The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 24, 1894, Image 4

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    titigcno City (iuanl.
Uttrr Llt.
Anduraun, T It
Kraiik, lllalr
Klalier, Hnrali A
Kinder, Win
llnllruiu, A
Iter. Ir. I'arkliuriit liat change!
hi quarter in I.akewuoil, X. J.,
miJ ii now a jrueat of Mr. Franti I'.
Frwman, tt K'Jtfi'tnon'. Ho m en
ttif llie ruoiiit iHcuiiittl hy tin
I'leuland wlu-n tliey were bting
etiUrtaiinil by Mr. Kruemin. Dr.
I'arkhurd naiil but night tlmt he
had H'ikI Mr. I'latt'e klaleinent.
"Mr. I'Utt waiti until tlio victory
haa htn gaintxl, com jilt' to aw!
OTeraliolmintf, at great exfU'iitn,
ami tlii'fi endeavor to get hi work
in. lie nhowa himself an out-atid
out-lraitor to tho town. I wioli
that the com n unity would anserl
ilaolf in ome way and put an end
to him and hi wayi. For every
good deed that has been dono and
will It accoin)lihed we are liable
to lutTur Ijccaune of hia doing.
Mr. l'latt ii a much worse man
than Croker to deal with. It i
much more d iflicult to rcimon with
him. I would rather fight five
Croki-ra than thin man i'lutt. who
represent nothing more tlian a
plime of rank American politic.
I he iicople of New lork hate ltoa
iin nst toTainmnay. Ilormimii in
dintini'tly un-American, and now
that latiimuiiy la out-IaweI we
muni take hold together and throt
tie ita perilous and minchievoua
In one county of Nebr.icka (the
cennu comprising 9 of it 13 town- immiar of Umiilful irveiit
CrMwrll CuillilM.
I'. O. Martin ami hiiiillv tall frleiitla I'ail Smuii ,-J
at Coitaii lriv a vlail ritimlay ami 1. I Lilt returned to Irving IliU
Monday. : morning;.
A. W. Momo and Mareu Kelley Hon. W. I. Vaw ler, i.f Medfonl, it
liuva rented (liu Imp yard on I lie htonei III i.UKen.
Itev. K. lilltln will conduct
Tliai.katflvliig aervV-t i at thl place on
ThankKlvliitf ''ay. TIih hiiworlh
I.-HKila will dave aoino eierclsee III the
Cn-awell wipt are all too buay ge.
1 1 lilt (heir work ilono wlillo It ilixi't
rain, lo l an) lliliitf mil of Che extra
oriluiury, hence tlieeo meager Items.
hiiMi) crop have been ho damaged
bv fronts and drouth that only 110
bushels of corn, 3U20 bushels of
wheat and 007 bushels of outs and
rye havo bran rain! by 2.'0 fami
lies consisting of 1125 jurAon,
which ia less than half a bushel of
corn, not 'i bushels ot wheat, and
about two bushels of rye and one
of potatoes er family. The judge
of tho county court in reorting
tlio above as a result ol the investi-
gationa of suMTvisors, suys, "the
county as a county in a howling
wastit," and that "this desolation
follows on tho heels of lliu drought
of ISO.'l;" unless help comes star
vation is ruht before hundreds of
our people."
Nov. 2i
Maleuniura, T
Marr, Nelllo
Miller, harali
Nleholeoii, J II
I'ltcher. A
lliileomli, Corn-I W Hinltli, Allii
King, llilgnr Htewart, Kllae
Martin, lieo K W'llkeii, Marcle
Wllkeaa, Win
A rneree ol one eent will ha ma.1 on Mu-h
letter given out. Persons railing for letters will
plrese ssy a bun advertised.
I. . I ItAMI, r. n.
all j Uuard, .Sureinir tl
Thla I ! ii X Mury bklpwortli'a nlntli
lilrtlnlny, her niaiiiiim, .Mr. I-,. II.
hklpworth, kvi- ln-r a aurpnae party
Ihla aiterniMiii, w iiieii was very iiiiien
flilciveil tiy the iiiiiiiihiiV of little folks.
