The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 24, 1894, Image 2

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t, kaartKU,
ELCNOrU 01738.
nme itl..iti U U tout.; f 1 k aa
Ar,u a i t i , . i) iiunri nrrt ;.jik
I... .i ) ir t..r. alel I her got
J't u n .near, I. at . almost wvi.
r nl m n our in a n ainit aland;
A ..uart. trr-l, roasted, jon'll demand.
fct ad II. r t ai.ilrt u ln itu,- tin,
Alxl llljs.' 11. rm wl.Ulir, If u oiraaa.
t lien lln-sa irr klir Hi 1. rln., biH Uiq fin
ptillrr ton tha art In lint;
1 hen ia1 uiil of aut-ar, lura
l.iina pan ftit'tiin'U. not hum,
J ' it ! I mi trail r. hrti 'III dona.
Aid In, ill n lrup. ii ii k 1 y run:
Yu'.r i l..-tl tip liuliiiy salt
A,i mm Hum lib If there uo fault,
rtir ju-l a minute, pour In Una
Aul voul. ai.ii iikii ll.r fun begin.
-Fl,nrit fc. Pratt
Character In (.ratnra.
Wt know that our Interpretation of g.
lure ia not only r !y arbitrary una,
f.HHiili il u hiii huff rt.iin Mint auri- truth,
hut also i. mi ili, a la birgi ly rinslillitl ami
cnrmtttl liy nil kind of attendant circiiui
kiamr A l.y y.ning man
trrtrd pi. kp.s k I ll . ii y ahnwr tlirir liervou
discomfort l.y i-A iMly tli saint laaldjr
sign. vi ii l.y I ln wiiiic f.u nil display, anil
Wr art rn.iMi .1 to distinguish lalwctulht
two iliatuttal. ill, iris l.y knowledge llntl la
III int way .I. from g.-.tur. In tht
Case l.f handwriting. w luitt nothing, lo
Judge from hut Hit rrt-ord of pure gcalura.
Xlnreovrr, tin re are except inna to ptery
mli ami to Ilia nli tliat wr construct for
ourarlve In I ho Interpretation of g.-alur
there are Very ninny exception.
All nu n do riot expm I lie anine rinollori
In tin' wime May, neither th Ihey rxpnm
Ilk character l.y the mine grain re. On
bn only to look around a gambling table
to of the diflicnlty of making
any mini ami fast taw in either reapett. It
la Impassible In aaatainle the Idea of a coll
turning itioii, romliiniil Midi a mlarra
bly weak will and a aukmlng anxiety of
Imml, Willi it fine Unit ia aarolilly luiuut
site a llmt of the croupier himself, or lo
jiu.-sa Unit tli (riinlio g.-atun iih,ii Hie
other aide of I he lahlo are made liy a mau
ho rnn-a mf lilritf for III l.asaea, lint la
Incn-ly addicted in an exaggerated display
of fiery linmiii frrlinir. alihont(li li lilm
flf la aa lllllo rnnlil- of f.i lniK hlaown
troiihle an he la liiM'timlilf towaril Hum of
Lin In ililiom.
How often, too, do areriiiil an nlirupt, liro
toriHK miiiini r In one ho la altxolutfly In
nuililnof Imllyiiiu. nnl a lltat Iiik, ima
ami (flit If ili nnnin.r In nnolhrr nhim nl
ktinntf M lf III ilm a not atoi at K'liniliglla
tin! hy nu ll) .' - ,mlon Shi lutor
Wadonna, at liia iktrmt auurva nt Uan,
lit charm la thluai i'io lu thy ulna aWa
tVma ln(ilratloa fmra tliat tnaibar wall,
Wbora only la rn iioa )oy a' ara.
TkUM ara Ilka law huiruua rulJn!-lit
A ad la tharn all tla atnrnif of paaaloa waU,
I Bill, ohwllent to anroa autlilaa 111.
