The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 02, 1895, Image 2

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A Clever Counterfeiter's Way
ot Making Money.
He etree.lea le Well Thai All Ike
ftaak. af aelaee l.aaalr Teaa Ihe
frail art of III Mlel - llrll.ieal la
late air. rale.
Hi Fki.iim.i. February 21. In-U-c-ti
v llama of Ilia I' in to I Slab- aecrel
wrtice returned from Huiiun to-day
ith the plantof (nomii MotiU-lhauiu,
counterfeiter who aa raptured at Yal-
lejoa week ago. MoiitelUum, lio la ! nri 'M'I J' recrlpta a ill euwl
Sicilian, mad a counterfeit that all ll.a , "'" lii'ii"e..
aaa-ratar C arllale 1 alalia lla ahaeM
llaa Mara aelherlljr,
WianiM.rox, February 21. Secretary
CerlUI to-day acnl reply to the arnatc
rreolutiori inquiring whrttirr "it it nar-
eaaary or drairahla thai legislation
ihould be lia'l authorizing tl iaauing of
bond, treasury note or other lectirilie
to raaliia money for tha purpura of
paying riirrrnt drnVi.-ncir in Ilia retrain-."
I lia aerrrlary aavi lis doe. not
conaidrr iiii It authority now ne. r.iary.
Ilia communication la aa billow i
" 1 ti rali balance in the treasury at
the cIom of biiaiiica on Ilia th iliat.,
eicluaive of I V, 1 01.70 1 gold reerrve, a a
"It li my opinion tint the arcrrlarv
of the trraatiry criitf lit to la t-riimli-n 1 1 v
Invr.ted aitli tlia ullionty to Uaua
liorl tunc bond, or other obligation of
tlia government for tlia purjKrre ol raia
I n If moliry to Inert a ll Ji deticirncle in
Ilia ordinary revetinra aa muy occur
from liiii U tuna; hut 1 do not think
Ihrre la any iiece..ity at tlia prewiit
time for the exrrciae ol m il ailthontv,
if It rxiitrd. It ia prolabla that im h
deficit, ine. mill occur luring the rr
Iriaindrr of the riirrrnt ilwai yrar aa
ill exceed tlia available balance, on
hand, aii'l It ia ratimat.'d that during thr
rropohfil Aiiroiriationi
J'ulilir lin(rovi'iiifnK
hanki of Solano munty took without
lla aelected a rahin frw mi Ira from
Suiaun on the liile of a gulch ami ro
pared a cava on Ilia other alofai of the
ranyon for Ilia workahop. Tlia cava aaa
Uillii'ult of kitm, and tlia entrance a M
ao arranged that it oull liar barn
hard to Uml It even if out had known of
ita exiatence. It aaa reached through
hola, allien lia'l a llil mrerrd with radii
ami graae. I lia rava hal Inrnai-e ailli
a i himnry, tha outlrt of which aaa In a
clump of hi null. The counterfeiter aa
ao careful in Inn work that ha did not
ten keep hia plant In lha raa. Whrn
ha hal done aitli tha tonla ha took lha
inolili and inrUI ami buried thrm at
dillerent point, an I alao buried In,
counterfeit money. Thia aa ao abun
dant that llarria brought hark 70 in
miliiiitlinl ilnllar , ilarlrrc ami ilimra.
A ha of tha 'lull" aa foiinl at Ilia
fool ol nrarly rvrry IiiirIi nrar lha virin
ily of tha rava. Kour ilatr-of-iaria
motilila of Una maka vara Ion ml aitli
tlia lallaa ami mrtal. Tha iiitniiml
oxl aa aiitimoiiy, tin ami iniiKlaaa.
I lia molila complrlail tha roina avrn to
tha in 1 11 1 tr. ami lha pirrra nmlxl only
poliuli aii'l a nlvrr hatli ami Ihrn thry
rra rrany wurrriva avrn an rrrt.
Mniilrlliaiiiii aa lila-ral villi tha
proilurt of. hia mint, lla loa! hia nionrr
at iNikar ilhout murmur ami pant
hiyli pi m i for Nilami provimoin ami
llilor llll irooil vrat-). TIioiikIi Moil-U-IImiiiiii
rkl aloiin, it la llioulil ha
hal aiTomplii'va to anl him in nn-iilat-IliK
Im ipiiriom nlvrr. Tha an-rrt arr
viva lirtrctivra are now on the trail of
Tim IflUr ia an-riitnl in tha arnata
aa havitiK a ilirio t hrarinn u r thr
aiiirii.liiidit to lha nimlry civil lull pro
poar hy lha arnala romimttaa on ai
pioprialioiia iroviliiiK '"r ixia of
-rrlillralra of imlrhtrliir. Many am
alora who havr nivrn thnr aKrnt to
tha ainrinlmrnt haa iilaUil from tha
la-tfinriliiK that thry wouM airrra to thr
proposition only uion the itirn t rviirt
of tlia arrrrtary for aurh action. Tina
haa hrrn rpr'ially true of tha ailvar
laa l'rIH. far m. Haa4ra4 Mllllaa
llullar la I rrlinrataa af Ia4aalrl
aa far KrNrl.arl. tval Una
aa4 Kallara far HalMlaaa.
WtaiimoMi), Keliruary 2i. The full
rriate i-ommittee on appropriation ih-
i nlnl to rrjort an ainemlinrrit to the
iimlry civil appropriation hill for f ItMI.
QXJ.OUU in i-rrtitiiatra of imlrhtnlrim of
Irnoinination of JU to run for laoyrara
ami draw 3 rr irnt intrraat, and be
lfl only for the purpoae of aupjilyitiit
the trranury dellrirncy. The prooai
tion in the hill rt-pralliiK tha law for thr
iaauani-a of gold rrrtillcatri la itrii ken
out and the follow iiiK aihlud aa a proviao
to the approfiriatuin for priming1 ami
ma-raving :
"That h'-rraltrr no portion of thia
Blllll khall lia ririrriilr.1 fur i.riiilinu
A aaa l aartala W aa taaaailllaal aalala)
llaiaar Taaa lla
f AX Yuxst m o, T Uuary 20. TI
(irruiao bark I'aul larnljaric ha arivnl
from llonoluio with tha flrtl mate in
cuinmand. The bark Irft Han frani ix-o
about a yrar airo with Captain lilrt in
rominand bound for I lain burr. On tl
toyatreonaof the tailor, ai ao mal
trratrd by the captain and inata thai he
uitil. liotli mi'U wrre arrrtrl in r
many and charirisl with manalaiiirhtrr,
The eantain. allrr hi tirrliiniiiarv rx
animation, wa allowni hi lilrrty on
bond and prriinllr-l fi make a voviirr
to Honolulu wiiii ina inp on romliiion
tliat he would laka the aame ptiiiirh
inrnt uisrn tha mala, who would rr
niain ami mund trial. When the bark
rra4'hrd Honolulu a Irttrr aaa harnl
huu by the iirrinan conaiil inforiiiinu
him that hi partnrr to the rruiia haI
liran ariitriicr.1 to rii;ht yrar inipriMin
inrnt, ami ha MioUmI ivnauli-r lillnx ll
rouvirt. Ifalhrr tliun arrra a arnlrn
on hi" rrturn loltrrmany ha conimitlt
uirnlr, ami the lirat mala look loin
mand of the bark on hrr voyage to San
rite Mlaara Klllrd aaa ail Nariuaalt
Aaiii..ii), I'a., f rbruary 20. An ri
ploaion of Ka which will probably rr
I nited Mat noire or trraaury notea of nilt in the ib-ath of at leant rlrvrn min
luryrr denomination than thoMt that
may be cam ele.1 or rrtirnl."
i ha won! i iik of the hoii-r proviao ai
propnatii g IIM.diu to carry into rlfi t
rri, occurim at Il:oU tin inortiiiiK III
the Writ lirrri'Ua mine at the Mahoiiry
plant, hive mrn havr brrn takrn out
Mrarure af
2I.-A ra.
raarvil Mrilh lha
Tkat Wartlaa.
