'X'l'SS'i'S'I'l'f 'S'i'iJ'i'i'i'i'f'J'J'i'S'i'J 5) ' He IS RECKLESS RIDER. n A) & w ) (?) ) ( ( (i) ( () (8) No Baking Powder Exhibited at tha World's Columbian Fair Tested So High At the V. 5. Gov't Examination For Strength, Purity and Uniformity As the Royal. aBBaTat-at-faTB The official report showi ROYAL BAKING I'OWDKR chemically pure and yirldinj; tCo cuLic inches of leavening gas per ounce of pow der, which was greatly in excess of all others and more than 40 per cent, above the average. Royal is the favorite in every kitchen and has a larger sale than all others combined. oval tAxma wwo' eo. im wu it., mcw-vo. () () (ft eft () t (ft (?) ( (ft (ft (?) ( (ft (ft (?) (ft (ft (?) (ft (ft (ft (ft ANiM AL 6ENTRIE5. DISCOUrCflT 3 OF ACTING. far k ff ArriitiiniMlalliia. In III lireea r Willi and Itrliluil Ihe rrirt. Tho jtmltnr :ui iiiif rt;mt la'tiring oil the in tor 11 condition, win. !i llmN it cxproaeioit i hi playing; niul pmo-ibly on In nrrroti . ir' iii 1 :ir i m. Ho tup pliin tho Iuhim, niul in mint ran fur liiaho quirter fur the actor iuch m no elf rM-a-t ns( ulavn owner would In tlio old day havo condemned a kluTo to occupy. For the public nothing in too good. Fur tho iM'tur, on tlm other haml, any tiling in wnl enough. In trail of lilkiu drni-rliK, Im tin'! only n tattered cur tain at ti.u wiulotv, if imlii il lie flml curtain nt nil, or even a window whic h it might cover. Instead of toft, coiiifortaliln chairs one. vciknIcii chair nnnn too ( Iran, or a chair mum a brick, will bo thn only m at, and not infre quently, if ho wi-ln to mt down, he tnut do no on hi trunk. IiiMcad of delicately tinted wall, ho will find dirty Will which have not 111 treated even to n cimt of whitewash fur yearn. While In tho auditorium a w. ft cart, cover tho floor, in the actor' rami a carpi I rarely exist, or, if I t dinm-ei tltero I oinetlilng hieli emu ;i caqx t, it U no dirt that it would In U tter away. Tho washing uppliamv of tho actor' room, if tiny are found at all, niml!y coin-lst of a mi.'ill I- v-in with a tap of running water. .M.a. icoplo worth! ci jxi t that, an the winter in the theatrical wiiMiti and Hi" paint used l y tho ac tor aro niadu with iri i-o, hot watef would bo nt hand. Hut tin I rarely tho case, and in in my instance mulling water iu the iln-x-ini; room i unknown. It i not niuMiiitnoii for actum to refrain from using the basins pr f rriiig to re movo tho "makeup" a well a iwible with vaseline mid to wait nutil the hotel is reached to coinpleto this portion of the toilet. Till twin mid bucket tiro not tho worst that I havo mi u "on tho road," fir onro th" water wan in dirty, battered, old l.ird tin, mid twin had to ls bought 1 y our manager. -Forum. A STUPID ATTEMPT To Sell Had WliUky liidcr a IVpuUr Hraud. Mealy J sail tie of laa parkea W Mai. - awraack' rvoap.itu Uaekaa. Iard William Lathe d U I'arr lUira ford. V. f ., C. I. K . who, it l aid. will twxilua th third ouabainl vf th ilowaavr Uui-hrMuf Multioratia'h, one Mr. Ix.nli ('. HitmrnliT ami inera rmintel Mix I.lly Manvn Prlca of Troy, X. V , njot tha dltliKtloo of hating brcktn Krry bun In hi body tiri hit Deck. II U en i f th mui m kirn rroai oonntry rid r and inplwhawr aiumif th Irth fan try, ami h ba ban roinirlied a pay 1 lir rally In brvlmn Umr4 tut rapuU tlun. II wa bom In 1T and la tan year oldr than th Amprlcan dui-haa" him h lll mm! II ha !o a (allant UIIr lo hit day and war th Victoria trua fur bravrry to a battl with tb Zulu. Th dowarr durhoaa wa th daiifht f (.'omtiiiHloor t 'livro Pr1eof th tnltr4 (tat- navy, ami amn 14 yrar a- wha ah wa a young lady rf Hi, br ramark- .'V- "' "mmtr llraail aad l.abal of th raiuou Jra Moor Whlakr luiltatoil bjt a Nraill luiuotl-r, Wlia la Ko t uil-r Arratt. Let not hlu p fall tipou thy eye till thou hat thrice examined the transac tion of the pat day. Wliero have I turned nnle fr.'in roctitudo? What have I been doiu'' What have I lift iindona which I im;lit tii havo done? U' Kiuthui from tho l.r-t m l ami proco-d, and in concl union at tho ill which tlnm halt done 1 tmtihled and rejoice for th gooiL 1' thaK raa THE BUSINESS MAN'S LUNCH. Hard Work and Indigestion go hand in Hand. Concentrated thought, continued in rob tho atomach of n ci iry WikmI. and thi it alo true of h ud jOiy-ic.il l.ilKir. When a five lmf.puwrr limine i nude to do ten horse power aoik mmrlhtnij i tiling to hiralt. Veiy oi'tm the hard worked man cominir funu the field or the otlice will 'Ixill " hii fod in a few min ute which ill take hmiTtnilii5est. Then too. many