The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 02, 1895, Image 6

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    FIUDAY, FKHlirAKYK.' birthday.
The bank Nro nil rlm-d today.
Tliv l-:irl-r nlmnv ilo-"! at IhmiIi
Tl Mign:l w rvl' ran the white
ling aguiu Imlay.
Thi U Hi" I'i'S'l iiliiiivcrnury of
Wellington' biith.Uy.
Tl piiilllif wu oH-n today I
lnn'M ll.e hour of U 'I. in. und '. Ml.
Iir. liiill will I tried In I'ortlund uu
March I'uli.
The Charlcn l(l.' llramatlc Co. will
jiluy Im Fugi tie nhnrily.
Tin y nro kill! balloting for L H. nen
atom In llcliiwurc and Idaho.
It look an If tl.ut 'Vclul I ml i."
will never l.-ave fur Washington.
The H011M1 llnknla legl-Iuture Im
voted agulnl woman' nullruge.
Cbn. Fair 1 1 n decided In content Ilia
will of lil fit her, lliu lulu f-nmlur
W. M. lU-nnhiw UliitvliiK new win
dow nlgn uiiIiiI nil hi bunliicwi
II McMurphcy Im had nome neat
N. I. It It. nlgun placed In pooilliin nt
III ntlhv.
bhurtlv after innm each duy (lie In-
iilrv, ''What Im lliu new from ha
loin'.'" In frequent.
Preacher Ibid. t'10 bank rll-r. In
tend nUmllng Irlul. Innaiilty will be
pl.-udcd In d.fei.o.
Tliu h-NKKTMlic: otiitH central com
mittee U In M-wlnii nt Hiilwm. tin Hint
lent -rUli,lng Co federal officer".
Mjvnr Friendly dUplaye.l I In- Amer
ican ling nvi r hiinlnen lioux- delay
In honor of Wiihliigtuu' birthday.
Tin- lurU r r. 1 1 1 the Imputation
that II I l--iin-c lin y are a privileged
i'Ium I Ittrv cloned nl me hi liMl.ty. Tlivy
cltiim iiitriotiHtii n lli r.'anou.
tjulie n niiiiilxir of F.ugvut. O1I1J Feb
low vlitcd I In- Irving lodge lnt
uvcnlug. A luncheon wnn npicad nml
find inlc 1 1 in m liml by tin vUlt
iir. A numU-r of our clllenn will go
Hnli'iu mi tomorrow' early I ruin to
wit new the cloning nceiic of tin b-gln-lature
willed will adjourn wldi hut
few mourner.
HiiU il Joint .lull Mill hold hi rail
road agency. I'tirlli-a w inhlng to iro to
any oiii. in the rant should call on
lil in nt t lie Miuiiunota linu. lie 11
Hi I II III 111.' flgl.1.
inlcm ha loiiitd it nccennnry to re
din1 fXM'iii nncvery corner, und an
ordliimii Im Ui'ii IntnMliirwl re luo-
Ini; llii alnrv ol t It mandial, lirclo
fori' ri'diicd f.Ki.
Itrv. Mrliilurir nvw luirrh at loMh
kun In Iwlntf piilird rltflit iiIoiik, ami
It In rxM fti-d In liavu II rvntly for ori'ii
piUK'V In alHinl four wirkn. It will
M-nl fioni IV l to LIU) Miipli.
Kolxirt Km', Irnv. liiii; nulcainaii for
Mill A (illili, of.Ww Vnik, WNnntrli'k
Ml Willi purnljnln nt Allmliy lnt rvi-n-liiT.
UU ni-iivrry I douiitftil. 1 1 Im
fniiilly rvlii-n In Hmi Kr.uii-lnoo.
TIik Hiillr riirtnili lc: Willi a lw
yrr ! vii'tl nf mniinlaiitfliU'r, u
ri'M'li r n iMivlrtixl liankmblnT and
a diM'lor cniiKlit kl lnniiluK a ynilliK
ldv I'Htlriil, rorllnnd'a (nfiwliniil
mii1(' can lurvlly U i lmrrd with
All.any iVniiH'inI; Hcv. I. I. Irlvcr
l now lwllli( llli'llllonitl for the mm.
lion of rniliotnl cuiiiiiiUioiifr. lie
would ninkt' ii Unit an gnml olio a
anylMMlv, and Hint Imi't nnylnic iiiucli
fur a coinnililniicr Hint I iiot invdiil
iivi to H-nd nioiiKV.
I irnnd Mnlrr I'urkir of tint (jrnnd
IinIi;) I. O. It. K. l'nl'1 Irvine lmli; an
nflMal vliit Ut rvritliiK. ii'li of llm
KiiKi'iit hoy wviit down on a fratarnal
vlnll. Tlii'V riwil a plrannnt llini".
A II nu lunr)i wru prt'al In lint cnunH
of I hv wciilng.
'I'll follow 1 1 ac prliier writ rwclv
ih at tli -nitinliary fnmi linker
canity Monday: J II Hart, Iwclva
and a half yiara for laroruy; (.' II
Niiiiiiiti, oiio yt'nr for larccay; aad
hAiniiirrn l.aurvtr, on and a half
yearn for lunvny.
Tliu Mlalv I'lilvemlty fund In tli
liand of I lie land iMiunl nlandn: I'rin
i lpnl, ui'rlitniti iioIm, f .i7,t. laiul
imtM, tn,:iV..;(il. Total, fltl,:t.'i.Hl.
