The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 09, 1895, Image 3

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    OCTSCY 0KC(t
f m I...I and bustle 'r ".
ll,.r l wiiri I") liniriii'l)iii(t
I! ,a I.i."! I ss-i.t h .
i hi n'.'l h.a'lli enjoin J
j .,r I. .1.1 ! H '' so did I
A. trid.vl "'in ha. re.
, r Hi' l "a. " '
ii la.un I ti.e Utl. r
1 1'
I M It. I Hskrr.
r. li I Hi-1 l.' f. fair and neat,
. xiu.lal In lii. I ml her.
nli l" I I""1"' '"I 'Nil "rat.
t , ar pnlll. lavllirr.
. ii t ,vjr. ii mm out, nut sl,e walk.!,
p t .li 1 overtake In r.
, rm . :.! I IiimiM ll'il h,
I -i-.k. I iu i linker.
t manner were tfrlllrrl slid ruul,
HI I" ' C'.lllHT-.llI'MI
l mi.r had J'l't I " Isnrilllag s. h.sil
: I t in Ik . I li'T r.lm allon.
t . i i a . in. a, I mi' ! k "ill null frra.
- , I I 'Tie r n acre.
ii .:ir mi' )"' iinnidnyr'
" ,.li-l,"MlJ Hats.) lUk.r.
A'l inr etitrratle were In vein,
.t i. I I tin. h r. "l '' have l '
. ,,'T. n I iiii.-l Intense -mi IV.
..w- t.n.uiil nn a l.-w-r.
i I ,f I .itlH. Ill saa-it Li' fall,
I. a l"t..i l i '' llk It ju..ka-r.
... i iii". ". In rv IN - nur paiiir"
I I. -In IMm llak. r."
.i,,. I nit nut ld I'li'.itk'll
. .1 Inr nli'l li I'll''. I 1111.
, i I i.l I.iki Ii I. nil I i t 11 if
t ilik II tt'.'U.l lull1 ill.
S .1 Nil I'll"! load II"'
n l hllll anal III!" lllnlrMtlker.
I 1 u I .tt il'l .'U llllhk lll.l ..III' Ml) life?
tt ;,). Hii.'iii'ii!
if lkla- llaka-
I i
i, ,11. II In 11a " f Went.
. ,- n.'.rv with hoe lit I hi ki'.l lii'r.
. .r tune .he had iM a. .plaint
. i. n i.oupuiif. nui.l phi) m t..r. have lulu, he ahd r.
.1 i.e u i.iil'l m.iki' la-r.
,.i:.i....ti.. L.'r l.i run awajr.
I I.. lUlr ILiki T.
-Ik. -I. hi Transcript.
m ,. I.anifa niri'ii-lt. lit" wife "f mi
, r iliinti,' tin' French ri viiln
. , u.,- i'li'.inl Ik by the wife of uu
r .1' I" ulT.inl i)iuriiliin iit fi.r
;i "i I. .:if.tir-;i.If livr. a niiurt tSn
. r i ::i t !: ;ty of I.Ji'Ii" Mio li:i.
t . 1 1 in', ami llit li.alti iliflifiiltr.
r .-. .;. . III.' I fliitT imil'l rrarli IllT
. ; i ; w i r hi it i!i'iiiTy, va how
, i t . n ir I tin' i-i-ri t frnin t It -lit.
It v i . lit: t'.y t!iviilrl tliilt nliw cf tltP
, . . iii.l If ii lulu In r ci'iili
! tin- nfiiit-r. 'llii ;
,. t i :: i.iiiiitli' liHikin' l.uiill
. i! - u.-. I in fi'inali' ititiri' iitnl Iw
- I i . , . ,i it I'nltMII lif F.llll'lli'tlo.
, I I" H'. ii rnlliiT pretty cirl. win
. .. , t. null' I witli i-viTj tiling
., . ii la.iv'.vn inu'Io tun np'!ir-
Kl illll. till!!'. lli-'tlllXl 11" II M'lllllilll,
i.'!l ili'l lie liink nii'l play Ilia
! unit imt Mi.HKrtiil I iy tin-
1 1 ' . r'.n.isi' "1 i" "'ri 'ii"i mil Irwin
:. I... iiH'.l. In urili r. liiiwcviT. to
i!,i;r.i littli' rii!( ut miiiUIi., Im ri
M ! I ,i cn-utly fatitinl ly lii
j ,ir: , aii l w.m, wmhi uftiT liitt iirrival,
,.,wi I,, a privatu rmnn mi tlio iil"r
f. . r. wliti 'ii ln'iliil nut li iivt iiiin fi.r
a v . . . tl U tti jjivrtl Mlt that ho km
.,..1, :i
A! Il Il l of till' tllilP llll'lltillfll'll Mllllf
I'.itirt.ti H..lilirr inailn thrir iiiH'.ir
n : i;t I :, ' In. iMr inll lllnl ili'lllllll'lnl tile
I- - . ii 1. 1' I '.ij't iin LaviT'iii'.
' !i i'it ilunk tin Tt'iKiiny ih li imliviil-
ti u i.:. I r Ih's rimf. Vim rati Inakn ymir
ir. j." r. I'Ih'.I M nn. I.aiitr.itircaili.
Wii. ti thf rvaiits witim'.iIIi'.I tnTtli
-r. I: I fly tii-rri ivril that Fitlirlii'ttu wiih
: '
I '
I "!I.i!li.TK-aj..jr
, Hi ill tr in.
Tl....,ni..Tv,.,r.. ,.,( t,.ml,l.. atln
lll.l Hi Tivly il. linn.!-! ul.irlj w,,v
I r.ith.ruj.ti,.. . l inn., y . r ii'.t'.i .,!
, '-r-.rti.f tl,..,..ll....-r,.ilKai.fl.,'tt.
I "y :i' k. l:i. ti. th a'.-. .ill. I.. n,.t p
In rv." i rt,. i'i.. if.!,. r. ,,,, n.
( -11111,11. y '!, f j,i r ,., , mi,j w1
if In '. 'ii tli,' r, f. iitnl ti.,. ti t nii-u-k
, 111." Ii.,ii ! f u,. ,1., t ;t,,l Inn. u.. !l
luirii it i! ' n:''
A hurri, .1 li ia, j,.ir. iit'.v iu;t l,.
i.f tin- t: y w. r.' in, in,. I il" (,,,
I. .IH I.a. T.-ii.. I.. ,,r ll... .,I,li, r in ,l,f
f'-niit, f ti, ,,.,1M. t.llri u,
hali.-lii,' ,1. .,,!. .Ipiiiin,,. ,i,
II. . ( -It Mt'iati. ti ii..vv ,i h vi ry I'M unlit. I. f..r li..uM ti. ,ii.. u
tin I In- f, if ! tln-r.' inu-lit U- nn . a',)
f'T him. Afl, r tl,,. iii.iv) uii l tn
liniU mil.-i 1..1. ainl t-.ry li...ii.nt Ii,.
wim in ir.-iiil.liii J-. ,f Ii,-.,rii,,.
T m -itikf "III. Ililli,' t.i li,'li, that tun
liiitl litu a on lir.'. an, I hi. nw n-
"!.n t . ma;;,, an,, Hi. r 1.1. i-iTort f,,r
lil lit.'. 11.. r. tint th... iM-tit
ntii-i l,. t.i ii. if I,., w.k i n tli r.'f h i'l
u!r. ri j ati' .1 th nth. -r, uu.l h,- n,,f
r.-.l.. ,1 t..i;iiiti tli,' r-.f. ati'l if h,-i uu,
ilo mi iiii.1:m-... r. ! t.i ,i,tiiri' a I.'.iji
uiiioiii! tli,' th;rk k'iiitil.U ry at ll,u r-ar
nf Hi.' iii'in-i, ti.
In 11,.-1 uiir-u-i f two or thrisi. miiitit.n
thli .1 -iiiLi' i"ii f'-at wan u, ,-, ,f ullv .-j.,--fill,-
!, iiml t'a.tain Liv.-r.'in. f,.im i lnui-
If Hi,., n.i.ri' lii tin. Kruiin.l iii:i.1i.
cuiii-i l. raliiy ratrhi . nn, l.rui"',l. Imt
Hi'l .-! nnmly itijuri-.l. II.' uv Inar.l
I, ai l i,i,-,-i iiiM.lo ntnl hi! rri.iliy nt.ilu
away tlirmi.tli tin1 nhniliU ry.
Tin' .art liiiu I'lVn i r, imt tiiitliin; any
Iran, nf tin In. ,n ho iMiiilit. nt l.,t U
fiiiiu. nra,:i .1 at tin' tri-ai ln-riini prl
an,) hitiikiI Inr nf ih i in' hi in. Thm
illliri r-li'll -.) tri llthelliil tllttl
ciiivit-tiiiii l.y Mm-. L..iif..iiria I.- fill
the nt!.' r ncrvaiil". ntnl the win. le III th n lean' i.f the ntnl
the urr.'M .f ratii ln-tt,', w h.i a her
w-lf inar. je I i.lT t,) iri"ti, where lie
ill. '1.
