The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 16, 1895, Image 3

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U-earne kd a fairy boat,
Mr Tumml l-o
l:m J'4' ro"ra ' "lm 'd "w.
IV. I tuned f tiKrrbvd a il to;
, t,irvj m tl-ill: brought hit bora
u, l.i'.l m !'" til the while-
I a, kit altv. of court.
tv, ,rifted by nil nun.lniut,
i, -, , mountain-, itlaiil Pa ke, deep cart.
Uri i tret' bca f Hue "ldn 'l
v :,. '' lapped ' crystal wave.
u. , n.irvl our ta-axt w htrt darkening thedii
,,f mii.t gruiee liuwi overhead;
r ,, ,)r. at bill wilhia cool glade.
v, '!. bed Hit tun niw ilutky red.
i,. rv fareter Irl ileal).
i r I I. ''' 'lttirtl Tmii't hand -tail be
,. a, u.twl. Itugli and tar.
., n I'm fourteen, I'll go totea!"
Lady Lindsay.
a shtosaw.k cask.
little bluari.
I "Five dollar, "
I "VLul f.,r' trvii.l,:,j -,
f.f'tl. I.r.. .! .
, . k ii i ..... '
,-' uno'.i.i I .-11 U,tll allttl
' . "' ""'' ''r i-1 tut- Uvea little
i-ruir fana h.,:,. j. I, tr ill. in it
I A '-:.t w. cur. lull, .--l and
la.' I In l,i. ,.,
I Mr .,,,,, ,, r.-.tM...nt..n
ir '-'-"a '!.) II.- I. .!::.:.. ,,
of curse, w In ii ho -t,t ti., i,,, 1 1,, ,,, i r..-t..l!
III-I. II II Hum I r ,.,m ,.,,.
-.o. ... rv II -',,,. I- , . . .: r . irt li
iineorungc. It w t, ca.a , t i ,
Will II III.- little I liar I. ) n i,
1. 1- ,,-.. .. 1 . 1 . ,
: " ' ' 'V " It ;l, i.
1 null l l'-' MII'l III I. I' ' , I It I . ii ...
I Hill, ft i. . - - i . . .- ..J.I ' ' 1
i i i i''ii i. u n-. it. i
the i.,...- .,f 1 1. :. ,. r. , ,,,. , , , . . , '"' du
ll , I llll'l' .,,1 . I , I . I . . 'II'
j ' ' - .... . , i ,, n , ,-,ly
! iii.h ,.,(,, I 1 I .,. i ,., i i,. f,.r.,-.,
. Iil v.-i!itl' i.,;n r
I TI.e ll, ,r I.r, ...I ii,,. a, ,jth a
l n-lllrt.icir .,. ..,;iy III tl.U-
n ill n in. -t..i tin-1,, ,.,,,, i, ,.,, u, t ,y
a '.ur i, l.l.t lr--i-i II.- wm iltvi.l
.i in
.1'1,-nu, n
i.aly in... ir
I Llltralur klia I. a Juurull.t,
llol.l au.l ull,..r .n,.rull llrr l'...u.
Urllf May II. , , , Un,.iuul
I nltrtaliii,,,!,!.
Oitv il.. . i,.,t run ll,.- n-k . f !
a Vlf,l.nt (.. ,- t. ( ),) ,,.,.
hi I Ham uii-l iijij.rvi i.iti.iti t.,., ,
a M no-. Ail mi. u I,,, i:t
i i; rnl'iil
ir,- ..f ml-
Ml.ltl u ti
.u. I f..r,.
ii'a .1 r.irv w ..Tn.iti .-in. I in 4
1 ti,.- .! ...i,!.,i . f
A I mi Li, I,. M t In- tui.k
'. I .n, il .!, I, ii rli.i;i.
I In- ,rl. w li.'in turn
t in - !,tir, itl. ..lit
it ll i
I i it
i f l!rt I.u!) . (
till. I.l.lj- M,.!!:..!,
.'l l..t.t ll, ..
twr li.iMim I. i!.. r.M lr In ill
I "tii'ti i.i in,. tl. r..,t ( r ,.r t,
. ,. ci tin- inn -iiiiiu. I
In i ti ii will IiimI ilurrtl lo liinliiimtt
tlial lu-r biixUiml w.i
I ii-... i i i.r ii.i K 1 .. Nil. I Kt lit
Mr. IVlimrtiT 'n hrr bay wlwluw '"''', ' ' " i 1 ''' t-i'nr Hint till
l,r wiw tliinklliK wll it M-w. """;l" r i"i.: Ii. aii'l ;.. 1 1,.-t-iriiii-nt . of
i.kin.' "f wiim-llilllK llial liivl lm- ' " 'Ih ium u an in- t,.n nrlnnnillj-
"";''' i I Mi. in-1 I'f I. ! I i-iiuiih niiiiii-y to
l-iirry i,ini ll:lnili;li ll,- il.iy
Tl,r f.mri'i iliy wat Mn..;r. Mr. Ib-la.
ini t.-r lh..ii.i,t i, ti e i-ntitnliiitiun ln ami
li l... I.i- Hnir. lli t Mill till vlmn-b. Hit
lir 1 1 n. In .1. In- . ...
'I In- lilt li .1 iy tin- urn. it!l nt the if
lln li.rl.i, ...y. Mr I). Umrii r, itnim
lilinu' "Iim -I, i.u nt., ut "I'.. ki-iUi-'k In ot Ii
l-r i:llit." Im IiI ,, In t. ImiiIm-. tllilllL-ll In
f.inii.-r i,-i In- lia-l ... I,,. t,r ,,.a f
llial la-iii.' Ilir tii..ii- n.i,i i.u nt ar ami ilirrinl tlmt tin. triH, r almulil cnnit to
the uliu c fur In. iiiuiii y
Tlir ai.vtli iliiv Mr, lli-lami tir. with un
liMikiil f..r (.-.-li. r. .ity. u.-ir linn .'.il ci-ntt
Winn lir ii, ki. lur car fan, rut, I on Hit
ttri-iiutli of t In, Ik- li.uli i a man itli trr
. . !-. Hi I.iiih-iit
r.,;,i,:,- i f a iiiriiniitiit, tlie wmilil Imva
an - ii ' 1 ' r t"11'1' n,"l htirlnl ilullk'Miitiuii
i:,- , tT.iiilimj liiaiimntiir. Ami yr-l
th.-n I i l '"'', '"'" 1 ciire c.f tlii-lr '
ttl. (f nnirrinl lifewlicn he lnul alimi.t
,l:.j'!.. a, iiiurb to lii-rm-lf III lii-r lniniit
tl.,.( t: i-li br hail alwaya Im.tciuil to
in- l..-r if t lm. lie "iliilii't Intend il " ,
I i. . ..iiljr ihuuijlittiiM."
U r tpmlile I 'T 111 IHltahell there wnt
null : .' ki tlaMik III the IK-lnint-ti r fain-,
t'r :i:al i'4 uliiilinu plitre watt Mr. Il.-l-iini
i,r '. )-ki-t To a woman who hml nv
l-.r'.'l InTMlf tingle hnndeil ami nlnne
lr Mi. vi art pn-vloiia to iminiiiue It
.I iiiila-iiriililT liiiiniliatiiiu lo le
,, ;;,.l t i -lie fur every dollar alie x-nt. to
r t...:!.:i i: 'f la-inu exrxclel to explain I
f,,i ii it I- .rtn-ular nirTM each iu lividiial
,i. : , i. to lie expemliii.
I ,. il in inuiiit alie felt the laat atmwr hml
In a rt.M.'l to her loud of humiliation. Slie .
ti.i.l r..:;i-i ivi-d t he lirllliant plan of aoklni; I
f,,r I,,,. ri-1 o-y man iter itiimiinate nii-,-,
.hi,-, ,!, in.iii', with the Idea of tpnrimt
irn.i-l(a fi-w iitmi-ceiviary liiiiniliatinna in
tl.ri.rar (utiire She hml trreweil nph.-r
o'iir.ii;i- a. aliciile her lin-akfilot lo ank tiin
1,1, r. ;.- Mr li. laiin-ti-r rwe from the table
r,,in. lan you ajutre me flOr"
W h it , tlie trouble fiowI" aaki,l Mr,
IV I .itirt-r uiaal initureilly.
