The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 09, 1895, Image 9

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hc-l of al in LeaveninU rower Utcst U. S. Gov't Kejwt
i' '0
. i .1 f
t ' I
. n J I
ti :t
1 1 1-
, ; , i:i the column of
. :. J ii-it c.actly a burn
', i ,.!, i nuiiM.d commt'i:t
.' i m' mii nrtanre. It lm
. ,i,r of their ''
i.i. ruing pn T In Yeiv
t renin ii that nil
. i .'. ii arranged for llir lacal
I in I hat nt conserv-
..l.iii. In tin ruliiHT at
,,.,'v J.iun.itliMii lln prob
. ,. I.-, ii ...lud by t lie aih.p
i nt ly iinlu principle
i,," should illustrate.
:,- rea-"ii why readtr
. ii.rurMv Information or
.nig impression through
. ...iiht' art tlmn there
'i i ,. .i In- given, In li'k'ilil
.,1 matter l lint I suited to
i , i.f printing picture,
: m ii tiuicanrthirty time
l , .,i;.i:i nil In n manner to
.,, curi e, or even swear,
f I !i tin gem ml remlsr
... I- Informed. Il' cannot
1 -mi mil illmiit Inning it
v, irr nml wounded tnlml.
,1 husinrs practice Istolaj
. .1. i nl'itii nrcondcrniied
' . . 1:1. Tin- oik lli inn t lint
. ",11 I if publishing In till
: in.s linn estnhlished very
. .1 jiiiiuri'il work justifies
r i i in ! iw hlctcd. iiml with
i . i iii..'i Ihi'limiil orovcr
.; i ite crit ic of hud pictorial
m'i patience for its disup
W .-. klv.
"M'nn ling Willi r.lll. talit fret
In-re II. hr.k aicl nn r mret,"
K...II tlit" .nrrl Kir, mii .hail
t.ra lunl-l i.r..rli.
I i In .1 Iii k-..n ii of Lite ami Lu
I Ink nr tnntir nr tuft erru,
Mia ill n a I lr i .. , .i.-ep
A. ii nni :e..t il iiij.iii ti. ;
Sill- a ill i.ii- it l 1. r a ".(.a
A a 11 Ml!, ji.i' IHi r
him alii aditi ..!( I) J.r lli.i'litlit,
li'il .? lirr-ia ii.-ihi- wrouaMit;
Mil' II lu.i.e )..ll think that
Mul In r m.(iirr' In-! a I.. I aha 1 1 1 1 T k. .hr kli.i.i
A llniii . .ml I.i,l .1,1,
W lint a I'll Hr knew thai l,
1 n't kiiun al all iu i
tin l,io ln)rj lirr'i.,nlii(iil gaai.
Mill m- Invc her J'l I tli .mm
""iiiiiiliiiiC ln, ri Un unl l.n l
WIii-ik tin. I.t.n.k an J ntrr llltTt.'
-Will J. lll,.t,B.
i .
-iwt w .'i:. ii
i ., - 1 .'.
on : i ii koAD
In tiiiinty. the
y. mild wtiniuii
Ii t.ikllllt
IhKiiit I'ii tir ii
1 Udllti I'tr
k mi. In. ii. In
tii.inlriihiHHl. ii
iu.iiiIiimmI. ift-
IhkhI ami tn.illi
i iIiihmI tlir " I'tr-
' M!lltlnll " i
iil'iiiiitiiit Imiir
' a ii il n r v i ri e
- iMiiili.itljr
itiiajitt il to lur
in i ilv n KtilatinK.
Ml. I'Ktln IlillK 'mil CI"'
Ititf tnr ill laliltrllli llta
nt i In- m i. Why i it
'i i tin ir In Jut v io I r.
I'ti M-t iitiiin . Ili ratiM?
r'ti ,! I (.ice Tuilintr fmiil the
.. i In .' t h The In -t ImmIiIy
i ,.t 11. Ill (timil .H,ll. di -li air
...ii.!.i with tin j inlii iiuioiiHr
ti: :i- ii "
In i.i ii hf. pain in the li.u k,
i . !i.itniiiH. 01 iii mini de
li. . I- in noil ililiif lianre,
f .tu n anil 'li i pli -ih . the
i ' :. i, in s tin' oiittin if the
, , .'. . t. it II ili-.pi l"t ai'lu-a
1 1 ili-pUn incut-, niul rntc
. i nun itt. .11 lit tile lllllllK till til-
. i ill" uonili. tilii tatiiill, ir
it:.! kllliltlll lll.ll.lilu L
r.Vl.l.l.Nii Or-' WO.MB.'
. 'i .11 1.
. V Tl !M
! I :
;!i,- t
i .-r i:
I -k I wt
- i .'. : . ' - Illy v-" .y
:v i;t : It (.-rati- ,J
.1 ..! ! Il.ll IIIK rs
ni-.i'i. nn. let )',
i',,. u,r: W U
'.i . Mi 1,.- I I K J
' ' ti :. ." i'.. tin
t.. i : k My "i--.
, . i.: the
...... - JaJ
rm'', U.-::,,nfI)r MS CAMFIF.I.D.
n. : :. :.ui lauiile l'ti Mtiption
' t . 1,1 r itntrl
r.I &8&vi
ri i
' Am lft
It 'it: I til ii oK-i:a mil rlianw.
" r.-.. i;. ., .n,ii 1'hiii an-1 hirliiiiitim-
It. . t I:. rrnliH ln lh Membrane
-. I - .'.T,.. tin- ..-ii-i-t (if 'ImIi- a' ti
' " iiui'kl) abxirlil ami gle
' '" I'ti-'l li-lnrarh timtrll, and l
''''' ',' 1: '"', l eentl Rl llrill'KUt' -ir h
I I V 11 Iti-1 HKIl-i,
V. Mrr,n Mrerl, New Vnra.
1 :.( I jr'i-.t Maniif.u tnr r o(
T - JVl!.Uloul,rlM
, lislrial and Fcoi
l:i Europe and America.
