The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 06, 1895, Image 1

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,01, 2
NO. I.n
Xhr Eusciie tit) liuaril.
I I. I'AMlMiKU,.
.ubli-'i-r l'rrlrlur.
Ml Kii! iluv.
A little ruin today.
nty -:. 4-i , tin. uVM,ii.iii I..I.U-
jr i.(
i r 1 1
I' lit
in iii mil:
lit ,7 c
T-n- -I
..r-ttir- .ill.
i.,ir' -n in "
l..H"- .,11- i
I'r.ill'lll n 'tl'"t
i. .. I ,r -j' h iiitertl
,ttl i I- ''f A'nla'Utt
t.,lh uJ KutitU StrvU.
.r -oMlCUlVl IV
. f J l
liiim M'i'lc Knofu n
.. will b cbfrf.l at iiii (.!
1 : 1 iT a I'ilv
I In lay, a
, i no
.-al column, 'M rent
1 I . , r-1 -1 1 1 111 Will lrru li-ra-l 'I'urwrif.
,.,l, r ,r u, M h rn ro
IimI iv uii,' n,.,- j., n
I -.
I.' iii.iii . I,;.,, i,
Hull t I :. " .
Tlt kiliH,n nr.- il
rc,(iilu,l hy law.
'i i,i xn.ih-t ('.,. i i,w ..,v,
t I'llMUl I III III !! , I I lit t I
I'rlnce Iti-miiic- cclcbritcd hitfith
birthday yib rilay., w ill .ii, .r :l!,,i,u ,.ty
(lection toluol row.
Tlicuiilvcr.ity atudciit wear a .r.
fill auiiV Tin I vni.iti.iii week.
Tin ii'i'ililiciii iiaiimuil Iimkiii. of
clllb will llicct Ul Cleveland, Ohio,
Jui.i. l!i.
Tin' trlul of lli-nrv Jordan, tin. cup.
ItnlUt," llllN llIllh Ih-H H MIl'l iiir
til tomorrow.
I.l-I liijlil III
f .pi incli. Id,
in J.
Wall, i
Ir. Paine irt iriiril Imiiiv fr 'in ill in
!at i ii lilllc;.
Mi-. Mtttle Ik.vle, of
i 1 1 mu In hin'hr.'
It. A Wn-l.t.tti .
i-ii'-1 lluitcnc
Mr J S. Mi-in. t clerking
l. Mullock A ( '. .tore.
Alton, iv I.. Il.lvni returned
Irmil i. nil l:il c cliilik'
Mr. Tunc i Iviiitf ilain;emuly ill
lit III' lnll,c ill l' ait lllnllllt.
Mi l-:ttu I'tc.ioii r lurm il Hi., a!
tlTIHNltl from 4 I ill. ii I iloV r.
Iti v. 1'. K. Iliirnill fnin y lioiin- on tiii ulli'inoon tr im.
Tlir Iiik'"!" .rtit It mil ltl. n'nti l
tin- 1 1 it 1 1 over !'.., .ion. ouNiiilli
Kiti'li i
niiiniii'. to i 1 1 1
f lu-r U...HV
I K'.'l I
Hill I-
!:r:i'.Mi;iNi ri:oMiTi.Y imixk.
I'MVi' In tlir
t 'n.l. II iti-h, of tin- I
l''i viilli, iiinvi il In n'
iiih'ii 4 tiaiii.
Tiu.ti'li Vki'hl lit Cn
iiftrriiuoii. i. will li-avi'
I. i-li ru trii in xt wit k.
I !. V. II. llvart, Hit. iii-w linn-
IliUllil.llil of till- olii'.' Iiiillit' tit I! if
Ytnui Itcilly f..r trout now.
The niU hliitf of tilt-in I. a ilitl,.rviit
Taxiiiiyim nif not. nithiiiK tin- ln r
itl'totluy. Xow i. thv tiiui tn iiiti-i.
vlctv MllTlll JollllMHI.
!!. I'll II I Wi-lili. ill h Imrn l ut.i.l
"VlTllie lll.tlii. il.. full. i,l llr.,...i. I "Wit, a III l.iivriH- 1 iM i Vi niiiif.
C1! 1(4 Ai' 'ICS, CMPS. JCv'6lry, EtC. '".v'Sl""'a'. u'v" tlniiiiii'l hm,,. i Mim lu,niu W ii.lilinriK-, of Juim Ii.hi
" ' wiliMwil t;,c niijlit. rny. Kit luoriuiiL' lor t'ollax.
I The ToU'tlo l.t-i liT miy tli'it it new
i iitH-r U wmii to Ik- in Xt-w M,rt,
, In Ik- imIIi',1 Hie I.IiiimIii Cnuiity
iCtiiinl, uiiliii.lif.l Itv it. h . Joiiit iiii.I
; !. (i. Irvm.
( lillllll .il Srllr I irlli:.'.
M ;i. li of tin' iti.tic'i.i-in I'fliriii.r.
nil. I i Itl. Il-I. Ill Hi In r il In !',.' I . i . v , !,.
Imiii Hit- 1:1 in I il I. n I. In v n
tin' rulrl. tiiinort' Mli-tl iiiIl.Ii! ii.'IiI.
ly If ttrnif I Iuk'iw iv ft ')' .1.. (in
lit iit .'al . in. iil. t!,,' iv. li- h a
fi.'l,! !. loll Hit' t 1 ! : I i '. iv ami
I v .io. r I'M rn' ol i il. I I In it
i. in, i , , .i!y "f :,iiv t i.i'i ltiii, ii
tin- v, lii. ii-l an. I i xi'li.t.
1 1 I !., inajority of t i li.' .',.1.1 . ..,
! ,oi:..!. r that a hot.- i' i-i,t trujlil
in, .1 I '.an a 1. 1, il, Iluv woiiM ni'
lliorr ii ri ll'.ll ill l' l.l :: :l fliirti.Ml.
llolM'oll t III- I'lll.lll- t.'I'l .Moll till'
.tin I ft iiili iniiii lil iii i M-ry i:i
I iin i' , In. u hi t I mi. I .i'il.l loi i.'
i in. null I,, li t a llr. I li.'i-. t"l..
I'i, li n . iiii,. h; I niriii-y. Ifl'ii. rulr
u a. i.l.u t f I I In it- t on I-1 hi' dull
t ill, lit. an I lln' t.i.'Vili' vtonlil i'i. in
in no I I In- ii . ,1 it lu-lly tl.--r-f..
At.. .Hi, I ..ii, ty ti''alii.t n,','i.,'iit i. in a.-iiitf i-at-li .lioiil.l ul-i-rve
tin- in, im i-.i1 nili , f tnriiini; to tin'
tillht. Il i' l i. I. of u i m .t I roiiiiiimi
viw ra.y in!,-, in in my lliiiiL'" "f 1 1 :
Unit ktt'i'. t In- I in a tin moil of
Ii'.ihIi ,' mi l .ii!t'. 1
KH.IAK. I ItV lli.i !!-
tniii'i Da) Mini n iVtTfii'f I !
tlii "u,',v-liil I n'i,lli.tlt".
