The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 02, 1895, Image 1

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ild l lo
NO. 10.
fhf Eugene til) Guard.
rabll'hrr iua l'rorlrl4r.
. .. .11. ..I V.'!!U.i.,.L'
Real IMate I runner.
I.i-i-irt i .Inly i. l n,ri miunr.
W k. AKI.iK. Ml. Uiiiu..!
mi si it v.
WC Xcix mill wif.. t" Maliul.t 1)
ni-. , it tract in . t : i m ,.,. lu 'M
i i
llie New siulur.
I in
. rt (to
. . . IS no
, Ml lb
, Mniat
?!...,,. mnith. ..y.ori
iKseaTbUl i ri lrrl quarterly.
Jbwr. U r'" rouo'' l"u-,v'""r'
Oxk. Vatcnes, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
L W. BROWN, M. D. j
Physician mikJ Stiruoon. j
Orfio. wl ri'l'"i- "" pnttuiw. Hour: I
; w a, .; I-to - 0 to y I'-lu- j
(ItaMSt nil Nrw iTIce III Korrlan awl
luartttc Marble aud (iraulle, Moiiiiineul,
Hlioiir ami Cemetery work u(
1! kinds fur In A
(UlaatU. Xtrert, nr l"wtofflre. Kugene, 'r
liiiV M.liirn hikI wife In Na
thaniel II Murlin, it tract i f luml In J
il .Mi-Fnrhuid i Ic, til il a, r .'I w; tin.
JiiIiii W Miller uml wife tn X li
Martin, c nw , w j , f J, m- ,,fiW
;. : or nw j of M. j . t,, ; r 4
w; ? I tvvtt.
II ( ' Ymicli 1111 I wife In l-Mgar King
a Uni t nf land In wc il, iilpior.t
w, U'i'.i ui-ri-n, uImi in' :t, 4, i in M il
ip id r M w, uIimi nw , a e il und e
(' II JuIiiimiii l. . i inn-titt JiiIiumiii
i Hl'v i Of M.- III W I 'J ll 1; H r
4 w, In nrn-, :
John II. W.mmI I K.iuHrii it tract
of lullil Ih i til not if ImIu iHOhtttp I!)
r I w, .Vi iuTv; (Iwi.
ttrrAiK uitovK.
1!. I'lmkiiiKliHiii uml wlfo to Jatie
lU-nmxi, purl oflot 4, dlot'k Slilrl.U
ml'l; il.
J I; uihI wifi toti I uml
A I: (iurriMiir loiublk '- I.on A Lnti
:fi' mill; t'.'t.
II M lll.u k an I wife to G.-o M Mil
I. r lot h I, Ik 4; M mi.
I' li .MiCiiiulk- to It Living, ion, all
ol hi...-!: ii; (1
W ( I'ii ki-tt ami wlf- In M L llntli r
mtl of I.jIi li, 7, b iM'k -til; tiHi.
lit lr Tut.
Tin.' Lam- comity
Ii:ii llicir lulling at
tin ltli;riiiliic
Omci-Oa half Murk ""Uin of Chrlnnau'i
Eli.KSK, : ' OKKtiOS.
At miilfiiiv cor. Jitli 11111I Lincoln Six
Office u.tnlni In McClurcii' biillil
log, rorniT Hlh mid Willuim-tte tlni-l
T. O.llumaK'ia,
I rMltlroU
8.H. Kakin, Jh.,
I 'whir
H National Ban
01 Eugene.
Paid up Ush Capital 50.000
Surplus and Profits, $30,000
Eugene - - Oregon.
A rtaml bankinc biwlnwa J-m. on
M'toriM. HlKht rfrafu oo NKW YnIlK,
BilU of .ichani; mH on foreign eountHna.
WTiti rKxirwl mb)M-t to check or oartlti
aUoldoiiu All colltctiont antruaUd to oa will ivoeW
n"P attratloa.
(Ean.UO 1
W Hilar, Iowa, writ4M umlr data ol
March 21, lH'jJ:, !
Dufur, On-Ron.
uextlkmkn: On m-rivliiK home IomI
, I fnuml all well ami anxlounly
JJ'n. Our little jflrl, elht ami one
Half j-ra old, who m waMttnl way '
wapourjiU. U now well, atronir and
Irwma and well flenheil up. H. It.
louich (,ure liaa done IU work well. !
l of the children like It. Your H. '
. Lough Cure haa cured und kept
I1 ll hovum-M from me. f" tfive
11 IA Wam A 1 . 1 .1 .. ..If
" lalilng you tiroaperity, we are
oura, Ir. A!ru mhh. J. V. Korii.
If tu , I . ... - .. .
j " u it 1 imh ami rnwiin. ana
!.i'.l",.,h,"r,3't work, rlraiiM tlir'-'ia
In oi ,k "',mrh. an4 iJTrr l ure, t.f ukin
uu'ia poxiltr (uaranuw
won wt bottla bt ail Urucinu.
Hi!( I-A","l! AJID COKPLtTI aT. K
Ka, aJJJJ tu 'ancj Urorvrw bouht lo tha
Exclusively For Cash,
I can offer thu public bettor friow
,Ul "y Other bouae
mrrin niutcli. liu-litioii of which wuk
iiiHile in the .iturdny Cil'AKIi. The
folio hi); w:i Hair n-'i'lv:
Sau.m. Fib. a.
To J. 1'. K iIiiiimiii uml Mn rwood
llnrr, Kiiucim.