food ate about at useful in the atomacli 'a a Vg of n.nl would be in a fire under a liUr. The ill ued kloniavb refuc to do il wo:k without the proper atimulua which it ct fnun the lld and nerve. The nerve are weak and " reaily to break." because they du not get the nourishment thev require from the blood, finally the ill ned brain i morbidly wide awake when the overworked man at tempt to find ret in b d The application of common ene in the treatment of the tomach and the whole aystem lirin to the buv man the full en- Ioyment of life and healthy iliifestion w hen le take Ir Pu ree I'b asant pellet to relieve a bilioii toniacll or after a too hearty meal, and II. I'iefct (lolden Medical Incovery to putn'v. enrich and Titalue the blood. The ' IMb t " are tiny near coated pill m ule of hmhlr concen trated vegetable innredient which relieve the lomach of all oiTendinc matter ta-ily and IhnroUKhlr. They need onlv le taken for a hort lime to cure the bilion-nr.. contipation and slothfnln,.. or totj-ir. of the liver ; then the ' Mi dieal IWovcry " ahould lie taken in tra-pixinful doe in in creae the blixnl and eriru h it. It ha a peculia effect uion Ihe lining membrane of the tnmirh and txiaels, toning up and atrengtheninii them f..r all time The whole yltm feel the elUctof the pure blood coiirsmir llirnutli the IxmIv and Hie nerve are Mtalied and lrrncthenrd. not deadened, or put to 1 ep a- tli- fa-called celery compoutul nud nire rnialure do but rrfte-hed and fed on the food they need for health. If von nlfer from m li- dvsrxt'-ia. nervouns. an i ar.v ilU'whieh come from impure l.l.enl diMirdered Momach yti can rutf Pierce c,..li!en M.ilual cn le obtained at any drug store in the country Th recent arrent In tVattle. Wah., of k ... .n 1 -!,- .w . 1 '..!. I u,, lm.,.,.1 revenue ouicer lor wiioitnar.hg lnpior w itn out a hoe ute bat ili-cloiwil one of the nnt I daring and dangeruua fraudt that haa been j perorated againtt the Koverrinirrit. and ' agauitt one ol the most reputable and pop I ular wlutky limit in the I'niled Hlale. Nuinerout complainl have reaeheil Minire, 'Hunt .t fo. of San Krancix-o, tole ai:eiiti 'on the Pacific (.Vast of th fainoiit old 1 Jee Moore wliisky, that a counterfeit ar i tiele at bring largely told ill Washington, j The lalpels, Ixutlet and wrap-ra ai re each j to exact an initiation of the genuine a to I readily dec-ive th owner of the original 'brand. I be content were, however, aa 1 might beexpeetei, not even an lunta'ion. but ol to vile a character at to Im readily delected by any one alio It launliar Willi the high ipiality ol lliejei.se Minire lii-ky. Jatle contineit bia oM-raliont to the tal ol (use giNxlt; therelore detee:tion wat easy, aa wat also tiieeest in disHunng ol lot giKxIt, which Ixir the ponular A brand. Ottensildv' Jatle aa aeliug a agent lor the " (luldeii Mnial llmtilllug ( on. cany ol t'tiicago," poibly a inytlneal concern. At any rate, all toll wer made out and re ceipted in the name of that company. Iloar er, in a type-written letter prepared byJatfeaud mailed without tignalure to Inpior ileale-a in Wahington. lie onenlr claimeil that th whisky waa tpurioii. but that the latxsla and botilea were to tuecexn fully inotaleil a to deceive even Jeste Moore A t o. or their agenta, and in tint tingle claim be wat correct. It has l-en taut that " poor thingt are never imitated.'' which it a triu.m thai even Jease Mixire A t'u.and Mixire, Hunt t o. may accept with tome tniall degree ol talislaclioii, and the fact that the Jete Moure wlntkirt have Ix-coine iniu.eutrly ! popular and are aleadily auperseding all other braudi of whisky on tin Coast a ' well aa throughout the Kaaterri Hlate. am I outilillem the etningeal incentive to Jatle to embark in an illicit and fraudulent manu facture. tSelling liipior at wholetale w ithout a li , cense I a tenon iittenae against the Tinted htabi internal revenue la, and Jatle will 1 Uiiuhtleai, aa be thould. upon conviction I receive a tevereiienally tor lilt a rongdoiiig. I Infringement of a copyright it alto a teri . ou ollerite, with severe penaltie. Alto gether, it would teem that tint imitator ol all excellent article l aa involved liniiteii lo an extent w Inch will necessitate hit pro longed retiremeiit Irom the alnsky busi I W hen arrested and confronted w ith the evidence of bit crime. Jatle broke down and made a full confession of his o n guilt, without, however, implicating hit partner! in the fraud, w bote identity la yet In dount. I I he facta will doiihilesa come