.Mil t M.I
I'Aiiv In -, Jt ar. 1'. 1 1 it Iif i'i. i It a
III i I an. I tt I. only oil tin x' mvil.l.Hit
that in 11. in; lik.,' a lull V"tt' I.
.r.'iii;l.t o il.
Tin. r:,r tlii ti wa. no i..iif U fun
t In-i t,.r, i'"i..iiiit ill ly thf ,.i I.
I", kIioi I of t hat ol I ,, y, ul i:t' In , i
it hoi IL-Iil u a. in a I,- r tin' 1 1 1 i . r -it
1 1 1 y ii 1 1 I t.iiiii'.liiiiii oi tlir -il.. .n
llll'l lllill . llii'lll illi.!i"ll. I ll Milt
It nut mi nit t tir, liiilf ii.:, i-l
in nut. -ti il, ami thf Voir ol M 'lnl iy Unit ol v hy In,.
llt'lmU't. tun I ilitk. if i If, li' ii
iiiIkI ,,,iii.y l.l.t i'i . nine ami I In-
n - II 1 1 M it. kllott II 11 I'M,' . . , k. Ill,'
..'l..u ii i: i. the r, -ml:
I llll V A III'.
1'or M nor
.1. l MatltH'l. -I
.-. M. olail
Ili K.
'lit Out.
LiiVf. hi ak;!' at
.f lit ol ( 'an v nn
a Mat ,'iir. Ion, lt',1
t It S. r..:i.
Mat lit k't 1 1 1 : j r i I v
l or I 'I'llin ilin.ili -
I '. I '.. I 'ii n ii
..i:if ( ir ay
I liiim ' niajoiity.
I'or l:, f,.t,li r
It I'
I'or I'i, rtti n-r
in'. I'. I 'raw
to VI. It Inr l'rr, .Mit. I;. .11
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
ot - a'. I ! -i ! I., "x-r i.,lli.. H'Mir:
I t- I, to ' p. Ul.
' t,. 1' .
The liv.i 'VI.iIk. tMllir." n,rivi.,
here Lite Silnnl i aft.-riiihm .i,-u I1114
the nuht In i:.i-,'ii,. an I Icfi y,",ii r l iv
iiioriiiiii; for tin- t'nitli
I H t I'liiin-ami Kuy ki'inlall, Satnnliiy
ut KoM'hurK', itTturiiiitl a tiiruii'iil oMT'
utioii tin Mm. V. 1. Wiithhuriii', of
Jmirti, 111 City. The il'H'tort reiunii',1
here yetlenlay iiinriiiiii;.
Thtf O. U. X. Iiiuiti uive a rate of
tJ.Ti from Alhuny In I'nrtlantl an, I re
turn. Frt'iiflit nil,'-, r ;ar,ll,'.. of ,'lnt
mlli'alinti, 71 to In cult ht luni,lrw.l.
Sili ll rutet til, nil, I nr., lit.' 1 1 1 H- ,i'e of
KlUi'llK to 11, -live clt,i t to Hfi'iir,' till
oh ii nwr.
are roiittiint ly 111 rcii lpt of i n
iiiiirli'.. from io'li' in tin- ia,tin
iloiililfilly eoiiti'in,lntrii; movini; to
the wi t, ut to the rnv of lit r ul . j Iny
all ri'iiiei 11 r.'I'.V of lint ,iiM r i'oii
laillliiK ailverllt.melitt of real 1 .'ate
ai'iilt haviiii; laml to m-II.
! The nVerlanil train, on I,I, L tin
atleiii'tei rohU-ry an. I killinrf t U
I'luiv nrnr Wheal laml, t'al , early Kit
ur.lav moriiiiiLr, l i, I not i.,t KuLtt'tie
I until tii.'til Sun, I. iv nmniiti.'. Thelriiii
.In k ..,111!, ol ( liiummi'" 1 Wat lale when the holil up took il.n'i ',
hihI wim thereby linlln r ,1, l:iye,l.
The elitor of (he li.irut v YallfV,
('ul., I'.illl.'lill lit KiiK to,Uit the lieu n
j i:ier Lii.init ami to dairMiin. In
. hit la I i-.iie hu aiiiioiini'i't thul on
1 .iiru .i lie w 111 t.iu m if kiiii; iy t
viiii. 1.11 j . .1 i.wii nnu uvuiki v.i.
I S. w I'rlivt In Furi-Un ii'l j
' ;,. mi l iiruuit,', Miiiiiinit'iiU, '
i' t i l I'l incl'TT work ,,f i
:: l..r iif,.
M.I. Wultlv (il'.MEAXTKKI) !
i.-r istrtillri". Kuict'iit', dr
K li't'il. t
I M i.t Man: iii t I'.ir.ihiir.', who ha.
Itini vi.ilni); Willi Mi-. lio.alif
! Krieiiilly, hu. ri tur,it , to hi r home 111
J Salem.
! Tom Murphy who wat kii kf.l ye-
tenlny l,y a hore it i t 1 1 1 i a.ier to
! tiny tlnuiitli ery tme from the Lrokeii
. Ihiiii'uii.I tiriiiiM t.
('. S. ItiiiiU't, titiit f,,r llfiilf.v,"
1 11 Ii ry Ui'l an, I iron , r. . 1,1. ill, ,n, Ma
lm I, ,n tnilay ami mini,' 111-111.
loiittai'tt Willi the lVII.Y (il Mil'.
Mt-.tin, ft Chri-niaii mi, I K. I..
('IiiiiiiIki., who me n ifivim; tiiut.
1 Unfit lit (iooil ..ii'.iarilan l,,-ll:,l,
I I'mlliilnl, ve are ,hift ,1 loehioiili If,
are both tiii,tovin.
I TihI.iv 'n fulfill Malf.iiiaiu lrlA
I I'llilie, of KllO'llr, the y, III 1,111 ill u ho
. nuiy It-the next iiftiiii, ii,,'til of the
lale Ill-all,' 11.yl.1111, .,. anions the
turiv i.l. in Salem t'lay.
