The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 24, 1894, Image 5

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    JuuriloH City Itfim.
Ilurlburl larrr....l.i i1'!.1 '.'"l?,,,.,.Hu'.,.,.,f Kr".U' '"""
ellv ol. iirnAwL i...i. i
The hydrant st the hotel corn, r wa skipwoith mm there I great deal ui
.....-.. mi ( uunxiuv, iiv min, .truck, uiaaiiiuciiiQ eninhir tl,. n-onlo .if
SUry U ,,t SiiikUrt.try. PolUUMi i nniK IMW.KMIY
C. F.
a 1
Our of Itir I l.Me.l lnMri Ktrr
PlalrJ en I He aulluomau
I'liOF. K. li. MrKI.UitV.
OKA f II lo 1 11 K HOI' I.01SK.
We inki-
Ihu IiiIIum lug
game piaea
VlUllt of
with the iront wheel of a waunn. Tim l.utie nn-l IkMiuhm nmiilu-. In ir,rnr. ,r,,m 'i " Portland Sun ol ctcrduy :
i iii l'"'l,1WM,'l. H" paity ' the late w which allows thesheritt lue iicinrj lor Hie Portland
should be made to pay fur It. 1 salary lushud of a per cetilage. "The ui'lvtisiiy was i.e.l after-
The trouble which ha heretofore ex- ' ' being generally discussed," mi. I main, When In Portland hoys succeed
isled between the Hotel Co. mi. I Mr. ! he. "slid the le are hw.ktl'tr Aif ill liuUillrf out lilt. rMnlv lllilvt
I . M. . a- Inwe, hit. Urn " r'""-al Change, or a rclsal
settled uii.l ihu h..Ul I.I.--.I t.i Mr.. :"' 'I'."1 nll'KHIii r.
Case for another yeur on some terms ' ",,rT "-s.-nl law the slur
a before. deputies are by the
There I. troubl- anionic the Herman ?n!ly v"un.- 1 'T1 ' r, '
on Fen, Uldge. IV., r Kol a I S -V", 'M P" W,,U . """" 'w'
ter l'et.r lo.lil.r win. ..i.,i. .... i r --'"" rrT.ti ai oiitv
voa-ru iiiiu iiiiirr as a nan mile, m
M'UTl.n t.rBlaT A uurruht
The Ony.iuuii f .- itur.Uy liua
tin t .iy iNiiiii rninn tlio election
f K. It. M. Klnv to a chair in tlio liy tlie.h.Tlir that hli ih u.
title were all h.i.y. Iliat I lure wrre
waa ix.ue.1 for Mr S. l.r,..'. .r. 1 m V rj' ' !" '. '" " ("M
IhalrUl.lll .... rTr.. I ' 7 -' ',01 "' "'' ' !
Hiltler lodav. The t ouhle ..v. , - '."' 'TT! u "V''-
. ..- I I a.
". I I. .'.I.... l... .
The following iilUi-era of I'rol. vtiou ! I nhoul.1 I woiil.l U. ,i.iiii'h !. .1
w"!"'!'"'! Moii.lny nUlit: the ni.u.iy .m i.v m.- ..ver
note the artk'ulnro
not uiioriiiiti.
rreaiiieiit r, an rniikcii; vliv r'
hleiit -J A Kick; Hvrvtary J J ltul-
Icr; amltaiit awretary, K A Saj lor, Jr.
traur r All x Ivuiwr; foretnaii t- A
Ha v lor, nr. ; in.lnnl foreman James
lUifi at 1 II ; a e r K n l-al-rtn I.ce
Houtliwortli; tru.tet-w Harry Jnckoii,
K A huy lor, t., ami J A Kii-kn; . h
iratca Frank Moorhcn.1, V. Van
ranken, J A lll. w, Jaa IUlxIIII, M
A Lttlnp'rand J A llicta.
Cottafe (irove I Inns,
leader, Nov. 17.
(. 11. Iyi(crt !t LroiiKht in from
the country Suinluy, quite ill, and I
Mug taken ivre of at the residence of
li. Condon iu thi city.
MIm icon Turiiln returne.1 to her
homo near Modesto, Califori iu Nov. ti.
(She haa been vLilmif with relutlyea
and friends on Coast Fork for several
Prof. J. K. Iiv, princlal of our
imlillc schools Is Mien. liny a iart of
thl week In Kuirene. I'mf. Ivan
Mcijucen I ahly itllinir Mr. Love'
place In hi absence.
Hon. Alon.o (ie.ncr, li.lnl reiiubli
can senator of Marion and Cluckatnaa
cnuiitlc, was in thl city Wednesday.
Mr. (leaner l one of the solid pioneer
ororeKon. lie ami .Mr. A. I odd have
Ifone on a surveyini; exK-ditlon 'ip the
lull)' Item.
