The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 01, 1894, Image 2

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II laftlowly l .llluc I low a Ik. liar of rlaaa
Not o Ion, n0 I ho I i l.d between the
ariktocralionud otln r dawc of the com
inanity wa very ibiid. lly drawn at
trado. A poor family might lay rlnlmi
to icciitilit r, nuil (Jin-or mora of It mem
bcr nilKht now mi'l thou figure at, any,
county tall, hut a trudiwman'a fiitn
II never. Now it In otherwlne, the
Brinlm-rocy t!n iiii lvn having dcpped
tivi r tlio dividing lino. Lord h'hrcw
bury ami Talbot, for inntance, who take
jn-eccdciifn of till other carl, nuhlunh
Ingly Inn-nine a cuh proprietor; "Lord
llaylclgh" l thn f tiM-riptliiM that may
lio rood on the ignloard of one or two
London dalri.n. Thn Mantii of Lon
domli-rrj U .n'p.inil to deliver cool by
tho ton. "No agent" ucb are the
final word of thl linlilrtiiaii'l adver
tisement, put in Junt a niiy traih-r born
mul drill might put tin in in. This do-
oent from nrioturrutiow-liiidnii into the
ri'im of comincnial coiiflirt U not rou
filial to thi mnlu itortinti of our nobility.
Iitlni iniliin under (linguiMd name
carry on millinery i-ntuhlikhmciit mid
run raff Their diiinly Unp r. too, ore
not manipulating flower for
profit Ho generally ha the
acn-d thlml for Kohl the upjnr
ti n that, whenii tin y woro wont to he
KM'UI of living in Idli now, they are
now aivtiMil of taking the bread out of
tho mouth of thinto w lio.h jn nd entirely
upon hunim- for thi'ir nupxirt,
Fur U'lii'iitli them noble rank ran be
tram! nimilar dowcnt Hlni t tnunlo,
for IiiMiiiki', lined to tie dinconrmxl by
tho utterly ami broken down.
Now men and women warmly cluil and
wi ll fill go khoiit with organ Troop
of nu n ihg, rattle the bono unil do
bnakdowii la publlo thiirunghfan- to
tint tune of not Ion than the belter part
inf a novenlgn day mt man. Two huii
clnil pound year In an aw.urc.1 Hi I na
tion wo tlio nalary that one young mini
thri'W up hint niimmcr to Join a nigger
tnmp nt the kcunidn, ami he d.M-nu't ro
icri't it At thn en. I of tho He anon lie hail
luoro iiioni'y than ho ever had nt ono
time 1 fori', ami during tho koomiii ho
tit better dinner mid drank litter
wiiiih than ho had ever cnlcii or drunk
Infoni. Hawking match.- or I mi- or
uny other trillo In puhlio houno bam
UM'd to lm mid ntill I a way of evading
tlin law against In-gging. linlm-d thn
riiKtoui of Hinging on tho ntnitn nrono
out of tho mini ii.iiwkity for thono In
want not to Incriminate thcniM-lvi
Now you will Im in tlio a!oon bur of
first rain refreshment house. In come
top hafti-d, wi ll ilntnl man with a
hag. Koiiiii miiii K.ful Htoi'k broker, you
think, if it Im in Urn city. You f.iury
you nro t no victim 01 a ii.mxinii. lleni
i till man, u well iln-Mnil a your
prini'ipal, holdiiiK hi i.m n ban heforn
you mid a.-kin you to buy a lux of ve
tin Well ilrifwd women nro K"iiK
alxnit from puhlio Iioiimi topublin houwi
purxiiin nimilar ralliui,". They Hixiuk
well, ton, do tluwo Mnpli, hetrariiiK a
fair iimount of eiliu-ation. If tradimu
hiivo nuy crotiuiU for rouiplainiiitf of
tho arlstorraey trenehint; mi llieir terrl
tory, Hiirely tlio Kir mid iniily huvu
KMiiml of miiiiiiir iinupl, lining of hav
liiK tlio Inxlruiiieiitrt of their pn.fixioii
tli in I'oiilix'ale.l by mi apparently mih
rmr ela-n. (if roiirM', Willi hui'Ii a p n
end downward trend, thu p m r mid
ini'ily nrc driven lower Mill, and Ihi in
a meaMiio I mi ll in tho ever Ini reiiKiiiK
rharilablo iiililiilioiii, relief iit'eiielin.
pvnip kitrheiin and no forth, mid tho ever
InrreaiiiihT Mraui ou tho riiMiunii of
mil entalilixhuieiit. ( 'awir JoiiriiaL
I pal hf tli half wrlllm pnvm.
WM1 U n. ulljr In., ,1 la njjr luii,
Wrim an, "ll4 I wurU laoaiUu It,
Wlio'il iwl It, ur who J aadnrMaJMir"
Vol Mm lltiU bar f"M il. iiimt,
Ani Ilia faint, mliiJ laug.. la iLa liaft.
And Hh aarl low ll.p o lit allaoo
C'nr up la n err all.
o gather It ap wbr waa brokaa
Tb Irar failafi Ihrrait uf mr tkruM,
Talllii how, aa on Dllit I aat writing,
A fairy tiroka In on my drmm
A lllllatii'iulutlv fairr
Mrowo lllll irl, wild ll.a (old
if I La aun in lit-r l.alr and Ilia dawf
lllu ar of tli falrlca of old.
Twaa tl.a drar tit t law girl I aroMad
"t'nr waa II nvimeiil lik lliU."
I aaid. "wlirn alia knrw I waa Im.f
To cum mnipiii In for ki7
t'onia ruwiljrlii up from t,rr nKLr,
And rlaiiioriii llirrr al my kin
or 'on 'litla klM for my dolly
And on 'till uwr tor turT "
God pity I ha hrart that rIM r
And lliacfild hand that turnrd brrwy.
And lak from Hi lla thai drnld hr,
1 lil. aii.wrrlaa prayr of lolayl
Taka, Uird, front my mm'ry foiwraf
That plllful wib of lr. alr.
And tli paltar and trip of tb lit 1 1 Ur
And Iha on planing cry en I l.a atalrl
I p"l hy Iha half wrlllrn p"Ok
Whll iha prn. Idly Irailnl in my hand,
Wrllr on. "Had I worda loromplrla It,
W ho d rral It. or who'd andamand)"
llut Iha tit t lo lr fn-t on Iha tlalrway.
And lh falnl, aiuolhrrad Uvwh In IIk hall.
And tharta low ll.p oa tb allanc
Cry up to u o er it ail.
-Jania Whltoomb Rllry.
harm of Srm ruifland Hinrry.
