The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 16, 1895, Image 7

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svTl i;PAV, rMiiu.M.i ...
.11.1 full Hl'M-ll.
ii, ii1. r'ii, i-eiilM.
, i VVallon, atmrncy-al-law.
, ....-new -- l-w pricce.
F. I.. CllAJalir.Ha.
M v I.miii mi farm. Kuijulre of
jx" "v -
!..- K. L. CHAMUM..
..liver Sice' I'l"'
01 niilv, at F. L. ClIAMIIKI'-l.
. In. I. II.. miiv In- foUllil at
, '.Vi. n.v .n Olive it rev, between
'"!.,. i iixth street, oho Murk west
of ' , .11 u.trk In II..- Is-I
oared t-""
.1111 Ill " II" H""1 I"'"
(""". ... .1. 1 .i V. L. ClmuiU-m.
i)k-""""'-7 '
ti.h Kntrriirl e in'"' ""i'r ' "-
r' . ...L... .11 II... I.llf.1 Of I I.I.
.rll!i""t soiiecxiiig n '. ; '
.,1.1 ..vie. trml byK.L.
lU" "r . ...
Wsl l'ttlr Wauled.
.v mm- able to handle nil I lie
I we run gel, ami """"
i!v ili".'- Al I he H.iiliry market
,. tVi'liHi St reel, one iimca mm
i.iUiiv " "" I"- "" ""-
cadi pri'. fr nil poniiiji "'" "
f':s' it' II L... .1 I '..
. It r ICII r.n i. i i.
Vi Ire ! Mop (newer.
il. ..ire mi I K. K. Dunn In-fore
n.r.i i for burlan or you w ill pay
U,, much. It will be cheap.
r . f ... v MiineV to I'UIU oil llll
i.Mr -.'.aim property.
Kugene, Or.
. .
',.I..H W'ANTKIi. Ax llilljf III
ujiurf ll.irkunk M.taliHH. Call mill
are hill I.
WKDMDAY, r'Kll. 13.
The tomi U full o1 echo .1 Ictchcm.
The Justice court dm k i in dear mI
Frank Coleman spent lt night In
1'oiiniiioiiiiii-r CullUm n in Ku.
grim tixliiy.
It. iiirrixin, tlie i'Idhh ini-uiiu'fr. i Iomii lnt i vinin.
I. on (lie -li k lit. Mi., N,.nie Kr I. U-uwIiiiiK
II. F. Mi.lul., i.f lt:i' tr..V-, I !'"( I.uiul III l.llfl.f.
III tin. i-uylwUy. K, v. J. K. biiv.Ur n turu. Imnie
Mr. War. I left for ll.irn.l.iir '. from i.-lu n tl.l. innri.iuj
Hi. I yoti n t valt'iilim ?
Wil.l kiuMU rritt r In bloom.
The riwr I. 3 4 f,i( Ihv low wUr
Mr. Cruincr, ilif kick man ! rvorle!
. liitlf u iu r.
A lurjte iuiiiiIk r of In
FKOV HKV. I). K. I.O:iUi(.K.
I t:iMndil r'rrrat of Hie Mtiirf
ur me rmu inauiir) .
In-Wf ml-
Wood Wlilfd.
u .i. f,.r f.iriiislilinr Hie Kmictio W
t.ri .. Mo.r Uof It.Mly. IWil or Yel-
i' Kir Wo hi, on or m'mrr w n, ii,
Ku wilt U- noiviil u nl It FibniMry
I . tli lvtV rin- iiMiii:iiiy riH-rvM tl.e i
runt in r. j- t Miiy or nil Li. In.
,..r.i. limn ii'i'l I iriiM I ir iim run
1, "I .ln-riiiieii.ii-iii,
J. t. HiilllNWi.N.
I llT'll- illlfll!!
li,,.,. .. .uil .ii.iiii ic fi.iin
.i t..r . .. .1 i .1 iii I .i.iN I'i .- Iinv-
Hi il.-li l in l lor mil' ill il'i i'll I"
rail t inv I'lll.i' I "m iro'inl.iy
umkt a Mif for you.
liMK M. ..1 1 1. 1. I.ll,
Wilkin llliM-k, Kiik-i i.t.
I know of a few good lloiuenteuiln
in the Siu-liiw river. Will lointe
lim. Tlii-y will cut from
7.(rHi,iK"i Uvl of llr(-vlu tlmlr; le
i.ltn Miine line Ih.II.piii Iiiii.I oil Miiae.
W. C Ha i i.k v.
(illl.vwilh MeMuriihey In Hhellon
lll.H k.
f .2-i.
J I II. can.. .f prim rvc for..
1U IU l aii
10 IU cum iiu al
11 nni ci.rii
1 Hi A No. 1 lea !
I)iliry wilt '
Oilier kkmU In prnMirtion.
Your truly,
C. C. (i()M)XMITH A CO
Vn fut.jr iu tkk, (' hrt Cuto.Uk
V banualliU.l.ttw crlr.1 fur Cwtorta.
WVs tli. Wtm Mia, fth, clun( to CftirU.
tm lb UU CUUno, lb jw Utam Culurla.
A Plain Statement.
New Makkkt Minn. Ninmoiia
I.lver lUiilatnr cured me of liver coin
plaint ami ml.italion of tlm heart. I
umI many othir liieilirinva but w ith
no relief until I began taking K- L.
--Win. S hluli. Your tlruggint aella
it Id jow.lir .r lhulil. The jiowiler
! to ht taken dry or made Into ie.
Hurklea'a Arulra Salve.
The 1UI S.lvn In ll.j I fop
tuti, llruiw-a. Htirra, Uhm, Salt
Klieum, Fever Sortu, Tetter, l'hniiel
K ( hilhlaiiia, l orim, and nil hkiii
truption,, ,) jHwitlvely curea J'llea.
orimpav re.(uinil. It In guaranteed
ive prrfeel ant Ufiift loll or money
JWninliii. Vi,w 05 wnU Ik,,.
'r w,le,v UnilrouA Linn.
kThk'rf en ip .I'i' v
'"'"l"'! Iu rure I'llr and onliiiln.
or ibuBi-r rrl.ii.ilM H) rrMt Mt Iml. l"liJ
V I'r!"'1 '"' ' ''t rr ""I'I
ai.ii KC lV. Ilnftttrml 'hariiiat'lti.liira
', ! No ',..T4L. AK, rr hp all
,? 'l"nfu fTrrj.licrr. and Iu Emriir,
r"" r,T Wi.urn A lirlanu
iimi Mrwara, oiimi
Thr P.-..),, ( i,,., W;H pr, tO
"am 11.,. lUrrr l Bl f dr. rt.M-aw
'"I .... . , ... . ... ...
ai,4 It raiarrh. Ilaila Caurrli
i ll., i.n.jr iii,,, cr, ktioan l ilia
. J r' I'atrtl.ttl I air.h l..i.irf . .n.tltil.
t' -t ,r,l,,,f,' !lillli If'al-
Ir-". al(rl I iirr la la.rll ...:.ri.a ir.
t.l V. ' 'J,f.'U on lh. lili.Ml athl muiH.iit
.,. 1' ' .'''in. ll.rrvl.i OrmutliK Ilia
'liaM. a. l .inn. th. ta l.l.t
t U ' y b'tiidina u Ihr r..i..lHuU.n at.4
.0 i"..'1'" ",,1,r " "a ""rk Tl.r r. .n.
f.i. ' n"'"l la.'h In In riifall
""" "na H.l.drr. Ih.llara ..f any
.al n Uiia In r.ire. f-i,d lor ll .1 Ivall
tt"J!!" A'i.rm
. , V J HINEY ten., Toledo. O.
