The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 01, 1894, Image 10

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    ; '
.for Infants and Children.
" ( aatari a U an vrD adapto-l U chlVlraa IUI
I rmnwixl II a. irrV,r bianr rrrrtAlnn
ktwwa tow." HA. Aimn, M. t ,
III Ha Oxfurt Hi, linsaMfa, X. Y.
"Tt nai of 'faaV-U U in nnlvmai atvt
I:, iiatita an mrU know lUai II amaa a fnk
n urrueaika la mlm IU w an list
ramuVa wlui da a4 ks-p 1'aaU.rta
illtta aas twi"
CaMUX VaTYS, r. r
; v.k city.
Taa Can-Aca ftatraar, 17 Mi aaatr Hra-ar,
Castorla nra fv Jk-, rvavatralliai,
F"tr Miiimi h, I'.rurtatl'.a,
Kill Wurtna, ,-1t kUrji, and J nn4f
Wltbuut injurlutia marili-alkai.
" T mim Jran I hara pmnmt .
j.sir ( M.U,' uwl tlil always csaiili .. :
mi aa It baa Inratialily mlueil la .. 1 ..
I t.ais r. rw. V. I,
lAtfc, Klo awl 7lh Am, New Yurk It Jf
CtiMI'I.IVKNTARV. Cor Villi Is (ia
xette: The lnrl of nyci t of the Air-rii-ulturnl
CoIIi-kb allowed a kI !'
opiairtunlty lo iuui wlu n II failed l
create a position for rrofessor K II.
MrKlroy, who term of ntHee as state
suM-rltiteudciil of public Instruction la
ata.u to expire. 'h t'tilveralty t
pie at KuKt-ne saw lheiipMirluiilly and
promptly laik advantage f It. Iln
ri experience, wide aiipialiilanee,
scholarly attainments and s.wciful lu
ll uem-e f.rliiK lo ail liiHlltiilion of learn
ing combination of allalnuiciita Hint
are advantageous to Imlh uII ami
school and are seldom found to exist to
such a marked dcKrce as In Mr. Mr
Kirov. 'I ho Liilverslty of Oregon I to
I congratulated on having ll chair of
KiikIIhIi literature Mlcd ly a professor
Ml Wfll fitted for HIP ptialllnll, ami air.
McKlroy'a many frli-mU In CorvullU
will Join with llio (Jawtto In wIkIiIiik
IiIiii uiiIxiuii'IihI micivmi In hit new
Iteld or labor.
Kmom Wkai.tii to I'iivkktv. '.'or
valll Iti-in: 'I heni U an ohl Imly at
I'hilomath, wrlUni "Jaiult," who almiil
flfliDll y'miiK, waa an mIkIk worth
In the iii-lKhborhotMl f IJI.iiiki, with
an liiili-litiMlnma of aomi-thiUK Hko f.'l,
OtMl. TMlny thn Inhi-ritaiMti In all Kone
ami for moiiry Ixirrowvil ami Nnt In
ritravnuaiifv. Huu iit wluil rriniiln
Iiik proiivrty aim hail out of hrr liuiuli
Utavoiil iniiklnit olillallonn jc'h ami
now It In ruinoivil, alia may Id tnrnnl
mil of hoiiMo ami hoiiiu. Hurvly tin
way ol Ihu IraiiKmnor la lianl.
Ilr tlrparlmcMI OrgaMlard.
Kaht ('iittahk (Ikovk, Or., Nov. 24.
Tim rltlM-na of l-wt l'ottK Drove
nut lnt iiikIiI ami organljit a vol 11 n
lir rim cl-nrtiiu'iit of 'St iih-iiiInt.
Tim following oUlivra with i-ln-U-il:
t'hlff, II. lliirkholih-r; nwlNtmit, A.
I). Lincoln; fon'inan, (. I'., H111II li; n
nUtiint, V. I.. Wooliy; Si-ivUry, W.
V. lH'kWlMHl.
Till' JKHIJ'lo llf
eyiniiiitliiit with
Oregon ilrrply
(iovirnor IVii-
a yiT iii tin' gri'iit ullliclioii nu
uiiico! liy him in lln loi'H of hin
only on.
U nmlfr K(iir nlln irunrnt lM, Itjr
nflMiriml niKits nit t urt Wonk Mnnmrr;
latmut Mrmui nl Ntr I'mr-r; lal MhiiIhmmI:
(uirknwt Niiftit lMMt f.vil lr?niii; lck (
1 4nbtirirt NvtHiiifa; iMiiiiitlt all Limit i;
Iim of 'wcf ltMiiiiiriif t'OrtriiiiB inilhtr
niimhI liriivfr.rirliun, Ytillful Krntr, tif
K.itvMif Vmm tt 'I'tiimn, ipMim or Lmuor,
dii'h ltfuU ! MiT)r. ittnni(-ion, Ikmiuhv
ftntl Uwl It. Uf HiKii, l Ih.i; bii fur ti,witft
writun iruanuiliorurf or n-f uini nnmjr. whI'I
Lltft hill rttr Hh k llrw.Utlii MilloiiaiiMtflL
jtfr 4'4miWiut, Htir HtmiiMi h, lrBitaBi kihJ
Iwltl'HV n AMI, IniK;iil muA Milr
4tut, KJKt'lie Urron.
1. 1 Mil M umj.t ijp 11W11UMCT
ailrWTtMnill I BJTTi TITiHl .J&z
CnrMli' ! Vnli li.h'l '.lh tlniilriK li.ii-.
Euffiiic Loan mill Sim
A 110,000 ITKM.
