The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 23, 1895, Image 9

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n 1
l'etitlo Hhu II, ta I.alnr.l llali,rllK
Ih Ihrlr I'arlliilUr .lirr In I Ife.
limb, In lltla I tmulrt au.t .Ibritail
I'riur i utialaiiliita.
1 III g VT 11111111 1 llf ( in ! 11 pS"ll.g
lliroiikli a political crta . and, a ,,.
case in oilier countries, the l.tmiieinl
)'ilinu is thcoiiefauai it the h.iii.iii.iii.
I ni..nk' tlic 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 - r v in .l.n'Ator null
l l II til I XI.
TI.e ttiality i frinliiraiic ,.f r ImbriVr.
flu r In hut in utlirr n en produce tin k
i-t II pulsion II taut . i l,,f U iril m ,,.
iiithtrtri. There i ho ,i h thing and
ami, It. Ilrhni-r Hi ., ,frrl
npn ml ih keener p. ri n s l ihr s,i,ail.i.
II i t i a n. Ul i ti.intu ii t en II liar
lit" I n a a il ai .1 k'n a ir si.rh . Ihr
ii rr i.l Iw I.. mi.. I an mnn y n ni.rr.
Am. I ti,i ii a in a its a c i-i in
i.i-iy Ii r In hi ili ' t . mi an. I
n i""y. hi. I I il n.rria Hi auKpallt, m.
ia .m hi. 1 1, ti crcs aii'l mi
uit kit , a 1 1 r r i .
Crand lip. 14 I uilar I'l.lLulll.a.
T'..o lr.;.i.i!i- i!i wn i f applause during;
I'.i J !,:". s if a V.i ,1a op.tra aj-j-
.tr. .1 r to ilintHvrt Mr. LaaHr,
who. e i ia i'.iii; l..i t'.ipt appearance tin
i..;i in T...i I'.y.n,; liiitchuun" at
CoVitit tl.irli ii l.i-1 week, w is riv.-lvrj
ulilu'i ly ii:h ,ut u L m l. lltvr.-eti Ilia
ui Imwi w t, ! in , ;( imi,
up. 1 . lit ii In- e .u' i.,M dc-irnl. Tim
l-Tfurin r ..f " I' ii Ih mtf Dm littiau"
lll'.lst I uii I it II e t.i. Ted II lrillj;r(il
! iii:y !!! inirsif the W in.-r pnrty w ho
ti.:y ii.iv.t Ueu jre-ii.t. if tl
i rti:, l.i .ii-.-. r.l tin-v ;t!i jira
o h tr, sin ; t i tin- f.MtluliU Pi.tcad of
to e.u 'i r, t'.i.t Kind, cmnliict, d by
tl i- I; ,'i.m Mr. M nn-itn Ui, went At it
i;ti i, r. l .tt drummer;tcul.irly
li.:ikn;,r an ;'t if it. w 1 ilit the Inli-hea
in t'. li.ui. iirr.mi iiit nt were nftcn
v. ry,' : i !.
Y." f.t r tl nu n walling la th
tr f t!: .1 iiil!in nlnti. tli gi
K'litu' i.i.ui!,iiu a!i;j. ,,f il,,. Diiicliinnn,
rating to r.nli ntlii-r !r-t tti I an J
Ylii..i!"a tlio ve.M 1 from tun to time
l-'iMiU II uf llie pri initT- atnu lf n:i a rn k. naa iimiiimii' numh.
Xln l w.i,;. r w.ti' l.n 1 thnKlyitig
!..!i li' wmiM inver net to liunl nt
11. i'ti 1 tuilee.l Mr. M.uu im Hi Uiililown
lna li.itiMi iin.l hi;h,1 hi li.uiil while
Hip t'.iip .ia Ih iii i iMiintMiviTeil. It Wat
n..t i!m fault cf Mr. Lowullp, fur b
clearly cmiM lint Iw erlsl tu wnlk
tin- w.ivi a. In t:i l.ikt net, tixi, thu ahip
h'.iu'Iii'.. '.y refill'.! to atuaxli up, and It
watli'lt i ! 1 viiiiinirifj t!u ik'c in whoii
tlio tin t..ia i;.i ,i:v fi 11. LnUiloii Fititv
fa ( ,U
' I ) ,
V -. A ''
Imprlaaoaaaat For Bnoriaf.
