The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 23, 1895, Image 5

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    1tLCtfll03l TO HKV. tHJ.VULU
The Mamberauf I Ikntlaa Cunrck
Ull IBeir ril'li" nricuuv
Ibelr Hew paiior.
iMlljr Guard, Mkirh 1.
The reoeptiou glveu Ilev. 11. F. llou
nell, the m-w I""1"' f theChrlaiiau
church, l that editlce lal evening,
wm lurgely attended. Long before
the time of oia-nlug the excrclsce tU
house waa tilled, ami many turned
away, while oilier crowded their way
Uto 1 1 alalee ami Ui.
First u the program wan aa organ
voluntary by Mr. llolleiilack, pil
lowed by "i'Ki nd prayer by Ilev.
M. C. Wire. Itev. 1. It fourm-it pre
sided over the iiievllug, aud delivered
Ine oeiiing addreve.
Mayr Friendly In behalf of the city
welcomed I teV. llolillell lo our midst.
In a few impivaelve word li said thai
the Uulviraiiy f Oregon, aulti.titu
tiou of learning lu w huh all are alike
Inters nl la located lu our city ; llii
It ledcalred toaurrouml ll with an l
ini.phire of purity, aud lo accomplish
ttil. a eoiiimou good, musi all
wmk together, lie aesurred 1U-V.
Uniiuell that he and hia laiiilly arv
heartily welcome to our fair city, and
tn.1 In fullllllna the duliee of hia mi
tiou. which la the highest lit Id by all
men, he would receive the uudlvided
tuiiorl of the ciiy.
Next oil the program waa quartette
by Meter. iaklu, farrow, jiowianu
aud Zlegler.
Ilev. Ullbert of the rreabylerlau
churv'U waa neat Introduced and aHtke
of thedulleeof congregation l palnr.
ILeV. 1. L. Driver waa vailed uuou
for an luipiomptu talk aad made some
extended reiuarka, among other thing.
ottering some exuw lent advice b. the
young men.
A veiy pleading trio waa rendered
by threw little girl, Miaae Uuruell,
Eveiiaoo and Applcgate.
IteV. Olll of the t'ongergatinual
church spoke a few word of welcome
lu behalf of hla church, and told the
congregation how they could greatly
assist lUv. lioiiliell lu hla work during
the year.
Kav. Krauaae In behalf of the U. It.
ehurcli aud lie regulai huIi r, J. K.
Snyder who la absent III the East,
gladly welcomed Ilev.;, aud
staled that the U. II. church would
ataud by bliu lu hla woik for giua! lu
A "election by the orcheatra wua
followed by Uev. Lotigbolti.m of the
Cumberland t'rvebytrrlaii church, who
also, lu a lew well put remark n-l .ted
tha obligation of church to pualor.
Ilev. M. f. W Ire of the M. K. church
wua the next M.aker. lu a fi w well
cluswo worila he told the true mmiIou
of a minlater of the gos.-l, and staled
that wbllo there were anme uiea lu the
inliilntry who were out of their calling,
yet uiofl of them were grand aud go-Mi
men. lie illustrated hia arguuieul
with gtMHl ellecl by an aiinet'dole.
Another selection waa then rendered
by the male quartet, w hen Itev. lioii
liell ill worda of emotion unit diuuka
giving, plainly allow ing hi tipprccia
tiou of all that bud la-en auid ami done
lu hia honor, thanked one and all, ui.d
aw ii red them I lint he would use all t
hia a liny for the het go.l of Hie
town and people aa long aa he re
mained hen.
The even in if wua very pleasantly
ended la aocial handshaking.
lulty Itetua.
Marcii 13. IHltf.
Did you aee the vcliwe Sunday
Ilev. J. II Merrynian deparietl Moii
iluy for a two wceka at I'hilo
Ourai liool eaiiMiieluvd Mnuduy with
II. I. Ilay-a teacher. Mr. I lay re liaa
taught m-verul leruia lu adjoining dla
trietaaud aa el w have not heurd
any caiuplaiut.
The U. B. quarterly meeting wm
largely attended. Elder 1 lurk ley Up
lifted live ouuverta bu inlay afternoon.
Miaw-a Klla Multeon and Abbie
Humphrey havelaeii engaged to tench
aehMla Up the Middle Fork IhlaHpritig.
A provram la beiug arranged f r
Easier riu inlay.
Tba hr anil klullder caaea fro II I
Fall Creek were throw n nut of court;
thla U pnaif that Fall ( reck waa greatly
tiiUrepreaeutfd by Kugene paH-ra
Shall Mt HulM M ne Koadt.
lar ami Keallirr.
r liirk.iiit IX luut ri
himmlli'iV,. i T . cregooiun: " 1 lie auonyiiioua vt
t.. I......I u... ..... . "" cuuiv. i mien fiaiea Al-
a -H m r l t tl '"' P ""y. torncv M.,rpl,y having jo.l had In.
V,?i . vr,U ,ti'e .,."OUU, "f "H'l'tlon talhAl i a very lengthy and
1 .1?. 7 ," ,,U'""U. ,l"'"t te... her ai I .atari, a amall lKa.1.