Nov. 10.
On nccotllit of the splendid weather
preaching was largely attended Sun
day. Our Sunday school U progrcing
with a lurjie attvmlunce.
I'hn C'Hrter, wlio ha Ikh-ii workini;
for Jam. Sanford, on lllg 1'rairie, re
turned home Saturday.
A Hew four hundred power lump lm
been purchased for t lie school house.
It was badly needed.
Mr. F.uiiiia McFurlaud, who hit
been ijulto III, I improving.
Mis S ii :ui Walker' school at Pov
erty Hidge, chwe next Friday.
Adam Itlchie, the fruit tree sal.
nun, wa Iu this purt ot the country
delivering fruit trees lust week.
Felix HUMtell has sold hi farm to
Geo I treed lug, who hiut It to
Chu Mu Hi son.
Mm. Kin ma Warner, of IIIk 1'riiirie,
I visitiiiK with relatives and frtemls
on Fal I creek.
Mr. John Kiwiiii;er and Ml. Mary
lUrkliiK". and K. 11. (iriitln and Mis
Klllot were married last Sunday by J.
V. lUndul, J. I'.
Hokkiiii.k Dkatii. La Urande
Chronicle: About two weeks ugo Mrs.
Filklns, the wlfo of a rancher IIvIiik
near North I'owder, wandered away
from her home In the night-time, w hifs
proliably teuisirarily Insane, and yes
lerday a party of searcher found her
dead body clothed In her nightdress.
Her Ixxly wa found about one mile
from the house, shockingly mangled
nml rtlally devoured by coyote.
Full Mrtlcular have not yet Iweu re
ceived, but it apH-ara that on the even
ing before her mysterious disappear
ance, Mr. Filkln quarreled with her
husband, and some time In the night,
while partially deranged wandered
away iuui the hill and subsequently
died from hungcrand cold, it is likely
that the woman wa finally too weak
to reach aid, even If she became rutl n
al. After her dlsapiiearance her hus
band was under a cloud of suspicion,
which, it now seem, wa a great In
Justice to him.
V. M. C. A. Convkntiox. The
young lady students of the Albany
college are workluic w ith untiring dil
igence for the approaching State . W.
C. A. convention lo be held iu that
city comiiieiicing Friday, Nov.
J3 and closing Sunday, Noveiiilr
i. Among other prominent akor
who w ill be present V address the con
vention are: Mis I'rlce, International
secretary of the Y. W. C. A., and Mis
Kmma lU'eder, coast secreUry. t'ulesa
otherwise staled the meeting will be
held In the college building.
county and my the hired
my Nn-ket.' "
Ak'ioii Mr. Skipworth
ll. l. llUer III ull i. I II Iciest
iiik aim nsfii i.HJui itsili. rtr svin
on the Multuoiuali II. 1. 1. I he gr.ui..l
were Iu a terriiil condition, winch o
iiUlited for the nuiiierous Iniiilil.v sn.l
kllltr .iu .if lliu u.rln,ii....u. ll u--
- - -...v ... mw ....... mf-m . . mm .
ilittlcull matter to Ull to which tram
tliw Ullterrlil player belonged. I lis
Portland tuiversiiy players liave mi
pnivel much In team work and put
him ' "I" an eajvl.eut giuie. IheSUU uui
and ten- ver.ily players, allh.iugli e.MM'he.1 les
telling to two week, put up a wonderful
game, ineir iiiivnsrvucw au.i tram
work Iwing vHVlally voiuuieiidulle.
ll was on of l be vleai.est games ever
pl.c)e! on the .Multiiiiiuali gridiron
slugging and loud talk being al no
lime noticeable during lh k-ullie.
1 title were prvM-nl slmul WHJU swcla
yoiiiii; siiiirle muii of tin. en vi
I lilting up m nvid.-iiiv Iu tine style. The
nei w in oe a uiurriagv snnoinieeineiit.
A marrlHK.' htviise wa Issued late
Saturdriv altern.siii lo A. C. Mslir Ulllver.itV ofOripol):
and S. M. Jeans by dimly Clerk Jv- i he Ixinrd of rcgciil
It I. Iliiihl (hat Her
iniiri w ill I.- chairman of I lie commit
tee on rlvrrs and harl.irs, after the or
giiliUnllun of the next house.
Ir. I. I.. I of Portland d
gents ol the Ore-
l. llv. r.',! two riii..ns at Mount's 1I..II prof.-ss.irsl.ip. I'rof. ssor McK'l..l.l 11. m Iii......