Atiixti, tia., Frbruary
ar i iiiiminaiit in Wavrrlv Hall lii
Irict in llarria county. The nryniee of
that aniion hnva rrcrntly arourd tha
impii-ion of the whita prople by aacrrt
athrnnxi late at tiixlit and lalrr by
making orn tlinati. Tmday (inventor
Atkiiiaon rnaivnl It-tier from T. II.
KimbroiiKh, chairman of the nectitive
coiiimiltea of Ilia fourth ruligrriHiioiml
lialrict. In tin Irttrr Mr. KimbroiiKh
Mated that the only thing which baa
Tined o deter the iiivnx- o far haa
Iwn tha fear of the military mmpant of
iiarria, ine uuniiiii ina.p. Iliala pre-
iltamriit wa made to dv V .
tivem-M of tha military ''"'' ' of h.!2
v. I by lha fac t M,Mwl ",l
romvrtisl arranitrmriit wa made to
trot tlia i-il
coin pant, he aava,
Ihal during lliararly iiiorning hour of
f eburarr 14. the houae of Captain J. s,
(.'lark, the commander of the I. onion
troop, the place whrra lha arm, aabrra
and ammunition ol thia nmipauv were
atorr.1, wa art on lira, ami tov'rt hrr with
il mine rontt-nta wa deatroyrd. To
bring lha incrmliarir lo juatice Hie gov
ernor i aprahl to to oiler reward (or
thrtr capture. Tha uluation at prrarnl
dia- mil warrant the aemlmg of other
Iriajp lo lha acriia, but further develop
ment are awaited with conaiderahlr ian
raainr in the governor oltlce. tint-
erinir Atkiiiaon at once took tha mailer
up, and lha reward will be nllerad jual
aaxainaathe parr can be proiirrly
made out.
Ilamaallr t'ararallna Thai ! t.
raallt larurMiralal.
Oi vmiia, February 21. Articlr for
the following domratic i-ornoration
have bran lilrtl in the oMice of m rrtury
oi Piair ;
I he t atahlo l.umU r Company of
Skana; capital, .lo,IXl; ;',taaj aharr
ol fl raid; uictrarattr, S.iilnl.lrn
II. M. i.ImI.I. ii. V. T. Moll. I'. C. Kr h
ami IJiarlra liurimti-r; to mirage, m
liimlirr liualiicaa.
'I ha I'alnuaai I'uhliidiing Company of
raioiiar; capital, il.'.Kio; .Ml aharea of
l-Alrau li; imtiriraUra, illiaiu I iinal
year, deorga N. I jtmiihere an-t K. II.
I'hphaiit; to .lo a iitililialnng huaineaa.
f-avonelle Manulacliiriiig Company of
."cattle; capital, .il.(l), ;l,nm aharea
off 10 each: incorporator. A. J. Tour-
villa, W. II. Coui li; to maiiufatura ami
deal in mm p.
The haikana Kalli A Northern Hall
way Company ha incrraard Ita capital
ha k from .'..riiP.(lJ to .'.M'J,(XI.
Tlia Thralrical Mn-hautc' AaMM-ialion
of Tactima, organized lor la-m licial pur-
San foil Mining Company of Seattle:
capital, It.rVkl; V aharea of lJ ea. li ;
imtirporatora, K. J. Itarnard, John C.
.vloora ami John 1 1. Atkiiiaon; torngngr
in mining.
Ainrriian Coal Compniiv, of Seattle;
capital, MXI.IMI: :l.UXI almre of IHI
riich; llicirHralora. Kre-lernk Nulla,
I'. t. skyen, Alfir.1 Mvera, Waller A.
Hurlrigli, jr., mid l.rorge K. W right; lo
rnuaga in mining lor coal, iron ami
oiln r imm-rala.
the lliteralMle coinmercr law la changed and aomr m, lerioin-ly iiijurnl that
aa lo prolulut the ue of more than
.il,tJ m the rn.ploy of oomiarl. A
grnrral enai linent in lira of thr act of
lilW it made i-oncrrning the inner of
railriavl land gram. One fund of f'.
UU I appropnat.-l for llin purpoae ami
made loiitiiiuuig appropriation. The
boiiar proviaion making the appropri
ation for river ami liarUn itnmnliati-ly
available ia itrickan out. Thrriitirea
propnation madn by the bill, a re
a.rte.l, i Hl.Mti.lVi, an uirtaim ol
621,421 over lha total of the houan bill.
I lua im rea-r iloi-a not im ludw lha Jii,.
ooo,ian raumaie lor paving tlie mgar
ixiuntv caima.
In the a I w nre of Senatir Culloin the
colniiilttea divi-liii oil thr profawitioli lo
pay nan ol Hie lamiity on augur lor thr
year In'.il, aa aiithoruol by the Mckin
ley law. 1 he nun to be appropriated
lor Una purine :a ulamt lii.mii.tajii.
Seventy llioiiaaml doilura i anpropri
aleil for proixmed huildlliga at Chevemie,
Wyoming, lloiae City, Iduho, an-1 il. I-
ctia, .MonL
Agalnal a Hl-
their live are deapaired of. roilowing
I nit ol tlie Ura-I an.l aenoiialy ni
jurrd :
iH-awl I'eter Kline, JoM-ph rill.
Thomaa lurlin, liernard Head, I'eter
Srrioiialy injurnl William Minnicli,
Willum I .oil, Anthony Mevera, K.iwai.l
)vja, John Ijiuey, i Ilium I'avi.
l-a.ea (iiraa aevrral oilier miner
were hailly burned, hut a la hoped thry
will recover. A gang of men were en
gared in driving an air conrae when thev
l.rnke tlirough into a hren-t coiitailiing
a la'te volume of ga. Thi wai im
ineliately igmtnl hy their lamp and an
eiploainti followed. Niine of thu tleiul
were huriird M-yond m-ogtiition. The
nine u a: ill on lire.
What llr. Mrllaalala Baw af lha allrgrd
Tartara ul t'aalala liatlra.
S Km m in, n, Kabruary 21. Ir. W,
II. Mclaniel,who wa in Honolulu dur
ing the recent rrU-llion, aayi that there
ii no truth in the ilatement that Cap
taiu William lavice, of the iteanu-r
Waimaiiolo, waa tortured by Hawaiian
ollicrr to ettort confi-Mion from him.