I -iii-r.1 n pair of loott.H
-Wlnv! Tin ilnlliim for pair of Imota"
tr. l I .-urilii'd hit eyehrowa, atill gooil tin
-N'a." ,taninieml hit wife, feellnit and
Inn .ii a- entity at thoUh aba hail rolilx-d
t n. ..I.i-'r't ilotbitlina over nlitlit. "tlie
tit iil le only f'l, but I tboiiKbt it
, mid U- li.unly to have, a little money by
n r iit.d-not to havt to trouble you to of
ten "
And Mr lii-lamcter her face irrew hot,
aid l r flint every time the
tli . ul t of it-Mr. D. Inmeter took a K bill
iii'lufl bill mid a tilver half dollar, and
la d Ha ni on the table, aayitiK In an olT
r ii. I n iy. "I K'lea that II do you Oil
mr." ami tli.-n put up bit pockelbook and
n,t mi iy hl.tlllic.
Mrv IM.iim'ter nut a Rood little woman,
ami he i iiili-avoml loyally to find rxcutea
fur ,ii h ai r.a lout rondticL Slit waa a for
(rain; l.i'l.-ivonian, too, and to when the
cl. k .'ii ti,.- n.aiit. I atrnrk the half hour
tfti-r -la-1- ah d up I i-r work, and M t the
trttabl.-Willi the pnlly cream cakea Mr.
Hi ! iii.i i . r mi lonil mid which the had
n..i...' in tia- inomitm, and put on the rvun
!:n- of liniii, iii.tilflireail, llKbt a a feather
t; I M .rt a. a nut. mid opened a Jar of the
pr.iiia, the ranni-d the fall before, and
rj. a.!.- tia-ii .t lu the preciae maimer be liked
It m ul'
An l Mr Di-laini-tercanie borne, and gave
m wile an iilln-tionate KreetiiiK, and
lu. .M-d at la r ailuuritiKly arruaa the table.
tn.i praiM-d lu-r cn-niii enkea. And afte
ujiju-r In-ilnw lu-r down on bit knee and
m.'I I, joliy it wiut to have a borne of
otir,,m!i in,, not have to live In a horrid
.".inline Ii.iiiv, and he wot nltiwlln-r in
mi. li t ,a i-ant iiiihhI that Mnv Urlamete
i!m-.l Htt.-iiipt a little at-rioua talk and
(Mvnl t, :,y by InforiiiiiiK him that:
".Mi,.-.uthernwm came to are ma to
day "
"Ah: Sln-'a tlir millinery lady, I believe'"
: a- mt, mr to trim halt for her in my
irv nine tin, MiuilniT.,1! Wei), ,,w you tent ber to
w.enttil about face in double uuit'k time.
lla- i.lm .f my wife working In a tbop!"
ir ii, iaini-ti-r,withcnnaiderabletpirit
"isii mii a irt u,e do it."
I r kiaalm-ia take, what for!" and Mr
i itiiw,r,M,ku a little tentily thia time.
invmi ,t w-0,,1,1 goo,j ,
i . 1 1 1 1' nmni-y of my own,
-ll. don't youhave money of your very
a.i mat a mine It youm.
'ij.;...M o hut, oil, Tom,
r.r a- t.w I ,te to (or t i.
"'i i.iy little ixiKwe! Did I ever refits
' 1 1 1 why under the canopy you
i I" ! inal Mr "
' 1! it really. Tom, I tfaink-I'ni almott
irr-j.,., ,,, M the tame way."
-: - :,.,.' i ahoul.ln't ih IM ...
' a- II, not"
at III t ) . i b in,!, r of !
in-, ti.,- i v i f i
date f r I be in -i I, in v,
pn-.ti-r , in!li,-t.
pl.t a . r l l ,;.,.
. I'll in,; a i ai..i-
,1a' 1,-1. IM1II, .1 a
I, f It III II. I I 'l-
w 11.
. iii. i.i. a
I a burglar s confession.
Tlit lluaai bnakliia Ailtrbtyrt ul a Fuai.
Ilia l"rl.unrr i.i War.
C'ai;ttn I'barli,. , I.i, f ..f tin- St
la UL !-a!v i,.m corpa. vna u witba
f r i-nd wlion hniiK' I i-l I,, n i-i iitnl Ii'
I iir-!i.ri tl.v nt.'lit I, !, 1..,. 1. k.,1 fr.n.i to fc'.irrit. ni, I th. I ur;.ir. I1.1.I t
an uy w itli n I. '. if l-imli r it ! . i.t mi .. ,
tun j any 1 f tlvf nml.v ..i. I'u l, 1
I. iti h. The man tnld I . n ul.l i . t un
il. r.lal.d hour ill. X i-aul l p. , 1 (,,. t
lm, 1 I.!, r : 1 1 and tak.-n I . it. ', 1,1,
p , I.i 1 1. m k from 11 nib r I. : .::. u :!i., i,t
I 1, !.. Ii4 aw .il.. in d. nmt ) . I I kiuwl.,-
... 11. t cM r. I. rm. ,1
' ll .. a.lly iloi.i-. ' Ii '1 r- ; !'-.l I! . v, '-r
an I.r.- flliii r ' I kn. vv K ; Irl. t.,,
r 1 1. .I u I,. i;.i- 11, 1 m if '
- V. 11 r"t I .1 n lioiiw1"
r..i,u,i it a, .1 1
I -.I I -.'ll In that a. rt . ! 1
I .' ll Ii i; , tied ilurl .
I 1 n tak. 11 pri.i !u r il ;;. ,
M 111 fi r.l. ro, T. tin , 1.: I
t". 1 '. in.,!, r rm. r of 1
I ri.. ii. r 1111 I ln w lf In 1 !"
I.' t al. !y 1 1 011.I tin 1 1 ,
; PcrtONi who wonK ron
Th l: l;ii of lh Aiualaur an.l M..w ll la
A n 1 1 n k iht Yarl.iiia I'nifeMloua lu
MI1I1I1 M inklii'l la Trjlnu to l am a Mi
lug - Mrtr.iti.lltan Y Irw.
I i-
1.1 I
11 v
I 1. 1.1
:!. , I
1 I . '
' r
w .-
lie ( uul.l.i'l It-I i.ri..l I roui a u Wore
( lali I .r t'Wii.-u, Ki-avMina, v 1 ':r . 11 , ; , in ilanp r of I
I !!: 1 ; :''-.; I:. .111 t' a S., ;. ty i f ( tint
1 1 1-1 1: . 1, Ti,,, . I ... r . f 1 1 ... i.-iv
1 a ll I: 1 fiidl.- iti , I. ill,. .urt'
1 ..I, av i.r 1 ( iii y 1 l.i.r 1. ' r, ntnl it, tin tn
I n, iili.i i'..i ni' '! wa ll known
.'M r -i.ii nt, 11, '.!. in I A M. Hal-.a k,
A N K II. .::, f f tin- n. wpa
, r -;l -1 1 t 1 1 1 1 i-.ii.-.tii; Kriitik I'artno-
I ( ill.- Lu, Inn-, ntnl otli, r, urn men
wii.i I'inik lln yliavu ,1, in- tin ir v..rk
III I if- an I ii.iw mily aa!i ..r l,t. 'I'ln-y
i: I nt t.," i.r. in-1 I'.i' t ti.' In t. I an. I 1I0
ta t 1 m 11 t ri. in 11, Ii. 1 r. f. t r to ait in
Hi- 1 i-v 1 h.iita 111 llio r 'tun. I.i and l.a.k
Mt en. Ii otli. r.
I'.ut l.i-t . - k 1 '..),. in 1 !.i1,-.h k lir.tii.'lil
a airiou, 1 ii-.un.t lt.ul.-y lie
Tin- i't!ii r 1.I.1 v a i iMiij .iiiy i f
ir'i.' n-.itr I at tin' rh. iii lm! lillm ri
lo. '1.11 if I i riiy.'i.. 1 li,-.- iiinl thi l,, r
i f th-i-"i;tit ty iunu-M-1 ItM-'.f I.)- iliM'Uat-iti,-tl
i' 1 1. it mailt 1 f ''i ft. .111
w In, H Ann 1 1. .in art la Jit,t 11..W tulT. r-it''-
"I 1.11 i'il," rtn-.l n ynttliK I'lilhtiT .f
r at t i'.i 1, t, Unit tlm',M'.iial art-l-t
in i!n, 1 ,'tintrv it worMM'tl thnii evi r.