out on Ihe 'trial. At the evidence aga list Jatle it cu- mutative ami abundant, there it no doubt : of hit conviction. Tint it the moat daring attempt yet made to imitate the Jesse Mixire alnsky. but the manufacturer! mar hud tome tatitfactioii in the fact that the culprit it aupprrated. I Moore, Hunt A o. will vigorously push the priweculion of Jafle for Irani) in coun terfeiting their iraoe-iuara ami taoeia. Tux Powiurit it nti -or uAianotuit'i.n. ahlet rauty won for I cr thu olirl.iiet of "The I'enrl." Mio mu n arl i f great Trli-, tisi, for the tiioiNnb-il In Inarrilng Ioult IV llainerh-y, who tiHiri ftuioile,! to the fT.iMio.isKi r.tte i f I.I. father. An drew li. Ilaiiieri.li y. Thin-wn a string attnclml to ti n fortune, however, fi r th will Mt the estate to the sou for ll.'n and further directed that the tori nt hi death lioiild will the ppiierty iiiH ordlriil to ill reetiona left with the family lawyer lamlt I'. Ilniiiersley dnl .n nfter hit f ther, h-nvlng the ItumeiiM- fortune to lilt widow during her life At her death the ettnte wu to gotow vernl New York chart tie, providing .1. ll ki r ll.iuier.ley, a coiitlu, piMv-nwtl no luale heir If he did pram a aon, the mm wn to nsidve the fortune. J. Ibsiker llann r.li y n then a liaelielor, but bo eoon marrlMl, nnd Ida econd child, A Isiy, I lu.w called "th IT.Ood.OoO Infant. " After five year f mourning Mr. Ham ermley luarrlad the lluke of Marllsirvtugb at th city tall. New York Th nw duche pnl j her blllIii l tlcbtt and prw Vellleil blttorlo lllelibi liu entlefroln pnt Ing to Id crvdllor. In N'oveinlx r, lavni, Iho duke died suddenly, and hit ton forced th diieheaa to leave lllenhi Im, although her money had made It tulblefor hlin to KMeaa It. Tlio dueliKM I now railed th dowager Duche of Marllsiruugh, but aa the prr-ent Duke of .Mnrllxirough haa no wife, and at hit mother, the divorce! wife of the Into duke, I atlll living the Ameri can duche' right to thatltle It not plain. The dowager Durhe of Marlborough by krevet may Ixj an appruprUl method of iealgnntlng her. ON THE RAGING CANALS. A Ralralo lariy Joarneilna to I Inrtita la a Very KnglUh llouaeboal. HotiaeUiatlng, which I to populnr In Fngl.tnd, and which wn when an. h ivbla fame by lllack'a novel, 'The Mrungn Ad tenture of a llouavlat, " l, liku many other wry Kngllsh liitltutloti. giilnlng a certain meed of ixipuhirlty on this able of Iho Atlantic. 1'lerm lairlllnrd nnd other wealthy gentlemen have taken long trlpt In handsomely eiiilpsd houa. lnMii, and the boata are ipilte eommon In Florida wa ter, tins of the moat ambltloiit hoiiao boatlng trip ever lannitl In thlt country 1 now lad ug carried out by I'aptalii iisirg fctixin of llufTalo and a number of frlrnda. The parly nx-ently left llufTalo by way of th Krle canal en route for Klortdn. They expert that the trip may lie made In ill month, and that each ineuibrrof the par ty will heartily enjoy the. novel Journey. The route rhoaen by the hoiiaeboatinen lire through the Krlo canal to Allwiiy, thence down tha lludn river, through tha lUrttan river, to the Delaware, down that to llelawnni I'lly, wl.em Ihe voyager will lock Into the Delaware and Chnaa- V vOv"'" JHr ml - ! T nnal!i! it grstinn of th and ynntulf with Iir IliK overr he. li fiKiroir in ma Ae.of dxrn. n albe-4 i.f dituT. mi' Usnu-t rrry ltnf, . V t I "rii il('i II t Wf II eri . '. fWflf k"7 at nrr. i. ELY'8 CREAPI DALM ..-ial till rlrti tr tt.e .S.i It. Ai.a't lai'l t lei Inflammation. Ilea " "'."-tea-t the Meml.rane Iron) e, 1 -a. Ke.t..f-a I be r.,..,. ,. lu a d Mi I. lt- b-.:a la ilili- J ir.rii1 iiilfto ri -f si oi A "erf ' ai l I.e.fitNir. h n.-l .tr It "" . rriee.a it tt I'"" '' r BaL ILT t)Kii.Hfc, M Warraa ttraal, r. ftattataw- ajjw MM A Mlalak la a III Market. On re upon a time on a spring rimming auoirlxxly went to market T bent her body wanted roaM mutton for hi dinner. S.me Ualymuat go to the Mine butt l.er from whom ab bought those dcliciou chopathe week Ixfore. hbe went When ah gut there, iLut particular butcher waa Invisible j The xjrk butt In rat the next stall k.ndly : Informed ber "Mrreter Miimbmlit va to e-a aa never va. Die tornormw or In w pia)le " Atga"J lui k would baveit.Jut a few Mall alaoe waa another dealer Id; lUtton (Ye, for wer Hot hee;." leg.1 Uvrr. beaal. aboiilih r. etc., tus-ndii from bix.kaalsrive the aiall pr-iM-ly hk tl.atotl.ir bllteher'l He waa literally be- ; aiccrd with rntiinier too He must keep gial liieat. ai.melaaly thought, tle ai many folka would not I there. l-b no aia.oer nav heil the atall w ben the butcher Bked."Wlat w lil )oii l.ae. n,l" il laa. mind ymi! M.e at that tin. an old married won.ari of s:v motitha tixi A leg of mutton T lu re, thi one here Ju auita Weigh It, pha-e." Ilut be did imt weigh It. He only n,.i.L That tnnle haunt birevrn to Ih.a day lb people at th stall amilrd, to", and a trio of aiily women laughed outright .