The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 16, 1895, Image 1

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a aja
11 Til
V ' Li H
f i U A R
The Eusrne til) Guard.
.riU.ISlir.D F.VF.KY SATl'llDAY
I. ,. lUMIMlKLI,.
.iibli.ier mi 4 "ruprlrlwr.
n-'i'l 1 .
-t. '
'I i i'i-. K. il
4m tort
minimis nm tuk dimp .iv.twn of LEwmir mvirir. nn to n i noummif bv ma iweit of oi r brow
NO. 8.
A iiii lit Itcttirii- il.
. IN
. Ml
VllOIPH illl
. . .
hr- ' '
i 1 r
I,,. I nr.' I'. re 'Il'ilth. W IM
IB lr' " '" ",'-,, ,1 ""
.lTlif . i f" '- ,W
I -:ii-tit ii itn-A in Im-! o.lninn, 20 rouU
M l-t ir n
' ,.r-iu ''ill" "ill 'iirtrrlf.
A ; .ir ui i'l run run on muvmt.
. ln rhrii I th
"1 il r V'Vl 'lliV w AND . f Al r VJUAnANTtLLJ.
San Francisco Gal.
i. ix
Ci nki Vi! ne$, Clia-ps Jewelry, Etc.
HI VI ark Warranted. -al
An Enjoyable Kvent.
The Imlii-fnfiltv K,.Hi,vn nave
''nit fVfiiiutr hi I v" to ilu-ir friend
III (In-Oild Fellow tempi,., mi Sat-
rly evening which w a. pmiioumvd
by nil wtm wi re fortunate ctiounh t"U-pn-x
iil "tlii. nodal event nt tin- ..ii
will." Xone know no well how to ,..
tlTtlllll II till' Keln-ccnN, iiii, I ,v .
way, they have of the I..) i.,.-i
of that niiKr in tin- Mntt- uui.idc .,
I'ortl.iml, mi. I iiii,. W , nrt. ,,,
liii-iiiUrn .- .t n-nho ,t. rillniiiu'
uihI ili'Vaiiiii: iu! run inn , ,. ,
pliiiMiir.-H 1 1 i i -1 1 nn- to thi in
llirmiuli tin-iny!iriiiiftlii iii!i:,i(,ii.
... i ii-huik nn "IM'lil in MK'llll I Oil
vTli millliw, iliilicllIC, li.tniilii; u nlll '.i!., M
A iTniiilueiit dan nif r.cti'f
Kiirly I'lifii-iT.
i.. ,). I . ! r.i. .
Il. A. A llrlnriiunv ill.. I lit
Iioin.. .:... imii ilvo 'mil.-. ,..t ,,l
I.IIXflK-. I'll.. In, Ht till' ti.lvuinvil
of mi i ai. II.- wii Lorn In Krii.
olliny, I'niii., J:,ii '.'J, si. ,.
iimvi-il from ilu-rc u In u a Uiv, i nn
itrritin to viirmiH tali , of die tl,, ,,
iiiimMI .-.I ii,i.,,. ,( ,..,vintf u.,
Ill SVI. (If. M ,,. . ,. .,,.,.
r. i.l. .1
Mi. il.- m l tit,, iiniiin-ii .iiivim-
lam, v 1 : lit. II. v i.-i
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
(l:h i I r-i.. in- "kef- .Mtiiffi(-. '
; t" V . in : I .' '-. t I' Oi.
NWii-l iiillxli. I.y III.- Mriliir Imlnl. ami
lat Imt not in,,! n llUml ,, ,.i,tf
A l.tTKY -rt:i rinK.
A ill.-M
Mit ii
nrrii in ntu r it tun.
.Mkhhhiii, Or K.I.. II - ;.. Xunnii,
m of u iion.rr tin rrliuiil of J:h Uioii.
villi-, :i.-.t i, in, .(veil vriir. whilf ii.1
, Ihk.In-Iu i-t'ii Mi-.or. mill Jm-kmni.
Krollinl. Hi' ilinl fioiii cniicu.-jnii nf
i tin- hraiM curly thii inornliiK'.
H"lfll(f lli'llm
't, Fill. N.
S-Ii.miiiit Miiyllowcr, ( niliiin OIm-ii.
with I Li um of himU-r, .1. part, il
Moliihiy for Sun l-'riuiri
" i 11 in 1 1 1 ll.iiini-r tr;i'p -il a couU':ir n
-oii' of i- k i;o Unit iiii':ii-iii. i
lit'lit f.-.-t in I, nutli.
Mr. Willmni Kyli' will ttl ortly i. ir
ilort ii tin- nl.l miw null-, on tlii. t i., r I
niilc ilinl iiih tlii- luinln r .i liuilil a lrn
mi hi- f irm ii tin' riv. i'. I
Or. ('. M. Slu Imrk m i ivt.l in fn in I
Kujri'in- WYilin -'l.i v i-vi'iiiii inn! m I
lookiiii; tin- t i n ov. r w il Ii :i . v of
local in.' j m-ru ui i ii 1 1 ly
3E3. C I-.-A.-EC-E3.
S- 1'- in. mi'l V' I'rlrrt In Korrlnu tml
i'. n--. .r lirAiiltc, Monutm-iita,
II. A'l-!"!i.-. mil I'l'iimu-ry work of
II Un.l. fur lull
A 1. 1. WoltK (fl'AISAXTKKIi !
lilra--tt.- -:nl. i-r l'. tin11o. K"Ki-nc, Or
r. im- : I ii!.-i'U xmiiIi of I luninnu'.
r. llii' Vo.
- I lli-lii. liwiiy, O.i.Ih ii, V.ili , y
II. -Hi. nway, :,ti;, , ,,, Frank
1 1. 11:1 mi ay, I. o i, --nli-. .ui ..ut .. the
1 Iioin.. (iliuv vi . t nf t,,vi ii.
Ir. II. ini-imay wai niic of tin
flurily iioiiM-rn u li-i hraviil murli
to make lioiin- fur tlnlr Hntrnty in
liii lalnl, ami thi-y urr fal l.-.iin; u.,
hut llu-lr ini inory' will U- i v. r i. nr.
Ili'aa mi tiiU r of tin- I, ui.latur.
alioiit the tinu. ixi io i-rnor Whit-t-aki
r ihv-i.I.-J ,iv. r tliii ct:it.'. mi-l va
in oln-r a i 1 1 -( 1 1 1 1 tt iilnl in .iaiini:
tin' l.otn l it i.i- ,,f ,,r tat,.
i-riiiiinit I'lic .lo. wan a man ol
I I'riin i I. -, Ktiirt inti irrily ami
liinl a lio-t oi ri u-inl. ulm ,.';,in in
In- ih-ini-M- ii Ii ciiii-i-ri' .orrow.
