s TIIK F.lbEXK TAS.U.UY. ' loinpllMtatary rssr-. Haines A H.u U a ltu.l4 Judge J. It llryim. ofO-rvalH. lit 1 J f .lit l.lltlt import. life ( tur a ommunlrall.... lo the 1 lm.., of that I Ubllr S.l ar 0ia. illy, hi answering a mrrvapoiidcttt ! who aKs inn. w ny ne ui ). m-'i't Very f.w opior i-.iigrne MKKTINO 1U.Ml.IIT. Ilelder Amu ml rr Ulanfi-r llk uuiy Curt. Id liiltrr-iiy Xot. l.i;. i.nanl. Hlirusff : jwoKKi 1'tsuur.s. A BI'UEST10.1. l-llf o.isM, rliir o. . 'i .. 1.1... ... II.. The tirotM-rlv holder arottlld (he I IV IM. . ...... ...... ............. , , , . ilftu.i,rif airi-eli.rlll here Itvllfvlnc t ml wh e t U very ami Agru-iiiiuiui m-i..i . m a....... .. JCum-imuI.Ih I, ciuiiurage all new ami lu..u.....l --I..-4 -ml .......irlcly can bw rea, he. ;.ru..,-a, no ll Imlualr.r. It la ah-f Hi" ulm'-t mi- pruKlt.g, iii-rury or .-..a. cat ' . , 7. ' .7.1 . . .i I llr. Allow I'liai.niaU and M' visited llw Kutaxluiia yesterday Mim F.dith Denny Uti, hrremviT ed from l r lilac a hi ablnloat tfllll W'lllHll. MiHiuUi.ftlii-illll.rfllli-olli'la""' will I culled soon In elect .l.-lc-zule. l II..- HUI (trnl.-ri.iil Coi.tc-1. I-aen i Ihwim-iiiU two dclcguir. Mim Ilora Soil, our lllir.iriaii, ha a .. . I t! i ... U'.l The Dalle Tim'S-Mountaineer:! roruanu dhhu7 ....route; Hie iama . , ' , l-.wr nf the atata Iiv K.ilOlUie legist- , .Ian lu ceiveaauouv w uv u. ture hut only or nothing. Last So re- the Junior .uniioii am ilu Mininy. "The present "! I t. u . II . " I . - ... ture has oiny a n. - .. r ir... in.... in every for many viat vnr8un na Bent 1 i . M....U lnttvi.pl Ini-ltMP I.AIIsll nf rain. . .! . ....... onlllim I'll IU' UNIT " . V. .w -M- ,.ari oi me - "V- cr,;g. -Uutitcan bo remembered k ...v , . j aujitigr.ir. -Hut it can be remembered Uio iierioruiaiiv. , - -Tim.i were hard, Mr. Dolph it to be beaUm, it might I, ,! rrloy In l.......rl.l .,,.1 ,., h...l.ul rl Tb- 11 U. l'N--' ' -"'.'J .T-r.llii l rr. . vl.lt K. lli Ui.ui ry Mut. ri.ivrr.iiy U more ofa- l...lof wiiirtiilOK Mi..ul. I ... ,li.lhe w'm. l" T Uuaiii. r-,H,rl.r II,.. UU. r.. of lilr.l ait. ami U al.-l jjwiul Um u.,ty I. I., a . B." ing ...'I c..i..l.l.-ral.lo li.foriiiatlon l. arnln,!. The wrm, .1 Hit- ui.lv. rl- hnaiiclal cn.1tl...i at .rr nt ai i.l k-.li.".l..iilliaul.j.-rt. lvh iiH.ro rilni.ll than at llw ml- aoine mean, .buu I.l I an-ur. f..r Ibf V. IUIiih, the M..ir .i.-...Lr. ! Uife. Wl.ll- lu ....in of aluoy lir-r, .ration of """" ,u '" ! i..l....,..ll..il. I.lllavll. ran be r,.i,.,,-U-Nll from thn li. lour the liJ of the county. lhll-,i Uut be reinli-a II) i in... - . . , i... : . cluniii lii an i.ii ! in.- i-iu..p....., ,r - bnainwi be well to at'leci ai uia aucoeor a l.ui,:,-.,li.yii.eU.i. m w,. ; .3 ; worth man from lome other profeion or Irani, on of Ilia ol.J. cta of the inuiily IriiiK 1 1. In iiiivtiiitr. a Ihv pr.-m iit lliiiu i'Mil.1 lv rlj i.iu-.liull 01 u ii4i 11 11111I1I f'.iir yruia uu... Al Wul for V, Uk of KuK'-ne Willi a comparatively 'yaura, Dial of the uiilvimlly r.-iilrea l.-arii, on of III u'h plant. Him thm lh Irtj.l11.-aa haa Irom all lo aevni yr.in. If a boy court In llr Irowu vrry atemllly, ami a.l.liliona ' p.i ta P. . lil. r tbw ! aro. .1 prof.-.aiolia ; luillJluK at III. hav Ihii built l.i Hid orliiiul hulhl- . Iir an brat .il. blnov If al lb Ulil- rrnl.il for m a .. . 1 1....... 1 v,...ii 1 r i.m .. n. ! in fi.ll.iw ajil- 11111I1I f'.ur yrui ii V. ..... ...... ..... .. r I 7- .7, ,. .,. ,:,.. k,u 1,11,1a .-..ul.1 lrrnl. a17 by . v,.,l lh. r.o..r,.i,r,...ly; liv. l. I. II.. nw tauabl at ll.e e.l Ihul w.M.hl formerly have. :il that Ihry .re .1 .l.itf a Ur, bii-lmi. ...Ilrip. will lt prrp.ro hill, for hU IMI. MlalakMl Lima of UIm, .my J A ll .lllr. Ii. Junior llirinla-r, llfi-voik. I hav. one ami lit Kui'lie lu. hot llivoj.1 the op of the pure). .-.-I a half liiUre-l or hl father an. i.nn u.a uinv.mny, au .... ... , . 11 about five vearaaic.i. anil fori lie lat altemlii.K IUr Brii-ultural i-ll. I rrn-tion of the buil(lh. withheld, a It few yrara Taa bad almt eomplrt. am rounlly well pi. m-I v illi the i.ro- I will . -.