The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 09, 1895, Image 1

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l ;
NO. 7.
Tbe Euscnc City Guard.
... . .l- v... .11. ,.f WllUni.U
r 11
I i un
, .74
AJtrtiJ H itf Km oh
j S. I.UCKKY ,
Oxki Aatnes, Chans. Jewelry, Etc.
tr in WarB Warraat',.
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
PhyHlwi.-n iu'J SurBoii.
Oil1 '! m-i.l'iic- "rr itirrio. Ilmir.;
W kn.iL'l'i 2, to 1 l- m.
E. C. I-A-IE.
J .ml Si-w I'rlm In Fiirelun atel
luartlK- Mart.l.- uJ (iraulle, M.inuin.lili,
ll.vlt"ii'' t.VmU!ry war. uf
ill kind, for
UUB.Itt sir,.-!, nt-ar ltnrTre. Kiifen., Or
dm, i-Our loll l.lork atiutb ( Chrbin.u'l
KI'.KNK. :
At rmitlcniv cur. fttli and Lincoln Sta
Olfliv up.iair In MeClareti'a build
lilt, forn.r Mli and Willamette atreeL
T. (i.Hniimun,
I mxlrnt.
8. B. Eiii, Ja.,
H National Bank
Oi Eugene.
fild up I ash Capital 50,000
Surplus mil Profits, $50,000
Eugene - - Oregon.
A mwti liwkinc btuinna ila on raaaou'
,w Nitf-hl drWu na NKW VtiKK,
H,'A.''. SAX PKANCISCU aaii 11KT
UUl(illK(ilI "
11.1 U ul .Ltn. na tuulMO sodOtrfm.
l-wu tulijwt to oh. nr artili-
Ail mlUrti.iiM MtnwUH too. frill noeWt
U Ih. M .i, tJW wriu B0lr j,u
Mwcb 3.1, IU3:
B. Mui. Mm. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon ,
umuMKK; On arrlvliiK bonis Iwl
", I f"uiul all wtll aiii anxluunly
imic. Oiir little girl, client and one
r'""ir "1I, who bad wanted away
'un.. i ii. ,w wfll, atmnir and
'f-r..u, m we Qui up. K. It.
It" W'Wwell,
2",' U- hil.lrvn likn II. Yourrt.
' oUirh ( nr.. I,.. .ml L-i,l
,, '" l'"uiinnii frni nie. riopive
u.""(7w, Willi KrtTtlnftjr all.
"iiriliij Vl. i,r,,r-.ri,.. u..
hi,',"? rwh .ml cbiW.
l.ri mr (uarmntra
Kf lui bf .11 drtifgi.U.
H'L'l'' 4 L- ASK (OWP1.ITB r K
a.', "4 rrT Iiikwki bxiht Id tfaf
Exclusively For Cah,
-IN Ei:(ii:XK. :
lu '"'il ain.U Uacli al luarkrt
very Pair Cuaraeed.
aooress 6an Francisco Cai.
Flurriire llnu.
W.xt. Fib. I.
I'nclu Ihivid McirM i fuilinir ijuito
raiilly of Int.-. Ho linn nn out tn inrt
for liini but bU iia-tif htMirn, wlin mv lt
ln all tln-y run fur bi oomfurt.
Tin.' Ituburt left Mmiiluv fur AUra
to tow nut tli M-limnicr JiiM'iib and
llfiiry, lo.nliil wiib liiinUr furSin!
Kraiii-iii. Tbtt liii aUo iiirrlol I VXl '
fivt of lumber for Ni-wMrt. j
A kimi IiiI h'IiimiI invWiMir win rulli-d i
and liflJ on thw nfli-rnoon ofTbum I
day blot lit tin1 ki'IuniI biiildiiiK and a
l. inl. Kr'.r j .rjr I
J. V. Wall of ilfM'tvir, w;i in tow n
) I'. Huir. of Irvlint. canif (hi.
Inriii llritow , of I'ottiio llriivc,
in tow n tu mv.
J. M. I'l'll'lnmi, (if t'liUI-liN'k. Vl.ilfd
Iht- yintt-rday.
Ir. CIiiiiiiiiiii lii' rrturiii'd boiiic
fiom I'liril iinl.
Atlorn-y K. K. I'M-iii-iiic', of l-'lor-rlUT,
! in Ktli lli-.
N I'. Tollillliuiii, of I'hhI.iii.I, wu
lax of twc. 111 1 1 1 wu vot. d fullowH: . '" "' rdiiy.
Fur part iiiyiii-ut of M'utx, 1 1 uiilN; ; V.. F. Willi and wifu ro n.w
linirovi iiii'iit of urouiiiU, I null. Iiik ut O.iMund, Culiforiiiii.
I'Im tug went up In Acini' Siinduy J. II Wait, rniiiliii(itrr of tin
It. K , .! Ml t. II !.. imI:iv.
anil t-iiili-avoriil to iiiill tin- Allilon oil i
tlictxurli. After liik'KHu f"f throe
iUurtiT of un Imiir iiml fuilini; to move I
tlii 1. 1 1 if allrinpl wa 11 1 hi 1 1 Ji Hoi
Mini the It l':irt ri liirmil hi'ic. '
iu. m V t'oit M'ftia. I
A Kuniur Unit ( ole Will Itrinaiid .
Uilrlifi'. J
Salclll 1'oi.t: It In Hinted, Illnl IIhi
yiH.d authority, thut llcprfM'liinlivc
Cole Ml I di'iimnd wit infcl ion of llur- '
vey Scott uf the ( treoiiiitii for unkind, I
untrue, imill'ioii, nmliiiiiiil tunl uu-!
called for leuinrkii luiidu of linn. The
rumor limy Ik without foiiudutiou,
but it would triUe iaure to the
heHrt of HioiiwiimU to know tlmtS' itt
had been called In In fur hi arm
guiicc unil iiiiiii.tinut Ml I it mil on-
ecrnliin Ho' M'liuioruil cuuttnl and, in
fuel, iiiu-t any other iiie-tioli lie tak. t
riilca with. '
JIiiic t irriiil t'ourt i'uh".