F--i.d by Drngjuu, 7 e.
Tke Aintrlco Beauty own berpre
l:S inure to a cler complexion than
" other altiibute. A cap of
'rka' Tea will iiI,U anyone Ui f"
liiia. It tlrara Ibe akin and r
piinplra and that aallow, mud-
lk. P.rk,' Tra la Uael by thou
" la .,f UJira for the complexion.
iihout Vine a cathanle It curva con-i.pali.n,.-'
si4 by A. YrHlSiiTOX.
KARL'S CLOVEN Iii M)T will pu
n y your II. 1, clrai ymir complexion,
rTfuUteyirtJf bowel, and make your
l"d aa clear a-a bell. 2V, il.-. and
' H.b.fervtn A Linn.
umrniiig mi the loeul train
It. ud it. Whnt? Iliiiiu
VertlM inent iu Ihla iaaiie.
Mr. ('.('. Caw, .f J 11 net itiu
'ullie lip oil thla afterniHiu'a train
It'ah. ' J. H. Mj;, ,.ft iiii thia lll.TII
Ing'a l.ical for U tlip In the liietru lla.
Iwiuc Vuii.lil vii, tl.e old iiioneer of
Ciiliiiit.', la ihiuui'i.iuly ill at iiia h c.'a birth. lay ua 0. 1. l.rute. In
a liiiiiitaer of Kaali rn cilic. y c.ii r.Uy.
Ju. F. Aillia, of 1 jl. u.', lua been
app'iintid a notary public by (inv.
Mia Stella D .riU a vi.itinu Hil
heraiater, M r. Hugh Thninpm.n, at
Stale fehinil hiiH'iliitcii.lviit (i. M.
Irwin iirrivvd up mi thia arteruiMiu'a
I.N-ul train.
Thirteen tntllipa H. le givrll lo 'k'Hi-i
iu the city Jail lait I'Ve.iing l.y m.Iic.-.
man Mtln .
J. (i. (irny I, having a new ditrlliug
bullae i' reeled on hi fruit fiiriu a few
III I Ira liurtli of thia city.
Mayor Friendly made Junction 11
biicfvihil today, reluming huiue 011
thia aflcri..H.ii' Iin'uI.
I'roi.ling Ki.lcr Jonea, of the (Slant,
I'aaa M. I'., ili'lrict, left 011 lliia i.flcr
li.H.n'a train fur Cottage (
AtKuit next Sun, 1. 1 v it la cxi-ctc,
that the new Kteaiuer Klumro wilUt.irt
from I'.irtbuid fur the upper Wiilam
elte. The iliiihthcrhi epi.l.'inii' that li:ia
U-eli prevalent litul Wallerville for
aome time la now ubating.
The hill to ilivl.l.i I. Inn cuiiity
paMHtl the hmi-e but waa tli.lclluiti l'y
mImiiiwi1 III llieaeiiiile yealeniiiy.
1're.l Weathtrf.ird, the defaulting
Portland book-keeper, baa Imi-ii Reli
telicitl to four Jenra in the m-hi-teiitinry.
Tlie taking of I'vldciie. !, f,,re II f
eree Frank Mai (... 11 in lh.' ea-c of
Mr. Courer a. ( I.a. ('.Ml1r.11 haa
la ell ei.uipli li d.
S. n , I.. r Mucin II a I. Ill the t l.e
llolli.ft' S. m lll.t.ira b.V I lit Hi.ple
baa I cell 1 1 mi: tcil lidilml by Hie
ci. lull. III. t.
M,.i!ell.i I .: 1 1 '! ill ie.ive ill a
few ibiy a for San Fi.ii eie.i, In r.--tic
will i..y in 11 larue flock nl gi".! t-.i
In r millii ciy atuie.
It- proch'. -it 1 vr ('haa. (I. 1 1 nil' null
of I'linm ci nl :t y , ajM-ut lal S'luibi.v in
Irving. At line thin Mr. Ilullnian
waa a.aa'Vanr of tin c unity.
Hon. Jaliiea V. An.ia, after a vi-it i.f
aeverul tlava ti.Salcin, baa return. -.1 to
bia linme In (Ilia city. It la Ilia opin
ion that Senator D'llpll in defeated.
W. W. Sailinlera baa been ailinltted
to the practice of law at SHikaiie,
W'-ihli , UjM.n ri'iNiiiiiiieiidatiou of J. K.
Feliloli lilid (i. W. Itelt.
Xorria Huiiiphrey, we iindcr-.tun I,
InteiiiU having a llnt claa dryer en-el
vd on bia fruit farm In time In handle
next M-iiaoli'a crop. A gid idci.
The bullae at Salem yeteriay cinei
billa appropriating Meo eaeii for
normal m-hoola at Alilainl and llraiti
nail nl'" for ft graded h-IiooI at Lake
view. A little child of Frunk Stormaiit, of
Wiilt.rville, haa la-en very nick for
tome lime from acnrh l fever and ia
now partially paralyzed. There la lit
tle Iiok' How" for the child' reeoveiy.
('lite a number ol irrniH arrived
dow n 011 thia muriiiiiga local to lake
the tcaclicia' exaiuinal mil at tlie court
bonne iN'giuiiing at I o'cliM-k today.
A matrimonial ' jack pot" haa la-en
formed by the bachelor of Wcatoii.
Kvery young lady who aiicx-veda iu
marrying onenl ihe bachelont la given
a hharc.
Mnira Folaome and C. ('. IVinnvan.
n'prenenting the (iienl Norlherii rail
way, returned nmth on thia morning'
local, after 11 buiinc, trip In thla cliy.
Ib v. 11. F. Ilonuell and family are
exuected to arrive on tomorrow morn
Ing'a overland from Santa lt'a. Cali
fornia. He will Immediately reume
bia dutitu aa Miator of the Firat ( hrla
tlau churrli of thia city.
On account of the new Ixiud l-aue
l'rcHldei.t Cleveland may nut be able
to la- nl the I'reabyteriau churvb to
Hell Hur tonlht IMter let the baud
laaiie go MUollier wick.
Ten inure cnrl.nla of gravel arrived
here on veter.luv' freight from
French I'rairie for uc In filling up the
railroad yard of the Southern 1'acillo
company at thla plait-.