Il wa puhtlahrd that the Captain Wa
liuiig up l.y the thumbe until i told
imporiaut ret ol the n lirl.
II la a lie out ol w ioU ' ..1.1
lr. Mcl'aniel, "and anyone who know
anything about lha way allaira 111 Ilia
laiamia am coinlticttHl or ha any concep
tion of the policy of the govrrnmeut,
take no liM k in the atorv. 1 waa in'
Honolulu on buaineai during the a hola
rroriiion, ami Irt.m my kiiowlatlga of af
iair an.i me ulliciali i know Ihal inch
a thing could not have occiirred. It n
me nu r ol rraai.lrnt ISile and tna ad
tiarratokerp aa far aa,lr from
any ipiarrrl Willi ontaida nation and
irlicularly the Tinted stale, ol which
( aplain I'aura ia a citiirn."
lha Kla rl t'aaal.
rn u, A. T., Krbruary 21.-Arrangement
ware to-lay rr(rctal where
in a h.-avy firm of Miiiiicapolia contrac
tor wilt within thirty day itart work
lin the long-pro j.ite.1 l;io Ver.le ca
nal, a rwr voir tmiject which i Ul In
volve the riirmlilure ol U.I.UJ and
thecoiialructioii of two hnga dam on
tlie Verde nvrr and rightv nulea o( ca
nal. Two hundrvd thouaand a. n-a of
larlile land in the northern part of Sail
nvrr valley are lo l irrigated, Ida
amy liring rarcially iuitr.1 for the
gruaui 01 ciirm iruita.
lUmiaaa'a I'aHalnH lull llrurlril la
aura lilt.
Wamiixoiox, February 21.-The lione
iiiniiniltee (in (iviiaioui voted to-day lo
favorably riirt llcprcm-ntative Iter
mail a bill lo am. -ml the a t of s.i2.
granling peiiaiona (o aurvivor of the
lo IM2; alio Ihal
Hurt v data or more in
everal oilier ware Will be iienamnahla
ai ine aaine rale, anil llieir w nlow al
in war rmliiai-l In lha prom-d
aiiieiiiiinem are ine lollowing: II
rlorula and denrgia Sruiiuoln Indian
aarol MM-l; the lever river Indian
aar ol 111 S'.'7; the Sal.iue In
ilian iliatuiliancra ol ls.ii. ;l7; tha Cay
.- an war 01 i -,; ma lexa
aim ,ew .lexicu Indian war of 1HIH V,
lha California Indian dialurhamv of
ini ii.'; i 1 tali Imlian iliatiirl.anc.-.
ol l-vxi-.M, ami Die Oremui and
mgtoii territory Indian war of ls-M to
ini, inclunve.
ralaa Ktlitritra l.lvra
II ix in Cm, February 20. A uliar
cane waa riiti-rrd in Hie circuit Court to
day. It aaa one in which a man bv the
name of Jaine ChamlH-rlaiii, who live
on upiH-r Iliirnt river, in thia munlv.
waa accuiM'd of the larceny of a culf.
The wiliieaae for the atate, live in liilin-lM-r,
were all relative ol the airnl
and it wai thown bv the defenae that
llir tratimoiiy wa falne bevoml qilea
lion and g vm lor the puraiae of . tid
ing CliaiulH-rluin lo the -iiitentiary lo
gi-l rid of him. The caw waa iiihiniiti-il
lo lha jury without argument and tln-v
promptly remlcied a verdict of not
guilty. It now turn out that Harvey
l.amaaler ami M. V eager killed the calf
and 111 the endeavor to mix Chamber
lain up in the matter convicted them-
aelve. I.aiicaater pleaded guilty, and Tha Jury la lha ... ..r Hanker I
aaa aeiiience.1 u aerva riglitern molitha
III Salem. i eviM-, ted thai the grand
jury will Uml a bill agaiuat Yrug.-r U-
(ore It a.ljourii. Veager and Ijiiicaater
are nrotin r inlaw tot hamhrrlain.
ahrltlrlil-ltatla t'aaa Oralarvil la Ha lla
alorafl. Ilnixv, Mont., F brtiary 20. The
ii.reme ujiirt decided to day that Har
riet f. shellield anl Frwin I'avi, the
niece and brother of Andrew J. Havia,
the lluttn millionaire, may conteat the
will 011 the ground that it wa a forgery
and revoked by oilier will.
II. A. liool and Maria Ciimmingi
niite-te.1 the will in l.iUI, and altera
ix week' trial at Unite the jury disa
gree. I. The I:. ait conteat waa "n-1 lor
hearing July 24, lsn.t. However, the
litre i-ontirini-d by agree
ttie Miellielil-llavii caae cal
colli, al were not for trial and the
caaa waa iliiuiM-d. A motion to art
aaide the default wa overruled and an
apnxl w a taken to the atipreme court,
'lha care waa will inatrnc-
noun ui reaiore me conti-ar, hr again
i;:,cM Ailvioeaorilie Wai JUi
Wai Knjraimnt.
Admiral tarfiaalar aya lha I 'leal aad
farl Han aarraadarail, aa.l lha
erala Hate Oiled Ihaauaaltaa.
The green produce market i in rood
hape lo receive full mpply from
California, almoat all which came by
the laat 1 learner Laving cleaneJ up. price ruled. Country produce
i arriving freely. F.-gi are again on
the dow n w ard march. Sale were made
at 14c. The grocery bit i unchange.1.
W'AriiiMiT'ii, February ID. The ec-
retary of the navy to-day received the
following d.rpau-li from Admiral Car
eiit-r, couimandiiig tlie Anatic rijiiad'
ron, date-l Che Foo, February I'l:
The ( Inline llet-t and the Chin, fe
iiland fori at Wri II ai Wei, China
have lurreiiderrd. The Chiueae ailmira!
and the Chinraa griieral corumitti-l
uicide. Have lent the I nite.1 Stater
iteaniil.iu Charleiton to watch the
Pi i-1c11 raoM wxi 11 t wi.i.
Yokohama, Febraary 111. An ollicial
li.-puUli from Wri ilai Wri, tearing
late of febraary 1:1. baa Iwrii retene.
here. It lUlri that in reorie to the
ot'er ina-le by Admiral ling, the I hi-
neae naval commander, to mrreti-ler hia
veaaeli on condition of amneatv Iwing
granted. Admiral Ito, nuiimaiider of the
apaneae force, demanded tha naval
atoiei I turned over that i Wedneadav
morning. The I'luueaa mcarciiger w ho
coiiveve.1 tin demand returned to Ad
unral Ito and inlorimsi him that Ad
linral ling had Committed auicida the
glit of f ehruary 12, and that hi re-
afxjfiall.lli t v had been trAiirferred to
I aptain icClure, lormerlv the captain
ol a llritlah merchant ver-H-l, who
b-rn apauiilel by the Chtm-ar govern-
lit aa aaaiatant lo Admiral Ting. Ad
miral Ito, at the time the dli.atcli war
received wa conferring with Capta.n
A iliapatch dated Febriurv 14. from
Fa-Id Maohal Ovama. wh-i 1 111 com
mand ol tne Japancae military lone at
Wei Ilai Wei, uutioum-r that I'apUin
McClure itirreiidered the t hinere on
land and in a. He alao announce that
luural 'ling and two other olli.err
ommittrd ruicide after addrci-ing al.'t-
ler from the llagahiii accepting the -Ihp-
aneae demamla. The Chine- noldierr
garriwuiiiig the forta on the inland ol
l.i 11 Kung l io, the laat of the dclcli-t i
f Wei ll.ii Wei to hold out airiinrt the
Jupaneae, and the rail or of Him Chiueae
II. t were to be taken Ivro d the Ja
aneae lines and liberated,' while the car
lured ollicer and other forfiguer would
tw cotivryeil away hy ihip before they
are given meir iiucrty.
