The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 24, 1894, Image 8

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Advance in the New Commodity
Tariff to the Interior.
Am larraa.e W blrta Will l'n Iba 1'nnnl
T.rinl.iU aa a H.II.I Slaala-I.lst af
lha t ummalll aa W bleb Iba Ha laa
Ara tarbaagna1.
I'oiiri am), Noveml-r 15. Commodity
ralea from Chicago, the M irai aai (pi ami
Misnuuri river to North Pacific lermi
data were advanced Octolwr . Hate
to intermediate Kinta have lawn ad
Jil.trd, and advance will be made to-day.
'It. i. Mill nt the Coast on a Iwtter haai
with the Interior. Out n( !"' coinmod
itica, however, onljr forty-two have been
rained. Among the commoditie on
which rale are unchanged, are the fol
lowing :
Agncultural Implement, apple and
li.h r, IK'., beer, glx bottles, prenaed
Tb Ubllgallna mt laa Arlaaae t'eaatle
I'aaaal ba Karrea1.
Pii.brix, A. T., November 15. Tli
Republican will pablialt to-mot row tin
uUtence of a recent decision by the
Supreme Court ol the United State,
which Invalidates the Territorial In
debtedness, amounting to $750,000. The
deciaion wm in the case ol Charles Ed
ward Lewi vs. Pima county to enforce
the collection ol 2,250 coupons attach!
to 150 bond laaued by the defendant
county in 1HKJ under an act of the Ijff
ialature ol that year directum the Hoard
of Stliwrvisor t Imu bondi to .the
anion tit of $2 "J.UtsJ in favor of the Art-
loiia Narrow (iauge railnxad. The I -eg-
The Leading New York Banken
Dikcushinjf the Problem.
Largely, Wblle Iba Manas Will rer-
al.h la llxnanllar freely Iba ial4
...ii.r)i la Taba Iba Hued.
Niw Yuu, November It. Five Tree
ident of national hank, who are re-
islaiure con. trued lU authority to enact garded aa the leader ol the bank Preai-
, York .it,, n,.t m ti,. of.
he money to "the nerrnnary avlmiinatrai- flc" ' W- Cannon, Preaident of
lion of lie internal alfaira." Suit waa the Chaae National llank, late to-day.
brought against the county three yeara They were Mr. Cannon, President Naxh
ano aiMl the verdict n rendered for f , Exchange National, Taptwn
ui tow vfaoatiu .i.uuh.i. r-iiuiiioiifli vi
the legmlallon creating lainde was x-
rial and rontrary to the ilarrmon ai t.
The Unite. I Matee Supreme Court lake,
no account ol thia view, but d lare
lhat the l-rgi.lature waa rentneted by a
clause which confine it to Hue ieciea
of legislation onlv in favor of improve-
menla winch facilitate the admiiiirtra-
tion of internal allair. The decision
close in the followuiK laiiKiia.e:
" We are couilielled to hold that the
Aa AaarvM kwfara Iba tiaag raablral
Baaialr aa Mar Meeaerae.
EoinacaoM.Novetnber II. f irChalea
Tupper, Canadian IHuh Commiaaioiicr,
dellverad a lei lure br lore the linvrei'''!
cal Kiclrty tu-day upon the reaouna.
and fenerai n-onoinlo condition of tht
Dominion ol Canada, lie dilated upon
the Influence of federation Qpon the eco
nomic position of the Ifcjuiiiiion aa aeen
late.l.ra Are r .a.e la labacrlba 'n the enormoui developi.ienU of trale
and commerce, anij the prtfrttyoi the
muntrv Belli ral It aince the rtahllh
men! of the Iioiiiiiiioii, rpe. lally in the
ipaliaion l lorriirn irane. i iiivii i
trade in IWiJ and lK 't, be .aid, waa the
hilfheal ever reached, and the increaw
.inre t hT7 haa been la per cent. 1 he
.lability of trad had Im n remarkalile.
In apiteof the Mi Kmley law, the lliian-
rial dialiirbatii-ea and the fall of priva
Canaiia haa been little allecle.1. The
demand for staple proilm t and eiport.
aaaahixh aa ever. The aitualion ol
the country lay in the eouiidiie.e of it
hank in ? av.tem and the prudence of ita
traib-ra. The exi-ellem-e of the national
creilit had been ahoan in the auccece of
the ix-ent loan, ahu ll waa now at par.
He referred to lanada'e ripaii.ive coal
and iron reaourcen and deim-ntauf nickel,
aud eiprei-.l hia belief that wheat
would continue to la the (rrat ataple
frodilct of the Northwe.t Ioiik after the
'nilcd htatea bad icaned to urow it aa a
profit or to eiimrt it. 1 he French
treaty, be amid, had waled the owt-r of
the Fourth National and Williamaof the
Chemical National ISank. Theae ircntle-
men hal attendeil a meeting ol the
Building Committee ol the Charitix-
lloiiae Aaaociation and itatherrd in the
ollice of the Chaae National to diacna
the imiiendiiiK K'vernment loan. The
conaenaua of opinion waa that the bank-
era ol New York would Vive up lar-e
lion,., in ipieano , crea.e no on on 7 " " V,? , r J C.nla to r,ulate eitern.l tiade rela. ti.e muniy wi.uu a couri oi .a. tu.n.. The (lltawa nmferi n.e would do
can eiilorm
I hi. hi i-ion afTccta an inane of 2tV
(NX) by Mariiofa county in lavorof the
Maticia and I'hii iiK railroad and an
m.ue of I-'iII.ikki by Yavapai county in
rcKutt ami
brick, biiaini corn, butler, biittenue,
evici, clie.oe, drewxil poultry, canned favor of Hie now delimi t
.....I- .--...I. rin.liicla. lainn Ariaonat-emrai
. I - 1 - - - ' .
iliiinlieva. collee, condeiiM-i milk, crock
ery, eaithenaare, fruit, furniture.
liaila ami .pikea, horelioe nail, linaeei
oil in lank an, iUh li ami ayrilp,
Thetahle lieloW chooa a compariaon
ol the mil coinmoUiiy rale to himkane
the new rate to hx)kane and the rate to
t oat lermiuala I nun Clilraifo ami com
inou iuinla carloail lota:
ll.klna poaitrr. '
( lr
r.ill., r.-lrl
riHii .U-a .
Alle Rirw
IUrlw r., ail.nt
r ii I ) -,
Ale Ii U, It at ! Ii".
I'.llil, II. . .
l'MH-r. biiliilliia anil ruiif
lo).( t-iiniuiiili
1 .inc, mm. ina
friii a airr.