A dillcrclice ol opinion exl-t among
altorneya aa In whether Ir. John W.
(iatl'cnll I uceeaafully prnaeciltcd on
therbarge agalnat him, of kidnaping
tlie damliter of Munieipl Judge II.
M. Smitli.
Mi-t'lumr'a memorial t i-ongreaa
pnaai'd liV the aenate tmlav, mlla ukhi
the Oreion dehgnlion in congreaa to
aee the Indian bureau and urge It to do
what ran be done to retrain Indiana
from killing deer eut fffaeaaon
The tmnded Indebtedneaa of Port,
land in the enoriiioua win of i-' n-r
capita; In Snn Frnnclwo It la only tl Vl;
In F.ugene It la about H T capita.
There you have the ailuatlon on thla
ubject of three gnat cltlen of the Pa--ldc
fvnator Vaiidnilierg ban Inlrodui-vd
a bill ill the Mate aenate proponing
an appropriation of IU " r annum
fr t'-e aiipport oftheatate 111.I vcr-ily,
IP.'.iani for the atale aifricultural c-l-lege
and IO,onO for the Oregon nation
al guard.
Tl.e Iwnd bovaare practicing ti'aJ
ll for their coining entertainment.
They will have aome ff the lineal or
rheatra mii-le ever heard In tin-city.
The date of tl.e n-rforii.!ince baa let
been d.H'i'h'd ll'U Vet. bill they cXfect
to make tl.e date about tl.e tlrat of the
J. It. It-uiir, the Cottage drove aaw
, mill man, vi.ite.l F.ugene bnlay.
I II- C. Iluiuphrvy and J. F. Knhiii.
aou rctuiiieil homo from r-ulcin on twl
I nlght'a (rain.
S lr. (iatl la Iii j ut ut Portland. Hia
' Ifu ha in.tltuted divorce procev liligt
again. t him.
I The Albany public n-l.ool huajuat
; received a VH p mud bell. A rvli C of
pal ugi-a.
A. (i. Unburn went to K.meburg thia
iiflcriiiN.n. Ilia wife will remain here
for a few daya yet.
A luuriiage llii-Mne wua laaiied by tl.e
eouiily clerk Iatl evening to A. (i. tla
buru ami (ira.v Abraiua.
County Clerk Jeuiiiiiga eXKt'ta to
turn 1 1 iu tax Mlla fur I :' over to
Shcritl JoIiii.dii thia afternoon.
A letter !r mi llelkliup a.riliga naya
the winter baa Iwii very tine at that
pl u-e, Very little allow having falleu.
Today N SI. Yalclitilie'a day and tlie
cl. lU. Ill Ihe nntolliv have hnuilled
a large number of uddlliniiul drop U-l-tern.
Mr.. Iv II. Ingham Went up tlie
Mclv. thia inoriillig to Vinit a few
daya with In r father, John (Vgawcll.
Henry A. Walker, of S-attle, a
nephew of J. It. Hurria, of thia city,
arrived here bet night on a buaiiiena
II. I.. Hilntoll left on thia lliorl.illg'n
train for Portland, and will prubably
leave Iu a few daya for bia home in the
J. J. Poill baa returned from the
lower Siu-law w hi re be baa I .ecu
hilpcriiiU'inllug wolk oil Ihe coil lily
lb. lu ll Milh-raud family left on the
local train II. i- inoriillig' for lk lloia,
Texim, w lien- they will r.-nide in the
Mm. Senator Alley and Mm. F.J.
Mill, r in.. I ehililreii, of Albany, aniv
ed heie thin attcruinui .i pay tin ir
par. lit- a i-it.
Mm. l.wiighuiiHi-r, Mm. IV-ler and
Ml I'.ler aruve.l lore la-t uiglil
lr.11.1 In.- I l.tllen.iiu.l will a.'liuaiiciilly
I. nidc i.i Fugciie.
1!. v. I'. F. Itoinicll and f.nudy e t lie
II. oil I - IIIOI tiiou'n l.crlallll, llolll
S i-. I.i I; -a, ( 'al. Ill- liulc .l.iugliti t
i- n.ii' li i ii..vcd in health.
Ycli 1 1 lay 'a Albany lK-iii.flat: A
lieu In II, u.-lgblllg ') polllllln, Ulin
1 1 Ian 1 1 in po-Hioii on the Hew nchm.l
lio i-e to lay am! w ill bt rung toinnt i
W. C. P.ailey wanta to lie appointed
nlate land agent by ( inv. Lord, and ia
circulation a n (llion to be np. luted.
It in la-lug largely nigucd.
We.lnc-ilav'a Salem Journal: Mr.
and Mr-. J. il. John-oil and children
went to Fiigene thia inoriillig. where
liny will fiieiida mid relative lor
n few day a.
The bill iiilrndinvd hi the legi-laturo
allowing each of the three pirticaH
Judge ol elect loll haa been killed III the
Minnie. Thia waa n Jtinl law and
nhoul.l have pna-ed.
Jan. F. Itobin-on, appointed accrc
lary of Ihe Manoiitc lodge, for Oregon,
viiv (inv. S. F. Chadwlek, deivaninl,
received today the otllcu llxturea and
rcinrdn liom Sab m.
Willi 1111 1 Dundee) lb-id, of narrow
gunge railroad fame, in now miming
a peanut ntand III I -on Angclcn, ('al.,
no a parly writ. a the Antoriau, who
fornieily worked lor (he gentleman.
F. M. Wilkiun, preai.leiil ol the
It .aid of Trade, accompanied by a
niiniln r of prouiiiiciit citl.-nn were
driven to Mcnaii n park thla aflernoou.
A (il'AHIi rcpoilcr ai-colu (.allied then .
WillCiam, who reiviitly traded hla
farm on the McK. tizic for one near
( trd, Ni biunka, left thia moiningfnr
that nlatc, a. itiui. allied by hia family.
We venture lo pntliet In a few veara
they Will Imj realdcnta uf Wcbfiait
A Yeiluglnn haa tai n laid up for a
day of two enjoying the pleaniirea of
the grip, hut ia again uhle lo be at Ilia
place of himincnn. lieu. X. Yerington
of Spriiigtb-bl. h' lai-n Iii the ntore
here during hia brulber'a lllnrna.
Mra. T. S. Ilawkinn.of CbattaniMiga,
Tenu., -ayn:' "Shilo'a Vitnlicr '5avd
My Life.' I r II the bent n ine
dy for a debilitated ayatem 1 ever
lined." For Iiyna-p-ia, Liver ur Kid
ney trouble It exila. Pri.r 7 j Celita.
Sold by Helldcraoll A Linn.
An luinay of Ibe ore from the Me
Caiilev mine, In the lliiie Kiver dia
trlct, nhowa t-ITJ of gold and two
oiiiuvn of nilver to the ton Part 1. -a
from Oregon City and Jtmwimville
will commence work iu the mine" na
aonn na the anow dinnpaura.
