o nn W7 .EUEiE u .y ji Y. 1 J"V klTlBLlSL'KH V li R IDE DUSEimTIO OP DEIOrBlTIf rMWirtES. M TO 111 M IOMITLITIM IT TBI miT OF Oil BROW OL2 EUGENE, 01U SATUIUMY. DECEMHKK lit. 1SU4. NO. 51. The Lisrnc (II) Guard. I'L'HLISIIF.D F.VKIIY HAIVKDAY. I. L ('AMIT.KU,, I'uttlNbrr ainl Proprietor. iiKr'l'-.: -On til- K i L ..( WilUmrtl H ft'., I.tswi .. eib .nl !!V'l.lb Str-rtt r r .mei ii . . -.it M Ml,. .. M.rse nvnU. , l.UU . .7 .I'lt'rrfiii.ij lli(t$ M'lJe Knoirn on Tim. ..e.-lhsir will be cbar-.;l t lb Col luwiuit ru.: ma Ur litre uiontlx ,.rt 00 (In U4r .it ui'iullu it 00 ()niir on yr 12 00 Tr.u.ii ut notice, io local column, SO cvnU Aijrrti-iiiK bill, will tw rr-n l.-rl .ii.t wljr. All Mi wnrk must U rxil roa ixri.iTiRT. Fvery Pair Guaranteed. address San Francisco Cal'.; .1 liUUlvni DF.ALF.K IX AuU CI )tkj. vVatcnes, CIhts. Jewelry, Etc. KKl'AIICINti PKoMPTl.Y lM)XK. III Work W arranla.Y, L. W. BROWN, M. D. Iliytloiin riij.l Siiriieiin. tlttic att.I r-i'lfiif tirr MMt.ittH. Hour.; 7 la It . in.; 1-' t ) l '.' ni. 33. C LA.BZE. GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS. New l!gn- Srw I'rirt-w In Forrl.. atil I)iiiic'.lr MurMc mi 'I if.ui t Monument. lIfttUtiii- -ticl l'r iii: ry work, of mil kln-U f..r AM, WOK.C ;i!.ANT!T.l ! W tlUmt-tli Sin, m-nr rf.o:Vr. V m, 'r A. C. WOODCOCK, orri Pluck. r. ('in- I. .11 l.l.it-k aointi ( t'hil.m.u'i (lUEi.ON. tl. ItL.SI.W. , I'r. i Imt. S.H. till), .!., (WiUr First il.W Saul 01 Eugene. Pal a up Us!) Capital 50,000 Surplus and Pronts, 830,000 Eugene - -1 Oregon. A if.ncral Vine lii'.Inr i1-n no n-wm-t..lra.fc Mil.t lrfu ..n NKW YuKK, t'HICAlio. SAN KKAXriSCOBB.1 I'UKT 1. XI, nltl'tiD.V. Hill. l ii-huK. in (orciifii cnimtriM. ikh:u rtKxiveJ mlijcct U cbk ur u.rtin cVl 'if .lfji-i.it. U aillarti'iti rtriwUd to u. fcelr. ir init Kiirmi.'D J. L. PAGE, DKAI.KH IX GROCERIES UlVINii A Uth'iK ASK (OMPIK1K fX K II nl Uilr . Ut ni.rkvU Exclusively For Cash, I can oiri-r the pul.lio lIUT j.riii limn ny otli'T liuUM'J IS EtJGKXE. : llurrurr Item. Thv Wnt, iHv. 7. Mr. ktul Mn. X. 1". IWrkrvtn, of t lie lifi-mivlnj; .uiloa at (inrilim r, tuiiii1 up to our ril v lut !aturluy l:vl, aid on Siiiuliiy Kinriiil for Kuki'Iim, w lirrv tln-y n t.'i (inoult iliyiK'inn. for Mr. lU-ikrviii. In tin- lat imiitf of thi. r in. n lion wn. iiitulu nlioiit Mr. John Yi iiiuii U 1iij (inMlruttil ly l.li'tlin; from 1 1 if iiikh. Till m t-iiiM.riirily rlu i kcl, lull rotnmrluiil tii.':illi I'lilir day t-vi iiin, Nov. J, nl 7 o'clock, iiikI cool liincl until I o'cl.H-k tin follow Inn afternoon. Kroui (lint tunc until Ttitirwl.'iy iiioruin, hiviiil-r , lv-'i, nt 4:.ai o'clock nhc Kruiliuilly miwI Id lu r lliml li i. Slivt'iitl calmly mi l -uivfiilly without n truuulc. Mi Atiliic Khalx'th Joliiinon tliccl.l ft iluiiK'liti r of I(cv. J. Jiilinoii, a McthoiliKt itiluixtt-r, ninl wuk lorn near lUMfonl, MaMt., on lK-ci-niU r l"i, ll'.i. II r father l.nmnht her to the Vcl hi her i arly voiith, and final!)' x-Ulcl In WatMilivillc, Santu t'ru. county, 'ali fornin, w ht-ic hhe u int marriiil lo John S. VIiiKii July -'I, lv;7. A few year later Mr. hii.I Mnt. iinnii came to ( In uoii and M'ttled on h farm n'l- jolniiiit Lake crvek III tin' Siiislaw Val ley, where they have uliiuwl eontlnu- ounly realileil until reinoviu to flor elitv ill AlltfiM lat iat, and wliere hIiv ihpil h U-foru ntatiHl. Tin? lc ivmjmmI IcHViM a hiiilianil, two iniiirii .l (lauKlitem, Mr.. Anna II. Taylor ami Mr. lniy l. Xevly, mid Com, nn tin married daughter, and two imiiih, Wil lie nn. I Krance to iiiorn her lox. 'Irruiiry lustend f Silrer Note. .1 In the inicrlrau !liU Sorlitjr. ! i'.ut liii.M I1- .n.t.-r I". A lure' crowd wax In ntleiidaiiiv at the Inn-, nieelini; of the chliri lie of the fit at the M. I',, church ln-t evciilnu in tloi intiTit of the Aliicri can n.hle So.'icty. Addrew. wire made ly Kev. I'. ('. 11.1hr, tlm llki'lll, lli-h..i J. . Mill., mid the .atorof the vatioii. cliurche. An elect ion of olIlcvT of tho Lane ('oun'y Ihhle . HM-ly wit. hIxi held with the folluw in nMilt : Kev. J. I'.. Miv.l. r, ireidehl; the varioim iutor w-re li-iKniited a. vlco .nni.lnit A. I'.. ln-eler, .crtury: J. i. IJnulmrt, tnn-iir. r A collection (o further the ititeri t of the wH-letr w a. nlm taken. .r!) i..i.f'l, I.,-.