o o hi j1 UME 100 01E. J. M. Heuutagtou Caught hj Ufaui of a Urcay l.etlrr. ..ljr t.uarl, It.tb'i ji. Saturday ultfhl wheii it became known llit J. M. Ik'nuliiglon hat Ikvii arreatvd nl rnrig!lrl J charged with forgery, eu-ilt-mint ran high. While there were gtl many who were a log, "I told you to," never-then-. to Ilia I-trgcr iiuiiiUt of In uciiaiu(ticv the Hew calm- like a thunderbolt from clear eky. Il runic lii-re al'Ut nliu ni n t li ago, and hailed from lnint where II it .n. lit Inu a ai.trr living, hut farther than thia nothing i known alitiut luiii. Mi dt-uu-atior ua la-en that of rather pioua young man ami he haebm-ii iutt j.n.ininctit in church ainl .ity cir cle. He U ban la-une, nf ph-aaing ml die, a K""'l couvvrnuliuhalial ami cruily ii'i'iiiimi favorite. Suue lime 3B a clink fm fs't, draw n on Hit' Firt .Nutliiiml ll.iuk of Kugetie m acut to tin' Fugene Ia'u and Saving bank rntlruiig that laiik to wml t l currency an. I I lie remain der In a laxlunTcv money order pay itblo at ( rinw-ll uihI reg latere I to (hadieu. The clnvk Ixirv the lgu:t tureof Win Ni" and wee ilruwu In f.tvur 1). M. Williauianii, and waa acut In a Idler dated Pleaaaut Hill, Nov. Pi. I vi I Coining lo the Fnl National a It iliil, through a legitimate tnunw of hualueaa, It waa iuhl and the rcgi. ternl Idler w i wilt Nor. 17, ami I lie hupimmciI Williauitou called for and receipted for tliu aauic Nov. 2n. The forgviy wa diacovcred III a few dayi mil tli bunk ami nlHcer have bjeii iiilctly work i ut; on ihecaae ainc. The liitnk wa urpnacd Friday morning, iHv. 21, when another check aigued I'V the same permit for f 70 ami payable to It. I). WiUon, wa pretehted liy the I.atie l ouiity bank lor pay ment. Thefirgcry wa Immediately diacovercd and a decoy letter wut rrg- lateicl to I lie upxiel W ilaou al Srlnneld a re-Uttel In lilt leltrr to the l.mie t oiinty tuiiK. J. J. roiu wm ai'lHiluteil a deputy cotialaMe by t'otialuiile l.llltoli. at d wa wilt to Siiriiiiillcld Willi Inittruelioii to rr-t Hie -roii ealllnif f r the decoy Irtter. I.nte Satnrdav uflrrnoona man ilnoc.l hi workiii); cliit lit presented Inniwlf ut the ilUii lor the letter, ami on ulv liiir hi rviit for It wa arretted ly Mr. l'mll. The man proved to l none other than uld J. M. IWniiinirtoil. He wit Immediately tinniKht over to Ku ecile mid oil exnminnlion was ImiiiihI over, and hi bond llxed at f.',to. Mr. Colli tlMrve credit In doing hi work m aucivfully. W lieu Jlr, l'olll pteeuteil the, warrant, he weak t'liet). broke down and cried, ami thinl- I v Ih'ki iI to le thot, wtyiiiK he would ruiher have it o thuu I.' cMiii;ht tliu llelililliuloli had left I'.tiKelie III IniL'L-v neuriiiK hi uaiial clothluc, but tiNik uIiiiik tlio-4 u'd for a iiuic in u vail. He a!m wore mrf;le to di- (uim) lii upicarancc. A t t a i i ri'xirter ndiavored to interview Mr. llcuuititftim today but w km not adiiiitted, a he will iw one. Ho reuhe hi pooitlon and feci It keenly. MoNluP, Ii:CKMIW. :i. fuih.w. M:citnn: :i. Ktureuci Hew. The West, Due. S.M. Munv will rcirrut to learn that all of the children of N. It. llj.alditnc ure tlead but one, the baby that wa, when they left here for Miliu.nota. The children, thrco in iiumlier, tlicd of acnrlet fevur. A liiindioiue lire lad I wu purchawil In rortl.unl by Mr. Wm. Kyle when lu tin t city recently, and will be iicd by toe Kloieiii-e fire department. The Udl weiuh :1V I Hund ami i-o-l J Id. The t ipuny w ill toon liavo it Iiiiiik and it lonu-toouued tone will I In ard. It arrived on the Itobarti Pat urtliiy. Hid were oHned for the Improve ment of the water front by the council mi lut Momlnv eveuiiiL'. and that of the Wiiwluw llt'iom dc Tiuil-r t'omptny wa t,'JM w ithout rueklnn, and II. '" uheunx kU iimiI. Mr. .M. J. Ilatl Kail bid waV( ielil -r ftMit, not ua itiic rot k, and iXA with rock, lloth bid were laid on the table for the prewiit. It I generally Mieved that u che:ter clana of work will I necet ary, or the whole achciiie abandoned, u the proTty ow ner cannot ullord to p:iy the price. Card of Thank. Oil U hulf tif tliu pupi! of the pub lic school ami invclf individually, I tlein to exlciiil the nitMt incere thank to the commlllce from the V. It. V. and all other w ho to kindly rendered altatiee lu the distribu tion of the t'hritma donation on hut Hatunhiv. It it believd that the work u -a uell done and the ilouatiotit from iiimiiv ource were very thu tevcral committe- feel thai there wa intich hUlwtantlal aid given to iimny who are worthy ami highly appreciative. Vcrv Ite-iHj.