Tin' I in. ral will iH.-iir from tliu r:iin
ily rini.l. hit at In oYlm-k tomorrow,
tin- int. rim-lit takii. K ,a.v at tin- Oak
Mill .t in. I. iy.
A !l.i Mlnf. At a-l -..ii tlnr
i'oiiiii v iliaii I .'iiu- ha- lia-l a i-un n.-. l
ih-iil. Tin' t 'orvaloi I inn t. IN aUuit
il: " I'Ih ii- a a -liootinif -i-ia'i'. in--i-iili-nlal
or ollni rtl-i-, in Kina' Y.ii
li'V, .M.iinlav, Mini ii IJ ynir i. I ..y ,
linn. r. I Mi I'iiihii him a l.iill.j
woiui. in hi. i,,. a. a ri--iilt. I'lif
woiin.l wii ma Ii- I.y a hall fio.n mi nl.l
fa-lii nii-il Coli n -ix-li. ol. r in tin-liaml-
of tin- hoy'. Iirnlli. r. Tin- .
w. ri- iiloni' at tin-Inn.-nn I how i! lin'
irn. il i not kii.. n at Hi.- .loiir. th.-y
I. I! an- i-oii..-tiii'. From I i k Ininii,
it i-I. in ni-.l Unit tin' Ix lu.iLi- i I . I r- hi i ; '
Major f. II. Frinnllv r-. . ntly .. hi
"our mou.-y o tl(. iiil, i. i. ,'y tin-
jSih. r l.aki' liol'N-mi.t m-it M m ninl. r
i lo.i.l in n' I li it llii'v i-n- im ni-,-,1 ,,f
u...lalli-. The lii'iin-y a I. t:in,i .
1 1 lii. in. .riling I.y ( 'liri.m in tr... ii.
i'oni. mini I.y a n i!- tli uikmi; lh.-
, tiinyor for hi kii il In-arl. -I lim r.ilily
in o l'-'Io rou-ly olli-nin; n.i.iain-i-,
It liilnii! thnl lli.y ha I alri-i ly n
.vivi d all tin- nl.tiim-.- n.-,..,-,.
! Tin-lilll.- im-lil.-nt, to a thinUiiij
, ron. i-oiivi-y a itn-nt inon- than
llii llr-i r. of tin. lli-lii u.miI I in.
ili.-ali'. It kIiowh tin- il.-i-p .yiiipit h y
of our H-i-ilir in tin- ftnii.''.if ,.thcr
, Hint tin- ill i ii -in-., to r. n. I. -r a.-i-laoiv
to tln-ni, far ii-mk...,., fintlu-r
- 'I" --r il. 'till no. I In-aitl. It lliank.
"fll IomIi..iii alllli't.. I.k .,.,
n ..tll Ii!,.-tin- inky ilai kii.-.i.f niirlit,
an. I tin ir in. I. n ml, mi hu I .1.
li in. in .ii to uiaki- tin- U-.t uf iln-ir
m -t inif .it inali- .-ir. iltiitaiuv. Ho.
.-a-.- Ii .'ii l.i.lli .i, , -liiiMn t,. k, rit
of tin- Am -n,-in n-.-Ii', ami I. n
il toi iic 1 1 olln-r, nn. I at I hi' Mini) Inn.
roiiiim i... ii. .i th,. ,1 urnivK of all
mil ioii-
( oll.ncr l.iup 1 frills
I . u.l. r. 1 1 1., 'i
lotoiVi.i' li..i..-tur lloliinwin, of
San Fraini-ro, Han ill 1 1 it rily
Mi- l'..iia M.irkli-v wi-nt lu l-'iiurin ' In r . -t.-r, Mm. Ii. Ii.
I'liriMiiun, in that i i y.
Tliiir-lnii M a rl i ii. a miii of Marion
Martin, nn, I I. r. .11. i i of r. M. Mariin,
ho M a. I.iirn. 'l in iho Silvt-r l.nkc
llrr, ilii-il at SiU. r l.aki- n fi-w ihiyn
iiii Willi i-oii.iiiii.i um , c 7
yi-ar oi l.
At a itil.n' milium nt Wnlki-r
lallon I . I'luary I. a rhnn-li n.MN-ia-Hon
w a. lormi-.l r. .r. -. ntini;
ih-iiomiiialioii., mi-l a U.anl of trn-hi .
-i-l.-.-t.- I-..H-I.I Iiu; ,,f l,,,r. J,i.
Walki-r. O.oii;.' vai, ll.-nrv l.nj.iV
an. I II. II ml. r; aUoa Iniihiuii; i-.. in
Ill' 1 1. a .ohi-itimj r-nnmiltri', tri-a.iiri-r
ami M-iTi-l.-iry. liiinnnl. wi-ri' hn-al.-.l
for tlii- ip i-limi of a niiiuii i-lnir. h
lion-i- ami a o-nn 1. 1 v.
Ihiiio ii Hi.- iimt of la. nil.l.
r:.-.l,i.L'.- I., ii. m. i ii. .Ii. 1 at ItiU, r
I i:.v la-t iiui.lay, tiiii-.l , yiai.
II. i- -I ii.-'iir i ...nli-.'. will U
lii'l.l at I'.. i. . i ii.iM- luM W. .In, -I. iy
I lie Snli.
I ! 1 II IT U'illlt.
till' I lllllllV.
I Hll i.tcr
' i lll. .-li. Iia.' I
till' Will. hi Hill.
i i ll
. rl to
III! ii
A .l".-ii .i ,i, i
lurn.'.l !...-. in
.Man. hi i-oiiniy.
Tin' Jni.' :i.iv ..f VoliH y
:i. rl.i.r.l lo.lay out oi i
i In- hit.- I ir. 1 1, in. n ay.
Tin' uit amount of I
i.liortai;i', w lio li-n ntlv kllli.l
at Walla Wulla n l-,'l'.7 T'i.
Ir. I. I. I r i . . r l I l. riui.-
Irin tin. i v.'iiiin; on "Mirarl. ,
I lalioii to Natnrr ami S. n loi-."
I'l.i- Al.oll l Irui.latuir ha. il. . Lu. .1
in f.ivoi of w .itnaii iillnn:i-ami It Im-k.