-. mU r ny I.I i It'lll . -Tile lectnie delivered hy Dr. l.oveti U'e lat liifht at the Kpl' coiial eliiiri li on the Mil'J.vt of "Japan, ller Nnr With t'hiim, and Her t oin inu ( ir a! iie," aa iuol aide ill.-. courx-. Me nh.iueil that, trouijainii nl t lie M . - church Hi I oiiille. rapid a. Ivan.-. it for I he laid l'; vin I. ulternitf kIx il. itant pri.n year., I,. r vn toiv In ttii. w ar nieant i ,., i. ..,...,,.,.,...,,,-illlii,iMV trade. . I . l.l Mi X PAY, Dl l T.MIU I: l.i. I lYii.il. ion it inaklm; It tropical for ' the anihli r.. Mt of them havv Ud. ' A photograph of Ml lUwe 1U.m Ii i. ' printed In la.l Kriday't Portland 1 1 -'. U New a. i rveliMin ha n liivt'l hi. oIiihi .hop lo the r.H.in at Itiw rt ar end of Aulen'. einar lor-. 1 Pick out what you want for the holi. lajn, pay a irt down and Watta . w ill lay 11 arndtf tor you. I Workiuvii have already i.uiiuiii.vil retlttuiK the room vacated lr the I '.li ne l.onii mid NtvliiK Malik. luiceiie .tvliu'. and Loan Hank i now doiiiif liu.iueM in their in hiiil.liiit;. It i. a noat room. It i. Mtid that ( uhleiit. the lata jwurden of the Wn'la Walla, Wa.h., N'inteiitiary, w hoiil( l.ltd, roldnnl tin tateof cl'i.i.m. A lu:irrinc Hivn' wan lwnie.1 hy the county clerk late .Saturday after noon to Juiui a I.. .Mtt and Mr. Mar garet Jane I larke. The .(ate normal school of Moll mouth and the t niwrnity of Orecoll f.Nit hall team, will play their lint i;aiiie of the act tea here oil Niturday inAI. 1 t'uin.Iv Jh.Iko Neil, of Jaek.on j count v. ha. I.t ii convicted of hrvak ' ink' liito the county Jail and cinlln , an 1 1 1 -ii i io .T.,n to thv a. turn, w llh- oul lul.iriiiiUK the .herill A in. reliant of an Iow a tow n ha. pnrcl. ;,. I Iiki copic of lil. liK'al pht lor a x car, to U n'd n. a preiiiium to purchaser of (j.iod.. III. a good ad-vrrli-ini; .cliciue for the merchant and help, the local ihnt. Kev J. S. Mi l 'am i now in charge I Sue ri i sday, ni:u:Miu:i: u. dUplay of uovcltic. Watt Ilowe the inlielin; lA-lrcaniler, ', I. l.-liig tried at Jack.onville. The "IIiiiii'ii" Kelley en-, l.-im; tri.il in I'm Hand w ill ko( thejury tin. ' eveliilii;. ' I l.i'lltli Ur lllll'i:. Mc, tine U 111 he Held ul,ir.j) li('ll". ail Imp rl lilt rri"i-itien. II..' U'iu. wa. call.. I in older hy 1'ri .idciit Wilkin. I in -day i vi nlntf. " After I , r i , 1 1 1 1 if i.f li,ll,nl.. l.e bH.r... The hrick for Mr.. I'.. 1'oll r'. Hew larv. an.l olher i,i..ln,ii,rv l,ii.,i,.M. In-ill) dellv- an iii vitut iiiii from thu Maiiiifai l'ii.i.' liiUVHol. oim'Ii alike to I.- made that woiil.l to commerce and Chri.ll- unity the entire A.iulic rolitiiicut. lie w ill'ilvhvi r a m i-iiiiiI lecture on thi Mime line of thought mi Sunday even inn, l. e. L' l. huildlUK on !lh .trei t are ered on the ground. Ye.ierday morning the river at thi. point rcktl.icrvd at 6 ii feet almve low water, mid i. .lowly koiiik up. The lirillln lliirdwam Coiiipmiy hat "A few fact nhout atove." in an other column. Kead It. I'niiik lavcy lio-at editor of the Salem Slatoinau, hna Ix-ell elected clerk of the .title equalization hoard. Fifty hi . are liclng Imtchcred at the Mi.-k farm today. In all, thiaoua place w ill hacoli Mil head of h.. thi '!l"OU. The ralniiw, Wa.h., hank and the l'irt National luk of the Mine place are to I merged Into one. The name of the new lu.tltulioii will he Hunk of raloue. We have nvivi-d the 11 ml tiumhcrof the llurrinhutk' ItevleW, pulill.hcd hy the Iteview ,iil.lihni (.'ompnny. It I. lull of local ii -w and ahould ri-ivlve i a good patronage. ' Karri. Inirg Ih vi.'w : 1'iu.ciigcr Agent O'Nell, oftho l ulon I'aeille, at I'orl . laud wn. In town Monday, hint com pany contemplate, putting on two "li-aiiiiT. on tin. route to run in eompo ' till. hi with the .lenuier Mugeiie. j Itotchurg rialiidcnlcr: TIu-n1 are 1 mime of the choice epithet, the llrego- Mian nppllea to thoae ineml.