I greatly.
ld. -If
In turn '
to the
limn out of
said: "Tin
sheril! I to iiav nil tr.ivelimr ' tors, w ho displayed til Usual cuiliu.i
cxm-u-, and when a pi'laom-r e'ape . unit eumuraKcd tlisir play vis wild
from cu.i.sly, many times hu is not "'liege yell, bonis, ele.
caught for the simple n au lliut tliej I'1 tin) lli.l hulf, Adam, of thu .'lute
Khcrilt'doe not wish lo pay out hi " isily was hurt and IUIh was put
money for traveling e. iie. there his pla.e.
Is'lllg no lliduiviuelit ollered him hv I Kuirene won the loss Slid to ik the
the county for thecatiliireol criminal, i 'I'll. Hie Portlsiid uuivrsily deieud
ne iaie taw na pniv. n
factory, and there
change made."
Verv unsnlis-
should he saline
I. a bar la. anrt.
Ciiicaiio, Nov. lfl.-PrviVnt IleU
and Siriclary Kclihcr, of the Ameri
can Hallway I'ulon, aptwansl Ufore
Judge Onisscuii In the lulled States
district court tiMlny, to plead to the In-, dow u the Held, giHid Individual play
iiewnciiis nt;tiiust inemior inlispiracy Is-llig made by .Mulliews, leuipielou
ing the sou! li goal. Hull kicke.1 the
bail l.i yards and hhaltuck got It on a
fumble. Mialluck, alter several al
tempts, wa uiialil to gain the re
quisite numU-r ol yards ami the ball
went to Portland. lK Kurrxsl passed
the Iwll lo Hall, who went around the
end for a gaiu of live yard. I he next
lew miuuie the bull wa up and
In connection with the irreat rnilwav
strike. Owing to the alwtiiv ofjude
Wood, tlie cbm' was continued to 1k
.iiiN'r, when argument ofilefciiM
will l Inurd to quash the Indict
ments. Should the motion to quush
the ludictmef ts lie, one of
the def. inlnnts, probably IMn.
selecteil for triul, Jauunf) t.
Hatrlsan OriaiNlr Mitfldai
Snii.vini-i.ii, ., Nov. HI. Thoiiin
THgitart, of liiilhiiiniMiliB, chnlriiisn nf
(he democratic slate crtitrul committee
of Indiana, stated Unlay that lleuja
lulu Harrison would unquestionably
In-a candidate for renomlnatlon a
president, that it wa llnr
rison ngniust the Held.
Ihu Hssie laa Itslrsis.i.
Sl'UlNtlUF.I.I), 111., Nov. 16. At t.i
day's . Ion of the National graiix'"
convention, the Idea of the issue of
state or county bonds for Ihu improve
ment of roads, wn condemned as be
ing iu coulllei w ith the Henry tieorg
Idea of suppressing tiie debt niid credit
A good crowd wa in attendance at
the last iN-rforiiiniiee of the Slultx
cm I nnv Suturdny evening. "The
nnuilea" jimquiu .Miller s great play,
wu presented. Their rendition of
the play this nielli wa even l.-tter
than when presented In-fore, Wnl
uewhty iiIkIiI.
The company made many friend
while In our city. Ss-lillv. tills Is one
ol t tie llnifti companies on the road,
ami profeMsioiiully they are ciuully
well up.
A Tut Hisu rVKN'K. Kat Portlund
Chronicle: There wa a touchlnc stvne
last Monday at the court house as the
aged mother of Humid Pilkington
took leave of her wayward son Just
prior to hi departure for Salem to
serve out a two vears' sentence for em-
U-ileiiient. The xmr old woman
broke down completely. "I have had
many hard trials during my life," she
said, "hut thl ia the worst that ha
ever fallen to my lot." Many stout
heart were moved hy the emotions of
the sullering woman and many eyes
were tilled with tear. Sheriff Sear
escorted voung Pilkington to the peni
tentiary Monday evening. An eltort
will tie made to have the sentence set
aside on gnui nds nf error, hut It is
doubtful if this can lie accomplished.
and IH-arlsirn. After a series ol hard
rushes and brilliant Ui klulrf, Portland
got the ball and It wa giveu tu Hall,
w hu went around the end for a gam ol
Id yards. le For rest bucked the cen
ter for about Iu foci, and Kugeii was
then kI Veil lh Utll. lluchanaii film-
will ls i ta-lrd, ami Pearson of the I'orli.-tuds,
was given the ball for a punt. Pear-
sou sent It dow ii lie Held aisml ia
yards. IVForn-sl then got the ball.
Washburn and Uusk then made big
gains around the ends, w hit-It brought
l lie bull willtln Kugelu' I.Vyard line
Pcnrsoii wa ihcii giveu the bull and
made a clever run around the end, and
succeeded In dodging through the hue
and secured the first touch-down.
Time, 'S miuuie. Hall kicked the
goai. Score, 80.