A dirpati'h from deneral N'oiu, cuu
niander of the Firat Japan. i-e armv iu
Matichtuia, dated February lii, iavi that
I.'i.Ukl Cliinex- with twelve gun at-
r. eiii' .n.l I '" Hi Cheng troni the Tao Yang,
Mr I ThaJ i N,M l l''"f "d Jin Koa rmda. They
nei. 1 near -.... 1...1 1 1
Hhral Marhrl.
Tie locul wheat market il at very
low-ebb ao far a trailing ia concerned,
and the nine will apply equally well to
price. There 1 icar.'ely any demand,
and isolation are alinort wholly nomi
nal. For export ptirpoaei Walla Walla
wheat ii worth 40'..c ier buahel, and
VaKcy "' 77'-.c per cental.
r- w
est ions anil
'iVnJ to I'n.lif.
Aa lalaraallna r aiirrl....... ,..
. ... ,M t-
B""i-A Amii-Ki.,,,
rru.lura MarkaL.
Fuit a I'orllan I, Salem, (M-a.lia an I
I'aylon, are ipioU d at f-.M er burrel ;
loi.idrop, 2.; snow Hake, I-.3"; Iten
ton county, i2.:iii; graham, l.'.l') i2.:i;
mpertilie, II. '.al.
Otrii inarl while oat itiuttl (inn at
27" mi, ling, 2;i -i.'hk-; gray, 2iia27r.
h'iile-1 oat areiiiut-d a lollowi: liaga
A.r'Kijij.OO; harrcia, aii.Uii.Mi.25; iei,
f.i 75.
llvUI.XV Fee.1 barley, Ik! . d per
cental; hrewing, h0..iivc r ceiiul,
act-ordmg to uiiaIiIv.
.Mu.ij.ri rra than,
.t I-
" ! l.i
a. .
1..-H.II.. I .. " I
. p .,.., u
. ! fanrnrn Ntitr.
From Ihe prtxilinifi of ri -
..! a. " "V
iora rarinei., an organiali,,,,
men alio play at furmniL. . ,
"oiii a pjj.rt, .
llr l..f..P l'..lll... .. .. . ' If
. omiriui lim yu .
a-riinrnt nation. The uoci.,, , . '
wai llilexl with ncirlititic ,,.,
we have taken ll.e l,l ,ty ol re,, ,ri?
plain every .lav Kngliab
Kaihle lo do no.
J11 (hi eiiH-riment every
1,-1 - ......( ,
--- r,,.,,, arignril all 1
'nle analysed, an.l 11, u.. . "a-
.c iucu;! ,iur.. ; ;v,: v'7""""
i-ominginto iiii.k. The I.mI ., ' "
any goim uairyiuaii ,,n.,l .
" 11 I
i:. ; chopfwl, ,12,15; ...M.I.n. ' Zt:,.
win at, 1.7 's
age rtaiti. and diininr il... '
I aoii variou green crop am h aa , f
vetcl.e. oat and jn-a. ,, , .
t '""; ,"': there are
. Ii iIa a urain .!,. . al,tt
Jlar ; lair ' , ., -"i larnn aiiij;.,
. H - like i lo lUv "'n '""irting ol w I,, ., b,
jcorn uical, cottoii-i.,d i ;
ilieae were led at
make variety in their lool
111 Hie pro.111. t:ou of mi k
.lnr........ ..
.. ... lm,r, .
none 111 market; chicken
, . iter cental.
If v iul, .i j 10 per ton.
Il.-rru ..1
.' . wti. in mttirf . 1 - iiiiumi 1 1
22V-2.V; fancy dairy, 17',..2iic; fair i " r,"m vr'"'
to g'jal. 12'.-i.V: coimiiioii
er pound. I , " ' j"'"--ru, u,.,
rorvnixa J not :it ions wholly iioini-;". "aw, gmten. rt,-,
Union li.jod Oregon, !nV(tl
TofLTkr Chicken. ..Id, 2..V . :;.inJ , " breed, ran h
r do. 11 ; young, .'.'i... 2 60 per doen : t ''' '"''
.I....L- .1. ' ... .' A ralilli-a
-iu. aa, ai i..rj!jid.iv; geere, to laj ., ,,Mm- '
.ti..Vi; lurkrya, live, at M ht ouiid; -il.-il!iw""'.'.... '
.lre-ae.1, atajiii Ul.. 11c ier Jjoiilld. lxr..u.
r..ioe-Orcgou were .lUotcl weak ut , ",', . :"" L
14.- i-rdo-n. I ' Ihe production of milk fat the w.
"king im
ihoi-ical ria-iT 1 aiiiornia lemon, I , " cnaugct, anj il,
:!.-ai1,i4..raJ; Sicily, f i.fxl.-. li.iaj : bauanaa, ' "'"Ii"'"'" ""ived at w til mrpr.. ,.,
2.50..r.l.50;t a.ilo-manavrl,2.:ii.u:i.2. "r rei"1""- We are Ine t. ,,. ,, '
were repulred. leavimr over lm) den.!
1 1 . i ' .
inr japaiieie 10a wa live killed or
w 11 IT Till Nxwa aw.
I-oM-.N, lehruary IU. The Central
N'ewi agenev'a corrrriamdeiit in Tokm
open the ipu-ation a lo Ihe validity of telegraph under yerterday'idate: "lien am ini'ii-r miii'ii juiiii ,. a via, a
brother, claimed the whole ratate of
Thry nlmw
Ntaamar l
A t erumiMlllr hlrh May nu..
lnuail la lha Matkrla.
i"iir i.tkg, tehruary 21. A apccial
Irviin Ikdae to Ihe Tribune mm: A deal
ha hrt-11 conruiiiinale.1 under which K
!' I......;. ..r .1. i t .
... ui .-an i.ake, ami aMH'i-
atei have purvhaat-d the liidenUugh
canal here and aome K,tKa.l , re of land
Ivlouging lo the company. The price
pain ia in ine neiglila.irlioo.1 ol i.i.aJ,UXI.
1 lie canal irrigate a larre atviion ..I
country la-loa Ikiiae, including land in
me vi. unit ol .ainpa. It i uiiderai.a.i
an evleuaive iloiiuatiou pni)e-t 1 a
pan 01 me new ow m-r' acheme, to la-
loiiuaisi py ti. am-tioii ol rxtenaive
liert-ugar worka. Mr. Jrliiung ia
pnimiiieiitly Ideiililiisl with the I Uh
f ugar I ompaiiy. lie lia lireii ibveati
gaiing im aei-lion lor two vear, ami
naarai.i ine ami and climate are iecul
..mi,, atoapu-ii 10 ugar-ta-ei culture.
an A.l.llll.oial
Hung Hung.