-m of Ilia I leiil.lnluro, w ho U'lieve hi the free J coinage of ailver: I'opuli.t., mi calleil lii'lri n.li MH-iall.lle agitator., kh i lltn-iil Jawhawkcm and tioiidewript. IV I'.Hjr oii.r.l. Ise. inlr i. "HlHli. hie Itoh (in, got full of hug Juice yctcnlay, and he claim. Milne oi'e rol.l.'d hllil of eightei-ll hig atllicteil A gentleman well poh hiuiking liilliic". w rite. n: Kugvnc, Ik-o. 10, I v.. I. To Tiik I'.ui iok: IMi iriug to tlie .tateliu nt ill your paper of IimIiiV, that If the trva.ury .Uonl.l pay out mivcr na It has a right lo do, when the Wall at nt-1 eapilitli.la present their ailver liotea tor pavilielil, the run on inegui.i reiwrve would wane ut om-e." IVniill me to NUggeot thutthe trea. ury diaa pav nut allvtT and ailver only Uhiii ailver notci, whether pre aelileil hy the " Wall at reel ciipltall.la," or nl hem. In.leeil, ailver ivrilliemea the only note, i.nied hy the ijoverii liielit tuivalile nm'iallv In ailver are aimply w arehouse receipt, for ailver I (liillum, mnl the amount oiit.iauuiiiL' . of the loriiier, ri prc-viiti ut all lime, I CXitctlV the Itlilouiit of the latter, held j ill reserve hv their redemption. Vll loll. We.tutid corrected. Hy an over aiglit of the pn.if reader the w ord ail ver was aulititutcd for trea-ury. Hut Ihe principle in the twine. The treas ury department pay. out gold exclu aively lo Hie "W all atreet capllallata" when triaaiiry note, are prcM-nlcu, which it ha. the option In rclei ining Willi ailver. Thehankaare eager for Intercut hcariiiK bond., n w itnea. a atilmt-ription of over three lime, the ainouiit when fVi.m.i.Oi.) in gold wn. naked for. Tlie treasury I. no aooiier tilled with (told than thu proof of draining it out f-ommeiici'a again, and unit a. amne change I. made holid lie auea will continue iudeliuitely. I'ay thu note pn-aelileil with ailver, and thi. (Iiiaiicial jugglery will o-aae ut once. died. Wh ii (he McKeii.ie miiil carrier left holey Spring, la.t Friday noon there Ma. N inch.', of allow-, nlld II ini he. at Mi Kcii.i.' hridge. Collage (trove Ix-adcr: A revival lineling w ill commeiii'u nl the ('. I'. ilver tlollnr-. Mugeiie i. atllicteil church in thi. city Monday evening. I w llh a nuinl. r of I... iter, and I . iitiget. j IC. v. J. A. Iuigl.ittoui, of laikviie, w Iiom' liii-an- of hvciilna'd are a lay- ' w i I tuke an active part. , terv, and the town ahould U- lid of, Unv fIMlr, ,., i tiotiunlcra can thi. unilc-iralile .la-.. I heir ft cry , ...i ....k,,,,,, I.hIlt. iiii-iiIm of i.tiai iiiera ao that thev call tltnw their l. ll.lou.. celierallv. I n ol her word, if t oll don'l J. T. (in gg, f.irnn rly of Salem, re. mv n,,,,.. , w.ty the ( iregonlau dm-, ivntly married hi. third w ife In Cal-; Voii iiiu-l lv nn Icnoniuiii.. . . II. I... II... I. - norma. 11 1. i, inner wives iinu 00111 action i. indi.-rilive of crime if oppor tunity oiler-. Tie- poliiv fonv ahould Mt that n criiail' i. at..rted again.t (hi. element, for the longer Ihe evil 1. allowed the atroligt r w ill liny llltrelli II thelliaclvi-.. It rallied .oliie la.t night. Chn.tuia. two week, front today. The Hiown murder enw I. on trial at ItoH'hurg. The Mople of the lower Sill. law country are talking of calling tho pro Miit new county, Lord. The California repuhheau. have dc cldi.l to conteal the eli-ctiou of llov. 11(1.1. 1. They allege illegal Vote., ill Sail I'raiiclwo. Si ini' thu recent ruin, we have heard of one or two small hridge. In P.l'.jr (M-i:n io i in n i. m-- I'l I1I.IC - in Thi. Iliol II- Iii place, like Kugciic Ihe a. know I-1 I he county l.'iug w a-hed away hy the clk-eiiii lit hav to l. made iM-fort) Ihe awollell stream.. u-iial ollh-cm. j Kev. C. M. Crow, pastor of thu M. K. The funeral of the .l year-ol. I m f t liurch iwiulln at I larrislmrg, ha. Hriijamiii Lyons, w ho ill.il sutinlay oiN-ued up a haiut. nn. I Issit and "In.' Iroui the ell'ect. of an olsmtloli, tiNiit "hop ill (lull city. pl.i.i- this iiiorning from the residence Not a gamhlliig plaiv I. now open In near Ivxl-r. which had Ut-u aurveyttl ami nolii-e. poatcd a. inrding to law, wera thrown o.'ii to aettleiuenl. Very mmiii niter Mm. .Martha Hogart made the llr-t tiling. She and her I ins han. I had I. i n living on the laud II led on for uluitit live years, mid n short time ago Mr. Hogart died. She ha. Imw made the llnng to prex rve her home, l-'or pluck and I ravery under any con ditions commend u. to Ihe Western woman. Is (iooli CiiMimoS. All exchange Ima-t. that