The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 23, 1895, Image 6

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for Infants and Children.
I l-l 1
" (MtM4sliDaJaptal Inrhftuiei that
I ranmna-ad M min lwjr pnvrl4t
kK.a to mn" II A. Anri, X. I ,
III UtfM M , a, S Y.
T1e tut a? '(VaVa-aa, It an iifilrr-J uut
II tiaartu M writ know tUal II amid wa-i
4 aUav.frarUfc l fli' II. I 'V V lb.
IMlllrt famluVa a la. tin Lrtl'Hl'la
Hide Haa- h."
Ciu Warra, It. !.,
J.!- Vik 1ijr.
aatxrl, ur ('", raM(liaUtiat,
(Mir ;iiiiav i, 1 1 UTli. M, lru.-tui.aa,
Kills Wormi, glnaj alaa-j,, and oio a
Without lr mtUrMl.
"If ,r.i-nl nr. 1 hav, TrTns- 1
t.r 'r.-l.a-l.,' .onl ilall alwara r.a.111 .
.In . i. II l-w lnrkU a-uJuta brfM'.i
tilllA." ruu.M. n,
IX'h MnH and 70. A., l.k ('11
Tai f trr.1 m rvrirr. TT Vnuf Ht-t, Saw Y fm
War lleilla.
Kil.. 17.
Here we are again.
The farmer u ltw river hare U-
gua Ibcr spring plowing.
Hhelby Taetem returned Friday
from a trip to riruaanl Mill tmi I ji
(leo. Keir, of Wildwoed, linn moved
(o (.ullage IJrove.
Mr. lir.aik I nulling In a mill
(Ml the liver Hear til farm.
The bridge acrm the river net wee
Chrlainnn'e ami Wcwarl'n la unite
Convenience to I lit) pinple living on
the other side of I lie nvrr.
Oliver Vralih ami family vl.iled
all'ollaite drove week or mi ago
Wlille away some mm entered I hair
smoke Imiiau and helai theiiiavlve lo
time oMMIver a Imcon.
There ia aftino talk 'if lino lug the
War ptavt omce to lliitlnw alurv.
MfMra. Clin, ami Jim I'lU'ln-r liavc
U-eli iIdIuk mime mIhuIiIiiiT fur J. II
('ha. Teeler ami wife liuvu ttmu t
lamblll cmiiily lo wink until next
Ilenrv Huiltli ami Ivllwrt Mium-, of
Creawell, Mik III I lie limMjui rnilu lu re
I lie 1 1 1 It.
Tlie liiaiir;iile at the liall I lie I llli
Inal. waa alleinleil liy nearly llm i n
tire lii'liflilxii IiimmI. All ttiiiui to i n
Joy tlieiuwlvea. There wan itikI nrdrl
ami an rxivlleiit miiH'r. KvcrythiiiK
iiAwetl oiriilli'tly until ufler thu ilntiee
linik up, w hen a little wrap wu In
Uule In. Cat.
Iki Kim J4(r
WAmilMIIHN. -ell. !l. - I he life
hleiit IimIhv nnniliiiiliil I .r-kni" M
llntM, of Clillfiirnia, til lie I'lilleil Milieu
clreult liili;n fur the ninth Jinlieinl eir
cull, intvlilel liy the ael nirovel
l-eliriiary in, iwi-i.
Lane County Bank.
KUlilUlirl III 1.'
A general Banking business
n an oranches transacted on
favorable terms.
A. ii. IIOVKY. I'reMilelit.
J. M. A Hit A. MS, Canhier
A. tl. IIOVKY, Jk , AM. (
i t rum, r.
K Prttittiri.
m oiHumi.
Of Eugene,
lUHKi'TiiHa-J V Ihimh. J. II 11. in., w i
Htimii, II. 1 1. 1'aiur, r. W li.lniin. I
J a nr I lua City Itrtni.
Time, Jan. III.
K. II., lb Ax Hilly iner
rhaut of Kiiene, a In thin city Fri
day IryliiK to buy Hitalin.
John lUmlaker hai Im-ii eiiinrl
to teai'h Hit prliiK lenil of whaol at
I.ani a.ler. I hU M III be Ilia flflh term
at that phiiv.
ti. I'.. Mi'Clure ami fiiuiily iuoel to
l lliulra lut w eek. Mo will have charge
of the wMinill at that ilae ami we
oiil'l not he eurpriaed to hi III put
III a lumlier ynril at thla lniv.
J. 10. Iliitli-r lute trailed hie Iniy
Tom ram li fur tlm I'lrkett t k of
furniture, lueiiillii the hrlek kulllntf .
W hile the d ull not yet fully eon-
aillualed the ehauirn III mii lie made.
We eonirluIate til part let.
We learn from private aource that
Mr. Hammond of the Oregon I'aclllr,
will lie hwre .Mnri'li 6. to n mfer with
our teiple re);iirdlll the irned ft-
When the Kovernmelit predieta rain
It Im Mire In I fair weather. Curloti
ln t It.
ri iia v. n:iiitr.HY n.
The 1 1 V 1 1 I- null ijliile luw .
C. II Trinplemn::, of I'uilluiiil , la In
I he ll .
J if. Hi on o h ay i id. u n tmhiy
and now n-K ' ' ' leinutl."
A iniiil huii In ell llapht) ing a putent
rlmrii on Ihentr-t tod.i.v.
The liiiillla hill wa defenteil in tlie
M lLtle je.leidjy Ity mix- vote.
Our liilllieM men ahould Hot forget
the need of a Itnlirlng mill here.
The utrivl ear Hue la entitled te the
im reawd huxlueiM It I imviving.
Kail grain I reiMirted How to lie
gn.w mg tliiely. A I-1 the gra on the
J. W. Mirier, the UKllnlelliillt
of the llnhemia Aunlit mine, U In
to.t ii IihIuv.
I!. II. Ilighum fhlpH-d a ear loud of
Miltii4 fr.iiii Juiietioii City jtierdny
10 ruo r rniieiHi'O.