Till ni in ixiuiethiiii; ill llm Now Kli(J
laud lanilMiiH, whether taken in tho
bmiandi or In tin' highlands, whether
on tho M'unlioiiiiir anions the uiouiituiiii,
whliii U liTiiiiineiitly ntlriii'tivn. It i
lievi r Weill lw Hill, never limllotoiiotiH. Ill
winter thn Wliito lull nro aternly n
rent) and Ix atltlful ill their mailt li of
know, mul tl K'h l'" inviting I hail in
Kuiiiiner iipeal to the imaKiuatioii with
atrikiiitf elfu L Tho variety of hill and
Valley i MM h that even when thn miow
roer the (,'rouml mid lialiiro take mi
tlio ii ar.iiini of uniformity tl( eliarm
of tlio view in Hot If I, but heichtelinL
I havo found the White iiioiinlalim on
a fronty winter luoriiiiitf, with heavy
lioinU hwii'piiix over llm nhoulder of
Mount WaxliiliKtoii, mid the nnow while
p.ik tMiteiiiiij( lit the nun an if it wrru
cuvend with iliainondn, nt
tnu'tlvn to the imagination and awaken
lii(X Mroiijf eiiiotton hieh could not
eiinily Ui iKtitrolleiL Tin n wan n m ver
liy in I liel r oiitllin which tuner up
I ar when they are liothul in the ever
KM-i ti mid tho brown of tho heatnl ne.l-
oil. Itoiiahim' M.iKaliie.
a'lrclllig I'nllrgA,
Tho wlso parent, in Irving to mdm-t a
polh p" for hi nun, will imk llrt, not
win re tho iuit leariml pmfi nr-arxv
atlll Iim, of eourno, where the Inut b.l-o-ball
team in, or where mit on of mil
Inuiain CoiiKnuali -but when tho
tutioiif mx ial lifo i purixt and man-lii-l;
where the ymniK men U have ni l
He r a yoiitiit monkey tmr a rake,
fchcre tlieroiidilioiin for eolupleto moral
ut" y am luort fully ectabliihiiL
At I lie name time ho will jt-k what col
li H Innt Ull'li rt.llld it bllnilnM,
whiiiii to impart that eulture, Intel
lii ami moral, which in cweutial to
fue matihinKi, and dm not attempt to
fun-tall tho nnm riity by daMiltn In
pn fi-iomil knowhdt.Kor eiinlitiniL
Thiniia IavidMiu In Kuril iil
W rill, a a Ma-g.
Matthew II. nry 'n roiumeiitary on the
Til le Waa viiitti n for the pi.
!e and In the nl.ui of the day. In roiu
liientitiif on Juilinit he n.ivn: "We am
hero t il.l I y w h it act Alumelii'k Rut
int. i the adiie. lb- himl f..r hi m-rr-ic!
all the . urn ami Moumin U of the
country. Jothani w.m r ally a fine p-n-
tleiiian. 1 he Ni h unti w, n the tirvl
Jim Hardin, with much deliberation,
drew toward him the tobacco ran and
prorcodod toatuflthe bowl of hi pilie
full of the wenL It wat gliniifli-aut
We knew we were about to hear what
Jim called an "antidote," ami our fare
and attitude at onceeipmmoil profound
Women," wild Jim between ptifT,
i qtwr cattle yen, they lie. A feller
think be tin th'r p'int an meblie keep
on thlnkin no fi-r awhile. Tlien he finds
out all of a nnddint th't what Im think
be know ami what he don't know i
more alike th'n what he think he know
and what he doe know.
One woman ain't no more likn'nother
woman th'n I be like that Waal, like that
tove, frinntuiir. 'L'uune why? 'Cuune
Ih'r p'rveme. Tliey lie, an they cuiu't
help it, none whatever. Miinnvermore,
they don't wantiT help it that' th" p'r
rrity of Vm. W'y, ye tirver mvn no
woman tluit'd be 'r do 'r think like 'n
other woman ef h Iiiiiik fer not doin it.
Th'r' all 'like-all rhht 'iioiikIi in them
reapii k, but not. any morn. Ye e'en
pick out y'r female wlmrever ye pleane,
an I don't ku r ef he'ath' iniM'cominon
mt, ev'rydny nort o critter ye cain't flml
'not her ono wi'th'nme inarkinn. Th'
Lord A'inik'hty didn't make 'em that wny
no innr'ti allruttlo U Shorthorn, and I've
uw a lot.
"I wa j'n' thiukin of a cmiplo o' rone
I c'n rec'lu-t.
"I'p in Ihikoty I knownl a feller th't
lied a rctfiur tlmr'unhlinil wife. Ill
nmuo waa Sammin, uu he kep' ntoro up
to lleiweiner, ulwi milin WHk'oiia mi Kraiu.
He wo a lino feller, Ihi Sammin, an
not hiu w an too K'hhI fer him, not even
hi woman, an they wo rex'lar ntuck
on each other. Ml' Sainmin had nil thev
wiwKoin Sammin had dunt.mi Im w a'n't
friiid f put it up. Tley had a rum
houwi, kep' a t'hineae cimk an a hinil
Kirl, nn had nv'ry thinn folk c'n hanker
fer, Imiudiu wariou trim f Oinahaw
and (liicapi ev'ry year. I knowed 'em
a lotn; time, an I never mtu folk get
loiiK mi KiiHHith tV'iher-je' like tin in
dove that tut on th' f. nco b' th' utiihlo.
They'd Ini'll hitched aeven 'r cilit year,
bad a brace of n likely ki.ln u ye ever
eon, an Mill folk ucd I' aay fillers how
iniiiii them Saiuini did not by each
oilier. It leat the dmno nnre, an
tulKhl'vo went on fer all time, ef Sun
in in hadn't koiui an got inter trouble.
"C'oiiio ono year biznen w an nl.u k at
tho tor ciwh bitni, I mean mi
Sammin, he let out a heap of Mock on
time, fer K'fuh Ktake mi th' like. Hut
he'd likowiiMi b'eti plnyill txiker Home, on
ur.hul, and was hy fer Mulf w'eti one
day noine o' th' niiple ho wunowin called
fer him t nettlo lip. Iled b'eii Ixirrvin
dtint fr'm thn c'lu tion he'd made fer
ome of 'cm, 'xHiiiu f pay tip rijht
ooti, but ho didn't c'mvt pron-r, un
they (inched 'nn. Kv' at I ten
H'uier tixik a hand 'xcept a few o theiu
th't o'd 've helpml him limit, an mi-iil
er'v did it nn trinl to belli Sain out.
but fii'lin Innerceiit Sam, ho wouhlu'l
have it none whatever an tot theui en-t
rrn ctinne in i, mi'iu tiny iii.iu i wanter
wait till fall nn Kit n fa'r iMiuur up. they
c'd go f tho devil, an he'd no I" jail. So
they neti im up two yearn heltin rock in
th' H'ii. We'll 've K"t a finrtif t'jriilher
an linik im 'way from the olTu r. but
Sam aeiit u word Im didn't want tinthiu
o' th' atirt-ho wa Koin t' take hi mw.v
fro like a man, an he' done it.
"Now don't think for a minute th't all
thin timo Mi' Saiumi wim't doin tioth-
In. limit Kiux hl that woman ln;:.(lnl
lik a major wiut f the men a wan
iuchin Kim an U'p-d an pleaihil an
nilKht ve K"t em t lu ef Sam
hadn't Im'li nppixh with 'em. She
Ux.kul j.V orful duriii th' trial, an timk
on tur'blo wVn tli" juljce nent'iicul Sam.
Sim didn't look like nlm inter fer a long
time, j.V pit pah r an more eiikiillike,
an folk thought he wa pin t' die off
lire, llout three mouth later nhewetit
I' m' Sam, an Sain, be tol me 'Knit it a
couple year upi. They had a real mimih,
J.vnful o' tear an ti-al njvxmy love, an
Sam wanted f know i-f it wouldn't be
better fer her t p't a divon-e, Vauio he
wa a dnnrnii'e t' her. Then o' coune
he fall on 'in Invk an weep a hull lot,
an aci a how nhe'll nti. k t' him till th'
ol Harry pn into tl ii-ecn-ain buinn.
V ouiethiii like that.
