The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 24, 1894, Image 6

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    lti:t'Kf MOM OK IJIHIIOP Ml M.S.
Keiiiruib-r Hi I7tti ef NevMiibrr.
A Lanr I rud fired lllrn-AiMi i
If Neior rrirndir Hiihir.
Uily Muni Norairte- i;.
-l.-l every uu im r oi the tple s
I xir I y In Ijiiim munly come to tint
lllf ' u.r.l. N.n.inl.-f l; ' 11141 IlliC III Eugene on HlO I7lll if
Tlx I'm I ted ISrrllin-ii church n 1 i I Il-. Don't let the matter go I'y to tin Ul i-aimriiy lost evening, i ilifiitill. Wo waul to arrange for llio
I he oct-rnlon was tho reception i.f con li nt In IHIHJ. It Mill aomi he hum,
III. Imp J. M. Mill and family. 10-v ami nothing hut constant n-ggiug
Mills wm rwi-niiv unsigned In ihi'iawny will ever bring about reforms fur
work of (li I nil"! Uri'lbem church I which we are contending, llio brunt
for Ihe Fat-llle ikurI dlvUloii, which of I In- haltle Ilk In-en fought the
comprint- all Hie territory wol of Hit short l Jul oinlcr, lut we muni pull
ICot-k v i-muut.ilii. Ill family will re- : l gel there. "
side In Eugene whiltt lie l engaged hi
Ih work.
'Hi rhiirrli wo liiiiiiloincly dcco
rated w ith evergreen ami f-looiis In
timfimlnn, ami around the pulpit pint
form wm a iterftct l-aiik of Ifowi-m. The
mimic, tli IIowitk, ami the happy
faces of the audience betokened the
licurtv. oonllnl welcome anl hospital!
ly which only intern a-oplo can
give, ami which U Eugene's proudest
In mil.
The program w as colon ernstl wllli
an organ vnluntury ly Mr. Snyder,
followed liv a vim-hI i i i Krt 1 1 l y I lie
U. H. nunr'tclle club. Then Dr. Wire
led tlitt congregation In a short, curliest
!"? .. .
In a ohort address lu-v. Snyder, pun
lor of the C. 11. church, snld that lit
wan glad Hint not only the churches
but Hie whole cily bsik a deep Interest
anil plcamire In welcoming the bishop.
lla then iuirMiiiiii ,Mnyr n. Jl
The mayor made a short diameter
Inllr add rcaa of welcome. It waa full
of the w arm, hearty, honpltnlity of our
N-oplH. Hi wiliI: "In mi rnlMTK, grand
buildings. riitiM-tima, work of art ami
statuary, our city dm-s mt Ixmxl ; hut
for warm-hearted liberality of her (i-o-
pie she yield the piilm to none. Itli
oiiInI rctcht-il arms we welcome good
pcoiilo of whatever creed, of whatever
iiallonallly. I recnghl.e you as kind
man, representative of a great
ehurcli. Vou liava eouiH among u to
live ami Inhor, ami to help us workout
the (linlliilin of of I he Moplo,aml tmllil
up a great ti-llgloti civilization on Hit
iMiriler of lll wentcrn licllllhhcre
He siNilte at length of oiirSlnto Ciii
vemilv, IU ufnt ailvnnlaitea ami the
Mculiur Ix-iiftl In to he ilerlveil to It hv
the prvM'ticv In our mliUI of rultiinil
ami etlucnliil men. lla Inn-Mike lor It
tna klml olllien ami dearly cooMra
llon of the hUliop. In couc!uiloii he
temleritl niriiin hU welcoiini lo not
only I ho IiInIiop alone, hut li in excel
lent family tii well, ami vxiinHMi Hie
holm that thev would enjoy health
and priierily in their new home.
Ilcv Idinriluiail, piiNlor or (he np
Hut chinch, In HililrcMliiK thehUhop,
alil: "I wi Iiwiiiii you iH'cniiiw we
need you in our work, our Mlninlerinl
Axmh IiiIImii, uhi on U lmlf of till) lln
lint ehurcli ami the iicoplc (enemlly,!
t'Xieuu lo vou a heuilv wcli-oiiii
I.. II. Adnlr (Inn n-mlentl a vikhI
mill i In hln uminl excellent nlyle.
)r. Wire, of tliu M. II ehurcli, ex
premed liU welcome, "Ineuune I have
Krenl renini't for any inttn who iIiki
the work of thn Ioid." He HMik of
ine iieeu 01 ruitureii ami iraiueii men
In the mlnlxlry.
Iti-v. Iiuuholloiii. of the ('. I
church, ipmlcd woriinof welinmii frmn
Hie iS'rlpiuren, iiml mild further: "Any
coiiiiiiuiiilv thnl linca a uimhI man mh f-
fem a low; hut If they uri forluuate
enoiili to iftiln nui'li a limn Ihey kiiIii a
ii iieai."
The mule iinirlillc tlit'ii relnlered
mother of (heir mmiioi.
Key. (lilln-rt, of the IWivt. rlmi
cliiinli, who allcmletl I lie colfeKM in
In rtwiioiiiH) to lit) ahovii call, iiuh-
. . i .... i.. it & .... ..... ..
linoeii ill inu ititnii-i e, iMtiiirj or
HI liiemlii-ni of Hit) iMiilile'n liurlv met
at the court Iioum thin loremmn.