The follo.iii circuit i-iurt cae
were tiled ill the county clerk's olllce
Dm id Cherry v Jauic II. JoIiiikoii.
Suit In eiUty to fiireclow a lliortl'ai.-i'
on reul uon rlV. Tin inortiiNice in on
IJj ucrci in Tn S K .' and -I W, ami
the amount of judgment linked for it
Mitchell, U wii A Stavr Co., a cor
ixiratlnu. va (J. t. Jick"i. The
jilalntltt Niiea on n promNmiry
arkiDir iink'tuciit for tJIT tii
A. L. v J. C. tioodale. The
plaiiititrii-ka for a Jmlment for fll
and lutcn t.
rw l iur Kiictoiy.
Iily o inr.l hVlini-r V
Mewm. Flh & lutU; (he whole-ale
ciKar men rturteii up eterday. At
preclil they will employ llvo haniU.
They (N'ctlpv pMiiii. in the Hale build
lug and have n retail cMalillxl ut in
thu front which i very neatly ar
ranged ami iittractK the intention of all
pa.-er. by. We wihh the Kelitlemeii
auctt-M In tin entcrpriM..
t ap'aiti K. II. Taikcr Kin.
tali, Iv'-r' v
At the meeting of company ( ', ( . N.
., Iut evening t'liplaih I'liiUer i; ie
lint lee of III llltelilloll to rclll I.I
pooiti'iu. The Ciiptmn ha U 1 11 i'i r a
101. m.Ii -ruble iiuiiiIht of y ai ' a pi.i.n
Un ht factor in national i;u ii. 1 iii I,
ill t hln -late and dncx lint care to loi u'' r
maiiitaiu the ilullm II e n lii n
of In-x.iiioii M.iko it in irs ..r
lit ill. I lie leniglinl loll will I' to led
011 li tin ollhvra of the ti iMinelil Hint
on il u.'it ptniice, tho vacancy ill U
lllliil by the coinpany at mi clieliuii
held for tliat nurMia. Mr. I'.irki r
ha, we think, -cn the nin-t p ipular
coiuniaiiib r the company ii i- hud
-nu-e it orguiuatioll anil lln i Mieiviicy
of Hie eoinpaiiy linw lil utitiiiiii; nl
ill ltd In liall'. The loyl rik'ii l evced
iu;ly hi aiiuoiiuivd intention of re
1 11 1 iiit from coiumatul and In- wili
Ii ave the coinpany with l:ic feliuw
olup iiinl ooilu ill of eucTi individual
1111111U r
The enmpaiiy ba nl prex'iil a live
Un luU-rnliip of 4.', mid are a dduig new
material or good ( ' I I . I y mi thai the
eoinpaiiy I iinpiov nig riu'l'l along
The llieliilieio, ulnle reKietlmg the
: 111 ci-wity for I he cleetion 1 f a new com
iiiamlel , call Ii- counted iikiii In elin,iM'
for the r Kpoiifible Hi-itinn a iniiu w ho
I will ever hold the U-l interenti ol the
company u ln tlr-t I tioiitit and "ill
land by biui to a man.
Ol lt ( I. AIMS 1M III.
I,i,4r rrmn lmliaii ii'iri'iUtioii s
licit Ml n-l II V tli( (torriiinrlil
Till: I.IUIN VI'lliN.
I ill I li-l 1 11 fruiu Un Kvper HiU'iil (H
Iiml 011 1 lie ulijiel.
I mil r,l
Sc iiooi. Hkihiht. The followiiiK I"
a correct n p Tt of thu Hailcy IiimI
. lu.l .. I Ml'.
iron, lum, ; r'lllllf . i,.,,, futvlt,u ,i ti.
iimiM-r 01 u.iva lauiiin. , ouuo i , , "
J. K l'i. v, 11 p .1 uiii.'iit
cltii 11, w.ia in lOuelie yesterday.
Mlnrifi I liliiKiiiore, of Voiiculla, ale
vi-iting in Kugeiic for u few da.
Mr. and Mr. J. I. Jon retiiriinl
home to ( 'ullage I imvc t hit afternoon
Kev. A. M. William of Albany,
pr, ai In il in Jinn tnni ( ily ihlinlay.
Ir. L. I). Senibroiigh, of CrenUi ll,
vixited Kugeiie loilay on ll Ulllllen
Jupel JohliMill left for a hint bll-i-liciu.
(up to Kjwburg 011 the iifteruiMiii
Itev. J. K. Snyder wan a paM-iuer
for polnti 'ii 1 1 1 on (lilt ul'ernonu'
Mi Mae Coehnin went tu Cottage
(rove Hi. a'tvruiHiii u few day
Senator J. II. Met 'lung returned to
hi duties at Salem on tlii- linn liing'
llihop CuMle, of the I'. It. chureli,
wait a paiM'iipT Uoi t Ii on tlii. iiioi ii
ilig'a iocul.
Mr. II. It. Milh-rd came up fiom
Juuclioii t'uy tin ufUTiioou for a
nhoit vi-it.
Col. J. A. Straight and ilaughtci,
Mi- ltlatiehe, left tlii iiioiniug lor n
nhort viil ai Irving.
Miw Abbie Fry luut Ui-ll w-lectcd to
n-pn-aeiit lbt AlUiny inllcgo at the
.lute oratorical conu -t.
A letter from I ht. W. I'lckett nay
he i liH'tiled at the Fairmouud Imtel,
1714 Market ntn-ct, San FraiiciMH.
Mr. A. V. IVtera, we are rry to
learn, i again ipnte ill. Her many
frieliitn hope for her early recovery.
