Ku&cno City (iuanl. b.vvrnwAY,. I Kit It 1'AI. V ll. Ii.nl 111.) M T" .ire (.lm i.kmi; ! vir.xsr. .wijoikm . I II . I . I .. ,1 .l.il, itll.'IU I OBli 1.1-S ..Vllliifc- Journal i.t)r) tlnt the liiui. volt.il In remain in mi-moii until Minli Int. Tlii nt w " not In- rlif by the country. Nulwillit.nitJinj! the fitcl Unit tin 1111:111 mm will rc coivo mi i:ty nfti-r ."atur-l.iy.yi't Hit ja.iii.iIi; wuul'l pnfir llmt tin- ion diuuM vhttt uml tin; uh-ihIkt r huiui'. Tim country : nick of tli wranjilt nml tin ilu-nutliiiij? jxilicy of tin: ni:ij irity. Voti Ii.ivi uln-u'ly Ihih mx witk in M-f-iwii, anil you liiivi? iloin 1 it I ! r tlm k-o.I. It i nut lik ly thut you will do any I id r f.r tin- mxt two weeka. Vou an iin jipablo ofiloinR uny jS'xxl. Ymi hu l Utter u'lj'i irn uihI g'i liiimi'. You luivc Ix-i'ii wmtiiiK for nix week, and not u c'iniiiiii'iii lum ln iibolihlioil, not a "alary re duced, nut u board duni away with, not un ex i iihc lessened. On tin contrary, bill lnve Iktii intro duced iliinitmlin aMri;itiini!, Mid iiimiy h.ivt tieeu itilritdu.e'l cp-'utin new citmini-'ioiiH. If the H'ssion in extended, it it iimri than likrlV that miliif of tip hi- lull- will Ikj (inil'i iiien, you belter adjourn and go h un country d noi want yur viftm even for iiothin. You de.tr at any jiriie. Li t tin- iavel f ill ir ilm tiin'. Mr. Il'ifcr I'ln ri'd un mnt-ndinvnt that Hi coiiiiiiiltcu ili-rku will U rutaint'd fxript on enro-seil mid enrolled bills. Thin will enough as fur 11 it went. Hut it won't do. Tin1 chief clerk and hi assistant, are drawing fnuu I7.o0 to 12 ht day. Thin will eat up loo much money. Tin h ojili; won't utuml it. Their mitrj nived will imi worlli more than your m-mre, judgiiiK from tin) pixt. (iintle inen, fur heaven' ;ikn make a mo tion to adjourn, him die. Kven if Mr. llofer'H ntueudimiit iuieii there W ill Im u host of en grossing clerk to he paid. I In' taxpayer can't uHord a cniiliuua lion of your labors. They are nfniid to iillnwr you to work fur nut lii ii They lire iinxiouly waitiiiK to hear tlio gavel fall for tho last ti Die. They have Uvuiim fick of your taetiex. They arc I . 1 that the end upproaehii. They know that thi result of yur biltor litis Imvii had. They thank (iodit ii no worm. They do not want you to remain a day after the ti-u.il time expireii. I if ntleineii, move that the house do now adjourn. The people oli( for the t ip of the jUVel. I loll'l ills.l.Miiilt lln lll. io Inline! iii home and joy he twlli Vou, now and forever, auuti. What n fpectai le is that of a Kit Jem un reliant hauling otat.M to t'orvallii in winter on a w.i-ud road that parallel thu Nmtlicru raeilii! railroad! The wniMii will return loaded w i i h fiehl. U it any wonder that hard 1 1 un m t xit when a railroad levies a toll that makes it po'hlltle lor u. ii". His to haul Ireighl over our had winter roads in prolitahle rometitioii? Yet thu li'Ci-l.tture has wasted the entire Kesiion threshing ri natoi lal fctraw, nppurently never 'ayiii( any utteiitiou to the iintu" mo noxdy that thrultlek the industries of We teru llreon, charging every pnpsihle cent Unit