The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 16, 1895, Image 5

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Pretty tony thl morning.
J. C. Fowler, of l'ortlaud, It lu
Th ttruvt temiulmloncr ha becu
cleaning uiuii oil' Ninth street to
day. Fifty-four new cone ar already
docketed fur the March term f circuit
A new platform ha lawn built un
the north ld of the Kugeuu railway
freight depot.
The Rem that MU Nettie Stewart
Intiill tktiJK KMtiilitu lu F-liwe-gan't
tor wo a mistake.
Congreuiuan Herman u tlcuie hav
ing u I uy Ulgraiii to Snlciu con
oerulng the senatorial muddle.
The aduilulitraliuii financial bill
wm killed lu tbe house al asliinglnn,
D. C, yesterday. The vote tistod 131
te 101.
I would m xniii think of doing bui
n without clerk a without adver
tUlng. John Wauaiuakur.
Todd, the ttilecoH) uiuii, hud hi
Urge glaa out hul evening, allotting
those who paid chauce to view the
Biood ud tar. 1
Burprlse twtrlle arj the fud In Ku
gene at present. Everybody bus Ihciu,
and Ibose who dou'l have ll cm are
Dot lu It.
It I likely that the Oregon Icgislu
ture willeoiue to a close two wick
(rinu tonight and theii the good people
will rejoice.
Itev. J. C. Rued, the I'ortluuil bunk
robber, ha betiu bound over in the
um of l-.MU, to await (he action of
the grand Jury.
Oregon City Courier: Itev. Wotuly,
edilot of the Pacific baptist, ih occupy
ing the Haptiet pulpit until the arrival
of Kev. Itugg ou March Ut.
Paxtou's bill re-apportlouing the
tale given Lane county one senator
and one Jolut ewiator with Douglu
and three representative.
Dr. McInturlTs revival at Spokane
Fall 1 lUcceM. Ninety -ulna huvo
already beeu converted and I lie mourn
er'e beach It oversowing ulghily.
The atreet comuiiaeioiier did g.wxl
work In cleaning up a portion of Ninth
treet tills afteriKMin. It wa in u
flltt y couditlo and u breeding di-
Dr. Boyd, of Albina, it being sued
fur 110.0(A) lu a malpractice cuae in
Portland. A. K. Iteaiuea, formerly of
Eugene, It one of the attorney for the
Tht steamer Eaglell it Mill missing
belweeu Halt-Ill and Kugene, and aouie
feur merchant who have g.atiun
the craft are afraid ahe or they will
never reach their destination, ut le;it
by water.
Tom Kharp lint released the Dr.
Harrit farm, west el Kugene, to Mr.
Mtrtiu of living, and will move to
town. In the near future he contem
plate going te California.
rolleeuian V. 11. Johnson, after
three yenr duty In Portluiur; lint been
removel. Johnson wmi formerly a K
P. It. It. brakemaii and once upon u
time figured lu tile police court here.
HarrUburg Review: Mr. J. . Mor
rit, near the depot, 1 now engaged ill
making maple syrup from hia mnplc
grove. He say a good syrup cnii I
made from the tree. Hum any one else
tried It?
The funeral of tho late et. K.
Kvant tok place thit afternoon from
bit late reahfeuce ou High and Tuir
teenlh at recta to the Masonic t nicler.v,
under the auspice of the A. F, it A. M.
and A. O. U. V. lodgct
The Q. R. C. wan recently organized
in till city and met at the residence of
Mine Neltl Hurr, aim will min t sutur
day at the home of Mim Ituth Lover
Idge. All nieuibera reUeted to lie
The State Horticultural Association
hat adjourned. Officer were elected
m follow: K. L. Hmlth, of HoihI
Ulver.pivtident; Dr. O. 1. H. Plunmior.
first vice pre.; J. It. Khephurd, acmiid
Tie pre.; C U. Walton, ecre tury.
Following r the name of the eii
lor cloaa of thettuto university: Misses
Edith Ill-own. Laura RcitPle. Edith
Kern, Ruth F.ave, Julia Veazio, ln
McClung, Wil lit liaiina and ltcnncltit
Dorrl, and Mer Frank Mathews,
Hermann Itode and Roslyn McKlnlcy.
Reprcsentutlv Moorhend'a bill pro
viding that nine Juror niny return n
verdict paaaed the house at Salem yc
terday. It will probably huve a hard
time getting through the Semite u the
lawyert In that body will probably
fight It.
On of the beat feature of Moor
head't sleeping car bill is the "kiln-isli'
It putt on that tyrannical king of l lie
road, the sleeping car iorter. Ila en
actment will In a abort time wipe out
the practice of "tipping" which la new
to necessary for the traveler comfort
tod deecut treatment.
Palem Journal: The table of the
Dolph malinger t Hotel Willamette
u graced iiiday bv the prewiice f
Receiver McNeil of tiie O. It. AN.'
Managei Kavhler and Rercr. of the
Southern Pacitlo Co., and (Jen.
Agt. Charlton, of the Northern I'ucillc
Ry. Co.
Wednesday' Halem Poat: In tlie
teuate tbi luorning a telegram waa
received by the prealdent of the acnute
fnun et-Utat Meliator Crllt. t Port 1
land, attending n invitation to the
member of the legislature to dine at
the Hetel Portland al H o'cl.a k Satur
day evening, to be gueat of the hotel
till Sanday evening.