Mis Nellie (idfry returned home
Ihi morning from Coltagi; I rove,
w here he viKltcd relatiVcH yolvrday.
J. II Wyalt, of Albany, Wan it tow n
toduy attending tu nome legal buine.
lie ret urued liuuie on thi morning'
Iih-iiI train.
lU-rt I,. Lucii. the Monurch cycle
man, of I'urilaud, I In the city today
I Miking after the advance trade of Hie
'Hi K-a-iii.
Id nri M-iitiitlve Moorhtad .iH-nt Sun
day ul bi home in Junction City, re
A lb Id I l ire Al l' III M.i'lil
far Kligi'iie.
The lire alarm ylcin ill Kugeiie a
it siaml lit I ' r - 1 1 1- m ry di li elue,
nice Iheie i 110 un an- ol lH-atnii' a
lire lifter the ulul III I tiliueil in. From
reliabl" fi'lirce We leain that II 'lfi i t
-y-ti 1:1 eoiilit lie put in foi fl.Vmol le .
j l.ct Hit motive o lal-e I'-ohomv deter
our eit fat bet from milking 1 he nee
' e.ary change a nuiii u Mi-itile,
H ben one tmu h of be Imttoii of a r
f.-ct lire alarm vrIciii milit ave the
; liole i-o-l of the improveiiielil in a
j -iiik'le hour. Fiom time to live tnin
1 lite i ol in Im'ating each lire Willi
our pie-! u' ytein,t liiol, but iidi lay
i I hi ill t.l I' in in' - line Mate or
i public -.'IiihiI buililiiik- -Imiild cateh
lire, (tiirllie eonipalin - tin ll line
u..ik n-ian m. I- .lone uiiili-r
e.lting eireuni-liilie, . Weie liny a
I Mill e.tii'M.I u I bey are well drilled
; and ellieii lit in utber May Filgelic
1 wo- Id I' III poeM.iin of a lleel y
! ! 1:1. The jHiiple are urpn-d lit the
! pr .iiiptlie-n w llh hiell they reMind
to alarm-: mmcliii l loea. li Imliviilual
I'm man they work In the grvnlcM
harmony and rl.etion.
1 011 (i.hhI to lie Tl Ii''.
It i dalkly wliiierei that thiro i
lo Imj a revolulioii In liathlng eo-tuine
Ihi i-oining Hummer. Thu halhiug
die- of the K-riod I a lucre itipiullc
variety .-f (In houe iln-, w ith the
u-ual art leli- of outer clolliing worn ut
home, ineluiling -hu mid Mo-king
mid in xlreniK eae. a rort t. I rilhy
We bae pubii-lii d a hort iiecouut
el the a ariliug of the It alley ilipredl
tloll ! til 111 . The li..t hill 1; Ki-vieu
gl Vi the lollounig aihbtlilial pattli'
u'.ar :
l.a-l Mt. k the I lilted Mate gov
iiuiiiti.t pai'l the li.illau drpti dal ion
elalUi i-l .1". and l-aac liilley and
-amuil l. Fmiii, r.,for pro rty lo...
e. i. tallied mali Jeal lii;o. I he eir-I'uiii-t.ilii
1 . rurroundilig tbe-e claim
aic I'ln Ily a. foilow: In l-'JJ.- Hal
Icy, who then rt.ided id l.tine county
pa-xd throi.gli Ihi met 1 on Willi a
lurge band of eittb. oine of the h k
beloiiilig t" I .line Ita'.lcy, r.,aiid w a
joined by S. I. FvaiiKWilh hi cattle
l.ilh U'ing IhiuiuI for Wtniieiniicea,
Nevada The Indian were Mippocd
tu U-at H-ai'e "lib the white al tin
tllne, but Winn Hear tllcOrcL'oll Calif
oruiii luiidar line, the outtlt Wn al- '
taeked by (hit I'lllle. Klalnath and
MmliH . ' llalley and Fvan ele kill
ed and then property tletroyel. I.aac
llaili-v. r , v wh" 'bed not lung iiif.i nt i
Mvrlle Cletkl and the bell of the
l'k'uu Miil.ugaiiit the govcriimelil for
damage,! he t laiiii.nil U inu' t prt
by Attorney W. M.
S a-i-inu'l'm, ami by Hon. I,. F. I.aue
of thi my, who 1 ronully tik nil
t be te-l imoiiy in the c.c. I'ln- coin I
ol claim-, a Holed ill the Keview winie
tune auo. allowed I he clniliiaut the
I. .Il..w ing tun. unit.: Joe Itailcy, Si..H
I .0; l-iac Ituley, sr., C"'-"- Samuel l.
Fwi. ,r., r'.'lJo.
I.a-l wttk the Jin.' Haiti-)' claim
wi ii- paid and le attorney' fee.
amo.iuti .1 In ,1.1,1. mi, which mii re
reiki d by John Haiti y, of Lugt he,
brother ol the tlctva-cd, and inliullii
Iralor of hi ctatc. A Jim- llalley h it
no i hil. In 11, In. belt arc principally
tieplii-w ulul liiccc, Milne of I belli It'
.itling in thin county. There In a pin..
-cl of a long legal coiitt un r ibl
uioiu y.
"I.aue Ilailey, Jr , of CaliyollVllle,
.011 of tin- ileci n-i d ami adiiilliiMratnr
of lh i-.tatc, rt it-ivi tl thu money ilue
nil I In- claim of l-aae llalley, Sr.
"S. I. Kvana, of Cole Valley, noil
and heir of Samuel l. Fvan. Sr., re
ceived n cheek for 7"H after paying
the Wa.liingtou uttoriicyn.
