthrosv, and Clan, le I'.i..i.oii cuiiio t hard wot. Is 1111. 1 blows Is'caiisc the f rryiutii would not run the lat after dark. N.i nr-rwt. Hie Christian 1 1 1 . v 1 1 1 1 Lurch of this city has , . , , ,, - . - ' a tie . 111 1-1 1 ... i w,o. .1 "i . ion . 11 . lilts d,y.thll.gtl... lr,t a1 niverary of , w , , p ,,,,,,., their arrival m el.r....t. m.tn.g have :.,n held for a hoig I he saw mt: I k'nu.lnu once more. 1 tint an. I w hid It U'giiis to I sk like tlnur "hiug tun.- I stri ctioii was at 1 rent again. Wool, lift siiih an Apnl f.s.l as yu.'" Just nsk him nUout it and h.-ar johnny M.'Kinie got "acurly k.ll It I III smile. A school nnt'tlng was held iturday to .leteruillie whether orilollhe.il" Irl. t woul.l ace. pi the chart pur.'ha-'d by F.. 1'. UilliMins, acting inthera- Mrs . I.in.iltan.1 Mi.s lUll h .. I. ft ! " Ullalli, B-'ling f.,r l.,rii l l i,. .- 1...... l.. ti.n , I'-'i il.v of ilirector. The vole wa ! iiit: at Mr. 1 onnollv's. ill til" lime of cm. I he U'st HIM"' luted church buil.liiik' . f liu' t"W 11. More modern styles of cliur. li build ings are now in vogue, w it h separate r.sms for regular rlmr. h rvi.s an, I Min.lay scIum.I, mh lel v mid prayer iu ting, pustoi's siu. ly and other use, lo meet this, the .l. uiaiid f.r more r.Miil, Hi cllliieli ha U.'tl or tilrt tun.' coiiteiiipl.tt'ug a 1 hang.'. 'Ihu preM'iit l.x'ation while it ntral and con- liotilne Kick Somersault" l'rorlolie a Itooini'iatig. Tliat log hi prufession at Central I'oint, bn removed lo his old home al IIuIm-v. Mr Uearv I well known iu F.ugcne, being son of the lute Dr. L. It. (.eary. Seattle llein: Kmmoiis' A iiited Ijiw OMUv, Seattle; capital t-inmi; -" Hhan- of tiich; liicormralor, II. II Kuinion. Charles A. .Murray, 11. F. McClure; tocouduct a K'tnral law busliiws. The Inidy of yoimg lleimunii, who Irowiied iu the river north of tin city a few liny since, na ma im-u iwovtired Ti t. Tli river I now la ing closely wutched for It te come to Ihu surface. Tl, mllroad cotlllliiwionerauiliourntd thuir busiiies nieeting yesiunhiy ami made f. ruial application for warraut for llielr salary. Secretary in. jum ilid not iiwue thce warrant aim 111 delliiltely iwtponed Ibe iiielion by saying he would consider Ibe mutter. Stale HiiK-rinteudeiit Irwin ha Just decided a iU.-tlon of considerable lm- K.rtanif. It 1 mat a p ron ng a third grade cerlilifute and U'lng unable tosecute u avhool, iian grunted another uhhi passing exauii- nation al tne prKT unit-. I'.l.,r the law l.assed by the lui-l legislature applieatinu for admission lo the IUbura itoldier- Home must be made lo the county Judge of the county in which the applieant reside 1.. fktx.-ill uiMiii 11 iiirinniii'u wm " ...i .ii.i n.tfiiiHtioiiii ait wt-ll m the nHt'arv Mm. Its. ' A . The (irant I'us Observer report that 1I1.S. IV I). A L. Co. nun which l...ru..,l ast wis ll in .Memo is 1... i I..r Ilea. Ktillev' ui'crvis- Ion. They will le ready for wo k .,.!.. lo f. w week. Tin i the mill - . tl.tl... partly owneu ny 11011. Hon. (ieoige Turner, of Sp.kni '. .i.! 1,. i. , ins of the irr.