AImhjI I ho only hlliilie-M truiiHaclai
wnn llio nulM'riliiii of a aulmiily fund
of tZ't r uiniilli for one year, fur I lie
iiimiii of the irt(ii of Hie purly, the
llroul-Axea Mr. Amu klulliu Hint he
wit l u iiiiiiif U'IiIihI Unit ii r i miii it t
iiiiilithly. wilhiiiit iKunliuK hU wurk
mi Vlllllll.
All in witn rnlhcr n ii.Uniy
I tiralriral.
I'niljr iurl, NuTi'Uilwr K
The HIilllX compiitiy coutiiiiien to
irlvo only llintliwn n.rfiriiiiiiiL'n.
I.unt nlifhl lliul InteiiM-ly pHlrioliu
drama, "American Jtoru." wu pre
en I til. (uorit) neyuiore, Auicrlcuii
horn, wnn Hi llnif nn iiuuiHiji r or a
luririi mine in Jlnlivia. lie wit uu
fiiM-d ol coiiHiilriiikT auuiiiil the uiiy
eruor ol the Province, and comleiiiued
lodeatli. Tliu cHurln ot I lie U. n.
eolinul to uraul a nlwy of execution or
for an American trial wvie alike fruit
lean, lie wan oolitic limed to dentil.
The utninul in tleHM'rMtlou Kiilhereil an
Auierlcuii lui ami threw It over the
condemned. "L'imiii the American
Itnir, lire If you dare." A pn:lly love
nlory run lliniuuliout the play. Frank
lutaillck. In the L'litirucit-r or i.uiiuu
HriMKl, wan Hie V 11 lulu of villulim imt
MHitllud. Mr. Jed 1'iirletoll mid Minn
Millie Freeman, un a love-nick yoiiiiif
couple, tllil their parla III moil ex-
ivlleiil nlyle. In the nuooml act Min
rreeiuau khii; a very caiciiy liiuunonir
ami K'licluunly retMiuilii in an encurv.
I Ileal runl.
Iiailf liunril, NuruniOor 17.
Larger cmwU nreKivttiiiK IheKlulU
1-OIIM'llHV It'll II III lit. I dint lllKlll u
liiru't' crowl wilt in nllcmlunce ami lo
liluhl we predict fur Hiein a full
Iioum. "llaiiilct," princeuf Ivniiiiiik
wan the pluy lunt nliilit. While l
heuvy a play lor the eomimiiy never
Iheli'M ctium'ientinun elliiri and fuir ill
It ipivtutiiiu wtui for theiii round uflir
round of npplHllne. Hlutl pluyeil
lliiiulet:" I'riuik lUudick, "t'laud-
iun, "Kliiit of iH'iiuiitrk, mid E. Alum
si mm. "opheliii."
A fair Iioum) k rtt t t'd the Htutlx com
ti n y al thn mutliiee Ihu ulleriiiNiu
1a) ll.iililu " waa the play, loumicil mi
lliu b rencli ruviiliiUin initory. lhin
i! nut niece wit ooiiiinlud hy J. II,
St ill U.
TlmukniflVluir .StTTlrrt.
the Kant with which llinlioii MIIU wnn
connected, wild: "I'crnoun in llio crUin
tf llielr ClirUlliin exHTleute neeil the
klinliy lulliiciicc ami lenchliiK of nucli
iiien an me iilNiiop."
An excellent vih'hI illicit Wan then
ifiiilcn-tl hy Mm. I. inn und Mini lien-
hie haw.vern.
Kcv. I HU, of ,t riiiitrfL-ntloiial
church, iMiixriituliilcd llinlioii Si Ilia mi
In-liitf ehoneu lo llio wurk 111 the North
went, lie well-timed Inn, on In-half of
I lie Hope, an, nn a friend ami
iw a I iirinllnu.
llinlioii MIIU feelingly reniHimletl to
lhin evideiict of welitiuie and himpllul-
ny lemii-retl Him. lie nahl that not
fur himself itliiiiti wiu he urateful, hut
for hln fumlly. lie will i,eeettarilv In
away lunch of Ihu lime from our city,
hut 1,1-t family will renidtt with un.
"lie n-urci, frlemln, whatever I can
) for Ihu mlvniiivmcul of morality
and tilucatliiii ami Ihu iipliulltlliiH of
i iiriMiiiiuiy w in mt Hunt; ami what I
tin w ill In lo the fiilltnl extent of inv
aliility. It Imi plcam-il I i-x to let unlive
HI a KiHitlly 1 1 ni. tiolwllhntuudiiiK Ihu
cry rieii nil over our laml. tur mn-lal
inn n-ourm w nn all iialionn iiml h-o-
pit u-iicii ih iiiai all rti-t-L'iil.ti a iiuii
mini lirotherliiMHl. iH-vout men of Ihu
relili.imi.r Hie Orient im t w llli llio
In-lliVern of (he ClllU'lnll fnltll ill
Muii Hull nl t'hlcnKo tltirlliir the
world n fair. In (heir hctirlathcv n-otiif
ni.etl,all of thein.a Higher Tower alntve Im-ihk loin wontlilHtl, and Hint
Iheir llven,HhnMw l.y (heir conviction-,
woulil hrintc them their happiut-M ai.d
Iiml n-wanl." He cloned hi remark
ly llinukinir Hiein nuam, one ami all,
for Ihu many kiiidnen-H-n ami cordial
weli-ome hhow n lilinm lf and family.
nun n-iMinM wan (ulloweil ly a
tluelt hy Mi Mnry Mft'ornack ami
1.. (i. A. lair.