-Mainly have t- m erecU 'l In Ihv n.uiiaKVm.-nlofth. Iare lnl.-rr.la f mu-lr by .m l. ami v. Ith .-u.l. of near futur,-. ai.,1 no ,or auapa-lou, Ibeflrm. lleUa llioroiiKh bualurw lh w-IuhiU. rv. far a 11. nlracrvalloii ' lime ran I f--ui.il than the priat lit. .si KD rHC $:.,0D0 i... l.n.iii.U avrr ili-lall of ll.a rlti ll-U lh Aurli.ulturi.l I ollru-e t ! I.... ami 10 bianiiiarrvallva man- luir a kwo I work aa the Hluti- L'lilvrr- kmiiMili.fllMUU.liHw U lu. liiuch ally. IV, r''r' ,he:.!.l" Th. s IMt It yard f..r Itati BKr. la of id. prrwiil pr.MM-rlty of lb. firm. , ooiileut a.-lf." will, bulb lualllulli.ii. my- tlir I irralt ( uuit M.M.rbrad ARala. M.Kirbrad Thar. ai. many uu-l fralurva la fx.unec-tlou will, tln-ir huiliiiw. .Iml liiK. amoiiR the iiumI pn.iiiini-ut brlni Im. atrli-llv i'ah b.tala of ail thr oa-ra- tlniia. 'I'hry ruiploy rlKht linmla lh yraran.uiiU ami v.h.11 t-fllliiK In Ihelri ItVpn-arulallve Imrk aupnly for th.. year ami .luring .follow.: .. '.' ' .... 1 ...... I MTh iialnrlii.l inoli-ftt nintlnilra in 111a 11 or lw h. mn In 1 an.l tha rU. I. not yet. I am .till from t 'ulluii. I .rove, u a M.nifrr; "r "moloy are .1 ..." 1 wl of ibe opinion, bowevrr.lbat a a.-hatorj thai the ear. alowr, up at he ata ...n ail-lik III 1" wk 1.7 m, I will U . l.it.-.i ami If It I I Mr. but 1I1J not atop am In Kelt.njt oil o 1.1. !-r..T.- v.., Itolol. ih. aucrrWul man will b.. the lialn b wa. Ihn.wi. UI, k-r,u. M...I, !,.! a iianuNl bv Ihr majority. I am Mill In tr.- to the Kroiimi tl.er. by Rrratly n Mipn-iiiiy .-..iiiiiiau-i iriMM, wa.-a. V. V. Maal.-raoii, of r.iltaue (in.vr. Iin. ui -J the H. I'. It It In the aiiui of t-'tAf) iIkiiiuki-.. The .-.xnplalnt it I wrliw. a. 1 that for 70 ivnta Ihe .-ompiuiy laicrcl tit rurrv the plain- till to II e 11 .1 r r.o It aliitloli rnvinl of li-tlrra. Irlvruma nl.-J vli- t- ... . .. ,.f ll.Mra.lllilv II. .OB II. .Ill nil "-r i..'..w ... ...v AL .... . Ilfl ill IIm lllliat.M.1 ...lw ilm-t are ahlpianl every moi.lh, all ....iim. ii.llntf m.v alnml. The petition 1 I . a . I ak . I ..... rl aaJ Mia. India ainl 11111.1 to Hai-raini-nto ami hail r rnii elw-o. Ill aU-lltloll lolhlaapllt li allli-r, bl.lia that lli.-y l.i not tun, ete., are ahlpM-il al-H,. Home ..-a uf the iiuau Illy of hi. Ira Ihry buy 01. Him mm I lx. Iw.-a-n Hull-in ami Dinlll mnv In. oh- froin Jum-tliiu I Hy and one l.-tlrr, ami only .me, are all I have rnvlviil, ak Ihk nie to rliantf.' my Hxitlon. I rhallruKe any li-.iio.-rut or Mipuliat to iii-tloii iy imNlllou, Hint la from a ImiIIiI.mI aUii'lipi.Int I rl.tline'l Ilia ........1 1. i.u r..... 11..1 ir fr..ll.ili.ir 1 ilt-hl ilurins Him . auniiilun to aiipuort M-rtiivon tin- rlvi-r wouhl i-oi.tliiue a r.pul.llran for "lie ollli-e of l'iiilr.1 .... ... . ' .J. .. . . ...... ..... .1... I... ulf.l.l. lb.-v.-ararouml lheilillrr.-111-e 01 iin-iri"in..-''.-o"T. .n. - -.'... .. ... 11 1 .ii.....i..i ii.u ...iur.. ..r rr.1,.1.1 l.imliu-aa lo l'.llll-U. Iiv IHinl won.". -i.i" ivmpun-il In milroail char,;.' vtoulil amount lo ovi r l'. per year. AUiut aiiuuuily I ul for tun lrk alone, luiirli l w hirl. I fiirniali mI by nu n living- far up In the moun tain, who count iiimiii thl mI for tlirlr maliituinaure for the mulii part nf Ihr year. AIm.iiI I.VI vor.l of wnoil are ala um-.I yearly. To a M-iaoti v ho Imntilui-i tl.nl a tannery c.11 la Ul up ml op.'rut.-.i for about flm-o or tlt.nl the Iritih- can Im le.rue-l In a f.-w w k we w ..ul I any, vi.lt a tunaery au l liM.k tin-miller ov.-r cuivfully, ami tli.u rxpira. yi.ur-lf. The Mri-ara. Ilniu.-a are aim-UK ur Diiail pnmriwlve biialu.-a men ami are proprlrb.ra f an ln.lii-.try Ih innif Ultllile of Vihlrll hw ari' aware. 'ot only thl, bill buyhiK the raw nrlirie al imiiii-, emplo.vluK a gr.-i.tly iiuiiiImt of aklll.-.l lalMir.-r. ami m-IIIuk ll.eir prw.lm-1 In olIuT pnrta brintt a iphkI inni.y thoiiiamla of rlol hira lo Kiiri'iii- every year. Irrimirrat Medal duileal. A coatral lor the Ifc-liloreat allv.