-atest atitl-eor. imratlon attorney on the I'acillc cout, I... I., .molaved liv the fanner of Walla Walla and Columbia eoiiatito omiluct llieircasra airainst IheO It. A X. Co. aad K. McNeil, ntviver, la-fore the Interstate isimmerce ooinuilssloli, ... i..is a 1 1 1 1 11 k t.-stlnmtiv in ile ns. comniriiclng Arnl II. L-..- .lull). n liifiis.' have Ufli i...i l.v il, i-.iintv clerk of Lane count V vet. Ow ner of stulll-nw h"Uld reiiicioisr umi ineiw 11 - r - -itv sitachcd to violation of the law ...."......1.... ii,.. li.vn-s w hich r- vide, tbut a failure toi-.tuply lhrwilh 1 s 1 a.luilif'1 f HtT and tiiililshalile Ij' a .1... ..f not le than t-i nor more than s-.-j. ... i.v iii.i.risoiinieiit tor uol more i Iimii iiinet V da . ...:. 1 ..t.iions were held in . ..f. I... .!,.!.. of the Middle West nlsv. and in M-verai .-.....- .. Iii the North, the tv-ult a ; verv cae a n-"."..'- " M.fct il.tenst ceftensl In the o.iite!. an-l im re i" .Ii.miI their sireimtli. OMtiitN A PkLami. Itlusle Island held a state ehi'tion yesterday. The republican candidate for governor wa elected by lo.um plurality and the next legislature will be lul republicans to ti democrats. Sick headnche, constipation nnd in digestion are ijuiikly cured by IV Witt' Little I'.arly Uisers, the famous little pills. Osui'RN A I)i:Land. I lev. J. C. I lead, who nit ntlv at tempted to roti a bunk in Fast i'orl lalld, has Ist'll declured sane by a colli-mis-Ion of d.Ktor and he w ill 1st tried for the crime. II. II. Ilowinau, pub. Ft).uircr, of llremi'li, Ind., writes: Last week our lilt Is girl buby the only one we have was taken sick with croup. After two doctor failed In give relief and lile was hanging "ii a mrre trend we tried One Minute Cough Cure and it life was saved. OMU'KN A IH.l.AS.i. bum A IK-Lano, druguists, agent In r.ugeue, lor a iM.tiieoi LIVKItlNF.. for thu Liver. Kidney, Slck-liea.lache and Coustijiutlou. La (iripH? is here again w ith all its old lime vigor. One Minute Cough Cure I .1 n-liuble remedy. It cure and cures ipMickly. (Ul KN A DkI.AN'O. KAltL'S CLOVF.il HOOT will pu rify your I.IinmI, i leal youri-omplexioii, regulate your Uw els and make your head 11 clear as a bell. and H mi. Heiidcrsoii A Linn. Ciiptain Switmy C. S. A., San Dl- i'go, I ul., says: niiiiin v aiarrn Keiiiedy i the first medicine I have ver found that would do me any g.M.d." 1'rice iiOi'. Meiiderson A Linn. Will Itciishaw' thoroughbred trot ting coll was gored iu Ibt lirenst uy Shio toOsb A.iie agent i Mr. Milam Is teiicbing s.Ii.nI ut Wullerville, Mi-s Calcf at lavis" and M 1 -s 11 ul tic I ay lor at I'liurstoii. Mr. and Mrs. Sutidermaii, of Natron, visit.l at Hendricks' ferry on last Sunday. Mr. Taylor, of F.ugcne, visited Tliur-ton Sunday. A 1 tilioti at Waltervillc and anoth er si I hiir-toii Is signed by the citi zens of the above place re.pics'iHg thai I. rant lleii.lrlck Is-appointed to run (he ferry, as he is an cupcilcn.vd firry 111:111. Mr. Kline of I lie County Home is very sick. M r. Neilhnm, of Thurston, is suf fering from rheumatism. Hr. ItiisM'll, of Thurston, has U-vn siillering w ith Ins old conipluint and he any lie like fntt silver and fn-e fer ric but be .bs-s not like free medicine and free dm lorlug. lor be ha to pay for III. did lies in free silver w heu he has nunc and lo sutler