The ball was then taken lo the cen
ter, and w a worked rapidly down to
Kugeiie' liVy did Hue. The bull wa
tossed to Pearson lor a drop kick, hut
he railed lo put It over the goal. Kit
gene then got the 111 and tried a
place kick, which, fulling, fell lulu the
haudsof Uusk, who carried It to with
in live- feet of the Fugelie giwil. Ku
geiie then got the tli and I'enipletou
punted to the center of the Held, w hell
1 1 mo wu called.
Iu the second halfl Portaml look the
ball and kicked Z't yards. Tciuplrtoii
got the ball and punted M yards.
Pearson, of the Portland, relumed the
Hunt of ir yards. U-Forresl, of the
Portlands' got tin ballon down and
made a ts-autiful run around the end
for a iiain of 'S yaid. Halfback
Washburn and Valentine were sent
around the end for suUlantlal gains.
Hull wa then giv. n the 111. and by
clever running and dodging, he
brought It to Fugelie' S yard line.
Hall wa then shoved over the Hue for
the second touch-dowu and he also
kicked the goal. Time VI inliuiles;
score, 12-0.
Here Fugcue made a tli-sju-riito rully
and by excellent team work auccceded
In bringing the ball lo the Portland's
flve-yurd line, but Hall slopcd all
chance for a touch-down by going
around Kugeiie's end for a gain of M
yards, and the game ended with the
iwll In the center of the Held.
The features of the game were the
Individual playa by Hall, Ik-Forest,
Pearson, Uusk and Washburn, fur the
Portland university, and the plays of
Teuipl.-Um, Shattuck, Travl and Ad
am, for the Slate university. The
team lined up thl way
Daily UusnJ, Sovsmlwr 17.
Tiik Jack.) Store. Junction
City Time of Saturday savs: J. W.
Cherrv. receiver of O. M. Jackson,
came here Saturday and took charge of
the Jackson store. An Inventory was
taken, attorney liilyeu aud Wood-
cis-k came down to adjust the matter,
aud after consultation the store re
mained closed, and all parties went to
r.ugciie iliuisdey to consult some
more, it looks like Mr. mum will
again he placed In clisrue.
l,a!er. I lie store wa oia-ncd tin
morning with Mr. Ilium in charge.
Snofl.K Not Oct Anory.- No sen
sible man should get angry simply Ik--cause
a newspan.r publisher dun htm
for money. , nun t not an impeach
ment of the subw.-rlls-r'i Integrity, but
Is Mo. ply an outcropping of the put
lisher's iien-Miities. For Inntsin-e, a
thousand men owe one man from two
to ten dollar each. He l-a to dun
them In order to pay his exne.
Instead of getting angry aud stoppllifr
the laiM-r liecause the publisher aske.1
for what I honestly due. the sub
scriber hould thank the publisher for
waiting on hhu so patleully and pay
up like a man.
pally Ousn), November l
Stii.i. Comk Is Waio. It
M-ema a sad commentary on the pnm
tnty of the greatest country In the
West that freight for Kuirene mer
chants silli arrives by freight wagon
a if no railroad ran through our large
and productive valley. Auother
bitch of freight arrived in wagon IJW kitioi. After the performance
- d Ill VV ill I . . . . . a. a
tin morning iro-u ioin.... ..... ,imturdaT evening Sir. h. . raraer,
the lime never c-oine w hen we cmu prt.prietor of the opera house, tendered
have our freight handled cheaiier by ' tuttx company a retvptiou.
railfsxd than iu the gsl old days of A,iut 4,, ,w.rwin, were pr.-sent. A fine
freighting wagons? musical programs wa rvnderv.1,
" T;" .. 1 . aiuoiiir which should ls mentioned a
A Cl Rlin rKKAK -The veW-UUe "liZ-ol.. by H Alma Stull. and a
world is ortai ily uhert " , ?M K luUek. A
freaks. Into . iKgm ' P; '' " e.nt lu.,.-h was .pn-.d. afier which
the W atker and I amp II n."ch al of , ' , mn t.,Mf.
tow n, the workmen nllr i e.1 and dam In, I., indulged l. It
vine, with about a ;,,,,,,,,.., when the
fifteen wen iorme.1, s....-u..u. ... .. , ,. IMm,
tire of an etrg, while the root were ell
tirely destitute of spud. j
1 . y, li.tiuv aava: Mr. Ijm Fair-
. isrty up.
pleasant su.-ce.
!. Iliu.Ki.x. Mr.
lt.e Luuioriat, who sc-omplile. wro ight Iron ranre
White, a
man. had a sen
A. T. Itonnett".
1. H. te.tlll r.n
I'.tfllaad t'liiver.ilr.
hli.llll Ifinl
ltrwn r-iai'tl
Valrtillua rfiisr.1
Hall, K rvmr
IH. .irrt I.RiiarJ
llu.k I'laekls
llraibirn I rlsl
IVsrM.u I bar
Ws.lilMim r I1.1 1
II. l, I I hall
t ii.i. u.r a lrk
sulMtuut.. - HliNm.iii., MursM, l.lllla.
rnitrwlr. I hurrh.