. 70
. I tl
I 47
i Vt
I l
I li
I 77
l IM
I .
I 17
I 1
I hi
I .1
I 14
1 jn
I n7
l Ml
la. Iranian! Agraed l'Hta hj lha leallla
i bamber af C'umnierra.
KcATTi.t, Novemlier 15. TheChuinU'r
of Commerce to-day agreed tixin the in
atructioua to the delegate to the Trana
minaiaippi Coligreaa to lie held at St.
Ijina November 'M. The delegutea will
he inatrticU-il to oppoae free coinage of
ilver; favor the building of the Nicara
guan canal; favor appropriation for the
Ijike Wanhiiigton canal ; favor tranaler
ring government land to the State;
favor giving Alaaka local or territorial
government; favor the removal of the
bonding privilege to foreign railroad.
Simon Itiimpf, formerly a ji-weler in
III li... i Iiti..a mentioned In nnlv thia citv, who defrauded Ilia creditor.
- " " ----- .... .. . a
a lew In.laiicea are the rate lower to ami lell the counlry, nan three more
Cortland than to Spokane fence w ire, anil commenceil again! him ami Joaepli
for In. lam e. The average advance on '"aver to recover on giaala aol.l. w . ami
oilier aiticli- over the former nile i II P". IHai kinton charge conaplracy on the
H-rreiit. On candle, collee and plate part ol Ktlim.I ami Mayer to ileirail.l all
ulana tha raia lo SiMikane ia made the pcreoiia ami roriKiralliuil that woiilil
I .'A
I in
I Kl
I l
I U1
new I. .lie ol government lunl.. It la
exiectel thai inventora will iiilwcrih
laigelv lor the new bond a, and the bank
ill liirniah to ilepoaitora I reel v the godl
nee..arv to lake the Iximl.. I hi ilcci'
aion la of imimrtancr, for the bank rep
reaenteil at tlna iiiforiiialcunfereni'e with
the Union Tru.t and the L'liite. Statea
and the Central Truat Companie bold
the bulk of the gold ill New York. Tree-
idenla king, Stewart and Olcott ol the
tru.t ciiinpauie inentioiieil havealrealv
extemli'd the admiiiiatration their aaanr-
auce that the new leant, w ill I taken
rate of. When the February la-ue waa
made deoitora had dillicully in obtain
ing the gold from banka, and many only
Miureil legal lender, which waa pre-
aetiteil at the ailhlreaaurv to obtain gold.
I lie government tlui laileil to aeenre
over :W,(HJ.tHK) gold for the toM.OnO.tmO
IiihmImI liy the aale of 5l),UII0,UiU Uiml.
I he ilccmiiiii ol the liankera to give up
their gold Ireeiv will conaeotieiiliy net
larger amount of gold tothe government,
the rcault of the forthmming la. tie being
eatimateil at over (oiUNiu.liUil. It ia un
iler.ti.xl in New York that the new iaxue
will be announced within forty-eight
hour if the circular and vulxN'ription
hlank can he prepared In that time.
much to promote intercolonial and im
ixxrial trade, the development of .team-
hip line and iM-ean caiile..
aail Maajr
aame aa to Coaxt terminal.
I'aaaaager Trala Held l bjr ririeaa l a.
maabeil Vlllalaa
F'liMT Smith, Ark., Nove.mlier 15.
Train No. '.'.aoulhhouiidoii the Miaaouri,
Kanauaand Texa road, w held up and
robla-d at 10 v. m. at a little aiding,
Mark. tone, live mile north of Mil. dogee.
There were lllteen men in the gang, all
liiiiiie.kcd. The aw itch waa throw n and
the train run into a track on which were
aeveral Imt car. An attempt waa made
to enter the expreaa car, hut it waa urn
amve.xlul. I he roliixj-r, llmllng Uicim
aeUea loileil in thia, commenced robbing
the pa.a. ngera, who lip to thin lime
bad been merelr kept under gmird bv
men alationed in either door ol eai-h
coach. Two hundred and aixtv dollar,
in money and eight gold watciiea were
aecnriil. The ruliliera then withdrew.
line of the Irani crew claima to have
niiigiiiiied Hill Ci.ik a one of the bail'
truat them.
NKu,i'iaiTio ruana aurraxn.
(iovernor MHiraw to-dav rebixed to
to give Chief of i'olice Itoger of thi
city reipiiaition pa per a for Matt Uiea, a
nolorioua Iiiiiicii man arreatol In Ixw
Angeli- laat week. 1'he (iovernor held
that the She rilf waa the pnier peraon,
aa the Slate would thereby aave l-'i a
lav. I!ie ia under a three yeara' aen-
tence to the ieiiitentiary foroNTating in
thi city, and w hile hi cane waa lieing
heard on anneal to the Supreme Court
jinnpeil hia Ixiiid.
Ileiul7 t' Nlalea Marahal llulalllrd
Ii Ilia I'rl.on.r.
St. Ixit m, Novemlier 15. IVputy
I' n i led State Murnhal Henry Miller of
San Fianciaco reached St. Ixmia to-dav.
He lelt San FraneiacolantThlirnday with
Henry Siuvthe acciiaed of lining the
maila to delraud Chicago men Intnl..
Monday aftermaiii at l.lllle Ida k. Ark.,
Smvthe dlnaplx-areil from the train no
Meeale t'nmm.rra fiimitilltaa Will Wall
I'aill I'mirtu Meela.
Wamiisiitiix, November It. Alaont
the only Senatorial excuniion authorixed
during the laat aeanion of that laly wa
one granting the Commitlee on Com
merce authority to make trip to Cali
fornia for the purjxine of examining the awamp,
aite for llie proMHMi deep-water bar
Ixir on the I'acilic Couat. The druggie
ia la-tween Santa Monica and San I'edro
and the rivalry U-tween the two lairta
and coiillirlinir railroad intereat have I'ariher
been no ntmng ihal the com in it tee haa
la-en unable to come to a aatinfac-
torv concluaioii. It aim the intention to
have made the trip during the pant nuin
mer, but the election intervened to
prevent. K-uutor Itanaom, Chairman of
the committee, reached Waxhingtoii to
lav, intending to arrange for an earlv
nlart, hut ao many of the member ol
the committee are unable to get away
that the I hairman to-dav dcrideil to
NMitMiue the matter until Congrep
meeta and the commit tee ha an opxir
luiilly ol getting together.
Marb rranarljr lie.lroyeil
!.! I.vnl.