The club mombor who for to ilrrp
nil snore in tha reading room or libra
ry U nuisance, bnt thu punUbuipnt of
' WlMlitm la AdtUlag hm fana
rn In Colllrmla talU
A few Triir. IL'H when Mr. fl.i1.
it' :, In Mm ( f hit clmrmlng burollo ! ni ufffniw by a term tf luipriwnuicnt
tr-tn t at llawarilen, rrcoinnindcl the
Erin-:i firnn r to turn Ilia attention to
fr. :t ( i;it:v.:iii n mid tlionmklngof jam,
l:t ainicn wan rccei vert with good
di;il cf ( In :ip anil ignorant ridicola. At
c-aal. tin' i x jiri mier ban prored good
ia imt than bit crltict, raid thraid
b p.ivo ear to bit ronnarl In thlt In
mimd have had no reaou to regret tlielr
M.S'lrtie. In an iDtervivw famom
(itovtilir jayj;
"Tin' in.. in- that ludncd me to takt
op tlie Jam trai'o wat my knowlodge of
Um fart that within lato yoart tha da
Biuid f ir i n'M-ni-a bad been ttosdily in
m"ir. while that for buttor ban, no
Mil lu rniiHttiaetice., shown atcnduiiry
moir to di cline. than othervlne. Cater
It 8 ai I do f,,r Himo 300,000 daily cut.
"""i novo iiatnrally oood opnortn
iiy of knowing what the public want
urn matter of proTlHiotit.
Jm hat a L'reat fnliirn tvfnm It
Tb pot'plo uru ulng it more and more
li-iy tvirr year, and. In my opinion.
y ire doing wiavly, for wbut could
wciuaprr iiinl at thoaame time health
"riuaii t smckI Jana made from sound
"a-itu lrnit?
"I attnl ute tha annorinrttv nt Fno
"'b frnit to tho nature of the toll and
oU" fact that the fruit ripens more
,a.ium.y m our climate than in coun-
,'"u there it raorncontlnuoai and
ifmal auiiahllie. TliaalntTBii II.. rln
nlLg pr0f,t the U-tter is tbe flaror of
"t iruit
. ,a nm-T Dnt Perhaps be aware thnt
lrf el , t;rown ,n th northern parts
ifl STOtlalnl am Taatlann..H In all au
to thiM
i , - . t, M WTJ UIUII u aUII-
i, dooU tweautw Ihey toko
' ufeVT 10 Itllaf nraa A m . I ( ... J -
"""' largely In India and elte-
. aw may Ttry probably come
L ' l I(,ro lou oomptte with
I lp Ireland there is amaanlficrat fu
"Ii! fruil growing indnatrylf
1 ',.:l''''r,ull,te were turned to ao
f wit. Lvi n now nni.t nt ih i.ik.l-if.
t ,bM "'o to the Engllab markeU
triJT"11 ,r'w"i ut there are
'fttont p.i.MbUitict there of which no
L rf Ttt UUu Proirly
i..: " ,ro't trade might yet do
"lO 10 Ii.i.r. f I I.l
ferity. ' -WeitmintU Uasette.
t laUmtlDa- ralklora MtoHn
rB,DI ThoM LaaalaAriM.
' a'Jl tonrliino nt .11 tl,1.
'!.rJ U fnu"d ,n Charles F. Lum-Pa-Wi
Folklore." It it one of
Blan i. .i - ..
'." or me moon and beanti
tir ,TBr"V"t Tbe ' Allfa-
-et B""'D ,h" A"notber. and both
I tth t1"'"1 Iighl n he bearent.
tli . ,b npwior dirinitlet.
' ' r-n- ae animals, the flower.
' . r'Jnt day. They agree to
J',6?' ,1" Allf..her-a.or.uneyea
f ia "'me moon offer ber
n." ,,VT,floa- "Dlind nn" the
T L 1 UT ay buaband't eye '
j Till My- "n woman."
hat not yet Iwn hoard of. The inagit-
t rat ot at Aston police court, however,
are, it would teem, in favor of such
treatment. The London Tnith calls at
tention to a heard at Aton, wher
a laborer named John Orovo was
charged with vagrnnry far having slept
in a fnrnituro van in the public street.
A police constable on hit rounds heard
loud miorea. Flo was not at find able to
discover tho origin of the sound, but on
getting over a wall into a yard lit found
the prisoner asleep in a furniture van,
suoring in such a manner as to make
himself heard at a considerable dUtanc
from his hiding place.
The prisoner, in reply to the bench,
said that be had been at work at Sutton,
nd on returning to bis home to A ton
he was unable to gain admission, so that
he went and slept in the van. The
deputy magistrate's clerk pointed out.
however, that he was disturbing the
neighborhood with his mighty snore,
whereupon the magistrates, probably
taking this heinous offense Intoconsld
erntion, for nothing else was alleged
against tbe prisoner, positively sentenced
the wretched man to til weeks' hard
Cncla Tatar's Clrrns Tlrkab
On Saturday last Uncle Peter L
Scaggt of Louisa came down to see the
circus and brought along a ticket pur
chased 13 years ago, when Robinson's
circus exhibited at Louisa. Uncle fetor
is a widower, and when the show was at
Louisa he purchased two tickets, expect
ing to take bis lady love to see tbe "ani
mals." Before the show began they had
one of those lovers' quarrels which so
frequently turn anticipated pleasures
into bitter disappointment, and as a re
sult Uncle I'eter went to the circus in
single harness. lie placed the extra
ticket in bis porketbook, and for the 1
long succeeding years kept it as a re
minder of a lost sweetheart. Last Sat
urday be presented this ticket to th
gatekeeper, who demanded to know
where be got It. "I paid my money lot
it 13 years ago, when this show was a'
Louisa." replied Uncle Peter. "Well.
my old friend, you look like an honest
man, and I gueas the ticket is all right
Pass in." was the reply made, and Unci
Peter waltzed in. feeling that if he hal
lost the old girl he hail saved th money
jiid out for her edification. Catletta
turg (Ky.) Democrat
Tha Clilrf J nil Ira oa lha Ovary Law.