" in IK . ttir i,ref''l- ' -
m ,
Can Get
i -f- . s..,u tit v.Kir HpaU r
''i iititl r rll, it" ttiouicli
' "t. in uiret-l Imm rrry'
'fms t5eeds
1 " 1 i.n ui.l i i..nii.,i iirr-
m "" ' Hi
l'--t. .rrT7"B( Aaaaal jVJ
:4 ' ' f i" ' il aixiut Jffg
ly. m Ti. - Frre. jfk
VOX D-.r.wT co. y3
"' -.a
FRAZER axle,.
A Mlrrlng A,i-al That hhimalhal ftauia
Wuuirn Are In t arnrl.
Tli wiiincn nf Kiiiix-i re ili tcrtiiltn-J
to N-ciire tint lialli.t. AltlimiKli llic limt
N r ( atiin.t In.- v. .till upon fur lit er a year,
tlit-y ar ai-tivt'ly at work ami eu' r to
In aa iiiurli a their fuinU will i rtnit.
Tim following iiim-h ia inmn-.l liy the
pn aiilciit of tlio Muto SiifTniKt aaMu
t Inn :
A I'linititutiuiiiil niiii-hiliiii nt tu en
friiin'liiK wuiiii'ii will Ik- vottil tix,ti in
Kiiiimih in NuveiiilaT. IHM. Tin- ram
uiik'ii work nm-t In fill mhiii niul inii-t
U-nirriiil furwnril with vior. Tli- pre
uirntury work in U'uiiii; w nre ke'iily
alive tu llin lufiKwity of artiity tin our
own part. TIioiikIi tlio I'uinlitiniiH are mi
N'('iiliarly f.iviinililt', untl foea
ami frii-iula tli-clnro tlie troni pmlmlill
ii y that tin- iiiMi'inliiicnt will In inlnptitl,
tin re in tmtliinit t-i imliratn that am-roa
will Ik ours witlinttt efTurt. A atronu
l amp.ii'ti nnt 1m inaiuurntiil, Imt w
I'.uiiiut carry it on without help from
utitniilu tlio ntate, ami 1 writs now to
urn-i tin- iiiil of au(Tr:ii--tH ovi-rywhiTr.
Wo liat o mi money, A heavy ripen
muni In- met. Tlii work mut 1.0 done;
all i-nriitut u(TraKistit iiiiiKt tllKtliIo
I hin fact. Wo liopo tlioy will lie moved
liy tlio iiecewitiin and tlio itnHirtanco of
this work, ami liy the fact that Knnun
in a pivotal fttate, ainl that to miller ile
fiat in KaiiHan wimM hurt the rauno
more than defeat eliM-wlicro nmlil.
Wo plan to open tlio campaign form
ally in ScptcinlMT next in a (.Toat iiiiim
meetitiK in Kaunas City, thin to be fol
lowed ly rtituilar nieetiin,-!! in Kt-veral
principal 'itie, and then roiitiuue the
work of education and aintaiion up to
April, I)uri:ii the following hot
niouthi) not iinu li can lie done except to
placii npeakeni at the variotn milliner
atli'-rmx. I tit the rcjnilr work should
Ik- taken up n'ain in Septeinlier. W,
and the warfare, carried cm, with the full
national American force in the field, np
to election day. To )k nnre, the time it
liiiiK. 1 ill t liot too long for tlio work wait
in;; to Ik done.
Wo can put into the field thin autumn,
while the Colorado and New York cam
pai(;iin ko on. ninny homo worker if we
have Imt tlio mean to pay their z
peinw. Wo 1"'C those who want thi
liattlo won to furninh int with tlio "niiiewi
of war." Wo promise that our experi
ence in inukititf l do the work of fJ
shall not lie witliotit it kikk! nm now,
Imt that it nhall eualilo u to make the
lor.t Hint uioKt of tho money sent u fur
campai;,Ti purpiiec.
Thin KtrttKK-u 1 ""t ,iri lone. It
miiht no Wrongly affect the movement
everywhere that the mlTraKirits of every
state ill the I'liioti should feel it theirown
concern and ought promptly to act as
they should when their own interests are
at stake. Defeat in Kansas would sot
hack the cante in every other state, and
suctv would stitnulato the movement
from ocean to ocean. Let every stiff ragM
take this fact into consideration and
como to tho general rescno in coming to
ours. Laurit M. John In Uoston Woiu
mi's Jonnial.
A llrlilc's Jrwrla.
"The jewel of the youthful Conntesi
Craven." say an English newspaper,
"will prohaiily excito some envy among
our society ladu . It in not often that a
bride of iJ can Ixiast the ioseiiiion of
three such superb pieces of jewelry a the
magnificent tiara of diamirtubi, a dupli
cate of the Lmpreft JoM phine's. given
to her daughter by Mrs. UiadUy Martin;
the exquisite ami very valuable necklace
of t h n-e row of per f ti t ly matched pearls,
which was the present of her grand moth
er. M". Sherman, the widow of the
founder of the family fortune, and the
U-autiful old diamond collarette, taken
from lur own wedding present of .Vi
years ago by the dowager Countesa Cra
ven a a wedding gift to her soli' bride.
Lord Craven IniiiM-lf rejoice in the pos
sesion of au amlK-r cigarette tube set
alsjut with diauiotids."
' t. un-m1.roii.Iy
- - . 1 ,.f Nt.T --tl.- r t.r'i I r
' " :. r i n. i i sr.
' - ti r. bV iiKM.HN AM
wtiiii.TO, XrK la sr-i
I in ( it alT.