Mxvi'iiia, Term., Novemla-r It. The
lorent Area from Arkun.ii have broken
out in North Mianianippi on a more ex-
ten.ive iale. The entire Yaxoo delta ia
tlireateiie.1. Meiuphia ia liemmeil in on
three aide by vaat flrea, and it i im-
(MMMiible to enter the city without pinn
ing through mile of heated air and
amoke. The lire in Miaainnippi ntarted
ten mile aoutli of Meinilii. and ex
tend, noiith of lie Soto and Tunii -a conn
lie to the town of Tiinn a. lit origin ia
credited to A recent of ili.ticc lion
paid by olliciala of the llliuoi (entral.
The nection foreman, anxioua to make a
good nhowiiig, ml lire to the lry grax
along the roadnide and aiam aixmllagra
tion had n pre ad through the forent.
Manlatioii have larn wiiail away with
building, fence and crop. A great
leal of cotton i still nngathered, and all
ia in the line ol llamea. I lu re are
rumora of negroe lont in the coiillAgra-
tion. The A rkannaa Urea are along the
line of the l.ittlu lita k uud Meinphi
mail from the mer thirtv-one milea in-
and. The moat dentructive lire ia in
-o.t Swamp twentv-live milea Irom here.
The lire mar Mound Citv haa' burned
itM-lf out after doing much damage.
Near Kdmoiidaoii two negroes, one a
young girl, were burned to death in tin-
Many iNiiiea, .aid to In- human,
The iSibiness Transacted in the Department.
Kitrarl Tabae rram lb Haearia af Iba
rinl aail Bacaad Aulalaal I'oalMaa-
lara-liaaaral - llaaaiaailallaa fur ml Iba bar. laa.
WAaiuxuToii, November 1.1. Firat Aa-
ialanl roatmaater-lieneral Frank Jone
ha (iihmitted hi annual report to the
roatmaater-tieneral. It I review ol
Wbeat Marbai.
The local wheat market waa active
yntcrday, and ihlpper quoted price
firm at M'i'iti4c per cental for W alia
Walla and'c per cental lor al
fredaee Marbai.
Flopi Portland. Salem. Caacadia
and I'avton, i'l.M per barrel; Walla
Walla, :M5 liolddrop, fi.M; Snow
Hake, lien ton county, f'220; gra
ham. I '.H a 1'. 40: iuierllne. li
(t iiianl white oat are qnoieri at
XTicii.iicj milling, i7 'i..v; gray, o'..c
liolleiliaxta are quoted aa followa; .llaga,
5 TSuJll.OO; barrel, il.00i'tJ.2; caaee,
M 75.
liAHLir reetl tiarlev liqnoUMi at n.",c
lr cental, llrewing, bONoc per cental,
aii-ording to quality.
MaUTirra Hran, fi.i; ihorta, IJ;
the work in the denartment under hi chop fee.1, 115 ' 17 S middling, none in
I. - L . .. 1 . . L .. n K I . . IJ I 1 .ru. Im
Ul.l.ri VOL mvt w ... n wtwv
charge (or the year ended June 30, 1S:1,
and contain hi recommendation lor
improvement of the eervice. Mr. Jone
recommend legialation to protect the
Mjnt-murking atamp in uae at poeloflice.
aa the atamp i now bring oed for tin'
lawful puriMNea. He review hiirecom
Mat ixxl. aS'?!! per ton.
Hcma Weaker: fancv creamery, 25
(i'J7'te per pound; fancy dairy, M
r.",c; fair to good, 15'dl7'c; coinmon,
Ciiaxaa On-gon fair, 8iil0c per
xiihii ; fancy, ID i I2'c ; voting America,
mendation for legi.lation to prevent the l " lU' ; Swim, importwl, 30 tS2c; do
lioycotting ol p-it....xter. by mailing ol "'VTliVjS.a.vv r-r ..rk.
letter at place other than the ollice,
which remit in reducing the lalarie of
the xtm.ter laiycolted. He call,
enpecial attention to the mi. uae ol the
Iranking privilege. Ileaaya;
I here ni-ema to lie ome lulaappre-
hen. ion among memben of Coiigrena a
to the Ktiiie ol the franking privilege.
which ha reaiilled in tome njatmatcra
lecliiiing lo acini aia-eche or other
matter prevented for mailing. Tin de
partment baa la-en called upon to give
iM-cial inntrilction in audi matter.
In-trad of the name being written or
O.tiosa Uood Oregon, IKA (411.00 tier
PocLTar Chicken, mixed coop
fl.r0u:i..i per dozen ;duck, :'..VI .i.i.iK);
geeae, 7.i'dH50; turkey, 10c per
r Haa il r kl'lT Calilornia gratiea onotetl
Hoc lier crate; Concord, tik- per liaxket;
Oregon applea bring rOa.75o per box;
cranlierrien. tll.00t 11.50 iht barrel.
Kooa Oregon are acarce and linn;
iiioiel at 2.c K-r dozen; Kaatcrn, IflM
VxurrABLxa Swei't potatoca are
nlaenl on I he enwlooe liv lha Inn. I. illotei at I l.W per Cental; grein IM-p-
tamp il ha been in ome inatunci im- I"''". lr ioiiml ; garlic, tk-; tomaloea.
proiierly prmtiil thereon ; the niiwrhe i"""' ;r oo , vrcgoii cauoagr, .-4is
theiein contained have lorne advertine- I"'' numl.
have l-cn recoered.
nil Ian
dil. I he reann thai re monev waa malerioiinly that Miller haa not yet re
mit ccuicd laid in the fact that, while I covered the prim r. Smythe' a ife and
Hi., milia r. emleavorinir lo irel inlo daughter were on the tram
II ante., ear the imn.eiiirera ill. Honed hell we reache.1 lexarkaiia .Moll
of inn. h of their valuahlen. The mime day," aaid Miller, " Mra. Mn. VI he mad
of il. l.i.l.l.i... i. it. il.a lui.l.t of il, colli in the car and prepared the meal
Ci.ili renoe.vona. all thai muntrv Ivmu An hour and a hall afterward I had a
Ik-iwi-cii the Aikan.aa and irdi l.ri.
rivera lieiiiir parluularlv ailileil lo the
' poriHwea ol law lena banda. Almont the
cnliie force id Mainhal are now in thai
I. Ural la Iba Ntamarh
Tai 'oh , Novemla-r 15. Cheniint
lavidnon to-night remrtisl to the Coro
ner that he found chloral in quantity
nnlli. lent to kill In the itomach ol Madi
n.n .11. Il.irllett, whone dead Ixxly waa
fo ni l on the ni lewaik the morning of
.N.iVeiiiUi 5 S.ine llioiiulit Unit let I
had Ihi ii inuidenil. lull thia cleaia up
tin- inv.leiv and lead, lo the com luniou
thai he px.k an ove nliwe of the diug be.