I , v ,f .ru l,ri;l',1''-. t-eeau-B oflliv lit tl.e M...wk vallev. aU.ul I'l
liieverimik the tiouh e of l'o inr over ... . i i.'.' -n. .
! V. 1 v'. '"A W."''k ' two ordinary .heel, of (
I.M-..lp,,ny wi.l, Mr. .Murk, aver the ;,r. and I. with a pencil. It I.
TiTT n" '"l",.'f ,l" ""bh.Mly ll.l-.-lledtBndll.eonet-n !
o..uutry linked like. I have owiie la Kngllali I. frighllullv u.ullrenlej. The !
, I. ,i. couuiy oi iMinv text of the letter la to the elbil Hint
haa any mo'iey lo a p. ud an roada, the the achui I tuacher, who U a voung
U-at will la. to repair and keep In Wnuiuli, Imx not coii.lueted heraell
g.NHl urder the prvFtnt exi.tiug one 'properly, and la verv Inelll.ieiit, and
via lleudor ll.le, not liccau-e H i, m. i iu love w ilh one of her pupil., aud
a.ilile to build a road by Whltllcer .he u-ura lu acli.a.l, and ail that a. .it
Creek. It can In 4tw, but It will of thing. It Indulge Hienur- al.UM-,
...c ...v.. f iu uuini ii, wiiii ami la evidently written ! aouia
i-u uriiiKca nun men ll
would only be a toad which probably
'Ul.l be iihI. Nty mx iiianllii. out id
twelve. Taking it for giuutcl thut
every wilier on the proposed route
ahould build the rmol through bi ow n
cluiui, which would tank a uinii wit li
on I mi an in the utmoat, the iniijority
will need their tlino lor aoim Hung
elae. Tliere are three bill tu cro of
ut leant l.iUHcvl height, and prolmhly
Umlleaofroud through the ditlereut
laittoiiia, to connect with the existing
natd. Evary On goniuu kuowa whul the moat good."
rouua tnrougu creea oniiom iik like, 1 Deputy C a
no uauger oi auni, imni to ocul in
winter lln e or to llnd. A anon a
iritltle demaiida ar reiuiret a road (nun
Eugene ta Floremv, let It la a rallnntd.
Tli. iirt'M.nt .ff,ir pi.miI tu II. .Miliar
Tide, when kepi tu good order, an-1 Held of rouiunce ami tbla week rb
The Hill Proportion.
OalljrUuan), Marrh
F. M. Wilklna lulorin, ua thul he
will appoint the committee to solicit
sulsxTiptiou to the tlourlni; mill
bauua, early Mondiiy morning. I'hrre
font make uii your mind to put dow n
your name for a good amount t thin
worthy object.
Aa there waa a queatlon aa to the
aiiiwunt of proa-rty fHisai-aaed by Mr.
Drucka anil hi caoabilllv to manage
a large mill he furnished a couple of
mir buaiueaa men a alateinelil ni ma
flnalicea, which show he ha and rep
reaeuU proisjrty to I lie amount of $,
Several kite for the mill are being
Inokeil at ami consider, d by the com
mittee. Dal IT Guard. M. rrw It.
FkMOIIT PlIll'XKMs The freight
ahlpmeiita at the deMt are quile Urge.
(io. T. Hall 4 Sou tialay ahipeil a
carload of potatiara to Hull Frnci.-o;
J. O. Ithluehart, one car loail of pota-ba-a
to Hnn FraucU-o; E. II. Ingbam
i loading a car of wtati?a lr Cal
ifornia, and A. V. Ivtera la loading
three car of oala f..r ban Fraucia-o.
(any Ouarj. Marrh It.
CoiK SToVK tsTt.I.KN. Home ml
rreaul l.nik- Intolhe Jaim-a Calli larll'a
house In Hcotl'e addition, recently,
and stole a umk slve tbeiefrom. klr.
Campbell, who Uvea at Camp Cre. k,
waa In town lodav and dis
covered Ilia la. The house wa
lsa.ltr uoart. Xaich It.
Run Vastei. Tha farmer ar
Kealiuilng lo wish lor rain. Thtom
tlnued dry weather with the cold
fnty night ba retanled the growth
nt grata and graaa eery much. How
ever ao particular damage haa yet
been done, and we will prabably get
rain before a great while.
A Lawyer. -Judge Wan. Galloway
of McMlnnvli:. baa been admitted !
the bar by the aupreme court without
examination. He ld engmge in the
practice of law at that tity but will
net open np aa office for tome time. I
llnrullt peraou W illi luulielotl llltvlit.
1 he letter ana f..runlrd by the re
cipietil to Mr. Murphy, but, uiucli to
In regret, be wua yesterday ohlit-d to
answer thul there wu Bathing iu the
letter w hetclli the nltcudcr could la.
reached under the federal atatutes,
liiusinuch a 11 waa not olmvne. Mr.
Murphy left It lo ba Interred thai th
only reully eMcu-iou remedy iu such
cases, if the olt'euder could la) found, 1
a very large man with a very large
club, administered where It will do
Mnoliiil Humphrey
well', to that section tisluy.
A Minister Airrkltll.
aulcm Pont: "I)lla ha Joiueil the
sw era the piirjss Ural rate, no lund
slides, rain or mnw Keel- ilia aleaiu-
boai Imm ruulug, wbleli la quite an
A. D. UtRlAxd'.
Au Uld Time Boat.