I lie lal tliliiK on the picitrin wan
Hie "Mn-ial liaiiilnhakitiit." Kveryone
In the luruit audience limk atlvniilnire
nl lhin II to nrmnially jin-cl the
hifliop ami family, and meet ench
olhi-r. It wnn a lute hour when all de
We are nurry Iliat Lick of niiace lor-
Itldn a inure Icnlli v rettiinio ol all the
ml. In-met.' they were all excellent ami
to Ihu point. I'lie iitunlcnl liumln-ra
were all greatly enjoy,-,). Much rretlll
in ilue lU-v. Snydi-r aiul hia prtMtiniotii
Utile ehurcli for the niii-itiM of Ihu re
e -pi Ion.
Ilhiubeuu Hie vuntmil (or nevt-ral
veara i-ant lo have union relliloun nor-
vice in thin t-lty on l liuiiKaxi viutl
tl.iy. Atlhelunl nuilliiir of tliu lulu
Inlerlnl aMnlatltiii 1 1 icy neleeletl lllaliop
J. 8. MIIU. of the I'. K. I'liureh, to
reach the nelliioli. Ihenervitta will
mi held ill the Firnl HuptUt i-liurcli at
1 1 o'clock it. in.
Jlinhnp .MilU in a lluuul ami raru-
ut talker, tlealliiK Willi modern
aulijet-ln III a pritcHcut wny, and it In
W illi plcuMire we mile inn m-iet'tiuii.
W I'M i. - I'lu alimmiu'euieut la
iiiiitle lliul a wttlilliiu- will take iilace
In IliU cily, Nov. In. VH, Hie full tract-
llilf tnrten In-liiK Mr. J. P. Ilollnnd
ami Minn Wilder ('ampin, I. 0
Pat I f t artt, Ntitvii.twr I?.
Amuiiih rH'Kil'MH'..-Mr. I
Mnntent, of Junctlnii I'ity, waa exam
ined al that place In-fore Judtre Fuk,
deputy pnot-t-utliiK alluruey William
am I medical examiner lira. Kulf
niul Iav la it I'Vt-iiliia, fur lumtnily and
oriiervtl itunmittetl to Hie anyluui.
Ilt-r lliani(y in ilue to a lollK ln-l of
III neon. Mi.riir Jolni-ii, Imiii the Uli- j liltfeiie ami I'orvallm. A. 1.
lorlunate lady lo (he an Iuin at Salem fellow, of rorllaud, will be In
lliia liiunilng.
Palljr tiiiaitl, Nnvt uiUvr 17
C.Fieomau.tif I'olleire Hill, hrouxht
to thla ulllce thin liioruillir a i-lllnlwr of
alruwlK'rrle. Homo are toll V rlln-uetl
while oihern nre In all ntyle of
growth. Thn frtnila of the hint few
nlithla have mil ilr-ttroyod Hiein and
he t'XiMM-l to have nlrnwtn-rric t'hrlnt
man. lint tin our r.:mleru irlemln
Hilnkt.f Hilit?
Pali (iuaxU. N.iri'Uitwt IT.
Dikii. Dr. It. h, KtiHM'll wrilen
from Thumlon Hint "Auiiniilaa Ia-wU
died at the county r farm thin
moriiluic from tutlhiiia and piitieuiunia
of Hie luiiK'n, aKfd tv vcam.'f The oltl
Kelitleinuli wan a native of Wait-a. lie
hnn been a county chnriru letweeu 10
ami I. year.
Iialljr UuarU, .Nuvrml-rr I:
Anm ai. Ki.kitiii.n. The FiiKciie
camp, .No. 1 1. 1, outlined of the
"t orltl, helil lliolr aiiinml elecllon al
their linlk'O riMiuin lunt evi nlui:. The
following ullltvra were elit-tctl: eon-
aid, M. S. Barker; udvinor, (I. W.
I ion tier: clerk, J. . Kay; hanker,
I'. I'.. SuiMtirraita: uMtirl, V F. Little-
llelil; wiitcliiiian, K. (). I'otter; neiilry,
II. liarrlnon; caniii examiner, . Kuy-
kemlall; ninnutrer, W. V. llt-iulcron.
After Hie elet llun the new Iv-elut-ted
liuitiaKer leinlered thomt liiemU-ra
pretMlilau uyenter nuplier. lie haa
In-eli a Imrd-wurkiiiK ami faithful
lucmlter ami iliwrvea the IiIkIi ti
Hon to w hit-h the ItKlj-e linn culktl him.
I '! I y liuanl, Nutrrniln-r IH.
IMkii. Ill Kutrene, dnvnn, at the
home of hln imreutn, Thursday even
lug at 10 o'clock, of liumorrhaij of the
Iiiiik-i, illlam t rnu kiln liter, airetl
t yiarn, 7 iiioiitha and 1 day. For
nevural veara Hie youiiir mail worked
at hia trade, that of cabinet maker.
ami the line ilimt llnnllv tauttl hem
orrhuu of the luiiirn, fnuu which he
eventually died. Frank wun a bright,
niiil htn-ral licfirlctl vuiiti oinii nu.1
Iiml uiativ frieuda w ho are pained to
learu of hia death. For Ihu pant lhnp
yt-ura lie nail aullereti coiiitlaull v from
the tlin-ajte, but without a murmur.
lie leave a lather ami mother, two
nUtrra ami one brut her, who have the
nyuipalhy of all. The funeral acrvu-c
will lw helil at Hie IniliilV renltleinv.
corner of Flithlh and f 1 lu li ntret-ln.