Hsirre Mr A fcllas.iilh.
Ttoiv Ta hall, Juiuiliutrs earn.
I J of
II,-, I, .Id
V Tini 1 l"U
A'lams an.t H tw
II l.iii,b.
Itr.m 11
M M F.tee reliublican candidate for imj a. ident Uesr
"'" ' 1 1..'. ..r i .iifi.rini la iJmi. ar. the riv
yvrr..or. "o... ".'-" 1. MV m nh him. and Ih-w kjI ol
well Known in 111. -- - . , .
I I. ilt'lUIIf. 1 1 1 r -.' -
est uuit . -,..,..1
1 IS ia.lll.ia.
who rea.l l.i n-'ii o- ... I, .., it wmmr 1 1. la. It
teu's defeat.
Corvallls Times: Three years ago,
whlleeutt-rlhtciidehtof an exhibittnu
car known as "Oregon on Wheels," ye
editor met at Peoria III., a KentleiiMii
named F. T. Ilay. He apieared very
much interested Iu Oregon and inti
mated that at some future date he ex-
Jtecled to ho-onie a clllreti of the Web
.sit stale. The produel seen In the
car Were a wonder and so favorably
Impressed hill With the posalMlltlr of
the Willamette valley, that a year later
ho moved west with hi family and
Iocs led near Kugeue where he Is pros
pering. It Saturday Mr. Kay called
on the writer, when a renewal wa
had f the ai-qnalntance mad three
year ago In Illinois. a CiimsiT. Corvalll
Tiuiee: In the circuit court Monday
afternoon Col. Kelsay for the fiftieth
time In hi life inw and and tald:
"Your honor, we Is-irau thl suit over
twenty vear sgo. The case I one in
which Maria Armliigton brinir suit
uKainst Sol Kins:, administrator of the
estate of Warwick, lo recover a mill of
money. All that Warwick left when
he died was an Indian claim aiint
the government, which i now a nd
lug la-fore con xtes. We ask your
honor, 1 hat the com Is. continued."
I'he court then that the case
oiiirht to ls disiiiisaed.and the veteran
ls.rn.ter, wh'i-e hair has whitened
sim he drew up the complaint In this
caw, showed signs nf excitement, and
Armlnjctoii v. rv.l Kniic was contin
ued. Al the next b rill Ihe Cuse v.i.1
i-ome up its 1 11 and the ( olouel w ill be
there walehing and u;.IMii for the
lone delayed lavuienl of ilie Indian
elaim. Iu whleh lie III- unlv li" for
a f.-e lor a. I ll..- yea" of -u
of the cl.tiiii of In. eh. -ii'.
I 'olouel may live to lake a
that will reimburse him for
i the tali of hi friends.
To l-e MoiioImii, a hop grower
of Im nton, Wusliingtiin, say the
l''t-ln'ellignier, i due the crclit
of in.iLni an u.-cidctitat discovrry
whic h iiiav prove a -ilntioti of the
g n tal. tiiiivi-r.itr held atuwliiig vexd problem of saving the hop
in this city lust night ami created vinos I run the Jestructive attju k of
a chair of Knglish literature and the hop louse, namely the planting
ele, led K. l. McKlroy, uH-nteinl of tohacco plants all around the
cut of public instruction, t.i the Imu t'lcl l. two or threo row Jecii.
r.lroy o ay: "1 have fourteen acre
igni- in Imp" near llenton. anil having
f.-s of the m-w in Feb- Urn rallu-r ilistMuragcxl by the ex
ruary. uih.ii hi retirement . ta-nence of former vears ami tho
Saturday aflerii.s.u Allmny IWiuo- from the state sil-rii- prostm tive low prices for thl fall,
cral: The Ca.iierom trine l.s.l ra. to tendency, and will thus till 1 decided to try what I Could dd
ha'e taken place t ils sflvniisui, the .. .1 ' 11 .1 . . . ' 1 . .