Corvallia Cnzi-tli': It in vi-ry
eimy matter to figure, lut it tuken
an eiiKTt to linure how one eun
get aumt'ltiing of vnluo for tmlli
iiiif. Sevuml flute nmeri ure ml
viKMting a cliungu ol hcIiimiI Ih
ami cluiiii Unit fiicli n iriMttiliiig
woulil result in a kiviiij?. Mi(
coiulunioni ure diiroveu l.y ex
Deriencv. ScIiimiI IxxikH of merit
ure liijli! arlicli) uml are not given
away. With tlu aingle exception
of griitiiiimri, there will be 1
eliiinne ilcfired. At present the
ro fivo iliU'irent text lttiik on the
ttulijivt in uhu in the rtuti!.
ch:ingu l one cnmpli-te -riei, o
two Itcoki. will rexult in a b.iviii
ami hriag alHint ulute uniformity
On tln ouhjecl there are two pub
licatioiift receiving fivor.ihlo n-
ticv. One in Keiil it Kellogg
gramiicir, puhliplic,cl hy Maynuril
V Merrill, ihu other, Maxwell n,
Dihlinhiil hv the Auieric.ui Hook
Co. Tho former has never Ih
until in the B ute; the latter hat
ami in giving ixrfeel KatiHf.ictinii
Ity the ailoptioii of either the ;ont
of exehanutt will lie the Maine; but
he retail price of Maxwell'ri in
ceiitn while Keetl X Kellogg D wi
font $1.10. Tim it in plainly
Keen that 11 Having of twenty centH
per pupil will Id matlehy ailoptiug
Hie .Maxwell t-crie. lhe buIio
iionulatiuii of the xtale in altout
KXMXH). Of thin iiuiiiImt proh
ably one-half, or 'A),(X)0 pupil,
htudy graiiimar, ho that by adopt
ing the latter Bene, a Having may
l o made to the hcIiooI natrons
Oregon of 110,000. Tlieno facts
ami licurcH iilainly nhow thut the
American Hunk Co. instead of at
tempting to lleece the people of the
.-late, an miiiik papem tttempl I
prove, are really giving lower iUo
lutions than their competitor.
The Il.iltiinoro vurrency plan
which IB now ho proiiuneiitly men
turned in connection with the pre
idenl'B Dih-ciiiImt iiiefntgo iii aaii
to be copictl in itd main features
from the Ciii.iidiiiu bunking ayMtein
which ollcra practical immunity
from financial uti-ingenciea and
criiHhcB. It in tin enhirgcil npplicu
tion of the clearing house certificate
plan which wan resorted to during
the stringency by the New tork
blinks wherein 11 hank's credit
guaranteed by nil other bunks
111 tho form of acertilieute was used
instead of canh in nettling the
bank s balance. 111 the Canadian
plan a sullicient amount of cur
rency is issued to answer tho iin
inediiite di inuiuls. It is a iorm of
credit in circulation tho samo as
money, ami when tho exigency has
pusHcd the forms of credit arc
withdrawn just as the clearing
house certificates were culled in
when there whs no further
nily for their u-i
KcHjioiisibli' parties of Kugeno
are investigating the flouring mil
proiHiMtion. The town should
have a first class roller mill U-fore
another grain season, There
(' l ilt Id II
w, iiriis.
not a
better local market in the
Thlt Inink It lnrurMirntr. unlir thr tint if
lb nU ul l'rr.'n. a I h a
titeniti Ci;::l or
Pill Dp Cinni 0!
liitrrr! alK.ard on tlinr d.'MMiu.
Tho report of the fitotball game
betweiMi l alo and Harvard utuver
si tics has a genuine prizo ring
flavor. Slugging should become
rrsiectable if football can hold
place in popular esleem.
lhe ull street magnates are
hungry for government bonds.
The tiriMt'ss is verv simnle. Thrv
A General Banking Business Transacted.! draw out with treasury
, ! iHil.'S ami loan 11 hack with inter
A bond issue for Iniving gold
w hen gold cm W drawn out of the
treasury on demand is a most in
genious device to etii.lilo the tax
payers (if the country to pay inter
est on their own tnouev. hinan-
cic ring ha seldom made a higher
(light than this.
The firmer will have cheaiier
grain sacks next .ion, allowing
them to realize ut least one and
one-1. alf cents im re j-r bushel on
' wheat. This is line of ilie nsultn
ui lhe t.triir legislation by the
rs nt congress. 1'ricts of mnnu
fact ki red article us-d by consumers
'are weakening! aloiitt tli entire
-Crockery, Glassware. Etc.. : ; line, though except where there i
in in comix tiinin tiietniver will not
Is lie til until rrUiiers
1 work olf old stin k bought at high
, prills. Wholesale priifs in gener
Encenti is Cneaa ts the IneapCSL al lines are on an average of '2o
Call l-arly ami Law a arvr renUower than mmyear ago.
aMOrtlllfllt to pick from. j Df prt.Crtam Daklag l,wd
Not caring to carry itik k.-n-any
longer, wo will lisjm,
of our itnnuiiM? itK-k of
. 1
at pn.TS mat win Mirj-n.v p liM. fl ,
nwi r uinii iea t ui rno.
rtilrnir liatKoa a talk
TUlng la I'aaatbl
San KKAnni, Nv. '1 "Tlifre
U IH'llilltrf pli. Ii 'iiienal in llmi ruiitloll
of .Mount lUliiler," aail I'mu-avnr
1)iiimiII of tl.f etHtiil Hli'l K'x'et li- aiir
vey, when int. rvli-wxl 011 the auijeet.
"Il la a living iiioentniii, In. 111 which
jeta of steam ami Milnhumua Vapor
constantly arise. Thla waa knttw 11 in
IVil, when a purty bmvimIii! lo Ihi
uiniuil ami ik iii a nlv'lit at the brink
ofoimof Ita erutem. Their fait-a were
wet w ith atraiil while their bucka wrrtt
freetimr. lit IsTti the coast survey
went oliM-rvlii 011 the mountain for
elevation, ami illscoverwl Him terminal
emla of tlie Klucieia. The ultltuile of
the hltfhest sttk l 14.111 feel, of the
lowest M.'.'TU feet, hliusta la 4 fiet low
er than lUlnler ami Whitney ia Tt fit t
hlirlier. In s.TU tlm axvnt of tiler
wan litailvby I. 'au Tromp ami Mint
anl Ht veiis. .f ol, viii 1. In, and K.I).