due c oning hi. cigar aline to go home
ciihviIihI morning. At llie imiiiext aev
nal wniien.ea tenlified that Itartlelt
aoiiii'liini a u-ed i hloial and morphiiie lo
pii.xtiire xlei p, ami Ihe theory In lhat lie
l.x'k the diug that nielli downtown in
iinler that he might .let p an main aa In
leached home. The Cormier' Jurv.
w hi. li adjourned awaiting the chemint'a
r port, will hold lie linal m-mk.ii lo-mor
rull ataipntnl ml lha rl..inlng,
H w l! kxahiuno, Cal., NovemU-r 15
Mr. Maiv llarnea, an'u-d witliTlioma
Sailer of attempting to poinon her Ii Un
ban I, ia .till auppleiiienliiig her coufie
an. n. I'nal.le lo nlceii Fiiday night .he
ariwe at midnight, a .d in the quiet ol
her cell .lie wmle till morning, giving a
fnl In. torv of Ihe cane, admitting that
lUrnea waa tiring xiiminrd by amenic.
She alxo nava lhat Walter wantetl loah.nit
hlin, lull .l.e n lili-l to allow it. Thia
conf.-nnion ia now in the ponenion ol
the lixtrii'l Attornev. Sailer refune to
aav anvlhing in rcyard to hi in lie. lion
with the crime or the con lena ion u( Mr.
I la r lie.
Wugar lae.tlallwa I'a.ea.
WtniiiKoiii.i, Novemlwr 15. Judge
Cole in Ihe 1'i.trict Court, I'iatrict of
Coluiiibia, lo-day overrule.! the de
murrer in the rane of Pr. William Mc
Cartney of Wa.htngton and K. K. Chap
man of New Yoik. broker who refuxed
to an.aer ivrtaiu uuealiona be lore the
Senate .near liivextigating com mi I lee.
T hia waa in the nature of a trial of the
ra-e, and the dcri.ion meane that llave
inever, Sear lea and Seymour, recentlv
in. li. led. and the new.per men, Ff
war la an t Shnver, Hml iii.lute.1, will
hate to atand trial.
Ireadful pain and waa almont overcome
liy adiowny leeling. My head It-It aa if
it waa III a vine. None of the other,
were taken aick. The inference ia ohvi-
nun. r.arly in the allermaui, when the
train reached Little luxk, I wa'kel
along ihe plat form lo the front car, and
w hen I got on lntar.1 1 did not nee Smythe.
I not i.e. I that while I had lieell on Ihe
platform Ihe watermen had unlin ked the
rear d.Nir lo anpiily the drinking tank,
and Nnvllio had evidently .kipped by
Ihcm." '
Nitrthertt lar.n I'li.ineetlitn.
Tacoh . NovemlM-r 15. It i an
nounced that an Kngliah ayiidi. atu baa
contra, led to build the Valley
ami llurrard Inlet railway, llitv-oue
milea lung, trom Suma., Waah., lo Van-
ctmver, II. l.., providing the tit vol an-
rouver given Ihe promlntNl auhnidv ol and grauta an exieu.ioii of one
year a lime, or lo IVcemla-r 'M, Iv.i. in
w hull to l.iiild Ihe load. The line wax
lo I liiil.hed by iK-cemlicr ol next, hut
the bu.ineaa deprennioli prctrnttd The
arrangement male la that the K.uiilinh
uieii .hall lake Ihe aulwidy and then
luiil.l, own and oin-rale Ihe road. II v a
Haiti.' agieemeiit alrtady provnhil li e
line w ill lie in rea lty a branch ol Ihe
Noitiiern I'a.illi' ruiiiiiug into the Ca-
nailian I'acitic a territory, aa orgmallv
inlende.1. The Northern I'acili. 'a ole
J i t, il in aaid, ia to cut rate, to Van
couver, il the I anadian l ac i lie cut.
i al into ita territory. If Iheexlenaton
ol time in granted, the line w ill he built
earlv in the aummer. Over linJ.OiO ban
Iw-eu n-nt on It to date.
Iilpbthrrla Marat In Ike
Ciscismti, NovrinU-r 15. Ir. Kman-
uel Nh w a of Mad i non Pike, Walnut
Hula, ia antler'tig from an alllu-tioti of
the eyea. rraiilting from a pe. iiliar. auxe
lie haa among hia patient, one w hoi.!
.tillering from diphtheria.
ing In patient he waa in the a. I id ex
amining the throat when the aullerer
coughed. Aa he did ao a piece of iml. ll.
(mm the tlinmt ntrtn k the doctor in the
even. I'r. N liaati hni.he.1 hia work. In
lew hour one ol the eve Uvutl to
burn, and noon Ut-ame inflamed, lb
Haul May Tearh la I'alillo Nrhoula la
I'lTTMitmi, NovemlNT II. The Su
preme Court in a majority opinion
handed dow n by Judge I N an confirma
the diH'iaion of the lower court ihvlaring
that the employment of ni.ter of the
Itotiiiin Cathoiic Church in the common
.fhool of liallitxinlainiugh i not mi
law lul, ina. inn. h a. no pi. Mil haa been
iilniiitted that religion aeclanan In
ntriirlion ia lmparti-1 by the ni.ter dur
ing achiNil Iioiii The opinion nay thai
the fait Ihe women are Catholic .lorn
lot dinoiiallfv them under the coiinlitu
tion, and nilotc fr-Jin article 1 of the bid
ol right w Inch extend to all men Ihe
right to woixhip liixl aivording to the
diclateaof their conxcielire. The opin
Ion furlher declare that the nelii tion of
lathodc leacher by Ihe Hoard
ia not a violation ol law, and nun the
I, t that thene teacher contributed their
earning for a religion purixwe ha no
hearing on the matter. Judge William
deliveied a humility dinneuting opinion.'a Trial Again lu.lpnnrl.
Nkw Ij.mmim, Conn., November H.
The new toredo Iniat Kru-non ntarte.1
early for the cour.e in Ixmg Inland
oiind, over which aim i to have her
.ierd trial, but met with an accident,
w hu h w ill auain Mwtxme the trid in
deliiiitelv. She had jii.t ntartcl on the
oiurnewhen an m-eiitric uapiet on '.he
liepretlalltia l.y lb
Territory Outlaw.