Tvcowv, February 20. The lumtner
M hedule of the Northern Pacilic Steam
hip Company, which arrived to-day
from Hong Kong, ahow that a new
tcamrdiip will lie put on the line thia
tiinmer, arriving here on her Ural trip
i..iu .11 -i'i n '
oj .1. in win give a ieamer eah
way every three wreki alter Mav 111 la
ta ecu l ai-oma, China ami Japan. The
new atramcr I not named in the ached
Hie, and i luppoacd to be the lira! ..I
the new modern liner which are raid
lo be building at the lairlield ilnpbuild
mg work in -otland for the Northern
rat-ilk line. The agent here willmve
out 110 delinite information
Iheae atenmera, bt.t the new .oin,-.
from Scotland, via llomr K.I11L Ihal
they will la- larger ami U-tter e.iiiiinsl
aleanier than any that now crora the
1 acinc.
eral ..l.u rejairla that lo-dav the t in
near liircr under deiierals Chang
and Yeh were rom-entratiil at ll.11
t heng from the l.iau Yang, New Clmang
and Jin Koa roada. They attacked the
city, but after ulti'riiig heavy lorara
were repuled. The Japaneae' loaMet
were amall."
From I'ort Arthur the agency haa thia
dltliHt.'h ' I loi.ui.l ..I 1....
'cavalry occupied Nuig Hai I hn the
il llila-
loa lliaaararil,
Nonrii Y ikiM v, Waah., February 20.
The jury in the Fdminlon caae u
brought into court thi moriiimran.l.lia. ! morning of the 12th with nit emtiuiiter
cl,arg,,l. having U,. unable lo lind "l,""lll"n' N"v-. that the ml.
verdict. lioU-rt Hum., foreman, ami ' I . , 1 'T " ri ?' '
a.-v,. other, were for ... n.ttal and lour ' ' T J , ?" K', f '"'"T
lor convict...,,, until the la-l ballot ,0-ri1 I'll '"" - lien and the
when the vote rt.-al o U II. The caae'i . , v 'V. A" 111
.hi. . I'abitanta of Ning Ilai thu are anbmia
K.lmialoii tated br-dav that he ihuul.i ""' ,.V"njr rl'-0''"' " Japanere to
c uo hoi. uii.ieraiun.l II, li unr t
a pubiirhcd. ll. lollowing 1, t,ie
"a a,,r" 07 i r. v oilier.
.iM-ruavj . . , .. ..
llli l.'lll-l !...,.
Ai.if.i. .1,- Juiii, rutaa '
The average dairy matter iiitl.efJi
iMiirumed wa i;4 pound. . lav
to 21', ouiid for each l.lKji) i.,,;,,,
live weight.
The average mat of food diily ilt
III '4 it iita; the average m-l ol t,' but
tcrpnalu.e.1 wa. lm iOceniraiwuiiJ
the average yield of butu-r in a iru
waa 2li7 -Mjiiud.
Oneoi ihecowa waa milked at irrw-
lllur IH I10.U nlld It waa loon. I i , .. .1 ..
:V per doen. fl w-r I'"'1 ,,ot ,l,u,,,'r 'l'i h prhi.ii.iD a1
I milk iu the h-aat. a the wen-lit .it i v.
Ntra Almond, loft ahell. Il . 11c , 'owed that the art return of iiiih
l-er I'oiiml; pa)rr ah.-li, 12' 14.-; new ,J" "vularly at Ihe rale oi a liui
crop California walnut., 'wilt ahell, , ov,'r " oiime. each hour.
II"' 12'ai ; alan.lard walnut. ltl',i.i I le; ! ,T" Ii"ereiice between the !irt .,ti
Italian chi-anuta, 12'ji.ilk; e.aii, , ' '''' ,lr4" " "".king and ti.e ,
l:i..i Ute; ItraAila, 12',.rfl:l.-; liiberta, M v,r.v '- 'I lie laj't ml ba. A
IMI-V; tx-anut. ruwr, fam-v, 5.i7c; "" """"i' h butter fat n-i ine i,,-t.
maateil, ldc; hickory nut.. 8.i(k-: 111. I A a result of 4.'r)i .lav' exuerimuii ii
coaiiut. HV a-rdorrn. found that milk which had n..:i
VS'imil Vaih-v. S'rt Ilk-,,.. i hour gave on an avrra -i. im.: ...
ouulity ; riiiiNiua. 7(t :ic! (all .-In. f.,.n--- weight in ciiain while o.ilL ii..i 1.1
Kaftern Oregon. .V Tc. ' , looi 12 hour, .t.a.l -il 17 ,..r..,i j
I loi-a ( hone. 7c: mislium. 4,.(ia--' ' weight in cream. Thia .In. r. i..V..
lVr ! !" '"Vor of the ahorler term ia rxi.unJi
I KoviHtoMa Kaatern ham, medium, 1 ' "'H that ut 12 hoi:,, there ir.
...Itlt'i lu. I . : . ai.o.M ii.,IL- u l.i.. I. ..ii .
I"" -"..u.i , ll.llia. nicilll. .....a a 011 11 iriorrt.ii 1,1 II. m .-ft-,..,
tM-r lix ; piiii-applin. Honolulu. I.l.oo t
mgar loaf, t.'.. Figa, California
l.lai k, l.ixe., oiioted at il:S: rack. 4 .r
V; California white. I
' fl.Ui; 'J.Vi.itind boxe. t2..rx):
rack., iitf.V; 'luikiah, lan.-., 1 4 Hie ;
fancy large, 2i "2lc; bug., Jm-.
hki.Ml lm 11 Al.ple.. H-iLoO
per hox ; common, 7-"m-..i ).
Oiixooy tm. t.a Cabbage, l',c,
per JKjillid ; .iia-h, iJW- ja r iloieii. I
CviuoMMt Vi.i.i.rvni ga Umax-Li
prout. l 2 r :!0 ajund laix; ctriiig '
U-ana, 12"l:lc per (annul; green a, '
12 il:tc a-r pound; artichok.. ll.txi r
1.10 -r doen; catihllowrr, k'k per.
doieii: 12 .r0 ier crate; an rot iotatooH,
.i.OJ.r l.ia.1 -r renial; cu. uiula-r., hot-'
i.ouin-, (i ..uo; gariir, 0 .17c imt
lajumi; lettuce,
reuiaiii in laktuia unlit Ihe next term,
Which convene in April, lha I'arlllr S.irlharal.
WthiiiNoroN, February 20. In the
iindry civil bill are the following
amendment lor the I'ucilic Northwt-at :
To repair Ihe governor' houxe in
Alaaka, l-'iOO. Milchell a aim-nduieiit di
recting the treiuuiry department loonier
invratigatioiiK a to the deatruction ol
oleggiolwild fowl in Alaaka; bImi the
the town
JAI'tkX tT Llf kI MI T.l.