Lenter Ogdeli I running the ntage
line to Llewellvn, ( row, Iuig Tom,
Klmirrt and Fraiiklyn, in n II ml clan
maimer. The ntage leave Kngene
Moinlav and Thiimdaya, returning on
Tuetulnya and Friday. Leaving time
7 a. in.; arriving 4 p. in. Head
quarter al l' 11. Ingln rn', F.ugene.
Park' Tea clear the complexion,
Mr. X. Meyelte, of 1 Itoy, X. Y.,
naya: "I have um-d Park' Tea and llud
It the bent remedy I have ever tliid.
Sild by A. YKKIXt.ToN.
Shilo'a Cure ia aoM on a gunianli-e.
It cure Incipient coiiuinpliu. It 1
the lnt cough cure. Only one cent a
diwe. iVt .'lOKtB , Sa.ld by Hen-
demon A Linn.
WltoMi Ai..IN. - The Albany I -!-ocrat
aay: ' lt"th Albnuy and Kn
gene III Lave lo live ithout the Cal
lioun Oi-ra I V.iii iiiy thin la axin.
They didn't make Ibe ne.n-.nry guar
antv. That ia right. If a troiin-can't
iniiie here on their own reputation let
J.iaouln Miller U growing un b i tb.-m tay away. I lie 'lay of Imnu-ea
. . ,. . n . ....
f alliorula larm a nine 01 na,
believe familie live too clone tog. t her,
therefore, in pline of bull Jug one
large bou-, he Inu erei-teJ fur mum.l
out 'me for bin metber, one Inr hi
bmlher, one for hia own uae, and the
fourth for tii guentn.
Ureal Xriberii IbiiUay Hullttii.:
I). W. I indulge, nf Kugene. la a pre
gre aive young fruit grower. Hi
apeclaltV '"em t" I urBpea. One not
d variety that be baa tenied I ' t'ba
vlaa Xeiia. batel." He ha originated
a winter IH-ar which eloaarly r- In
blet. the Itartlett Ihitt II i eallnl tt.e
Winter lUrtlett." TUia peur pron.ia
r te the culture of that
Dr. Price's Cream" Cakins Ponder
Avarirl (iuJ Kul . .' ianlwa.
We lake the following from the
tirval Northern Hallway llullvtiu.from
tlie pell of IU-V. 1). 1'.. l.ovrriilge. of
tin city. Thi pnH-r i a aiat-lal fruit
liuinU r and an Inane of .Aim) wn
printed lor .'irculatioii Iu the Kiut:
".4a Ul eve real iiiniii Ihe ol
the pttal and mark the iiulexe ( ad
; alien. g rivilialiou, we note that the
! culture of garden and orchard haa kepi
' nhrcnal w ith the broad hue of advance
I In the march of Improvement. Fruit,
I and llow era are no longer on the M lit
1 board nf luxurv ami tnate. They adorn
and blc the tied (if the (Milage na well
an the liiahugau v of the palatv. I'liev
have ln.n-11 moved from the Vane of noi-
itarv parlor to the prcaein-e of conntaut
nmile ami favor, or taken down frn n
the upvr alielf of luxury to (he lower
helf ft daily 'tieceniiary.'
"lUpId traonlt, cany ' paanjigc, ,hip
iMimlaiitly weaving lln ir webn all over
the acua and iMvaua, railronda cutting
up coin luelitn and ialanda iuta all
luaniit-rof geometrical llgunn, open.
lug up new empire, aiihduing w ilder
llcnn, dent roving old tow cm of bain-1
and reconverting the coiifunlon of ton
gue Into one language Again, are mak
ing one nation of all the tribe uf the
earth, or rather one humanity.
"Tropical fruila crowd our' market
and bring their tlintaut auunliine to our
w intry nhorea. aud our northern fruit
ilcMi-inl to Ibe hot tropica and carry
I lu ll flenhlieaa and coulnena w 1th III. 111.
The niipply nl linulalt (he demaild. A
rapid an lian la-en the advainv ol man
intlielantllfty nil the line
of mntelial eiiterprlae and develop
ment, an rapid ha In-cu the luereant'
a id advaiue In tlie culture of garden
and orchard and iii Ihe coiinumptlon
of Ihe fruiin thereof. Fifty Mam ago
neglected corner mainly indexed the
world' t atimalioii of their product.
A (cw ninal! coa-l. m frcigl.led them
from market In market. Now, vnnt
linen i.f might v nHllia and ntenlllem
i baldly nuftUv to keep the market niip-
plleil. r-laten, ami iml corner, are lie
iiiuuiled an nnnii for mau'a Hmt imvii
luitioii; and of the future we can hard
iy dream dream or nee vlalona large
eiiniigh for the reality of hortlcultuntl
and iiuoogical ii.liu--ta. A mighty
empire awaiia theiraiubitiou.
"Another Inlbieiiiv in working mill
mine nlrongly lo rapidly Incrcane the
ncniige of gulden and orcbai.l. Our
eitica lire irowilllig their Mipulntioil.
lin t l lianilng. I'ihmI kuowleilge la
Improving. It la found, and will lie
niolu nnil more found, (hat ncilulilary
hnbila and iiuliMir iN-eiipaliou do lint
rc.piiie o much meat. Mt-ata over
iiiueli ti'inl In throw the nynlcin of
niieh toil, m into triple and medlena
bllli'll-lll-n -blliullaliena of the nVnlelll,
ol ihe l utein r, aud of the ilm tcr.
Fruiin ate the cbaritalle frit-lid who
. on..--in ju-t III the lietdful lime of
trouble and pan oil thia heavy triple
bilioii-iicn-w ith a few pence be ban
picked up iu your ow n ibair yard, nnd
h aven you bright mid i hccrful with
your heaity w mh that he may come
again aud do hkew inc. V all know
the lint ,i i nl craving of our chlldnn for
fruit. Their craving ia a w ine leacbur,
aud nerve w ithout Ice ur reward. I -el
them have all they want, an It ln rilK)
and freak, and throw phynic to tlie
iogn, I hough dogn have too much gmxl
ncii.' lo lake it.
"City market, In their teeming
abundance of Inula and vegetable,
prcM-ni iu our day a very tilth-rent
ntvue from w hat they did fifty year
ago. Fruit i no bnigei a luxury; It I
a necennity. The poor buy il a well
na the rich. Itn, meat and more fruit
i more aud mure the dieletii) leu
' A Largo Crowd if I'r mpn tive
gii;a iu Altrtidaiirr
ll 1 (.turd. Ir'.i .ar) I :
Then. in nlwayt a large nuii.lri'f
applicant for teachers' ccrtinYnlca nl
the apring etamniatioii and thia one
ia no exception, in fact Ihe liumla-r I a
larger (hia apring Hum iiaual.
For county teacher' cert illeale
there are all told applicant - iv'i la
dle and geMlh-uien.
