The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 24, 1894, Image 7

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I' Mtiy
Nov. 21.
What lcaiiie f the I'nlty Item last
weck- They arrived ton late. Kd.
Mm. ('. Kdward l tick at thi writ'
tieo. Young ami Arthur llartiuan
lutcinl banking lir,iJ log each tin
winter, fur I lie Kugene Lumber com
pany. t'tia Maltcon and family have
moved upun tl Breeding place.
1U. J. M. Sweney f I.orane, form
erly iaturof the M. K. church at tlua
pla'er, preached here last Sunday even
illg l rn.wucu vuiigrrgaiiou.
There It talk among the you mf (..
plo of orgaiil.linf, an r.pworth league at
tin liiace.
C M Klselnger, It C Edward, I'ncle
John Kissinger, O U Walker and wife,
J (' K ltandall and wire, Jaa renuuse
A J Kenfro and other visited Kugene
till week.
A iurprle party and oyter tuppcr
wa given at t- Uaney .Muttrson last
W'edneeday evening in honor of their
daughter, Mis 11 utile, It being her
iileentu birthday. A very enjoyable
time waa liau.
Jee Holbrmik. our mall carrier, ha
traded hla land In Kgypt for a piece of
land on College mil, near l-.ugen.
ferk if rrte.
1 Henderson, ucntlst.
J. J. Walton, attorney-ot-law.
Monev to loan on farina. Enquire of
; Judge Walton.
Two aealed hacks from l-'J up at
; K. L. ClIAJOlKHa.
Dr. (I. W. llld.lle may le found at
' hM residence on Olive street, between
Fifth and Sixth streets, one bliH-k went
of the Minnesota hotel, lie la re-
- ircd to do all dental work in the bent
(Jalvaulzed fruit dryer wire lower
than ever before at
i Th la la the eeaaon when the Canada
tulky and Gang idowa show their ureal
tuiwriorlty they atay In the ground
and as they have no landslide the
draft I much lighter. Call on F. L.
Cham iikh ami be satisfied.
Only few of lhw fVl buggy har-
lUKSeslcIl. r. Li.CllAMilfcKM.
' Now Is tl e time to do dry plowing,
get an Oliver chilled plow and it will
keen Itself in the ground. Call on F.
L. Chambera for the only genuine and
at reduced prices for 'lit
Tue Loral Market.
' Ths following (juouilons for lu tut ml oiarkrt
an, of retail ricwa unly. 'Ihry ar corrected
wavklj. aii.l will ! louuJ lu'imuu tiuli
a rapurt csu bs nsl;
TacubiY, S.iv. tl.
Wmi.t-NvI, uc; on busrU ...
Oltl-IVl tnuh.'l, list
f Lois-IVr luut
Haas I'rr Ik
Mi rros-ivr Ik
Cuss-Crr Ik
VL-Far Ik .
Hiss Ivr Ik
mhucldbbs l'r Ik
sinss Ivr Ik
Lastt-err Ik
Uerrss-IVr roll (J Iks.)
Kki frriloim
Can a (H.1 hciu. Vat uoi .
In . aa
(sss I'vr dtia
Hs-V Ik
iTATis-tl Huihrl
auuaa liry iranulaled, Y
Klral', ft Ik
(Men, f Ik
Corrs- kicu ban Y Ik .
Tit-V Ik
Roirs I'rr boi, JO bsrs
cxiL .
H'.M... ..
II ous- Urmnl . ...
i Tbe Iteat I'Ukter.
; Dampen piece of flannel with
Chamberlain's I'ain Itnlm and bind it
over the seat of pain. It is belter than
any plaster. When ill lunge are aore
such an application on the chest and
another on the back, between the
shoulder blades will often prevent
pneumonia. There la nothing so good
lor a lame bark or a pain in the side.
A sore throat cau nearly always lie
cured In one night by applying a flan
nelbandage dampened with I'ain
Jlaliu. M cent bottles for sale by
f OrihTHN A DkLano.
i 14 JU
I .41
irt 14 10
(rt i4 l
ItS 14 u
Ml 14 10
I." i i:
' 14 IV
I0( I.",
it '0
i hi i n
S 00 14 fiS
OK 14 7 UU
M ( U
IS 14 I '
7.1 14 I iS
I J', 14 IS
01 4 7
i IM 14 (V
Tueslny's AlUny lKiu.K'rat: Th
lesm of John K liiiitvr.lskeu by Frank
J'eik, wssfouud liesr Wells station.
I'etk hsving Uuue frightrnel and
earing arrest.
Mr. John K'huieer rtvivnl a di-
i:itcli this artertiouu that l'ckfthe
hore tlilrf. hail Iwn arreited mar the
fuininlt !) I riilloinstli by Mirrilf
"'I'urii aim nsamiatils. lie will !
Iri hi km ,, .ltny toiuosjiiw, ami will
llliiloiibtedly get another term in the
The Corvhllls Timesglvi'S the fallow
hg biogriphlral skeh li of 1'ivk: M-t
pwiple in this baihwUk, eaiMt Ully
I'hos. Klgin, remrmls'r Frniik l'e k,
mina rmiia iimur. it mm Mr. 1.1
gin tesiu that IVek lilrr.1 s few vers
ago and forgot to liring back, ortlivm
ehitM-d hllll, but he took In the WuhU
In Lane county, and eludeil capture.
For same other ott'euae, lie served out a
seiitt mv iii the Coos county Jsll, and
wlu-ii thedoora oiiviied for him ti gi
free I'eek i brought to Corvallis
where he waa tried, convicted and sen.
fenced for the larceny of ths Klgin
team. His term in the pctitleiillarv
Was for one year, but at the end (if
even ami owe half mouths he came
back to Corvallis and gave out that he
was a reformed man. The helping
hands esteuded to him were waris
cast before swine, however, for, like
many things earthly, I'l-ck's reform
was only transatory.