I-., it I ' lllfolllla wolll.l io likl'W l-r
iIi-iii Journal: Llmi. I". V. I ti I : . t
h.. ir atH an l on t hi' -nit urn I t.iyi'
in. I ii"t ainoiii; Hu-,i i, ..
S.iniil I l. Smilh, an oi l I'l.Hi. i r
ami roj.iii-iorot tin- ( i, ,i.,i.i., ,.,, .
ill.'. I III I'orll in. I .iuiIcmhI
ilnily. ' "
Two pork. -t liunli r .tru. k mi -mm
hlllirli of i. -i-oiiipu., , ipiail in tin
I'l'.V IllL'Utli" lii.ti l.i nil- 'a., !Mt
n k. I l.i- M..-,r at lat a.-r.-tiiits wa
Hot rxli.'iil.ti'il.
.S-lri tion nf IVm arn- nf laml I.y
I'll.V o I in J In.llali. Ii.u.. Ui-ii M-iit t'o
v iLliiiitoii for nppioMil, ami an murli
ill. Im.1-11 w In tnl. I. ut Iho naiH-rs
Il ha I..-. II .. rial ,ar- .in,-,- Lain
r.iuiil v ha. ha-l n f it. ' Ihr .. I uri.-ii I
luiiil .'n y .lyiiiu' on! ...Ii.r tlx,- , m-
!li!. flolll In k i I llilil.-t. It ll.H lit-.
lion Dial pi . inn. nt i il '. rii. ..v. r III.
1'iiillily mr n,.w U L'liiiiniir tor. alir
Ih-il a ...H ilv r,.u, lu. . .1 lair w ill l.
ol L'rinl l. in lit tod niiilv nt laru'r.
Mr. Mrilaii ha-ollrir.l hi. paiku a
'iio f.-r tin- tan iin.l it umil.l U- nu.
.it'll- to tin, a la, a- iiinri' .iiitahl.' for
it. Mr ha. r. n iitly i n-i-t.-i a pa ili.m
in Ihr aik ntnl Im. a emu, I Man. I on
Hu- lia. k. W liilr tin. p ivilioii wiiuhl
not h.- lari'o . n..-.ii;li ,.r t hi- .1. man. I.
of I In- . a In Int. r. .. th, I. run 1. 1 U- rin t
r.l III -Iliull r....
I l.r L-loiliiil. air H-riilial!v I'll Ir. I for
tin. pin;...-.-, i,..,iiii,inL. i u llm tror.,
l-avii'i; a li aulitul lul,,-, i II. nl
.lilM-Hiiv., a c.ui.l Irark, U-iin; rulii-
p.ilalivrlxrl to tin- rity, a 1 , 1 1 Inanv
olhrl iia.'.n not n. n--aiv to m. ii-
i t.ui. ItTT.
Tlirilirp Int. r. . takrn in
llil. i-litripriM' hliolll.l not 'in-nil,. I
lo wani- ami wr .iii;i;i t a liirrtiiin U-
nil. . I in lh,. ii. .t ili.tatil futiirt' anil
Ui i'l tin- oni inlation ... Unit a in.i l
Inn run I.- alimiL'ril fr tlii fall. I hi
w ill Ih- tin- nn an- of not only ki-i-pim;
in th,' i-uiinly .. th. .ii-ai'i. I. i. ,,,.
lai. Hi it nnmially no out to In Ip othi r
fan. hut will hi inn in.rvi-ial llioll-lili.l
iiioiv. Il I-tin-.Inly nf rvri v mil' in 1
tlio I'ounly to .In all In In I
'iv nf a-.i.lmiii' mnl i hl-.-m I
to lirun; ahoiit tin- .Ir-m , r. ult. I.rt
' ' tm If rallr. I without il.-lnv.
, i
..... 1 1
I: . r i '. .-
!. "Tii.-l
1 .1 I 'V.'ll "
- l'. v.-t . 1.. t
"f t.i:'.!i..i.
S i t: ::t o ti 4
J.... r Jl-a-
I i' T li t!io
i .-or
?:! I'cili.t to
w!i! . !i you
i' in 'mi your
fiitU f.p :i
c u r o . A
m iM l.ixi
U- an. I
ir !' v.v
t a.'t-
in 'iifr-liy
oi tlio F.ivi-r
;i ii. I lul-
ii' V . Trv it.
' iii Li.j'ii.I.oriii r.iVl.'r
i tUvn . 1 1 v i'nii.i !iM'iit.i.i tM.
HllIlM lllllv
I hi' follow im;
inoiicy liiivi- Imi ii
hoii... at Salmi:
hill iipprupriallnir In Hie
At n-iilrmv tor. .Itli nml Llnmlii St
Oflliv iip.taiw in M.-Clan-li'ii build
ii p, rorn.-r Mli ami Willamette Mrrt-t
Thfluir Uohai lnlia. Im-i'Ii lai lolVfol i'1 "' ii;hlir nf Ihi- Mr I imiiioml.
i.iuiiiv. i no m-i;uiior wa. klllini; hon-
w in n tin
a roiipli- nf in, mill ami Hu- nittrv rn-w
ui.i'iinri:i-,. I in- tut; win no wliat
llttlr tow iui; llu-ri- i. until .he
on again M-rin:iin-iit Iy in tin
Fahku km. I'.ot l V.-Satunlay niht
hi Miona
K(m, Jr.,
Ol Eugene.
hi up (ash Igpltal 50,000
Surplus ami Pronts, $50,000
Eugene - - Oregon.
(A f trt hanking buniuM ,l-.n nn rii
Mi'ioT"1 ,lr't " NKW VHK
.v,A,i'.'' SAN KKAXriiM'o ml IDUT
Bill, ,, i.-hnk-o.. ta f.irain onuntrir.
17' r-irol ul.iwn tn chwk . wsrtiti
A:ln:U-ti..MMtnwt.! too will r.-'l.
W W :lD.:i.o.
.MiMi l.aiiilr lliinu'tt ti-uili-ri'il a Ian
wi-ll pally lo h. r rmi.iii, Mi. Marn
ICotfrr., who li ft on thrnvitiaiul that
IIi-iii for Oaklmul, t'alif , wliirr-hr
willatti-ml hi-IiimiI. AU.nt :iyoim
Iktmiii witi' iri rnt ami t hi- i-vrmii
wiih riijova IV MM-ht with
, L'nmr. an, I Mirlal iuti-rroiir-i'
'Kiiut I il ii-h wa. mtvi-iI, wliii-li wa. ill..
j I'lliwil at h'lnjtli hy ml pr.-wtit. Tlit
I HnirioiiH riHini wen- h iii.l-'.im ly ih'i-o-j
rati-il u ltd rvrrfn-rii. ami Mower in
profimiiiii. Tin. purtv i n.h'.l i.y all a.'-
c-oliipun inc Mi. K.nt'r to tin-ml. I
nielli train, on w lih-li .In- li ft for hrr
tniithcrii lioiui', mi l after .ayin faro
well nml I'Xlrmlinn to hrr tln ir Ix-.t
w it-lii'. f,,r lu r In h. r new home, the
rrowil weinlnl tln ir way to tln-ir ev-
cral Imcie.