tralliewill hear. Many of the memher were i Ircti d mi distiuet pledges It uholisli the railroad comuiission mid enact a maximum freight an I fare hill. How will they answer their cm-ctiluenls? M4lr III I'iMltliiu. I In (it Aim: To put un einl lo no linieli nepitsr lietorlt ty, Mlilcltls not porllcuUily pliMj.ln in ini, I will tl 1 1 1 m I I mil Hot mi npiilicniit for m-uli'liirv of 1 1 if Male llounl if llnlll culture, Imi lutvu tllnl mi nppll callmi fur npNitnlineiit m k lllcmlN-r of Willi IkkiiiI. U MICIVSS fill I will el 1 1 1 lie vrinllli'l u iimllniii t my honir mid Mink w ln iu it is iinl plensiiiK In me - milling my Inills mil How em. I. V. ('iM.iiiniK. Tlieili.lru t l.l. lt M r Cn.illik'f nsks to tfpn-ni eniiiis uf die isiiiniii-s n I .a lie, I.Iiiii, p,. Ik, l(. ltd in, Mil ion mnl I.IiumIii. I ti.ler the m il lm ItirW tuv mix meiiits is uf llieSI (le IWrnnlnf Uortleiilliiri. It. l. Allen, of Mlvertoit, Hie ptiai ht in. inU r, lui. realitliril, leavlliK H m iuev. Ilm niiiiilineiit of Mr Coi.li.le Uoul.l lw a li tnli.l one. lie is tin iie tlVK mnl retleii wmker III the Hi I.I of liurdeuititle, mnl the en I huna-in wlilcli h p.aw- mi nil uliifls eon lie. le.1 It tt Ilm eiile HMI cult l nl inn ulfrulomnl other tuani-he of Innli. eiilture wuuhl reinler him v.ilu.l.e nrinls r. Che eotiis nsntlou rxii'lveil liy the iiieiiils-rs of I lie huaiil Is Horn In.!, hunllv mure Ihnu ilefray truvi liiijj mnl oilier exH ii'. j liimiliiiMiiia Kmiiii,. I NollWIl M, t'nllll , l eh '.Ii lintnve j (nlultlltf.it, iro:iliien II. r I-1 of I III. i City, lllelilnl ,y ,l,, ,,rillnK', Hi result of nhHiiie an. I r umrw Is-. ' rauwa womnu uf lil i.-tu.e hs.l ,1) s itl ' a roiMii liieli the.v Jointly oi'ii.,., , MoiiiUy nljtht. I h M.'niinii il.niii ilue to aliiiholiaiu. lie ;n a n,nn ol lamlly ami hrrelul, ie t lileiutshnl rt'ptitatiolt. I lull .a. !AI KlVIMil, Keli. - ', li-Kilturr tiMlay -rl a I'lll to .ro lilldt I lie earin t.l hats or 1hiiiivI In llieatrv or other puhlie pus- i. amuss'iuciil. rrswt II ( a .iliiMt Itev. I lilllim U holding a revival i lini lliiir nt f A iuatl Itev. C. II. Wallinv la III ( reawell for a few days. A. W. Howe is III ry fsnir laullli. Mi May IMly l vt ry ill wiili lung fever. Mi-. Wlli-nv l vl-iling lit (ieorgu IVlly V iJols-rt tiiitin Is home ii'iiin on a vImI. The elmreli at Walkert will I huilt. Alxilll oue-half of Ilia needful liua lavli already siihwrlUed. A Vi ry ple.iant i eiit was the cclc hriilloii Iti-t l'iidii, tlie IMIi of l el rti ary, of the III Ii Medding i nlversury uf Mr. an I Mrs. I. W. I runkllii at the lioinu of their mil, 11 II. Franklin, linir Cre.wi II. A splendid lea s t of aeVflily-lw'o plenn was the presi-at In stowed upnu tli pleaded and thankful eoiiplu who have traveled life's rugged pathway o long together. At I o'clock a sumptuous dinner was served mid of cotirie the (Tin ta did ample justiiti In the turkey, tliieken, pln, cake ami other K""d IhiiiKs. Altogether It was ail m eilxioll Ivllg to Iw lelliellllsTed I )' tli--e iie'lil and especially hy the luippy rn ipients i.f the kindly con. tgritl ulitt iii of their friends. TIot