with pain for free riding; but after this it w lit lake :omcthing i-Im) than pronnm s to get medicine of him or lo ride. Mr, (irant Hendricks and two children and Mr. Otsirgc I lvit.lt ii ks and sou visited their parent, lr. and Mr. It. F. IhiHw ll, at Thurston lul Week. Hop yards are Islng plowed all along the river. Skmtku I'un i.is. Circus tricks are not more venturw some than are some of the acrobatic ili.tortions of truth that the Kuyiil taking Powder Company bus Kill lately exploiting nil this cou-t. An ar ticle' w a recully pulilishiil In Ibis pa s r ainied ut the' I'ritv ltukiug powder Company, ut Chicago. It ha la-en found, oil investigation, full of error and fa s.' stnlcuicut. John Itoyd l liiichsr and the Judge of awards on baking xwdcr. it wa stated, hud w ritten to the Price Coiupant claim ing that it adveitiM-uiciit of a World's Fair aw ard were "iiiroirect." This statemeiil I found to Im without I he least m'UiI.Iiiiiiv of truth. All ammonia js.wiler were rigidly barred Irom tUo World' Fair by Ibe tMM.it I ve order of I'rof. Wiley, Judge of award oil Unking powder. Ibe lloy- al did not exhllul ul the Fair. Was it barred bcrailM' it cu(aiiicd aiunionla? It I nil In.li-putul'li' fact that !r. Triiv' Cream Knking Powder carried oil' the highest honors at the World' Fair and later the S ccial Hold Medal al the Sau Francisco Mid Winter Fair. Psli) loisnl. fll I. ItKIMi Hi:i.1. A vve go In pre llclirv Jordan, "the capitalist," 1 I--Ing Riven a prliminary examination before Justice Wheeler for obtaining money under faiMi prctcnM-s. Heputy Prosecuting Attorney William a H.'itrcd for tlio stale and Attor neys nilyeii and KuiM-y for tlieih'-fi-nsc. The iicf.iiM' i Insanity Jordan seem to think, fiolil hi u H'aruiire, that the charge I not m 11. mis. At 4:.'UI p. 111. the coll it look tlie mat ter under adviM'inciit until tomorrow. A lloiis.linl. I Irrasure. P. W. Fuller, of Cunajoharie, X. Y., iv Ihtlt he always kw p Dr. King s .....e..ri in I 1 1.1 liiillsul llllll 1 1 iia 1 ," " I 1 . I ... .1 . .i... V.. bus always found the very Isst I mU,m1 w h. oI , re-ull-.wJI"W Us iH'j that he would ,, Astoria (ioblo road I lluished. not I witNout it if prwurable. (I. A. , The survey, however, will Ihj made ....... .1.1 . ...... I.... ....... u. v.. 1. I... '.... LIU A: V lllis Sllllllllt-r. no.l i-.ri . uiimk f.m i. i suy that Dr. King' New Discovery is uud.iubti'illy the ts-st cough reii.edy; t.lll sstst is llllaill i m fit 1 ' f iTl llll lllH. til II f lavoroi laaii.K inn cnari. ' of I he . mult .1?" of the lot, ttn.t it I Tlie Trent scIi.m.I is ibiurlshiiig line- i probable that if a new . Inn. h is I. mil ly. A good attendance Is hud, and tht-r and roomy site will bo still there are more t follow. Wcurcd. Miss May Hol.v Is dangerously III, j A meeting of I he mcmls-rs wa hld making nsivMurv the ul tendance of a lat evening aud a couimlll.t', ouisist. phvslcian. ' 1 lug of I. li. II Iri. ks, J. II. Harris, V.li. Miller liu moved to Clover- j Walll. J. D. Mal l.H'k. I'. J. Mo- ,(!,, I'lierson, and W . P. I-isher, w ith the , , .... . ., , , . 