ImLr Ou.r.l. K. liruirjr II.
IIki.ow II aiiiiisiu ini.-liro. Fr.i.i-r,
Jr., relurneil nn vi-.teiilay nfteruiMur
train mnl reporteil thai hi fillnr'.
; IkiiiI 'The It il.y" w a aiiuiit inilr.
I l.-low Ilairi-burn hut "hi-nih-il wmth."
The rirer U I wren C'orvalli. ami liar
rl.hnrn I. wor--than fmin tin lalti-r
plare nil Up. If Ihe ImihI rearln llar
i ri.htirK Mr. Fnixrr think he will
i have ii' ilillh'ulty in roiniii mi up.
lio rnlnr aloni; After thev
Innl (.'"He the n nn mi-w-il hi. revolver
ami Mail, il lift, r Hi.- Ik... Fn route
he met I i- Inn.' timllu r ami tohl lier
of Hu-l.irl.. The r. KHt of a 'l-tol
ill m I 1 1 ii ii- huiiiril tin-in li.thw
. no, ami 011 a, rival oin- of tin, Iniy.
wn. l-iiiml woninli.l 11. alHive Rtati-il.
A ilorlor :. Mimm.,iii. hut Itwa.
fiiumt the hall, nlirr pn.-iin; thrnllnll
mi nlmmiiii' in In. ,". I.. I. Iin.1 -tru, k
iiii.'-, I i,nu nf tin- t . . ' ri'i., inlln-tin' only a'
An ele- ,m,.,i -..n t..'l "
lu ii ii l.-iii i lu I l o ii m Mainrr.
lli: I Irani that ton look the lilt-
ily, on Fell. Ii,, vr,', l Fnity rhoo
Ii'ium- U furr a put. lie a--, lo make
an iinprovnk. .1, iinju.l nml' nut rut h
' I II n-.alilt upon in.- in reitnr.l to I he
. -ut i ilnii ion. to I..- rai-. il for the Nr
l.i i.ka .iill'rr. r. I u a npn liutril to
look after tlii. mutter in :ln Fall I 're. k
I' "i'niii. hut tml I. im; al'lr lo alien. I
1. 1 it on a. ,-.. nut of Iioin,- allaii. I Im
mnli in Iy rr.inni'l ami al.o mtnli-a
r 'lit I ll.'lil .11 for thi. fllll-l. Illlllfr. r
lo - iy tint I Ii.- e, ut nil e mi milt, e
a liiit. I mi. 'ake in mil pullinu yo.i
inn po.iiioii w In-re , v. m eoul-i proerly
niryn-ir i'iiportan,-i', ami where you
' mlil hi, ov your ow n horn Ion. I ami
I'lrn.r !i t Hie give you a pinv nf ail
vire: I have Inar.l nf a city that wa. Initial
for ii. rl. aiiliin , ami lo tin- iiu .tloii
a. to how it wa kept no, Iheali.wir
wa "Hint every one nwept heforv lii
own ilnor."
I ilo not ...M.-i- to no tutu a new
paier eol,troVer.y
ralln-r l.-t the law-
I vf,
, I- lii eomiiii.-ioii
New pilot .I'll, Miller
N rmal i'ln Mil, hrain
1 I'ax ri lmte 1'hil.op t'o
lilllilnl .i hiNil l.akevlew .
SehiM.I ih.t. 7.1, .lark nn ...
j I'ax rrliale I 'imv I o
I Tax r. Iiale I loiinla. I o
C.lll-lltlltlonal I'ollM-lltioll
' i'nx h hate I lii. ill I 'o
1 Ni rmal ., liool, A-hliiml .
I Wa'lowa eniiyoii rmnl
I Fa. I I lirnon a-yluiii
Slnle It I in il i"ll em-iiieer
I J' en I '
j Fxailiiuer .ti illl eiinllierr.
.Veil! '
' Tax n I'lile M illimiiiali
j Snake liver I thine
j ImpriiM-iiit'iil liiiimli'
, I'oilae lailwav
j 1 .1 inlril m-IiooI Hum.
Volllii; liiarliinr
Komi to lloli, mia mine. .
' lh lief Wii-eo eoiinly
Olaih il .i ll, h. I I a,. tern I In
J- ll'.ikal
I ,on0
.. lo,ll
-'i INHI
I 1,01111
J-"i,i nn
KiiKtiip lii n hunt Who Ui
Aboard In-llliiif .inxiuu.
"'UU l-J Willi 'T ilozell,'
pin rani,
I to !
IIkavv Immh.k viion Ami, ii-ai
l:i. The I'o'tlainl Sun my: There
I 11 nrriit ilemaiiil from the en. tern
ami Mont In ru .tale, to the Orenmi
lioai'l of iniiiil.'tali"U for information
rone, riling tlii. -lair, It. 1, a, linn hi
illl.tri,., eitie.. ,",lllnlol. tmrther
w it Ii ntnti.lir emii'i rmnn it wheat
ami other erop.. he ulthvr In
eharne to Minply thi ih-uiaml, have
K'ht iiumh.-ilr pamplil, I. in (he var
ion. .tnti ., hut i .penally to Nihra.ka,
lllinoi., Iouii, Kan. a. ami lixa.
NVe may eoiithh-ully .H-rt a larn' in-rrni-M-
in Hie n ti in I m r uf iuiminriiiit
next .priun fm:ii point, further eii.t,
at lea. I mi .late lli',-e iiif.n nii-il oil the
Ari'orHinn to t hu Ailvain e the I-h
anon patent iiifili.-ine imiii.try recent
ly e.tiilih.iii il there i ennn to revolt:.
timiie the "liver etire" of Hie entintry:
"The A nrlm r S. I In muni t'o. ar.
ihiilv rrreivim; nrili-r for l.iverine.
Mi-n III wniie nf tliu .tore. With etfj; 'I he nu-ilirine i. not only U inn w,,
III null prire, pniana- ni irni. r-i iiirniinooiu uie eoiiniy, mil ill illMlllll j
lillxUel, lireml hvu loave tor a lllekel,
Itour at o o ut n-r miek, ami fruit al
tin. at your nw n priw, lliof nf even
limilnl iinan oi:nlit to live well, al
though time art haril.