An, p-ntn, it wa'n't thnu month
lotip r b'fnre he iri' her doepme di
vorce an nplui with a haldhcadul ol
du.ter f"iu IVniinvlvany th't'd com to
Dakoty t' t;it unhitchiil Iil-m If! Oh. it
wa toUKh, I tell ye. Saiumi. he' out
now, doin K'"l bitnen. an pt Inn ki.ln
at IVnwemer, ton.b'pwli nn alao U-havin
hiiM'L Hut he wa coinideratile bnke
op w't'ti tU' woman hu. k im."
Here Jim juiumiI to rrhll hi iK, and
wotook adviutaK'" of the i inrtunltT
briefly to debate the iieit ion a to belli-
tepprr. 11' r ol man waa well flid aa
iiu wem t ai uuui i iii. on.iaan wu
rmrty -nniU ki-ty, liliue fin fc-rurl.
tutinin purty an nice, but pernickety,
Van aoiii o' th' Ciieat and beet Bied
boy in th' county wantwl Vr, an h
tnruei tip her now at th hull bilin.
Treatnd 'eta all nice an all that, but
treated 'em alike, w'icb wa Gbpleaiit
fer th' boy.
"Tli trouble waa, I reckon, abe'd be'n
reailin a bull lot o' blame traah, an
'ipectil wiine prince wm com in Totia t'
offer hiaaelf, w I. h did hapfn-n, only be
wa'n't no prince, 'irept, mehl, 'iv,r.lin
t' her notion. It w a blame doml fr'in
wimewhern eaat th't atrm k town an k'ot
a Job 't lh' Cleveland inelter keepin
time a feller tin me. 1 'r callin hi -If
Ward Forti who.
"He hadn't hardly atrnck th' camp
b' fore hi ui an Maine meetnrw h other an
i nianlml, inont i mine J it. He wan one
o' thene Inn, putly duck th't c'n inj
lot an put up a real amimth talk, an
make Inmk love one o' thine wt
wart th't a feller ache t' npank an kick.
Iiiooit' women' tintur' t'ifit atuck
on em. Valine they allu do.
"Anyhow, Fotiewue, a he callnl hi-
w-lf, wwle ripit in an nixhe Maine fer
all he wo worth, an Maine the liked it
all riKl'lu wi 't wa'n't lonif 'fore die up an
tell her folk tht bun and her i roin
f Kit llciil. The ol Imly waa tickled
lot, 'caune Kortewue hol Iml f her con
id'blo "bout hi folk an how rich they
wa, an wi on; but th' ol man kickul
rikiit mart, tell in Mum th't Mmt.r
Lhul hml pit t' coiinh up hi pn
an ihow hi hand, likewine cjvin Smith
nnini- of peoplo they c'd write to fer
"Maine, a I wild b'fore, hal pperrit
hernclf, an the kickul hard, nay in he
wa of api an her own lxn, an c'd do an
he pleawil; but th' ol put p.t hot in
the collar an tol her f ln t up, w ith nho
done, kei pln np heni o' thinkin all th'
"Th' ol put come t me nn chinned
awhile; then he went an men Ib-rry
Wrixht, th' lawyer, an ho writm wuuc
letter, w'ich, for a wonder, ono wa un
weriil ii'iil prompt llukertou' p-ncy
wrote th't th' d'neription b'lonpil to a
chap named Ward th't wa wanteil in
Michipin fernhukin hi wife and b avin
th' bank he workul fer in th' hole.
"1 tuck th' biter an tarted fer
Smith' after I'd et u pn-r. On th'w iiy
up, hem come Smith, liko a hen with Vr
head cut off, nhiikin lian a with hiNH-If
an tur'blo 'xcitnl, Vaiim he'd Iw'n t' m
Forti-scne, an Fortem-no tol. I im ho wa
dead ure t' murry th' gytirl i f alio didn't
linl in.
"1 tol th'ol Ki ntlmut th' b tter an
other evidence, nil hn felt better. Thi ll
we wiilkul up t' th' hoiino and waded
inter th' Kyurl, pnivin t' her th't tho cun
wa a low lived a wnmp a they wan
out o jail. V ye think aim knTi-d Oh,
no. She je' ri out at me, and you bet
Im roantnl mo had, w in.liii ut b' hoix'n
hod never we me apiin. Theii hu
turtle on th'ol p'nt with a lot o' rot
'Ixnit hi klamlerin I'orten lie, nn how
he love tho blamo raw al all in piiu t
fuller i III t th devil or noliiewheren.
"in neti moriuti in run ttioitixxi wan
tniiwiu. They went t' th'next camp, p.t
married by a jentice o' th' xue nn
ktpMiL Sim wrote t th'ol folk fr'm
llenver. ankin t' le ferven an wiyin
how happy nho wan, but lu-r tut wrote
luick nayiii nho c'd come homo Jen' w'en
alio pleaded if nho'd leave Ward Smith
called mi W ard, w'ich 'wa In inuiio.
uro iioiikIi -an came t' ntay.
"Did nho conic? I xh'd My no. She
tuck t' Ward nn pit treatnl like n dog
for it. Ho iimil t p't drunk and 'buw
Maine, mi raided Cain all nort ' wavn
an Mill nho didn't kick none. Wo never
give I'inkertou' uny iimro iuf'rmuti'iii
mi Ward wann't lmtherel tiono fr a cou
ple o' year. Then ho up and run nway
f in .Maine nn th' kid, b avin 'cm nary
nn; inn it jen uappi'iini no nu t feller
th't knownl 'im, mi howanp'titlyruiitiod
in nn Ink t' Michipin. Thev mx it to
'lu hard, too, ciiiimi hi lint wife' folks
wa up, nn tho bank he'd nlole from
wa likewine achin f take a fall out of
"Maine? She'ant D'tmit 1 don't know
how nlm pt lhen takin in wwin mi l
try in f k.ip her nn th' kid ulivo till that
kutik Kit out o Jail.
"Don't women Ix-at th' vi ry dom-er
And Mr. Hardin nh.x.k hi head and
ikiied heavily. It. L. Ketchaui in Ar
II I Motlwr Mora I r.-:r-l. Than Ilia
rMpla aad May kuie r I Cuo., ....
IIMaf aad Trwdlllooa of Iha Kullng
Th nnx-rir i.f CI. Inn ha all at one
ln ime the tent ral llfiire, the eiii-rr
if lieriunny waa y. ar nr two np, and hi
pnwnt U ni r and r .vtitly ih. land In
0 nil. ma liava an Im
txirtnmo no oim could huvu iactcd a
)mr ap not that Chin n a nation I no
llllxirlallt, hut If he holllil Ixl roll'lllepll
nd illxiiif n.lenil how wniild Knitland,
France and I1iipj.I i nn an tonpoll and
1 he limn nn whom no inn. h il. tn-ml I
a hitwIxlroiiK youi'i, know n to tho oulai.lo
World a. KwaiiKii, Ix.rn A ii'. IV 1 71.
and thi n font but 1.M . m old, and, what
In of far more liiii.rijin.i- than elthirof ,
lhie facta, liel.ii.a, t ri'-t Ijr x uklinf, thu
rlilhtlul heir to the II, Pile', lie In the non
of hi ifnimlfallii r ynimp-nt xili nnd wa
rliOM-n while a Hiti mill umie old. r than'
hln father waa living and had a ll Imt noil.
And thl romplleiii.l xltuailuii i
fn.m a curium Intrluue mid a horrible
crime hy nn miihltloun woman.