-tfully, " I). V. S. UUP. W. A. Tl'UtK'll. cf t'fei.tll. wa lu I town lodav. MIm Henrietta Ijiuer I viaitii.g ith friend in 1'ortland. T. I'. Keener, of Tliu Itollca, I io II on a viait to irliitivr. V.. IK-A Jo!.tioii, of r.,it!.u..l, i via- King lu hiueiie for a ft w ilxta. Mr. and Mi J I. Joiu-a, of t'ottae tii.ive, nre vniticn ivlatitc hvic. Mr. Il iiK-r and ctnld, f TortUm!, are vwitltii rvlatlvra In tin city. Mr. Frank I'raw, of Altanv, came up thla nflrruonn tt V 111 ndntlve. I Mi t'urrle M.itl.nU went to for- valli tin iiiorutng to viit a lew dus. Mi Cora Andrew went to I'oitlaud 1 tin III ruliiK to viait for wveritl wka. I rrof. l.tiella ('. ( niaoti Irlt lor 1'oit-; land t ma morning to I tlie huh tlat. Ia Tctilnch lefi Uii uiVrmoii to: wiid ('hilatma at lliv home plnce near I rcawell. ; Mim S elie Iink. II, a l i.in 1 1 v i udciit, letl for her home ut J l uct I ill , thla niornitig. II. V. fteait, ruilroid ii nt ami Hlin:ilel si ( olllatot k, l.llld frielld III Kugeiiu totlay. Mi Ktta Cherry, of AlUnv. ij vinltmg at the realileiiiv ol I'. K. Itur- uctt, in thia city. I Mi F.va Vaiiuhuii who Inta liven i attclldiug the blind acliiail al alt ill, I ! home lr a vacation. Ir. Cinmter ( labtirtl, of AtllHiiu, w ho vl.it.il with friend heie Saturday, lilt for hi home yesterday Mr. K. J. McChtunlian went to Itoaelmrg t hi afternoon to iit her daiightrr Ml, l'ave lloualoli. Meaara Siitt, of Saielll, and l l.eo Tyre, atudrutl, were puawiiger tlovt u tie valley od thi liiornliig' local. Mia. J.C. Welch, of Portland, i vi itiugatthe rideiiiv of her parent, Mr. and Mr. Malhew Wall), In tin city. Mr . V. Tji Uer, of Mocov, Ida ho, I iriling at the residence f l er daughter, Mi. lr. lio ttiddle, in tin city. II. II. l.me, of 1'ortland, alalu food lnaHctor, topM d oil hen- laal irnilit to Mail nlutivet, going on Lome tin morning. Train on time hereafter. II. M. AlVu till a line Into the city tn-aaiuy .aturdrtv for doordeily ecu duel. (inu of the at reel car iinile got away yesterday and uiudo a run troui (he deHil to Hut rar ahop. A crowd of Stanford atudtilil ptcvtl Ihrouirli on tlerdy' overland to Rjieml vai-ulioti ut home. Alf Walker, who h.t been biixing hop ut s.iluui for Phil Nelt & o. iMIIIpleted III atllMXl' Work today, lllld I now vlxitiiik hia parent ill lovi r- l.ilc. K. H lohaiu ami family left on Saturday iiikIiI' overland to Mill lit parent al fan Joe, ( al., iluriug the holiday. The Mcvr w hlch hang In Klaher A Wat kin market w eighed lMt miiiihI liefore U'lng dntat'd. I'lie net weight I bIhiiU Hot). Ilegiater Vealcll of the llowburg lard otlb-u cituie down on the local frum Cottage Urovo thla morning and retuiued lu the afleruiHin. s.u:imy, ni:ci:Miti:itij. I 'li el v J. . ( Intk li.'i move I lo the J. M. Cliaa. V lirtl.llv the hide Met h. residence on I'cai I tre-t n ar m '" tiight. Niotn. 1 I.. Cauipl II ui ot (o .-mIi in on a Alt .nv ulnirt li. are now Indulging I bntiiicai tup tUy. In '!:.. -i.-r f.M-ianle." Mct 1 Mi Man. I Itale. of Aitoria, I toiil, nlt.nr. ; vi-lllug trit ml lirra l ... alh Tniic: " I he 1 1 1 i . r 1 1 v of' Mia 1 rank Anderson and little ton the l i i. ndly axigiiintnt hate aiguetl ! came up from Jiiucti u tlila nf:r rinvn. a-tili.'ii. aakn ;g Ai!ii.e I'eet to: M,w. ',i ,l ltUck left for ci.ie an order trout the nmtt for the i i...ri, , ....... i i,ii.i.k..i i Mite a number, .,.,..,.,..,..,,. . ' , ,,,,, aii' the proi-eitv i t I. at,, ii.uiily ipie are ilitertd III tlie eatalc. .glit plait . I Krai k The meeting of the cla in eionoiu let of the KiiKfiiu Advancement Club Saturday evening wa largely attended. Mr. II.' II. Miller apeiit noun) time explaining the feature of the ipieatioii under dixeimioii, utter which other tiort talk were made. It vn u prr.tllatiiu meeting . (Icneral William Itiaith will prole ablv pa through Kugeiia on the over land train I lee. ii. If ho would pna throiiuii lu the day lime an tlt'.rt woultl lie made by our citien to have him make a ahorl talk lrm the car. (ieueral IIihiIIi I the louuder ol the Salvation Armv and ha probably done more to help hi Icllow man than any other living man. Oreiri.ninn: Slater Mary Henrietta, laughter of Hon. J. J. Kelly, of I'otl laud, hatwvcreil her conuei I wiiii the l'.i iiedlcllne Siater of Ml. Angel, and ha Joinud the Siater til Mercy IwlPg the flixt of that order, revlvd In thi iliiM'lae. She I now lu thit cltv, where ahe will be remeinlM-re-l by hef iimny frlendt a Sitter Mary J.w- phine, and I very happy lu again among her dear children lu iter Hold of labor. Senteiiretl to lVatli. Tbe Crtauury. A projaiaitloii ha la-en made by Me.r Cawdv A Steven now, that I iikely to develope ami weiliiderataiid that all Ititercatttl are aanguina of tue iv. The pmpiHiilloti I to furul'h niachinerv for a creamery nf a capacity of TnOor1-)"! cow, and u- part r all of the cannery building. Thoae luter eated are making arrangement, to have thi done imil we are hcpeful of having the creamery lurlel. Saunit l Iirowti almi mid killed Frl Kinkaid, lat Auguat In (laklniirl, Or. He wa tried and convicted, and Fri- liberal and day, Judga Fullerton. afu r leviewintr thei'aae, prolioumtil aeinruer i..i lowi: "You have had a fair and Impartial trial by I'J honorable and intelligent Jurymen; you have Ihkii ably ueienuti'i bv attornev ol cil-ericiiei- aiei in, Vu have been duly Indicted and con victed of murder in the tlrat tlteree, for felotiioiialv, purMvlr and or ueter miiml ainl premeditated niall.-e, kill ing Alfred Kinkaid, Aug'lat l.'lth, )'.'. It i then-fore ordered and adjudged that you l kept lu clu cotillneiii nt In the counlv jail until Friday, rel ruary l', 1 -'.''. and on aald tla, le tweell 8 and 1 o'clock, a. m., I taken to a place pr-pr-d by the aher III', in the jail vard, ami then and there hanged bv the lock until you are dead." An Old Settler lfad. (ieofiarroiittcA'iyeuraofnge.and one of the !lrt aettlcr in Orcgoii.dled Hun .i ... ri'iiitiiL tirove. and wa bur- ri.il today umb r the au-ph of the IJoy : 1.1.1 Fellow children. "(M K Tow.s'a Waii:k Sui ri.v. - Hp.ll.er I horia-, of the t ullage ro Feho le ader, i very avafelll of Water W' i.... ..... . ..ii, i, la of hi ellerveaeelit ' 1 - . . , . , ... i If C..rl-tl ami JaeKoti aoom.i He wa. the father -d f, ! :L imv "1 t"c l - . . Tu'rn the h"- on them and give them in." in run tbair Itle Ur larpjw er. l..'.T i.urr l, Ixwmbrr 21. Sua' Cl."--i'-- Saturday Marthal lulhtnd notlIlel the proprie tor tf Ku.-ene aal-n that they iiiu-l keep their back and aide d.a.r chaa-d mid refrain from buaineaa on n,J--.m,e complaint had U-en ma-l- thai thi-T were running t oulv. in anl.'-.n, re.nlm-l tightly f !- - J",' " ili'aa-rm-lrucioii.. It ialdthat l'.rge .'.pplv of '-"led g.a-1. w. re laid in .Aurday, a-.d the man with u ece-.ve t.iirtt C.uld b aal'"ed. hi"h pr.-a-'ire .h-l'H; of "'Id in M ling w'.-r. II ""!'( 'i tain M img fighting proj"- Friendly ha had an a in Ir.'i.t of In tirc. t he liovrriior liaa appointed Sklpworlh a liolarr puldic. I h gnu it oulv allotted $lo.i" f.T goveriillielil aurt r t tilla year. F. F. Ilium la having two arc lighta nla.-wl lu front of hi atoie and out in Ina north ria.ui. J. II. Ilecktev, Who ha laMtll till the rt portonal tla!l' of the I'orllaiid sun, l. leaigtietl and i viitmg at l.lktoii for I he pti M-nt. Thura.ln.v' Salem I'oat: "The I U gelle itmted III laj-1 night nl .!' and letl liiuiiidiati ly lor Niutt ou the up i i iter, hat mg n pain d the dauiae atltallie. on the laal trip." Ill Oslunti A Icl:iiio'a north win. low la ii very pretty decoration. It it-pn-aiiit ii grot to. t it 1 1 ieiclea hanging Irom the t..i, and in-i.lc Ii a dupUy ol tin lr lint-it g.ail. lake a l.i'k at it. A marriage lin nao aa latiied ycatt-r- May ittteiiitani by the iniiuty clerk to li. 1. loungand l .lnc M . McIh-v. Ftigii.tn-r Killt-v wviit l" Albany lint lorni'li. Al I'. t'liurclnll 1 now rvaidiug al Collage (irovv. C. W. Tnliuitgtt. of McMinuvllIe, I t inting in t.ugeiie. I'oatmuater llolley waa ill Lli'i-. to lay lor a few hour. S. (. iariia.tn hat Iwen unite ill at hi lioiuv near Coburg till wek. Mr. W. T. tl. urn went to Junction Citv thi liiornliig to lit tor a Uw till v M i Caltlo l'l iulidlv ha Uell tun- Until to her room tint weak w itli an k- llk'al. Mia I. iila lloyilloll, of Wtaalbulll, ia vitituig al the rcaideu.