-. n.i U-dj d.dn't annle. Dot a bit Hie bli.she.1 in-tra.1. though. Ijii.d of U-ve. bow she d.d bl i-b: If an lui.ai-.lua ah fclt-oo-o-oh: what a .ght the fn t:-t he ln. "Tbl. n.i." b ni.n.iiK-'l toi,tt,r aa fimrtly turned on ber I I u I. . h dmlfc-e, n. "la .,-.!. re t unit tou." M i. : t !.' I g!.' If J" ' i.fe, , deri I l.n .iM.e the --td w !.. ix.ii.e'.aly ', wiib.ii rar-l.i.t - 'r .N. via l:.-..r ler j Kral ! All. The I'.oval I'.jking I'lit li-r i the pnr et an I atmna'eat baking xider ma-le, an I haa rect-ive-l the Ingheat ard at a.l the grral internatrmal ai4 Mate . fair, wherever exhib'.tr-l in competition ! it h other. ! The jo !ge of award on ikin rx.w. ' der at the lata tni ago fair, I'rof. II W. Wiv, wr:!e that tt.e :rr.rt merit ! claim other rompanir that they re ceive.! the hig'.et aar! for trength : and pontyar fa; that do OBch a aria 1 ware en tteia. i I U J U I LXJO- W thi Miaixt tour penxernnnl, down me in-sax'nx nay to Norfolk, through AH- inarlo sou ml, and theri'-e via ranalt anil rlter to I be gulf ra glon. The rouUt a laid out give them au all Inaldn eourae, with th exeepilun of about 40 mile. Thu buiiM-bnat tt ralhl th Moonlight In honor of her captain. Th parry eon alat of 13 twraniia, right of whom will llecpontheboat, while the rrrnnlnlng four will t rn comniodated mi txri the y ht Glancn, whbh 1 to tow tha houaelxiat to ft dettlnatlun. Tho Ixaat I dlvldeil Into three general eornwirtmenta a parlor 111 by lNfovt, a ainlng room of tha tame dlmentlon and a larg kltelrf-n with a ttori-riann and tliwt attarhel The living r aniit areear peted and furiilahed In luxurtoua ttyle, and th jourm y along th raging canala will be enlivened l y th presence of a pltno. When canal navlgvilon opn laext spring, tha party will return by tb old route. blaa' Aaeteat Military Maaaaiera. Th t'hlneea 'rule f..r war" aa carried oi;t by th Imperial arrnlea now In tb Held agnlnat Japan ar S.000 year old. They must m xrrj nb rile if w may Judge rf t hem f mm lb t;i lineni given by an Kr.gllah writer who hat w-a them. Vr th llleewt of them, f.T tli aAill parry. It th on that " thut: preal! In the ramp of tl.nrny t luptuon niu liral air to aa to oftn lift heart " Thi n.llltary maneuver waa held tu eapri.l eati tn 3 ''''I years au by It author, Hun tee, wholtttill eigarle-l aa tb highest authority u;n tne art of wr Thy Are roalad by th llaeh ar Uerg at I Uward Agalaat aararla. Tha too cj.-er tportaaiaa it vftea balked i'f a hot It tha watchfnl tanit tiel poaiivl to guard tha flock or the herd a;aiutt un'riats IVatipj a ten try ti thaliioat uinr.il of th lii-tnu t w hti U u org uural loll aa a niaalit of ilaftnta. C'lianioia, I Ut and other tuotiLtaia an tulopr alwayt (oal a aatitiiul. Alwan whtn a hard of Mall It kictpiiit; eti tha t Li tin ra it a watcher. Tint luttluat. The tirv-tator Inforuit at, aurTite va iu animal captivity. "Wheu tha prairio deg at tha roe peenpi.! a small pa.lil.s k, they alwayt kept a aatitinel on duty, although he Mom utter. 1 hit warning whittle, Laving learned probably that tli visit er wonld not ox. iu inside th tailing The prairie dog at the Jatdin d'Accli inatisatloti of Tana otwerve th tan pnvaution. " At It well known, wild IP a are particularly wary In (hit r tpivt, Mr. SL John tar that "thty teem to act in to orgauied and rautioui a manner when feeding or roosting aa to defy all danger. When a tl.vk of wild gee haa fixed on a field ef newly own grain to feed in, before alighting they make uuiuemua circling flight, and tho least tuspinoua object prwveut them from pitching. "SupjHwing that all ii right and they do alight, the whole fl.s k for a tpac of a tiiinuto or two remain tiiotioulr, with erect In ad and neck, re-oiiuoltr-itig the country arouniL They now ap-jH-ar to have made np their mind that all il tafo and ar contented to leava one aeniry, who either ttaudi on aoma elevated par' of the field or walkl tlowly with the nut never, however, ventur ing to pick np a tingle grain of onm, hi w holo energiiw Wing entployeil in watching. The uiiwt curloita part haa to follow. When a aeutry think he haa performed a fair thare of the duty, he give thr bird iienn-et