Sumlny nf'eriiut.u at ; in li k. lnter-
nielil In llio ManuiiiciTiiirtery
Hti:mi k ih Ft tii;.K. The lluU)
atcamer lilmiian-k w ill mm apin-ar un
the river. Her lint wurk will be Ut.
Iiiir wheat from Peoria to Corvalll fur
Hi i urvallia r lounnic null company,
ai.d alnu iiiaklng connection with ib
O. P. al Hint plait. Aa an aa the riv
er rin-a aulllt-irlit nhe W ill ply U-lwieli
a her maiiager.
Wm. Alexander I vltilltig In Port
(on. T. Hull han n-lurnul from Poll
II. H. I'athy, of CtitluKO Cirove la In
F.Ukt-liu today.
Ix-na Whlple liu.1 ri-turiied from
vinll lo Ix-baiiou,
K. C. II unit, of Hacrauieuto, L'al
hup buyer, I in the city.
Jlvv. J)r. Klllott.uf I'lirtluml.urrived
here on tlila afirriiiMiira train.
W. II. HnuUKh, nf Juuctloii prvclnct
viMieti j-.ugenti thla alteriiooii.
Attorney Woodcock I atleiidiinr to
Ii-kuI bunlneaa III J'ortlalid totlay.
II. F. Andruwa, of Iudeiiendeiiee, la
vmiiing in r.Ut'iie lor a few tlaya,
Minn Nellie Krea returned home
from Collage drove thla luoruiug.
Mm. (loo. II. Verlnirtou returnotl to
her home at Springfield Ihlaaflernuun
Mm. L llilveu left on thia morninit't
liM-al fur Albany, for a vUlt w llli n la
W. ('. Vomn and family went to
liarrinburg thin morning to jcnd Hun
Arthur Klrkluml haa returnetl from
aililiiKtun to hiahonie al Spring
J. X. O Ni 11, of Portland, travellnc
pom-m-el Ui(f III of tho O. IC tk N.,wua
III Hie city laat night.
F. M. McKeiiicle. tnivi'lliigiMutnenirer
aiit of Hie C. A 11. I., lelt on lliia
morning local Iraln.
A. II. Culver and wife liavo gone to
San Fraut'inco on a vialt to their
daughter at that place.
Ilev. C. A. Wmdey went to Albany
on thin moruiiig'a Itn-al, where lie will
holii aervlcea toiaorrow.
Chan. (Jinan, who haa been worklmr
in Voung'a murkel, left for Portland
thin morning, where he linn accepted
N. II. Whlllcy, ttiMtclul aifent of the
American fire lunuramte to., save
thin oiiicv a very pluunant cull thla af
Mi -wen Ia-ii ami Currlo Keurnvv. of
idnieiiurg, arriveti rrom roriiami lhin
afteruiniii lo vinit nl the rveldence of
Warren I.uckcy.
John Kchmlili-r, who forme, ly work
til fi r Finhor V Wutkina, linn returnetl
(oim-ifon ami la now working In
Salem butcher nliop.
Henry Kompn If at Merrill Duvia In
a im) yani to'iiruce hero (otlay. 1'urae
I. W. Cimlliliru returned from Salem
hint night In reniMiuae to a telegram
from I, in wife. Ilia youngent child la
ilutigcrounly ill w ith croup.
Mm. Judge Willi! and Mm. 1-1 It
SlieriiM:i, of Koneblirg, enme un on
thin aflermHin'a (rain and will vUlt
over Sunday with Memlnint-a M. L.
wiinhiiurne ami W. I. 1-ikln.
IlUhnp J. H. MIIU left fur Portland
on thin morning a train. Tomorrow
he will dedicate Hie Firnt I'. II. i-huicli
of Funl PorUiind. He w III Im awnntetl
in Hie exercinea by lllnhop N. Caalle.
oi i-.ikiiurt, I ml.
Mm. Sarah A. Scofield. of (Irani
Piinn, who hnn lmn vlnillng at the
renidemi of J. M. Howe, lii tint city.
reiuruiti noine lam nigiit. She waa
accompiinieil by Mrn. It. II. Cochran,
who win Hjn-mi tiiu winu-r there.
John It. Harria returned homo from
PliiH'tiix, Arizona, on tlila morning'
early train, with Thoina Mulkey.
.Mr. .miii Key a comitiion la Improving,
but hln mind la mill badly nlinltcred.
I ho gentleman wants to go to tho not
tiler home nt Koneblirg, and ho may
id taken to dial place. .Mr. Harris In
form un that he at ruck aoiuo hot
weather hint Wednomluy where ho
tinik breakfiut the thermometer regis
tering in-gnxa in the aiiatle.
Many fanner reiMirt the ground to
dry to plow.
Tho government rain Hag I ui and
llio wiiiii in irom llio nouihweel.
A car of hops Uiun 1 for California
were burned lant evening at Medford.
Mr. I-nil FUli relumed on thi
arteruimtrn train fnuu a vinit at
Mine DaUy McMurrv left for Cottage
i mive tins arteruoou, where she will
aimly telegraphy.
Dr. Ogleaby, of Juncllun City, w.u a
pnnneuger to I ullage drove tin this
afternoon train.
Hie "Name Yourself" aoclal bv the
unit) ioiks oi i ue i i'. i tiurcii lant
evening wan a decided success.
Mrs. A. H. IVniv rel ii rued to her
home at Drain this afternoon, after a
nliort vlilt with her mother, Mrs. N.J.