-r liivili.1 will lake plmv al I In' I'lirialUn . I.iirch In thl. cily, oit NVaahlutllDii'. Milhilny, Krlirunry r.'ml, la-lweeii ten youuK lueii ami women rannlnif in ait. from - In 'i '.-ara, w ho are artlvr to. mi-era -nf Hie PHI' I-',, ami Hie J H (' K, of I li-.t .-hiirrh. niiiH-triit ami .liaiiilerraleil Ju.l)(e. have been m Ui-I.-iI. The la-at iiiu-.li ol.lnl liable will I remli-rvil. Al the cloae of the pn(rMiil refrw.li liieul. will la arrve.1. A ery amull ailiiilllance f.f will U. .Iirjji-l. IUkiii Hl-KAKH A.IAIN. Yeatrr lay'a Hnl.-iii l'it .: "linker of Ij.ii. mail another one of hi. whole miiile.1 la-.vhe at Ibe Joint ballot lo .lay. lie alarlril by lellluK aoine of Hi lalry lalea the Ifelpli iiwn hail clicu late.1 In the eltei'l Hint llunlnui., t'.aip er, lluvlaauil Kryl wmilil orove rvrre nnl to lln lr tru.l at thl lime. lie M-.1r.1l Ikilpl. a-rw.nally roumlly for lila arlli.n. iliiriiia' the mmpalKli aay li.K that h.- I.a.l (veil .rutin.) Iwrft-tiiK, pl. ii.llntt ami liirtkli.ir Hie wililral af wll.1 prouilm. In onli-r to knIi. the reipllailw Vole. Ilak.-r lohl bow iKilpb lia.l aalil that lie knew w In. bla ene 1.1 Ira were ami wouhl never fnrirvt Hi. 111. lie further .Iii-UphI that In frleiiila were pr.-par. to at Irk twllier till the crack f doom, If iiwi-aaiy, rather than allow lailpl, to int-r.-.l blmaelf bill were really to accept any IimmI, clean, ciiiuproiinae man." to Ihr liilerclaol the wl... I. n-.-i.le. Mr. flow ami Mr. HpmiKii (I liii-nlli.il Hi.-m) naii-ea K rnuae I In-y are home liieul will ratify my alutwim-nt. I have mi kuoa le-litr that 111. inry l U-lnit ua.il In Hii. e. tt. No keiinloriul .-nnill.late Ima a -proi.i-he.i in but 1 am irre l.i any Hint .-Very r Hurt known tniKilltlt'lnua I. a. la-en olli-rcl me In Join tin. I -ll.-ra. I have lai n coinl.-miieil, kIuiu IK-.I ami rnjolnl by Hie oppcMltioll In the n-ptlb-lirau iiomiu.-e In aiirli an extent Hint lolrrul'on baa ivhm-iI Id In a virtue. I'l.rn- are charea an. I countrr cbartfea mailo .-oiii-.-riiiiiK corrapllou In thl conl.-at but it remained for a Dtilpli man In inlleilure Hie only reaolulioi, to prol. I be churl".- lo tin-very ImiI loin. Wln-ii anyllilnu la anhl deroa lory 1. 1 the republican iiumim-e, lh MpuliHla In Ibe itnll.-ry applaud vm-lf-. r.iu-ly. Tl.ia I11.I..1I iiiuat la. uralifv lii In the r.'piibllrtii,." Mr. Srhanmi'. UaU. Mr. Kiiiil Hrhniino, of The Dall.i la (Irmly convinced that the atat.-meiil thai rata w ill leave a alukliiK ahlp i. lil.-rally true, lie I rviNiuille for Hie fnll.. nivf alory: When Ihe I. lull water wn. ri-ni-Llii after the arrolid alory of Ibe huihtintc on the hli.lt' lift Kiimiiier, lila burn wu nlaiiit lo llonl away. lie look a turn or Iwo around Hie barn wltb 1 ri' and H11I the eud of It lo a tree lo keep the barn from llo.tii. away. The n.xi waa mil mine than fairly fru.len.il la-fore a colony of rata that bail Inhab ited the him, no doubt lakiiiK Si'han nn lor Hie life aavliiK drpnrtmenl and Ihr rope fur a life line, la-gan lo ue It lo art aahnre. One at a time they wnlked the nM, and dropping In the uromi.l a.'i.mpered vlV to new iiuir-l.-r. The lnt lo leave the baril wa. an old tira.v whiakere.1 nxlent, a fa' her in lrael, to aiH-ak, w In. deliU-ratt-ly aloi'iHril when be reached the tree. eiiaweil the rope In two the barn adrift, evidently Juat lo-cnUM the fitmlly. hia family, dad tin further uw hr It. Dl. Dkivkk. A Htate Jniirnnl cor rvNin drill aaya: "Dr. I. D. Dilver waa ainnuvt Hie dialliiKUlah.-d Vl.ltora al Ibe Htate 1'apital tin week. The dlallnitulali.-d divine wa. milcb Inter- lurhitf I1I111. cultliiir hi fur aeverely aiid bla right wilt wn aprained and frarlund ami M-riniinriilly Injured. lie r. lulu V. II. Cop.r aa III at lorney. M LSI Kill III'' SLY lISArPKAKKI. Mr. Jeiialiits a rrutiiluent l lllrn i.r ilaNey, Mi-. 