him aiharp peck. " .Mr St. John dorian that lie hat aoen the sentry ivaaiotia!!r prill out a bunch of fcatln-r when the first hint waa not immodiatcly attended to and al tho tutme time utter a nueruloni cry. Wild twana are almost a rautinm ai wild gooMv The signal of danger differ! with the ttxi'l.w of niiimala. bnt the alarm unto serin to l univrnuilly on demtixxl by the x-tit itn-1 ' follower. Wild gi'eeo ami swam have a pe-uliax call, aa of a bugle; rabbit and aherp ttainp ou the ground; wild ducki utter a low and caution quack; eleplianli whittle; lla'a and mouiitaiu ahorpwhla- tlu. Kisl and (Juu. MOW IT MAT altira!. HAVE VOU INDIGESTION f ferhap There li a Hint for Tea la Till atory of ,ni Ailing i hlrkeaa. "Troubhxl with Indigiwtion.aroynur' Fi 1 all puffed up, thf Well, H a a pity that annul nun couldn't treat yon the way my brother In-law a wife treated he r rhlcketia That waa when they lived out in I'wietown, I'a. "tioing to tell ti another itory now, I atipNiM-, liko thoee aUiut catching herring in thu grnst and hunting aha! with a dog and gun, aln t you?" Without paying any attention to thlt lighting remark the Jeracyinau went on: "My brother in law'a wife had a fine crop of chiekrtia that itiininer. They wi re all lialcln-d that apring and were growing well wheu nun day the whole tb k got at a bag of dry com meal and tilled tin ir -roi full of IL Tha flrl thing my broiher in law't wife kuew of tin wa w in n tlm meal la gan to twell nud turn tour, am! tha whole tnx.p of chicken were waddling around with crop twii-o their regular aire and every chicken looking like the baaa drummer in a (iernnin band. Yon aee, tlm chicken eltlnr had g"t at watr t.si ibiii or iImi illdn't have gravel enough in their er" to grind up tha meal, and it wouldn't digit! and tax in ed likely to iurt them. "There wa no ono l y to giva help or advice, and my brother-in law'i wife wnsu't going to lis-o that lot of more than 1 1 tti lino chicken if she could help it, to she started tight in to do tho beat ho couhL Tho children caught the chicken mid brought tin in to her, and W llh her buttonhole ru ii-aor the Otit a lit III cadi one of their i n Hhe Uii zed out tho iiifiiiin al, waahed their crop out nnd sewnl thetn op again. Tho clinliti t, tin d gratofuL Tin y wrrr kept itii t fi r a couple of day, fed lightly, nud cvi rroneof them ft covered. "New York Sun. A leael W llty Hoo' t.mtlm. I An extra?.rliliary duel haa takaa placa In llruaaela la twten two young nwrn. 1 bey wi re enamored of tb rii y-mng lady, who, af er r. r.snl. ral,i bealtatlun, tuad brr ebon 1 !. UMHr.-eaa.ful aillUir Cbl engd bit rl.l to a duel and pMp-awxl that ea. h abo m ininl lt!i a p'. of r.pa, and lhat they tb d Ihraili lav ti ot.H-r aa long a they roul 1 bo.d out T 1- i t.ali'-I.r wa a.-rrjtl Th fght, how vex. had uut t-n i n g In pr cm when U.e poll' e n.M up and n i'it- bulb due.iaia ' wr overall with biowl lb tai:nf r baj tb wr af tb araunter, k:i fao ka.Dg a ma of bruUM. j l.onv farms In Malae. Maine probably ha many oddly thap- 1 farii'e. bul wo ilo'il.t if otie can b found iiioro p cull ir in f. rm than that ill the east put of le Mer, formerly owned by tho pbirni r Id e Lainith Kit Jah W. .w;uiigtio. Thi w i i ight roll wiileinul a h .If iinlo long', with the highway rnttiii:; it ut tilit aiigli into nmtial porti'.ti Tho nn-oiivi nieiice tat ao narrow a f irm, with p inrage and wixxlland nt one i ml, it olo Ion to any one, but in thi form it h i rontitiuvd from the day of I'm forefather to th prrarut time, lii use n u farm all the tuna A farm only 80 rod wide and abvitit half a milo long wa iu nana gn at many y ira m ar rariuingtou Falll and rtiay l o umI yet for all the writ er know, but tho I ll'f farm la-atl M by marly two third If iiarrowneai and general laldify. Farm of thiaahapa are nntnenm In ( anada. Lewiatoa Journal. tibia l Waul la II- Xhlrble4. n t's.k Im r hand gently in hia. They were afTiaii'sixl, and there waa no kick coming on the ecore of conven tionality. "I will alwav. " ho murmured, "ba at hand to ahiebl thee in the gTat trnglo 'f lif"-" hhe gaael eaniectly into bia loving ey.