'I Im Hah in llnily IW hn ImH ixild
to l.yuii A 4'aiinoii. We wlnh the
new prorietui every i.ilile uc
ii. It I. ...lte likely that K. A. ICaklu
will tw apHiiute to the Judgmhlp of
the newly crealed Kjnteru Oregwli dia
tri.t. "
It. v. J. . K,,rk. a pioneer M K.
pn aeher, died at hi home In Salem
yesterday, llewu T) year of ugw.
Tl lenwuing In front ol the Kugetie
loMi and Snving lluiik haa ih-. ii torn
awavtoullew mora light in eutr the
huildlug. A giMMl Idi-u.
J.iik-h' ullver hill I How III the mi. ale
und will pm that ImmIv on n ti-t vole
11 earrled h a vol e of : Win 17 Ikilph
la pm red nguliikt the re Willi
The rmted llrelhren i-hun-li ur
eireuhillng a aulwripl iou paH-riirouml
to p.iy oirthedelilou Ihechureh, whleh,
amoiiuti to iHI. It ought to he
The I'ortlHiid, nalnry bill hy Mi
(Ion, Ima l- li iitdellititely iHmioiii d
III lie hntiM- nl Salem. The utill
lilph men uinl keven Mipulln(a did
the wink.
Arttlh'hil duller und ega ure indit
ing new, hut now they have got to
making arlilli-ltil llnihiirger eheeae.
And there U mild lo he a real reaeim
hlauee In Hie ninell.
A i:i. u nlit lrwet ludy told her
hll.lwilld thai I he Unmet he hougltt
her w a "na lovely aa dream." He
The it III" t nt tl' ti -re
ii'nv i I.iitniti t! four den.. . !
i-iialui ill v. .le for Iinlili ;t .i
I "l r 'in t. We look llMii In ik
a'.i'.i iio i.t ,i- ii I. lull.
Tlie ciilii in )pf i"ltT (if llitiriial
revenue tliinka thiii .'5.V),IXKJ i 'r Mu
aliurm ami ii iluiduale will f ay thu
im ufi;e Ijx. mid 1 1 nit the ra-ijit!
Will eX' eel tiie erlilllute.
I'orlluml Sun: S nutor Ilrowu
liell, who i i it it Invii ii reaident of
l'r'Kni thr.v year-, vote-l for u
cliarti r fr I'ortl.iii'l inaLiiig ioi ii
ineligihlif tueli.-i'tive odice wltn li.tve
not reaiilej iii tln tale live year.
Haleiii 1'nf.i: will (iovt rn
or l ord i!n with thu leprluture?
'I'liey lime i, ,t w-t jrien one of It
re'iii-.iini iid.itl.iij- t!.e lil;t!li.-; i-.-n-
i ler.ition. The fame treulineiit
lia tllao Ut'll lotted out tut-X-l'Ot
eriior IVimoyi-r.
Th Oregon tlelcg itiuii ut Wuhli
ingtuii will not g' into Humming
if U ilplt i ilefeutcil. Nvitlitr will
the tuU ollictm ut Salem, nor the
n I'lihlictn firniiTM of Oregon. The
lion. II. W. Sc-utt will Im- the
riiiL'iuil inotiri.iT.
Chicago Tribune: '"Tin-re are
no ne evi'litiiiieiit u yel," ti le
graphed the ut the
Antoiid town whero tin: niilw.iy
.i iilent ItuiiM-iieil. "Jurv h.i hut
rtturiic i verdict. Waiting for the
C ir.ilier to anlier .!."
A .liu-kaon county mini who hit
i ii t.-rt et-t in Montana, tell of an
acquaintance of hi buying 1 LKX
rine horm-a in Fergus, Mont, fir
3 a head, killing them, boiling
the tin it and lining it to feed a
lirB'e niiinU r of ling mi hi ruin b.
Adjutant (iein riil Miteliell of the (iu.ird ha mudu hi re
H.rt fir 18'.):! mid IS!) I. It l,ws
the N.ilionul (itiurd of the eUte
mi -i-1 of 23 i-oui panic of in fan try.
two I oope ol civilrv and one but
i ii k i iiH Ai.ii i.;i;k
.1 hii.iil lie I. -ii l ittl"
liuillill, of h.ll-h-.rii,
-I living, i-ume lip
of Salem, n-i I
eaid he didn't dmiht It, ua it gave him 'ery of art:llery, one eng. titer eorpH,
hi. Up Ci:i:j!,
I Stn:ril Banking Businsss Transacted.
InlnMl alluwrd un llui drwiu. I
I'ulln'iliiii rniruiir.1 M our rata a III i,-,vltr I
maii ailrmiiin
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle.
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Scat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiify.
Rub in Vigorously.
a iiylttiiire when hw got the hill fur
I he old liorau "I'rlmv" ow m-d hv H.
M. 1 It un died the llrxl of the wee
ngi d -1 yeala. I'll Im horae waa know ll
l.y every one when Mr. Tilua waa In
the livery huaima in Kiiene,
CoriMimtlona are now eorr.-riHiudiiiK
wiin jir, imii KUiaii in orni-r to eeure
tilauka for a attitemelit of their iueoiiii'
.Nut n Very pNlutuhle thing Ii. ! a eor
Mimtion tiller nil.
I he pay ear ear waa here je.tcrday
riiine thu ei-onomleal xtrenk alruek the
i-ompiiiiy the p.ivi'tir la la-iitg taken
over the rmnl on llm reeulur truiii.
inn. oia iipiiii); mi i in- m r leea ol a
KiHM-liiirg riuiiid. nl. r: A. f.
luirii la now In i-hurge of the ahi-(nie
lornuriy owned hy I.. I.angenla rg.
He hua uh'endy n-e. Ived ndililioiia to
the Mnek and will in a few duva havr
a lompieie m.n k on nainl.