Coleiiiuii. of Victoria. I'liey aaw strain
ami sulphiiroiia vaMirarislnK from two
erulera. There aru Iwo M-iiurnlu vol-
eauii! ileprtiuloua In llm lilln-al ak,
the larger of which I yards In ill
aiueler ami CO feet deep. The other,
which I smaller ami of lew depth, ex
hibited stronger and more abumluiit
vvideliee of llitertilil beul than lhe lar
ger Hleaiu Issues from an irregular
little In Ita riiiiw ith irreut force and
aealtliiiK beat. I have seen Mount Ma
ker In eruption, and II ami lluinier are
III the same raliitr. It doe aurprixt
lite, then-fore, lo bear thut lUlliler la
III a state of eruption. As I baveanid,
ateiini ami aiiliihuroua vaisir constant
ly arise (nun Ita craters, but thev can
hot la seen excejil bv Ihooe wild as
cend In the an 111 in it.
Skatti.k, Nov. 22. Tlmt Mount
Itainler la ill a stale of eruption there
can be no doubt, a many w itucsset
corrolsiralo the n-irt of yesterday,
mid testify I liey saw the yn-at I -
nidi piililiiir out smoke anil ateuui
fnmi the en-st. The liiouutaill baa
la-en obteiind t'slav owIuk li Hie
cloudy, mUty attnosilien', and no new
observiition could lie taken. At 4
o'clock yesterday alteriKMiu a I'resa
Tiiiiea reMirb-r, i-jtlipa-il w ith a slroliK
Held K'asM, astelnletl l ourtliollsti bill,
ami for half an hour kiI an untilmlriict
el view of the inoiiiituln from tliedoilie
of the court house building. It ap
peared that the dome-like caiiln of
the liiouutaill bad lulled or bad ts-eii
blown out by the forcv of ail explusl.ili,
und all the snow except a small
amount on one corner had (llaps-ar-ed.
Meant waa IwiiIuk from the cra
ter In great iiNiilities, ami lloateil
U hlnil a iiKk''il suk and (lieu rose np
to the clolliU above. The top of Hie
inouiilalu bus rluiii-i I inaterially, and
N'uksuiid crevices ajipeur Unit wt-re
never seen before. Yesterday limril
iiiK at ii::ii) o'clock a vomluclor on
the Fremont line saw a blight red
llht on the lliountuili, but did not
pity lunch attention to it, u he
thoiil(ht II was caused by the sun.
The Coiiniierclul Nutliuuil lunik and
the Seattle Nallotiul bunk have con
solidated. turarral t rriMatafa lli-liialfaa.
ltot'lU.AMi, X. V., Nov. Melii
bers of the AssiH'illted I'inlieera of the
U'rritollul tin) a ol California, ami
others attemletl al the een-llioliie held
tiMluy In connection with the transfer
of the remains of Oeiiernl Fremont
from llocklund tvuietery vault to the
grave In which they "were Interred.
Aiuniiir those present was Kear Admi
ral Meude. The cereiuonics were
aim pie.
Know 11. 1. 1:, Teim., Nov. 22. (Jreut
excitemeiil ptevaila In t'n Ion county
over the uncarthlliT yestenlny In ail
ludiaii iiiouml of f is, ikk) worth of
uold bata. Kcceiitlv 11 Cherukee
woman iiaiucil ;.el ouiilil. a trrauil
diiiiKhler of Chief Mclntis-h, arrived
here and declared .-isiisni had Ih-cii
buried ill I 'nlon omuty by her grand
fi.l lii.rSuii.l iu.liit...l i.i'it II. l..i.lilv.
Aruietl men ure guarding the mound.
Hat Male Ollrr llr .tlillila
City or Mkxico. Nov. iii The
I'uivvrsul iiewspaHT lixluy coiituinaa
very warlike article rcganling the
Alexlcan-tiiiali iiiahin troiilile. Il anva
III coiiMouelice of the continued at
tacks aguinst Mexico and her govern-
uiL'iit, uiailo by the ntliciul liuiilema
Inn iirena. Il was rumored vestcrduy
this count rv woulil ileclure uiiilnuiHtic
relations w ith (iuuleuiula at an etnl.
In liiiuleiualu they say the Mexicans
have always lied la-fore the Americuua
and French. The world know a the
Mexican soldier dis-a not turn hia
back. Chiiruhusco, t'liniiulteiHC, Cue
bin, etc., are witnesses of that. With
Uiiuft'iiiula we tlo not exisrt glorv or
the gaining of laurels. We have olfer-
ed iheui friemlshlp and they return
tuacK lugratiiutie, ami our null ami
our iM-oiileare not In the humor lo lis
ten lo the Uiatrila-a of the Uuatc uialan
Wamiiimito.v, Nov. 22. 1'resldetit
leveliiml has not la-en at the White
House aiuce Friduv. Since then he
baa remained at Woodlcv, deliviug
hiiilHelf lo alt callers except inemU-ia
of lhe cabinet. This la iiartfv accounted
lor liy the iieeeaxlty 01 coiupletlng
without Interfen'iicv bis annual luea-
aiige U-lore lHvi-iuhrr 3, but lie is sutler-
lug considerable pain from an Injury
sustained by straining the tendons ol
hia toot, w Inch haiiia-ued lo lie particu
larly ivusiilve owing to gout. It ia
stated that la-ynlid thia leiuMirary ail
ment I he preaideut enjoys hia usual
LoM-oN, Nov. 22. A Yokohama
llsMilch states the Chinese I'd Vang
tHpladnni attacked and shelled the Jap
anese triaipa wlm were inarching unui
1 on Arthur, llie inaiHi nail tuacii a
road near the coast. The Juutuce
Ih-el came to the asaistaucu of the
tns'ps, and a desperate light tisik place
ts'twttn the wnrsliis, the n-sii.t of
which la not known. The Chinese
battleship Chen Yueli became Uselem
luring I lie light, ami ran ashore try
ing to avoid ttiii:ilo a al the en I rain v
to the halUirof Wrl-llal-Wei.