TIik auiouiil ivaliMtl fralii llm nuU of
uulvrrnltv Innd duriii the year
aniounteil to f lUlUa.
Kanler I'l ivvur IhU year on April
Mill. Hit I the Itilml ilntoon w hli'li
till fellvnl tin otviirn-d for many
yeatn. The Ute I IUimI on the II ml
hiimlny allrr llm full iiioaii, mvurrliiK
upon and after Mun-li L'lt. and limy
hapH'ii an n rnrly an Mured liJd or a
Into an April Mli, thoiiih It vert rnrv
Ir approM'tien llirne extreme. In V.4
l'jklr occurred mi Marrli iitli.
ThfK. I. I'o. Im) Jut ivimIviI from
Hip l.iMniiiotivn Work at Sclnieclady,
N. V.. Uu nl ill hca Vint locomotive
In the world. They weigh nearly '.MOV
IM) It" each, and are In In umiI on
lerp mountain Kradr. The tendrr of
each cnrrii 4,IHki kbUuii of water, and
whllldvd wltU lllel, wel-hn M.IMI
Una. The Imiler Uiranure 7 J iuclicn 111
llaliielvr, large enough for a ail foot
man to walk lhroui;ti er'l, and con
tain over Hue.
Mr Xf. K. NicUoln, of Center Me.
lichen. Iili I'latld, ret'elltly made
(.1i,ihri ,,ul of I he follow ing ailvetllna
nieut, mill of ber vlcliiu tiring a Perl
Innd man: "Vouug men, old tiache
lorn, viHiug widowern, are all luvlted
la w rile to a ynutig w I. low of height
4 feel 10 iui licn, weight I'.H liouildn.
To know in In In love me and love me
lorvvrr, fur nature made me what I
an ami never inn.lo nuch another. I
am lonely, nh, mi lonely, and want a
llctvnlly the Albany IWmocrat meu
lioned the ik.m h aimlvemary of Mr. and
Mr. ItoU-rt rainier, aged Nt and til, el
Ijltirniide. The lvlnoa Kxpreee
eompleleh cn-le Oil a a re-or J
ll ay: l lneii ran beat till rNird
hy cioi.lileral.le In the inraiuof Mr.
and Mr. l. IV'hler. Ihe rrective
arrof Mr. and Mr. Techier are WJ
an) Ini jenm. They have tneu married
yenr ainl have rt" g'and chlldrrn
an I k'i grand chlldreu. Itolh
Wraiiilpa and (iraudina Teeblvr are
bright In mind and active in body for
Oirir agv liraiidjia I'eehlrr walk up
tow a leu bin. k from bl home aud
biu k .ilile ofleu
Wil t titrt W,uni. The rotate I'al
vrniiv appn.priallon will rental o at
for Urkl twe year.
KATi'ltDAV, KKHftl'AKY IM. ' 1.01! I) AM) KM AID Mir.ri r.rly
1 luilr ,gi'I. r. lii4i;
Kx HInilll NoluinJ 1 lii bnUy. s lutrrwrwrij by a lervalh I lanra lie- wu, ,. ,wrr,t mid
Frank Klnif, f Tjciiiu, I In the purUr aud Thrjf Talk. i. rewd Ihat Fiigeue
t-1,y- I ....i - hill, r.l.,1 Ml
lllflL'IIO'l l'IU l"T m
UieOngonUii for accunliitf him of be-
I,. II. fi.r M.nnlorlul hllliur.
1'iaitiiianlcr Hunter, of Cn-nwcll, wan , i,Uitlmed alul the mat
in town i.xluy. t, , ri plied: 'llarvcy rVott can y
A lurm nuiiiler f funnel haveleii i wiml he duui iltur, aud I will lu
i rl.brai.4 la a MiTidt Wi.rtby tli
Faibi-r of otiniry.
I lev. Mn-avi'iia
arlivcl llnlliu Ihl
iu lew ii tiMhiy.
t 'Ircull court mei'le
week from .Monday.
We learn that a Ixiy'a bund will be
orfanlied In Ihla city.
Till hut Inuli a typical nprliiK duy.
Suunhilie and ram u.lcTiinting.
The lhy f.Mithall te.uiu had their
plcturci tukeii yce'.er l.iy.
J. M. Hliell.-y c.'iiue up mi thi afl--r
n.Min'n local from I'mlland.
i n r mw liml met
at the home of I- It. I.lvi imore lanl
l-Vi-lllliK to l-vkl.ran Hie onumuj . . ..ij....
MrLfvermor. Kb . .ur,.r.; Ihi city he d xcr ;J-'
!.. 1
. I trut'l
I hi. moriilng It.- .ublio M hoola of
lie luoy aiie-" , ,.ii.i
of friend ton, Ihe HIiMinou man - "
I... 4 tui-rlriiliM lliu riuiiT "
The well kBuwn in.pularity of Hie iu.iy alu-e m n
1 darn pleane.1 Tim governor Uelile
to H,l. nt v on lieiiiira candidate for I nltvl Male
; K-natur, all klaUini lit to Ihe contrary, I kI( ()f t(lH ntiivrt
'rtetnlary of Hlale Kincald aald,
whim jueilulied 111 regard to Ihe al
leged combination between lioverner
lml and other to defat Senator
llolpli, tout there wiu no Uuth ill the
report. For tlilrtm n yearn 1 have -r
i.teutly advocated free niiver.' he .aid,
und Ihe only ohjii-llon I have to Mr.