The chief justice of the United States
has filed his written opinion in tie case
of Vick 'o, unregistered Chineee labor
T. It tt Torv wreresTinz reaoinz. lie
holds that the provisions of tbe fifth and
fourteenth amendments shelter all per
sons or whatever nationality, race or
color within the territorial Jurisdiction.
lie describe the punishment of deporta
tion sought to be inflicted on tck o
under the provision! of the Geary art s
in effect a legislative sentence of banish
ment, unknown to the organic law and
in violation cf it Concerning the Geary
act itself. th chief Jostic says that it
'contains withiu It the germe of the as
sertion cf an unlimited and arbitrary
aa-- Miiuia auju tail . wri v - - - - - j
H., "'k'AIlmotber't eyes. Bene power in geni ml incompatible with tje
3 taj? to114"' ban the son. I immutable rn:i"iples f Justice, lncon
, Cn,1 ret at night, and tbe sistent with the nature ef or govern
(j.' "!1 I ment and in conflict with the written
v Llbw Cohe' translation of constitution by which that rorernmest
,. wch' "Jewiab Talea" tber was created and those principles -!rJ'fU
of U- " and moon story urd.-Hjirtford Couraut
n, ,h Talmud. Brttflytold. "
t .i m m equally luminous. om rra af Mia4 ai.
: ri t"",, wbwauia to be more Micxl reatbeg by tboa who dlria. by
t:sA "" 'oeiun. Drity is angered ukin juiir band, wbrre rem bare llddra
Tha Iiirnull7 anil 'kill uf One VTorks
an Ktrrlaallng llrnt-nt lu It's I'allu
Mm An Inalanra In I'olut.
Ilrralil, Soulh II u , Wah
It falls to our lot this week to tell our
readers, and especially those who are
not blessed itli iieneet health, of one
ol the iiieatest ami simp.est remedies ol
the eentiirr. 1'ersonallv e enjov the
very best o( health, ear in and year out
but among our Iriemls is J. I. Myers
proprietor of the llioadaay I'iiarumey
a limn who knoaa his Imsiiiess llmr
oil n Ii I y, is entirely wed. led to chemistry
ami hyuieiie, and often "talks sliop.
(.'lie evening the coiivervation turned on
new (liaeoveilet in (lulus.
He told us that one of our mutual
friends, John Wvandt, a locomotive en
liineer, oae.l Ins health to a new iiiedi
cine known as l'r. i.liains' I'mk I'iiIi
ami that Mrs. Iiwler, wife of I'atrn
Lawler, itioper at the Tannin Kxtrai
Woiks, and well-known in this city, has
lieeli raiseil by them from what tier
friends thoilk-ht was her death bed.
llavinu bad our attention railed t
the matter so particularly we have since
foiiiid tbst evei vlioil v baa a good word
for I'mk i'llls, and espeeiullv were we
interesleil in the rase of Mrs. I.awler.
Finally we called at her home and okei
ber to tell us if I'mk Tills bad n-allv
lone as much for her a had been toi.l
("lie said thev bad and she would reiieat
the tacts to me.
Mrs. l-awler said: "Two rears and
half ago I was taken in k. I then live-l
in Tarouia, and lor live weeks was not
able to turn myself in la-d. My bu-band
and bovs lined me around and cared for
me, and Ihey scarcely lioied for my re
covery. 1 could eat nothing, was simply
torn out
"I sent for the I'ink Pills and I Wan
tukiliK them. It said in the .lirertioiih
that they should be taken liiiini dialeU
after eating, so I ate lig-hlly, then took
the pills ami in two days wits able to sit
up. In two weeks I wa up sil l sroun-l
and was able to make the trip ol 11'
miles by cart to eoiith Iletid, wliere my
buslnd bail (one to work.
"Mure that time I have been well and
have done my own work, and now when
I leel worn out or ill I always take l ink
fills ami tber help me at once. I bava
in tbe two vet rs and a half um) twenty-
one boxes of tbetn, and we all lire then
when we are feelnitf out of sorts. I bavt
recommended them to manv of mv
friends, and thev alwavs helped them
and I can sav to all mothers that thev
will find them a g-'tml medicine to buihl
ttiem up cure headarhea, ibrine-a and
tbe iilt which so often lieet them."
