o o o o I'll.. ll'Xil lliU MATlKDAY, M'cF.MP.KIt I. Mr. WltsOwoii I. iiulu-li; with mm ttui-k f fever. Lee Tcutsch n turned from lic.wcll thl fiior milk'. 0. F. Knox, of Cottage lirovr, w u vis'lliig In low n tml.iy. 1. I.. Coiiiplsll went b 1'urd.ii.il u tin- ovi rluu.f tlii morning. H. C. Kiev Went to Portland mi ,,. morning Irnln fur 11 .hurt vlu. Miss Anna White ik. r returned morning from a vi-u at Cr swell. Prof. I. V. S. Itch) returned fr.MII H trip ilnwii the valley this uficrii.mii. W. W. Chessman, Hi,. pipulsr i,.r. chant of Springfield, was hi town to day. Mr. Diimmott, it prominent V. M. C. A. man, came u on this afternoon's train. . Davis, Ih U l.-ncliiu s llear Crcswell, tame down on morning I.K-al. J. A. I. turn , u student of id,, uni versity, went i, IiU Ii.iih,. i..,r H tu..v to vlll over S in.lay. Andrew I.i.w r. m e, of Whine., m, Wash., U vlsillng with filcnd ami ft intuit- In linn en v. Mr. II. U. Plyiiinto leturur I lo her home at IIuIm v Una morning, after u visit with relative lure. II. A. Tlioinm, a prominent capital lt of Salem, wliu hit 1ms.ii visiting here, returned home this iimmiug. Postmaster Itoiicy, of (i.hen, cauic tlownlhi iiiorninwitli hi brother II. V. and w ife and Mm. L. N. Homy. Ir. W. H. Purri-h, of Monmouth, who lut Is-eii here for several .lav, r. turned to hi home on this morning' local. Mr. J. II. McClmig, Mr. Parsons, an.l MIm lull llrowii, went tof rvwell thl ufu-ruot.il to alli-ml tlit funeral of the InteS. O. Martin. Andrew Liwrcmv, of What.-oni, Wash., who hu Ufii visiting here several ilay. went to Junction this morning. iutimii:iiilc. by hi itfr, Mnt. II. W. Stnnshury. Mr. Haw Icy, who wo dangerously Hhot hy a t'oiii,ai.iiiii while hunting in tlio mountain west of Molina- several week ago, ha recovered, ami is visit Inn hi futher-ln law, Mr. Price, in Kugeue. I'rof. J. It. Wctherbre returned lo hi (hull- hf tv, after a long nines, on ihUafltrmsm' trulu. He w ill resume the. supcritilundency of the gvinna- linn tlio llrst of thfyt'itr, ami will pn bubly do no other work fur some tiiut. Ilan Svar.fMi.l an.l hi hrl.1... ami Mis Timi IV.'i-rwin arrived on the aftrrnoon' .s-al yesterday fr.nn Lis Imiii, North ).ikoia. Mr." Svarvcni.l will now rtiilf here iHTiii.tni'tilly, ami tlot'ii not leiru uuy further ni'i'iiaint anett with that fro'eti fountrv. Mr. Svurvt'ru.l wtv On-Koti i mueli talke.l of hark then., ami hu iinlh luteit a lart,'i i ill lit I trr: t it ti to I jiene nii'l vicinity in t!if nenr futurf. This ha Ut n rather a iiilet Silur tlay. ('ouimiMi.iiiei inuit utijourni'd yt-. tvrli.y alleriuiiiii. Thf WUur.l Oil I'.i. will .m ii up Monihty at K.nK'liiirg. I'M Jmlkiil I ilaiitiiii; ten arret of Italian jirum- on hi in n in Ho ami one hull oast of Ku'eiie. Dallat IHiHervcr: Mr. I'attiwui of Hear Kilu'elie, ha I.K'ateil in Iliilew inl ftiiv for thf jiii rp' we of iluiiiK a jowelry liiiHliutui. A may bo Htfii from tht, real ttatf IraiiHartion as mllNlieil daily, Sheriff Johnxin I making a e.iiii.leritl.le iiuiiiUt of dit'iU to land Mild for taxi-s uvf r two year Bk" find not redeemed. Thf nh? ill tho vault of tlio I'nlon Saving and l.oall AHsueiatiun hank Ht l'lirtland wo lilowu omu Tlnirodiiv niKht and all tho imuify it eonlnine.), i,(XW, Ktolen. Nitro'glvtvrine wa the explixivv um.il. TIip Kiieiio KiikIiio rotnpany ami IUim'Uo Hone C.miimiiy lut lil'lit in raueii muiiiuatfd r'hiut. K. I 'roller, the itt'Kfiit lueiiiiilH-nt, lor chief engi neer, and Fred Her bold for a.ilaut. Tho le.artiueiit elet'tloii ntvur Mon day from I to 0 . in. The S ildierV Homo ut itdiurtf 1 aid to Ih tilled to ovurllowiiii;, but lie vert hcles indigent old wildiem con tinue to arrive in Houghi eoiiulv, fx jMH'tiilt; to he eared for at thf lluliif. Die result U that many have Ix-eoine a burden to the eouiitv, and the tax payer are worried thereut. Mudie will I roiimcd at Hie university ami puhlie h'IuhiI Monday. the i:ird Oil ('oiiiiianv make their last npitarniieeal tlie nsTa Imuse thl evening. Workmen I ave eoliiliielict d ileeorut- Ing the new tiar(t'rn of the Kugeiip 1oauaml .