1 president of the elders as chairman, l-narmtigai ircm every mini mtu-,UM .,,,,,, , .u,r. Into the detail ul (he matter, -i'c, ro-t, etc., to ri'jort at some future Moiling. dav W morning and evuiiing I.. Iiristow, the pop liar mer chant of Pleasant Hill, Is solving tint hard Iiuu problem for our farmer friends. He ha prtfc.te.l arrangi--nicnts w hereby he 1 enabled to sell sugar at Fugeiie price If aivompnnied by the necessary amount of free silver, i how ever ho might accept gold coin , and everything else at panic price. Oose for yourselves. I lout take our word lor it,' Isvatise we're only a hair brained .leiii.en of a ens-k nuitusl Hist T-J AI'K. The first meeting of the new eulliicll take place Monday evening. Ittltli.iMi Nkwh. The Astoriuu contains the following two n. 1 1 road ilciiis: Mr. A. U llaiuiiioiid and Mr. J. C. Stanton left for Portland lust night tilt the I la i ley (iat.ert. They exH-cl lo return to Astoria w ithin a w.s k's linie. While away Mr. Ham 11 mi 1. 1 will visit Corvallis and other points 011 the Oregon I'ucllh'. He ex ss'l to have corps of eiigiuis-r iu the Held within the next ten days, sur veying the line from this city toOohlc. After making a trip lo Sun FranciM-n, which lie will tin when leaving hire next wis k, Mr. Ilaminoud cxi-t In return to Astoria and remain for a mull l It or so until building op-ration get under full w ay. Dr. Kinney says that it I (he inten tion of Mr. Hammond lo extend Ibe that he has used it iu hi family for s cur, ami it bus never failed (o do ull that is claimed lor II. W by not try a remedy so long tried and tested'.' Trial bottles free at Henderson A Linn' Irug store. Kcgulur si.o, .Vie ami 11. right of way, map, ele., gol ruudy for uii early iN'giiiuiug. Kfl.Y'H I'lIK SITIUMTORY. Is lusnoitis-il to purr Pile slid I li'tlpstlmt. of liiiili.-r rrltlli.l.sl wins r ! "im tsliit lr eirr .sr sn-i rr-.- mw ... Vl.tlt I IN III I'V, llrlt."ssl I'lisrii.si lii.llirs. UT, I s. No I'iisTAI.. ASswsssii. r..r s e iy su lli.l l is ilriir"" rvi-rrs hrrr, sii.l in Kiiupiip, tirt-Kni lr tt..irti iii'ijuio his etiw this morning. He ha not yel Is-cn trained, nod was not fast enough to gel out of the way. A cup of Parks' Te at n'ght umve the bowel iu the morning without pain or discomfort. It I a great health giver and blood purifier. Sold by A. YkkiniitoN. I've a ecrvt In my heart, SwiHt Marie, A tale I would impart, Sweet Marie: If you'tl even fuirer l You must a! way line Park' Tea Tlie Improvement you will see, Sweet Murie. Sold by A. Ykkisoton. Parks' Sure Cure 1 a isvsltive pecinc iu alt disease of the Liver and Kid ney. Hy removing the urlo acid in the bloiKl it cure Rheumatism. . i Itasford. of Carthage. H. Dakota, aaya: "I UdicVB Park' Sure (.'lire excel all other nicdiclne for Ilheumatisin and t'rlnsrt disorder." Hold by A. 1KB- . .-. j - IXIITDX. J. A. Klchar.lson, of JefTerson City Mo., chief inmlling force, 3Mh .jen. rai assembly of Missouri, w rite: I wish to testify to the merit of One Minute Cough Cur. XV hen other ao-called cure fulled. I obtained almost inatatit .ii..f ml sissmIv cure br the use of One Minute Cough Cure. O.III.-RN A DELANO. IH XVitf Witch Hazel Salve cure s.-alils, bums, Indolent uores and never fails to cure pile. I The dennH-rat reelected the supreme Oslil ltN A DkLami. Judge in WImhiisiii iy u.phi piuiauiy. Aortion sale. 