tlie l it V of Florence, niter making inanv improvement. wa only the case. . . .. . v . . I, III.. ...... ' . . r 1: 111 ii. in. I lie iirow ns nn; noe s mitUe. thi. a very "or allowing i-om-p:ired with that city. The Time" say.: "Tlie nlsive I. a very g'ssi ird we admit, hut it sinks into utter au,lr ami r.iu-f (.ratrd. I;ihl lu Ih ohllvion when compared to tlie rccoM 1'nahn of all l ind. taken nt market lri.v. J. F. FORD, (Kv.D.Tlt-t.) f Ism M .ion. Iow, writ. uadr dU at March it. 1.'3: s. It. Mki. Mm. Co., Iiufur, On gon. iKXTi.EMkX: On arriving home last week, I found nil well nnd niixiou.ly waiting. Our little girl, eight and one half Warn oh I. w ho hnd wastiM away to ;s 'pound.. Is now w.d. .trong and vi iron xis. Htnl well tli-hed UI. S, Coiik'h Cum has done ita work well Hothofthe children like it. Your.-. II. Cough Cure h cured and kept away all hoar-in-s fnmi me. Sogiye it to every or, I-. witli gristing-for all. Wishing vu pro.-ntv, we are Youm, "Mk. ai Mk'. J. F. Fokh. If jiw w'.h tn f's-l rhis-rf'il. .! (. lh - " M't w.ri, , nn tl. tfl-m -.h ll. llr-tsrl,r alel Ur. t ut. I f liUf to ur thrvr il.r. . w.. an 4 uiilr. si(iTt. . i.f."'t 5u trniM s-r tsrtt.. ' 'lru.-i.ta. I)C( made hy the prosm roua little city oi Hrow n.ville. The strceta have U-eli improved, no amw-.iiiciiI have Isn levied, the city (h.-a not owe a dollar ninl ha. upward, of some ! ou on Intereat. Hrow ii.ville I. all O. K." Chamberlain's Eya and Skin Ointment A certain cut for Chronic Sore Eye. Tetter, Salt Ulieum, fccalJ lie.d, OIJ Clirouio Sore., vcr fcorc., fxemi, Itch, I'rairie Scrntclio., Sore Nipple ami Pile. It U cooling and sootlnniC- Hundred of cast L.tj h-en cured ty It after all other treatuieut LaU failed. 23 cent per box. Fur Mir I'T IKb'irn.i Is-I.no. Probata .Matter. -.... .1. II i;..l.Mr.1,l, itita i I .siaie oi josi pit i. 'ct-aatd. Will ordered admitt.-l to pro late. I--jit. .te John W. Porter, diss-n-1. Sale of twmoiinl pru(ierty n s'rts. I- celpts Js T i. 1 etlllon lo " ii rem esiate. Citat ion lo heir, ordered pnl- li-hed. . Ii; ou.ril. I--' -:.-.-r AllKITKI liK Vaokisi V.-SlloU'l Iing wu arresteil ."alur lay niglit by poli.-enian Matha. on the charge of vagraiuy. I he trial ha. l.-eti at-t hy lt.-c.rler I Kirn. hr Wedne.lay after noon at I o'cI ji k. lug at t o'clock four tow iihip. ha'ated "f M r. Iletilu Cowgill tn this city to penillcton, nnd tliu city treasurer even w a. nrresieu uu a cnarge i uai ne uau 1st II l'la lug turn hank. However, he was illschaigi-d. On account of Ihewvere atorm nt YniUiua hny the atenmer Homer ha. I.t'ii kept from sailing nhout thn-e day. 'I he South Const in on thi. aide awaiting Ihe nhatltig of the storm. Thu county ns.-iirs are holding n atate meeting at Salem. The ol.Ji-ct of thu meeting u staled, "Is to formulate pinna nnd I. ling out idea, thai i prac tical and inoal iroiioiulcal In fullllling their neveral dutlea." Thu regular meetlnga of thu W C T I' are held in Mount', hall, at .1 p. m. every second and fourth Wednesday In each month. McinU r. and friend of thu work pli-awi remeiiiher tlm dntu. Hy order of tho President. The nsipU ol I hi) aoulhern end of Ileutou county want thu long Tom navigated hy river teamem aa far up a Molina, and are holding luaaa lint-tings, with a view to pelllionlng congress for aid to clear out ohatrucl Ion. In the channel of the l renin. It I six mile from Hie moutti of the st nn in to Monroe, and light draught lioat. it l .aid havu aoiue tftnea made the Irip. It i llgnreil out that IJI.i.hi orlio.oou appropriation would clear out the chn.iuel no that II could lie navigated aeveml mouth In the year. At Thu Dalle yesterday thu ex plesa rohher were sentenced: Oil SnvngM got four year and Frank Klein, who turned itate evidence, IN mouth.. Savage' caae will las apltcal ed lo Ihe aupreme court. W. II. Ilruw n went lo Portland on thi morning' local. Ir. W. Kuykeiidnll waaa pn.se nger for Ilraiu on thi Afternoon' train. Mm. Sawyer, left on la.t night' overland for a trip to Santa Crau., Cal. F. M. Watt, lift on thi morning' (ruin for a business tilp to Ka.tcrn Orc(oH. lion. II. II. Miller went lo (ir.nl Pass on last night'.ovurland on a short business trip. Mr J. O. Ithlni-hart returned mi thi morning' local from a vl.lt with friend, ut Ho burg. Mm. M. C. Ill kwell went lo Port land 'Hi thi. morning' overland on a abort busiiicM trip. I'r. C. II. Chapman leave In the morning for The I talltsi where, he will i.c i, .:.!. I.