In li.'o Tun Kwiimr, the U t of then
rluxive emx nint of the old le, nxi niliil
the throiHi. In Id n Ifi th" llrltinli car
ried mi what la commonly thu opium
war, nnd dually Franco J..I1111I In rinxi
llnit China to i.x n In r mrt, and even the
L'nlUil Stuti- lent 11 11 mil awlnUun-e. Tan-
--- ..-J" , ,i''w L.m
.- Ci 6'J'f ;V'jVw? 5 v ' il'icnti will conduct a kitchen
Fk'-"'-f ' ' i1' I'-A t: den, wh. ro clan of little folk will lie
11', " l''"''' V-K': tumjht tim iinefiil art of lioiuekeepiiibT.
PrA'J-" i w-fl" ('IPJ'.'. For older chililreii will ! nnlojd.
Jf'i ,'e'i-:-!iik I Mnitinl l y Mm. I' llnc.-y Sh iw mi l
U 'X'I V, V colnliicted by Mi l'lllhT-e, lxdh well
iMblu .Ma.lo far Motkar ad Tbr
LIU la Omtt al Ik W arid' Tmlt.
Tlieaimof theCluldren'a boildinjat
tic Wotl 1 will be to exhibit the
nu t Improved tnethoi a l. ptel In th
1 .; . f i'.j nineVinth 11 11:1117 for th
it iniiK und education of 1 ii.Mren.
The tihihitiou will commence with
tho iufuut at It earlkut and in.t help
le tp. Thi department will le in
ci.arpj of Mia Maria M. Love of liuf
falo, alnernln r of tlie bourdof Lfly man
ap r of New York. A uiodcl crwho in
a lik'ht and airy room will be carried on
by Mina Ixive, which will demntintrat
t!ie Uiot healthful, coiufortublu and r i
t '.itial method of drcneillif and caring for
jMing children.
FUort lecture w ill 1 fiven njx.n their
fjo.1, clothing mid Ie'pinif nrrance-tn.-titn,
and in coiimvtion with thecrn.lw
will le an exhibition of infant' (iothinx
of all nntioti and time, their crudle
and other furniture.
A the child prow nnd It mental f.w.
tlltie develop tho klU'ler' irtcll ucccil
the emtio, aud in the pr.K'ioti atmo
phero of it ititi'llip'iit training tho child
nature expand nnd develop nymmetri
cullr. Thi department of child lif will
be demon -tinted in tho nun-t complete
manner by the International Kinder
garten AMociutintl.
l.ittl.i children developing daily their
intellectual nml f.u itltin tincm
w iotudy by m.-aii of nn-t fam inatiinr
i nt. rtauiniuiitH will l.o mi object hn-u'iu
i f KT.-at prai ticul valuo to tho mother
and other having tho care of children.
CloM-ly to tho kituh rpirteu in the
kitchen pirdeii. Minn I juily Huntington
of Now York, the founder of thi nvntcm
;S'0n in rcve.1
Coaiwrllora Ira Krllal ( lllarwaaad tar
Without I'ay-Adiululalrwlloa I'al tele
lit llaeda of Laparta, Wka Ar Olla
t boaa for Ula. .
Kprnl IO.IMIO lu Malrh Color.
One cannot turn away from
art ohju'tn xircelaiu particularly
Without a deep Imprehdon of the dignity
and value of their "milid color." Many
attempt huvu been inn. In by Furox'an
uianuracturi'r to imitate them, but
without nucc.-nn. The attempt to repro
duce tho nanK do Incuf, it "bullock'
hl.nxl," cont mid F.lllnlllnau iL'Ul.tnHI In-
f. ire he nliindonul the effort in .Impair.
Tho Cliinene thetiin. lv. have alwny net
tho hin-h."-t value on their achievement
in thi lino.
For a long time they refined to part
with the choicer example of unit de
Ixenf "coral,"' "jn'iuiililow" ond crtnlinl
ntrawlHTry.Biid it in only in rii-etit year
that the " foreign devil" have In eti able
to obtain them. The objin't have tin
other d.n orat ion than that of a ninple
color, raiipni from darken! to li'ht.t
nlia.l.m-fnuii black, diep re.1, tho dark
ent blue or Krivn, tho tnont vivid oratip-,
to lulent pink or violet or delicate cana
ry. It i becatimi we have in them the
xrfntioti of color united with nn an
tiipio nimplicity of form that their art
value i wi Kreut,- Curjn't aud I'phol
tery Trade.
to kli k bliu c ff. Th. yaaid all the ,n,"ornot Mm, Simiiii w juti,il in
I uoimr a ntie ilid. Juu then pruiT le.1:
"Th' other rone I wa thinkin of in dif
frnnt a hull lot. Th' woman In it wa
bont th' Mine caliln-r a t'other one, I
reckon, but more pcrievcrin.
"It wa op in Dakoty, t.x, thi her
cae; oTer 't liilman. 'l"ut 50 mile fr'm
Iv-aaeiuer. IJwa alM-rulI then an knowed
v'rybudy In th' bUm county. H'ud-
th fyurl waa a wrtt r reUtion o' mine,
bow I cam t' know ('touch about It
"Thu acre to-rl wa 4juh
they could of him in their table talk.
They drank health to hi u-u u. "
A tirlrl rtmlrlM.
A rurlou will waa left I r a phynlcUa
of CI piw who lld th 4h. ril.iy II
briiralh.-d hi enilr fort una to h'.t wlf
at i f irratltud f"T th fact that aha had
left lit lit alter a marring of three cionl(
d iuo tUa bad aui4 bU u (mm a4
A l.wiulnowa Tr p.
A nt rnn ire tree (tniwn In Nevada that I by the iiirtlll..un Imllati the
w itch In. It grown to a height of nix or
wven fn I, and lie trunk at the b-wi 1
atxait three time the lr of an onlliinry
ninti'n wrti. The wnmlerful clmra. teri.tlo
f tlietr.11 In It luiiiliiiwlly. which in wi
great that on the ni-lil It r.iu li
ar, n plnlnly nt l. iel a mile nn nr. A vr
on t nml 1 n n near n-uld ti n.) tho tlii.t
print by II ilht. It fell.tpi In nlreme
ly rank, and It leave rev-ml'lo the Kir
In In lii lo nnd 11. 1. .r. The luml
mm .r.. rtr a due to a itummy ut)
tntKV. w hleh ran In' Iran. fern it to (lie hand
by mhtilng toiietlier with It i.1...-p' ..r
(l ilt light, while the llk-ht on Ihe h nt ilin
appear. The lumln.tty la th.uii;.t to la
do to a parn.ltic 111. will. The Indian
will never approach It. even In d.tvliht.
with tuch iix ritlih.un e do th. rc
ford II nij.t. rionn Htsht.
Cl AwwrdlnQ I lb lak.
Mr. Kcmtyle I pave yon tn.e ma
te nl to make thi drexa than I ever until
In a garment l fore. and th akirt U
h.inl!y full i uh to tit a churn. How
J.x thut bappi-ii?
Irew.maker (nhruirinK her houlden)
Madame tnwi-aUil on liavimr te
tiicom: or tiik niiNK-K rufrnoR.
Kwaiitt died Fell. SI, 11. VI, lenvltlK hit
country apparently oix n to fnreln tradu
mul ll.iiiwkniii; In niM-ion uf tho Klip
1 1 -ti, but Irregular h.nlilltle contlninil
ten year I nip r lx fom tn-atle were con
eluded with nil tho wexteni paiwern, and
wxin lifter tho fluid a.ttiinnnt Tan
Knanu'a xuie. ..r illed, lenvlni an Infant
aoii na lo Ihe thn. n.