(loo. T. Hall & anil mirrhasctl ttnliiv
i uait-s oi noiw iiuni jonn iirown.
1 he price paid was H cents. They alo
iiurrhaneU M bales from l.y an lllach
The bthly ofCaDtalu IaiuIs Willleh.
who waa waahetl uverUmrd fnuu the
choouer Lila and Mnttlo, was found
on mo ocacn nut l ucaonv. 11 waa
iilaivtl on Hie same schooner, which
left Florence for San Francisco Wed.
Trauint are numt-roiia again.
A new churvli Is being eret-lutl in
Chnn. K. Wolctilt's new iianor nt
Mtslford will be republican in (Hililics.
The new arc light at the corner ol
Third and Wanhiuglou streets. Is now
in service.
It. II. Itui k'a imm-rat Fjoarto I'kI
haa suniHnded lublicalioll on a.-cunl
of aor patronage.
Hun J. II. Mt-Clung la having ce
ment walka laid In Hie gmumia of hi
haudaome renideiit pnvrty on JUgli
vi levi.
Ike F. Yukum nulil 40 bal.- of bun.
hear Dalian, and K. F. Mumiii 131' bales
f'T (i) tVlltS IHT IMlllld. Ilt.lh ih
gt iitU iiieii at one lime nui.lcd here.
the female imrtluu of Fngvue lain
niourning. The heavy front of v.i. r.
tlay morning kllletl nearly all of the
in-niilirm chrvMiilhfmuiii which were
in bloom. We do not blame them for
weeping either.
A highwaymau demanded a colored
bailn r'a liiuney or hi lite one ulirht i-.
ccntlv in linker l ily, but the kunrhl
uf Hie riuur ran.w heu the rubtier llrvtl.
The ball struck the barber oo the head,
and rvtaiuuding. seriouttlv
hia aoailant. At leant I In I tha (.r
the 1 laker Cily Jokers are U-illmron th
geutleuiaa of cvlor.
We .Del fmtmr I .al
Wamiiisoto!., Noy. l.V Fretlfrltk
( Walte. formerly sm-clal agent for
the llth ceiiius. In a laer In-fore the
National Stat lal leal an'latlon. on
the subject of election certificates,
nerts that the democratic) Irty
waa defeaU-d In the retwnt elecllon by
stav-at home voters Among other
interesting statements made by Walte,
are thea: To show that Ilia republi
can farmers did not vol for Cleveland
in 112, 1 analyzed Hi election returns
town for town, ihrougnoui me rural
districts of New York, and discoveretl
that the rural vote for Cleveland waa
even lens In 1M. than In lvN, In every
agricultural county In the Km pi re
Slate. In Ohio il waa lust the same.
Cleveland's vol In lwi was leas than
In IbHH In all the rural townships of
tho agricultural couutiee. I his year
the republicans have nut cast as large
aperoeut. of the full vote aa lo iv
In a single state. Hence, the only
reasonable conclusion is that In lw.
the diaaatislled republican farmers, and
this year the discontented democratic
labon-rs, Joined the slay-at-home vot
ers. The alay-at-liome vote has in
creaaetl in the state of New York from
T.I.OOO In 111 to M.IXH in IHiC, and to
llS, Olio this year; In Peiinsylvaula,
from VO.doo in 10M, to io,0uo In IM'-C
and I0,uii0 this year. It lias Increased
In Ohio rrom -SO.onO In IViM, to llft.uu
In IWJ and sj,000 this year; In Mich
igan, from JJ.OOO In Ivt, to lo-l.ixw lo
IMU2 and i;io,noO In lv.C and I-AM.
South Carolina, when she had oO.ono
less voters than at prenent, cant l.'V
votes for Hayes and Tildoii. The to
tal vote this year, however, is not
much over 00,000, or about one-fourth
of tho full vole. It Isthestay-at
lioine party that haa made such phe
nomeual gains. The Immense repub
lican pluralities this year are not the
renult of an extarordlnary voto, but of
the exceedingly small democratic vote,
Wisconsin has not imlleil for her tic m
ocratio caudiatea such a small percent
age or her run vote ror ur years, in
Pennsylvania, the democratic party
has not cast such a small vote on so
iiuiiortaiit an election for half a ecu
lury. The antoulsliiug features of the
recent election are the same as thono of
Ih'.i wliea 1,000,000 republican farm
em stuyed al home, while the lion ilUt
brotlireli cant l.Olijal votes on the
atrengtli of visionary promines. Cell
nun and regUtratiou statistics dlnt-li
the fact that this year the stay-at-home
voters nuintn-retl 6 lOU.OOO. To these
wondtl the iMipullsls, the re
publicans ami the scattering vote, and
we have over l.ouo.000 who have
nhowu a tlinnatinfactlou with the pres
ent adiiiinintrallon of public allalm, to
in) pmoeii agninni llio 4.U0,0UU tl. ino-
crnu wno voted approval.
.HrMas Male tetamtl : r
HuiMiKLVK. N. Y.. Nov. 15. The
hnfuofjohu Y. McKane, ex -bust of
(iraveneml, was oieiietl this luoruiug,
ami (o the great urprle aud couater'i
atlou of all, was found empty. The
llnntklyu authorities xiHctetl to Und
inmiks ami iMtiiers showing coucliiNlvely
whether McKane was behind In hia
uccounts with the town.
Ksav l ark's liars St sot.
