The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 16, 1895, Image 4

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    Eugene City Guard. :
The ouiv financial to!
which cunjresineti r
that wherebjr they Jr
vrar salarr and mites?.
agreed it
The Mlusnng iiu- j ii.t f
lutiont re adoptr.1 at tl.e liW
session of the legislature ainl hava
again beeti aJ jpte-1 by lh present
UMmblv mJ will K before tiio
lectori "of the sute j-rubably at a
tnecial election:
"That section 10 of article XI of
(ha n.iittitutiun of the state of
Oregon, be aii'l tlie tame i tii-rly
abrugtl. till in liuu thereof see
lion 10 of article XI Ji I If
"Article XI. a.-clioti VI No
country, city, ton, sliol ilistrut
or municipal corriti n shall b
allowed to become i f Ll- 1 in any
luauntr or for any to an
amount, including i-rtwiit -ist-ing
imlebteJnt-ss, in the agn-jfaU.-ticliiig
five -r mituiii on the
value of the taxable .rirty there
in to be ascertained by the last
assessment for state and county
Uiti rti'ui to the in uiring of
Uch ili'li-btolness."
"That the following aiinti'lmtiit
t.) the eimstilutioii of the state of
Oregon, in ln-u of .utMii 10. ar
ticle VII, be and ihe rame in here
by roiwd, towit: S'-ction 10.
I he legislative assembly may To
fide for the flection of ureiiji
and circuit yvlp in distinct
classes, one of which clu-si- hall
consist of fle justices of tlie su
preme court, who shall not -rfortu
circuit duty; and the other class
thall ciniiiit of a many circuit
judg'-a atliuy Iw deemed necessary,
who ahall hold full term without
allotment and who shall Like the
same oath at the supreme judge.
The legislative assembly may cre
ate aa many circuit as may
deemed uecessarv."
From the l-ewinton Teller: A
warning to all county division ad
vacate it to lie found in tlie h lo
ry of the Alturas cminty division.
Allura county w.m lir-t 1 1 v i . 1 i
and 1 gau county create 1. This
came about after a bitter ti,'lil und
the division of jrn-rty and the
1 1 ro kit 1 1 1 1 mi 1 1 1 of d bt iniTi ited
the bitterness. In the first session
of the legislature a hill w.i passed
creating A lta and Lincoln counties
out of the old territory, hut thin
wai annulled in the courts after a
long alruggle. Now at (he '.resent
ion collie a hill to I'olls.ilid.itc
Altura and lnrui countns I
cause they aloiio are unable to stand
the eiieue f cojiity government.
The new county h vi-iom-t would
do Well to study the history of the
examile In re giten U-foro rushing
into evil that thev know not of.
Thi legislature mtijiM-f to go
j down in history a Ihe imt in
o k j, j -1 t , t !sly of men that ever
! 4-M-iubh-l in a l.-gitUliir i-aiacily
111 ." llelll.
i-nator l.iwifi' bill fordod je
ti iii f indcbt-liie, has been in
delinitely j.sti iu d. Thi legisla
ture ml vi-'Ute every I'lclge made
in June.
The lejjj.laiure ha voted in fa
Vnr of fn sel. And thil is
composed of the same gentlemen
w he U-t Juno were elected a
fir Hull U'mm.
Kb. I t, -rt. !
A blue lookibg morning.
Mis Llla Misl.ler health In Im
proving. Jliu Mi.hUr ab'l I'ardnrr vlitt-l
friemU here the flrt f the .
Mr. Jir U k I talking tt emmlifra-1
lion on. We think alut two mile ;
uort heast.
Mr. and Mr. Trailer visitrd friend
at tin fla lat huii'lay.
Ing at hi
There ! iUil a let of grnlu frou out
LOOK Lane County Bank.
II. Ir h Hk VmU T,I.v f,r S'lL ! youroid shoes.
you need a new pair?
I Mr kiraffir.
( iregon Un one loyal seiiator
W hu -eiu to Iw attending to her
business at the old Hand. He is
in toU'-h with the iiiii- on the
financial iietinri.
