The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 24, 1894, Image 3

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' J
Splendid Tribute
I'Kons the i si: or tmg
Royal Baking Powder.
auiik; ixtiikheseut
The niagn!f..vnt trilmJe
the fc' purity a':l tv .'.c .,n
f the
i'.;-.ii:t', ll.c ltm:nil.u.t-.l-iis of t!.o 1
j':Miiati"". however, t.imi'-t I'-i.i'.
tna--t.l high ti.c '.kal i '..rscnic'it.
S.i-i I':.i-:
. 1 1'ic K
i.r ;-i!c-till?
A:: in-! !
al IV
niti:uil u;ort,
fai aimile :
with the k:naturv of t!;e ii'.e:!ilc: . ( the
IT. t
'.er Ktrat'.y
i I a-i '. v:n
py . .f t'.n-if
11 a-1 ia
We, the members of The Board of Health of
the City and County of San Francisco, cordially
approve and recommend the Royal Baking Pow
der. It is absolutely pure and healthful, composed
cf the best ingredients of the highest strength
and chnractcr.
In our judgment it is impossible to make a purer
or stronger Baking Powder than the " Royal."
Am :-Aairriiaii HI. Himself tm
ll.r I Mm. Navy.
There I but oik- American III the CM
ricao iinvnl nliv. ami Lis opinion are
ought lli t ii !-- Iiit rr-t. It" It 1'hlln
N. Mriilttln. wlio w.t grmlii.-itivl from the Nillill nrn.l. HIV In lfS3 dlsrhnrg. it III l-. la-raiita. there
waii no viHiinrv for lilm In fur navy,
A Mlauaileralnndllig.
There I a funny atory told In then-nat
of the mistake made by a mcmlar of tlint
body at the time of (Jem-nil Annn .Mo
Cook' ni'irrini nomrliulf doen ymmagii.
bemttor l)illi iiiuli rtcKik to p i up a mils
crit ! for a auitiihle wtilding present,
ami oflrrihg the paper tu one of hi col
league wbi wan aoiiicwlmt ihnf explained
tti cane ami nkiil fur w hat Amount lie
might I"'1 hl naine down lu the li.L, The
neuator frnni Oregon wan aoiiu-whnt Hon
plii.Mil anil ci.nsid. nibly nettled to tnect
with a Niint blank refusal. The atluir wa
the more Inexplicable aa the rnator of
whom the contribution i di-sirrd wa
know n tn be a witrrn pemoual friend of tieo
eritl McC.s.k.
Ijit.-r In the ilajr the ainmtlon wa nn explained I')' tliiMilTrnilliitfaro
ator. Him remarked to a group of hi
friend: "What the deuce do you mipn
.lb nivalin? lie came to me IihIii)', and
after U-llitiM tup that limnmk wa guiliK to
b uiarniil wtually tkl me to contrib
ute for a wiililiug prnw ul." Kata t'ieWa
Wanhintiliiii. (.ruuuil la Ixinili.a.
City Uoiiii'l tainl pi-rh 4" feet alTe
blgb a-nt'-r l v. I Tim iiiigl.ty hill of
lllnoiiifthurr, f whiili ll!iN.iiiliury iuar
In the hlKliift part. I la Ut-l tilmve the level.
Ciiiiil"!' " hill anil Nt.ttintt hill iK-uit the
aumr glibly r!i'aii"ii. I mire liveil on Notr
tlliK lull. The lniie uti nl MruliKly ivo-
oiiiuit-iKli-t the I. oiiM'. w n nil we UkjK on nit!" M'tiltHN.
the that H t't l'Hte on the Wp - ,( m)( ,,, ,llrh
of the lull. Bialtlirr.1.. ii,.i w j w( rk ln r(inIlllllt ).r navy that
tl.a. LLllkvl.t-Jt 1(1 tilt lit I" I III Ikiifi 1
bill w ho lake pri.!
that liiiKliiy Alp -doa
in In-imk on the tup of
. nit. r lUaiil tn Loo-
Tmn'a t'iP) Ikm.I.
Tom Anjerry, a tuilriit, l.lota hla copy
book whii.i'Vrr lie ni iriiiptu to write In It.
"U thin your cp) lH.k?" akl l'rofeaof
Bnore, giuiiitf "vrr. I nt the I.I..I.
"Yiis ir."
"Well, Thiiinam the lnrk pota In youf
aonybook thn.w a bright light on your ilov
enly bahil."-T. ii'' Mil lug.
Iiri.w ieil.
"VTiy na the inal.ii j.llnl?"
"The c.M ti-.aii tl.H M io'iI water on It
TJiat wouhl miiI ii" iniiich."-llanr,
I -
of all c of roii.tntitition can. if taken In
tlir earlirr Mair.ii of the ill-, as.. Ik-eutttl.
Thin mar rem like a 1-1.1 aertimi to
thine familiat only with the mean trmer
ally in u-c for if tt. ..mi. nl ; a. na.ty r.Hr
liver oil ami il filthy emulion. ritrart
of malt, whi-kry. .Int. rr n t J'H l,.,r '' ",n "
bTlmpliosphitca an.l like f.illiJlt.t.
AltlimiKli v many 1- lu vr.l to I inriira
Me.tlicre U the evidence of ImndreiU of
luiiitf witm to the fart that, in alUti
earlirr tairr. cmMiiuption a curahlc
disease. Not evrrv ra-a, l.ut J lot ft frr
tftUff cf f... and we l li. r Ju.'
prrcHl. M riin .1 hy Dr. I'.rrrr l."ld.n
ilrdiral lMscovrry. even aft.-r the iseae
ha. priKfTrssed far a to in.luie treated
Wee'linu fioni the lungs, arvrre Imge
cotuth with copious ,iH-cl..rati..n nn. lii.l
ing tubercular m ilter , great of fle.U
and extreme emaciation weakn.-M.