I ll. n 1'unif, heir toTan lCwariK and tho
llr-l einx r. r under the new nyitem of In-
ti r.niir-e with fonipiern, I. ft bin hmthcr,
I'rlmi' Kun, nml Inn widow, thedowap r
ciupn n, 111 Kuniixann would nay, Joint
rep 11 In of the klni.'.loUi mid iilanl
latin of hln noli, i'linu Chi. Tho latter
1narrl.1l .(iiile ynunn-niid n.xm after illnl
of inall x, hut it wa p-iiernlly laileve.1
ill r.i,iiiK that Id willow pnuiiNil nn t.i the thnilie. Mm aiuldelily
iimler 1 irciiiN-t.on-.-n not y. t fully known,
nnd It In Ix liev. .1 that the dowap r cm
pn-i had her ihiImiiiiiI In enlrr that nho
nml l'rlmii Kuuit mitiht contlnun to ruin
till' clllpllil.
The miii of I'riuco Kiini', brother next
in ne to lli.11 "linir. Would havo lavii
the r 1 1--1 . 1 f 1 1 1 h. ir, but K1.114 wa nlreiuly
replit, nml hln m rvlre I il not In illi
iiicd with, nnd t'lilin-- law- f .rl.l.U that
n fat h. r nhoiild nerve a it nr in-cujiy nn
Inferior rank lu p.vcrnne ut Hniti.iii. Ni
n conniil nt ,M. mi. lux. mm prlncm wn
call. it nnd tin v Mli1t.1l thu vounput
biiilhernf llleii -Fiiiik and Prince Ulinp
in. nn ly, I'rlncn I h un, a il,. irox r chiin
11. lot il. m ent, and hi ton Man ihiiartit
In ir to the llm .lie HIi the lil le of Kwalip
11, w htch in. aim illutriotin xuii-eKxIon.
I' h ull c.nilil hold Im pivernmeiit
poxllloii IxeaiiMi hln n 11 win ciiiin n.r and
illnl In li'.il, two yearn tiller Kwnnp.u
lo.einli d Ihe Ihroiie. lie I call, d tho twin
i f heaven by hi iniiiih', and hln n al
In cilhd Ihe ilr.tKnii tliroii.'. The ilonapr
I'lupnM, cruel and itil llraryiw nho I ro
p11t.1l loix', nail u Itli Mpir fur ninny
yearn and niiitnil exinionlimirr lutlii-
t mi. ilexpitu tho low coiidllhiii ii.ii. illy
Ipud towomeii in t'lilnii. Inn Knauu ?-u
mxiii pnived iiiially arbitrary, und after
koine nlormy time, of whu h lew uirtlcu-
lam rcachtil tho nul-idn World, ho nwciit
n-I.Ie much nf the old murt tto mid
adiiilttnl fon-imi etui anvidi.r to nlidleiii-o
011 pnierllxil day In the lin.1 month of
ench Chlnexe year.
I ho nivpllon In held In an outhuildiiiir.
however, nripnally iim iI Inr menial pur
in., and In tho n n m. mien It U tlli a
1111111I that China Imldn themv. n lpiir o(
tlio world and that the foreipii mini -n
atv hi 111 only by tho prai of a nup. .o r
mid Hot nf rlpht. Th" linpmv Imi Ihmue
In whh h he kit nt lli.-o ni-eptlnnn In an
lialx.r.itely carved chair of 1 Inmy, richly Tho rii.hiiiu nro nf dark blue
iit In, and on either khl.i of the throne
land mi ctiormoiin fan, carved and mlut-
I to txirtn.v tho wlnpi of a brllllniitly
luml binl. Near hy uro two htipi and
richly ilni.riitiil cum ncontalulnir tho ndn
of klate. In tho nur l.a iiiapilllii-iitly
coiixtructcd kcn-eu.w ith carving and paint-
liitf to (Hirtray ilr.ip.iin and other luoiixtcr
with Indmiin cyen. Hurliiit the Mint Ion
the emn nir innliitiilnn a ntnlld Imniohillly
nf coiilitcnalKV, mul hln alteiid.inu put on
a l.tuk and air of auhliiuo tolcnitlou and
amtincd inntciiipt.
KwaiiK Su Im recently nhown a tend
ency to bn-nk thniiiK'h thin c.i-t Iron )-
t. in, to ktiuly the wain of w. -iern mitlnna
and tako a hand In ll.e piveriuuctit, all of
which ha the hrili.-at hurn.r on
the part of hi p-cat ofllivr of ntnte. lie
n n nd the vln niy of I anion and lilt
I. rutin r, tho all ..rful I.I llmitf Cli:in.
Ixcau.e Ihe form, r wan n party to a fraud
In the 11. in I tint l.m of applicant fomflicc.
Thedowapr emprc fnvorcd th iiullty
vlcemy, Iml her iiillueii.v hnd
The hit. it Indlcatloii are that Kwanit u
will make n.h-" rate effort lu l.rvnk down
all the old riTtru tli.nn and niud.mixa and
n-jnvcmiU' hln empire.
l.vcryl.xly know that th rulur are
tint, Mrictlr kinukllip Chlllexe, but a few
hlt. rli' . Inln ahiiiild ln Kiclud
Iuk mi ih....ny, the well authenticated
Itlktory of China lx-i.'lun with the relpa of
N 11 the ( lu '.'.ii; II. C.. or t.H'l ir
pi. Tin-re wi re aln.iit I, tl 0 ) am of (in at
pn hTi- nnd thin MJ yeara of Imrnlily
rui 1 1 e warn, after which pint' and a rinpin- were ro-t-mil and unit uiu.d
till A. It. : 0. I I11-11 came ovtr tiixi yearn
nf all. matin: .we and war. win 11 the overran tl niplre Python.
nnd lu Kul !al, the Hot i f (he M,.i
p.l ilin nt I'lklnit fnuii l.'TH
to II"I M.-t . f the nutn.tiieiit Int. inrl
wr hare U-n fnmi nitempln of the trar
or Jelli w t hine-c l.i rJxrl the Mouk- !
known worker in tho char it n of L
toiu Here will lo an exhibit of wood
I'hyiicnl dovelopment will bo ably il by C'hurle n.iry, prekil"!it
World' fair cotiimiMiioti North American
Mr. C.ara Doty Eati will have charge;
of a library that will lx tastefuUy tittnl
up and prov with a full tipply of
children' book, including uiuiiy from
foreign landn.
I'eiiunvlviuiiu w ill npiip nnd uiaintuin
a department in tho Childn n' biiil lii'g
nhow inrf the wonderful proprt t that ha
biii made in teaching very yoiin deaf
mute to ntn-ak. Mi- Mary tlarntt.
m retary of the Homo For Teaching Deuf
Mute to Sjx ak. will Inj in chnrp of llu
depart tneiiL Daily deinoiiit rat mns will
U pven.
Th.-ro w ill Im coudiictnl a department
of public comfort in coiiuirtioii with
the Children' building, inteudul ciix'-
cially for tho lh'iietit of children. Infant
mid kiuall cliildri-ii will bo received nml
placed in tho enro of coinn tent titirw.
who will provide for all their wauta
while their mother nro vinitin the va
rioii department of tho exponition.
For the illllUM-melit of VHItilli; children
there will lw a liir-o pliivroiuiil on tho
rmif; thi will bo incloM'd with n Rtmn
wire netting no tho children will be tx r-
fti'tly nnfo. The playground will Ik very
nt:ractive, with vines and
flower. Within tho imionuro butterflie
nnd bird will Hit ulxuit nncnnfiiuil.
Hero under cover will bo exhibited toy
of all nation", from tho ru.lo plaything;
of U-kimo childn n to tho wonderful
tov w hich nt oiico in.-truct nml aniline.