i. i. i. i.i. n.. ..... ... I i-.ii. v I have
I hiw Friendly, Ihe hn. r, lift luUi(Ul (t mlver, from iiniu-iple. and
north on thi in. .riling . .ul. 1 noi in Ihe liie of guining Mlitl. id
Ir. Ilrlvcr Jolivi.i l a Icct .rc to : prclerment by the move. I lought for
men only in 1'orlluiid tliNufturiMHiii. j ,i when reading clerk of the U h. m il-
Hon. John l.'otfnwell wa a pinncn.T ate, while K-nator Mitchell, the liiau
fr the (nlillol City Ihln moruing. ! wlm necuied me the plaiv. wan udvo-
i ii U-.....I.H ..,i j ii n.wiev f ciiiic ': ii'ir''. " r"
I nave m-iii out
Cottug", wi re iu Ihe I'll, te.iuy.
IU-V. I'. ll. Iliirnutt Weill to Junction
City yenterdiiy lor. niuln over Huudny.
)r. Ogle.hy und duiighter. Mr. II.
II. Millerd aro visiting friend iu till.
Archer llii-u left for lluuUI'urg thi
morning to ni4-iid .Siiii'lny Willi hi
pure lit.
The pile drivlnKcrew p.iiH.l thiougli
li re north Iu advance ol the I. cnl thin
A dunce wan given ul Ihe realdemv
of IWl Mill hew. at I'lea.nut Hill liml
Hun Fruii"iM-.i 1 1 ti I an iniHiiiiig
nllkret puradu III honor of Wimhtligtnii'l
Ili'puty .Mhciilt Wul lur Kukiu w a
pwncugur for polutn dow n the vulley
Ihl moriiiu.
Mr. and Mr, lieu. T, Hall returned
home from I'.irtlund on the Ciiliforiuu
expren lat night.
I'nwldi nt ChapHinii, F. M. Wilkin
nn.H Iiki. It. IVirrU rrlurne.1 from Ha
lent nu liml nlght'n overland.
Arthur Collier, I. fi on thin morulug'
lix nl for Heuttlf, W' , lift, r n vi-lt
with hi parent In Ihla city.
A Chlnu ntuldiing uIIm.v took lilm-e
nt I'ortlund vcntcr.liiy. Ihe victim
mny die. Hi un.nw.iu wu urretud.
KnU rl I'r.'itl wa acting nlghlwatcic
muii la-t night, I'ollivinuii Muthew
In-Ill); away on a trip up the Mohnu k.
Mr. and Mr. T. (i. Heu.liiik left
for '.(!:( lirove thi nfteraoou In
nMud .un.l.iy with Mr. and Mr.
Il.invlii llil-low.
Mint l(...lo r iwer. nrrlved home
on the iiftrriMtiii train fiolii Hulem,
where lie Im Ui ii tliu guvnt of Mr.
und Mr. It. t. IVnii.
Mr, liinii.r and Mr. llr.Midwny
and noli, relutlve nf Ml. S. Men. in,
an i vcl yi-.ter.tMy from Hukota and
will vill here for aome lime.
II. II. McKlulry In now at Warren,
Ohio. Ho write that the miinicul
nrhool at Ihul pluiK in ln-ltrr nuiti d to
bin Ml ti il 1. a 1 1. n ii 1 1 io one w here Im
formerly ntudivd.
School Silpi'riulen.lcllt Slevelinoll
Inform tin Hint he exHi't In huve the
ntnuding of nil iippllcnata for eel till
tatea by next Tuenduy.
Fugwue I. hImivc the hend of uavlgil
llunlhi winter. The .tinnier. Ku
gene, 1 jiglclle and llahy have nil fulled
to get over the rillli.
Walter l.uudern, n llervuin youth of
Itl yeum, lot Iw.i linger of hi I -ft
hand whllu helping a younger brother
rut down a tree, lie punhed while
hi luolher chupKd
. II. Friendly. W. M. Ilciinhsw,
licit. Fihr and 1. It. Cainphvll went
lofialeiuvn the ov. rlund ihl morn
ing. WeiipM they Intend to nolve
the neiiNtorlal iiictloii.
Henry lny write from llohiiiiin
inlui-n that he 1 enjoying hlmnelf Im
luelinely, and that lucldwiitally he I
primiMM'ting nonic. The weather, he
ntalea, I all that could Im dcnlrol.
5mIpiii I Id objective pvlnl of mil-
r.Hid travel t.Hlay on account of Ihe
cnalorlal iiictlou
l.t.lei.i, l...r .iicli hot
. .. . - I I .. l.e Vlli, rlciill
thalt-veu incir large -r -v..--"-,;-. ,,,,, ..idier. Mat.-
Ih., who couiii.,. .- .- , 1H
puM-nl nml muii ami ime
,1.1 to outdo theu weak mil ion through the trial, of
evincing their n thut dark " loreijouing " -
lull! to hold
AtM.ul lifty pi rwui
ga'rda'nd Zvi for Ihe ,..,".mI li-l- lr,t. of our now greal . imti. .... U. ...
j"tv'!:.' r?" ; . .d by .u oh..t nuttouuiiuc
llm In. I lime Veur
over .V,(J"J free liver nupplvilieliU, of
my avWKpuM.-r, llm Kug.-ne Journal,
und Mime llm June election, I huve
,'lit thene nilppleluel.t regularly low
viy in. inl r ..I Ihe I. ghliilure, three of
whom have w ritten mu thut they hud
chuiigxl their ultitiido on the money
(iii-iloii u. u ren t of rending tUtiu.