Do you doiiht that litmdieds of mil
reported to u cured t.y t.old-n "I
Icll Discovery " w. re genuine cases of t hat
dread and fatal d.-ea-- ? on need not take
our word for It. Tin y have, in m arh every
Instance, leen pionouiiced 1 ,l,r
and most exticncncrd home l''y"""
who have no interest whatever in m
representing them, and who "
atrouKly ,,r. jmli.-rd and advw d air.mst
a trul uf -l.old-n Medical I""""
l.ut who have been forced to confess at
it surpass.-,, in curative pow-r over tins
fatal milady, all other nu d.rim it
w hich tliey are aciuaint. d ',T. c'"i
liver oil and it. filthy ' emnl-ion. and
mixtures, h id len tiled in near.y . these
easrs ,nd had either utterlv fai.ed "
fit. or had only eemed to n- h a I le lor
a short time, l-ixtiact of m ..t( w in k eir
and various preparation, of the'
pnnra nan aw or-,, -. ,,-
r -r. ........r .h. of a large nunit r
' i t lt.n
inose cure'i ... j
linrins crngli. ..thma curmm
h and kin irr i ma. -
l in a I". .
waa warmly pral- il hy tl. eiii-Mr aim
inado iiirint.iid.iit of the t'hliu-Mi Na
tal colli ge. In ln-S ho f rvnl In the ( Id
1HKO war with Kninro. ll had obtained
l, ,.v., . f ala tire to vUlt limiie, l.ut whi n
l,n t.n si nt war Is uail r funsl to leave
and wan at one made roiiiiiuind. r of ( hi
tia'f moat powrrful war v.-rl, tho thin-
llli I.rothir. Alriaiid. r M.-Olffln, U pM
f.s,,p.,f utlon In the r.ilyt lmlo In-
tltute In llns.klyn, nnd the roiiiiuniider I
letter to lilm hiive Us li full of rntliula
tlo tntrminta that th liilmiw aallora
would prove g.l light, rs and that Chi
na'! cause wn Ju-t. Jut U-l-ro tin lat
big naval battle tin wrole:
"Wu are Unity lilted out In the urgeon1!
department. Ve have only two doctor,
both Chliiese, to liu ships nnd an army it
over auu.lH-'i men. I have my ow n urglrnl
caw, and 1 ran do mum thing, but it ll
bow four klll-sl to onu wi.uiiil.s.1 uln.-etlie
new animunllloii riimo Into use. Instead
of four wi.uii.l.l t one kUhnl n It wa 30
year ago. It la Utter an. I don't want
to hw wounded and ball, to think of being
dnadfully m.mgl.d and then l ing paieu-
. i. . ... ti..t, riiiu n nr nn nn iui in in'"
r 1 r .
sx..rl.l is hrn lnV t tills coll.l-
Tl... M. (iinii.s are tlu-hllng tK-k. t'np-
tain Norton .Mn.ttlin of the liilt.d Stiitn
army, father of the command, r, won hon
or in the .V. xirnn war. aim
the Klghly -eighth i' lin.ylvaiiln volun
inn made a g.-sl "r.l In the e-lvll war.
The coiiiiiiniiil. r was U.rn In W ashlngton,
la , In ls'S and wo of m.I.IIi rly lu.tlnrU
from the siurt. In a ul. unit I. Iter be
tells of the .Inking of the K-w .-hung by
the .Inpnnise. and of a later Utile ay.
'The T-i Ynmw.i a dr-mlful light.
First I.I. iit. nant nn old and chw
friend of mine. wa. In the conning tower
when ash. 11 came through ami burst. II
brail. w.rt. spatter.. I all over It. Ill
whole head ... blown . !T. and a Jaw and
i. sin. k ii' r i in- ii.-t nil i.v.l the ship men
tine l.e tins! in I lie
A Maa t'uasirarir.1 aaj lilted tiit asms I
a kauily XVasie tlreausa lie W aat I
lie hrwly Wkra the Water KUm. a II
lirnily Ivrlsrsra ll WIIL
"t n... f the ijttK n-t and lurrrt
Hi ,- sight 1 rv. r raw 111 all tnv w alii, r
lug ovit tho wild of till tMUHtrr,"
aid 11 l". Travir, known j.r.w
js-t..r ami civil -tigiiiivr, a few day
n-., "w.u A in w!t .v.tistru. trirf ly
ing mi tin. fl'-Tef I .ith valley. And tt
U there y. l, i that auyUsly rail tt.
"Winn I first saw It. 1 w.k liii.t
.ira!yisL I culd not U Hrve my i tk
and thought I must have p.vwnsl tlirtuigh
aomti i:;. ntal laps., and w :ia not lu IValli
va'.l. yata'.L Hut, nit. r g.uing at tha
(trangii ot'j.-et a few uiluut.w and tlu-ti
Imikliig around nu and ns-mg the wast.
of burning auud and feeling tho hot
brealh of tho il.wrrt w iu.L I knew that
everj tliing about tuo iu niuet rvalUtio
ally real
"It wan 1'T tho tnensst rhanre) that I
rati a-ri. tlio tiw.1," aai.l Mr. Traver,
"lavauso h.i l 1 Ui n a few fi-it f.irthrr
ninth 1 wi'ul.l never have u it You.