Then' toy will le tiied to entertain tlio
children. Thin department w ill lx main
tained by tho IllinnW Woiiiiin'a IIxjh
lion Ixiar.l. Chicago Women' New.
Itrgulittra I'atnraa and
XVItli an Iron Kill.
Fat tie- mul kliinn.n rotiio by nature
mid uro then often of
rennilr, for it in of no n-o, and it in ut
ter folly bcki.l.-s, to light ngailikt ono'i ra
1 Oil
Municipal bum-In ping a a cicuco
aud on art i volv.1 oulot thucobilitiou
of life prcvailu g lu thu lat half of
tiiin 11 utury tail be oU. rvnl lo U tter
u.ivunt.ip) tu tiermany than in uiiy oth
ir co.iiitry. It In true that thu derm an
i llii hau bmi koiin V hat tardy iu pro-
V llllllg Ihelll-liven W Itll lllixll ru COUVl u-
I. nn- mid improvi iiiciitn, but now bav
lug fairly int. nd ti oil tho taik tiny
nro B.ii.iiiplikhing it in a more nyntcm-
ntie, thopiiigli mid bui inerkliko way
than nny r citun, whether iu Lu-
ron', Am. rica or An-tralla.
To thi work of modern linprore-
in. nt, niiully iu publlo niHjiiit-
lueiitn, tho (iiimaun mini to havo
brought tuom of tho m ientillc npirit aud
im th! iii.iu uny other xopl.. Their
h..l ,tn of Ihorotighii. k in rcw arcli and
1 1 1 ..!ii nt, i xhatiktivo tr. ntuieiit of any
mi.'j. d in hand have fully characterized
t'vir progrikniu the aitn of civilizi-d
h!e. Ahiveull, the ( i. rni.ii! had already
ib v. h p 1 a nyxtciu of puhlio uduiilii
tiatiou economical und luoro iu
f .11,1 ly etTn'tive than could havo Ui li
found 1 din win r; and ih. y wcro pn par
i d w in 11 the grnwth of th. ir citie and
the 111 w demand for ininl. 111 improve
in. litn tmide in i-t-k-ary n great ilicn-OM)
in tho nuinlx r mid van. ty of puhlio
function to do iu the NM p lotblo v.ay
whatever it wa ilii to undertake.
So confident wcro tin y imlml in tho
i-U'.cii m y of their Biliuiui-'rative organ
ization that tin y dan d to iinnign to the
iiiiiiiicipalitie kpher.-n of action which
1-iew hero l::;ve Ixi n left to private ef
fort and control.
Municipal councilor lu ( o rminy nn,
un a rule, very 1 xn lld.t citizi ti. It in
con.iideri d 11 high holier to bochcted to
tho council. Mcmlx n-hip i o title of
dignity that men liaiitn, pnfinnal
itieii nnd hiiolarn uro umally 1 ag. r to
hold. No Kilarii n are paid to tho conn
clli.n, and a m unity in at t niuil to re
funul to wrve if 1 l.i'teiL Tho n ntiim nt
toward them' x.itionn in mm h thommio
in (ii rmaiiy a inCireat liritain, though
Mroiigcr with lu 11 of high education
iu It. rmaii than in l'-riti-h town. Thu
re-election of gixnl councilor term after in Ixith couiitrie. It
Would Im dilllcult to estimate fairly tlio
illlluelico nf the clan kVfti III in l'ril'kla
tixm the charact.r of city council u
regard their conn natiiiu, intelligence
nnd buiinei-n ability. I'cili.ulitcilly tho
reii'tit gmwth of !h Hn ial .1. mm racy
would have a kluirp. r iiitilleiico Unm
tho city council if tho d:i-n KVi-tein
were ulxiliihed and if tho mnnicipul
frinchiie were n:ade -al with the
aiinplo maiihinxl ntilTrage that exi-tn for
ptiiien i f n pnneiitation iu thu im-jH-rial
legiklature the n icltag.
In addition to the iiiaginiracy mn) thn
council, there in iu lierliu a Inxly of
lllmut iJ mi cnllul "citiz.11 di put ii"
who nro keleetcl by the council for their
general fit no to nerve nn iiM-ociatcn ou
comiiiittee chnrged with thn ovi Tkight
of varioiin inunicipal int. r.-ti, Much nn
parkn, Kchimln, tho care i.f tho pir mul
tho Military mrvini. Imv havo no
authority to voto iu tho council, but
tiny illiiktr:iti ut the center of admin
ixtratiou, tin cx.'iili nt practice which
in followed throughout the entire rami
fication of (icrii'.an city government, of
t'lili.-tillg the co-. .h ration of uiiolllcial
citieiM 111 uiamigiiig tho ordinary coii
ti rnn of the (iiiiimtiiiity.
Tho burgniiia.-ti r nml tuagintralc nro
the nn-! highly trained 1 x rt.i that a
(h i man city can m lire. Tin-burgoman-tiri
nn cxji-it in tho g. in ral nrt of
municipal adinini-tr.itiiiii. Ak.H'iate.
with him in tho tiiagiit. rial council uro
I vii' rm 111 law, i-xp-na in unaiu'o, !
iu education to ndmiuiktiT the
A llaadaouia I.U.II.. tu ,llf (. f ,(
ha llrarl kf lh. .iraat t '.''
A 1'roli-taiit ihun h In linn,, t .. 1
quarter of the Wi.rld i Cnthnli, ',', .
oliii'Wlint nf an anomaly, i r, r'.
uch a ntructuro I now , hi i,,,,,, ,( f
very heart of the Fieri. id (it. jt '.
be the rn-nd. pinner nf the It.,;. , , ','
of the Melh. Uut KiU.p;, , ,,ir,
HeV. Dr. Wlliiain Hurt, pn -leln , 1 , r
the Italian corif. n-ii.i'. In n.m inth!..
try endeavoring- to ml. tl. ' ,1....,
ennry for the n u rni,p), n,,',, , ,
ttriKturo. linuiud fur the buil.lir . ,.
Iimk'-n In July. Ii'.ci, and In n. .,,
for the foundation thf workmen ii:,....
f k o '1,
. ....
r r- n -r - v.
a '"i
TIIK M.W- 111 Tllolil-T IT I I.I S
ninny Inter. tltig nllcn ..f ani l , '
Alxxit l. :i fn t Ixdow t he kur f,t,i -1 ' , .
Upon the wall of mi old church a-
axl. ry of the thlnl or fourth r ntm -.
wull w. n' of liomiiii In I k ami ;.. ,
no cement.
llelow thn wall of the old cl.tin
found evidence th-1 a l. iiih. ri t. - : '
nt.xxl upon the nxit and had I..
folllidnlliili puqxiMa by the wnrk
built the church nnd moiia-ti ry. '1 1
fouiulatlon of the u vr M -ktructiim
wa laid In S po-m!.
nnd In May, Ii'.-I, the cori,.r-'
formally In poitii.u ly
John 1'. Newman nf (Inil'iii T
I a corner lot, oppmlic the I1.1ll.-m
part nn nt nnd only thn c ml'rv
fmui tho ny,'il pahni'. It U ul... . .,
lino In-twii 11 the old and th n ;;
a lix-allty coiixidend nntrnl im l
The erection of thin fit 1--.I. .11 . I
mean the flrnt work of the M. tl:- !