Ikt list laasal klarp.
Ilt.KI IX. Nov. 22. A SU IVterl.irc
disiatcti Ma that lhe car la sutlerlng
fruui lii-Miuiiiln, ami ia much deprowd.
lhe eitrina h:u Inviiii Very noic.i
rmaelatisl as a n-sull of hi I vtil at the
lHllt!c ol Iter lute tiusl.nnd.
Waa la lltaa, tmm tllkar Stmt 111.
Oitaw a, Kan., Nov., 22. Chatiia
ami llniry ljlhrop, utiawa bu-iiiuns
men, out hr a lime mis iiiorioi.t-.
struck lite w rung bou-e kit ked In toe
lNr. I har.ey was shot ileiul, aiel
Henry seriously wouii'lrd. 1'lie on-
oiurgave the e-ri- 1.1 Li-uet taker
IS--lons w liich ait enraLrel an opisiai.
oil undertaker Ihnl be slalitsii .-v-r-
ona. J he wound la serious. It was
the boinr 4 ilra. Xn riuaii the l-illi-
s tried to rntt r. 0uuglU11 Mn r 1
loan Walliixl them to I. ale. I hey
ald mi heed and l-ot-ruin I I.i;. J !
aaav. Mia. l.alhioii aiitel Mi;ir A
hauliers, uuilcrtakcrs, to dintl the
funelal, but I laia ik I 'In. luiini
I iaaaioii lnni ( orom r K lug. r-
tused to giie up llu; Issly, beluv tl.u
MYimd traft-id.
Waikialaaaaai Mala( Utrnrn
llll.ois.iio. Nov. lit. Co.inty
Judge Cornelius yi-sterday aelit an
order Iii a dealer for I w trained blond,
boumls, at theUnbd price of H",
which il ia prossed shall Ui.niiie co
partners with Mierill Ford In huiiUug
down lhe js-rs-tratorr of iiuuieroiia
hold Usi and robla-rle throughout the
J. Miller was yesterday brought
down from (iilu by the sheritl to I
examim-d regarding hia sanity.
nar 1st rtailsai.
WahiiinoTo.V, Nov. 2X Tlie aub-Collltlllth-e
oil H-lislolia held a aenaloll
lialay and heu.d Coilllliiaslolier Is ll
ren. It will report fully to the nun
mittee a rt-couiiiind.illoii for lhe
approiriiitlou of tllo.otsi.tSKi for pen
sions lor llie II seal year. Thia amount
la the coiuuiissinlif r's estimate.
Afrtalt-a' la .Sarflvr.
Wkavkkvii.i.k, Cal., Nov. 21 --Sherlir
It iwh- returned w ith CharN-s
and Ih-ii Wiiliniiiauuil ImIu-I Iheui in
Jail. Charh-s lchirgil with the uiitr
derof J1.I111 Hurt, un old man. The
ahnoliug iM-ctirreil 011 a trail Hear Hay
ford. After Hurt was shot and left for
dead be crawled back to lhe house ami
lold w ho did It. He staled he knew
tut reason w hy Williams should ahiait
him. Hurt lingered a few days and
die. I. Charles Williams la but IU years
ami hia brother .U I he altulr hus all
the aplK-nrtiiico of a cold-biisMled luur
ttksrl In Ilia Arraaals.
Kam FKAXI'IKtt, Nov. 23. It Is
slateil this morning that Ixuils Itlatik,
aeeretary of l he Order of 11 nal It rlth,
Is short lu hia accounts over f:l,il.
Illulik baa la-en aeeretary of the order
for It yeurs, and Is also a-crulary of
severul Ituililing ami loan aHsts'latlona.
He w as couuet:let lu variooa building
uml mil r-stule Iruiisuctioua w ith Iiuia
Lundler, who fulled several months
ago and left lhe city ow ing J,uai,
mid he ia known lo have lot heavily
In l.amllcr'a scheiuea. liluuks short
age, It Is said, waa discovered ill M11V
last, w ht-11 he promised to refund the
money appropriated, giving a number
of aecurlllf. Silicv that lime he bus
been It tallied m the oltlcv us aeeretary
but only under the rlo-st wulch and
most constant scrutl'iy.
Ilaafi l.nataa al m llaitiaitrr.
Hi'HiMiru.i.ii, Ohio, Nov. 'it. In
South Charleston, lust night, a pretty
romance culminated in a happy wed
ding, the principals being Ml Mable
tirahaui, the daughter of a prominent
turfman with a big airing of horses,
and Chester Ashley ,a humlMiiue young
southerner, originally Iroui l.oulsMlle,
but at prcM-ni mi orange-grower lu lv-
lano, Honda, The couple fell lu love
two years ugo, while Ashley was hos
tler for Ir. liruhum. The latter bitter
ly oiisised the luati'h ul first, but
llually eoliseiitiil. The bridegroom
left t lit 1 cilguged III business ill Flori
da. The wedding day was fixed for a
little more than a month ago, but the
hridcgrixiui failed to upts-ar, nfter the
house had Ih-i-ii ts-ili-cked Willi Mowers
ami all arruiigemeiiia bud Is eu made
for the marriage. A lelcgituu slated
that Ashley had Im-cii seriously Injured
In a runaway. He had made many
enemies In the bride's home, ami they
said that lhe story of Hut accident wua
falsi, and thut he would never upH-ar.