" I II. .- claim have long bet ll pend
ing ami .nine of the Im In ll.'larie have
illctl I fole they Were 11 I i II l it I , but II
call gent tally U aid ill exit iiilatlon of
never.' "
klllllier in ii. ij oi."k"i 'i I ,, , , i
day attendance, HM; liuii.U r of day. Hom-burg bn-al.
ulmeiui. l-t: iiiimU r of Hun , tartly,
II; during the hint two month there
wmk not a tartly: number of boy. en
rolled, M;girl, II; average number bo
loiigiiiu, -J; average dally attendance,
2H. rupil. neither ubnclit imr lardy
wfrelrviin (ianliner, F.lviu McCor
nack, Walter Day, Nellie Smith, Ior
ca. Jobnnon and Agnin Wcntell.
Mkm. Jim y Baii.kv,
The X. W. bo North
went Innuraiicc Company, ofl'ortlund,
which liaa lafli doing buiuen. In Ore
iron for alaiut tell year bun decided to
go out of hu.incM. J'he company will
relu.liri' ill reliable old comalilc, ao
(hat policy holtlcr will be wife. Stock
l.ol.b r liave naitl their flock up en-
llrelv, and it I doubtful If nn thing i ;
left for them
met. Some
tJO.lKKI woitli
Willi LHinle. The cumnaiiv
ureal Uckm l In Ihe Wa.hlliglotl flren.
and al) In eastern buini., w hich
pouhl hardly U overisilue.
A lelttr from Ml Ktlvlbe llollman
bring new of her wife arrival al !.'
AngelcH, Cul. She any the wealbcr
al that place I. Junl delightful.
Mm F.Ha Huriic, of Mound City,
Kn'maa, w ho him bevll visiting relnll Ven
near Hale, in the gilcnt of Mi Ji-nnie
(iilMrap, in Ihi city lr a few duya.
Dr. Slavhack went In Florciuv on
thi morning' Mage lo '"ok al thut
country. lie may ptm-ihly locate at
(hut place fr the prucllee of hi pro
fennioll. Keprcciitalive W. A. Teiupli toli, or
Hrowtmville, nK-ilt S.lllduy in Kugeiie
viaitinghl noli, who are atteinling
the State l uivemity. He returned to
Salem thi nmriilng.
F. L. ChauilH-r reluriicd from Port-
lautl lant night. Ihe tloclola nijlo
ha led tu u cu.t of Ihe female foot mid fri' fe-"t H where nhe for nome day.
Iinlie wIiom let t Were liiituiailv pretty
and have Hut hccll deforiiied by tight
Iiin'n, propone In nlultlhe f.'i.hloil ol
balhliig in hare f.t I and ankle. When
the idea wu llr-t nugge-led Mr,
(iiili'ly gaH'tl and hail to I' restored
In eolieiiiilsiii-t hy roH'ut' d uppllea
tiuiia of nmelliliK Milt; but nhe i
lecling I Iter now, mid i In giuinng
tn realie Hint a nructicu wbicli
r be tl I -e.. i I v of t he piit li. e of 1 he
talll a pill tu itTat win at lit I.I ad
jaeelll In Col Vltlll. make 1 1. Ierel I II if a
bulletin llU.lll lo I' l-ili..V I'lof.
Wu-blim, eliloiii Ki-I at I lie luTleiil-
tural collt L'c and I xp.-rnin nl -latioii,
nathe I line. II. -nl, . Hie eialu
la I'll IM the bulletin il.ill. the 1 III
Caterplllai. the I'ear l.eal I'.li-Lr,
lbel'loer Mltc and lle' le H Tiioo copie of the bulletin,
which I- iiom' In pre, are nou ling
priiiti d, and w ill ! ready for ili-lrilm-tlon
in ti lew tla. Coliceriillig t be
npln, the luiileliii av.:
"Alum t all of the W heat t row in
li-triel in l In c "i haw Ueii more or
le- a I lit -led the pa-t year Willi the
urain nphi or grain plant 1-ni-e, can
lug the farmer no llllle millet. v. Many
hud never I fore need all) thing hkw It,
and were lotli In In-lieve licit to the
grain bad come a -t w hich lin y were
practically powerle In niicii-..fullv
combal. ll attacked w In lit, out ami
rye, ami (be w liter found il on a form
.tf IO.Vj.oll .HHKri Ullltill lUll lllll.-H 111
I lilt II II llUllllcr of yiariiul' j ,,, ,, ......, ,r Imiii ne ..ruin ll. l.l
i r-ii ii badly infe-te.l. Invaiiably hilv
I elr. I. ami unlit is ii.lorui me (hut it
t lit el In ca ily neell ill the fa. t thai
I much of Ihe inurkclcd wheat l-ol aii
: lulerii r itialit v.
"ll i probable that Ihi M.aiu
Ihe slate ll- limited nuuiU-r (he pre. I
oik year, but unnoticed, and the mar
: velou rapidity wllli which new liuli
! vlduul me protllieetl w ill account for
I the neeiiiiugly miraculon invn.ioii.
i I'rof. Filch, nlale ciitoiiniloul-t of N w
i York, ha proven, bv nctiial experl
I liielil, that the fcluaicn ol the grain
nphi iM'gin lo produce living young
w hell three day old, at the rate uf four
a "lay; beiict in I lint' week, time,
eliminating all unfavorable condition,
the ile.eell.l ml from one mother
amount to neatly or tpllte I wn million.
The incet I urcclllMl ill color, llltat k
llig the nlalk, and later the bead ol
u heat, rve mid oat. It ha a large
l-ak Willi which II extract the sap.
I hi ub-orptioii of nap I what Injure
I ho lrry. A wheal riM-iin It migrate
In the more succulent oat- mid w hen
these ripen it got- tnthe vat lou gra
e. It spread over a wide extent of
territory i-iiekt-r than any other in-tcl
know n.