Mr. I-twlrr al stateil that he bad
often taken I'mk Pills That he used to
tie troubled with sick headache and diz
zmesa in tbe morning, but that Tink
Tiils hail cured him.
Ir. Willisms I'mk Tills contain all
the elements necesaarv to give new lid
and richness to the blood and reatore
shattered nerves. They ire for sale by
all driitfifi-tsor mar be had by mail from
l'r. Williams' Medicine Com nan r, N he-
net tady, N. V.. for Ro cents ier box. or
six bo I et lor I- M.
la l.lalng ( aaabrla Caaaa,
Cambric g ns should have the waist
lini.lit made of the aaiue matenaJ as the
outside when lined at all The reason
will be uianift if a tear or break oc
can. Thlt is parricnlarly dewirabl for
little girls' tuinmer driat es. tu which ail
sorts of accidents have a way of happen
tag. Philadelphia Pre-.
Her light is lessened. ' la a reading of Impmrptlb n
A Waaa CaMalaC
ftasklng of clever women who lov
tprj-i there it Mrs. EUi P. Ileaton. who
ranoea l.k an Indian pnnreaa. After
the work of the day is finished for she
is a woman editor te Cods recreation
. . - vw naia. ihMi,Htn t mi tiiim i,r lkb ror tuwiii i iimww
. -1 her u stars for toaBpaa- ' sr!ii.out your Ulng 11. -Tap- j la tklmclcg orr the clear waur of the
. I aiar .ae Moait.. I Bada ia a bark aaaee.
'he ptop'e and imtn ii aluiif itslistiu-au
me Milk'. Ilie pieliiii-r, M. Irlinllpls
eniieie l In- n
l ip. I in.,11 n.i nt was I'Ioi.hIiU
l.a-teiie.l l y the lotmii of the cnni ii
rnict'. who rhot-. ii,,. sMi, iii, v of the
roval f niu 1 1 V miiIi ,e ii-niiie bv ai'luir-
nit at a public i 'ii.' at Alliens hi 1,1
lor tbe niii-..e of p -!! itiar against in-
n-Msed tat it im , ,.,., ,v be lulu-
i-lrv, and ii-siir.n.- the a--enibU ibtl
ia bt-ait wita with n, mi. Tiime Con-
'Sl.llni- ! the n . I -I in of Kiluf (tetirire
lei U'litn llir.i. and was inairied
It liiU-i I'll. Ivvl to li e Tiim-ea. Sonhie
of Prussia, who is tii- ail ut of the Km-
pcior of lierinniiy.
1'rlnr -J iHtailh.
lUitiK to ibe rec i.t death of Prince
Viijiriiiihis, In ir apn i cut tolhe -ismeae
tbione. his siiiit i in the person of
I'hsw T M.tha V.. isvadli has U-en
proclaimed crown pi nice. He is the
U n'ta-duiely ni'M-aasry in onh-r to J avo
; s heallh. The k.-ri-n st'bi tl m of
.he human ra.v is iiii,iiie I I i.l.
There ere a'nt SUM i!ior lcr Inci
lent t) the InrilVI frjine, t!:e '.i--e m ..
j trity arUing fro'ii t'u l opirn ..r p us
iiinut rund.liixi of tho I I
The U'at Miiedy fur ;'l I I n I i'1-i a i
it (mind in II !' K i-s 1' i.
Itl rem irl'i'i cu'ra a-e i s ' i l, t
praise. Il is ti whit v iv but v
ll.ksl't S ir.iMii i.l.i ,1'it l , t t.'llj I'.e
Xj reiin'ily has ever 1. I
Slli'eas, or won si. rim n
N-rolul lu its m-vi H--I
'O It ilent p.iwer, 1. i
in. I s i t rheum a i l imiiu-
i -a i .l.
I.l 11,4 ,
I -,:-,inii
t I t '
.re p-'-iiiaoentl' c irel l y i'. 1
eneral hpr n M I i.-' it I i i
lnt iinp'iniiin wh'i h 1. is
to I ibirmir the w inter, i r t i r
.'hat i.u-d I'm 11 itliin i lal
r a
i, e
'I e ,h in i jr th it 3 yeira sen we had a
U-. ii i to l.n- l-.rn . , At the T of II
nun. II, a I e i.ri-itlitd lot l.ial. a vi"lm to
I i. tir . 1 1 (in ,,... , , aii .ther
h y .i I r-i, wli, i, at tn ;.k-a of tarn
iiii:'t bi.Mi,. m:, r t w.t'i th iiiinu
tll-emv We k iris I Mis Imi .lo ii iinm.
tii'il ! i1, :i-i. nut ((irtiiuui t'.re ni.rirh.