1 nr. Al.HANV, Or , Feb. H. Mr. Jrliliilij!, a ilulry innn uu.l npromiiiciil i-lll.rn of IialM-y, diaupH-!irid l.il night and li li feai'ed he Ima walnlrrnl awaviiml la-rhnpa dl.il, a lie came Hear lining ul another time. Important Pre l.iuti. The follow in k I a lli(rl of recent land drciaioua furninh.ii Ihelil'AHU by V. 11. Ilurlnu, laud and mining atloruey, WuahiUKlon, D. I'.: A m tlli-r who lm .tuUlihed h rraiJ. ni-e III kmmI fultli d.a-a not fori, it lil right Ibcreuulo ly h t.-iniioniry ahm-lice III (he diarhurk!.' of olllciul till tic, nor I the right oftraiiauiutalii.il during mu ll abaeiice ullccl.-d Iherchy. The rule that r.-roglii.. otllciiil duly a an exrum. for Icinporury nlwiiiv I. eiiinlly npplli-uble w hi lher the duty I Iii.himiI hy the um. luting power or by el.-clloll. 'The prvaiimptiou a lo inlueml or agricullurul vhurnrtrr of a tract, crvut il by Hie relurii of the survey or-gem r al, (Tin not prelude the lou-rrtiull of any tight r Hie proof Hint they reully -Xlat. l-ail; (.uij. Krl.ruaiy . llO.ildl UK MlNKKAUMIV. 1'rnf. Tho una Condon, of the Mule I'nivrr ally, went to Salem tin inoriilng, where he will Iry lo ImpruMi upon the l.-glolutor of Oivkou ll.e ini-.a-.ity of a Slat Hoard of Xlineiulogy. lie would luive tbw .'ate um a r-Kitn in the cupilol huil.lilig, w hero u it-l.-r x.uii one' rhnrge, could lw prnja-rly kept ami I11l-. ll.1t lor pul.lle ln--. rtuu... all l.uil.llug alniie and iron, cupN-r and other ore, coal, etc. He think tin could In-done ami would In. ch-aply done and would bo of great advnnlnge ol the Mute. Mr. Condon receive hundred uf letter, en auhjerl and it hti Ini-oiiiw uenrly an Impomihllily for him In properly anawer Iheiii. And in (hi connection we would atate that Mr. Cuudoii ilia-a not. anr Iin he hnve I the tree. , niy reiuv, w , would wnnl a ii and turned j ,I(,M iUl., a b.ur.1. Mt.nii Ai. tti-.KArin.M. The Oie goniiin Irll. ata.ul an oiveration tipoii Hie Italian, Mnreuclia. w ho attempted to commit auleide In I'ortUud tin- otli- I rr .lav In the following word: City ! I'hvicinil Wheeler and County I'liv- airian Hiuiili, aniti-d l-y thcauipou Uxe were . . . . i .. ..I I'llt. l.-: Una flllll III I I.I-U U' B " Alai Jr-eili- i.ivi-riuoiii mh-j ; " , 1 ., ( ... Aliuierfiirnialie'l mu-if f-.r Ai-a-mhly j jttit. j t. market, and tlicee luciu yeaierduy. ei.liaaii'.'d tlio iiujiortaneo of re- The "pen ae.l..ii of Hie Woinaii. ( .rt.la.11,)t.,1t in every department Congn-e Unit u K '"I" s''" of tu.uc iair. Tlit-re were txtra !:; rtZ Ton young holir of ih- uulvrraiiy I in. ttt of a lartfe number or clerk., H.. .I ... ..r .1,1,1 an.l hark .-utur-1 i. tlr.i.-tii-.illv received per uietfl w nia.ro i" - , r . . I " ' J ..... i I III- IIKII'g 1... ."..a . . u,ua 11,., uruill .I... i..i.ri.li, . " . 1 ....I,... w.ilk III lite coiiniry 011 .n-.... I Uroliilng " well drvi-..-d a ! Hi aure the orguiiiutli'ii ol m-v. nil tramp i-luli In the apriug. The cliiaa of "jll III. I at ibe K-ai.leliee of (.1.0 llelit-dict, 011 KieVi-i.lh tn. t, lu.t Hulurduv iiighl. All bu.iiii-a. N-r taming to the r.u- w Irun-urlnl, then Ibe remainder of the errlilng devoted lo p!ett!irc. All enjoyed lliiuiwlve. The I..nur 11:1 wn-I' 1 at th. lr liieel lug lu-t night ih-1-cii-.'l witli the u-ual orlerof bu-.i,,.a and "leal' out I.IW, U Ih. V UIhUii-I.-hI it, ill U lll'-ca 1 1 nil. Oueol ll.e inemlat wa brought la-fore the curt on th- charge of brila'ry. Cou-ildemhle r-l""" wa nad over Ihr m-, and nun h l,.f..riliuli..ll guiur-l. Tin will probably I) eon-limn-d in the futuie. Mi Ib.rbiira I.auri ciitrrtiiiiu d the elu of '!'" al the reatdcniv of her pur.-iit, on Wiliiimette rtnil, lnt night. A boll I IM i.l the .lu-" were nr. M iit. 1 lei.n.v iiiiiu. " 1 io" i doiiiK nolliiiig. Iin uritm on ti.e treunury ol the fUle, 11 wu. t-Xecled, would be Bto.jK.tl. But the exN.