Jacksonville Time: If Oreg-ui
can get along with but one senator
all thi winter, M-rha) it Would
hut sutler much if it had but one
for two year to intne.
riaindcaler: The pre- of the
late, irr -ctive of politic, mi
pl.iina of the action of the hyi-l.t-tive
ldy, and many unkind word
are U'lng said of it. The ( sion i
now half over, and practically
nothing lu Ihth atvorn lihed.
Of course the L. t. senate i
against a constitutional amend
ment (permitting the -o,e to
e!e-t their own reprewntativ in
that bcnly, a they are well aware
that the majority of said un ihU rs
are corporation lawyer and mill
ionaires now in possession of that
bran ii of the Kovernmctit. wnul l
rem mi at liMtiif.
ale n Journal: Keprt tentative
liate il the railroad committe,
stated l i-t nu'ht, that this was the
lifili . k nt tl, l. gi-lalure ami
that iuiHirt.iiit (oiiiinlU'r hail
ii'-vcr met. All riilro.ij hill are
laid to n-t. And u t this legisla
ture j r 1 1 1 1 1 to .iIk.ii tlmt er
p'tiul junket known as fie rail
roail commission.
rl Mek I sti
S.-r at lo lh lo T .. t
r-ai..M, Ken. .-Tl.e ': ;
j The Voir un M iialn'-liip stan'ls at
Ki.her. wife and are " " n" l"",riPI " """" ,
1 III f Law raalika
father' tin werk near I Ti.fv no change nf fn.nt -.u the ,
nalor-hiit. vino-rats an I 1'o;mi!.iI
w ho havr rnoiiKli Vole-to eN t ellher
r ll. i, li. Ik. I.. I, . I. .!,.!. i.nillv
I III tin vicinity and I ur that ,mu.i u,.n ,c, t n,,.
! mr lioC tltm lililv tin thai ara efifll- nl tirl Inn ilnf k. fl..i . if 'I lie :
Item tl,.t ri.j.ili,'. an. I aiit:dol'li
iiiLinlx r- Imve Isvn in .! r.oi e nr
aix-Us l innjMivl dv in' ' l "f S-i!ll
A vaiuahle hnre, ta-nBi;iiig to Ihej
Jul nsfti U'js. got down undrr the!
Uiai.rftr during the nlht and in stru,'
ling got cfl J.lid ft had It had to he
The funeral of Iir. Hemeiiway
very largely attended, Jt the day was
very cld.
Mr. Ali-rt Marker and Ia-o P'-elay
wei,( to Iirane last n k aft r a load
f hides.
Mr. II. nk Ki-her, the lad tl.i.1 i
all smile nowadays, rune nut mi I -1 -iieM
n ay.
I thinli it nothing hut ri,'M, ( if
oine o tho-r peopla w ho lire alile In
eiiil clol It i ii K aU'l gruli to ulkrers to a
di-talit country. Would ju-t iliv I'le thi
a's'Ve naiio'l rin-l,t, to sutli ier. n.
deol.tute people III their ovt n laud ami
city they would le doing n very
chanlahle iei. Tin l a fin t thai
I know. If tllliea ill this Colllltrv g'l
any harder ie il w ii! sutler here
well a el-ew line and I think, nit I
alone hut plenty of ol liens, that if ti e
lininigral luit was topt-d ud Ii-
advertising hy Ihe real estate dealer",
hloaing up Oieguu and such slult,
and try to make homr for tln-e
many homeU-M who en n not
in I a day' work to do, they would
have a ditti-reiit tune to win. lie
or sung to sun'.
I he ,,(e t'slav
J X 1 i r
-o. II. Villiain
W. I), jlarr
J. K. Wea-herford
Al lit..
e-li!!nl US
10 I
I llialtlwiiel I nUlt.
awake to a good bargain, not
to your own interests.
Our $1.50 and $2 shoes are
the best for the money ever
Eiclusive Dealers.