I'reat-iit were I'.illlli llijniilirey, lla.rl
lliimiilin-y, Hum, ldy Kerna,
Hal Kerna. .Mary I.Hkln. Iw-le hukln,
May Willan ami Htella ltotllin, all
arriving early In (he afternoon ami
enuaKed III vnrioiia iptliiea ami pliiyi
till aixiut 3-MJ o eliM'k, when a bounti
ful dinner waa ta-rviMl, all (he little
folka imrtukliiK heartily, as well as the
(he few older ones who hn-neil (o lie
prraeM. Mnry wua the re'iilulit or a
1 lie
whole alfiilr wan a niliiili te aurprlae
to her ami she waa the haiiilet little
The eoiiiany (IIhimtwiI
afteriii on, all voting (he
iflrl In town.
Into In the
par(y a rumpled meeena,
lially iiuanl, Noiu lr zl
TlIK FlIOiT t'orn.K. Wwlneadiiy'e
Allwny Dvmoerat: "lU v. I). V. Me-
Karluml, Mr. VV. ('. Iuvlum (lauili.
(el Kthal, ami MIm Mn lllack, went to
Junction City (hi immui to altrml the
WeilillliKiif .Mrs. llavla a lilec', S!la
Florence ItnU r, ami Mr. Kmery Horn,
to tnku iilnce loniuiit. IMiv. Mi rur-
laml will Tf'.nii the ivn-inoiiy. All
IlilercHlliiK thliitf In oiiiinH-tHin with
the WihIiIiiik Mill ! (he fuel (lint the
hrlile'a imrenta were tlio llmt cimole
ever inarrliMl hy the llev. McFarlnml,
The reaiill of the llrt wimIiIIii has
Ini'H mi luiiy It wan tli(iiii;lit Inut Id
have (he rcvercm! kpiiIIcionii ln (he
mime (lilng fur (lie duUKhd r.
A I.AIIliK I'oTA H) Tho liK
Klniri.f the imiIiiIim-n In the Witlki r
'biiiiUII hoi ynnl at Jmlkln's miIii(
Iiiix lafii ilniahtu ami the iiiimIiic( tilt
tail In Kiijp-iiii In h"' of ohliiinlliK
la-ttcr prlci-a In the aiuuii;. On twenty
acre ZU hllnht'l Wcie oliliiliictl. Tim
la nil exceptionally heavy yli ld when
II la ctiliniilcreit the HitiiiN-a Were
pliilltel III alliKlu hilla four feel atur(
ctwcctl the liuiia, tliilN ulvlliK hut
l.aiiraiulo ciiroint le: A somo- lately imp
IK' lied at the tiowrr hoiine of the
Kht'triu Light coin iiuny in this
city. Ofcotirso a large oiiuntity
of oil is used on the Ix-arings of the
)owerful 'JoO-horfe owcr machine
ry. 1 ho wastage of oil, being run
off, has by chance settled on top of nin hill, of (Miintoca lo each t ight feet
Hie, water in an old well, uml it I square oi Krouini
was discovered that aixiut two bar
rels of this oil, after being hi tern I,
could be useil ag:iin on the ma
chinery. In fuel lo a small extent,
thoso in churgi) of the Hiwrr liouco
actually "struck lie.
The most notable victory won by
the republicans at the recent dec
lions was in Mount Vernon, N. II.
For ninety-one years the t.iwn hits
lieen democratic. This year it is
republican. The total vote cant
washeveii, of which the republi
cans captured. ,(ur. it is under
stood that one man who curried
the day propones to organize him
self into a iHipuIixt party next
year and hold the balance of
On Tuesday Nov. 0, the republi
cans carried Hamilton count v,
Ohio, by a maturity of 2'.', (XX). At
a sieciul election held on Tuesday
Nov. 1.1, just one week latir they
lost ly J.itHi, a chiinge ot over '-.,
IKK) votes. This is nnHlern poliiii-s,
and Hiliticians of the old scho i of
partisan prejudice will do well lo
realize its met ning.
i he populist of North Carolina
whom the republicans are going to
help elect I'ni.ed States senator
li described as "a crank on the
silver iic"ti. in,,' but that will not
prevent the republicans from vot
ing for him. The only crankiness
they aro afraid of is the kind that
threatens to keep the democrats in
Mla riiiiiMii, of Alhany, I vUitllig
friend here.