For tnte cert illcate there are 7 ap
pliennta at Ihla (line,
1 lu re are nlno ,1 npplicaiila for atatc
SuN'rililcluleiil HteVcll-oll ia a.njntc.l
ill conducting Ihe rxaminaiion bv At
torney J. M. Williama and Mi Mary
I'.. Mi I ornack, bia regular a i-lanl-.
I'he uumla-r of applicatita in largernl
(hia lime l linn nl the -pring exniiiinn
Iimi of v4.
Keal F-Ule Iraimfera.
I'tllUl.iM liVAMM SaI.KH.
lo eel nia-ra lr.iiint ia na-l. A truie
mu-t .taitd on ita M.-rfriiinui." The
( alhouna play bare Friday eveinna".
, The onlv pla'i-a they alup at in Oregmi
' are Portland, r-ilem and Kugene. Al
bany in to . niuall a village.
I Mai-i.k niki I'. The Willamelte
valley wi.l In.' known In year lo come
1 a a iiinple -ugar e..jntry, if all report
are tni". In a majat inue mention
an made nf a Harriaburg man lap
ping maple tre- with good reauli.
Now we are liifrmel tliat a Kugene
i man ha tpli-d a treai and re.ive.
ner a gallon ef ! N" country can
l-at nun f"r variety of pr-nlueia. Tap
' uu.g t.e--a f..r p b heii 1 ni at va-
' ri.iua lime- here with vanu pha-
of Iu. k. but now probably mure care
I ill attend it.
M ire ( Irralt Court ( ae.
X. H. Maitin ha M-mtil a
forccloniire mill agalnnt J. II. mid
Sarah Y. MeKinney far the mini of
tlMKl, iutt-n-at and eontn.
U.K. Hiown ban limtituteda null
of forccloniire ngaiunt J. II. and Corn
Ihcknoii for the mini of f4n4 'Mi, Inlen-nt
and conln. The mortgaged prellilaea I
ih( aci.-a in T HIS It K.
llnrM-r Workman bn eomineiiiwl a
nun at law agalimt M ll Laudi,Hynui
Dorw-v, I. W. llurd and J. O. Iave:i
port, for the iccovcry of tr.m..'l-, Iu the
circuit court.
Ynu Hea'l Have to Swrir Off
nay the St. LoiiIh Juurnal of Agri
culture In ail editorial about Xo-Tu-Ilac
the fainou toldicco habit cure.
"We know of many cane cured by X"
Todtac, one prominent hi. I-oui arch
itect, nmoked and cbeweil fur twenty
yeam; two boxen cured hlin no that
even the kiuell of tonacco make him
nick." No To lino Mild ami guar
rauteed by Omiii hn & IikLami. No
cun- un pay. Hvok free. Sterling
He 1 1 icily Co., New Yoik or Chicago.
Private letler retvive.1 ntate that on
the 4th hint. Ihehouneuf Mr. Hunick al
Silver Ijtke, with ita content, waa en
tirely dmtroyed by lire. Mr. llimlck
wa not al home when Ihe lire occur-n-d.
A daughter who wa lnured III
the big Cbriatuia lire bad not yet re
covered and another daughter waa ill
from extniire al that time. Thene
were reacued by the family but all their
belonging were bmt, leaving theiu
without aheller and entirely dentitute
StciHi were at ouue taken to relieve
their temporary need. Of tbone Injur
ed In the big dre, (ieo. Payne i mill
in a verv ciilical condition, Mr. In
line and ulhcr were improving alow
ly, ami wine had entirely recovered.
lolly i.uant, fVl.ruary It.
I.xnl liAMK AlUt MEU. The two
men wlm bad in-urnuce nn their prop,
erty that wan ilcnlro.ved by tlie lire
Sunday mxrning, II. I'. Offutt and W.
Sander, ha" t ad their bane adlat
iii nati-fi.torily. Mr. Ollutta ma
chinery waa not totally ruined by lire,
but be got nearly the entire amount of
bia inaumuit, w hich waa ITKJ. W.
Snndera, who had iimuraiice on wheat,
iK.iaau l eliitlim bark, got hi full
au.tuiit, .'nt. Mr. bander earned
hi liiauranin with the Home Mutual
and Mr. Otrutl with the North Brit
lab nnd Mcr.-nnlibj cmipauy.
How i- Tin
that k. wlUi.i
.'.'-It etiiiie to our i ar
.-.ililialll K'll'ml te n In r
in our city n-i-l her pupil to reetl
an appropiule veran of aenpture when
I liey dropped their Ottering into the
omlribiiiion U.x. (ne little Imy
dripn-d a nickel Into the laixwitli
'lla la tter tJ give than to re-elve."
Another ml In a penny naylng "
loveth a cheerful giver." TbethiM
held li k and w hen anked for bia rea
n. be aaid "lanauae a fevl and hi
money are a am parted."
,,u, .Vt Cf.ttage liriive. Oregon,
Feb. IS, 1'V. J .-Liel. la, after an llme-a
of two month. He waa one nf the
I early aettler ol thi part of Oregon,
j and wa i-niel by a. I. The funeral
I took'-e thi aftermann.
A Special Train Uiad ef People Mali
tlie Legislature.
N..-I.I I., lh. I'tlLY ..I 4111.
S.i m, Fuh. II. -The Mate limine
preaenla the iinwl Intcicntiug appear
ance today il baa for netenil wevna. A
-rxrliil train bmd of
I'orllauder arrived
( reaw, L I'aaaalllei.
Ib.v. Uitiin, u at Drain aUting
I ten. Stratford In a revival.
The iK'luoreat n.r.hil la. I
ISatuiday ev. nlni; w a enjoyed by a
I pa. ked holiac. Ml. Melton of Ihe' hl-
cal Y. W. ('. i". I'. iiierluteiule. (ho
'exerelni- arid m clired Ibe ntteiidaiica
upreneiitatlve ; of Mm. L. II. Juhunou, mid M ennr. n.
beie al II..M) F. KiMiev ami O. F. Callimu a
Kri-.rt d it-i tf I'i ntai l.,TaiTt earinv
W K. n. ,. i ..a, l,iir
t nl'MIIV.
F M Hlairniiil w ife to C A Meriail a
tract of laud iu the Piior F II air .1 I c
:u notif a7i tp 17 , r i w !U norm;
t' mm.
(le . M Miller and wife to J It Frank
Iiu part of lot 0 ncc IliI tp In n, r:';
F. W Uhea nnd wife to Inaao W
Itniid pari of lot 7 mv 'J:i tp Iii a, r 4 w ,
ncn-n; Hal.
The OA C U it Co lo M J Varn.y
aw of ne ne of nW and lot I ev I
tp In a, r li w, '.al 1M acre; t J.'-'i.
S O Martin and wife lo Alviu
Hughe pint of (I C Pear.'e'n laud cl
No 4'i ln-ing county survey XutiJ, ". Is
ncren; 4i:".
lieu Kaii-r nml w ife Iii Clara A
Thollipnoli ne of IIW of lie 1 ace I )
tp IU a, r4 w, iDacn-n; fl.