Last night Ashley surpiscd nil by sttd
denly li-npiiriiriug. IS real Joy pre
vailed, ami It was resolved to have the
wedding ut once. 1'oslul curds were
used for in vita' loll.
Tit Slarr ut aim.
SkaITI.k, Wash., Nov. 22. The
story that Mount lluinier ia in a state
of eruption is a fake, started by a local
paper. I lie mountain la lu stutu ipio,
although the steam of Hit melting
snow is said to have been olmcrvcd
rising fnun the mountain sides vc(cr-
day, and there are even those who
claim lo have felt nu earthiiuake
slun k, but the fact remain the eruption
story Is a huge canard.
I. alt lur ikr low i.aan.
Xkw Yoiik, Nov. i"J. The New
York iig-ney of a large Canadian lust I
llltloll has received from Its corres
Mimleiils ut San Friiueiseo fi'Sl.tssi in
the last two days, and (Kit -0,0011 in koIiI
has Ix-cii sblps-i by the Hank of Mon
treal lo an agency in this city for the
purKHH- of auliscrihing to the govern
ment loan. A Willi si ni t banking
llrm, with Curia ami Sun Francisco
cotiucctlnim, is a o n-cclving parcels of
gold from California.
nmitliiaria War.
Kansas City, Nov. 22. A Mflul
to the Star from (illiilinjuato, Mexloo,
says the legislature of thai slate has
unanimously adopted a resolution of
fering In Hie federal government all the
stale militia ami munitions of war to
aid In currying on a war against tin
nteiiuilu. The fee ling of the N-ople of
Mexico against (iuati inalu la very hit
ler, ami the general sentiment lain
favor of war la-lug declared w ithout
further delay.
Into Sams al Oars.
IHl.I.AS, Texas, Nov. i!4 Oroughl
coutluuea witliout anv su-n of ram.
Water wngoua are doing a big biiaiuesa
hauling supplies of urtesiun and river
wait r to private resideiuva. Prayers
will l ollen-d for ruin In ail churches
V -Vv f , -
; .1 1:
-1 1 Ml: '
I -t, l.i
'HI 1.,'
I. M f. I
t. f r
r .
s . t, .
..- in.. .
A I,
crr.y w
antrr-iil alll ba
I rat 1 di-rll-a
p -n lliat e.t.i,',l In tnr
. ' ) ii.i.l 1.1 lull anil
1 f e w i. Mt'pi.n a
i.r' : i. ... ..4 tl.i.1 iu i-ti,, 1)
1 f ii.-In s.i. .11 i.'N. 1 a
-im- 1 1 r y l n k anil an-uiil 11.;
itHibi , 1 1 lint.-.. ritaiii 'ai-in-'
1 .' -1 1. I l ).i.-l- n a .1 11
. ; 1 . - in r-"ta lit. It. ai .-.'ttl-ru'
v. . -nl 1 .iif-lcion. ili.-ra l at
- t: l.-.i 1 . 1 t- 1 a -r-i. ti. y
1 i : -i-s I I . .- . if-.irM until
a 1 .-il v i'n a ! 1 ! mfi.rrr il.ra.
r.. .- i.r -i-.-t. I li: I t t-n
s .- .r I a l.4.f -11 aili'v, l.i.l kill, no 'l
1. it .i r - .1. -. vli. n 1 t t l--rtlM-n .-nl
!( Iifl. I,' Ir.iji, . . rr li,- .n utl a
I 'K; ,. jn. l l : q I . Ja.irtrUHia a II
rm f m .-ni, I 11 i . 1 1.1 n .1 hrl.ira
I .'(' y 1 ll I'f ilj-.t I r", 1 . Oi( liaU left nil,
I ih. r 1. 1 . , a I-. 1 eta tl a.i.tit.-t
i'i'M. a.1,.,1 ,4 1 . r- .urn. ' 1 una f.-l mm
r 1 1, I tnr .1 mil litt. al,u4 La
it v. . tli..u li I I. al rua iloaa
m ini 1.1 I C. I ih r l.. r L .. ujrsl l'r.
VT... K4-!.M4il N.-ritM-im ti tvH-t.mcn-Wl-"l
an J it l.- tr- n .MU.f4ii.t la lt. it
1 - iii'iH ' Ji.m- Kan. I. Ku. 11.
I r H il,' tu--wall Ner In l ,tl by all
i-tiia.ii i.q a -iii irusrsnii, or wui
i-ii-m i f 11 l'r i,n all . al 1.,. I ikhari.
ln-1 . mi t-.-t.i.t ..f artrw. n-r U-uia. mi
UaiU- fur ax r.rrft iirviaiU. Il laUvalijr
taistaa ar latMi Uxuaa
fr.-m IM
THE Hi.1.0 UK 1 1I K M-II I.
Washington P. t". Post,
lud. Kep: There is one figure
which, in the lurid I ghl of Ihu
Democratic e:atroplie, bocoain
heroic Jtis thellgurt of UaviJ
It. Hill. No demigod of myth or
ul.idin of rouiuii'v ever made a
sacritico or kept a tryst with more
unselfish lidclity or brilliant cour
age That ho led a forlorn Iiuj
was no fault of his. That the
chance was desjs-rute casts no
blame on him. Jlo answered tho
cull of duty, bo discharged tho
debt of honor and obigaliou, he I d
as gdlaiitly as any knight that ever
laid a lance rest,' and though he
las la-en overthrown, tho lusters
..I bis ellield is without a blot Ulld
toe brightness of his royal l.ilchion
is unstained. Man cannot do
moie than keep f.iitli u cording to
bis lights. Itichard Coeur le
Lion, with a hundred thousand
warriors behind hiiu on tho plain
of Acre.was no greater than Leonidus
ul Thenuopylao or lloralius al the
From friends ami loci alike
David II. Hill will receive tho ap
plause that he lus so richly earned
h very where, and by all classes
his fellow iitizns ho will be
recognized and celebrated us the
most gallant, tho most udmirahle
und tiio most inlercrttiiig uctor in
tho drama that ctiliniuulctl on
Tuesday I.ikt. That ho met with
defeat will not dim it will even
intcrn-ify tho brilliancy of his
achievement. I lu has shown that
ho is faithful in calamity us well
as in triumph; thut misfortune
dis s not dull the edge of his devo
tion, and that peril d.a s not check
the splendid valor of bis charge.