Want t Annkx. A litiou I in
l-lrrulatloU 111 the ex I nine norlliwe-t-eril
.'itiou of tin-i-i.uiily n.kinn Unit
miia'l H.rtlon of l.ane anil Fiin-oiu
rountie. lylnn along Five Kiver.
ami Foln-ler creek Ih ainiexnl
lo lteiiton luiiuty. Thi wouhl lake
from l.ane county two tow n-hip of
I he county
authoriliii wein to fuvor Ihe IiimVv
Ihmiinhout the county, hut III ili.taiit
part of the .late. Wv are pleu-'i In
numilliiiv I he early .uriv.. of thi. Iiomo
enterpn-e. In thi m.-tion a nn-al
mtiiiy are niving the liieilirine n I rial,
ami iiotliinn hut pmiv I hear, I for
il "
'"IW M.iD. !.,, writ, no If r itaU !
Mw -I, 21, mU:
s- B.Mki. Mm. Co.,
Dufur, Oregor.
"'KNTi.r mkv: On arriving home lat
I foiiml M-..i anxioiiHlv
""'. tlur little jfirl, eight ami one- laml thai pay nn'taxiai.
.'- um, Wlio nan watel awav
"! l-uti.l. i, w wt.. utmni; ami
', ami St.M fl,htH up. s. .
u'f V',,IV ' i'-ot" It work well,
""'.'.fthe.hil.lret, hie, it. Your H.
"w"inh t'ure haa cureil ami kept
li , -v " IntkimiiM from me. So give
"' "i.e. with irn-.-tlngn for all.
':"' you i.nwM.rity, we are
""y Mr. a so Mkm. J. K. Kord.
h.l7 '" 'I t'Mh nj, f,.l
' -Url.r (Hit Urr urr, I.J Utkl'.
J lrk.
l"illr t imrmi.l.-a
' v-t Uiiiia jj , ,lru((:.UL
Tiik Xkw Stkamkh. 1'irtlalnl
TeU-niam: Work mi the O U. A X.
Co.' new nlenmer Flrnore I hring
pil.heil a ni.l Iy po-ilile. I!y
next lhuril:.y it i" i Xh--li-i I lie emit
Willie ill lea-liln to enter in live
service. There w III U-no formal trial
trip, hut In n even Ihi ' i ciiip ite
thw Flmore wi.l ntart up the Wlll.i'ii-
ette on Ir r inal I--H (rip.
I'n! I inmpl. l-t r'ir II.
l!n. W in ii im t. A nn m t
H'l'iie l' an- rmrtii'g pi.toh
l.-iiu .hoolei., w I. trh iilrirtly pro
Ml. lir.l I.y Hie ilfv oriliiiHUei. One
hoy wa- taken I fore Iheonh-r )orri.
tin. iiiorninn ami luirmwly e.cii-ii
l.-iii.' Ili.v.l I.y proini-iiin to ilr.i. t hen
after. The iiiiirxlinl will hrn-nfter nr
ntalliy carrying cither pl.tol or
i an .hiN.ier..
1 1
it. J. II. VlllAII.
lining Out uf liu.lne..
The' ri gn-l to Irani that the
Xoilhwe.l File A Marine I nxininee
Company ha ih d rmiiicil lo win, I up
il. hu. im-.. hy mean, nf a receiver.
Mr. F. II. Alii. tun Im I. -en appoiiiteil
reii-iver mnl hi. Imtnl flxeil nl f '.ii.onn.
Tin- f.u-t Hint nrrniinniiciil. have Inn
ma. Ir hy the enmpany with thw Fire
man' I "i 1 1 1 I liiHiirance Compmiy lo
fully protei'l it poliry-holiler. I whnl
mlnht have Imi-ii -XH-ctei fi mil Ihe
character of tin ilin-ctoi ami iniiiinnr-im-iil
of the company, ami I in hue
with the fiiirm-.. ami ju.liiv whlrh
ha. rhnriirtei ie, it ilcnlinn .hire il
n ornaiiial imi. Uco. F. Craw, tin
Fir. man' l uml anenl, Inn. un ail In
loilav '. i-.lle. Ilea 1 1 it.
ClI AMI'ION MlNI A I'litlnne tirnve
eorre.poiiih nt ay: The I limnpioii
mine ni lioheinln, ow n.-.l hy A It.
Millanl A Co., nf New l.onilon, Wi...
ha .iiM'ti,lcl iiieralioii until Ihe
ro:nl i ui..ahle, w hen they w ill erect
a '.II .tamp mill. Several lliell have
Li ti eiiipleyeil ill preparili); a luill.ite
mi-l lAti'ii'linn Ihe tunnel. Tin-tun-m
I i cut in ipiite a ili.lauci , ami mif
llcieiit iiiarl ha l-n taken out to
nay for jiutliiig ihe mill in. The ore
i. of a hinh griiile, ami the mine prom
! to ilevclop into niii-nf tin-in hr-t
ill that M.-1'tioii.
lljr i.ur.l. t.'',riir I.'.
Al.M". a Fun: The hoiieof Wm.
e colt, r III Ihe lioithwe-teril nrlioll
..f I l.e i lly an I near Ihe -awmill c.iine
1 near l-eing ii.-tro. I.y lire y.-.t.-r lay
veiling, c.u-.-i hy a defective line.
I!y hard w i.rk a cmllm ration w a. pr.
Vi-nled Willi.. ill lallllig out the lite
.lep.irt mil, l. Fortunately very hrle
ilaiiin'" w a- ilom .
H'it.' ' ai coMM.rrf triM'K
mn "4 ' Orotrw teubl la tlx
Exclusively For Cash,
I an ...
i; r' iwiu-r nv
'''' ai.v nil. I..... . r
C. I'. Cllt'ln II -Sillnl.iy' O.en :,i
an: Arllrh-i f liu-ori" i.itioii nf In
CuiliUTlalnl l'rehyt. null chui li
werv Ilinl ill the iilth-e -f Ihe coni.ty
clerk ve-tenlay hy li A. Illnir. W. It.
Iti. Imp and T. J. Allen The chm. Il
i to I ,-..nle. ill I'orll an. I. and the
value of all cl.ureh proH rly i. ?7.V"i.
Hi Wli-i I.
.i.i r. . tliat Vu k
the l.'-aVi
mom i nn.