Tlir: a w a. :i tllu.. a. ,ln.. t i ..r -.ll i,. u i
l..i, hit ,.r...tavt l.H.k.N l'rti:lit ! V".1 ''' ''-"U'"v t,, . ,k. hat it more
you don't
well-yet 1 guete to What a the
you I willing to prove lt"
';? I would If there waaany way
I 'I .11 t ijinte aee"
';' iil you prove It If I'll think of a
, WU, I II take that money I laid un he-
'jrl ia m.irnl out of the bank, and
"ir pay day comet you will put
ry r. 1,1 ,,f ymr ,Ilor)ey llto tu. bai,K.
'il. I will-on yor Umkl"'
'' in.! That would tpoil everytblni;!
J"-"e me you won't ever try to replac
mJ ttioiK-y:"
"'1. I promlte." tald Mr. Delameter.
itt h.-r earnettneta.
'-n be looked thoughtful for aeveral
.-, , ,. j ' 'v'"'U" ,h,MPriment Iat to
" I think a month would do, don't
v' 'i- 1 k it would," be antwered dryly. a 1 ' '""',''r 'fK"t bit agrvenietit llll
,,1 'wing paid olT the next day,
.v.. .'" man of hit word, he
' n t!.. way home and mptird bit
.... ,uni ,,, iu inula, rarrj
-"T With him . .li. i.l. I i. I.
- .ainiaij mian, aui. u
ll. ;
"rrl in thtHa:ket where he
arfana. Then the the whole af
: 1 from hit mind.
t ii.orning be parted with the
'':e t-ar conductor with ebia-rful
b-tand realized not that be
r.i;,Mii ,, u ir, a, w. ;l 11. in In r
In tin' don, un ,, p,,;,!,, .1,,. 1
ta,i,iltyif .. r, .Kn atlaii,. nn.l 1,,. ,1,. m
tin- r. puliiic kii'.w, ao w, ; bo.,- tl in,.
try ,i.u, . I, with 11, r,;.,ii,.,, t,. ,,, ti,e
Kuroaaii mi, t, a, ,,, , Mm,- A lum. It
la a!.! tl.i- , Ilipa'.liV Wbilll 1 ,.,l.-
twia-n l:u,.i,t itn.i I 1. in, ,- . ,,f 1 1 r iiiakinc
and if thoae at tbe I,, nl of t. n,,i . nun, at
nap tbe riw.ud ,1,.. U ii.,iii.-ii,iin,,ii
enoiiijli to I.t I lit in bum it. win,. ,
it,iiii,' lu-r inllin-inx- In ( 11 . In -run;
by and working f-r t'n.' 111. i.i, i..inl
No one i-i.i.t.-,'. Mm,.. A.l.iin'a fame In
tie literary World. Mi., baa t. p, t t
only of a w riti-r, but t bat i l a pr -found
one, w !.i iat,TMilin th,. i-,i..i, ,,.(
all f-tvik'n t.-num-a a, will n, lur own
l..t,a in.ii:a.tii.t, an mi
ka will hit' un, I tl.i.
("ini.l.r.f Tlie N-iivill.' li, mi,-. nb I, i,
f.l.t ovetatf inn ila r.iiiiiiii..t n. r. The
Id l in- di-a l. ii M.,i., ,
V011 do not I.H.k ! tn. n Ii It km. In. , of
In-art ill a inuu of,, 11. you do in a
wi man. Ilowi-n-r 11 wonuiu I,-,
alie niiiM I;.im- 1. 11, 1, r In .ml, at.. . i, n, a
h. lpful band to tb. ' . :t. r.iry
ability. or au-eor the unfortunate w li,, i.,,.
tried and filial. Mine. A. lain ha,
la'tli.hut abr haa alnav a taki-n a api rial in
len-al Itl tlioM'W boiii slu- tb. ,ii,t ,-,,inp,--but
to turta-r.1. T b.-n-i, p. rb.ipa a wore
of ynuiiK wrili ra w !,o owe tb. ir l.t.-mry
rrlionn to tlna la-tii-voli-nt uoinaii. All Ii.imt
not attained a worl.lwiil., naiiu- like rie
hoii, but all an- known to tbe rin.lii.i; pub
In-of thrir own eoiintry.
The iu.,'1. my I, not rt aiirtli-i.-nt ly un.l
crnird to admit women into ita exduane
4D, li..t even t i fill th.i plar.i of tin. i.-m, but
therv la no doubt that Mine. A. lain baa a
latter rilillt to liilolu- of tll'.M. covet,, I
f.iuteuila than even aoinu of the lueinl era
wlioaru known only by tin faint 1 1 lit that
linn-ad Ixaika bave tbrowu Uuui th.-in.
However, in default of liavuni li- r- if 0I1
laineil a wat, alie baa laa-n the mean, of ol
tamiiu: a fe e f..r her literary family, no
tably that of 1'icrn.
Tin-re ia a triple In. In i.lualit y iu Mine.
Adam, for ahi i, hI-mi a tuo,t perf.-rt f.-iiiine
du niolide, nii'l her n r.-ptioiia mid tar, 1,11
parti. a in ber country tuaii.ioii have nl
taincil aa much fame iu Ma-iely 11a abe Ha
M-a-a In the world that think,, llci'lr.. If
the baa iiialtti.-a n hu ll her fra ml, pi 11
alaive the othera, they are lur kilnllin.
and kiniplicity. Ill fart, all thronu'li I lie 1
linvi. fiiiitnl lli.-il tr.irll, an. I ,i in oh, ,1 y ur
;. .... I .1 .... , 1 - I I. 1 1 .. I
.p.,. , .. .01, ", ,.. , ...o., ...... I"...") Mlln.y wchhal at oat.-titatioii and lno
iiaiK,ii up lion, ma ma. 1 mi ,-.. iintr. runre.
When Ir,. D.-lamet.r li.idcl,.-ind up the ' Mine. Adam ia the aimnlct woman in
the world when abe ia cut. rtainini". 1
It ia .he. w ith that linubt amilr, that 1
d al manner, I'laMliat the 11-lnr, point nit;
out the M-ata for tlie women. 11. .lulling tbe
1 pl.ii i-a to the men and hamliiiK out the pro
; irraminra. W hen' bat abe li ft lu r iliuint y '
Why, at her writ iiik dck. Tb. ru i.ii'.lli
llu'intlie world ao ruiiila-raonie n falw
ill , -inly in true, hour,), In'.'irl frit plni.iire.
and Mine. Adam ia int. lii. nt cnouli to
know that.
1 To i-iiitinm- mywrii , of Imuae ilc.wrlp-
t Ion. I m n -t Include that of Mine. Ad un.
Mie ha, limit thia Iiou-h on Hue .luli. tte
I IjuiiUtI. .Illliettu l-llnla rt i, In-r liotll lie
I plume, and the city ha, p ud In r the mm
pi i niriil of iiatniiiK the Ural after her.
I The ta-c uliar ahue of the lot, terminal mi;
into alinoat an acute aiu;!'-. tin, iillowe.1 the
, art'hitt-t-t to build a houv hi. li ia repl.-te
Willi liiaika mid nrt'idea that nive the iu
a t-
, V.
'I I.
v , lilal aft, r a ha:
lull. . tvi rani" I-.: 1 .1 !.'
me 1 f wl.lrh 1 bin,- .
11 al.'iit 4 h'i ha k in t!i,' 1
1 i-l.' i f tlm tow 11. m , "ith
'! T il nriny bad I, . n ..: 1.
1. Iliclr I. l-t 1,1-lit a
w ill
1. Ill
1. n'.l 1 1
,v II .
111.! t
t..i.i... .
ul 11
, loll.. ,1
li: !! ru.. We orr.l.lnl the
1 -' t . I- r It . . 1n.1l ii rtain t
I - 11. . . mi.! tat t. r .1 1 rou. r.
'ti and I 1 In ., . ,.l
a boat lie r 1:1 r aur
.li l-y tl.i. , la i , tin1,
r a r. nl of in la . .11 I
our bat ll" V, "HI I I I "!
null;.; a I . v
it enr I I. .
i.e.! I t .-it-
1,-rn. ,,. ,.,.vl - 1., l 1.. ,' . "
. . . ""'H" ; ti,r ,.f j 1, l.
1 .. ,Mi;.e, an.l 10,11,11 lie 11 a, fi ,-elil , Miorx.
The ai-venth day .Mr. Ib-lanieter realized
that the experiment wa.u't w orkitiK quite
in the way be un .1 nt it Ii,.ii,, v, he pulli-l
Limwlf together and la.ldly akl f..raIO
"What for?" querlial hit wife, at though
w itli 1111 ell. .rt.
"I- well. I w ant to f.-t a pair of laaata."