Yuii altciid to your huMm-Mi mid we
will litti-iul to ourH. Ye tin Lot pro
hw to U- illclultfl to dy woulil I m
llOflf X.
IIaki k, M I'i.imi ami Illl.l.KiiAH.
Ori'oiiiati miya an om-ii challenge lina
lain Iviiietl hv the Kirn Secular
I'liiirvh. I huilrit ILik'ncr ir. -i lcnt uml
t'!;int llailcy iK-cn-tary, to Kcv. I. I.
1I ivcr to ili'linle the iili-htloii of Divine
liiiiiatioii of the ScriilurcM ami the
ilocllioe of ultoiieinciil with Mr. I'. 11.
K-yiinldi., of Sattle, Mr. Orlver to
lake the i.llinualive ami Mr. lUynolila
the iieiilive. I'he committee poiiil.
im it U half of the r'irt N-cular
church uy tliut they have a letter
from ('oloiici Koltert t lii-rdl, ile
nyliiK tliut lie ever met Mr. Driver In
ih bali ; furthermore the committee de
clare the Htntemcnt that Dr. Driver de
feated Mr. I111I1 twimmI to le without
fi uiidatlon, claiming that eyewitneiM-
Htate that Dr. I rivi r wax worahil in
the debute until be nought relii?e in
uiiinrliiiieiitary laui;uat;e.
Al'VAM 'K.MK.NT I'M II Tile iulcleit
ill the mcitnii:-! of the club atlll
liit-n-iiM-H. Iiithemur lutun- iUh t
will lie read U-fnre the club u the f"l
lowintf nuhje t: Mrn- McCluiin will
pniM-iil a paper on "Fi tlclt Worship."
Mrx t'oii'lniioti "tilioxlit." J. J. Wal
ton on "Xa ure of Marriage C'ontriwt."
Mrn. Dr. Chapmun ou ' Heredity and
iia lU lalioii to C riuie." Mr. Bailey
on "llermita, Shrinca und llclica "
Dr. I'aiueou "Method ol lU'fonuiuK
Criinlual " l'rnf. fendoii on "ii
Kin of .Society." Invitation have been
extended ul- to lion. T. T. Oii-r and
Hon. f. It. .MiH.rt-a, of Murin county,
lo deliver aildri-KM-a U-lore the club ou
the llnume ipjiMioii. Tbcy are Ik.Hi
well MiHted on Hie Mtibji-a-t and il la
boHd by all lutciinleti in the nubjet-t
that they will uen pt.
A Had AffiDKNT. Sunday morn
liiK Mr. KlialM lh hlroni? tfut oh the
overland at Mvrlle ni k lr thin city.
The lady it about 70 year of up-', and
ax it wax early In the inornlinf and
ou ile ihirk, xhe walkid ucro-a the plat
lorin and fell on tbw other aide, dixlo
eailiiu her left fboulder und likcwlno
bruinim her eoiixid. ralily. Sho w ax
lilted on the train and brought to thia
city and Dr. Krow n called and alleml
tnl the injured woumu'a wound. She
bux recovenil very nicely and thia af
ternoon waa lake'i to John Hailey'a
place, where alio hud Intended to vl-dt
while Here. . me "jr "
it la vcrv fortunate that ahu got otf no
Maukikd. W'e take the following
conci tnlng a younif ludy well known
lu KuKcne, la init a niein of the Meaars.
Iloltuiaii, fruiu the Huker C ity Demo
crat of reh. ':UU. Her many frlrmla
here lend.r their conifratulaMonf:
"Marri. il. in thia i lly, at the reaideiice
of the brnle' father, on thelilKhtof
thejllh lnt . Mix lie hi ieore to
Thornton William. Ou acwiunt f
the reivtit denth of the hridu'a mother
the wed dime a very uiet, only
memU r of the fumlly preai-nt. which
aalxotbe n-awin of there Mnn no
notice f it Uf.nv iu thi-e column.
Mr. and Mr. William, a prevluuly
announced, will wu tukw their de
parture fur t anvon I'ity w here they
will n-i'te in future."
si ,x KiK Diviiki K sfaturday, Feb.
-M. H. It. Millard HH a cuuiplaint
for Uivoree from hi wife, Auaa Mil
lard. The parti.-, were married at
fattaire tirove, Aii. 11. l''l. The
plaintiir allege In the complaint erurl
and Inhuman treatmeat. j r.nal ln
ditrtiitiea and ahaiidonment. They
have not len livinir to-iher ainre
Dect uil r. Hilveu A Youiik are attor
uera for the plamtill.
rim i Hon tiertfe W'. Mi ltrlde, who wax
1 elected I'niled Stall elialor ou the
, lllty-miuh ballot III the OreKoli letfla
I lature Saturdu.v at uililnitJit.ia Iimi well
kiinwn in thf .),. of irei(oii to
! Ui-ed an e.temi-i iiitriHluctiou. lie
j haa hii-ii a mi iiiher of the I. itUlalnre,
; .'aker of the Iioiim', and tw iiv xv-
relary or atate. Mr. Mi-r.rnle I
tin. yiiui'ict xon uf Dr. Jalue Mi-llriib-,
and wax Ixiru lu Yamhill
county in March IsVl. The earlier
year ol hi xchool life were pa cd at
I.ulayette, in Yumbill county, au I S;.
llclciix, In ( olumljia county, w here he
no live.
I.aier he xHiut one year In the W'il
lauielte unlvt-rxlty ut Salem, and two
yeul ill t'hrlatiuii ciilleL-e, MoliliiMlllh,
under the tuition of I'li-nleiit I'. F.