Italy. They 11 1 ready fvn '.".I nr.
rhiirrhcn In the kingdom, nnd a 1!
other plocei an- tepilnrly l-l'. d I y
inllxt InlnUliTn. Tho new b'i:l.!i'i
c wlil be an impi.lnir --..
nnd will fiirnbh ndi-piaic 11. .-. -,
tloiin for the Work of t!u chiin li I i I'
The biilhllug In nlrcndy Well 11 ro I- r
but eonnldenihle in. .m y mu-t ! 1
fon tho werk of count met I. .11 can I-
cd to comjili tlon.
......... iu....... ..... ..u.ii mat con- 1 K.h..Is, exin rtn III engineering to over-
Ktitntioii to a certain extent, but beyond ' n imhlie work of everv character t.
that e xtent, which Won't please cither u rt in kanilarv keieii.i.'. v.x rli io i,l..
the tiki fat or thetinmlilll folks, you Call 1 lh, eharitv. eM. rts ill fi.n .ln- ,ol ..!,
""'y ll" ll;,r 1, f, ;,t tlii.Vfr-ol.j.ft v.m ' inim.-K,.,,,,-!!!. expert in tlio' technical
iry ior, nun, nor-ioi uu, inrow yourm-ii ' nl,d bll-illi-n
into ill health. It ktandn to r. ie-.ii ' ,. , .,,,,,,11,
if n man or woman come of big Ixninl,
ktoutly built kt.x k heor khe iiiny n unoii
nbly I11 exxi't.i to inherit tho tendency
to corpulence. Coiivcrw ly, nuppoko mail
in Uirn of family Mirk which in notable
for itn tliinnti and klimnesn, it inav lx
mid generally in, worno than follr f.r
him to exjxi't, by uny prinn of fmling
or otherw in', to Lximuhi a ntout mid well
fuvoml x rum.
So let un re.ili.o thin big fact at once
that wo havo to face tlio qu. ntioii of
our coiiktitution lirxt of all, and an n. u-
nibln jxiiple to mil mul dincovi-r whether
management of w ater and
and no on.
Tho nnalniTT Would not Im perfect.
hut it would aiikw. r roughly tucomparo
tho goVeriltll. tltlll ktltlcttlleof il C. Till. Ill
city with that of a railway cotiMiralion,
iu which the Ix.urd of ilim t.iri, ch.meii
lytho ktix kholdi rs, a geiicr:d
fiilx riiiteiideiit or iiiaiuig. r, a general
pameiig. riigi nt, a general fr ight agent.
a chief legal ollln r, n chief ingin.n r, n
Nupcritit. mleiit of motive iniu-er nnd
other p 111 ral ollicer and leave to tlu-oj
high n.ilaricl i XH;rtn, drawn from tho
norvieo of varioiin other trauiortation
coiupaiilen, nlini-t tho entiro tnaiiiigiv.
Tti Eye and Iha TrlrM-opa,
Tlie follow lug careful ktatem. t.t I y
f.-skor I S. Iloldcn 011 the putter of t ..
and the telencope, nn they li:e rnn'.i ... .
actual experience, in of nnd .
lieiit interest: If the biihtn. of a
accn with the 1 ye iihuie i one, w i. h a .
tccMiiH. it la PO timcn nn hriii.t;iii
t-lnrh I. lceojie it In l i tlmen 1.1 b .
S-illr'h tele-con. It . I.IVO tilnil 111 I l!
Ill Inch it ii I'.lio t ilia n in I. .
:U-lnch ti-lckcor il i.i'1,101 1.111101. I .
niVinch it ii.".',.i line n. '
That In, klan can li' with I lie . .
t.iekCoie which lire :;,'' o Inn.. I.
than t Ii p faint.t Man 1- ilile to the 1. .
rye. W hile the uiaguifying pou 1 r
run In? kiiccim.fiilly ii-m I un a 5 i:i h t
kcow I not almve n, I he .''. im h tel. .
w ill permit a mnpiifjing nv.-r ef 1
than '.'.(o ili.tmet.m on uilnhh i.'.,
tarn, for exiiuiplo.
Tliln power I lx' iix d on the r
nil planet, with nid ndvaiitau for 1..
Mixiiii, but 11 xc.rof I.
I..VO will lx- the ei Ai'inuni. The n
thu aix'nr under Hie ..line cond i 1
il were to bo viewed hy the naked iy:
diitam-e of, : ay, '. 'I iml.-i. 'l'i i. i-1 1..
an killing that ohj. ,-tn alh. it f - t .
can he nropii..-d, no thai no vi.l ... canal or i-ven Inrge ulilt-ii 1
built ou the n i'hout ourki. .". :
Highly life on tl.e m. 11 .
make itm If kti'inn In tl.ii e.,r..t ,
Kexintn. If one were l.kikin ; u( tin-. 1
Under the Kami' cnuditioiii, I lie in .11 1. ..
of hy.iraulic mining, or lh" 1,1.. a
tiniii of Dakota r.iruiior Cal.f... :.. a r -. .
would be obviun. Worthiiikt. a n y...,
m . . . . . "
... ...,,- or our iniiiiiek in pan mul ' ., mi,i p,.r:ll j,,,, f the road. The
han -bolder repri M iit the voter of Ih r
tiarcvlof our ll:ltnr:ll li.ii lit TI.I .ikkttr.u1 1
if wo mv fat by nature it i uncles to
attempt by diet or othi rwino to reduce
our Uxlie to nlim prox.rtioiin. M uiy n
man und woiiiau ha luid the penalty of
uch ranhui'k by inducing ili;ic
through their outragmus effort to
... .. . . ...
nn, let un nay, mo t. ai.l or ilirn t..r
me the municipal council, the general
upcrinti'iidt'ut in the chief biirgoiuai.tcr,
and the g. ii. nil ollicer nt t ho head of
depart men In nre the magiktrate.
fho inagiitratnrH'h, or ktadtrath. of
1 1 1 lr uutrn,
t.. v g..wto., our-
f li-n 1 raw l il
Cm! -.lgon. 1 en
l.o.l Ni-Mii.rl'i
Aft' a- n . f p-nk
Itttf wl.t. h ti e l andki n hi.
HII kl.l-Vei. f.. kid 1: - !f 1U
t'.iru-t t'.:. ! r wai-t n!v. to le l.-t by
the doien f J'n ni.y ff thtke tiureiul '.e
boi ling pi 10 . tlie lr nkinak. r- have r n
tioi.iii'nl tht iu tlie ik'.it jar ln unmnd
kirt there w ill l ; :;n d a f. w i::chr
oiuewhere f-r a in ket kl;t. and that a
Jin k.t wi'.l ! utta. tin n to. And
at thi ui:ii.ii-.arT r-nmient. with rv !:. f
!.... .. ..... t . 1 . , I na.iir... mi nu -.mule, mi ll, , (Jermail city is then, a Inxly of ili.
nlx.ut thl "fattl." (inestioll mid tine-uUhc! nnd h r. ,1 l.i..i;t. ..,.1.1
nearly wiiere a rational being, wo prof.i.iioiial. cxji rt implore., nml not
Maud. It in (HiMiblo to k.i p even a fat Unlr of citizen r. j nx iitativc. al
Innly within it own limit by n anou-' though cxi.ri. mvd iii. n.ln r nf the IhkIt
able care and diet, jtut a it may bo ln-1 v( ,.ltlJ!l.I1 n.,ir(w lllntlT, IIlav ,K,t 0Ild
tide to fatten up thin pernou (within , infnittetitl- an-, pn.tuoted to nicm
limit again) by a n gul itnl cume of u -mhip iu the niagiilratiratlL Tho pro
f.x.L N hat. ver you may do in tho way f.h uul civil m rvt.i. in n vu-f ly gn -afoot
thinning or fatt. iinig. yon can never w,d b.,fter ciablikhul fleld ,f employ
af. ly nr. what i more to tho purp 1 nient in ti. rmaiiy than in Fnglaiul or
permanently attain your aim by tho nn America, mid it in particularly difficult
i f ilrr .-n. If there i any cure for fat-! for BU American to npp.m int.. it po.1
m ut all. he tiro it i to ho found in tj,n mid nignitlcaiico. The mayor of an
tbefmnj mid in the fixnluloue. Health. American city i Ukiially mM well
known citizen who in called t. u.xirari
ly from irivato life to occupy the rmn-t
authoritative pla.i in the mrporation.
ihe liurgouiakti-r ..f a (ieimau city i a 1
civil nTvaut the j rmaiieiit head of a !
permmient Unly of traiiml official.