'oiniiilwilciiiir Calllwui vttiuu dnwu
(hia morning.
lhnr lllunluii of Junction, came up
(hi afternoon.
Frank I 'ark came up from Hull' in
thia afternoon.
K. J. Mot 'lanaliaii vial ted In I'orl
Uml yelerduy,
W. It. Walker la down from hi
ranch for a thort vlniL
M. I j. Campliell ami wife, of Mud
ford are vUlting here.
lb v. Wallace, of Junction City,
hjk iiI laat night III J'.ugene.
O. II. I'rael, an old time University
Kluclent, la Vlaltlllg III r.ugelie.
Jua. Whiteaker, the popular tnei-
chant of Crenwell, la III town today.
II. A. ulihurne went lo Ida ranch
near Junction on (hi luornlng'a local.
Mr. N'taut ami children weut lo
Ibmulturg (hi afteriKxiu on a abort
Attorney J. M .William went to
Cottage (irove thl afleruiMiii on legal
Mia llawley, of the Portland Ihm
pltul, will a ak at the M. K. chureli
this evening.
The McKen.lo mail carrier n'jxirt
that the health o peter Ituney la lint
ao good a Uaual.
Mia Ida Miller, of Drain, arrived
here on (hi morning' local ami will
attend the I'nlverally.
John Havla has pone to hia claim ao
eompnuied, by Mewr Hall and
Church, of Hprlngtlchl. The two men
will alay there to work on the claim.
(irunl'a I'awt Courier: W. J. J.
Scott, a former realdelit of Jom-phlue
county, came hack from Creawell, dr.,
Thurwlay. He will winter III tli
III lues here.
It. J. Ilendrick, atiiieriiitvlidciit of
the leform school, ami wife, came up
fioni Halum on (hi afternoon' lK-a(,
ami are the guenl of Mr. ami Mr. T.
(I. II I rick.
MUa I.. I.. llawley, out worker ol (he
Portland MethiMllBt'hocpltal, la In (lie
city. The stall of iihyalclunaeomnrl
six of I'ordand'a laat physicians, with
lira, due and Auaplilaiid aa liouxe
ph.VKicinna. There are a gr-at many
piiileiil ami they are in heed or syin
j.utliv and aupixirt. Aii(IiIiihT acci-tit
el, inmi an old alieel (or liamlngea
M'l.isiO In rnah. from n ack of Hilatix-
toiisiacre oi laini. rn-e iraiiHMiria
lion on ail innuksgiviiig oiterliiKa.
J. 1'. Holland liu la-e'll aplioiliteil
ai;eii( for (he American Fire Ina. Co.
of I'hiliidelphln, for I'jlfhe mid vlcin
ity. Mr. Holland wiH take up th
wora on city ami rami proia-riv.
fair Mlnin1 of the htudhc of (hi line ii
solicited for him.
IIkow.v, Ckaio A Vak
(ieiieral Agent.
Wo have a repair shop in
connection with our nhoo
store, and do ull kinds of re
pairing. Jf you want piod
work without waitinir a week
for it l'o t- 1 Ml . Our motto is
The Best Work
The Least Money.
At residence cor. 6th and Lincoln Hta.
Ofllrti iiH.talra ill MeClan-n'a hulld
lug, lorm r Mil ami Willaim tte at reel.
Jewel rv,
aV '
' Sterling and Silver-Plated Ware.
-jr Watch Impairing a Sp-dally.'
Dav Si Henderson, Undertakers ana
tmbalmers. Cor Wil. anJ 7th its.
Saddle Tree Manufacturer. THEWOMEN
. . . WILL COME;
What is llore they Will Biiy-Will Buy Freely.
(aoahfO Item.
I'llf (iuanl, Niiminlirr
ANNWKim I'ii.kii. It. Hkiiiworlh
and tl'-o. II. llorria, eoincwl fortheelty
of l.iiL'elie, In (lie atlila liroiili( dv H.
I. Madden ami others, lo enjoin th
city fioin colle'tiiiK atrcel aHM'ineut
on Kluhlli and llluir atnvls, llled aepn-
rate anaM era In I liu cnm, aevmi In
iiiiiiiInt, yentcrday. I Cach anawer con
tain atiolit :I7 MtKea of (yint written
matter. Hut attorney for (he city
(liliiK (hey nave a very strong eaae.