"Although it. exislctice w a obwrv
etl seventeen year In fore, the giiiin
aphl llrnt iii'arcil III un-at iiuiiiImt
ill v;l, npiciidliig over New F.llglalld,
nil ol New Yolk except the western
IMirliuu, lioitln asleril I'eiitisy Ivaiiia
mid H.rl ion of Canada. I . very grain
Held wa Invaded and ninny of tin m
Ihrongctl. In inany cae the w heal
crop wn reduced out- half, Mid the out
crop hardly paid for harvesting- The
follow lug year It spread over the re
maining portion ot ( nun. la and Into
Michigan ami I ben dinapu.-nrctl. In
ls.i npiH-nrctl in ten conn lie in Cal
ifornia, lining colinidf ruble ilulliage lo
t heat, one mail reporting that the
yield of hi crop wn diminished one
half by the ravage, of the n-st. April
lull and ..nili and May -ml and .'ird
large llliihl or Ihe wliignl variety
were in Sacralnwiiln, and tli
npieareil after the rain of May Ith.
In iicmly every iimlamv where tho
M-nt ha iipeuretl it ha I i n met by a
host of puriislticul mid pit .luccou Insects."
dopte-l :
I Mil I.
1 1 1 V I , I t
. 1.1.1.-.-
I olli gu
il tan
.1 the
i- Well
I I! I
ll i. k-.
has apH
cry high
I !.:. Im,
ll u ll In.
- I and
tl. I -nil
111. II,
I In loie
t I In ir
Tin !i. ,
pill lo.l.l) . I I.. I
now l. re mini, ,i
l-allir sill I I. e by I
II lllll'lll I III.. I III.
The k'lee club . ,
the r, -lileliee el I'
few I llli the ell, I,
the pill, In- sh :lk
cHUlell. y.
I'rof. Me I lliuy , I
dormitory , ha- b, .
hi. clii-- in ran .-
Hour a liu-!eil.
The un-vr-ily I n
to a i-l in keeping
nv.r.l of I be lu-l ilu. i -n.
Ju-t w bat w i.l l c d in lb I nthle-
tie the colonic; m h;,. I, inl'y U ell
ill It rilillied. li .-.- b.dl ll,:iy elallll lit
lent lou bill liol bilig h i- U . n ilmio III
the matter yt t. 1 1 i. mole Iii-. ly Hint
teliiii. w ill L't t a t lioi'-uuli h"M oil Ihe
student tin. year, ll i. a imiiic that
reijiiire ii ureal d. ai i, l -kill, and one
that call U- pl iMd ,i.Teat -al l-lactliut
by I sill i boy -and cul-, balug In. lie
of the rough n ature- of mo-t lleld
m at the
iy g.-Hing
I. . it.tli.iii
1'roliale Malttr.
tit lav
'I Iter late than
Kali mount Note.
F. b. '.in.
A i.H-iieeiiau cla-., reading circle,
drama, and church supper arc announ
ced as privale know le.lgu noon to In
made known lo the public.
liev. WtHili-y i holding ndigiou ser
vice ut Dillaitl nlalion.
The Holiday live, r.-sidelicti l fast
asuiniiig Hie reipun d condition fnrou
Mis llelle Chaiiiuaii i now home
shall d the kindlle of her Imwiiii
friend, Mi. tiiair Hunter.
Jo. Wick mid Tom Seidell art
working on M. S. H.irker'n bouse In
Mr. Hull' mid family have moved
llltu their loniier hahllalloll ill Ninth
Flder I'avi 1 visiting friend, on
f (llowed bv Ihe nallil cnliliut hivuUe Ibw river.
We see by the eini-iM-caioiial D.iilv
Slur, Hint our fellow tuwiiHinaii J. C. I.
WiMiley 1 ii.Miiitid a. authori'-d
any real danger to moral.
IUKI HKIM rtilsilY.
I'eler Take
Mistake ami II
Sli) i-liului
Kill Her.
I UOUIHIUI II llll,oi'i"B I . . .. I l. (I.... I.r i.ri. r
i after all obligation, are ed to attend M . ( ban la r-. af I. r a
think there will be. Aln.ut ! (borough examination, Informed Mr.
I. f nt.H k in held by FM.iChami rlhatthetw wu. iioIbm-i!
'' fTI,e (umpaiiy Ll u u. '! ' ""B "M T"ri'
-olicitor for thai organ. We congrat-
I ulale our brother In hi miccinnful pro
! million ntld tril-t III Held of llnefuliien
u.ay expand in iiccnrduiice with hi
journal 1st le iiceellic.
I Thu "click" i the name of a prolec
! live n 'h Hit loll now in force hele
: W hone obj.-ct I lo augment truth, villi
jtity and cul In red iiilndt In aoclal
, circle.
' Fairmoiiiit w ill fiirnlnli a graduate
fur (In; l'uiveri(y of On-wfon Ihi year
in the ih r.oii of Mis Hutli Fjivc..
The t . I-. club met In regular ncwiluii
ut the home of Ml Marie Iturker on
: summit nlrii-t hmt Friday evening and
remrtn a plea-ant galbering Thi. ol
der ha- but recently In, n formed and
-eek f r it. nbjeettvp Milut, the tiro
mollnli of higher Intellectual develop,
meiit amoiig the manse. Long may
il live and blu-aolll like the rune of
, Jericho.
, Ax Ha.MiI.k.
her completely.
I'i:r i. ii. rt, Ki-t-ru.ry I
A Faili hk Oeo F, Craw bUy
reivlvid a di.paliih fruiu the On-gon
I'aclllu llailroud agent nt Cnrvnlli
a ing that the .learner Kagleite wa
Uliable tn come un Hie river furl her
Hi .11 thai lioilit. 'i he liie-age did not
itive the cuuc, but Hi. theiupl
-. rl ,i t.i tin- IUII.T 1,1'lHli.
liAKUAV, Or.. Feb. ft.-Ml. I'. I'e
ler, wife if Fred I'eter, a pro.H-roii
farmer living near here, died .yester
day from the ellccl of strychnine,
which nhe t''k by Init
take, fur In lullielu- li.e.llellie.