pr. m nl were: 1,'ev and Mrs l.lilttiln, Mr ii ml Mr-, t irailsek, Mr and Mra J hll Tale, Mr lill l Mrs Jalma Miallh, Mrs Janu s U l.ili alter. Mrs It l Haw. ley, Mrs IMIegas, Mr nml Mrs J M I da h Ivv, Mr and Mrs Henry Melton, Mr an I Mra M I. Hendricks, Mr mnl Mrs Mrentor, Mr. mid Mrs II II Frank lin, Mrs John Cohinet, MrC II John- son, Messrs iinrgi' and ( 'hnrlie I irola, Miss Clara (irolsi, aad Mi ami Mrs A. M. Hendricks. N.ipi-oii Ayt ra la preparing to run a lol of Imp pules from I iiu Kefirs' place down the liver In the, -lone hop yard. A. V. Moist! visited his Itnw Itivcr ruucli last week. Mlsa l.lllie Kcott sa'iil Hat ill day ami r-iiiudiiy ut ituurtcrly ineelniif at i.c mull. We hear of ran of ehlldn n la'ing maile drunk nil hard cider lately, and theru Is complaint that the alnll Is Is- ing eitrrirtl to the school, ami drank theie. I heati are atepa III Him wrong tllreetlon mid w ttl-h to call attention to S c. M, Title I., ( hapt. '2 tleiiral l.awa of iregnn. Kill. Hare) llrll llrtlls. l i lt. Ill I .". Mret t car illiteis uu a aliikt,hlliliesa on a slaiuMill. Ilert Hi lls rt has iimxa l into his nw houa.'. Mr. I.ttuie Winfrey haa Hiirchiiaetl a Mls ruin I.IhihI hotiud. Il value his prir.e un ally. Mr. tluik I hi r 1 1, thu mall earlier, contemplates ruuiiiiiK a staire to Kit. sou Spiini;s till, sunniier. He deserve a food pul nuiiiKe. Ml-a May and ( hailes MtClure Vl-lteil fin lids near 'lay n-ceutlv. At the Pruirie d inro on ,the Mh Ul' nuinlM'rs were sold. It wits mi enjoy, aide itltalr for Isitli yoliutf and old. Iiencoii Henry I 'arter, of l.oel, was lliNir maliiii.'' r. W all llamiu r violinist. and Owen I'uliii k ni-li'd l.y wi rnl uthcis did the calling It lasted from dewy eve till rally morn. Siucti Col. I red P.riN k li lt ('apt. Murk Mel I me lois no one to aiNtiui pin y him d iw it (he river. At a party held ivtvnlly Mr. (ftsirite Carter icivlved 1st plle aa the Inilid suiiicst iiiiiii at llitf I'rairie. Mr. J. Sanford is celling his land runly forrprlnu "niliiif. Mr J. II. Hill has Imi ii ipillv alck for aeveral wt ks. Misa Haisy limy aid Mr. Wall Hamiier aie vioiling at I in le Jimmy Sitiifoid'a. 'I'lios. MiCliine la cutting his aunt luer'a wishI w hi lull is cool. Mr. K. S. Wmnerliasa new set of "Manilla Harness" with martingale and luceclilug complete. There was a talk on reliirliuis mat ters at the school hotie hy Itev. Her tart tliu llllli. It will lj continued ou oil the follow lug Holidays. I Aery hotly Invited to attend. V. Itoliiiiull lias lint yet returned to Wild I nl llitlliiw. He la aiiriu tendci.l of I'.. l. I.nwell'a ranch durlm; his ah-elice at laicenr, when he tia.k Ins wife for medical treatment. There Is some talk of hiilldilig a Hew at Iliad hotlsr. I'he old one la most loo well Ventilated for winter im. The Kleclric l.liiht Co. haa failnl and we are How Uirumg liallirnl Has. Joliv Al Ixiltts, '... l ull)' llfttl. I'KEDIGTION MAIILi ffii li iliilil Tiirroi- l,iljtirii SjloiJ.ii. Keh. an, . Itev. Ilufus Cul!i-ni .reache here j lis.i. Iaiy Matti son, Abbie Hum- lit Is IkODjLbt ab Anti-Bolph Man phiey and Moll In Hrury