-e ot ii. It. Ctirli until in thi city. II. W. Stewart, railroad agent al CoiiiKliN'k I In l-.tigent Inlay viait- tug relative and Irtendt. Clint le l'ih ami II. K. Kutre, of Ar i.oiia, are in Fugeite I. Hiking lor a lo cut n hi to atail a cigar Incinry, and are rather favolahly Inclllitd to thi city. F. I'. CrolieiniUer, lor the , at three year manage- eilitor of the ll.rhurg Vluiiidealer, ha tliaianod of hi inter cat In that paper to W. F. Ileiijamlu, the fX-Hwtuia!er, and will retire Iheit'lroiu on the llrt of the year. Mr. Croiiciiiiller cafla lo retire la-rnian-ently from the new apajn-r bulueiiinl will' probably remain In lloaebtirg. Sellaildn until to get Into aonie other huallie. l. tiu Wilx.n, I" till kuoan "IHcL" WiU.ii fomirrly td lliia wy. i now n tin ,. te -f Ilia Kli-etrte l.lgkt Co. cf Wood Uu . Volu O'liiil). ( lilurni. AlbniiT Ik-ima-rat: W. A. 'alder will go to hpilngllcbl thla evening In t int w itli til pint-lit ami an. an ouch. Mr. ( iiltler w ill ap-ini ncr vncainui in Albany. Tin re I an atlrncllve little ad on otiuofJ. II. Met lung' allow window. Appan-u'lya pawr ha I -ecu lnck on the large i ale glua nnd a hole broken through. I.ook at It. Indepemleiice I jiterpriae: "Kev. (. It. Wliilmore lilt l'en ciigfiKtal a pitator of the Congregational church of thi city. Ilev. .Mr. Wlulinore will make hia hoiuc in I mlepeiideiico and Hct hiriuiily hen in a few day." Ilev. Whitnmre waa formerly paatorof tilt M. Iv chuieli in llii city. A man came Into The Da I Irs Satur day fiom the country w ith a Itand of i-atlle, nwntal bv another wrwiii, and after M-lliug them for nearly Hm, gam .led marly all t he amount away al a crnp gaunt running in una of the atliaui. The owner of the band i trying, by legal prev, to accure hi money, with fair hofte of U-Ing uc- CeHiful. Secret arr of the Mate ico. W. Miv Itiide la exiieeted home alx.ul the 2Uth of the inoiith from New yorlc where he went to cfinault a ecialil regnni lug a bo g landinR- Injury lo hit kne.i. Iteport itime that Mr. Mcllritle I mtieh lniireved In health, lailng ple ilig new lo the hal of frieiult tire, gon't enieleiit mvrctary ha through out the tlate. The (it'AKli I in receipt of the wel come I'om Mfg. Co. lek Palemhir for ..i, containing a leaf for each day In the ar. Thia cannot la turpatwd for calendar and memorandum purtK.e. It can I had for live J-ttit taui from lh I'om Mauufaciuring torn pnny, Hartford. Conn., or from any Coluniblu bicycle agency. T.-M.: There i a very fatal ln.gdi .... omvaihiig in Hie vleinity of Iu fur vil.i. h 14 euiuir eerlou lo lo o.iiv fanner. Yelrdav Mr. It. Sig liiani who liviaalaeit '1 miUa thi ante of I in fur. !! alt very tui noir. rt-itoy ... n. m 1,1, ..k Half of hi ilrove wat aiek at the time, ami toav ai audden Iv l-e.auie allected with a kind of pa r':.hl and in a few moment were dead. The ln!le TM: l-jjtrii tliegon will aow a large ar reat:e lo ll the ManT farmer bate ir-,,-1. l their crop for m-xt yuar at ..l-.v tl ir ltial.al. Tiie de mand for fliX ha H-ri itmatant fur i..r. tlier aeemt t la no 'pr'.'u.l of their ! r.a.u, for doubling that lUl I. a paring i.rk. The fob I clop at " ' , "-"1,r" t tl i u- ..n f-oiiirai-Te'i ii'i. j i ..... 1 1,, f.rnier i r'liu.in will la ' ill gttiug a lrg enough yield A. I, land Tidinga: Severul tourl' ' rede out o Aahlaod " the "tminpiri 1 .... ii... fr. I-I.i that eft h're te.uiiiwar -uiiday iiciriiin. im-l'i-img one f llow I who waa contidrall v Intotie-ited. j I II... UUer tell oil' Hie trail! Wa. lit-' ; City bxhit toviailwith frlcmlt for a w-k. liev. Pilvfiulh, of Aaloria, arrived in Fugeiie on ttrrday afttrmam' train. dealer. lav waa lliv lioilt dv of the tear Uui'i ou iioti.v the tinier alter lo. .' liev. I. II. Ilaxl ituruel ti In hoine al Foieat lir. t .lay, alter a thoit tay l.a.v. Mi Saihe Maal slid brolhi, Wt bh returned to ( itawt-ll yuatvrda,, ullvr lio.ui on the local. V W I Kin, C.d , ISc 'JI. Al In 111111 iite. alter it o'l... k Una inorrilng a llllllp cxplndi d In II t ..Id I'hil i.lelphia hoilw, know u a the .tnlur' Home, lo eat id oil I ..'