I priM u-t'.l a U'lt.e of ll ssfa rtirvipirll
.ii . I c iiiimi - .re I id g vr it ii (- r.irly to both
i,i In r a i.l 1 -li.y. Im;,r.i aent he.-an at
no. We have su , , i-1,-1 In e-adiratlug
l.t i ' :.!' -. i.'.i.hI t!,a tri'i-iu, and
u'"-' wt- a r ii',. ., I i-ii I,.,-,., 'at
, It in-"ti Ii in 1 - Ii 1 1- -,'
P.'ct'jro of Hjattli,
i-'l I. d no I fu!l of ii.iv le.' t links t-i
loi , - irvipir,,; i. I am a in n rr In
ill- Methodist l'r..ei mi I i ur, n, ami It
i'l .rdt nm nun h pie, .ii-,. io fit- oiiiiuni l
1 1. .1 ir-1 inil.i l.i n.i as a me, sum
le'l,e-l'. I ,- :i v w,f,., nf'iT tHk 1114
II -r. I iv me ha il hv a , t tlr.h i-. Sli t In.
t ie ' 1 1 i f kt-ilm-xl ak'soi. "- IUv. J.ii.
Pat. i.t.i'..uu 6:a:ijii, Xi u.k
T" rjt BeTk. fIA M M
V.i- -"'A
(- wW;.f
:'V" fiv vN'
econd ()iieen's rldeat son, and is the
libit t survivitiK chil l of riiiiliilonKkorn
1., the reiKliinit kiliit. He Is now 1')
rears of aje, having U-en Isirn .Isnnsrr
1, l.O, at llankok. The kiliK of Main
has full discretionary Miwer to nominate
his sui i-essor, but not until l7 was the
ciistoui of proc laimiiiK a enwn piince
intrisliii ed. The new prince it U-ing
educated at l ion.
Jiiltn W. fiisler.
John W. poster, formeily secretary of
state, ha hern employed to aid the
('hine-o government' pleniMitentiaries
in peace neitotiations. John W. Koste
reprrsriititl this country abroad ill vari
lit rr Sy
oils counlriet lor twenty-lle vears
When iiiinister to Mexico and ."pain
and sisecial rnvov to several Kuroiiean
countries he wa ol the greatest service
in making treaties, lie is probably the
best po-U-d man in tbe country in J 1
ioiiihi r and international law. II
erel in the union armv in an Indiana
eminent, and afterward was promi
nent in state politics. He i a thorough
cholar and master of several foreign
lanv'isires. Mr. ioster lias lately n
turned from a trip around the world,
binmr which he eiil some time 111
Itaa Maligaarla.
In the hostilities lietareen the Italian
on the east coa-t of Africa and tbe Abys
sinian Chief uf Tigre, the force o( tlie
latter are Inl by l:s Mangatcia, who is
1 be ton of the late Negus John, who in
:rrt)':'!T - .1
; : -. -a" :;
ia time withst'ssl every e:7 iri 01 ine
Italiai to eatabl.ah their inftuence in
At-rasin a. A't-r hi faiber's death be
t ame a pretender (or the r.tlnopian
.ror.e, but owing to the assistance
ten t-v the Italians to Ins ronin.
Mrnelik. was miril i 0 r' op b
-and da' ure. lie tetirt-l to I gre. made
wiili the kit g, and reteivrd in ex-
,ane lor hi 'U'-nii-a on ine vi rov-
'y of the prriii. He ia an ao,e a l-
nis'ra'or and a vai ant xii iief, i.nt
bile he baa rr a nla n.-i a show of
tev to the I'ai.aiiS. he La brr for-
iva ttair iLltUfum.
A IVnalir Wuraa Titan Ikaolli,
Tlii ii.'li tl.e ih nili ih iiiiIit wna prnetlrnl
ly nli li-lntt In li ikritiiii oicrUO reitraairik
llie 11 11 1 -1 1 nt 1.1 i, iliii-eiiiiii U Inl uf rnpl
lal erliin a la n an fill Unit In. 110 has )rl
Isi ii ul'le In emliire It 111,. re thnu Ihnt
)i ura r.iii il,e unnli inmil mnii nilulil
limn' int-ri Ifuliy huie r I - ti t-0 by the a
i r n ik. He U pl.i.iil in a tliinginu so
lulislriicttd tl lit fimii the iiioiiieiil lit- en
Ii is It ho w III iicw-r lunr the atuitiil of hu
I111111 Voire in r see a luli.g Im luaj. Ilia
(sal la passed In tl.rtmli a rlbllug pnin l
In the iiir of hla cell. Nul ono uf tln-se
prlsnlii r has Uill ol io to survlv Ihls
ronlliii'iin lit limre tluiu thrett Ji-ars Tlie
authiidtlca I. live striven In nil 11 to prolong
ll.i It bus ly inn lug tin I r IinkI as milch
as i-.-II.iv but IIiiibo who art) liiialerntely
or iigi.ur iiiuiil.linl grailiinlly wsai
nnny, while IIiiim nlm are gcnrMtisly fed
110 mud ami die Mi Ini maniac
An fciigrr atttl a Ipi'lng Wind,
A contiiiiiiiiia ihiwn piiurnf rain, Im lent
rut wratlor, grnrra ly in winter am'
spring, are uii'ariiralde to all rlaaar ol in
ralids. Hut warmth and ai tiiity liiluard
Into Ihr riiciilatinii counteracts these In
Ibieiuea and intrrpiie defenae sgtinai
ll.eln. I,teier'a Miiiinach Ullli ra. linial
thorough and ellectivr ol aiomactiira am'
tuii'CB. nut only rnnrlirs tbe blood, lint
arrtleiaii-B lis ciri-ulaiiiiii. Korarhill, m
preiiniii'tory syinptonis ol rhrutnaiisiu
and kidney Roinplaiiit, parlleiilaily nrrva
It ill at the e im-mii., it i Ilia lra nuasitilt
remedy. It ia alao luvaiiia'ile lor ill Siet-
a'a, liver con, plain', cou-tipation and nrr
voiiatirsa. .Nrvrrsel out mi a winter or
M leg lournrr with. ml ii. Khbrlr ner
oua and Ine delirale and oolivalescriit ara
giraily aided by it.