Aft.-r the ..Itliiri pun. Captain
Iji i ru'lie rettirinil to the InaliMiiti to li
nr.. .Mine. Iitift.iin a.ln i f Iim mf. l v
Ulnl 111' II N t I'll to make lil rv.i;.' frnltl
the itiiititry. huh he nr, ,itii,lisiinl a ill
liveil to r.'tlini lit til" t Ii 1 nf the Url'!l
of Ti rrnr.- Kii haiiK'e.
im; 1'oki:i: stoi.ii;s. I J0SE Ht. lxuv IN (;i:imanv.
THE :t fiilSiUtNT S OfFICE. I
Vnalur W..I...H'. ., a tUm
llrr- 4. .mr Tli lil.l llr.l I r Mory
l! leltl la ..ntlrnx-.l I ..mi Tli I'mm.
al ( I.III.-..I..U (,f 1 in f .. t unipan'."
,-I ni ii.e S n.iit.r i!, I t in. nf
l.i" i-. !. -1 111, 11 li in. when rue in
Mllle f I il.lll, All- It V.Ui,ill
f It. ti, r. I. ike 11,. M-t 111. ti w in -f! .itly
"'ti'h I l.a 1 ti n nt 1,11 tl,.. f r. 'tit it r,
he I, am. .) tl. alue t T .t t .. k. r ham! ami
tin- 1 ! way t 1 kn i a k ii ii ho
1. ami , law. ami he wa kimw 11 a a 'Inn
I:' !.ir all ,..r f.,..ra.lo lif rein
f 111." a 4 11 I y, r ha l t-j-r. :, i ul.1,1.. ,,(
! nv, r. Win u t '.aviiij far.L liei.l .v.
I In milling.
'tl in tho uflieer KIW her III) 'I
nr 1. '
.1, 1.
111:,.' ti.
I.. : I" I
1: 1 ,
. Ill .
.1. wi lu ll, .11 1 von tell the truth
It ,.i 1I1 1. n'i nil rif.-lit with
I y,,n 1111 tln't Imi M-.'iretl; if yull
1' - in v ln.:ietiiiiliinii you'll kohii
. 1 -hi.rt.-r."
...t I lh:-:" crieil .Mum. Iiiifoiir-
'i a-:-.i.i-li nn'iit.
'.1. I iloii'l ran r Mhl Finirlietto
nn iiiiiii,.nt 111. inner. "It's
ii" iin-t,H-ral!i w.,n put ilowii mil)
ki.i.w that ntin-r imitili. U in
.-in I heur.l tln-ro wan 11 re- '
1 lh.nialiil fralli M ufTere,! for I
uiin'i il.ire. to mine here ami I
1 1- i iiiii. ll olTnsii female, jut. 1 1 thought 1
I I j'i-t ,i c-txl rijjht to tho miiiiey tw '
liivl.. Iv."
At i f, r t : iii you IiiivkoIi yutirmml."
ti.- I In r iiii.itreii,
1' i.'t i-i.tne uiiy p'lipom talk over
'1 ri. 1 I'aiii hettt). "I know iinireof
ii' I., mi krniiiK nn than yon think.
1 1 .'. Ih .'ii KWei.t mvav liv 11 ilivri-0.
; i'i an eternal kIivji."
t all true, prl." fhiinul in the
nii an i'iiiiliatic oath, "lint
a. 're talkue; the man limy p-t
Ih re. i; Keizu ami Lm.l nil
Anrlrnl an.l Mwlrril I li;IUIi toinw
N.lwu'a hip. tli" Vntnry, w.k 1
ik' to mrry l' I piiiit, roiniiiuij; of
;!.'..' I mi l i niiii,li-ri. ran,'. 'I nn lu r
upper, main, tni.ltll.. nml lower tin kn.
Slit- wan iili i nrine.l w ith 11 f. v IW-.tni,-er
riitri.ti.i'le. The w. itl.t nf her mm
hr.ia of ninlu iiult.-1 unu wat
1 . 1 'i I ponmlrt. M hieli w,ii r.'iihi.l.-rtil pro
iluioun in th, 1 ilayit. hi tli" in c. .tint of
tin. Imt tlx nf Trafalgar, ill w huh art m 11
linn hip playe.1 pr.iitiitieiit 11 part, thu
hrnail '! that lie .ur, , into thu
Freiieli llm eiitaiirt" in iIi-ktiU-.I nn t.-r-rilir,
iliMiiniiiilitn; VHnf her a.Ivert-ary'i
pun ami killing 11ml woiiinlin 110 Iim
thill 4nl nf In r I'liic. T.i ulnl nn 11.
Coiiiparo thiii with our guns of thu
priK-nt ilay, when a nulu K11" of tho
Xilu or Trafalgar throw a pruj.t-tilo
pm i.uti,l heavier than tho whnl.'
hro-i'lii'li) of the Virtory, while one of
our ii-lnn pin ili.n hare! 11 proj'i tilo
wei-hin no Ii-m than l.M'D H.ii'nlh! It
may l' nf iuti r.-it to kimw- thatw hilu
only II.'") .tiiili nf .w.ler w.-r i-.x-pelnle.l
ill tin' iliM'liarp) nf 11 hroii lnnlo
ii., 111 the Victory uh iiineli nn :'
poiiinU weight of niwi1i r i roiiMiinetl
iii linn.; the hm.i'lii l.i of the Vn torni or
theS.uiM r.ireil, two of onr iiioilt rn ir,.n
c'la.l.i! -IiihxI Wor,U.
n., :
Bll'l 1
'1 :
iv. .iy
I'i- t ir'n 1
t. w.11 no reintanre ininlo hy the
'-mini her m-rvmitri, ninl
' ry -linrt tune u'.l e.ii-ent l-'niifhettu
T. , nr,.,l w ith i-or.lH.
"N .-.v. -u- mi,! thiMiflleer, with a
r"ir-.- l.iti.-ii. '-hhow tin tho way to your
'''"' ' I in.iii' roiiiin."
'i ' iin I.avi-rpii. ineaiititne wan not
V i.tii.rant of In M-nI. From tiit
" 1..' I a. win tho of the
r ainl rightly roiijetur.l tiny
I'I i;:i-!.t of I. in. If Hi- nt.irtl.w.l.t
i' - that he fotlhl lint p
:r urn) t-M-ao without U'inrf
"ineof the lu rvaiiln He w.ui
ami hi mitnl Uvame active to
!" Iin-atm of ilefeiise or 'i-ni'.
la i-M-iwion a lirare of lua
ami hi irt i'le.i win to har-
''. r mi l M il hi life 11 il. arlv
r, 11
. i
L'.Wtl v
tl l.y
'lilt.. .1
Tit I'r.ililrm of III r.ll.
Fver hitico the wnrl'l In-,' in mother
liuvo In 11 r.H-kiiu it, nil-1 ami nii'tn-,'
Itlllaliie. From tilim iiumiTii..rial the
proI'liTtt linvii rxiit'il. What ran wo
ilo with thin l.ahy? Win reran we put
it no that it w ill Iw mifi-'r ll.'Wraiiwo
manage to mruro n few interval of
peace iitnl tr iiiipilllity? How can w e still
il cries 11ml w niiii h? II. w ran wo tench
it to walk? In a worl. Imw can wo
finaniTjinte ntiilvefriiin the tt .-t .rl.ititr
tyranny of tln in) min t iaU, our ofT
Tim mint loll w hich have l eti In
v.'iitnl ly tho Milii itti'le. the ingenuity
Ulnl tho iti."tin,-t nf nnitln rs have taken
tho form ol rratlle. winl'lles. leailmi;
kirinj; ninl K1'1"'''4- 'iirieiy of
theai iiiveiilii'ii I roniiI.-ral.le. ninl a
iliwriptiim of tln-iii woiihl fnriii. t
hups, a curi'iti rlinpt.-r in the l,nti,ry nf
hyu'ieiio ami iloiiui.tio i-coiiotny. Har
per' U.izar.
. Illl of Jrwl.ll n II.
A tnkinu' roiiimiTitary win ni-ently
tua'Io I'V a ICiiiiiii Jew- nn tne jiuin iai
-tirriiptioti w hich mitain In country
1 11.' tho law court in one of the
'citieof In nnpiro ami iioticul a lino
'itatue plans! i" fr-mt of U10 LuiLlniif.
I Whom ilo.- thi Matuo repreM-nlT
' he itiiiiin-l of a pa rhy. "Why. Jim
tier, of colir-e!" "IloW n.t'1." Xi laitnnl
tin. Jew, "that jilsticoshoill.l Lerel.-pit--.1
to the otitsiilo of tho eilifire ami U- ul-top-tlu-r
cxclinleil from ntliuiMion with
hi." Habbi Atlhr in Fortui,'htly Ko-View
r '.1
I .. ,
' I. .