-. ini.-r in. Mahkiaoi: Mr. Ja.. L.Scott uud Mm. Margaret I. Clarke were united in marriage ut tlie home of Mr. J. W. Clarke on tl rnerof nth nnd ( 'hariiel- ton atreets, nt H o'cliak yeslerduy evening, J. A. Loiiglsittoni olllciating. A iiinsidcrablc sirlioii of thu voyage of lite him already I. -en passed over by thi. ugid couple, nnd our w ish i that the remainder of II may lie amootli sailing for them. J. A. LoNollnTToM. A SlI.I.V SlollV. Some eca.s I ta -natie out in Jackson county is telling the silly store II at a colli u llll.il w ith gun wn. sliips.'d lo the Catholic church nt F.ug. iie, nnd that the au thorities aeieil the colli n nnd colitis .filed the guns. The aforesaid crank and lunatic l.'t it hat with Seal, the is.innu rcinl tntveler. that audi wa. rseal w ill w ear a new hat if the party i. financially reslisllile. Me ivrtaiuly I. not resiiisihlo men tally. HI residence I at liold Hill, but' we ahould not U-Htirprl.nl lo hear of hi. name U lng registered at a hu mane Institution conducted hy thu state, nt Salem, for the caru of Imbe cile uud ih-meiiti d .'moii.. How- Hi: Wah Kll.i.tlt. The Toledo, Post gives the follow lug account of the ! deutli of Win. M'Uscr, innttloiied a few duv ago: Win. Moist-r, nil em- j plov ai Ihe Pioneer rock nu trry, w a. cru'shisl to dittlll by the fall of thei must for a new derrick I at themiarrv Wednesday wlili h did Ihe work 'a hg ulsiiit thn-e feet in diaiiiett 1 1 wn. being hauled up J a steep hill-side w lu ll the rosj broke, ! the men ull Jumped out oflho way of the b'g which was defending to 1 ihe railway track l.-low almost w ith the (iillespie ceiiicterv north of town. It wa. largely nttclided. J. M. Howe any. advertising pay.. Two day. ii co bu lost n plate oil' n watch charm and udverthed for it hi the lil Win. Thi. morning while sweeping out hi. store he found the missing article. 1 titter rc-illta than this could not lie t'Xiectcd any where. Ir. Wall, ol Cottage drove, s iil Sunday In llugeue. IUv. MrcaVfii waaa passenger to Cottage (trove litis nflcriioou. (ii-o. W. Picket waaa pattaenger on thi. morning' I. sal lor a.hort trip to Junction. Mm. Mlntiiu Wnahbiirnu returned thlsafierniKiii on the l(Hl from a vl.it to Portland. Pre. P. L Campbell teturned to hi home nt Monmouth on yeslerduy morning' overland. Win. Weber returned (o Junction thi. ii ornlng after a. ndiig Sunday with hi family here. W. L. Cheshire, II. (. McKlnl.y and Mr. Kelchiim returned from a trip to Portland thi afternoon. Hon. J. II. All.-rt, president of the Capitol National hank of Salem, ar rived up on thi. afternoon' local train. IteV. J. A. I.nlighottolll went to Cot I tnge drove this afternoon lo a.alst In a a. no. of revival meeting. U-ing held ! there. Attorney A. C. Woodcock returned i ' to hi diltie a member of the ; slate Is-inrd of e piuliatloli at Salem I thi morning. I Pet-. J. K. Snydt r went to Irving thi. morning, where he will coiiiluet a i erica of religious aervicea, continuing I for a couple of week. I Mr. and Mr. K. F. Willi are now residing ht lO Angeles, Cal., w here Mr. Willis' ht-ad.iiartem have been v tahlishiil for (he prewut. Jou Lane left for Phoenix, Arizona ing erected I sat unlay iiigni, wnere nn win sjiiii 1 lie masl ' "me lime III h"rft thai thu climate W ill l.'lll'Ill III. in all li. The Indimi. around Klamath ay that thi y have a good thing since Itud has Ist-ii ullotteil them. They claim to have Mfiin-d all thu tlmU-r land and will control the WismI bu.iiies., lig'itiiiug rnpidilv, sate Mmser, who ; not allow ing a w bite man to go on tlie wa. caught is-twieii Ihe 111:1ft and car land for anything. and mashed to death in tlie twinkling Mayor Friendly I tpilte III today. of an eye. lie Is. ill, ring from a hiliou attack ia-mocral JK K HV Olil.s. The l.tlle Chroll-i-le: The matter of aehftnig B slate tlowi r is a'aiii l mg at Hated At II .l rivi-r uie two y-ars ago the tate horticultural -si.