A tloclnr waa culled but arrived tii
late In savu her life. bin leave a
latge family of small children.
til Al. M1T II.
al lo lliv Dm r toM.u., Or:, Ft b. ft. Dotpb n-l out
vote luday, KoprenellllltiV.t T. H.
CiM, r, oi IVeiitoii county, ih --rt ing
him. Thi w a Ihe only t xelti until
of Ihe day.
Mr. I'lmpcr returned yesienlay nftt-r-iiiMin
from a Kunduy visit to bi borne
in Ik-iiton county, and a be win,, ..
nfli-r ctitmultiiig Id a-ople a be now-, Wlln Won thkSUT. Albany Her
ha, la.- coin-llet tn Vole lu-n alter anil ; ttld: A Coniieal law null tnvrurrcd yea
coiiiiiiually ugalnt Mr. IMpli. tenlay in Jimtiiv I'owell'a court, over
Thi I Mr. Cooper' third .oilier- j ,v possession of church bell. The
rV, - Pof u.. be g;-nei,l U ah,p,ed l.y r.,1 . I.
Wil l. IIcti n llKKK.-La tirautle
Ctinmlcle; "F- W. Waiu. a n.-ntlt.
man from lluihatiy. Mo., I.i'i the city,
vlsiliim bi aunt, Mr. U.S. Kiiuny.
Mr. Wall lit lin louring over
I I f ..... 4 In II I ( u.a I-l' It
oltI It k 1 1 1 iii I ! a t id i in 1 w n I u r 1 1 i n g to ! t i re Ihul the boal did nut have
atltl l'i.r
liilijaire will. U.I. .au. ' . e over a branch of Ihe O. 1'
Makhikh. Card rcocivctl hcru thi. ' before thi. time m-xt yar.
moriiiiig announce (bo we-ldtiiif of ,
j,,a A.Vat.on.M.D .andMt-.Ahnal 1.4,1, .....n. ua,r, .
J K Clu-rrv, at Toronto, Ontario, Jan. ' II a Mint' r t .l.oW .11 1 p. I l.c baiol
M la!. Mi-Cherry I. a i.icccifl , f ft:,,w.hlp wa. extend. , I, al t he
mid J W. Cherry and l wt il ktinwu elo-e of the innrniiig tarvne aline
litre iiavingvi-iled fur an ne timelier. j:,plint church y.-tuday, totl. rty
alKiu'tayearngu. Mi Cl.erry'.t.u. oueii.wly r. c. ii . d c. ,m rt. Her-mert-u.
trlei.d heiej.'in ..- in wihing ,ut f then tit revival ii..-.Uugs l.el.l
them a I -tig a feiieiinu iiiBlriuiui i ! ,y Hint church.
m.'l lucaltv. practice. son. Al) dull g w, II.
Oil anwrcd dm, or niht. Oppose Hotel Im
cne, Uill imctte ttrcet.
tuiilly cfiiitrnl ail of Ihe state "job"
w ilh nalurit ullneheil. A irrcpnin.
.-ul w ritm; " I be governor i a Salem
man, aa l Ihe sii( riiiteiiil' l.t of tin
usyliim. Tin n. con. I phv-icimi and
the two toli.illlilig phy-leialia, the Hi
giliw-r and fully half of the eniployi
! ii ii are Manuii couniy
C. I', church at Soduvillti wa mort
Igagitltu Mr. June McCartney, but
' siibsi ipiently a tx-ll W u placed Unn
Iheehlireh The proH-rty wa lore
el.iM il, but previously had la-en tb-etled
, In Ihe nreshvlery. Dr. D. M. June
and Father J. I'. Chimin r a ollleera of
Ihe chureli follow, d Ihe directum
ol ihe pn-.hylcry and removed
tho 111. M.ey were ailed by Mr. Me
Cartuev f'-r Kit) ilainagi a. On invent 1
r H.e m. linn art Manuii county
.le. I'ln kiipeiiiit, lull-lit t.r Ihe n ul-' gating the liialter they luuntl Dial tin y
liliui V, He- t i-ii.l utir.ien, ine pny - wen-liaoie uir Hie vmue oi uie t-eii, no
they ('.Hi' ft jildglllfUt Ull'l paid t lie
'-n lugclht r with fl netrulng cunt.
Yi.terdny moriiing nine w ilne-- for
Ihe piu utiou arrived, bul found that
I he en bud In- ill settled. I heir cn-ls
w ere tin n fore throw u upon t he plain
till ami bv the lime ll i paid the win
ner of tl..- uil w ill U- out of h n -k
t, w hiie tin- defend nit have thu hell, i
f ,r v he h they putd ! ii.
ociun and most of the guard are aiw
rmiileiita of that eocnty. Thf ui.
inleinl. nt oi t;.c i.f .im scbiad, mat
ron, iiialruc or, i.igl.twalchiuaii, phy
all lull ami "U I the lluployi nre
ll.iltl Sal, III. The 'll-riub llllelll of
Ihe mule and blind school are lilo
Marion eoiirity un n. mid Salem pl y
: in. ktU-nd Itl'ir sh k. Tln-ll th'.V
ii ..e ll.eclelk of H e siipnme colllt,
-...n ri iKiitt-r. the LmiIiII, litirnri
it.,- iaiuior. a i-tnt t ini.ib
(-,:, b, . lintiof nun, I
cr, i hn f i ! rk in tl '- n laty
ei-ii ,i I al the ..;.!." I '', U.e
. r "of ll h :-i- ' - I H
! Ill Ihe iiiutlt r ol tin-c-talc of IE. I..
Hobiiison. Monday, April I, I '.. net
lor lllial set 1 1, un lit.