n turned from teui lu ls' examination at Kugeur yes terday. II I,. Carter la working for Jus. baiiford ut l!lg I'ruirie. Irviu Uurl.ura la loying with aciw ofl jinen on (iio. Young' place on Windls-rry ens k. Our. "unday Hclnsil, Kpworth Iabkub prayer unttiiig, etc, are doing gisai In re. Mr. II. I'. Hayca and licier, Miaa ,-u-:iti Walker, rrtuMnxl from a two wnka' visit with relatives ill L' Ii mil county Saiurdiiy. Ml-sllainy Mattesotl will teach the Ml lew r Hollow school litis spring. Mr. Merryiiiuu' sinking auliiMil la pioreasing nlis-ly. Mr. W. K. Wilmnt, Ilm Fall Crw-k Mstiuustrr, i ipiiti III. Ml.sMury Cox Is visiting relatives at I teller (hi Week. Coll. Iiusben linns. LOOK at your olJ shoes. DON'T you need new pir? Fell. IM. IS!V llotn To the wife of Hurai-e II - too, Fell. 17, a dauglitcr. I lur youiitf stipln w ill kIvc an t nler taii im lit in ("lien, .Silurday t veil I'U, I i h. il, foitiew l.ut ufter thu order of a achoiil exliihitioii. I'.vi ry o n inviitd. A.J- Ki cliey.W ho lots las-n -1 ' ' H at Tueouut for the pat live mnlilh, l vixltilU lliiilteious nlativea down the Valley w hile on hi w ay Iioiiin. He Is rxpcclcd Imrc in a few days. The railnmd seel Ion here under the management of J. W. Hamilton prr enta a neater apM-arancu than we have evet aeeli heretofore. He hvciiis to prid himself In the giasl apxnraiice of the rondla-d. S'lnsil Clelk II. F. KifUey tint around enumerating the school child ren of the distrirt this wetk. He re ports alsiut t, ail Increase i f alai'.it ID over last year. Tim annual aclnml meeting nutlet s for our district were Kstetl llrst of the week. We have two directors and one clerk lo tin t. Im-1 all voter turn out and show an Interest in the election of good ottlivr. The mi-eliug is to la? held at .1 o'clock p. in. March -I. The revival meeting held ill the I'. It. church for tho past two nwlii closed Monday night. Several were conceited during the aerie. A large fir on Mr. Havld Fhy' farm was cut do a-ii recently and alaiut our fiad Iroiu the heart of the stump Ihuru projects a churretl sua); o limit alaiut a foot Iuiik and two Inches i dlauicter Hint ihoua uiimistaknhle cv.ih nie of havliitf Ihs ii litiriied Mimethimt like S years atfo, our jinlninciit U-iug Imim J ii Ilm nuiiihi'rof annual growths ia aa show n hy the "grain" of the wood. i Ur school dire, tors have tirdcml a aet ol wall map for the achowl and ali a "Inciter" or e.ihliiet for tliu iisu uf leai heia and sell. nil clerk 111 vvhicii to place liiX'k apparntus, etc. ijuite a nuuitK'r of the youiitf a'ople alaiut (ioslieil will iillcud Mathews Urns', thiuce at their I'lva-aiit Mill home Friday night, Fch. "i We pn- diet a pleasant time. The hoys in vi r tl i anything hy halves. We are umler olillftatious to a lin n I, M-rsiunahly a resident of the village originally known as "l.,h Town," for compliment of the musoii lu the form of a la-auliful hitthly color I photo w it!i a few very nppropi int. words In verm relative to our many good iplulltlc. Judging from liroiher "Zeph's" ciii Iclsin on a rvteitt Item of oui Ins -n. luan-hlp Is sin h that he nuvcr ep.