Roxeburg Plalndealer: A young di
vine In California I attracting much
attention from departing fmiu the uu i
al routine. Huuday night be i ' th
women of Oakland a scoring for l iig
golp, aud said that many people
wer Injured be the waifitin tuiigu,-,
of gosaip. atid referred to apeciflc
niw Wome i affile are of the opinion
that there I a good field for work of
that kind In Kugene and Ursula Pa.
A New York World Just received
ay: Private cable diepatchea re
cied In thl citv vesterday, d larea
that Mm. Nellie Neutietter, the co
reapoodeut In the pending suit for dl
vorc. brought bv Mr. W. K. Vauder
bill, hot recently become a moilmrin
Parlt. Tbe same dlatchi- d.-. hired
that the mother and child werenhorily
ta m in N'lw. Mrs. Neu.trvtt'-r will
b remembered at th formr Portland i
Iudependmce ha a larch factory.
Tbemilury of th luumhul of Junction
City llii Ixrall reduced er cvlll.
Circuit c nit comeiiea thn-e week
from M iimI iv.
Sheri:rjolni.oti U ahridy H-rvluj:
gnuid Juiy iiu.
There tire l.'il piili. lil. in tl0 llixalli'
uovliiiu ut jkui imtv,
(oiniiiiMiuiiira court will proiahU
udjourn tin uflurnooii.
The unverniiieat iiileuda purcli.illig
r'i.'.HJD.iKW uiiilh .f gi.ld.
tiuito n nuinlir from here attended ut hpriligtleld hut liiglit.
The NeHbi-rg aitwiuill l.ur I lunt
night; 1.., tl'J; iimurauce, thKni.
The comiui-tioiicra' court adjourned
at noon tmiuy until next ,-aturduy
Muy A S ndcra, of Hurrlthurg, ship.
w-d leu car lr.ui of hop to Scoiluiiil a
few day since.
John I,. Steven, ex liilnUti r to 1 lit
wait died ut his home in Angus. a,
Me., liikt night.
The N. W, Fire Iimurulice Co. in
ow lu the huiidanfa riiviver. The
receiver la F. 11. AlllKlon.
llnrrv lloldeii hu riirived a
lliielel 1 1 1 1 1 n r lul uliet'l. LiHik out lor
hia uil III a duy or two.
A limrrlun liccnm! un iitaiieil I hi-.
urieruiHiii hy the ciUiily clci k to W.
I.. Wivnrroii uud Murlha K. llubburd.
Thu cunc of dipthcria lu Kugene i
no more. The pntielil hua recovered
ami the llug ut the rtnldcllce him tieeli
taken lotv ii.
Svcriil liicyclivta will tuke a trip
ev r the con ii i ry muds tomorrow. The
rmuN huve dried up very rapidly the
pual few duya.
The tntal lux levy in NcwMrl thl
yeur will la.' H liilil, an Hilereating
f u I to inuuy Kugene Hiople w ho own
prfa-rty there.
Wm. T. Ilullirluy, the Ouklund cup-ititlir-t,
u ho hua property intereat here,
arrived yvterd:iy to interview K. J.
Fruitier, hia northern ngent.
At the city election held 111 llunt
Ingtou Tuewluy, tin' two cnndlditlea
for mayor wi iu a miImiu k nr ami a
harU-r. HarU-r Ile.iglv wou the
Albany lVmocmt: PuNr are la-lng
miide out in this city fur the Bpx-ul ol
the colitlrnintinu of I lie O. P. aulu tu
the Uremc court.
W. S. .Shinh will represent Pucillo
lniveity ut the Mulu oratorical con
ii.t. Dr. 1). A. Wiitiem, l.irmeily of
thl city, wua one of hit Judge.
A iiuiiiIht of the friend of Mr. and
Mia. I,. N. Ibiiiey axiit a plcaaant
evening with them al their eivguut
home in this lit j hial evening.
Halem Journal: A Ihilpll mall auid,
to. lav: "Alley withdraw Hermunu'a
name in the iiderot of hi tirother-iu-luw,
Hurry II. Miller, who i a dark
horae for K'liator."
I). W. ConlidKe 1 an applicant for
the HRiliou nf bookkeeper of the m.-ii-iluiiliiiry
umler the new miieriii(en
ilcnl. Hicli ull npH)lulllielil ttould tie
un excellent ulic.
K. J. .MfClniiuhuti this iiiornliig re
ivlved iiu order lor u pair of Chinese
plieasaula from Warreiishurg, Mo.
The order will be tilled and the birds
Hturlcd for that iiil iiuiuetlititely.
The uiireiiie court hua n-nderwl n
decision disallowiliK the otlseta of
Averv uud others ui iunst the Job hunk.
ofCurvullis. Theso ollsel were uioal
ly checks that not recovered.
It. F. Dant committed luieid ut
IlillslMiro yealerduy ufierumin, after
shooting two women, nut seriously, bv
shooting himself tl niutth the head.
Love matters was the cause.
Mrs. Jennie Ucrkren, the wife of the
MIclilltelldcUI Ol tbe I III M(UH 1MV
Saving Jstatlnn, wus brougli. litre yea
terday to receive medical treatment at
the hands of Dr. Loouii.