I'aliipU II, iinttiti the latter luxtitu
tlouueir U fore ia Illation oil ac
count ol pimr henllh, w bieh a year of
rvl from even- at inly did nut wholly
restore. Ilowevcl, he entereil the law
ollb-u of Hon. J. l Moreluud, I'ort
luiid, ax u ftuileiit, n-uialiiiuK three
earx, hut ill In nil It ntriiiii prurtrated
li I'll. For tw-u year he wn an invalid
mi eiicrcetic and reU'llioUx one, It Ix
true, but a couxtuut xuU'erer and Up
oh bi recovery euitnKvd iu active
bu-.iui-K,abanilii'iiillii for the w hile hi
purpoM- of pracliciuj; law, for w hich
he wax thoroughly dixcipliued und
S'liator Mclliide h.".x, w ilh tint ex
ception of two yeatx M-nt iu Sail
Friincixcn, alwuyx lived In Oregon,
and healwnyx exH'ctx to. Oregon Ix
hi home and he xhow the Sexteh
in hi blood lu lux love for It. I'erxnn
ally he I it "kooiI fellow lo imvt." He
ixcorihal, but IU 'I Ix.Uleri u, diicnilUil,
hut never ( ill. He la uluavx well
ilnx-e.l, and. thoiittli htiviat; a ili-cidcd
tendency towanl htlldi-nt life, ix fund
of tuH'lely und hhiue iu It. S'Une may
U- Inteivxtetl. H-rbiipx lu the fact that
he kiiow the intx of a horM ami I
it dead nhot. S-nntor Mcltrldu I mil
and never t ill l robuxt, but he hit
outlived bin ill Inn I III ami I a pro
diifioiix worker. Ile Ix of mediinii
bi lirhl, complexion neither dccldeilly
dark nor fair, hu blue-gray -y,
weigh about I4n pjuml. und wear a
full, cropped brow n heard. He only
lack the appi araliee of K.rfeet vigor to
be Mtrikiugiy hundMiiie. He Ix uu-married.
TnDAY, FF.imi'AKY 2.
A delightful day.
Fgga IU cent terduiu.
A giNd fnt thl morning.
One week from yi att-rday circuit ivur.
A tlic (il'AKIi predicted, the imiii
liiixxioii wire not aliollKlieil.
The Siulaw atnge tiaik out two a-M-nuer
yelerday inornlng.
Thelexaaaid about till legislature
the Ix-lter for It reputation.
Y. Siimlcr I having the interior of
hi ft.irv remodeled and repaiuled.
The WixKlineii of the W'oild have
reet'ived ritunia for new work In their
Xothiui; i heard yet alxiut the
-oiuiug city t-lect Inn. W'ho are the
The exauipt tlreinelt failed to hold
a imvlini: luxt night not la-ing able to
get Into the ball.
The Haby got ever the rltle iuit.
fully and Ix now mooml at her wharf
on Iheelty water front.
"ticUt e Annie, the apling time ha
We won I the aetitriuv,
Hold Their Office.
There are a number of lucky men in
On g in w ho are miiiling over the un
i-XK'Cted, w hile there i a cnuxlderahle
larger nuiiilicr who aulTcr bitter dlwip
pnintinunt. The iMllotiug for w uator tiMik up all
the time of the i-loxiug houra of the
legixlalurt! and a a eoiieiuenee no
election wax liiaile of the tlillerelit
im iulH-rx of theilitlcrent i-otiiniiilon,
und the old inemU-rx will retain their
Hmitioiix for two year.
The olllci a of ruilroud i-oiuMiiwioiicni
were uio-t eugirly vniigbt and il ia laid
then, were lit leaxt forty candi
date w ho were uuxlou tw aacrilbv
tiieiiiH'lvex for the In-uelll of the South
ern 1'iieiflc railroad. Then there are
the pilot and lUh comuiiaxioner, ThkI
coiiiiiiixioncr und game warden fur
which there were n liumlier of appli
cant. DaCjr linanl, I . bruxr j .i'..
Kkii KNt:i. About two year ago
Ii. HilyeU of thi city, defended a loan
on thu charge of atealing a wulch, and
liy hi llow ing i-Kx.'fh ami elb-ctlve elo-
onelice, cleareil lilx client. 1 nai iiigni.
. . . . . . i i
hlx ri'Nlilence waa eutereu uuu o'v
f 1(d) iii money taken aud a tine gold
watch und chain. Yealerduy the
ebitriu w hicn wax on the chain wa n--turued
to him. It wa a Muaouic
charm und the uttoruey'a name wax
engruved upon it. A might well lie
upHiMM be ha an atilipkiuy towurn
deli-udiiig uuy mull on audi a churge
now. I!v every mail now he look
for the n--iit:tnt ainiier to return
him hi watch and KMiand comiound
Interext Hut ula, fur the frailty of
human nature, It I feaied thi will
never la-.
t'oSHiDKKAHLV iv Di:iit. The com
llilltee w hich hax l-eii Inveatlgatiug
the record of linker county have
reached the eoucluxiou that the county
la ::i),ll); In debt, although they have
not llnlxheil their invextigatiou, and
the exact amount may exceed that
Minn. During all these yi-ar while the
the debt wu accumulating, the "book
have la-cn oH li ao that the aople
could go and for theuixelve," but
the ieoB.lf ilidu't go, aud It I now a
I deal like lock lug the stable door
' after the horae i gone.