Are Yeur Oil Id res Saliject loCreap?
' If so you should never be wl'hout a
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough
lUmedy. It Is certain cure for croup,
and has never bien known to full. If
given freely aa soon as the croupy
cough appeal a It will prevent t he
attack. It la the sole reliance with
thousand of mothers who have croupy
children, and never disappoints them.
Ther Is no danger In giving this Item
edy in large and frequent doees, aa it
contains nothing Injurious. 60 cent
bottle for sale by
OsntKX St Delano.
osa Baby wss atni, wa ( ksr OkstofA.
Tx aha waa a CLUX aba crtt fur CmaUirta.
Whsa ass bsessM MSB, aha clung to ftatorts.
Wasa ass had CtOdraa, aas t" Csskurta.
Persons wishing notices or ad vertixe
nienta In the Wkkkly liLAun should
bring them In Thuixlay aa the aier
K"ea to preM early Frhlay morning.
The Wekkly (Jl AKIi has a very large
circulation throughout Hie county, and
'aueioellent medium through which
to rear h country customers. Our sub
cription book is oien to the Inspection
of alvertisera that they may see w hat
they are getting for their money.
Dr. Price' Cream Baklnf Powder
WsrM' Psir Ml f1 Msasl sa4 trip .
For Sale.
Four hundred acres ofland near Eu
gene. Will be sold in ft body or in
tract to suit purchaser.
Twenty Tear a Tclir.
L' !S to Jame M Ilreedilig and wife,
a tract of laud being parts of aui'tious
7, M, tp K s r 3 w, tluliu 61 nolf
3JU.ii acres; patent.
Male of Oregon to D K Lyou, a w 1
and w of U w I sec 3(1, Ip IS a r 1 e,
Jilt acres; iMU.
titate of orcgou to Jennie Nush,
sec ol, tp 16 a r 0 w, 3JU acres; f VU.
Iaiuis liuudy and w ife to Wiu lluu
dy, uud 1 lust iu the u j of lluglt and
Mary J loive d I c 6S, uotf Tl 111 sees
Z M, tp 16 s r w, 116 acres; fVsJ.
jaiues N Luier aud w Ife to Jniues A
llusliiiell, a tract of land iu Tliomas
Judklusd 1 v nolf WJ, Id acres; fl.uu.
Oeorge .Maxoli to J h ltucaualer,
U i of tract of laud ill sec 17, In I 'J a r 2
w: 41.04; also tiart of d I 0 Jncob H
Felier aud wile, uotf U630cl 6K. and
$ 11 Savior aud wife uotf bU cl 6U,
and lot I 17. In lu a r 2 w. I'.6 acres;
A J Johusou hhenlrto h h llene-
dlcl, and Isabella Kobe, uud i 111 a e 1
sec -il, II) is s r 1- w; yM.
Fred A Wlckeiis and wife to lone
Lyou, a w I aud w k of 11 e I sec 'Mi, In
is s, r 1 e, IM acic; foui.
O li I'owell to 1 O llendiicks, a iart
oflheawlseu II, tp IS , r 4 w, 1JU
acres; .'iJ.
( HrXWKl.t..
Wllluuitlte lUal Folate Co to IU11I
F Scot I, lots 4 and 6, blk IS, UU.
W I I'rice and wife to L N l'riiv,
lots (J nod 7, blk II, IK'iiilvrsou'a ad;
Martha W Cooiici tu Sttruli J Iteule.
lot 7, bik U, Skiuuer ad; l.
kcvlulluut uf I'ouJolrace.
WliKKtAK, Our ranks have again
imu invaded by the "lirltu IU-ier"
Death, and our coiiianlon, William
Frankiiu Witter, suiiiiuoned tu answer
the "last Mil call;" therefore lie it
ItlJWU.VKI", That F.ugene Hook A
ladder ConiiKtiiy and the Kugene Fire
llcpartini'iil bus lost a valuuiile aud
worthy member, the community an
uprrgUlcili.en, and his family a loved
ami dutiful sou aud brother.
KkmoI.vkk, That while we deiilore
the li ss of our companion, we tender
our sympathy to his bereaved parents
and relatives, and commend tliuin for
convolution tu the "Ureal Chief w ho
orders all llilugs for the Uwt.
ItK&ol.VKIi, lliiit these resolutions
be spread Umjii the minute of Kugeue
Hook A Ladder Company, and the
Eugene Fire Department, published in
the city pn era, and a copy sent to the
fumily ol our dcocawd companion.
li. It. ClIHIHMa.V,
Kugene Hook 4 Ijtdder Co.,
J. 1'. ItAHOKH,
Oiegon Hose Co. No. 1,
J. li. ItKAVKM'K,
Kugene KugineCu. No. 1,
A. C. Ma iiikws,
Itesuce Hose Cj.
John W. ( srdMell of Cottsge lirow-,
Mb ill I'likl' iie l.idsv.
A. D. Itixloii Is now able luturaiiiv
agent at Ia Al.gilcs, Cal.
rruinet li;l liu aiiiiu lvn
elected president of the W. C. I'. I .
Several civil cases are twins, Uie4 la
the Junction luatlce's iin fcxktv.
1 11 eg
I lit ii IVarliera (.ranted I m till. 4)1
al tlie Iji.I l.taui.'w.ttKMl.
the mu m mmi
j 1
r. 1 1 iy.
The following I. s li.l of I !.. 1 !! ' J ttftt foe 0n) fr1 - Sub-
I o-rtifl. !. tit the regular iinitl
kaiiilutiion, h. l.f i.( week: mai9 rieaaea.
W L i
: i i.nn.L, ..I sn.l ..1.1
Lin h. r Viiu.u.
.tin v.
Fire Uepartment Drill.
I'allj Guard Nuiiniebrr .'I.
