The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 16, 1895, Image 8

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a rnitN3.
rii, who A' r'ii i . i rt a !rin
AhuV. all r ll.,. .. l.t'ilnl.
To 1..ak Ui n. h n h urn aad,
Ti fi'hifi. wnh u i.h. n w ar. fiadt
To irilrj!.. frl r,-l. i,n earth.
)n p.y .if a.m w, ur or n irth?
t I. tl,u in. -irijfitf Irui. of lib .
Wa Inu ill. in l l.i. oi.n.l i.f atrtfa.
P-,l ro;.ln .!'. ri'.l rare to l-n4
And kti..w r, I I- .ln. f a frl ml.
Put .s- amy lh tin." till,
Hinr iUt. art. ii.'ii and liny niu.t go.
T I. i"i (i -Vr ii.ll..,., attm.l
At l li' .a 11. u l:T ti lit. . ! a friend,
( all tl..' n.i.h ( n rcall,
T r- I. it. r in I ! I. ah' !. n l.m at all.,e.iui lu li kfa.
Aa tlplanall'.a W'eal.t of lb
of Tlie T.a fcpole.
Can any of your reader explain the.
- meaning o. t . tan apott ni n to corn-
I ruotily over llmiyn 111 black aul taa
ll''a I f Unci hm d.f
I Winn lu M lljuriift It.t yiar, I wut
rap-fully nn r u J I lh il' lu a abcrw
with 1 in- .f dm n. w.irl., unci we found
tin-.. t I t ull tlin M i. It and tan tir-
! rli rn, 1' xln'Uiida, (Ik rhouud, colli".
The Season of Housebreaking
Activity Is at Hand
IlUDITIONti. M l i sunt THE DEO
luri liim. tic, l.i.t I f.ulil 1," I ii'j liifi-r-
Sam ami IUt-.lie apreatl lfl.ea.ra.
Tli'T'i nn- f.-w p. r-.ii who walk ul'ti
Din atnita of 1. union w l,,n att"lltu n
b.i it'll Imi ii i.r' ii'l to Urn 1 xi.iilingly
Incniou toy which nro n.ld l.jr tlm
linn vii'li n f..r tlm delectation f
tliiMi' 11. !n" of tin -i' it a liulliiw ttibt
of i'.i" r, fmniilii'il with n khmt irm
1 f bamboo at iiiiii 1 ml, tip In u hu ll it a
colli d I y III" i lion of it very slihl nlo.-l
ij rin. I In 1. 1. .w in int'i tlin I..1111I' Dm
en I li unrolled mi'l rim hi forward 1 m ir a f. m ,
nearly n yard. 1 Im auddi 11 1 -iti-nalmi of I cr., .mb!
tin. coil prod iircil l.y blowing In it la a
"iir'n of grrnt iiinii.i tin ut. Toy Ihik
iin nro iiImi popular ronlrlvanri.
Tin nri tint lil'iwn in llm nii:i war,
tut tint I ri'iilliof tlin - rf'.rtni r U tii:iln
to inll.iio n in. ill Imli.i riill-r liiill,
vlilrli, olirii lilnuii Into, nuppliia .uf
II li nt uir tn pi, iv a f. w of unr tntii'.
Diir ronti inior:iry, Tli I.nn- t, lion
ralli 'l lilt, nh.iii tu tlin Hililn iiimmi.
(Jin 1111 of luiylntf tin w t"T, W'lilcli, It
t.iv-. nri- pn -' iili 'l tu n rhilil nfti-r Imr
lii),' l i 11 111II.1I. il l y iin .lioiuililii l.n nth,
ami . rh.i. wi t wllli tlni iiiol.turn
uf t'li'i'ill in r iii-t ii mat In 1 1 of tlm
rriiil' r. Au Infii'iiil iiniiiilipiiiisi, it
uv, ln not uiifriiiii'nlly Nui known
t.i llm origin of Rravn roii.litnlioiuil
triil.l . l inn l i-Tfu-tly tnm. 'i r"iia
wli'iwonlil I11-1I11I1) to ilrink nut of a
!l.i- luia In n 111. 1 will I tiy niul
I tf ut toy of llii. kiml lo tln ir 1 Ml
tlriii, tint LimwiiiM ly wlimii liny luvo
li ti ui or dy wliat ili ii..i tlit-jr may
b" ri.ntuinlimti il. AinoiiK tlm iinH.i r
lihi'il nuiki'in ami ri'inli-ni nro lliroul.
uiplitln nil mnl iiiiilnuioiia fi riTH In c
ry alaH nmy U rairitiK, ami rliiilnn
bniy coiilriK'l fatal iIim-hm I'Ti n of a
Hfor-n i Ihu:k-it IIiiiii iiny w liavn tin 11
llmii'il ly iluwinuiii iiMnif I In on fjni'H
tioiiiililu lova, Hun ly it 11 only ihmv
ary tu rail nld iilmn of p.r. n. tu tlin
evil, for can ful mih rvUiuii wmlil pru
Vi'iit tlm ili-MiniiiiUnii if lualliMiinn
rtiionlir l.y tln iniaint. I.'.ml.iii
tun U.
. I ; ill . 11 fi anlilia! tln-iu from thu II
Vrt.. lu ' inn f tlm Iil'lily l.ri-l toy dof,
I a tlm ainall l.l.v k ami tun t-rrlir, I
f.iuml 011 ln'iiiry tint tln-M) apota, fur.
1 nn rly m ry n o-j n iioti., with tvlng
lr' i)i.ut mnl I1.1 1 in .11 y ili.npp uriil.
Tin ir i r-i-t. ti. " ilifiii m many
In lu'ly 1. . -I i .irii tn., i n j, lUmt
i.f lat.i ill'.-,, fur tlnru la
fairly v. 'A pf of Unit win 11 lir.t ilninn
ti'ui'l tin. il.. w a ri 'I or lrown, like
1 (!m pariah, Ai ri i-to,
I A far li I ran ', wn do li'.t fllnl
I ho .p.,ia vlni.i on a I. link or ilark
I irrnniiil, nor y. t l l.n k i r ilark on n
I wlnlr or li'lit .mnl. My 1 iplaimtiun
1 U Hint tin y liavn iin.i 11 na a rniuiniit
liiaikin iifl.r Dim il. i "-.rl"l" ti
I. la. k iiml. r iliiiiioiii ami luivo
.l-.ll I i - I v.. I mnl 1I1 i ., ' irotltl
; lialiinil n I' rti mi. 1'ii.ailily lliry urii jiro
I tii lnii mnl" 1 V.
j tiii" 111.. nun, ju t at ilawii, I hail
jra-ioii t i "'i nut 11, 1. 1 tin. arili n, ami
wlilln H..p:ii toi J.iii.llii .. in., fl.iwrra.
I niily 11. i nil Willi rri p
lily kiiv an iiiiiiiial a In a. I
j l'.kin tlii.,nli, ami w li ut mi iin . I t.i ' 1
two miiiiiiiv'iV laru'ii 11ml frrmi 111 iyi ( l ut uir. hu cIiuk
lli it n l.l.n k li "p iril w a nlx.ut Id fpriliif
o. r, I atafii'.l l i'k, rlapi my lunula
ami Imiitiil T.i my ri In f, In.Mi vi r, 1
aw 11 I. ill w.i mnl f. ,11ml tlm mo.
lul'.r 11:11 a I''a ilou I knrw vrnr
will ami wliii li ri". niiil nut. Tlm
iimi of llm tan i.m.i in tliia caau at
Irani tin 11 ic riiiriil tu mi..
May it lint U' that llm .H,la Unit
w itii a 1 roiM livn pin j.. -m. mnl liavn of
ti n aiiviil tin- livn of ii.k. (Mark ilo)
fi"in tin ir 1 Hi-mil , tlm lualli r fi-lim a,
mi'-li iih tlm i I0111I14I l"..iiril, rlr f i r
Imp. tlii! malli-r In m.t in-w, l.ut If it it
It mi ma worth l'kin Into.