Pally OuarU. Nuv.'mlwr
MaHUIKO. At (he HoU'lllHII Hiim.
In (hlscltv, Wixlmwliiv, Nov. ill, Iv.i4,
Mr. tlrvlllo Cuiiiiliik'liiini and Mini
(iraiv WimhU, IhiIIi of IliirrUliiiru, Itev.
M.C. Ire olllclntiiiir. I liev n turneil
Iioiiiu on Ihi inornii'a Iih-hI, aceom.
palileil hy Sllaa ellit llna and Mr.
Charles l.el, who came up with
(hem. They have a lnw( of frienda
Who etleiid their coiiKratuliitiona.
Hka n i.K, Nov. L'l. Mount Italnier
I In a Mute of eruption, altar Ivlnu?
dormant for 31 years. 'al volninea
ofaimikeand steam nr huiiinir from
the crater, In what apiNar to ho the
aoiitliwcatcrii part ol the N-ak, and I lie
ciittrv top of the inoinitalii set-ms lo
have umleiKoiie a eluine.
Miow aplviin to nave inelttul awav.
and Kr,'l ereVuaM-a luivii U-eii (cin'il.
I lie roiiiKlniK (op or (tin mountain
accin to la irone, and a Vital plateau
aeeiii (i linve taken lis pliuva tlioiiuli
a great cipioxlon had hlown the enure
ereal away, and plit the mountain
In two.
I r. Jayne, a prominent farmer ami
NtofkralmT of Morrow county, died
Monday nioriilliK at lleppner, aged i.
years. Ho was a nicmlicr of tli An
eletit Order of Culled Workmen ami
was burietl hy that order. Hxwaaa
pioneer on (he I'acillc coat, having
formerly realdid In California. lie
hal lived In tlmt county for 15 years,
Heller Item.
Nov. 22, IH'M
Jack r roat I stalkimr shout In the
land seeking wliniiiKot-ver he may do-
Itorcoe Ilendrick ha returned
W ehliH't for the winter. He droiiuM
his Utile lirother Jean with him from
Hollth lleml, .ten for aoino
dilute t iop III I.ot alley now.
Mrs. A.M. Hylaml returuiil Monday
Iroiu a week's vUll w ltd relntivi-s at
I'.lklou, Oregon.
The fiirmera have inoolly flnlnlii
w'dllinf, inn the Ixaiitlfnl weather In
diiiv them lo aow yet a littln moiv.
MIm (inn lluniiiker and Andrew
JiiekHou Itern wen- up from (iiMhen
llev. Kiiueiie Finn, of l,cnlurir. flllei
Itev. Miilkey's apiMiinlmeiit at this
place Htimlay.
Howard Viiiceut delivered hi hna
ai I'.iiKciie i uemi.iy.
C. Iv Chandler ha rented the Shel
ley plinv for Ihe enxlilnt; year.
J. It. Cruiiu and familv, of Clover
lute, viitlteil relutlvi-a and friend at
this place the Ural of Ihe week.
Alec (Jrlftln hail another of hi sick
m IU laxt Hiiuduy, hut not so fevere ai
loriuer altaeka.
C. M. Parker a valuable (?) horse
hy fulliiiK on a rH'k on the ruah and
full road Iiih .Nitunlav evening.
Win. uilliam liu- his new dwelllim
imiihe well umier wav.
Anyone tlndinir the hiilaucra of
pliitform acnle will plcae leave them
with J. ). Matlock, or A. I., llonev.
From n-iMirt of iielirlilNir It avem
thnl aiieak thieves are iloinir thN vl
ciultv, and wii-kly we have account
of theli depredatioiia. Thl Is a poor
way io iiuiKe a nvinir even in tianl
The Wheat Trade.