-a. "No" Hhn rnl not to t aware that ha tarli! violently a pun the word. "I must insiat njejii going to bar gain aalea alone. You would only be in tho way. " Kvi 11 aa the tpok h'T fare kindled with the ei iteiiient of the fray. De troit Tribune Tb lletaxrt f lertawl. "Since you take me to tak ao round ly for my failing." taid the phyalclau, . .mew hat nettlnl. "let me aakwbyyoa don t reatrain your own u. lie gam ble, drink and play the race " "Ah, yw." id thw clergyman, with a tigh. " We don't te-em to exert much liiflrjenoe over our own famtlioa, do we? lit the way, d.ai'ir, plea) oucvey my ariueat ty a. pat blew to your wife and ay to her I am aorry alia U itill ouakle to find any r!if from baaT rharuiua tiun. " CaicaaTO Tli baaa. "a ,neait't behave at II tie la-lnngad In th tmat i"lelt ," aal.l line voiii.g tunau Nu," rr.llr. ihe iiiher; "l.e la have aa II the beat am leljr lieliingnl lo him." ft Inwilnaaiev rollaa: Mtuavaeeavall Tit Glial for hreakfaat. ytat' rr.ik t i i. L '1 Pains in tho Hack "I hal been allticted for tarveral y1 with what the doctor called MAIIETM, and tulUred terribly. Tb pain In my back tu agoiiiiin in th eitrm. Iloal'l Karaa- an d lilt Now le al- n I h f y.ewriiratinaw W 1 1 h klaJldeaitira. I ah utuioia. tin keen Itood I'illt bv in. In mv whole life I haver met anything thvt did m ao much rxxl aa II'hkI'i hanaranlla. 'iperienee learhe a dear rhool, but bail will learn by no other." I wa one foolithenongh to listen to a druggist who rlaimad to nave something su .erior b M aid a, and bxik tnotber ineiliran. If I had thrown my Lillar In Ihe tlreet I would have been a ralnrr " Joh llaaatTo, car of John Oreethain, Wellington, tJhlo. Hood's'Cures rA llood'l I' .v 1 4 f"' cure.! me. N .aiyV, I elitinb and VT.IH Mend 1 Mr, J'HtH inuHt Hoorf'ai Plllariirfu(li.loii by rifriii t(ifiifatytfe 10 sea I tin 1 T .,. KOT 1.,1-1. j - I...iia aiul MKHVK Tli.N 111. IV, al i.f limtaiaitoe anot by mail. auo..iUB and IbwUpaar lawkaga. raunpir fr-a. irn t1f Tb ftvoell TTTt HwTU 1 1 lal 'or ll 1 Ui aisU Ueaal.tjaa. DR. UEBIC & CO., Sfciil to h Bait, fMt ti lir f I'jxo. ff f.lHtf f r)Tf'srfilrr lb g trM f H tnf eWtl, le-CU Vft reaai sl4 Mani'tTal tu 4 IT I f e I t aar i twkr.i.Tia rrrinttlufeiiMbl pw m I 1-1 .4fT ttfa rluliawa teweMAr 4tn4 r - ttiltt l trlaM t-.ai., g IM, tarl ffM I ! aa 4evev rif f ) n.Maeii U 'NT HWfW- Meiff lilEll T-e C.ail ' Ail (.It ti- I J I . aaat I . arena. Taaaaa laai, a f 1 n o.a a- A W '- aa f I "Jemlny crickett, th'ig i th ru krlt.' biirl on beau to anoiher In th com panv uf a very pretty glrli. Truly lb a at very Israullful, but therwaaa a laltcbing aU'Ul th nervea of th far winch tboaed tntTering No," aai.l the other, li t netl taig a and tne't a martv r lo II." It. Jarotaj I'n aaa ii.g'eted aa ihe w.irld remia ne.1 cure lor it. lbd ah I r v It T Yet and aaa cured by it and u.a-rie.1 sone of the lei loat" aftriaa'd. Ihe uae of the great reinrdr lor au aid in. I bring a'-onl a marria.-e, but in ita cure .1 pain It aill bring als lltcon.tlll.ini of hiailh to laak lie noire en) inie. So man or aotiiau Migbt to marrv alio n a iiitlerrr I nun c'ironir pama. Ve thould not a I ao to win nil) a lelrhedneei. A Tanl.Mng lake, lleorgla baaa larg Ink neir Corlilt alle.1 th " Vanishing Ink" It hit an ana i f four fjuure mile and r dry rv , rry autututi, th water n' rlng In the iprlng It will h 11 fei of water In ft a we. k hef.ir It g.- dry. K llaaaway llorae la Itaaala. j flora rnnawais an unknown In fin ita No en drltr In that country wit out having a thin cord with a running1 tioo-e around the lie, k rf the team. Tb In.r- tt"pa as a.siti a It ferli a prvatur en Hi w IndpH j lie IMda'l. II waa making friend with tb police- j man. I "My g.s frlloi." l.e a.i.., "you mutlo't tsr I iee ri eri tiling i.u hear about ui " "J don't." rvsp. n.bd the . fiber. "U I lnl. I'd run o.'i i.i II, t roil 1 re I'raesv Toaib Wllh xlo.rllian.l laaerlutlaa. In the I'liun 11 of M Mar t, Hculonat. Hull. Knglaud. I a loiubaton with aa lna.ripton In abort hand It Is In niamnry f Mr .1am I VI on .lb, w ho died on Jan 10, Kit) The tablet ta an object of curt UI Interval to people w bo tali the rhun h A lit 11 ti ll or THK IftrAMT TKAH. Clip the laat ll.trlr sear or mure from the eennov, an. I Ihe a,iin-i.l atll repre-ent tlie term id Ihe lllitxiiiii.le.t a.t':rtl ef II.Mlrl. trr x-eiiia, h II llera. The i..io. e Ilia )rar l'J.aitl In ,lgiia ireil to Hi aei aaiiee i.l a In h Allnanar rl Itie lLrra In a ti n h I be Hsea. deroall ti a'.. aetn.it if tbla ai.rlitfa.i.i.na li e.tn-u.e aill la birnlfr set both. KtrivUxtT lii.nl.l reaa il. I l.e i-aketi.tar and asiri.ni.inli al ralenall..lis In la bnilrl Iu tbla brochure are aa.s aat,,n lablog I y tc-lira'e. an. I llir siallsile tlbi,irain.n. loinii.r and inbrr rra'tlii mailer reh III llreo-at all. I bill ill profit. Hie Ibialrlter I imaiiT t riiut.iog, I'a , .uill,li II Ihem trlrea. 