Hi., 1 1 1 : 1. 1 lai-ll working oil mo rasu in
ai.lo of the valley for wrrml wis. 1 w. ith
out iuixiss and rom-luilr.1 to g ti
Mount larwili, whero 1 would at lrnt
be ure of ei ns.. I wa i-rnMing tlm
Tallry at the liorlli. ru end, wht.ii I
quite niiiTow, but uU.ut the lowest ii..t
on tho earth' surfiu-u 1 am not ri.Kily
ci r tain, but I think that win-re tho vrw-
eel i it i ol"ut 200 f.s t U-low m .- 1. v. L I
"After tin' lir-t Mirprim worn off i
I U g.m to tiguru out how the craft ratlin
there. That the Ti-w.1 waa a relic of a
uut ago never ruti nil my In ad I T a
moiiiriit. U-aiis.i it wa cuiistrtii tiil on
perfisi tly iiualrrii Inn and tho wood,
bml yellow aplaramii Indicating
that it hud imt Us u cut very long. I am
aouirtliitig of B .ii lor niys. If, and the
first glaiuvtold mo that it wa I lie w.nk
of moilrrii t.hipbuil.l.T, hut that
only mailo tho mystery greater.
"(i.iing cI.hhi, 1 ma.lo a careful ex
Binliiiitimi of iiijt atraiigefliiiL It imvi-.1
to U n l-rfn-t I rig of aU.ut 400 toll,
that had never lil lu wutcr. Kvery
thing Blmiit it waof llm l-st Btylo of
wnrkmiuisliip nnd aJuiwwl plainly that
tho builder had put forth hi Unt ef
fort. Tho keel wa laid Hat oil tho and
and thptarUitnl iidi' up ngaiust
a ninall roof of rick. Tim iTt mdo wa
upHirtiil in tho usual manner.
"Climbing outu the di-ck by a email
ro.o, I found everything eliip
ha Tlio tl.i-lsa Wrro n clean nnd
while n a man-of-war', nnd every roj
w.w in plum Kntering the cabin, I
found everything neat nnd clean nnd
nv.rnl bunk with Uslding mady to
t,ln p Iil Su.-h thing, however, would
Lave been linpsilii as the heat wu
imply unbearable, mid 1 had to go to
the dour, gaspiug for lireath, U-fore I
bad oimpletiil my tnvestigation. Tlio
Bioro I hmkisl tho iiiystifusl 1 U'
caiim. It wa plain the brig hud U-cn
built w hero alio wan, but by whom ami
for what?
"I up. nt tho whole af t. niooii cliinhlng
over the vinwl. I went into tho rigging
and l.mkiil over tho vurrouiidiiig coun
try, but could oo no sign of human
U ing. When night caino on, 1 conclud
ed to camp m-ar by, hut had liu mim r
gut fixed comfortably when avoid from
toiuewliert' cnll.-il evening!' Von
may lo nuro I JuiiikI, a my w-rvce
wero feeling little weak through my
atrango afternoon' ex rienco.
"Tlu-ro wa no lie.-.! to bu Bhirmisl,
tliongli, foru good nattinil looking man,
with griiy hair biuI U anl, wa smiling
at ma Of conme I at once
that ho knew m.uiothiiig nUmt tho brig.
I wa right, nnd in a few moment ho
explained tho whole thing to me ami
also hIiowiiI to what end a foolish idea
will drive a man.
"Ho aid that hi name wa Freder
ick F.van. that ho wa a ship builder
by trade and one of thoCalifornia pion
eer of 4!l. lie had never made a big
trike, hut hadalway kept pr.fs ting.
nnd whi n the water rose in Salt.m lake
a few year ago he waa at woik
mountains around Ilenta valh y.
then that he got it into bin In ad that
the water would eventually n-.w li that
locality, ami h" win determined to have
tlio first Vessel to float in tho new M
"Kvan wiw not a s.r mail, but had
money enough to hire a couple of n n
to help him lay the k.. I of tho v-wl,
put in Hi" ina-t" and do the other heavy
work. At fir-t th" work wii piislesl
rapidly, but w hen the wnt.-r nmiin
tom-.'.lo Kvan.t.sik things eamly and
,ti,l nil the Work himif. Usause he
1 1I K til KHI Hr lt M.
There I a big Insulated wire In trlrg
laphy which transmit tha ki of .lailr
tnleli.gei ir, there It a big ate-l nert
III Hi human ) stem which ran t-er th
buMeu of mere pain than all II. rr.l ..I the
lirt.r. coii.l.i'ie.. sod Is km. n a. the rl
atir nrrie. s.ninora utarr ta rut to
rot ott lis . arret. t . s..ii.rtlllirs I hr surfi-oll
kmtr I tlit to rut tit ner.e to n-nr.e r&
! era. lalniii l n lul tl.rtr is . i. thing
I a l.ii I. a.. ...Is tl.i railu-.i! I'iu'hi.ih,
' cure win. ll pel.elialr. to ll.r a n l. and
' s. :ai . a ha. i-rii nin.1 a: mo-1 .1 i.ti.ii tail
by ll.r use t.f M Jacol. u I ll r.a.i.ra
' ll.isrry seat ami ilr.h.lirs It. I li , al-
i la. knl ani roulr l III Us lu.l.lrl. a u.i a.le.
' am srii ni. rrlun.s to a-. no) 1 lie g-rrai
rrli.isly .I.m-s Its sora aril.
America Leads the World
W li, a I erluear le.i-4.