! a;;at,ui ai I he w half. Jvk Finn, i iopn. Inr of Ihe hotel J .ill ii llcil ami l .e..rae J.lv the I.' men aliening In the burned to .hath. The rttt ea.-aped with their lite The India were ter r.hlr ilitltftira.l, It.e limit Icing to tally burned olt. I-inn ami Hall were laitli e i itien i t r allien Jit!rn wt a iiiartrriiiler on the Fulled Slit vieaui.hip lii.eteii.liici-. Hi time would hate lxu out In two month. Finn Int. win-in I..- Angle. Her brother, Jaint. I (otmi-r, wt on a I Una al IkiM l l rr ! I'm k oil. Arii.. Hec. Li i I man I'll n.t) l.i.l night at lentil -t ( . , i tt Ihn-e n en who wi'tw , K aiiiiick lu 1'ri-Mvlt, when Ihet4 sym V' V' ' "1 tfjnt ami coiiiinemel filing t h !. f ,w..- II ratutiied lh fire h'ait iai( una M -. k ' i n. three of lean through the tight thigh, .Invar, t- t- .1 ".r ui li.iuta, were In He "lie badly and eauatng at- Jn li'tuKra etiml fi.. iii which Hi man win probably die. Hie -e ..U t man fe.l, on the anlew aik, but f u" J htxl lug linlll he had euili OKlol, and Iheii attempted I ' "tm He halal-eilfiillof.artri.il. . line waitl. Ihe other two . c ..I la gatttug kiv after einiitT; c tl wt lwe al Frince, I or ill allot b h. ; l all at Hie oni. vr. but ht itt w Mi- oiit a acmtiit V nlV colli S(,i'4 glvea ' ,.ik but ' r' f i trip to T!..t lu go r j. prrtl .riilmr li tew I'riuce wa v I Aa4,.ili'l i Lim. 'lrll,a.il tc n-.'J i;iU,0Wel t.minued am- t7 fl .lml their ittte. , . . .. . .1.-1 vi. it lo I- inn hot ...'iitw. I vrithoiit in. lurv. lu addition to the Fhlladelidiia cigar w hell be i,..n. i w. hiitl.linu. on meh aula were arreat, and conli laiuage.1 to a tiight etleut. I hne through the battle, wat foal lii.iiranec on the biirnetl Ikr lallai building Ihe oilier two buthhtig ; W na I Mi t . , I.c. -.U It '(V are Inaiiivd f..i tltr I lie llieiueit are from a ieciul rviHirt lo Ihe aUo . alill woikuig on the lull. to . if ,v.riii,.ut fnm I liitetl Mattw C- 4.4 ine nraa iT. ami If till hava A mariuigv litt iiae waa iaaii.il todat to Arthur M. Ilrewvr ami lleiirutta It. (aivcreign. Mi .i.la (ioliUmith went lol'n goii t ity thla moiiiing to vi-it her Bit ter, Mr. ltoa llollatk. We limb latatid that Mr. S. Munra n.t it ei I r day for managing the Meitchaiu eating bullae I'll Mik lara, Maud and I'earl Co..i r, of I mh pendente. It ft for home today lo i eiul I lie iioiiiay. Ml. a t and JoIiUmiii ha nturunl from chiil al Mounuioutli and will H.'iid the holltlut at houn'. J. (I. Khiiithuit ha Ivaaetl ami It now tccuppll.g W. II. Milan. ler re.identf on I hiitivntli trv-l. Now that vacation ha. come al the uuiveiaity, the cur hue will have a pa.r trade for a coiiplv of wevkt. S. T. W tail ami wile, of Corvalli, aie hvie 'ami will ariid Chriatmat with Kcv. aua Mr.. W. S. (iilliert. other t xhe ale I'l I he iuitr. I'til'I kA. Kail.. Ike. JI. - the llioat pliiin-ible l henry r. gurding the mutib-r eniitthert, of Hiogo, Japan, thai la I very little .lunger to l appivl . - to Ihe I liit.il lalatea Japaiii-' cheap lalair. of an mill' lit Ihe In.. a intieanta ting allot tu.' I. of Mr- M itaon a.i ar. I.. l that .be , gulat loiia no nity t..ut u l y ine ja- waa iuiiid.i.. I t aomu one laminar . a"" " ut.u i..r u ma .nil uiil. ihu fiei .tie . ituupaiiiee aie retiuiletl lo a. tine Ilia :gepl I ev III her linilku. it.lhfted approt .1 if the colltltrlc to which Ilia each mouth from half a doen tenant. ; the lli.pit -t ha latttil ptllxtirt until, loinoriow. Mr. Mala.ni hu.band, I fiom w bom ahe la aeptrati d but ln ; tllt i.r.id, livea at Sail Hlego, t 'nl. Slie ' ' wa exta-ctiug him to t int her lu To-; H-la aiiuii lime una iiioinu. nut uiei:ige wa Invited till aftermxill I Irom (.an I Hi no: "Alla-rl Mataoii It I .till III Ihlt int. but baa heard hulli I lug of the inui'.Ur our ineaaage hat i In n iviil to hit bona about two nine nut. He