Chief Croner, of the Kugene Fire De
partment, called the various compan
ies out for a drill Inst evening. The
object of the drill was to see If all the
apparatus was In good working order.
1 he old baud engine was worked and
the Hook A Ladder Company put
their ladders on J. 11. McCliiug'a store
and extended them to the second story;
the Oregon Hose coiuaiiy then car
ried their Ikm to the top of the build
ing and the water was turned on. The
ltescue lb we company made an excel
lent run and taied a hydrant, making
their connections square on time. Jl
was done Ileal ly.
After the drill was over the Oregon
and ltescue tune companies ran a iiub
and hub race, for the dixtanco of one
block. The ltescue won the race by
about ten feet. It was a pretty race
and created about aa much excitement
aa a similar race would ou the Fourth
of July.
File Yoar .NotliM.
We would call the attention of the
readers of the We A mi to the fact that
the time will l up the first of January
in which a person can file for record
his uolice of intention to hold and
work his milling claim on which no
assessment work has lawn done the
l ast year. On July llthof this year,
congress passed an act to amend aeo
liou 23J4 of the revised atalutea, U. H.,
relating to milling claim. Under the
provision of Ihia act miner were ex
empted from doing the annual amount
of assessment work on their claims.
To take advantage of thi It i nece
sary foreveiy man who has not done
bia assessment work to (He his notice
of intention In the ounly clerk of
fice; otheiwise hi claim can be re
located. Social.
The Springfield Fire Department
will give a social at th opera bouse in
that city. Thanksgiving eve, Nov. 1.
Lunch will l served. Admission In
For Sale. Fifty head of young
1 horse for sale at the John Ingham
ranch, eight miles weal of F.ugene.
or HI ini'ie . w o--, iv s- - -
1 W Ise. lll av '
CAMfELUVtLLK. Ky.-I hart been P'ur
a teacher for twentr Tear, and during I
that tlma l.. I... I r.r .t'srka of Wawtei. Kngin and toiler want-
h a. ..i.- .- ' 'ed. from four to SIX horse
several of (he legsl liglits i4 this cilv
aie Iu M tendance upon the muna.
Kx.: "Miss Anna Wormrtorough, a
young of Kivertoli, III., while
picking grsN-s on a country road, waa ,
altncketl by a Is-ar and hugki-'l so hnrd '
that three of her ril Weie broken."
Thai was hard luck Anna. The girl
out tin way would think they had
reached I he acme of blls If thev Could
gel audi a w hole u led, genuine hug
aa thai.
A regular spring day.
Junction t'lty revels in a dancing
The f.sil ball team is talking of es
tablishing a hospital.
Considerable wixvl I still Mug
hauled to town.
The county commissioner court
meet agaiu tomorrow.
K. II. Ingham hlped a car load of
potatoes south last uight to various
Dr. I'sine i havinir a cement walk
built in his residence pnerty on High
K. C. Smith Is nurchaaiiiir a irrest
deal of N.ullry. A visit to his vard ou
t-lgtilh street I cullc a sight.
.Ml Nora Mauuiiiir. formerlv a n-s.
Ident of t Ins city, was recently mar
ried to Mr. U L. IkUiey. at I lobe.
John Siiiiiiaon, of Siualaw, attclidisl
a meeting of the Slate Hoard of Agri
culture al Sitleiu yesterday. He is one
of the Uwrd.
I he Juiuiueao iroverument has de
clined the tender of the 'resident to
arbitrate the dillllculty U-twirn that
country and China.
The proprietors of the nhoto lent ou
Willamette street packet! up their be
longings and departed on this after-
Uoou s tram for other fields.
it. Mcllilire and l),ck Smilb sr..
logging on (he upper McKeiiie for the
llarrinuurg saw mill. It will take
them six mouth to till their coiiliact.
Hen. M. Miller has again commenced
advertising Kuguue, Falrmouut, Flor
ence and I-ane county In the Knl.
He sent an advertisement to he Insert
ed Iu it'll paix-r iu that section this
The marriage of Mr. Darw in K. Yo
rail and Miss Klla Stevens, w III I cele
brated at the residence of the bride's
mother this evening. IU v. W. S. till
ts?rt will I the oltlciuting clergyman.
Itolh the contracting parties are' unite
pnunliieiit ami (H.pulur.
A. Wlnvler, proprietor of the Spring
field saw null, l constructing a break
water a sliott distance alMive hla mill
(rois-rty to protect the same during
ilgil water. The bank has li-cn w Hull
ing away during the hmt two winters
a. id this melius la taken to prevent
further encroachments of the river.
F. K. Dunn will occupy the entire
lower story of (he Dunn (dock, when
the Kugene Loan A Savings bank re
moves Hugh McOuire, of Portland was
married at S.u Francisco lost week.
Hon. Steve Martin, of Creawell. is
daugcrouidy ill.
W. W. Martin is ill with typhoid
lever, but is Improving.
lWinuMcr Honey, of doshen, came
down ou thi morning's local.
It. It liny returned this afternoon
from a trip toOcoata, Wash.
Jell llotlotiiN. the hopmnii. went
dow n the valley again this morning.
J. II. Met 'lung returned from a short
business trip to Crcswcil this morning.
Chaa. Ivls and Mr. Cunningham.
of Harrisburg, came up this afternoon.
John WiiiU'iircid, of Cloverdule, wat
in Kugene today on a ahort business
Messrs Kmery and John llerron, of
Ilentou count v, were Iu Kugene over
lust night.
Misses Yella Hay and Oraou Wood,
ol Harrisburg, came up thi afternoon
for a short visit.
Mls Mae Dorris Is still con lined to
her l-ed with typhoid fever, but Is
lightly Improved.
Mr. Judge Willis, of Ilosehurg.
passed through on this morning' local
for a visit at 1'ortlaud.