I liavn a.'Vi ral ilny. al .,iit In rn now
Wlthl.l.i'k N.ln a ami In a.N. Tim tall
pot., r ut h. r 1 aln, mi i f llm ai.n of a
lulling 1 Ij.h" .Imt inn-, kii-pitiK the
km ol tlm in ml n 11 cuniniily.-H. E.
1'iul 111 Nalurn.
A a laalaar W'hvr II Waa I'allod Igao r.irlk hf tha llaala bf a fair
f t tu I Hi (.lrl -Th. Mortara Waanaa
Mot afrmlil uf Tlil.t.k
I'loplf think mora aU.ut liurnlart In Ilia
wlntir anwon tl.iyiloat any ntlirr
llinr. Tl.n "lily p riplanatlnn of
thla m mi t i I," Unit III llm loiitf prrloil U
t ii-n tli Cr t .110 full ami aprlng H.n
l,iirliir tlili.k. rinft aliout tl.riii. In tlia
tint, r, t I .urn, w ImlnMa ami il'mra ara
f. k.i ami, l, Hit In the annum r
tlin In lit lu.iki a It tnii'.'nry to li-- tln in
P"ii miim or i m. Hut rial 11m la ii n
l.nmliil iiml k'ipllalilu In tlm aumim-r, ami
t!,i mi iloiilit Inw lt mi'llntrlnii liillii' m
fn n 1,11 a mill aa lilt' li ly prarllial aa
)onr ImiiM-lirnaki-r.
Il'-.nlia, likii rvi-rr otln-r man wlio ut
Ma I, ruin , ln mii.t lima lila u rl"l "f
rwt ami rncuifirati'.n, and no donl't Undi
li-'" rti FJ '
la Ilia Vi'ritiia; I r,
A paMM UKi r nil nil up town f livtrin
car IkhI ri ai lusl In r .li.-i t ami wautml
l'i I out. Tlm rar Waa full of )-..pli.
tt.iu.lili lu tlm 111-I", 11ml a-flui dir. a. I
l In r way lluy nmvi-.l rl.Mi l. lhrr
to 1. 1 In r p ii. Mm lia.l in arly n :w lu il rim MumMi 'l 11ml fi-ll.
Amiiliir pa--, ti. r who K.,t out at tlm
:imn Ktni't lui'l ju.l i ft In r m-nt, ami
Into t li im tlin woman who .Intnl. I., I f,.
lii'iitily on lirr fa.i. Mni at inn n rnxi
ami I'H.kiil fur tlm i.lru. ii .11 ami a.iw
that it wn a lari. .iiiiipln ca-"1.
"A liii-i' IiIi-ii, " aim nnrlly, "to
put a r. .11 linn lik" that in dm mill
lln of tlinmr for pin pin to fall nn-r.
1 V11 .ptallii .l my wn.t .inking mi dm
car win 11 I f.OI ovir it."
'r. ih,ii. tlntik 1 .liinil.! .tnmliip
ml Imlil il," anii t'il a man w Im waa
d iul irliilily wati'il, wliils a il imwo
tiii'ti alooiL
air; I think yoq alunil.l ri'ln lu
c.iltlii car," iinl tlio aniy Wnmitii m
tlm .'-., .. with hir lifu ami l.mki'il
ilflL'i-ra ull. r tlm ri-trviilitiK rar. IKh
Unit i'nm I'trwi
o p.i. 1111 i t-
lii(rriwa Nurgrry,
Mnliral mitli'iiitlia havn In amin
f ni a lia.l n imut o rruri-t too artivn
ami rn. 1. tin mii ry In iIim a of dm
li' mnl tlir.iat. It Inu in a iitnnt.-r of
tn-l.iin . s n.M-ntri that partial it i n
tun ili aim lint fnlloniil ox,
ml rompli In I ,.f th,. m.,mi of aim 11
It lu.t urn 11111110,11. r.nisrrvati.iu la icuiu
In cr'itui'l iiiiiun i,n t, t mrroii.
ami j alliiiiivn trrainu-iit I. !iv..niin"n,.
ni wiiim vi r thrrn a.H iua t . Ui n chanco
Unit It iiiih-lit havn thu il.-ir.-4 rff.'.-t.
Tlm l. t id. t..r know that tlm knlfo it
K'k.l a. ri ant, hut an ptrdtlliily luil
inn.t.r, ami only th. w li-i k ill ami
Jiiilinrnt aro iik. ly to Ihi f.iuliy ara
Willin to i ut ami .lav-h on tint aliKht
tt pr. li t. N. W V.'lk l.rl'T.
Ili.ra Waa ln lliffrrri.,..
I'i rliiipt tlm I t tiattiri .1 ami at tha
.vino tuno 1. mi of dm wittir.t ti J uiuhm
III ri liinii 1I1. put., w a. dial maiUi l.y
r'litl rr D Liary to an Iri-li IVvti-.tnnt,
"I luivo 110 ol ji-rllnii, " aanl dm aii,.r.
"to I avo dm Vir111 Mary In at -. with
fvir. iii-o, hut only at a r-iahli
trm ral. In woman, ju.l am h a oiw at
my own iii.iih, r " Still," tvyUi
tt'I. aiy, "yi.ti mut allow tin n Uaoina
dirt, irmii tu thu rhililri il" 1'hilailrl
'hu I'r.
II.. III. r. Mlrllrf.
Hi. ll.y va.ri.. rtrnihitm In lilt
fliiwmjt (ru. il ii, hut thru- waa ol, at
llm h ttom i f it. 1 ,.,k ,
tprv.-vlin tlm .tatTy w itit of hit
HVrr III. i li.i,.tu 1 hllrv -phy, ho MVllit
llkii a M-raph Inwriint ov, r tha tin.
falhoiiial ! i-lia-m, w !ui hlarkm-aa la
Hie of .h 111. 11. "Aui. tt 4 the
Hrr4kf.u.t Tal In." li. li.. liiralily,
Oiui atip front tlm auhlnnn to tha
rnlh iiloiia. Thla It nil ol'l It
iiiiKhl In rrii.l nNo that mtu.-ily nml
triinly nro vi ty m ar to rarli otlu r at
lrnl Miartinl that i rininof (,.! f,..
low., Nat (oH.ilwin.
h'mlnl in Ih liiioiiiin'a rafn 01m ilay
trmiitly, li'Hiilwtii wan 1 nli ilaiiuii 11
liinulnrof fi limit w illi n raoiial rrmi
in .-iii-o. of a i:utoM an trip. In a ilo-
IikIiHiiIIt liii'iiiii.ut iniinm r Im mn.ln
liiin.rlf dm hull In r.i. h .lory, nml run
viiImiI In nm In. .m with l.mhlrr.
Kuially Im .ai.l: "I wa, walking
ilown airiit llm ..tin r day that i, l
w.-it or no. Hi. r f. llnw wa. it il.. n't i
iii.ikn miy ilifli n ni r. Vim don't want
lo kp. il a Kt..ry 011 ti rliiii. alilii a. Any
liow I or tlm othir fi Mow wa walking
How 11 Klin t ami i-lmiiri i 1
J n olli
"Tlm 1 ipri-'kiiiJin w-:i l.miliiiK hi
waoii pn p.iint.,iy f..r hit nlt. rii.N ii
ri iiinl. of n Mulilni dm f..railintf
111 lit or w hati 1 1 r you call linn ramn
0111 w 1111 n am, ill il..
"'Wh.rr'a hiii..iiK?'oknl tl.o dnv
" 'I d il l know.'
" "Ikin't know !'
" Saw '
" 'Why llm don't joti Lnnw?'
" 'Now, il ut pt prrvton,' tanl tlm
forwiinliii iip nt. I ,, , t km.w, 1111 il
don't know, 1111 iii.IhhIv km wa. It 'a it
up it t:i. ihat'N tlm riMwii. ' "
Hit mi'hl.'iM lauhnl, hut (i.nhIwiu
dn w 11 Ion far,., "lauy It'a alhrttr, "
Im n 111. 11 L. il Think of llm iiti..u ol
xly in n al lit
I". In a iIi..iil-IiI. 11 1,1,1 ,n
i .1 lilt nw 11 iih lililv. Il'a a lnu.