O7 Improved Farrij
iKui'h-l r-t in !-. j
! A general Banking business
j n all branches transacted on
; favorable terms.
A. d. HOVKV. I'esidelit.
J. M. AHItA.MS, Cashier
A. ii. HOVKY, Jb , As-t.Cashr. ,
l'rter llein.
I Wch'ool
I a-
1 1 " C,
In the Minnesota legislature
there is a hill whie passage is
likelv, and whose enactment will
b' watched with interest by all
haters of min nive litigation unl
that means everylssly. The meas
ure provide for the t hvtioii of six
coinuilhsiolmr 01 coiiciiiatioii in
each town, iiicorrali-d village or
city. A justice of the . e and
two coiiiiuisaioner compisea court
ui conciliation. 1 artics having dif
ferences U settle may come la-fore
this court, which will hear evidence
under such rule at it may pre
scribe, and after the hearing will
lidcavor to x the parlies to
an amicable agn viuent. II they
succeed judgment is entered in ac
cordance therewith. If they lall
the regular courts are still oeii t.
the disputants. The succiss n!
this plan would play havoc wit'
the business of the lawyers wllii to the hill i natural
and very vigor ju.
Affair in Hawaii have taken 11
turn that has caued the interfer
ence ol the I' mu-d Mat. govern
ment again, as is made evident by
two telegram sent to emigres by
the president. "The dupatche
slated that certain American in
Hawaii are under sentence of
death, and Secretary (irrtham
wired as follows to Miniter
Willi: "If American citiicn
were cen-1. 'timed to death hv a
miliUry tribunal, n.t for actual
artlcipaloii in the rrp'ru-d revo
ulion but for com) Inity only, r
if condemned to death by such
tribunal for actual participation,
but not aft.r an open, fair trial
with an flpsrtuuily for defense,
demand a di lay of execution, and
in either case reort to your gov
ernment the evidence relied Uin
to SUport the death eitUtice."
An account n the , . r i 1 1 1 c '
the present Wssiull of l,e egi-
ture, indicates that Senator McM
inter i working v-ry iinliitriously
tor hi constituents 111 1'iiion and
Wallowa counties, say the Klgiu
Kecord, a d proves pretty comlu
sively that the topic mail no mis
take when they intrusted their in
terest into the hand of honest
,'lll I" M.-t'i.'er.
The Pallet Chronicle: The rail
road commissioners will probably
hang on to their job, and if . a lot
of legislators ought to U- hung
along side of them, making one job
of the whole business. The sjs ta
cle it one to cause nothing but con
tempt for politics and Hliticiuus
id all parties ami degree. Kverv
man 111 the legislature except the
hold-over senators, wat elect-l on
a pla form pledging him to abolish
the railroad coiutuirsion. Will it
18 done?
Albany Herald: The time in the
lower hoii-e in the legislature, one
day la-t week, for a short rnnl.
was taken up by an address by
I'rof. I houias CoihIoii, of the state
university, upon the subject t)f the
mineral products of the stale. The
jibjectwii ni..t worthy and no
man in the entire country is Let
ter ipjalilied than I'rof. C ndon to
impart information upon the par
ticular science, in the ttud of
which he is an enthusiast.
"i '
(I .. I
, again.
M. 'alelilllie dav :.k'Vii .-ind I I
I fi leliils w 111 reilieinU r .is as anoll y a
I they did a year uw '
(irandina Willimns is s-nouh ill. I
Its-v. J. C. Itli li.irdton preached al
lb M Iter acliMil hus l-uildny at 1 1 I
o'clock and at Tieiil In the evening at !
whli hlU-v llunsaker ami Chaioller
Colli I II III- (hv meeting during the Week I
The many friend of Hurnev
will le phax-d to Uaril that ha ha- j
o fur recovertd hl.inelitul iiilihiiuui i
a to la- ahle to visit hl wile ami
childreu here. May hi recovery l
Collidete. tine of our oung men we are relia
bly informed U mi iuniilrtely elilhrall
rd in eutertainnieutt, both puhllc aud
private that he ha liek-livte( fur aoine
weak" to go (11 l-ed at night. Make
III)' w hlle thv silll shine I'.ldoll.