I he iHutiutiHter k'elterul Mute In Ida
aniiuiil rNirt that llflv iMMtal eara
were tun tied or w reeked diirlna Ihe
pn-l yenr, mid furtv-eiKht iii.-nl iruin.
ami klugea were rohla-d. Then, were
I . -1 Mwnlh-e lillliilurird
Mr. A ll Id. n whunrilvtd here venter-
i. ... ... -
i nuv iniiil .iiinneJiii, I. linking a t Mr
load ol atiK-k and liniiM linld und
funning uteoalla, la Ititay IihIuv inov
lltg Ida gniMla lo Ihe Water', larm.
aomu oi mwii, Willed he hua leaned.
i nai .iuii:i uiiiii w iin In um.'1-r
airueu lil o year old Imv, nearly kill
lug hint and putting out one of hia
ey.-a, ileaervee to lie tli-d lli lo a alake
ami klekeit hy u mule until Ihe foui-
fia.led, hut more n-fe.ted lirule I
An exi'haiii!e aava: When llm hri ..
illea out luke lo the oar, w hell huallleaa
lilliglllahea puh It. The U-l tl. Wert la
llig dia-a lint (NUtaiat of w ind alone,
llaa alreltgtli and laiwer,
your vttiit una
RKninai nuveiae iiuea nlnl over ilintger
.-ua am uia,
Ihnir hofiiiliil cori'l detueliuii lit
und three bund. The return,
idnirt that for I S.. -ItJ.IXKJ men are
li tl.Ie in niililury duty in tlie Mate.
The imliculinnti are no that the
thn alencd trouble U-tteeu the
Southern I'ueifiuaiid the engineer
in ita employ hua blow n over nnd
that u giMul nnil'-r-trtiiiliin; ha been
arrited nt. In point of f.n-t it it
ulready iimle.Htood that ail the I if
li. ullKH have pnutie.illy hcn ml
jtif'ed und thut nil that n in. tir. - to
Im- il.Hie i to prepare f.innal m ti It
of iini inent lietwi-en the partu
In the (ieriliau reiehhtag Friday.
Coiiiit Mirbueli urged the tjiivern.
uit'iit to cull mi international mone
tary conference with u view to r'
iiioie tiing silver, ('mint l!i-mar. k
f.ivor-d Htleh a hill. ('haiuell..r
llolieiilohe inlitnated that tin-gov
ernment Would lie willinc to ennfi r
with the federal goveruiuent imhiii
the i)tietioii of entering into iiego
ti.iiioit w ith other power in regard
to t'te iidviailiilit v of eoiiHiitering
the llltnietiirv avMeiu.
1 he I
C. W
Kujji In-
o. I". II..I1,
allei main.
A. W.lieiay,
uuy In r.ugeue.
Mayor H. II. Ktleiil!y wint to Tort
lui d tlil morning.
I". II. Whitney, of Oakland, waa In
Kugeue over Suntlay.
IU.-V. Sln-aveita arrived limim from
Monria-1 Ma ufu rmaiu.
Miaa I.lzle IIiiIimiii went lo Cottage
(imve lo day for a ahnrt viait.
Wm. Kdriahua leturiied fmtn ShIu
v lu mueli Improved in health.
N-iiutor J no. JI. Met 'lung riturm d
lo Sulelll thil limrililig oil the lia-al.
Thnitka to Mr. and Mr. Win. !-ir-na
ll lor a plate of wedding euke.
Hull. II. It. Miller haa leturiied ft will
a huaiuea viait to boulliern Otrgoll.
Miu Orpl a Wynii returind to her
home at I ullage Orovu thla afteruiMin.
Miaa Ida Kveiiaun returinil thla
inurtiliig iroiu a at I'leaauut Hill.
I'rof. Mt Klroy. vliled I'nrllultd Sat
urday, and hit family, In Sulem Sun
day. Miaa Stella Uowlalid returned yea
lenluy from a lew daya' vlalt al Spiing
Held. Iiuia I.eViltger, of I'ortlalld. la
lug with hi relative iii thla eliy for a
few tij a.
Circuit eoiirt eoiiveiiea two weika
from today. The thicket will In au av
erage one.
The true lillinU r u( iivUltilive eleika
under employment la l.w. 1'ieltv
The utetimer Kugeue left I'urllalid
(hia morning fur llurrUlmrg ami way
I'.. II. Iiiglnim ahipiad a en r Imtd of
IHilatia-a lo muii rrunciseo SuturU.iy
A (. am aturting to run awuy thla uf-
Ihu ileKit eatiM-d Kiltie
Ju.lg. ; I he I',
"it" ol the iniiliol l i
..n liiiy. s.otii j
i t. .v Hock oi tu.
to it und, lo tin tr
lltelil, lnl tier- f .
ii. I,.. i;i-r tr
: ll h i p r-
de clallll it i
k pluni'.l in
great uetoitieli
A lliall who fell
One of the bill introduced by ntulive Jell'rey nrovi lea
that w hen iiny tract or parcel of
I ni'l, or any form of realty eold on
exi-eutioli to H.itiffy a iinntgage.
ttliall not bring the full hiiiii or
auin in aniil inortgaee. (he mort
gagee hiiiiii nave no further reeourfo
I, ugainiit the real or iier-onal iiroper-
i. ..... .i. .... -
u mwer. it w in prnjM ty oi I lie mortgage ir, or rg.iiitat an y
. , '"""T'"' 'oHiriy real oi peraonnl, not
1 I idee and over danger- ......... i .... i . . . ..
iitiiiien uini eiiuini rated ill talil
mortgage. Nothing idiall be con
itrued a to Ih-et the validity of
contract heretofore exiating. An
f .A 1 1 mi 1 1 y IK iii.h mt: ll la attid ( ipiili
h alltvely lliel a ael.alur Will la- el.-.ied
una week, line anll l),. Ii.h mnii. it ia
Muatang Unlntent comiucrl
Make rtan or IWaut well
reiMirted, will vole for him rutln-r Hiiiii
no election, nnd on the other hand
II la claimed enough Ikilph men w ill
Vote for Mime mm .M in uuiac u eli-.
Hon. M. C. liiorge la la-ing pnunl
lien I IV IlKlilluliid na u eonn. ,lu
hi. "
llakrt.illlir I'l.ilirrr Uklll tr.... n. tu..,.