lie is tho Ir-uu ideal of the soldier
whether in jaditics or war the
man never sulks or shrinks. He
stands by the catiso in foul wcath
er us well in in fair, and if ma-
thing, adversity only spurs bis
courage anil lends new jstwer to his
The American people w ill not
soon forgel this episode of w hich
Hill was Hit! gigantic central figure,
He will live in men's admiration
as long us men honor loyalty, ami
reverence what is great and
1 he l.anc county commission! rs
court is after a class of proiterty,
for tix ition, that is hard to tin
cover. Money, nolcr mid accounts
an-easily hidden, or transfci red,
and tut one mav be the wiser,
riidoiibtcdly there is a large
amount of such property that i s
c.ipc-t tixatinti. In the mutter n
accounts, and notes unsecured, the
taxpayers arc in many instance!
iu-titicd in not giving them in
Their value is very uncertirn und
110 one will lia-ten to pay taxes tin
something Hi it may never Isi se
cured. It may not appear just
that real estate should bear all tho
h'irdcti of taxation, hut it will
have to tlo so until some new sys
tem is devised. seems likely
lo he far in the future.
The open letter which Mr. Whar
ton Ihikir, of I'hihidi l hiu, has
ptihlisi.i.l Mi Kinb-y to di"
line his views on ih currency is
likely to remain open a long time
la-fore McKinlev ntiswers it. In
deed Mr. Baker ought to have
known that it is distressingly im
polite to write oicn letters to an
Ohio man this long lie fore tho cat
is ready to jump.
Almoit in Despair
v nut rinaiir
"1'i-r ft ' ! ti f it-, I M.i. a great till- O:
fi in It-, in in.,!i".t,,i ai lis worst forms.
I I, l,-. the aklll nl nmiijr ilnrtnn, but o
ru m a.iiv antl wonH, until I Isrcams O
. H M .I- I ...... 1. 1 n,. lb Aflw
- --. 1 "" o
null, ml lilhg lu ll Juan ainl rr. Mjr o
i.imarh. liter, ami nrarl lerams affect- O
nl. nail I llmuelit I woul.l lureljr dla. I
tr. .l Avi-r- Tlllj anil thry belpi Ins o
rij iit ssi)-. 1 riitiliiiar-l tli-r um and 0
tin th.w nitlrrly wt IL iWt know of g; mat am ia qmrkly rallsva O
ami run tlie trrrllilr atiftWInf of dyt- O
i"-i-sit Arrrt rutv-'-jonw c
II. . .. ., ...
t kih in un, iiioua, w jrtrii to., jf, C. O
Received Highest Awards
3RF tMt tt u Y C' J
avai4 tsi; It, fl
1. Il la nuula Haht b.-rt u bona. C"5
S. It ts mad nt lb rr flMt M
tnalenal au-l ts rruarmnu-! x
la ev-ry ri-M eijuai or CI
Mtparaa-la Iba trr; bm.
9, Tha Biaksn rnaraair rrrrv OO
t.a ab-t vi-ry gnrrr la aT
autbn-iir4 I. rainrn rtmr jr; U 11 b aa( aU-lLCHTf r-J
Oiimi tarraaa. Isniaa4. Or. CO
In the S.tleiu news publiahod
Wednesday inoriiiug in the tlaily
pujters, the decisims in the auprenio
court in six caes are announced,
two of said cases only 0110 in
effect are "allirmed," and four of
them "reversed." We do not know
that this trotorlioii holds good
through the year, but probably
about half of the decisions of the
circuit court are "reversed."
This suggests on interesting
in puiry, says tho Welcome. Is
judicature a farce, a lailure, only
an exrimcnt, a guess? If it
approaches uny where near the nice
and exact science that lawyers
claim when eulogizing their pro
f rsion, why does one judge rule
one way, and another the opposite
way? Why do they not reach tho
same conclusions? The members
of the supremo court are supposed
to act with more deliberation than
the iuferior courts, and only ujtou
a thorough ami exhaustive analysis
of tho principles involved; but
they are not necessarily abler or
sounder men than those on the
circuit court benches. Tho lower
courts also have the advantage of
hearing the witnesses and being
brought in close contact with all
the motives and influences sur
rounding the case. We arc making
no criticism of tho supremo court,
know nothing of the merits of these
particular ca-es; bit only point
out the fact that the administration
of justice seems to bo u good deal
of a farce.
Here, for example, is a man
accused of a crime. Ho has been
about two years in tho county jail.
On tho first trial thejury disagreed.
It was not decided whether ho was
guilty of anything or not. On the
next trial he was convicted. The
jury suid he was guilty; ami the
court sentenced him to ten years
in the etiitenti.iry. Now comes
the supremo court ami says the
man was wrongfully convicted
practically thut he was innocent.
Now he must be tried again. If ac
quitted, if declared inius eiit, how
is the state, society, to restore to
him these two or three years of
"duranco vile?" And what u cost
all this has been to tho state, und
to him.
There is no great help for this
waste and wretched botching and
bungling; it only illustrates tho
inirrfeetini,of humanity; yet it
would Pecin that before another
nineteen hundred rears roll around
tho administration of justice might
be rescued to something nearer
cr lection; thut at least judges
could come neuter to seeing things
raataati la m Ulmli)
AI.MA, Mich, X
t olliv- 'Tit-IM," U
liy fis.t'iull that
Tort Arthur, the Chinese strong
hold, is now in isissession of the
Japanese. This will probably end
the war as the fall of that strong
hold leaves the empire uluiosl de
fenseless and China will lie com
tn-lh'd to sue fur KM-e. Japan
ret civon no sign us to the terms
she will exa;-t. but it is probable
the independence of Corea will be
0110 or the Conditions, a large
money war indemnity ami cession
of Chinese territory.