Luva'a atar Irama aof 1 1 aiul all Utnn nlaaJU
Actrrat, haiitrssa or hau'rr tiiuu art.
t hat auaiui uwr diot thoa Ufoa tha
Tna ou aoiil areta a her real amntlona ratfa,
A ail aa but oilmea ahueolilly (.lay a oanl
trnly by the aura mlrarlea ara dona,
IW Liuaa, IIhhi whoaa l.rart a ml art ara on.
-llanry Trrtll lu New turk bun.
Tli I'arrol auglil aa.
A Vfry ploiia (nnil aliipiilj f.unlly cm Hit
NonhSnle lin huh anions lia inemlM-ni a
Inrk'u nrrrn nirot vtlm li hua Hiii (lift of
tonifin. 'I In-, parrot, aa tuny la- Iiniikiih iI,
Inia ltn lin.iiuhl up in the ny he ahoiihl
Konml hiiiilny lin currfully ahlehlrii
from evil Inllm nii-a.
Wi ll, a rut her worhlly mlmliil, roiiiMrv
lively . uk inn, yoiiiiM moiiuiii from an vaat
enirity na luviiul to My n viit tothb
fiiuuly, ami it ntu felt Hint wniielhiiiKreal
ly niihl to lw ilona o riitertiiln her, f vrn
at the ii (h iim! of Hit avInTlriulitionaof Hit
Ni a few liivltiitlotia were ra-hl out for a
tnrtinihir rvemiiK of Hon mm k, ami mt
up :i Mf.i.i.. mostly atniil ami ilnlnililly
n-M tjilie ami olil riH.iiih, to the luvlta
tioiiaaml apnnl on the rvetiliiK ili-ig
Unlel. It AiiaHlml la knoniiaa irm.
tlon, Hie iliiJIeNt ami Hunt eiifrraliiiK of ao
ralliil pl.ii.iiiTH. nf iniinHi tin r am no
lam iiij, no mii.ic en. pt thiit whiih wiulj
Iw k'rouml out of a pmuo by th gtifata, anil
tin Kuun-a of any kind.
I'fople Jiixt IhiiI.IImI touether In roriiera
ami r..ii htm. I u ,,H- tum-a. mill I could Ma
Hint ever) Ixuly ana Imt.-iI todrnlli. At lt
upHT aaa aiuioiiiirr., iiinl m fihtl lulu
Uiiiinu nauii null a tin lnii. holy niraa If we
Wi rv In iuk I.-.I to riirutioii ami luul only
live miiiiitiK lo think up ami our
flireui as li.n.
liriiMei n-nll inrrnllMl uml miiIi.I, the
parrot, who Ihiiik hi a lorm r. i Iruipl.iii.l
nulla piiyinu mr for awhile, ami thru
apimrriitly kitih k by .in idea airvechrd,
"U-l ua pin) hliiij;o 1'ih.i.
Iluw Helena Here Ite.l Ha Nana.
In (It toUr. m., thrie mia a In.-rtiiiK In
Hrorue inU' niliiii to in rniir for InviUM
out a town ami kiwii it a inline, ' hiv
nnr wilue ol tin Ilium ,e roll(;h lliinei-a
iiivetil Hint Hie pnHvti city lie
c.ill.d. I'linkiiivillr. Niin-I,t,,i,, Tuina.
liawk anil i.imih " A .Mr. John Simrr
llle iiki.'i ir. H,iitaK'l iiauif nouhl he
hi. Il. h on. The i;. m ini tiiti mw div hhd
U-twii'ii Urh iiuiiiNhorteiiliiK nfM, , nia
ami 'l.iliiiih, mi iil.liirv i. Hi.. ii i f 'I'oiiniluin k.