-- riencr the trouhle ttf ty Mir.tpl,l. :d error which are Inspicntly the result of sHrnud careless w riting. J. I . Matlock and K. M. Wair.ii were out from lluetie Tuesday fur the purMMof nirivlng at a satisfactory conclusion regarding the recent road tlilllculty. h i: i hi itw nun r. I.H Isim Sir lit l..-.sl lu tilt- Lt kl. .il.i:, l-i-h. Jl.--.aleiil Is now all rxcllement oer Hie ri-niitoiinl i-llla-lion. Hsakcr M io nml .enator Hoi soii, Isitii of .M h. i 'ii ili r ed lolill Induy. 'I lie prir-jn cts ure that theie will lie i a lietvy Loll loinotiow iroiu ivinj; Caucus, iind tln.t tin al.li ldpli n ail will I i lei lid I' S nei.a'ol. I hi llfti lli.H.n the m uatc colienrri W II U the hotlsv III the lllill'er of lillal Miijoitriimeiit, whli ll will lake pi. ire lit I : o'i lin k Saturday lillil. Sinllli'- Miitage railway lull lit Tim Halle, pawed I lie m natt this morning. In the hous this liioruilig the Ink ing up of Ilia I'nrtlitud 1 1. inter lull wa H.tsiiid until tumiiirow. The Iciilidaturu w ill hold a session on Wn-l.iiiKloli'a hirtli'lay. and it w ill ho Ii fal, m the lawyers hold. Tic vote today le-ullid u follows: HUM' II ALLOT. I. N iMlph :i!i lini. II. W Illinois Jus. II Haley 7 W. I. lime lu J. H Hmllli I John II. Waldo -J AI...-I.I.. U BE To. a I wake to a good bargain, not BLIND to your own interests. Our $1.50 and $2 shoes are the best for the money ever offered. YORAN & SON. Exclusive Dealers. II l s. l.n.. O. W. KlCV Norton & Kinsey, Attorncys-at-Law. i-frll Sll I'r I!-... lliwk. slu liii.im.s a ss-o- llr-l hkl OM IIAI.I.DI . lid ha.lol n ulli d t ' tier w hl'-li li e Jul: oie an un- slate MIKHII. JIATSHtS. inn Im r of Srliular In I lie 1'islrlrt, and oilier Mallstir. Niliiils l ot i l olara in seliiail dlstllct No 4,1k t his ii tin ar of 4 and '.Hyear, per is'u.ua Ju-l titkeii hy rVhisd Clerk (raw; No. male (,7 No. Ii nialta ,',4J Tolal I.piu OIIIIM MAIIMItH. No. alteiiillllg puhlic t hisds 7tKI " " normal " ,t " " state imivrrsily Us Stanford " 2 " " mlel' " tl " uut alteinliug any " Total I..;u: W li..f No. aiteitdiiig aelukil . . . M7 " " noi stliiuliiiK any 'liool . . 3.;a T.'tal 1 , t ; Captain Mn. n. y I ... A., Nin Hi ci;o, Cat , says: "hilo's Catarrh 1 iin.lv la the firs' Iniillciue I have rvir found thut wi ll. I do ma any K'sd." I'ruv 4V. MiinlerMin A I.l.i ii. TDK IT III. If Ml I HOLS. Ma-ltliitfUii'a Uirikdav Mill lie Ob. senrd in an Applupilale Muuinr. Iisll) Ouar.1. Irl.rusiy Jl Toiuixrow the teacher ami pupil of the puhlic schools of Fugeue will oh airve the anniversary uf the hirth of (he rather of our Count ty. The rx en in will la-held III all the rooms uf the school, or pertint two nsiiiis Ij the same mIumiI will coiiaolulale fur holdinit tlntir cxerci .. Were there an auditormni In the city lrve ruoiik-h .i . .i . i , .. . nil tuv .-lime ai.""l 11. ooui llleir r ercis.