' Mr i". S V11-t, inotliir of ChfA
Watt, au, , mi veait ,li, , ut A-hlaiul
I'olut Vote
-IK'tiMi W'Alll'. K, II, r,
'T, lor 1 k'ht v.iii- 1 it
( ily, 11. r 1 1 1 1 1 on
u 11 li lumlt r, o, r I In
It tut'tti Itil.vr I ily ami 11111111111:1011
on Suinlav a!!, 1 ii'.'i', my t the Her
ll'l. Win 11 llf t .1111 uinler fll'l ,1,
lit ., --Hi; a t , 1 1 . , . 1 1 - 11 1 tout Ihlee
militfa-t ,, I '11 ;,.'. a In, I .Ian, li'n;
mar thf M.i.k I... I ! 11 .tone alioiil
ihf hit- of a h, 1, I .. u il h fuil foti-e at
the ) 1.1 I u-.-r, hi. vit. alone oil the Miitlork'n luajolilV
liiiiiltriir iiii'ilitM.I ty the tiain I j.-,,r ( oini, ilmau
i . I til.i'tnual, Iv the .lone tltui k (,,-,. hither
Hie ol. I (.'. 1,11, in tn 111 the le!t eyt
kii.t'kini: him ,l , i n a'i'l ,1,'tlrot III,
1 1, e hi of 1 1, e 1 f . .it-vi-r.
or .Mavor
J. I 'Matloik
S M. oi ni ..
I. II. A I. In. lied Inn.
Will. I'reMnn.
1 1'
At I he I,-. 11 1 at ' a 11 M1.1 1 iin 1 I ill it of the
Iviji lie ll.'.'K an. I I . ,'i'lf I ( ,titaliy
I i-l ti lling t!,f I. l!..t inn oltiii I.
Mir,- i,i 1, , 1 ii i,,,. , 11. inn j vtiir: W. ,
i alli l' I. '
f .. .,lt lil ;
I! I
int v : u . . II. 11, 1, 1-
I ! liritinu , 1011 in in;
lii. I ii--i-I:iiiI ; 111
a l-lanl; li I!
il iu iii.; .1 "Iiii I
it; M. h'limiiT,
1 1, i-(u , M'ete
11. In it-uifi; IE.
W. T. ( aill'U II,
Mevelit Mi'olul
t I.l i-inali, t. n e'Hit
iv, W. Y. Ileliihr-
1 hf r of ai'ouai 1, tan,
('A Wa.t it a yi
iiiiivi v.
ye-lrr.l.iy. I'll,- l i ly luel iinte a 1 11111-
t in 1 In. eily. Mr
ililate of thetlale
M r,-i,,.i,, . ,'.,r. ."it 1 1 iiiul l.lneoln Stt
W. I SiAR30H035H, Miiiser.
I till v U,-tairt iii Mi t'larfli't hllliil
i"i:, 1, tiii r t(h an, I Willaiiiftttf t reels
1-. I i.l-; NIC. OKIiCioN.
T. (i.llrsi K" r.t, 11, Kaiik, Jr.,
I r . .I.hU I'aaliivr
iir;i National h
The vattern lire.tiire niakiiii.'
MiTiii le'n vat et-
much over Senator
tatetat St. Ilelelit. Il.iek ill the fll.'l,'
eutt w here u man i.wnt an rieie of ! heli ImiM 11 waitoti rn.el
LToiiml thev think It won, I rful. t Iiii ! ware limit., to thf niitii t.
I I utUi;e (ir.n,' Hlul l.elnutl.
l.i'M, l, r, Miiii h :n
I The eililor ol the Kf ho-l.eailt r hat
j been Mill, Till;; all the Week vtllh tie
I !-
I At a e.iue ut 1 1 tt I 1 Tliiii-.l.iy nielli ill
Knox II. til, I., in ill, the following
inuiiiii 1I1011. wiie ma. I,-; M iyor, I''
i Kimx; I'.nin, ilim 11, J K It irr, l, ' II
. Iturkhol.l. i; Kif.,1.1,1, J C Moull'tr,
1 I'r.ii-'.i r. 1, t) 11 K 1 1 tie.
1 '
A tuh.iriiti,iii . h,ini raitf, to
ir.,111 IIIU
If e uh
hf rt. in I In. Wllil nil. I uoolv wt.l Iht-re it M1I..1 I llt',1. the I h.llll,oii tt,,.
nreplfiitv of l.iml owner v ho ov 11 . Milling ami Mining Cnmpuny will
IhiKltaniUof a, ret in one It, ly, it tt . 1 1 ,n( n, the l,a!nii, e to lltii-h the roii'l
have a ili vil of 11 time rti-t I i iiir moin y 1 uiukiti ' a l;.h.i wuu'oii roiel
Ot Eugene.
to pay tu.Mn on II. I.ainl nwiterthip
ill the Wf-I ju-t now It itothiu tohniK
I.akevleiv I'.X'iliiim T, M.ireli 1: We
have one more dealli to elitoniele at
I hun -nit of the terrible lire lat
('hri-tiiia eve ul Silver like. Mr.
I.ahrie l ii'l l:et Wi'.Iii.'mI i, after a
IlliHeliim (lentil of Meariy three
inoiitht. She leu VtH a Ini-hnml 11 ml a
litlle ilaiiirhter three year of aire; the
yoiine.1 ehihl liavltn; fnhe,l in the
lire. Ittf. Siiflliliu'mliilliliter, i;e,
Uyetirt, Iii the nuiy ri'iiiuiiiinn miller'
,T in n critleal eomlitloit
her lliiiferit have ilropiK-il
I hirifti Hirtloti of her earit are ynne.
eily to Ihf mi lie, livery Itjly arouml
here i ilee.y inieretteil in havinita
(noil wa'oti 10a I all the way to lt,,ie
nnu. At the i.,n a liotite in thit city Iii.t
Sumliiy c eliitii; iilmili it Mople tit
mmiiI, lt',1 to w ittif.t the iiiarriiiLte of )r.
II II I', die urn I Mi Annie I: tinllhi,
by Ju-Ue J S Medley. Mrt. Kiln
jiiite played the Wedding tunri'li and
the l.emali hind urifled I he nildiciii','
ilh tome Hue Th.-llr. uii.l
hit I, ride are iiiiiliit the proiuiiieul
voll 'if 1 eonle of l.flll lll, all, I Have a
."il nml M. I.ettiL'ir, liulie.
(ill Ml Ml-. - the annual coin
mine, liii l, t 1 Xflfl-i t of the meilieal
dfpailiiietit of ihe I niVfrttly of I Ire
tmi were h, l I Monday 1 vciiinir at the
lllli . li.,., ii-.finh! hall, I'orl lall'l,
I,-lote 11 lairti,, iiiidn nee if alumni
ami ftiflidt of (hf gradual, t. The
III, .l, ill fai illty of the full, re u a-
pri'-fiit. and a i ry liili ritint; pi"-
iTiinniii' wa- rt lid, led, 1 1 lil u ' 1 1 11 U the
. 1 1 1 1 V 1 I 1, 1 II, tililiUal addli -t l,y Mr.
K."li,cy (,-ali; thf charL't' to Ihe
Viie'lialft hy ri,.f--,r (Mlo S. K111.
w.lliL.''", M 1 1 , mid t he vali , l 'l.'I V by
J. I''. oill, lie. M. ll. Ihf enidil il.'t.
are: (ifoti'e Cliot Wall.. I1I111111 1 1
Tn III I, If, I' Ifd.Tlfk, ( (I I It-tie, tfolf K.