'd m-11 the f.dlowlng property be "'n to Jwim Hutchinson, at pub. .) luilrsi helow Mound p"t ''Mtl, ;M H i. is v,, t 1 p. m.: I wagon. 1 ' cl.t with tools, 2 Ut cbaio-.-' 1 t " . KIND II" ST", w '. m lrge su.-ers, ; crow bara, 1 i"r mill !.., 1 furk. I t.r d l' ff-l f r... r t .,..1 !';'"rP. lel.s k. I br- kettle. 1 ''"-., 2 griml-tooe, and a lot of t T f . .... '..IV - Vtrst. stilt. in alme-t victory Chicago rity h...ul.ll,q.n. ,r.iv.v..- - .... , Oeorge II. Swift, their candnlaie, uio Inga Plurality of .me . vol.-. The republican also came out far ahead In the vote f..r ald.rman. Flection throughout Ilhnoi w.re cl-an repubheaa .weep. In M. Lou.. . . . n.iT of n tubllcan will ! take the plat "f demncrmlic oftlcials. The pn.nil.itton plestion wa the ! lea-lini .-ue In K.n. and rand -, . . ....iv n sucressful In , tlsles 01 io. 1. , I m m ns. lH-nver en-. licaa ticket, aud ville the popuhf claim ( At i.MT liv TIIK XViM..-XVbile the ferrvmau al the :iee ferry on me ,.i K. ii.ie riv. r wa at dinner yesterday ti... I. which wa tie.liU.on 1,. ..'..ni, i.i.. whs broken from It f . .!..., 1 nirs and carried III. the river un .I if .irn.-k the current, when It wm t..i ...it Into the river In 'Jcb a p .1,1..,, .. ti, n-rt-ivc Ibe full frj of the water. The tackle held the boat, but the cable acro-s the river wa pu le-J ....... tl... stKiicblulis until it toucuet t.u u i.r Two vounir men, w bo w it n.sl the accident, look a skill am uol the bout out of tUnger. ivii .i Ij.ioh. oilier A Peter and sw the i. w hop h-c reveraable harrow The lest in the land. Fink XX'im.. XX'. .XL lleiislmw '.u Just received a flue consignment of Tokay, Miiscut and aweel wines. Ouiiruntis'd strictly pua1. Fxeellenl for family iim. llurklea' Arnica halve. The Itesl Salve III tlie world for Cut, ItrtiiM-s, tvires, I livr, Suit Ithctllll, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chnps'd Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skill F.mptloiis, ami positively cure rile, or no pay rcouircd. It I gunranteeil 1 1.. i.i ...rr.M.f si.t lri.i.t It 11. or tiinuwv ..'refunded. I'rb-u Z't ivnt tier Is.X. ' For sale ly I leliilersoti tx 1.11111. Free Heading llooiti. The fr.s- reading nxvil i now Is-lng thoroughlv overhaul. si and will In a few day Is' Iu a neat ismditieu for the public.' The maguilud.t of this work ! prolmbly Is-yond thu con vpl loll of the philanthropic men and weiiieu of tills citv win, are ulaiuing 11 ny moiithlv roniributii.u. It I perhap only the organization under whoso suihtvIsIou It I ami the itiirariau in chargu who know that the average dailv attendance haa lieell during tlie past year forty H'rsons. 