While 1 w:i at Nw iorl lat nuiuuier
Sutmlor I . 1 1 1 U wrote me under dte
ofAllgunll.l concerning the neliulol
lal millix.k. I uli.wervd bin letter
Allgiol Uth, tilling him that If he ex
n.rted to he el.-cle l neliutor lit' lliu.t
changu hi view on the niiver il n
lion, thut ll.i!. he did, there Would
he a cuiiihlnutiwii ugall.Nt linn that
would cerlu Inly cull m III defeat. I
huve not . rwi.iullv tiled to inlliuiire
any volt,. ug:iint Mr.-I)tpli. Harvey
S'ott,oflhe Orcguiiinli, hun gnly
llii.reprc'M-liied mynelf a well uu I Inv
entor In aceuli.; uaofm-iking
olllclul iipMiintmenl ill the Intercut of
of the uuli-llolph foi co. 1 have nu
dc.lre to be, a I have all Ihe i
nlllit. I waul. Two or three mil of the
fort v-twu meu who luiv Ui-u voting
for Inilph came Into my olll.-e und mid j
they did cure til vole for Dulph, j
an I would vote the other way, if 1
weiildmuke (In in promiae ornn.uru;
111. in thut olliethii.g would U- done
for lliein In return for their anti Ilulph
upMirt. I could give their tinmen,
iml of c iiime liny would deny Ihe nl-,
legiillou iftlm mutter wnn iiimiIu iih
lie' At till Jinn-lure Jouallinll
Itwurue and W. IV Kcndy entered the
their friend aud neighbor nhowered muke ami oy an
... it ..... aldiif uvim firftfillllfaMl . taVa'Il.
rx : e.;,d.7;;;k At crvi.
..warn of them ntorumd the h-.u. , ...e.,.1 In the,... I
and to their delight f-uud that their con-l.te.1 of, rccitutuu... dr k
plan, hud U u .uvf.illy arranged dialogue, und other t-xcr. ne. of a like
a id Um nurprl," wa. .h.i.m.IcIc. The ...lure. Every room 111 bolh M..hjK.U
Jl it off. i and g.-.d w llnei-medlo wacrwdiJ will, vlMlorn, and ,
g'u w 11 hem and .he hou, rung with Inter.,. ul.eU.ion and a-rf: I a. Woo-
, frum the fir.t moment of tlou of the enrcine wan aiimrei.t on
'''TI !!!uS. who had been no .!' No. i'Tl.lle ..uity ...d artl.tlo
ocremuul' Ufl oul of the la.lewaadlnplaye.1 in llm din-ornllon
weiebu.y all thin lime, however, ur-; of the rmuii", and Iu the drawing and
runglug a "nurorU-for the .uiiirln.", other work of the .tudeii n. tfuch
and at nine o'ekk the front .lr v. an wording ... "W luhliigtu.i . U.rlhday.
throw n-nand the men In "Fa. her of Hi toui.try, ''
with a lunch of .! Ir own mid an nt- Wur, Fir.l in I Vane, and In hu
tempt wua made ! nil down In Ihe Hcarl of Hi Coiililrymen. etc., were
,,,1,1,1 ,,f ihe .-rowd and It. A mo- dl-pl:.ycil in i vergn-eu lettering on the
uieitt of "i thf puit of wallnof llm vurlou r.M.ui. while Hug
tlu ludie wa followed bv a churge I were apparent everywhere. I lie
that would hiivi. il .ne credit toaregl-, pl.aniiiv mid inuair.n.iNl
iuhiiI of' Vet. run mid the me- ; by the ntudelit la ivlcbrutiug thi.
Iieofthe next liulf Ifir only cml. .1 -day couvln.-e one that pnlrlotlmn and
i .it ..,.! .t,,wu . vlmii. r.-.l wiUi 1 love of country ha a llrm hold on the
i..,,.i ... .,,i .... uiih i. Mud. li. I.I to i ri.niL' client i.m. and the creilit of
ui-UIng ldi"i while Ihev n uli. ... re- , thU, w lule In a large meiwuro due to
ever breath uugli ' l lu.t lh. ui ! the careful liintruclioii of the li-ochern,
through the remainder of tli" evening, j I mainly from the InUirii Niiitimciit
At a Into hour, lift, r bountiful n fr. h-1 mid npirit of fnrdoiu thut n?rmeate
menu h id U-eii N-rvvd, .he happy par- the tout of every child ef .Im republic,
ly broke up, w i.hitig Mr. I.ivcimorv ; No exerciM. were conducted .hi af
inuny happv rviurnn of It. r birth. lay lernooii and the m lmluni w ill have a
and a.uring the w hole fniiilly thut j it.plte from until Monday
they had given thin amiill l i I Ion of iiioiiiIii'.
their luwt of friend and well wi.hern i
one of llm happient and pleu.unlc. n nut I a I rullll.
ev.-lilng of their live. The evening I
III i,..v.r I.. rorLfuli. n l,v Hiivotm w ho I The Salem MtiittMinuil plulltlM-d Inal
wun iiifucnt. May llm wln'.le fanilly Juue that If a republican legislature
"live long and pn -pi r
A lil ir.
Lcgmluttve Note.
. niijr i.oar.l. rt-tni;ry . .'.
venerable .-crelarv' pnvatu
nml the reporter retired."