II waa atkrit alsnii an lii.lnT.rriit Imiliall
I'Uirrali I iiary ha e ll,.si In hillrlil-was
In-a r.,1 o-ek or a hallliackr "Nu," was lb
ri pl), 'he waa a ilia liaei."
100 lis: Walt l at 00.
SAIK. Otllk AMI IlllltlVlt.
The valualile ruialir pr rtieof Ai.L
ciM i's Pnaol's Tiastiu ate dua to the
ruiphiyiiieiit of the liibral metlical and
( heinii al skill. Tliry are purely vrgrlatilr,
and In ingreibrnts and inrltn d har nerei
In-eii ri iallrd; safe ipi rk and rllectire in
Itirir sciioii ; tliry do not burn or blister,
but soothe and rrlirv while curing, anil
can tie worn without causing Inconvenience.
All othrr so rallrd porous flatters are
imitations, luailr to tell on the rrnu ation
of l.u '.
llaisniKTirs Pills, th safest purgatirr
H. nuts arl'iMil teai-'irr ore.ttig lulmira'athr
In-e-ssl y nl lal Hi) -An I what Waa llie one limit
i leu Jiinsli 1 rnipl tu niakr lum Salt? Urlabl
till,, lar Ilia rih.
MHIC STOIIK -Vt li.r II. Al an i n . tha
i.l.l.-.l, 'ha lar., II fl'sl HI , I'nl ' lalnl.
in irk- ilea, liar iman. Ki rhrr I'laiina, ki ry
tirrfins but ,tl'-e, e.-r itrnia.
IO- K.IST Ml Sit - Haiul In- r ilatnilrs.
ft--v7 " f -iike flowers, fade
T 7" 21 andwithrtwiililimr
'f-i-S f ft J the bloom ol tbe io
'..7. nr- 3 ti
is only know n to the
bra I thy woman
rhttks. The nriv-
. . 1 1
raN"ul strain rautcij 117
the ailmenis slid
if pains iK-runar 10 ine
r ars. and the lalstr
lv aim worry 01 rearing
a familr. cn "lieu
be traced by the lines in ihe woman face.
Dull ryes, ihe -allow or wrinkled lace and
thote " feelings of weaknesa" have their
use in the ilerangenienta and irrrgulsritie
priuliar to women. The funrlional tie-lang'-mrnts,
jiainful ilivirilrra, and thrnnic
wrjanrvien d wumen, can ne cuiril wun
Dr. fierce s favorite f reMtinlion. for tlie
voting girl ju-t inlrring wfoiuanhooil, for
the inothir and lho- about lo become
mothers, and later in " the change of life,"
the " fresx ritillnn " l jut w hal Ihey need .
it aids inline in preparing the system lor
llie change. It a a medicine preacnlierl for
thirty yeais. in the tliieaw-a of women, by
Dr. K. V. rierce. 1 inn consulting pnyn isn
to the InvaiidV lintel and Surgual Insti
tute. al lltiltalo. N Y. Dr. f ierre a l-avmite
f re-H ripnon will cure the chrnnic inflaninis-
ion "I Ihe lining mtniliranra wnicD rauae
sin h einnu-ling diaina iiHin Ihe ayalrm.
Itinrei nervous tiniMration. aleei,esneas.
faintnrss. nrivnusrh Inhtyand all diaoidrr
arising frotn derangement of the fenialc
organs and functions.