The II.Ks.ler, nue of out old time
bout, was built al Sulciu, aaya the la-.leH-nt,
along In the early lift lea by
several enlei prising men. At that
time freight were excessively lurge
iH-lweeu Suli in and Oregon City, Ha
high a IU) a-r ton. They built the
hull ol Una Isuit at Sulem and accured
a load for p.Hiils la-low, using her a. a
keel laiat, tllut Is, pmia-lled by oara
and Hilea. After r-Hcliliig Caucmah,
Just above tha fulls, her machinery waa
out lu ami alia waa christened, me
IliMHierwaa a small bout of 10 ton,
r.-sciiibling the Ituby recently built at
Eugeuewilh the exception of being a
nli-w inkier, aa uearly all our lirsl
Uatt w ere. She waa commanded by
Captulu White, w ho in after year waa
In charge of ninny boats oa this route.
The huildiug of Urgi-r bouts untile rule
(.rresMindlugly lower. Comliiued
with her being Clieaply ooustructed,
iicceajmrily la-iug short llVc.1, tha little
llM-ier Msin went the way of all giMal
Iswts and ouly exist lu the memory
of ourold liuiVrs. Her Isnie are now
lying In the river, alaiut ami yards
alxive the l.a'k on the we Ride. 1W
Ing made of live ouk, Bile is Un.loiilit
edly IH a gal slute of prvserval ion. It
would la) a vah. able I! ml should one ba
nine ta ruiae it ta the siiriuce. Cap
tain Miles Hell, IK'W of the MisliH',
wiiul one lime one of the crew of this
md craft, he la-iug now the last one of
the old timer of the 11 ft lea lliul tllll
can be found aflout.
oi lee.
Laud OIH.v. IbiHKIirmi, (Iregon,
March 14, ll-'.
Notice la hereby givttil Ciatth.-np-pioved
pint of survey of the follow ing
low ushipa have Isreii nnrlved from the
Hurveor (leuernl of Orettou, tow it:
Town-hip No. SIS., It. 10 Weat,
UO S , 10 West,
' " : rt., It. 4 West,
' JJ3H., It. 5 West,
" 84 8., It. 7 West, and
on Wedaeaday, April 111, I Mitt, at W
a. ni. aaid plat will be tile. I In till of
fice, and the lund embraced therein
will be subject to entry on aud after
aid (late.
It M. VKATt ll, Ib glsler,
ll. . SitKKiHAN, Ibtviver.
coiiK-a lortii with a cum run to tin
brim with an exciting lute of adven
ture. A preacher af coUsidcluble
prominence residing la tiwttcily is ihu
hero of the invasion. Here is the way
il was tnld, but we will omit the
names of all parties concerned. Sever
al mentlia ago there upH-arcd In that
qub t aud M-aceablu little city a middle
aged man with Iwo blight and cliitim
lug little daughter. I'hev wen not
liH-atetl lu their new home long before
they made the ui-quuiiilauce if iimiiv
of the young ludiea residing lu their
lieighUorhiSMl Tiny wele smart and
pleasant cre:tturca mid whia-ver met
tbelil S.SHI liMik great tulc.vsl ill their
wellure Stfddvnly the iwo distil
beared and it waa some lime bclore
their whenalsnit waa astvrtalned
The father was almost aVuuclc.i un
til he at last dicoverel Ibal one ol
them hud lajcu alslucted by their
mother, who suddenly npnrvd Usia
the scene unlsknowii lo the lulher.
The other was in the keening of u loin
iater of that city. The liiisband and
father Immediately swnreoul a warrant
for the minister arret charging btui
with altducliuu. Hie case came la'
fore the Justice of die a-ce and areaied
Iota of lun. An Hiiiicnlile s-ttleim-nt
waawsiu M'rfivtvd U-tweeli the ho.
latud and w lie. the bleacher Was .lis
chanted, and the orchestra plaved an
overture and the curtain rolled down
closing the romantic drama.
lliijlnr Potatoes.
Suit-in Tosl: There nre several coin
missitia men-hitul traveling through
the country buying up ull the situba-s
they can lor the purHe of shipping
lliein I'jtat. Due of I e moat promi
nent hiprM I McKlnley Mitchell, of
llervuia, w ho Is buying iiumeiisv qiiuu
titie aud shipping them a fust n.
possible. He haa sent two carloads
(hi week toCuliforalu and has orders
for at least seven more Imm Eastern
states, which he will till ua quickly
u Mnvili.-. Tills w ill be Fucouragliig
new lo the many fanner who have
all their last year' crop on hand. II
will put considerable money Into the
hands of our farmers, and aa a natural
consequence revive trade lu the ditler
eut blanche. The price haa advanced
a little and as soon aa a few mate large
aalea are made the price will go still
MoKB 1'KTTY TlllKVIMl. Mu'alU
Journal: It apa-ara a though the gang
of hulsst, caiiia-d alsiul the city, are
here lo stav aud intend In make a good
! livirg while they remain If they have
lo sleul. The residence oi j. n. iiriuge
furd and Jell Owyu, of North Salem,
were visited Wednesday night by
Iu attempting ta en
ter the residence of Mi. llridgeford the
thief made ciislderuhle noise, which
awakened the family who frightened
Dimi uv Tim Ili.rri.r.-Siiy. the
rendition Tribune of Tuesday: Lust
1 ..1..., II.'-II ..'l.l.M.lf tllMliU'S
wua brought lu lliul an lutliiaii liittl j Immi-i urwktni.