The unnlicnll f Mra. Ilfttti" Alex
andur HL'iilnst Win. Alexander, for
t'J.'il alinionr to proNM-uie her suit
with, will lie' heard ly Judge Fuller
ton, ou written briefs, In chambers,
And now It l claimed that Itev. J.
C. Rel. of I'ortluii"', who recently at-
teiiia.'d to rob hunk there owes hi
rail to n-iiiiiiig mine novei. iier
weak brained Tny mid null should
lake wnruiiig.
Salem Journul: The only complaint
muile ulxuit tliHsM-ech on the vcimtor
ship Thursday amount to uboul
Maker of Line,
You spoke too plain.
A liitle domestic dilllculty in this
eilv this inoriiliiir bnd a few disinter
esild siMciiitors. If siirh event have
to iN-cur they should bt least lie re
benrsed In private la-fore la-ing submit
ted to the public. Huch Impromptu
iillaira ua the one this morning while
to U regretted, ale to say the least,
Miss LUxieOriilln gave reception
i.orie ut Hoi home of her imrvul Inst
..v, n'nia to Misa (Jertrilde Coner, of
Poitlaud. An elegant luncheon was
served during the evening. About
twenty gutsl were present.
About 2i voung pisiplo galhere.1 at
the home of Sir. mid Mr, flint Han
lion, un the Linton bop yard north of
town lat evening ami gave them a
complete surprise. The evening wa
-nttothe satisfaction of all present
in pleasant guinea. flint ayeiine
lanr liusnl, K. I.:urj
nuiriii.iv In,! evenltii a Verv
...i,.i al,le otnriee nnrtv was tendered
. .: . . . -i .. . . .i i.
J-.dls Uall.x X, ine iii wimi is-n.i in,
anuivetsary of hi l!'th birthday
Als-iil LU young people wer present I
and tbe evening aa elijoyahly nt
in s.a iul intercourse ami gam-s of var
ou kind-. An elegatii lunch a
,-rved, which wui heuttlly enjoyed by j
ull present. It after the midnight j
hour hen the crowd left with many
well wiahe- l the host and hostes for
the fiijojable evening sa-ut.
NEW St IMsTBKT. ! hod
!suiaTinteinllit J. (i. Mtevelistm, tialay,
created Di.'r.ct No I'll- It Is
i.-,.,.-l I..TI7S. U i . and lll
l.ave alinul tartit v-rive student. And ,
ritflit here we n.Ufht remark that Lane
county ha the largest nuuila-r of.
si lca.l dutnclaoi any cuumj m uif j
I'tli, li ,rj, LrU4f)
J. R. htia kiltan, of Allialiv, cume up
tint ftrriiimii.
Mrs. W. Mil ice un.l daughter ale
vl-ilnirf in Halsey.
Walter l l-K ha. rented U farm up
the Mrlvel..ic iner.
II. f.sitsr.
a lu low u totl.iv.
The Komi Muting.
.iti:i:si!.i ai i.oium:,
Put Hand l.!o; .n.' i oupl.'
lu but'eue lust Nigln.
i.iltr.l f. : r..ty '.
The met ting cll. d for la.l nUht nl
the M.Kird ol I ra In rooms to discu-s
the building ol n turnpike rvot from
l.OK'. lie to Meiiull's paik, tii Hot
of lottnge (..rove, ,m,r , Uu.. , lllkltv , . ,111M1l.
nlii- Vittliii... w. .m .1...... I.. II i-
A I'tarce, of Albany, i ter, and another luietiii tti.t liKely
on a sboit business trip. Is- lu l l next week. The pulling of
I'licle Hilly Wright, of Salem, the this one piece of gem-rally co. lol l
horse radish uiuii, i lu town. 1 through t ill Is-i f the utuio-t iiilm-M
Mr, li,,,. T. Hall is visiting Inr Ul lUv r"'1'1 I'f"1'1'1" ol the entire
daughter, Mi-s furrh-, in Portland. fiuuiry, nud no pains Is-
It. II. Miller and family ex.act to ' J"1 " "v ",u ' r'
leuyefor Itoiion. IVxa. ttk. ,,,, ,.., u. W(. , fltv
tie.irge lislur is isMuling a is hi pie that no m titer bow car. lull v a toad
o' days in the vicinity of Cottage is grafted and traveled hv the iirt-seiit
'rot, . elllll oVed. IL I 1 in u. ill.l. In Iln-r it'...l m! ll
II. T. Condon Is eXs'ctud to urrhe make a I bortuigbly hard nod durable iur-i.ger Isiy, u note, ll
here mm Oakland, tub, tomorrow or road ixiuinl iKks w ill not pai k, and uiaiiee thai while she
uiiduy in. lining.
J. W. Sluiinate, sitmastir und
mvrchuat at Wulterville, visited lu
this clly today.