Miss Polly Yarnell returned from
Corvallis this afternoon, where site
has I wen studying t uogrnphy.
Mrs. JaiiM-r Steven, of Cove, Or., I
visiting at the residence of her mother,
Mr. H. O. rthaw, In thi city.
J. J. Ilrown, of St. Iuli, Mo., i
visiting near Irving. He ia thinking
of becoming a erinaiient resident of
tills oounty.
F. It. C"ok, the prune man, w ho pur
chased the cannery prune and this
of II. W. Welder,! shipping a car of
the cannery prunes today tu New
Little Nora Watkina went to Junc
tion this morning where she will be a
maid of honor at the wedding of Mia
liabcr to Mr. Kmery llerron there this
Mr. ami Mrs. Harford arrived on this
morning' locnl train. Mr. Harford
will lecture here thi afternoon, al
Mount' hall, and at the Baptist church
thi evening.
A. U. Williams.
University Note.
Iisiljr Uusrl, Notsrotxr It.
Otvasloiially the pleasure of th as
sembly are made doubly by
the iiilriMluction of music. Miss m
ye s of the conservatory, furnished
some excellent music on the piano yes
terday morning.
Faculty meeting was held thi af
ternoon at three o'clMk.
The next vame the f k. thill Usui
will play will he Thanksgiving duy,
with the lsy from I'sclflc uiilveraily,
at Forest tirove. Mr. ( hundi is still
training the tiiiiu and they are mak
ing great improvement as their games
with the o. A. I . and I'orusii'l uni
veraity will show.
The Y. M. A. la making arrango-
menta to hold a public servnti su.
We understand thst on Mii'luv even
ing, I He. H.ttliey Will hold MlV.ies III
the M. K. churcli. They xiec-t several
prominent l. M. C A. men in suu-
ai national eircie in i present i
that lime. We shall speak further
about thi next week.
Now I am entirely free r.Wrm f..u
from.. .. u. .n,.. oui
IuUlor. It waaaonilldio IU action
,fat it never Interfered with my
hool duties. E. A. Cheek.
or rent.
pow rt.
rwa box
ITl, Drain, Or.
Dr. Prlc' Cream liakinr Powder ! reasonable rau
- . t.A..'
vaw Btslailsi raw. a rnarnili
(i.ssl (table ill connection with the
Minnesota ll lift) Hay and rra al
Call at the hotel for
Thk Fot wiil Tout The long O.
I', sheriff's sale pears In a Corvallis
pafs-r for the fourth lime. The decr
of forx l.aiure was made on April 27,
Kd, and the order of sale on Oct. a,
1.'1. An order of re-ssle waa IosjIs on
April 1, l't, another one ou Oct. 1.
Is'i.t. and the last on t. SI, ls.
Ipai.ia'l must I depoiited Is-for the
bidding aud th balance paid withiu
J day from the date ol aaie.
r irst tirade
Milter, IVarl Dan hits, J
D J steliicr.
Swum! Onek'-ll V Andreas, lilh
Fleming, I. u ii D.hI I. Mrs Mary Km-
nv r. Othi lirs u, lllauclie Half.
1 bird grade-James llvi, Ik rtha
lliahhaiu. lira Itiml, J. mile llr.tbhsm.
Marian hlle, t atrie llier.v, I'ditti
Cottle, I I I II i... Mary .Mlllctge.
Aa w ill Is-liote.1, twenty out of the
twenty thh-e applicants, were siivra.
Now here can a stoii enjoy the
Is'uuliful iu nature Istter than Iu the
Upper poll loll of the W itlametti. val
ley, stretching aw ay Iu a long line of
high mountains, with an occasional
snow -cnpi-d snk, lie the Cascade
range ol iiiountaiiis to our east. While
ou our west lies a smaller, but ctia.!y
niagiiillivut and pi. lure.Ue renioii
1 1 if Ciwat range. A Visit lo the top ol
kiuiier s butte, nt north of town, or
S-iiivr's butte, alsiut 6 miles south,
on clear afternoons, such as many w e
have had this fail, will reveal much
that la plcnsmg to the eye w ithout the
Bl.l of tc II a llel.lghisa.
Altn.-t directly t our eaat lie the
Three Sisters. I'licy aie lhre liu
nieiiso mountains, clmelv Jolntsl to
gether, and stioWH'overed the year
aro iii.l. Mtuated as tin v are iu the
wildotand m.s( rucL'.-d part of the
Cascades, a lew from even Ibis ilia-
taiuv Is noihiiig if not inspiring. And
not onlv turn v.uir gn on them, but
up aud down this rung.' snd oxer to
the coast runge as well, and your
thoughts are all iu admiinlioii of the
grand scenery and wild and tugged
U-auly MMmsel by (he mountain
raiigi-s, with the fertile valley nestled
iN'iwccii, of the fur West.
Your eves will then unconsciously
wander down the valley, aud as far ai
the ee can reach awav, Hel l after
field, and not a few orchards, wlille
dotted here and there are little village
showing that the lipls-r Willamette
vallc is gnulually arsiimiug th" iMpu
1st loo of ol.b r settled countries, as her
vast rcsour. es ure licivmiiig more aud
more utilized.
It Is a sigiiillcant fact I hut of the
MHiple coming here from the hast and
viewing our iiiaguillcviil isviiery and
great resources, so few are ever w illing
lo make their home any place else, that
It may ls said to ls a universal agree
ment llh Ihe'ii lo live and die iu the
"promised land."
(iKlTiNu Iti.ri i.k. llm many
friends aud Well-w Isliers of Ouorgn .
Mcliride, secretary ,f state, Will Isj
glad lo siiare in the pleasing Intelli
gence, rciviveil by one of hia friends
iu a letter Tuesday. He say hi
pliysieul couditlou is improving very
perceptibly. There has Isi ti no sur
gical operation yet and probably w ill
not Is'. He also writes that Iu New
York slate w here lie is, the signs aud
the feeling urv Unit business condition
and proscls ure improving aud that
the U'giuuiug of a much more pros
s rous eiu is upon us.