-n vmi; bank. A new sidewalk i Ndug l.u It along the south Hi.lt of the Mel 'lung roi rt. v comer of S'veiilh and Willamette Mreet. Travel on the railroad U tweeii 1'ort land and San Francisco i rexirtfd very light. The other liny nu overlnnd tmin i-aiiie over the M-kivous with imlv foiirl.s'ii ia.siiL'er. wlilli it took tlrteeu employe to handle the train. Mttlford.Mall: V. K. Itrandenburg, kte.'d oil ill Med ford a few day tin Wtrk while eliroule froiii Klaiuatli Indian agency to Snlein. The K''"1''" man has l-en engiigeil w ith the allot ting uucury In stttiiur aside govern innnt lam. for the Indian. Tint work, he state, i still in progress, but will stop soon, to Is' resumed again in I lie ati.ri iiif . He savn tl.at Nt ple who are IlkUiing ili gelling hold of a gsM pitiv of laud after the allot ment i over are going to ! disap pointed, at there will be Vt-rv little de sirable land left after the Indians, half breed and ijuartt r breed K' t their quota. Heity many of tlie Indian take html upon whieh the water is breast ileep, preferring llii- to dry Inn I Irmuvol tho water hllu-s w lii. h grow tlierr, and the wbI of which they Use a an article of food. The republican city convention of Allutny, ba nominated Frank J. Mil ler for a ts.uncilinan. The election tak.- pljev Monday. The h'stiery mill at Waterhi in Liuii ttiUiity. i liiiif cr.nvertr.1 Into a three el weavn.g mill whidi will l In full ois ratit.n bv January It. Ja Harbin, formerly of tin county i em ploye.1 there. 0 Juiirilno r. Time, iKv, I. A Mr. Webber, of Kugebe, helf dining the w.rk looking otir the Held w illi the viww ol (lartiiig a saloon. Il.rn. -To Mr. aud Mr. Frank K'lsi.tw, a sou, Nov.,1'4, lss4. I.ru. - I'ii Mr and Mr. Lorni Fd wards, a miii, Nov. Jil, mI. The M. I). t liureh ha k'ranted lU-v. II. S. Walla.f, a leave, of Hbsemv for olieuiouth. He Will have next week for N.-tt ork, on private bu.lne. I.. W. : lark has !d bis pla.-e tat of town uud taken up a ihtiui in (lie iieik'lilsrhtsM of l inoii sebiH.l hoiiM-. It l a IJi) acre trad and wa alwav coiisidcreil railroad or school laud. Af. ler luvestigntion Mr. t l,ari.e. t lint it wa governniriit laud and tlltnl on it atvtiriliiitf'y. It i a g.s., pi.. l laud. At (hu meet I nu' of the F.ater:i Star Chapter, held Saturdav t v. nirg, the lullow inu olllcer were i lecied for tin- ensuing year: Worthy Malum. A F. Van Vranken; Worthy" l'aiion, ' A Milliron; AhuiIc Malton, Mi. M I. Milllitui; secretary, Frank M. sir head; treasurer, Mis Maltie !.; eoieluctress, Miss Mary Mnug; Asito elate couduclre, Mist Minnie 'llmi. ton. t- ... Mar Hems. N..v. -i. Iho freight trains are still hauling freight to the mil c. tiroree I.antl attend. -d a d.tniv at Mr. Kelly' last Saturday iiijjhl. Fliuer Dolittle ami w ife Visited ov. r Sunday at I'nele Jiiuiuy Teeter'a. A protracted lllis lillg is iM'illg held at the Clirisiuaii sel'iHilhouo tins wivk. Henry Smith, of Cunw t ll, It staving Willi hi brother, C. A. Smith. Lynx Vnriiell, of Mohawk, who I IHS I tee 1 1 visiting with hi cousin, J. i. Stewart, has returned home. A del. alii g KH'icty was orgaui.cd at the Christina schiHilhouH.' last Satur day night. The debating society ut the Star sclnsilhoU". liieet It'gulnrly every Saturday night. '1'here wa a rinmI alteiidiiiiif. The nubjuci was, '"lie. solved. That the br.siin i more Is iie lleial to the huuscw iff than the dish rag." The Judge decided ill favor of the br.Milil. Mr. Ilarker uud atni ure getting nut piling for the railroad tMtupnuy. I'iicIi. Hilly Sibout 1 plowing for t'n de John Cole. Last Thursday Mr. Keiiliier wa ar rested by the constable from Cottage lirove, who nuw alter Kentin r ac companied by two deputie. They nauiicuiieii iiiiu ami took him I i I ul lage lirove. He wa given a hearing U'lore Justice Medley, and I here UIiib no evidence ngaiut Iiiiu ho wa ilis- clinrged. What wa he aireste.1 foi'.' Why, htcniisti some one found the hea.l and ear of a issi-f Miiuew here in the wiskIs, a mile or mfrom Kciilncr's house, uud JiliuH'd ut the itiiiclusion that Kent lier stole the heel. I'a T. TP I'Kl l V Tiiikvi.mi. Siiii.thing will have to Imj done to rid the cnmuiuiiitv of n most undesirable clas of Individ uals, tor the past wivk or two burtf larie and atleinpled hold up have Iss'ii iuitu numerous and ctty thiev ing