I'.Ujr liiianl, tVliruarjr X.
XoT iNSANr- It. S. Owen wa tried
thia afternoon before County Judge
Flxk, Dtputv I'roM-cuting Attorney
William ami Medical Kxamiuera A.
W. I'atU-r"n and J. W. Ijurri for In
aanlty. The facta acem to be that he
ia a man of ijuick temper aud hi au
ger Ix canity arouxod, and the evidence
being heard be wa declan-d b las Nine
and wa accordingly dixmlaxeil.
liallf OuarJ r.bnmrj ai.
Tt'MoK Kr.MovKD. Henry lluimau,
whohv- on Waxliirgtou t reel, haa
lawn troubled w ith a tumor for aome
time, and thi morning Dr. Ilrown
performed an ot-ralioii on the gentle
man, nuc'vWuliy removing the aa'ne.
The tumor w ax ipiite a large one. The
patient I getting alonir ni-ely and
w ill be all right iu a xhort time.
MAKKIKD.-F-b. Z:. bv A. F-.
Wheeb-r. J. I.. Mr. Hji lei Cn imlx r
lain aud Mlxa Sua t oale.all of I-ne
county, Oreg-m.
IVK. Monday, Fab. ' Mr. and
Mr. A.J. farjienter, near ."priugtlehl,
a girl haby.
ti . i fit If i .1. 1.v.7
-n w una, uifB it muKii ... t-t
P" ienc, illamcttt street.
crcl dan or niiht. Opposite JIoteZEu-
learful il will auow later m.
The (irand Army encampment at
Oregon t'ity h:u tax-n changed frt iu
May h and V lo Juue 17 aud In.
There will be alxiut l cae oil the
diH-ket of the em lilt court w hich ciU-vt-ne
iu thi city next Motiday.
('haa Croner will take a four-hore
load ol freight to Harrlaburg thl
uiiiruiug uml w 111 tiring a load back.
M. A. Strattou, a I'ort land banker, a
brother ot Horace and Juliua Strattou,
tiled aiiildculy hi Portland Sunday
from aioplexy.
MemtH-rawf the W C T V leae re-memlN-r
the regular meeting at
Mount' hall, Weducaday, Feb. iTTlll at
:t p. m.
Yter li'a Saleui Teat aj: ''Tb
Kik'li ii(i imvra llirruliurg to lav for Eugs
uv." Mi baa uut arimj brr )t-t atd
prububly uuver will.
Our buxillewt men Uould aee that a
giMH) llinirlug mill I located here.
Such nil enterprixe would lai worth
thouaud of dollar to our city.
David M. Dunne, coiumianlury gen
eral; II. W. Telfer, lnaKi-tor-general,
Uilh of rortlaud, are the luteal mili
tary npolutmeuta by (iovernvr lird.
The bill allow ing ahetill mileage In
aildilinil to their aaluriea paxaed the
leglxLiture. Four or llvecouutlee were
excepted, Lane being one of the Hum
lier. Dallu Obxerver: Mr. Herry Weter,
who removed hi family from 11 I la
ton to F.ugeue laat fall, w ill ku re
turn to that place aud atari up the tile
fui lory, w hich haa b-en idle foraome
According to an Aatoria paier
Mexar. Honuer ft Hammond, the gen
tlemen who have agreed lo build
road fioui Axlorla le I'ortlaud "have
encountered unexpected dillkultica In
their ctlort to raise money for the con
Mtructioii of the road."
Itoaehurg rialndeulcr: IteV. K. 11.
Dilworlh on ycatcrday aiiliuuuced hii
rexiguatlon aa of paator of the l'rexby
teriaii church. It la not known how
long he will yet rcniMu In lloaeburg
or w ho w ill auceevd him a paator of
that church.
On next Monday will take place the
annual chool meeting lu the varioua
M-lnNil diatrlcta In thia couuty. A to
w hat the ecbool will be doing the
coming year w ill le decided by the
kind of men put In fur director.
About the Impplwit men In Oiegoii
are the railroad coinuiiaionera, the
game proti-vtor and the food coiiinila-aioui-r.
Two republican, w-a demit
crat aud one popullat, and the lax?
payer mux! pay the genlleuieu for
their Joy I the wont of it.
The Fnaxil Journal haa thl to any
alHiut a former I-aue countylte:
' Lucieii l'arker ia around with hi
head iu a a!lng, hla Jawbone having
Ixnii factured while playlug foollwll
Turaihiy evening. lie waa running
with the ball when he allpped aud fell
on II. Stoke' knee a the lattter waa
running toward him. Luce look aa
if he hal had au argument with Cor
Utt, but waa not perniancctly In
Iloy in rendletoii are playing poker
for ii ey In a room In the rear of a
Juxtli-e'a office. Thia make It conven
ient In ae the Juallce ahould conclude
to enforce the law agalnat gamhliug.
Aahort time ago a number of men
were fined there for gambling, but the
la-iy probably have not yet learned
the guuie well enough to be Interfered
The paier have been full of the new
remedy for diphtheria. Wrdneaday
night id lakt week a practical trial ol
il wa given at Medfurd. Dr. F 11.
l'ickel received from Dr. Mingua, of
Portland, a buttle of It and the aame
afternoon administered It to a child of
John Norton, realdlng abaut lour
mile aeuth of Medford. Haturday
tha patient waa diacharged by the tihy
lclaii. It wa the Aral caaeon which
the medicine waa tried ia thl state.