I w u 1'leclcil llicre wouiil inj u grcni
chauu'e ill the n.lmltii.tratlnu of iill'uirn.
! A republican leginlnture wu elo ted
und thin i w hut the !ttitcmmi oayn of
i it now
i "A vcl not a Mingle reform meanure
I lie houwt lian udoplcl a J-'li.l n- ,m-i leu pned by the princnl ley)!.!
lulinu f'.r the colistitiitioiial ainelid- ture.
luent ch!ini;lng the lime of ntate dec-j t a nolilary DH-ommendntlon of
lion (ill N'ovcmln-r. t (iovertmr Inrl linn Ut-n given i-olinld-
nu.leriMirg i.tii prH.ii.g to w iiii- i .rnliou.
dmw the ntnte appri'pnalioii fn.m the) No t'nlt.-d Stnhn nenutor hu Ul-n
ntate univernKy and Ou-gon Nutlonal : elected
liunrd wa lfore the wiinte during! iim !.- i-oiiiinl-.lon have liet-u
the nfieruoon.
take Ihe bill fn
a.l.lerhurg moved Io
'III Ihe tnhlc. (iowiiB
No himmIIcm law. Iinve been rcprulcil,
moved Io ludflinil lv The Noiiiii.l ivmeiit ha IkcII nllord -d
i il.... ,. I.l ... A il... 1,11 ,t L III...I . i ... I .
a,,.'. u-i,-, mi.., in wmi .-wo niii" ( ii;e Miuie m pi i-jvnem.
rw Urgent Serenaded.
hnilr ll.i:jr
I.nnt evcMlng Ihe F.Ui;elie band t.-ll-.lercl
Mayor H. II. Friendly, who I
one of llm new ly iipKiiuti-d icgent of
Ihe I'lilvemlty of Oregon, a Merennd-.
learning of 'llu-ir Intention a lur-c
llUllllM-r of elli.elin nil. I ntll.lrut gutll
cred iicnr the mayor' hun. Lome rei
den.v. After a nelec.loti or two by Ihe
bund .Mr. rriemiiy nia.le a lew wen proverbial rv.dn he nciirlv buml inloi
,-hon. n n iunrkn lo the crowil liml l.y ,,., , u-cged,tutive Hof-,
thi time Im. I congregated. He inid rr of Mlir tll vu r I,,,",,!,. Jlof.-r,
lie IIU.1 l-ri-o ... j-r.i,.. ,..,.,,.-,, hK(, U, ,fMKj ,,WMpar II.CI.. I U
warm ht-urtcd mini, but on thi prop..-.
by In-lng onlvrvd eugriwM..l nml to
third ruii.ling tomorrow'.
Semite bill No. I'll, by Met 'lung, v. n
brought up on linker' r.itl. m(, n ltd
three lime and .n..ed. It
for free frrrir. in I. fine counl v.
f'ortinnd Snu: S-d Al.niiintu. of
It.whurg, l..lplt mini . Im
ii.-nily frnutic with cief. When he
mhw llolph'n fonv breaking like the
No nevdetl lawn have l.-cn enacted,
No legi.lnlioti I.M.klngto the rr.luc
lion of laxatiutl Im Iki-ii rir.i te.l.
No mciiKiirc Inoking Iu the economi
cal admlni.tratiuu of hot. cnl govern-
in. nl tut. been given erioii coii.ld-
No relrencl.iiielit hnn Ui-n i-ll'i-cted,
nu abiine corrci-te.1, uo reform Insti
tuted." I urrlmhl rulhrr Man.
will Im leaving there an
caa carry Ihcin awny.
A niiriug oih-ii up Ihe iviutilry he-
come ulllicte.1 with l-rople who art
nellllig IllUir MMvIng deviivn ol every
decri.till. It wan alwavn llili. how
ever, and Ihe Hple xect It.
ll lutlwil a long .Inn. nil.. nnliiion
bruuglt. na high a price In the A.lorla
markrtaal the prencut lime, owing to the of Chi
nook bmIiiuiii are M-lling ut I". tu'i
cent per pimnd.
Judge Filllcrtou hnn tli-cide.1 that
Ihe f 1MI Voncalla ach.N.I IniiuI are
Illegally lasucd. They were noltl to
ni-PKuue pitriien, ami rvnol.l to .New
tu Ihe pa, und Ihnt Iu .he future he
would .(rive a earnestly to dUcharge
that triKl fitithfully a he believed lie
hud done In Ihe pat.
"It Ii t U-eii my fortune, or
u.lnfortuue," Im nni.l, "to huve lo go to
eur ntnte capitol aud lobby for nu ap
propriation nuftkicnt for the tie. d. of IliMlilutloll. I hoM-thin w ill not
lx ueccwii.ry In the future, and that
the l.-i; will try to m-c, not how
little they can give for Ihl iiiMtitutj.m,
but l.-.rn how much I nee led und
then give II." Thn-e chcr for the
new r. gout were pron-il and given
right henrily, and Ihe crowd then
broke up. The baud Imiv were pica
a. illy remembered by the mayor, who
Invited them In all oyntcr ntipper with
a lux of line cigar on lop.
Wu... iik Invkmhiaiki.. Mr. Her
mann in entitled to the thank of Ore.
goti (teople tor uttelidlng to hu.incMlu
rrfereiice Iu YaH'itnn Ib.v. A i!i. patch
Tomorrow ople 1 ' rcpri-cntntive llerinuiui in
.limn (car did not move him.