In lit. citiuly tn In.
A BiM rlu.ii.a-k Irr. 1, l,.rin.'fl, ln I ,.ai
al Ira. sa A , n..,.
1'a.k Irvr. uir.lrr.
K.atii.l,,.m. rut ami Il
toluol. Will t.lrr.a-1 lir.,, l lhLl
KFnM.m, ir..t. ,,, t.. ,,.,
.'Irwl ud ft.iiret.
t r.l aii l .hll. Ill .lili,. . t..r Ml. .1 nilil
CM H .r l.rr lirn i,i,l,i,. Will .k. I.,,,! In ..i-haug..
aercl.!. KATKa TO l: M ri:..
I oflrr htt Mir air .h.1,,1,- mill. .In. hi
... ... viiiiiiin ,)laff Ma. ii-i.r. mw
ll.lllllg. I.ulli... rll- .!. ..I
t '! -l .1.,. li,.rM .,. :.iiirtt
liailul ival l.l lrrM,
l U l.AlvIN,
allrit. 1 .tn i ,, 4 Iir.-..
la-en very
rot fining to earn cm. k. rv
any longer, we will
of OUT illlllH tlM' tH. nf
: Croclerj. 6!jfiri, Etc. :
at riu- that will urrtst.
Sracenti it Chtj is lhi CLti;t.Li
Cull i arly aixl liav a lare
assortment to pick from.
I'c'. L.u-iny was Foiled.
' t '.. .:.. rt....l, .ntrrariil t
ii I.- . . l.i. . i. .! , al.lM.I tU-m rllat
1 i.i I-1 n-4 1 '. n Ilial iuir.1 In air
' '" .' I ' I o. lull and U .I
' ' 1 1 '' ' i - r i ir -,. in ,t, , n-.ii,
I ii . .. . it..- cl ,J (,, l.t , , .k.-n
' 1 ' I- -i I in n, I,., a
' ' ' 1 1 M ! .ml .tin in bit
I ' - " ' 1 'l . i ti I . rlttiiM 'iiib
I ' ' ! 1,1 i I .).i. I.iii. .,. It
I " I ' - "I. f I... h. a.
" ' - - .M" iii Iimi. Id. rw U a-l
o ' It I i. i-i .-r.4l, tl.rjr
i I . I..t.i!,..i .r.vr- uiiiii
4 i i.. 1 1 i ,. tf.w .ultrrrr
' ' ' . ' I I ' l I--, a U,I..IO.
I i l i.l . a i ll ,, ,; mil, b
. 1.. tl I ... . ..lirrtl-rnw-at
' K. .t.ii. ; . ,,. , 1.. ,n. un 4 a
I ' . It U.I' l. M'l.r .ui. .. H
.1. II f. .1.1. 1, J.I l-,
' I fiii.ll . r.-. I.. (,. ., ,,J lrf .ia,
i - ! I. l I., ii tin ll.a . lil.-.
i "f I . r. ,,iin ,.. .( a
I o.l ai.. . i.:ihf.i (ra
la . ,l,t. IK..,,I, t ,.f,un u,.a
til ll. ! ,i I,.... ,.. UH .
, il N'luw.a n.r m -.'
il.n.n .i, ii i,.. i H ,,nTimitrir
' "" ' Jilu.- k.m . ,(. o.
I" . I.-. Im .Uaail.r ,.iIM tr all
f ,.)., .,n fu.r.Ki, , a,a
.1 rp I I.. 1, i, l r-. H.0, .1 I... r.akart.
I... I IN..IL4 t4 l-.b. .1 la.. K.
a .
i l l'i
, I II .
.1 .
ii I
rM. I." IMI-
All. any iMuovmt: Hon. It. A
IU lia. ll, nf eW.oi, waa III eilv loduv
nn il w ay lo Sulem. Mr. lleiiaell aava
lucre U no iueatioii hut w hat ihe groin
la-lug built, nnd aUntt w lilch eon.hler-
al.le haa lavn anld, will Iw of great
la in ni ut ll, e IImv ami tin mucli to.
ward iIm'. tilng tlie water, ami waa
put In fur Ihnl puriMMe, ami not io
kill Ihe liny, aa aome hale
excitedly an) lug.
I he Ptalem StaleailtNli mu: "Cliaa-
ctol confer, nil a with aeheming w ire
puller In the m itatoriul light ottghl to
ia l.y Iiiiim ItiI and then Ihe
l.iftgilea of a andal will Imve nothing
to wag nla.ul. Ol nmrav. a a mutter
of lacl, no one ouuhl tola'
iii connection m I: Ii Ihe aa-uaiorahlp hut
"'i I'll, ami men only In a little lipa r
i lunula r and lo anil ihe Siii.iii,oi.
The nnifelelli-e oiikIiI lt d In exlelol
la-yond Seuntor Siiueii and Milium."
IVm.vral: "The hlcyclc an aim I
Iv In it In All-nii v. I'ltere are focr or
live agem-lca, nnd all ru.tling fr I ti.l.
Ite" Simir lu re. Tlu-ie w ill U-mole
win-. I. In Kug.'ie Ihla atiitittii r than
theie are In a d"en Wnlerl.iirv
a. ni. lit w
The S in l-'t iin iii r.xaiiiliur late
that Ihe linal Unit haa lain the m.ol
aucii-iaafiil the Alcactr tli.ulre haa hnd
Ihla R-aw.ii .Mlu 4 nt lor l lie- t ofna
well la l llirf "I.lghl. ..' Ij.ii.Ioi."
then-, and w ill ikii'ii tie intheaeu.r
play tr w-velal wia-ka (.
Iriimuiera are rl.nig ll.iw.lava wiilt
aampli-s nl .pin-., la'iilte'a and other
artlcl.n ,.f .n.Jtii y f, ii. in in,. Hppan I
fi.r a ritiif and Milium r m d Ihe I'tdtit
rent liilli.r and huai.ain a a'rr:t'lv
Dgtiring up hia I a. Ian. v al 1 1 it- Lank
and il will Iv Hint- nivnth.