falleu from hi hon on the agency
road and wua probably badly Injured.
i oroner iv. me y a ... . " , lUe .VtrK visitor" away. Hut the
site the Fisher Indue they found the
dead IhsIv of Two-Slup. lie had atari
ed from iVndletoii In couiMiny with
two other Indian to return to the
am-licy, tvi.l. ally lliloxlealeil, and he
waa seen to full from the horse. The
full urwke a bottle which he waa ear
ning iu lit brcechclout and a frag
ment of the giaa pierced Ilia groin,
severing the femoral artery. From
this wound he bled to death In a few
c uu in toixr.
I'.I.J liutr.l, W.rrh 1
ID. DM Oshurn k Co v J pt Mc
i Muny and John StahltitTker, jmrt
in r, to recover money.
Coiiliiiuel fur the term.
' 4.1 W II Whnian and Jennie M
iWhalaa vJoha E I'iptiMi and .Milia
! la J 1'ipton; to set a-ldedetd. Ki f.r
ivtl l r C Mutleson to take the testi
mony aud rvHrl ut the next term.
S WC Wii.hbiiru u.-li;uee i.f lliv
pros-rty ol ( I M Jackson an Insolvent
dcblor va It I.K.ihiu a id A J Jahiinii;
equity to act aside mortgage and
a'gutilellt. C'.ilitlliued.
V Jame F Ami. vs A J JoIiiib,
slienlt, and W W Wil-on; suit In
e.iiity. iiijun.'lion. Argued and sub
mitte.l. Itik.-n uutler a.lviaeuieat.
ID 11 W Wei. lei vs the cllv of Eu
gene and ll E Eastland, iiii.r.iial; in
junction. CiMillliUe.1.
II S A llu. u v the l it V of
E g ne and It E Euslland, murslinl:
injiiiic. lun. I ntluiietl.
IU I cier Julinsoii vs tiie ci v t l-.ii-
Kvne and It E Ei.tlitud, marshal; In
junction, t "iitiiiiii.l.
1.1 (' r. rial) vs lb city ol l.ugciie
and K E ltstiiiiid, mundia!; Iniuiic-
lion. Continued.
14 Wm Lynch vs the city of Eu-
iieue uii. I 11 I', r. istlauil, mitisliai; In-
Jamil. in. Continued.
! Harriet n Madden vs (lie cuy oi
'.mtere and It E Eastland, murahal;
intiiiiction. Coiitliiuetl.
Ul Peter Johnson el al vs the city ol
Eugi Be and K E Euslland, ui iisliitl;
luiuuiiioli. Colitluue.l.
Ltl J Yutea vs C l Maxwell and
A J Jol.iis.iu, sl.vrill; iiijiiuctl.ui, mo.
1 1. ii f. r order to correct journal, lit
ferrtsl to E O Poller to resrl the law
and l.n ts.
:i: llarbura E Hiowulre va A J
Jidiii-on, sheilll, and J E Iteach; In
junction. Continued.
M I. A Overton vs .-iiiuuie over
tun: divorce. Continue I.
lij I'. Ibwiicl v Ann E ll.tsqin t; lo
recovir money. iiismiss.i.
1.J 1 1 M IMiurn A Co vslhasltv
arsttal; forecliaoire. Heferr -il to E O
Poller to reiMtrt the facta
ilj J II llouig v Ellzrt A Snuuders;
foreclosure. Iteferretl lo E l Poller to
resirt the fuel.
M Stuteof Oregon v J II M.sthy;
threat to i-ommit murder. Dismissed,
ta' Frank 1 1 anemia n et al va Sum
uel l.a aev el al: etiuity. Coulinueil.
lid EliaaU-lh Coiiser va E 1 Cole
man, administrator: foreclosure. Ar-
ifuineiit to la? submittel III vacation
H.'l John McCollum va A It Flak,
J.-iuli CklllH.u and Eli Perkins, com
missinliers; to recover money. Argued
and Mihmitlfd. Coulinueil for the
At (hi time the court made the fol
low lug allowance lw lt:
ti.i. M Brown, district attorney
f,c, llTtl
lm II Itiihlell. r M.rl. r feea ... 711 W
S P I... well, grand Jury ballilt .. IS no
l Tlinuip-ou, court ristm bitililf :W HO
It F Kisiie.v, court reoui bHillff. 3o 00
F C MatteM.n.defeiidlng Ed
llilssell W
Matlrs. ll and Norton, delvlld-
lug llolce W 00
L Uil.veil. deifinling Hay SI
I, llilveu defeiuliiig lU-nulnirtun "0 nu
A C .H.l.tKk, defending lb n
liington W 00
J M Williams, deputy district
attorney lo Ul
(il. Tin st Unwell va Surah C Kelley,
to recover money.