Alln-rl Itil'll lo Will II Miephcrd W
I of a 1 of IIW w 1 uf II of nW nee I'I
tp l , r :t w ; ;'J.'iii!
Alexalulur Katun lo Fraiici I'.aton
the ii a of t I c of Alexander Kalon
not if tiiX in sec ".I, ! ip l't a. r :t w ; f I.
(i A Cornell and wife In (' A Meliail
a tract of land Iu liolif --II tp 17 a, r 4
w, 1 acre; (I.
CHMa-tlnget al In Joe M 1 1 unt. in
a trad of land in claim Nn 7'i tp 17 s r
'2 w, Id ncren; f .til.
John J Halliard to John Field uw
ofnc a. c it tp I'i a r 1 w, 40 ncren;
(iraiivlllc Finher nnd wife (oJ X
iK'iitiin n tract of land III mc .l.'l'Jtp
It) s r " w, .'14 aetvn; (imhi.
William A Hankell and wife In I.ll
cv Abramn n tract of laud in nee .'Il tp
17 r 4 w, i.' acre; f Iikhi.
II ul. lah and F.J McClannhmi to J
II I Itmwn a 1 ol nw 1 of nw I see "i
Ip IS n r I w ; tl.
U lil.M..
(ieo M Miller and wile lo J K Holt n
tract ol laud In Skinner donation Ip 17
r .1 w; Dili.
I. It Law and wife t Julia II I
Itiuwu lot III I.Ik 1 Sii.Hlgrana add; 4111.
Howard W Kowlauil to Chewier l
Kdwarda lot U blk I Shellon' L'nd add;
n.fl ai.k i.liuvi:.
Thurnlnii X lonk and w ife to John
S Martin lot 1 blk 1 Shield' add; fi'ni.
Wm Whitmore and wife tolieoll
Kilinley all of block .'.1; sil
Tlie Hlnr.nerjr Saved III Life.
Mr. (1. Calllouctte, drugginl, Heaver
vllle, III., say: "To lr. King' New
Diacuvery I owe my life. Wa taken
with La (iripH' mid tried nil the phy
sician for mile ulaiut, but of no avail
and u a given up mi. I told I could md
live. Having lr. King's New IHn
covcry In my store I scut fni a Imttle
and begnn It une and from the Hot
done iH'gnll In get belter, Mid after Unc
llig three bottle wa up and alMiut
again. Il la worth It weight In gold.
We won't keep stole or limine w illioul
il." Oct a free trial at Henderson A
Liun'a drug More. Itcgular si.e Vk'.
aud Il.tKi.
oclotk. I ney came lanuimlhl v iu fa- Judge. The n coiitenlant nC'putted
v. r of Hm.lby'a Iiou-hi bill, No. -7., tin inm lvea very cre.litablr and the
which anticipate an appropriation medal wa enrried oil bv Mi- Lena
of from,iai to .lNi,nnj for con-1 St.n kwell.
-trtictii.Lf a imrliiL.t. mllunv at 'I'I.m 1
TlIK OlIIKIt SlDK. The Salclll
Journal ay: "Mr. Dulph' organ Iu
thi citv ha the new, Iu HMitlve
form of" an editorial auuuunivmeul,
that the auti-lolpb republican "en
tered a caucus Monday evening with
the populiit member with a view to
Kelectliig a candidate fur l ulled Stales
senator w ho would be pleanlng to the
latter, etc." Thi lie, made of whole
cloth, which I a sland.vr on thirty
good republicans, I rc'iealed over mid
over III various form to deceive those
outside of Salem und lo create preju
dice within the party ngalnnl Ihe
course of the ophineiit of Mr. llolph.
It I a nlander oil tho nipiilll w ho
have far acted In ierfect ginl faith,
Iu opiMmiiig the candidate of the cor
mralloi.a nnd triint. Hut lie nnd
slander il 1 and nothing else. No
audi meeting wa held. No such
meeting uf any kind haa ever been held
by Ihe thirty 'republicans, fur any po
litical purpose w ha'ever, at whieli any
one but republican ha la-ell present."
A Catkii Faitokv. A Purl land
man bn received enough encourage
uiHiit at II'mmI river to start a catnip
manufactory there. He exm-ct to
contract with parties there for the to
mnto t.lmitl. wbleb w ill la-fiirnlnbeil
to the company at 13 r lKX). To
nlaiit au acre will renulre alnint 4i
plant. The price in be ld lor the
tomabie w III be 4Pl a ton. It I em I
mated that from l' to '.II ton i-nn be
rained to the acre. The lilant w I II lie
forced along and Isn iu blooiu when
the time come for traiisplaiiling, and
the t'imato- will In gin In ripen alniut
the Ut of August.
luilj i.uard. frht .ary II.
Cl.fli Ml.rilMi. There waa a gm.d
attendaiii-e at the min ting lant night
at the Iniard of trade romiia for the
purne of organizing a bicycle ebPi.
A fntiniiiiltea. e illnl-tlllg nf U VY.
linflln. K. H. Iuvia and Harry Hid
den, wa appniuted to dm ft a eountltn
liou and by-law and report at a m-et-lug
to la- called by the chairman. Tlie
objects of the club were dlecune. by
thoae present and the prime obj.ft will
Is- road improvemeiil, ami Ihe con
certed inlluelice i f a large nuniln-r of
sviph- bsvi'L' M i. i l.j. cl III vl.-w In of
no io.i i lil.H.tnli.-i'
Citv or Li.MAii.-The bill chang
ills the name of Kant ( 'ullage Omve to
lematl, ha passed both bullae of the
k-gi-lslure arid now Mily await tlie
ignature of UoV. Ior.l to become a
law. The ps age of Ibe bill wa celv
bmted by the cili' i.a of that town laat
evening. The govtrrnment inpector lb fltnteti uf that place that
Ihe in-tufllce ivifiitly dincfiutlmied
would lie ivrtablihe. a ms.ii a the
name waa legally changed by tl.e leg
Iliighea and ( lliphaut, both nf Port
laud, mailu ne-t'ic from Ihe sn sker
ro-trum, dim tu. .ruing, in favor of the
" In ll. c. I be original bill W ill In'
lightly I and will prubably
pa-. t he bill Is cno ol apeelal Inter-i-t
to I lantern Oregon.
It i generally tiud.-mtooil that the
vi-itom w ill not overl.Mik any opmr
tiiintv to work iua gm. word for
lulferaity ut"n.
I'n'.f i.usrd, l.t.iuarf II.
Stale Sch.Hil SiiK'riutcmlciit (i. M.