i a inuaic lau. her here. lo ' day two liltel ' Maliu' hoiiae. I hand from California lu Nnvtmlwr. I'hey told of fiuit donieatle trouble ' lit w ecu the two, and eiprfaxl cn itritlou on the part of the hubaml ' ....I .l.lre t.i rviortt lo T.iiiak. w hiell J. M. Mn Ilev cuine up from Cortland ' ..j,,, ir ,.u alKrlt t.i . tvleMBV ami will aiK-uu t iiriwuut I Ihe llailrr farm on the Mohawk. Mia F.lla Klfheidaoii came up from I I'orlland tedentay afterutaui and will t.end Chrialma with tiien.lt livit. Immigrant, go, mid tin can Iw with held at any time. Tim MeiJI emigra tion Company, tul.i.hud al Hiogo In Inc.', w ith the object of tending emi grant to win k Iti Ihe in al until a of Itriti.h Columbia, ha la-en uii.ticcea lul In thai vnti-rpriw, and aoum einl graula ahipial to Victoria hate bvtiti ai til lo Ihe I ' II I tot Matt. A J wat. rraa4 al tfm MaiiiN, Mo., IWc. '.Ii. A wanaul wa aw. uu out by I). M. Nick, treats int.r of I lm laiiiuli.t niiiutv it.muillU-w. were found in Mr- again. I Judge l. D. Italian!, lata of written by hrr hut- lAm Amirle. Cal.. whom ha aivutw of whlaiuing moiny from hua under falt) pretuiiM-a. liming Ihe ituignretmuaj campaign Itallard ln'turvd for I lie laip uht, and during thi lima ohlaliietl Hickt' ludoiaouiuut ttl a draft on a Waahiiigloii laaiik. lib kt fouad Hal lanl had no money hi the bank, and wore out a warrant tur Itallard'a ar rest. The latter't whervalMiut urn uu known. Tltt llrarataa aaal. IiMkiM, Hec. '.'I. Chairman Hail lull, of the ttiakholdert' reoigaulita lion committee of the Nlcaraguacaual, in an Interview lixltv, aald the whole Waller I'.h.w u, of Hariitburg, tM-ut ,,r ,i,, Nicaragua there at hi diaixal lal tun tit In l .ugene on buainaea i l,,, taken lu F.uglaml. He matter. eoiil.l have told uiauv timet the Com. S. W. Tar nr. of tha tl. A. i. ' ..... r.. ... I.. .. I , ailiolllll Ol tue ainiir. n m).i-w.i in... .flltlaaa HI aw ler It) . JkttMiMitVII.I.K, lud., Deo. 21 Henry and Harney Chaatoell, naaltllnc at Holiuau, a village So uiilet north of Hit cily, laal night, Willi their guna x.t of Ihlt city went lo Junction Cilv : lhv Iwn available He will anil for I Uogt, trout coon hunting, fr-jtural f . . ... . I . ".. I' L ........... I ... 1 1.. . I today w here lut will orgatile a aitt New ork licit week, to nrgaule the tonight. I new ootialruclloii cuuipany ami ttun- Ilev. II. W. llra.ihi., of Salem, who! deU arrangement lo l.e the aecurl l turcdatthe M. F. . hutch in Hal i ' the company u the 1 1 i iled ot.ylaxt night, leluriied o tl... .Mate, am t'-"'"" -'"'K' : ",..7" ;...,i.: Mm. II. It Millatd, who atopi.! otl .. "V" . .,f ,llrt ablat lead- herelovi.it with friend, left for ( ol. . ,... IIllll,.illl,, n.l wteiitl!. .t.rovuio .peiiu .mh.., I rtva llie building of the canal luge allvriiixin. Mr I'liton mid aial.-r, who have been attt.luig aeluml ut Molimuulll, came up yeatenlay aflermxiu lo tml vaca tion al hniiic. Mr. Hugh ThompMin and Mit Vidua Atlair, of Salem, arrived here thla afternixtu ami w ill apuid a few datt nt Iheir old liotuta. Chief Jtiatleo llean ami wife arrived thi afttrnoou from Halum and are the giiett of Mr. Ilean'a iiareiita, I'rnf 'hi. t tuition anil w lie. Fred Mulkey. Ilowaid Davla. W. Smith. Kd llrtMin ami Kalph new w ith or w ii limit Ine aielauce of the l ulled stale ttnigrva hat hacvuie a certainty. I latter lar frtialer Tkaeaatee). I.iiMmjS, Hec. HI. -The nueen will wild a eMvtal repnentallve lo Purl llioutll on tht ixt'italon of Ilia ieiuol ofthelxxlyof I'reiuier Thompaon on Ixianl the'cril'ler Illenheiiu tomorrow. The colonial nfllee will ! aeiul the aa.lalniit tecrelary to the Mamuiaot Kixui, Mr. Harttmaa. I.'nl Uipon ha will a w reath of while lloweit lo be placed iihiii the noffln. I'mler Co nn loo a Sivie arv nuxioii na arniv a Itrown were ainongihettuilei.lt w ho j mat of holly, ami the alall of the odo- left for home Una morning. The Itegiatcr of today denlea llie aa- aertloti of Ihe Hak'tn Slaleeman, that Mi. (truce Ihiahncll, ot till i lly, ia to initrileil. Ml. lluahnell know iiolhlhg of it. Mi. J. I.. Parker, of llutte, Mon tana, w iio ha l-eeu t i.itlng her brother Itiiht. Parker, and fiieml lu (til city. returned home till moriiing. Kev. J. A. Loiiglailliuii returi.nl nn thia liiornliig hx-nl from ottage drove, where he lute been ai!