The case was culled this morning al
9 o'clork and the following Jury wa
aken t tiy the case: J It I fill. J II
Prult, W' T Huiley, Theialore Ibn
ahaw, E.lwar.1 Alliiigham, Win Dil
bird, Alex Lamb, ieur.e W Martin,
Uraut lleudricks, J F Kirk, Joseph
This ce Is the one In which the
plullltllf deeded to the defi liilaula a
larm with the agreement thai they
shonld care and provide for blm dur
ing the real of hi I lie. Howell how
Mm to have the dinl set aside a he
allege that the defetidauta have failud
to provide for him.
The Jury in the alave case went out
at V o'clock .iidurday mornlag and iu
ala.ul one hour returned a verdict iu
favor of the deleu.laiil.
A (WI.Y Fxi'KKIMtiMT. Haleill
Journal: A young lady atudeut of
Willamette university, having aoiue
calls t make lust evening, Ihmighl
.l.e would place her purse containing
fin iu gold and als.ut 13 lu silver,
when-it would not likely I luml
ahould any of .hj ut.i.m .urgUr
isuil the i lly call uuring uer aisr...
tiou, la-ttl aoinewbal beiteral the rea
Ideuceof Jeirtlwyn, there la-lug no
one at home. Everything In the
house wa turned up side dow u but as
the family I not in the city, It la not
known what Is niisalng. Mr. (Iwyn I
the engineer on the snag I mat Cnrval
lis, audi at Corvalll with hi wife
aow. The next night Itev. (Jwyu's
home waa robbed of IU0 worth of Jew
elry. MrW. M( I.NTI K1K LkiTI KCT. HK
kane Chronicle: Mr. D. N. Mclu
turtrgavo a very Interesting lecture
last evening at the Methodist la's rna
cleoulhe "Wamcii and Children of
JaMtn." The -akr tobl of the man
ners and customs, the sis-let y and bal-
iisi.f the Japanese. , I heir peeiillur
liome life and the aniusement of the
people prove.1 most entertaining, (-
With this puri lu view she pla.l ! pei fally when lllu-i rated by cun.-und
hen.un.eoM the arate ill the parlor I by the wearing a pparel of the liatlvea.
1 1. -turning
After the lecture the audiem wa iu
viteil to partake of tea and wafers
aerv.d by Itie ladlea III Japaneae ens
tuiuea. This makes the third of the
erica of five eriteiUiaiuvnt which the
ladies of the i Burcb arv giving aud
which are proving successful la-yobd
her lure on the a rate
suit left the nsmi
ala.ul an hour later, abe lia.keil within
I he Move and f.Hjnd not her purae a
he had left ll but n lliaa ol Un-lted
aold and silver, there having been a
few live coal among the ashe .
ICAItrKKAT:i.. nlern Staleaman:
"M...riM A.J. Johusttu of lane county
rune dow n the other dy wuh Ed At rllK TlltaTKK. A gtaal an-ltu-.,
au ill Ua.king hot, of Itfyear djr,l(, . present at lbera
..l ae, cwuvicted of larceay fnMii a , IIMJae t evening to bear
dwelling aud euteiiil te one yemr In i ,More Kremer aud hi ex
Ihe la-niieiitiary. It wa a somewhat ,vu.t company in "I he NibllUte."
pitiful and altogether h-rs-le at l- r Kremer la one of the most realistic
, l to see that young fellow standing ( H,i i rver vuite.1 our city,
on the platform at the depot, prly Bl ti,e people present were universal
Cbd. shivering In shaekbai, siookliMt y w piraard w Ilh tha evenlng'sen
cigarette, a ba.k of aullnal deCaio , p,,,,,,,,,! -j Ht, ul her lueuils-l of
and reck leiie on hla face neither, y,, cnqHtrty are far theavrr
h..s nr pride with n or williuut. ' av I it fact, every one of tbetii la a
fhe lil'jiiy of the trfaa-rver waa: in)lt ( pr,r,.iuii u.y represent.
One year ami then what? " T,,iii-lil lb eoinrany will pn sent
t "Home to Maine." lie sure olid at-
Di fl). Captain John aul iircp- tlru,j .,nc.- are low, and you
Will He Halt.
(lovernor Lord lukia the posiiion
(hut a there wua no eleution by the
legislature and the holdover board of
rallruad couimisslouera lint liuvlug
qualified, there i a vacancy, and the
pn-seiit board cannot lawfully draw
their pay, aud lie tuke the sa.itlon
that the aecrelury of late ahiHild re
fuae to Issue their warrant fur pay
whenever they demand them and
thu force a suit to bu brought Into the
court to ace If Oregon really ha a
railroad commission.