I . L-. I, rrnruart I'.'. ine tlie ron
correapomleiit of the Central Near
agency aay the Japaneae occupied I. in
Kung Tao Fridav. Thegarnaon ami the
loreignera within it were allowed to de
part illimolf.trd alioard the Severn. It
iexiected that the Japanese a ill not
UjiicIi Che, but will re-embaik to
attach Than Hal Kwan.
II llt'MI I PIIMl'l. AI-ltHNTMENr.
I a iNia.v. February 111 A i.
I.- T. 1 ' ' n. -... ...
t..e iniira mini uen inn aaya that l.i
II lm
Var.llal of Maii.laa.lilar Aaaln.l
l..r klilla, llurrlly.
Mil xt, M. ml. , February 20.-Thoina
Cli ary wa to-day convi. Ie.1 in Ihe dia
trn t murt ol manalatightrr fur killing
Frank l-orrity, a gambler, a few month
ago 111 tin city. Cleary wa at one
time a prominent mi.ldle-weiulii 1, ......
lighter, and lia-1 a go with J. k I '... -
ary More a club 111 San 1 ran. ia.i. II-
ol ln r annua a. Sim.. 1
.....- ' ' IU.IIH- m reiiun to lien Tnn in two
weexi, and will then proceed lo Kol.
vrriiovc tux tl-i-oorvikxr, February In. The Siaj..lar.f.
I correoiident in ller in .ay that the
in ia a. 10 ami rremier t omit Ito approve
The klurthlag liiiraii,
CHliiari tk t, February SI.- The ilorth.
ing aaa o-iriicd tu-ilay by King IWar in
periuii. The king' pa-,-, ,Ute. that
the ixniU-inplutr-l axpendilnre rr.iuiir.1
an iiu-rt-aaa of taxation to inert them.
u waa, itirrelore, pnuauinl to imixwa a
aiamii mitt ilia. 11 lorrurn Inlla ..1 ...
ciiange. rn-eipta lor moneti paid and
icni ackimir.lgeinciiia. Ilia niai.-aia
..ii....iiiiM inn 11 utlir lllleritiou lo
greaiiy im-rraar tlie military dcfetiari
oy ine eracli.Hi ol eatrnrive worka.
Al Itaarataa' IHiaHal,
r ...
l-'". rrirroary n an inter-
view to-day the owner of the new ta. hi
A 1 law aaid, if the ahould defeat the y n-da-ate
ll in Ihe trial in Fngh-h wa
ter iha would I at I'unravrn d.
aml a tha challeiigrr lor lha A mar
La cup. He added r " houl. like a
broih with tioold. Ha i a gajd irta-
Tba lirailaa Itltarra lt.
Tir.., S.J,, February St. -Chancellor
M.iill to-day diatiuaaaj jj,.
to ahow ranea af,r delru.lanl in tha
Co!enian-IratUn t.von raaa alioald
not be permitted to amend her anieer.
Mal.a ar lha llua.l al aaa.
l.siaii. tcl.ruary 21. -The l.rl
trade haa ina-le a long reply to the ob
jector to Ihe m-w rule of Ihe nu.l al
. a a.l.o.l.! t. .1.. .
'-""I .' '- iiiu-rnaiionai mic
ferrn.-eal Wa.hingl..n. The reply ,1.1,.
"""""ii an eiprraaton o opinion
inai no anre arrvi.e mill. I (a- done lo
iiiip-oaner than the di. milling, ailh-
001 II e gravr.1 reaima. thr vaiual le to-
irriiatioiiai agm-inriil lormuiatt-d.
Tha Khrdlt Marrla4 Nla Mara.
I tlk.i t ..I.... - .11 Tl t (
- ..".nil, .1. 1 ne xi.iMivr
igned a marriage i-ontrart a ith hi, (,
aiata unur in t. prearnce of
ma rgtpnaa minialrr. Tin act ctn
litiitr a marriage to the Hate. There
war wri punilc (flflnony.
nai mil iiown al I Ne m l until I I.. 1
Iwome a rounder, and whilr I. ai.
a. ,.11110 gaiiiiuiiig noiiaea lie ft-II m with
i-rriit. who w a. a Lad man with
rrpuiaimn lor Killing proplr. Tbev had
wen imii an night and wound lip with
11 I . I.
...a..... 11 una lairrur wa. riinno...
ui i. ari ine lauer iirrw a la.a.l ....
nun on. 1 aent a Imll thmug'i the Imu k of
hi neck. It M-eiii thai Is.rnly wa.
running lor hi. gun to kill Cleary. ao the
caaa a a made matirlatlir iter. IU..11
-a- i-t .. .-u t-.i .aiuniat.
lha MMirl I varlrniril.
T . . 1- 1
'"""", rruriiarv .v.- the rrnort
that Ihe hea-l of a liuiala-r of rrbrla
have been aent to Ihe rultan a Iroi.hiei
prove to l true, mntirmation having
tt-n received from Miinai-ocitt. tr,..,,
Iheaifneol the nr.t prolongr.1 rliuggle
la-iwta-n ine iruw .upimrtiiia the anl.
Ian a l.miher in hi claim to iha ilia...
and Ihe government, ,r hra lrof
Ihirty-at ten ol the lea. ling rrbri arre
aent lo Miltan Alalul Am al Frl. Tlirra. were traiiaMrtrd on the ha. ka ol
'our urn. .-a and one donkey, litre I
ing lo the auitan'. it la ra; I ,r
na.ia a in lv pla.aal iheciiy walla a.
.r..'a ol triumph and a a warning 0
a inrvev
The amendment I'ooliu!.. aei-ure.1 for
the t-rlahltahi ,1 of a military ki on
I'uget .-hiuiiiI haa laen amen led, ami
low direct the aecretarv of war lore
tahliah ruch pot when Mil acre of land
are d..nate,l at a taunt he IMII aiiiiaa-a
of. fHailittle ba a proviMi for a com
iniaaion, comMiar.l of other r not con.
iiecte.1 with the .lepartmeiil ol the Co
lumbia, to examine and .1. t. r.,,,,,u ....
ineaiie. 1 111a w a. itrtl, k out ami
victory (or Squire.
seventy-live thouaand dollar
proprtatid by the run. I
the conrtriiclion of
inr ine 1 acme coart. lo ..1.1 n..i -
than f t7',i.J.
of China'i choice of l.i Hung Chang a
j-.-a, r 1-1110T,
la a
ia ap-
civd lull for
revenue atcaim r
Aa Aatl-OIra Hill.
I.IMOI1, Nrli, Frlwuxry Jl. T!ir
anti-oleun.argarire bill aa on in the
Itouaa lo-ilay, hot. (art and fur,..,,. I.
aa dually if ,1 !.. 1.' ,,
I , ' aa 11 I A l-a,UUt Ilia II1L
aid ,.,.,., . b.g induatry ,0 N.braak 1 1 B raj.rd lo mJ
Tha aaaaaaa Uarallaa.