Caked & Inflamed Udders
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and 5tr;iiji2,
Running Sores,
Stiff joint j,
Harness C: Saddle Cores,
Insect UUr,
All Cattle,
All Horse Ailacnts,
All Sheep Ailment.,
Penetrates " . :!..
Membrane ind 'Ii::-u:
Qui:Kv ; , 1,10 V.
Stat of Tr.i
Ocsts it in a Ji.i'v.
Rub in Vigorously.
.Mustang coni-u ri
JkUkc Mmi .if Ucuct wed j
tine ... 1 ''
thev .1... "'I'll
to have a kuiiiu lh. i1M... '"'"'"I iv
-; .-one, en,. lM ,,-")
HMILllaMI. M4 1 Ilia.!.' ' '
tt-t Ihev .1,.!.. ' 'M.
bojs an I I.a-t u'isUi r...r",'r'"" l-a
Were 011I !....r. .1 m , il ,.
, - -. .1.,- I,,,, - .
for a Kiitn.- un, I had a t.
.XI lea t inn
were aintished, the ,i,. . ," It.
thenltrof ih.! rZH '"'Mat
Slid lileiva nf itr... i '.' '"e-Ut
rioni this niornliiif. Thr.1 W
Willi scratched and brui t
of expulsion, ""
llrrmanu at o,.,,,
W'ASIIIMi'nix, Nov. ..
tnllve lleriiiaun, I. .j,, !,., . '"
lug tnetnls-r in the u, X "ir,,
river uml harlsu- ciioium..." .'"'!."'"
bablv Is- ila ehuirumii
- ii, hi me i ,, i,.
iu-vu aasNaKer, ami a. M
w nu a.i ni.ieiu Sll-sni f
Itttin from Maine w hen n
a culiUitlale for stan),, , , f llt. '
uresa, virtually Mr. u,n , '
for bis friend in th 1 .'"
slKllllienta. ltepre-iitU jV(. iF
.k.l in... "'Mi
"I u.
''I1" ..111
I -.I...- .. I. lat .
tbtlefor this paiticnhir en,,,,,. 'rwi'
aul.l be Would ilti-ii. II ,, u' "l"?'
. ... lu.
I'l Illlli-Jt
fll... "
millet be onhl ,11, II... I, ., n-Ss
; . -. , L ine 0m
furifitalt-rst-ivlifthiiii if .
aiitued to a minor nm m, tilf ,
and ineaua committee, whui,,,
raclll.' eaist ns well
should he la ta-leet. I
...... 1 1 i. . ,
nun i. no wen euniriiNiii
msm-iI to Ih the inimt
lee lit uieoT.Hiljiliuli ..f .(. i
(arnrila krralli. ,-, ,..t
ItKAItlaH-K. I'll., Nov. .
V..IHIK e It-lrlc un ,, j,, ps(
lia.kinu thmuuli nrii. e,. . Kr,.H, '
rail plulit here, eusiiallv siiuL't-ait-d n ,
elrelrlelly could Is ii,:i.,-1 ,'7
the Widely separated pie e..,f ,,,.(,
ery at a saving of nii.iiy tl,i,.ai,j d .
Ttalay Antlrew I'lirin eie vi.jw, u
plant for lhe llrst tin,,- ln
ami saw t-leetricilv il-iiiik' ,, m,i
This iniproveinent, i.e,i.r
others, makes it s..ih,. f. r i.-t.t n.
....i. ...... ...... i , . " iiM-n
to ii. in.- oinn .,op 111' I ni l-i'.il.
courst, ,ir. i unit u'lc w ill
latin, i Kaalf Wrraat,
! The I)am.m, Or, N.v. :'f - felaard
j Martin, rx-.-o.itit v clerk, h:ia Uu In-:dl.-inll.
l!u-yrai'd Jury for forp-ry.
! It ia that fraudulent Olliiry
j warrants la-ariii Martln'a aln iMrv
ere i-Mii.i. lireiit surprt- waa f.-li
I Im-u lb lualter aa piade public, aa
I Martin stun. la bih lo the uniiitiiuiniy,
! and baa many frieiida w ho inuliitai'ii
his luiHs-riKv. lie waa allowed until
lll.U l- .1 1.
I...I.I.1 11 1. . '
VU lllltlie.ini uil Ills -oni-i fllnr..
One of the iinproveiiii nt. i -a!Kd
"soakinir pit." i-ju-h :kii.K ,,
lakes the plmvof ten r. I,, i,tilia. tur.
Iiuts-a. The pita will rc-.-..ut j,,., ,;
steel mil business. I I. . 1 1 ii-i-nrt (j.
first III lhe world, w ill hit . ,'fl4
mil of lhe "soitkiuir I'll."
Fnun llriubliH-k Mr. (
to lloiiicstcinl, w hen- l,e Iminiil
be la the owner of the hrl Um
null in lhe world. h n I. n
Hint one year's output if i,... k
shaft ' fis t in illniii. ti r ui-tilil n.tlri
cnliiiiiii Iwehly-tlve l.ih. U
stiltl: "How w'oii. lei fid! '
lie saw u liVhich I -.-it ti i ii, ii-liin. in
pntlllils to the Km it cut lu tun l( r,,
sei-onils by a S.-IW which I,-.-. im Ut'h,
but the circumference of iWu tru.i,
six miles per minute
III the iiriiinr-. bite l'iiii-l,ii.k- ,1 ., ,
was shown n ltNt-t.ui i t . r . . i I--im; (,ft-.
into tin armor phiie Is im In-. II ,
nlld 111 feel loll- for t'n- l.itllr.l,,-,
ln i;on. The eu(,. i , M -. n,, f
bob a in it.