El LIEE1C & CO.,
' . at, in. i ,bi t r.-i f.-f
' l'r.n...r.p-M,.l "
' i. .-....-
- (.(. wt ir- l ar.
.a..4i, ,-ail -ta-l-'r t.!!
t- a-.. a Ma.- at . -au -a rt w
I ndrrarar l or Trarella.
Combination suit are recommended
f..r traveling, but if you are not accus
tomed to this style of underwear my ad
vice in imt to experiment with it away
from home. If you are going to Chicago
for the fiit time, yon may not la? aware
of the sudden change to which that city
ii subject ami may not think to take
w t ( f lightweight flannel in your tnmic
in addition to the game you will prob
ably wear. Exchange.
Vtomra (.rwlaalra f llnnur.
(if the i'Jl gr.wliia'i- of the London
' university w ho ts.k the degree of H. A..
I w) were women. In the honors ht in
i mental and moral science, a woman
i stood fir-t. an al in that of Engll-h and
French. In the very difficult faculty of
j xi.-ti.-e. 1.' out of M were women. In
' ll-e M. II. examination. 7 out of wi re
, women, ami in medical faculty 'J out of
6o were women.
Tba -I. la f Woana,
Fi r tn yiar, if not longer, women
luve h id the right of virting in the tale
1 of Mm M.m'd ' men do n"t vote,
1 Jut widows and i lusters b iux bou-
hold.m and I r- . My bol-l. m. can. aim
ill. v d. "Win ii an election tak. place
' f.,r" the hoUMS f key, or the scb-sd
t.nrd. or the t' n commi-ion. la!y
t ,tirare i-worted ID carriage by the
! r.tmara to the voting place, and
f. r the tune the isle of Maa m'jfht be
I -C!d lit 'ile of Wuuiaa.
lerh'a laaliluualila Kraiirl rar VaU
rlra ul Hi igarrlla llalll.
1 In re la imw a nl. Il,- reaort i n uppt r in S,w,rl iiiy.wliire In
il'. . ili.(.. , n.aj nn, k the aidni llt
lllitl.lle if n,fl II... n.e eollla 11111(1,. Tlii l ulu. .111..U. r,.in ' la
lc . i I n al.. ;.. In the Wltnli.w i.( wl.hh
ll l.t. i Mu ii.. i. Mail. ..Ij' h lllng eida
h'l I '.if 1 1 1 ia Hie l.i.ity ri.rt.ilin llml
I. lid' II. Inowi ii iti em. rid the smoke
riNiui ji,. ait, r Hi. th. at. r ii,.,. r nlhl
Tl. r in s,i lia'l.i.d I y i lei trie lamjia,
Wlena -rata . re nidi. ill 1)11..'
(ll.i-s i ( inrki-h l.intiriis llml I. Id tl .'
rln lrii' I ..II The c illng was li
i r d wi'ii ...ft (..lured t nfT. Around
t,.i wnll. were a 1I..1 II linn l.ea, IlitlllliK.
I hMiiali the Mii.' .in Ae figure ad 1 1. el In n.l .u,, I wi nriiid a liirlmn
I to tn, tl. tied II, e t i.ii. r. t.i a r. .in h
' V I, nl III mail. nn I., t I, ,i..-. t.i have
..,. .fl.v or -.,.. IVr.1,.1, , ,. ,,..,, ,
t'.t' Anil ttill n .i.lnm miii.kc a rlynMle, 1 ... .
or will .he mlt. iiiure with a narghile '
awnt.r pl .'-through whlih the
e... iiml wi-.t s the I rcnth of the
iiiurnlnu' ' !
due i f ll.e wuiiicn plin kill ip murnse
to ordi r two ri, s i ( rortie niul I lI i f
ierfiiliiid clganttea Thill they li..ked
around tin m
The fl. r was i..vrndwlth runs On
the W illi. I u ii u 1 1. tciii rs w it Ii J. w. hilts,
ph i iili-a nn i.i t ru. In Nuijf frnini-s itli.l
lf's of f.inta. lie mid ciirii.i.t design lie ,
ti re im h coin h wns a little elxmy .t.iml j
Inlaid with in. tin r of pi arl. '
In ( lie corm r lilo by side nn a mm Ii
sat a limn w hu wnrc n (In suit and i
woiiinn who l.inl tlir.wn an i.s ra rl nk I
fnuii nUnit I.i r shoiihli rs. Tho lusn w .w
sim.klng a ( n long sti .k .
ino laiwi i.i w iin ii n titl nn Ihe elmnv
stnml l.-fure hlni. mrt.luiiiilly the wom
an Would pufT at a th Unite cigarette she
In Id b 'tween In r gloved They
talked nni in ite.lly, mid It was ealjr hi ard
that they talki.l of the piny tin y lunl ju.t
Half reellnlng on nnothi r roiich was n
Woriinn ho wan i jivltig tu' a
ghlliv Hi report sat en a chair smiling
at her. In a low cin-hli.iic.l seat, evtih nt
ly mm lint home, tu n woiunn wl.o In
hnled the t Igaretl siiinki. slid Mew It out
III I. nn Is thriuiiili her di Urate limtrtla
In nil there wi re 1 1 people In tho six
wiuiii n and lite men. Hut nun of ti n mm
was alone. Ho a vhleiitly felt 111 nlm'.
for an mmiii nn It wan ci l cm. ugh lie tlr.iiik
bin rolTcii and went atvny.
Tlio ulinti.t proprh ly reralli d. Inde. il
It wan so einlm nlly mier that It Was nl
linait ii ire..iig In the mlvciilure. ,nin
Imly reMirter ' of The World who gives
us tills an'oiuit.
Twa ( liarartrrl.l: kiarle a4 Jaraana't
lllualKaaa H bra II Mai real.lai.l.