.l!jr t.iinrtl, libfinrj
Mur.hnl Kiintland hu ju.t caune for
complaint agnltut the unreliul.le pro--
innnticii.or w lm I attempting to run
l'nlly..ut... irjr .-.'. ItheWcuther nhop at I'ortlalld. For
Hki.ii ii Answ kk Win. Orilllu lii.tniicf.Mcvcml day ago e had line
and Win. Mcltev, of Full Creek, ar- i w.-uther, although the blue mill ting
rented for killing a I eifrr, the property il.mtcl to the brwe. A. ii.miii he re
of A. I. Hylund. wen-given a pri (viveda dinputcb tu pull up the fuir
nary exummatimi In fon. ; weather while llag, and In uu hour It
Wheeler Ihl ruing, (irililn wun wn raining, and ceutintied until the
held lu til i lmd to await llm n. lion ; iu6 WM rd"red up, w hen It
ofthegrnml Jury, w hile McKv wn , iti'pivd.
.Uncharged, no evidence appearing; e.terdav the weather wu. in
ngitin.t him. tirillln gave bond w itli ; tlruly natiiuclorv until the tionu hour
P. K. l-.dwnr.Unnd V. W. Hamhbarg-j wiien a fair wenlher dinpatch came.
crBn.urvtlc. The cvl.lemv lnlr.r,l.i.i i The blue ling wan hauled down mid a
by Ihentute, ahow e.1 I hut (jrltlln hud w iiite ono run up, and it wan raining
made an n.lml.Mou that Ihe animal , within au hour. Tim Portland went li
In iUeatloii hud beon running almut Vr rxtH-rt mIioiiI.I hunt u lomo other
hi plaw and he aeut word lo Hylund job. Ji, Wurnick can U-at him
to tuke her awny; and lie iml com-' gui-roing on weather,
plying, he butchered Ihe heifer and , , ',
p.-.l.lcl out the men.. The defend ; Soma A'.olutllirn!i.
did not oltcr any .cn.imnuv. ,
..ti.,,..,-.. , , i
.,1... ... L-.. ...... V ... . . . . t ii'iK'n.ii Ill'liiuiiiii-iiiii im.c
! "J. I..IK Kakin N..w.-I.a.t Ore ln.n made by (iovcnu.r Lord: llrlg.
IH.lnt n. bv .he .rv.lciilofthcl..ard t . ..'...... , . . , ...'. . n . . '"'11., I hnn I,. ItirU-; Members of
. rn r-iiniii ,ii .ii .iri , 1 1 eiiniii ir
funl ii Irniun I t'odint'd a bill providing for the up-
..f eiigiaecm.
o olU.vr. of .lie engineer eorp not
i lii. w the rank of lu uteniint colonel,
and i ne civilian, who, logel her with
Ihe chief el. giui-em, oull carefully ex
I nmiito the bur of Ya.tiina II .y, ore
I goit, w 1 1 ll a view .- rarry out lite pr
(jeel of decN-r water, and to rx-Milt Ihe
I n-ault of B.ich, with un
ii-Ml. mute ef (he cl, lo the next mu
I grenn, provided thai nuch aclcctiounf
I engineer nhall Hot In) fnuu thoe ta- on tliu I'livillc conxt. It i Her
luaiiu'n ol'i.v', if no Immediate action
can l hud by the Iioumt, to have the
bill placed lu one of the nppropriuilon
! (he F.ighth Judiclnl Dutrict to
Hoiird of lb-gent Mute Agrl. Col.,V
liciiton Krl-
the coiiulle of linker, I'nion mid
Wallow n, and hit apHiiuteil it. Knkln,
11 , of liil. in, a Judge of the new
di.trict. Court will meet here next
Monday," 1 the text of a telegram
wnl to a (irriu.le Itoudi paper by C. M.
Fiau from Ctiioit. Mr. Fakiu'n np-
1 1 Z V ju.igcnnip 10,1 M(imU,M of lH,artl f , , ()
cxpeiiiHl. It appear lo I- uniformly Stl.lier'n H iiiim l-'or 1 v..,ir i' ll
naiUfnctorv to the bnr In I intern Or.: f?. ' A ..... ., r I J..1'1"'
goti. Not one unfuvornble ron.inetit
ha. lat-n henrd and .puite generally the ( (u,,
prm ha expr.ed a winli for Mr. ' 1
Fjtki.i aehiiion. J. I, lUndwn:
h. ati-.. H. II. Miller,
ll. r and Hiinicl l'r. itch.
M. inl. m of Hoard of Kog.'iiU, State
1'nlver.ity: A. lliinli, rt. I'. Hurgi,
S. H. Friendly. Kcgenta Mate Nor
mal Sch.Mil at Monmouth: A. Noltner.
o. F. I'axtnii. It. gent Normul ScIkm.I
We.loit: W. li. Lynn.
! Ormnby, II. F. Alley; for '1 yean, Win.
itllllownv. !. 1'. to tier noli, tlnrrv
- . j
York owum, and .he rtm. lut. rent in- bill now iieiiding lu the M-nnte.
tallilieut ban tn-en iaid. I .
The Fortnightly Club held a meet
tug at S e'cl.M-k Ihl afteraooit. There
wa a g.nHl altuiidaure an I tome mat
ter of Importance which came up I na
ture the ch.h at ttie lat nierling wore
Uing miinldereil.