Irwin made the uiilvcmlty a call thia
morning and gnve a short' talk to tl.e
ntiideuiant a-M-nibly which wa
A team uf young ladicn from the
nophoinore china and one from Ihe
fre-hman china w ill content a game of
bak. t ball at t he gvinnanium this af
Iciii.niu. I Iiu siiphomore team In coin-na-ctl
of Mlnaca Peggie I ' lulerw immI, I ki.
r tl'.M.n r, Adii lleii.lrickn.Kale Kelly,
II irbara l.nuer, Ida Nollniuger, iiu.l
l.ollle Jolinnlwli; nnd the Iresiiiuali
Uaiii, Mi--. Flo Wntklim, Hnlm
Mann, Theresa Fiieiully, Henrietta
l.nuer. lllla I last land, Hlauche Taylor,
nu. I ktatlle Hauiii.
Tin w ill tat I he flrnt game of a aerie
nu. I laidcraldc iulcreat I manifested
over Ihe n-niilt.
The Frenhmen won the llmt half by
a ncore of il (o :t.
Second half wan nlno won bv the
Frenblllell I'V a ncore uf 4 to 0.
Tint freahmail
II. Hie linrila au
ilcU-gatta In the state oraloncal contest
to la- held at htircst t rove next week. of 4 to 0. I ",MV """"
, . ..... i Collage U rove a car fi
' v" i'Vir-n ". Well, at Inst
.1 Mine Sybil I burs on i ,,. , w,. ,
Kvery coiniuui l'y has to sufler from
noine acuharalbielion, and our is an
"eaves dropper," olio who will hug
the wall nf a l.cigl.ln.r' boiix fur
bout to get noun (lung to tattle. It in
au old aiiviug that ' tavca dropper
nev. r hvar any go hI i.f them-vivva,"
and in miint rum lin y are of
iwhomil ia hard to nay commendable
, thing-. Hut the woi.'t trail nueh arr
I sons generally show in that they will
j lint reN'al UulhluMy their ill-gotten
information. There is -haiuv and din
I grni-e In store for such a-raoiia and
those w ho seek to further mrlllnh end
by such mean.
We want to endoi-.- w hat "(tegular"
niiid s..ine time ago In regard lo the au
di lit aud ciintom uf county
i courts (o i-coiioinie l.y cutting dow 11
IJuat claim igeiierally of liar. I working
j taxpayer; whilu a boni nf little Innlg
uilhaut, rainy-tlay Job, go through, at
un vntiriiiAiiN aggregate cvpen-c ta the
I county wilhoiii ev. u a prolvnt ngaiiml
tlie cuntom ur I lie law I lint make audi
One would In led to Indie ve from the
! remrt from Cottage (iruve, that that
jcummuuily bad cunlribiite.i a cnrluad
of provision to the Nebr.mka null'.-rrm.
;ltwa exet'led at the In ginning of
j the cauvan that w ith the work ol Isitb
! Cottage (iruvu ami Crcswcll imple a
I ...rlM.I I.'.... I.I Im. .r,.t I... ..... I... I fur
over a week Ihe pan-m have la-en stat
ing (bat Cottage Urnve wa making
up a carload of help, w bile we content
ed ourselves with piling up a mudent
how of charity iu the depot, hoping
oulvtollnd room in one corner of
for our coutrihu-
the car came
two bill were'H bn.l ni'iirle I'JrMl
t- i -- 'j -- i -
; more of stutl and better stiilf in the
iMiuud. W e had more Hour, potatmm,
liacoii, wheat and clot hlng, and M sacks
af bean, 1 1 sack of diied fruit and I
of cheese, against 1! of grubam, I uf on
ions, I uf carrot aud one of miscellan
eous provision from that great plai-e.
We heard Incidentally, (hough, thnt
there wn a thnimninl copies of (ho
Collage Urnve Kcho-leader sent along
Willi the other hunger satisfying arti
cle. Our Cottage Urove friend did
well, but Ihey have no right to claim
Ibnl Ihey have loaded a car, and studi
ously Ignore Ihelr nclghtinr who
nun led some spud too.
The medal conies! will U held here
.11 Sail Kranrlscii,
Mb Catherine Coggwall, who I at
pica, ut playing; in "Light o' I.n
doll" lit Ihe Alcn.tir, la laat Ist-oiuilig
Ihe la-nt-hked, III. ml xipllllir and III. ml
talked nla.iit net rens In Ihecily. The
ii'n.rli-ra of Ihe various prumiiieut p i
p. in have la-ell Mi-killg her out fur ill
terviewn, and large two-column pic
tures of her have apM-arvtl In all the
prominent nwm. The Interview
Willi Mis Cuggswell have diH'cred
Inuii bad with most of the prom
inent actresne In that alio hu ahiiwn
.... u .... ... t...u ..r .....
..'. n''i... ... ...t..iit i.r in. Ik ol ... I .l.- , it. . , ..
f.-.o... She sM,ke with delight of "V'0' regularly until cut. ugh
.... i .'i T.t .i... ailver meilal have la-en won to allow
"" H -'. .' . " j , ,'. ...e
ncclloii of Ian. I she bus taken up on!
the Mi'Keiiie river, and the fresh air, !
nuiinhiue and giMnl health she basse-1
cured by tramping over the mountain 1
in thai plcturusniiii region. Dial Mlsa
Coggnwell desfrvca (be eucoiiiuiuaof
tlie .eople of Suit Francisco no one
tloiiliin, and her many friend here are
wvll plcanvd to rend of her justly re
ceived H..ulai lly.
Pallf l.uanl, Krliruar; IL
A veryipiict marriage ivivmony waa
peifotiued III Uiia city last evening at
tl.e renlilcinii of Ml. and Mr. W. II.
Ahralim, nu Must Ninth street, HeV.
II, 1 1. ( iilt ofllciatlng. 'I'he Contract
ing parties were Mis Urace Ahrama
and Mr. Albert O. Onhurn. The
coiiplu are nmtiiig Ihe moat popular
young mi pie of (hi city, and were
imib born and rwlsed In thia vicinity.
The (il AMU loins their liiwt of frielld
ill w inbiug I fiein a long and fellcileu
career in "duulile bariiess" and that
their pathway ill life may be strewn
with ronea.
Mr. Onhurn left thia afternoon for
Horn burg to take charge i.f a store In
that city wblcli lie reccutlv purchased.
Mm. Oiihurn w ill remain here until be
ban assumed the management of the
business and w ill then leave for that
city, their future home. Ibmeburg I
lorlunale iu aeeurlng the resldemw of
thi popular young couple In their
of two gold meilal contest.
Ib lireseutatlve Hill, gas sk-iiI lant
Siiudav with friend near lliin place
Instead of nt huiue aa repiTte.1 lu the
A Fat Hkak. The Ih-I Norle C'oub
ty Hecord saya; "Iua Curry county
exchange we notice an account of au
extraordinary large bear that waa
killed thereon 'hriMina morning by
Jonepli Clime, which we think waa die
roil u led by iiuo caught at the Klamath
by Hen Mil I key on New Yeara' mora
lug The Curry reu a ty Is-ar had aix
Indie of clear fat on III back aud
yielded over 111 pallon nf oil. The one
aught by Mr. Mulkey bad over 4o
gallon of oil In the (Uarter thnt were
tried nut, and tlie fattest rt were
not etMikeil at all." Heurylawell
known In Lane county, ln-ing a broth
er In-law nfj. II. Ilarri of thla city.