AcriVK It. It. Kitt mil iimi. The
Ashittiid Tidings has this concerning
the largo frvnthl biiiucss Isdug
bundled by IbeS. 1'. It. It. iii Oregon:
There bus hecu continued activity In
I be S. I'. freiglit yards ul Aslilund the
punt week. '1 be regular freight
trains Iroiu the north liuve been com
ing iu here w ilh long strings of from
kt lo ,'o cars and two engines, lining
south from hero It bus averaged an
extra freiglit lieurly every duy. With
the lurgu laiiiilwr of big engine re
quired in the haul over the Mskiyous,
U has been pretty lively in the Ash
land yurds.
llK Wah Km I bin. Say the linker
City Democrat: lie v. J. JL N. Itcil
w as among l ho bystander yenlenlay
aulip.s nue.l as Jurors In the case of the
Stale vs. Win. Merrill. He wus la ken
wholly unawares ami when hla name
wiu culled by the clerk, by the way of
all excuse, the geiilleuiau uluslilugly
said: "If the couil please, I cannot
serve on the Jury a 1 do not know
anything al all alsiut the case at Is
sue." He w as excused.
Psilj Ousid, NorruibM iU.
Ma KM Shoot. Arrangements have
Isj-cll mudu for the match shoot between
Sky Mivks, of Harrisburg, and Wm.
Martin, of .Mc.Miuiivllle, and it will
lake place next Friday afternoon at
the Albany fair grounds. 'The con
test will lot over 26 live bird apiece for
t-.ii aside. It l probable trap ahiHitlng
will be done during the foreiioon of
the day. The day w ill lie made a live
one lor lovei of the gun.
ii s
Camkiui.N Won. Tuesday' Albany
IVmiKTat: 'The foot race al the fair
grounds yesterday belwivu Trine and
KIlBworlh Cameron was witnessed by
only a few. (460 ia aald lo have been
I he slake. I he distance waa UU yard.
After considerable scoring the men
started, Willi Cameron In the lead.
He w on by 6 J fi-et.
bally uuard, NoTanibrr 21
Col- YoKAX. An election was held
at Salem lost evening, to till the vacan
cy ill the colonelcy of the Second regi
ment, O. . U. 11 was preside. I over
by Captain M. O. llutterlleld, of Port
land, brigade I nsis-cUir general. Ma-
Joa Oeorge O. Yorati, of Kugen, waa
el.i lel colonel, lo uc(l is. 1.. lovell,
oil tbe llrst ballot. 'TheOi AKIi tend
ers It complimeiila to Col. Yorau.
Makhieii. At Harrisburg, last Sun
day evening, J. I'. Seles. ling and Mr.
Jarvl Haves. Th-j couple are well
known to many of the people of Lane
Horn. n
1V4, to the
Fern Kidge, Nov. 17,
wife of A. Trailer, a
Iislly Ouar'l, Nr.m'r .'I.
T liK Makkikh. This Wednes
day evening; Nov. I - I, ul 7 p.m.,
at the Iioiiim of th bride' renU Mr.
sod Mrs. Wm. II. I'.als r, in Junction
Cily, Ore, .Mr. I.inery llerron and
.Miss t lurs-ncw lluls-r. I ho gnsiui Is
one of Itciiton rouiitn-s inoal popular
and prsperu young l.uin.-ss men,
w lule the bride is the la-aotlftll and
arsimplisie d.i'il;'. r of oa of
J.inclloli'a lull li-,. t l l'..eli.
May their life Is a long and happy
one ia the wi.h of a Icsil of friends.
ltij '.ijar'l, .itbUf J.
SrAl.l.lox l'i k iia-mi.-Kll Hangs,
tin sfleriHM.ii, purchased the taud
ard bre. a'slliori Favorilu Wl.kee,
from tbe MeKrniie abs k farm. 'I his
stallion was sire. I iu Kentucky, and
waa purchased after careful eli-tion
by Jumes Mi-eiM-r. of I'ortlsud, for th
Us k farm, the pm'e id Is ing tl. J't.
lyoters of ft liorses will he glad to
b-arn that this highly bred horse to
remain in Ijine eounfy. Mr. Ilsnir
also piirehasel the two larire mule
owne.1 by lb same companyQ I he
term paid for the animl are private).
Ilf w
( nl'scrilH-rx tii the wccLlv
lit vi;i li.tvc a 1 rc;i 1 v taktii
al antaizi' uf fur oIIVt to fur-
ni!i the ( il ail'l 'incili
nati M-iiii-wiclcly Knitki i;
one year fur :?'.!(,. an.l tliu'
i wlni have liaI time to rciciNc
the caMcm paper are well
I pleaded with it. We fli.nil.l
I I I'st.t 'tl
li pleaseil it tliey Will linv
the Kii.juiicr to iieihliors,
aiul inform them cf our '
eral utter.
We have sample copies mi
hand, and will send tlu in mi
application to any address.
We assure our readers that
the Knijuirer has more and
lietter reading and news mat
ter than either the New York
World, or Trihune, St. Louis
llepublie, Chicago Times,
San Francisco Kxamiiier or
ironicle, or anv
weekly or semi-weekly
paper it has heen our
ure to examine.
It is not necessaay to tell
the people of Lane county
the standing and esteem in
w hich the (ii'.u;i is held as a
local pajH-r. And hoth for
$'.(" a Year, strictly in ad-
Hop latelllgeure.