Mewr Jaine ."crlvner, K. It
I'arkrr and K. I'arker viitvl Kugviie
tlii we, k
Jame Parv in lias a liumher f
John c ill. super v ior r-ud dis
tri t No IT.'; reirl roVed
1,1.-1 I. Ill ulloued :il OO
J II 1 1;, sup. n ist.r nun I d:--
if, 1 Xo Vl; r Krt approved ,
ai..t lull aMowe.l I. IS) j
( ha- Mi tarl iiid, siin rv i-..r ills. I
Irn t Xo '!: repiM approved '
and hi I all -.-. H 10 !
K Wade. sn rvisor r a I dis- )
Ir rt .No 'i7; ient ai-pioved
tari.i loll allowed: K (I)
J A Arini'.-i.-e, Uervisir riael
ill-! 1 t .No .', ; iert approved
mol 1 1 I allowed -Ji On
I ie I I i,itnMM ill, siis-.r .r rnud
il-in. ( Xoi.t; resrt approved
and hill allowed 1 UI j
J I' ihleiiitii. survis..r road I
ilistid t Xo utinued for j
ex p' iit ion. !
Joliu : unfold, sus t v ix.r rid
li-tiH-t .No 4i; cuiiliiiiiol for
vp: iiiatioti.
(' p. powers, nis-rvis..f rod dis
till t N o J eoiil nun d for ex
planatiou. loo i ,l M 1 1, iiiedii me lo
l l!'- r'. I'.mjM-r 1
.! tios linn. i wi.s 1, 'ii s. i.ti'd
.. .1. ii : 1 1, nt ( ' ( .-I,. nt m i 1 Ii .r
u 1 11 1, I o I 1 .1 x on t lie 11 s 11,1 lit 1
'i l"i or :l 1 ui i'i:it ii,u -ul '
I O H t .. is o I lt lo,,,- , f-li' lit
of I. 11 . oil 11 ml nol I ...'-!. In iil
V an I 1 a, ,H .11 iiit to 1 In s,ii.iai-
lolio'll urt t l.ll tlie n '.- hi. !
lion u.i-tr--' , it is 1 In 1. f..r,- . rm1.1l
iv ti t that the ln-iii! cancel
11 I l.i of i 1 Inrgi-d ti Hie said '. S.
I oliiilll for s Li.
Miislaw Ifnsil.
ink, : : : hkkoi-x.
--It tit.'l
f I '.' '
lri - -Hi Ni,
i.t Cur It Khfurn-
. . '.(Ut I 'l nlf.--r
ai, I Mt -1 till latie
r. ir -1..J ( i ..r.j-r
I hill V M A '
j t , n rti.i
. 1
.-:fruit trees
if r
- i
1 ft.t t- ( ;
lb --r r !
.-s.w tft. t:;, ?"u
iVilliiiietie Vallej Kurssrj Co.,
ul vvini.ii i:v. nKK'.i'V
tWHtO 'OS MICE 1151
Physician and Surgeon. !
nirlT .!;! il.w-.. of wiinirtl
I a... 1 p,uii.7 sioaerrU Oaf or
I f i't VI TV
ti l rhl.'i.-eo.
nitr-.-i'l re.,..-n-- la sl.- tu lii" . upt'e
sec V.ri Na iu.i.1 bai.k.
Sterling and Silver-Plated Ware.
jjr Watch ItepalHug a H ,ty
Dav & HenrJerson, Undertakerj a'c
Embalmers. Cor Wil. inj 7th sts.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World Fair Hltktwt Mstal a4 Dlp4aw.
i ii ii m ml Ii , or Inn' In '. our r Mrr lr(artiiiriil trior Flury -.,
1siiihi. a Hif
FisstrK, Or, Fell. 13 S. UMliolialde-
v.-loiiiiiriu. cmnnu,, in in-Mitirr of
th reis-nt iiiarriuire of K ('. Kuaaell
and Mi. India ,ir.. the daughter
of a lli'Miiilalun-r who live a I -out si
nilli- (In plai-e. A l lilleiCe v .
lit a few dav tiniT t,y nnrolMi,
li-' liroiliers, to 'Mr. Itiill.
eliNllriiKiii liiiii to inert him In Mr
MciJih'en liinv al-iul ane mil from
her- and to buna' hi Wlin-hrater villi
ktiin and the at.iul.l M-ltlv their ill 111.
eulty a.vrdlii(r to "Itiecwde." Mr.