(innral .ig. assialant coin
Dilsaioni r t.f Iiii1i.ui aft airs,
Amllew J k.u was one of the greatest
mm Ihia country ct.r pnalu.. d and
h.ts a iiuinla r of storii w Inch were tol l
him ly Inn uiii-le, who was an intniiatu
friend of i )l.l Hickory iiie i f In. m la
Very character t.i ic of the man
I,, wis t '.i'a, a.n-n larv of war, w ,i.
ct.r at the White II iim-one d.iv with I
Some imp..rt:iut p.ipcts for the n i.l. tit
to sign, among tin in la lug il curt in tr llmlliigs.
"t ,is. wlrtt is tlii." in.tiir. d J.i. k
'n as he was at. .nt to write his ii.nm,
lo the il a'Ulliellt
"It Is a c.'iiit luattial," an. wind
Wh it bate I to .! with if' a-k. d
rirlty (irrea
rear of
I-ltea In f'onslaat
In rnn.tant fear of assassination that
Is tho state In which Hetty tirccn declare
she ban been fur nearly :.0 years. That In
why th richeat woman lu A merlin, It
It til-nit... n an ofllmr frmn the s. tt
.-e. ami tin- president liiU't sign sm li or
tiers. "
J.i. I... .tl toyed with tho par a. id
said mu.ingly: "l)nilca him fr un
the army, eh' Why?"'
"Iruiik. tiness; getting drunk and
falling il.'tt n mi para.lo or sotm thing of
that kind," au.wireil the svn tary.
"Who ordered tho court:" .1 .link
"(ietii ral S'oM, " answered Can.
"Who Is If" lll,Uiritl tllll J'tesldi lit,
with III. ire interest.
"In-i . tor t ii m ral Krauti, " r. plied
"What'" shouted Jin k sua "My old
friend Krauu! t'a.. ju.t read what
that p.iT savn. "
The mti taiy r. ad the usual form of
the coin I martial si litem e ill such cases.
The pieslib nt then k the paja r and
wrote a. r..n the iu where ho was
uln.iit to sign his name
"The w ithin findings are diiapprriT
eil, and Colonel Krauti m restored to
Ins duly ami rank. ''
Hi pa.M'd the paper back to Strreta-ryC.i-s
and said, w ith Inn usual Vi he
Ulitl.e. ' i:y tlx- I'.t. rnal, Ca-s when yon and
S'i it a. rvt1 your couutiy an well a that
man h m y. ii can gi t ilrnnk ou duty ev
cry ilay "
A votiii.: ni.iii fnnu T. tim ssiar, son of
I a fin ml i f I .l iteral .la.-k. n's, came In
Washington for ii place, lie liHikcd
ah. id ami found what l.n wanted. It
was tn tlio war il. pattm.'tit and tilled
lyavtry . Th lent Whig, wlnui fsivre
lary Can would imt teiuuve. The young
mail told J nksou the situation, and
Cuss wan sent for.
"Cass," said tho resident, "this
young man, son of my old friend, says
you have not a place in tho war depart
ment lilliil by a W hig which you won't
give linn. "
Seer, taiy Cass i xplaunil that the
dutii-s of the ollice viii' i f a Jst uliar
kind, and be cotild gi t no one to till the
place if the man now in It should Iw re
luoveiL Jackson Hand up.
"I!y the riial, Cas, do you mean
to tell me you have an ollice in your de
partment tilled by a Whig which cnn'l
bti filled byaDi iiiiK Theu abolish
tho ofllce!"
Tho young man got his place Wash
iugtou I'tsst.
Mil IIKTTT il!Kl:N.
nut In the world. Iin gmio bIkiiiI ilresseu
llko a KMirhoiiso Inmate, lived In shnhhy
liHlglngn, rooked her ow n food ami wuslntl
her own riot he.
Her f I0..kj,ik)O have bMiight her no
happlnt's. tin tho contrary, she has uf
frh'd enilltm anxiety, fear and trouble on
account of her wealth. Yet she Is con
stantly strhlng to add more to her vast
fort tine.
Hetty (Irtn-n's eeeeiitrlcltle aro old sto
rle. lb r M'rssteiit longing to acquire
wealth and her equally I" rslstelit practltn.
of not rnjoj lug it nro well known. Hut
tho motive of her strange Bctlorm has only
been guesaed at heretofore. Tim other
day she gave lierown explanation of them.
Hio (let Ian a that slut In III inuineiitary
dread of In-lng iiiurderetl, and In support
of this theory she tells a wild, wctrd
talo. Hiosnys, first, that her father wan
killed; s.ond, that her aunt's death wn
hastened by drugs, and, third, that she
herself lias had several attempt made
upon lu r life.
On June II. lnr,.'., Hetty syn. she wns
called to tho la-dslilcof her father. He tola
her then that ho was lu Iho rlutches of a
conspiracy and gate her the detail of the
plot against lilm. Shortly afterward she
left th rwiin. and upon returning found
her father bathed III hi own hhsal, wlilrh
flowed from w. minis Indicted Ly a promi
nent person whom she das dot nnie,
Thl conspiracy, according to Hetty's
account, Included her aunt Mis Sylvia
Ann How land of New IWdford, Mass
That lady became suddenly and myn
terioiisly 111, and she died without having
spoken to any of her relollve. Hetty
says she found the nurse had been Billnln
lslerlng In d.aa sof W drops
Then came Hetty's turn. Stone nd
other dangerous inls.lles have Iss-n hurh d
st her from the of building In
this r ty. Men have l.roken Into her house
at Hempstead, S Y , with Intent upon life, (i round gla b l' n placed tn
b r finl
'.Mrs i;r.-n.M said William 11 StoyHn,
her lawyer, flrmly Is-llne these stories
I know nothing ul.nt the truth of thnn "
Man If, latnffesialse Martlerera.