W. F. f loshv. niaiitik!er of the Sau
the tact has Uvu s tiled ..n: uco, Vi t
graft I is eoiitiiiu.nuly bt ii.g u-.-d on
the roads. AKskiiiisher v. ul.liHtilc
the dllllcillty. friislied to. k has
touh edges and uili pael; tlior.. tmhly,
. i i . iiuiaiiiK ii nan, nun sinti am iui loan-
i. V ., "l'''""l'wuv.likea lavement, ami ttnliu-.d
l""'i"'tlllM"'- lltru'duig and c.relul .humage Mould
Attorney doling returned boiiie niake un htial ro.i.l for the countrv.
from a trip tn Collage tlrove on this i I he round giavcl. on tbe oilier baud,
morning' local truiu. j conliniiully sink tltwu tlirxiirili the
Vs. (1., ut one tiiuu prostviit-i I'd und oi k to the to papain on the
Ion Hlturiiev of this tliatriet. Is nractli-- . side-, lintkiilK d.s-p cuts III Ilic road.
lug hi profesaiou lu Sun Kruticiseo. ! If this turnpike road shal; liave Uvu
1 11!) '..i.i l, I , our) !',
One Di. John Y. (i.ilf, a . II knott n
plitsiciaii of Albllia, aji.i uboul Ii
i-iu , and loi iiit i
l.llill c.'iiutv, last
nil .t.-s .tntie .-..nil ;i, oi di.' s i ut
city, :ii,v-l In t.n-, tlaiignler of i'o'.i.v
Ju.Ue D. ,. Minili, ol I'oi i ;,tii..
Jilde Mhltll had empioyed Hie s,..iin
diel In treat his daiiKtib r lor ait nitre
lion of the tul, and Ihe si hool klll had
c alit d daily al the li -il. lull's olll.v
lor treatment I hlls he us eliulilutl
to p. is .-Ii I he I it. lid of I he child. 1 he
klu's palm! did not know of li.i ir
el.'p'im hi uiiiil bur.ay when Ihe
bund t ol a
u as
Ucie I at iiieis' Yt ai t Inline uud lltlutl'
Kent null No Al re--l lose
t all lr the tul lank.
I o .srl, t.-t-r
l.ugcuc, thu eilv thai
J .1
has btt li so
V lorule.l at Micdd, forlllliulc III rceclll eala III the Way of
Wtdhisday elol id llres, Was Visit lda Inol lillig Vlsitcil by
the liny II;. nn s, and bile it tvlisider
ablc o. w a ciital. i d but lor the be.
roic oi a of our tile Imelit the
.. .. nos'lly and ploimblj hie us
uell rtould havelsi ll uppulllhg,
Ab.'iil .'. :M ttstclday iiioiiiiii the
liie bell rung out ch ar uud last, mid
our residents ou ailsing found the
liol t beast pal t of our city silhouetted
against a sky t f lleiy ridins. I he
tire piovtit to la- Ihe fanners' t alv
house, lust u. H III of the S. P. line, ou
the as- I'eurl street. Mnec thu burning i t cur
I. tuny , Hour mill this luiilding bus Uen usttl
beait htoktii t p ut il Ii hvr parent, by lloriuv D. I Ml nil ua let d and chop
sue nan gone tt un Ihe "mail she lov- null ami as u HuIcIioiim- us well, the
id" "li.eic is no u-v oi ttoirj lug i llrtliicii were ou the scene in u very
iilsuit me," it read, "lor bt the time short s a.'ti ol lime and oi ked hero
this reaehi ou tlie doctor iiiiiJ I shall . leitlly lu .in iii h (he llaiuca uud save
Is-out of reach ol I. .ill. .ad mid tele-' the buildings III the immediate heigh
giuph lines. I will U nil riglit in a borhisiil. Ihe Standard (III Compuii.v
lett tt ks or niontbs, and then I vl il I n bus u latge luuk uud al-o a coriugiited
home mid la a dillllul daughter. oil j lion u ulehoiie for stoiing case oil III,
can teli sople tlial I liave gouu I jii , lint .'id Ut t Inuu the uaiehousc, nud
on u v. sit and u iieu I return il u ill lay tbe utmn-t cure was ntd in ket iiiuir.
Col. S. P. Sladdeii, of Portland, who
owns the large fruit farm Just north
west of this city, urn veil here ou this
Hltwrnonn's (mm.
Miss Carrie Lailer returned home
from Portland Una aftc nnsm. Her
many friends will ha nli a-ed to U-arn
she is much iniprovw.l in health.
Mr. II. wilt, wlio rts'i-iitly purchased
' be M.s, farm, after a few tluvs' visit
here, returned to bis home at Portland
Ibis nioriiiiig. The geiillemaii is
IbiiikiiiK of planting a Kirtlou of the
place to lunt. lie has iiaarly n 1MI
acres of land planted to fmit in Mult
nomah uud uinhlll counties.
I'alljr ousnl. IVtirusrjr
C K. Hale visited ill Kujciiu last
('. II. I'llli y la still visiting in Sun
Dr. Paine made a short trip to Junc
tion today.
Javr WilUilis, of Coliurg, was in
town tialay.
(ieorge Mustersoii, of Florence, I
visiting in Kugelie.
Dr. Lowe, thu optician, left for
Roseliurg this uftcriiiNiu.
The .Misses Auten left for a visit ut
Crtiwcll this afternoon.
Prof. J. H. Wilkes i now principal
of Ihe l biineii lilgh sclu ul.
(i. M. Jackson, of Junction City,
spent lust night In Kuguiie.
Mis Addle Davis, of Spriugllcld,
visited frauds in town today.
Mis Iti'lle Milllcan is all llug the
normal school at Moinnnuth.
Mr, lieu. Millicuu ret ii mud this
nftiTlionn from u visit ut Salcni.
Mrs. M. A. Set-vers bits returned
from a visit to relutivc i.i Portland.