ItKKiKK Til (JKAMIi Jl'KV. A San
Frnarlaco dispatch aaya: Police Judtre
J allies Campla-ll pwsed a aiormy Imur
before the Jury tisluy. The Jury was
particularly Inquisitive regarding the
bonds of Charles It. Fletcher and hi
w Ife, arreated for obtaining money uu
d.-r falsa pretenaa thmugli shady real
eatate transaction. Judge CampU-ll
a.ivpted Helcher' laniid, and when
the aecuaen dlaapaareil hi lailnl waa
fi.oud lo be worthies. The Judge told
the grand Jury lie accepted Ihu sureties
iu g.sxl faith. He wa also closely
questioned regarding hla method irf
catiujing cases, and the reiovona why
certain trial are Hails.iied for long
periods. Aciinti on CampbrH's
explanations waa deferred.
circulated Ualay by E. F. Chapman
askiaa tle county court tooia-ralea
free ferr nn the McKeiiiie at tbe Hen
dricks ferry four ls-n mile eiwt nf Eu
gene. Tlie pet it lun I receiving nu
merous signature. There I large
travel ever th McKenne riavl, and
while a bridge would be Is-tter, Hie
county court dia-a not see It way cleui
lo meet Uie Xrlle at preaeal. A fr-e
ferre call I operated by the county
under a law passed by Hut la-l It gisln
ture giving 1-ane county that privilege.
April Uth i Aits.r Day.
, Pretty Cis. last Uight afnln.
Con nly Fair meeting tonight. At
tend. The Wu.liiugtou It-gLlalurv has ad
join uetl.
W. W. 1 1 ul lies returned home tins
E. P. ' 'nleiiiuli, ol Cobilrg, w as In
town IihI.-.v.
l-'rvd Tobken left here last night for
Sou City, Iowa.
Mr. Skivds, of Sittcm, liu atari, da
store at Ecu. ail.
The Orcgoninn sis'ak of Irving,
Ib'iitou cnuiilv. Hardly.
Culifomia w ill vote onwoiiniu suf-
fmge ut the I.eXl e let tiou.
Mrs. A nn it. Millerd ciiue up from
Junction City this
J.eph (lold-tnue left on this morn-
lug's I.M-al train far parts north
Dr. H. F. Ilanit ll, of llo. burg vb-
I ted lu Eugene over lat night.
Mlsa Ernest Wliltmure visited ill
Drain a couple of la. this week.
The painter arv at work on the
tvlllug of the new Causer building.
A new lodtre of the A. P. A. 'a haa
just la-ell otgauued al Corvalll.
W. E. Ilraw n cxlm-cIs to leave on a
trip to tlie Ea-I In a couple of weeks.
Julius (iol.lsiuilir little baby Is
a little Letter, but Is not out of danger
Mr. J. E. Nolaltd aud tliil.lreu,
pent last uighl iu Eng. ue w ilh tela-lives.
I'liilcd State Marshal lliiuildirey
Visited Eugene today oil olllclal busi
ness. C. M. Ynung, the bulchvr, rut the
Ihumbofhla right hand quite badly
Frank Hampton went lo (losheii
this alteru.Mli on a visit w ith rela
Mr. N. K. Frarler lias relumed
from a to her fatker, John Cogs
well, up the McKciizic.
Onlv one iMVUnaut hi the count v
jail Millet serving out a twelve duya
sc mem lor simple lar.vny.
Mrs. WillC. Yorau ami liltle ilaiigli
ler went to llnrriahurg t n tbl morn
Ina'a I.K-nl train to a few days.
The .leniiH ralio state comiulttet I In
Portland wanting the Federal olllclals
to dismiss all republican bold-otei.
The editor are appreciate.! lu Eiat
ern Oregon. The quill nuililpul.dwr of
the Milton Eugle ha. Ut li eli-ctcd
schiMil del k.
Clay Humphrey and Ed MeClana relumed from Dutch Heiiry'a yea-
ter.lay. They i-ay il la too early for
trout' fishing.
II. D. I'hiiiiils-rlain has removed hla
family to this t it v and w ill reside here
for Ihu pr.-s. nt, iiaviug aold hl.iacket
storu In Itosehurg.
W. II. Siarr and V. (1. II ay lie, of
Albany, were iu the city last evening.
1'liey cume upon their bicycle mid rv
.rttht' road excellent.
J. T. Fly n ii, f Portluud, 1 now adju
tant ut tile Itosehurg soldiers' home,
auccet-diiig E. F. Walsh, w In. resigned
at-wral wet k ago.
La-kwiMMl A Mulkvy, Portland law
yer, well known here, ailed a China
man for Ho7. oil vesicrday for legal ser
vice and got a judgllielil for $10.
An Ii igrtnt working a pt.irof
inuli-s without luga rxciletl thecurliw-
liyofa niiiiiUr of our busluera men
ou Willainette tret t thla afternoon.
Chri ltarlsch was at Jiiuotion last
night looking over the ground with
the intention of starting branch meat
inurket with thul of C. M. Young.
Dr. Chapman left this morning nn a
l.-cliire tour. During hi ulneiice he
will deliver addreaw at Im ballon.
Waybill, Portland, and probably I .a
Mr. Mae Scliullz, of Washington,
aifnuimlile.l by her lao little daugh
ters, arrl veil here on a visit thla ufur
lo her nn. I h.T, Ur. lllbb. Her
husliand is ull engineer on Hie N. P.
U. It.
J. A. liennliigtou, a bmi her of tha
forirer. left for hi home In Iowa last
evening. I'uder the m.t trylNgcir
cumstaiicea he made numerous Ii lends
lu thla city.
(ien. W. Pickett writea that he will
leave San Frauclwsi for hia home iu
Eugene next Wednesday. Mis.
Edytho lloflmau will probably rtturn
home with him.