Nkw i ohk. Nov. 13. -For fine
homoa and beautiful women thenrvs
ent uome snow eeupnes anytlilllg ever
held Ut-rnre. Attcmlaiiue ctintinucs
large, and Irom a financial point the
show U mora than succesnful. In the
Judging totlay st cond for hack
ney mares were awartletl to the entries
or Hustings, or Doer Park, Cauoda.nnd
mcplieiiHou, ol yueU-c.
CblMca I'lalu Beysral Vlclarlr
1IF.X-1H1N, ov. lo. Chinese re
ports from Port Arthur say the Jap
nneso nave not yet captured 1 alien
Wan. 1 wo forts there are still hold
ing out and In spite of den-icrato fight
ing ino enemy una been repulned
rrom the sainu source it Is stated that
the Japanese are fur from Port Arthur,
whoso defenses have been greatly
strengthened, and It Is likely the place
win oner a uoiuriiiiueu resistance, it
Is also reported that a portion of (leu
oral Sung's army has recaptured Kin
Chow, ami the Jaancsu have been
driven out of Moutleu, on tho road to
reking, by the Chinese, who after.
ward pursued them several miles.
airttal tar nataalasialilsr.
Oaki.amii, Cal.. Nov. 13. The
grand jury has returued an Indictment
of matinluughior against Washington
Hunlo, the switchman who is accused
of canning the wreck of the train on
Hie VtelMtcr street bridge when Kllev
and SIllllllolllU were kll etl. Tho aecun-
ed man removetl to Stockton with his
runilly two weeks ago, and w ill prob
ably be arrested there.
Ths I elsr I.Ims lira w si.
I IIICAdO. Nov. 15. TheArlntin-rnllc
omen s ( luh. after a stormy aension
itmay, reiu-sti to udmii to member
ship tliu noted colored lecturer, Mrs,
l-aiiule It. Williams. A strong faction,
led by Mm. Charles Henroteu, w ife of
the millionaire broker, stmugly op
posed drawing tho color line, aud to.
day a action or the membership com
mlttee Is likely, It Is thought, to dis
rupt the organization.
Twaair iwra Mare Uratwaintl.
London. Nov. 15. The Ilriilsh shin
Culmore founderetl vestenlav In a otiIm
oirSpuru Head, Yoikshiro. Twenty-
two were drowned, Including the cap-
ibiii nuu uia w ill.
tall ( fears.- with Marasr.
vtn.i n in, u.. .ov. I.i. It Is re
ported here that Colonel Coct haa Invii
charged by the coroner at Washing
ton i uuruiouae wnn murder In the
Iirsl degree.
1 era Karlasiaah Shack.
UOI.D HILL, Nov.. Nov. 15. Two
earthquake shocks were experienced
yesieitlay. one in tho afternoon aud
the other In the even lug.
Tha Ollsr Hsaaalaa-
Yok'OIIAMA, Nov. l.V New-annoer.
here resent Ureal Itrltian's oiler of in-
lerteuuuu, which mey regaM as en
tirely in behalf of China. They add
(hat Ureal llritiau's Intluence In tho
Vjkri is in Jeoutrtly In this otrer, w hlch
wounds the Japanene fivlingn. The
newspapers say that the defenses of
Port Arthur are lYportoii stronger ou
the laud side thau on t he sea f run t.
Fully luo guns are said to he u pw.
Hull. The JsvaneneXct that If the
Chinese make any defem-e the amault
will be blootly.
Tlirwi llaudreil and leartr.flve :
Dollars Taken trom Kl-Hsy-r
ha u for 4 tujiliuartl.
IwlUCuanl, .NoTt'mWr It.
Tliiin.l.iv's Albany Iiemocrat:
jnt-ullar burglary hapnetl yealerduy
al Waterloo. Kx-Mayor Sanford left
hia home at noon, aud went Into the
country, leaving his wife and child at
home alone. 1'uring mo aiiuriiuou
Mrs. San ford put the child aleep aud
lav down herself. Mr. San ford re
turnetl home at 4 or 6 o'clock, when
his wife ami child were yet anleep, and
at once suw that some one had Invn In
Hie house disturbing thlugn. He had
deiMMitetl tilt In a cupboard as a
bank, thinking it was well concealed,
and of coume looked to see If It were
I u tact the 11 mt thing. It waa gone, bis
worldly saving having vaulshetl.
Mrs. San ford was awakened, hut the
child did not wake up till lale In the
The Indication were strong that they
hail been chloroformed. There wan no
clue to the burglar. It was a daring
broad daylight allalr. Another warn
ing against trusting unocrtaiu places
for keeping money.
The Ileiiton county gramlj irv haa
found a true bill ng iin.i ,x . A
llaleoiiib lice Sanders, and son, Ithle!
on a charge of larceny of nierchandle
fmm a warehuune.
Sol Himch, of Purtland, say he is
not a candidate for I'. S. N-imtur.
PrMlBsl I'lllara af Albaar
rassss iwift
Aliia.ny. Nov. 15. Ileiijauiln llrcn
tier, an old aud highly resiiected citl
zen of this city dmpn-d dead at not in
today With heart dUeane. The do-
ceasetl tins been prominent In cummer
clul circles for the past 35 years, aud
was very active up lo the time of his
death. Ho leaves a wife ami two
daughters, with a largo circle of rela
tives aud friends, to mouru his death
Fill DAY, NOVLM11EH Ifl.
A religious can vans is being made of
The Iin' iI walialf an hour late lls
J. L. Dewey lias been appointed
postmaster at l iieiidalc, Douglas coun
ty, Oregon.