1 1n r enipbo m.ne than al m V ban. la In Hie mrrliaii'ial wora, and more than eleteii nmlitti in I lie I ear arr eouaii tne.1 lit lit pr. para lion. II rail la- i.l.lalne.t, a lihi.iil o ail, of all toirllS'l atnt eininlrv lealer, ami Is eriliti-l III K.glUh, liertnan. r'rrlirli, tArl.h, Nnra.glau, e.l,h, ll.illau.l, lliitiriio i au.l Siaiitah. "tilt )oil take tinirh alih Mlaa Twliterf o, Il wat a 1eli. tuna lull rural caraan-Lt, nlhra and hut Mala" vriiHiii kviiHMu, Thai Aiicm i' Pnkofi Pi stria li the higheal reault of mealical r.ienc and skill, and in ingredient! and method haa never been equaled. That it ia the original and genuine por ous plaster. That Aiicoii'i I'naoia Pnarta never falls In ierf.irm ill remetlial work ipilckly and elt.N tually. I hat Una fai l ia attested by thnusandi of voluntary and untmpeachabie leeliniouiali from gratelul allenla. I hat lor rbeuuia'lim, weak liark.ac'atlra. lung trouble, kidney diaeaa, dyapepsia, malaria and all bx-al pallia It it Intaiuahla. I hal when you buy Ann I' I'oaol t Pi sstib V"U obtain abaoliitely th heal plaatrr made HasRi'kiril'i I'll I are a vegetable pur gative. I'lrlnr Vim ire lint ba. tint well, fair I'a tleut Well.il.ietor, what ao. ild jrotl adrlie me In .In? INa- or Marrr him or break lb tngage- Utrlil. Y OU lieeit a real. I ATAIIIIII I AMMIT UK Ct HKIt with I1H , Al Tl.lrATHlNsl at the rannM rrarh the aeal i.l Ihe .Harasae t ilarrh II I bliaMt nr reliatllllllxlial .liaraa, and III order In cure II vim must late Internet remeillea. Hall i I a larrh l lire is taken liilrrnall,, and aria ibrvctlr nit III liliaal au.l miHilll lll-larea. Hall I I a larrn I ure la not a quart meal ei ne. It in ore ,erlta-) lo one of tli ta-el I'lltsiellltl III Hill eniintiv liir )eara, au.l la a rt-aular p rrlplloli. Il la i nmpoaeit ol Ihl Israt trrili-a known, eom blned anh lb heel Mimm! i.aritlrra aeilng .11 Iit ly on the muct.it ainlacea. I Ita la-Heel ciitl'lliaOnn of the Ian Ingre-tlenla la a baa pro duree nx-ti winiiterfiil r lulu Iu rurllig Caltrrh. send bif ttatlliioiilila, lira r J. I II I.N bT A CO.. rmi., ii.la.lo, O. Hold bydrti((lati. price, 74 ranli. I tlOITT' HOiif., I On of the heal sk b atli f.ir Povi on thlt I I'oaat II I ft chart of Ki tat MupennWnd-1 eni Ira o). 11. .nt. I'll. D.. at Hurln, faint, ; an Matao counlf , I al. I I ttw wat kin-u Ular. ! io Call from Portland. Pendleton, Walla Walla v:a i. II. , N to rip.. kane and (treat Northern lla.laa) to Montana. I'lkolal, ft IVil. II ;nneaxtlia, t'tniago. Iu aba. ht. I... il t La t an I r nith. lb k bal:at irai k ; line enrrv , nea equipment . Ureal North ern Palace ri.erara and l ne t, tan ily l.iuriai i art. Il.iltrl I. I rary tart Writ I I', lii.nasan, iieneral Aaenl, I'lirliand, Oregon, or K. 1. Ythitnev, li. I'. A T. A , l M. I'aul, M .int.. I .r printed inciter and in , formation at.ul rata ri.iitea, ,11-. mm Mothers, livesand Sisters ' Tb itlvla aflance i.f llarat la la I lati Keerlwi. II I a Bat ra T ratal. II yua aill icuiimutr tbl ALCOHOLISM It dlsfa, and will w Tour loving In linear lo bar lb Calient t.ta I are, that will be ! ber Karraat uow datlla. THE FITTZ CURE Co . as aa a blri.tl in t'ma of u. r.1. It li aaf, Hellakle, and a Sirs Mr. Ita b Uki-u t bome. Nnloaa' tlm; no publicity. frlri I im i Term I aay J Hi iiri TtirMsal Away, Ih.r It no nund lor f int.. r . icuM-a. it. nj , r It it one, belay ar Uane-rreui. , 11 rek may be I Ins, N. J. ITONC V CO., I'.onm 7, M.xsl R..1I.II1 g, R. V , Cab, tieueral Ault lot Paella I'oaat. KNOWLEDGE Hrinp comfort ami improvement and t.-nl to personal cnjovuirnt when ri.-htly tiaeii. 'Ihe many , who live lat ter than other ami enjoy life more, with ' expenditure, by tnoie promptly el.ipting the world' last pnlu t lo . !u 1111.I of tdtystaal lazing, will at(et he value to health of the pure li.pn.l avative principle rmbiaird in the remedy, Svrtip of Fig. Il excellence i due to it presenting in the form mot acceptable and pleaa 1 il to the taste, the n lrrshing and truly Is ncfit nil pnwrlic of a rrfcct lax alive; rfli'itunlly cleansing Ihe tyatem, disix'lling cohK In tilaihea ami (ever and a?rniauetitiy curing coiiatipalioti. It haa given aatiafaction to million and met with the appro al of the medical profenaion, ta-cau. it act on the Knl liev, l.ivrr and Ixtwelt without weak ening, theui and it it perfectly (rce from every objectionable ublaitce. Syrup of Fig i for tale by all drug gist in i'iOc ami l ladtlca, but it i man ufactured by tint California Fig Syrup I'o. only, win mx- name it priub-d on every package, alen the name, Syrup of Fig, and la ing well inf.irmeil, you will nut ao-ept any tiiUtitute if ollerrd. Vatcti your Weight If you nro losing flesh your aynloin Is drawing; on your lalemt ntrotiKth. Something It wrong. Tako Scotfs JHHaBHMBjjgajajjnaam-J Emulsion the Cream of Col-llvtr Oil, to uive your system Its nocHl ni Rtrcng;th and rcstoro your healthy wcitfl.U rhysiciant, tho world over, endorse It. Doi't li .ictltid bf Sabsfifufei! rml kr kail A aa, N. T. All bra tea. if DO YOU r TRAVEL ? ini V IF SO. YOU WILL FIND THE BIG FOUR ROUTE THE BEST LINE VESTIBULE TRAINS. ELtCANT DINING CARS. QUICA TIME. Ail for Tlrkiit via Big Four Route. I. o. Mccoimc. 