"Men'a laaita come high, don't they V fid
tend Mr, I Milliliter, with an artilicial
lllile II, abe iH'ticd In r p-, ketlaaik.
"till, the laiota won't more than H
probably, but I gueaa I can inakeiiw-ay wilb
tl.e n-,t."
Mra. Delameter,,l, bluahial. bit ber
lip. then , lowly handed out two fc! billa and
a ailvcr half dollar
"1 -in-, that will do you thia time." the
nmrmiind, with downca,! even.
Mr. Ilelametrr glan d at ber, and miuleat
tl ullgh he Would rat the in.. 1117 fmni III III.
Tllctl Mill. 1, -III)' hl'acrllii-,1 to I111. llivt aonio
t him,', and n lirilliaiit nd color up
flolll the talge id In, w lute ahirt collar to
the riaita of I.i, I. nr. lie Jammed the
lu un. licioii-ly into hia bn-itat p.,
tiinde ue of aomewop) imlicalive of ex
trt-iiie nuK'er and lliin bliuai lf out of the
lioute, aiammiiiK the .hair w ith great ve
in llu lice U IiimI bun
Mra. Drlam. 1. r tlm-iv hi rwlf face down
wind 011 the louii"i. iiinl , rie.1 and cried.
The terrible fear thai abe bad 1 11. 11. nil bun
U joliil d.rli , In --., and lb . I be would
nev.-r return to h. r. a--.11l.1l her ut Inter
vala all tlmniull the day.
When Mr. I), latiirler did ai-tually mine
home at In, 11-iial hour, ahe bnnlly ilaml
raise In r eve, to hi. I n e. I'.ut he waa very
11, I
lit : i.
II. V a. . - lla .l pi 1
apt lilw u a, llii-v Ital.i.'
"I I I.r 'ib tin- 1! irk air.
v ilia..',- i.ii.l ill..- v. r. .1 a It
i. rs in
v -
In m the i, . r w lm!.. w of
p. r I ouw, il- tl.. ,,K,t ila-b,
11 11 il I Wi ul, I . nl. r ti nt
K e if I cul'l In t 1 1 .1 in" l b
.'lil'l i lia' Ir li, to ii
" I'l tr n a, a I 11,
'" I -. II tl.e a',!i
a. .1:11,11.,.-. alal 1 -
. t i ll t.'lii.f tliat f. li.
I, 1 f t
;;,t f : 1 111 I : .
1 1 111.' I
I lilt. I II
l-'i.,' ni..
I I , 1 1 1 :; 1: '.
iv .
-1,'iil-e i.lil -1
I ...inl f. ri- ri
froiii w hi. !i tl... 1
:nr. ,1 if I ,-,
. I , oi.M crawl I
,.: !
1 1.
Ila tr In I !n n i f 1 I a 1 iv w intloiv and I
1 I111.I1 the 1 1 . 1, 11, do w , f ton r.
Ill III. lib tin' ll.! I w ,. 1 ti Id III)' 1.
I alii. 'II V. bat 1 I r." .. .1 ,olm, n.lit
I ru l'i d toe I. "I t,, nil, in I 1 1, aa) t'lll 1 V. ...1
un-lo l" nii"l,t 111. '1 wot,!, I n.l'iil'ly I,-
al.ot, but III)' inlllil W-'l. folly Ii; II, 1,1 lip, llli.l
vv it limit 1 1. 1. tun" Inn !, 1 r to 1,1 . ar,;inii. nl
1 a.r.iug Iih,i l.ia I... and I ) atcailyin'
' v.
dialiea, ai ,lii;i. d up la-binil her I111. band
aabraatiii the bay win. law with blael
Low a 011 hi, kmc,, bit fare latwii-n bit
band, and hi, cvia on tbe rarH-t and
dropiNil th bone of coiit 1 nt ion. the pia-ket-Uaik.
into hi, lap mid Ib-.l
lie caught lu riln-i U fore the bad got
very fnriind pullid In r back.
"Kallliie," heaalil Willi w hlll,irlll aeriout
nina, "do you b. -In-ve ilu-n- i-tiioiu-y i-uoiuh
in thia HX'krtli'H'k to II. .lil.l- w,llle mut
cular man to kirk me all I th -crve to laj
"1 i, Tom!" aoblad Mm. lb lamrt, r, "rail
you ever forgive iiu Voiidoirt kmnv how
I hatnl to la- ,0 hateful:"
"Oh, come now ! Do you pretend to aa)'
you didn't 1 njoy it1"
"( If cotirw I didn't!" waa the Indignaiit
anawi-r. ntnl tbeii Mr Itelameti-r llirvw hia
head bark mid laugbrd and laughd
Kiiially he aolHted down. "Well," he
aanl. in a very hiiMiica-likeway, "now we'll
have thia tiling live' I up. Have you any
Idea huwr much our luniwbolil exanw
"I have kept an nrnuitit of that and of
my icronal i-.vpeiiM-,," aanl Mr., lb lame
t.-r, bringing lnm the U k, "but I didn't
know lion inn. li )uii eaititd, or bow much
your eXa-lla-a wen'.
Mr. Delntiicter gl.inied at tbe neat col
tilnn, lilal tiinied (iv, r the l. avca to I.H.k at
the fooling up for the whole year ilcguie
a low- w In-t le.
"Kaimie," lie taid
rroiiotnical nugrl.
like a charm.- Iitnl'iu Tit-Ilila
Worklns Wllb.iul l'ay.
The l-t riTomiiienilatioii that I have
beanl of two well known pbyaii-iniit in the
f.-taliiotmlile part of the city, where eop!t
are tMi fond of auppoaing that only "top
loftiral" teutimeiitt have any aliow at all.
ia a n-c-tit night a work that they did. The
object of th, ir aolicitatiolia waa a dog, not a
log that a iM-nrli abotv man would loot
on. eat, but an lutelligrtit, nllectioiiate an
imal. Ilia Ir waa broken, and he did not
la-have well after it wat act, and the reault
waa a condition of alTaira that under onli-
nary cimiiiiatanre, would bnve l,,l to pour
Hogert funeral. J Hit lloger Ian t ileaii. lit
the livrlieat animal and one of the beat
liatunal and awmlngly happieat that lever
taw. all la-eaiiM' tin- umli' iu men. w no gen-
erallv ak and get a handsome fw for tak
ing one's teni-rature and pri-acribing for
It or whatevir el- ia wnmg with one, did
and did for uothing f..r the unfortunate
dog what he could repay otily by licking
tbe bandi hurt to in-ai.-Ibnlon Ulol.
a " lunrhliot at noon.
It - ' " "lk "ld have it, there tuddeii
lar..r"1 ,',,for('in friend of hit boy
''' who La.1 grown rich and anato
;v ... ' : ' " fnn "ce they ha.1 met. Mr.
r- -ii aa exuberance of hotpitaliiy.
'-.y conducted him to the higbett
' .' r
li V-
r"''innt in the vicinity, ordets-1 a
1 Li-rpit g Wj,n ,D, plc, leiaun IV
it hit friend, and at ita close
' -y drew forth and r-ja-tii-d l,;t
s Iht feriingt at that intcreat-
' t my be ltuar imaafined than
tbt notrlutt lay.
L -!.t he wat glum all tup-a-r time
"trl b,,ni himtelf in tbe day
r-e--t.rtpT till be.ltime. When
f in.e. be l.ngeixl ahmit aftr
-' t otr with no nwenaible rv-
-t m., . frlnt it ntniug and
'Mk atin.
T tLe war." htaairf aK t rv. . .
acr-aa. "I ka4
j-T J-aT,,-!., "
ar aakd ait tow kaU, wtU
tenor a mo,t original a-,-i t. A large part
of the l-t apace, aa in nil aumptiioiia
French bona.-., baa Ix-cn left for the-tair
r.-iae. The bouw la-ing only time atori.-a
1 high, ample light it thmwu on it by the
I initueiiae skylight.