JournalTlullclin, Nov. 7: Home
dealer reHirt belter business with
home brewers, ou which Ho and 12c
was realized for exceptionally line
st.s k, and the parity of Interior mar
ket rale accepted for olher grmles.
l.xHirt movement I comparatively
light and order from foreign markets,
are few, with bids alsiut I to 2 cents
under sellers' views. From Interior
home markets them were advices of
fair Limine at alniut the saiiiu prices
taht ruled last week. Foreign rcs.rt
wuraofatiir prhe for high uulity
hosi, hut rather ssir market for oth
ers. The same pss.r of the Id: Some lit
tle export business waa remitted, chief
ly al alsiut loc in Interior New York
and 10 to ID) for choice Oregon hops.
There was not enough movement how
ever, to have any eltccl upon the gen
eral market, since prime aud lower were secured readily al alsiut
the price that have ruled previously
of late, and which were turned out lo
home brewers at very moderate ad
vance on original ct. Foreign mar.
ket advice are somew hat coiilllcling.
Foreign accnuul are still somew hat
variable, but Indicate there I no real
firmness lo price exrept on articular
ly line iil(ly of goods. In this con
nection It may lot noted that oilers ou
some very Hue sample lauhmlttcd by
request ol factors I w ere Is'low rclorlcl
on ssit sales.
r.iigllsli Hon o rower: I ho altua-
lion liuce uur last rwMirt ha remained
III alsiut the same condition, with how
ever, au Improving tendency, the
demand seems to have fallen oil tome
what, but this diminution of actual
biisluuH due not apis-ar to have all'ect-
ed value. llo of low or iiksIiuiii
ipuallty are not easy to aell, but there
I a growing conviction mat cmuce
ample will be diftlcult to find, there
fore llieir value I not oniv nrm, nut i
gradually hardening. The result I
the Southern grower are not forcing
business, Iu the expectation (which
sct'ins to well founded that In the
hear future better prloc will Iw ob
tained. Id-cent sale have realized for
grower, XI iu lor l jul Kent ooiu
lugs, and as our telegraph rsirt from
the Itorough sliow a, even Uo for choice
jualltle have Is-en given. W oroeler
have Is-en sold at L 4s, and generally
s'aklng, there have Is-en no sign of
lower price, but rather th reverse.
Kah I King-.
I 1 1
Thk Fair ha moved to the Harris
block, next lo A. V. I'etera ami Iroiu
thi on will do a strictly cash bualnes.
W don't want our customer to pay
any more of our bad debt created by
the credit system, to you need not ask
for credit for you will only be refused.
Cash will buy
14 lb (Iran augar for
SilbKxC "
21 lb (1 C "
1 lb Arbuckl cofieo
3) lb good raisin 1 no
3 lb choice unoolored Uax 1 OX)
Crockery at price never heard of ls
fore. I-ainp at a sacrifice. Make u
an ofTer on a large lot of ens-kery,
lightly damaged. Come to Thk Fa hi
for the greatest bargain in F.ugene.
I will pay cash for all kinds of sml-
try. I want a car weekly.
K. C. Smith.
11 00
1 ou
1 00
In Kugene, Oregon, Nev. 22, IS-'il, ol
typhoid fever, Mr. Ktta tioislman-
.M.s. re. rue waa -i years, o uionuii
and 7 day old. She leave a buslsand,
one child, father, mother, on slater
and three brother to mourn her lw.
The lunsisl aervlr will be conduct
ed by I lev. H. U Ibiardman, at the
family n-sidence,on South High street,
Saturday, Nov. at 10 a. m. 'The
inu-rui. nl will take place In the Osger
cemetery. Mr. M.s.r was tsirn lo-ai
Spritinrrield, Or-kon, and 1 the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Oisslmau of
this city.
Fill. IT Tnr.3. I have the agency
for the Corvalli liurseiy. The ls-sl
stock. Office with Ixughmlller &
I'eter, on Ninth trl.
I. I HlMI-wisj.
Or. Price' Cream bakJaf Powder
WsrlTl Fair Ml! aware.
r ii i a
I'lTII '.
III. I W .1 I llf
i: un i t'.iM!it,
i . i: c. lines
II ll'-n Cli.'ll of
.is ti.o ..m.-int-
II !! in. I ( amp
I I , .:.,.f
1 1 iiii.l.i: ion.
. i '."-'.
I. .1 Ii I- U. II
-lilt-- pi. . III. t
e I .1 VI. I'.
Ml' I I- III
II I 'tc c iJMCll v of
I. iii r ii-ii,; iii..
Tl ols !(..
"Tjri I i Ti m
mt.r i ,r
Tftsrssls f.-i.-r
l f ij (
Y II Imlieii sill
ksula i f !..(,, i i.i (
The . f ll-
III Or. sic iiriUiii !
the r.u. I
K. . l . A. W...:. V w
ing . li i.' i ii,. in v. tl.c
Is-ll Wi 1 . 1 1 1 n.' .
'The I Hi -en N il: .ii i
kniu . .-li , u il t; . ii
-ses, IJi.lMI, :;il I ,; '
The ou in r .'f ti c -i
found. He In. - In i (,
and saw the uliv in II
C.IIIIIIM,-.i. I-'
The Isn v h a, - i n
ail i-Uil; ill. hi I"-
and .'icc.hiiiN.
S. II. I M. n. Hi h i. im 1 1 1 1 1 ... i '. ,u ml-Velti-s
iii. m In , ..I. ii i ,i viii.. I . ry in I ucciie and l ane c only
should r. ad it .
A hoie U lonciuk' I" some caiiis r
was run on r nn. I kill. . I Kt night by
tlie train, al I he lull r-. cl t . -1 of High
str.vt and I In- railroad.
Mount ll.iiii. r, mil. c it of .N at
fie, Wa-'i , l iu a l:il(i of eruption.
St tend hi;ht si, t,s of caith.piake
Were exis ricini d es!ii.ay afli ries.u
at Seattle and Tncuia.
Jill II. i:..l!.'ii,-, with C. and I..