KUsmli aid Uothliik- hut arrainn for
same ol Lit frn-ud In la- at the plai-wat
the aiinteil hour, and Kiev r.i,..l
Ulltf lloisea An Him .rriii.t mi.i. I.i.
Vliii-lielei mi hi shoulder a aitlng
Mr. It.iss, i, ,o has no desire to aeitu.
Ills iMiilde In v Mr. Kuaavll
neeiillv oiarrie,! Mim llnw,- acaiusl
I lie v I. lie. of her fullit-r ami lin.llier.
and to prevent their inarriaK the latter
! me Kni ami pla.4 a guard
ni-l lor ctlln away. Knsaall.
however, rcirrvd hi aeet heart hv
a writ ol liar for pus, and wm mar
ried In pite of the rrpalnl threats of
father and hmther, w lio ohjrttrsl to
til III aolely lasrauae limul rrsHJbll
can. Ituawll Lonewf lh Inuliof yonn ,
men of tin vicinity, of gn ! rharacter, j
anjwaaa drk-irata last spring tu the
repuh:icaii ciiunty couvenii.ui whervi
Iir auilirlnl a il. Un-te to thr stale I at I'ortlaiid Further de
velopmeiils arv lifted j
W- la.r (. j
All .(i, P,t.. -The liev i
J It lUaiti.s-: e, .t,.r uf ie Klrl j
Hapllsl rhureli, prea lir a aerinot. '
yesterilav uver th telephone, and all
gruhbuiK nn hi farm. j
Home sisrkars are invited Iwfor f i. '
manently I'l-atin to visit this an-iimi
of ci'Ulllry and ee for thlliselve thej
rich tillahle land, alum l.inlly tiinU-r- I
e.1 aud water,-. I a wvll a the advaut
aite uf saw mill and grist mi I and lu 1
shoit anvlliili- that Uiakr life einlur
akle. Ki.iiti.AH I
I ..jr '.jr-l, r. kr ,t, II
J. J. I'mll eaiiie in from Ihe Siu-lnw
couiilrv on hist evening's sia'e. He
wits tent out ahoiit one inoutli a,'o to
prouiiri lin n nnd siis rinieiid the im
proveiiieni nf the oer lllslal road.
Sir. I'oill iiiforin ii that the result of
tl v work makes an Imiir and oi.,-liu f's
'llll'i-reln-e of the si hedli'e time of t lf
siulitv .:ik',- and iniul liMi k. I'on-sid.-rul'le
l'l.i"lllik' has Is-en done, a I suit
one k. x of juiwdi r U-ini; li-eil on one
nnl I lue hriil.-e aud some rorduroy
w ork has Ihi ii done a so, Is-sid.
straufhtetnnir mil several sli.irp curves
and fit'lin tor a Is-tlcr hs alii u of the
r:id In wnne 1 ii-i-s. Mr. I'oill left
jul .in diivs a;o ami worked ever.v day
w lillc tone, it' ttll'li Hie nssistiinee of
1 nu ll n--idii.i aloni; II. e Mad coiiven
j lelll to ps-lll His of llieroild lie Has re-
pnirliiK Mr. 'Ill h is Imilt .mne
i rmid that M ill lv ill t'"l i-olnlitloli 10
or I ' yean from now, nnd lliis is Ju,t
w h.t till roml null. h is si,.i, aim to
do. C ne li lie of food r..:nl Hint w ill
stntid the wiar nnd tear of Imvel is
U ller Until In miles of road that has to
I r. p;iiri every jrar.