Wide Tire Kxperlitienl.
The following wide-tin' test wa
made at the Ohio Slate I'ulverslty:
Au ordinary wagon with a new 3 Inch
tlrn wa loaded w ilh two long ton, or
4,4-M II., and tint draft waa meamired
by a ilynnmoiueler. On an onllunry
enrtli nmd In gmnl condition and bard,
tin draft wa Just i'il n.uml. On a
r:rann Held it was 4t.H (xiundn. On new
y plow til laud ll wn 771 imiuiuIs. Aa
the draft uf an ordinary borne nf llNMI
lb, la l-VI Kiuiiila, twn horse could
draw tlil load with t-nae on an ordi
nary road and a ton and a half on a
f;raMiaod, w hile with a narrow lire!
lalfaamurher a single ton, 1 a ful
load fur a double team. Heebie Ibis,
the broad tire roll and level a road, so
that the mure ll la used the belter It
become, while narrow tire cut It lulu
rule 11 al all aoft.
Party. A very pleasant aurrrlne
party waa tendered Mr. aud Mra. 1- K.
Itoyd at their resilience last evening
byaiinmlair nf their fileud. The
evening wa most eulovnbly epeut In
game uf various kind aud au
lunch waa served.
Dreadful Skin Disease 0 Year. Kr.
tiro llody Covered. Doctor and
Bledlcluea I'selrsa. (iavo ti?
aa t'seleaa. Cured by
CUTIC l KA for $4.73.
CrKiKW'. Nearly every town haa a
Curfew ordinance, aud It la mually
eliforced almut one week and then for
gotten. According lo the Transcript
llnllna ha lust Imwii struck with the
Idea and ooiiimeula tbtisly: "Dallaa
now baa a curfew law, the bell being
rung for tlie flrnt time at H o'clock p.
in.. . Monday eveuing. Ilia amusiug
to see all under the age of H 'pulling
their freight' for the ilearual ta ou
earth at lliat hour. It may work for a
while, but we tlen't think It will laat
long, a one marshal would necessarily
bn kent lustllnir to keen ail eye on
almut i'iO youths. Mark our predic
tion. The iiivtlou of clerk hire came up
in the hniisn thia alteruoon on the re
sirt of the special committee appointed
to lisik Into lh matter. More than
the usual die ling I manifested thiaaee
siou over dintrihutlon of thla clan of
nH.ila,au extraordinarily large number
of mumls-r desiring to pose aa reform
em. MeiiilnT from every county in
the Mnle aevui nini-era and earosnt In
thwir denire to cut dew n clvrkahlp at
tlie of every committee except
tlielr ow II.
through On g ni there I I li ve time la
li.mjiMiii-e circles ou account of Ike
N'.rthwent going out nf business.
Oilier cuinpaiiiea are rusiling lo take
up Ibe N. V. Millcles. There U some
what of a dinpute as to w ho caa;
but at tlie present statu I that any
one can du It who llmt geta the con
sent of the Insured; at least that la the
present exierielioe.
0 Thiktv-hix Ykakm Oi.ti. Tti I
the thirty-sixth auulrry of the ad
mittauev of Oregon aa a state to Ihe
federal union. AV'i the IJ dv of Feb-
rasry, l-wli, the lull pa-nl congress
and on Ihe Itth the nrenldenl approved
Ihe ai-t, an which day Seualor Ilela
oii -uilti ami Joseidi Ijii.e and the
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powdel
WifWl Fasr HKtass Asere.
r ri'prs -en tal l ve, Lahayette (i rover, pre-
vTsentel their ea-rilh'lea of (lectiou ami
their reee-
hmk tb tHsttt of ortlca In
live IxHJaea.
f ImI It I niv itulv In tell na mv etr'rt'
sues wild ( i th i s iimriim. no
im.,i.wi ti iiii.s -aia snlh i
hill .iimshi, iiiH-i. ni-
fell ILIIwrssi'tn-afril si. ar
mail rrd ,..l, my
lnra.1, and ll I'l l "il
ai,rr..hl.Kl'."IV. Il.l .lle.1
tf. aaUM oil Inv I'a. k, U?
tarrn my al.njlt.-n. A
few itata slier lint frta
turned l' rat ,a!i'll"i:nii It-lln-.
hmall nslra smuld
f.ill ..rf, an ll e.ailli...r-l
at r.-a-lmr; all uver my imnI.-.
I Ir.- .1 all Ills -at.-l.l nn-.n
cm.'-. I t.mld lltu.k '.f i.r
(el In. 1. 1 of. laln.M-ona.ilif-1
ll.. I. ill. Vra. lll SJM'.I.I
t-.trr hi. In s aliort lin-n. hut
th.T alarsn fallr 1. Hi. n I ir .t n sll ii. ilni.k
lnK Hko. us i. i . nn lor in'. I noised vn.r
Saltan Iwinrnt In l!i 1' liln.
Slid U. Kl.l I om.ld lit llm (I 11. i lit ur..
mra. To ln nri'li-e, line.'"l I l 11. i I. ,
HM.ralll.ol I l rl. i s Mtr. snd llinn. Illlra
ofCCTict at iiiju.i rn r inn eimrely. Vv
mkm is lioar sa litilu ami s loir aa II...I d at bud
r .lulls v.. -.Ai:n.
r. 0. litis ! .', luiruut, W -butua.
n-nn ii si.d rein -i a .4r, siirnui:.-,
snd I tlMI St. I!l.-"l. t nr. Ililt-rt.alll. t !- t
Ilia tilianl and akin o rttrtf rrii'll..n. Iliiitn li ,
Slid diar, n.n thi. I.--I -ht... una and b"
inula fall. Tlieiurr. ! nl t-ni-le.1 l. I Item i.
si --l T s.Htd.rfi.1. Tl.e. am la-fnid all .In ' I
Hi. iir.alt-1 "kin rnrt. I l -.l mnnrrs, sod to;
luuff reUMMllrauf ll.M!rr.l I.IIKia.
H..H lhr. u.K..ul lb. torM. rric. cminu,
Inn-; -..e, lt., Ila.i 1 1 .t, fl . Itri.JI
r.rrrta bsi t a ur. rose., H"i-".
How U. I Ulm A II Moil 1'l.t-ni," Si-iirdfr.e.
niall'l.K-l,, rrd and tM'r ukls rra
f Iiii rulxd aud ruiea ! ClTl. I ll ro.r
Harkat'lMt. neerntia .rta, snd vrak'
nrsara, rllratMl la OM salssls I'lT
IIm imirara Astl-I'sla 1'U.i.r.
Ibe vul- laua-kiluii-; (UssUf. om.
Ut new walnut;....
lib new ahnond-t.
. l(c
. 10c