Wagner, of Sacrament. , Cal , know n
aa the la t li..p buyers on theca-t, is
now .ii mg nt top priii for his firm.
Itottoiiis U know ii a!l over On Lv
all hop grow. i. I Mlicc at llugi lie.
This III.. m llig some I urkel s got out
of their cm. I., in 11..111 1. 1 1 1 1 1 Miller's
market, and ll. ml.i (lie lm.- maple
In-es pear tln-re. Ii. n U it nil at
tempts o c.-sx th, in i,.ii u were mi
availing They will try ami remain
there until all. I the "'th.
A cup of Tat l.s" I',. i ul night niovcs
the bowels In Hi.' tin .icing without
pain or di-i-omfoit. It N a gnat
health giver and bl... m piiiiii.-r. Sold
by A. Yi in v.iov
I'arks' Cough Syrtip cuiis Coughs
Colds ami Cou-uiuptl. m. Mr. Calh
erlnc Itlaek of l.e Ki.y, N. Y., suy: "I
l.s.k one bolt le of Tin ks' Cough S rup.
ll acted like Untie SopM'd my
cough tllld I mil Ik.1 feet I v W ell How."
Sold by A. Ymiv..o.
I've secret iii m Iu-ihi,
Sweet M.ulc,
A talc I would impart,
Sw.i t Marie:
If you'd evert fairer be
Von uiii( alwavs ii-.- I'niks' 'Tea
'The Improvi iiiciil you will mv,
Swei'l Msiie.
Sold by A. Y i iu x, hi.
A flue healing stove for K ul
r. i.. i n v Mm ns.
Illla C. ,'leirill, of I I In 1 1 . 1 , has
lied her bin band, C, M. r II, for ill-
Vonx'. Il.-r nun Im mini was,
and III one tunc she resided in
'The grand jury at The li.ille refused
to I in 1 1 t ami Savage, w ho
W eM alleged In have Isiu coiilicclcd
w Ith the expr. -s robls-ry al that plu.xi
ol iii.hsi re.xnlly.
Jeff II. I'.ottoms, formerly with
llorsl, w ill buy nil hop cH'cred,
ami will in t make u reduction of two
cents s-r iHitiud ou each lot of hops, as
has Is. n done by certain outside
firm. He la now with C. mid I.. Wag
ner. 'The Kiiirciu' lovers of ss-e.y driving
horses, have githere.l 1 1 o a lot of
giMHl ristdsters together. We have ns
many of Hi. in now as any olher tow n
our size. Any line aft. rn. sin ymi can
six- any tiumls-r of them out being ex
cised. "Tunxj Coll'ix-" la the best.
'The govuriiment rainy flag I up.
Hay! If ymi wuiit gisid Collix goto
Thk Fa hi.
New slock stove.
Thk I-' A ill now sell for Kosh, the
reusoli for selling the cheas'st.
Cimik'm Coi niN Him.-t CoMlxii'Mi;
a nix-lit discovery. At Yi.kimi
ton's drugstore.
Iit-ave your order at Tun FAinfor
a line, fal, dn-sscd dekey for Thank
giving. Fi'vii.i.k 1 1: with I'uvllo cigars. Two
for I'Kx-iits, nt Yerlngton' 1Mb alnxd
drug store.
A lew drops ol ruin fell thi after
II. sill, Tho theriuollliiter Indicates a
Just received nt I. Inn A Kays',
another car loud of furniture. See their
prl.-e liefore buying.
We can't s II K.vml as well as some
people, but we wnlit It just the same.
Take It to 'Til K Faik for bargains.
Dr. F. W. J''-e I building a m at
barn In the rear of hi residence pro-s-ily
on High atnx-t.
It you wish the high. si price for
your fut hens, go to Thk Faik. Take
your old Setters somewhere else. We
py Kosh for them.
lludd, for governor of aliforiii,uow
has an eslim itiil pluralily of l.'.'T'l. All
the counliis huva had their official
count exix-pt Sun I ran. isio.
(ilass cut to order.
Uri mru'a Kb rthin.
Kt i.i .m , or., Nov. lx!4.
The auiiuul election of Chief Kugl
ner ami Assi-tiint Chh f Knglmx-r of
the Kugene l ire Is-partim nt, w ill be
held Moinluy, lax-. .1, I-jI, from 1
o'rl.M-k till I o cl.s k p. in.
ti. ll. I HKIsvlAN,
It. K. Hlilstow,
S.x. 'y K. F. 1 1.
Ileal llulc Irailsfi'Ta.
I ,rtri.
1 1 ir I ' ii -
I . I, ll4llM C
m. 1 1 . ansr
Dressed Toike) Wiit"l.
I will pay llie bighst prl-x out for
dressssl turkey during the winter.
See u for in-tru. tin.a in reganl to
dressing. Live lurk.-ya aud clikkena
taksu dully. Tin. Kik.
i:. c. s wit ii, I'p.
Yerlngton ho a.blcl a new counter
and show rnse to the fixture of Ll
i i no .
i'lt.-rJ S.hru-i ami wife toC II
Zoinwalf, th.- a 1 of n c si-cii, tp 17 s r
I v, so acres; Is1"'.
Niiiiii. I Lucks lo J.-r. nil. ill l'ls s,
v. ; of , sec .ui, ip pi a r I w, n e
of n.. c ip l .i s r . w, u ) of II w
' n w , of u e I ace HI, tp Ti s r 1 w, '.""I
iicie-; f 1 pai,
W I' l In-hi-r to Aithur and New ton
I. I'l l!, y, a tract of Is-g at r .lnt
..p'Sile I lie .-.til. rnf I'Mni-t in low n
..f alien, 7 IT. i a. res; VJIT . 'I.
l'i r-u ' it al to liiitu Tl Iiw-
II, vv '. i f u I and u e I of ii e ii e
of ii w c ;l, tp Jl r .1 e, "; fil.