-ty -.etts the Oregon gras- as U-mg peculiarly lilted for this phec ol honor; hut now nine ' of the e-thute want solllet hillgelse. If it is ahtilut. ly lo" s-tiry that the atate bate a . iwerofr- " i n. we ugg'tt, It stll k hV th' Ol .' II T-.l, !. Utiles ill tes Jell' Mt em I all I" s-rs.a'lid to accept the ,iti..n. Dr. PrLe'a Cream liaklnz Pow der World I .if Mlh.l Mrd 4 Ulp'.'im: ay coll- Ah iation, 1 1. P. Wilson, vrvtary, wa. read, inviting thi. Inkv to mis ting lo I... hci.l at (111, inn. tl, O. , Jan. -.'', s'i-i. I'hu obiis't.of (hi. ints t-! ing, a. staled in the invitation, nn to discuss any nnd all plan for thu fur-tht-raiiit'ot the mnuufneturem' inter ests, 1, glslutioii, etc. Mr. Meveiis, reprcat-utlng the IU111 of Itakt-r A 1 1 :t in 1 1 ton, ."-all Frnlicisco, made a 11. posit ion, almwisl plan, etc., for hiiilidiig and o.-ratingn l.iitteraud I'lmf factory ill I'llgelic. Ill View of j the tviiellts ol such an industry a pub lic meeting i. herehv called ti no-, t at I the is.urt lioiis.i n (lil. city on .-ntur- day, l"c. I '., n( 1 p. 111 , to discus, the 1 !ifolMidl lull. l-'iiroii-rs urn imums'IiiIIv I li. ill. ti-. to ls present. A iMinmiiiiicnlloii from Caldwell Hi. s , Portland, was read ill regard to the outlis.k for Ihe building and er utlng of 11 basket inauufuclory and pin king factory. 111. liar. I llowcii and J it. X. ICnudall npH'itred I. fore the Is.ard mid asked for a rccon. men, Iation and guarantve to assist them in procuring the lease of a Is at to ply 011 Ihu upisr Wlllaiu ette. As far n it lie. ill llitt siwcr of thu Ismril to do ao, a recommendation wa. ordered given them and thu aecre tary wa. ordered to w rile uch docu ment. After thi. business wn. tran.acttsl general discussion was iudiilgtsl in 011 various subjects of iuleii'.t. Tlie Isiard I. In it no-H-ro(is condition and are daily r.st iviug letter, from bllsilles men uud home seekers. I'lits. Ill I.COIItlllllCt. I'mi:, 1 .... 1 '1, Is .',-uils-r II. The people w ho at lend thu weekly iins'tiiius of the class In vtsiunmics of the I'lugeiie A.lvanceini nt Club are among those w hn laku thu lno.1 Inter i -l ill till Ihe leading ipleatioli of thu day. The siudyol lluan.v, w hlch thu class ha. taken up Will Is continued for a. 11 1 ni time. The pasr at the mix't ing last night, 011 "I lie Currency of our ( iovt riiineiit," by attorney I-.. (I. Potter, was well wiittcn nnd alatlall cally of niii. li value. Il ten, bit also In show t hn colitlilelice of Ihu .oplc In the nhllity of the government lo pay hy allowing the larger amount of pitHT inoliey out tut compared with the gohl reserve or r.-dc mrttloii fund. 'Ihe Currency of 0111 National Hank." was handled lu i very ablu maimer by II .11. F. M. Wilkin.. He reviewed tlm history of national hank., how tl.ey camu lo hi orgalilrsl, tliu authority placed III tin 'III for thu issuance of bank currency and also .(Hike of Ihu advantage, and dl.nd vantage, of lha ayatcm. After each mM'r geneial tlim ussioii wna Indulged 111 and helpful remark w ere uiadu by 11 II. Millcrcla. teacher, I ir ('. 11. 1 hap man, Prof. Condon, S. M. Yornu and other.. Next Monday evening a nioal Interesting inis'tlng U Itaiked for. I he .ul.J.ct to 1st ihw-uiwed I., "What Lcouoiiilc Law Itcgulattsi Yulue." Ku-reue Sellout Itrporl. Thu following I the rc.irl of the Fugeiiti achiMil district for the third month: N11111ls rcnroll1.1l to dntu Number rcinulnlng at date... Average niinils'r U'longlng... Average daily attendmiie Per cent, of attendance- No of pupil tardy 1 The Albany ideritble liitrn-st I. being taken III Ihe deliver a lecture Thursday evening. 11, ing (isiiiwii game ilwen tne 1 Mre. fnrah Cnnwcll. who luu rteeu Alltany I vUltllia' I ere fr atnui time, left for ill taiiibill county thi. ...U'.t ...fill ..017 ... M ... 00 A WoNHi.HH 1. Ulin iiix K The following ahould iiinke Oregon Inn think tiny are in thu paradise, of low taxes: Washington raise. 7 of .tate Inxe where Oregon raises $, and Sisiknne county raise. prnHtrtiouately (in where Multnomah county mis.