-N. w Vork llrraM.
k II Al.j.-
I 'no i-aniiot Irovrl lu Inland Without
" 1. . n in that tlm mi many K.w, r
ami ratrhtn of traiua tn.orr
of I1I1- . mil .in,, dial la nrvrptrd l y Ilia pi oil.;, nml I do in I Ihmk It cvrr
will In. 1 hi ir nlitoii, di, ir tr.i,liti,,
thririhiif M-rupnlioiik, Ih. ir truipria
innit, all of w In, h I nipMo urn rl.mrly
alln d, im. , pi .,, I to it,
'I Im ayniK, "Tnki-it ai.y, nml If yon
run t lako 11 111 r takr it 11 air-y a y,m
cm," ,1,, iih tli . ri j r.-.i nt th. ir Hu-ory
of I if.-, nu. I. lor my part, if it wrro a
itn -lion 1 iih. r , f ilialirit.t or of itmr
al. I WouM m r havr to il. frml that
virw of 1 vi. tim. 1 than 1 lu .0 many
hoiM mwi r i nr. N, f.,r fi,,ni a w i.ninau
KitHi'K all Im cm out of I, hum If tu otiu
llir--l..l, hr Will, It MMi , rtJj.
Idly ami riit. lully nVl.un ftm dniiitf
to in dm int. r.-t of Hinl ralholio ami
liaimoni, ti.,1, i. l, 1 in. nt whtrh ri-iinn-a
Hint hr khiiuhl p I a lint,, ,,ut f lo.,,. I
a If in c, iy 1I111, It., ii.
tliio would 11, 1 likii to av it that ih
hulk of llm . l,i art "hurnni
lium.ty d. v. , p, ,t. " l;t m.uh, r, if I
may Ui . 11111:1, , I to .ay an, nro dm
I iiIi-h ,r II .. N-ol.-h iti'i'l... ami aa
in l.alily all ihi,,- r.I il ly , rr ly loh- j
aidi.l a, tuny , r I. l i,,, Inactivity, u I
till I'liiain. to U x. ti whrlhrr' too '
innrli . rii I uit I .-.,t. Im, , f traiua or
mm h t.iku it "oit" in. ontlmwlMlo, j
tlm w i.rr n iiiv nml dm lr H1..1111' in-
'"If '1" f Ih" putp' ttnml uraofi
llfr. IHih kw.k'a Man'linx
vw 11 1 nrr tti-iit TtiK w tuntmni
It iiiiim pmlMahln In 1 Im long run to a-nil
tlm ilo ilaya hy tlm ra.liln than III arllte
prm tl, o of hi prof, a.lon. Tln n thrrr ara
a lot of aiunt' iir Irnmp., pli-kHM-ki-t,
ii"iik tlili vr nml iiirli wli'inriMlrltrn hr
hard m- r.-ity to tiko up liurulitry at a
l.l.i linn In ilmwlntrr. Ilurlnr of ihlt
i hi.1 nrn ai hl.nn n In, I, I nml iinvrr aaaklll
ful a tlm rriilnr prnrlllliuirrt. It rn
pmhahly om of lli.-i l.nrlur who hmkn
up dm lailir' rar.l imrty on Ijiko arrtiua,
In t lilr.i.i, thn otln-r uvrnliiK, aaya Thu
Trlhui f dint rllr.
It wn fortuniito for him that tin nt wa
no oil" nun. 11 llmiii n lui Iiml dm roolnna
ill-plnynl ly dm w mi, aim, whlln ar
rniiln I . r luilr. pn .nriit..ty to olti In
Ih-'I, antv dm n lli. tloii of a ninn In Imr
mirror II" mi, hi. 1, 1. 11 ju.t nh. rti .hr
I, 1 I 11I itr it. hi , ml ,,f hurhir hhlln uti
il. r thn Im-iI i,, mlliilv wnit 1,11 .rpnim
luc lu r hair, mnl thi n, hnt lii laid all lu-r
vnliial l. In r Jrwrl ii, walkiil nti r
and put Ihi -u ii a ahrlf In (ho wnnlroho,
mi, l,-..y , at In th,. d.Hir ajnr. Mm loft
thn r. - in f,,r a in, ,111. nt nml ami
il. lily, ju.l In llu.,1 1,1,111 llmthlrf atop In
kliln dm witnlrnl' Thru, of riinnm. aha
'"'I tl lot. ,11. IhiiiK WIii-ii Hm i..r
Wa. iii.I.h lo I u.ilti, . a. IiiiiiI.-,! out hy
Iw.i 1.1 1-, II, . nirii, hitilly frlhti'iiml nnd
luilf aim. 1 In rv.l.
Am.thi r t-.-tko whrrn a Ihhf hid unilrr
tlio hid mid , .in,,' to rl. f luip-nr. on ilurln tin- World a fnlr, wlmu
llm town wa. full of it,,. ik.,t im,,, n,
" tit ry. II,- Inn! Ii. n.ha,li,wltiirawrnlili
Ini.lni in, m f,,r iimn' II, mi a tu k. Ilia
plan lo .hp Into thr Ii. i, In tl,,. rvrn
In l,y f,,, ,tin, tl ninr In, 1110, lililn
nml I ii. r In Ih.. iiIkI.i r..h dm plnv. tlnn
I'trnlll hi. .in .1. .1 In K.ltln In whin
thr front ih-.r w.i. I. ft iiiiLk kill, nnd lunk
In hi. way i.;i .1 air. ho tt.nt Into n ro.,111
nli. I hid nml, r thr I ., I ,, ,np nr,l lo
11,, 11 lo dm ttto dauht.'ta uf Iho hiillav
In, 1. 1
Iho I,. I wat low, nml tint Intruder
pn..,d m v, ral 1,11, oinl, rial. lo Imiirt until
ill, ml In . , I, . u. h. 11 thn y.'ini Indlrt
c.nnu up .t in, T , had ,1, t,,,, h,.m
ltr nl,l,ioii.y 1,1 nil, I, t,. ,.,, r, lv
whllo nt .. I,,., 1 ami u.ually had n nunp
U fon' r, linn 1 1,1 II. I. ,,',1, a lry
Intu nu u'iii.i, i'.Ii lit, Iv pillow lliiht. Tha
hurhir l.i-.tuii- i.iitli.i rl. ,1 In tlm ..ur ,,f
Ihor.iinla! that i.- mnili' mi Iniuluntnry
linn. 1111 11I i , . l.t.oi, n . It,.r ,,.w nlll ,n
to ih.ln I. , IiIiiim If
-.Maud. II. . n a .. in, l... ii,,.r thla
N-d'" rn. I oiw ,,f ihr u,. hm m.trnd , (
ruiililn mtav, 11, .h.- 11, ml, I N, aup,am
tu do iin.hT .in h 1 itriiui...ini'., aha drop
pod on mm kn.v, nn, llmlm ,rr
Tm a frli-nd of Uob't." tt ad dad rrat-
No, you'ra out. You'i burglar, am
you ihall not loate thla hnnta," wild Mr.
McCormlrk aa thtii'l-I hlrn hythalapcla
uf hit coat, fha coiifra af'trward that
It occurrrd to tier at tha tlma that a bur
lar would tat a tthlta rluptnn on her
kandi. but aha waa drtvrmlncd that ba
abuuld Dot rt away with hit hootr. Th
burglar, who could tin douht hara hr.krn
Iwaj) without iimirultr If ha had not atop
mx1 to parley, argunl a fi-w nnuin-iitt too
long, for, wnlla thla li.ti n .uii illalngua
waa going nu, both lULi and Mr. .M, ( or
mlik rama In tha d'mr, ami aftrr a tlmrt
atruuula lurcemlrd In urttlng tha man
down, whrro th.-r h, hi hlui until Mra.