The controller "f the currency haa
declaied another dividend of lOia-r
cent In favor of the Linn County Na
tional bank. Thi make a total nf 75
per cent. The other 'St per cent will
alxo com-, with aome over lor the
xtoekholitera. It I all Intereatlng fact,
aud one creditable to the receiver aa
well aa to the debtor of the bank, that all the bank of the
I'liit.-d btatee that failed lu IhM, ao
far ax can be learned, no other batik
yet having paid 7". r cent.
Bread aad Water.
Hie aald: "I'm I love you
Aud could be your faithful wife,
If I Iil on becad anl wW
Tl... -M fif III! llfw.
. r.-llnw Lf.ew he had a
Aud ao the two were wed,
ile hullc for the breayl.
HauX SoM Mcr Maybewand
liutler have aold their loterwat III the
aaloon in the M-(iarao building U
Yla Owen ami John Hendereon. The
new proprietor are pleaaut gentle
men, aud piopoae te conduct alral
claaa houe.
Makkikd Ia Kugen, Feb. 25,
Ih1, A. y WheeU-r, J. I'., offleiating,
Mr. A- A. Hoileiibeck and Fannie II.
Moenta, all of Lane county, regTn.
Uat Mght'a Rrritliia.
I'ailj ouanl, Frbruarj
1 I--.... ..r.u-.l t. - in ! rllilitniW .III
I . mii I o'a " mm im ,..,Hn...
the retvptlon given Ml Julia Ycaie
I at Ylllard 1 1 nil lat evening. At
jnboul o'cl.xk l he aoalnr elaxx, of
I which Mia Ycnle I a nn mix r, with
the I', of tl. banner I i the lead, i-coit-is
the vlctoriou orator the plat -I
form, on w hit-h were m'xIihI meiiilx-r
of the faculty , regent. .Mayor rrtemt
ly, and other gucat of bouor. Ibmlyil
NIcKlnlay acte.1 a chairman, making
all aiinoinuvmctita.
riealdeut Chamnan, on being Inlrn-ilin-ed
by the chairman, ike iu l.'-
, half of the university. lie iKe ol
'.I.- .... .....I- ....I . .. . I .. b ....i .
me IIIRIljr llinia mill iiuuuiir.i. H-
diced by the whool III the prtal, but
(hat It hud not only won the honor
at the uruli rical eolitext balWixiil villi
calioiial liiklilutloiiM, hut 1 winner lu
thecauaeof higher eilucatlon free for
all, and that It future I indi-cd Hal
tering and It will In future year make
a record for ltelf nf which the cltui-n
of t heal ate will ludced be proud.
Our new regent, Mayer Friendly,
followed next, in Uhalf of lh cltlrrna
of Fugeiie and the n-geut of the luxil
tutiou. The abort apeech he made
teeiueil w lib the true aentimeiil and
broad hU-mlity be ba alwayaahow n
III behalf of 'higher education audit
wa au ear.icM and hearty congratula
tion that be extended Mia" Yeale for
uci-e fully Mx-urlng audi honor ami
emoluiiieita for lu-rnelf aud the uui
verily. Mr.'Freil Mulkev. of the Junior claaa,
followed on Uhalf f the atudelita
Hi x-eh wa a characlerlxtic one
and ImlicaUil fully hew roud the alu
ileiita we.f of their representative'
victory. Of tin-xjifety of the luxtitu
lion he of the time when the leg
lalutive hall would lie flllitl with
alumni of the unlvrrxltv. The hearty
applaum) thai follewcd thia allowed
that a (Mipular chord had lren atruck.
l'rufeawir Canon, who came next ou
the progrnm, iku mainly of the work
HCtoinplixliixl In Hie aludy of F.ngliah
and lu oratorical traiulng. Her re
mark were aotiml and to theMiinl,
and were well received.
Mia Veale, ill reaolldllig, Waa
dix ply moved by the uumlalnkabtu ev
Idenie of the hvartlneaa and aluivrlty
of the reception, and uxaured all that
wont fuilfit her l.i cxprcwdug hertbep
npprix-iatloii of the giaxl iVIIowahip
and kludly elicourugemelit ahown
A general aoclal lime wn then In
dulged lu anil Ml waaahower
ed with congratulation. The unl fer
al ty liand and glee club furuiabed cx
ceHeiit inualc during the evening. The
reception wu a cwinplete aucccxa aud
wa but due the young lady lu recog
nition of the high honor ahe had won.
A FfNNY Iikm. The following
from the Cnrvalli Time I readable
aud funny. "The examination pa-n
of one of tbirxe who did not nana nl the
reivtit teacher' cxauiliiatloii I re
markable In aome re-ct, a the fob
owiiigUvtion and anxwer will ex
emplify: iUiftioli Tell the principal
IHiiuta in hixtory of Virginia U-twix-n
the yean l'7 and VW. Anwer
IH-Vel lit of the F.ngllixt Colonial
waaaettlcd by the I'ohanllntot and
Pilgrim giMxi many of the I'rcaldc nta
horn there, and help furiilMicd a plai-e
for capital of Hie l . M. The Indiana
waa a great trouble XnrFnrk and KIch
mond waa founded. Slavery Introduc
ed. tJuctloii Whnt dnmugea were
brought about by the luten-oloiilal
war lu the manner ami cuxloinaof
the wiloulatx? Anawer Iiearntxl them
to think more Imlepemleiilly when
the alarm wa aounded they all had to
get up. If they did not they were all
punlahed. for Sunday they huge
braxa bucklea on their coune ahixt and
Ixxit gream-d there leather panta.