Ilimiiiff-, Situ (ii-hi tun I .lain,. II.
t'nil): lomr l, A til .'.
I'ltol I.-1 I II. The cheek drawn on a
Sin I rui oi -1 I, in k bv 1 1 t-n y Jordan
now in the Line enUlitv j ul for nl
lalllill.' Inn III V lllltli r fal-e prt lflltt t,
ealtif back todiiy, p,,te.e,, the bank
,l.t) 111 1 1, e; 1 1' ,t to have tiny kitott It Ue
.,' Mieli 11 h r-.ili, an, I thai he hat no in I he bank. The preliminary
dial ill take place tomorrow 111,11 n
ini;, provided the mil Inn it irt dn not
-ft. lit to i;ive linn 1111 exaiuiiiiilloii on
I he chat Hi- of In-'inily.
I'tiiy ,i iboI. :
Ai,mii ii:ii in I' 1 n 1. - W. K.
I- i-liir",
l or llfcordi-r
ll. I'. Iioirtt
I'or Tifii-nrer -1
ii o I . ( 'raw
Total Vole
I lllllli U Mil'.
I'or Mavor
.1. D. Matlock
S. M. Vot.m
Mailtick't inajority ..
I'or I , minimal' -
I'.h Ham .
It. M. 1 1 .y
I'.int' inajorily
I'or Itfcordcr
It. K. Iiorri
I'or Tn n.urcr
(ieo. I'. fravv
'' 1
I it
1 ..I
In I
.1 vote
i'...,l vote iif city...
J. D. Mnil.H'k
( 'nunc Hint 11 -
I'. K. Ilium, l-l tt.inl
( ieo. I 'l-ll. I , Jd aid .
Kll I'nu't, ltd tt aid . ..
I. '1 1
II. '
... '.'.',
llltl jtTlt V.
.... ;i7
Wmkii y en the (.cnrrul !..
A I 11 lur, 1 of I'lintt r I ;iiii vuitk
all!,, .tale ptinl.ti oili.f .Mondav
'I ii'." 1 1,,' n, 11, I II law . of the I l-l
f-.oii of I he , lint,, vt til It tfiVf 11
into the hainl- ol li e ! 1!, piinler Ini
imdiii'lv. Ilui!l I aki -M lal tteekii
t nipli le l!.e tt,.ik, a; hoiu;h the
Volutin- It In. I .1 I. true H. III. l! l,.r lllf
ptivioii -1--1..11. 1 i,t ly 'il.iv t it the
I line ar.'tt, d lor 1 on -pi I in; and pt ml-lnk-I
he law ali i II tin. -I 'll.i Iv w ill
, , . 1 1 -,1 1 1 . e thi. 1, in, mill of 1 niie I 1 , m
U t V ale ,' I !, led. A.,'Mt k:.V II- the
I itt . aie 1 on 1 It I, , I M ile I 'mi It r I., . ,t
mil ll.l. to -I 1, t tt oik nil I'll' '.''.III I le
ton .ipreme t'oiitt l;. ,ii, and n!t, r
lb , I both the home ami -t nate Jour
n il. will lit n.idy lor Ihe printer.
I'i. . in all indication, the tta'e priiilnii;
ill,,' w ill If kept pretty buy for the
in xi font or Ihe nioii'lm
I lit" W cut Iter.
Prof. S. II. Mft'lnre, cf Ihe I'm vt-r-ll
V of I l'H, 11 llirtil.he the follow lli
oh-erMillont for Ihe III, ,ilh of Match:
Menu le ni taturc for mouth, II
Mean f 1 1 tt x 1 11 1 11 11 1 If nit raliirf, .'tl li.
Mi nn iiiiiinnuiii t, int rature, ,'ll.t.
Maximum tetnH rat ure, 70 011 the
M 1 1 1 1 11 in 1 1 1 b uiit rtiiuie, i!;t n 011 the
I'otnl pi, , ipilal inn, I SJ In, he '
( in ati -t pn eipitatloii III aiiv CI hour
I "I on the .1.1.
No. clear da ., I.
No. p'ltllv ciolldv ililt, il.
1 No. eh. inly d iyt, jn. I
I'rcv ailing direction of w in, I touth ;
,w,tt. 1
I A I'i.iiak I'niMi -Tin' Salem I'ont 1
revive, the I r. (iall 1 l"ftiif tit with
the follow Ini; Item: W hile ttoikinell 1
, ttctc eiit' iL', d III clcanlui; Mil Chariot
1 I Iclf uhi ami' ri'.tiiuratit 11 cloak a
! found teeurcd It luml 11 picture In
Julie nil he boMt to which It'lollL't II
'romantic lil.t ny. Several week into i
the liew.ptipctt Uetefiill of the I'r.
I ( ialt elopiiuT I and llintt. I I if el,
In, 'til vt at I he talk of III. 1 .tnte for Iho
j ,I.h lor vt at a well known diameter and
1 the y. .11111; lady til. tallied 11 r.'-t t Inhle
1, p illation tumuli; her frietidt. Inr
; ini; Ill, 11 trouble the couple came to '
.-i,, in all, I vi. 1I1 d t l,c 11-liiuratit. (till-
11 r u, i, upon tin ir trail and it I It-
In,, I Ihf utility pfo'l' iHtaitif tihirui- 1
i d ami in I In ir endeavor to e-ear had
thrott 11 the cloak la him I the picture
: and r, ircd by the h ick l llleraliee.
, Mr. I Ii l.'lil'laud hat Itcll ill rtlflpl of
M'Vcral letter litklliK l recover the
cloak nml m ml it tt rortlaud, but It
I could not If found anywhere. It It a
1 1: 11 rin. tit of ctn-i lerable value, and
j w ill If pre-i rvctl by Ihe late proprie.
1 tor a a in, uii nto of Unit uveiitful
IcVi liinit when the Ktiy couple were tie-
vnuilnu III, IT llpfr III the ;reatett
S.'tlilll,' In h It ,:,f,
I He-laV ' Alh
lllllty the cri dl!
Mllltl o. met ut I!,, f , .
III!" Ill'tcri II to In ,r I !,'
coinmiltif n'tiiii'i .1 1.1 1:
Ked t '11, 11 Mill- all in -.
oil I'. hall ol I he "minir .
tell, led It poll 1 he 1, 1. ,1 1
111... rat Ahuut
f l;."l Crown
1! , I, limber
' I 'il ,,( the
-I I 'ale I he
Mr V iL.,11
t, id all e v
mitt,! linh
llik' III I he mill vt h, 11
ll ell M ay .I'I, I-'. ;.
Illlie there wat II
l.u-h. . . 1 , 1 . - U . H 1
of i:,V. inali' .....
t iollta't cr, ,ht.