Itoeotiurg lieview: A. t). O. bur it I
A Nkw Mi:ritoii. Traveler oil the
Soil! hern Pacific ny.leui U l ween Situ
FrnncUco and rorilaud. If they nre
obM-rvanl, will notice that Ihe old
funhlnued nytein of hnviug a Lil cord
reaching through lit entire length of
Ihe tialu hit Invu done away with coul.lcn-d for the uu
litiou. Mr. John, of linker City, w n
a candidate and oine other were
(ulked of.
The Alii 'Hn. of Tiun.
haviug the Langeiilnrg building re-irv""Jr " ir " paiwliger
jlnti. aud refilled timidc, preparatory I iimIH. are now nu cUippe. with extra
to getting In hi new ntock of go. v. I.
He will carry a WH-lal li-ie of dry
good a wt II a Ihmi and ill .-
The ft.lling tleet ou Ihe lower Co
hllllhi Will be augmented IhUneami.t
by eeveral new hnMi and a couple of
uaptha tender. The varioti cnituer
le of today are far III advamv of w lint
they were a few year ago, and II will
he the in.nUrn canuery uf the future
that w lil make aaiiton wckiiig a pro
fitable huniucna.
t he n.-gnlalor had at. nil I ". ton of
air compliance fr
glue, the Kline u I
nignalling the en
In uc on eastern
The (ax roll tiirneil over tu .he alte r
Ifl'for collection nhow the following
amount due:
Amount county, Mate, poll
and nehool 100."9.!0
iiv s 'IL'IUM
.. llH.HT.i)
each car ceil nectn ..paratrlv with lb
air and thence with the engine, and
under thi vlci ii it l n cay to nig
ual the engine fmin ttm nnrcaro(a
long Irani a frum the o: f next to the i
FiiKiunriN.1. W'e,ne.dav'Corval.
II lime: "The tiam,.lx fit nuniU-r.
'ri,'T'ly ufterii.nin.and left SeUVl iitrloV!
. nr me l-ouiu lltllll 111.
ui-rn!ig. They found the road in ;
goed condition and Marled put with !
Mad on which they ran make g n.d Till: lUsuc-A very g.xnl orowd
, ,,,,n iiuir. ion leautn wa III aneiiilatirri nl t,u I,. H ........ l.
' at itteir arnory lat
The TI 1 1 1 j - Wn. w 11...,
ayrup. I ha. I roticr brought up S, m and the ll.n.r wa In It u.n.,1 ,i
condition and the merry crowd of
young loik ini.n,t the "light fa lit a
in u on eiolorn ! ..,,,,.,,1 i .., .....i . " .
The cr l rea. hi.ig through r. -.. . . ."" T. "v, 1 "My
lb on hi. wageu.
Ax Oiii i.oK IWt .-From a Idler h
ielvcl iy hi father we Irani that Ar
thur I. oi II ha. Iku olh-red a .nl
the ilelin.Upnt lll w ill not he a large
a mauy would nii.e It might In
.hiring the prevailing .iiiiut time.
The total reeipt un lo l.i.l cvrnliii?
iurg.iil itiurml.ty, nay I tie Palle 1 1.011 ov ill AH-vini I nn .0 go lu 1 amoeiu.-., to .. 01. 1 tie n.vipt
1 linen, .vinuiiia.iiecr, w turn waa caught l"r 'i" aiian i.ian.m a i-orrwMti.- 1 w.eri ay ntie 1 up n , 1 ... I lie I
on urn mi. 1. li river, ihi ,,,u- lie na a.wpti .1 and will
ha .leveloM.I cunalderahlv Iti llm alertly for that id hv. Siuceltl
vicinity diirtof ttie ial lew latonth. 1 train al Manford he hnn ln-en for lh i ' tate, cUo..I aud i-miut v. tt.'SM it
and meu are eug-tged lu catching grater rt of hi time editor In-t-hlef 1 for cili, aud F',T.ll.uJ fr dmlilct.
turgeii from the vicinity of hl city ul '!" All" W'e.-kly, a pPr
to the lock Oil the lower river Ihl publt.he.1 by Ihe nludeula of tbat I';.; '.u:4. rVI-ni.rj .
inviee of an eery Mnv, and chod. Hi iiiany friend here will lie j Sl.ln in t.V Fai KTIoI s. A well,
lltey generally congregate In deep glad to hear of hi gimd luck. j known in.-mU-r i f Ihe twr ef al. 111 w tu
plai eawt of lh faw-ade. anke.1 V 1 U :dav w bet h. r or Uol ; ! e let-.
I 1 . BW Km. . 1 I 1 I
.4v., .v.-Wj It KII. r lllll 1 IT'itlav-i.-f I.... I l.i
r . - a .. . .
. a i i r 1 i ur iii I it ial i . i... . 1 ' :
wk tax ivltei-tion. have ln,n rom.n,' Wa lug io, 'nil X.. ti
pn-ae.1 wtlh the evening mih-iiI. It
1 l I hoped the compnav will
iiuue 10 give a aerie of dance.
mih,. - ,-. .""..-I uiriii ... 1 ue io- .,.,1 (ii
1 Ivavr t.l ....u..l of t iMllect.,1 1 to U- 1rM ,
I en- 'fll.U. ''- Of thi amount flm .ivi . , ,,
ui 1. .-... ..i... .1 . . . ' . in '
Mahmiaiik rawiTw. Sii.iv ourliui
rert County Clerk Jetmingn ha I
U..I inrntlt to w e1 an follow : nxv
id ( haii.lwrUIn and I .aura Coat
William I. Wallacw and Kl:ta Mcl-Iry.