I The stairs are made of wiaal. and the
Itanni-ti-r, are a-ti,ticaa-citneuaof ui.alerii
: and ancient carving. 1 on looking up you
find in each story, on the laiilinga, a curve
; in the baluairade, which nllowa n aili-tal
for a atat ue or nn iinmeiia. vaae lllled with
plants and Mower. Thi laof most happy
I effect a, seen from bclowr and al.o clo I.)
you lire a dear little , y, niouiit thestepa. The wnllsnn- hung
I with dia p ml baugiiigs, ornamented Willi
Then he iropoal that whenever he wat deep conlovnn leather hord, p. running up
paid oil the buna, kit-plug rxpciiart should and down from the fliairnnd niling. lb
lie tlr. I111 tul from the amount received and an lea painting", etchiiigi and cligrav lug of
the rest npuilly divnle.1 between thein. old and uiialern mast.-ra, the walla nrecov
Tlu-y followed tl.i, plan, mid It worked emlwilh pan. 'pile, of rare arm, ami ar
rnor , faieiic.-a of nil count ric, statuet of
all kind, and in each corner, on a low d
estal, are rare specimens of rhituenia and
gisl, hailing fnim the orient
i When through an open nn .nli-d door you
enter fmm the landing in o tbe of
the aecond ttory, you find yourself in a
small inclosureuf mott turpri,ing cotialruc
tion. To the right it a line of w in
dowa ami to the left a s. ric, 1 f draped ar
cail, 1, w hlcb on one tide terminate into an
angle. At you advance and you find your
self under those artadra you Me that they
form a sort of triangle, whose side i.ppoaitc
the acute angle It traced by the wall if the
house, and that this wall ia f.ll.d nub
nichet which are receptacl. t f..r ttatueaai.d
other objeclt of art. Thia arcade h-.Mit i;.to
tbe dining room and one aeeaataga.ini
that this room hat Iwn construct.,! with a
.ial view to comfort and ciivi iii. m e.
tin uuiler the an .-ule again iind
going beyond tLe room thai m-i-iiii to v-ne
at an aiitithatnb. r to the dining room, jou
mdilrtily find yourwlf in two or time
btautifi.lly draped little no,ka, tlw
tu Litt.rd dlvam and tbitir, invite junto
rrt, C'.tiverse or have a an- k- uff'-r a
nu nl. Ti.ear lead into the l.l.iai t . w be b. the lljiil-ix-l.-al'le b-.k'-w. al.i
romf irlable aeata, it full of bui, itala-.
painting and other art. -t.r v an. nm. l i
tl.e story abov. cn.iiui.ii. I in 11 a.m.e
rnatiner, art tbe drawing ai-d I- loan.
1 here, in the tmall. irr. trt-l-irir '; 1
na'iii which lecjia Into tbe b.r.-e ; g
na n-. one la-lio.ila tl.e bot f .iri.. A-i.-nu
at.d of her bt;b.u '!. I '1'n .' i A .a n.
v. i -1 (!:ed swine tiu.e after t be v r.
Where it her ttudy the r. rn in w In. Ii
she ,lit ber litemrr work, la r !ei., l-r
sanctum aaiictonni' ' I l--nr )" i i.-s. M t
baa none in brr Louse. .-: 1- a b i-m, i.t
n'r.l as a iitera y ... ai I I r :.: -y .t
n t:.e large fi'i r r -1 rv, I f r !.-.- ,.i..
tiiti' n uf toe No ,"-i 1- I ' 1
1 o.s-i ntiiere 1 ar t t . r. l: - . :;:. I.-,.
T nin.) Waa lb Sol. -I.t.
Mra Murray 11.11 .--o J our daughter I t-
Mr, I'atk At'i.ue- No, she ia at.:l in
Hut I I L. an) L. r t.ngii.g "
' No. la l.ttle 1 otl.tay. Helat.ff. r
ii o- fr'm the tx tt.a Ir - r I.t t.r f. i.u.''
- J exaa iftil,ga.
Ttvt Trabl Hli I ha W alar.
M;str.n-Wbat j- ur t-t.i!'a
a,, t,--irv?
New't'oi k mom, the ri'if
' 7-
.11, 1 111, "lit l.aik , !n erllll. Illlt t'slllV 111
w.itr.n!l In, time iiii.l ctii-rgy un ,'t
laililtlg, llli.l even hi, pot lauliTt llllto 1. 1
go nt a s 1. lit. 11'."
"Tin to I.H' too liiativ of tia," qtlo'ii
. ti.. of 1 1 li. ..lira. ' Thi' supi'ly i t.
1 11 .1 111" il. inatiil, nii'l w o urn simply
l'.i llig. lit 111 I'tli'-r w alk i.f life, for the
criini' 1 f hit"
" l b. r-utn in-t I'M inativt f us," rt
lat.-.l the l.rM sja aLT. "lt't tho inf. r
Hal'-urt who ar- .l.unif work itl -tin
't a g." l 11 our, iiinl who urn tin-ib-rwlliti
ti. It 1, the rei,'ti of tlm am
ll'i nr. win, li hit,'ll n'.l tint gilt ulT
th- gmgrrhr. -i l of the profit,ioiial."
Trui'. iil-M.luti-ly trtii', in uliiiust every
highway an ! hyvvav. f iiimlcrn iinltiatry.
Tin 11111.1I. -ur 1 r.ipi'lly di-plat nig I he
profr i"ti. il to In own alight tuinis
tutu iiii, ri', ptilil,' la-netil, ami alw-avt
to the otln r't injury. Whi n oiih tloti
to i-.m-nl. r tin tnii-111. 1.11,1 it fairly
stuutie.1 I v th- un.l iiuantity
of the illustration, which rovett. Take, '
f.T inslatii i'. til-li. I I to whii'li tho ilia-j
ens-ion iila.v,. nioti-il hut ri-l.itii'ti. Tlm
wixkI ar full of amateur "urtitla."
Hardly a I.unilv now exialt but luit nil
"iirtili. " son ur daughter who mvit
aarily babbl.- tlm jargon 'f the craft
and ,K'il 111.. rn canviit un.l more
paint 111 a vv,,: k than tiuwt
nrtisit can atTord in a year.
Not only ,lo thrir rt.i-ral'lil colllKai
tioiia d.' tin. nf art, they
do tvorvi iiinl iimrit niHterial liarin by
milking vain,- ridii'iiloualy cheap, (ila.l
I.) get anything nt nil -half the cost
S"iui tiun 1 i f tlio material they Ha., The
utunt. ur niiitir of New York uloiie
c. ni-t it iitu 11 11,-. ni-. i, hi si y a guild vvliu li
praclii-.-illy starv.-a nut tlm profeaMoii.
And thn worst i f It I that tho iitn.itriii't
work it not lung liko ut coiispit umialy
Islt'l ill nil itlst.lllc-t ut it UH',1 to las.
Ski t, hv nii'l thin n thnli.-tof it lii.ty
la-, it certainly compile with tho clo
111. nt.iry ruli-t of art, ami bo must iit
ilo. d Ik a Isd'l rritic who, cum pan 11;; it
with iii-1 iT.irlt uf trniiii'l ami i-xja-rt
prof' -lotiala. i-liotil.l unhesitatingly pro.
tiotiiu e it without exception rot ntnl rtih-l.i-li.
Tlm ur in tor nu.l tlm umntcur
ho bad III,' eviih lire to pioie it
Thing h.'kul r.-.ii:y badly ,.r lhii
by. Tlm t"tk waa 110 li.inl. r tliaii that
involved 111 draw nig tlm pay iitt.ii hi d
In a J -1 it i.itl I'tlii-e, but it w i, w.itk,
ami he could tu t ,1, nv it. S i b-t.-k
rrfiign In tia liiiicalitii . Mr. K' !logg
waa Irving the i'.i,', un.l to lnm lUihy
tUll'll' this pin
"If it ph aw t tlm court," lm tai'l
"the inrinU iai f tint s.k n ty uitlst Hot
do nny wotk uf any kind?
"Thrv must lint," replied I'nlollrl
lliila-ia-k sternly.
"Tiny should not iudiilgu Iii any kind
of effort:-"
"I'irtaiiily int." again liitrrji,te,l
tlm cob. in 1
"Tin y caniiot consist, mly lake action
of nny ih. riplion
"Tin y a-siircilly rniitnit
"Then," saitl Ihuliy triumphantly,
"1 would likn to know bow they are
going to exit I a nieinla r; that iiirani
net ion. " And I YiHldent Kellogg tua
tamed lnm, holding ttiat it would
linawaiblo constitutionally tn even take
a voto un the cluirgea. t 'litrag.i T rih-
A (i(.)Ul) III'AR STORY.
Their I ta IWIIrve.1 In Have tirlglnaled le
the llrlllsh Army.