ln.licalloii.were, had fallen IhMiigh, ""1 f'"'-4"'"'!. ,' the at rnistllg loh id-o. and not leing
li 1 no not having put hi an appearance; rfci.t school year, lo tlu. end certain wliclliir the soil on 111 y
at the lust r...rt. he will remove hi fatuity from , land was adiplcd tu to ha coo
We umleiniaii.l s-vi-ral 014 hum Salem t Kugeno in the early part culture, 1 made an experimental
lion, aiv making arrai.g.-meiii. 1.. Kive! f KS'J.V 1 trial by setting out Oil the outer
,me::;. d':::.;;::?,,, ixziisz ! . - - r , h am aw
lirsl 0110 1.1 euitageil wilt have a imiii. : alt' ' "vn grcut during the ( hill of the Ix-st cigar leaf, Vir
pl. te m.iioNily uf the daiicu business. J past few ye:ir, and the ihh.U of , ginia nt.H-k. Thesn liowcver, I did
J. W. Clark ha sold hi feed tabl 1 the institution re.uirel an Increase : not set out before- the cud of June,
to U. . bite. Hi 11,0 f i.-il 1 1 v- I'he Culllillir re- si u-hieh linn, me I.,... vi....a w ii.m
lirciiiciil from slate oll'n-e siige.tnl w, 1 advance.1, and the wingel hop
t.i the Istird of regent tSnt an ed- lii-r had iniuiencisl migrating
ucutor of line attainments and ri.' from the plum tree since about
exMii.-inv might be secured, ami June Ut. After the plant gut
J. P. Cheshire I. a candidate for treas
urer of SxUvllle,
Albany will luve a city elei-lioii
Monday, Ikv. 3.
Yesl.-rd ty was a perfect day, the sun
shining brightly from looming
The Still tt di smal ui company
0:1 yesterday ailermsm' local
It. siurg, their next engagement.
The Wu.ird Oil iiuipauy I billing
the tow n lislay for a week' eiiitaKe
n.eiit here lo commence Monday Nov.
large crowd was In at tends 11 i-v
,.11 1 the otii-ortuiiity ln.i been taken.
1 I'he proh or, who is in Portland,
left I ha ulreadr signified hi acceptance
u 11.I the regent are congratulating
theuiselve ux.n their great giHid
fortunu iu Ising able to secure
such a notable, addition to the
teaching force.
Professor McKlroy ha lievn
the funeral of the lale Frank Wilier j stale Ucriulcudt-nl of public ill-
r".UiN"rV; . 1 r,i"i V" "'Tr-! struclion for 12 year., having been
iiiciiI, nf w hich he w as a nn-iuU-r, at- ,. . , ... , ' ,, " , llmt ehvtcd 111 M2. He came to
Teacher examination was (luLlicd Oregon from IVnnysUania in 1S73,
Saturday aud all the teachei living al and became a meiltber of the old
a distance have to their 1 Cnrvallis as-rimiltural eollcire. fac
I " - - r. -
ultv. He was clccte.1 upcrinlcnd-
all la ou the ant
learn their slaud
home. The v w ill
1..... . . . . 1 .' 1 . 1.....
Ull cut of llenton county three terms,
A certain young 11111 advtriiac.1 .r " iih'umU-ut of that
a wife in an Karleru palter ami In ollice wa elevated to the state
sister uuswered the advertisement. I silta riuteiulency. His tireless en-
The young fellow now ihii.k. a.lver-' . . , e,lV,,tion, rapacity s.a.n
tlsiug diami t pay, aud Ihu old folk1, n- , ' . , ' J ,
Ihlua il Is pretty hard luck to have lvalue known to educator and
two Iii one lamlly. mm)1c throughout the state, and,
Myriad of little gnat, each with a a a consequence ho was rctiotlit-
Utile tuft of greasy -liMiklug cotton al- natcd an. I n-cle. tisl ill 1SSG and
tachl to it. IsHly. have been 1 otaa-rved j,, S.j- B ( ,, ony ()r,..,oll
oil the warm day thl fall, floating oil . , ... , 1 . 1
the br.s te.alH.ui the Uoguo river val- " t,v, r ro-t-lcctwl
Icy. Tliev are said to lm the little twice, and it ia said the only super-
moth of the woolly aphis an Injurl- intcmlcnt of public instruction
ous enemy or the apple treo. j,, anv ul8 wl,0 nM thre
lbdina.!cr Walt, nf the H. P. K. K., jj,,,, N() , .,ri.viui lo ,,
was iu Kugeue today. 1 . 1 . .1 r
... ,. . , luuo Hint ever re-elected to tin of-
Mis Ora Ib-ed nrturncd to hur houie ,, .. , , ., t - . i l-i
al Junction y.slerday. lL-o in tin Ute. lW.-ssor Mchl-
Trine, the fisit racer, went to Al- roy ia known pcrstmally to more
bauy yesterday morning. teachers and those interested in ed-
C. M. Young and wife made June- ucatiomtl suhjeclii than any other
lion a lirlcf visit yesterday. -rson in Oregon. In hi 12 years
IL M. Stevens lias resigned his m.. at the het.l of the state public
tiou in F. W. Puiker s hi duties culled him con-
Mrs. L. liilyeu returned home from Huutly to all parta of tho Mate,
a al AlUny this aflermsin. N() mM wim1l.le
John Ung. of Corvallls, formerly of K-lh'Ting of educator, were ever
Coburg, was in Kugeue yesterday. held Without hi presence.