1 ,
t." ,
t .;
tl'tiy Hiiakra Arm Harmful.
A pvut many fartnim, particularly In
New Jerwy ami I'l'imsylvatiia. -iiconr
e tho pr sa-iiceof mike in their tn i'h
iRirhiKMl on the theory that they Ji.try
veiniiti. Naturalist nro now B(rre,l
,; --le. hut in liKikimr bIhuiI the tin y ilo injury hy ili-voiiiiiijj toinl ami
' t h tn.tice.l the fireplace ami fr.K, tint animals U-ilU more iiulnv
r' I that the chiiuney wa lar: trioti il.-stroyi-r. of viruiiu tlwu th
' " hi ts-rsaiii. IlecuKl make.
-'it at the top. ami it ik-cutt-iI
1 . it s rhap he minht tcai',
f' - "Ive,! to make the trial,
s' Ian pit,.Uwith him. Captain
' -" I nrrt'illy piish.-.l hi way up
1 V. wilh the view of pttlli
r.-'f. hut wlii-n he am mini
-"i it t. n fret he tiivnvenil to
" mrprne that there w an a
"1. stub a were mmitui,.-
:i 1 1 fashioned rliiiuiieyn f..r the
. f 1.5111115 another flue when-
- :.:.t I Wattt'il. lare -noUll
' ' in fn.iu the view of any out
-' ' -!' fr :u U ,,rv.
: fc' it, he Lreathe l a
1 fru ly, th.ii,':i Mill witil
1 f ti.-rvo'.i appr. he11-i.11. Iii)
I ' t in c.-.t.itii4 tip he ha l uliak. n
1 : nt api.nitity of i,t to I e
' '" '') T i f fsa a ami pve a
! '.: plat e of Lilt a
t,w.rl at hi iloth.-i con
1 "'i that I. hal little to 1)
' la!., -at m tl.l fiTpM-t f'T till
1 ' r l-n n.och US.-1. hi pir
1 " ti-.t Uily ..i'...l, and ho
' t p. n-i re ilirt enough U-low U
' ''"t-tlTl.,!!.
' I r t ,,n? t wait l.
; '.1, r ent. r the r.w. Kd by
-- r j-ii ati 1
t niala lr umpanluB.
Tl,i si.iryis at pn-srnt inukitiit the round
of l!,r l.enniin tniiMeal pn--: When the
ciiiii!.-rS tiiil.e .itjiiluni l.y l.rifc'ainU
III the l.rnl. tin T il.-Hi.'iii,l.-. one of Li
own r..iiiilloli (mm him, with there
tuil tlml he ..:.' nn ana from In latest
r.i. Hat bf..r It w the entirr
.'it,, hurst Into t.-nr, ami their cJiptmii.
i,:! -ritnr his I. Hid t" ' htile, n leio-d lulu
n itll the ..r,l: "Si y'. ''"I. "'' I lieer
rv.ut fn-ni a coe.iui:'"
IU the
A riirnin-ra.a.
"IIl.lll.lll I- lllk'S r.lllle t
dark." r. d th- t. a. h. r.
S;-t. r can," r'pli'd the miaM pupil
"Ar- V"U Mir.-?"
"V .'in The hall w is dark ll th- r
hf t ut M-t.r knew that r J if s
had .av.
I il l a w
d l if I. is UIUt.. II" l f re he
,rd a!, ut it " Washinp" ,11
ii-A only the
,.-r of Inn.
1 I Sls-ttk IU
I'rt'tn iinir torn-'t-y, h
dirt n. nary, hit ll.r I.,:
Iirltkrrt W Lo Kir rl.t.t
T'l rre- -"..'e Utd il. f I.r the 111 lh I
t-i.i of the ti.- n..iiisl,i. .j h,.ir. of hiii, t
L.ui uln.u-1 rieryth.i is (v.Uat
oi l ami .hi y. t 1s t us 11,11, li ,11 t!m
1 turn if a card us the thahr will all.w
' l.liii t 1. ami win 11 he Ml in a p.'k.r
t pitue th.. , th, r pi " !e want t.i k..
till ir IV. , W,l,. ,, ,, ..,y I),,
t h.i.lity 1 I,,.,, ii, to th. ir !n--t.
j W. 1' It t,in i' f iiiml Iniiis. If In it
' plllie 1 f 1 k. r w here llin ,. of the olhi l
p'.ivt r v.. ie j I at ju. a Mire yanm. Tin y
j wi re 1 r. l. "I 'tials ami v re alt, r a l i
j l uiitlle f in, 11, y that , had In his s
( - "l, 11 n w, II a I. -L 1 tirf f. r that which
; tin- hfth I'l.iiir, n 1111:11114 (,.rat r
11. 11111, 1 Inithiu. w.i kimwii I 1 have,
i W' lu it Liit u in .' 1 iiiimit.s aft, r the
lir-t hai.d w as tl. alt tiiat the Int. ntit.u
; wa ti r, !i him ami w tat ml lit tut
; try 1114 to tail a tt ay nut if the pnmi
! W III:., lit I11al.11, 4 tr.'iihl, -, Put her..ililii't
ili-i , t, r a m, an- l i save him. At la-t
i he was il. alt a pat llu-li if ili.nnoml
, maile up i f the .'1. T, , !i ainl jack, lie
'skiiitiid tin.-., cards ovi r ami ilid u
mighty pint, , t tl. 11. II" f. It in hi
I I t In s that n t!u-h Would If lio ai-coiilit
1 111 tin. w. ih I win 11 it 1. nun to a i-hi, tv
down, l ut heih'iii-d ill and laid t.i
I draw 1 at .Is. To In. nrpn-e, hn w.-u't
rais, , 1 . f, r,. the draw.
"Il" 1- 1 ov. r hi t rilit r. 1 ilia
innmls nml coiielinl' d t 1 iliatv a raid. III
,r !ir, if p -.-ihle, t-i Mr-'iiitthi 11 llm
iunn e. He ji n li n I a I.H14 tune li
twe. 11 i'.i-carilin4 the .1 -p. t 1 r the ic
tun, and at la-t Iim I nway tim j.n k
lilelralli d fi-ra rani. The ih ah r looked
MirpilM il at 'il .tutu, 4 any, lutpiu,
him the card. Woh -It picked it up mi l
f mild lm p.t the II rp, t nf iha
11., mis. I!,. mtir ti:r:n ,1 a h.ur. Thu
hi 111114 1.. 4:111 and hi. inu si d hi "
tjinme nf ih. 11, 1, ,11, is ami ju-t taid
alui4, letting the ntln r ftllow do tim
raising. At l:i-t it p.t down to Wolcoti
ami one nf the proti -s,,ial-. Filially
tin re was a rail, uml the ollnr man
hotvitl f,itiriu,-.Tis. Wolc.i't laid down
the o, li, 7, S ui.d U i f ill. 1111, , mis uml
rWt pt ill the put. The punt'
rip'it tin rc. 1 It ekoll that Was th" prat-e.-t
pn en of lm k that uny man i n r hail
1 in a puki r piuio.
I W lu 11 Mr. Wat -on hid com lu,l,-, hi
. int. ri sin. 4 reeiial ami the tt. unit rful
I draw had U en 1 p:itiated ukiii, one of
I In li.-ti in 11 r, mat i t that he nek. 'in . I
I it w as his il, :il. "This i a Kiory i f lin k,
I ti " lm r. mat l.i .I, "hut of a tlilf, r. nt
j rhurai tt r ftoiii that i xpi rii neeil l yS n
1 ill, T Wnlcott A fill lid nf llilnn who
1 1 v 1 tniit iii Maryland win play 1114 in a
little p.t:." Il"t I0I14 llp The
patapln rualia nf the pun.- wa primi
tive, roiiMiliii4i f iisiiiijle vi II tliiiml d
tin 1; i f ( iiiiils i.t rards, tviili p-aiiiH f
coin f. r 1 hips. My tut lid Was loliown!
1 y a n u' tt u.pi -t 1 f had luck, ami
l:t corn wa ilott 11 I 1 tt Vt ry f.-tv p-ain.
lie 1141t.1t. d lus li.i:.,l for a l.iiuute or
j two ntnl tie 11 ni ',!( nl.v aim, ,11111 , , that
j ho had f. rp tti n lopivo hi ln.i.'tvati r
nml wm:l I hate loiiolt. II" Went out if
the I., ,11-", i'i., 1 1:1' familiar w ith tho
pp iiii-.-s mad" lit.s way to tlieriinihniiii',
and pultiii4 111 hi hand in the dark p t
nil 1 ar nf rorti and put it 111 his pi ki t.