Trlson ( frielal say that, an a class, the
Bicn who are In for murder are l-ttrr men
than the oth. r f. Ion. To outsider the
name of inunl.-n r conjure up a vlalon of
.,wr hroweil, sn.nll eje.1 humanity, Willi a
skulking soil tlilitllsh Hue ala.ut the
mouth. 1 hut Is In tl" 11. The fact I thai
the men who have la-en sent up for nmr
dir or maiislnuKhter an- manly rnoiiKh
l- king f.-llow if I hem are paying
Ihe penalty of a life's lilsrtyfor an In
sunt when the Mood niadneae raged Uli
Th lies llellrtr.l In Ioni a I'ronilsa, bul
H'aa a llll Scaml.
Iluys that is, small lmys huvoqueel
ideas in tbtir little In -ads, often timliii,
expression in uuiquo spetch. Thai
t Ii. y ore truthful, or at least intend t
Im so, got without saying. During tin
recent hs'ul flisxl r little l.y alsiut (
yearn old stmid at the window uatchini
tho rain an it rained. It seeiiu (1 to him
thut ho hud never seen anything like it;
had never la hi brief experience no
tired such strong indications of a regu
lar old fashioned II.skL Finally ho e n
titled hi fears to hi mother, asking il
she didn't think that (bat was going ti
drown out the world again.
Hero was the golden opportunity fm
impn-siiig iihiii tho mind of contlding
chlldlnsKl the teachings of tho Hi hie. S(
sho said calmly, "Don't yon reinemls r,
Archibald, that you learned iu Sunday
schisil that OikI promised that In
wouldn't drown Iho w orld again?" Tin
little fellow watched the Increasing ram
a moment in silence while ho .iuli red
earnestly on tho iiioiih ntotn question
"Yes," ho said slowly, "yes, I s'jhwc
I've got to Is'lieve what (itsl says, but
l,ut" and hu shut hi li hard
"but thi in a devil of a shower. "
Stillwater (Minn.) (jiuctte.
Sot Ml I II.
Sol leu. h tu 'ite cup ol snt. r, yrt it.
ilrauithl it oh, I lefr. slniienl ilianrd t'J
trtrreil I .t a ill aru-t more I. a-'ire thi.nih
llr Iran r I lia'l l.rii I lias pi. reel wine re
liraiihr ' ia of r Cat im. ii.iii h
I' lav. a l-ollle ol t Ja.ol'S n.l, tn
rut i r.1 e, tn liiiiii-s.'i.'a la .uui; ,a'i ua
w i.i si a i' Men up a . 1 1. re , r... .r I
La. k. It in a Iim I na I. t a n.a i ti I -r h on
ho'i 'av a's le V.tni'ii h I..
aai . t -r in a. I its a.r .1 n'e un.-iun lo
. . n. I.. 1 1 I lio.e It. ,p I n 11 I.e. rr V I itei rl r.1 .
...Cat it. name Ike In.'t.. h I I nor I. ia
known to t.r ri'ii.ilii I rri .1 . Il (lie rtler
i al s i:i ol y
4 tll.l..iia en
Cardinal in! I. i., in a lot lit sermon
at the Hail im. .re ai. oil th.
quctloli of Woman au!U. !,.:
Tho chill. Il l.'llottn Ihe ti a. hlligs of
St. I'.iul, that Woman In .sjual to mail,
w In ti he il.-lmn tliatle.l makes in
Ii -t iiii-t i ti a I i n itt. ti.ility, or
x It . . in. t.i ti,,. i ai f til In ci litem
I late wlat w.'iiM hate hi n lint coll
litl.. n of ... n ly t 'day if II had u. t U. tl
( r tin. r.-ti.uiiiii.'. .am 1 1 (y mg and pu
nft ti g intlii. m i. of tt. .man. W oman
l.- s in t t."l iv . x r. l-e Ihe tight of suf
fl.ige. She t V 'te, and I am heart
i'v (.111 of it I h..p. the day will in nr
t mu' win Ii .he can Vote, and if the
light Is gt int.-d In r I li. i. she w ill re
;r. t it. it. tl I ! i . . 1 1 ! i tin te arc soiun mm
,'ill.. .1 tt. in. n tt In. think tin y want It.
West l'.ll!i .1. if tt man I titer. l s lltt, s,
.lie tti nl. I I.' sine lo carry with
her i f the mud ami d'lt of the s
1 1 1 1. Ill Mil', I. si, would l.ise
some of Iin liilliu nee w Iin h sho Uott
x Its. the I sllana.
The derisive step III the Lll.'W h.Igc of ill
liliati. n n.i. taki ii in Fgtpt. There were
mi nti d I h" f.r-t real 1 1 t illiut; npi'itratun
il'irin the f.r-t i .nt in ii s e( t he ('hri.ttau
in Ih'-v me iIimtiUiI preeisily lu the
u.r,.s of i li i i-.. ii 1 1 author of
century, from Ihe t. i l.tiirat t rvatist a of two
U' lui .t r!,i mists 11111111-.I (li-outtia and
Matt. Ill the initra'in of at.nsk text of
M Murk are I liedruit nik's of the apparatus,
S.I t hit ii.'i.Ti'Mi.l It w it Ii t he ant Imr sde
s. n;.tion. - 1' 1:. M lhr'.hi'ot In IVpular
S.i.iue .M. iithly.
Th first meutlnn of the pl organ lu
history la In connection with Solomon's
temple, ti her there was fcu orgau with If
Jrw.lrm say that the sale of precious
stones as amulets and tharu.n to ward off
ill lurk is nowadays greater than etar be-
l.arina llullerfllr In Tasrat.
A snga'estion that Ieria should b i
plauteii to attract the htiltrfli lo our
j,rk is nisyle Ly Mr. A. llenaiuan. who at- i
tnhutea tu the valerian In Itegrnt s park
the priifuama of htittarflir tbrre. Jlaaaya.