i likewise being indillgi-d In. I'eople are missing chickens, and small article of ull kind. In fact every thing laying around loo must is watt'hvtl prclly chstely. hether this I U'iiiMone by "locul talent" or tour ists, we don't know, but It should at uuy rute lai ferreted out. TlIK IUll.KOAl) ASMKMtMKNT. The county niiiiuilssloiient court did not consider the (plestion of raising the railroml assessment at the adjourned term Just ended, on a.tsiuut of a doubt as to the sulllcieiicy of nutlet, to the railroad company. Another notice lis been served oil I.. II. Adair, the agent of the company at F.ugeno, summoning the rail load authoritlm to apsar Is'fore tlie court next Wttlne day the first day of the regular term and show cause if any there 1st why the ast-mviit houlil not lie iticrea ed. Jl'SninN Jl'STK'K CiM'KT. -- The trial of U. C. Milleit for assault and battery, prefern-d bv Alva Itemeiit, ri-sulteii disastrously for the defendant. He was lined to, and with the cost levied Uhu In , amounted to t.D.Hii. Thecu-of the frucaa wa a dispute over a line fence Iwtwevn tho two uien'a plait-. Deputy Fristtuiing Attorney J. M. William, of thli city, conducted the cae for the state. Wem'KM.v. It. I., Nov. i. Horaif Vose, of this town, diiputfhcd by ex-pn-ss a day or tw o aun a Thanksgiving turkey to the president, and w ith it llli letter: "Wmtkki.v, It. I., Nov. itf, ltitj. "Hon. lirover Cleveland iH-ar Sir: I voted the republican ticket this fall. I i I not have ipilte a g'ssi a business a I had liosil the lust year, hul I w ant to Is-sure you have a lih'sle Is land turkey, ri send you a half bhssl wild one by expres tislay, which please accept. Your rctft fully, II. V.S.K." The president' turkey "dnwd" 0 Ml!IIld. bsi. y ouri, NoTemts-r s.. Akhivkii. The Iswly of J. K. Smith urrived from Iacjina lust night and wa tukeli to rieasalit Hiil for burial tin morning by W.J. Morgan, who came over witli I be remain ami U. . Haiid-nker, a brother-Ill law of tlie de o'tised. His ill at li wits caused by one of nis l.fs Is iug crushed by a timis-r I hrow u by a blast in a r-k ipiarry '. f.s t away. He was taken to a Ta (ma luwpital and tlie llijun-d limit amputnti'd, but the sb.s k on his sys b 111 w u l. treat aud h" wa lli.nl. le ' to urvir li..' opemtl .... Minlli I resided in Kugeiie f r a iiuinU-r of i j ears and l.as many waiui Irii-lid i lo re a lio w ill l pmu.' l to learn of 1 Ins u 1 dell ileath. j MaKHII.I. We hav retsi-ivrd the ' following elegantly engraved marriage j atiiioums-ui.tfit. "K. F. W illi and I Moliie Varneile, marrie-l Tburwlsy, i Nov. SJ, !, at Oakland, California. ; At home alter January 1, at -ilJ Mi taiou tle.-l fall Francisco, Cal." llllNKM.IMii l KlI.rNK. I'drtlal Arnmut of t lie Many j It wa t)lenr, Here. I iiihhii.i. at will , II o. i'a.'y tt ir!, Ni,tritils-r o 11. c .lit V i lied up w llll indii ntioli of fair wtaiht r and il was Mrilhdiu the uftiru.s.ii by sn uliu.t t loiidlts ky. Farly In the iiioriiing many jstw pie were ,fli tin the street; peopled.. Ilig charitable wolk, their face llll nglow with the pleasure it nit. .id, d them; football enl htisiaits, d.s-ora!, A in collegt. iMlor. and currying lioin of various lta with which to break the monotony of what they stt ined to think would' otherwise he profound ilcli.f; aud siiple doing their mark eting, and from the ami. tint done, everylsaly must have Ucu well-feasted on Hit day of ret and prais... Fvery one apparently thought of only one pall of our governor short proclama tion: ' in limes ol pr.s rily rejoice; and had Ho thought of the days of ad versity, even if they ure upss to I. upon us. As the hour i f 1 1 o'ebs k npp r.mcli. d the pti pic coiigregalttl at Hie Fust Itiptl.tihui.h, win re union lliank--Hit lug st rvici-s were held, ami bv that hour t tu ling r i mi could li tr.llv be ol.ii.hu . I, Hi. hop J. s. Mill., of thf t'lliled lit. thieu church, ilellVt Ted the sermon, and It I nuiiect s.ary to state how cxivilelit all ellorl It Was. Hev. u viler had charge of t he scrvhv and did his part in hisiuvu happy, illimit able way. The music was of a high order, the choir U lug lr,.in auioni; tin lsst siiik'ers in Ihe low ii. !ev. Mills