Mra. Tho. Llickey is tpilte ill ul the
family lesldeiice on Pntlertoii street.
J. A. Waddle, the popular Portland
drummer, sa'iil lust night in Kugene.
Dr. W. Kuykeiiiln'l madoa pmle.
slmuil trip to Oukluud this ul'teriUHiii
Misa Zllda Roger ex fart to leave
for California u tonight's train to re
side. John Schneider left fwr Los Angeles
lust night hem he will permanently
C. J. Dodd returned from the slate
horticultural incetiiigat Portland this
Rev. J. S. Mills left for Cosheu thi
afternoon, where ho will hold service
W. L. Loiighmillcr exiect hi wife
and mot tier and a sister to arrive here
in a few day.
Mr. Warren Lnekcy I at Tay, In at
tendance uiioii her father, Mr. Wilmot,
who is seriuusly ill.
Hurry Allen baa been chosen lo rep
resent Paeilli' college, of Newherg, lit
the state oratorical contest.
It. Mc Miirphev has Is'eii npsilnled
theiigtiul of the N. P. It. It. lor this
city. An exi-eileiit telertloii.
Attorney K. It. Sklpworth niul fam
ily I ft fo'r I'huuoii this morning,
w here they will visit a few day.
Mr. Prat her, oi HcIIw.hmI, m rived
here yesterday and will enroll as u
student of the I'llivcisity of Oregon.
Mrs. Allie Kutmitu uud children re
turned this uftermaiu from a visit Willi
friends ut Hnrrisburg nud Iclhon.
Wm. O'Nvil, who was in the city
yesterday baiking after Northern Pit
i'lllc Interests, led lirntli on thi luorn
ing' local.
Mis Ann IjtSelle, of the universi
ty, left for Hnrrisburg this morning,
where ln w ill sjaMid Sunday with her
Kd Fentoti ha tlisnolved partner
ship with Ms partner, Mr. Henley, al
Spokane, WuU., ansl now bu a liw
cilice all alone.
Itev. I. D. Driver, II. C. Ilumphriy,
Vs. K. Heiiilrrsoii and D. W. CiHtildgn.
ret uniel home from Salem and Port-
hind last night.
btllll and proles It success it will, of
lieci-K-lty, la' Used li ll model by the
road iviii.iihics the country otcr, uud
it would have a liolellic ihlluetice
on ro.t.lhlllldllU' here that Is litll"
dr. allied ..f al pn seiit. Let vm ry one
turn out to ihe meeting next week
and settle the fact thai the iie-lioii
of go ul reads ia divply implanted ill
the minds ol ull.
Jl'itlu.' With the l otnl) Colin.
hsit) liusnl. Ki t.rua-y '.'.
Lust night the owiiirstif ptopeity
liiljoiniiig Ihe colirthoiias sipiaie lin t
u ll h I he county co. ut to hate n con
sit lalioii w nh legnrd to the di-po-l
I Inn of the :I4 fnol slrip around said
iimrc. An informal di-ciision of the
a. I right. Judge Smith luiint diutely
slaile.l out to hunt the couple. He
lli-t got (rack of them leaving Salem
und going to Ji lli imni in a . unite con
Vi iuiicel Al Hod place liny x lit
I'llday night, occtiptiug separate
rooms, ull. I .Saturday ll'it'V bs.k the lo
cal lialii, piircl.asiiii' I ickcts lor
bilig. I he d'H'tor got mi the Ii tr cud
ol ihe train w 1 1 1 it- the girl Lotiulbu
the llailit Iroiu :hem. Ihe expi slim
ol the oil would huve made au appall
ing lo s id life uud proa'rty uud our
tin lllell deserve gli at ercdll lu the pel
f.Miiiiiuce of their duty.
The geiieinlly nceepltsl oiigin of thu
tin' is that the building was set on lira
bv IioIhis, but whether It m uccldi lit
al ol malicious ia not kliou II. Tiauip
have bteii ill the, welcuiu, of
f'oiu coach. My this liiue the father eiawlllig ill the engine room of night
was hoi ou Ihe Iiail and with I hli f of , und us t lie 111 i- slutted where the ell
Police A. I 'illy , ol ileui, he took th ' glue rtsuu cuiinccls with the uiain
overland Hum Saturday evening lor huibliug, this theory I Very plausi
thai clly lo intei' t pl Hie couple. Ilow-1 Lie.
ever the doctor was l ied v sly ami had i The amount of w heat stored in thu
go! ell' at Collage (irove, lured a rig, ! building w as uIkmiI l atl bushel. The
Idling the hver.t man he wuuled lo go
to a Mr. Oxford' al.ul 11' mile west
ol thai plin-e. No such a-isou lives ia
thai s.- lion and the d.s tor i.a.l inaiiu
la. lured the uaiue. When the father
and Mr. Dill v got to It celling thev
exact statu, of the proH,t,o.i w as bad , l.iir,;,.1',mt ,
M I til fcj-l'el (ll .ll.'iIBat lill.M ll ull. III... I. I. Ill .... . .
and several suggestions vtwre made, but
nothing di llhite has Is en done so far.
The court ha decided to have an
abstract of thu title in the strip made
gliamnteeiiii: a clear title, ill case it
w III In decided to dispuscuf Ihe strip
by ale. There Is lie i'iesliou hut that
some disHisitioti should In- made of it,
and it is thought a s.-ttisfaclnry nr
raligemelit can I hi reached the
proa'rty-ow iici und the county court.