1 In the matter ol the i -tale of K. II.
! I'.iwell, dei-ea-e.l. I' .iun r order ill
.chalged. A the pu. .- nt aln fur
Ilu- plo ity , em- inade. plate mid that
lo r cent in ii.hiiiiii- -ud pi nt-can
Ih obtained by a rt - ..le ol -aid pro-rty,
I it l-or.h r. .1 tl.i.l the -ah- to M. Walli-,
the plireha-.-r, U- -i t a-nle and the Hil
j iiiiuistatoi i iliiccl. d to make a n -ale
uf premise
Instate of 1 i llillll, i. iva-e.l. Ail-
mini. iralor or.h r. .1 lo s. II the prop.
Icrty usdircctetl by law.
I I u t he li .alter of the e-lale of 1 houian
I Sw ill, tlccc: I. Cltal ion In hi ll or-
dered to i ue, s, I vii e to I- made hy
Ill Ihe matter of tin L-uardiaiiship of
j Flta, I ira. t- and l.i I i Valetiliiie. CI
! tat mo -red issued In II ilina IVIer,
citiin; her tu I- and ap-ar in tin
Collll nil Fed "i, Is'i'i, mid show enllse
if liny then- U-, why she should not be
removed u guardian of said milium.
I n Hit matter ot the ttinhip of
Sarah S. Mar.pii., In-ane. Invent. ry
II led, -how inn ;-"'i w oi t Ii ef real estate
and fJI worth . it i-irnnal pmiM-rtv.
In the 1 1 in 1 1 1 r i I the ruardiahhip t f
1'i-riy Maltcoii, iii.aiie. II. F. flu ll
apt'oluleil guardi -ii wiiii ;l,'io Is. ml
In the matter of tli
I ully llrtna.
Cold, fro.ell Well' her.
The Fpworth la-ugnc progrc-nlng
O-i-nr lluiihicutt from Siunlaw coun
try Visited hi fiilhwr Sunday night.
A new M-honl district ha la-ell form
ed up the Wlntlla-rry crtrk.
Kev. Iliinnaker prench.-tl to a large
audience ut thi place Sunday.
II. I'. Hayeaund Mis. Su-nii Walk
er are nojourning Willi relative in I n-
lotl county.
Kev. Merrrvman ha orgaiiietl
nlnging w-IiimiI at thi plait-tn coin-ineiii-e
ihi week.
Next S.bbath I Kev. Kemp' regu
lar appoint liielil here. Yuur prcaeiice
I aoliclled.
Mr.. Itusnell anil Mr. I.aloii from
near janM-r vlailinl their amler, Mr.
. Drury, over Sunday.
An Inlaiit win of Mr. and !r. J.
Ilenfru .lied Thursday of lanl week ami
wan burled Saturday at I.nwell.
Krai Kstale 'lransfer.
tale of I ho.
Mlllcuicllt III-
( irav .lcc.'.-i-'d.
Ill Ihe 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 r of the i -tale of Smiih
M. Mtrkn, id t-t used. The il. l.l of the
estnte aggregate t-t,-''s I'-'. A. C.
Wovdnnk, aduilni-trator, authorietl
lo t II the real . state at private sale.
Ill thn loader i f the i -tale ol John
Weaver, deceased, .--eml-minuul ntv
cniiiil Hli-,1 show ing i s ; S;
paid nut
In Ihe matter of the . -lain of John
I'.row n, tleccuted. Suit' i oiillrinvd.
In Ihe mailer of the gilardlaushlp of
Ar.eha Haw ley, insane. Citi.lion or- ,
.It red Issued.
. k.
..rt .1 .lailjr li, li 'UKl AnneTl',
n. Aaaoa.ii'.iii, Ma.iMr.
A J Jobnnon aberill' hi Arly J FoX
lot I blk ft Fllnworth add; fTtil.
inTrAiii: (iiiovK.
O W Long i t al to X A W Howe
lot 4, ft blk Hi l-otig A Landenn' add;
L'Stu Addison H llrtH.k lot I, 2
and j of lie nec 111 tp I'l a, r - w,
I V.l.W ncr. n; put. lit.
( til'NTKY.
J II T.vter and wife Ut Shelly L
l it l. r. w i of w I acc I, tp L'l a, r 'i
w, 4o acre, .
KOI r.rnoll and w ife to John Will
. nr. id, a tract of land in Ihe n w 1 of
e 1 aec .t) Ul a, r . w, -.i acn a; tin,
I H. lo Shelley I.
I'.. i M-c . tli 111 a, r 1
I.rrUlative .Vol..
Mimrhenil Aiiieiuliiig die A u-l rat
tan bnl lot law; election-.
McClung-Hidding In property by
luayom; as-. -.-incut mul luxation.
Mi-Clung To uIhjIIsIi private neuln;
referr.-d to t he judiciary.
Templettiu'a bill, creiilitig the coun
ty of CaluMMiia, i Uh,ii it thud read
ing. All c thirl tu pun itufler tin noon
r.-eesa renillled ill nil ll.ljolirilllieut,
prueipltated hy 11 nponelit.
Alley 1'n-ni-iite.l a M-ilti'ii lo pro the nale of cigarell.-, and hlgned
hy over Ihree bundled parent n, leacli
er and pbyaiciun; referred to com
tnltteo tin education.
Alley Providing for Ituproveiiieiit
of Full creek, I .un.-county.
The house bxlay sent Senator Alley'
hill fixing Ihe ngi! of colineul.of (111
married feiiialc at PI year, to thn
committee on education, of which Kcp
reneiitative Hark ley la chuliinnii. The
hill an Introduced ill the aenutn fixed
the age at li and that I thu llgure to
wbicli thu house ahoiild change it
Hi-nate bill rend in liollx-:
Mci'lung mayor t
bit! in for city any property on tax or
execulloll aaie.
McClung Providing a receiving
UMik for recordern; Judiciary.
Alley Kuiniug the lige of connclil.
New house bills:
Itnrklcy, by re.Uent For the relief
of Jam.- II. Sharp in the sum of t.'loOU
mi a unt of the lulluru of the ntato to
deed laud.
llofer Making ruilroud pas, un
lawful ami eali.blishlng a inuximuiii
passenger rato of a cent a mile.