-ctutioit lias not been rea lucd, and inuteud of a reduction the number bu been increa.ed. There were tifjeleb. couiuiimious which have been adding thou.undi of dollar! t t tlie burden of taxation i-v.rv venr. uiid there was an urgent demand that they occupation. One luch man who is Gt for the jxtnition of senator occurs to tha welcome. He is a newpuer man ol about a third of a century's ex ricnee, and what profession can better Gt a man for nublic duties than journalism? If the silver men must have no one but a free coinage senator, lie should suit them, for he lias advocated that doctrine for fifteen or twenty years, and is therefore no new or merce nary convert. On the other hand he is conservative, dignified and with high-toned manners and tastes, and would not be open to be the chargo of being a populist or a abolished. Nothing has been done in this regard, and the wishes of the people have been trampled under foot by thoee who they elect ed to reprerent them. Of course bill have been prer-ented to rid the tab.- of tlie?o parasites an its treas ury ; but the deadlock on the sena torial iiue-lioii, originated and sup- p irtc I by the populists of the state in lluir wild craze for free silver, W11 Hie wlrciliin 01 -nr. ,,8 IjuKkrU II1B W I1CCIS Ol tegisiii- Hhattui k nod Mi- Fdill. Vca.ie aa , . vafuabi0 time to the tax US l-a, i ing it!.uut anything with gtilnri, li.ur.li- uli'l iianriiig, i.eillg iioue aevrral pi i.-a la-ing won I V illlh ri-lit purti-a lor pr.-fliirliry III I lie g-iine. Al II o'clock the guet were Invited to Ihe ilnung-riaiiii, where a nn.! ilrliriou luiirli will M-rvi-d from lablea hiiiiil-.'Uirly dniiri.tiil III Ihe elu-a ri-l--r, pmple nud go.d. Altogether It w ii 1. in-ol tl.elii't enloynhlw clu piirth t-viT jilveii, and will l"i.g r. i.iaii. in the im- ry of tl.o,e pieriit. (UHMI rri.lt Mil It'll. . N. S 1 oil Tale a l'e of Slrji-li-niiii. ami hiiii III Life. Tiif legislature has 72 republi can iiiruilmrs, und the opposition only IS in lioth branches. They wen- elected hy the largest majority ever given In a ticket in tho histo ... .. -.it i ry ol the statu una nicy win oe ' held respoin-iblo for everything done und everything left undone. 1 This is right, and every legislator 'idumld realize tho reson!ibility that re-t upon him. It is not the j lime at this session to deadlock the h-cinlature because tho majority are unwilling to prove unfaithful to ! th-j r coii-iitueiitB und to the best 1 inti'ie.-t of tl e state and nation bv candidate in favor of unlimited coinage, livery repub lican member should consider him- Sai.i:.v, Or., F.-h. . A S.vcll, I'."-! reMirt..-l lo.l.y Inlervii-wrd Coroner Kelchlliil lit Iii.li -iiil:ii-re Inmu dlale ly nfier hit return from Hall-tun a all.lill low II Ulllr irolil .-alrill.w urre ; guppt.rtintt a hehi-ldi.il Imiuiil over Ihe ixxly of;. Maihul New t Hyn.11, w ho .iiiuiiiitted in n ih- W1.I111-..I11V niL-lil. nml who .lied Tbiirailiiy a. m. Diutli n-ultc.l j ml( in duly bound to rediem the fr 1 'I'"' "I alrychnine taken lo end j ,rilli,.s ,na,lu ,y t,e party in the ,ii,.,- i,t.. n.i- ..... rnu. ;"- ":i.ill,VJaB last Juno, so that it might the bend cnu-eil by neuralgia, l ' . , . . D.-iiivii.-d had U-rii a wi.lowrr: have u fair standing with citizens .vital vein und Mutl'crril luiicli in future cuinpaigns. Isut from briHoiing over, hi l.t wire. .,.,, t indications the i.artv will uiliiguu r .....I j ,. , . l.,t..a l,...f,,., ban,!!. 1 1 v ta ui.itivo iii.wo.vvi aiMitua capK-d by the (lerlidv of republi cans in IsU't. It is almost initios in hroo, ling over id- left otic lldnpled liio.l. rate i-t:.le. wife. nud a I I l.l l.uanl. I rl-rurj "... Al-l'litJvsi.s 1 nt: ll.'1'i.t:. From ye lerdiiy'a IrgUhillve pr.civililiL' we lake the follow ing: "l'rolrior Thorn n ( on. Ion, of the Mate university, wa-, on motion, invited loaddrca the Iiiiiim- relative lo the mineral pr aluct of Ihe idnte. Il.-Hpnke of the dllllcllliy I ofoliluiuiiig n-lial'.i- iiiforiniitli.il rein- tive lo the viiluable .leail of the j -.lute, such u ii-U-xliw, ruollng alulc, building stone, line muni, lime, 1 iimrn!.