Mt'xKoiiKK, I. T., Novemla-r 14. The
Cook gang held tip a farmer and fttole
hi home and raddle nix mile from
here early thi morning. They are
headed toward Port tiibnon, and a ponne
atartcd out to-night. Ycxterday .even
of the gang went to the farmhoii.e of
Jame Picket! m ar Perry aud demand
ed f.xxl, which wan The out
law then bound Dirkenn, hi wife and
laughter, and plundered Ihe hoiixe.
They were not releanel until neighlxir
arrived in the evening. F.lmer l.ucn, a
memla-r of the gang under arret at Fort
Smith, Ark., made a full confea.ion Sat
urday of hi i-oniie. tion with Hill Cook.
I.illil Cixik, who waa arreted Imt week
at Tahlcqunli, ia at liberty on lunula.
he ha w ritten a long atatemeut to the
public, charging lhat Ihe Murnhal liar-
anxed her brothern. Hill and J im, until
they were forced into outlaw ry.
Alrhltna anil Toprba ami Nttulhern I'a-
rirlc W ill r trhange llu.llte.a.
Ciiu'aiio, Novemla'r 14. Private ad
vice were received in thi city to-day
from New York atating that the mi. .ion
of A. C. Walker, receiver of the Atchi-
non mid ToK'kii, bud laell
An agrtHMiienl Ii i l Ix-. n reached be
tween hia road and the Southern Pacitic
ou all tlillereiicca that have div ided them
for more than aear put. The . Mr hi
non and To pel. a, 'it i tin. hr.i.xxl, prac
tically nccurcn all for which it had lieell
con text i n g. Ita rgbt to ticket pan
aeiigera to Sun via l) A li
tre lea at .lioit-line ralea ia adiuilte.1 and
fully aecured for the lutnre. Further
more, the Atcluxon and Tom ka haa xe-
cureil a guarantee from theNiutliern l a
cilic that it will allowe.1 the riglit of
ticketing pa-enger to all Francinco
and Nmthern California Miint over the
Niulliern raciiic track on a favorahle
term a are given anv of the Southern
I'acilic iMiintt tiona from any other di
menu of the printer, w Inch formed no
part ol I lie coligreanioiiul record, ami
therefore are auhject lo pontage a third'
clax matter. In addition lo Una tome
of Ihe package at-lit hv mail under the
frank of the mi-mlicr iiave la-en found
after delivery to contain printed matter
oiii.iiluol the congrexnional record ami
public ilocunieiila and therefore not
trankabie under the law above oiloled,
Ihe literature being nent under aval, the
lepartmriit I ol courae unable to detect
every violation, 1 here l no inaltv ab
tin bed to the niixu.e of the franking
(irivilege; hence no action an he taken
v me further than to call the attention
of the memlicr to the matter. A thi
department i required to carry without
one cent of revenue hundred, of ton ol
franked mutter, additional limitation
nhoiild le placed on the tine ol the frank
or a penalty of aome kind iinoxed for
it unlaw fill tine, ami I renpectliilly tug'
gent that the attention of Congrex be
called to tin matter for uch action a
it nlmuld deem proticr.
Mr. Jone reiiimmend legixlation al
lowing the iii.iH'iixioii williout nav. not
to exceeil ten day, of employe violating
the ttontal rule.: alio that ilixaMcd em
plovea may be granteil leave of almence
with coiitinmil pay; alno omc changea
in Ihe claxailicatioii ol aalarie which
weie hereloforecommendetl. The re xjrt
give details of the (lllferent divinion of
the rirnt Annintant ollice. It I shown
that there are 14!l limt-clans otlices, 4ixti
nccond-clana and 2,57 third-clana. The
aggregate aalarie of tliene wan t.'i,70!',700
Tkohical FariT California lemon.
$.5.50iiiil.5O; Sicily, fl.00ir t..rt : banana,
J HOi.i.1.00 per bunch; Honolulu. $1.75
.1.0; pineapple, Honolulu,;
nugar loaf, ft; Florida orange, W. 25
4.50 er box; Mexican orange, .1i5.
Mia Almond, soil shell, I.'.'I.c
jH-r Miund; paxr shell, liii.ilc; new
crop l ahloruia walnuts, soil shell,
12'. c; standard walnut. 10!,llc;
Ohio chesnuta, new crop, It .il-V; pe
cans. He; Uraxila, U"; liiherts,
II "IV; iN-antit. raw. fancy, 5m 7c:
roanteil, lik-; hickory nuta. 8"il0c; co-
coanuta, !KV per dozen.
Hit allev, 7irf!nr, acixinlmg to
quality; UmNiia, 7(a".c; Kaatcrn Oro-
goll, lean-.
I lore Pull; quotable at 5t"c, ac
cording to quality.
I'KoviaioN haxtern hams, mclium.
l:!'...i'i 1 lo per pound; ham, picnic,
Ilil2c; break (ant bacon 14tl5c;
hurt clear sides, Uitl2c; dry salt
i. lis,; drie-l Ue( hams, 14
i15c; lard, comiMttind, in tim, tl'.ct
10c; lard, pure, iu tins, ll('l2,a'c; pigs'
feet, W. J;.50; pig' fwt, 40, 25;
kits, f 1.25.
(iami This i the last dav of I hinese
pheaxauta, and they are quoted at $2 50
.... '100 ter dozen; grouse. fJ.iX); quail.
f !.25m 1.50: venison, 5c ier xmnd ; bear,
4ia5c; rabiiits, t.'I.OOi.i 11.50 per dozen;
ducks, teal, $1.50; widgeon, $2; mal
lard., $:i.,'hJ.
Meal Market.
Rxxr Groe. top steer. $2.2.V2.o5:
fairtogixxl steers, $2.00; cows, $1.75n(
What Farmer'. Wif. uas to S
Concernins Fattinin-
Olve Tb.aa All Tbay Will 1 4,
Tbraa Tlmna a Hay, and Ik
llaaBe af lha rarm f. rl
I'laaly af Una M ai., , t,r,k
A farmer' wife contribute. ,,,.
ing concerning the fattening ,,f t -lrkv '
A the time for fattening m,,, jfj
other fowl for market ia, t'i,,.,.,.,
I -..,.1,1 i , '(
- - -J . i nave ,,,(
It in print before, and it is .
uie. i iaae one-nail corn, m,,.
oat, one-fourth wheat, and
cracked or cnihel. Take
il ii
'I!!.. ,ehl 1,
one day' ftd and scald it wr.l, i.ij
water in an earthen or atone jar, ar.j H
ii remain covereo ad lugld, ltii.
ready to feed in the morning
I give them all they wi l lat c!
three time a day; tive then, t ,. rui0
ol the farm for insect an I
clean water to drink. Thi.- a efc
put a small reI iepper j.xl in t , lWr
I aca'd the grain with, and tl.ev r,. M
troubled with loonenex ol the l.te!. or
cramp and do not mope ai ln,
grow fat ami liaik healthy. '
Those who have no old corn ,i , it t
the new corn and cut it oil th- ...ii auh
a knife and use the aame. 1 i,,-e ,,r.
time we who raiae fowl wind iool,taln
the most gain at the lea-t i'" !ie. a;.,
nave our low ia in condition to
the market i best and the it .