There is a e. nam pr..fisss. r in t!.i city
who livturea hrfoP alias of at !! I.taou
a sul j.rl extremely ami il llUnll
to ki p. and asiory I. loldi f a ivitim tn
whiih he found bims. f .i.e. .1 .y
while listuring mi one of I.:, m.-t .'ruse
topira. Hie mnnlsrr. of ll.r 1 1 ess lirs.1 evl
diiitly had an Inkling of the ralurr of th
lis tore ..n ttieilay IU lUi ' ill. I -r Kl li is i
CMiuIng the profie..r tai-el l.ut l i.r.... n
atlldilita He adjusted hi" g'..e--. s. sllii'.r. I
bi plisisniitit mile, and t'.rini i Ui Lu
liianusiript wass.s.11 reveling In ll.r tntrt
c.itemi.l U'wddertng ll.eon. . f I... favorite
aubjeet. Altri. lion from the Is e I . . l.sstol i
but a short lime. There was (. , i.tvi.f ,
to t retrh. in. d str.1.11 th. y .11 In tl.i
coiirsi-ol half u bourenry one. I thne an
wna eliln r xtemlid ut full I. i .t li or In a
armire. mills-lit sili..iv.
If the profesaor l. i.l I' up, lie would ,
bave coin. led but tin the oilier
were I -t Uiinid the huh t. knl Is-nrl..-.
Ktervlhmg w.w ii.iil euough to luillrale ,
r losrsl ml. re-1 mi the rt of the tudeiil,
and the, 1 i f ll. profcissur waa far i
any li.. ni iniiii.iaiie en. in.umriiia
s.u.1.1. nlv (ri.iii one of the Isriirhe there
1 rime a loud, prolonged more Mor j
pi,, ns l,i. lu.l bold i f hliu. Th half j
Bw.ll.e ipillit. t thrir giggle th j
.1 Hm i -.iil.l Hie dropped j
1 bis u .1.- - nndile.1 the two h.w.Uwilba
.. . f n'- .1 siiri ri-e. lie t.a.k In th all- j
ll..: ... i imt. nsl, at. ly, grasrs bl Uiaiiu
. r ; i and sinsle nil of the room. "Audi
I .- m . r went tin leany more." Theeoiirs,
lit leetur. . ii.mpliisl. lhatou lilolsn.
W ; 7111 K f
A I l I?
j Miconousm ;
"J mall - I - a
'lol'iflrlr - M llf .llim ' HarB-J
' Wna lejnrluu rttrrl si 4 Br- Hal
-rfrrl, I'usllls. ferwiaaerit aretf
t The Curt Cuaranteed. '
6 Ma Base Irllera ff.iai larfl" lea 0
' ,.!... ..ikis. fo.a .Hsirlae a.n
V.nin I Ire.. of all lelllaa
,'ihe sl..i, ..f ll rf.l. vnautsl .
( s .isolri f ..I r aira.
i,itas. Irn.s slrl.ll r...lll's'
' II hs. t!. ! '.. s. i. . nt ..( ll.r M.s-a Jj
V tola lis I., si At-lilo me l- "t II.SIU.II
h vt in . i . i.rtm
llilslnrss an.l Seelsl ll.iatlim la 'bleag.
A inuiii; gentleman who I making (id
eng.. hts liome for the pi. -snt and bulding
a m iv prominent position thought. In mak
ing I. is ari.iiigein. u. for I. is aUy here, that
eertaiii letter of Introduction ouM be of
U ii. ht to him in a hiisines way II went
tos. tnr .-i ntli n i 0 In the rlly whleh h
rails home who werw very large customer
of prominent luanufactiiei-ralier. II told
Ihi iti nluit he aute.l. The) lold him that
while their in. ts In ..m Instance
reached up to and o'er fim.isx) they bad
never met the gi nt lelueii ill whom Ibey ba.1
riioiigh couli.leii.-e to Inlnisi that am. unit
of business; that III many tripa to
C'hlrago to bs.k ot.-r ! k their bualneaa
wa alwaj traiisnrtisl with reprtaiiitav
tivea, while the owner of the factorlra from contact wilbpurcha
er in private olli.i-.
In the east such a disilnrtlr dividing line
betwis?n aisial and biismeaa rouWict I ael
tlo m heard of t hie rout rol the other to a
certain extent, pari Iciilarly w lieu aurb large
fiuiiniial n-".iisil.illly exist, lu the weal
It la only the drummer." the commercial
traveler, w ho Collins Is usinl arleiicw wilb
busiuesa amies. Ileext. -ml hospitality
bis own or that of bis llrm - and ealahltshr
lubslant ial business nint lona over a cigar,
B sparkling or burning g I a, a dinner of
aoiu theater tit keta.-t hleago Inter Ocean.
The Crowning Glory of the Age.
Man' cntotnsv' i u'.min.itc.l at tlic W. rl.l's
r.xi'is:li.'it. Tho tiH 'i'.i.ry i.f it will Lc .1 tu.irw 1 f.r tunc.
The f.rtic the re .0 .putt-.l wi'.l live f..r yctra. The ii-.auufect-iin
r-i i f
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
nj'i'r.-. l.ito tJic nwatil t.i t ho nt cf highest ln'tPT nt the
F.xins::n.n The 'itiii'u-.imc' i.f the c.i:iipli:m'tit, the rxpli-mli.l Ut i.f the iti.Inrii-tiifiit, c.itin.'t be unJcrratcil. It
stamps Pi 1'rivc'n as without a j'ecr atttunj,' tlie halinj; jow
iK rs The jury of nwanls, an c-jtu-j.t ii.ti.ilty intelligent bmly, heaile.l y the I'liief Chemist of the I'mlnl States I it-ji.irt
nn tit of Ariv ultiire. They (.mini Dr. Price's Cream lUking
Powder stn nest in leavening power, jcrfect in purity, anil
cf uniform excellence.