-, conl, Mt'ci ' clay, etc. 1 lie aai.l n-gon tialay win Ini- nortlng iron, tin. en. it 01 1 in earth several linnortatit nriMliict Hint urn plentiful in Ihi -.late, if their location were onlyi know n. I lr advoiat.il the starting of a miui-riil hurraii In aoine city, prefer- I nl.lv Portland, forgatln ring sai-inu-n ( nud data regarding Ihrm, w hirli wi iihl la- nrivasihle to tin public. I If rail. d uttrution lo the grrnt Unilltd.iiv.il l.v Cnlilomht by audi it htiri-aii. At the chwe nf bis 11. 1, lies n vote of thank j wa i-xtinJr.l the prnfrssor for hi lenrm-d remarks." sil.le nt this date to redeem the promise-, made regarding economy, and the overwhelming victory of last June may be the cause of de feats in the future." .a 11 1 I" III IIH, niHI Wt IHMIVW lW IIIIIV : . ,u 1 ..0.1,. ! niu were fulrly irforated with bullet ..!... I It... t .. It ...Ptil.i.l .... Mtal iii the M'lintdr IhI ituiltt nlltl tmvii 1 1 . .. '....,. T V 7 . . ' . ai ' rviirli. Mild mvriiiii limi uia iiiii nt um n tikiii m urinnHHllnT mil ... miner waa ail omecr in u.e ... nov( M f ,e ,,.,,,., ,, i.. .. .er ........... .... ..... - " I"- ie lj,lwle end wire brought l... l: i,: i.y n,.,.,i. ..f -Murphy ,71'. button. ' a new devlen In surgery. me d.uiii'T. ..... i-i...-.i .sii.. . T, ...-.rail.... mill. Ul alStoot Annivkkmahy.IVi. die ton Tribune: Yesterday Cleaver llnm. Is-gau their Ibini vrar a hiiloi-a men III Ih c.tv of I'ruilielnu. Thry tiwk all areoiiol of atoek, exainlneil their laa.ka and re, he, I ll.a aatisfaclory eon elusion that dtirln buaiiira bad iloul bad liicrrase.1 lolwlivthe pna.rllolis It asauiii.il In M Mir. the II mi .tat-llslir.1 Itself In It pirwnt head-.iiart.-r on February 4, sti,1, not all ot hrr store w aa lavuplrd In the bba-k, north of Ihe llotul I'eiidlebui. I'.i'ple ad vise. I thru. In niov, fin I her down Main street, but their Jiidgmeiil In srlevtlng- their pri-a.nl site prove.1 anil in,. hey ,nl In . Ilgbl, -ll I fr..iit. arranged the store with k-nmI : vocale and say. that be fear, for the ' future uflbl nuntry uuleea we tear liawe from llrillsh rule which now practically conlrol all our olillc, even dow n to Ihe election of I'. 8. sen ator. Mr. Driver aaya that silver lias la-en found and baa l-rrii In ailcii-asful. n and al last reports ihe -ulii-itt wa rest- lug easily , II. W. Corhett.tl.e I'oriland mil lionaire, is going to givo tho mem-U-rs of tho Oregon legislature a hih-toned dinner this evening at the Hotel Portland and entertain Item of these juveniles over tho Lord's day at his ownex.ense. Why? What for this liberality. lie is not going to feed these "statesmen" for the fun of siring the animals cat. The invitation should have been promptly declined, and would have liecn bv honest men. Of course, the dinner is given to inlltienco these members to vote for Dolph or Corbett for senator. n.Ni.v TiiiHt t.t N Im iim -The Ha ! )vi" t ork? We hope not. It Inn Journal ha ihi about n stram. r is stated that the ornaments will be that lutetids ri ing regularly to F.u- twenty dollar gold pieces, and they ueiie: "l he.tr:,..i. r tiray Fiigle.re. Iwill iU.raIy ,med wit, j iviitlv conslriii-lcd nt .New lK-rg, w ill I ,. i,-n- make h.r trial trip in thcvlriniiyof!,!,r,"l Millionaire I'liampugno. Hint city IihIiiV. She ga lo lin go. . I Cilv toinorroM for ins.ai-tioii, nml will ! II. .11. II. 1'. Hlnnd has lire pa red a u-itcli Salnii. on hrr way to F.ug-ne. sulstitute for the bankini? and cur. rem-v hill now before the house. It i . . . : . .... ......l.i.. I erana. Anu n caunoi, w uuuuicu, that, generally, and, laying aside the "money question," he would make a safe, honorable, resoctable senator. Hence the Welcome, in the inter est of harmony and tho publio wel larc, now being sacrificed atSuletn, suggests as a suitable compromise candidate Hon. Harrison It. Kin Cttid, the present secretary of state. Ul M EXU vVlTl E A t II EK. County ichooli particularly, need better teachers. Some now employed are certainly very rocky but it is not probable that there are many like tho one told about by the Corvallii Times. A report of an energetic district school inuscrt comes from an outlying district in Uenton county. One day last au tumn the county school superin tendent