I' II It irg. r mid wif to ); 'utter,
;i part id .. m, I'olt. r Survey, 1J iwrei,
J .l.ii 1 1 Kennedy ami w ifn In Frank
an I iimi K..l:ir,:i'tract of laud III d I c
Ip I', s r I w , n acres; ;si.
1 1 lll.SK.
J M ll .ru to I', r-is C swiil, lot I
l. k .M, I'n kanis ad; M.."i
Sarah C and liu-h loll II
llusbv , il blk I sotf nd; tin I.
C A Wis.ley and wife to Martha W
C.s.s r. the east of lot ti blk 2, Harrl
nd: til"
Kugi ne Water Co lo JC Lawrence,
a tra. i of lau.l l'ginning nt e corner
of fiactioiial blk , original town plat,
so by I lit f..t; tlni.
Henry i.l. ll to Persia ' Sw,. , lot I,
blk JU, Pa. knrd s nd. ai.
Il.nry II l.ilfr. y nnd wife to W II
mi. I James II 'Itniiili, lols ll, 7, blk 12,
Hendricks' ml to t o;i. ge Hill Purk;
M IIIM.I ll l.n.
II. nry O.lell I. Persia C Suixl. lot
;l nn. I I, blk -I', also atrip of land lying
on the wot side of Ida .1 nnd 4; hi.
K 1 1 Low ell and w ife to Persia
Swi-ei and II. nry nd-II, lots .1 and 4,
blk '.ii, nlso -(rip of land lying on the
west aide i.f lots :l nnd 4; M'i.
A yillet V)rildili;-
lal',r Onai.l, N.,1, Tuts-r .'J.
A ipilel wedding wus x 1.1. rated in
Ibis city last evening ul the home of
I ho bride's unit her, Mrs. Steven,
ix.rner of Oak ni.d Ihirt.xnih stnx-ts.
The contra, ling parln-s were Mi-a Klla
Steven and Mr. Hnrwiu I-:. Yornu.
The ix-reiuouy Was isrC.iui.-.l nl S
o'cl.H k by lii'v. W. s. tiills rl In a
short but linj.n-s'.ivo servi.x-. The
large r.suiia of Mr. Stevens' elegant
home were profusely decorated with
Mowers and evergreens. Only lln im
im. Hate n-latlv.-s and a few intimate
friends of the contract Ing part lis were
The young couple are nmoiig tho
ls-l know n nnd inmt Mpiihtr young
iss,,e in the city, the bn.l.i U lug a
iiandsoiuc, n. i-oiupll-I.e-l nu I most
ehiiruiiiig young lady, w lille the gr.s.ui
la a rising and popular young business
man, Is lng the junior nieiiils-r of the
linn of ortu A Sou. They have
taken up their h-aldc nee on the comer
of Twelfth nnd High ainx'ts.
'The tii'Aiui Join their lusd of
friends in w Ishing the young couple a
long, happy and pns..Toux liiture.
'I lie Lecture.
I'ally ttiiaol, N..veuilr i.'.
'The hx'ture nt tliu lluptist cliun h but
lllght under the ailspbx-s of tho La
gene Christian Kndeavor I nlon waa
Will altciidvd. Mrs. Helen lllckell-aon-llnrford,
the aM-aker, la tho state
sw retury of the W. C. 'T. I'., nnd olio
of tho most prominent tems'rauco
worker iu the stale. Probnbly w hero
Mrs. Hnrford nxxdvixl her best train
ing as a tcui'rumx) lecturer wa a few
years bock w hen the prohibition .pics
lion W as Inu.l.i the lending one in Kan
sas. I tut li herself and husUind sisiko
during the entire cuiiipalgn. Sir.
Harford Is an llitereatiug s akcr, and
w hiln no new argumeiils were advnurv
iH I, her earnest iicm and enthusiasm
carriixl her Hiiul w ith her hearer a
never Isdore, In the afterniM.ii at .1
o'el.N'k she l.s-tured to the W. C. T. U.
at Mount's hnll, ou " The Work of the
W. C. T. II. Organizations." Thi lec
ture wa well attended also, and waa
principally historical and ttullatical
of the work ladug done.
Coal Hill Nursery.
Cull on or address T. N. Scgnr, Kn
gene, for all kind of nursery stock.
PniMisi on iniiroboletii plum nsts that
will not sprout, also on s ach nsita.
the great
Instantly Relieves
Skin Diseases
AnJ the most dUtresslnjr forms
of itchinjr, burning, bleed inf,
end scaly skin, scalp, and blood
humors, and will In a majority
uf cases permit rest and cleep
and point to a upcedy, perma
tu iit.nnd economical cure when
f l j iLlanii, hospital., and all
ot'u r methods fail. CLTICt'KA
cures of torturing-, disfiguring,
humiliating humors are the
i . i .t wonderful ever recorded.
. 1 tlie.urhi.tjl th vnrM, rH.rVnerj,
. r...r.i-.. Haxii.iasT, 1, l unasl's. a
. .ma ear . IT").., Il.i..a. "All
il'.I i-klsauJ il WI," M ps-s, SUsUd flsa.
Vl'atUI, elljr, taiAhf
i. a, f.Ml. amir, ai.4 alutl'la lmf raaassl (.rs
i, ,tpj tsd ur4 ! Cutleurs tasitv
a4 tnlnrM. V-s. k s ha, r-k I I-
I A P-s, i - . ., -. I
lles.s Ssll I'S. 4) laat.r.
AitK DOWN! IWt forget to Ax Illlly
l?fore buying.
I bu potatoes, $ 23
lutti beaut, new S3
Itesl I'earl oil per new can 1 00
1 Is.t 30 ban soap 40
'Jnlti g.ssl rlixj 1 00
1 glos set, 4 piece and lib g.xsi II
isjw dr for only 50