Thi ll h" Wi tit totl:o Mai, I. , aft. r 111:1k
iii4 a I114 in,i.-"i.t thu pump to ht the
f. 1I0W III. nle I.. In-t e he w a. in i.--l'tii 11 if
hi miiiiial, :,:.d r t unit d 111 a f. w 1 Hi
nt. -1 to Cm home. II.' atilowu and r-e
in il. d t) I'illl out tlio 'chips' h" had
plac d i:i hi poi Ld win 11 ho li ft, ami
. tll.ii li ho had iil.stanlniliy mhled to
! tin anlitiie. V, 111 can iiuapnn hi en
Mentation tvlu 11 hn found that he iln -tv
forth hi ( rt-inal do111 tvnitn 'chip-, '
with tw ice taut many red. Hn had man
up d to tlml in tho tlurk thu only ml car
ill the roridioilie. "
1 "I'll iiiakn a 1 rsoiial r,infi-.sinn lift, r
lliat," aid Ih nry Mill, r win 11 thu
I.1114I1 ilh-ld. d. "Soiini y.-ar 1140 I tva
prone now uml tin 11 to indti!4ii in the
! 1I1 Ii4litnf draw, and tin re tva. it frinnl
lniii4 m ar ine, ovi r in (niirp-town,
n:'.licti d v. itli int. riuitti nt insanity 1
the alii" hurt that Vl.-lled hlttl lit int. r
val niini'idt nt with my own. Coiise
;iu nt Iy- v-j Usually htintid the animal
1,141 ll.r. (Iim liU'l.t we cain.t over this
idn of tln.crei k t "41 tln r ntnl priKi edtd
to a place 11:1 Ninth tr.-.-l, w In ro a pule
Iin piiue, tahle takes, w a pretty
js piihir. Alo.14 ahout II o'clock we
li.tli p.t hroke and roin linl. d to K"
home. Tho ni4ht lndKron tormr,
nml It wa h tni4 lik" nil win n we
h It the 'rluh, ' us it w as called. A h an ll
revealed that tv had htit one car tf k t
1 twe. 11 ti. Tiie hohtail cats, with, ut a
t .mlin t'.r, w ro tin 11 us d on tin. M, t
I ..,,iltati line, Ulnl we n il". led the
hi4hly original id. a nf si,li!tiii4that
tick. I in half and tip pp"i4 tin. two
pit..-. ill the box. We Isuild. d the la-t j
1 .r ot t r ami ruirii d out our wh.-ma
You may knock me down it luth pi.e.-
didn't fall In the tvhltu side up.
Tim dritt r p. inn ,) ut tin-m und tin n
tart"l to e p. 11 tiled. n-r, but wo both
mad- a br.akuml p t , ff th" car. I
made tip 11. y li.iml th. r) that it. y lin k
was t hi nit. riy bad I'-mp iiT plater,
an I w.i!kiii4 h- me through that I I1..11 I
I tl. t. -tuiiii. d to try lio lie re p k-r. and
I hat. n't t in i" d a aid 111 a moiny
pi:ii" siiiee. " W i-hlU4t 11 .-tar
The" I ' ti.l.
The i, n-t.oti h.T!nr the loii.a'o I. 11
fruit or t.-p lahl. his hllillf l.n .l.tnle.1
I,) the siipr. Mie court of the I .-tl.-s
N veral ).r. n-o sa ii.e iin;.rie.l luiiinim
rnne Ihroilkh the ili-toui h'.il- III NiT
York ,')'. h. 11 the rht:litd
thrill K ll-k"-l 'l' ' "'! K.llette.1 lllatr BC
lopl.l,.-'..r The dl.plltesl tl.
p. .nt 11 'id 1 01. "I I "iii it" to fruit and
ei.titi.'l lo r.,llie III free I he flintier
.,kn, :t,1' ... irt. whn I, .!e. l.le. III l.ilii' of
the i,-t ... tor ( that the toioalo is a
.-4eibie -1-1 U'UIS Kepilhllt
Sr. ,..k'. lii N le.
N'. X ' !'. i:."re hvr than any ntl.-f
r,ly ill world, al.'l th- re are wid It.le
, ,,'rr. l New Y-ta U!..wl,.-rr..iler
of hue VIM .1, -.'ie fr-MI J ' ' ' I '. ("'. .
1 :.e '.ti,d. rt' "s ; r-- I mi ll.lil, maj
the pro-.:.!, and A:-'r:: crown i .
an- , i.d at Ti e lt Mrt
A-tor .d a lae e.-t I' ' aid
,,.1.. r n,,s r-i. Ml 1 t ' a Ati.eri.u
U 1) f ' I'laila-i' Ipi-.a I'r.aa
II Haw a I'ruuller l"irr and Wm Hurst
I -nlrwi-,l In 11
I , M tn-th ld. tlh, -c n il , -ins T III
! li. .ih mi a M-T'i ritin.ti a.-,, K-o,. h. r w,,i,
i wltle indorlelv, a t.tih. r wh... i.m-t r
wa n!s.i r lu.a L .1 1 I.-. .1 iidttiire t f the
I.. and li.ik'ie fa.d a I ml f. rt
inner ti e eih.r tl iy in ,t rs-tn ini-. titv
liis.l: '.Man-lit hi NV irr, 11 ,. line r,,:n cwr
rlran to,, In (!. , ir
tifllr. lie 1 -itllie aft. T a Id. like If,' 1,-1
t f us. I, ut as he was a Mi.ail. si, k tr. i . n
. impute Its klt'k' f. Il.-W I e il lit In I pall
H i w. 11 a. a i!ik' r In the n,i,,, ., ., h"
w.ut to kl; n, i. ., . r at
M.tklai So s.i.11. r lad he .art. il lip
than the otht r i.lttor w. i.l (, r him- in In.
I'-'l" r.
In tin m. day p, r-.,nd j ,iiri, ill.iii mi
the thli 4. and In I ,!.' :, i.i the . .lit, .r
I's'ke riht out. t-.illii.,. . h oilier all
III, lis of i, inn l.,.t ii-, d iii .. , i, iv War
n n n plied. Imt In a p ml, manly wny
W Idle this In ls r w ir Was , Itirf i ll
nil., of the in, l, hauls in t.i, k, ,1 .ii r- n fur
. me lilt, pil sluht. ic, I Warr.u Is Mi it
small ul, d hy -I, a: Ir h i ,,k 4 t the wt r-t
i f the one s ,h ,1 l::il lie w is so!,
Ilsa t up thai he .1 11 , ,.! a he p, t
out i f lid that 1,,- w, ,,,!,! kl I the In it
man tt ho iitta. ktil hltti .. , 1, 1, linvii- hn
pur. has. , a l.'i.pi I" w n- kn:!.' It ... h.ii
(.tied that th" i.lil-r.f ll, .. SI, ret
a. iln j. 1 .n-i-l Idi i, nml U h re am u
papr eiin if mil hf was .it' kid mi the
in t I y I I o -p.ii.ei I Ih hi.. . k.d War
n 11 ih.w 11. jinn;,, d en !,::, , i:, I i ,. I , .it 1 nn
him iiiiiin it it inly V .,: 1, m , 1 . 111
111.. I.. .111,1114 hi s,!,, I.:: nlu'ii ho
tal I .1 the imi'ti-.'-r to ihe h. art
tin thi' trial It a .. ; r d that Warren
ha, 1 1 In it, , I la k 1, 1 fie 11 tl III 111 w I, ,,111
PAItiO Full A SiEaE.
stsrlliiienl. i.f III Klli.U n I W
Mil.l lie 1're.enle.l I.. I he lltil unr.
Iionar) Id Trial, of a li.ung 't,l
a.f In llerlin.
I, ,. lllihl I,.- t.
the ls- le kll I,
the thr. ,' I
n n tl: I not I ...
at t! . tin.. .. ,
II, I. d I'i . If ,1, I.
II, wt er. I.e W .1
1. 1;,. 1 1 1 1.. I
1111,1, d the - li.
ninl Iii 11 y,i,r
d I.
11, e fan. Ill 1
and l.i re I
ta'l. n if II,- -came
I r -s 1, ,
th. Ir old 10., .11
w anl to I . c, n ,
.l'-" tl, it hi I id Ulll.-M
1 'iii-it : ii I) iifi. r iii.ikintt
tt ', 1,." .1 ,-1,1-d Unit ar
il. t- 1:1. ,1 , 1 1 1 . -r III mind
11. -I. tntt'i, 111, ore, Ih it hn
I.'.'. hn li was the Until.
. I und k'l.dty ami n-.-.
i The tii'tr ri.or .- 'a
1 1 . to lit" luipil-o inn. Ill,
i i two Warn 11 wa par-
. int.vt d to "-'nil l-'tntii sin,
.- hi to u.-l-i In 1 1,.-1 h
' . .-, As s.H'11 IIS shf I'
. P ... I. ft Ih" family In
I 1 . rty 1,11 1 lot:, tl i a-t
i fi rioii us the cui.e i.f
the 11. uid. ri f .Inn I'l-k."