I m I-.. .del ..f nr-ini
h.- Iri'l in !,ar.-nf .(
it It no
Vo ii..' I. .r "
t .h- r I.V Hie lire of n
U hll- he had o.ilv al
III the l.iiil-hiiL'
k I li I In- w are
Si llm. I. I'cmi A I'I'iiUTIoX MI..N r.
The i-iiinly m'IiimiI fund will Ih- appor
tioned in April, mid the ntnle fund in
A'inn-1. a u.'ial, and a rronired hy
Ihe wliool law. The ni tide ill Ihe lie .
paper relation lo lUn M-hwol fund wa
.oioewhat mi-lending. The arllrle in
picnti'in refer, only to that part of I he
.tnte 'IiiiI fund vi I due the vnrioii.
eiiiinli. . f.,r ll.e y-nr Vi, nml ha
not hlnn to d w.l 'i . it her I he i-oiinl v
or .lute fund It Ihe year uf .Vi;
w liii'h will l. hi 'I nit lolied II. Il.lliil mid
nt Ihe pr'. r time.
Ill ai. Illl- I '..ti Inn. I Telcgrmn:
" ll.e O I: V N. Co.' new
I. nun r I. Iii.i oe ii i ele ii III He run dow n
it,.- 1 1 . r It I. known a. a
in. r. Im r. I.' ! r lal 1 1 ip I he I.. at .tea in-
I I w n a. f ir a. I. unit "ii and then
i-'i.i 1 1 --1 (o the l-ii.. .Mird. F rrthin;;
m . .1 k.d like a In. i m mid I he In w era It
are I nt i t rcadv
That wm a nnv tlilin; dniie ,y ( i.i v
eriior Noilheii the othi-r d iy. Wlu-n
the licorgin limn for Neiua.ku wa.
en( i, nt tut il. rrialnl of iin-rev, i he
govenmr ach d a llanmaii at Aliaiilu.
Col. Iiiiic Ittilnu In ill New Yolk
City .till al work trvni.; to tivgol lute
the .ale nf the holid. of t lie Sill. law mi. I
F i-lrrn railroad. Mr .av Hie road i lloaid of hor iriiltur, ...... . - ..
in nc I'll i i ii. mioii a liuir Improve.
I'r. .1. V. (inll, arii-led at l.oiau..
Sunday, i. held in Ihe Portland I ill
under ; i.i imi I. m. . nn thecharneofkid
imping. He him employed Ju,lK. M.
I.. I'lp. In defend him. '
nn I In- evening of Monday, I'.h. s,
nic i .iil'ciiu inline. K. ol iv. will
, rrlrhrate Ih, thiity-llr.l aiiliivrr.ary
I lln ir order at their hull in the I. I i.
O. F. diiil'ling. Inviliilioii liave al
ready In'i II i..uri.
The I'liin ville lh view d .-.n't waul
a lllllloiel in that ,-oiiiitiy. No womh r.
I'rincville would lie J I inile. from the
load nml another tow n would In- Imilt
up Unit would I' Ihe inelroH.h. nf the
I.n- I'nir. hil.l, of S al:!.-, who went
to California la-t .uuniier to help M.
M. F-lve in hi. nuU rnutoiial lain
palnn mid wn rewiir-l.-d hy mi i n
day clelk.hip In IU - legi.l ituie, ha
I. -en hoiiuikd from hi. p .-iijun. The
l ni. hit. .r. couldn't htaml him.
John Sn. drr, la. I week will lo (he
p. Iiltelillary Iroiu I'orllalld, lor Iwo
vim. for h.iinlariinn the rcidencc of
F. Iiiiii krllhil.h, 1 Ih-Iicvi.I lo la iiii
iiiii.m'. iiI mail, wroiinfully convicted,
and mi iippln-atioti for a 'pardon i In
l-e made lo (Jovrlllol Lord.
The CUM-of the Cliii-ai;o couple who
have liianied each other for Ihe im-vcii-Hi
tune j. eMeiilioiial. The avi-raee
ill Ihi. matter, hut 1 hlcagu rcldelit h-. m.t wed I In
take II. roiir-M-mnl name . i-oii inure Ihaii Iwlii'. and
rarely niarrie loern-d w-veli or eight
time, iiltnnetlu r.
AlhiOiy Ik-miHral: Work un ihe
roiinty Jail w ill In- I. nun after thu cir
cuit court mljoiiru in March. 'Ihe
rolleil N'eel unrk I. I.i..,. l..
, Ohio. The Alhany Iron Work, who
I have tin contract, will give the
cniinly n llr.t cIh.h jnil in every re
i na-ct.
Ivlltoi. arc nil meek ami inihrmau
m rvd lin n hut nern-lolially one n I.
ml.iimler.toni a witncNM-Hi Ihefol
low ing: "I alitor John, nf Arlington,
I gave S. I 'ni II. le a .'Vure "roa.llng'' in
j hi mH-r for w-ndliig mi and
telegram to Salem, ami Cnrh.le gave
I John nil iipliilly aevern "lumt nig" on
Ihe .tint, .iili-M-ipieully paving (he
clly reenrder for the prl liege,"
I Saleiii Journal: It Iiiin rni ntly de
! vi oH-d Unit at leant four men nay
they voted for liingcr Hermann lu the
j M-mitnrinl ciiuciiN, three l.ane county
lliell mid Senator llrowiu ll, yet only
Iwo Hermann Voir were found In Ihe
hat! What In-came of the iithcr two
!iind whoeit Ihe llolph vnlen if liny
were inn ca.i lor Hermann.' It will in
recalled IMpli had only Iwo more
than a iiinjoiity of (hat i-nuciin.
Sal, ni Journal: The Orcgouiati ban
Ml... II.. . I.r.ili.l tell,...b .... il -
Ivir.l It .hvm I.m I. ....Ill f..m. I lllirle I
Im.-hh. H.....I i.i.. i -' part nf lot
. - .. ...... .w. . .... . t .... ii.-ni . i, . .
1.... u ... i,.i,...i .i.,i.. i.. .... acre.; find,
lioV. l.or.l'n ear In i-I.m. tit lit. ...,i' I " II. Martin ami w ifo lo John Al-
how.-ver. ami hi hearing i u'l ! '.T" V' "w 0 ''" 'l' r 3
inollL-h to hear ll.e I r ,,f 1 1... "'"
al.ive I he ehilnnr "f Ihe phltiM'ratn.w ho
want Ihe earth w it h a hardw ire around
1 li. King i.f I l.-r M.-.II. dir..
' I I, . I,.. I , ,,r - , ,,. n,.r H,,,,.