Took there gun to church with them
tapil them over the head with clulw.
fined them If they did not come could
not chew tobacco only but In the
country. They had lo l worth gowd
deal Ix-'fore they could wear a ailk hal.
Oneappili-aul In anawerlng theipiea
thin "What are the three greateat In
vention iluring the laat 70 yinr'."'
among them hu replied waa Shrope'a
atuinp pullen. Shroe realdea near
I'hllomalli aud w a thu Inventor of a
aluuip puller.
Dm Xir 1'ah. 1'ixiplu in debt,
will fur t w yeara to come, be required
to pay taxea ou what they owe aa well
aa ou what they own. The houe
paxM-d au axemeiit and taxation hill
providing for taxing mortgage and
deducting debt. The bill wa M
pugea In length and waa called up Fri
day evening In the annate. Seveial
aenaton objected to nailing ao long a
bill, ami fifty minute were epent In
diacuMxloii of the mutter, wluding up
In adjournment. There waa plenty of
time lo have read and dlpod of the
hill, but It waa patent to the elmerver
that thu M-nate did not waul audi a
ineaaure adopted. It did not want
mortgagee taxed or dehta deducted and
they will not be. The bill waa wanted
bean overwhelming majority of the
people and waa uecileil In the loteret
flair and epial taxation, but It waa
defeated by aome coterie of tax dodg
er, and uaurvra who know ao well
how to defeat the will of the inaaxe
not only lu atate but national legisla
tion. Daily iiuard, rvi,mrj jn.
Hkxjvi-.kii Siiwi.v. Harry Wel
der, w ho aiiidentally nuxhed hi hand
through a wiudow while cleaning It
la not recovering very fat. (iangreue
et lu end thl morning hemorrhage,
alxo. Dr. Tame w aa called and to atop
the hemorrhage bad to oia-n the
wound and catch up and tie I lie arter
lo. Ue la getting along all right now,
but II willlm Mime time before the
wound will beal.
I DocaT. SaU-oi Afiartk
final aifjourtinn-nl of ibw lialalur Halur
'. ir.i ixiuuad r'jiiaim'onara,
fmtue a.ia.'.. tc , aprare' II . I l-ll
alal.of La pm.aa or tUa fH thai turf
war "bold j" 111 legialalur fallu g
loalrctaew oflirial; but ja.UrUj annia
duabt waa elpraal ralan. to b-lijg
rataiDHl aa It waa IboDRbt lb goiatoor bad
powrr to aptm In caaa of fatlnr. to alrct.
If aarb proM tra, lh ar-raaibl for tbta
lucratl' JialtKiti. will ba gnat.
Itallr ouaM, raljoiarj iV
Matii. "Siiirlng time conieth
gentle Annie," and the bird are mat
ing. County Clerk Jen
ning, la doing a good
bu.iutaa tbeae day In
the marriage Hiuae line.
The follow w-ere laauel to.lay: A.
A. liulleiMiix k arid Fannie B. Mouute;
Jamiw Miltie and Laura Haaklna.
Hill pprovfd.
The following bill have lcu ap
proveil by liovernor Lord llii-e6:.'W p.
iu. of tin- J-ld - laat Saturday:
No. 7, protcctiug at nil again!
statute of limitation-.
No. -1'; tUiug time of election
Xo hl'i. Olvgdll aoldiers' home
No. bl, aiuelidlllg nectiou 1170 lllll'a
Xo. :'ll. Athena charter.
Xo. 2JH, W'aaco ami Multnomah
countlc boundary.
Xo. 7'-, tegulale building and loan
Xo. li.t, protei-t g:me, fowl.
Xo, .'17, ii ba-ate Cooa county aeat.
Xo. lid, changing coin penaat Ion of
county clerk, clerk of circuit court,
Xo. '2X1, Oregon lily charter amendment.
hoi ck hi i.i ji.
Xo. -41, ludeH-udeuee charter
Xo. 110, Canyon City charter amend
ment. No. 317, Oaklaud charier amend
ment. No. Hi fixing aalarlc couuty trvaa
uter. No. .175, amending aid Ion 4220
Hill atoile.
No. lii'i, amend I'wrtluud charter.
No. :t-i, employuielil of convlcta.
No. :ix'j, general appnipriatlou bill.
Xn. '22. creating Multnomah couuty
Nn. II'.', amending Aatoria charter.
No. 4n, protei'tlng aalmoii.
No. 1, prohibiting minora In evil
No. 2l, amend Aahlaud charter.
No. 3s, lncorxiratlng IbMeburg.
No. 27, protecting tlah in Wallowa
No. 3, n.riulilig rortlaud iliartrr.
N.i. I.'i'.. lien en liuran for ibixiug.
No III, aiurr.d A.hlaiid cbtriar.
No, Ci. ami n t pbariuacr, do
Nu, :t(, vahilxlet-lly ball bolda.
N.i. ii. funning il)kmg ilulnrt.
No. au.iui'udiiiK ee. 'j:lJxmiMllaoeiia
No. r.'J, auii n.hug C'.irvalha charier.
Au,t II. J. U. 7, upauing palt of t'aaca.1
furvat Iraitta.
(ullage breve Item
Fflio-U-adcr, Feb. '2Z.
While Oliver Watch aad family
went vialllng at 1'ottage drove, aome
one entered thulr auioke houae and
hulM-d ihciiiKclve to aome of Ollver'a
Mr. Orchard I buy willi baud
laying the pipe for the water work
I u Collage (i rove aud he I Jut mak
ing iiM-ratioua lu that line boom.