"Foremost Unking Powder In nil the World."
w i-eii 1 a,
', i. rnr.'-.s. t I mi ..( tl TUT! I'PRE 1. '
I - r ' to Ii .li.r 1 ts-r...t.t sJTl.-t.-4 will V
.I,, I..H..I IkiI.ih g)
f a ll u a 1 I. : u ihr rceh l eeerj en. .
'' J
I 1 all a ii ..f arlle u. Ieallar.lals4
K j ror a . v
1.. m T. f..ssi .iil.iii.(, s.n frsiietsi-e, rl.
g) grBl. I arlB i.a.l. jf
4j cunr itmcbit.
Wk O 11 w La "0 nstutaaiNta,
IUlarHAI .kJW . I f fi I Y1 1"
"'. ' nancKTQN. MAS.
Te eaa ...e i.rr we.rl.i Ike
W. I . Ilaalaa It. OO ,.,.
W a ! . sra ll. Isi.-t-.l msnufsrlarrr el
.u.i...... iui,,.s.rflLu.i rfusrsitlr tarst
s. , lir sisn..s 11.0 a..., an I .rlr a U
trUei. ai. a r..l. I ssln.! h h i-rtrsa ai.4 l-r. n.s, l'..r r.ial ruslu.a
avsk la sti la, r.ay flm.. ... . .-srl.- quaint-.
V m hs Ihsm l.l rrsh.-rr .rlrss f.s
IBs talus ..ra Ihsa ant ..ll.. r eis.s. Tsfes n. su
auiui. U juuf Oaaiaf .-iun laui toy, sca.
ilnadfully miingleil anil tm-n i u. i
eil up with half my llmlaand m-iis.-
yit'a triumph of mrirlral skill.' No;
on f. r t step down or up and out of thl
Trurliee ami Talioa.
Webster div I.I.- Tnn ki Tnic kee, with
the arrrtit on the last ayllahln. Welater ll
imply wrong 11 probably menu well
(rest bia aoull, but he ha Ui'n dead too
many year to be nllowul to dictate ton
bow we should pn.iiiiunre the name of the
town we live In. We oiu knew a U.y wbo
was il.s ki-.! tw o credila In our public arbiail
Uinuse be s-rsiM.-d ill n fu.uig to pro
Diiunre Tahmi Tali hue. w it It I be accent U
th last ) liable. If the U.y had known
bow lorxpn-sa it, b could have proved that
Welnter I w rong.
Tnluss wa naunsl by the Indian who
made It their annual lishing ground be
fore the white man ever aaw lis wmidmu
fai-e. Theycalleil it Tay Ins-, anviiling the
first a) liable. Tnirkee was an Ih.i .ill
Kind and pronounced hi. nam as if it
were siM-lb-d Tmcky. with a. rent on lb
find a) liable. Hot there ts U it. r auihor
lly than the Indian. The H-.,pIe who live
at or near a place have the rii.t to deter
mini, the pronunciation of its name. Cue
tout i the highest law lu matter,
and the Ua.ka w ill correct tin ir error In
1 1 L.,-..l I It. .....I. I, .Ml.
Ill tlio tour.- . rui a.- i 1
It Wa 1 ..l.lns tllrharil t '.Inland.
C'cenr d Lion' ransom, paid to Cm
juror Henry VI In HIM. waa 150,000
mark, eip-ial, aaid IIuim, to I'lloO.OtiO of
our present money, hut tin inut be
multiplied, ami iThap sevnifold, which
would raie it to Borne U.Ooo.Ooo.-fial-nrday
Aa I il"l luiur Ha, I uglau.l.
The H hour day. win. li i the aspira
tion of nrgniiiol laU.r in tin coun
try, i to Is. ma. I.' the iil.j.s t of a pnu--tn
al e-ruueiit in the great iron work
of Silford. m ar Man. h.t. r. The effort
it to I1 made to rtvoiiiilo the rvnnoinic
ol.J.N-tioiia which have U.-n held t I1
Irns-on.-llable. That i. the workmen,
w ho have been lalH.rmg .'a hour a wt k,
are to endeavor to turn out an eiual
prmim t by the lals.r of 4? hour. If by
punctuality, energy and lncr.iiae.1 activ
ity they call allow till to U' sHibli', the
experiment w ill I a ton i imw, their wagee
will remain a now, and the hour day
will he established.- ll.wti.11 (Ailuinou-
Aa IHil Hauler llrgln. tm Travel.
It i hardly in the west one would look
(or white s.ple iinacuaiiil.-l with rail
road ami ti-legrnph. hut I'urwoii yuitin,
the ol.leat aittb-r in (Inrti.M county.
NVaaliington. w ho went tin re Rll year
go, auw a railroad and t'"'k a ride ou
train two week ago f"r the tirat lime la
hi life, liu ha not I at 11 out of tbetute
itice he entered it in a prairie avhootier.
Two or three ninilar caww have lteen
not.-.! in the iiorthuoat within the jmi1
few mouth. -Chicago lleral.L
j A Ikaton pa r nveiitly coiitulne.1 an
nnoiinceuieiit that ci-rtaln geiitlrmen
had a remonstrance to the propiawsil
widening of (i.i-Miiut 11x11 avenue with
the Ilris.klme mdrctmen!"