1 ho advan lagea and lutl'iit'iiiv of a public U'liclH of inch a character to the ineii and Is.v of our town cull not la estlniutc.l. It 1 the pur i we ol the organization to expniid the work a soon a the llnan clul coinlition of our town will stiii1I. lkM.111 at The Free Kerrj. John Is'a.lniond ha completed and placed In position a boom al the tree county ferry 011 thu Mc Kcnr.ln river. Al that plain lb current act strong against the ferry landing oil the south bank mnking It' bard tohaudlethe boat during any considerable stage of water. The IsHitn I I1) feet long, the lop end Islng securely anel.oicd to the shore, the lowei end reu'blng under the ferry cublo unit held ilxiul .'u feet from the share by meniM of wing. The Iss.iu I bilill'of VI slick of Um ber IU) ft! long, each snuarlug 12 Inches. Diift will uhx 13 throws awav from t, 10 landing ! menu of the boom. Itrhe'tali Lodge Work. Pally iiiisr.1 April I F.tigciie Kt'bvkah hslga No, .V., I. O. O. F.. at the regular meeting last even- Imr luitiateil Uve iiieiula-r. After the wurk was comtiletcd the lil.illlls-r en loved an acvptublii lunch that had Ist'ii urnvbled liv the sisters. Till ItrlN'knh bslge la rapidly Increasing Iu iiietiilMTshii.. Mr. F.lla F.. Fraxer hn Utin elected a dclegitte lo Hie Kels kah grand lisige, which niii'l Iu Portland Iu .May. InlllLOU'M Ct'KK, Hie great Cough and Croup Cure, I in great demand Pocket size contain twenty-five doses, only Children love it. fold by Henderson A Linn. When rtiT little irlrl sras otto mnnth iM. sl.s hs.l s ..-si. font, on lirr fs.-. It ks.t snsi,tiiiM tiulll mii i-oinelU-lv i-.iti'rr. Insii Im-siI i.i r.a.l. ItK-ll .lis hs.l Ix.ls Sln li.,1 ,.Ol nil Ii. I im-4.1 si 011s tints, sit.l moo on hr ImmIv. W h.-i. sit tnoiiih. in, I ilnl not sik.hs.rti iHsino. a i-miii,! sn l s h.lt I.--, thsn si linih. Itirn lirr skin atnrte't 10 ilrv tti sml t;..t so bs.l sIm is,nl,i not sli.it li.-r .'tes to bI.,, Imt lav sillh ttirrr h-ill osn. VIh.iii this I iti.v. I slstlp.1 tiama il 1 1 tl- 1 s t li.s. mi., sml s .s fs.sirs ss ...it r.,.,. ... ,r, I. Mis ilia-tor sl.il limit loll. s, ir ou r a Ass lrr I ilW irt. thr I I in I at lull sts not morr Ittsll 0rt ,f,,7.tr. Mv elol.t Is now aUii.it'. Iimhlir. sil.l Isiiii. ss any clot I ill lu r st-n is,- 1 Ii.iIh 1, si. 'I It la all nalng tot I It. I lit I still s Mi'.lti'f lllpasmic, Mas ".I" II It I K I II. .la , ut.' W.lk.'t Ml . Mtlssukse, W It. ft I I IhroiiirtlnMl lh' srntl.l. I'OTTI lr ST I'M t'oHlv, !! I'nt" . Il..al..n. "VII slsntl Ike. Illuud, Hklll, h.jli, ,J llslr," utslird Itss Itshj lllrnilshrs, fllin hslr. sml rsH. moah iW Is irr..i.Uxl sul curril l y I utl.ura ua. WOMEN FULL CF PAINS Find In I'.itlmrs Anll-Psln I'las- trr lnsl.l t all, I i-r.t. (ill rrllrl. II Is lbs ni'l sn l only ia killing, lrsnglb..fciDg iswr. One More Car of Choice i lv i 11 I' I) 1 Burbank Potatoes 1 WANTED. AX BILLY. FAVORITUS WILK Will make the season SINGLE SERVICE, $10; .3SS. of1895atELI BANGS' STABLE, Eugene, Oregon. TERMS. : SEASON, $15; : INSURANCE, $25. Mares insured, money duo when known to bo with foal. Insuranco money duo on all marcs eliaii"iiiu liati.! r Ifavinj? tho county. Marcs from a distance pastured on reasonable terms. r Care will le taken to prevent accidents, Imt will not ho responsible for any. PEDIGKI.SK.i , Oeo. Wilke. r,'J.. Itssitrd, fire of o CM C3 H o i FAVOR1TI Wlt.KI., I Ilerord Ml re or Crawford I', J. M. !., Olllo Wilkes, Hweet Kriar, Nunils r Heven, Himila. And 1 4 oilier wun n--ords of :tl) and ts-lter Full brelher to Jiourbon Wilk.-, hire of Coa-tinan I', t.iirlsi I'ntcliell I" Coast Itay 1". I Abdullah Wilke I' 1 lioiirbon Wilki- Jr. I ( harle-toti, and V, othrr with , cords of i.