knocked at the door of the school house for admission, and af ter four or five distinct alarms had been sounded the door ojH-ned, and there stood the teacher, novel in hand. All the seats were empty save one and that was occupied by a single small boy. "Where are the rest ol your pupils?" asked the 8UNjrinlendent. "Gone for a bucket of water," replied the teach er. The 8UK.rintetident decided to wait until the rest of the school came buck so that he could visit them, and sat down. Time wore on and as he waited he figured out that from the amount of dirt on it, the lloor had not been swept Bince school begun. A three dollar clock hung on the wall, but a few days before a boy had mured a bottle of ink in it and the titno could not be told. "Say, teacher, you didn't have me recite between recess and noon,," sang out the boy in the corner. "Yes I did," sa'd the teacher; but the superintendent knew that the little fellow told the truth and that the iedagogue want ed the fact concealed. After fifty minutes passed tho rest of the school returned with its bucket of water. There wero only two of them and they with the boy in the corner made three, the total at tendance of the school where reci tations waited until interest in the novel subsided. The school began with sixteen, but no wonder that it dwindled to three before the term ended. The Portland Tomahawk says: It is refreshing to find somebody doing his duty, especially when shrinking is the order of the day. It is the more pleasing because it requires no rpurring on the part of the press to make Major Tost at tend to these duties. Our country exchanges contain notices of his lullj liuanl, tVUuar; . Km.'KKH Ol'T. Salem Sl.ttesinnn : The state board of bor.iculture'a till! 1 1, .s,. ..I. all ll.a a.4 Iii tin. I".'. II aieriiai in ine ae.aie ei.-r- 'L V'l.'rAa.'.'ll.la.l..ii m.slnu. silver a cunmodlt V or . '? lr rTonlcd j .. .i ... ..t ...... to.t.iu .-r aiiuiim, for I lie tnmuli-nancc lo li e mil.. .! to 1 will not only 1 ( l'e ir,!, gave It. arcreUiry a .alar. , eoiilrov. rt Ihe law law. of all age." of nature but the Pa!!? .uM, rvtanarj . On Thk IttvKR. "The llaby" pa el llarrisbitrg yeslenlay, hoiuewanl l-und. (ieti. Frai.-r, Jr., and F. K. M.-Clauahan left dnwu the river lu a nfSI '.1 .Mr ait.iilni and imiiAiHl to - - - , . . , i - i pay Ihe iiirmla-n. of the Umr.l 1 per' day far Ihe actual time rinployvd, to-1 gellirr with necessary rxpenae, etc.! Io former years Ihe stale appn.pria-! turn fr this Ismrd was f. a-r an-, num. I What Nki?-S.-.Ii-iii Stntmnan: Monday or rm-sday. i he dim.-nsi .ns l!. . .... i.,:. ..II ..I.l. i-l i lie in.iii ii ip I . iii-i hot nu, s mi ., , ,, t1. . . , . l'I r.a.t i-am. she ill draw, w h. u provides that all obligations of the Ion. I.d, hul tlilrt-. ii im-I.e and will government shall lie paid in either nreaence in avrrv no.-linn nf tho gold or silver, whichever is most elate. It is likewise pleasing to convenient, and that customs dues note that the papers in general will shall be, paid partly in gold and speak well of any man if he attend! partly in silver; that the bullion to the requiremcuta of hisofficoiu in the treasury lie coined forth-ja dilligent manner. Contrary to with for the redemption of treasury the opinion of some office-holders. uuiei., w,ai me lauer is to be that newsDancrs never hare a irood I. l -. .1 . - , . . - o ex- I -ly la-twecli ailriii arid Kiit;eiie." li.llf l.uanl, IVt.ruarT . Not Dutiii'ki a. The nportcl cusw ordiptl.rria in I nirinount prove.1 lo Is- not so. Dr. I'uine visitui the sick children and found that It wu unlv aor t I.ro .ts that nlKi-tnl tlii-iu, and so inlormi l I . Ik O I . ! . I rot. I', mill, , ' I .1 . .. . . I .... .w ..... v g of ihe public .rh.s.ls. who wa. uneay '"-iroycii, mat tnc st:reiary ol the word to lav for onvbody, our in Mjnr.i io me .it tn-r children at treasury snail issue treasury notes ; changes all st?ak well of Otis gen phased io hum the rumor a un- Jhe. treasury, and that all authority 1 1 nitcd State! officer and not a po- foUIIU.il. to issue bonds be revoked I-Sl'.i l.i.tr.l. I .l.ru.ry 'J. Tn:t:i dim roil. The Ule and ordered an rx.vl.rnl su.