I he fuitlu r ctilisiderat ion of thciUe.
tion will Is-uwuiled with lotere-t.
M 110(11,1101 K
Loss Mi Hit trlillll
Ill ItM'H.
1 nsu I .1( 0
I'nUj ).usr., Ki'l.r.iarjr '.
The st'liiHilholisit ill Mais I prM-inet,
nlaiut L'.'l mile northeast of Kugene,
un destroyed bv tire some time
the train at Cnltag.i (Inn Hnd I hey
returned by the next 1 1. iiu uud arriv
ing ut Cottage grove at J o'chs k in the
morning Ihey lured it team and alnrl
ed lo oveituke thu lauaway. At
ulsnit ii o'clock Sunday morning they
aimed at the house of S. (i. ls k
wissd'aund found the paities. 'he
doctor was easily captuied by Mr. Dll
ly who securely liandciilled him, i hll
be was sitting at the lire, nud th gill
w ns also present. It was n haul mat
ter for the poli.-e ol'.lcer to k's-p Judge
i Smith Iroiu killing Ihe hiute. When
I seMi'lied liall' wit found to have ou
hit person money lo th aiuoiiui of
:( I, Til l, n bull dog revolver und a full
Isix ul' cuitridgea. II rcltl-ttl In talk.
I he girl was couliitu and said she hud
re. u o ltd the do. tor to send her home
Ihe day la-fore be refused. At'k wood's (isll'and th girl occupied
separate rtsuns. im rulire pari v Hn
Thursday night. It Is supposed Ihe i,.,inlely relunit J to Cottage tlrove.
lire cnugiii iroiu a iieiecute uue, or j i ,..,. Kugeno on last evening
the stove, it the young people that , r. g,t train nrrivlng ul o'eba k.
evening bad lai n In the room up to u (;n was lot kid up in the county lull
o CllU'K
biHil- s.
rclieursiiig for an enUirtuiu-
ou the building, school
for Ihe night, while Judge Smith und
his daughter und .Mr. Hilly went to
the hotel. Dillv tik the d.s tor to
w ill nmoiint probably to ' i'iiii, ,,n ihis'iuoriiing'a early ruin,
(.Vm or UMI. I'he hull. Inn? was hi
stirt'd in tbeSlalc liisiiraiuv ( oiiip:"iy ,
for t H. ' j
The tlrrgon Parille Safa at l.d. ilui'ff.'lll.'.ill. j
saelal lu the lltn V loitsii.
Toi.i:l, Or. Feb. K Last night the
Oregon Pacific ib'isil was entered mid I
lobla-d ot f '---' cents. Wells, 1'argo
A Co. h.l till In, lli.csii Pnclllc rail
roud, ii) .s:, J. J. (iiiilher, t" . The
depot was entered by uii.Nm king the
front d.Hir and going out through Ihe
freight house, leaving the back than
open. The sufti was picked. L'a'nl
authorities nre doing nil in their pow
er to trace the rnhU-r. No clue yet.
and Judge Smith nud daughter weie
also pu-schgcl on Ihe same I mill.
This i not Dr. liall'a llrsl ex'rienctt
ol n st h'utioiuil i.ntiire. ll lasnid Hint
his present wife n the second Mr.
( .all, he having In ch a di t ore d man
ut Hie lime of his mainline lo her. It
is also said thill Mia (hill No. 2 "stole"
him from Mrs .ill' No. I. If that I
the case, the piesent Mr, (lull can
have an opportunity In es i Ii nee her
self how siicli things feel. She i at
She. Id v i-itlng mi l probably doe not
M l know of her desplcnble htlslifthd's
latist escapude. Unit I woltll la'tWi-eil
rl'i.hou nud Jo,hi
1 (.IMIK Sl Kit.
StirrifT linlglit, nf Hiilrm, Ilnr ( p
lour Prisoner.
ISii.itk-s In Ii. The folloulngi
from the Journal Indicate-Mint isilitlr
nre Is ing mixed into the Linn county ;
di ision iiiestiiiti lu a trigbltiil man
ner: The ridiculous fllimisteriii of
(be Multnomah delegation, Is-guu Inst
night, to force through Ihe bill to ih-'
vide Linn countv, was eontuiued to I
day, the evldeul intention Is lug to ,,f as-ailiits
dendlia-k and delay the work of legl- over hi lefl eve.
lat Ion in the Inti lot or Ihe machine
candidate for senator. The lilihu-ler-ers
were voted dow n every lime. The
Linn eoiiuty division bill did not piss
the hniisf a Ihe Dolph mamigors
itmuiised ll friends. Tuesday night.
It was continued bv LM t" - I and nude
lit UViesl losers ale vt Itios , nf I'leii
ant Hill, w ho hit l itlsnit lissi liu-hel.
Alaiut soil bushel of out were stored
there also.
W. Suudei bnd IchiIi some wlieul
and oats about loll sacks of cbillim
bark, t hlch be would have shipped in
a day or two. Iiu had some insurance
oil thi. The farmers vt an house ho
longed to J. K. p. Wither, J. K. Hush
lu ll, Walker Young, the ige es
tate, A. Itognrl, M. Hallow, trunk
Poweis, Presley Coiuegy and T. J.