I . ni i. 1 1 t.Mi.i, i , H
' ' 1 ' r "" 'l-ii..-. I .1.1. rlln
' " '', ' ' '" " ' '". w. J.a.
... I i. ...Iui.. I... i,
fj-i I i:v l u h ti.i: k
lb. Hi. . .I .nip In rr.l i.i, MrnitiMT-
Fn.ter'a rreillrtinim.
W. T. Fo.lcr nuy: My In.! hu lift in
gave forn ii.ln of the'tu waVeiirrnM
the continent from F.-hriiarr I-lh to
liith, and Ihe iii xl w ill n-fli-l'i the Pa-
cine cna.l ainiitt thu liltli, nero-w the
wentern iniiiintaili country hy clime of
ITIh, Ihe great cciiltal val'leyi fmiii
I Mil lo '.lull nml th,. ea.lirii .'ale
ai.. ut Hu. :'iih.
Thin ntoriu wave w ill inltialu a mo.t
reinalknhle iN-rlod nf wealhcr ami the
i-ouillrv w III eXH-rieuee lilloo-t every
thing from the tornado to,l.
Fxtreiuen of wiAtle r in in'irly every
re.N-ct may U hmknl for, hill mora
cold than heal, moie ram mid .now
and nleel and hall than ilmiilh.
lu Ihe in, rlh particular a! Lotion
.lioilld U' given lo the i.rolrcllou uf
,l,i.Ml live ttiM-k during the la.l half uf the
lion 1 1 1 ami in the .oiith ihe early
..,,, I cn'pN, parlieiilaily ,.f g.iideiii'ri, will
li-'noo aiill'-r Ironi cold lain-, .hei mid hail.
: -i-. ,. . .. .. ... .....
a . .....i'.--. in., ,'A'L-en , III llV
, hav-
h.illj i. nam, I . I.runl) I.'
The .temiih ml I atnleite I, ft
laud on I hur-lay, Jniiuaiy .'l.l
lllg on hoard ahoiit Iwelilv loll nf
freight coii.inlieil lo Ihe Inrrrhaiitn nf
thi. city. Said liicrrhmitn for Ihe pa.l
wn k have I .en inakiiig iiiiiiiernii. lu
iplirle. cnm-eriiing the w llcrclihoul nf
the IhhiI, a. the gi h h I werel.adlv want
ed, and leUgriiphwl iigeiit lilting Ihe
river lo have Ihriu unloaded mnl for
warded here hy rail, hut w ithout nut'
Tin- following from the Salem aily
Journal uf yenterday will In.pireoi.r
hu.iue.N men with ii faint ray of iin.
a Ihe I. ill will prohahly reach here
during the next month or no if her
N-e. I. maintained:
"The Fiiglcile left Saleinnl I .Ml p. in.
Siiiulay for Kiigeiie. A. J. hurchill,
who no ii 1 1 1 y maiiage.l Ihe nlhilr of
the Oregon I'iiy Trail. porlalioii Coin
pally ihnilig (he nliM-nce of Agenl
.until, ha lien pled the HmiHnii a
piirneron the Fagh-ile."
Krai h.tatri 'Irau.fer.
rl l .lll)T lif It '.. Ak.llt.i II .
n. .nmiR a -.ii. Mi,(.-r
I iil l Alil. IIHoVK.
W II Wei.t ami wife to K K. Miller,
art nl lot h liliN-k 1.'ii ad:
part i
iwm nv.
Potter to Wm. linker,
I, ee HI, p J7, h, ! w, fi
Fx.: Said Ihe foru'tiaii nl the print
.hop: "Hilly, put (i.-orne Wa-hiuutoii
on the galley and then Ihe mur
der you oiuuiemi-d yi-nterdny. S up
It, nn. of Hi renin, mnl tln-n ill-lrihule
I he .in-ill n,x: yon I In'l flni-tl the
riniawny miitier. 1,'iek up J.-ff i.n i,
ami .tide Pull, r ililo In I. and let I hat
pi nloiie til after iliinii-r. Put the I. a
d.v'. Fair lo pre., and go to the d. vil
and put him to work on iVnemi I'ong'a
arlii-von l.lernal Piitii.hmeut.''
'I'llltr I h r. If in
nii'l no iii'iiruli'-e on either.
-a' l.faelol
to, lei. . - :
I ll'll-l IV
t ill o:, 1.
I. Ill
m.iiiii. r highly
few lliii.l.jnn
till hy
W ,l In- ready t I
'l 1 1.1 W lllatll-
A jll-l H e nf the . .... e her. alter, or a
-.ii a. I he new law i. npprov.-d hy
the iioveriior, .hall r- .pnrw Ihe private
loeutor In a crim nal ncli.iu lo give
-eiirilv f .r c.t mi l di.htirvmeiii
fore lilini; or it eeh mi' l!-e eomplali.t
amonnl mil hor i.-l in
I'.dwiii I'.. IU nrdirt, rt al tit the Si l.uiiii.r and Itoomlug Com
pany, the lide land, ahuttlug Iota 4, ft,
ec '7 In In. n, r Vi w; tl.
S ami C A Meriail In Itcrtha hlair, a
tract uf land in Ihu il I c uf Prior F.
Hlair; (I-
en ( irrait Coart l'aier.
J. O. Itliiiiehart ha mud J. It.
Ithiiii hiirt In the circuit cvurt f. r
good, fiiii.i.h. .1 and money loaned on
.,. n ii'-roaiit fur H.'.'i.-P;.
Hairiet F. Sin. I I. n hn. I. gun an
in I ion in I hi' circuit court agaiimt
Willi, liiow u and V. I.. Whipple,
-he a-k. for a juilguieut anain.l
Plow u for tl I il... and iutere.t mm-.'
la-c I, .(t.
in n rn niaicM anil .evert- col. I wave
In I. ii- liuttli. A nil. I wave uf Mime
Imp ilium-.' will nlo i n... ihe innll
nrm liom Ulii In llih. I cnniiot an.
awei cirri .Miiid. nN iinh . I hey will
l-llel i-a .llllnp..
The wailll Wave will it . (hi. went
eril liioillitiiin eniinli v ah. mt Ihe IHIh,
(he gli al central alley. iiIhiiiI (hu .
and Hie ea-leril .tale, iihuul Ihu Llllh.