,M. ' orinli k a. un-d a i.,lli-mvn.
I'liuk e'liiolly atrikin and txrhaptrif
a hlhrr quullty wnt alman hy thr 1 Id'-rly
Ki.ll.n lady win, whm al.iut to ni ita
In r nlhtly prnyrr, d. t. rt. , a man umh r
In-r hi-d. Mm nrltl i r f. d in.r i lmn. d
rniiiitrnaruo, hut aim ihanrd hrr form of
prtltlon, and lii-t.-ad rrpnit"d a prnyrr
tt hlrh It aliiuMtua r.,mtin n n tin1 Knll.h
, ,11110 and . up nlhtlv lr m thou-
intuit of lialiy lip U hm .In- llnl.hi-d,
the hoard a folia I lug In r not lo lie
frlhti-ticd and aa.urli. I.rr that .ho ahunld
not Imi harmitl Tlm man. i r-ina tha
talo, rr. pt from Ida hhlli, pl.t'-o, and with
Uwra In hit ry.t told II. nt l.a hnd re
poat,l thnt nrnyi-r at I.I mother a kimo
lln had nrllh.-r lit I rr.. I It in r Innnl It for
y. nrt. hut It had Inw lud tlm Ii lull r jit
whhh the rptiml.t n--un. li n-iinnii
etrrn In the Imnli.t h-rn.
i'rnyi-r at a -rlll, (,,r hurlnrt 011l.t
to niuimrml liarlf lo a iirr.ii In r nlxito nil
im 11, and yrt only a I n an k. no th. ni
wn ri ord.-d In uw p i r thn arruunt of
lino inlnl.t. r down In Ml.x.ur! who hot a
l.urlnr who hnd lallrd nt Iho piintoiino
III tlm middle of tlm nihl (,r. .iniiiihly for
t.iiui-lhliig morn tnnlhlo than aplrliual
advl.r). and amitl.rr p ntl. man of Iha
cloth In Indiana, who put a hullrt lulu a
A pi.lll.t, of iNiurno, It rlrnrly wllhoul
Iho pair, hut thrrn I. alwnya a pok.ihilliy
of n-forui for a hurlar. ami to arn.ltlve
iiatun-a thu cunrpiliin nf a pn-n. In-r with
human hl.xxl on hi. hand la nut an ant--
ahlo one.
Thnt hurlar nro fmiurntly turn nf all-
perlnr 1 a w. II fa, t
It tnkra a innn with will, and hlhlr dn-
vrlnprd wit. nt that (ju.t nt tlm railroad
mnmirr In.i.tril 1, to nrhhto any ih-rrnt
aiun-M ua a hurlar. The p iitlrninn who
I known In rrimlmtl aniinl na 'llamlr
Andy," ai d aim hnd a lirllllnnt rartt-r lu
rhhn,i ..lino twriity mldyrara ago, waa
luiiikil.n'itkrr of the cdmatiil type. Ilo
uil friiii. ntly, whrn making a iimfr
alonal rail, lo .prnd a pli aimnl half hour
III thn lihrnry Muling aurh l..,ka at lie
happtnitl to (amy and iiinklng annuta
Al Laawt Avoid D4b ( U Happ
lata Iha Aator Library.
A young man ttrude into the At"T
lihrary yittt-rduy aftcruoon, a grx il
book atnhr hi arm, ami wat m.ikirg
trai.-lit for tha itaircaae to tha roa llng
rontu when the old man who evrvti at
hall portur wavad biui ltk hy vt
turc. "Wi'll, whal'i tip with thu ol'l chap
anyway?" he rvinarkrd to lilt fraii'L
"t'otne lark lu re, " aal'l Hm Jurt'-r,
timuliam-juily pointiinf a Rncr ut uino
nuuntliiit olj'-ct.
"WVll, I lik that," atiwin-il tho
youth, not follnwiiig the iliM-iinii of
thu fln' f. I liko you for anno, jiolitu
tort of K'li'l" in tin hullillll. (ill,.
I'll go wlu ru I want without your ut-
tiktanco, niy Rood nun. "
'Vou'vnpt a book, tahl tho por
ter arptlli hr.lllr.
Vt," rrplird tha yMing niati, I
havo, uml if H hadn't turh a rr-p lu
tun, ling on it I'd liku to II ro It ut y.nir
head. Tin rr, " and ho in:i.ln a -p. in
upward, tlif-o ati -pt at a tlnn-, foll iwl
ly tho g.vpini jiortrr, who finally lay
pr nio on thn tlomi ttain-u.u fraiitii .illr
holding oil lo Hm vani.liiii roalt.uU
Coiim hark," ho plendnl, in ov in
plainlivi. loiira, "coiim biw-k amir, ad
tlm Dot ire. Vou'll wii I dan-n't h t ' u
pack Willi that l.k. I'll Iini my plant
If yuu'ro M il with It. Ilo, air, j.U .
niiim buck. "
Tlm liotire it to tho 1 ffiTt that all
txvikt carrnil into tlm library aro to l o
left in tlio jMirtrr'trhurn and riillnl f, r
on coming out. Tlm tdi a it to pr' t. nt
ri'.idin walking off Willi l.k of llm
library. If w ithmit ono coming in uml
with omt goitig out, it't 1 a-y to know
tlny'ro nppri.priating library pmiH rty.
15' foro llm making i f tin ruin liiinn r
ou l,k wi-ru rriiiovrd, :i it wa not
ai-y lo arciit a reader uml ih m iml
whethi r or not a In k in hi p, -.1, n
wat hi own or otln r .-opli-'a prop. rty.
"S o hero, " Mid the nrirvrd vouili.
allying hi hook outo the ,rt. r'n tablr,
"next at ranger you itn-ei ktop roar or
di rt and your my.ti tiou a , , lay
your attipid old finger 011 that pm.v of
pa-ti Imaril, will you, and fay Mraizlit
nut, 'Keail thnt notice. ' "Now York
'Twas Soul Love That United
Mrs. Scftt and Mr. Ogden.
A I'alr uf l:lljlou. Lnlbn.UaU w bo t'laim
lu I nlrrlaia a Turaly hplrltuaJ Affmlloa
lur la. Ii (Mlwr-akeptlral Mr. acull
VValil. liniii.
A Uaatllua That Ltery Wm. s.
II.rt.lf Afl.r lUadlag Ihi. H.A'
'lou Crvrtcao tvll About Vtn.
.rr u
i lit.
ma A,:
l n.i'i'lllii In .altk
There are b' unit. -.t. . , ti,
B ol 11. , ,,f win, I, it th.. I r.iter
tlty of M.i.!rl. It Bp,,r, fr..,,, ,lir
UI. .I r. p-.rta that th. re are uUmt H.ii
atii'lmtt 111 the 0 uii;vrl!.a. The
Ihrut. n.. art k.,i;. n.a ami lil rui. ,4
Madrid and other S;iu.!, ,i;ilt mrv
Cuini run. ami notable -NYw York Huu.
"The fun.l.imi utal ,ii(T. r iu-u Ih iwia
mon'a frirmlklupa and wouiiu'a," w
cynn al man 1 know, "Ina lu ju.t
thlt: Two im.u aro IriruiU bet-aiu tli.y
Ilka tin fan. a thing., two woiimu are
frii'mla Ut auao they dl. like the aauie
ry,i,lo." 'ahin,tou I'.a.L CaiiarrraL In Florida, wat
Diuit-d by lint hpanianlt from the atuu
(Unroof flu ttert In the ticinltr The
6xa.a Bitaii "Lautd of (Ua Ue Tr" ,
II lu-aita V.llng.
i They Im l Ju.t 1 m, t., fr, ,
I li. no iv, h.iii.. wh, to in, v wire nu
ll ho. d.