K.I ward. From w hitl wu lenru there
w its no Insurance ou the building or
on any of the gram stored tlie.a except
Mr. Sunders. Mr. OH'ult had tits) In-
unmet on hi engine uud nulling
Mr Oll'ut informs us that with the
exception of Hie 1KKI bushel aloietl by
the West Hi os. the test stored was In
small lots nh thai the lost will fall
heavily on no on,.
Mr. Oil ut t has been furnishing near
ly nil I hu graham and mill feed to thu
ston in thu clly and Ihe loss will Ut
felt materially. He docs not know n
yet when be will he able lo atari Up
again, but it I In lie hoK-il stain.
Mi n have Is ell busy today tucking
thu grain that was loose, and a pro
mtn division w ill la made. Misd of il
can Ih' ii sod for feed, ut It it bit slight
ly damaged.
I'm. Alley and ('. II. liukci.
We lake the follow lug di-pati h from
yesterday's i'orllaud sun:
IUKI.oW, Or , l-'eh. II.-The clti.ein'
muss meeting ut Columbia hall wu at
tended by :usi voter of Marion and
Clnckaiun counties. I he hall was
dicoraird with llag uud mot'is-s. The
Aurora hand furnished excellent mu
sic. Many prominent republicans,
far uiers and ladle Were plescut. Men
ator Alley nH'net tin siks cIi making
liiavlgoioii defense ol the memlwr
who saw lit lu vote against Dolph.
The sentiment of I ho audience from
start to finish whs unanimously with
the sa'.iker ami llnse- who followed
him. Sentiment of protection to
home industries aud loyalty to the In
tereat nf Ih.- oili weie applauded at
every opportunity.
linker of Lurm fallowed with a
strung pirn to have men vote their hon
est cnnvlclien andt'lis t a senntor who
would hoiically represent the ptsipls.
Ho charted dial aim lous pnoi hnd
lns-u ollereil toe opMisltloii by Dilpli,
lor a single tele.
A im.ll who bud Intended toiiull'
llmrh went to Mohawk testcrfcyy
terday for a few wt-eks' mmI with Ihilr
sister, Mrs. N. Hill.
Rv. J- K. Snyder Mumed from
(.hell this ui iriiiiig where be ha
been nssistiiig Ii-a very uifi-ful e
ns of revival service.
Col. H. I. Pladden who wua lu the
cily ever lat night bailing after hi
biisint-s lutere! here, returned lioiu
to Purlland thi morning
- ll In II .' luu V CI 11.11.
Sal. km, dr., I i h. II - Miindsv ulglil
at7n'iis k i Sluriir John Knlghl
entiled t be county jail lo lock Up the,
piisoner ..r thu night n usual bu wa
assaulted by four pi I toner who are voting for Dolph wits told by thut geu-
iwiuiinn trlil. ll wa knocked. town j tleninn: "You will ullerly ruin your
wiin a suck oi cm wimmi hi ine naiiu jioiiiieal liituie forever. I know who my
aim reit iveua cut eiiemlts are, ami I will never Inrget
When be regained j nor forgive Ihem."
his fit l he cleaned out the entire limb, j "Wnathut lunginige for a ( 'brlstiall
slngle-hniiilcd and a one, altncklna gentlemaii (i use'.'" be said. The men
Iheiuwlth nkum hof heavy key in . w ho were making the tight against
lheail. All four of hi nssni!aiit re- the corHiiutiiHU candidate sicked up
ct-lM-d u gissl trouncing at hi bauds, , the contest where their leader bud luft
and Im hn received many etuigratula-, the Held, picked It up out of Ihe ditch
lions for bis brave conduct. Thu al- nml nul It u illimil iniiui.r but for a
special order next M-iiday at 3 p. in. tack w a miide w lib the view of aecur- j principle against a corrupt aud run
Linn county hn alsuit Ihe snine nnu j )(( their lllailv, but now that theat-lnliitf std of machine politician
of arable laud that Marinii roiinty ha , t.-mpl failed, the pilsoners are further w Iiu had held the politic and govern
and not near the population that Mur-1 from hUity than ever, a they ar mt nt of the republican aud deuiiN-rat-
lou roiinty bus. A proposition to t l , ,H-ked up in s;itury cor fiiiement. I lo partlci of tin Main In th palm of
s. I their bund for 31 Vvars, but If the m o-
A Nlgallbant Krt. J nle now sustained th lueu who went
Iioni-stly representing them th great-
Itom-liuiu Review: ('apt. Synioin est victory know ii lu history would lw
bu made a report to the ell'ta't Hint Ihe won In the Oregon legislature la-fore it
bur ut Yaipilna Hay I not worthy of ' adjou rued.
further improvements, and th reMrt I '
Is endorsed by Col. Meiidkll. Nutural-I Tra(r.
on of the 1 I M'Ki'KMKK.M K, t it., reo. . wne oi
unih the most sins klnif trailed c ever
11, low oi inii.iiin in
II. ..I
sjj!nil and an agricultural college, one j ... vv..hmi Ti. thd and Itaik a very hasty departure
each, are all thai tbe .late I. Hl.e to I ' h ' M.. ". , for the scene of the trouble. Nttwt Hy-.
support. Tbe aim should I to make; 'r,"! i fil w .rtlr . -Jrw.r tT- le n.t ver writ known Inlnde-.