(llig III a very aucceaaful ret iral wrrii-e. Mr. Sawyeia, who went to ."aula Cru.. t it ., nlxiutlwo wtek ago, liaa returned homu atciimtianitxl by herj huaband, w ho It much I'liproreil i lit i wreath with a tiial nlllcit have croa of holly. Halt! Peaielltre llehktrr. CkmRai.IA, Wnali., Ikr. IT. The Ixdilcat ami inot auctvaaful burglary that ha taken place In Hilarity for a long lime m'curred yeatenlay. The MHttof1lce wat rohld of aixtut M0u In cash, atamp and a gold watch. The rohlary wa evidently the work of liM-Jtl crook, a the liM allon and geii" eral biiaineaa methml were familiar with whoever did the work. The wl otllee ha lavu lining a big iimney-order btltinea a i rice th cl wing of tha Cell fx'i xsi,V, whb-h acttiuiita for the targe amount i fi .tth on !.".i.d. Theie I vet no t ine In tha rohler,but a nuin HI i . - ..r .....t. ... Itlf, tf Al.A.I,iarMl and health. i, i. a i,lt,,t probable (hat the thieve Mr. Cole formerly Miae Minnie llo- w ill he rauglii. Theaafelu (lm xl- gart of Coburg, now rtnidetat SMiknne, olllcewa blown ieii Waah., tail l tt preaenl Vlalllng her areiita, Mr. ami Mr. W in. Ilogart, al oburg. Hr. H. C. Oaburn.of Alhenn, Oregen, arrivad here on lat night' ovirlaud train and w ill vl.it hi many menu few t ar. He It imw one or the prominent merchant of thai place. Mlaa lula Hradley rain down from lloaeburg tint morning. John F.vant and Klmrr Stxiraa, of Athena, are In the city. Mr. Herbert Martin came down from Pleaaaut Hill thi morning. Mr llattit (iwlno la ua from Salxui vl.it relative ami friend a few da vi. Mr. Hamhttt left thia morning for Portland, where ahe will apeud a .Mil pie ol month New Trial Rtlat. I.I n I K IUm K IkN'. "I. Judge Kd eertnn haa refuard a new trial to Jere llaralaon, the Pine lllut. attorney, mil vlcled of iHiuaion fraud Hi teuteiu'e I two veart In tha Ikurolt lionae of correction, anil a fine of IA,'"). There, fore It will Hand, llaralaon wa a meinlier of congre from Alabama during the recontruc'lnii ierlnd. a)N( I eet't aalriar. ( I ian. la., Dee, 21. Thi morn Imr Mia Fannr Market, a highly ree- pected young ladr. Iiiuimm fmui the Clinton A I Union high bridge Into the Miil.pl river. She waadoad when her la.dv wat rtivivered. No caute it known. alliaiaa1a Ik C aanatl. IxixiKit. Iiec. 21. The alaainer aim room were found, ami one of Ihe nuin-lx-r rail up a lire. The mgiil living dark, Henry, rather than lot) the cam, clunlxitl tha trua after him. After ha had located Hi .inluial, Henry (rrlnl hlmteli nu a limit. II waa alxitil lo Ore when and tlenly Ihe liiiih broke prtclpltatlng hllil'to the ground. The dog were treeing Iheir prey, and when ( hailtx.li fell mialixia him lor the cam, and lit erally lor him to piece. Harney wa ciilii.lel to ilinnl two of the dog bo on they would liaawu their hold hit brother. ntatr la Ik aiklra. SlhaoMt, Cal., Her. itl-Thetnow fall here during th latt live day meneurt) eiartlr niutty til Inche, and traftla nu the (Iregou dlrliioli of the Southern Pacitlo railroad I completely blix-ke!. Ihe heavy fall of mow Itcauaing great damage. The big Metlualitt hliibling cnlltpeed under Ilia weight of tuuw veaterday morning, and elite then llowler'e livery atabl, and Hi Suklyou .ii in her A Mernanll com. pauy a alaughlar haute, th Mount Sliatl Manufacturlngmmpaay' war, lion, am! th Ploueer Ixn factory have fallen In. Nuruerou amallur bull. Ilim have rollaped. Suow alior. elert are coinmtiidliig f l.M per heur. MrnriK, Ind., Dee. 21. -Dr. O. W. (Ireeu hat In hia xeaiou a curlotlly which wa found near Ihlt city yettar day. It I th thin boh of a caff and ii found In the htarl of a larg walnut tree. A new ttreat Wat bmf mad north of lb cliy, which necemltateil th ciittlng tlowu of a walnut tre which waa M feet high. When th tre wat being cut Into piece on of th men uotteed a lame flicking out of the wood. They rut th trunk open and II ahln Imna wat reinorad. l h Um wa niii niche long. Thi bona had been placed between lh fork of thi Ire probably .V year