I !..ui tlni. , " .ai, ,,,e , f Ih. tn. "I
think that I would like to U. faiimii.,
that 1 would h;.e t" p. , n the alago and
a t 1 r 1 n the 1,, into plalotiu. Tlnn.
ng nu, 1 think n. t "
"I tun k 11 I all th- i-tue," wat the
Jiltl, ly .p. k n I, j- '1,1.1.
r-u.l II lin.. I I. 1 1. ,. t.i j
llio 1 muli. ma 1 f the i.iuimu.le.
' t'f uim. 11 it. lh.t e what maknj
lt. J lyin the l. b, hoi,, r.-hange,
WNil we talk twt!y ., a.,,,..
ir iili lh ilurtir. I car, t, II l y fie
Way he c.. l a, k that he I. aimrkli g in
I;.. iu.. al-urd immi, r Ai,. ,f I want
i Jliiakuhim anry I .,, I. I him the
linu a I n.y and m.g In h:a ear. I I, ;
too. n.y ilr.r. tin 11 it com,, t playmg
1 u the t motion, , f ). multitude .k.ri, will have lo fc!t, ntra matt-tm-
If the wati'a to turpa tu In p.
t.rtlui.ity. " Kate F..1J a Vaaiuc,-haa.
Pt: t,. 01 ti,,i t 11 r nir itkitA
clout r.uillrmr.1 arl.-nl l lm by one fool.
whllo l,,.r r. finally utidniuitod.
hold nf the other, arid th.-r drngi-d htm
cut Into the iiii.l.lh. f u, II,. .r, at tha
earn., tin, .hunting In high aoprnnu r.iUva
" I'apn"'
" I'l'lliv!"
" llurl tr'"
1'aji.t raine, and after awhile Ih, pollf.
.ml am. tig die burglar waa cap
j lured a ,w , Ji,, t
Mill an. ih. r In. la no. In tthlrh a h.u
t-n-iik.-r ...te, hi rat luru lo a plucky wo
man I found 11 , ,nnala..f Onia
t.a Mr. M. t ormi. k, w Ife ,,f a prominent
r al .atate man. ,, t,.r,4 .r hllw.IW
. .. ni,, .1.,,,, s. , k ,,., . 1 r(
to a 11. i.:!, r aaw a man ju.l turning n
the land :n, t f,,. , .,rwy
" th M,k it It ... 1,,.. lr) ,, 1 . .
tor it. .1 ,.-!,:., while ., hit war
J"""l',n d I n I r,tuit.rj .It.-, it
ahe enl!e.l In hl n ,, kwl wh h hm4
It.'l g"t nt) to ifc, r,r
rorol my wi,-h.'" cam. hark from
Ih. man up at.ira, wh, abumi hla ,.h
rrqn.hf! ,;!.,. fr . wor, waaclui,
lacvlt ( l n
Tha lh waa a. I'nprolaf'e anj th,
t.i.-e a,',n,.e. ,.p Mr j,Vof.
ml. k nhi.,1 ,' ah-re In th, hruarri.
nil for a coup:, ,f mtid-rTanU. b
ar. In an,..r art , f h, h .u.. atanrd
up the .tan, , ,r, Ju-t t h
a. comKi ,.,. Taking hlacLtfn.ini
her prrti.M.a .) ,.i!. n I,, trl.J ta rul on a 1
J front ami md u h.j mn, j
Ilo le get kia, aag eeat, etfca '
Milt M I OIIM ti g CIIAN-IM Tllg ItrniiLAIl.
diint on dm mar 1 11 A in ritlrmnn on Iha
North ldo tnn.iirn hlhly a volitum nf
Ihi aorl II I a ropy of Minki iriin', In
whlrh Mr Andy wrote tilling the marirln
nf Iho aeeue In llm Mrtvhimt of Veiili-e-dt-w-rlhlng
the mhlavry uf Miyh k by hi
daughter Jokicn:
' Thlt ml toward nn old father, who,
whatever hi fanll. had mum an far na hla
daughter waa r.uui rmil. nhtav. .ruurd to
me tu. o. t .hiiiin -ful. Vit u trral Chrl.tlmi
griirraihiti have roliilii. ml. , hrr for It."
Thl Int. n-.tln pi, ,e ,,f lll.-rarv rrltl llnuily left In II, u of rrrtaln family
plutr, a couple of gold wni. hr nml a Inn
nf Jewel., whlrh l,u took away on tlmnc
rn.lon of hi In n llamlv marked
a book, ho wnt ulwiii ran (ul lo liave It
on ti tt h, n tho nwm r would Injure to Hnd
It Ihotirit monilng Hurlar.. n.n rule,
are vnlu folk and afford a atmng n lallnii
hrlwi.-n tntilty nml rrlmo The hurlar
lute to oploll hliiiw If i,d to In eipl.dt
ed. When a pn-r print an arrninit of a
burglary, mi malt, r h,,w .mall or Imw
Inrr, It It anfo lo any dint II hn. nil In
crrnwl rlri-uhitluii of nt l. i.t ono th, nrjt
Ilnmly wat Itinrdlmilrly tain of hi nn
li.r.ilonrtl nii-ompli.hinriit. n n burglar,
and It wnt Ihlt vanity whlrh it.,, linallr
hl.llllilulll i t,,k to writing n.lialut'
liiillca to hla liili-mlrd vl. tlm.di'.ignallng
the night when a mlhi I,. , , tl,
and. trim to hi word, tu t. r (.ill.. I to la? mi
nnnii. no mtilkil luuix. nf i, r l,,,u. n 1 1. 1 a
wnr. Ha Iiml two or tl i," r. nl, drrntaa,
hut he did all the liio.l uitln-ul: pnrlt nf
the work hllliwlf, never having f.,r theao
Jouriieymeii any tn.k w hi, Ii rriur.d the
(In, t.uirh of a priu ihod ind More than
omxt ho Mbl-d hnuaet w here there tv. ro a
couple of Hillii'tnrn on thr premie a w atrh
lug for l.llil. On ono ,vn.i..n titu .,re-In.-n
were watching a h,,ii.. whhh hatl
rein detlgnnt.d In . no . f Handy a I ulle
tlnt na a kirt of rail, wh. n a third , fticrr.
wiui wnt unknown lo th,. othrriw.,, hut
whom they euppokrd to l. n. w mnn on
the force, appnneh.-d. nml nft.r talking
with thrm awhile nl. nt the m.i.t. ri.iut
Untidy and hi. watt made a t. uir of the "to .... thnt i t, rt thing waa all
rigni nnen he tailed to ri turn In the
coureiMif a half hour, the au-ph i, n. , f ,
iithrr Iwo were nrnuMtl, nnd i.h,u "nvi all
gallon they found that Ih, Ii.m.m- had w.n
hibla.l under thrlr very n,,., and thnt
du re waa mi nftloer of the name given by
the atrnnrr Tho p.. pre nl l.t a,i l.arnr.'l
all of llaitdy a curve I. r there . f:,.r
all, a limit to the k. henna tthi. h eti-n tl ,
m.i ln"tilou an I conv i, t.ii.iu burol...
lean detlae and lie Waa rn: mnJ
Aa lalemllng but I'nranny Itrlle of Iha
Frrarli llrrullltlon.
An interiting but nnramir relic nf
tlio French revolution wat ilis.-ovrrnl
among tlm paper, of nn autograph col
Iwtor in Iw-rlin. It wat called tlm
"lilood l.i.t" uml coiilain tlm ii.-iiho,
alaiiiling and ni,. of thoo perunitput to
ileal Ii hi 1'arta Im-Iwii-ii Marrh, IT'.ill,
ami J iimi 23, I7U4. Thero with 1,511
in all. On the margin of tlm pae op
pnoito each iiamo nro a few ri'tnark giv
ing thu reuMiiua for tlio ileal 11 of the par
ticular MT.nn. nml n few of In or In r
rhariw teri.tu . Hero follow aomn of tho
pannage from tho "Hloml l.i.t." whirli
won ufti rward ptihliahed in tho Alin.v
uai-li do Kcvoltitioii:
April 10 -l iitharlne Oerv. aerraut, lieraua.
ahe wi.hed a king.