Itev. K. (llltina In conducting iulle
au Inlerenllng meeting at the M. K.
church In tin city, with tile cheerful
upKrt of llev. V. y Xealaitt of the
C. 1. church here and llev. bweeny ol
J. A. Heiiaoii, haa purchaai-d the
brick building formerly occupied by
the weaael-vycd akinlllut and mongrel
fake, w ho tried to play linnkcr. The
building will be a dalxy place for a
drug alore, and I ii jw being lilted up
fur that buniueaa.
Monday night wa a graud Jubilee
for the oild Fellowa and IUila-kah' In
tbixclty. Oraud Maater Ii. C. l'arker,
of Dal iu, 1'olk couuty, mad the
lodge au mllclal vlalt. A few nf the
liMlge at liraue were here, and the
hull wu 111 led like a hive full or beoa.
Mure than au Average amber
I'axaed at TliU'llinr.
The inuiily board of examiner have
pamcd ou the exaiiiluatloil paper of
I In aw who appileu ior certiuca-a at
the February term and find there were
St third grade cerllficatea, ID aecoud
grade and ID flral grade.
The following were granted atate
certlllcatea: Lulu Norrla, W. T. (ior
den, Mr. Jlucy Uallcy, Mia Mattl
Iix, K. IL l'arker, Mr. Celia Warucr.
Mlae Kuinia Dodd, Anua Craln aud
Martha Cal-f.
Three late diploma were; granted
alxi. Thoao UL-ceaMful In getting
them were: (). L. I iarwood. Lillian
llnrwooil and Haltla II. Da via.
Thi haa proved to be a very good
examination. Huncrtntendcnt ftteven-
aon Informing u that more than the
average iiumber paaxl.
I'm lor It at Hume.
Oaeoftho charitable women of the
W. it. C. Inform u that thr are aev
eral families In town who are actually
anlt'. riiiir fur Ilia tivi-eaaitlea of life, and
auggeaU that If the donation for the
Xebraaka (Uirerer art not aenl aoon
I u.lll ..ft I ... ft.l.ul II. ft. .til
lurr win nm in m w fti.r.w, ..
could be umxI with plcndcd result at
home, t he lady umientami tne ait
uation here and we doubt nnt
from her Uiteuint that Buffering
ex nit.
W hile thedouation were nia-le for
a certain purpoae, we understand the
railroad compauiea now charge freight
on all auppllca aeiit to Xt-braaka, and
that would be alruoat a much a the
collection ia worth. If all rcrt are
. i .t . ... ,n.ii...
iruatwonuy me manner ui uinnuu
tiug auiiplle In that atato has been
aivudaloua many carload being nil
Ing, and no yUiinatlo plan having
beeii pursued.
TKV It. Here I a receipt for get
ting rich, thai any one can try, aud
nioxt -ople begin: On the tint day
of March depoaii In any aound bank
one cent. Almoat any one can rake
up a penny. iu each of the auccexvl
Ing dava double your deimit. Fel
low tji'l program faithfully and at the
end of the month you will lie aurpriaed
te Had that your account will show
the aiim of lu,Md,03ti.iiH to your cred
it. With that little aum all you have
to do la to retire and let the other fel
low uuetle.
IUII.koad CumwInmox. - Salem
Journal: The railroad commlaxlon are
In great auaneaae aa to whether they
held over, or whether they will have
to retire, and new men be ap(Nlnted.
Ooverunr Iird haa referred the ques
tion to Attorney (ieneral IdUmao,
who la tailoring ou an opluien, to bo
ready within a lew day.
Daily Ouanl. rrbruarf li.
Toot. HorxK. X. Stryker, the eon
tractor, begau work thl meriting on
the houae for the county rood Imolo
luarita. It I bxwted Juat Dor lb of the
county Jail oa the trel.
I lied With I lie ii--rtiiry of Mat
lib. :'.tli.
Feb. itioveruur l...ii ll!i. with the
aei-n tarv of xtule 1 1. .l! .-',
.'IM, ;IIJ."J. 4-'i. 4o. I .ii, -.'7. :;h,
'S1, i.l, '-"-".I, -Jx, I U, i i; nate bill
D.i, iin, m, iii, i'j.i, -.ii, ii;, ;.,
tieliale bill 70. inilitarv cixle; :, for
relief of Iva leliipletnu: ilou-x- bill list,
to legulie rvmlxaion of nully of Ar
riligtou' bomlxuieli; N liati- bill l.x,
Cehlll i'ortage bill; ola bill 1 I, aber
ilia mileage bill; Hi.- are alill III thu
hand of (lovernor Lord, am! he hu
until Thumlay at midnight to mi.
No. 2is.-Creati- ollbv of couuty
auditor of MultiiomaU county.
Xo. Flxea follix lixilloll of Jllx
tlcea and i-oliatalili x In citii x uf 'i0,.l.