Utter l..
Ihnley, Mrs Susie
lUh ker, J .lin s
Itnrk v, I Ima
I. ussier, Will
ii i .
Leg iklatlv .V.ilrs
ilil. Valideiherit Appropriating !
psi,iul f,.r stale normal sclionlaat iiu- i
vt-nielil points in the state; rej. i ti .1
Joint rraolutloti for coiisi iut loinil '
amendment anroatln; nero clause j
frein coiiatllution, adopleil.
lNiwsoii For relief of Ida Temple-1
tun: committee t-ii claims re .minuend I
: ml . instead af f JlI.O 0, (wtsxil to 1
third reading
I Italey Fui hraueli insane aylnin in
rjulerii I in goti; n-sirt of i-onnuitlie 1
reducing api roprUiion from lllo.ixi!
t f ai.iaai failiil vf adoption. The hill j
asj ayw "4. j
The hill of Hlllcas pMliihillin; mar
rik'e nf part ic al fault III divorce rnsi i
williln two vrar was luss .1 in ll,e r-ji
Inaise by a i.f XI to JO Mie lull XT 1 IJCO
li'lss.1 hv ItilU-Kas. it. an.
w lia urk-.-il it as.h-
slgucd fer the prul.t I loll nf Hie mm.
Ilage n-hitiou. I l,i r It I ki 1 1 attacked II
n Ihe gniiind that In. pres. nt law
waa gos enough Mint Ii ol J.-.iliin
poiuteil .Kit thai di-cniiiiiatlwii against
isrtlea at fault In divorce caa-m waa un
just, aa in a majority of cas-a the par
tie moral ) at fjul'l werv the on.s to
l.rmg suit, while tlie Itlii.avnt Is.r
their lr.Mil.le secretly, ami fjili-.! lo a-j-r
In curt al all.
1 lie house has passed the hill alsil
Isliing the railr.wd commission. It Is
pretll. leti Hi aenale will "hoid Up"
lle measure.
Fell. II. I Mi"i.
Il'is.'lill. Id, t in.
Ilrni.t r, S p
Fi.k. Ih.rry
Muik. v. N
falters..,!, Mrs Win U ii.l,-, Tii.k
riiolllprnn, .Mr( F. K Violet, A
A rrtarg l uu ir-ii t;i r ms.l
lellrft rii i.ut Iv't.u.. rs.,liig
tlste Ihrii sil ,
ob all
Vlo. V vi
Best -Assortment.
Best Prices
Candy, Nuts.
I c n -iii ". s'isim 0 1
i ;aMasTvu -M-i -u.i ""-raT 1
' 1 1 .ts i. am mum ssii tjsisMt a
I II js titJP. iBit m..r.Al j I
I- II e . -0 inl Ir I
,i si si Xjspi iitjj si af-KSj .
tUsMaj yors SV a rm
1 avj mmbr : j uovaji
I CtjvsatJsrl l.ttaaf tsjn ( IT
: W5fn tMu'j-J4stwtn j
1 jpitni .tjw.i us tic t. wiu-li i
H night!
! i, s . .1 leriiiili n'l '.-i .ir.-.-i iiMitf .tore.
Tf J l" n,,lllon,
W,;! i'U.ues.
lri".l ' eu.
I st.l li..N,rr.
. t ,- imtwlichln
iftp- I el .Ui.
ik.. i
ENo. 1.
Please send to my address one year FREE
the Modes and Fabrics published by you lor
E: free distribution.
An 1 her to ir n.m- m .tirel . FKKK .ulwrltair lo our ur w nd
luti-rrstin( Ks.lilon M 'nil. i j-.
:-AT :
ih- of t!.
tucks of
Dry Goods, fancy Goods,
Clothing and Shoes,
Ever Brought to the City.
Ti t,-a-
rlli.--T Ke
J'irua',. )
lb m nt i
ia-o.rrjr ef
IN at. It
I. ta l..n rn.
..-.t i-Tib
tin. bra of
.mirsj an it
t"i-' y
' iTi'jft.a
r ih di.