II. I. in nun the vote. In the mime .St,
II. I. on the mi. nt la on the iw'oml,l.
of the l,il nonl, hut in tin-(oiirM-of Jinra
the nam., of the li.ixtoiue lo I culled
II. 1 1 on I.) i n i) Ih.Iv.
ll l ni.iI Unit one iiiiiu r luul la'ti to Hie
Ikhiml o m. Hi I. na ami UioiikIiI ji
t'l.iimr nulili n. kid like a p.ut of Unit
lhin.l. I In n, nain, il is mh. 11. h mi
n.ialhe lailiie ol it llnohli r of a lllillrr
n llii all. lah i he m. i I Uii, or of t liu M He of
Hi. Ii a miner, hut the lt Mory la tint
John S iv ille ai. in a h that he
tlnnle. " In ham to the last inlilllry III Hie
orl.l, liml in Ihr U-.1 cinio n, ti n,,.
Il iniinty in that slate and In the Is st
town In that isainty, and, hy the l li rnnl,
this pi nt, shall Is-ar the tinn I that loan
-Helena. " He was a lull, hind) , jovi,i
fnmtii rsuimi from Mi sotn. who h.i.l
taken liis nifo null hllu tuaharf his
I've lial aorne Int.T'siln cxtxTienoeti,
I ran ti ll you. It'a not a luul life, on tl
wlmln, , nt at first It UM'd in laj very an
noy in In aoiun way t, T l in with,
llii-r l inn dowii In am Ii a ilrufl
ami In Din worst lil.t .-ilil.', ao Uml 1
could not j any tiling, nor could any
ona arso inn, and lin n liny wonhl not
IfiVB inn a m w tHsl.-stu - u,i y tn. .1 to
palm iifT (n lim una Unit l lon-l t a
tliiw iirdisl S V hi, Whli Ii nuido ln look
Vr heavy, aa it win iimi li too ainull.
llowfviT, oiih d.iy rt wniti-r, who wua
nisliini; pant with a a-yiip lurifii (it wiia
wlion I kI.mkI cI.mi to Uio door of tlm ro
froshimiit r'm in Iho K;ilIiTy, yt
know), timil.l'sl tin nuuitist Inn mil
itiiunlnsl ifn-at iii'iif tlif sli-st,i.
Aftfrwanl, when every ono lnid wain uml
the tilm-o wiia nuiet. I just li-iim-d ov. rUi
one Miln a hit and nlid down. Hurt my
n ir? Oh. (li ar, no! 1 hipj- l my Ivra
ratliiT. Th'Tf wan a fnsa not niorniiii(
when the curator mine round. That
winter (jot into no end (,f n rir ami Im l
to pay (or my m-w ts.t,, Hinl Jvro. It
wan a .ity I conldn li ipluin. but lie win
jxior foul, ami wimn't norry t him
wu ki d for hi disn-ss'(fiil cliiiusiiii sa.
There wiia little Html, lit w ho taimi
to draw In n a little hit of a lliinir. with
a aalhiw f.u ami a ulilit liini. Mi wh
alwaya eliahhy. r k1"v- (ono l.ntton
l-lw k kid) wern very mm h i r;n kial. Sim
woroa Iwtt. ,,u k utraw hut which
had outlived Ihn iii'ttireMtui atilK", Willi
a wriatli of limn. Mr.-nkv rnwn riniml
the crown, even In mliiwinti r. II. r
flrena, unt il na it wiia, wiia jcruy linsey,
ami her ss.r little aiuiin tivt Ismla
Were i.iU'lnsl and r. put. In-.. The only
Kinl ulaiiit her were her h au collar
ami her hi. hungry even. Mio worked
for the K'lilory. and I h. iird In r my li
Kivea liwtnua. 1 know the niy ia very
mull. Irfvuuw. rlie iliavu't hao half
emui(rh to put, nnd alio certainly cannot
alloril to ridnor drive, Imiuum. on rainy
daynh. r fii t are no miiddy. Mm hi'a
ry little talent. It ia only by dint of
aiiecr obMiiiucy Klin iiiuiiiik'h to draw de
cently. Home time n a vouiik inanenine here
pretty frequently for aj-verul luolith.