Ihe t. ml wave will i the we-teril
motinlaiii romitry al.iut the I'.Mh, Ihu
gn-al c. nl ral valley ahmil Ihu lll
and the rn.ll lll .l.ile. iiIh.iiI the 'J.'lrd
and will give (he i a-tei u .tiittna hliit
ar.l. Thu unil-ual weather nf Ihu lvi'i
erop n. iimiii will lake faruien ami
other hy Mil pi l.e, , -m i lull v thote
w ho do nut carefully lead and allldy
IhitN' weather hlllleliiiN.
Iiilelllgeiit fanner, and dealer w 111
nludy the future of Ilia weather, thu
former planting Hint w hich will Ut
nuct-eeil ill yield and price lied Ihu lat
ter arranging hi Mm k in trade to
I'nllJ l.unr.l, l'i-liriiar)r IJ.
Fl'NKIIAI.. The funeral w-rvlni of
the lale l)r. Aiim-I A. Hemunway nc-curn-d
thin morning at 1" o'clock at lila
lalo renhleliee. Hon. I,. Itilyril du
ll vend the funeral oiation, hy reouc.t
of the relalivii, and II wan prtmouiiwd
in in an clooiiciil ami lni,re.ive talK.
Thu allumlaiiev uf in Inh'x'r anil
frleiuln wan very large. The Inter
ment took plain directly aft r thu
funeral nerv'ren In Hie Oak Hill ceme
tery. Kail, I, mnl, I' l.rnnrj I.'.
A.NoJIIKK lliiAT. Today' Oregon
Ian: The Nleamer I iray Fugle, recent
Iy i-nimlrurted at Nuw licrg, inudu her
trial trip in thw vicinity of thai city
ycntcnlay. .,shu went to Oregon City
for in. mcI Ion, ami will go to l-.ugen
Tuemluy. The iliineiinioii uf the boat
are hn-l nwr all, w ith a 4 font
Im-biii. She will draw, w hen loaded,
hut 13 llicheaaml will ply between Sa
lem ami Fugc ne.
Im. pKIVKIt'M I.H-I I KK.-Sal. lll
Stalmmaii: At thu M. K. -Inindi lant
evening wa i h i i vend to a very at
tentive audicin-c. Mr. Ihlver I a
logical autl forcihlu run-ukcr. ami It I
hi-IiIiiiii an iipixirtiiaity I given to
ll.trn lo niii h an lii!ere.tiug ami i it
tnirtlve In lure a thu one given to
Salem m i plu lant evening.
nt herw I-.-. 'I he
A 111 l i tli f.n t
! - lie. are n-
I '
Ai r, il l . li'i-ehiirg Plain-
d.-.l.r: -'ut I.y W. It. Willi, and A
M.l riiMf 'id fil'd iioiiee i.f u.. al in
(he cn-e ! ili-t I.. llroW II, ca.lit li t
ed nf murder in tin- llr-t d.-nn-e and . n
t le. "I I" h irii." '' on - nday "f Hun
wnk. Tie- malt, r n. taken I.f., re
Jnd.'e Full' rt, oi. m.d he or, I. re. a tay
of eX'. Ulion not. I the (iui I..
heard in the .-iprcne curl.
nf aii kip.U takrn at market
' icm:, il ill i mcde trc:t.
Nn! I'M l sr lU-pr. nlative
M ..rlu-j l w i, I. word to he I.I AKIi
lo den v I hut l.e w i ur.-M-i.t ut Ihe It- I-
lia r'n f. n-t in Portland. Hot with.
ri -,..'.' j.-y I'.- .taiidil.g Hi r. -.rl nf I he Or.go(lu
v'" "" w " ;lo ihe...i,ir.rv. 1
I herein.
civil licit.. I-., mid not
law I. lo l-e en n-'.-d -,
I lint tic". n r
r- ,' .1 .tmn
ou. pi. t.A i -, r. .nl. in
. ' Il .' to la 4 . I..
I. MNA-II M Then- ha. h-'l C..U
i l. rahle talk ninoii,' our young m.'ii
i.f . II. . til. mi i.ihl. ne or-inittion.
Fr many r. a-on. tin. would In- very
la-n.-fi ml. -'.iii.- in lion .ho.ild l
Inkl-ll III Ihe m alt. r It-. un. at pre.
nil rail I.- rur , vi ry chcnply and
eiioii.'li iippnrnlii. lo 'tart Willi will
C.-.1 l ul li.ll.-. With a in. oii. r.lnii
rent r
, Janeliou "ily with lii family.
"f t.and din at .l
month a rli.h of i m. rnl. r r. old
put In !'! worth nf apparatiM and
nav a. I Ihelr exi-tia-a from lime to
ii- home in nine. 'Ihr .roo.-ilio I. ,.nh
-llldl il.'g over at l.a.nt.
Ill I iimi I .KH Mi-n l iv Folk r,
the editor of Ho- IViidletoi I ijily Trib
une talk, thii-lv: There 'ii actually
Inell I li r r. 1 IJ. i-d ill the Ne . York I. g-i-laliire
nt A'.l.any a hill linking it a
criminal olhii-.- for won, a n wear
lug I heal, r I. a', an I hullo-. n n , . al
plain nf aiinix meiit. Ihi. I. a pall ry
cail-e for rioii. I, ni-l lll'-tl. The
iuu I only a p i.'ing one, and at w..rl
eoiiiparalneli f.w wooi.-u nttnd n
Ihi. n --. I. " If I. n'.lat.!! Wto he ap
. uled lorv. ry lime that tty annoy-an.-.-
nf thi. kind in, lawmaker
will have Ih. ir hand full. The
aniu-euii ntdnvu.g puUic ha not nut-f.-r.-d
a lithe n much from therxpano
ive and ii. ua Iy k-i-nmiiin of ha from the prm-Hi-e uf
men in climhiiig nvrr . eUlor to go
out I. twi. u a' U to ' a friend.' It
I ridiiai'oii. and aliu'-t ly,rid k llrf
that ailc'i a l-i.I nhotild I llllrirllired
III any I. i-lature."
Ill ll.lil.NU I'Kunl'Ki'is. The prua
act for a live hull, ling aciiavn next
niiminer MN-lii to la rxn-llent. W. T.
Campln-ll Inforinn in that lie I now
preparing the plan and N'. ill, aticu
for nit haiuloine dwelling houeti.
Filgelie i liviiml In grow hotwlth
.Inn, ling the drprr.-. d lime.
W W. Hlow, Ihe well known ball
Knin. i-ni politician, ilud nuddulily 111
Hint . ily yenti-rday.
Highest Honor World' Fait
pu Ctiri Grim of TirtPuJn. Pr
run Arnmuni. Alum ur any olhu ;.lultera.
13 YFARS THE '.TaMliun