Oikv ..o a llioe a wi.iitlnaia Ihlng,
And limiting, hnp) 1,1,1 t, ;
I kiaM.I a iiibIiIi ii ali. r .hnk
Thru fiaind i( w han't ahr.
Thai Waa a atrial nil.t.l..- it..i
r.iill.nirll wiin li.l.nrs 11. " ; "vl l.aaap
ril.lltllv, lliakia no u. Ii rrer. Ilia
g.aala are alwaVa lli.l lar.
Mr. A. M.H alirii. i f a, fm,
frorlvrd a lt. r rrmn lr. Walla. e.
irgt.irr of ihe lai d i (T..v at lkr
v l.w, ti I Who la nai.llng a
All-anj , In I, r-, ((,
Oiecll I'a.lri.- 1. li., g,i ah.w.l
over Ihe niaHiiitama a aa thvl
ritlhrr and n ntlini,i m iii prrmif," '
other provide that railrond,
eleainhoat lint und all other y-
te;n i f public tr.iuairtatioii la-ing
ia r.itt il witliin the limit of the
at i'e of Origon, chill lie ci.mieliyd
to Mirniah mean for chipping lime
in bulk without the u-e of boxen,
barrel, or oil er veaea, except the
ciri or atorage riHitu a the eue
may be.
In Ik Tin-nit Cuurt of iha St.i. u( lt..
g to lur Lao I'uoolv.
Matllw Wllt. pity.
J. H Juliiiaou. Jm oi.tralor of tLa
rmtut- I Ii -la ll J. linaoa. rirul. V......
U J .I.e. d. Mii of ..i.l It,, i,i t.,h...
it. .-. .,(, ITn,toe. Th.
Jobtia.'h. I. .ll . It.rtrr. N A. Juhnan.
Martb. e tiu.T, ill,. J,,hu.on. Mn.i.i.
Jib'.ai., Ora. . Mti-ii, lania M.-hu. I mt
MlWll."lllrH, , .i,,,,. I.,,...
law ol It ,Uil J .l.ui . .1. u.. ...I
It f..
To rriitlrttr Tli.m iia..i.. M.rtha John
aeo. JI Mil Jobna.ii, W uiir J ht.a..u.
Or"i M.ian, t .u'a Sn,n. l.m a .s;,,.n
t.taalin ti.l4,
lu tbr ii inrifil.r S.inl Ona-.i., ... r ou.iu, i,. ,1 r, t'tii.-. t.t . p
l-a-o l 1 ,1 .,! Or e li il.iiil of it. trl
l.ll .wall-l ti ll lu ,U. M.Hlll
r" " ' 'tl ua ll.- lounh .'v i f M.rrh I
t"-''! 'Lai tig lie a t.l .Utul iba mil
i. . ,.! I. im .f ..ulrxiutt la aat.l Lati
ft M- I, I ll .ii j- ,,a liuie ptrK-ribrd bj lb. '
t'.ii,: i .- ,uu,t f,,f ,1, put.!,,,!!,,,, j
Ibt. .i.iunioi a !t itia AuJ if t.q fail .
nawrr foi a. t I Ihr .'urn ,u r. I
I It In Ibr eiutl fi r b i.ltf pr-f.i (,tl
in mt r.,ii ,i,Bi, ia:u, i, : , n, tl, ,(.
ut. H t.u. lr d' i f ll.r .'IT nj.
ibr'. a, i f o. mi l.t d f. al n ri. 'o.i
..IU.I.J it I., tit C'it.1,1., af.ll ll
-. a,, . .. .
I. I 4 I. .11. 1 . .1 al all
leruiaiu near
extll. inciit
Iiat evening Flatter Walkiua
ahipiM-d n eur liwd of inultoii aliccptn
Mia Carrie Friendly ietunte.1 limine
lhi nfteritoou fioiii a viait w ith friend
at l'ortlaud.
Shi-rill" Cut heart, of lloigltia county,
wit a paaM-iigiT home wu Una after
inain'a train.
II. C. Huiitphrey ami Jaa. Holfmuii
wile Miaaeiigeia fur Silent oil till
niiirni-iga train.
Itepr. M'ltlutive llaker wiit Sutur
iluy night lu Kugene, rwliiriiiug In Sa
lem Sunday morning.
J no und Win Lynch will Imve on
louighl'a overland tiiiiu, going to
Chico and San Joae, Cul.
Kleetric llghta tire being pluccd ill
Ihe city luirlile tthhiy. I he primmer
can't kick Ihe lump over now.
The hrick iiiumiii have Uvn at work
ttalay llnialiiug up the laying of hru-k
on tlie hunt of Ihe Ciniacr htiildittg.
I'm nk I., ('htimla-ta returned home
front l'ortlaud hial evening. He re
mrta Mr. Chain! ra ua iiinveriug
The women' edition of the Salem
Sliileaiuuii in JJI.f, w hich tlie lu
illia have turned over to the eliy Ixmrri
oi cmiillica.
Sheilll Jiihliaiin relumed (hi lifter
iiihiii lioin ti titti throtigli the couiiirv
aeiving Mll, lm fur Ihe inilillig trnil
nt i-ireiiii colli I.
A. M. Auldcti und family of Oakotti,
Imve urt ived lit re. In huiii'i- n ear loml
Of llOllaeholll g.HMNl uiv lintv .ik
nig for n I.K'iitiou.
Ir. i:ii. of Portland, yileiday de
liver.'d two line M-llil'ilia lo crowded
ImUiaiil Iheli. A. It. hull InlltlacilV
lie ia an in lc Inini.
Mia. Ilum-hitt retuiiicd fmin Port
land thin alien,, xiii. Her iiianv fiiemla
Will la- I leaned to leitlii t lull t.he ia
mil. It lutpiot-t in In-allli.
I lie aliii-t ruin' r (hut I he
hud voted for tiio. . W lllmma foi
M'lmtiir I mIiiv hiiix-,1 inln-ideralile ex
eilelnelil. It pmxid falae.