Humlon Keconl: It is anoutniL'e
that the citizens of must be heru from J"-', 'aL
callinl tiHiti lo make a change of
hooks every six years, when the
change must necessarily Im
wrought through much expense to
the patrons of schools.
rmmit Kii, Nov. l'l.-In acollialon
hotwivu an elivtriu ami cahle car hvre
Unlay oua woman w a prohahly lutal
ly Injured. Tho Krlpmaii and three
paaaen(cra new Imilly hurt. Tha In
lured are: Mr. C. II. Jmiea, head cut
and hrulred daiiKeroulv. (Irlpmau
Harvey Ilea, rut aln.iit the head and
a run; Michael Koiuhaull, Miaa llrow u
and au uukiiowu woman. The elee-
(Hc car was amvndliiif a atccp grade on
yl avenue, followed hy the cahle
oar ou the aauie (rack. On reaching
huKon atrevt the eln trlo car alopiMsl,
hut the brake refumsl to work, and it
began sliding backward. Orlpmaii
Ilea, on (he cable car, rvverard hi
brake, allowing (be car ( allde back
aa laa( aa he dared, In order lo break
III Shock which wna (hrvatelied.
lie iMwariigera on laith cam were panic
icken, and several leapnt fnun
irm la-fore the colliaiou otvunsl.
fain til ami (he ex-ltriiieii(
jtoiiae. At I ."van ativel (he car
jmjfHher with K"""' force, derall
liU'k'q h'"i. Mrs. Joiie wa
all w fJX"l,ac'"u, aud It I fearvl
A nuniU rof recommendation were
made at the annual meeting of Ihe Ore
gon liar Am'iation J.ixt held lu Port-
laud. One of (heae called for a ivduc
lion III the pay of the court tcliog-
r.tptier Irom no lo fi a day: alao re
ducing the cot of tranwripta. After a
apirltel illvua-lon (he aiutoclatlon
favonnt pleading lu abatement and
bar lu the oaine anwcr, hicli la now
(be practice lu nearly every state In
Ihe Union.
1 lie KoMliiirg Keview i making a
demand that the delinquent (at el-
H liae bill of Aam-MMir Merlilig, of
lioiigla county, la cut down by (be
county (MtirU Mr. Hteiling la Ihe au
thor of numerous epiotlea on economy,
and It will U- luteriKtlng to ae how be
lew (be aiiggi-otion.
"IKk'" Anderoui, atage driver, lie-
twern Hum and Sala Hpringa, was
fatally Injured Ut week by fulling
from hi outfit. The team got from
under hia control w bile going dow n
(he iiiooutaiiia into Silvl.a valley. Hi
age waa unknown, IhiMigh likely Hi or
thereabout, and lie died without any
relative la thl country.
- - . . o
k p s rii r srrivsiTORY.
1. guaratit. lo rurr 111.-. a4 l i.iilit1.nt
ik iii.rhry rrftit-t.-l ' e-nl. l.rr Ua avi.4
I.uiiiiiim l'r lar -I ir Min.l ui
MAI.1IX hi t't . It-ht rvt r'a'"-ri.t,l
Wt, I i V I' Hiu O.illlh P .a lT all .
fl rl r!M ilniKgl.l. .vry wUf, u4 la I
iai-gua Itj laburi a Ikrianu j
I'orl laud Commercial ileview, Nov.
"Muieour I imt review tlio market
here Iiim ahow n gn-at activity. Iarge
purcliaM-a have lat'll made in (belli
terlor, though a gnat many farmer
art holding nil w ailing to set what the
markei w ill do in tie near future, but
aa there la (M iiiucli grain eaa( of (lie
( am-adi-a caN-'lalli', (o laTiuK of any
esteiiHlve- curtailment of uilica.
grower w ill have to lei go ere long aa
(lie prctMiire of lliiuhhidon of lung
landing account la oulle aeven ami
verv lew of tlielu are able to hold U
ami carry (heir grain for advanced
price. It aceiua from citable advice
that it I more (ban likely tlmt (he ex-
iMirt demand will la fully met with
ottcrlna from (Iiimh comiielled to real
ize. At the immnt Mantel n Oreuon
and Wanliingtoii whea( ia coming in
at a lively rate, ami ao promptly have
veaaeia necii loailed that weliaveon
baud only a few vcaacla to take in ear-
go. vejuote Walla U alia from tiki
7JI iar it-ntal, and valley 771'-' Ml. In
aoine n-ctlot.a miller have picked up
fair vnrtvl recently at Ihe isiuiv
aleiit of 7-H-, but holdera'are now linn
er aud ak higher prm-a. Thew tig
urea are alaml aa in ar a can tr Uoteil,
llaaterii and San Kraiicl markela
are rv port iil aomew hat weaker ami the
pr.vt an dial lliu Ann r lean mar
kel iinit give way. ehfpper are re
thviil lu giving flgurra."