K. P. Hhatluck, of the O. of V. fisit- Professor McKlroy is a classical
hall team, returned this afternoon. scholar, being a master of art, anil
Mr. I.. H. I.uklu I quilt III al the , doctor of philosophy. Various
family reldemv 011 North Ferry iticrt. j ollt.r ,:hoistio degree have been
Mis Mae Stebbln rvturue.1 from a , f.-rr.d iiiaiii him. Teacher
.lira. j. 1
Kola Nels. of Salem, ami Win. Nela. ! Work
siiori visit ai npnug ueiti nil iiiormiig. 1 1 . thr.iiiih.nit tin, state
I lo remain employed 111 educational
of Springfield, -ul Sunday In Ku
lllshop Mills, of thl city, dedicated
tlie new I'. II. church at Portland yes
terday. Walter tirifllu Is home again after a
short visit Willi friend al Portland 1
and Salem. I
Cha and daiinhl. r, Mia liar-
Istra, n-turnv.1 Irom Portland yester
day aflcriMsiii.
Mrs. Henry M.-Crady returned hone,
from a visit 10 Junction ou thl aftel
hoou'i train.
Alf Walk.-r went lo Marion county
this morning. He I bow buying hop
for Phil Net A. Co.
Mis Nora May came up from liar
risburg this afleriiiMiu aud I visiiing
The annual reHirt of K. A.
Maxwell, fourth assistant ot
iiia.-tcr general, bus Iki-ii submitted
to tnu poftm ist. r jt'-beral. Tim re
jHirt cover the x-riol for the (iscal
year ended June .'IIHli. The total
numU-rnf postollliTi in ojiernliou
in the United Stutce is i(J,H0,.
During the year 3,13(5 s)stolllc.-s
were and 1,731 discon
tinued. The total number of aji
iMiintinenU during the year was
I 23,1 !.
Tho so.-rutary of tho treasury lias
Imiui informe.1 thul the priwnt
currency of llrititli Honduras wa
(leiiiiiin-tiiil Oct.
with iiumenais friend here.
Hon. J. J. Walton A O llovey. dciuonelizcd coin will It reileemit
I. J. iieuiirieas iiiia, . isaiciaa, , . . ,. ... t e. f, .
ii..- ...,.i in ,ii..i,i blt the rate of fifty ccuta
Mr. Aleoyne Hill of Oakland, C.I., ' currency for each dollar of demon
rrived on this m..rnlng'a hs-ul for clix-l currency. Oold dollar will
visit w ith Mend in this city. j hereafter Iw the standard coin of
Mr. II. C. Smith returned to her j Houdura. Hitherto the currency
home at Walker station thl .afternoon - j,,, tie ,ijvr n( Central
"'.V ' IT ? J. . ... . "'! Wouth America. The effect of
,1 m. 1 . . ornen arnvcu noine oai- ,1 .,! .. , 1 r , 1. , 1 1 ..
urday nlghl from a throe mouth.' visit! tl'.1 .cli""; I)"' Ue .kuion
to her old home In Pennsylvania. 1 elixalion or silver.
Mr. Ih-rtha Sender and daughter There il nothing sensational in
Una, ol Junction ('Hy, with tl8u,,.muhl tlkl Assistant See
relative, and friend, here yesterday . ,(M U) j;(?llte),
Mr. Ur. J. . Oeary returiml to , ,.' I,r,.,;,i,. 1 ...1 (.,. .i
her bom. at Il.l-ey on tl.i. morning'. "2 pr'hKiir lo an lor Hie
ka-al after a visit with relallvm here, j coming six months as ain-retary of
1. Peplothaa returned to his home , H" treasury in the absence of sec
In (late creek precinct. He 1 a little retury Carlisle from the depart
Utter, but hi condition I still crill-! ,..,.,.1 Tl.n designation of Hamlin
11 1 ...I ..m.m.Iu.w I. - I Itiii. .
Win. Alexander, Fl lavl., YA- . " V , """ " -111uu1ls.n1
aud Fre.1 Herlodd returned I " custom Which fin
from Portland 011 last night' over-' prevailed iu the treasury depart-
. 1 - ..: ! .1.. t . 1
neiiv cvsr siiiitt Varnsie oaa isrii
Ka.-h of the three assist-
A I.. as... a.... fu..L. Ll.... -..Ill-
f p-iirr in ill ttmi n numniri inv M
ia ir-ai 1111 f-m itsnj r"moi '! mit - , . i a i
rlifhl with hi, siid l now mak- '' ve " t,,.u caiiacit for half
lug arrangement to Mill the same. a year in roiatinn, anil as acting
lislney Mathews, our spulsr itlglil
watchman, went to Portland with the
L'. of O. f.aillwll team, but didn't re
turn until yesterday afternoon.
secretary they sign all tiapers of
routine character, thus relieving
the secretary from this onerou
duty. .