's-eveml a;-r .ra of th CoU.nnaTI whit btlt-
lerflr are to L seru iitt TenraJl over Im- I
d.m. let sii. h a tanety of the vaneaauli I
never saw U fore. T he launted lady. Urge
au-i small Wrtois shnl. rv.1 wlmiraj and
tl.a lovrly i-ar.k butterfly btersuly
swarmnloo th valerian, whlrh la so at
Iraclire to theaat Sfsreiea. I rxmntssd oo otia
small pat'h wblcb I could lav oovarssl
wltb nj tst fourof the atsuv aassatt i
." Lottdo. ywa
. -a a . A . I ' a.
Hiins comfort mA inipnvenient and
te-rln to pcr.'ial ( LJ"t nieiit when
i..'h:!v Used. 'lb'' l"-'' .v. "ho live Ut
!. r than .tbcm and enjoy hie more, witl
-n i xs n litur-, by more pmniptlt
l.tnting the World s la -t pn-lui ta !
needs i.f t-hv-ieal l i"g. will att.-si
II- value M lieitltll of the pure llqlll.
iXiittve j.rim ijues embraced in tin, s-vrtlp of Figs.
It. exceileii.-e is due to its preaz-ntinf
in the form m -t . ce tal.!e and plea
a ,t hi the U-te, the r. f r. -hiiig and;
b tn fi' ial properties of a rf. ct lax
utile; rtfe. iuillv the sy-teni,
tii-t. l'lin.' col l..' hda. he and Itt' f
and permanently curing constipation
It ha eiven sati-fa. tmn to millions and
met with the approtil of the medical
profession. Is-rali-e It ' Is on the Kid
ners Liter and I'- w. 1. without weak
eiilnf them am! it is p rfcctly fr- fr.n
every obj.' ti"" able snletarne.
St rut, of r'igs is f..r sal.- by all drug
pl.t in Vs-audi I ltt!e but it is n.n
ufartupd bv the ( al. forma rig Syn.
Co only, wh's-r name c prinUil on evert
pack age, al- the turn.-, yrllp(f r ig
and la ing well informed, v.u wiil Uul
't t any subn'.ituus if ulsfti
The Hrookltu Liiilv'e, Ihe largest .u.K'ti
siotl blldce in the tl i. Id. Is, It II h Us n
pli III lies, 1,'. sy f, , t , l.g nl.d tt l thl.l'ti,
Tl e I I. Iti. I St., I., flag ttns first aalllUsJ
bt a foreign p..n.r itt l.uiUii.u bay lu
'."riinv by Admiral l a Motte'i; Id sin it iu stutil
It III rl-e nifnlll III Hu- 11 i.lll o a .ll-s . ' l'.'
.Uh In.ll'a'l ll'e tor III.- .m l... ten e., a II ell
l.aie t.ainU.,l.',l 1. 1 ii. i.i In. twll.-l III llir
.m.i iv i.i riire. I'.e real In-Ivraiil an. I .'.
mu hie. II.1.I.-I .-1 . sImiii.. ti It II. r III. I'll
I. mi. Iin- li. rv...e. I' .- i1i-im-,ii.. the rlieumalli
allle .le.ive t- r1v la-ie hi lonii lh I In- Lil l
lun l' ine.1 elm' 1'. ra.e " -i rt.-r . i -at Ir tin
n.-.ll n al I s ll II.. t4'-ltl.e lennaiietil K.Ntal
It. .in K.e riert iiiin i'-l i nn-1 .1 1 inn i.nil. ..( com
...ri..-. I.n. fll.-li II..-.I tee. l.-lv. 111.' Illt'rr. .
'liiiiii le f.r.-tet -i -1 ti. tin .- a. s nunc,
.in-' It. ."l .- l-a.l. I- in. .III'.. l l.t Ihe reiijiiii.
I. .11 Ml h ll el vrtfelal.l.' Ilnr'e.l I'lila .1 Ihe
hic'ie.1 leiiii-ilisl i iei'l etii e. Malaria 1 i re-
v i I ait. I r. ni.-.ii . I.i il, an. I II UiliiM-a v:i;i.
in'., llir ae.k an. I .1. 111 . as t tl.-ST ul Ihlrr
lilu.'. a liy I. in- at iTS.-e .Im.-.
II. . lh.' Ill nninue el . rann ale. Jii.l I tl
the r.M.t.i a.triil.if.r Int.' 7 II. ..Ic .tllil.ait. hr
I. my hu. Imu. I,
I tin IU .In.ii l i. n t. -run liaelicr.
I..M tel.'' term.. V..f l-i
Mill! II. 41 IIN lit. the. .i.i at mil
1-aiK'sl mu. le .nn. i,. 'II K rl s , 'rilainl.
I at (Iri.xri l..r hreakl.t.l.
I -. k ii nun-', tin' -l.tvi- l'..!l-li in. .In -I . nn .inel I
f I'.I. ciinuit, mi you should reiueinls'r that
re ief is ill hand iu Ibs-d'. .ir-.i..ilill...
Illi. nni. itlni i. cail-wl hy lactic 1 1 id in the
hl.sal, vihi, h s. lih-s in ihe Joint., 1I.hnI
i Cures
s rs p rilla
purities iho
l.lii .1 inn I n-
moves thl
taint. There.
tore Ibsnl's hiirsiiioaril'a cures rheinuatisiii
n hen nil other rt luedie. have failed. Live
II a fair trial.