Prosecuting Attorney lln wn h-n for
hi home In lt-cturg thla afternoou,
after a stay In Eugene of two week.
Mr. lirowii la developing Into a tl nit
class priecuter, and during tbl term
of court made many friend here.
I.uae County Pomona Urunge will
meet with Sluslaw Orange at their
hall ou the 4th Saturday of March,
lH'.i'i Election of ofli.s-r and other
Important busluesa should Induce a
giMNl attendance.
A. J. jKNM.Nim, Master.
Jame Wllhelm, of Cloverdale, waa
In town ItMlsy. He haa the tunnel on
bl Owl ledge III to a depth of h'3) f.-et.
Furmer are w ishing for rain.
A large numl.-r of furmer In town
this aflt-i msin.
Circuit court u.ljouriivtl at 1 o'clock
this nftcniiaxi.
The we:. lln r ha. iii.hleratt-d a liltle,
bill it Is still quite Cuol.
It is ruii'ote.l that the s.putit puity
will lioiniNat u city ticket.
At-inn of oxen oil the street till
ii i cxi iit-d not a little atteation.
I 'itw. A Ma' I. x-k sold another Mob
tu li bicycle last evening to John liar
. r.
j The huiuc- Mirtlntit of Willaiin Ite,
i Eighth ami Ninth streets wen-swept
' Inst night.
i l.nnc count v lias twelve stujeuta In
attendance Umui the State Normal
St hind at Monmouth.
1'he rumor thul Hie uverialcadnit
of the Insane a.yluui al Salem hud
Wfii apsluletl Is a mistake.
A rty of twenty students, girls
and Is.y, left town oil f.s.t ou a plcuic
to Scavey' terry this morning.
John Davla rallied nil" a $.10 suit of
clothe lust Bight. Ed Howe waa the
winner. The wild cut 'll was won
by J oh u Davis.
Several carloads of gravel have been
recti ted at the railway depot aud are
being Used lo Illl III the low place
ulsiul the yunls.
Willa Owen bus n iited tl p house on
Hie corner ol Twelfth and Ferry streets,
Is'lotigiug lo the eslale of T. D. Ed
wards, and moved bis family into
tin- same it f w days ago.
The Ailvtucciucht Club will hold a
nits-ting Monday t xeulug. 'I he pro
gramme, which will consist of icl
.1 1 esses, pupi rs and tmi-U- w ill be pub
lished lu our Moiidu '. issue.
Medlold ilem, J. II. Mcllev WM lu
town Tuesday from Sun Francisco,
and lul. nd. Ihrow ing up the Icecivcr
ahip of tbe Kiddle Nlckell Initio If
aomcthing dee lint turn up soon.
The Ibstebiirg Itcvlcw af r
la.y cartiMiuist In that city who
rroinlsca to rival Diiveuiairt. Hla
name I Willie Mnik, ami hi work
i said lo Ih Very deter a Will a
Henry llrophy ha .la-eu apslntd
first warden of the stale penitentiary.
The Oregoiiiuu mi very strong tl
lions ffrs.i,srintcMd. Ilev of I he asylum
are tiled lor Dr. Paine nf Eugene ai d
Dr. Parrlsh of Miiiimoutli.
Ou account of sicklies of lUv. W. E
Ciqa-lalld, nl Sulciu, II. l ie will Is- mi
riiitaiiau prvuelilug tomorrow, but If
Mr. C'os lnud Is not lo count by
next Sunday Itev End M. Wllluir, of
Portland will preach on Muulay,
March, 'Jllh ut the usual place.
Fred Full banks, nne of the leading
character In Theisloro'a
Iron s-, I an Oregon boy. He was
la.rn aud raised at French Prnlrie, and
haa I recti tilling a aa.lion In tl.e
theatrical woild fur Hie p.u.1 eight
Cottage drove Echo- leader: Tbe
two Ural startling sensiilloii. tif grave
lnisirtnnce in the new city of 1,-inntl,
hnpM-iied th past wtN-k. The II. si
wiut a little scrap lit-1 Saturday Just for
exercise among some of I lie Isiy and
the next a milling law suit that went
by default.
Itiddle Enterprise: While iu Myrtt
Creek Tuesday we met our old friend
Fred Wiley, late of Cottage drove.
Fred Informed a that he would s-end
the summer with a rulalive ill Ike
Myrtle Creek vicinity.
The band hall tournament at the
university has beeii completed, Virgil
Johnson w inning, making .11 out of
a Mmslble 4"'. is.inta, with E. P, Sliat
tuck with .'& Milut, aillereuoo of
only aix. A leuiiia tournament la
How talked of.
Me.lford Monitor: Mr. U. II. Uut
ler and sou W. E., arrived from liar
risburg Weduewluy morning, attracted
by the a.'tliafuctlou of n-lstlve hero
with their new ba-atloll. They laiught
two arm of land, acrMi I tear creek, of
(J. P. Lindley and will coiuiiience the
erection of a reside nee at on. v.
Mr D. Ved.Mp, who had an artlulo
In yealenlay'a ( il AHt) ou Hie bull. una;
of a wagon road from the mouth of die
Wild Cal to (Jleradu, il.s- not think
It advisable to build that road. Ha
aay It w ill coat tis-i inurh money, and
that the tralllu will hot warrant it any
way, and that Hie county had better
use ita money lo repair the roads. It
already ha.