The V.-ntcli maximum lrelght-rat
hill ha been lntr.Hlu.i-tl ugmu, thi
time in the nuiintc by Smith of Clataop.
'I be bill punm-d the senate In l-'d.
Portland Sun: l.ane county l In
line for the people with tin exception
of one man and we regret that lie la
liewnpiiia-r loan, tti. Si uator Alley
and iir( luiiir and KepreM-iitutlvr
Hakirand ilillti;a, all ntancli and
true republican, are ul ying the co
ple' ci.miiialid. What enn Im Motir
licud'a i xciisc for disobeying It?
IV-.-l. rm lot '.I, in,
W. I il le-rcn; pl.t-
priii l-lona Will lMaitid.
i-iuiil trcasiir- J.Mige lu-t evening iiislull.-d oll'..-r
A I'.HlK H"M, The llUle kl.ailllaiat' ll'-, wbi.-h wa- re.i-i.tly placed on
the Portland Lugeiie run and wbicli
left porih.n l on In r trial tripu Ibc
river lal Thursday did i-ot ucccd in
aaii Lolilg the ( iai kau.a. rapid- to
inlle. hrluw Oregon t il). I.-Ue Mil
.tw .vi,:iuf. aft. r rti.leuvoiiiig lo pu-a
It.e ll'l-la f'-r four daia. ahr dropped of Ihe city
night- IsarAl I .AIH.N'. I he I. O O. T.
r ll..- i-n-uiiig term: I 1,11
V T, fs .rali II ir-t. r; I' C T,
hi ; I I i '. I le tta 1 1 imbbiirg
, U . - . v IViitin I'tou; A J. F
t, AOordon; 1 1. a, J H I-1 .rrived, there l thought
.Mai-iial. i -iiiitli U .il , .ftiiia thau thai auiount nromi
,.f I!.-
f-.llowa I"
I iordoli ,
N l.f
Fmiai.i.mkm Si., t hkii. Aivord
Ing to a dialiintii- pn-r pl' III
ei,t. San rrnnein-n, .in . aiiu rnie okk-
, w. II. w ho w ill I It-mi -in la-red a hav.
I lug n-nl a g.HHlly .ri mil c.f hint fall
. vi-itiiik relaiiv. . in ibiity, will an
..i;,i.u.r.. I . t.r-t.rjr V : ur at the ti. F. theatre next
The Cnmmltt.- In charge of the Ne-1 .-k in the "Light ' l-'"''''-''
bra.ka relief fun I were eng .-'ed In lay , f" lady b. r.-l n r. d In Snn
l,g Iho prul iniuliaat.d clothing r runcico n nee . ,e
galbere'l log.-tli. r f..r .h.pmeiit. , W ar.le' h ading lady n-.tne thri-e year.
l.i. eoillt uieiov
' Iii hud i
' already gatlit
i fint ;
lb ton;
Wilt. :
,,, ,. .. .in i. ....... i aline, an. I ll I a noiai
11 line , o. .i. i i.i i.ioiii. osjv. , -.- .
tu l e u. oi. , ton. in-r i. - - -
l -uoii.- li M lirillM .., .....I 1 1.- name niulit lliul .Mr. vv arm- opn
--- - iimu iii.i. wi,.-... .. . ...--. .....!
i.unrd, Willie Cainplall; Seat, I ,, ur rrom Spring field will be the Italdwln.
Ijt loll W. I lie i.Hige now nieei. ;,,,,., uinoui.t on liulul here,
in ibcir in r'Huii ov.-r 11- D- I'm'!'. a)l, i-ni)id.-rabe I y.-i tocoine in from
f-n N inth tr. t I Hie country. If the there are
O ! actually In ind, and lln re are no
V A 1. 1, n 1 1 t I.' Dav. I!y Ihe decora- grolllidm fr tloul.lilig It, there hual
liora 1 1. the w indow a of aeveral atore ready h"-!! tiHi much ilt-ln) ill gntlu-r '
we are r-ii.indcd that SI. 1 iliK Ihe uloo.iiit together, and we are
i.. k ! low the lai.ula Im In
mi ure -i-talni- from anolUrr Ix-at or
tort ure III.. with ahli h to .lill h-r
lion. Id Fui-lie, -'iU-lav, 1 tb. 3,
ly, to Mr. a ei Mra. Il.-nry I i.h r, an
. pound jiil 11 y- No. I. Henry 1
U1I .nille DO.
I. avorto Valeiilmr'a Day n,urii lit tb. I..w. g ad lo alinouin Hint 1 1. in shipment
ever, love, .utlre, wit and thoa,arv without any loitlu-r de
.ll iiilertiiK.gled iu Ih rem iii. b ra M-i.l Uy.
oui t-V -o e on lliul il .y.
i..,,,... i 1 1.- rr.!.I..M. ..f il,. Ki im i i 1 1 vi h - lln- lilt a tlaiikrh-
bnde n pan Springfield, Jan-, ler of Mia. N. K. Krntt'-)w bi reside, la quite l.pJ
urv :.l !-'. bv lU-v. F. J. Day, Mr. .at the rani end of KkinnW bulte, baa jln-re w .' I
F. Cha-e and Mi. Miuule la-Id'. the w-arl. t fever, ll 1 of a mild futr.i. to do fron
Thiai. Tin i. - -Today'. Or.gonlan:
The lliilnhlng loucbra are In ing given
to the nteanirr hliiire, whteli wa
laiiin bed a few tlay gi. a rapidly a
-mible, ami It lr-t led to make hrr
trial trip tomorrow or m-xt day " her
inachiui-ry work nai. Qu: 'ly. -
will at once tf I ut up .i iu' IV
Willniuetli rve for tii.-
built. lb r ... h In
w id Junl ennu'e h '
in the ie a- i