In another shop Mr. r-iru.yi
an l-'.ui'lish walnut cim lo-l tiii.lrr a
Iircsa wIiom dell. -nl.- (. m Ii ili.l n
irenk the kernel. Tin li l.e .'.v a
of sti-el 111 Inches III dhiin. I, rn!:ilafi.
hlirli mushed In It as tl.i ,irr.
Il is runi'ireil thut tli.- .-in i-l- e
the const ruction depnttii:. m nf i jn.
trie's Thirty-third strut inillailll.
itlveu an iiilvaii.-e nl l"r nut In
IHrr Half a 'I
Nkw Yoiik, Nov. JV - I'm- VurM m
loinorniu- w ill j;ve u h-t -In. tut i!
nillllls r of Votes c:iht bv I )i.- J-'J-u .-t
purty in all tbestiitent tin- i-i ii.rl
elect ion. ns con i pn red uith t lo -nine .n
Ism'. Tin Woii.l will s-i:
"inistijih. i v. .) 1 1 1 -r . ,t y i::.i
iillop-thcr l,u,n-.' v.iti- f .r :r.i.lrtii.
ItclMCfii K2 and s:il t Io n- u in
Kelit-riil election, tin-n l irii- n sliiid
cull la iNtiiipiirt-d rtllh tin- M.-ir -vv.i-inif.
Tills year the poi,ili-t vntr ii
l,ti.HI,t)00, u iriiiu t.f iM-nrly i;.i,'J vetn
in two years.
Ilia Nnn IhiiJ.
1'oKri.AMi, Nov. 21. - liintriii-f
rellliover hns rttvived Mold llml li'i
sou, lloruce, w ho is till, lnl.i it s.'liil
nt A'illiinns ilie.l t.-.lny. fnui
typhtild fever. lie l'.i ji:.r(
age mid a bright, proii.isiiii; yt
ST Lol ls, Nov. in - I t. ink .-mil. a
Iteur.., lust liiyhl wiivlnid und eutrsi-nl
M veiir-nld Alice Miiik on tin- p.ail ln-m
Valley 1'ark. The inyro mus mis.
uiiciitlv cautht and IihL-..I iii p'i-
he ln-wa of the tiulrin.'.' uiltli
exciletnelil ami the i :i 1 1 n "" 'i tU'
rounded by a luolicliiiunrii.u' for Ss'lt.
The mob was llually s r-it.cli -I to '1
Tlin H itl Hois
WAsniMirtix, N-'V. i'l.-Huts f'
IH-W Issue ol J-SI.UnU.liOil live s r t-ruh
laimls were opened ttshty. lhe '"'"
bid was by a syndicate of l-:.!ik.-r, nf
New York, l.oliioll, riilla'le.'l .hiasiKi
Itoaiou, and was for llfty u-i-" '!''"
lurs al IHl,h!iv The bid-l. is
Dn-xel. Moritiii. A Co., l nt . i .-
'I'ril.l I 'o u.i.l iHree. . M I oik tanks.
Al l-'M-ia Ltrne nun, Is r ..! l ai k.
und repn-sell Jtlivea of t!i' ,rr
bud assembled to l,. :.r 1 1 I "
iioumrd. The hinliin.' '! t'" "''
closed ut l:-iO 1 1. in. The --:" -:-!' ' 111
cluibliir Is.lh t.f the bid. . I I'f
M.ireii. I1,,., m in. Ml I t . -1 to l'i.t
f .Vt,0(SI,lkkl, i-olllitlllu' omy one
bills llf l.'..IHSI,IMI. I lie f.
avndicutt hnl iirovi'lcd Unit '!
a"rt lo la deliveie.1 in .r in ll.s.on, ?:;,t".'
delnhla. fj.ixs.i.iski in I hid
tjtat.isMl In .-an Kraiii-ic.
A lalu.tlf Cu p. 1 ' I
IlllllKIIIVRl, t'l . No
t. dispute ta-twccli H e . - .' " '
tlie liuriiuui tTt -teuti'l ..'"'"'
lllKtrM.ll, repre.elilll k- Ml- '
... ... . i... l.inV i.ln. J i t Hf "
un.,. of Mm llm liulli. Hi :
a till the will of her 1 1 il -1 . t . -1 .
la-1 las It Milled. I I. c "1 " '
tli'.tiiO u 3 ear, and t li-' I1
l-!oilllK lo tlie t -till'- I. 1 -
a-ih lo n y lor it.
Part ol Hie pro ilv a. i
it s. It.. ri. inn's n.i.n-' '- '
York l ity. Il is sal '
li tnl II liiisillia IP to It ' '-
i-ar. 'I Is n- s IT" '' " '" "
t. I li. ik tlta aJ nsal,t
l he irol rt T v-m:t
.(i.nrlers .f lbs 1'a.riiLirt
citv. an. I Be ire tl.ta
.( ili. ir
rk. ?
I,... '
. Is
. -1
I i"
f.?OOQ10COC Itoes-rtKv. He waa al
VviwitiCstwval I Monday morning to plead.
nf ii
. i
I If I.
and ImhhU, and an-at . '
lln.rluau.s nil r.,a I '
The In.s.ine from all it f
aside amount, to !.-'-. u
7U.iai a v.-ar. Mi. I' 11 " '
Ml lial-'.et ll.U t
aside tt K'tard ansili-l "
elation during Mis. 11.. r i
then Is a sur lu II '
aim. UK the heir-
Tlie ItariiUiii Jk )'-ai'.'
liearlv tJl,iai b.-l - s.--n.
t-ijuafly tlivided la-lwnti
k- and the I.arnu::: l. ir.
. ...
... .I'd
, ,i: rJ
A 1