Oi-ca-iunaHv there is a break in
g.xsl start and spreading, 1
first imtiail the Ilie lighting on
the toliacco and fearing that tho
lice would attack the plant and
destroy them, I WuL-hcd then)
closely, I then discoveiiil the great
number of dead Ilie under each
tin'k and H-p-risl over the leave.
The liliiiiU-r of the dead ct-tued to
increase every day. I also noticed
that tho leave sii-iue 1 to uttract
them anil when onco 011 them,
they gradually r. cined to lose tl eir
strength and wabble alaiut like
drunken men, then finally full olf,
if 011 an inclined plane, or other
wise lie there anil die. 1 then ex
amined the hop plantain the vi-
cinity ol these tobacco plants and
found them comparatively free
from lice, wherca., on the sides of
the field not protected hy tobacco
plants the lice were thick 011 the
outer row of hop bill. I feel fair
ly well satisfied in my mind that I
have tho key lo the solution of the
hop louse problem. All that will
be required will be to plant one,
two or three rows of these tolmci-o
plants all around the Held early
enough in the season to attract the
winged lice when they first migrate
from the plum tree to the. young
vines. 1 shall ccrtuiuly cxj-cri
incut with it next scru-on, and if I
am as successful as 1 am well sat
isllcd 1 shall lie from present ulwer.
valions, I shall not only have
cleaner and of course better hops,
which will mean more, money (or
me, but 1 shall also save the year
ly outlay of over f'.'UO for spraying
on an exi nditure of not more
than f 10 lor tobacco plant."
A Portland corres)oiidcnt forci
bly says: Tho Orcgoniuii has
undertaken a big contract in its
cir.irt to read such men as Thomas
II. Tongue and Charles W. Fulton
out of the republican party because
of tho views they express on the
silver question. It remark on
tho subject would spply to Judge
Iord as well, since the interview
with him published in the Han
Francisco papers, and wo would
have tho remarkable Sjiectaclo of
tho man who was just elected gov
ernor of the stato by the largest re
liublican vdo cast read out of tho
party by a pu-r thul, to tay tho
least, has not always been an en
thiisiuitio party organ. The whole
thing is absurd. Itolh Tongue and
Fulton have a far stronger hold
utton the affections of tho republi
cans of Oregon than hi the Ore-
gonian, and il would be a difficult
task indeed to oust them from tho
party for holding opinions shared
in by a largo number of good re
publican. Undoubtedly a largo
number of republicans in tho
United State, and possiblv a ma
jority in Oregon, nre opismcd t)
free coinage of silver under present
condition, but this majority is not
so large that it tan allord to di
ciise with thoeo who do not sgree
with them on Ihe subject, nor i it
wis to talk of doing to. There is
nothing of the jxipulist in tho
Jchtluincu under discussion, and
uring tho cauiaign last rpring no
one dealt Ihe populist harder
blows than they. They will lie
bright and shitiir.g light in the
republican party long the
silver question ha been settled and,
(.oesibly, long after some
oilier paM r Iliad tlie Oregon ian
will be rccoguiaed aa the leading
republican paper of Oregon
McMinnville Register: The Ore
gun legislature meet within a few
tDoli'.hs lid nutter of great lu
KirUnce In our p..ple will no
doubt Is' .- no i I-:e.. I'hat tho
Isslt a, la- . ..11U.IU1I by the
ll at N.i'isK,
IL.y.1111 u llr N'ii 111 -IIHC.s k.
airel otf vear. dinl odieuly thl the monotonous line of Itepuhtican ,
In . ruing al H-M of In-art tn.uble, In vii b.rii S. Sheriff Csik, of Wcsh- Ponlao 1 isnnhiMullo 1 C-re is lid
r'"'" 'he van H.Mjten Hiaj-e. ,gj0n Courthouse. Ohio, wU pre- , d ...hi. Il e-eii. Strang- that a
2:7A:: - ' iHr i.-i...rr, u..
Heeame to lloa.-l.urg o'er a month In gro ravisher, was defeated fur r l llieiiH !r 111 t . .-.. counties.
r liaii.hif. bko for medical treatment. He wa a election bv 1H50 vole in a district .linul l i l-ji-ljlioil to bo
That Ihe 'Oraud Army man, having served aa a ,.f KxX) I'enublican maioritv to if. ; .licl..b-.i I.. . stii.l a i, tintrut
Igfiient private. AU11 M captain of a b.t oil ! , '.. ,.:.',,.( il.- ,,.hi'I-ra from Multnomah
pains Kr.e Canal. He leaves two niarrlsd I " "i'"-"--- "--v. - -
idaighter.. yearithat. c..ui.l.