N.Mj-.i, February 20. In tha botiae
Ur.lay I' Foreign Set rrUry t.ray
aid there had rrn DO i-cial agret-
mrnt made iu regard to the oaneral,..,
f land in Samoa by l..r. ..n a.,,
ia I nile-l sta!a govrrnmrni r'am.l
ine r gtn lo tha cal .i.n..n
the harU.r of l ago I'agvi. lt.ara aaa
Irnlh, ha Mid, in thr rlateiurnl il .1
tirrmany aaa alaiut to annrx the Sa
moan iiland. I inr n I .i
aired to mnault lha inu-reau ot Auitra-
'.'"rra V irlurla'a M.nriii.ala.
Iaiihi, February 20. -The tiuern ar
riveil in Umdon thii afternoon. The
atrictrat privacy wai obaerve.1 in her re
f ption, an.l at Victoria nation empty
Irani were aligned along tha depot
platlonn to that iN-raon.oii othr plat
lorm couid not M-a hrr alight. Ihe
reara.ii for tin extraordinary privaiy
wa that riieiimatiam had imapacial.-d
tha oueen (mm walk Ilia-. I .1..I....I.-
ment of hfr guard, aarniundnl her cAr
riagea it wa driven to Ihickinghaiii
tiala.. In ..... I n . i
w a heartily , he. ml.
T-rn-arallna af I1I..IIIII.
l..vm.N. Irbruary 'Jl'.-The Central
New.' corri-aja.iideiit in Home Mil that
ex-l rcinirr li.ohtti i t !, pt,, (
not on'y for li'a-hng Criapi. but al-,. for
appropriating IW lua private n-ee rt;. ul
d.H-iimetii. la-anna utaiii tl,. .-r.. ..1
inr 1. .in. a lounana. should ),r he ,,,
... r .111 (a deprived ol hi. ,.,,,
"gnia. ai.o am im.. the rank ..I
nun. ilor.
hand. Ilra.rra I'tlalaJ.
WtaH ..n., February 20 Tt.e g..v
rnnueni nal ordrred the printing of the
a per cent l.mdi c:iad for by H e Ta-I-mont-Morvan
.tnd.cate. It ,a,d thai
lha i.-ue ..( Umd. would l enjoinr,!
hut np to ream ro m um lion prvatvd
mg. .a. la-en Uun 10 any o( the court
Tha la.p.M l.aaara katltal.
Atiiika. Fel-ruary I'.l.-The committee
on the revival of the Oltmp;an ramn
...1. 1. ... ..
... .. .. .0 ,,; uir prmr j-al Ctwp,.ra i
, , ,.Ui,.(ar anu ine t niT"
10 attrn-l or
game of
It.rorH al tha IUnnlii(l..n Mtraalail
Mllh Thai ut l.a l.aar.igii.
WArHtNoroN, Febniary 111. The n n
ation created by the d.'lay in the ar
rival o( U t.aacgne, due, a it now ap-
I. an 10 ine iiiaaluing ol one of the eight
cycliiidcraof her engine, hai uttra. ie.1
conaiderable attention among engineert
. ...- . nim .-laiei navy, i.-catiae urn-
nr Mvi.ieuia are ol u.h Ire nient oc
ciirren. and becaure Ihey are mind
rmi ro inaignitnant. W hen the little
...err iH-nning:on ma.e her famoui
run ol bVtiwj knot from lienoa, Italy
to San t-ram iaco, betaren February ';
and April ;t0 htat year. ah. ha.1 a aiiuilar
hreak-nlown near A.-apulm, l,s; Ull,
trotn her detination. and vet ,-ovrrnl
the di.tanca in ten day., ihret, hour,
having hern l.-t in .imply diamniic. t
mg the damaged cvlmdrr. Iui.. .1..
. couid la- repaired at San Fran.-ia.,. .1..
I revolution in Salva.lor 0.1 11 r re, ami
( iha wa. di.patcbr.1 2.5.0 mhn to ,n,
....... in
.. , . Mrr raturn to San
-.....a,., rur mil d.aknl. but agair
Ihrre wa no time 10 make the repair!
... ,,,rir.i io ia nring era. he
cruire,) over .Vnxi nulea .lnr,,,., ,1
.... - n .1 . a 1' .'I'll-
.'.....niiriiinrnrr rr.j.plrd rtltnder
to the navy yard 111 Ihe autumn the aa.
t -...,-... rrpaire-i. a new rv Under hav
mg l-rn made during her iU,IIT v-j
Hi., lime no one rx.f pt tho. mnrnvtr,!
- ...a ruip na.l ll.e .lightrM ide a a. anything the matter with her
aval erigin.f r. rompia. entlr cntra-t
a. 111 mat 01 14 t
---.lit. nrrakiaai lutinn i',.!. icioouit. 111 inr cr.-a.., u i.,i.. ... ... 1 ..
hurt clear ai U. Ii'i.rll,-- ..u Ibl had renaralml j.,.I i.. 1 : - .
idea, ll.ilOc: dried la-rf li.mi 11 Tina rhou. Iiir.i lni.a... ri ... 1.
'"14c; lar.1. compound, in tin. M epacea mav lr a. miu li ua 11
c; lard, pure, in tin, 7'rll ,c: pigi' 1 wrong. I he cow hi. h averak(,i v.
Marrhaadlta Market. I a 111IIK yield ol fil-.l pound., an uc r.i
o 1.0 pound, ol water for each i.mim
milk. I he.e aame cou a .I
cournming po,,,,,!,, c WlUf
iiionin or aimo.t exacllv i.'i m
f w hat wu. drank hi I.. ...J.
Si ci.tK-I,4 e; C.4,-; extra C 4 c 1 . r . ,"ll"jr" f
dry grannlat.,1. 5'4,-; cul-e er.h..'l ami !l ""'',,ly ' H,, r ,nr
l.'wlfrt-l.ii'.jriwri.iiiml: '.ei.r imiuii.I ' ?f l,"'-v ",","J ",ure ,,'" '"' "
dim-outit oil all grade (or prompt carl, ; ,,,l'r
half Urrel. , more ll.aii Irurreln; i,..,V7T
maiile mgar. 15 .1 Pk-prr iKinnd. ., . . . s"1"
l-.irrg-Ca.taliica.22..I2:;,sclvio 20 ! . 0 tu",k ' k'et prolit fn, ,, li
'"22c; Salvador, 21m 21 '.e Mo.iia. , '"l' ,,,t-' ,U"rr r-i'"l a -lm
2ii'.i,r2Hc:l,a.Uio.I..a 11... i..t..' . ,,;" l an oia-n li. 1.1 will iin.1 t.
Java, 2ii,2V; Java. b..2V- Kr. ! r" k""v'1
hlli-lr Iu'. VI.. 1 1. . .... .. V.. . . 1. . . ... . . .
. ..luaur.a ami Lion, i.l..HI per I .""'" eat an Hie anlt he tlimk" !
inn ciwe; Loluiiibu, 22.ri0 tier
!",.c; lard, pure, in Una, 7'v(rfU I,,.; pi' , wrong. Ihe c..awhi. h averag.d "
f.t-1, Ho ;.5o; pig, Jwt, 40. 1,1.2.5; l"iud in weight 011111, m-I r.i. h , m ,
kiln, U.-. I water lo the amount ol 2, 1 Vi poiu. j
Marrhaadlaa Market. ' f"j i
..""-tuluniliia. river Xo. 1. tall. "
M.2.V..I iiO; No. 2. tall. 2.252.5o j v'"
fancy, .No 1, (lata. .;: .v,; Ala.ka, ,":'"
No- I tall., .20,, 1 'iO ; No. 2. tall., U,, nfJ
lime, I'll I
lOU-riouud cuae: Coliin,l,i . --i ,1 .....! Will l-eed for a a...k .1 ......
ii.l.u 1 1 .. 1 ...