The M I-:. church Ninth I holding
n live levivui ut Irxing A ntimla r of
imiv. r.lnlia liue aliiinlv lakcti plii-e.
Ta ca have nlreudy iiimmeliii'tl iitui
lltg in iiiilu lively ut the t-herilPa of
fice. Oiieliiun nai l liix.-a the foreuiaili
to the umoiint of t-.'l.M.
liillart J. Mctii'tii, ti hrolher of
Henry Mctii divd nl I'Ii.h iiix, Arl-
tniin, StiUirday altcrinam, g(1 ;j
year. Collalimptluii waa Ihe illa.-tM-.
Till haa been a regular atiritii; dav
I 1... . II.... l .l I ., . . .
tin- a in aniiiiiiK UIIIIIIV ;m, ,,. I,., ,
artuie Uiug w nun in, d pltaaaiit
unlw ilh.:iudi!ig the weather'i
preiheiion of mm.
lite Many fool ha ,.iin. ,,f i.
weary ami I eiilral pulillc chr,l. had
a miilcU game at Ihw lieary gnmiida
Saturday alteru.H.ii. Tlie (i.arylaiya
were victorioua hy n enire .if I -2 lo "
V letter received hen. Irulav tr
Ilnruee ti. McKillley alutt that he i.
How Iii the inii.ii-Hl iiill.-ou i i 'i.i.
HI. He eltla ela lo It-nve 1 1,, r.. t
Iron) the atrcet bridgu hroke
hi le ii the lie ued
theciivfur dauiae. The brickf
of which Chicago i bjilt are made
ul the river cut in fectioua and
bulid. There ure wild animal in
tl 'h iitreaiii. A retuuratit-keejHr
awear that he can t make a slew
of thi wutt r; the aniuiali eat the
ovter. These aiiiiiiul theuelve
complain that there i nut enough
liquid in the river to keep them
clean. Chicago fight tell vou to
boil the water, but add, "if it
won't boil, fry it." The odor of
tin Ktream bus been udtairingly
compared to t?au)on and f-andow;
not. huwever. when either waa
prci-ent. The Chicago teople uru
fond oi thu odor on that account;
il add atrongtli to the city. .Some
nay tho Chicago river How up hill
A tliete i no hill in Chicago, tlii
proiMjatioii in a iNiker. 1 he
United t'tutc Coast .Survey detail
ed nn engineer to ted tlii Jieculi-
uritv. Ihe engineer planted In
uppurutu in the river, hut never
law it again. I hi was hi retMiri:
1 he Chicago river doe not tlni;
it Man. Is Mtill. It ha no bunke
except the Fi rut national and
other. It ha no lied like other
btrcaiiif ; ii bottom U alnray Jti
top. The uterchaiil marine tra
vere il on roller-skate. In um
nier the cily i tilled w ith duct.
I nttked a civilian whence it came.
'Why,' uid be, 'you must be a
atraiiger in these part. The dut
blow from the Chicago river."'
An argument favoi iug and show
ing both the jutti'e and necessity
of the income tax, which goc; into
operation on the 15lh of April,
may bo been from the following sta
tistic, the tax of royalty ujion the
K-opIe of foreign nation-: Eng
land, J,S7o,(MI per aimtini; in
Aueina-IIungaiij,, .nT-I.OUJ, in
Italy, f 2.S.-.'!.(HH); la I'ru.-ai i. .',
H..,0(KI; in KuaHa,ll,Oi:0,(XX); in
Spain. 1'J.OIXVKH.I; in Ilrlgiuni,
liCO.MX); in Deuinark, if'.'LT.TTo;
(ireire, JllO.OOO; in lite Nether
land. JJoO.OOO; in Sweden and
Norway. oT.I.OOO; in Portugal,
G.:i,(KW; in Koumania, J.;7,()00;
in Saxony, f To'i.OOO; in Severia,
J10,(MH), and in Wurti i.b. rg,
lil'.I.Ooll. i hi iitiike uti an an
nual tax of :il,7'JT,S!.j.' At the
close of the last li.-cal year, we hud
'.M'i'.l,.VI pcni-ionon our roll and
the aiumilit con-ttined in iienaiona
wa 1 10,772,103.78. So it may
be seen that thi i considerably
more lhan the ex'iie of royultv,
und, of course the purjxtse and ob
ject of it more wmlhy; but, never
theless", the burden of it should fall
proporr innately to (he weal hof the
individual licing hixed in t.uptort
oi it. u mil np'ar must striking
in these stutistn is that lhi, u
civil govcriiinenl, lu-ur a tax far
greater thiin the military nion
archie. In the light of theae ap
palling, ct truthful f.u t. how can
one declare against the justice1 of
ihe income tax r
! . . . llM,,
.mill nwa i, rMI
I'uKIUMi, Kb. Ia.-J!,i '
luiltki-r, Ihe li.i.u , C, ,,. ?'
tOlUU by Ulgnli.g dcili. .. .I,''
gllllly lo the chaige ,l l!.,Vn?
i-iiltrl ami u iiai.i,,w i . - W,IU.
- -"-. it, i,. ,
iiiii'rlaoiiiiit-ui lu ti.,. )'i
Theiummitliieiil of llalik'-r w'.?!1'
red by order of ihe curt uniii i
swindle, are acllletl. 10
.. IUl Mlm,
anu narry iiunur, a.-oitip:
Tate liaila ill , ,
JIM.E.HA, .Mltlll., Keh. lr-TK.
j.i. iiic emu .Kl lialnv tl.,1 ii '
nt t. sh. ni..i.i ....i i .:. . " i
- - .......... Haa. a .rl I la y . .
Itli-ce and brother of Andrew J t'
the liutte liililionaire, may n',Z7
will on the ground i,ut It .1
gery ami rvvokeil by wllu r wtlu '
..!!.lH,,Mll,ll.l,?f ('""U.i
...,......,,. in i--.i, ait,
ai wnraa trim ai liulle, l
a U rin I. I lie
1 he Italtitnore ,fc Ohio railroad
has nearly completed a tunnel
under the city of Haiti ninrai
through which its train will be
ICout mult. i i.' ' 1
I,. rln, r Jnle "i Iti.i'l ii . " '1
eaae waa by agre..,H.ftl';1
the Khcrilc..lvl. ew e,!;,, "
leuuy lor triaii
the eaa was dlainlaai d. . ,,,,,
set aalde the default waa overruliti,
.it a .1 u I u-a. 1.1,..,, .... -
" - ... u ii the am....
eeurt. Ihe eaae wua n it,at,.i..r.