Try my way, farmer' wiv.-.
how you can help to make the
and Hill have a lew dollars for
money to get that prexent for i
'' !-k''l.
and xx
"ir Im,.
nana or cjuinren mat von h,ne wi.h,
you could get them lor Chri-t.n.
ntarlmard side.
IntpnrlMul Vlllneaea Wl.alng. H.ix,, Cal., Novemlier It. The
celebrated cane of the People va. Mr.
F.lizalieth J. Hrvan for the murder of
her ni.ter, Hiind Nancy Meagher, last
February, came up iu the Siiierior Court
to-. lav. Owing to an inability to secure
some important witnesxe the case waa
again continued, thia time to IVcemlwr
Ilia l.aal Want.
Nkwirk, N. J., Novemlier 14. Peler
Rirach, recently janitor ol the I-afayei te
nt rect achool, who waa convictcl Friday
of criminal assault on Allwrtina Martin,
It year old, and who waa to have la-en
sentenced to-day, died early in Ihe dav,
aa alleged, of a broken heart. Hi last were: " I am innocent."
Tha begra Haa rr.1.
ixi j i, Cal., November 1.1. Samuel
I Tl -.. ! .
re.hte.1 that the i.tinone.! mucua bad " ' . ." . . K l nluu'r
albt-teil the tender lining of the rye. and on uspicion ol being the perpe-
when It refm l to b-ld to simple' treat-1 Irntor of several burglaries that have
MnrHar la llilia.wa.
Pckit, O. T., Novemlwr IV New ol
a duel reai hed here thia evening from
Sumner, ten mile rant of here on Mule
crek. A. K. Yoree, at Snirt
Iter, aa allot and killed bv M S.
Tier, who waa a rival claimant for the
tame t'act of land. The men ouarrrled
alxiiit l.ardner Irving to build a bon-e of errtr of judgment only, and wenlrncr.1
on I tie lanu. i urea ran ai narnnerwun
ava ax, when the latter sImH lutu.
ineiit he caned an ocnli.l. An etaimna-
lion ieveioM-. that the xiaon had im-
pregnatol the muaciea of the eye. and
that it a a a aeriou iaae.
Ha Haa Iba A4mmt Agraaae.
WiaiiiMiroi, Novemlwr 15. The pro-
ling and tin. ling, in thecaneof Lieu
tenant C. I. .Noiton, who m ttiiipo-
raruy in cnarge oi me cruiner A.lan..
w ben she ran aground in IU bring N k,
reache.1 the Navv IVpartmeiit to-day
Secretary Herlwrt haa not yet approve.)
Ihe verdn tof tha court, nlncli la under
nioxl t have found Ihe aiTitaeJ ruilir
taken place in this vicuiitv of lale, and
more particularly the terrible assault on
the Key. Frank 'K. Wolt. and wife with
a hatchet in Alameda, ha confesaed.
Mara aaaata in Italy.
Rom, Novemlwr 14. Frand have
tn-en detecte.1 in the Italian railway ad
ministration to the extent of aeveral
million bra. & number of arrest have
been niavle.
Tablea Iba Itnataaal.
rata, Novemlwr 13. The govern
ment haa taMed the demand for a grant
ol UM.iaA) Iran. a with whnh to lv the
him to a reprimand frvui the bevretary I expense ol Ui daiega'.loo to the Ctar't Ore of over ,000 cigar Uiat
jtlUNavy. lanerai. iuu, oa board.
iiu Iu lha Hiittth.
MoNTtioMRHV, Ala, Novemlier 14. A
party ol Pullman unemployed and their
families, niiinlwring in all 6X) (wrsons,
will arrive in Alahama this week, and
wilt start a single-tax colonv after the
i.leaaof Henry iieorge near Ulakeiy in
li. I. Iw in county. Ihev have xccure.1
'.Villi acre, of tine land at $ '0 an acre
on the very sHit where the last battle
of the civil war was fought. The land
In two mid one-half mile along the
Tui-aw river. A aaw milt and brick
making machinery have la-en I. night on
time, and it ia Iwlit-ved here that a co
operative colony will prove a anccess.
Writ ml Kaalaw llrnleil.
S Fkakcisco, Novemlwr It. The
Supreme Cmrt to-Iay denie.1 a w rit of
review applie.1 for by the attorney for
the Illy the Company, The petition was
for a review ol Judge Cot!ey' dintribtl
lion of the estate to Florence. A soon
as Alice Kdith Pickinxon's claims shall
have U-en disrxwed of the estate will be
Hid 1 nl llaaa He
SXT Clb, Cal., Novem'wr It.
(ieorge Weston, a balloonixt, w a moblwl
yestertlay afternoon at Cedar Park for
refusing to go up in hia balloon and come
down with a parachute, as he had ad
vertised. The l!loon w aa also slashed
with the ptarkct knur of the enraged
anaacalaSl t'laara nal.val.
S FaasciatM, November 14. The
a. h.xmer Aloha from Honolulu wa
boarvleil bv cu.tom -house aran-her on
her arrival yraterday. and a thorough
search of the veaswl resnlt-d In the sen-
bad barn
and the aggregate receipla $5H.i5H,021. 2.1H1; dreaseil b.f, 8',(tf 4'c ier poumL
Mitttom tiros. Iwxt sheen wether.
$1.75; ewe, $l.(Hifir 1.1.5; lam lis, 2c per
Kiund; dressed mutton, 3ll'.i4c; lauilt,
Vkai Dressed, small. 5c: large. 3n?4c
tier pound.
IIihib I irons, choice, heavy. $4.50i.
4 ,!; light and fewlura, $4.00; dresst.l,
i" 5,'i'c wr poand.
Merrhautllne Marhal.