whs introduced and skc lo the audi fiico a follows: TIIANKS1I'IMI sMlVIl y. The preacher asiogied for not se lect Ilig hi theme from the usual li( ol topic for such iMvasioti. His text was, John n i.. I an I 1 1, Cor. hi theme, " l'he I j.semv of Ciiristiaiiity." He gave a distinction Is'lw.t n b iter ami pirit, form and life, phenomena and esseiiiv. Tiie phciioiiieua arc changea ble; tlli't ssehiv i is'rillillielit . " riip'phciioriien.i of Christianit v nie culture i or ivn iiioiiles., rin.l., tlns. ogy, ethics, the chiiich and the bible. These are all expression of Christian ity, uud valuable it means; but they ure subject to the law of progress and change. Fvcii the bible is a pn.gesslve revelation to the Individual and to the ra.v none of thisse ale the esseni-e of Christianity. " I he essem-e of Christianity Is the spirit of liod In the heart of men, w itmsssing their divine, worship. John says, 'He that Is lievclli that Jcsti 1 tht sou of I io l, i lrii of ( bid ; and I1.nI tlwelleth in him.' I'etcr say, ' The promise of I bid lire given to us that we might ls partakers of the HI vim nature.' I'nul prays thai his tsi plc may 'U' tilled with tin fiillni-ss of I iod,' and declare that li.xl' 'spirit liear witness with our spirit that we ure the childiell of I iod.' Jesus taught that, 'Ho that hath my words, ami ket''th them, he it is that lovelh Ine; and he that lovcth me shall Is loved by the Father, aud we will conic ami make our hIshIc with lllui.' Jesus wan the essenix. of Christianit v. Il growth I tlie enlargement of lilt life, as the leaven that translorm men by abundant life. " Thin I the true ground of how. for our race, liod is In hi world, Immi nent in nil things, yet transcendent overall. He i 'in you nil, over vmi all;' mi. I in Him we have our Is'lug. The revision of our know ledge of tho phenomena of Christianity should oc casion u no tear or unrest. The re vision of our know ledge of astronomy d's not change the warmth of the n ii nor the Isauty of the heavens. The revision of our botanic dis s not destroy the value of vi gclahlc for fissl or the charm of Mowers fol our nt'lise. While this i mi age of theological change, crctsl revision, ami religious transition, we mt'd not fear the out come, as liod I ill his progressive movement and will guide it to a right end." The church was decorated profusely with Mower and eM-rgns-ns, and around the pulpit was nil kinds of gar deli and farm product, for this was called a ham-si Thanksgiving. On one side of Hie pulpit ran a tall black-Is-rry vine, and on the other tall stalks of grain held their head up pioudly. It was all very appropriate. TlIK IimiIUAI.I. UAMK. One of the most stublsirnly coultstl ed game of football ever played on the 1'acitlu Coast bs.k place, yesteidav nftt-riKM.il ul Stewurt' truck. Although the honor were even, neither imrty U'ing able lo score, nevertheless the hugeue team had much the Us-t of It, and after the llrsl ten minute kept the hall constantly in their opponents territory. The Held wa a ierfvet sloiigli of despond. When the player line. I up after the first kcriuimage they looked more like iiiiu warrior with a coittlngof lump black than American Itorn citizen. Tune wit called at : !l o'clock, Forest ( irove having the kick oft ami north goal. The 1 stall lropM'd Into Templo lou s hands on the ID yard line and w a carried lU yards further I fore he was downed. After making .'1 yard on a center pluv, Kugeue lot the hall on a fumble and I'acilic I mv rity with a succession of imirsed play on the line brought the ball lo the eight yard line where they lost It on i,wi. For ten minute the battle waxed tierce neither sido having any rticu lar advantage, when Fugenu got the ball on her hi yurd line on a tumble, and then with tiie finest kind of iuler Icrctire and team play carried It the whole length of the field and came within an of gelling a touch down, finally losing the bull on dow n on I'ucific 4 ard line. The visitor gained ') yards through left tackle ami I lieu I' sl the ball nil a fumble. I line was called w 1 1 It the Uili in F.ugeiie Mnsessioii on the 4 yard line. After an li'b rmi-sion of b-n minute the I. am lined up ngaiu haviiigebauge.il g -.Is, I.ugerm having the kick oil. j l"k. .in ' carried the bad w ith very pr.