Iu An,; l-l. Iv,;, tl., re
lb" 1. . 1 ivt-r ,,k
III l.i 'I lit Unit
h"ll le of 17,'HHt
.'liiil. A "tonmo
1 1 b.i-liclt to Mr.
bii-h, I. 111 .loiav;, : and M tr, h It, I ".".
there Vtat 11 tin, 1 1. me , f .ll,' '.I .'iH Kl
I'll-lnl.. Ihe iilii. 1 1 1 , t if :n ", Mint III
the of Wa.hiain- .V Co. It
' U I' I pari of w hi. h t-nly were tran
fcrred to them.
The report -I, , a,. I h.,t John loni
while runiiiiii; the mi. I alone, when
out of the hull, I. of the r. et IVer, from
July I'i, Ivi.i to I'i hiiiniy J't, Iv, , ilrcw
out of Ihe biitliut.t rl.'.li , 41 which
wat pan I to t.ol'ia, and 10 eoiint of the
Soda uoikt, al,t,n, ele. Al'cr the In
fort", tall, ,11 of the led Clow 11 llollcr
Mill from March l", '!'l to March, '".i'i,
lie drew out oil h r-oiial account .'!,-
The reorl thotted Ihe thortae of
(,'ollrn all made p in Nov. I" ' I.
The amount paid nut for w heat tin, I
other exfiite from July Ni, 'ii.l,
to M,.rch 1-t, V I. wat f V,,i (."." .'. TUu
neeniuil thntti d a in t j:iiliiif(l:',.
',17 I'S, for clijht nioiilh.
The amount dm- thf I'i r-t National
Hank It altiiit , I, Inn.
The ctiuiuiiiief nave it 11-I In Ir opin
ion that there vtat tiothiH in a noiua
lii.atloii, and upon motion adjourned
tine die.
Ititi'l I'rll JutlilitTt.
, IVCi.
rrolmlf 11 ilten.
!'..tale of Jc.tec Whitti It, dcceiitcil;
J K Job appointed itdiniiiitlralor.
Apprniter tipMiinted: M Caitudy,
Juliiit i;r,liniui and II (' Huston.
1'j.tnle of Frank lluoy, defeated; a
prai.erii llle thctr iuvetitorv, fliow tn
l-tluo worth of real ami f IUJ of iM-rtoii-al
tirox rty.
folate of Ar.-lia Haw Icy, inttilie:
order to m il real property.
(iiiardmnt'iip of I'hllip '.'onkle; n
Hirl 1 f wile ol ri al pro rty. Coiillr
innlion pott poll d until March I'I, W'i.
j I'tUjr A.rll 2.
AT Ji'MTlox I, a Ml xi. Captain
M L Hatch and J A (liiin, of the I'
I S tiui Itial Corvallit, arrivetl lierv tin
I afternoon. They Inform u the lat l
' at the Jillictinll City liiiidinir. They
tit 1 .1....... .1... .leu, ti irrnu,
.. . ............... Mm ifuvu lion 11 lilt- inr, ..............
"XiI.i.mi. v; ( in tirrlvitiL' home Iii.t 1,. . .,,,.11 1 iiimI lil Ittfertltl tl If
". I foiimt a I well hii, I nnxlollIV 1.1. '..,.. i.. I.rln rtl.f Corvallit
I,'1'"-'' "r little irl, eiifht ami one-' f,lrl .r ,,' (lt. river to clean out the
channel. Thev think the water l t"
U up Ush Capital O.OOfl
Surplus ami I'rofl.s, 50,(HK)
Eugsne - - Oregon.
A i-ti-rtl I. ti.ltiittc Iiii'Ium i.n on rrMoir
t.VrTi.. M,..t ,. V()1(K,
', "'i;1'"' SAN KKANCIHCd wnl l'dUT--M).
Uuj ,.( ri-t.n a.,1,1 n fnn'.jn ciuntrii.
'"t"iu ixviy-,t u l,i ret Ui ch k or crrtiti-
All , r. ti'.nji utitni.Ud to at will rtoelTt
cpt t'-Utivlon.
It- M .
I Kvll,'r!i.t.)
ci't, I',t, writM tiD'wr d
Mtr. ii XI. 13'JJ:
iH- Mn.. Mki. (..
Iufar, Ort Kot'
Some of , liirise circle of friend w ho will c
(ill lllld !l i irntuliile thelll over the lilt at pit 11-aiit
'event of their lite.
I "i'liliK T. A fne liulit bM.k
; plin-e at the free ferry oil the McKeit.
' zie lat Saturday evcnitiif. The itnt.
Ilictimr partie were Ihe ferryman, Mr.
j Withrow, ami Claude llrauton. I trtui-
! ton arrived at Ihe ferry after dark and
tletired to ciot the river but Wiihrow
refuted to cr,- him, cliiiinlni; that he
' wa not hired to run the l'tit after
nik'ht at d that the lHie of wa(r III
the river rendered it dmiKcroii tn cum
at that tune. The ill-pule cmhil by
: Wiihrow hluiuif Itrauloti onlheurm
j with n lartfe rock, while the latter ued
hi ridllii! iplirt over the head of the
ferryman with lellinir ell'ect. Ilraiit'iu
'carrier lame arm and
Mr. Withrow win unable to oieriite
I the ferry on the follow inij day Iteetiiite
1 of the It.jitrie received.
maiiii Orrgaii ptalMlmrnl. Apttl I tloveruor Lord
made ptthlie the follow III;; appoint
liit iil todav :
lint. W. I aveiiMirt, ol Ml Virion,
wat, today, apMimit', laud aaeut, un
der lloll-e bill ol, to .fleet lieu hill, It for
the Mate hoard of tchool laml commit.
Major It It. Tutlle, of rorllaml, to
If ml jiitaut ffto ral of the Orei;,iii Nn
tioital ( iiianl.
Henry II. Itmphy nt today w'orii
III and look 1 -1 111 rue of the olllee of llr. I
will, leu III Ihe tlnle liellllt Hilary. He
-m-i ta dt War, n n 1 W llerry, and w a
for it ut ti y year niuht-walch ul Ihe
..... 1 1 .. . ... 1......
1 .. . . ,,, 1, ., , . 1 tlltlf llOII-t' lllltl It lilt,i-i -foi- 1, 1
.teariNiroi ;li war aliuille, to practice , .. . ..
- ... . t Iim .1 1.I1. iiMlt-iiil III. Itliol II lilitlli II.
lar w llh the ilutle of Ihe pimilion, a
he hut iif 11 wrvice under a fol liter
il 1 t-urt u l',. i.o.l u ..i...l une
l"'ini... . now well. t roii if and
".-"Hi., and well ll.t.hf.1 UP. S. It.
' ,'.'' ' l'f hu done it work well.
;",tl.'"f the children like It. Your S.
t-Miriji, cre rur)M Ml, k,..,t
. ." all hn-tiMicitii from nte. So irive
' evi rv in... iii. ...ii.... r..r ..11
'u prosperity, we are
Mil. AMi Mils. J. K. l-'nlltl.