Anil Ilie fclKinalieiati rrlliil!w 1'llllit.e.l II
t.ell I ..iilruiiletl l.v a Titfer.
All In, I.l, lit i,rv s,,i'. .1 ite of the
perils to W I.l. ll .1 -Vl!., Ill, .111 Is sIlhjtlTllI
1,,-rt:.. rn I r.l! 1 1. ,1 In Ihe I. on
ih 11 l.r., hn- I:. 11 .j i ,.iilr,,iil. d ti. 11 tlh-i-r
when iihei.t In llkdit the signal l.iuip-. tin.
in, 111 promptly took r fnue i the P;;
H..-t nml w is only r.ha.,l from this 1111
phiisant ami tlai.i.'. Tons n.-iiI..ii tt hi ii hu
a . prom l.lnn I nil 11 ilnoe t he 11 ni 111:1 1 aivay
Tlie ft HowTlii! letter, ih -i -riptivi-of the oe
rum 11, e. I ruin llm mil ne -lat ,,u iiia-l.-r.l
ainu-liiu Isi ini.e Its sill. I so ti ry 1 har
a.T. Il-tlf of Ihe ll.-lin.ill Halm.
t'r.'in Ih.- .I.1II..11 M 1-1. r I . th.- Tri.rtle Sn-
Tint, nth nt It. iivl K. II , ll 1.1', :
Mil -1 I v to I run: lo h nid n"tni' that
no s.s.nrr the w:it. hiuiiii r. a- li-.l It,.,
ill-t,,t,t nlmiiil than I, saw 11 tli-. r -.,iiilri4 t r
w 11 r.l him. He 111 t he llii'tii. nt In- w .1 ulr t
ly iihirtu.-l, hut I.l tin- Aln.i.'lity awr
si.t.d him and ,-iiti-. .1 him to elimli up tli
suttial. The Hi;, r w s In lh,.r.,n..i , is ta
li.,n , f k'.-miiiC t-r. y ami lnl te-t r. ni. v,, htm
s, If f-.r als.tlt tinlf an li.'tir. nl 11 Ilie lie Is k'rtn t-.r....r, J.11-I nr- ,1.. I ut the
li' signal In- ran t , to ll.i lllan
Inl-Lik w us In ihe sikii d ll- mi h- w.ta
. 11 ly .iiis-iitf. rs mel Hi" tlriv. r 111 1 hari,..-,
..v or-1 w I1..111 h I .11 ily -ri,. niili 11 vi w In
tni.kc hlei s,,W. r,i,l, r lh- elr. lilii.lilli, - utl
wi'l kindly pel nsi-.p of luhtinK Hie .li 1 ,n
sll'icl : otluTV. t-e . tie ll IT ft life . f lii.tlikllnl
vt'.til.l I, ti. Inn In Hie w ild aitinuil. 1 liav.i
Hi, h. ii'.r to Is., .
Human Vulliires Wailli.a r I'areaaa,
At I. a-t si 1 p.iiple linvt r. , I nh, .nt 11 sup.
s.s ,1 th iithls tl lu this IsToilkh for several
innir nwnltlliK ileiith, whieli did Imt is'
t ur unit Ihe path lit Is now r 1 on rliiy, s.iy
the West Chester lfal News They Wen.
iill tin re for Hie purH,s,. of seeiiriiiii the
h.sly, ami all hud Innde hid. for It and
were prepared to remove It as soon us the
vital spark hml ll.-d One man was so run
fid. lit that hi hid of r f r Ih Issljr
would I' niii-plid that lie hml a ilray In a
hie sin.-l ready to remove It i u short 110
tl.i' All the hitliler were on the Kniiind,
nlidas the pell, lit Inatan to n vle their
spirit fi II. ai d a hn a nil nn-w weaker
tin y n.x' like the m. rcurr In a therm. nn
rn r For ss-vernl hour the sit wnll.,1,
r, ry Imw anil then i-iit rinu the house
nml llllnil a new hlil. Finally Hi" physi
cian np .-irttl. le I out of thinner and
will risiivcr." he, and therrowil
ait. rl one I y one as the news wa
The Issljr H i- wanted wa
that of J, . di Hilton liorrs. and tin y
r.-pt.-s. nt. . I ihe various hunt. They wi re
att. r f,sl f r t In ir lioiimt.
aiopplnf a Trmla lur ! Tatl.wrh.
Fleury, an, wn Irnvi'llnu from
C r' .il to I'arl. .a.. - il .y and Ih
tthirui I . II 11 Ih" train wa hat 1 114 a way
side station 11, re wa at one a sl ip
j .14", ,11, d t!..- '.nrd wa naturally ea.-r
to km a fr,,' 1 I ! '.ry what was wrontr.
The man I.- liv r.; !i"l that lm waiii.d
.iio.ThltiK t 1 r .r. 11 Mfc-liia t"s,th. Tho
r.illw ny fin i d i,' " ei,
ami s.-ild h- .-.s i, t k'- lo li maue a
( 1 1 in 11 it :! ,'fii I manner The
al.-irn.l-t w:i .1,11 i'.. t 1 . I f.-r hi -t, hut
ainl it.-tap;. ir t-f r,- ihe trlhntial lit
was I.d, 11. n. I In ' -'"It to a fill" i.f
fram .
Th llae I .r khnpperm.
"I'I- as" I' -tie r u-! I;..!nr twl Hotb
cr c!" l t!.- 1 -i'i.. -t r ',oi st whi' h ap
r. , r ' n tl " t : j : f I ), ratal, true
a... I j n- h-t ' f -i. " K 1 isiUaf flriii of
r. rriii pr- r i:i a s ,u'i,i ra city. 1: a
I I14';t l e a- 'J :.' y ' -.11 Well afTord to Ul
pn r"l wi'ii l:.'."'n' wqna.ny.
J,:l e. -. Tl."
It I 4 be 1 t '..
It 1- ofi.Ti alonut imp !,. f. .run
I n : 1. 1:1 I 1 s-i uie tlie p t.. rs 11 s-.tiv
1 m i' . a l ur. p. .111 11: ntia" t ali i, 1 -
I l i"y Pi I . : many Tne ). v, 1 an. f re-ii-'il'v
nll'pd I,, wait lint , I thi y ran
1 i:r ti s. .ine I. -s 1 ii.iii-if 1 .- land,
time a prn-l or I, '.il fiim;i.,i:.iry will
Mil-lit to tl 11 It III. Hi w ilhoiit akni4
iit!!u us tt, -ti -iis. Win 11 tln cm
11-U114 1 iiiit are llnni. In Kuro
1 a';.. t:ie f riii.ililit are!y f. r
l.i !. il l.. cii"ii'!i, f T t .,l.s the actual
11:1m i4 pipits Ihtle ate . 1 1 1. 11 1, u t
ia , I- ii'.d tatniis j l. lm, 11 ht i'.s-ii-in
nl I,. P.- ,'r nt n up I! i.f if y. hi iire 11 11
ll . I If. Ill if ti'lll-e t oil lire .1 Ml-pliTotl 1, t. r. ami y, u will tnl it i-t.n
I - 1 1 1 V ditlieult to l:,nryt:i,t prl of
. i.r . hole. You 11111-1 tii.t 1 tote your
U'i t hi lite ninl I t. at'ie and hate y.'iir
s 1114. nml y.'iir Itide in i-t pr .ve In r
ik'hl to live and l-r atln- an,!, have h. r
i' 1 u h. and y.'iir f itln r. uml t our nn-tli-r.
ami your bride' fatlu r, and y,,tir
II I'll ' nn l In r in n-1 11! .0 e Unit tin r
t.icli ta 111 title tin-e mid hate livid
rrt proa, ha! ly 1 1. r nf t . r. uml in ca-.i
In V no loll;. 1 r i tt I T-e tlie function i f
itinc, lTeathiii4 ami h n nu I'i. ir I.
114 II in ti -1 Is--hot u thai Iln y ci a-r.
o do so in a ,,, r ami pidlikn InaliliiT.
Ml this nml nun li more lnut li s. t
till 111 it ijinsl 1r.1t th 111011 s I tim
'ii-hi.'ti 1 y tin an of d-s unit nls Is fore
'i ti will Is. iillotvt .1 to Is ml ymir in k
si the oiiJUk'al t , ke.