-t-1 ty intt-rf, reii.ir, up to their own 4 I yard line, ami that is the lirar.-st that ' they got to the I 'mceraity ' gll I hey I t the ball on down and l.u-i gene, Willi a suis-estooii of plays, prill- I ripally through (he is nter, carried it I to l!i li yar.l line only lo low it for, I the same ras-u. Il.'t I'hIIIm waged. 1 flen ti for twenty li.u minutes l.u gene aam and again advancing tln-1 Lull, but ts-itig pr,-.-iiie. from .ring by I'acillc tine .Uf. ii.v. Ononeo.--I i-asiou a fake pUv worked very well.' ."hattuck dropi-.out of hi place as if j to plunge w ith the hull through the lino and tho I'acltlc mass,-, I ibeui selv,s In front of ! t in to stop the rush Iho ball, howetcr, passed Miat tuck into Teiiiplchm' bauds, who lurritsl il around the It-it end for nearly '."U vard. liuii' wa called with the ball In Fugeiie' svss-on on tho Jn yard line. .ttc, I iiivt-rsily ol Oregon 0. 1'nclth' I'lilvvrsily 0. The teams lined up ns follow: r. i f. r f It-.'s- ! , e I I , .nu, -11 Id;. !-'.! li Ms.tV l'..s'.t -l.all.ii-t I ... M.. , r .o.niaii-l ..-ul.-r K:rkw.ssl I imui. t..it r ll .sr.l I h,.M. U.-f's; i I Is. k..- MrNatnrr I 's, r-li-t I li,ir Visit.,- t .,!. l-r IM! K.s'iu- , t,.l ir.i;, , lot.. ii r l.sll lis.., .i ii iiu ut-.ii (ti:t lst. i l Ss f'-'sn llsr.br tisms r,.M,-ii II,. 1. II. -s..n I'sti. rn 1,-Hll" , I. Ill I . W I !..,., i Ms. t-n.i Itefenv, Church, Princeton ss. I'lnplre, l.eroy, I'rlint ton 't. I.lne uiiiii, McAlist'.r not Ward, i Although everyone on each team p 'avid line ball, those who particu lally dlstlliglilsbi ,1 tin ll.selti s for I'll gene Wen- .slmttuck. II. Templeton, lravisnud K.s-ne. I'or I'acitlc, Hail i'.v. Tongue and llaiicr, Il was tntlu r amusing to .. Nhattilck play horse t it li I lioiuas "hikcrs"i the giant guard of tlie I'.'icillcs. S.ine six hundred pts.ple gat hen d to seethe game, among w hom were a uumls rof pretty girls all Issht-ked In the I . of 0. is.l.us. I in horns, Chlin s, gon-s, Is lis and rallies were out in full for.v, and whenever the home t. sni m idc a gain paiidcmouitim broke l.s.s,,. It can Is-ss.,-y said that f.M.tl.nll has a linn hold ull Filgelie and that a large crowd W ill turn out to mv Iho Filkclit Monuioulh game on the l-'.th. I'acillc l lilverslt v ev,1 lied in their end Work, w hile Iho Slute I Diversity had inn, h tho ts-st line, uud Teliipleb.il couipli Ic ly out pilllled his op. in ul. i iik m: in ions. Wediiesdny evening at alsuit i:.".n o'ct.M'k tlio two fiMitbull (cams went to the resilience of I'residt lit ChaplliHIl, where he and hi estimable ttlfo, assisted by the senior cluwt, enter tHined llieiii for a few hour. Supis-r wa ulso served to them there I he room were Isaiilifully ilecorned. I'll). Is.ys were Very grntefiit for their kind treatment hy the president and w io. On last evening of the young Indies of tho university entertained the teiim III Mrs, I'mlerwisHl'ii spacious parlors. A Hue program wa rendered, and with introduction, con versation and dancing, the time passed rapidly inn II iiIhuiI II o'clock, when nu elegant lunch wa served. Iho r.s.m were gorgtsuisly tilted up ami with mirror ull ov.r the Malls 1. uiked like a veritable mystic pnlait. Of course, college color and Initial were everywhere. Tl lWatho most enjoyable lime the visitor hnd here, lint young ladl.-s nppret'lutcil more limn they are able to tell the kindness of Mr I'lidcrwiMHl In generously ex tending to them the Invitation to'lml.t tlie reitpliou there. A Ihishlight pictuie wa taken of tlie crowd. 1 IIK HASCK. I u the evening tho dunce given bv l-'ugeiio Hand and company C, O. S. J., attracted the lover of the liniy dams'. The hull wna comfortably II I lis I and the happy throng present enjoyed thcuisclvca lo tlie utmost. It was c'ou sederably after the midnight hour when the iluucu broke up, and ull voted il a most enjoyable event. 