-'!! f'fl t.T.h .ul ,,J
,.' '' " ' ' ,irk, r IW ti l" fttrtU
... ,. ', .'' 'U'' " blt-r ( Utf. I.J ttin.g
I w lor tin
thi city.
ttf i-ner ll le le r..:'l t'
1 "Urn,
1 l"tvlr arr,l,i
1-: tjotl.11 bj .i 'll'lfjcltU.
.,lj l. imnl. Apill 1
IH,KIMI IOII 1 II K n-'I'V. I'urtie
are ;;!! at work tt archinj: for the luly
of I l.t ti iv, who u:i drow mil ilnw 11
., . i.t u . ..1 i:, n utuili.r Iiiim
II, i'lll'I HI-, I","- . 1 ". - ,
I. -.11 11 d and every -ible tl inn done
t,, lai-e the ImkIv but to lar without !
. 1. ,t -.. Stuiie 'litan.f I ir In Mr the1
I the aeeidclit I a larife tit ift
III, . I it i tin i.'hl i-y many that the I.mIu'.'.I undor thi. Acord-
iiiirlv lienrlv the entire drt lit ..n
relnnved, bl't without ret ftiillli,'
I I lie 1 nkkn Hov. Albany Imiio
(rat: Several Albany minor yeb r
day mt ured a keir "f It-r. cn-'d I he
Willamette, ami imbiU'd -o frtt ly thai
1 all Uvauic intoxi, ated. They return
' i hottif at b tk' 1, 1 m a drunken cinlt
1 tion. ll wa a ti.,T'"lititb nil nr, and
M irtlnil l.f would like to know
where thev li'it their liquor, ill order
to iiuike nli example of lliotc wilinir
liipior to minor.
priton kuperinteinletit. Mr. Itetry
wa a very coiuf tent and nbllitliiK
iillb'iitl and retire vtllh all the hiinoi
,if the nllli-e. ( 'apt. Ilrophy w ill prove
a faithful ami viiiliml clllciiil.
('apt. Tr,f, of K lit 1 1 111 1 1 1 county, wa
today til mi1 11 1 ffliec uimrd. the Mr.l
fhatiite made ill a minor iotitioli al
the pen.
Mi, m: I'liitiiMiis. William lie, k
loan, of lioiiu'lnt eoiinly, M'tilcuceil to
lite luiLtritoiiineiit for murder In Ihe
Menu, I ili'Krif, wa received lit thi
I ttlti Hilary Sun, Iny. W. J. l.lveii
Koud and John C'aru, Imth of Yiimhill
count r, were reifivetl alo. I he for-
mult with a deadly wciih,ii. At tin
iircteiil rate thi Ititlilullon will m,ii
If .0 crowded that more room w ill
have to If made for the law breaker.
A (iitili Til KKK. Harrlthlllir He
view: Iiiiiiiik l.i-l h irve-t Mi tier
tie linker l"t her wutch while ill it.lll
puny with wveral ol her younif ladnn
tiliii the Ihmhini; machine In Mr.
II. M. ItolM-itt' pel lite, w In re It lum
lain In tit ll ineti of the ltt Mlble
I tw ill I In' e, Hit It of lint hliilc by I he
1 -iinreiiie ciut vetlcrihiv on a ceil ill I
,11 1 f lioni the Mipn iue court of TeXat
1 Mr. Sent borough It a p'en-aiil i',nnf
1 b ut item leiniin, and I now prepared
In til It'ti.l to It'ital bll.iltct III the
1 court .
I III I lit. IIS I'.l.l.ll III. Ihe lilllc lliv
crMiiinik'tV Millli'U Company held a
mcelliiK at tln oti l ily, mid elceb ,
j I'otlmti-ter S. ll. I iri-vn irc-nlf nt, W .
h. 1 1 ul, bar, I vice -prt-.hlfiit, llirnm
Sirainht wereiury, and ll. I'. I.iun
1 tiiaiiak'cr. Th.y exfct to bejfin w 11 k
, on their mine in l.aue county bv the
I.l of May.
Int. Iiniv l It. -Ori'itoiiiuti: lEev. I.
I I'. I li i ver, of llujeiie, will come to
rorllaml next Suinlav, and willoccii
! 1 y the pulpit of the Centenary ( hutch.
1 I lie eollillilttt e oil Kllpply JcterdaV
reiiiv.dn l.t t r from It 1 111 tin I iiif be
would cine. I le a to aiiuotilnvd thai
' he Would leetiire tollie cvenini; the fol-
i wintf week on a "ocular fH jfi t,
'"It..! ul liik'"itoll and the Devil."
,,l -K JolltNVI. ICKVIMI Ii. The -eon,
m lib c i-. ,111 1 m .-t il of .-pciiker C. II.
Mu ,n , lie 1 r tiintivc Itliimh II, of
1 lloiikda ami M't'thiad. of l.ane,
atti.ied bv chief I h rk Itilnh MoikIv
ni.d J i I Cl.ik A I. snv, It r of tl,e'.i arch until lint wct-H .Mr. uoifri ae- ... ,lli(iri.,, .., 1, ,,(p.y lUri. but
l.i!la. 'Iratiteript. havu eon, pit e. ( c,, il., overe. Ilie little tit her , W( M.v,.r , ,),. JjmH.
tlieir laltir- ol .i-il,e; the Iioiim ' while III the tb-ld. It had fl-lulnid ,
il of II. f 1,-1 I. yi-lnture. I lie ; 110 llama.''' iroui lit cio.iirc ami , into 1 tniani. a irn
A Kill. 1 1 1. - C. V. IaHU wa arri-l-
N i:vi:k I i 11 v AfritniAii;n.-Tlie
Mcillord Mmiilor ha thi to Hiy iilmut
one of I jik'eiie iiiauulactorict: "W.
W. Maine the lanreiie tanner hih'IiI
Suinlav in Meillortl. He ttllt ill,
... ". .. . - . 1 .
rMiut nern t in'oti tor ine pinitttt- 01
Mf in ini; Htiflt for lil leather factory.