April IM Mangol. enh ilrlrrr, SI y.-r .,1,1.
lie h ul annl In a rafn tiiat the I., i, o, n, i, i,, I
of a .,t of rngtnrk. n, ennilnal and llnen-a;
It waa m-rrmwj Ui hnve a king.
Ik.-, -.'.-hu.l.r. kh..-iimk.-r. from h,n lii, .'0
y. iira . .1.1. U.-niUH. of In. Iwl .h.-.
Ik. H -Van.h njT. r ..f Am-tenUm, Kink, r;
mum hinua lf nnd -'ii, ri. In.
Jan. I.-Vaii. lirnipiite. clergy man. :i v.-nr
" : he ha.1 pn. rv..l in bit r,.m u ni.- blu..
of l.iua XVI.
Jan. 2. ('uatlne, Iheann. anoble y..ung man.
ST. y.-ara old, tth. tt-n rtuiii.t. r pl''iii;H.t.'iitiry
In lu rlin In KHI, here every one I .v.. I luni. ,.. nu r iiu..n. g. in ral . r .lin.i.n,
4.1 yeitra 1,, ttaa kl.,n na '-the I. nutilul Ar
Ihur- and waa formerly a favorite of tl,..
Ik-e. :i. -Carolina Adam, ttl.luw fravand,
from lierlin.
On tho list, who were, however, mi-t
en, nro iiIho a Vfiting a.-trir,i of tlm
Italian theater, (iramlmai'-oii Hiirrttr,
and her IS ycar nld j. key, Uourhanl,"
Ult rlergytnen, two of whom are ovrr 7:1
year old; lltU nftlci-r. lot wniui-ii "of
all rank and alatioiia," uml 3i writer.
New Vork Tribtinn.
A iii"t Muarkahlo caan l.a been mode ly a toll b-r IJ.I.i"") il.imngi
whl. h William II. S' of llrookljii Imi
br-ail.t n.ilnt John W. (id.-ii of the
line i ny f'-r all. ti lting tl." nffiftloiia of
I.i. wile Htm i f It airiitie f- atunt I a
tut. nn nt mini" I y Mr. .ioit ami Mr.
i,, n li, a!, while it i. tnielhat tln-y hat
for . nt !' n In Iho of lin-eting ku
in tly rti-ry riniin lu a furnl-ln d r..,iu
on lltldu tn-.t. l!r,' klyn, tiny h.-ul no
nl.ji , t In " il ,111 fur: t.i r limn lo pray lo
gi tl. r uml hm rilitJ'.iK nnd i lniriinhlu '1 lu y in know ledi. a ih-. p love for
in." nr-.i.thi r, mid tt Ml" II. ' y r, til.-. that
the i m tim-taiir. b k m-plcnui thry In th, rnl.ii lu vir larn aii)thll)g
wroti l tit. . ii Hn in.
Tho .-i .,tt. mid 1 1dni.flr.t rn.-t nt Mid
illi't ittn, N. . wh't" bolli famllio. wi ro
litii.tli, ti. I "r in Ihuvrry llr.t, Mr. tidm
nml Mi- .-, 1 1 1 hum, lin y f. It ti though
tiny J .... I lull in.ulo f r ol," nilothiT,
nml tl. it mo tup rtiutuml pntvrrwat
ilrattli ; ll., tu tr'thrr. Iloth had nlwayt
b It .. nu tiling ml-. nig f.- iiii tlu-irllvi ,
nml l, ill n-.ilin d win ii lin y (lr-tk. tryn
on r n li i t hi r that the tm. -In i l. mriit
.to.,,1 . f,,ro th, 'in. Tho r oilt wat a
at roll f. 1, mUhlp I. Ut, , ti the two, whlrh
rl tiii d t: th" il ay wrtil by Into n il.. p
nml l.i.tin-f bur. The two faiulll.-a I .-
rain.' ipiilu liitlmain. Mr. Sot t ut that
tliuo w.i mi cut. no ly!.nmo woman,
:..) j. ar i Id, and h id two i hlldn-u a tou
and a il.i'ilil. r.
.-hn tt. i a woman of Mtiuuncril n il
gi,,u I. ml, t.i 1, . nml wa one of tho llghla
of tlm l;.i u-t rl, nr. h in Mlihlh town.
It w n nt I., r . In It. ill, ;ii that tl.o Oft.
ib li j ii:,,l th" , him h, nnd fnnn Unit
tlino up to n ahoit tuno no llm liitlnim y
la-tw.rli Ih" two f. i 1 1 1 1 . ha rnntlllllrd.
Four y. am no the S-oti and O.h nt
tm, to llrooklyn, nnd l,lh f.unlllii
Joined tho Murer Atuiuo ll.iptl.t church.
Mr. .'-ott worked nt nilit and went n-gu
Inrly li hi. li ii . i in nt 6 ti rl.xk and
turmd .it 7 in tho muriiing, whlhi Mr,
()ilrn w. tit to work at nlxitit u o'clock in
Iho mnrniii nml did nntri-turn In-fore
o'l-h .-k III Iho cvrnln.
A f, w work no Mr. Oili-n'a
cb n wcrt nriiiiM-d. Mio hnd nccalmi one
afternoon to c-. n-.tilt lu r hii.hand, nml al,
went to hi, ollicu Mio Mirlird there al.iiil
go I went aftrr a little L-Irl tu t.i. .
our Inaiitutloii. th, wata iu,-rr t
I le tin tnr anrl no .n.,l.l a..
hrr. I didn't like the lookt of ,..r '
hh had a bard fare ami an iuipud, , , i"
luuiith. rjha bad only a few n,;,
own. and I rked them n rny ir.Lk
'When we bad Imu on , tr.,., . i ,,,
while, I iiotlcvd thnt idi kept p . , . '
hiind furtivrlr Into li..p twu L .. .. .'' '-t
...... . . " ..' "
aoiu. iiiiim uiuiii-ii anu naatr.1 t ,
ana i iu ii. i am- imi i, .!..,
one in awhile, and at loat I a.u,. ' '
"Anna, wnal bav y0t g,,(
pirKi t
"Her fare crlmtonnl. 'Nothin,' , ,
"She ai-teil ao miM-r thai I 1... .
of the atorlea thnt Ihry liaut t..M u..'
her. huw me what you l,vr t .. rr"' !
aid. ' 1
" 'Nothin.' ah, aaid again, li. k,,,,- ,.a
flnntly lu the face. '
-largtinl with lirr a Inngtn,,.. ,.
In.t I made lu-rtake the my.teri. ,,, t, r"
out of her txa krt. It waa an i.. ; t
rluni.y buiulle, and I hated u i,,..,,!
t ,t
frar I ahunld find a atolen piece of j , ir
or rnre trinket nf aome anrt. I i,,, , ,. ,
r..t.i Mfi..r r.d.i ..f .n,.. ..i... i. " ."'
- ........,,. ini;.. ,.!,
I found what dn you think''
"A picture," aaid the other,
"A pure'"
"No. a little, old, dirty attgnr L. art t d
w iih n piece of faded ribhon.
"Tchad it aitice I wan liltl,..' t!
Ibe child, 'mul innmina uml to i, n Ig
me to play with w hen I wat p.. i ,. i . i
It whrn the w.i little, nml he 11...1 ,
to ld alone If In-r mothrr'd li t h, r l..n
for iiiiiipany.' "
"What did you do with thedirty ti.
aaid the other woman. "Throw It -.
The first woman didn't aii.w.-r f. , ;, Uult.
Ute. Then he kjiid:
Wiiiibl you have thrown II aw.i .
-Vr,"aid the other firmly, "i -i ,i,i
I've mntiniil rhihlmi a long titm-. ..: , J
tell you you can't do a thin with n.-m tin
h you make thrm niui, rrtuiul ll., r'vt
got to mind."
" Voti're one of the ilirrclort of t'.,- , t
orphinn' home, aren't you" aaid the fm
woman, api-uking Verj alowly,
"Ve, I am," aaid the oilier.