'look Mr) liiilnr. S Al HAMKNTll, Nov. !. I.ust even ing nn uukuowi. man engnged a nsuu i.t 1'niigh'a hotel at Itrlghton, near ibis city, and retired, lit was found tin morning with a portion of a slrvclinlne Miwd. r on a table by h' Is d. Ha wan 5 fts't il Inche In height about C year old, and hud reddish hair and a mustache, lis wore truss marked "J. llurbin, IVuver." Whero he came fnun recently of what his inline is, I i.ot know n. The label on the poison Isire tho word "City Drug Store, V.. J. McMichael, Manager." There is no audi store In llil city. The uliove 1 an associated press dis patch. H I very likely Hint thesiioii was obtained at the City I'rug (tore in this city, a for ipilto a limn F. K. Mc Michael wan the inuunger of It and the lals Is were ati prinle.l. The dispalch drn-s iiol glvti the Individual liuliie, hpin-tt it is iniSHsihle lo lenrii from the rugisler who the H ron Is, a many issiple buy strychnine for coinine iciul mid medicinal purpisM. And again, we learn, that many (wopltt buy such poison under aaaumed name. C Pi I'arsouagr. bftllv Oiisr.1 Nut nifU-r ."'. I he C. I', paisoiiago was coiiiplctvly lakeirhy storm Wtdliesday evening, l'he iiieinls rs ol our own church ami other friend began to siur In alsmt 7 o'cliM-k and kent it up till we had to ransack tho place for clmir to accoui lunda'e them. The evening wa a very enjoyable one to us, and we trust also to all prew nt. The form I still not entirely over. Some who could not he with Us last evening ate stopping In this morning and leaving w ith u token of their in ttsm and well-wishea for us. A parent and a children wo fisvl gratified to the One from whom "every gotxl and .'ifect gift" coinea, and to our friends for their presem., their word of cheer, and for a well (lll.sl pantry. Vour truly, J. A. li.MtllKlTToM, A. V. IOMoiki'I Tom. Fui-ne, Nov. ii. To lit; M a mil i l I 'aid are out an- nouiiciug the sppr.m, hlug murrlugo of Mis Anna Pram to Mr. Alls-it I. .mith, on Tliiirsday, Ilec. nth, l"tl, at so clock, at II. family r.s.i-nc ut Drain, Oregon. Thecniiple have many friend In this city. I'ooT Ca IXi. -The llruwiisvillx lime has Ist-u doing considerable talking for I amcrou the f.,t laeer, from which '.lie would understand he l auiiou to meet Trine on the track again. We are informed a proposition ha been made to them for soother race hy parte ht le, and by w hich I am, i"U wi.l t-ltlor have to come tralg it to the u nter 'or make a com plete bi. k-dow n. .ss-e Friendly' ol UIIIII. li.. a-l in ai.ollier Fl;iDA, VoVF.Ml'.F.U W. Chti.tiiii.t li.- I J.miit M.sirr d , w the, I, .nn ud . oi: al the how I.,-: ii.ght. The phonograph man hit on Ihi afternoon It.., burg l.s'al for other fields A uncling of tho state executive tMinmlttis. of the pts.phst party Will Is In Id III Salem IVv. s, , at 10 a. III. The I'ortl.tnd Sun sa the f.s.t ball ganic pi iid in I'ligcno y.-slerdny w as the greatest one ever playisl on the const. The f.s.t ball tame at Corvnlli re siiltisl: I'orllaiid L'.', Corvullis n. In Portland Seattle won over tha Multo lioinnln by s to ). Flank J. Miller 1 a republican can dl, lute f,.r councilman in Salt-m. J.st Klein In hi w ard tied hi opsineiit oil the fits! ballot but was debuted on tho next una by tints' votes. The dinner by the In. II.- of the M. I". church given yesterday wa largely alien. led. and the ladle cleared a Heat sum tor the double they have taken. The dinner wa complete aud sumpt uous in every way and one of the flinstt ever given here. I hey served a lunch In I he evening. Jimmy Thompson ha moved hi bartsT shop into the east room of the Kistlnu bbs k. Salem Post: The steamer Fugi'li w ill sis, it ls put oh tlio I liigeue Port land route as the river I now rising. M.e has ls-. ii doing not a little freight business of late, tuot of w hich come over Iho Oregon Pacific from San Francisco. The Forest lirove fit ball Irani left for their home ibis morning. They nro a iiiiel, gentlemanly set of Im.v and made many friend here. We would Is- glad to see tin in hern again. 'The Irani pulled mil wilh the sound nf college lolls nn. I the wnviug of hun dreds nf hut nn, I handkerchief. 'The Mod fort I ctirrciideiit of tho Jacksonville Time say: Mr. Wol cott, the publisher of tho semi-weekly pas-r .Mcdford I nlsuit to 1st bl.