Halite A Son have one of the luotl
Miilmtiiiillal and Iftl tiavitiK man
iilaelori, a In Ihe uptcr W lilainelte and
a bii-ine. the value of which the peo
ple of l.ilL'fllf have never fully appre
ciated They have c-labllthed a
.lam ll, id T i' .11 1 11 1 i ll for their leather
product I via indicated by the panic
of 'Ii.l. W ben buyer w Itltiiel, I order
and inauufaf lured lent her trHid w ere
tellilli; exeif dlliifl V -low, thit 1 1 rill had
ordoi for Mock w hich laxutl the full
capacity of their plant lo prodmv rlk'ht
iiIoiik If It w 11 not for the vncroach.
incut of the river near their work
they would have enlarged their plant
llltt M'lltOII. Wll hoH' It will not If
ninny year It fore Medfor.l w ill have
m-veriil tlmilar lllHtltullon pnylllR
etlially well."
l'"lioM IxAf Kl III. I. Metlford Molil
toi: " The Monitor take thin occatioll
to correct the crroneoii lmprewioii
made that KaH r K Kubll, w Iiom
home I 111 Jut kM, n ville, had recently
ile, bled to tM'come 11 inittlonary to
( 1, 11,11. When we copied the Item it
wa with the know leilue that Mr Kubll
had Ih'cii, for M-veriil ywarH, Mudlmitly
pr, par 1 ut.' Iilintclf for law, a profettiou
for w hich he it naturally well ,imlllle,
and the newt a It come cniifd hi
friclidt much Ntlprite. Ihrouuli a let
ter received reivnlly from ( 'ambrlilue,
w here he ItaltendiuK Harvard coll K",
we learn that the report I unfounded
iiifaet. I tur old friend will return to
( in uoii after hit irriidiialliiii In June
and in itccornnmv w ith previout in
Sclutil ot nt A pril l.t.
A .now ttorm the ami '-.
I rank W arn, r h it I 1 11 iillc tick,
but I In-t iuiprovln,..
Mark df not know exactly where
he will build hit In w retldellce.
Hole l.owell made a living trip lo
I'jlKclic recelilly.
Mr. San ford will k"l n new m-lf
hinder tint teuton. 1 1 will If the llrtt
lliaelilliu ot the kind oil the I'ralrle.
We hear there w ill be 11 thiuble Wed
dim,' May l.t.
lttitck and I'litriek are trappliiK It nr
Uearlhe Salmon ere, k luartli w llh
IfOIHl KUCIt't.t.
We Wonder why Owen look mi
chit 1 lul 011 Mindiiy .'
The w liool hoiii.,, ha .,a il lilted
no it look 1 1 1 1 1 o c,,-y.
Mr. SpniKUe and w ife, of Kiinenc,
have pet lei led arriiiiKcniciiit with Mr.
.Snnfoid to work for one year.
A remtilitt ranee, which wa cir
culated aaititt tile pro,i,Mf tl h,i olllee
III the uptr Valley, wat lniely
We hear I lint ( ieo. Herbert ha Urn
erotnly au Imlled in hi cnlerpri-ti 011
Klttoii creek, (ieo. our ty inpalliy it
with you in your trouble.
Tv iiiiini.t.
r will herve three veart for burKlary teiitloiit enter a pnimiiiint law olllee
d the laid r fix inonlh for an a-1 I'nrlland and im-kIii an active prao
A ulnhhiiiK i riM,rted from lliee
Hill, I Ion kiln county. It Main that
it wat the regular date iif the weekly
praver Ilieetlnir at the kcIdmiI hollte,
iiiil'.iwluK to the tt..rmy weather only
Uve or l Ih.V fot toKttther. An they
were waitiliK for the eople to collie In
v 1 mi r re I aro-e over a trival matter,
tarted a a Joke, and ended III Itoti
Mott-r Htabbing Henry Canter with
Mfket knife, coltlliK tvveii irathet.
I .' i.,i.'-l. A.'.i .
Tel. I. lE'iAl" I itl !'. - ttition,
iMtilaliiiiitf abo il Jil l.ame. w at pre
sented to the 1 "iiiini.. inner itmrt,
a.kil k' Unit toe u nit .!iw I" k'laiil
the Mt Iv -nie w iu'oii fond company
the imrr to , Meet toll ht ttalb r.
iiiue put in 1- - I. I I" I-' l lav ; totul w hen wound up went on In the even
l-otl l"vl-
tenor of itt wav the tame a if liothitiK 1 1 , thi moinluir bv l.lntoti
1 i., 1 1..
1 liul 11 11 I'I t lie, I . .111 in--. ,,k.-
nia;. ,iiIi,k in
M-iir ate verv , Si I'll I Ml; C
1 Vi nt aifo in ; I'otl : J I '
I by
lUUi -ln Spriniflii Id precinct,
Man h 31, lt t'. of luni: fever, I'.hitn he,
amthli rof C. I.. Morton, nn yr.
be lliteitnclit lifk b.C" ytltr'UV.
The H'tlnilier ten t. .r. wu!i
Attorney J- K ' ' " 1 ' ;' "
be AttornrV t i',, A. 'loi
ter wat taken uinler ndviM in. nt.
r.oli. - 111 Ku.'.-ne. n'k"n. A ll I,
, (o the wife of llorii.f Oil 1'. a
1. 11 pound t..n Hofaif it .piiie imp y
11V1 r t lie
( uMI'Alll-oN-. The
Ihe city cYclioii
,..-'. r 1 1, o-i. recrlt'.l tw
--veiitl ii, . Iii I - t I 11.111I ly ; J - '
had il uu.jorit) ; Iin 'f Mail'tk :.; I ion I" d.
1. : 1 1 ,1 , ,. ,,, 1 1.,- tn.t w ard I maior inilb d.
;tl -var K. Iv I'ntili rei ived ",idelit. J
, tl,,- - e - .ii.l war.l ...i lor at- nam
.1 I
'.' Ill tl'll -loll
mn,.i 1! V ; I l.i-
t (..r-t w a-
:l mi.j,.i v t
.-IVt'l .1.
r r. .
- e 1, id w ard .VI
b, r ret ivi ,1 ll;
I in- rt cord w 11 h
t , y. ar ILiLk't
! a crclitor by leaviiiK tint ttatii, pri
nt lit -Monday ..-all ill f,.rr,.,l by :. J. I rn-nr. Mr. l llll
Mall. t k, re-i",nili nt v. i.,., . ml . thort di-taniv lie-
.oeet.kl, itp'llmit. Mo- i low town, which wat told through
no--: ni'i il uik'ii.d and tub- j.,,,.1, i n r nl e-t ile agency, and he
I.. Ililveii attorney f' r re (,i, (,, t,,, v tin-t V coinnil-.loti The
cate wa coiiippiiiiiM'il ami ldlh di
1 hnrk'ed IIm,ii pa) men t of tl ) and
W. W llllllllia attnrnev
t r.
i-4 laury orucfru twuat la U
.J'Aclusivcly For Cash,
ln oTef lul.lic Utter rri0
-a !.e ml. 1 . '
'I'i l; ti..
Km. 1, ..I. of W
It II here look lo.: 1
It .11111,.' II. ill I all
iik' f.-r lE.tker .t
K ,ii ..1 1
W l,o hit! e
held for a
1 1 i morn-,
likely that!
I 1..1..1
i, r tl..
n. I. ;i
a i-
!l,r k', I lelln 'I W I.l I" .1
ItV I I , - 10 t" le
ii,.'ii. in.. I h le nn I., r
pr. wn!i I
I. ar lo 11 hi, 1: cr imi i n-
la I'al la a tiaata .till.