"I thought an." And thu fl-t w,,tna
atopiad Hie car and Rot out nt tl.etrry
next cruaeiiig -Sau Frunciaco Kxan,i:,.r.
A a Aneedot, of hhellry.
Tlio pool Shelley tell nn nmtiing
atory of tho IiiMucikv that laiitia..
"hard to Im miilrrM,..!" , xerri.. ,n
tho vulgar mind. Wulkmg m ar ( ovrnt
(iardrii, London, liv arriilml.illy jostled
gaitiHl an Irinh navvy, who, l.'ing in a
qunrrnlkouio iihkhI, tcrnud iurlimd to
attack the jm t A crowd of ragged yii.
palhizir began to g.iihrr, when siu l
Icy, calmly facing thrm. diliUratrlT
"I have put my hand into the ham
per. I have looked on Iho aacritl bin lev.
I have cat.-n out of tho ilrtitn. I h it ,.
drunk and am well pleamsL I have aaid
'Ktim Ompax,' ami it la tini.hrd. "
The effort wn magical. The at,m.
laheil Irishman fell b.v-k. Hi friend
N'gati to qtiiktion linn. "What bar-
icy.' lu re tho hnmp. r?" "Whit
have yon bi-cn drinking?" and Shell, y
walked away uinimli-eU-d. Junior.
Aa lanpnaalbt. Itouae,
The man nn.'. hi wife railed on the
amnion, nml tlm archlt.v-t w;w glad to
no them, for l'ii.ima wa xtreinelv
'"Wi" -t you to liuild a houae for
n," aaid Iho nun by way of introduc
tion. "Thank," Nw,.l the architect "I
hall U only , k. t,, ,,, j
am quite aure that I emi gtte t ntiro mi
ltfactlon. "
"Well, you onht t.v" rrmarke.1 the "We ,) h i wt much."
"What kind, f wi.h"
luijnir.i th,. art'
"We want a g d. plain on a of al-ut
eight, " ..Vpla,n,. tho nun. 'and
wowi.l leave t;ie ,1, to vou. A!!
tie rt I that when yo hat.. I tn.h
ed it it will ml i: v wife an. mv., If
I m. an on the iti.j.J... W'o are n. t ;
parti.-ular aSout the otitmde. "
The arrhlt.. I h. ve. a deep aih.
"1 m t, ry t- rry." he .u,l. ' t ut you
will have to g,. ,( tm other architect.
W,'1 d, .iU n ? houau in
lint olt'.cw. ' ' iv lr. it Free Frta.
Kelt aa a Remedy.
Common aalt aa a remedy f, r "brow
ague," dint diMnnaing form of In ad
ach. ho lately Ix-en extoll.s) bT,.
phTkicun. Tlm l.l.-a in inrre.i,i'iig the
amount of tho tall nm-d with tho f,
a thai of augmeiitiiig the hydrochlo
ric a,-id in the juice of tho it.imaeh
il leant conai.lorablo an,vek it claimivl
for thi remedy, which, however, it i
needle tonay. will not operate ant-.
fully in ail cai. ly the way. atnmng
- liner pownerisl aait up dm noa
tnl of the affected tide hat In n found
to cure the pain in neuralgia of tho facts.
Family Mogoiue.
Tb. Itnakry taal.he.1.
In p-nital wo may .at that the d, n
key N.b ng to vain.hing na'o , f hu-
u.-o . uiiure, io me time . f,,r,. rarri ip
.,v txi-tisl. Now that ci lital'iou
thef to, 111 hv. !v ... I
uocrt au:i! va n..
ik. . . -i
y "ere i, nial i-r....i..
...... r. ii, n in
" i. ii uw. At the
g' i II W in.
an iv
ago they were
MliS I'TT.
0 o riori; nnd wa. .urprU-d to find thnt
ber bii-hand :, , (t f,,r the dar. She n-
innrki d to u rh rk that It w.i piriillar f,,
in r hti.i and to l, nvii mi curly Hint day
inn- oil inner rlrlllll I." In ter left he
lorn , o rlnrk. Ihorlrrk ln,l! r...tu- m
in il that .Im wa. ml.laki-n, and that hrr
liu.iiaml niniiltud nt Iho odico
in r fi o r. i k nnd nuneilmc I, ft na early
n I. Mr. (Idm wn lirr
ni-ph loin wi r nmuMil. W hrrn did hrr
l.u-i.and .-nd tlm hour bi-lwrrti & and H
n'rliK k? She bind a prlvnlo tb-livtlvo to
olvo tho m.t.t. ry fur In r. It didn't tnko
iiiiii long. j found that It wn Mr. (Ig
am t to repair to a funit..lui Moni
noiiko nt i;i.i iSrldzn Mre,-t. llr,.,Ll
rv.-ry nflernm n after he got through work.
im m new. mi, i meet .Mr. S, u In a morn
nirii no hin d by tho month. At ulmiit
. .;;u ii'i ,,rk tho iwowiiuld leave tho hiiiiiw
loeitu r nml n turn iu partitely to their re-
-.'tl0 IlilUIC.
Winn an explanation wa drmnnditl,
mo couple adinitti.l ih. ie . l ..i.. -
mrrtiti, nut i lnltn, , that their wa a
nml love, and that thry had not Iran
grr.rd tho letter of the law. Thlt ex. Use tail.f i. tory to Mr. l),,.n and
.Mr. .s-oti. ami tho two famllli- ara ill-m-nihrn-,1.
Mr Scott ,.,k n-fup. with
hrrfathrrnt I'lalnll.ld. N. J., and there
h.-raoulful l,,v, r pay, hrr dully villi to
i-iij. y the aplrliual cmtminlnn that both
ibclaro Hu y cannot live without.
' tMir love I. the kind tho world will
nevir undrrMnnd," .aid Mr. ., to ,
Nrw irk Sun n pnrirr. "It I a aprit
tiiil. kind of an emotion. My life
ha, alwny, (.,. full of Imul le, I ,,,rrll
.Mr waa my cou.ln, whrn I
ta Id yrart of nge. W o w. re not hnnnr I
.urn nn t rrnuo tort of ninn 1
my romfort In k
and then Mr. dgden came along. ,nU i
b um him ao different. Wo were drawn
together In our work."
' It t a itrane. titifnrtiinate condition
of affair anyway." aaid : Mr . gd,n "We
kn,,w tho w,,rhl will adjudp. ua guilty,
and it a. .-ii, ui-lt to deny our guilt
let we do i..,..t rniphatlcally. W, ac.
know 1, ,,. we hat t,,lfr JFaT
hiTin,;,7,,'u,Mr,,,'',l,,'Br'''t """"
n l.hlltigi,. U,.,,, ,.,, hlWl,Vl,ri mtii
1' e ha Urn nt any time ImpMiH-r It
.1 1 ..-. i, I . .1.. . 1
, . ., , ' ' of two
-,.-. .,', .pintuaiiy and
we , t vv M" 'Nn"'l and
el..v.M. We u.4to,,vt,,t ,y mother .
tr-.t r.. m. .;a he wanted It fr bu.b
M,,o .. Th, furnl.ur,. of lh. rnnm
cuci.trd a.,1, ly i f a table and two cluvTra
Tha liuin.nae Area of Tetna.
A printed atntrmctit thnt Ih, tt.-.t.n
atate of America are heainilnit crowded it
ili-pnned by flun-a that, through tnri 'tn
manipiilatioti.. tell a moat wonderful .t, ry
of the length and h of the
ci-nt empire lying west of tho Miw..j,; i.
Of the vn.t nrea nf the larrr w,.tiro
atati-t jieople who have not Ih.rti
ami traveled vrr them bare no cm pte
heii.ive Idea. lexa. Iho largest of ti.,
I'liited Stale, boa an area of '.l'cV-"-n ..jiur,
mile. Tothnrn.iial render these for-
menu little; they allow, however, th .t ll.,
UmeStiir State i more than M liiiutt
large na the ntnte of ( 'onnertictit.