-k of , mlU!?Z ' low ' '-U about o " r l,.e ' 'r,,,,,ruU'rk,"MU.r.a.-hlng here. Mr. Frier U well 'V?K.rilxn 7 ,m lineal chestnut like soma of our ' local incumbents. But this proves Thr.-.- '-x-: I' ' hardly an enjoyable that the press of Orecon is ready to sister. newapnprr published at Harlow, pa-time to read the confessions of bestow praise where it is deserved, say. that lion H. it. Kfni-abl, Ihe C! m.le Ulitxt, who murdered Mias - alone. a i Tin Bn M l.K Thai K.-AIUny IVnt-iM-rat: "An Albany laay.r'baa m roloaaal sehrii.e In vlrw. Though Hot kilo. u slsml hire at heme It is err talnly worth considering, as II would give employ mrul to thousands of men. A a mailer of fart, though, there la tiuthliig In II Jual now but Ink." Iwilt i-url. rtruarr On TKIAI. J. W. I. Iii go waa l.nHighl up from Junction last nlgbl plenaml willi Ihe find trip of lb Isut and aa ahe baa powerful rligiil.w, .1 an ordinary alnge ef the nvrr be will le able lo sinx-ssfully ualjjt the pa rifle Willamette. j I'aitjr l.ua.,1. rrSiUSf. . WiiKlikSiiK s?-Ve publish Ihe following item from ycat.-rdny ' Ha-1 1 lent Journal w hirli w iii las inl. re-.Uiig j new. la F.iigene inen-hant w h have ! freight aboard: "The Fotglrite thai left Portland on hrr trial tup up the river. Janunrv SI. ha n.-l rrach.il Ha ml is la-lng lri.il in Ihe rhargw of leiu yrL Yr.ter.Uv morning she ran Mortgaging pn-aprly not hi. ow u, and ' ltn a lr near Wheritlai.,1 ami if rw-UMirlgagiog eb.liel rr iN-rty. liolhlog rise happen. In blnd.T Ihe Ai at p. l. the case la U-ti.f bo.1, the prolhilnie areh will reach .Iralghlnnng thr Irark brtwren tirar-l Iwfnr Juat Ire W heeler. ,Halrru some lime loinermw." aud 0hrn. lady lM.nl.-nt of Albany si. the prim I I -a I parti.-.; and lliey are -upiMasil lo a H'ii.liug llnlr hoorynnH-u on a iriptnivrtani island In' Ihe Faclrtc. 1 The lady left a bualu. and two small rhildn-o, while the e. g dewrtni a wife and iwvvral olI.pring. What next? o. t-al), OusM. f, 'tn-uare A MAI I. I.amii.ii-k. Thr railroad ctrw. In blasting i-iT a s.int of i.a-k , this si.lr of I i h. n Ihi. morning, the debris covered Hie lrn.-kaiidd.-lay.il Hie nor; It Isiitid burg I., al Irani als.iit forty minute. Cousnb-rable ork I being ihme bv Ihe crew in here aides! himcttaii-t III Oregon, and liumts r of oihi-r -s aki r w ill address a public muting at Hint plare thi evening. Makkii i At the Winter Hotel, Oakland, Cal., Jan. "1, s-..'i, by KeV. Mr. I h. isa of thr (ieriunli I.utln tun rhiir-h,W. I. 1U lit. and Mr. Amaii-Ia A. I.U.-k.-y, b-'tll formerly nf Asblalid. Mr, l.uekey I well kn wn In I.nne isviitiiv. Mr. I'm nu Is a grrnvrvinan of Oakland, Cnl. 1't.iMiM.i Fxr.nr.- Mr. I".. K. lleuderwn Is an af ln-rin t for print .:ii;. He gia-s into all the details: The Honest Money League of nilh cold-blooded exactness, and, ' New York, which propagate! gold in-r -nver, he says he is now forgiv : monometallic doctrines, has one en, and has a home with God in entire floor in a building in use, heaven. Ifsu. h thing as he and and employs eighty people, writ-.i:.e.- ef the same ilk, all of whom ing letters, addressing envelope! . -xpert to g t by the shortest route and sending out circular! to pro from the scatTol i to heaven, are to ' pagate goldita sentiments, realize their expectations, where, will t!ie ser criminals ami g.xvl The member of the Tennessee l-euplegj? : legislature, Edward I). Duncan, who walked from his district to the Last Vcar the a?Frr?a!a nf ll. CStiital. i.e. all th. rsils.U in tha Mr'"..:1:..: 'ii 1 Ul Ute.ffiprfd him passe,. Legisla. ria printer, a grinw-i.ian of intigntv, " 01 -ww v on nels; oau . 19,- tors like In in are scarce. ..... ........ I ,11 . .. .. ..' .MklfklO liM.I,..ts. 1 1 nrui 1 . . . . 1 ..T . 1 .s -s. iiatr . issi iv-.n'j:wi!. r-l.;.. .i. . .. , . 1 ."wniH ri-.tat-ei. ' attsfa. l.i oT the aiale. out the O O