I sutle cd Intensely with rheumatism
Lu! Ibiod'a htrsapanlni has ik-i li-etl v run .1
me. ii.tsKY r. riTTiKii,
W iiitcmllc,
HOOd'S Pill re Ihe Is ! faiii:Irestharlle.
lfi rcrt A cm IT ain OUT (uet. j
. , .na K. nil V K'lllS 11 L
ftokl I.f l.rnssis'sor sent Lf mall. a..oa,
Blel 1. UU a-r latrkns. (Haw pie free.
varasw IfA Ttie Psrorlte TCOTS KTtH
lf XlUfurlhlot'iali411i.Ji.
W. L. Douglas
atk. amasa. ams. a asaa. mm a u W tftf
53 bhUL-
saw a
.AST "sa.
roa akinO.
, WORKiNtyru'.
i ' j-n.LitP W i- O t -' t- -sssJaj-'
UaT JSot rroKJ-iAi
Ovr Oh MtllLsa pastel wsssr the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our ..hoes art equally aatUfactory
Th.f ( I-. c tt. bt " ".rZ:
Thaw equal iMlua Shaaa la
Th erica ara nllortst. laaspasl Mastt,
p,.JTl. I. II Md '
Properly Sold.
II. va ..... ,.r. t-" ""' "uh '" ."' h"
.,. a "Mi I t.. 1. i l la.-, t.i rellna; reel
Vi . . II .ril-l'lr -irr. I.
I . .ili.i. I. in.
Sweet Virginia
tM-u "is Aiv bit 'ts
, Sr.. 1. V
In (.-a s.
di ntr.
Dr. Price'aS
Cream Baking Powder.
John IJovd Tmciii:u. c".h;iifni;in cf the
I'v.vnliYf (''iiniiiiitee tn,U ;it t lie Col
li n'M.m l'!;i)il!oii. writinu' Iror.i Washington,
D C. , o the I 'like Hakin l Jer Company,
says :
" f", '.'..' I '.. ,lt I.i.' ,.yt ,'f ,'r
i' i. i i: ; '. . V it iv.. ;.V. 'i t'st
.; , . i ,i'.i,.i ij yui .i.i'J't)i, it'i.'tn cihtr.
U l.t .it.i , l.'.V "
Thus are the honors awarJeJ
Dr. Price's Bakiny: Powder
at tho WoiUls I'air fully veriikd.
On the other hatul the claims to awards
at the I - .1 i r hy a New Ymk h.ikinr I'owJer
are proven wholly false. Ollicial records
show it was nt even an exh hitoi. Was
it Ivc ins" it rout itMt'tl'i.i ?
X I'.iwi tfnl I .III. .Hal.
The w i i : if-,: i ,1 t.-r of a i ert nn I 'h i eland
ueit -i..'is r I-a man ttho Is onliuni lit us
tlllH I I toils I I (' 'III "I I llll'll t s (Is a Stollellllll
i.t.i lunl slnt the other, h.meter,
I e tuts f,.n ed to blush al prnis.'. Aw. U
klnotli m ill III that low ll had by saline
nn aim la-en reHtited tl.-ntl, and the eilitor,
lint lllg kliolt II hilll tl.'ll, set alailll preuir
nig an o'iluary editorial worthy of Ihetn'
r.tsiou. When it ttasnll ihiue, and he had
a proof of it U'.'oie 1. 1 in . In walked Ihe man
I. mis. If
'I he editor as surprised.
" I jnt Iii unl," Kinl the lisitor, "that a
rumor tt as to the clTii I that I hiel
a'l'iie oter, and I came lu tu protein you
Unit it was not correct."
"We In mil alsnit It ." swii.l Ihe eilitor,
"and I Just lived )oil il a lit lie something
here as a token of our esteem," and be
handed oter the pnn.f.
The man read it through carefully and
with etnlet.l (.'
"liy .love, old fellow." be mild fervent ly,
InkiiiK the editor's linn. I, "after reading
thai editorial I'm almost sorry t he minor
Isn't true."
Then the editor blushed.-- Hit roil Free
A rilal..loglrnl Paltry,
ll tn surprising how many a-ople la llev
that Ihe entire Isaly of a inaii in renewed
every seven )eins exactly. This used In l
lauglit In IsN.ks. and allhnugh no4i.rtb(s
dox How In still accepted an gl by
Ti. show its iniiieuracy one ho only to
hit a nail on his lluuer hard eunuch, for In
I hut i use Ihe Injured w ill r.. me oil
mid Is' i. placed Ly nn entirely In- nail.
If tins .n . s. .. upnd seven yearn sui h
an ai cnletit tiotild Is- n irry tiresome af
fair, hut its niiv lii.rhiinic will tell toil. It
only laciipirs a few weeks The growth In
more rapid In summer than winter, bul
Or vi r Inking in. ire t hall four nn. lit lis
So fur an Ihe nails are conn rind, then
the renewal ,roci-s is reaaled ala.ut tt
llinen during Ihe regulation Mien yearn.
and the theory Is Hum destroyed, even If no
other pnx.fs of its falsity w.-re forthcoming
St. Iin (.loU-D, ni.s rat.
Hi- in-1 I I HK fur ('Mitt. I old. ami
I .. pla st.
s I.I l. all iniissl'is rn e, a. ua.
J K (.AIM A I ll . l'r...rlrlor,
117 ssiisniuv nl , n. f.
lllitfn Till?
We i tier ( in- lluiulrtd I'.illsrs ICrward
f.-r any ( n-e of atarrh that cannot Im
lire i Lv Haifa Catarrh ('lire'
r J. t II I.N KY A K . Fropn..
I , ilr. In. (lli(.
We. Ihe un,lrrsi,:ni .1. hair known F. J.
I'hrnry lor the ht.t It years, and In-heva
ll i ru H-rte(tly hoimrnLle iu all l.uaiuess
Iraionrtinns ami linancially a'.le to i arry
out any ot'ligaliona ma.le Lv their linn.
W -r A I sr it.
W hnlrsale hmgitiatn, liilrilo, ll.