Sai.hox. Coltimbia. river No. 1. tails,
$1.2.)vl.li0; No. 2. tails, $2.25..r2.50
lancv. .No. 1. lints. il.T.idi l.HTi! A
No. i, lulls. $1.20nil.:i0: No. 2.
m 2.25.
Ctirrx-Costa Kica. 22i;2.!'ll'c; Hio. 20
.-.v; alvallor, .'li.i.'i'ac: .Miaha.
L1i1'rt2-; I'adang Java, 31c; Palembaug
.lav a, ami .'.sc ; laihut Java. 2.l2.'ic: Ar
buckle Mokaska and l.ion, $22.:I0 m
uo-oun.i case; Columbia, $L'l.mi k-
ii.i-poiinii case.
I oal Slcaily; domestic, $5.00oi7.50
erton; foreign. $.S.fK)(H 11.IH).
I omi.wiE Manilla mi, l'i-nch.
iiloteil at O'uC. and Sisal. 7',.c m-r
Salt lJveriKwl.200s.ll3: 100. $14.50
50s, $15.
15kan Small white. No. 1. S'.'r. ner
pound; butter, 3,',c; laxyou, 3c; Lima,
SioAB Dj'.'c: C.4' c: extraC.fiiJc
dry granulate.1. 5'.c: culw crushed an.
iwdenM,ti'.,r xt x)iind; '4cier pound
dim-omit on all grade for promnt caxh :
half barrel, V1 more than barrel;
maple sugar, id i iu- jht pound
l A N Mi It MKatk t ornrd la-ef. 1-Hi..
I.Si l.:tu; -.'-III., $,.,.2.ii.i2.30: roast Iwef.
1-ib., 11.25.1 1..10; 2-lb.. $2.25i2.3U:
in hsi ta-ri, l-lli., $2.25; lunch tongue,
The following i-xtimate are made for
salaries of oxt masters, clerks, etc., for
the next year:
mprnxNti.n itf MMlmantera ir.,ai.rtti
I It" k In t..i"flir. m lu.liai.oaj
i.. in. I'lei .ii. i iiiiiu, nr.1 mm trnm.1
eia.. W0.I00
XI.'iN llat.tM.u., Iitri.lenn.l. and lintil-
line, nr. I nn.l . rt.lll-etM.. I'lMlU
A.lvaril.ln, Ori and am,klM I.'.iha.
Kei.llli ol eaiin lli'g inariiliin ....... K'.i.l
The revenue of the PostolUce IVpart
11111 1 for the year ending June 30, IS'H,
shows a fading oir, while Ihe exK-mli-lures
have increnxed. Thedefleieiicv for
the llw'ul vear of ls'.i; wa $5.0sti.7li.T,
w bile thed. li. iency for IHH4 is $' :I3.
I lie ilecrense of receipt w a $Kltl,434,
and the increaxe of exuditure was
$:!.2."0,40!i. The total exM-iitlitiire for
J VM are M.1M4,4M and receipts $,5.0H0,
47'.. The department snHt-rcd losses
amounting to $h.t, ksi bv outstanding bad
deiils ami coiuproiiusi'i with the ileht
or. I he ilillerence w III be made llii by
Aitiillier I'rle.l Has llren Nuatetiilrtl
111. Imp lluliaruiil.
Owaiia, Novrinbrr 13. The trouble in
the Lincoln dioccne of Itinhop llonacuin
ha broken out again. He ha su'
leiidcd Light Lev. Father F.nglish of
I'avi.l Citv and ordered him Vwfore the Court. This is on the ullega
Hon that I'.uglixh look church pnia-rtv
and failed to return it. To-day Fnglinfi
pnbli.hes a long replv aud attack the
Itixhop. The celehrateil cane again-!
Ilixbi.p Ikmacum is not settled. Action
on the charges is merely deferred for the 1-1$., $3.25; deviled ham, ,'-lh., $1.5ll(..i
n-a-on, lis stated by g.xxl authority, that I 2.75.
1 Vlegate Satolli laiwer are in.utlicient
lo deal w ltd so grave a case. The .1 k-u
ments enlarging hi authority are
lievetl to Iw on their way from Koine.
and after their arrival the complaining
priest are confident ol a vindication,
(la. eminent Xul Ma.talneil.
Jickmix, Mis., Novemlier 12. The
Federal grand jurv by a vote of more
than two to one refused to indict the
(iovernor. Treasurer and Auditor in the
matter of printing the Minsmsinpi State
warrants, it Iwmg alleged by Chief
llaxen. Mipistrteil by Secretary Carlisle
and Atlornev-I iencral Olnev, that tbev
violated the laws, the warrants Iwing in
liketiexa and similitude of the l'nite.1
State currency and national bank
I'anatllaa i'utyrl(hl.
T.moiTo, DtiL, Novemlwr 12. At a
meeting of Canadian Copyright Associ
ation thi afternoon a committee was ap-
J -united to formulate and cable to Sir
..Im Ihompson, now in Ixii.lon, a men
sage as.uring him of the iinitnl support
of ihe Canadian pnbli.her in hi con
tention with the Itritinh govermetit for
the right of the Canadian Parliament to
legislate on copyright.
Rnib rieaded fiallty.
Iia Axoi.i is, Novemlwr 14. "Kid"
Thompson and Torn Pepper, the men
charged with having held np the South
ern Pacific train at Krcw, were brought
Iwfore Ju.tice lUrtholomew to-. lay. !lo:h
ph-a le.1 guilty. Ju.tice lartholomrw
fxel the lime of their examination for
Friday next, and placed Thompson'
bond at $10,ou and Pepper' at 5,nJ.
A a Oalbraab rmrm4.
VALrtXAixo, Chili, Novemlwr Id.
There i intense excitement at Santiago.
The late President of the Senate i un
der surveillance, aa it i thought he il
imnlien.lA.1 in tha rvnf, TI.a
i njidar arm I, fcahng an outbrwak.
The vegetable market i very nniet.
wnii miMieraut receipla. lomatot ol
lermg are paor. Oiuotii are linn. Po-
tat.H-s are in heavy riiphIv and weak
I here are few change, in fresh fruit.
(irxpet rule firm. Pear are more plcn
tifui. Lime are weak.
Hop Oimtable at 5:jSc Der notiml.