Mi It sjsnr. W 11.1 iisi ul aa-a lamCi.
fh'f"- wriirs ' I aaw-N
w.-i. k I over fhrae ,f -V" .
yrais isilh l.liml iln f a 0, 7 m -a t , )
the lieail I 'im lil irie
a all' I liral aiel
tt time wuMi'l hate
m 11 4 w,i nml l--.
n( wh-n I f.r-4 a 4
u ut 'he Tii'iiing.
ul si nm-a iiTviua
lie r.htiKiana nil-
Ssr, a t,j what my
1ntt was I aiI -a-t
'A Oiera iImI ntr aay
K As i as
fs,ts.fftf',l las.iiv lir
-iTta lai,iii r-s.
wrvai'in I -ti o
ft lie--f fi, 1 . rt
ni .'s fi'i-l fstt nrrtr-ajs reeling awl lh
.rrt sue I tail wa.k s-rs.
t dre.1 I opai nt alt three
pa.A 1 " aieltwoul IriaiiysrTy ' "
I he rea lar of ibis papsr will be pleased
to Irani that ihtr is at least one d traded
disease that iclrn, e has been atdr lo rurr
M all ita slaves, and Ibtl 1st atarrli. Mall'
Catarrh t'urr is Um only p.-aillvr
knnarn In the undical fraiemlly. falarrh
iieing a Ciinalllilli.inal ibrnaae, rriuirr
ciiii-liluluti at treatment. Hall a l alsnh
I ure is lakru internally, acting ilire.tlv
iiiniii the nliMitl and niiit'iitit surlaira ol llie
sisleni. then t.y tlelro)ing t. e l.iiiiidaiiiin
11 the illatase. and giving llie paiieni
Irri.gih liy hull, hug mi i,r conaiitiiiioi,
ami assi.iing nature 1,1 iIoiiik ita snrt
Ihe propneliirs have so inn. Ii la I tt In its
turalne I owera, Ihal Ihey niter One Hun
ini i uiars lor any rs-e Dial II tails lu
.ure. rlll r r list ui ie in als
Addira..K J.I IIKNKYA fu.l'oletlo.O.
".Sulil by Iirurgiala, 7.K).
0 1 Ksst from Turiland I'rndletun, Walla
Walla tia . It. A S. lo Hmkane and Oicat
Nurtlieni Ita Iwav to Molilalia Dakulaa, M
-'aul, M linrap ,i. Ilihago, lliualia. M
I. mis. Kasl anil rtouib. lha: tiallasi track ;
line siie.y ; new ripiiiMiienl , Ureal Noilli
rn I'alace rleriera and li ners; Family
r.iurisi Cars; Itti Itt-i l.ihrary I'ara. Wrne
' I'. IMuivan, lleneral Ak-iiI. fmilaud.
tlrtgmi, or F. I. VUiilney. II. P. A T. A.,
si. I'aul. M ini., for printed n att rand in
formation atsmt rate, roulra, rlo.
Tbt (iiKHSt for break fast.
l ie EiiamrllueMtov I'ollih; no Just, no atrial
urot ia a
AT m -mm j.jt... -
lliD H xni irain nor a
f -jl Tho La ik eat Siauufaiiiirrrscf
TV Js kits rm4taa
ir-w i sw gr
Industrial and Food
im. r 1 .
In 1 ..A
id i n
Vallhttt lll.lih lr
II..,. 1 .41,1 r 1 i.rml,.
.tm k.
I'r-s sra
-itim. IINIAktlsTttKlitl. ihMuky
sata aa4 Makls, ka4 , Uw ikaa mm M i(v,
soio sr onoccus ivcsrwHSst.
AnatTissahsa Mt allvw and N Kit VK TlN III.
rV'M ny Dniggtataiir aniit by mall. sj
and II.UU per pacaa-, tsainpltw rrra.
If t II n -Th Pv"ete wen mrn
llli IlUfocIbeTsvUajWllfwBUk.Jbgk
A fiirtul ndnirif me !
l y Kly'l (Vrnrn Ihtlm am
tflrr Mting it sir rrrf 1
UUtti mnulf rwreif of rn
l ink. Il ii a mod ntuurW.
rrntriy. Jviepk -'letre
'Jtt 'Viand An., Ilioukly
.v. r.
M.V I'HKAM MAI M Opens ami elsanaea
ha Nasal I'a-aaaea. Allava I'aiQ ami Intlainina-
I tin, llrala Ibt Hurra, I'niia, ia lha Mrinhraiia
from t-tihla, Kwmrva lha Haniea til last ami
Smell. Tha Halm Is quickly aiiritl ami glraa
rein f at unt-a.
A paiilri la applied Into rarh rwaitrll, and Is
tgrreauia. f.lca, Ml aatiu al )r'galsi' or by
II. Kl.T HKiilll) K,
fat Warren ruret I. New York.
r. ,lbtg' Invlirirftlor tl.v ffriai rvn.ff Pit
-llllllsai liaH Iff U till Ills 4 ftl'4 I'rlvSl
fliiain. Tr-r -n Prt4lurfii-tts. awid irvra
gi fur maw r III iw-. iiMiira-a aii4 r-tm,m
Mltile.: l irmi tsssillr tvan nr -wwnt lr lo uf
iti (lewM ritidif jruiiiiiiii : -ali tr svlilrsM ..
(jria,iwiiiraiH- Msvmsh hi . rMui frwirnro.
W.L. Douglas
CI CUiAC isTHtarsT.