Ill every capital uf Kuroa tho tnoinv
clu it coinuioii iiiough. It nt tracts no
attention 011 thoslrn t. In a row of men
at tlm thrati r a consiih ral lo proirtiou
aro suro to huvti it. 1. rliiitw half the
iifllt'crtin tho Hi r mini army vvrur 1110110-
clo. They aro to lit t, 111 in alnnulance
at nny no, 'ting uf tho French ncii'lnuy
tveti aiM'ialist ilrputn In Franco ure
not nahuined to go among their cotiatit
in tit wearing tlu-m. A s.-s.ion of tlie
F.ngllsh hotiso of ctiiiuiioiis glitters with
tolil.iry eyeghisstn. Th- suiglo oycglitHt
it tald to have 1 1 :(,ioiit,-d among the
nfllti ra of tho I'rltisli nriny
Alauit tho Is giniuiig uf llio century
an order witt issued Unit nriny ollirrn
should not wear eycglassct it sa'ctn
eh a. It wat tupH'i that they g.ivn the
wraroTs nn unmilitnry appi'iirnnce. The
ordi-r causid m-vi-ro lmiiiiveiiicui'a to
ninny short sightrd ufllrrra, am! onn of
a. l rest bavo Hil!ii l.i,li.ical.-.ilahl.. injury ' u U'lonuiiiK to A era. k r. gimei.t,
"I I't T ONE lisiT nVKIt 1Mb WIMaiW Sll.l.."
Illy a. If liualll-t the fillirlliolllltrd to the
t"p of hia shoulders. I gi t hold of tin,
friii e. drew 111). 1 If up. and In a jilfy I wat
on top of the bay window.
"Ijiol.lng tbniugh the " n ti s r win
ilnw, 1 sniv a iniigiiillieiitly furnl-liiil bed
room, mid In the led, fast nsha-p, waa a
line looking young man.
'Tlir sight uf a hand. nine, aarl linn
ilh tl n vi'h. r. partly ci'iicealisl byu pillow,
brought mo bark lo my m um a, iind with
out 1 11 rt In r hesitation I put one f.x.t over
tho window sill mid craw I. d into the!
p. 111. I Iind taken the pn-cautloii top'
move In) sbia-a, but I waa iifrald the II... r
w ould creak and l et ray me, so I crept 011
my band and kinra to th.,1,', ntnl
nil what call ilh.-lf aiMt ilirully tlm pro
fession, ll ia nn np. il m ri l, for ex.un-
-, that Hi" oii'-u prolilaMii city nf
I'riMililyn bat li-eti inado a sitiv,ly
"Iind slmvv town," 11s I lm I'hras.. goet, hy
the iitimls r nii'l i.iiilai'ily of ila umiit.-urt
iJimiig th" si-tiHuii tin y iiudiTtakii a r
f'.nn.iut" of tlm severest professional
character with ft pnsligality nf energy
un.l 1 inliluri. ulima-t iiiiiiuintiiig to
prulligaln extr.ivaganco which utterly
eclip-i-s lln- priMliii-tiniii nf the regular
tin-all r. In f. 11 t, tin) niiialeurt
biivo ull but .1,-slroyi'd tlm prof, aaional
dr.iiua iu that city.
Again, tlm i-mn-ert riajinaof New York
fairly swnriii with uiail viH iiliata who
a, 'iuil tle iiis. lv,-t iii many instance
invented tho suiglo i-yeghiKt. Ho
claiimxl tlmt, la-lug nn pyi-glusa, its use
waa nn contravention of thoonlt r which
prohibited stiectiit'let and eveglnsset. It
a. a ni la camo very s. pular lu the nnny
ami wat ulti rwiml adopted, llu ansiunl
iirobiilily of this origin thu ainglo cyo
glosa it very gnu rally worn in ICurue
by army ndiit-rt.
It it ly sumo thought to givn an tit-
las t of tl -ta rn, uiation n ud frna-iir to
tho Wean r. w hcrciit eycglios. t lend
air of feebleiii'sM. New York World.
lying Hat on the Hour I slowly nm lied up quit" a, well lit their professional tisten
my nrui until 1 felt tlm hnialle of the pi utnl brother, uiul thi-ro liro already ao
v.'lv. r In my gra.p.and ran fully drawing
ll In. ill under the pillow I saw that It waa
fully I "in I, il and p-iuly for bii.lnest.
Thi, du p, p-gular bn-atblug of tint
sin per gnto Iiiu conlldence, nlul I licit
itiaile my way to a chair a. ros whh h win
cm fully laid the iniin t appan I I'hent
11 llneallk shirt, n braml iieiv suit, pat
lit bather IkhiI of f i.n tly my slc and a
Iieiv solt hat 1 have often thought of how
prkb mid f.silhardy I waa thru, though
nt the Hum I wna absolutely without fear,
r in. tend of pitching the things out of
Ha-w Indovv and then climbing dow n after
lln in 1 took off my miserable ragt and
put on nil thoa.1 la-longing to tbe sle.'a-r
The na,oil I made therhnuirii there wna
that I waa nfinld if I thn w- tbcni out iny
lompniiion would make off with them
Alter I hml fully dn-ssrd myself I went to
thn window and wblaia-nsldowii toioorg"
that t In ro Wat only one tult In tight, nntl
thiil there wnt none for blm. II" ha. kid
up nt in" to white and pitiful and Willi so
inn' Ii reproach that 1 went hark and lund.i
iila, tl, rr m up Ii In a rlotbe rest I omul
anot ber suit, nearly at good aa the one I
bad on. and I took It, together with a pair
f li.-a mid a lino silk hat, a valise mid a
lot of thlrtt and underwear, and then I
t.corgn wat half crazy with delight
w la n I got down mid bowed him hia out
tit, and III hat than five tninut.t he wna
In-id" of it, and we then Hindu trackt
. w 11 th" P ad alaiut at fast la we could
g It We got to tho next Village, look
reakfa-t In ttyle at the hotel, b fl on the
I, r-t train, iind It wat not to long l-(on
wu were bat k within our own Unci "
many uiiial.-iir liiatrumctitaliata in thia
city eager to pl.iy in public who liuvo 110
urgent as'iiiiiary lus-'l to do so that It ia
doul.iful if tlm .Musical I'rotiTtivo union
dare order mint In-r general ttnke here, j
so 1 iioriuoiia w aiiibl In tho rush of fairly
cotnH ! nt uiiiiit. ur Cnl'llert mid othcrt
to take th" plai-.-N nf tlm strikers. I
Iii.-mg higher in tho xa iiil world, we
l.larla'a Vlewt un Ataaaalnallua.
That night at wo walked back to the
W'hitu Iloiiso through tho groumla bo-
t wis 11 the war ilepiirtment buibllligt
and tho liouso I fancied Hint I saw in
tho misty moonlight a mini dodging las.
bind nn" of tho trees. My In-art tor a
inomeiit ttiKxl still, but at wo tuitM-d In
tafety I enmn to tho conclusion thut the
ihalgiiig figure wnt cn-aturo of the
Imagination. Ni.'Vertbi'lcat at J purleil
from tho preaident nt lliu dour of tho
Whito Iluuto I could not help laying
flint I thought hi going to and fro lu
tho ilarkin-st nf tho night, a it wvt
find howling swclla like .SuhVni Tuiler ' osunlly bit custom, of lull alono and oil
attended, wna daiigernut r,s kliniia.
Thut night, in infi-rciico to hi wifn'i
auiiout appi-al, ho biwl irovulnl him
wlf w ith a thick oaken stick. Ho laugh
ed at ho showed 1110 thlt alight weapon
and tald, but with tuineaerioiisneai: "I
long ago made up my mind that if any
lardy want to kill inn ho will do It. If
I worn a shirt nf mall and kept myself
tnrrounded by a laalyguard, it would
be all the taunt. There aro a thousand
wuya of getting at a man if it It do
tirl thut bo should bo killed. Ilcaldie
in this aso it t.s int to mo thn until who
would onmn after 11m would bo just a
objectionable, to my i in ini.av if I have
any." Noah 11 rook t In Century.
The American l'r..ile.
The Anietiitn i-..!e an- of the At.glo-Stxon
t.rk. Writ mil. 't. r lit-vie ar.