0. 1. wAitia. f'aaa Tiaffle ktauacr. (lea l aaa. A Tkt. Agt, I'IM'INNATI. GKICXEta CfliSifl3 FAYS Il -tVeitAMt C kjaWt . inanity nlhrrt tiff Jtt.wltllg I mm Vi. ftfiw rtaM-t ( lrM-.ll -u.u It atttl ilrtM rllar I f IK If tlr-rrlttt rf (lit J eiUlty kuMUrtfS. 41'., II Mn.oated I 1 i I aial.-a Lad at I Tv il m The "ERIE rrilirtx, rtVal. r tne ctii UK . I Cat lev LiaU.niUi llCf.glVT fM Te-aai-TirslI . rrk- eff AOfT V4RUn rtT4L(TMA (NCCBiTOR C0..ff Hlm.4-.CI. iHA.kM lltN an H avUiti H4 , A it ire IM MalSi1 itnfM. H Hi wiakiofi, Vfli Utrttliyf V. Alinfl . M.rtwaa, i . t)UIlf If reitti acii th lit fiM nJ vital tmtm ( Eilaatt a4 tWri itglvtt vigar, pomtt 4 tiM ! ikt mI tirgtia ol nan. mmmm Reputation Cannot 0-m kf aeeldeali II e.aaei reaa tailaHea atoiaer. aafeiy ana allafa, tloa eaene fro aalla at Ik bail alar. 1 ka bail aleae II Ik Mf.aT. far Ika beat Jeaelrr. Waleha. ( lirf-k, Naiellla la llnlal aaa kliveiwaie, iiiaalally tallabla for Holiday areteati, wrlla la A. FELDENHEIMER, Th Imllaa aad lareil kaaaa la I'artlaaal, lr. Mail raaiweable prlee. All gaaaa are warra-leel. araer. NO DIRT OR SMOKE, foar Wll caa fcua It. Ilrtmt u eahm Aacl-a. Palmar A My, & t . tal. aa4 fort land, Or. !. r. N. U. No. 674-H. K. N. U. No. ofil rouii ACRt 1 hi n ! nf trut S( hirvavettarrti Mfti. N I tit Ibffot.iya -n.-l- ! 4f ! (t'ttAfirtli Ul f 11 Nlffl I. Kf York ft'l tft .1 IT v I carrv im 5 k-t Piu It Snt t p I a I n rapBr,r at il. I). ..,.. mmm C Ittftt, . a aa is a) is ALL U bajiHIt I ariajaxl i4 ferv1 ma with 3)1 rtta U UftiaUbd fun. FRAZER attt ia ihi taoiio. AXLE CREASE Itiaeatlniqualillit tea iinitrpaa4,elually ontta.iin lao iMtiasnl any oihrr area I. , raa In.a Auima! nils tie r 1 lie. .it, INK. run aal.g HV uMtiloN AND fafr-W AkllliT)lI HtHIHAmi' sua raawri u ai i r . SMOKE. Sweet Virginia PcUC CUT faitaMajgW Ex . iiiiiobun a irmiF sail ay all aiaatlam. MCMMakatM Mataaaa,faaataataflataaaeaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaa jWcbstcr'H International Dic5iioiinr' Th Ntw"laibrli1lcd The IIcet ChriHtmtiM Gift A VleUnmmiyal HmtUmh. airmpby. lllvgtaftky, fiction, tie. klaadaral tha V a taarsno l aul, ihe I a I ,.....i.aiial rrtaliaaoaVai.aaaiat xly all ina attaaaiaaill C laaaaaw l-l by averf sua aaywiataaoaaaa ai ana U. a '. Nrrrlam Co., fulMi., Mprinaflrld. Mttaa. Bar aaaal lor I raa aaiyliaH aatnalaiai aaa Satan yiai. loaHrslliiai. Ma VTiisirin i llS7fKVtnAll ViATHNVory lllMMMMI Gndy and "!. l, l.'4 or .' ' bar lh Inaal reuil hot ol Il'kaaa ritarAiu. Ilia beat and p naal I an-Ilea In Aasersr: euallty faluela el, iul kota. iniiabi lr .inlay jiinai nl. airtrtly par. In-aaa ekarte I. ei. I.i any point la Urea on, waaklugwa aua dabu. Try II one. DYGERTS' SPA. It Waaklaglaa Kt., l-artlaaal. Or. Wk-laaala aaa K-lall Caaf-all-aar. Harlar'a kaeolata aa4 Maaaaa Alwaya la tlaak. "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRLIFSHE USES SAPOLIO MALARIA 1 T i er- .. 1K VliU fKKL, UAUf tniM YUL'K BACK a, ha? Ikaae everv alep aaem a bnrdenT Von need MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY. U I I I III Fl U I 1 1 I V la ") America plana tut rw.me. rra kaa nULIUli nUUOL, araaTrariOTiT.., fVUlttl HI I UllvikJ, iwitltttaej, v 1 1 HoUl, Sofili riailt. Nvtk.) HOW TO SAVE MONEY. Hay yonr iiK'X KKtr.a and PKI)VHlnKnf a, aad we wilt see yno axmey. Wa baa-Hath boat araala and dell, er lrr in iralna ar boe'l ! koy ad ! bar eial eaaa, And ell fixati rarr tban anr eh.r I'm la lb eoariiry aand im vons aaas and aibieaaa, .na a wol mall yoa aaaf new prira llai, ekirn wil t owl wm i "Hi ovdar : I llmai lotmi a, at raa 11 pat yaand. lot a 'aiiMl.lad aaaar In liarln. aact loe... t u I Heat ! oil per eaa. Al at kaal kitixM ol Hoar f bafral . i IA , kurl e pf pil.l. X. ea4 at a IUI el a an yoe aatd, aa4 w will mak yaa ipartal pi at a. Aa4iaa r4m ui MARK, L. COM A CO, I4S Frant StrMt, -rie,a), Or. n