I.l.Mtii, Or , April I The Cham
pion Mm 1111; Con,, nv, limit r t lie
.ii , it i-ioii of M,ll, ill tpurr, to-lay
. 1 . j , , .. '. ,, "ik I. , - -I r -i, 1 1 1. .1 l , ' -I
lo tl, ,ir no (or ll..- ,i.-e oi p,,t
; 1 r kC lit 11 .o-ian.p mill. Ihe r ial I
lo If bllllt tbrif lllllit.
I mow 1 n Thf only ( htld of Mr.
and Mi-. l: ,bl 11,11, ot'l'olfux, Wath.,
u.n.l I yenrt, fell in ll," lake nt Hint
place la! evi nn,. and w a drow neil .
Mr Hill wa for'inrlv Mim
W a-bhiiriie, a d iunhter of Hon
Wa-hbiirne, of Juuctioii ( 'Ily.
e III the latter
k"tM llU-llll.N
(at orably Hie
I, , t,..t thi ir
II .
of aU klDtl Uken l market Ci'Li ! 'isn't
Q,-nc. If ill 1 mctf? street.
red da. or hii'it. Opposite llo'il u-
-.11 I. nn.'
'ton, I ,i.,.'
tr.1,11'1 '
will, I '.. r.n
Iran, 1 1 if at II.
I, or- lil l
.ti m. II. I! Mill' r will
, - tr.'V in- l.or-.- here
J'., . !' 1 k'. p ti l III III
. ., I . . , w ol H,.o te! ,11 II
,f I...,- If I, a. I- . 11
1 il 1 r I 1 J'f. -Ml t he
t, rkt d nn the llarr.a
1. 1 1 m.K -uiw . lE'ebiirir lU view:
"I lo- .hi nil t'olli-cti d tl'i' -I in taxe
I i.t wi-t-k, making a totul lo dalt
I171'l"l. A tbe hob" amount to
col. 1 tit. I i altntl tlJ."", thi I a
v. r v -,r Uki.V in ' I. tne county
by patera have ulrt udy paid up !,
lr. .. alart.
'olal'l Arll 2
A r I.l M tl 1. fomati
uiuiiieipnl -' lloo y
t'ai.r '
.-.1. A I III 1
.1. in 101
of hel l her 11 r-t
If I. -r, lav. w lib tit follow inj iV.ult: O
V . Knot, tiinvor; C. II. Iliiikln Lb r
and J K. r.arr. tt. rotnn ilmeii; J. C.
Mo, ill. r, reinrder; . IS. Kiltie, treat
-lilt, l.i .,i lit mi. Salem r,it:
Not dipt. Welih.
It now turn out that the Hiroll
who iiavlk'nled the Willamette fa I It
In 11 barrel Sunday afternoon it a fit
l.eli of lll,ef mil lu e, ( Ir., and by DC
en pat Ion a "wine clcik," which It
probably (he term which I lulcpvliilclice
(Millie ilea appliea to one w hu tervet aa
a barteinler. If the cntcrpritiiiK
yomiK man leally I, tint to lull over
Niiik'ara In hi barrel, a It alleged, 1111
ulmlacli! hIiouIiI Imi allowed to interfere
with the HiilihfiiiK of hit niiililllon.
Oreifnll Would be fully Coiiiainuleil
for lilt lut hy the advertlainK the
would reap from hit feat
I'aur (luanl, A,rll I.
TlIK St KAMKK. The Nteuiner Ku
Itcite arrived at Harritbiiri; y,tterday
afternoon wii conl,eral,le fnluhl for
KlIKelie. She lllleli, led coining on up
to thit city, but bv an accident tu Ike
railroad bri,ln acrott the river alie
itmld not K't through. It np am that
in nf alti the draw for the nat( laial
Corvallit In pitxM one of the pinion
wliiflt that oMriilii the atiuie Wat
brukell, ami the aiuiK In, at after paw
I11K hitched lo Ihe broken draw and
witiiK It Into place. ll will lake two
or three Hay a to have the liijuiy re
paired, ll Ihe water kifpa up the
ateamer vxeta to arrive here next
WeducMlay aflcriiuou.
t'liMiHATt'l.Aiouv I.t n Kitn. May
or elect J. I). MatltM'k, it ill receipt of
many coiiirratulatory lcttrt ovr hi
1 lection. The follow Iiik It from I Ion.
Chat. K. W'ilkiutiiii, now in the Tort
land Cutlom Hue: " nil w ill pleato
aif. pt my hearty coiiKriituIatloiia on
your auceeet. And at the tame time 1
may well eonitrntulutu the ft pie ol
Kuveiiv, for I ki.ow that in you they
will llud an exiviitlve w ho w ill ever
be faithful In hit trut."
A Xmv Snat. Charley Xlckill
irett (iif the follow iiiif In the laal Italia
of the Time: I.'tik nut for an Irre-pre-tlble
female w ho ia call VaaaillK for
Ihe ale of pant button. Slie tuap
ol.e on the pant of a married mail
and heit coinf lied lo buy a box III
order to explain lo hi w ife w here he
if nt that buttau. Ill aouie I dataller
ahe w ill clip oil tw o or three button,
and the victim I coiuf lied to buy a
Ihjx r K" around holding up hi pant.
I'.l. t'K lElVHH MlXK-IVvelopiuiC
woik it la 11, ir pii-hed Iii tln te miuet
I by a iiilinlf r of ( iitleineii. Thit week
a prominent rorllaml ciipitali.t nftered
r-M catli for a half iiin r,l In otm of
j the niinea III thlt'li-trlel. The Orcttoil
City company will piolibly erect
1 mid duriuit Ihe aiiuimer mi their mine
ill thit ill. I 'let. We predict thai Illlie
j lEiver, III time w ill la- one of the noted
milling dlttricta of the rat-ilie coaat.
baiir nuanl. Ai'ril J
Sri.i.i.t Soi.ti. John Mewart rw
tumid Ironi a trip to l'ortlaiid thi
afiernnoii. While 111 that city lie aold
to the llurke Land and Catli Co., of
Idaho. 7'l two and thn-e old "terra.
j 'I hey are to be (hipped (roiu Hugeim
I May lt.
track, 1, .-ar ini it y.
AtKI I. M'le Al Mb W bile plav lt,( 1 be f ir tani"l I.ik'liif ol w hieri maay
,nv ha. I at I .niijt Cre. k S it ird ty, J . r.-t'i I hn v e I-1 11 made, al' hotnjti ahe
K. M wm-tt I ad "f In ankle Itt ha ! " ma I" to r.-f li Torilaiol In my
ly wrenched. !lf waa 111 town tfliiy tine., b .a let Lit h ail lb id, the at Ii
1 having the .pr.tin reduced. of In r Ul trial.
Ill I 1: lEivi.u Mima-llertt name
from the Ulue ntrr minim; di.iriit
Hint the l;iow ti-v ilie cmipjiiv liava
ha I four men at w uti one of their
miuet l 11 " Mar. Ii Ut, and are ciiltinj
1 through atime m h ore.