Inal rii.'l Iiiiim fl.t r. I . . .i
... ii.i.iii- tin. m....
'Pl.t- I- I
iii. .nam ..a-ita i tie iite-ti.,, b
in,? .Mioiiij in nit- wm iu,irrn
John A. Davla n brother. el,.ii.-...
wliule ealale 'if (.s.Utaj iii.i
ulrltle Im fariiaae
roKTI.A.Mi, O.e.. Vh. Is i
Montg.iiin ry, ugeil laOyein.. .i,..' .'
allieide laal night by lukllig nM,r., " '
(irief over the deulliof hi uu.'.'i
A. ........ I I I . . . W
iiuaoeiiii irouote are ali-t,t j .,
enuae. ne waa an oiu realilcnt ,,f I
f be Kliaraia, ( aual
Wahiii.noton, Feb. IV -la...
tervlew With Jtcireaeltiii,a M.n I
.... I l.. " . " I
anu r-iorrer, ineiniier or lite ,cl.
sub (iilliml: tee which foriuuLl.tii'
Nicaragua mm. I bill, lu re. unl t.,,
return k of him Ign Neretarv On.
the l!rill.-h hotlae of couilun'ii. vri, I
uay, raiiivriiing the coMml f
canal, ImiIm gi lttleliiru -
seive opiakaeil lo bIIiiwiiii' .;,,.,j
olitain cull I nil of the euiuil. 'lrT ,-,
oltirvd they would favor u.r '.
F.nglnnd lo prevent it. Mnllorv i,U
"Hie liollae bill haika to the iiltin, I
eoitlroi ef thu canal by the I'm. I
Mate "
Tbe Siw llrcall Ju..air.
WaSIIINOTOX, Feb. N. Tl,r h.
luet at 11 o'clock lialuy. A ,
putacd by Uliailillioua iiia..,i f,.r .
addillonul jutlgu in the .linth '
slo i judlc'al diatrict.
lln- l'i "lit 1.1. .i.i a,
Wasii:.(.ton, I -'..I.. , l.rjr
ipil cudidalea fur ll..' :ild Ii hi; I ,
euit Jllila'r.lilii creat. d III ll.e IV
emtst clieitlt hv Ihe bill whi.-li tl
the hoi. no tinl.iV i.le: Judjje K-I
preaeni ;tlilge o me aoiilliirn (a!
lila illatrlct, and Jutlce WiiII-ot. .
of the hiia ilnr iinirt, of San I'rat.i .
N'mttor While in Mli'linilinir I
I i .. . I.! . . t . I l . t
i iiiii ii i-.iuu-a iimi ii-i J llilfe I I.,, . 1
oi ineguii, is man mi ni loin -: .
larrlM. Ii.i, rm liar.
I A Ml 1 1. I-eli. S !.i- t, .. I.I
ine itentia i.i u I' r t l n . l.l.i
lai.iiM'iit to the Milan it. Ir..r
lirovm to la- true, coi'
lai-ii rtHvlveil from M.iroetn eliy. I:
the scene of the tlrat pioliiii.'i'd .
glu bHW ii-n tho IrtUa allppmlii,;'
sultan' hrolher lu hi claim I.;
throne ami Ihe government trvr
Ihe head nf.'iT of the lendln,' rt
were neiit In Alalul Aru
I'ex. Thine hend were lialiaiMiitr.:
Hie Ian ka of f. ttr iiilil. a mid niirili
key, Aflerlalng exhibited In ll.
tail, it la .aid Ihe head a will I e L.
on thu city walla na proof oftnut
and a a wuriilng to luaurgvut
Vale U Ml b laaei
WahIIIMIIoN, Feb P.I. 1 i..t::
on the uullioilly of aevcrul m-hi:
that no vote will' he taken on t In-J.
fre4iiiniigu bill, now pending in I
M'Uule, taday. The atory la ciiet.ii:
thut Mtar Viluaiiml Iii iiv vi.itrj-
preldeiit this morning to oliiuin 1
wialtea, and thut Ihev were I "id tl
the lueaauru almuld not i,:,-.. i
ought to be fought I. the l.ill.rnl
eveu if tlie appropilatioii bill, fnil.r
an extra seaaiuu ia the nuill. Vt i.
..ll..l.ul - 1 t Ill I . .11
..... .... il . . I . I T""" " an lug 1IW ill i'l,l mat.
it... v.. uiu i. ay ociwcen Hashing, busterlng agiilnat ihe inca-ur. I.'H
ion my and rbtladeiphia. ceasary.
IJeciric liMiiniotivis are being built
. I
io i.aui ine tram throiiuli the
tunnel, in orar to do aw.ty with
lay la a
May i -t for thla eiiv
N nalor Alley and wife and Fnmk
J. Miller and wife,
Ihe OarrtHli-ltilai. il weddlitg Veater
day. N-niitnr Alley wi nt t..
Una iiiorniiig' eurlv imitt and Mr
Miller returned
to hia ....
I tiNlay'a KoM-hurg Iih-uI.
Sulem Jeurtlal: 0n Hie riven.!
I'here slimild be uuhtokeii w alerw jv
foinmuiiii alum from lit.. I l.i.'m hi e lo
ine a.-a uinl from I.tigim- .. .
. new theily. r t.i
lt"a-Iill aiKit
The tl.lriv i(i.l uuitileiaairy .fl!,e
oi.l.-r of Uni.'hia ..f Ml,ia. vulll
ii I. hiiil.d l.y ll' ltiit l 1.1,. .. w i.t
their hall In the I. O o. . l.ttihling
Ihia. vening. . iminlr ..fgti -M.
have Ui u lnii,., t il,, pn-nt.