11 AI M I HI
A h.unte.1 ho. tsr In thrsr .rsellrsl and nnro .ls,s Is Mimelhl., i.l a laflly. Imt an III
.l.vl.liisl Lsimlrit with ll.r Idea i.l.
Is I... Is,naitr ltr.l'1. 1.IIJ tnrl with III ll.r alillllv of M.r.llrln In r.llr Is
1. 1. IV a ntll.l l.trm ol tn.ii.nn.anla, alll...iril in
somr rrs-alrl 'sllu'es In ..I. lain rrll. l I.
mans .I1lt.1r.1l i.rm.mH aila.el srrTV In
I n.tilT II. .l.n.M ll.slrllrr Hliimai ll MIIIrM
I, .. ,1.11 Haled IU al. Ill I" i.froiim lit.
s l a. im,sllnl..l.. Ilvrr ami B I.l ... T
nialarlsl romnlalals an.l nertnilsiiras , an.l lis
r....r., l a. Inrrrinrnu III llir e naltva line
.latitat Irs.l l.iwar'at.l Its trial lis anv m.r Willi Hirer al tl.ral.vallmrin.,rTri.
alihimdi his .o l...ts r..rtt In ni.ialn mnr.lial
al.l l.sir Is-rl. It. lllli MI I ri Uh a.
II. r Millers will roinpirr Ilia olatlllllr
Attn all, Ihr main ar
lu a oh II was I.i tnnrina
.to In U.I. I lie I.
It Is no raav thin to cure lung trouble
when it one, fairly net a bold upon the
system. II call easily Ie prevenien ny ine
use of ALMNM-t'e I'oBot Tlxma. Jul
a inmi a any intimation of aiireiiralKiiil
the lung or tiffne of the Joint appear
put on on of theae plasler. and yoe Bill
lie ur to gain great a.lvaniage.
Ho also aar tt tt rheumatism. A cold i I
ftotiitiarativel allaht llilog. The api.lua
f . . . . . m 'm !.... I'a I'l 1ITII lit
1. 1... ... an.'" . , - - -
an t.arl allretrsl hr it Will not only re
lieve, but overcome it. II. however, the
i-obl eel a firm hold on lit Join I Btio
mils. Irs. rbeinnatii- .in ar not ao .pile
ly overcom. To our i ginal, lo pievenl
1 la-tter.
latiaiTM'a I'ilubIII relieve rlieiima-
I'I.h . I Km !., In ash Isosl to at m t.l
rvii. Mi.ll.rr Hair ,..u r...,s.iiinl llir d.s lott
I lata Nil, Inil I l.a miiullr.l unjaainaaar
1 that
(tifls. winsiows nr
a ta ht all Braawata, BB liaa I "l'
Ely's Cream Ba'm
(JI M kl V I I KH
A Mitn ittinrn h ntHttrl
tl! W), M sirrti wl. mm
TT Of OHIO, CITV Of Tlll llKI,
l.oil 1 1 makra oath that h ! th
srnii.r ta.tti.rr "h flroi "I t i Cmsit A
. .. ....... .1. l Tail d.t. romn.
l.aii.lHial al..r.sal.t. ai'4 thai sai l Ormalll
lT Ihr ...m i.l OVK III MUlHI I Oil. .MS lor
rael ami evert raar ..I I .T.saa that ral.tiiH Or
. itle.1 If lb. ..I II s J.T A li" V V.
Nanrn to hrfnra ma an.l snlrerllsKl In my
..rrsriii inlittb dai ol Iwomirt. A. P. Is.
l.a.L.I A. w. 1. 1. a. vans.
Hall's Catarrh Cur la tarn porruallt. and
arts illrrrll, nn Ihr hlia.4 ami miieoil surlaessi
i.l Ilia slttrm. ssn4 l"l leallmimlsla. fee.
I. i. t IIKNKY CO..
Tuleiki, l.
g Hold by difHH; 74 reii la.
Knl-e t.t nin Uirn for all psra, msrsdna.
ami isTl.slle.U al Inwral .r.r i al llrlh-rs
Sra. 1 ..iniai.r t. V. Handler A CO., loll Mr si
sir rl, r.'il aud, Or.
h wnntlng In most foods, or,
If present, Is not assimilated.
The result Is loss of flesh
and strength.
the Cream of Cod-IIver Oil,
Is a palatablo, easy fat food
that any stomach can retain
and any system assimilate
without effort. It gives flesh
and strength. Fhyiiciant, the
world over, endorse it.
Dco't ki deceived k? Substitutes.
frar4 ' 4 Be, . T. .
All 1)1' W.
the Mime
I.1..M- . 1,1 . I S
sl.i. Id k'.ll'd n v.n men n""""
li om r l"! urn's, ii"" ."'
t d.-l.e Is a miracle.
Ml strue
dnn.n.e wn. in
M'.uutiii nl. VV onsen.
J...XU of Aro
TheoMicial reKtrt ahow that no bak
ing idcr rr-eivcil an award over the
Ifoval at the Chicago World's I air.