-. MO of Inxea for cttiiiity purse.. At II rt It would aeelll that till wide dif ference would Ihj almost ImiMiMlblu In .tale lying iht hy aide, Willi resour ce alino.1 Identical. All Intelllgeiit idea of Ihl. dlU'ereuce, however, can hu liad from a study of tho govornmeuta nnd statute of lint Iwoklntea. (hi) W. Hell formerly district attorney of AI Uuy district .aid on Ihe aiihjeel: "Our taxes are aomethiug tuieiiditu and .0111. thing must 1st (Ioiih for relief. Hv nil menus let something be done.. W cau'l stand thu present condition of nllairs much lodger. When taxes gel to be five ter cell I of the real value of nur pro'sTty we will either have lo reduce them or leave the atate." bail; U'i.rl, liH-.!iils-r II. Sm ao H'ia r. Snh in Pot: "The goveriimeiil .nag xmt Corvalll. arrlvel up Saturday morning, and after tetid Ing Sunday In Salem, left for .iiulaou the ui'is-r river thi moriilng. She hail a wow rlggetl with a donkey engine which hu w a tow ing with her:" I he boat i ci'ss tut heru shortly. t!ic ..'lt ".iti'l lit-Vtr ( xoell :tii 1 j r ven" ii tlie' ViT'lict o f milliorw. Hiinmon LlViT I.CsT'1- - Ittur ii tho mel'ciin) to vLioh you can jmi your faitli far a euro. A mild l.n.t tivc, and 1'un'Iy Vi'-ct-tl!"', act ing tiire.-ily on tho Liver a 11 d Kid ney i. Try it. Sold l.y all Pt-ii.':s! in Li.jnid, or in IVa- l.-r '. ii-o t ikcndry oriii.t-lo int ) 1 tea. Tl.. IUl. i.t l.l-r Mrilli-li.rk " I lull 1- li. t t .11 r --Hiotio.iB 1 l Iti-fa. lu'.'r M.i-I .-.i'l 1 .ins li-li.'liui-l . II (Milt Ii .11 ; .1 .01 1 1 1 . r in. .1 ...ii.. I o.i.-i.li-r II a 111 I in,-. , I In 1 1 , t... w. jAia a, 1 ,1. .-ii... U it.lni.it.ii. 1 n 1 it v ncK U.r ti lis. ili . MiAMi,. Iw r4 on v. rspp.r n van Pills ANOTIIFK KMITIIALL (i A U E. Drain Virtual Hrhoul . I nUfmity of Orrr.iu at l.ui-rne Saturdaj. Tim team of Ihe Iraiu normal ciis) w ill meet tliu las-olid team of the I'uivei.ily of Oregon in this city next Saturday, lav. I't. The normal Imiv will havu a hig advantage. In weight, hut the second team are all hard idaver and nn exciting game 1 promised lover of the game. xo iiamk. Wn learu thai, ow lug ht thu fact that the C. of (. Mml team did not make t'Xs nses nt their Thatik.glviug game, and Icelliig couflihtiit that another game would result the snme llnnn einlly, the game with the Muniiioutlt team will bo duclared oil. Ural folate Irau.fers. He) W. K. Y. M. C. A. and the team at nlem on nexi .aiuruay. 1 lie , .r i,,,,,,,, Albany Utv are practicing dally on ,(,niliiir the ts.ll.-gr campus Mr.. O. T. Paiidall and daughter. Albany Herald: Judgu W. H. Jtut lt of Chlcngo, are vl.itlng ( ,-,. r, w ho is now pra. til ing law in , ,,,,, ,..,). w, J. L. and C. L. S.s.tl of Ci.'fige (irove, removed his lallilly tJ , i j,),, ,.j(y t; .' city Inst w.ek. (ullage (irove; ,.' .. . 1 ,1... .. .. .1 ,l .111 ... . ...v. ' m ...... w. i 11 Oil". 1 ii. ii. m ,1,.",, -..-.tiw","- w... rt.. .i.iir 1.7 Ki ...a AssTBti-rCuarAXT a, ARiatH'it-uii, M.n.tl.-r. IXIISTKY. CI. a. II Wiley and wile to () Flails tier. Ihe 11ndivi1l.1l 0110-half of 11 v scO Id, tp HI s, r 4 e, l'K acres; fVaj. Mary C Mahon to 11 II Dunlap, of w I see lp 17 s, r 6 w , 40 acres; f7(it I. T J and Lucrum. Ci ill to J II Harris, lot .1, 4, & and 0, sec :ui, tp 17 s, r 4 w; M'X'. Ll'OKNK. H It Ialgertoii to I. II Whllmore, lota H, li, lu block l.'nlverslty add; MW. (tiiil'lto. Wllllnlii Iielaney andw lfulo F.lla betli Piatt ( handler lot S block 2 De lancy's ndd; 7V (XIUNTHY. 17 H lo James L Hwallerd, s e seo 23 tp I ) s r I e, Iiki acres; patent. i; M to Theinus II Hawkins, of a I 4 of aw J seo 1W tp 1 ) r 1 e, 1U0 aerea; patsnt. V M to William Davl.U.n, a w ) of aeo 1M tp 15 r I . 100 acres; patent, II M to Ituls II ItuynohU, a i of n w I i of n I svo iW tp 15 s r 1 e, 1(H) acres; teuL (ama Laws. There Is all over the state consider able talk Is-Ing Indulged In over the probable changes the 00m ing legisla ture will make In our iraiiio Taws. Ami all claaae of ortiiien and huut ers are ollurlng reooniniemlatloii ami suggestions for changes and new lawa Innumerable, so that the result of leg. (station uMtn tide subect must of a nensMity Isj problematical, l bs ports men of this city will soon take the question lu hand seriously and will probably send a representative to Port land te confer with the sportsmen there lu the view of offering to the leg 1 .1 