N S iM iinteii.leti Siven-tiii i.
bitsih engag.t in ex uniniug tlie p4.
arrai.f lit,. il(a.t m-li.i., ..Ht..era' ex.
ulllltlill.iill. ',i . I, I, ... a,..,t I...
! .l ,,. ou r .a,:n. pa.r. He wl
, not I through with u,r w,h fr
I Week III.
I tl.. M I
. nt-. U. I . IH.llcnti.ika i icaleoti
, , a-l Salnrd.iy iweltii.,- ty t,lr.n : f j
t. her pup.U w na a lie! aa!,fy rv !
a , ellal 1 in- .r.,:-niin i. i..l. r. ,1 ' ... !
it ...... .
'. .. II.. . 1 . ; l r . . .
on. lie. )V UlC Ultl Ol Illia CKlieil.
si ie piece of engineering (he rail mu cm uown i t running
nine nv iiiirty ininutes. To meet
tin cut the I 'en nsy I van ia road is
constructing sfcam locomotives of
oi greil size that will pull trains
at tho rate of eighty mvi an
hour. On the New Jersey Central, I
ior a s.iori streicii or straight and
level (rack near Funwood, Irain
are U-ing run at tho rate of 112
mile un Hour. Hut lor such rapid
running an ab-olule air line is
ne.issury with no incline. Knur-
iiiou-ii hcavv liridgc. too
r.uirttl to stand the jar caused by j
fist trains goine over them
Ann n i'
Almost iu Deiju
By Taku
a.a.aa i i . . ... r,ii t,- Mill! a. I... ... ! t .
.a.r.o., .. lit ...,!.... -"-
'l.o.,!,',,,,,,,,,.., r,, '
S.UItt, mouipiiij i ...,.e. .viti I he Horeinv tr Si.tur-
In.-lf ,.,,...J l ,.. Ili.lrt. I V.. 7 i o elelillia did r.-.. I. t
ai..l .! r.., f f it, ... . . , ' i Suininv loam, a brt.k. u ..I- i-
..i. .i . . . . ' . ' ... ...w ti
' ",ijiiiii.i. - ii,i t, on -4 a m ' an. "tn
r. I I l-l ! urn
Tooat of Silk a. 1 i... I
iumi .lion,,,, i... mUtt . ,j ,i,)u,
at-aia ul i m Mill ,kJ ok,., .l,-
lt lain..
i.- -I 4 another u,k'.i, f,,r il r, ir,., Hrlal
il. l-i J a of Ofi 'full l.ui.1 ,,( pa-ngir,.
ui ins. aa-l lot .. .
I.Xi-l a
,' thai i:
Tl,- V - -i. i.. . .
... i.irn viorid, says I
.M.ii.riaiiy: " 1 lie l.aSUge of Imth
ho'iM' of the Orctfmi 1....,-.! ...... . ..t
, - e ,i-hi,ui. ui
"souiuoii tor H ,.,.. iii,.
:uiiei,tlinent extending the euirrage
t oinen mike it M jf thp
V-r.-a. pom.ii ami political fXieri
iiiet.t would have a trial in this
f-.r we-teru state. IT it the
xia rinient will U. tried un.ler the
most favorable conditi,....
i .Ii th- lieat jtroinise of su.ress
Oregon is comparatively a newly
I tiled state, Willi ,, Kr,..l, ....j,.
no h.'rudiiary pauta riaiu. ,,- .'
erime, and ii- rn-r, ., mu mri.
a-., ...iiiiioiiwe.iii, g ,0 1
m i'ii-. ll la certainly an
ti"i) of int. llig, .u j' ju
I'lrc Jo oiler 1 1 1 I ii . it,,, ni,
;iil..igt-t tmnu
f.r I ie u:rr .g -i.,
one may think f
fe llilihilihfullv
"For leu.. I ... a ii ft
f' -i.-r front limLi-.ii.m m In aur.t fomrt. 3
I l.-alnl the skill ul nun)1 ilia-ton. tut 3
r wiirae and wane, uiilll I li-i-.m. 3
wr.ik leoulil nut ,;!( Bfiy 3
wll'iiuiil luring to . ilownan.1 ml Mf ol
ttolllaHl. ItVltr .fi.l l,.lri Kaw-am. afV.'t- -1
ni. nun i IHUU2IH woiii.t iiirrir inc. i ol
frli .1 Ari-r's 11 Tl ami tlir lislia-. B Ol
rtilit away. I tln-lr mr ami 3
un now enllrvly well. I'l kim" " 3
nrUiiiic that will to oulrklr Mir-r Sj
ami riirr; lite Irrrll.le aiiffarlug of l- 3
flO ss Avsrs fill. J.iiijf 0. 3
I'Ulr. U.u;l(. Uiotllc. W
Received Highest Awards
lo tie
J i; (heir home,
oo matter wiial
f'eir platidr-n,
a'lt.ini i. ..
W.)!i.el ( t',- i-,,.J ,trv ."
. nrlain rlerevn.... .ill :. . t . .
... rr..,,-r l:.3i I......
-r- .,,.,., ,, "' ne t,i.i, if.uti rail nuke a
axkrl !. Ik. e.w.,1. lb. fl u. I. I" 4i. I e.n.lary .l,i , r ,,.
lav.. i.i.r,fc,ia,a... U sth.iwill .II ,i, ,H , , ' ' ''r
.ltliiMv.l;.... ih. ..n, lir.ijn iK.Uti'alaii.a-, 1, 11 t . . . '
-ruf-a-,iuUii ..,r.,.k l.,a 1,.,-ml. n. .' yV
a-r.. ...... I. . ... ' . 7' ..aa.II. W 111
l i . I """' . and lU-n lie w.: It , .
1 v'7'loVetowuiual!i:rr
4 . ib a..'
e.f ka
Iimi t'n of tleaiin..intthal
Oom ti.e
rleaddr m .ii r ....
I-j a -. ui.
t -et-iii. In Ia I..
, -...-nit l-JIM-
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