The itidife of award on Lnking w-
thotight the wat.r would not ngiiiu'der. I'r. II. W. Wiley, writes that the
for a II- Iim U--n di...pi...nt. d ; rUm, of .....ther companv t haviii. re
everv' ...i.o. bnt Mill think, that , eeiv.d the l.ig beat .ward . al-, that
U .....vaU. y will la, o a aca, and he -
la ready for It I,,., Ht, .tr,1(,-i baking powder made,
"1 waa well treated by Evana, ,, l,a r.reive. the highest aaardat
Mr. Trav.r in cnmluding. "Ho took inn (air, wherever exh bind incoine-
to hi nlsxlr, which waa a ihi p care n ( tit ioii with other,
few fi-t from tho brig, with a delight , .
ful U-mi-rutum I Maid Willi inm two
duy Biid found him a well isln-rtt.l
tn.iu and ery int. r-ntnig. hut when I
h ft him hi Ib"' word were. 'When lint
wat r riie, I will be ready for It. '
Ban Fraiiciaco CalL
Hood's is tho Best
Fall Medicine, b rau-.1 it purines, Vitaliw
ant eiir.rbe. He- ' "i- and ll.eniore
rive Mr. ii.Mh to r.-i I hel elteris from
t o, Is, ( alar h, llln-'i ii.i'i"in. I'lieii .e.nia. I .ike it li" and
avoid the dan r .1 - 'i "i. i.l-.e-. H''! v .-I ma y i i .1 - t .r. Iclls.
i.. tu- t. pi 11 ; and only Ilwin a.
n pr "
cure whnh will to yu.
Pxire wui n ii .tamp.
r-ijn oi ao es ---- . . .
I..H van iu' " -
their eipcru-nct
AJdrr f..r t" k
MH'iCAt. A '.Mi
,i r.' !.' n.abv
J.nrf.'.o N V
Will surely find that
in even- wrticular
there is no suf-nor
ftit-.i rto ill Kr hi
alin -t the only woman m"ui;l
,. . i . , .1 i.t ll,,. i nv I
lit., it a iiiari io i ,
,.g.. is Ui.ig.-xt.n.l.d. At Vitr...i .t.t
n.i t U in." tal-l t- Mm- !- vigti'-.
and at V..1. ii.i.un.e.1 !.;:. ir "' r '
i ? r- f t M.h . I'' h.mi. A;i l-
,f ,i f.,.-t a rVi.. h wr.t.-r ol - rv, -.
W . m ni I-,""u Ul t"jr1' "
Biu U ii..-r.-d...ratno than .m-lv-.
mie can oi.lvrijMee over ll.e twlventtf
f. IIIII..I.O Utu.n. "
h'-je Tie y iy l1 cf ,
..... ena'.ltl. tuak t:i ball''"
r'l-r..a-'.w!.y I am U,VU4 for B
g:rl with m uh y Tit Hit
A Hate I auparsllllua.
Aftar looking tlimngh aev.ral pngB of
th n1ter on the ri.-sk at the Il'.llar.d
II, .us the other day. one of the gneata line.
the rovers Blui waa l.ut to cl.e lu-wi
(irrk luinta-d for the U.k. rai!(l
i. i.... n.... tn ,.n-vri,t it fmm abutting,
and with a look of h..rn.r aaid, I"D td.- , sVVVtjrVV
that Wk." 'Ientil
-Why not? aakr.1 the g.iev. rrrom rnr-io
"It would 'ipl.-er the b unities I'lf ll.r d'a hir.a-
. i V .. i,,r,:l. aa an
cay. a-j.i air. ". 1 ' ",.'- ' . uxaAjAAAAb am x ax
i III eiceiieiii n'vi- s- w -w- w w w w w w w w-s
l.-li.a. 1 bare taven f .or I. .tile and 1 am
I Cures
-Ci th
g.ieri?i.m g"' hard
f early f aint ftrrist
- ,. at a .1.
n-.n tl. c r.t. tn;'nryyo-.i. - -
'.v.r.a4U..rVen,orof U Ut
to faU Uk c.'n-
Wnen th rl-";
r ri-aa..l for i:.Mat.
"liu on." aa.. tl. gui-l, ibiikiiii.b.
Dot a.i"Tstitmna."
"Weil. I am," aaid Mr. Young, "and I v
tvl ei-nei,re. When th l. -tel register
baa otic ln opeiw-d for th day and th
first g icia have registered, nevrr i lose the
Ira.k jour fram.a are ail taken. It
to;. i.'i. t.rss.
ilrt y.-i a rlgnr It' only a 'i
that wont w..rk in praetire,"
r,.t. '(an J.u l... nie a rase
w I . re bu. ,!. wa ii.jurl In that way'
..,, tie rep, y. "I've l.l ore la
th a L .t.-I a tbm tw.itii.a-itl.a A rrwa eyed
D.n came lu -,i. il'.l th
U.k after tnr-'i'.g through the day ar
rivals W I . I si.vrt.d in on what Iw.knl
I kr a g dn s l,-..:t.e.a Had n.or than
fc,.r .hare of thr arnvala from the riion.l. g
trr'ha ar.'l ateamrr. but aa aoor. aa ll.U. 4
aaaabut bisame Ir-.pi-l U.r.hii.g Te.a
ram came fn.m three or four rt ea wBo
la.1 e-iraged r ms I" B-lvanre eaneelln
tj,,,r IIvrrvMoigw'1'-1 ;1 ;"fl
0UUO and e. ., ,. a,i -. d-ln t d. half
.!..- . l,....rKaa Ita.lduto
aboil veil;
II..,. I l, t-en f .r ! year I.aav
I ass ail rei'i e! i. u. limlm awr!lei ami
.,. i.l, ..I ar ia i I ii very Uideolid.ti'in. N
I am (reef-. ru t i- I a and Is-tter In everr
Bar." Jlns. II. .iri.M. Hum. N. Y. sn lull ol ii. in nan. Ilea. Tn day
man Is mi a. lump and lull wera hr way Us all
ii. Iree.