ago and lh growth of the tree luirltxl It in th Irett. tviil aae ler reaee. WaniiiNnrti, Hen. 23. N'otr that China hat upx.iuttd nuiitnlatloner to Ki to Japan lo negotiate for pear, It probable that the latter country will pMi!ut ii)iuml"loiir tn tnuet thtm. It I lellrei her that Mr. Matau, mlnialer of foreign all'airt, will ta Japan' representative. An aruilellc will likely be declared jH-ndlng Hi xaca negotiation. Ana II flag Ilia Sihkank, Deo. Sk Wing Jek, m Chlnea regelabl gar.lei.er, wa shot In th breat by a tmall hoy with a 2J rill thla afteruiMtn. II wa driving pat a group of four Ixtyt, wlitu nu raiard tha rille with (ha remark, "watch iii plug him," and tired. Th hoy 111 wlitu the Chinaman fell. Hi bullet atruck a riband waa d tUted Into the lleali. I'll per put ra tor 1 1 unknown. Munttir. cnrrtlne i.aeaaiigrr I'.anorl rome ef di.aatrou lorm i .nail from Holvhad to Klneaton, nil In Kngland and Holland, at leaal on I n.jetl lu th channel Uxlay with an uu-huiiiln-d live laing lt and large known reaxal. The latter disappeared amount lu property. In the darkue. Ihe rollition rauaeii Mia Sadie Ileum went to Port'aml i ciii.ternaiioii among un-.r-i. .. Ihlt morning to epeud th holltlajt; the Muntter. Several were hurt Ihe .nl. Mi.. Fdith Merer. Mn r had to U lwe. lo Holyhead. liaorge Alexander, of tliu lhanon , peraliar ratal rrlaal. Advam-e, I here, ami will ajwint ' jo.w M abtimhvii.i.r, W. Va., late. Chriatm with hi parentt. I 2.Vheu Captain Jane ( leeg, fore MIm. lUl. Millie.,, and Kmm. ; JJ S," t&ftZ I I , w r ii" ' -. B i.l. a . -.-.. ,tm fliaa HI lit I ill rel I lirt I W . . Jum-tion. j ,7,7 V,,' Ti (iegg HO f-t in tt- air, I u-rior In tue old methyl t r- Sl-m Statman lav. 2i "Mr. J. ' killing him luVtotly, hi i.e. k wa j fngi ration Uy i- lu trjtujiortlin. W Weltv. lata of Turner, la rlatting hn.ktn. Half a d .u woikumu wer fr.M, fruit. It i laiuieii fur llural Norlhwett: I da eiperi meriti wni.'li wr rer-ently iniul in California tee ml tu judical that liotli the 1'rrkih protett ami th Carbtuiic acid ga ayiluui ar . !jr ie.i' I. a-' tu''-' le. I rl l: A nunila-r "I Mr. l.l.eg'. Pl llio ' .1.1.. II..It:.l. ll. - Thi. jrtl.'IP'ltlta Were !' Ilirai Itrown. I.tt i Hemltiway. la Lim ; l ..el r-.it' Veriiuw Jennie Park and (iraoa t in the eit v taifora removing to her new km kel down aud eeverely wouiidel. home at kugelie. where Mr. Welly It! auloMr aara r i,..w preparing fr the arrival of hi. (im.vi:. Or . Ie. 21.-W. family- 1 I.in.lurmaii. while wording al Jtuia' Allnv Ib.ral.l: Mr. J. A. Archl- mill Vealeidav. lathi agi-nl foi lirowneil A Mtiirlaon aUtunt l fu l and wa aerloii.ly nureri.-of thi. city, h i told to J. A. hrtnaed, eaa ially InUrnally, ami I Harlow at Fugen'lr'! Italian prune ving in a ilang. rou. eomlilioo. tn- lo I planted uja-in In farm near t !' ai "(.. that hi'-. I WAXIII.iir, ler. SI. The pnai- i . . ii-. i .. i .ii., ,.t lb I.u- dent ami lrtr reacne-i n i I.ngine company iiiuriay Imlli td t!. livwr r x-eaa. that they will iMV t lieaiier ll.an r-frtL-eraiioii ami that fruit can li M,rmu. whlla working al Joiiaa , . . . ...,,,, lUt II troui a ireatie ; o. It Will rt' lt l llo ill nil liUtl.it) 111 tUt'Il , (.'.llldlll.jll aa l.j ke.'i Well. If W jc.nei,, rir friii ti tlta Kut it will bring about a rvnt e in tl." mm in. pliou of It. Ihe r. turu from a din k alerting tab i v in. r. (.'...rl lr Holl tu b ht gave a very itur.lur evening r- i Whi'e. Alt' ur, Pifirl I.akiu. .tig. Mr.. ,.iujiiui. Ix.ll.rhi.l.- lr..-!.-. la-yml --r.ii. man. :(;e In ..... frmu S.ilh ( an.Ilna Una , ... ...... :.rk7.gl ad and br....i..if l.l.i.aeir MiKh. J' m rning Ml, .7c.a k. S-rve-.l Urge, ,."'"" r " !,,,,e,..,..-ra'.lv. He w i. I ,7..-,, to a l h- J,,n ';. hamia-raofkainewerebtkeu fro,,, l. t ' . tl ' f the I'i.'ite , ia. ever, lit rt'r . ... i . .i ..i .... ,.t l,.t I nn waaiiMic, tooa axi a'11 'i . Au.'.ir), 1:1 1 ugliahiuaii, age- 1 . j - r , , . tt a B0 by hi tudetit 4 a iluo 111 As ra- Arip to i..nugli- 7 o -t't- , wgau, at M. 8. .,..urncalnTitu ble-k. byONE- -it JCF.tiiA are all r auu v QUALITY and liUANDS. Do not fail to ,ivo u. a call and insect for your- bcU'Ci' o