Ilea a linn, hamisotiie fellow, very like
that Mttinly liiM olnilua von w.. nt ruitrM
In front of jou. liy Jupiter! Unit l.y
tun drawl I i ou, 1. 11 he hnd it in him
the llrt time I wivv him hamllea cravoii.
The little lame btmli iit wa uo.sin him
one day, l..kin more tir.i than ever,
and nhn over the isl-u (,f n bar
rii'r that had lai n put to acni n oft the
IioONiii family, who Wi re tiiuh roinjj
npalrn, when down went everyihimr
with a chittcr, im luditiK ilm H.r lntto
on I herself. The other him l. nl, whom I
I Will call J lie lloy " f,,r ilinlitii,
waa tip iii a moment, had put In r on her
feet nu'iiin. nnd pickwl up nil tin. di
Tse.l articl.a villi it reassiirinn "AH
ruht!" before ymi could ejaculate ".Mur
Cliry."MieJMill.shermIf o1-,.U.reiioll;ll
to whihaT "Thank )ou," uml limped
Next duy ulio came early nnd Worked
aasidiiijUhly. The lloy wiih tln ro I.m.. Ho
diil not nut ice her, he Wan no busy. I'rm-
Plitly he ( It II timid pull at Iuh hli-evu
atnl liN.kis) up. "Hullo,' he Kinl, with
t.... . . . . . .
iioik aiiiiuy mono ol f 1 1 ; -- N your
Kirion, can I iio any tliuii; for you
p.iiwsl In front of bunt of Hot-rate.
"Mo you don't thiuk uju.b of LauTiLu
uid reproachfully.
"No, Why .houlj lr aulj the Boy.
"Llut he l a philosopher and a great
loan," the urisl.
The lloy liMiketl etral(ht Into hfr pyea.
"tut he didn't know you, awwlheart,"
he anid, pmilriK a atronif arm round h-r.
"Uon't you know by tin timo tliat for
me all art, all kuowh-tk'e. all nhiloaoulir
la bound up in a aiiiKle word you who
are love and phlloaophy and all art and
btsMiity incamatt-r"
Th'-re wa a t remnloua ailcm-e for a few
mintitt. friily Venn and 1 heard the 1
d' fp, tjniVk breath coining from the hud- , little figure coin euh d behind a pil
lar. Tho l!.y ami the fair irirl pnwed
out, r.l. leiiiniiK on hi arm and li.kinrf
luiif rvuirhly, half tenderly tip to him. 1
It wn tlieu (hut I lis, kit around for
the littlo k'fay ktudetit. hhe ai-fliied
at iinriesL Afir a minute he i,uxhel
' biM-k herpuocl, rtaiu to herfi.t-t ami came
forwnrd. k'ropinif with her humU in a
blind, U'Wildi-riil funhion, then f. 11 prone
at tho Toot or the V enua. And the tin
phine llickerel lovingly down on tho
ahubby, jjruy linsy ami the ri h luoauica
on the fl.Mir.
Kotiiu one cnine in a few hour later
and earriitl her away gently, bho hua
never relnnie.1.
N, I don't I, Initio the boy. It wasn't
Mi.yIhhIv' fault ill particular. He waa
kind to her b t unse Lu couldn't help it,
ho Wa ll K) mpathctjr; us I ho tendercst
woiunn, mi l much toti u and niuiple
aotiletl to play with her fis lin'. It wiia
J it one of thieio cuM-a where "nobody
ioin? That' a pity; you're inch a
good listener. Come uain another day,
ami I'll tell you aouio more. New York
A tba fraacaj aaa Heormlaasl lu I'.tnh
lUk a rrotwlurata, W r la luiuilaenl.
frmato'a raforlnaala AlUuipU at tola
Blulloa la tba jwl.