Muse Saxon baa located at OrauU
Pans, where he wis) spend the winter
Wheat has been recently sold near
Condon, Oilliara, county, as low as I I
otiils er bushel.
The plasterers are now at work on tho
new room to be occupied by tho Ku
gene Loan and Savings Dunk.
A family of emigrants from South
Dakota cauin In on thla afternoon's
train and will probably locate here.
At Pendleton, T. F. Ilourke, oue of
ex -Treasurer Folaom's bondsmen, linn
Just paid f60oo )( ,e county treas
ury ou account or tue shortage.
The county commissioners' court is
at work totlay looking up jiroerty not
glveu la by taxpayers, lu shape of
mortgages. Ihey are nndliig consid
erable amount.
Iludd, for governor of California,
Lekj Dubious for Hopi.
Illr (i lartl, Nim-mbvr lii.
Thurstlav's Portland Sun: Oeo. T.
Hall, a well known hop buyer, accom
panied bv his sou t leorge, is iu the city.
ait. Hall is here buying goods tor a
new grocey store, which he will oiieu
at his old stnud in Kugenc, under the
firm name of Hull fc Son. In regard
to hops Mr. Hall states that he bought
two car luad yesterday for I of a cent
lesa tliaiilhe oll'cred ten days ago. He
says most all of the better irrndu of
hups have been shipped, and that
about one-half the entire crop rained Is
still in the hands of the growers, who
are very anxious to sell. "1 must nay,"
naid he, "that the future outlook for
hoi is very innir. as the present stock
on hand Is of such a imor quality that
buyers do not care to ship them."
Daily Uusrtl. Nort-mlvr I".
I). W. CtMit.tiMiE.NAMKI). A npcclul
commiiu-e or mo state board or tt-uaii
zatioii met In Salem yentenlay after-
niMin. it was comiMNicd or A. I
Woodcock, liu-mhtT from the second
district; S. . dibnon, third district:
ami ueoigo uaikius, or Hio fourth
umirici. i no purHMe was to elect a
accn-tury fur the ensuing 30 days' m-s-slon
of llio Ixmril, ami to give him the
unuul inntructloiis rt-gurtliug tho ar
niugemeiits for the preliminary work.
u. . Looiiage, or i.ano county, was
re-elected sccrolary. Ho lias llllud the
p wltion at former mcetliigs.
TSi Trie la Hill lltrsrlf.
Stikkton, Cnl., Nov. 15. Frauk
(juiun, a young man, wan shot and
killed at 1H0 this morning in a lodg
ing noune on the top noorof the M
Mullln building by a woman w ho is
known as hdith l.l.ler. She subne-
qucutly shot herself. The shiMitlng
was iiono witii a m cuiitn-r revolver.
Fromlthe womnu's own coiifcwlon she
shot Uuiun inteiitloiiallv. having
bought the pistol for Hint purpose. She
alleged, w hile lying In a pool of blood,
that she had shot him becuuno ho had
wronged her under promlne of mar
riage, six months ago, and then refused
tl il,ft.n 111 ItroiiiiM.. TIia ,1 , u.t r.rm
- , - ' ...'....m. .11.' " . Ul B
after making a critical examination, of
Hie woman s wound, concluded that
sho was not fatally hurt aud would
live. 1 hey found the bullet had enter
ed her brvant, aud, ranging downward
near the surince, came out at the back
1 lie murtlercis Is a tall brunette with
petite features, and nppureutlv about iM
yearn oia. nue said that her hither
Ived at Svlma. I-rcanu county, and
her mother is dead. Sho made her
home mistily In San Jos, where she
stopcd at the Norwood house and
worked an souuiHtrcs. She has a sister
living In t-reano, anil a cousin mimed
ill lotts In Sail Jose. Olllcer Sal-
bach, who knew something of her
history, saitl that she hail lived at Mer
ced ami had been coming to this cily at
intervals for two years, presumably to
lilt lllatl ulicft Lill.ul M-l.o lu...ll...lH
. v .iiivu. ft no laiiumur
of the lotlging house shvs the Indv
came to the house Saturday aud had
inteu tiuiel whllo there. It Is supptwed
that tiie woman shot l.uinn while he
waa lying in bed, and without any
naruiug. jio was unureteMHl when
me oinciT arrived, While she was
W hat is the use of saving "Hello."
when one goes to the 'Phone? It la a
waste of time and breath. For exam
ple Smith, o. 19, cal la up Jones, No.
i7. Jones goes to tho 'phone and fool
ishly says "Hollo." Then Smith asks:
"is this Jones'.'" Jones replies, "Yes."
All this conversation is needle.
smith know Hint unless a niUtake
has been made, that the answer will
come from Jones. Instead of saving
ill! If . tl . - .
jienu, ami waning ror a tuestlou
and answering "vcs." all that is
sary for Jones to do Is to say "Jones."
Then Smith can proceed with his busi
ness without further delay. Or. If the
puone rings iu a hotel, answer "Pal
still has a plurality of 1.150 with 37
precincts lo hear from. It Is claimed
that Kstce will contest the elecllon ou
grounds of fraud.
Ilosoburg I'lnindoaler: There Is
every Indication that the coming term
of the circuit court will be a long one
aa there are a great many cases lo dis
pose of. The docket will probably
coutaiu a greater number of case thau
ever before iu the history of the ooun-
A Salem tmsiuess man regularly
does tho family washing, aud he says
It Is Hie easiest work he has to do. lie
finishes the work, all but hanging out
the clothes, aud gets over to town by
9 o'clock iu the morning, thus losing
very little time from business. He
says it is much more satisfactory than
to Have a Chinauinu evcu come alter
the clothes.