Some nf tb. tii an'-Ia rhnpt nearly one-
quarter of them. I be original a-iuera 01
the llud-.n viilVy wen-not of that sunk,
raoe tl,,se of tl.e Mi,iipt'i valley. tl"t
the of the I 'a. ila W itliin tie past
Lalf century th. r.- bate cm,- to thi coun
try million, of M a!,. 1. 1. an. .ti-. 'er
man oilier than At gl" .-av ti. jitii.. H
brew a and peopl- of oti- r r i'. . Tl- y havt
rn.,,,.! f.nuil,. here, at.d the cbildnn 01
gnndrhildn 11 of these families are of our
native population. H.ioea i.early ntie
eighth r.f tl -ple..f ti,e l int,,! St
are nf th" A fro an i"l It.-l.-in rn. Tl.' ti
we have a million I n la h 1 .ti.K'. ans. m l
we bave Jet other rvial 1 lent, n'.a A g -l
Diar y s ;.le of tbe analM Ang!-."xon
tt.ak HMi.igrat.-d to New' I and the
..d.e sttte, and -tiie jirta of tbe v.iitn
rrn ,t at. , 111 the seventeenth and eight. en! b
centuriea. hut ti.e Hal.-tnitna
that Cot na re than a of .airl'ital
living Hpulat-U it "f tt.ak Nw
Vora ."-un.
Tlit I lost llrJer at the alrrer't.
"And pray nn.. n.l.-r. Mr I'.ur'M. r,' t to
tend tut a very bl. k i.egto t-. -rvtlLe
n'.M TLia ia IT. V I arrl.t a' gu.deuei-
ding, and a tort cf yn. con-.lei.otitd
The lN-lh'a t'.ym rbutoarrapb.
There nre some pl.ysluloglral ami npth al
rlilll. ultlet In the way of accepting the
story whiih ,011,1 from Jaim-ttow n, N
Y , of a intinlen d woman't rye n-vealli.g
the man who kllbdher. I Lit fiat bna
nil l. n a tl, i-orr among o tlrlana, but
Itl spit.- i.f Innun.. rnble f la rliiieutt bnt
in vi r la-en t.-rilb d for thn Pa son that tho
image inaile 1 n the n-tlna la olau I y
rig. r Inorlli. ami. In tbeaxond plai,', any
attempt to throw up ' the aninll point 1,11
the p linn, whi re tii Imago it luodn, re
stilt lu nn r.targ. uient of tbe tnrfnee
ti. rv. ai.l.d t. xtupt to till nlm. urilig die
gn-e It iba not. of 1 oi.rse, follow ts raus
tbe f nt baa never I. n a, "lopll.h. d that
It in v. r w .11 la-, but it I. well to p-mem
!.' r that w hat tin- oM.t.ary layman t,-t on
aibnd ri tirt la t . r v n t to Le like the
form that 01 lur I it mm nn-roi.tinually
wring 1 n window .11,. a and In the dark
elr. I" T1.1, parti. 1.! ir llgure wat en
larg'd loo tin,-, .and nny pliotograpl" r
wll I'll j'.u Hint t !, t.rfa. e lioin wbn b
It apjx-ar. d had it, m!t Pnvij,lc u-lturt
also eiiltrg.,1 4' 1 tliic-e
baaing their r.-ptitationtetitirely 011 their
knack of driving four in hatnl en ama
teur, so that tin coachman hut
Ix-coinc really 1111 imsirtaiit public char
acter nii.l worthy nf incessant tint ita.
T int nmal. nr w ing shot ia another me
rial lion, t '.mi pared w ith tho f.-att of
the plain, un lrhrateil every day a.t
hunt .1 a of Maryland ntnl l'i litis lvuiiia,
tlm H-rforuiatic-a ufu-M nf (i.s.rgu Work
mid Ialgar Murphy and Ihi Forrest .Mau
rice mid the rest nf thein s.s-lu pooitlVely
puerile, lint nunc tlm lost aro these, lut
t r ktiiglits nf tin trigger exalted nndei
lulled by llu. newspaper nt marvels nf
skill and viiiiiited uiiiitii( tlm a.s gasion
nf which wo ought ull to l,e enthusiastic
ally proud. For uro they not amateur,?
At the present rate of development
niio cannot l certain of tho nltiinute
limit nf iiiuiit.-ur exjucnsioii. We thull,
ta-yotid dotiht, have aiuntetir turgeoii,
ainitteiir law-vera, amuti tir journalittt,
umateiir l.arU-r. amateur tailors, ama
teur pluinlart, amateur icemen, even
amateur day lalmrers, ji rha; . Our
Urn ts will Imi patrolled by iiiii.-teur po-
h' 111,11. our cxiill.igTiitioiiacxtll.gtli.shetl
hy uiiiati-iir lin-un-u. And wlio can Ull
w ln-ti the amateur will have so profound
ly exhausted the honest a-cuu:tioni that
be ill have to Ix come ull ainut 1 ur critll
11111!? Then shall w o have our amateur bur
glar, ur iimat. iir pickjiock.-ts, our am
nti ur liig'iwa.viiii-n, nnruinateur murder-i-r.
Tl"' nr shoj.hft.-r it ulrein'y
formidable ext. .lit fa' t. What nn e..r'.ll
Lady Hoaebery't Nechlaro.
Rome year ago an old Frenchwoman
died in a rsair part of Dublin, and bet
llttlo ffferti were put up for ani tiotL
Among other ldt and emit waa a nock
loco nf dirty looking green stoiiea, which
I'd not attract much atti ntioii. How
ever, a ibrewd pair nf Jew thought
there might bo "money in il" and do
ridi d un purchasiiig, clubbing together
1 ti for the ptir.os .
(in taking it to awell known Jeweler
hu prompt ly offend 11,50(1, which lum
they rofoae.1, and told tho His k I aye of
piire-t t-incrald for 17,000 ill London,
win ro Iird Jtiaela-ry nn bit marriage it for torn, thiii like i'k'0,000.
The old French woman' mother bad
bu n utf .v lnil to the court nf r'r.tnce.
and thu 1 meraldt bad 0111-0 formed part
KD.xkr.t mar hy a kilter rtp naaa a4
lluned la Ih Sii,w-Wh'a al, f ame
II. k l ur a I east, the lnlrr Waa 11, ply,
ami II. a Sll.iail,,n Waa lleterae.!.
I'-.irly in Hi.- fall . f s..),,r regiment t tt tl into tint ll.-ld agunstliiH-til-
Indian, nn. I ul ont the 1 gmtung t f
1 'ct"l 1 r w - wi rf 1 in -.tin j , in I', 1
truk, a tributary unp'ytig into t m
Mi-- ut 1 fr- in the 11 itli, a!" ut ta mil'
ili-t.uit fr. in I'ott !uf, r l.
t'ur in t a 11, r.ijiureil n tn re
tnaili In r.- until (ut tin r 1 rib t should 11
r 11 iv. il, ami during tin . f. vv day lh:.t
W.l iv Pile in 1 . 1 1 1 ; 1 th.. tu. 11 iiuiii,. ,J
tin 111 -1 I 1 , in tan.. 1., way., I ut run I
pally l y otganuiiig sin rt hunting expo.
ilitn iia iui.i the siirri iiinhi g n tintry.
t'ur elm f if t. ani-tt r wa lluiry
Morgan. iig. . u:i round slu t and t i n
w ho had nn ite than . 'ice I r. tight ih w 11
tig gamely hi, skill. II- stirfnltlT
ah lie oil" in. tiling ju-t us ;t mil. I bill,
rard l.g in to Hy nml u 11 ly d"c!are.l
that w hm u rrltirti d lie Would brui
un ant. .. e , r a ibr Itu kwilli bun,
and 1 s, r 1 1 11 p loth.
Wn saw him ilisapis ar in tho tlin-c-
ti f Mill crrt-k niib his ritte t.vt r
bit should' r, but tlm iiunativoof lm
Slll'.'iU' llt lllotl tin ut it list I. .Mly
bllusi If :
"Iliad goim rhai thn e mil. rp
tlm en, k, ntnl had a yet s.s-u no sigi
of any w ild anlnul, wLku nil at unit
from I, hind a cnttunwissl h g near a
thick lmii. li of umlerhrusli a I ! g ,-nrr.l
cottontail rabbit lra, d 11 1 ml ly iuiii
tight, anil tlm next moincut uy timt
laid bun low,
"I hurried over I.) tho spot and w:ii
leaning over to ciiimiun llio animal
w hen I felt a crash at if tint whole can
yon bad exploded, mid a I tumblei)
over 111 tlm snow my fast departing
ten --s recogniid lingo silverlip U.-ir,
win mi powerful paw Iind ttt'ti thu au
thor ut my inis liii f.
"1 lay thcru half stunnul oml hadly
bruised, Willi just enough coii-cioiia-tics
left to ubtcrvo whut wu; going uu
around inn.