them the l-,t t Is. found In Amine, ;.;r;,j:y,;iJl,,.l,,. mu r 1 ' P-"''- f''K'' M ' ,"rurV1" '
M AV Nof S7MKE.-A -itlement of obl.gH.1 , give up tin, building they , t,,JT7j.i
the dispute l.-twce tbe Southern Pa- wer- occupy,., o a. count of ti.e sl "F.? ""TKJli it wl. TuE
e.llo Company and ll-engineer. , con- , f I be .....e I'ltiH.-s have been ur.,,,,,, ' ' " '
id-red u ..liable Chief Arthur "' a sub-eripliou p4,s-r lo e if pi that h ha.I serious t..mes(le lr.u
a'l a an ariuiruior, tun as ati suviser. -,v -
pull o I iowh. i in t i. ir n-ct-iveij
vide Murioii coiitilr would huvuliul
a much merit.
Maki: Th km I'uisr Ci.ahh.-Mc-Miliuvllle
lb-Hirter: While Ibis piier
most emphatically disagree w ith the
l'i niioyeregoiiiaii mos-bnek bleu Hitl
there should In- no state aid of Ihe I
" ' . I rmlorst-il liy I ui. .tleniltdl.
higher li.alltulli.n. of learning It, , , ,(
not la-ln ve In going lo the ..( her ex-! ,. l lut,.,, wr,,
aid to a miillltiide of! ..,.,. ., ,.,.,.,... ., 1..r,,,illv chronicled in the blsturr of tblscoua-
... iiT n., ..i l.,(;.ll...r',"'" ,'u"w, "V4"' "ormui unn ymon own u tiwusiic oa '.., May. 'y reported here thl moruliig fioiu
' i rui-m, iiihii i , a w,-,,
II au am cib e uuderstnnl. pan ! i"wa. nut
(irandna Kramer I ill with a serious ' lug will I reached, .ayihg both the i much euc ,r..gem. nl and il I bi be
attack of la grippe, at the residence of ttugii.t--r and the ollbvia of the emu- ; hod the will lontuntst.
In-dau. liter, Mr F. Johnson. In this puny show a lispniitiio loniinpnt-
cltv. Hi many rileii.l hoj lor lil , nils,-, lie in pn-caie auoiiiur sirikf.
uyrli asut'i.rv. ' '
Mr Klialth l!i.dwy and Mrs.
Mrs Mary (iruiiger wi l leave Web
ster, N. I., for lOugsii and will lte
here -ruineiillv. The ladies are rel
ative of Mr. M. Meriaii, of tin city.
Iniles-ndeii.e W.-t Sele: Mr. Kel
ley, of lbs ll nil of Keller & Roy, who
ha Iss'ii visiting Ids yais-n' at
Mo. ii. -iield. is uiity. returned tw
A CuM I'l.l tlKiT. The Salem Juiirn
al, a.'ter tinmlug a uumla-r of
raiis w ho wool. I make an le
s..n ili.r, prinls this; "Al a jhiihiI if
Iw'tioii Sir. 11. It. Kim aid won' 1 pro
lblr I' the chubs- of Ihe larg.--1 ,. j
l-f i'f the -op.t( Clf regotl "
Ml:niH' In .Vtu I
. Is"''., hv It. v. Mr
H. I '.H.U. of M'tlom.
, lirio".: 11 l-hliell, of
" .i i.
i :
i .C-'el
!r. Al-
I r-
II .
Al Iiu: Akmoiiv. An evening
Willi the leij lu blu" I ulwuy e
pn claied. and tilt ir reis-ptloii in. Sat
in, lay wa no exuplloo In
Ho ir Ii.kIi stall. Lid. l.l-l lilliloa d
.lie . illllieilig othe,., und ti c I Veiling
pa-- ' aw ay ail to ipitckly. The Imv
:ir- Hue enti rlailieis and their fi.ei.d.
un-pioud of Ihi in. Ill to Le lm-ed
II, . y w ill continue to give tin so Ini .
Hons In t!ie luluie.
thi city l.t-t rnliv- ."i-
li ..I... .1 I. r. l.ri.,1 W III. I, ill! -U.
..i i ' , i). 1I.1..IN. new Iv ii -tine ! e..upl,- w id ii .il.e li.ur
u.f j future home in ...
Fill,. I l-CO.
I I .- t t I...U0
not pi ,,, Ku: i
t as del, nn ii.t !
corotior bad not returned and II i ut
terly Impossible to sec iro any detail
other than that St roll is dead by hi
own band at lliill-ton and the coroner
I now holding the lmpiet.
Tat taslrsl Sill Tfsllssl 1st
( lilsisl.
Ha HA tlKNTo, Feb. H. III thefre
forulllrnt 1st tin i Kliimnth, the Ore
gnu Wiiinler, with n reii.rd ofLVIHl,
uud Aole, will, a rei old ol J lis;, mail
lu the l.a-t, Aole cume under th
wire six lengths ahead of Klamath,
w Inning Ih h ul lu 'J1'). Is lngtbs
fastest mile, -ter trolled in Caltiorula.
1 IH
I oiop.tiiv will. Ta mi'a, I .u., Fen s s,,,ow' fi II her
I lo-.., o. ibis this lliollillig, the U.i.' on Ii i lull. Or
o 1. -t .-u".r luy sg tri-es have ls tl killed uud th
j damage to I ruck form iaenormou.