A Pan Francisco pa-r atute that
Homer Davenport, Hie iierais-r Il
lustrator who formerly lived at Silver
bin, where he waa bom and rained, haa
Just refused $100 per week from a rival
nrwar. Tlie Examiner people,
where be bail been employed, mad It
an object for him to slay. This will
be Interesting newt to residents of Eu.
gene, where he la quite well and favor,
ably known. Mr. Iravtnport waa I ho
artist on the "History of I jn ( eun.
ty," Hit being among hi Ural work.
Lake county Item from the I-ake-vlew
Examiner: Dr. Daly made anoth
er trip to Sliver Ijtke last week, to via-
It Mra. LabrieandMleaHuelllug. Mr.
Ijihrle haa nearly recovered from the
burn she receive!, but IiIimmI iot
haa aet In. The doctor think she will
rover,hwever. We have
The coal I 12 feel thick aud ha every
apa-arane of leading to a first clss
article when further development I
A Mi.iuiiiihil.hl nf Ik. T ..!,. (if in Alt. aaya the widow who own the Jut received a letter from Seastor
ht-lllo the church al Hodavllle has been .Mitchell. Ill which lie stale that he
robbed of it, noma m.e earn ing It off think inrthliif will l done wltlitb-a.
In n wagon iu the night. The corre-, tap O.aa lake, a there waa
spou.leul ib very Indignant. , '" remaliilnf af thla aea.
'l...... . ...i..r.t '" . lUpresent.tlve touri.
. ..ui ....... m...--. i ,m- k-i,.., t,iif..iiu.i k ,ir ar
a "lo... ""i !uJ .he-.t..nd shipped them to
honied with freight
Tbev biot.ulit '"ill
i , . 'ci f... i- ,.iui tl..
.. . ii.., .1 i ..... il. U .... , wnrs, in. .''..
r; j . t , butth. n..i. . through mi
by rail, arriving here today, but waa ""
not deliveretl any wwuer than the
......... fr..lul.l I
Isalerii r-talesman: The dray Fjtijle,
Hon at Newla-rg fr some time, waaal li!!. t
OreKou City ye.ler.lay for tbe pur,av '' 1 "j
of helng In. ted. It will L -... J .';
time yet la-fore she win be re.uiy n.r
bsilf (iasra Mssrh It.
TaKXM To THR I'. J. M. IV li-
nlngtou and John (y, la.lh convict-
were taken lo Ilia psiil- by HherltT
lm Wirhn.w, guard.
A larHe crowd wa al the ilepnt ta
calch a glimpse i f Ib-nniuiitoo, A
nunils-rof his frn-od. . bid blm
good bye. He tl- smiiii afT.fle.
pnl dead at the of lit daugh
ter lu INrrtlai.d ytterdy forenoon.
r tewt. i.- ,i- -
' will never rig ret our iuvt stiudit.
He was 72 ear ol. r iuaim .... . , ,
Un,7'r re-ided lu Kugetv, fev.l- Jn,..-At Ur I...H.e V.,
tear. kepii.galin andrtove.ho,, Me ' 'hi, ........ ......
years a h vf , n 'X yenra. Hue a
s avail I IMieil fLTi . r . I . e w. r
l.mcrly of irH-oteamer Eugene, wa. a l.u.l-od and one cmld
... ..,'... il. i is il Has.
to uroorri her
1 Will! Dt lUsiK Ips.l.. A private servhw on tbe upper Willamette.
i Utter iroiii Humble A Co., Chicago,: P.-ndl. Ion E. (.: aiurv. yor ( ieiieral
,..; ", eotermueul report ls.iiel John V. .mold .m l family b tve ar
.,u the l ith of Ihe mouth annate there rued f om Portland and are vl.itlng
.. . . I I. I. .I.U...I. tvAr.
1 is only i J.lM! ispi busliel ! w lo-ltl le- aomoir ir..-nu. in ........... .......
I ...i.. . V... ... i. .. I on I vi, . i... ijr.m ' ....Id s b.i.lib is c ui-id. rablv Iniirruv.
...... ... .... r l...v,.l llo. i. I, r, I. !..l. and ullllo.uh lie I. able I., alien I
..,,..oki. f..r bu. ne ri-nun. ue bts I'l.'l . bii-ln. ss nil ills be . bi t robust
i I.... .... i. ii ... f.e Mi.. Arnold, win. for some Huh' waa
. l-. ...... ,.r ....I in ii. I ' n-ti. id iu i'.Mtiuud. Is ii.ucli strorier.
!... W) . . . :i . ,t. .u.l.l...., i. ....ii . u rl.....
i I .,.ii, iii. r iiiiK-a ..I couiliieie'T rrKJiDiiia ... s, in. .. ....... . . .w.
Llit Hu'iKKV Yesterday liranduia
(jrdarr. the mother of Wm. fir.lner.
while walking around at In r home in
this elt V, fell igfi broke I be femur of
lit r left lea io sr tl.e lii.J 'lul As Hie
lady Is very old Is ing nearly aa yeara
on of the
advancing raplJIy.
'her leeJlh.