Ilar llwnlln In I'.rltlaay.
I'r hunting In Itr.ltatiy in full ofrxcit
Ing InciiU-iita, and the Ixuirn M-ldoui dip 1111
avriipil, for though they are Imt .y
nu liunter and ji-.-ivoiiry on f. nt
aminl with pin the lifrbhxxl of many
hound in drawn In-fore the xaMfr old tn-k-
only with In life, ll.n danp nun power .,, . I anthii.i
I - ..M .UV . ,
near, a jik-ketun i i latent. d nnd t ut 1
In 1 height ot M f hoti. " duello np. n thn market wh;. h i i n'M.iiJ wuh
a oft kil pocket for the hau.Uen. la. f.
' New lork Tuue
01 oaen- ithmi oniy wr.u lux iai irai,
1 houuh the grip of tl.r liiill.iog, the yel;k ,
lug of Ihr I.01111.K the il.n i f Imrn Mid t lie !
rnc of the U atrr ninv f.m-r him (nm hi
lair to a.vk n-fnue liPfi j, ihnt
drawn! may I- Mt ...u raiher to .ru
demx- and diplt th.iu to fear. When at
Ukt he Is bnmlto lay, wish 1 11 Im k
a-ain-t a nx k or a tr-e trunk, he i rvly
to Ji !i a hi t.
Wet iu a narrow alley of tk f..nit, nei
ther man nor home can withstand thr aa
bu ichaof hlnotix-t. Not infrJ u-ully the
hunter who Intra bin bound .. f n I but
little tnuinj.h yrrn la Ihrdeaibof m.-vr y
lu r if, havinic t pin the nrwx..o a
Urw pa k. he erwln It with a miarrabi
rrmi.ant, hvii: left all hia brat and l.rtv
at .Lx,- on the Bid ef baUle.-Ua.k-wood'
lh diffcn-nce bctwin n the two i Mine- , ovi-rl
l.iinrliponn I'or taii.l... r n.
It In the rn-toiiiof many of I In- In -1 c
Mnl.i nnd lar.:e hinkiiik' ho ,-. 1 in t
City to provide n Ihhiii in. al ..r i ll .-I tt
lniloyti 011 their on 11 pn inix i. I
dune for two tiinnn- tu nave limei.;.
prevent leakap n of olli.v m i r. ti. 1 ' '
the 1110-t inii.rtaiit trut cai;. mi. -. i.
town ha a thoroughly eiui K d r .r
on the toil ll.xir of itn lniil.i.n,' h l i,
I'm men, wotncii and lx.;,x nr.- f.. l. -..
12 m. mid 3 p. 111. I'or bun ' n --
the clerk nn' divldul into m . :n.i . .. .1
each kcctii.n in nllnived aiirt.iiii nm. 1 1
time. A liU nil hill of fan-1- a
the men nre tmt n -lrictcj iu th.-i ,:
tiieir ur.1. ri no Imig im they k.- 1 1 . .
tniiiomii' il.iin n n ithin 11 .iM.iiai le I..
The hindiof thcdeiarl tin ut-. 1. n e -' j
tablen. Xo penoii, utiles he er fI...
rmployeeof tliecouipiUiy, liiilln.d In
in thin nitnuriiut.
Nnlxxly 1 perilllttlll to it, lite . I
friend from out of town to ta'.e Inn. :..
with him. The ln-inl of a pro-" 1 - :
rate Imnklng hmiso iu I'.r. .. I -1:
that for nevernl y.-nrn he had f..!
prncticeof kn piug bin th rki i il l..n
limit during liiisinei hours, l'i. I 1. I
lieve that il i.ayx well, lie h . .N I !;. in .
at noon at hin ow u -xtx iim.' nnd I-
menu iiiggnnlly. The iiiimlx r of I - '
ployee in ktradily iucn .vin; en, , i'
thi item of rxM iise in constantly ' ' i
larp-r. Hi llrtn laid out iii.-.ul - . "I r
rmployM'' lunchiMii hut year N. a Vi i
In giving Instruction to rhil ln n it i f'-
qnently banl to explain an Id. a Intl. .
wonln which w ill convey the pm i ''
lug to their miiiiK It i 111-i. -t t..t v
truth to child by an lilii-tra'i'.n. m "
lie of any vnluo the illsi-1 r:i: 1 ti n.n-t I "
taken fmm tin ir tiw-n ri ri. n.e. 1 1 .' 1
Idea must come out of the old. :
tiietli.xl children cm In- taii.l.t 1.'
pnn-r wonltoexin-their id-as. .ir
ul. In tunc, improve their ' ' -
lirforr they have a notion what
am) rhetoric mean.
"Mamma," rai l a little l- v. "I (
other day that .Mr. Ileiitmi I. . I n u'
of rnthusi.tnni. What in 1 i.r'. "
"Knthti-wiMii is sin h nu ii ! ' - 1
a thing and nu. h a h vo'.. .ii t !-
k other thing f. r I-. - .i..-
hown lately,, -il a n
im for skating that ' i 1 '
I '
army. Dr. AlU rt ijhaw iu Century.
lt-on4 of no cni.s. .on nci. Ih--.1i'
even to take
proia-rly. Von nrr tm in' I.'.-,
hail 1.1sr to take mea-un t.ii-ro
A rid be bad acunlr. 1 1 ! i 1- 1
eraj new wonln, llarji r'n l;
A I I f romnalaxlonrr.
Mr. Anna C. Tall, an uble yonrii:l.iw h-miin: t. mi i-nt !.'.:-.
J-erof Maiden. Main., ia ln Itj point- Th.-n tl.e little l..y l..n!.,.! .. ....
e-1 by Governor Ilu.s 11 a np.i i..l Cota- '"I" ' lever kli.ol 1 hi hi lli'i -tnin.ion,
r f. r the commonwealth f. thnt I al.II forget tomt my .l;nn. r. 1
fe. She n tlunby to take . n':
u.p.x.iti-'-, and ai-ktiowliilincnta of
der.1. tVussoe futuiuonM- f.r w itnesat-t,
t.ia liiiii.istiroath and to Uke afd
Tit. M,e may cot, however, p-rfona
the cen timtiy 1 f marriage nor reaj tb
ri tait to cja. II a riot, both of which
I nyileg, ,, jrrtaia yT)r.lie ian bolJicg
a hi ixiuoi Ooston Woiaan J oar-
- -
Q .'ice little ; yo i
Inn't he a hunting tl. .-
t'tnill IJoy 1 Una't k' what t! 1! !.
lld (,;.ntlrn Will l.r luAuw a ' ' '
Pmall lWy Vea, In.h-ly. Jua' r .i .
nSuud Ntwi.