.Matlaipurar It to I Ilia lint point of In
tent! In too eastern heinl.phere, and If
the Kn nrh irn on there at they hava begun
there will either bea bis! illalurhanoe with
other Kun,un power or a new rule mul
' be, j, I. sj a to thu rlghti of civilized na
tion over wild r k'oIi and tinrlvlllitl
people. Ixi .Myro ilo Vlllers, I-'p iu h i n-
Toy o Madiik', hni ileumnd. d that the
entire northeast roast, Im lulling tho best
htirlior, bn o iled to Kninre; that hn eon
trol all the northern l iiIikuI.i, nml that
ronr-easloii of any kind toothir nutlorii
l IriTnlld unless l,y hi r. In
hort, Franco la lo i..inlmit In the Island of the rights of other siplr.
The llovas, who c.ipltnl la Antamirlro
arid their cpns n lliinnvalomi III, am only
nominal ruler, a In nl,ut half the coun- i
try thn wild trlla- nr.- Iml. M iiilent.
It I a lltlln nt ni life Hint o larce an I
land It I at Irn-t 1,'cnJ tnlh a Ioiik and
ounlalui toiuo Uo.Ooo a.iuuro mile and
"II lab" i
Ir. Wynler Uly th, the niftlii ul olllcer
of health for Mary Ii-Ik, ne, i the eworn
enemy t.f hlli (rnme, on the -rfirtly
consistent ground that no valid distinc
tion can Int drawn Is lwisn dit'onitioai-
lion lu the nnd the Mime procesa
in the hare. If one Iw injurious, he ob
eerved, no miiKt la the other, ami though
lied.M a not venture to snu,K',,"t thu pru
cution of vender of pime under the nan
ttary law, he 1.- not Inltato to lie
aerili thi culinary eccentricity iui a
"lilthy uml distfuMiiu; habit." HUurKU
llientl, however, ure ilollblu tslk'isl. Ad
nilltllix (hat decomposing rabbit ia fully
aa Injurious n highly llavoriil ph.nwiiit,
we nre at liU rty to nrKUti that, aa the
constiliiption of hi'h bailie (uddom fol
low m by toxic MiiijitouiH, the prohibi
tion In n-fptt't of ilis:-iiinpiiuj incut geu
erully I unnecessary.
('omiiioti cim ri. nee twcin to nhow
that the product ,f ordinary ilecoiujio
alt ion. at any rate in it earlier atue,
nre destroyed or rendered inert by cook
itiK; otherwise the mortality' uiniing the
UiM-i,leof I.uculltlsltl the llp4-r i-uM-
w ould lie phenomenal. The danger liea
presumably in the fact Hint ib-comiiu-inir
fat) i in .i I tissue nfTord u nuituble me
dium f,,r the uutoctiltiviition of bac
teria other than those of tlccompimltiou,
the toxic pr.Nlui-irt whens.f may resist
til" lllllllelii eof u Inli t. ins raturu. Wo
nre b sot Ii lo Ih In vii ill of a practice
which, if rest helically objit'tiotiable, it
hallowed by centime of apparent im
piiiuly. Loudon .Me.lual I'tvm.
f'V "v'i"''-
Tba l ltl Tly.
IIow doth the fly d. tft t the rraftineM
of thine appnuu b and the tndlenuea of
thine onlaiii,'ht? IIat thon cfmllertd
those orbed brown eyee of hi? Fint,
he winketh not, and retm-luber that of
thn '.") pair of Kladiiitor inalchej by tlif
i.. i.i.iii ei: is-ror. twaa tho two ouwliik
liia awordsinen who f'irvive.L For no
biiefift tick of time are tho mirror
of M. (.' (Mum a doinestnu) hum
alirouded over. Approaxh him on th
rik'ht, ami through .0O0 r-il ileI lent
facet he hath kuowletlk'e of thee. Ar
proni h him on the left, ami thou urt lv
, tray is 1 to hi vigilance by another 4.'"0
1 window. If tlmu ineuace him from
above, he nat. lit th thee throtik'li thn
iky liht In tin- r,f! I'l.u e him on the
thirtieth iii. nduu of .M.-rcutor'a proj.