WWJ wJIIWa-riTron akino.
43 V Fmc CmlKAwm
r j s fnd roe C ATAI BCIST
Over Owe Mlllloa ftwpl arrv lha
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoe arc equally satisfactory
ineygivainrneai value mr lha matter.
w -was
T hair atiual canto ahsa la al v a an fit.
Th-ilr asaarlng aualllla ara anaorpanad.
Tha nrsca art unllnrm.alaiaiprd a aot.
from ti to 1 aaaad avrr ttrtrr makr.
II your dealer cannot auiil) vuu a can.
Can act
Ferry's Herda al ynnr dealer'
aa fresh ami fertile as llnnirh
ytiiiaot iliem Uirm-I from lorry's
Keetl rarllia.
iFerrys vSeeds
ara known ami plituteil vary
wheie, anil are alvtMya lit
iral. s-rrry'itM Aaaaal
or laws itnia an auuui
litem, Frew.
D. M. Fare A Co.
'k iv awi f5i
Mss Wilt laws
WUlaf s h .t Jt t '. 1 Its msl falSsaa. MMs
u4 -ar PvA-Atasj ft. rla fcl
Off. riL.1 C HI IDT.
W taVaWs' j fwaj (AwtM Sal4 Isjew. ti-
esr-Ui-f e-t -w,a s-" tr rrsea I
svr muti rm.mmm.t rw
jlt H'
t mm pursiti-
'cx. f " " '
IINft ril.l. mtx A iats-K.
. -1 , ,. i.Bij. - - A xm m s , .Mai I Wf9?
1 . . mii. Mttoiv rl Ilia uaaa la. fcs la
lask M t .lsr. T-l r.iro li-".
a. aiMl il irta i.-iisi 1 11
..I m.U . ..,!L I , . s r.U h It le If w
mn. U).-iM.i) MkU Cy.. I iiiUdaljiUua.
Maahoea rrstnrad. I
N ight I atutiiiNs,
Waak Mantutv,
Airnp y.haiiial
SfiIhii, ait .,
buraly iurJ ly
I k ma grrm
aad vlul furca ol
plaata aad Sowarai
II glass vigor,
pnoar and siia ia
lha vilal oriaai al
1 Kf Me, VOflJ
m M1h.I S irnt
1 h qiiIv ktso.
4g4 raiatntni
Curt gu4.stJ.
U-liJ I ullva St. j
f.f in carry I
f4 n s hn. Pru
ft. ha fur ).
Snt ii, plain
nppf, r al
ll Lit uttitiw
? ntsj e
afb. W.a
LB.1 J Itt1 r" am aMaawBaa aw fj
j Wr l t m mam M 0mt o Mft t
If V uas? Ihr r4alai
I r ajbaiara fiiit
Mdkt wtney whtlt
lim bf olHpfferrt
It anil A
art k la kml
pkMtHrj baaHfavr
ate waatingirJk t OJ
loHprnttoi. Iff I I
lailaail alawl 1 1 I 4 far I I
leorrilra rvrry Vl J llliialialrd I 1
reilrtl I- Ih.fT-t Calaka mUtl
baaiaeaa. rasa.
y th l-eat
Heal, fmiieai avatrl
A' ar fanhc tuaal
vgenia Hn-vi I rata-
lug u, mailed Irrr.girra
felMki-slntlii rt'eea e'e tsaaTl visrrs
riTALOMA IRCUIATt C0.,rtlaa.Cl.
Slisil llucsa. ll H Mam M . Anil'lra
four Wife t ao Hon It llrmMt (mm as- (msbUjw
Palmar A Ray, a. r . 1 al. and ronlaod. Of.
Iisoaailui'i'ialillea ar un-uq aitarl.aelually
nmiaalln 100 laiioa nl any oiher brao,. rrae
from AuiroaJ oila hkl Tlla. Ukkl ISa.
fllK SAl.g UV UkkltUN AND
aud brawn faue. ail y.
5. r. y. U. So. 6K8-8. F. N. V. No. M
twhe? Ikasw ererr sieri eern a HnrJenT Yon neesj
liar your liK'M'r Kir and f gOVISIOKt .4 a, aad wawiu sra ran mmr. Wa ksa.lla lha bawl
mala and dailver Im to I rains or turn'. Wa ami aod o.l ar atati eaaa, and aril im at rftaaro
tbaa iat ohar Arm lo tho eowrtiry nrnd oa vans nam and ad-lraaa. and ara wnl mail jn ottr
ear prieo Hal. atKt oil' r-a out aonai W a ,.rt-r Uv.Uf ilmat tobacca), aSrwnlt par otson t.
Ira g rariulaud swaar la liaslb. aaraa lor S4 'i M anal i rssr eaan. l se
Boat urawta of tour pa atrial 1 It I arbu, s a s o ffv oar pound t.4
Sand aa a Its' or okal yo aoad. aud a wul mat yew apaoiai priasa.
addroat raw oraara I