W u n is.., k ins is .V M tat in,
Wholesale lirucKtsta, ole.lo, ll,
Hull's t'atarili I'ute is liikrn internally.
rung dirrcliy upon the hhsal and uiuni.u
suilai r ol the v trin. I'nre. T.'w. er Ik.I-
1 le. hold hy all lmiggisla. 1 e.llinoinal
"Falher," aahl Ihr laif. what In llianll ral t"
"liiM.l.rni,' ana ihe re.i, ".a m-rely s lung uar.1 ll. iltaerlla- a .lull I isili.lllluil. "
riKMis- or mkiiit.
The prisif of the merits of a plaster la
Ihe cure il flints, ami the voluntary leal I
mimialaof those whohaveused ALInt l's
I'oS.ii s 1'itsTKHS during the past thirty
years are uiitiupeachahle evidence of ll
siim ru.iily and should roiiviuce Ihe moat
skeptical, hell praise la no recommend
linn, cerlilicalea fn in those who hat
used tin III are.
Ilea are ol llnllnlions slid do not las de
emed hy misrepr. seula'lou. Ask for A Lu
te i s's, and do not Iss persuaded lu accept
a siilisliiule.
Haisi'SiTH's I'll L never go aslray.
Klr.1 1 Ihi-M- mta.liinarlr. (Irs me a
I Kami. I t-aniiltial -i Ihlnk yinl ral luu
Ii.. Fast from I'ortlaml, I'rndletnii. Walla
Wall i ia 1 1. It. A' N. to Siokane and Ureal
Northern Kailaay to Molilalia. I'akolas.hl.
I'sul, M innrsM.ia, ( loiaii ., tiuiaha. St.
I. iiiia, Fast ai d South. It.s k Lallal track ;
llnsM rnery; new equipment Ureal North
ern I'ulnce Slriqier and IMuers; Faintly
Tourist Cars; lliillel bihrary Cars. Write
C. I'. Ii.ilnivan, l.eneral Agent, I'orlland,
Ureiroii, or F. I. W hitney, (i. I. A I . A.,
Si. I'sul, Minn., for prlniisl matter and In
toriiiallou alat t rale., route, rlc.
t, ii iil.irlHluw
mhrt at wiiii
time ltyiiitIptMt-M.
lntiHtf1etUiill 4.Uul
tl nikI Jrm rili- rrty
fIN l nrtlrt fr Hit,
U! J llhi.l.alerl I 1
fjA lalal.sju ska.1
s. .iu.
TF-- The "ERIE
.1 a
ssfX V"sv mr, hans allr Ilia Is-M
fxJlrf rllccl. 1'lrlllratm.slrl
f I yt- J v . I nn tie C.-
V'.if V ' lliinill Hu-trl cala-
-a i aan kajua.msllrdlirf (isra,rvs-lt-.,.n rTi rle sorsjt wSTTn
lis a ai H llofsK. Ill Si Slain M , l.a Anrlrs
A-h l..r Tirle's tla
Big Four Route.
I. 0. McCOIMICK. 0- MAItltl.
I'.as I rattle Manager, (en I'a.slkl. Aal
S1anN,M,.l rr.n.fnl. -"aVal
Ni.l.lrm n., Jl7W
W.4. airne'tr. af)1
So,.), .y.N'.u.l I JaJ I
M,.kn,..,.i. , ATm
kul.lyluia l I t I'VsVj
routiAcai rpni
lh lit mi
anJ nal futca ol
(it Am ! fluri
it giw vigor,
pnwtr ! ! 1
ih viul orgn ol
POllll CMI
I ha mii wo
lffnl i hit fnrnt
fl Mrnllt .! Si Irtit i
lisTunty a know!'
'I 4 "'nnf nl
luff k uf atnicC'l.
N V'trh B'l-trp
F.y to KArtf in
! px kM Pf lt
fi b.ifurli
SM im pi tin
ripptr, oral
ill Df 44(lt.
fM4OOllC C.
TL. 01
-a--SAtaVA.. a ass,.
WaalaSsall St.aaialaf. Oaataas mil,
5. N. U. No. 8na-K. F. N. U. No.W
E.t.b iee CORDITT &. MAC Ll? AY CO. . isoa.
I M l'i .1' Ill's slllll'IM. an.l l litlMI-s'liN VIM HAM". I ll-r.l ..t i snea on,
... .'-is' I Wheal. tiai. w.a.i sue s r. ial imi..rt. Irt.m ( ( ina Ja, aii an.l la.
,n, 1 flrr, l( rr. M.llo I ah, hue. ).!... -a.., Ia ( hlna V I HI. nr. IM I lv-
r'..a. llir.l. l nr . -airr ao-t I li. I . k a , . . I h. in I. a s all k I Iota. T llihlata, .al.rti it
v.! .,.,rl Wln al has-. M-f M'.tl.l.. C...1 Hriu nr. I..-. A le I 'nnrs.' I', rlrr. r trh an4 lil.k. ami W .le .. Ii.r lair III I. s In anil llr I ( H 1 1 AMI, tin.
al .tiL' rr.FI. BAIi" MiKS it'll. BACK
he Isssm everr step sem a hnrilenT T oo need
m .-..(.to Kllan4 fKiiVIKi!H'4 . an4 sr. still .aa yon iwasT. ; kall th beat
let aril Asawla rhmfaar
rasa, a4 still asail yon vwf
nny y.-.., a . at- ..... .a M.l ff,,r ....( caaiS
.. ' ... a. ,. .... ...,o,ir. art. a na .asiir an-t a,i Irrsa, a.
... wwsll.l.ahi. r, em t out s.- r .. -r Us-I.r ( llra.s ...baeeo,
"'j;:1: r : .. zzz ... v- ' -j
CO ! Front trooi, rinun, wr.