If it were nshe to run a railway tr.i.a
fnim ConniH-tirtit to Texan and ba.'k in i
day, nnd If the train rotihl take the t mir
population of the Nutmeg state, a. gnu, in
the Inat renMi.. nt every trip, nnd ii- u it
return then' should U-ns r. any ,er.. n.iu
the Male ll. there tv. re In-fore I he tr.i.u I, (I
with it cargo, nnd if each were placed . o
an ncre of ground upon it arrival in 1 , -.
the train would lie oblip.l to inak.
trip, or lo d.'imiiiilate I'nniiM-tieiit
tiuiit, l.-rore accomplishing ii nn..,. u,
and then there would remain In Texas e -.!,
empty u m.
It may be of nassimr liit,r.-t to l. ,,
that aurh a train, miule un of rourh..Li)
feet long, cnpnlileofnecomtiUMliitilig .V. i
aener each, would extend over a di.ta:,,.
of more than ir, unlit.-Kate Fit-Id' W .,.,U-
VVIiltll.r'a Hlory of l.ury latrrum.
Some year ago, when a iron: h-miin ,
UImui Whittii-r nu In birth. lac. Ih.. i t
told un inirn-Miiig iiiridcnt coniieclrd w ,:b
Mist Ijirrotn.
She had Ih-cii calling on him thnt f re-
noon. W bile she wa thriu a very cltu-..,
tniui.trr called to miy hi rt-.iM.rl. II,. r..
cited a. Irrtioti fnim Whittier'a nrn.,. -.
and finally m-. "Hut 1 think the in -l
N-miliful thing you have ever wrilti.n v,
Ilminah Illtiding Shura.'" and ih,.n i,-,.
cee.l.,1 totponk of il na ono of tho liml
poim In the language.
e, km, I Whit tier. "I think nits. : I t
i a Uuutiful thing. Ialwnytndmir','1 i:.''
1 una mroiiriiei . Ih inini.ier r.s .-. 1
aeverul atanznaof the po.Mn In a very
mat ic manner. At hecnucliulrd, Wlutti r.
liiotioniiig to Mist Urcom. aaid: "A,! if
me to Introduce you to the author of tint
W bittieriuild, na he lol l the atory after
rd. with a oil let Imiuli. "I never s.i-.t
ninn whoaonnirb desired to sink llir,i::.-:i
the fl.k.r a did thnt iniiii.ter." H.u.:,,u
W'onian'a JouniaL
Mo wat
found nil
The ( reaturra of Ocean ll.pilia.
It would apIH-ar to have Inn .b iinir. lT
establi.hed by the re-an.he of the la-: M
iir that hfe :i rome of it tniiiir form, i
ntiiversnlly dinrihutcd throughout t!.
ocean. Not onlr In the kl.ll .it...r tt it . r
Hear conata. but even in the irrvuter ,'. : .
of all oeonn. animal life ia excc-ilui. v
hutidaiit, A trawling In a dent h of . ..r
mile yirhl.d -jjij
ionnig to Ti ajiecie and 65 genera. A
Irnivhtig iu a depth of about three mi'.-,
yirl.hd over Si) apecimen belongint '-
ieciea and J3 genera.
Ftrn Itiiirptha of four mill- an 1
animal In-longing to all the cbirf liiv.r-,-rtecrou
hate been procured, and i:i a
ample of oo. from nearly five a
quarter there waa evidence to tho natur.i:
lata of the Challcngrr thnt living rn-atutta
could exi.t nt that depih.-G. W. l.if .i.
bnlea in l'i ular Science Monthly.
A c, nturr
1 1 inn mere I lent
nullum, f ,,),. jn ftll)
to whom the am no. I ,.
ilcscrit tl. n l
mo cr. mark
re protiahlj
I mt.-il Stat.t
klloU 11 I
- . .i,. r t i .. .
i tm . ro.
ta:e in I',.. .1..
I " " " ' f " lu-lu-tr:, win, Ii i.
I ! -.war aarapdlTaatiiat inwl,,,..,, w li.. I ami . hand I.. ,,.
part IV.f, r v .L.,..
l or a wee rtrealh.
n-n'tixp.cttohave t h an teeth or
iw'.t tr.atli wi,,;,, th. ro ia ,ne of
oi"- . ii lin- .'iiue. Jt
.1., i .
.'.' , i-n n. -e , i lti.t-,.,
Iia I
plenty . f
I. rnai
an Dinui.t.ik-
Hon. iH-iiikaonr
't ripe frmt and gr.-. u vege
lurg.iTlv.a, r.-rciM. Ir,i.
wat. r int. rnallr ...i
How Dr. Ilulmra tLrmA m, Hook.
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmea appnrer.'.
not I,,., hiagift of fclicitouarxpn t : ,
ne grtiwt older. A friend not long an.
ent the grubd "Autocrat" a book, and
f.-w dayt then-after came a reply fr
IWinatrwt: "I hardly thought I ah i
nnd time to read your bonk, for I hate i
a great Influx of author of late. Hut .! -P'n
Into it I became Interested, an 1 t
more I read tb, more I wa pleated, and
read on until I had taken up ev.-ry ch ip: r.
very aent,,, tYtrJ W(m, Bnj,u, ,tr,st
note, of tb, appendix-lapped tbem up "
kitten lap up a aaucer of creani'-lV: a
'"" ar rriaa. la
Aeeordin, t! , , (., ,., r, r , f cr!m
nal .ui ,..,, f , mU f, f rtf Jv total r,:ii'r, n-nvi, t'ona f,, .o
uurn ( it., y, M S-, a-lJs mfcuh
yTi" ",Cr"-0f 14 M ,h Ptittou
iii l kit r tin th.- tr...i,. ...
til tlm ,, ,,:!, j, ,1. a, L. , ,
'Wo ti..-.. ar- iW ,,
i -ra- l at, un, i.,,..,,,, ..tI1 .;,
i , . '" "'" orgarhc atuM
, ... ... , iiinam. n, cunt
l-t by Hi kkar. Trvrk.
A th. peace ., IkpoMi v
i . aaa trs,n called upon to decide a cu
rtru. wag,, R.,h, ,irwr N , W,
lllude that b, could eat J.CM eg, tn'
ni.futea U, , cled ,o fc.t.wcn ,L
reaalalae atlawra,
Jltiaw0' W "4 wark u"
Crramt, (rr
c-.t' r m ia fjirur(l
i-I o:.U1,e ,me (1,r(L T(n
- r tin. tap. , f n.Trth ln , ,
; wat. r will twct.n ad .frh ;
r.1'T.rt.rrertuiM in the Mmecarle
. vg the trryl,,, atit,.., tltt
arwdropta B;Trth Mi, hirin
tf-wa.-r are n.-, run. uded in cane of
.Uoaltrnbleor m,,!,.
l:;?rim" tU treatiT!!:
r t.
dr- a
VaeelBallon la England.
Th, vaccination law are rracticiillr !-a
ausiwuae. In aom, diatrictt mai.r chi. li-n
hat, never been vaccinated. Kvn wi -(be
letter of tbe law baa la-,;i c,,:i.;
i:a vaccination have l-n d-ne m a v. -
j" aud untruatworthy way. and U r. I -
r-etn an altuott entire 'lvnce of n-t act.:.
t :i. London Lanr.t.
I'irtlrnltaral llraa.
"They ay f,, ,re U.-trimental to t -rsabie."
remarked Sir Runt ,-r
They are. I had M)ut eigilt i
them atolen nna f..,.. ; .) -,-
Apcfil tf the late lrof.or II
Loin rt late that wh. n bi mast, r 1. i,-, v. re.1 the telority of ucrve runt : '
l y the aid of electric rui aun im
AI.-x.indr r ton n n:rli.i '
l" u ' ".ymoud. "Tb.n n.rte c -rcc
cot, colly ttrt Uuiw a fiat
th Cninoco."