Ill Can l-'ranciaco (he market la linn.
From . to I'JI la-r ivnial i p ild for
average ahippiug.
The F.iinaaii market laiuile firm. J
a !
Mkuih Mr. J. A. Ilae waiiiar-
rlii I lo Mla h raiiit-a kdell, of
Clnher precinct at the nueb nee of ;
aling. Mr. lliar waa raiar.1 In Ijine
i'Hinl V, t'Ut ia now one of the aolld
men of Curry uxiuty, Orvgou.
Nov. 2J, IsM.
A very pleasant party waa given at
Mr. J. r. ilrewar'a Tuemluy evening.
Some of her young friend of (he
ueighhorhiKx! aurpriel Mlwt Ituchel
with (heir preaeuoc, It being the occa
sion of her birthday anniveraary.
Ciicle Charlie llcimett, who I away
up in the 0 , waa aet-li going over to
I'leaaaut Hill Ihe Mrat of the week on
liorae-luick with a shot gun ami four
hounds, and in the old gcutlcuian'a
mind (til indicate slaughter to deer
ami coyote lu that section.
Mr. Win. Miller, of Creawell, who
I ma beeu aerlouxly 111 at thia place, ha
Niitllcleiilly recovered to lie removed
tiuliu a number of our young ix-ople
eyoiitumplalo attending (he maMuerade
ball til l res well ou 1 haiikglvlug
While a wagon load of young eople
were returning irom (lie party al .Mr,
Brewer's Tuewluy night the Vehicle
waa overturueil and (he occilaii(
pi i nil out, reuniting lu some scratches
ami lirulf, Imt uollilng aerioua.
"eph a" remark in a n-ivnt reort
from Creawell comi-rniiig llie modern
U-acher'a prouuiicialion of lliu article
"the" aro very well founded. While
the learner's oijcct i gmal and the
undertaking to improe Ihe cl.ibla'
railing can in-accompllHlud, ilia too
iniueiuiy over lore, reaiilllug aa a
Mr. ami Mrs. C. II. Iloiicy who were
viaitlng their linither A. I.. Honey and
tauilly laat week, have n-t'lriicd In
John llerg and Mia (iraclu Hun
anker vlxited iK-xter Saturday, return
lug Minilay.
Walter K. Flik and family, of Ku
gene, visited with Mr Muitiaoii and
family Saturday evening and Mumbiy
Mir Laura Muthew nia-nt Sunday
evening wiin irli mla near Wiatlicn, re-
lurmiig lo her home at Dexter Moil
day morning.
Mr. Joel Adiliugton, of Dexter.
m-ii( a few diiya ln( week hero III a(-
teinliimv at (he ta-d alild of her niece.
.-lira. .Miller.
W. I. Wheeler w ho rexldc In this
prvclnci revlved from P. A. Motta, of
l(M-iiiirg, Oregon, a line thoroiighhrcl
I'oiaml ( lilua pig llie llrt ofthewtsi-k
Mr. W hetder now hasouitea nuniU-r
of Ihorouahbred hogs of this Iwd and
la an example for many other farmera
of the coiniiry wh ight letter their
ilnancial condition hy improvement In
(heir farm stock generally. Mr W
will continue to luiiHirl mid improve
ma aircany line In-r.i.
A Favorite lu keutucky.
Mr. W. M. Terry, who has been In
Ihe drug html new al Flkton, Ky.. for
I lit pal twelve year, aaya: "Cliain
bet'laln' Cough Kemiilv give la-lterl
Hit t l(:ii't Ion (linn anv oilier cough mel-
Iclne I have ever aold. I hele ia irmxl
n-axni lor una. .o inner win cure a I
cold ao ipiickly; no other I so ivrtaiu
prevenuvo ami cure lor croup; mil
oilier allorda ao much relief In caaeu of
wliiNiping cough. I-or stile by
Ilakrr of lh I'lonrrr Ijikln tma: flr.1 mada
In l-aii mn nt r lu
A tint rla .lurk irr Kl. (iM-mrrlv II". I un
mon Or-. m cu Aim !!, Uur aud
l ark trrM loorili-r. laitlom rut ami chain UH-
liilncl. Will Ink. tttnni hcT Iwrl hllra In lrl
Mrmriil. alMt Irmla lor aork. baiUla trara
cofL-nxl aud rvualrvd.