PoTAToxa Lecripis are ample (or all
present wants; harlv Hose, 30.d.15c;
Liver Re.1. 30(.i35c: Hurbanks. 35 dtik-:
Salinas llurbaitk. iocirfll.00: weel. 40
(.1 per cental.
t).iio. Quotable at 40i?55c per cent
Wool Spring year' fleece. 5..17c rwr
pound ; ix to eight months, San Joaquin,
pcsir. 5. .Mk-; six to eight month, fan
Joa.piin, fair, Ui.rSc; and
.Mendocino, fair, H rt'.K-; Humboldt ami
Mendocino, choice, 10 12c; Oregon and
Washington, heavy and dirt v. tlul7c:
good to choice, hVilOc; Valley,' 10 M2'-;
Nevada, heavy, .r ; choice liirht. !,.
10c. Fall Free Northern, 7i4Sl,e;
Northern defective. 5.. 7c: Nmthern and
San Joaquin, light and frtw, h ik-: South
ern and San Joa imn. def.vtire. 3ia4c
Fuf a Family extras. t'LTi -:i.):
Ukers' extra. $3.15.(3.25: aniwrtine.
$2. 15 a 2.40.
WnxtT Shinning wheat. IsV for enod
No. 1 iiualitv. with Pli.c for choi.e:
possibly IC'.c won'. I Iw obtainable for
something fancy. In the Call Hoard Ie
cemlwr wheat "aold at W'j-C, Iwing an
alvanceof 4xc over sa'e for the same
option. Milling is not in free offering,
and holder are demanding Iwtter flo
ors. Btai xr Htisines is nntbri.k; valne
are rather strong. Feed, fair to goo.1,
iC'Vi-TV; choice, N: :.; brewing,
l'2l, Ks'tc
Oat The litnation look encoo rag
ing for the selling interest : milling oat
are qnoted at $1.05(I.12' ; snrrrisa. l.i. ; lancy leea, $i.lft i.0;
gooj to choice, 9 c4 1.P2' : poor to fair.
n7,2tc; black, $1.151..10; red,
l-Or.SdLlS pay, kC.Sci fl JXX
Wheal Mure Valual.lx lli.n (,..,,
Wheat i more valuable tl.n cum
pound for pound, a a feed w )..?.- iniiKi.
and lean meat are wanted. It it nut
quite as valuable to feed to f.ittenit,.
hogs, nnless steamed or 1 ttiur-
oitghly. Hut, ground half and U',f aitb
corn, it will excel corn us a xtr.i.gM,
aa it furnishes the necc.-ary f ! log
lean meat, making Iwtte,- f..r ..
than the too-fat hog proln i-. Kur
nearly all other feed wheat i- i-' . r tl,in
corn. It should Ixa crushed lor iai!
and horse, though horses, if t .i rt-ih
are good, will do well on entite wheat.
Sheep do well on it, fed whole. Ten. of
thousand of sheep in Ihe Nnrthsi.t ar
fed each winter on wheat and I, '.ted fur
the markets. Chickens thine won.Ur
fully well on wheat; in fact. I Uo ul
no Iwtter feed for hen th-xired to ,r,
unlrsa it I green lama gro,n,,. hit
necesxary to use some judgment in tilt
ing horse on wheat feed, and it in g!.t
be, Iwtter to grind one-third com anhit
al lirst, until they get ti-.-d to it, ml
fenl a less uatitit y than of oat nr corn.
Hut it will Iw a snrprie to n ii one to
ee the ileek coat it w ill put on a liurm
properly fed.
Preserving lireen Kuutl for t Inlxr.
How to preserve green fool it no
longer a problem. Cse gra-, cLnvr,
corn fmlder (the blade only , .al.'u-,
turnip top, beet leaves, or nny nrn
material that tlio hen will inapt, Imt
use only such a- uie fully
mature.1, but not dry; that i-, .lo not
no materials that have seeded, l.ntotilr
such a are in the milky xtii.'.-, or j'it
when the see. Is are al.nit to loim. Cut
all the material flue, half-in. !. lengths,
and pack it in a barrel, 1 1 u -1 . . I ..r b.i
that is tight and strong en.m;h t n-.-t
pressure. Have a hxi-e top t.' ail
tlrop down to the bottom of ti e hurrri
or whatever receptacle may be u-.., Imt
which nearly lit in tin- top, only it mu-t
not Iw too tight to go into ti e i .irrtl.
Place this head on the green Material
and put a few heavy stones on t u lii l.
so aa to give pressure on the riiil.
which will exclude the air. More k'r,rn
f.xxl can Iw added as the content" pre-t
down. The final will keep a, alii
can l9 used from time to tune ' re
quired, replacing the covering a "'"n
a a portion of the contents aie ri ti.uvnl.
The Iwst pavs in all thing"
to stock.
Clean stables have much t"
(Hires in butter-making.
Pumpkin on the half x'l. 'f
gtsxl a pumpkin " Im-Ii. ! " i"i
Iletter breeiling and luin l
made the average fleece weig'i i.
il did twenty years ago.
Wheat i rich in iiMtriim i '
present price is ag.xil and c
for horses. fe it mixed w:
Have the hogs ready to ' ''
very cold weather, exit-ptln.' '
ing stot k and such as aie n-
home im.
See that the pattire f. n-
rigbt jnxt now. Many a g -l '
Iwen lost Iwcause a xxir lem '
the corn Held.
Keen a supply rif sail,
ashe for hogs, where tiny
themselvei, rsjwi'ially when .
with a full corn ration.
The greater the attention h 1
plying the market with
mills of the Iwst mutton brand '
popular mutton foml will I'.."
Tin re i no profit in rai-im:
less they are well fed and .wed
the start. When brought b.. .
tnre in the fall tbev slum I I
the same aa older catt'e tha'.
gel its share of fmxl.
,lo ailll
" l: M
-'o ..
ore 1MB
lit. I l
,;. f.-d
r i,.;.,rs
le I !'
i- 'l
a-t I.At
: into
..: and
. !.. ?
m - :p-
. :ll-
f .iu
:i. It
Pell off the snrplns c. k. r.
Wyandotte fow l have h .-
Hen that are too fat f
eggs without yolks.
tiive the fowl plenty of w
though they have miik to dr:t .
The average est of f. e I .
hi. k lo tliree months of ag-- -
It i not onlv a waste e; g' ;
fowls denigiiel for layer !
nt it often produce leg we.t.:
For broiler Indian, a'
ma make a inxal cros. Pivm
and I'.rahiiia make a hardy ,
ing chick.
Though there I a di:Terrn.
i srneral'v const. lered that f :
their prime for laying lwfor
three year old.
If yon have old hen t! t
ispoeed of tin fall, it w..
as soon as they qn;t lay:rg
money, and led to :at ben. t '
laying, it will bring no py:s.g