-s livi-llicr, It Is likvlv thi tie done. The program wilt it mmemv In the canons room alsiut t': Ui hi the tnorulnif and will coutimie until attout II o't l.ak. I'he children will ! IxTUtiltvd t take the ml of the day for a actiitiii. I'he nsiii.a have all Un talefu!!i tlitMratcd with apprnirlule puu.r and drawings and oiler uiiuih i.il hulidiwoik ot the stud. n; All flleinls and palr.u of the ,-:i ..il fi veil a ti I Jul IliV It itio'i In ali.nl the n. rc!, n ' d i an I 'ii i h v sr . the wolkr.u "' 'lie chod I lie at vaiicriiK nl that n.1s la-s-ll In l ie l y Ihc pupils .III ' l. t t out Il- ll, hi in-.! noi i lorn ii r :il j l.o .. As w ill la' tccU 1K.,. .-t I wo vol. s. They were .-snker '. IS. M.n.rn of Maiiou, and hemitor W. U. Ilolnon, uf M trioii. A Failure. Salem Journal. Itep: I'he failure of I hi legislature luia lasu due to it monuineiital na-ord fur id lay. It had lmiortniit task heforu it, t hief of W hli h were the iiImiIIIioii of niuea in the f-H iii of commissions, hoards, giimi) wardci s, lisli liiKa'ctors, etc., etc., etc. I liee Well the plain ileiilltuds of the atate platfoims of all patties. Till wa- (lie seiioiis duly of the li l-luture mi. I this duty It has diigracefully fall, d to iloini. I'he senate Is-call the hlia'ktnlt lac Int. II II ti r the leadership of Milllno mali M tiatois, w ho nave notice that tin V would p'H ki t and ham; up nil lileioilircs ol Ihu hollsii to force un tills I to suiiiiort their charter and salary hilli and is'iiatorial sclieincs. Tin (ailicy of the sennit has laa-n main, tained to this day and only tw.t le.u-e hills of general cluiraetcr had pa-- . Iheli lip to this date, t lis I ft day w hen either houe can send hills to (he other - Moons' horticultural lull and I Inly '" school land hill. Tnu record of the senate is a ahamelul one. 'I'he house is nearly its had. Three senate hills have itis- t l create new Judicial dint, let and Hew olt'nvs fur lawyer, and the eastern Orcijon nay- lum hill, latch house ui iifH'd a few charter hills. Not a hill hut to lucrciiM nppropi lat ions, to create new hurdens uud more sinecures ha hevn ovrioiisly fou-ldered by ellln-r liou.. Not a refoim hill ha passed hotli lioux-s up to this, the last day for orig inating lc l-latioii in cither Imiie. Tin1 h i(ilature lias Ik . ii l.o indolent and ihk'r ic. fill lailuie. The M-iuttor I'd cont' st has I. en in p ut to l.luiiie. W III n si a I'miitii i. . l.iiMMiN, Fih. pi. X. M. Kullis. child iV H in will i ii.- a rie."tu thi-. ailermsui for Ihc suli n the m w I'llited State huiui., ol w hi. li half i tu la take. I here. Suit., 1 1(.: ion . will oM-ti loinorrow ii'ul eloi- Thii'.iliiv. The pi ice w ill la- l'.'T fm every ?psU. Mi-k.r. Kolhseliild w ill l'.ie acrip In st:illlnellta to extend into J lit V. A imiii for every j-lunu ill le attach ed to I In scrip mid ill Is- paynlilc the llit of Am;ut. Dr. I'rkc' Cream liaking I'owdei tt'wM'i fair NlftMtl Awaril. H. N. GRAIN. ( iocks, Jewel iv, Sterling and Silver-Plated Ware. ftJT Watch lte.:.irimr a Se ialty.-Ual KliilKSK. DUKOnN MONEY to LOAN Or) Improved pa rrnj I"()K A TKKMof YKAKS. SHERWOOD BURR. ki hknk, : : : niaainN. civui Hfridcrson, Undertakers and Embalmers. Cor Wil, and 7th its. WHO NAT RAPHAEL &C0S. Rheumatic Rings A .