The Until nf thiM. retniirk wa illu
rat.. I 11 ft tv week 1140 in lti-rlm, tth.-n
he happilit - of two t'011114 Ann tn aii
1UI14 f'T a I"ti4 tmi" in the balance mi
ll lit rmau iiiilln.rttii tiuully cuisa iiteil
0 1. 1 tlietii j uii hands ami le .ul. The
'011114111.111 tva mi !' plohv'i-t ntnl
'on ml it 1 i ssaiy to li' in Fpt pt at a
lit nil time. He In sd to lake hlslrnln
It ll him, but llllliii-l Up hi the l.s tim-m-iit
he was unci rl.uti win Her hn
'hotild have a bride t.i take. For month
ie had In 11 U11114 to lri Mrt nlsmt tin
nurriap', but the r iUtri nieiil t f thu
1 nn an law tt. re 1 110114I1 to drive 1 v. 11
1 man uccti-toiin .l to llm cnuplication
if the Tt l-i I cl, M 111.1I1 tal l. t t.i de
I'air. The I ride had lived formerly nil
Jn i.tlur side of the tvoi hi, inula tlura
'tisl.-tl in the caul Ions (i. rinau lnui, I
he jioMiilnlity that slin 111114)1! have pme
hto'lk'h the mamap'riTouioiiv on soinn
lrevnui isca-ioii it waa iien-Miry lo
mhli-hth" bminswet k I fun hand, not
inly in the lit rim pa r, but ul-o in
:1m Journal nf lur native A 11, cr nan
own. (.nth parth wi re i.l. lip d to se
'lire certificate of Ihe lurlll lllnl hap-,1-111
nf tin dim Ivi nml iln ir parent
uid to fiirm-li 1111 1 pilonuiof the family
listone ilott 11 to dale. There i a ru
nor that t. -Iiiuoiiy tva even ilemaiuleil
1 to the 11111, ,1s r nf tutu certain rcla
ive hud Is ,11 t an lnal'-tl nml the smv
',. nf the operation. The youii4 woiii
111' father had illnl wln-n utt uy from
loin.., mul it tva ralhi r iliflhult lo sat-
fy t.erm.-iii iiulhoritn 11 to the man
n r of In takinit olT. Finally all the
us r unit ed, mul the couple repaired
in.. day with tin ir fih ml mul w nni -s.
;o the nfliee of the lepil flint lioliaiy iu
iv hoie hand their happilu-s rt-po-i d.
Tim h k'al functionary, i.f course, hud
Willie. 011 hi si. hi. Tim (icrmun
never transact any hininen cieept in
Hut preseiun nf witliesiM-a. If ymi ;U
n l Willi the piard 011 a railway train,
he iiiiiinil lately Mininioiis am it In r k'liard,
Hot to sell In tim lll-pilte, hut toW llllls
it. Tlu y put their two olctun In mlsto
p tin r, hakn t Iii-iii ut cat 1 1 ulln r uml at
ymi, Inako copioti Hot. nf thu fact
und finally take theum-lvc off. Thi
bridal rnuplo mul friend wi-ru silently
surveyed by the baud of wilni'unei.
Tln u llm hriiln tva phieed in nun chair
und thu brith kT'siiii in another nt a re
HTfiil di-taiu a Tim pa r tvero pro
duced. Thu hrlilu told III! iiIhiiiI luTKilf,
nud the hridi piKiui told nil about litin
self, und th" friend uml wltm-ssa told
all iiIhiiiI Isitli of llieui. Tim inotln r of
thu brnhi inMiri d thu 0 cnibli d com
pany Hint thi man wa imt iusldionsly
ilefrmidiliK her nf lur ilauuhtef. Thu
company tiepiu to breatho morn fmdy.
Tim bridt trisitn In avnl a H14I1 of n-lief.
Tim tired brldu iniived in tier chair
wearily. Hut thu h pil f iiiu tlonary wim
hot piiiiK to let tin 111 off mi cuxily. Hu j
honk hi In-ud over thu p:is rs, plirscl t
up Iii lii ami tlnu turned 011 the
w I10I11 crowd uml a-kl tin 111 liercly for
their iassKirta. Of courwi 110 0110 lnui
in h a t li 1 11 kf about tii ut. so tho jailed
hrld. k'r.siin luwl to rush nil In a dn-ky
lu s"-i urn 0 many a were im-essary.
M.-aiitlmu aOiTiiiaii coiiplo apM-ur'L
Tin ir pas ra, nf course, were all ri4hL
Thu (0 riiinu brnli pismi took ssv-esMoii
of the Aim rieau brid. 4r.s1ur Vacant
chair, uml thu American bride, w ho, by ,
thi tiuii wa aluua-t iu tear, yielded
In r unit to the (it rnian I riiht !y the
tiiuo tin y had In n safely latim luil aiu
thu s. iof marruit lifnlhe p.-i-ssirt hml
Is 11 found, and the American apiiu
.s,k the chair and were finally nmdo
man and wife, to Hm satisfaction nf thu
Iipil functionary, themselves and their
frund. '
I That wasn't all, of curse. They had
to rush ntf, after llm h4.1l functionary'
f-e had In 11 paid, to do honor to thu
ordinary cnvi utioiiaiitn s, nrrny tin 111
. Iv. Inf. -tal roU and I, inarrnd
nkfain by a uiiiil-ti r who the Knip
ll-h totipi", shake hands with tin ir .'.nil
friend and ca'.I, Ihe first train for
Ivypt Ua rim 'or N.-w York bun. 1
A Itrmenf. j
A teiir-hi-r of health cLltnrn dx lare
that a simp!. 1 r ne .ly f T i.tuoviiik tim
bl'ssl from a t 'i active hrain i loi-n r-r-l-,
tim inn-, h s , f thef L Stand firm
ly on Ihe pound and tln u rat- the lii I
and r.-st nn the t i for a coi,d. Iv,
thi for a ih . n Hun nr so in sti'.ist-
m iii. it wki IT11.4 a certain u.-irri-o or
ruin f uf . r a hard day' mental work.
Hue i.l ll. llM.Ia..i,rl Itoorn la III I ap
I It.'l I se.l ,f Hon.
I III the t. II, 1 f lilt, c ipit.,1 tlct-. t.-d to
Ihe 11.. ,! , f tae s. 11 il,, p,,, f tin. hand
oiii. st t". ,1.1 are s. t n-lde f.,r the ti
of tin. I r. -nh nf .11, I the t ,v re-l h i.t
of tin' I 'ml. I r-:,t. Tim pre-nli lit
r.siiu I nr i"y ii( tit, ry littl" u-",
while limine pr. -nl. nt s i ran !y uu-
is .'llpletl.
WHAT ftf SULTED fmom a kiss that
A lleaia.ll.Bj litierliDM Ihi.taajhl II tr an
Ol.l I. t.inlitli, In a..iilll Alrlrw a
kl. l H.r. ,l Hi I t.l,la tthl. K
I..II..WS.I tt . trrilt.le.
Tin i t 1
l-f the S' 11. lie I..1 I v.
I -'Ul. Willi .tin , -W
all-, f .ir 11 1 h. ,1 V.
cat 1- t. s. , nl l.iti.
all 1 I'i, " .1, -k and .1
Is' f .iiii.I at the 1 tnl
It Is .1 1.ir4", s.Tar..
I it 1:1,14 and lint. 1
nil an ,. 111 Imi,-. I
1 ha t. tito tahl. ,
hup- - l.i
Th" III, place : Inue, -I I f i-hl ln ,
alT.ur f Ti',.- I uiiiii,, of t nl wit. i it
li.unl" ,e hi i-s f, ml r ami in . . mp my
lu' sh.'t. I. . ni;, ami p k. r. Is shut III
1 y a i;l a- hi" s, r, t n i'i,,. i. tinmi vice
pn -nl. nt i rnntt. .1 to I ilo tt itli liitu
as mrs iin- I t.i., in,. I...U
Tin te is am.tlii r I it of tl.sT fimilltire
in Hm r.siiu in Ih,- s! , f a m i. ill safe,
whi. li is i,.,-. I as a i, p ty f.T tin.
lie, tor. il V, I, Us the M il d p . ka'.
coiiie fr-'tu tli" far:, -ii st it, utt, r i a, h
pr. si,. ninl ihctioii . i,, th, y i,ni-l
stay until tvauti tl f.T counfiti4 lytlm
llotlsa. i f r- 'l' K llt.ltltcs, pi, 11114 thi
Inn., the s ,fe Is ciiiintiallr w.ii. h. d 1 y
two o tlie. ts ila t.n la-. from the capitol
police f, , ", ami tin. colnhinall-MI nil
which the ,s k is s. t t known only to
Hm t Ice pn -l.lelit.
Aiuoiii; the wall adornment I a
P1111I1114 of li.-orp' Uu-limpi'ii by
li, in It. null I'eale. Thete I a ha-'eud t.i
the i tTect thai tt hen miiiiik for tins p. r
trail in ITtui W.i-1, 11,41011 tulTcd r. ltoii
llllo hi checks In li, u of the false tr, III
he so p, ally in-. ilt-d
Most of the rein if furiin r vice presi-
ll, lit hate Inn rclcpilnl to a little
antt ro-nii now tin'il f..r toilet piirj. -,.