-so.il wilh, a n lion nee that the llrst liuuilsr w ill Is- Issued ,, tlie Uth. Hit claim to have ;mu siilcrll-r already and or ders for considerable advertising splice, w ith pr,-ect of doubling thli at an early tiny. livpreseiitlltivt' Hillega Wit ill low II tislay. lav Teiistch went to Cn-sMcll this nftcriusiu. Coinmls.loiiers Peiklns and Calliwui ure in low n. F A. Cisike, of Portland, the prune buyer, Is in Filgelie. C. '.. Is'kwiHMl, of Portland, s-nt Thrrstlay In Fugelie. Archer ltiit returned from Cottage lirove thl morning. Ilev. Wis.ley wn a pusv-nger on thli morning' local train. fill!. Mavhew went to Itoi-eblirg on this nfl. in, sin' traiii. Samuel l.tvi-aly, I be Seattle, Wnsh., hop buyer, I In the city. Harvey Suiinnervlllu returned from llarrlsbiirg tills aftermsiii. President Chnpmuu went tollrnut'a Pass on last night' train. Dr. Oglesby passed through In Cot tage lirove thl alteriiisin. Prof. II. II. Wilkes, of Lebanon, sM-nt Thanksgiving In Fugene. Mr. M. Svarverud returned thl afleruiKiii from a visit to llarrlsbiirg. Harvey Summe rvillo smt Thanka giving w Illi In Im-sI girl at Albany. II. A. Washburno wa passenger lo Spriuglleld on tliisafleinoon'a lia-al. Attorney William went to Salem on a liusl lies trip on thl morning' IimhI. Mis Ada TIioiiiiu left for her home at Turner thl iimmlng Hfler a short visit here. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Itoiiey, accoiu paiiietl by Mr. I.. N. I tone v, went to lioaheii on thl afternoon' train. J. II. Kelley returned on the over land lust night from Port Orford, w hern he had been oil aurvlru con nected with tho government. Hiiierlnluudoiit McFlroy'a noil, Col eridge cum up on tho overland Wed nesday night for severnl day visit In Fugene, Is'ing the guest of Prof. lUdd'a mm, arlelon. Wednesday' Albany IkuniHTat: Mr. Fd lilotlgett g.s- to Kugeue to night to spend 'Tlianksglvliig. The I iiiversity r ureal lirove foot bull game I not the only attraction. .New Crick Itulldluif . Mr. V.. Consrr Intend building a brick on her Ninth strts-t lot, on the south aide, now ot.rupletl hy the wisslen row In which are a atfoiid hand lore, a slim-maker shop and the room until recently occupied by Thomimoir harbor sliop. The building will (at one story In belghtli, 4l x Ml fi-et, and w ill have a corrugated Iron warehouse In the rear, 4o I feet, and I to tt coinpletetl and ready for occupancy by May 1st, 'I he entire building has Iss-n lensed hy F. II. Ingham for the term of five year and he will in ivo hi grocery atom Into II When completed. ts.lnitlieut. 1' .1 - l.tisr.1, N.ttrm's-l e I'.I Sniiit made nu nssik'iiuicut of Ills gi.-. eiy biisinr and other prupvity io J. W. Cherry, for the Is ii. lit of hi creditor late Wednesday atleril.s.ii. He tiled the following estimate of hi aanet and lia bilities' aai:m. i.I.i acre of land know n a the ItcUhuw farm, iitortgaged for M.4 tw: Slis k of giSlll 0 to ton of hay isi '.issi bushiU'of oat :t" horse tun Iks.k a.t'oulit 1,'tnl I 'urrlago 7-'i Cart, harms. and wagon oil Total frt,."7" I.IAIIII.lliK. A Schlllintf Co, S V f si h7 ll.s.isjr A Jelililngs " ,TT.'i .'17 Wellinan, Pivk A Co " '.'11 1.4 Lewi Packing Co " Ill il II F Dusiu, San Jose -.'.mil ill Cltisselt A levers, Portland. 140 II M Seller A Co., " :i I. ucklo Sap Co, " 1-1 4" iiii tr.Mt, " ill 1.1 Cat list, I n A Co, " 'J.'i Sn Speiitvr, Clnrk A Co, " y.1 ml Wadhaiu A Co, " 4 's Is Portland Crucker Co, " L'7 Tn Weston Itasket Co, " II t'J Dolail A Co. " VZ 'tl Wallon A Co, N. V 7.1 1 Mckle fro. " IH Hi II. s.k Co, Philadelphia ,. I'.' :H Ut National Hank, Fugene ... U,0 ul W P Fisher " . .. V il Tlioi Senvey, Fugene .'itl tl S S Stephen ' 14 F II Ingham " 71 Ul Linn A Kay " Urn ml S P D l.umlH.r Co, t Irani Pas '.V Ul Cauyonvllle Mfg I'o.llowburg Till U) J C Subiu, Harrisburg 11 M Vnlelillne, " li! Ul Mereantllo Co, " :ul IW II A Davis, ' .137 ("J Milling Co, Junction 1.1 ui Washburno A Sona.Springllel.l Mm tl Total t,li73 HI We hosj Mr. Smith will shortly bo enabled loifstiuie biislmns, and ho has a great many friend who will regret to hear of hi failure. NI'UlNlirlr'.I.D UK MS. A Nrwsjr l.riter from Mar Special l'erreionilrul. Nov. 2S. At the cltv uailcu held Monday evening, the follow lug named gentle men were placed III nouiiuntlon: For mayor, A. Wlns lcr; councilman for two