-iNclv Btil I i-rrmiH lit Ciirr t u Kin lllili- im. Sfirm'gi, I iiTMifi, I m tu t Mini mWh r i i rM"4 I'rlrr .N, Mint Mill 4111 !) Ii Ik I , if iik ft I it I un hum rvMHHltil. rsul onlrtt l) in ml I It I ' 1 1 A K I . M' . J Kinrm jr f-aii V rtnritni, 1 1FRUIT trees : v II J"tl u M t" tug lni! fit.' t-lNiit (nut In-. thl UU. mi 1. lit Mil ) '.Uf t-tllT tij- (. in hut WillaciiuS ia!lt:j rijrsary Co., Uf i..ilt i;N. Kr.MiN fiJ-SENO FOR PRICE LIST. 'A :JUf) u!i'i;t. m.iJ wt-w7 rvm wlr. U lrt .tr.-t.tiiti..a Eituiiatrmurr ki u r- 1. 1 . no rv uurii o 'tint n j i ml trv tM r u'. I Arc-it 1 rxwrm uf rlMH. IX 0 " rdree't. Outfit ard full pt I ri.nti. NmthUMpr. Kill :fe3t Great- ItJrK J4 x: j Mwak t t. ; 1 1 l, w . aB ' rl. J , ...... . K; JY: rt reus in u. v 11 mux iur u v : ivVJSP)- srX iX Jki s,iis i; ,.z hi.tiia... f,.r i'.v? iv'ki? Sells iIk l',t cioars i (? feH'MfrS ills tuliairti tin clii ;iHt? Sells tlic must cainlv in Ku- j L'flli'7 JULIUS GOLDSMITH. r'liiisr. Ks- I'Tl jj rllloo, in moil wendrrful Uvirrry or Hi . h Irrn en .ii. 1.7 th IJiii.-m Irn. 1 oh? e.en of f ""t oa Am-r--. Mu, It Mi ..jr run- A T 4 p il l" k A - "J R. ' 1 TIES This Week Only i .1 CM' . ''!, ' 'A ti o. I I II Hi W WN Note the prices quoted in our show window. In this window will be displayed each week, go;ds on Special Sale at the lowest prices. Prices will ho'd good on each article only for the time they are advertised. Watch our Furnishing Goods window. Mil I I WILL ARRIVE SOON : AT : naDnansif -7KTn Oni'iif tl. hirp'st stocks of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,. r- Clothing and Shoes, Ever lBr()ii;ht to the Citv. V. E. DUNN. HATS! HATS! HATS! Wi an I'm- a sIhuI lina inakin.' ;Krial y:ili.of tin larL't stmk nt'liats w imw havcoii liaml. ( )ur jiriiT -gb ARE DOWN. HOWIi .Si KICIC COKt N0 S.EE ts. HARD TIMES PRICES 85c . 1 . 3 1 Home Made Copper Bottom No. 8 Wash Boiler 1 tioi iii;iil tin i n .im s, ,-ui umi. I Hour sifti r 11 I lull. I mmi' .f ... 1 1I0.. Ii it i:iiry .;ilis si I liintf lull. I sliovt l 1 I l-t t!ili i;in St 1 minli-ii hoc 3 I irttlltiii i: In--. Iiinil nil in 11 si H t;i..l..n hniiuirr 3i I litatitilT Move .".V I fo.r liottom Null U-u ki lllr... ' 1 No. 3 Cook Stove every part warranted $12.50 tfinrr pi.-nis m j ro .onion. 1 littiiktul for mst fnvois, wi-mh you tn I llll lll.O 'l II I' OUT IMMIS. .WlYllllllL' III our liin l vitv ( 'lii-sri fur ( "it-li Griffin Hardware Co. CLEARANCE SALE PRICES AT DAY & HENDERSON'S. sailmis, rr timlwlichinc 'I Ui cyn n.l omr suu. Btptpthns, In rlsi.rBtr lnl Intlr Hi ruUrv.yttrDl. Huilia runs 1 b 1 1 1 1 j, NrrTouinm, I- m I ion a, n.liWrrk st wo llil ;'' ri'-,'-i" l"T 'l onir,- i runs in. ipii-r.i l .'nstn.pliua wm m am fcH'l . ju a .114 v rvMl o V. t I ' '' !.-rMi I.;iin. c-wC. S IFF . n.2.i-z:::n IS .. t.t. I' f I.... tit 'tu' I J si Mfw-Va I , r ii.,- j , kJal i-; N n .4 I I s! '.- S -.,. , 1. , M.. !. tUJ I I . iff . ... t-i . ra '.V. .1. V.-n-... . .-. i'. -r ... v, -;..V ; il 1: ,i... I ' I- sll lrl-.; I... r ' f i l-t-.r . 1 1. v.lh.-r ' " '"I .-... I "1 I'o ills. I 'if "" "-'irt '.. In JO I 1 i . A ?" '"W- q-il i'.r. rtrrr : (Wif1rsintn srmr.t. rrt-!MttrQw t'-i.in luii,n.j I it n.r flrvt Ut Il Is i; Sio if Klnlial snIims TSriw dl.trr s tii,l y th, whl. lofi'oi. fi:vM Hut k'etiicai Istlitai .. : i.w niii n.i.