"Tho old bear nosed and rolled me
alnuit, ami linally iicisf,hi in pu-hing
nml drugging mo ulauil SO ft it; then, lu
puslitsl mo down iutt a wudiont uf thi
crts k bottom and puwed uwuv until tlm
bail 1110 nlinost covered with snow,
brush and oilier trash. I hud now re
covered my lenses, hut a I could easily
breathe through tho hateo pilo that cov
ered 1110 I thought it kuft-st to lio still
ami uwmt tlm ntitcotne.
"Completing my funeral nrr.ingn.
mi nts, tlm la ur walked about nml snitfisl
n few tlmt tuspiciiuisly nt thn spot;
thou by the sound nf brr satisfied anuria
mid growl growing fainter and has
distinct I knew thut tho Wat uiuvuig
"Win 11 I considered tho wn fur
enough away, I scrambled out of tlm
hole, shook myself clear if thu trash
and then looked around for my gnu.
'It wu lying sufn nnil little damaged
111 ur the log win ro I killed tho rut ton
tail, but wnt tnmewbut tcrutched and
chokul with snow
"1 first clt tinrd tho plnco nut, placed
it lu nrdi r and then went buck tn
my iiivo'uiitary grave, wln ro I found
tho tinck uiudo by bruin to Im iiuit-t
distinct and widely separated, showing
that the tavost bud gonu i IT down stream
tumcwhiit lu n hurry. 1 ushh It d tho
old llionster would lai back t'smer or
luter; to, rearranging tho cavity mid ro
ttoring tho brush mid trash a naturally
a Ktstibl, I retired to a tnfo ilk.ii
la hintl tho cottnuwood lug, which bad
Us 11 tho Kt'iio uf my first dituttor, and
tut dowu to wait.
l'i rhnpt three qnarteratif nn honr had
pasted when fur down Ilia open 1 t.ivy
the old mother with her rnbt trottintf
merrily at her Ins It, making all basto
up ttrenm toward my place of conceal
ment. I kept a (till at death and tcarce-
ly breathed, but got my rillo Into posi
tion and nervously waited until the trio
ibiiuhl come within easy ranga
"On tho rnmn, rolling from tide to
tide, and then I taw Hint her iitijis-l
Wat the hole in which I had been to uu
o, remonlotisly burieil.
Sim linrried to the, growled
tuinething nt the culw; then all three,
rub uud dam, la gan pawing ami scratch
ing thu brush and trash aside and tend
lug it ill a rfect shower behind thi'in.
Finally the bolu wat iconix-d out clean.
and then tho old one. evidently compre
hending thut tho promises! dinner had
cscaM-d, lay back her head and howled
her W'a-t to heaven.
"Thi wn my first opportunity, and I
fired with cureful aim, the lead linking
ber iu tho lower part of thu neck ami
canting her to pitch heavily forward.
Hy tho tlmo I had placed a hull, tin the
fore thoulder uf the lurgest rub the
dam, with a mighty howl, regained lu r
feet and auvngoly began tu lick the
wound of ber bleeding offspring. I
perfectly cool now, and realizing that
it wu a matter of lifo or tlcatli witli
me 1 took another aim while tho old
0110 wu poited on her hiud leg inop-
ping her own wound and tent a bullet
through her heart The younger cob
got away in the brnth before 1 wat ready
for it, but the large one, who hail already
been wounded, 1 fitiitlnsl with allotbor
thot "Philadelphia Time.
It tin re 111 our social code to make the ,,f the crown J. welt,IindoU Au.wert.
Mi.;,.!, ur bom, 1 uii-un i ine amateur nvr
pirate imj..--ihi ?
Ye, rfallh, thia i the r.'lg'i of the ur with it . iig.ii.s e. Archibald
(iordon 111 N'-w Y'-rk lin order.
man would b more aj proj,nau Ui Ue c they wt la lltsl la w at vary w at Ntw
-Life. York Weekly .
fir k I ii ( I f I-ant .
A l. re.1 g.rl b-. could talk but very
little,. bat iifl what l.llle abe fca.1
to tt.e la t a.!i..nt"g'-. waa a. lit to the drug
t'orewi'.h a wr.t'.n re.'i.-t for nie.icii.
in-ided III the f .Tl. . Iy lli g:rl wa.n r
tun.i'l .'!.. .'.t the rne..ui.e. ,th tbe ex
plal.nt ."li that the ! niggi.t waa "not 111 It "
liaiber mi .1 i'i-'l tl.e man of theh.aiae re
(j'i.,t...i."i la r. but ii.varatbly rereive the
ti.awer. ' ll- sa.d be t lo It." In.
pttier.t of delay the wet.i bun
self and il- from tbt druggist a hat
be ntrai.l by aui h a meaaage ' 1 toid bar. '
M.d tbe drigg'.at. "that I but of tt."
fcrilot.d y jjeiteavL
A Telegraph llpertlnr't Itallella.
A t-l graph oj-rat. r at Seslro, Wash.,
who bna gro-.ii very tmd nf ariawenng
f'a.l.-h 'J I' . t.ol., 1.11, listed the following,
vi nt ri on a t .-; r . r.-r, jti, otitaide hit
,.ll.e w. la!-,. 1. ' Not 11 e Vea. your met-s.u.-
ii ,. at 01., e It w ul l" tent imine;. la f .' t . vi e .end til IlieaeAiCe at
a.. ,n 11. W. e know yoii ta ili your
t-l grain ,' i.t at on. e, ntbertt ise you would
wr.te .;,'.. tl No' a e-'I be Supreme He
ll. g ot.iT 1 .n iiiforrii )o'i wl.rn you will re
fene a r.-;-!i "
(me way of acquiring a g'al vokabulary
it by biibitually aaualating with people
who trak cornrily.tnd whose choice of
wonla 11 ran fnl and rb gai.t. To live with
highly educated and congenial people lain
Itself a liberal e duration.
A l;liig nm Her Taws, I
on an a .tl.'i'it arn.a l.a, leen married
-.-t . hoi. b. .S.w Zealand. Tb nr
a. "I o. u t he fourth Um of brr U-fl
A - ii .. .r loan .age to thlt waa per
1 at m Jim w- il.urib. hury hi. Ld
i. In t'-'Z 1 be ra g waa placed 00 u
1 I r'... a t"- l-et vi een which tLt
A w
at I i.
a ta p
h rn..
nf It
grmaped tie j-n and t-gbaai tie Bbarrlage
nsg.far - LltLaja,
I'oliry ga-a beyond ttreiigtb and coo-
Irlvtnre la-fore action; brnre it it t bat di
rection It left to the commander and exe
cution to tk toldier, who It not to ask
why. but to do what be It commanded.
la the seventeenth century a pamphlet
waa published rntulid "Th Spiritual
Mustard 1'ot. to Make the Soul Sneeie
With Isrvotn.n. Saltation Vantage
(round, or a ly.uping.-saud t or Heavy lle
I heverm."
Tbnitigh all hiatory tbe name that king
bat gained for tbeniaelte Ull In a man
ner the ttory nf their own Uvea tod the
ttat of tLlfountry over which they ruled.
A l I a a. a re aireani,
A tiny at ream In northern Delaware near
the I'cnus) lvalue hue ha lot.g borne tbe
name of ilugy run, and the glimmering
remnant of au almost forgotten tradition
current among children Justine the name
by peopling the valley of tbe stream with
evil spirit. The tradition wat evidently
Hot Invented to fit the name, fur the local
ppiiiunrnttion of tbe latter it hoogy. and
moat nf the local it .id en tt us it with no
thought of it being a corrupt 100 of bogy.
New York Sun.
The Labor af lleaey II east.
Th busy bee work tyatrniatlcally, at If
nndrr military disciplio. 1'ollrn for "bet
bread" aa to be secured, at well at honey
for a rainy day or thuae human who
ruthleaaly tak from the bnw the reward of
their hard earned labor. But a recent au
thor aaaert that wbro a bee start from the
hive for M.llrn not th sweetest nectar will
tempt the cn-aUure from iu tav-k, while the
bouey gathererdiar nothing else but gather
tweetttill the dty't labor eetxtre. 1'hila
deiphia Time.
la Wiiu. tasat Africa, they ar making
sugar from rotUibated that I tald to be Li
time w,tr thaa that Biaai troca Lcsb
ataxia tUava taVkaV - -
Th Maasl DaaeerM a,( AU.
Ralph J de Mayne.the ICuglith hunter ot
big gam to Africa, when la ban I nncani
recently oa bit way bnm from India, ta:d
that be thought the American grluly and
aa Infuriated elephant Were more danger
cut thaa a Hub, but that th charge ot a
rtiDix-eroa aa the BMt dVtctierwie of aik
k. 1 than ayt 4