-VI and la:tter. .-C'JI Mill l:s I 70 In 21 In ":07 70 in LM.i :rj Iu 70 in 'J:17 2:131 2.31 2:J' 2:241 2:21 2:30 I llnmbletonlall 10 hire or Dexter, 2171 Orange (Jlrl 2:20 Nettle, 2:IH JayOould 2:20) Onzette, 2:21 Artillery, 221 Dencatloii, 2:22 and HI other In 210 Dolly Hpanker , ( Mambrlno. Amatouia. fAUlallah I V 2ij LMfl 2lnl 2:14 2:I2 I2 re- Favorite I ltwsj.nl, 2I0 j Dam of Hour lion ( Wilke sire of 42 listed iu 2:-m. The only mam on i-arlh that ha 4 son, sire of a 2:20 trotter. Mire of (loldsmlth Maid 2.11 and A other iu 2:.W. Ll'le I'ts bles, . t. b. by Hilly Wagner. Dam of Jim. siwning7IOirof Al Downing, I'at Downing, Alxlallah 1 Hire of Hit Walter 2:27 and ft other in 2:.') Cha Kent mare f Imp. IkllfoUtuUr. Orand dam of Oreeu' On Kye. ltaslnw 60 ( Henry Clay 8 I Andrew Jaekaou Mre oi t ijiujt uunej Ilhti k Dotigla. 2:30 aud two other In the list. Telegraph Uaker'a HylABder. 1 Phillip mare. Haiubletoiiian 10 ( Abdallah 1. Hlreoftl In from 2:17 Chaa. Kent mar to 2::W Katy Iarlln( Andrew Jackaon 2. (Sir Henry mare. 2:JJ 2:I.IJ coin- in 1-a-i- tbe election. M.Tior.iin... ' trr -,r T"Lb's I i , ... ... i t s I.... J . ins..? nissrs ..sth Inst h . . . . ....... .,f .... nrm ..I I' I . .. .... ... f..i Cnntv ., ! ' airs' ,r. "i. ' ,!t.st..ll nrm wl.l lT o(..a' ."r" Trs"l l atsrrh ihsl sn " 1st firr-l rstsk J . hiney ,fn in t'.rr m t"l ..iiM-rit.l la mT Hi. .'i-ii Sirl V- S tl.H ' h s i r A Kate I'muiwis Magic I4' Iteeord Sire of Cbuxmie (, I'l Itoy, Kel.o, Mv-t.ry, 1 au. of X'alis.a 1 I in. listen, !:i n. 4 Vatbaii, 'u Meteir Itecord, '.'..'13 2. 1'.l 2.2.'l 2.2.1J 2.2.'. 2.1' 2:21 - !-1l A W .II-1. .i'f rut. ii. .,. '.kn ltilrmal'-T f4 srts ....l sti I mu-.sa ifts'S-s tl M..le!'l..li'" . I i II I VII Al.i. T-sdi.. " -ei l t y Irtij..i. ' ,-SL, lla.l sl.'-b I ii:--t' r " 1'' in. .j.u ta Anterli-an Clay .14 Mlr) of liranville, 2:2i M iiiiii llriirit. 2:27 LllaClay, 2:27J linmi of Mr Walter J .v M 2:l Nutmeg, 2l'l liarm-t, 2:l' and 21 other Iu 2.-') Lualals I lam of llif-r 1 tans., li, 2 l' Matilda. 2.10 , Clark ( kief ay j ; Sir.) of I Croxie, 2:l! ! I Wo.sl ford Chief 2:22 ' and 4 other Iu 2. to i Isifosaf I'halla 2.111 Msloll'-a, 2:15 Wilson, 2 l'if I Mis Wail (Casaiu M.Clay 19 by fCassiu M. Clay 22 Henry Clay h. lUorl ir of I u rati go, Harry (iny, Ci.uscrli.t' i am.., Hru dun of Flora Will e. and 20 oth r iu it;u I Daughter of AWallah I. 2 2.il 2:231 ( ImB. Tranby. I . A rat u mar. 2:l!i an Ivlwin Fore t, Jr Mre dan s of ( blame O. 2 1'. and olhe in 2V Daughter of r Ilwin Forest 4'.i I Kentucky Hunter. Mre of 21 iu 2 -Id t Highlander mar, oolfonl mare. I (trey 1'jtgle. Itolivar mare. I Main rlno l'ayntatr Mumbrlno Chief 11 ( by MambrlBo. .irv of (ioliab' dam uatra.-.!. Lady Thorn 2:11 f Iiowniugn' Hay Messen Litlbt Norah Kr. ti.ter to Hig Norah; ( Highlander mar, grandaiu of siu. tan, 2.21. Wie Mr of Ormftoii, Daughtei of.. XV. S. William. I Peter'. lb, rever.ble hop harrow i.tt.e U fr hosj aud garum at msjii'""""' Iughmiller b l.hop to-1. I'eltr' fr garden O 2.22 J f (lano .thoroughbreili... Sir dam of 1 Lad Thorn. 2:11 Maiubrluo l-atchru M f American Ixllp. llty ItichanW. ELI BANGS.