tloti, and shall lie not take in ut one
glance the old world uml the America
and a "tarry creut ure of tho oxliuc over
If thon I a physicist, adapt one of hi
myriad fared cortieu, ami with the help
of a nncrov ot thon halt multiply a
fruanlsinan into a host of hlliputian and
aliult enjoy a civic illumination at the
cost of a furtliiujr can die. Llut not thu
doth M. I), tuko coniaiice of creation
Kutherdotli he uae hi optical itnir.i
tnetit in th fashion of a inanifol.) Mcr-
mcopn, and pi. ttireto liimself the whole
nil of the horir.on in a niiik'le flash
That peck of 'Vrny matter" ut the can
ter of hi diminutive head U a uiUKic
mirror nhovvin the cireumfereiu'e of ull
without. How b buruislietli thosu mar
rt lou eye with the Kilketi brti-he na
ture bath attaclnil to hi feet! tiood
fifty Mllllua LaUltraaf Allrla A r Beat
a Harbai r.rary Var, H klla Maay Mil
Ilona Mora Ara f anutil and BtiM la All
farl a ul Ih Mnrlii.
"The lolrotrr fishermen of the MnlntroaKt
tiare a hard Unit of it during th winter, no
Bottler how mild Hit en.ii may la-," aaid
a former lohsier lr.ii-r, now a hi,hjil
I rla by ArM.
Th 'elll Indlrtim-nt and
iltiiiphlaof E. I. v.H ,1 , ''
Iratltr, cluhmnn, prunii,, rit , i,, r", '
erand all around i;,as f.n, ''
trfiut-ndou M-tiMtlon In that . ' ' '
city. Warm w.-m fir.t ,m,. , .
rry and ha now n n,,i,, " r ,
ary In commit arori. Jlu pnr (
biirniiiK hi r ,ti,,n .i.,,'i , " "
evidence of hi t. allnt. " '
No one had a Is Her ... I .1 ..
We ill. Ib wa culiur.,1, , , v, r , ''
WB la autlful, he wna f.iml ,,f . . dealer in llii riiy. " l b inter are ,atloin,tl,. n , ,
W-would you I I b t mo look ul
drnwiiiK''" lie Lilien-d.
"I 'erluinly, but there ih nothini' to nee,"
Well, they chatted n bit after th.t mi, I
compared note till the ice win f.m ly
brok ao the time flew and llu little
Kr.iy nludetit found she had f,ir,-eit. ii nil
alsnit that tiri-Mimt f,s, of the lb run a
which wouldn't t e ri-ht. ATtcr that
duy I hey conversed pretty fnilv. Mean
while I noticed a k'reat chann in her
tliiiiik'H ahe mill l.a.kcd pun h.s and tired
her pyea Ih-;ui to hate anew l.;,t in
them, the white collar wan ilis. ar.lcd for
a black lace rul.l , the p.s.r tired r-. s
dtisiipa arel Iini, nml in tln-ir place 1 m.
Hi ed a lar,'e black b ather. tt hu h. it ia
true. rt.mti l,t its cm I nml had certainly
"'II U tter day , but till ahe thought it,
lookisl atnart, uml thai cheered her, st
little aoiil. The gloves, .m, were new.
or else ahe had m.ui,i,'i .1 to ink over the
purple crack
.Some day he wa there atone, ami
then idie Would look tt i-Hully Iroin tim.