Xo. 7U. To ngulute the tncorHiru
Hon und buxillean uf building mid loan
and aavlng and loan naam Ulioii do
ing a general btiaiui d.x x not apply
to aaMa-iatinu w hu h coiilli.e loulix lo
county where oraiu.-d or cnuuliix
luiinixllately adai-eiit tin r io. in ef
fect May i.
itoisi: iuu.1,
Xo. 3K2 -(Ieneral iiipri'prtatinii bill,
aaxeil a already puhliahed, w ithfol
owlug change: Kailruuil niuiluix-
aion approanalloti, ; Jimi alruikwut
lu houae, waa put luck bv the i-uate;
Orvgoii douiextio annual couiiiiixalou
cut down to 1 1, (Ml III bullae, reatored to
s.umi iii aetiaie; Item for drain from
tale bullae to river of ii,5nn waa uu-x-ed
In houae, wa atrm k out by aeiiate;
iiriutlug for atate auix-riutt-mlcat of
acluwla reduid to frt.iaai ,y xemile; for
repayiiieut (leo S la.w ning attorney
fee for luveatlgntiuii of 1 ;l, 1 1 74,
truck out by hnuxe, realored bv aeiiate.
Xo. .142 Fixing time holding cottil
lint diatrict.
Xo 4i Forming dyke dixtrliixou
lauda auhjei't to tidal ami fror-hct over
llow, aame aa drainage law.
iNo4o Amend pharmacy net uml
provide punbdimeiit under namv.
-o i Amentia act lo protect am
nion and other f.xxl tlalun.
Xoi7 To protect llh in Wallowa
Chartet bill: Hoxeburg, Aatoria,
Corvalll, correct iimlaaioii, lu I'ortlaud
charter, Aabland, amend rortlaud
Xo. Il Pnivhlc blackamith with
lien for coat of alnx-iiig horxc. In ef
fect May i'.
Xo i.'il Prohibit minor from going
Into aud vialllng lilacc of evil renin,
and to prevent and punUh any ierou
for reiUelliig or dint-tlug minora to
go luto or vlalt any such place.
Ail ft luipnn-a every foreign
lire anil marine, life, life ami accident,
iilateglaaa and bolter iHaiirunce com-
jvany doing buiuea In thl tatu to
take oat a Hcciirc, n-imrl II buRinea-t
annually by atatemenl of It gnxui
pramlums, aud pay two er cent lax
nn audi gmaa pn-iuluinx lex lai-x
utld within the atate uml premium
returned, ucli tax to lai In lieu of all
taxes ou peiaoiial prowrty. 1 n cllW-t
May i.5.
Ut .Night's Meetltig.
Dally Guard, I'tbruary 'j;.
Mount's hall was imcked !ut night
at the meeting of the Advancement
club. The committee on charities re
Dorteil iirogre. The commltlevon au
eiluvatlouai Journal failed In reirt,
but 1'nalileiil ( liapman gave au eul
line uf the work that had already been
done. The committee uptlulcd to
confer with (he F.ugc lie. baud iu regard
to co-operating for lite furHiM of accur
lag club room, wa given wcr to act
and ubiull detailed - uiruugc incut
with baud.
Frof. Tho. Colldnit preaelited ail III
terealiug pax-rou ''Oligli, of Na-iely;"
Mr, lialley followeil with au Intereat
lng pa'r on "llcnnll, Shrinva aud
llelii;" and Dr. Alice Hull Chupmait
read an able arliclo on "Heredity, and
IU Helatlon to Crime "
All interesting diacuialntl of thcao
vaier look place after their reudlng In
which a large number look part, liie
following subject were apiMilnlod fur
future meeting: "Sacreil llixikx,"
llev. W. H. UllUrt; 'I'olytheUm aud
MonolhelHtu," llev. (oil; "Divorce
I.awa aud Cutonn," II. T. Condon;
"Patriarchal Family," Dr. T. W.
At the meeting to bo held on next
Monday evening the following pajiers
will las read: "Nature and Ol.jix t of
Punishment," K. O. Potter; "Method
of Informing Criminal." Dr. D. A.
Paine; "Ohoxt," Mn. Titos Coudou;
"Nature of the alarriugo contract," J.
J. W'alUm.
Dally OuaM, rabmary V.
Hki.i.inu Watch km, Y. rr. Two men
arrived here laat ulgbl bedecked with
diamond, and this morning Inter
viewed several of our citleiia alxiut the
condition, financially, of our farmvn.
They said they were here to well good
watches and Jewelry to the tanner at
one-half the pries charged by the
manufactories. They hired team and
went Into lite country lo ply their
avouatlon shortly before iiimiii. Any
man with an ounce of brain know
that these men eanuot sell gtaxl at
audi price. If our producing clax
want Jewelry they ahould buy the
same from the men eugagtil 111 that
llu of bualue-a In Laue county, who
are reputable aud throughly honest,
and tbey will receive value for every
cent Invested.
Win. do A lit: ad. An Aatoria dis
patch show that there 1 nothing In
the Item from an Aatoria paper aixmt
llouner A Hammond not Ix-ing able to
raise money to build the (iohlu road:
A letter received from an Intimate
friend of Homier h Hammond, of Ml
sou la, convey the Information that
tin gentlemen will leave Mlxaoula
for Aatoria at an early day, aud that
work will be eoin.'ieuix d ou the (loble
railroad March. I. Hornier k Ham
mond, It la atated, will lie ai-companied
by a force of engitiecn. The utmost
couflilence I exprcam-d In Montana,
the letter at atea, a to the ability of
lion nor 4 Hammond to carry out their
Cl.EAMNU l.'r. Meaxr. Ldrl A
Hon are cleaning up the rul.M-h around
the loumiutli a of the old mill. F.very
on would like to ev thl followed by
the erection of a flouring mill. W e
cannot atrord lo ib without one for
riot her seaaon. and the announcement
Vial one will be built would he He
re trad a glad tiding uf a more proo
perou teneoii.