Ann, 114 tln-iii is tin. mirror '.' 1 1 fi t I0114
by I w nle Is.ti"lit by llm senate for
the u-ei'f .lolin Adams. It ih fr.iine ami
rtla-a ure nf tety p-i T r I tl. but It
l'o. w he, 1 pill, ha-, d I HI mul Was the
tl! jr. t nf si tlnu ci ilitrot 1 r-y ill the
si Hate. The hraut ifully carved tolh t
ca-e, win. li I also contained in the
nnti r, sun. wa made to nr.h r for i.n
iral Clu-tir A. Atthur. Kate Field'
Y "U W :
in f,:. I
f i ll
l-'h. r I iii.t-sl-.rt
of I
s-.-in. t in .
th it in a 1 .
I, 11 . ; ,- ,
l.a ..-nil- -I
d I,.,
I mot.-1 r.4 d) t'l.ii r- inaii.w
. far fi'-ia Ihe h-iuiil
, f I., tliaw 11 from
I 1.. r..s.s, and Ih" ,l.
-S1..I.S I. l,.,. ni,rw.
t ',. te ,ire ilramai :e ,.,-.,. i,t
11. ft ,f mail, l.-h-.-r iph and
t' ,,i I I a- i.-t r!v pn k.l ni ntol
, a. I 1 . ir .1, lads. I, nt iu A'n, 1
r I i i . 1 1 mi, are s,n-ii f.,r-
Is true, and It
tint the rial
A l urtn a.f Heo Air I terrlass Thai Ha
I ertala Atlrw. II.iii. ul lu Ilia,
"What ami piinu to ilo" n s atetl
the n nirnuluilo. "Why, I'm pnii4 to
taku u walk IU the rain. It' a lin k I
li urueil iu 'Ili'Uk'laml. di nr Ih.v, ' ami
It' ime nf the 1111 st 1 h:iriniU4 foini of
rxtriTse on top of tlnsp.i n curl 1 1. You
s.,1 my ns-luiiu tvi II, il a thu dead
copy nf Ihul in wlncli a Cornisli Miurii
uf in y iieiiiallitaucu liH'd It) Walk iu
rainy went In r over the d. inako
Up liiis-t of hi 1 st alf. My laced Insn,
you I-.TC. ive, come Wi ll up llm ankle,
have heavy cotk Mile and have ju-t lu ll
Heated to a pnl rubhitiK in of mid
cn am. I have stout wool, 11 tt kiii4
and kuicki rlnx-kcr nn, so a Id avoid
thu flappiliK and coiil.u t nf the Wet
trousers, nml thic:iie mackintosh enme
(I11WTI Ta I ty Hear to ll.V heel. My 1111-
di-rehitliiii4 i Hilt k, but not heavy, nml
luy clothe, me nf r. nii;h twcl that
Wotildii't be ilauiap'il if )'",! let 'cm lie
in a In aiu for 11 wet k. lnstt ad of a
collar, I wear a likiht silk seat f iirouud
my luck, ou r w Inch 1 tin 11 my coat
collar and button it up an. Tin hut i
a wutcrpi.s f fore mul ufter.
"l.'iiihrella? Why, of course not. That
woiihl th siroy llm very spirit, thu very
Joy, of the i-).m rieiiro, wlncli i lo fu l
tlio ruin Ik ;iIiii4 iu your fm-e, Ihuwi t
wind whislliiiK iiIhiiiI ymir cur and
llm weather I,alipii4 yoiinlxmt 41 lu Tal
ly. You may not liko it ut lint, but yon
.sin w ill, mul tin u you'll Iiml there' a
ort of wild joy alaiut tin, tlini4 that tuu
can't resist.
"Catch rnhl? Why, of ciitirim not. Iu
fact, it course of walking In thu ruin i
oiiuof tho list preventive npiiin-t tak
I114 rold. So 1, 1114 a you're 1110VH14
briskly there' no iluiip rof tukiiikfcohl,
no matt, r lmw wet it may la. It' the
tamliiiK or iltuikt in wet H1I114 Unit'
o ilaiiKiToii. and an you inii-t Just w alk
from the tinm you leave the house until
you p I back, nud then, when yuu do
Ki t back, atrip off cveiythiiiK and K'lvo
yoiirn If a pssl rub. And if a you put
on ymir dry thni4 you do imt feci a
new iiuiti tvilh a new rest for the stni4
rtluof life then I don 't know a banana
from au 1'iprcM wapm. " New York
ly t:.ln4 that thy f ar
M- rctanta' Reviaw.
Tl.a fl'th.ii.t 1 cnraonly unpprstM
to a si w, rl;:ii y animal, tot wh-n
icivd .r f:i, h'. i.' d 'n attala a jsm1
tf 20 ti.i au h' ur aJ.d ku 1 it up fuf
La'.f a (Isy.
Col. -rid,"" I-ft hi w ife and rhi,'r-n
.th ,ut as 1-v-y t far. well aiad ncv.-r
0U1I lie in a. mi.
A I eaaetat I aar Iraaa awal SloBa.
Ijiraoel 1. a .en, ei, t for Iron and Monet hut
ta now la-iii u,t rialuee.) hy a Yieiina Or, 11
The A tit fisi 11 ant horitles -ak of th cm
o II, id III the hitches! tern, a ll COHOSH of
ulphiir. Ir .11. sill, tr a. id ar,d aliintina. ar.,1
It I usesl in a rii.-lteo lontlition. Its appll lu Ir.-u aiel t..i.e a., a k are state.
to Is iiiiriierrstia It ae-rves al aa an ela
trie ii.siiUtor It 11. ells at Jt deares-a C
aia.J co,U .',n k ' r New y.srk TeiraTaru.
A Tri(.r la tllark wsal Whlta.
lb nry f--, a mul tt,i, r.,iini,lttas put
rt!a tear l.lritiuari. l,a , Ns-auav he Wa
deprltel I y law thr rlrM Ut lit wltb a
white woinao wtiuiu t. hail luarrioa.
Uf Wliolessil.
A youii lady who wit in n linrry to
taku a Irani and wanted lo buy a small
hnpi'lti4 b.14 wnlkul into awhulesulo
cstahlisliiiH nt by mistake.
"Will you how mo a hap pleiise?"
hu b'4aii, but thu clerk Interruptiil her
"Wo mil nothliiK at retail," lie aaiiL
"I could only let you have Impi by tha
quantity. "
"Di-ar me I Not oiid ban?"
"Ns iiiiidaui. I'm very utt. "
"And I111 iu audi a hurry! Well!"
She toward thu d.T, and her
rye waa cnupSl by a aumplu ha4 011 tha
"Ah," aha 1 iclaimnl, "that' ciaclly
Inn b.14 I tvauti Couldu't you tell uio
the twelfth of a down?"
Shu pit In r bap Youth' Cotnpaii
Ion. Th l.irluean ail Ih lluwaaa I'aMtlieoaa.
For (lie cei, 1 lines Ih Itonian world turn
tl lo the I'anlLeon, till out of It anssa a new
rt In Constantinople Then In Ihe llfteenth
reiitury, al the revival. I he humanist artist attain to this satnt itrrat work. It
Itav rise first to Ih i. ,111a of Florence, and
then to the dome of ht. IMer s. I.'au year
Inter From M. I'rta-r' Ih ilotiie s pre an I
all over the world -tha I'antheou and tl,
Invalnleaat I'aria. M I'aul In Unnloli,
tha capil.d at Va-hl114toi1, the l-aae
church al St. P. t, r-lmrn are inert India
lion 1, f M. I'rt.r s And thu fnmi th
I'antheou has sprunal the anhltealuj
Whlth fr. til ( lull to ( hlil.k'.l, from th
lirilish l-iiind- to lhr'l urkl-heiiiplre, fn in
M. Prtrr-l u'i; lo hu tl . I si 11 111 a thou
aaiid tan.-ti. s and lu t.-ti thuiisand ri
ample.- Foniouhily lietiew
Tla al a I'rrslaa I al.
IVrhapw th liiimt -a ullar falirr of
traveler abroad 1 that of carry 11.4 from
Pa ria the Kreat bl.ssl.-l cat that are o
liar-1 to domesticate. Il .wevtr, aa an
np town liotia kn," r n, laim. "Of
course one I a l.ttle afraid of them, but
they do hs.k stvlisli in a handsome lihra
ry!" New York Time.
f'h- y. mm i a w otd of doubtful irritff n.
San say that it i fmtu tha Indian
le y, mi", n,.-ai,iii itranuer; other thai
it lFr ueh, from chn-n d, aud that
Ihe town in Wyoming nf that Dan." waa
ra!le from tha prairia i f vlllaatsi
Coiuinoa ou tha plaiua.