ItoporU of a shooting scrape on the
Illinois river Sunday have reached
Oram's I'ass. It appears that James
Mctluiro was shut iu tho breast,
though not dungc rously, by Joe Con
nor. Several shots were exchanged.
Connor gave himself up to the authori
ties at Kerby. The justice of tho
enco dismissed Connor, as It was e
tublUhed that ho acted In self-defence.
Prof. Foster' lost bulletin gave fore-
cunts of the storm wave to cross the
continent from tho 11th to the 15th,
aud the next he says will reach the
Paclllo coast about Hie litth, cross the
western mountains by the clone of the
17th, the great central valleys fmm the
iMh to tlie JHli, aud the Kanlern
states about the 21st. Very dry weath
er will precede, not much rain may be
expected lo accompany and a fall of
ntieen lo thirty degrees will Mlow
this disturbance
Fine jork packing weather.
Tho county commissioners court is
still In session.
The thermometer stood at 23 degrees
abovd zero this morning ut 7 o'clock.
Pretty cool for thla time of year.
Several hunters are slill shooting
China pheasants notwithstanding the
clone season is here. A good flue or
two is necessary to slop such work.
The Thos. Kay Woolen Mill, of
Salem, pays taxes on JtH.OnO. A Hush
leads the iiersonal list In Marion enmi
ty, tho llgurcs being f I83.4UU. W. A.
Ui-lck pays on I lM'.: A. Kllon on
fs.iiis); Jell' Meyers ou K,iKA; State Ins.
Co. IJO.iJU; Estate of it. 8. Wallace,
J. W. Cook, of Woodburn. hns a
patent clothes lino invented by him.
which Is so constructed that the
clothes ran bu placed ou the line Iu
the house, moved Into the air ami
brought back without going out doors.
He claims to have sold $10,000 worth
Bilvcrton Ilccord: "The Itecord la
pleased to state that Homer Davenport.
Silverton's Illustrious son. now eu-
gaged ou the Sun Frauclsco Examiner
as stair artist, Is appreciated by that
enterprising Journal. The excellent
worn which he produced during the
late political campaign led them to
raise his salary. We are Informed ho
uow receives one of the best salaries
paid ou the coast for such work." Mi.
Davenport did the sketch work fur the
history of Lane county, and Is pretty
well knowu here.
Last Friday a customer of J. If.
Harris, at Corvallis. settled un his bill.
and paid the entire amount f 1.73
in uickles aud 10-cuut pieces. The
man must have been a church or Sun
day school treasurer.
Oregon has 12.10!.7sl acres of unsur-
veyed laud, A.OUO.OOO In tho Cascade re
serve, and fJ,641,3oi50 in the Irreducl-
dio common school fund.
8. A. Clark, of Suk-m. spent last
night in Eugene.
Alonzo Ocsnor. of Salum. vlnltml In
Eugene yesterday.
W . 8. McMurrav went to Salem on
this morning's local.
Ex-Marshal McCIute. of Junction
City, is in town today.
Attorney! Sklnworth and Kl naev
went to Junction City this morn lag.
Mr. Price, of Thurston. Is ila
ly 111 with hemorrhage of the stomach.
Polloetnan Mathews will in Port.
land on tomorrow ncornltnr'a r It-
train for a short visit.
Chas Lauer and hia daughter. Miss
i.iiuii- nog iu a uoiei, answer "l'al- iwnara. went lo Cortland this morn
ac hotel, or wli alever tho name may lug. on the early train to visit for a few
1. So with a newspaper ofllce or pub-1 day
lio place. The "hello" aud .luerv and M
waste of fifo and Its
reply are so much
The tax lew of Stnikann roiintv n,l
Including the Cltv anil m linol .li'.lrl,.
levies, is is.7 mills, as against 14 last
year. On its face the now levy is con-
sineraiuy m excess or that of lant year,
but this U due to the reduction In
ncssed valuations. In round number
Hie total county valuation last year
was fclMMi.iMi, agaiimt J2.50u.u this
year. The value In the city fur iv.ij
was J Ji.iwi.Oui, and only HtJ,'.i0,0oij
The I!c?cmcr ore rroJ action of
.i , . .
mo l-akc superior ditnct trill he
the largest ever achieved, ami the
tout riMiuction of ore for the
waon will reach 7,2oO,000, gros$
ion ny tue ci. s -I navigation.
Miss Kntfl KelleV. wild I Blli.n.lirnr
the university here, loft for her home
at Springfield this afternoon to spend
John Edmuudson and fmullv a-ltl
leave on to flight's overland train for
Arizona, where thev expect to nermmi.
eutly reside.
Judge Walton and Hon A. (I. Ho.
Vey Weut to Portland Hii mnrnl
attend a meeting of the hoard of re
gents of the State L'niversity.
Johnny Stewart, one of the universi
ty foot ball team, Is laid up with a bad
ly strained leg from the effects of too
much practice on the gridiron.
Mrs. McCartV. Of lloina Cltr.
through on this afternoon's train to
visit relatives at Cottage Grove. She la
an aunt of Geo. Smith, of this cit v. ;
nazing operations are said to have
been inaugurated at Willamette univer
lty, Salem;
I Jl KtMrae M., Saa tmaeitro. la-