-' r la 30
!. I'm-
a fliaini'io
lln.r, ai.'l nM4lit. ,
Julius Goldsmith's.
! Ul yr.
nj other I
I n T I oratrt
u J t.inra u.
"Wit ru'
l b I 1 1 t T,
rail, nn.
aim r.tb-rrt
I'-In lo ih
!, Vttr
I' T " T O I'n.rri
Hruoia's BfonnKeieig.
- lWta ajnl t-W
tSMrfu Vtsmj-g. auaaa Im Kaa
katiaaM t,t,rw Ami
4 A,t.4.sfai ( i4.s4
r Otaisaaaaam. I-l-w lk S - - -
131 t. Aw, CNICA60,
A proiu'nrnt mrmlMr of tdf
I'-fislalure writing t.i tl.r Jaiksmi
VllI Tiuir mi Veil. Stli, (fifct tl.i
lfWoflde situation: " 1 h ,l,a I-
iota u.i conunu. ai. t t r..l at. Ir ; in Atlanta, ah,..,. ..r,m.. vi-.".
rill ta Ihe anil t,f li t sion, ami, u.. I.a.l irl, i,',i:, i """ ,,
Snalor Iolt.irs frifn.l d.s. i i , n" ''. I''mr.. , "-a-n
last ni.lit to star with I ii in until : r
tl.aa.wi U l.l .1 . I ... I . IMI,l
.. w..-. ,at .nr i.,i ii.iuri ll
tli joint convrntiiin ihav hrin
K.b l.l Mv . r...r,i
n-isi. n or in lam! isvUiruii.M.rr ;j .
'stia. r-sl lalot In .,',.
r la . ."l.rrti.a an.l l.illiam la ll.r...i .
i . . ...... .. .
nowrvrr a ilrlrrtni nation to rlr t a I '"""' ri.irr in Itnmiraj a. I
entUir brf.ire a.liournriin.L Th. ! "'T' ""-.'-".I l. v,rv fr-ml. ,t
... . . I a 1 1 1 aia.n 1
sj krra
forth 1 hard lo U-ll. 1 l,t
tight is ni?rnl'riii bitt-rrii-ss ami
plaoM numi-rout obUrlr itythf
way ot Ujialation. Tint is tdp
natural rriult of M! en.lnrmg
a caift.Jat in caucus an.! tli-n
kicking tht-ir faith to ti.t winJs
and going aa llary ( Ira.' ,
TLt Orrgooiao jtllt "iVjlj.h or
BO 0n."
'ak' orr t ut I a Isaiititr la-.-iflr-In
ail of U I.itrr (..! Ki.l
li.. It.. iriiM..n; tl- uric a.1.1 to
thv t'l.ssj i ruiv Klirumalisiu. si l.
lUsf,,, ( lartliaii si. Kkota, aa.:
"I lIw 1'ark' Kur ( urv h,t. all
l-r iih f. Kl.rtiiiiati.iii an.l
i nnary UlmsMrra." JaJ Vf A I ,
l-ai'i i.uarU. rrN:u-y ?i
litis Mi-kmno's Kim - Ai atm
S :U ti, la in-rn i it at tlir- ,s I,' uf l-;.ik-. i r
rrr aaakrtirU l.y lli- ri ii aTl iat "t II. r
Br ls-11 I n ft.ntl ii;'ati..u t..
ta iu llir tarn of 1. lUtis, mi i,
tiwt a as r I I.-ii t ! y u..-, n.ji
.Mr. lu is .ui I son ,,. r t
siil .' t.f tl l,,i,. I., ii in.-
"s- t am ar'i.r-.! in .1 II., ri .-
a as'i .hi . f I'llnn'r-lt II.. n a
IhiI hliU-.lsii...c. . alssat ,' ii p hiiiiI. ,.f
l ay Isrinit r n.i.- t I ,.r l.u..-lia a ..