Hhr a. prosiralrd and
vrry ill l. hi. a-riilr." " l'il ia-"vrrr
Vrs; We. leu. s.r.rr an.. a-,M
dr. n "
I'nrllan.l, W al'a Walla,
.,... I, r. v Is ll. KAN
Ksllaa, and l.real
N.iillir tl Hallaav l.
Montana a.llls, "I
I'sul, Mil... r a i.l I ',, l. Unila. Chi
rac. and art.
arrsl ar..l. . . i .
Il..tiavali. I..-II- Al ,
'..rilatt i.Or . Ki' Mr
r. I.ISB. Aa-I , sralllr,
W.-li . C .1 I. ion, Lrll. All , f. sai.a, "asn
No duo r.s--naiii i'a. imr s.-... .,. r.
a r .la l.ll and .lli.l..esrs lirl.-l lll.rar y ear
lamllr Innri.i sirs-i..
r rMlpm nl.
Sweet Virginia
Vm BnaaxBllB Bine roll i B dtaat, as
Til Oiibi for braakfaiL
JKWBLHT af IB . rellahlr
Baaa allh IB laraeat aaaarl
Bteel. Wrraaaa few a III
and full valna far raar a.s.t,
All shI. arrala4. al'VH I
A. Feldcnheimer's,
If vm ua tha en. last
la.aa.lara 4 BraaaW.a
M.S. trnmrj ah. If
Mhrre ' aastisf
I oa . be old Be. a-rsas-a.
iatal.sil.llsall alsail
ft and 3artlha eseiy
ait a I Beaded t. Um,
puullry Bnataea.
r . i vi.f v m
' af 'tw r
111 Lwlj
frt rIr I I
V I lllaaiatea I 1
QJ lataheja ts
wrrhank-alty lh heal
wtvccl. nil" wm-i
a-, are fa-inc l
taenia. Bawl tsla
kaikM.availad lireilrs.
fnlldrrr(ea."i eier rte aoear waa-reri
riTALDKA IHCOlATOt tO.,rtla.Cl.
Baaa.a llut aa. Ill Mala M , I" '
Wornhlna llal.ll Cared la IB
lo tu riit. Bai pa nil ear!.
I . til rui,, ia.
. 1 h ant nonsrlul hrallnf niutm.ui vi
ItltRi tAhMOI.IC SALVE enreaaorax.
h allay burn.
m as. hasla pimp...
n mm ...rra aovada
and rut. A.k Inl llrnry'.: ti nu He
nairul mmiltflrlUL Bold by a. I dranlau;
ii. la but.
Hoort'a Pill - 1 ''I";"" '-4
!os.adie'..-'. .... I.ra-la. I.e J M
iaUife the i
. . vaiii ti ii k r L
Kt lt Krl. BAIIT iair-1 lwur. i.vr.
,? sa everv tep arm a oilmen r era
' -viv-., ; .-i. .. v.1'- rr i -. -
- alBtHi.- '
it a"' a j
1 " aasraVneeJ
rou cm
rrus fare, Bae a..l Arms IB
rlva sninulra allh M'liKNK.
aithaul pain ar l..).trT
..tin. arud.vaatp I- rlrenlar.
ijs-aJ aaeBl aantr.1. KUt
Mfli. CO., Buna li, IB B
Peril. 4, Of.
akasd maisl.
answer Baa
routi acii r
1 k w ao.
B. Msaieal V srac.
1 uaaaiy a aeaal
are guaiaalaad.
lira Yolk ad.lras
Bvi-irf I alio iM.
a "
Ja-i -.."1
Ik til r
a4 vital fare f
fUmu a4 larr
It glv.t llr,
Boar a ad ai t
ik vital ar(aa 4
F.xrv carre ta
rsia-lir. FrK
l. Si I It.
Seat la pi I a
nrr". '
U UnsfflsU.
evaaaan B.a. es
mmm, asaa
r the Kaea
1...... h and worsuiai.aliip a. kl-
Mtl.L I". Mter. Parite Isa kaadiUsvr
vara I J Viorr llaat, L-ovilanit, or.
e 11 tiOI.U will tax paid B IB l
-S..M.IMI I s fur ai.v ruj ol frraalr aan
thai will ao Jlel.l in I'K J a.'" H A M I-
arnii ANAtiVnr. Poat'im. PrtctlaVpat
ua. for ani by ail drag: lata.
! . P. V. U. So. 671-S. r. V
. . a . a Hi .... Was anaxta.llat 111 1
. ., av.L-t.llr4 ..4 HUIia.' IIHirl til BVD4I War w II wmww - r . -
nay )."."' .. v.. k... ..d l.r.a.,1 ma, aud a-ll . r
(...1. .n nr.l.r. ira . mA Bali Vast ar
t. ,. I. a. I
. ', . l . I..a.l rlrrka t. .. m,.l Ml B r-aamroe r.y
uia.a I a now .. -- - - Ir.riDier.l 'jtnumniu
, ta. aau.. tbla"-.Ve Turk tf Croup t-ia.
II,.., snr nhrr "'.'""'"'"""'"''-.... ,.. run,., lLrl. V Will Bf peand
,.t . aa will awa lira !. Wle-a. Addrax yaal erder U.
hi. .fie list.
I if t rranuiav.
naat I.IS...M) o flowr prf bar"l
- 1 ... ... .1.1 M. I
MARK L. COMR CO- I4 Front treot, Frtln1, Or.
wmm lMt maft4l tmnmo A
CjMmmmmU'm. H mmm
tk ii r It 1mm ta-. !)
U -- awawska larej4l-S T'rW
,U. !fo.64