tn tune toward the door. ( im-e, when a
tcpciime attnik'iiiK dott u Hie crt i !.,r,
he Kate it little atari, hut it wa unit aii
attendant, who tt.ian coliceitisl iisa with
liothihtf to ilo. uml he came lu and bill
A U nniii'i M IU
Tho other day, my a corn-Miiiilvnt
from Alsace, while I wa on my wuy
from M. to .., 1 found my. If in com
pany with four k'etil lelneu, each of whom
tvu Miiokin. Tho train flopped ut an
interinisliate Malion, uml u lady vvu on
lliu hiii of cnteriliK it. I inrf llean-at
the carnage ihair, and observing' thalhu
carrnil u luisket, I basti tied to help her
in tvith it. "Take care." aid the lady,
"I luivo mi s, tin, I of ilvmiiiiitu in that
basket, which I am takuur to my Iiiih
Uiml lu n toiieiiiarry." The train then
I as mi. mun k im lilitiiin the k'entle-
oni 4,S,hhi atipi nnd one no Tnlua-
ble hoiihl la, so lililu known to I.uro
H'iin. The main rtasoli I Unit the low
land lire h.,1 iilmost lay,, ml endurance
arid notorious even nunniK tropiial roiin
Iric for Ih. ir deadly fever mid ifencml
iiuhealthfiiliics. They rim as fatul lo na
tive of the Interior n to Kuroa aii, nnd
there I ono onrisiderahle valley to whi Ii
the Ilov.-i send rsoiis tsiiivlctctl of capi
tal crimes, a few month' r nh n,e there
liiaklnu lii-iii h ci rtaln. Only a lew mlha
fn.m the casterri cwist. In, w ever, the
mountain . Innate aaluhrloii.
The Fr m h wciii more unlit lis) foreolu
nlratioii mid for ihalliiix wild colonic
j than any other Kuroanii. They havo
latn tiiifortunate every tt hrrenn.l iatlal
ly wi In Ihn far east. Oniw th. y rivaled
Hie Knllsli in India, but I oft everything
then.. Tiny rub d I he Mauritius ao long,
that tli. lr luiiKiiapi Utuiuu thu ttrnucu- ;
It wn known n the l-li- of Knince, but
llllslnthe llrltl-h t,,k It, and it ia now
a emit n colony. The Utile Islnnd of He
linlon, la-v.s.n Mad.itfastiir nml the Mau
ritius, I all that U left 1. 1 I lame. It 1
the most ih 1 iu I, I fill for resld. nre of ul) tho
Islands In that ncpnii nnd la i ln tm ly fer
tile, yet Krauce ha not made ll prolltahht.
Maihu.'asenr, lyliitf uiHimih wi st of thu
Minimum, I nppareiitly the last chance
for the hr. il. h lu Unit pari of the world,
and their tir-t M tlteineiit en the Island tta
In l'il.', hut lifter a ilestructlvo wur
with the niitivr they iihandom tl the coun
try till 171.'..
It wn In I.M'fl that the I't.rt iiiii se ill,
rotend Madagascar, mid In li'.lt the Knu
llsh i-.tal,li-l,, d a mllltar.v .t on the low
er coast, Iml the aoldirrs iliul faster than
tho kiirvlvor could l.ury them, unci tho
fever strh ken remininl l!e,l. Kiily In Ihl4
century, however, 1 ti it i-li tr.idi rsnml mis
inliare k'ol a f.s.lhold ti hi re lin y could
lite. The lllhle was lr..iilalcd Into the
lanxiuiKi. of the ruling rare, and many
thousand arm rontrri. d. The llovas In- I
luihlliPK the kiliKdoui of l.nn rlna, uld. d
by llritish wen,iis, s.s.n Is came the iloni-
I'lrsl lltustrnltir of Anirrlra.
In the Tritisli iiium'iiiii there ia pro-en-ed
John Whit. ' oriiuul druwin;,-
in wut.-r color illustrating Sir Walter
Iiulcixh'a voyue into Virginia in l VCi.
llii John White was an LiikUsIi painter
who wn M tit by tueen Lli.aUtli in
to Vir'inia ua pritu-ial tlrafUiiian
in iLil.'ili'a w totnl pxptilition for ex
ploritis tno country uml platititnf hi
first "colonic. " The eio,lition of aeven
hi4 wa under tho command of Ad
miral Sir Kichurd imi ville, the ances
tor of the founder of tlieCirciiville libra
ry in the Ilritii-li urns. tun.