not l li.rr n. I... ms.ii.,,,
l aw riris. is.mtny. ,( t, n, fc .,
ivsai.. l,-a. ,.. ., I, ,r (lt ,r m
nrvlmln ..ur llil. 1st In an rirl.t
du dilikf.-r s:,.sil I ta- o.rv.-.lin
tlir tnaltrr.
s Isj. i i. 4. I, ruar. ti,
111 s Hi K - A ...1 , r. a, a. ,
allrli.Uu.s. at II. IU n 1 1 ur si. ir- ti
aiitkraaal II I'r si in un i-hur, h
lasl r.riiliif I Iir kss a. r r. a,s.
rd l.y ail 'r.a. ut t t t Biir ,,r la tin. ni t an.l tl ao
aa r. 'lras.x anh lUr .lilrrt.,,.
n.r a ai.J inu., , iv,iit n.k-vrtr.1 t.y
tlxwa iritrrs-alnl In Laniif IIm- vira'a
LADIE i ro idc mow
5M m mmam puis
r.l .... , .i'-N
:...,-l. fM
. i-T. , I,
I I ll I
I q-iti-Ur. wrrru.
I I'm. uatumir.1 r.'su. Uu-s. n.. In ir.a fnt
v n Is ijiip ota of stir; -1 na
ai l lirwrni... i can It c:-w-l ta 9u oar
t rbusot ll i lvaa.
Thar.a rilm.rrr sua nis.l- il. a-vl4l
lal.ia'iiMr.i.l (smntaHa t- cl Isti.tal
ll I ih strorrts T1a..a r b a... It is trrr
t.rf it, fit ba ail. i ho i mi no a nsi.
. arkas- ( SArx,l. imuJ '. tn-i
r.u rrau: -Triiac-rr.. If yii Kir
at b..u aj a t. rrn-. It e t J . rior
II ts.tat ta ).s(s.rfiir'it
.. 1 f rirm sisn1 lst r-.'s tllij
JarUaaMrklaa, qrkria l lllsiv
frauriaro, al.
Slieval Iwd riMiiu art ah .
ilurlaio l. riMiiu s, i ....
Ilnnlwishl lui, Mj
Ash Uil ris'in s,-t
Aili exti'tision tnl, ..
Itk rase or shrlvi-s .... fl,.Vi In
Tl' cars?t t0
I". I'. cnrM-l
Innrnui i-ars't all wiMili
Maj le Umk cam-anil nliiinil. sk
i'l.OOiOuklNNikcuMaiiil writiiiK nVk f I00P
.. li on tuK iriilrr tat.le
.. Id ( Maple ivtitrr table
.. lTii; Wiiiilovrahadet
r-i strait
.'-l ' Wiivru wire mattrea...
.mi WihiI inattresH.
.40 ll.a-y lal Inunte
, WH' to
m fMllule tail louilk-i'.
T.OU , Fall leaf tat.le
To Ihe Farmers of Iw foooty,
If you want to buy NAILS, BARB WIRE or SMOOTH WIRE.
ix win pay ycuto call at the
Odd Fellowt Block, Eugene.
ft tV J f,
g' fa NEW
t? ''' ' a' 1
' 1 - f.'l I'r-aa,-. la,
1 I .. Ii I'nr..
i r t,i, m (i.nnillMW
Ml ,ow ,.f,u rn , ,
' 1 -'fcarsss I'w -. U.. r
r - at m I ' s aV ,
' Will give as many groceries for
a&n us any man in town, also
chance at the $15 dinner set to fce
given away March 16th.
Junction : City : Milling: Company
Zl 'lTT?? rr tv ssa L tic, AvJ
un Tin ji k.
" w a W hJtVtt ienaaaaLiraU. a.
s..J ? Mrn.t.r n A Linn
0 AO 7: !?"T2-
M.M KA U iir.ltf OF THE
"I n"i''.,,, 4 'a i
r' -- TI v s. u..
ism ii . i.i.t.. ...
. " - . . r . m iritS...
rl I:.
The ni.rat ij ular l!.r.r in the niarktt.
1 tf