-, r t n - r,f,, , b n '. (. .sic,. Jf I. .Mi,ii.,,scr..,ir.) iwrinii'Mftwifirui IfrtwlsiT 1 s i,4 srs ti n.iir. 1T ct ifil.ut mot I "l I l.-ol to t.i rr.. ..f t lr-rrr. .sfti-l 1 1 nn-u ssn t l,v.r-..r.lt A l !r 1 iii it. n miiiotL iNstiriTK. I Junriloa kiarktoM, larkrl A l.ll.u. ' sl'rsnt:.r.,,. SIu'vhI lil room m n.l, llnnlwiKMl dril nHim mt ... Ilttrilu'ooil liott-l suit Ash I il risiiu st't Ash t-xtfiisioii tul. It- Itook fiist's or sliflvts fl,.".u In !l'iir-.v nri-t ,Vm to l". ('. raiKl luKrniii t.irs-t mil tf)l Ma; It Uik caani ritiny . I. -k .. J'.M.ihi UukliiMik tnsfuiiil wrltiiitf il.-sk.JW I4.."s (ink is-nttT titlilt.. I0.IW M:iilftvlitfr tl.lf 17.11 Wimli.u'sliinlts I .VI Itt-tl stimls ti.oO' Vovt ii w in imitirttu.., .mi WiMtl ninltrt-s .M H.sy Istl louni:i J-' fiinylf Is il loiing. T.uu r'ul I It uf tnl.lt- ;y k- tn ii If M l JSO 5.1 2i LET 'EM CUT. A. bZ. WOOD f Will give as many groceries for $1 Cash as any man in town, also a chance at the $15 dinner set to be given away March 16th. Junction : City : Milling : Company. MAM KAt Tl itKlUS OK T1IK WHITE ROSE" FLOUR.. GUARANTEED BEST QUALITY. Wll.L Jrr f in.usi.-Tl.r Mai I i vrrslitr Biiroiritioii il miiihIh at .WiW for to xl twu .nr. Ion Iti.ST. A sinsll Urn i.n. ii- Wilt to Ut losi.i-M otirtion uf t!. t ily. JuiUlral tttUoftltv. I.atf ! I or Ik s a. I'll tin mil, .. fit a total .ol of ; I.TK, t liarl. K Uaran lt, l..utiiin t-aaill.lalr for N.ttor, l.aU a klmalltr i f m.'.'Vi (.v, r t i t,,.,rn..r Holsrtrl. rattis.ni. ili'inotv t. I hi. j Is tin r.irt . urshtv rr .lv. ii a , i-niiill.lal In a Inu'in. i l Anii. j I li fiilili-s frri.-.! alnio.t ill Ihr j t ilr ami Uoroti'i ri.vtlons t llir J Half. I ' l.a ! Mtk, Mill t 1 1 . Mont. K.-li. 111.- Kr- it ! m tlir n..iliniii an. I trru Mit uf r lat imlii'lr Hint tlir ,k rf Ii vt-lis-lt fitiiti Hip ti wivvl v .ni l rlti.r liu Iss ii lar.-. I in- nilmU r of !,ivi lliHt li,itp.ii a i ri-arli .' ii. A Hitrin ar liu slroi k tl. statf, o. it i ; li. .- no ittorr tnl.l Hralii.-r . ! i xjs ri, ii.v.1 tin win. t. r. K. .r f Hit Mhkti limr I. it nitonf av II. si s is It li .t r sur , lrl tin f.. ! ) I ao.l urr III (ihI OUtilllloii. l .ir .li.iw illMioraritl 1 rnj.ijl in, in die foiling grttuiiit. I Ti I . ""', '; i i lJ.f. n.l IVnO. I.f I. M 1- ..I (..r . ...S ini r iru.ln- i.Miir. rfnr U Ji.siv. Tn " ' ' ' r:. I1M.U.HA lull.' uri .s.ts.i.1, s.r trr, -h, l.iii. luoHillMk. OtAM . iJ lastusl imi bf l'-t' I N A I I I . . tin .( .1. .r ..!. I. ,f if. i r n.l lu'. L A 0 I C G IV U'f kNUVr Lol. ft 1.1 1 LC im.N l STEEL m FESSYEOYEL FILLS a4 tmmn ausj toulj h A 9fUPiCZI , ,:n"--t h.,,;!ar !Wri tl , ' Ty' TCA " o f- NIGHT j 1 & t i m MOVES THE BC.VEL3 IN B - T1 ' ' -i T 'J f THE MORMfsq 1 O TTTl TH ' - n.1. i 1 i imi , liiu a, jz: j I riwsi,,.,if,.Ir,u,, ihik i.nAM1, 1It,. . inarkit. ?vl l-y !1 fell's L. (PtlTS . :v.m. t wt. kUMI I Hi Aairm. Aio - 1 1. 1 1 mt mm rAM f .PHI kn a ,r , . ... 1 N".. Jfrnc I irjuo. T-"!1! . . . . ...ruirtl CO. lilt ini'l' lil l HMtara aM. CH" 'H tj :: Ir. 4fta.