I'rdar and ehlta llr hlnilra for Mia al mill!
or will dvilrrr alien oolcrxJ. Will taka Urm
irodura Id airhaiif.
I oSr for aala my ihlncla mill, iiram eotlnc,
tiluda bolilna aud drai . i-arkcr. aaw
niiipni. .hailing. I'Ulli-ya, air, rapahla nl
una '3'.ii iTia. all irt rlau machlnarr
at uiu-liall ut real talua. Addrru,
Varlau, Laua Co., Orrfoa.
If you iranl lo nlant frull tn-r thia (all. Ton
on . IA urr rent on tour onli-r uj burrha-
lli imm ina
Willamette f alley lurserj Co.,
)( W(MiiR('KN, DKKUoN.
600 yards English Cashmere Double Width-
all the Fashionable Shades. Every yard
will go at
16 Cents Per Yard.
amthanridnal ami only I'KKSTH, mfaard r--
liaiiiaeura un iim mats. I rioo kuftx Mul
luui. (iatiuuia aold oulj by
OHHI KV A liKI.ANO Pruml.u and aula
annua Hunriir, liri-giiii
Cigai' Clijipings,
Astonishina Price.
See display in window.
Fall AaiartaMMf. I a( MJ - r I a S r MS S M T M M w W M
1 'par!, IIOrat.4 ...
DoU, lHlT :
Toys. ,rltr,.
Are C'heaM-st at:
juliusgo : City ; Milling: Company.
J:'7?A.V1CTIONA li Y
i i M I
Tliat' tha war 1. l Wrral
Tk-aauit I'cllrta conia. And
It's a mora ini( rtank noint
than you think. It kaeia
tbriu aJwara frrab and roll
al'lo, unlika Uw ordinary
illa la rhmp woodan or
uutrtaaunl lxiai
Thay 'ra put up la a batter
war, ana locr art la a tiatur
way, thaa tt bug, old f aab-
lonru I'Uia. enpinc,
tIuumh', no mrtioa atar.
warj that mtiM'turw laavea
tou wm off than brfom
Ia that way, they cura fwr
aiaanry. Rk k Maatlai ha,
llilioua timitarba, i'ooatltav
Uoa, Indicaatioii. Dtlloua Al
ia, ka, and all darmnimnaata
ot ttM urar, KianacB, aad
toil. rilaTi aad curad.
ufur- coated cranulaa.
AMrraaJor n 1 A a
" laabrlu'iri.'
Nlandard nf I ha
I', a. Hul l l-rlni-Ing
ofltro, tlirl .S.
Hu unma Court and
r nearly ail Um
Warmly rum.
mrniid by awry
Htata Buprrlutrn
dant or Brhoula,
and other luiura
tMS almost with
out aiuulwr.
A Colleca rraaldMil writes I "For
" eae with which tha eye finds tha
" word sought, for arcarary of da Ant
"lion, fur ffeetlT aawthod la Indl
' rallnf pronunciation, for terse yet
romprehenalT atatemeats of farts,
' and for prarllenl as aa a working
'llrtlonary, Webatar' laternalloaal'
' ire Is aay other alngle volam."
Thr . Great RCndtrtt Authority.
Rsa. D. I. Srewer, Jnatlrs) nf tha V. R.
Sii.rrmCmn.wnire: "The InMrnalliinal
iMi llimsrr Is the perfection or dlrtlonarlra.
I rommrnil It to all a the one rraat atand-
aid authority."
tefA aarinr of f Area renj tier itnv for a
year still prutlile more thaa enough money
to nun-hsM a ror of the International.
Can you aflord to te vlthout itr
G. et C. UESKTAU CO, PnMiaiera,
aprtagaeia, mm., V.B.A.
ae Saul in the enNufeen for trm atrnraM.