years, J. II. Iiinls; treasurer, 1. II. Iloatty; rutsirder, M. L. Wllumt. While Indulging in a friendly rough and tumble, perry Long had hi Irfl shoulder thrown out of place. Perry say he don't care much for that 'a the arm lie haa to carry In wood with. Dr. C. L. Dowiilewaa calletl and put the shoulder III plncv. While cleaning house, Mr. M. J. Clnrk hnd the misfortune to fall, Inking her aide on a Isix, fracturing two of her rilsk Tho fracture waa rv duivd hy Dr. C. L. Dowule. At the entertainment given by (he Spriuglleld I'lro Company al the o-ra house Wutlnisvlay evening, tverytlilng passtsl nlf lu first fins order, bow ing much careful drill on tho part of the company. A thl I their Unit tllort, the boy are to 1st itnigratiilaled on I heir aucoeae. The lioiiMi wa crowdisl, ahowlng the In terest taken In the company by the i-iliAMi. 'Tho comic, ois'ra by Art KoU'rls, llu Washburn, Tom N heeler and llcrlicrt Walker wa the feature of the evening, eliciting loud and cmi lluiiou applause from the audience. Illj l.iisia, NoTtiubsr D Itrmn.Aiw KTii.i, Aroi mii. Ilur glara entertsl C. M. Voung'a butcher shop last night, hy raining rear win dow ami carrying out the caah register Into the alley back nf the building, and proceeded to tear nell the drawer with a cold chlael, damaging the aame a little. Ingoing out tiie thief un locked the door In the rear. Only two iieiinlea were In the rogUter and the burglars tlid not take them. Chan Cnmer In passing the alley where the register waa left, about 11 oclock, no-Ih-ed man who acted sustdclouily emerge Into Seventh street. lie wore a slouch white hat, and was low and' heavy set. Of course he may or may not have been the guilty rty. HlnOllli IAI. IWjiIUKNi K. The of ficial resident) of the new secretary of stale, Harrison II. Kim-aid, will I at Salem, a the constitution provide, but, ua the constitution also provides, hi actual voting residence Is-lng at his home. This lis Ism-ii the rule w ith past secretaries, and I the rule of the .resent oillcial, .Mr. Mcllrldu. Mr. Kilicald ha the ability, the expert em: ami the Industry to make for Ore gon a liiisit excellent secretary of state, lb) wants to do tlilt, and ho will give to the ililtle of lb oflhtl all hi time. but In home I III Fugene, where il! has I .cell for something like a third of a century, and the people of Salem aud of Oregon ilo not ext'l him to change thut. - Salem Statesman. Car 41 of loses. The bereaved wife, father and moth er and brother of the late W. II. Alex- and. r extend tin Ir heart fell thank to their liinuy friemls, and to the Tys-grsphl.-al union of which deceased waa a m nils-r, for their sympathy ami as-1 islam during their hour of trial aud sirnw ImIIj Ousid, itiabal t. V. M. (-. A. Mr.Kimm. Tomttrrow morning at Wo'cloc k thsre will be a Fel lows' Meeting of Y. M. C. A. kt the Dormitory. At a o'clock Mr. V. C. Mlchner will give a ouiithlelios talk to the young men of the university. A grand rally of the student will be held In the M. K. church at 7 o'chak. SMflal muslo has been tireparet). Professor le, of Albany, will speak upon "The Inter Collegiate Movement In the Northwest;" Mr. C. C. Mlchner, Iho International mrietary of the Y. M. C. A., uihiii "The Inter-Col It -glate Movement.'' and Mr. Dummetl Umii "The Y. M. C. A. Work in the Cliy." All young wople are retUotd to Is present. Died. Dstlr Ouwa. DrrsuitMr I. At Ids homo, alsiut oue-half mile from Creswell, this morning at 11 o'clock, Mr. H. O. Martin, aped 7.1 years. The old gentleman had rasru In iMs.r health for two or three years, and hail been troubled mostly Willi liver and stomach troubles. The funeral will vur tomorrow. Mr. Martin was one vt the noble and honored pioneers of the country, w ho braved so much to make their homes here and made thl great valley what It I. He leaves a Urge family aud n u nitrous relatives and frleuds to mourn his departure. Te Ms Kcslse Mill lleaers. ItoMK, Nor. . It Is announced that the commander of the Vessel bringing the Vatican's exhibit at the world's fair will deliver to the Tope an autiigraphlc letter from Mr. Cleveland. He will be received with honors SO nor de I extraordinary ambassadors from the great (lowers. o