at u re a resolution embodying eome needed and hell. fill change ill the present laws. Concerted action Is the ouly way to reach the end tleaired, aud we have no doubt they will recommend In a way to oommand the attention of that honorable body. Illj ouanl, lwmlt II. II in Ji at IIkward. If there U any .toii w hoJully merit all the hard thing said alsiut him and deserves the iru of the women of the country, It i. the would be masher. That theie la "no fury like a woman' tveorn" la well known, aud ene of Ultra manlier found out last evening to hi discom fiture, and profit we hope, that there bt carivly anv fury eual to a woman lu.ull.td. One of these Individual ao I coated a lady on our street last even- lug ami la-fore lie bad nanny reeiinxi what had hapl-eiied the Imly trelel Ninth stris-l lo mako nsim for the , him to uch a i-erfect shower of rock ( onser brh k bl.sk. It I. well pre- u .hi w a enabltsl to lay her hands nerved and would do credit to any on. If they were all treated In an museum. 11 should lie sent 10 tne fsiually emphatic manner, tne cusioiii Smithsonian In.tilute. of atreet luaahlug would aouu grow I1.1I t-iusnt. Is-rn.lsir 11. A Cl'lltoM I v. A llilimmlfled aeei meu of a cat was found under one of the old building. Uilig toni out on Tin: NoitM aw. The Portland Sun ay.: The normal whiail Is.ys have been doing ailiw bard practicing lately, t ..i. ..... .... f- i... ...... ....i i... . anil nn v exneet in uu.n i.tiirenv in .in,.,., to their city. I h.y rt-ided In , , , , residence on j the l t Knn.e of Ihe .u. rn.iu all Ainaiiy but a few month, but made j ,,.,,,1, ,r.t ' ans arauo-a thi will Is) one of Ihe many fro lids heru. j ' . '. . I cis-st conltet of the n-a-.u and w 111 a , . ! I I Ik. ..It .,..1 l.linlv kiuw.i,.alil.i.l .... I t. in ,-iH.kaiie two rivm uieieriaa-i ""y , .i..i.ii,, h,, ittrirelv attendtvl. a l.u- genu ha. ik'Vt-l,isel Into ipiite a fool lall community. I LINN & RAYS, ! FURNITURE DEALERS, Undertakers, undertakers & embalmers. Emhalmeps u i r- bu.! .t ui,'iie an !' which .noni'i liny I lie ':;-- of Yuhalu Mniltll,, . w let mine to hi. death from theelln t. of a gunshot wound lutln tnl upon hi i i.orpii by "tie Adolphus Srlhellu. One j of the rival, brought suit sgain.t the other Slid rrplt'Vllied Ihe l.sly of it. It Ii Ufore the other fellow could get it into the grave. 'I public have a llstleaa liiU-r.et III watching the caae, J.j.t to see if s modern mlrar-le ran 1st perf irtin-l, and if Ihe undertakers can eisitl, P Ustiwbattbu d.stom cannot; ! tliat Is, retsiter the dead by Mr.. Of. lutinbill ami daughter, Mis Hulh, went lo C res ell on this afternism'. train Mis. I'.mma Huuiu, of Portland, who ha. U. n visiting with relatives and friend, here for a W eek or tw o, returned home thi morning. Corvalii Times. Iec. 10: The Mo- b.llr (iusi'I, Iitfrmi-sr 12. FoR VaoKANCV. The trial of Stroud I.niig, for vagrancy, I being held at the city hail before llecorder Imrri. "it r Attorney hkipworth a FURNITURE DEALERS.- j Qalh anm ircd du or niiht. EUGE.NE, oKEw.f.jrffnf , Willanutti street. Opposite II'MI Lu- d.s3 arrrlvd up yealw.Uy bringing lar lor me city, wiiiiu j.ujeu . i..t ..I ...l II.. i,. rn.iul.t l oung are aiutriiey. ioi in. uwiiiuaui. others a roii.ignmenl of inerchandiM ( Mte case Is being trle.1 before the fo forFlorn.a pt.mt ou the aoulhern . I'.wlng J"fy:., A.hley Mtevena, A H csutt of l4ine .'.unty. She k-ft down 1 McClure, Il t herrv. A K McPherstin, l,l I", rrcnrr me uwi. i . . sft,,n,M,n 1 lie Hoag J' '"' " 'v'- Al me I,ui. Mai x. w ho ha been acting aa i V' ' V," L I ... ,Zf. lime of going to prtwe the examination ..rio.,; fororeuiythi.mo, ?.! ."JL. J1SZZ1 Z o" up to llarri.burg. to t i.I a is i tion there. Jlr. Marx j l a first ciaa Mtleeriian and a thorough I gentlt man, aud tuade luatiy friends I her. Attorney (ro. A. D-irris luu bet-n on the sick list fur a few days. of wltnesss-s waa golug ou. crowd la In attendance. A large lion. In Kugutie, Oregon, Peat), lsj, to wife of Jauiv llonlg, aeon; weight II pounds. unpopular. Awarded Hlgbeft Honor WorlJ Fair. DIX CREAM MOST PERFECT MADE A pure &ap Crum of Tirtir Pow Jo. Pre vii Ammonia, Alum or any oth t.lultatr. Vtl Tim rTi -."