I lift :,rr,
I his Is .i, i it .1, ri It
did not I.., 1 p. 11 ... I,. n.i
ll.'lllies , 1,1 I, IIMtl
'I he f..i-i , f s..nth.a.t Afma Is on ,,f
He 1 1 .1 ,,..-ir,,,is 1,1 the w .ihl Cur
rant 1 ., n -t ,t,t , 1 1 art .1, I... h In il.rii-tioti
and ,, 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 a .an I he mil ,-at..r f.,r eul of
hi o-.-.o I. '1.1, I 1, 1 I hiiu ni-, 11 soma
f . ( . r - u. I I lt I I.e I .. t thai Ihe ItoU-rt
M.o. r. fi.-Mi I...,,.: .11 l, r It. anl, at should
hue Is .n wo. k., i,a nr i.e hat i.f I'ort
S 1t.1l was therefore in. I strange, hut what
w ,i unnsii , w is the k' "t h - of I fr I hut
atta-lidtd t he w r.i k lltity.Ml.' Ililll nut of
all t hose oil Is, aid lnui, ,. , to rrarh tha
shore In safe, v
i This initii. I h irhs hr, nn Amerl. aa hy
lrt h, l-nt a , iti. 11 . f the world hy 1 hoi. e. t. 1 he 1 on. 1 .nit It nn reasiitif i Us
who pr. f. r ta s n. tha ir hrea waml, e.
Inn from 1 lin-i-io, lime, pi, k 1 1, 4 1, ;an , f l.-n
pninrii.iis !,,, hut s. 11,4 life In
In nil 11,11 phase. I .re had made a lurky
si 1 ike in I a 11. .,ii ami w as on his w ar to In
all 1. He had I tka li pa. suite Ul I he llots rt
Miller. l,..p, I, that Ihe ..i, s. a toT4
ll, .lll.l drive llolll Ins h.ii i;i rillkt
siilsof frier pit kl Up III S.lltli Ain.rlia.
FI11114 by Hie wait on the coast of Nilal,
with hi tuoiii"r safe III a waterproof llt,
he 1l1a114.1l In plan with Ilia n-,i,i,i.-s
1 1, trai ti i istlc ef hi 1 lasa ami rex, he. I iis
0,1 a ttadoiit trip hit. 1 Ihe Interior. I'ur
r !,:f.,i a w -lu'.-n and span of uten and Inr
lli" Ino ualiie a. -i.l .ml., he "Irekkear'
II, nth into .iiluhiii.l In his wagon lie rar
n.i 1111111. ro-is ait 1, h s .,r 1 r ide w lh Ih
iiatm-a All, mil! 1 1.. in. . at. f ullv ronii-aleil
III, tier t he Wat;. .11 sent, he rat ri,s 0 k"4 of
l s,w,, r. loiieinlisl la-caii-a. Ihe Inw (orhnl
I Hie sale of ;m at tier It) liat Ilea.
At the end of thus months las minld
rrvd Hint Ins tup hud In 11 a surcisasliil
I eue and dea idid lo return hoi'ie, follow 11,4
another mute to Natal. Hue tnoriilim ha
I "iulsiauiiis" at a small tillage wherw
there waa a missionary station. Th nila
loiiarv h, ins. If was a war, hut his wifa
came down lu Hie Irad.-r waimn. etpait
liikt lo tin, I 11, any art 11 lea iiea., to n-ph-n-l-l,
her lioiisa hnld slon-s 1- so h I what
. she all the tune hs.klliu al her In a
pu.lrd manner Al hut lie rtelniiuetli
i "lly I knew you now I I lew un
der heaven did ymi p-l hi re. Mollier"
I "Sir." said Ihe woman, deadly pule, but
,1 run I li u lu-rsadf up proudly, "what do yuu
1 mean by this insult'''
"t Hi. stuff. M Ilie, you can't f,s, me. A
hbiii as I saw you I knew I had sas-li y,,u lm.
fore. Ilnl it aeenieal so ipu-er that M.illla
I I laud, rs - Moll nf Sam r rsni isco should
hate up here, of all place In th
world. I'n-tlT a ever. Moll. I am (ilvu
a kisa for old tunes' sake."
Crisp, 114 l r suddenly In hi ami, li
kl ail h. r ana, ,i and n:iin. Finally aim
lore hers. If hssveaiiil tied, w hlta with ellue
Hi ni
i Wa she Mol lie Khind.-rsi or was she rioll
! la-e was sure of II, hut mistake uf Ideiitill.
' ration do saiiiii-iuin-a hnppeti. At any rala
j she acini aa II luiiia-eiiU
j Slllliikt dow n. Ihe wtiinan w ent a letter
toiler hllslutnd, lelliiui him lmw aha had
Isra-ii Insiiltetl and ila ihhimI I UK rriaral ion,
j Tina letter ahe sent hy a native In Ilia
lielk'lilaimiK t 'illuste, w lien- her hiishalid waa
i lslllu.
That iiIkIiI the Irtidt-r liaak advaiilaueuf
Ih iniHinliuht In pursue In Jourticy, and,
a fate would have ll, he ami Ihe letter
rent heal Hie villaue and the missionary al
the name I hue.
The missionary wa a man of sudden and
vlola-iil li-uiM-r. lie laaiad hi wife dearly,
and the new of au Insult lu her broke
I down all Ihe Lamina he had built up hy
, roiislaut training I' rued by him, the
chief of the villain, w-ut men lu sen th
trader. Surprised wiilmiit In anna, ls)
waa luaale acapliveafter a tlrssrrat at nip
pe and Is fore the t hief and Hi
lulsaionary. The former waa auiioii not
lu ko any further. 1 he Zulu war waa Just
uter, and the nativea hardly liked to Injur
a while man ao souii after the sharp lesson
they had rear I nil hull, urift-al by Ihe mis
sionary. Ihe chief finally in, lereal that Ian
rrca-lt'e Illl lashes on hi I mi re lrk.
The trader heard hi ariitrne calmly.
He inatle no defense In thai hartfe and la-p
Ileal uu merry. He merely asked that he la
K i ven an hour to put hi alTair In onlrr In
t lew of the xihil,ly of a fatal result from
o Ireuieudou a la-atiup After a little h
itatiou the luissioiiary agreed lo thi Tli
wagon waa sean-liHl, and all weasui were
removed. Thru la-ewa hoitai iihu the
rat, and Id hand were frved, hut hi leg
were till kept hound. The missionary
warned hi in that any attempt to free them
would result iu Hi lininiilmle execution uf
the srlltelirm.
I line iim.ii the Isn Iji lisuk nut hi writ
ing niateriala and w rot two letter, which
he eealtil and llirew upon th ground.
Then he reached duwn la-low the teal aud
ipilelly drew Ilia pliL4 from th powder
keg. Th x,wtler (lowed out Into a black
heap, with which each keg connected.
Ij then lighte.1 hi pipe and quietly
leaned hark to await the ep, ration uf the
hour. When It wa nearly up, be bent
iluwn and began to unfasten the buud
Umio his legs. Instantly iwoiialives.prang
tt him, but he raise.1 hi head and looked
tl them with ao deatlly a gleam lu Ida rye
that they hesitalasL Another moment and
Ll fet-t would ls free.
The missionary, seeing hi prey about to
rcaie, rushed Uain him, followeal hy tha
whole aaarmhlag of nativea. Ie waited
until they were nearly upon hllll and then
emptied the glowing runtviita of bia pipe
Uh,ii the puw.lrr.
A sharp cry of horror from th mission
ary was h sat iu a hurst of flam and a roar
Ilk thunder. Thru a volume of heavy and apra-ad alsiut th
scene like a thick fog W hru It hail cleared
away, trader and missionary haai both goue
to i airy their disputes to a lilghertrlhuiiaL
Only twu hlaa keneal inasaea, hanily huiiiaii
lu form, retnaiiiasd to feluiw that they had
ever lived. Of Hi nativea, i lay dead or
dying iiM,n the flehL
To this day. if Ihe traveler In that rrpun
la annoyed by t.s, curious and intrusive na
tivea, he hs Imi I to throw a handful uf po se
der into the Are to sasrurralssolutraolituila.
The last resource of the desperate whi'
man haa not I seen forg.ateu.-.-au Fran
ilacu Lhroolcla.
j TH Mukaaia "aplrll Owls.-
I Th Mohave tsrlie that all w ho di and
r not creinaie.1 are tun snl into ow la, and
when they bear the dismal screech uf on
nf th ahuve named rrealurraof th Bight
they tell you that it la Ih spirit of aunt
il.a.1 Mohatcwho haa ret u rued to advise
1,1a parople to si, hunt to I he ordeal uf lira.
W hru imi of th inhedlea, hi relatlvrw
and immediate frieii.U do nst rat salt or
wash tlieiiisrlTr for four data Their
heaven I "while mountain." They know
Dialling of bell or any plauw of punlsb
meiil rarept ' iiiemla," Ihe place w here un
li, tueraleal warrurira a re Irausorriaed lulo
1 uwla-tet. Louia ita-puhlast.