Fl CaTII k - ALut 2 o'cloek thi dav. It l?iinr the niinn. iurv .,r VV..I.-
arti rno..ii f M Young drove M fine lugtou birth and a iioii-Ju.inial day.
ntall fe e-xtilu ov, r from Hie farm and ; II repheil by naving, "nui k an oe
evlui il. d them to the iple or. the j alon w ill not interfere with Ihe law
Mtnt-tM. It t one of the rlui-nt buu.-hi- niakern; the b-gi!aturv I ueitlmr a
of entile we have ever mru. 'judicial nor J lii.-i vi Ulr."
lUtMMi Fl A. The Portland fin.
nce.1 Oil Comi.anv exnerivmi'd n
necuriMg fariimr .0 guaran-
o many acrv of llm. ,vt
the repeat of neveral tanner In Uil
viiinlty kl Ivinger wrote the coin
pauy in regard lo contracting for flax
need, but rvclvc.l a rvplv that thrv
have already contracted all they can
nan.iie. owlitgtethe low prii of
w Inat the lat year or two, the farmer
.are willing to grow anything that,
I.Mlge l. O. o I- will give a ball In
I i ' .. ,ir!-'' rr"'.v yfiilng,;
palljr ijuanl, February ?.
Sale u l'..t: Last eyening'i
Journal r iy that thu liou votej
to remain in e iBioii until March
lt. Thi newt will not be relished
hy the country. Notwithstanding
the fact that the members will rc
ctivo .10 pay after .Saturday, yet the
ljjile would prefer that the ne.
ei.,:i should clone and the members
go home. The country s sick of
tliu wranglo and thu donothing
Kilicy of the majority. You have
already been eix weeks in session,
mid you havo done little tor the
H'0ilo. Itisuot likely that you
will do any better for the next two
weeks. You are incapablo of doing
any good. You had better adjourn
anil go liomc.
You have been uieeting for six
weekf, and not a commision has
Ix-cn abolibhed, not a salary re
duced, not a board dono nway with,
not an exjnse IenrencU. Ou the
contrary, bills have been intro
duced demanding ai.tropriation,
and many have been introduced
creating new commissions. If the
M-rnion is extended, it is more than
likely that some of these bills will
Ui acd. Gentlemen, you had
better adjourn and go hamo. The
country does not want your ser
vices even for nothing. You are
dear at any pri -e.
Let tho gavel fall for the lat
Mr. llofer ofTired ait amendment
that no committee clerks will be
rutained except on engrosied and
enrolled bills. This was well
enough as far us il went. 15 ut it
won't do. The chief clerk and his
a.itu!it.i, are drawing from T.oD
to tl'2 it day. This will eat up
too much money. The people won't
stand it. Their wages saved will
be worth more than your services,
judging from the past. CSentle
men, for heaven's sake make a mo
tion to adjourn, sine die.
Kven if Mr. llofer's amendment
passes there will be a ho.-t of en
grossing clerks to be paid. The
taxpayers can't afford a continua
tion of your labors. They aro
afraid to allow you to work for
nothing. They aro anxiously
waiting to hear the g ivel fall for
the last time. They have become
sick of your tactics. They are glad
that the end approaches. They
know that the result of your labor
has been bad. They thank God it
is no worse. They do not want you
to remain a day after the usual
time expire. Gentlemen, move
that the house do now adjourn.
The pcoplo long for the tap of the
gavel. Don'tdisappoint them. Go
home! Go home and joy be with
you, now and forever, amen.
The days of the steam engine as
a leading motive power are num
bered, and electricity will take its
place. When the era of good time
cliall return, which w trust is not
far oil, millions of dollars will he
profitably invested in developing
water powers for transmitting elec
tricity, and the whole country will
be a net work of wires carrying
lower for purposes now unthought
of. Klectrio railways will crons
and recr.ifs each other and the
farmer will no longer lead an iso
lated life, but will have all the
comforts of thickly populated com
munities. The in the use
of electrical power has just begun.
It will progress with gigantic
strides. Its influence will be felt
even in the reforming of the habits
of our people. Ibe younger cen
eration, now in school, will later
on, utilize methods, which arc now
looked upon as vissionarv. The
comforts of life will increase and
labor will be lightened. Electric
ity will be a factor in materially
advancing the human race and
making life happier.
What a s neclacle is that of a Eu
gene merchant hauling potatoes to
Corrallis in winter on a wagon
road that parallels the Southern
I'acitlc railroad! The wagon will
return loaded with freight. Is it
any wonder that hard times exist
when a railroad levies a toll thai
makes it possible tor wagons t )
haul freight over our bad winter
roads in profitable competition?
Yet tho legislature has wasted the
entire session threshing senatorial
straw, apparently never paying
any attention to the gigantic mo
nopoly that throttles the industries
of Vetern Oregon, charging every
possible cent that traffic will bear.
Many of the members were elected
on distinct pledges Ix abolish the
railroad commission and enact a
maximum freight and fare bill.
How will they answer their con
stituents? There is a republican majority of
54 in the legislature which ad
journs tonight. So far as tan be
learned at present they have not
r - .1.
aepi a single pledge maae ty me
liartv lant June InMlai.l nf'redu-
cing the expenses they have been
: 1 . . . . . 1
incrraseu. now will tbey, wun a
Ion tr lint iif KmUn .'. tn their
(7 -'. t'tnvagv -
credit, f.iee the people at the next
e'eotijli? 1 '