Tlio most iwipiilar Hour in tlio market.
leailing groeors.
iol.l bv all
Clothing, Underwear, Overshirts, Extra
Pants, Trunks and Valises, Latest Style Hats, and
HOWE k RICE, Proprietors.
bnwejj are rrereo
ineTTO unr. suit
eompound of refined and ccnaentrated eetre-
tat-U aitracta lb amaJleat In aire, the easi
est to take, and the rAeiirwef pill yon rma
Iniy, tor t&ey to guaranteed to gira aatulao
lion, or your money k returned, i oa Mr
euir .or we onou yuv g.
iberes aoUung UMy to la) "jum at aaott"
ET7AVOO Tl la. Ir. A.C J.B0iru. r-.nfjrl.rk .1
. li APt QS, Proprietor. ""o'r. Oregon, at I uinne Laos e
I Or-g-.u. 00 lleremb-r '.'W, lM4.
tati ti-arrs futrne V.m-Ur. sn I Thumlart.
t ii s m , .M.iifTi arriving lu
K '.-'. i . :nrila fni m i lie SI ll'nr url s. ni.
h. lnrn i- puunci-n Ware Toee
la end i ri.Uy. aii-t the .tare arrives In ka
-lie the nni -Isy si ; e rlxk p. m.
r I tag
K"l Ml 1 KIT . iw
1 l.-k. Is I r sale si g asses' llrerv l.rn
(ene. or al liurd 4 I'aveuiort'i odSea la Flor
lie l.rl.lea inollieroll III I Mil of Nil- IC PPrfM5 JZfJV'.' r, IM'I. '. K. Hale. J. IV. nfilel. ! IE Ultlin O
ii- 1 1 . . i - avsaaaVBSBaTsaES se
ata est. TVS)
L TV isaej
. ta IM. M
1'KoUtlK Mam aa Iii the matter
of the gtiar.lunalili ni Jailiee 11 Hover.
Kll.t I., tiovir api-iiitiil guarxuan up
on Hi cima ( lirr a rnivel Ikiiij
Hi atiiu f.Utl.
B 6 elA!X5!lI211
C URKiMUl.a.alT'--
twill Ki a I'H M. Iirnaieu
ageuia, Kai-ae IlirA
and sole
FurMlr al Yrrmgton't "th tree.lnig store.
I.sxr. drug at Koatarau (lit,
Nor.niber li. 1S01
N.ilu-- is Lt-' t giv.n lLat tbe (ulloving
Oiuied aetlk r ha. Bled notice ot Ler fcti D-
lion to rusk, nnal proof in sappt-n ol ber
rl-iiu. and that aid i-iiaif a ill tie niade lie
e no y.
"s.i'r. on nomeateao entry o ijti,, .,r
Ihe X F. J t '. aud lot C vl sn 1, Tp
II H . U i We.t.
hue name tie f.ilVvit g aiimeare In
pro her ruLtlnnmis residence sjon aad
ealtiealion of, said lard, u: Paul Ils.1
lT. Jiieeph H Hill. Kilaa ho-erll. Jsrues
Keeoey, all id Jasper, Ltne Cona-T, Ufa
B- af VtsTVB. BegMer
Io ault tha times. If It l tint ault u-
We do uot ak you laat year' priee. but
price In krfilnir with tlie pri
l.ane county product.
I Stoves. Bannes and Heaters i?tM
Any price you want., o .
SoinetliloK new ill Ijtrd rail Cheap
ami (IimhI.
Call and are our ! and IF
ricea. o o o o o 0
(lIUTFIV H 1M)V lf T Til lnddreIlowiBl.-k.
U1WI rJi II.I1MM .ltl 1.11, miUmetleMreet..urne.
Special AttentionI
wi assure you that the
p escriptit.ns and
care will beused in dispensing them
only from strictly pure drugs.
Osbvrr; 0 DeCapo.
Erai'ift L'tSlMSlHJ.
UMit enfivs -
II- fcA. (Itmi ,a
- flirt
ili""..Iu K
Ill a. aestera aasa, jaicwa.
oi4 tf all Procglet
I. I). Xosroa.
0. W Kipsiir
Norton & Kinsey,
omre la
fro ale Busloeae
Hsrru aiork.
a ,-re-
Rheumatic Rings
Aeedyand Pemsneot Core for Kheoa
llsia. (is. I titrsu. fK-ut ai d ether J.e-
rrtre nf.las ana 1 " " , '
by m
i.i reiumiea rr "
atTRinEtai" .
i reuel
IX Kenmey M.. aaa rraaoere.