-....i.u ,ar. iiianv iee.1 tlirir ina. .air . i i-
1.0AL -McMdy ; domeatic, 5.00irf 7.50 ,HH l'r"per way. Salt 1 an ev.-rr.
'T ' '"r''""' yJ..V)'II.IKI. jday iie.f8,ity lodairvcow,, a. ha. In
. . "''. .o. 1. 3',c tier
("mud; butter, 3',c; bayou, 3c; Lima,
Coko.og Manilla mpe. l'.-imli 1
'inoled at Ik-, and tie .er pound. '
Maal Market.
Ilgga iroM. fjm .tuuH ri i...4 u.,
fair to good .terra. 1l ni,,r-"-i.
r'iii,.f- u,. .1 :
,-. - - m."v i uiram. i.wi j.... .
I ' i..'a.
ier tr,t ahw n. ,
-0J...210; ew,.,, II.:,,,,,, 1.75.
K: dif.a.Nl mutton,4 .r4',c; lam
lain lif.
i ji ..
per pound. " ' "
KALDre.He.. .mall S ...... 1 .
irf4e nrr I - - . 'arg.-, a
II.H1B tiroea. choice, he... ,,,.
1 ..... . c . . : . . ' --' a.. ..a "n 1.1 . , .... -
", ugtit and l.f,ler, f.!.,- dre,l l,lul not inert with In approval, r
4'ijCfrpound. 1 alamt a wire a be who tiirn.ii li
jirov. ii uy exiM-rimeiit.
Ibemw that do.-, not m il.,- m,crt
for her own. r 1 mainf.-at'v a h. ,,;r
him. How m m, v who read Huh k.wi
whether any given cow in hia .r.
"in or not? 1',.r on- at'a
The row that drink, ice n.M i!rr a hole that ha U-.-n c!,..pH
.....oigii nr in me water Inxigh 1
ing- to wait HII that water It warmrd tu
hl.aai beat liefore .he b.Vin. to - .rvtr
milk, and rhe will not make up fur ki
tune eitlu-r.
The man who carea.,-. hi. cow with
the milking .tool rveiv time l.e I
In einper or the co make, a
JyV-yr.t.r'U I'ric-t: Family ...
t,r,Itr .1.:.l-''M'r Urr"l: Uk'r''
lrmT. ' -!...: uperline. f2.UVrf2
Wirirvr-I'rhf krrp fairv
though the fradi
krrp fairly
1. rail,.. I..ll.. , . '
Ul.le.tMVp.., .,,.,.. .ir No 'lrh rt
r Iita. 1...; t
M'li.ngr...,.Ve i I J'
irt-.ak- prr rrntal. Walla' Wall. lZ
..' Per rvnli.1 I... .;. .:
0'. 72 V for damp.
Hi:i rv-Tr.i.l. .1..
1 . .
"ring wri iliv in. Iirrrrnt
aMgnr., ll..liarlaa.,.. "rrbruary 11 T1..
. a t
rpartment ha hrard from Adunral
I arprntrr al Che Foo to the eriVvt that
the Cbarlr.ton l.a arrive.! there ,ftpr
having reaenrd lourlarn a
n I thai he had d.rarte-l the York to",;
logo to liie HHith cat ol M,an Im,
to tin. aai.lanra ol .1. .'
ll t hineae Mill held the i.l.n.l
I at Wet Hai W ri.
. l-M !- I tuin at ia a k a I a.
r,akeirti th. tirU.r.... : . ; -.Uta.1
. -r "--"'
'.r-'.c for choice; iire
fair to
NV ,v,a-r ifntal. ,rw'"'
Jr,,r".7.? '':r M ""emrnt lo re-
' ".laiiM-aa coriiuin. .
I'rn-ra remain ea.v. M.
money to the a imla.
A cow ia not, a a itile, a v. rv ii.y.
lettual animal, but .he ban a ..
getting even for bad treatment t1 t n
jnal a clbrtual a it would In u om
tfivid and carried out bv dcVa-rilr
cotipM- of reasoning.
wi e:i a man tell me that he I a
lot of mwathat are bar.) to ban I e 1
only want to know who trained It.rui
when they lirat came into nil k to kno
uiuch alwut the trauu-r I wai-I tu.
(iar.lru ulr..
Making a hot-be.1 i not a v. rv gnt
ta.-k and it advance the era-am .-rk
h.ipp. nr w
I rag, and
mg I. .notnl.
a. ,. . ....i.. u ia ijuoird,
i I , fair t koI. ... ...... ,.,',.., '
I.0V..1.17, ;
black. u f,i-r
H5I.J0; r.1
S'7V p,r
,.,r,nota'e at 4 v per pound
loTtToxa-Volnnterr nra
I1. a-r n..nn.l- l'..i. t. . .
K.vrr Pl ""V;
: rv; iinria.
saiina. Fur
weet. ,w
Orevon .1 "" "
- - - .. a a. a,f , -aft'
laxnka. :.'k .ti ..
for l:,.rr. ..i .V V.t . .
. - . , . , . r.. al 1 -
- 1,1.
I r
,1. -.r..
choice ...a k.
Oxiom jaotaWe at SO ,.in
Per cent
! -Fa!Ir V .
Northrrn defeetiVrs " S,Va r,
San Jna-tmn. liht ,Sl
J San JoVmir ZJ'.iT?-
Valla Wa:!. w..i .,
.imrlime when the .pring
T- latl-r.
Willi a g'.al garden there
and variety ol, ,,tl, verv
not Ui tprak of the laving of
ex 1 en..-..
l ev, I rnl'nre i. Ia-. f,.r a'tii.'-l
fr"P- II llilig np 1. nftrri .1 -r
a dry .eaaon, (,. rr t.,r , Uliue
'' or
' Iter, a c-iat t . marnne .n
tato an 1 tiiinip p,t. Uiorr n.
Vera w. uthrr mine..
Onio:. will jn,J n.,,rr,
ilian anr other -n.i, . . k....a
are rai k feeilart au-1 will pav
extra care. Thrv do Ih-i 0:1
friable rod that "w ill not bake 1
rain, though muy aI1j ...
mm aid produce a cro.
Tl 1
"""ii are rnt into aini n a
in a
r' rr
hi. in
.i -I
f-r..' : "S
way and pla-d op-nle down in
ijen or rol. frame, and w ed. p '
tl.einHe plant w hen larva en- "
Iran.plant mav ha lutl aiil. tLe
and trt m thr ardrn without -!; I "
trrowth. Iu thu way n.av l t ! r
p.anted lana. rnnimlarf and tl !-.
Other thir.ira that .r. ... n. : r Tir.r
I planted. -s