j I hi tir-t "colonic, coiisintins. of 10S
men. reinaineil in Virginia one whole
year and then returned to EtiImnl in
July, IJMl, in Sir I'ratici Drake fleet,
then coining t ictorion from tho West
Indiea, because the loiij expected tip-pli.-a
nml n-inforceinenla from Eti
hind had not arrived. Fourteen davi
nfti r their departure Sir Ku hard Oren
villa nrrive.1 with new torm and new
planters, to 11ml the obi "colonie" de Lit'.le i known n-siartiiia John
While. It i. recorded, however, that he
made four voyiikTiato Viriuiia ami that
during tho mcuiiI pxelition ho wusnp
Imiute.l governor, in blsT. He wa the
erandfatlier of Virginia Ilaro, the firnt
KiiKlinh child Uirn in North America.
In 15MI Theobro du Hry on a viit to
London wa induced to pii,rnvo the aaid
drtiwiniri and hi work waa ktued in
I.V.hi in folio ut Frankfort.
topic of this bsk uro very rare.
Tlii re is a very ituiN-rfect one in tho li
brary in Harvard collego. Art Amateur.
A Won.lpr of I'rre.wlly.
(Iirifitian Heinit-ker wn born at Lu
lrk on the nth of February, I7.M. When
only in month old. ho could repent every
word r-pokeu to hint. At li mouth of
UK" he had memorized ull the priiii-itml frorn the s,t, hettill iio,ner have
ffelit lllelitlon.1 in the 1'elitatelich. lie- the ontaitle than all hiailiiretoa. sa the
fore he had finished hi a.rolnl t ear of ""'I'lliu' '"t lake aist,iii of him
pxist. nce he had b-arne.1 ull the historic- "" "'" ,""k,, 'nintio
n way ill l'l IIHO Ille imp llltcr
I 'I- Hilda the vvay, hack in na lafore. la.
ran-lr trry favonible alonu the northi-aat-
ern natal of .New laiulaiid, alien. Hit brat
lolrster tn.uiid in Hit world I found, Ita
ahonla, Im) a. Inlet a and r. ka a. 1 1 I v Inutht
lolmier to s-rf.s ti,.ii with all il rvtpnrp for
fta-tllriK and I, renin, plin-ea and prottt tiou
against it i ni iiilea, and diiriiiii the winter
it remains in very deep water, often a deep
m lull,. uns ami mora, wlirr It I afo
from the rlbet of Ilia fierce tnl.a that
anta pthp ara I here, and fnmi the dniuf. ni
of the ice fl.a- that L,'rin. aifainst Hi lajir
lorn in the shiillnwet water. In warm and
fair w ent her. t hoiia'h, I he lolisti r is found lu
walrraa ahnllow aa three fathom.
'TorllUHt:f III lliphllaineaaof lohstertrnp
Inu itith anythlnu like prollt a fisherman
no .-I issses or control from 7.1 lo potrap
ei over a flshliiK irrniind of lo mil, -a, at
It-H-t. in cireiiiL Theaftrnp must I art
at muhl nml visited ptery uiorniiiK. In Hie
winii r tl.i means k-oinx out in, sninll ilia
Utiicf from the alinrv, the lolnler ts.n In '
the ,l-eH-l water, and I he fNheriui-n in
iniikum I hi ir circuits hnvrtu (ifc-ht thpifah. I
and the ice, and tierce snow s Hint rn-e otrr
the lolralp r lasla. Krripiently after aptere
Kale the eoat M ill la-sln-wu for mile with
Inhaler t or lnia. Unit even nt Hie k-n-nl
tb-pth Ihey were anchored in the ea have
Urn broken from their fualPliiiiKaaud iwept
"Kiwh fisherman ha hi own private
mark on hi trnpa, and Mich a thinti a one
nsliermill lllslurhliut or RtipleatntillK a
lnti ladoiujiiiK to another I unknown
auunitf them. In fact, no matter where a
U. relu I trap may Iw found, the Under will
imiT no trouble in havhiu il returned toil
ow ner na Mn a a.sihe. Una ia an un
written law ntnntiir Hiom, rude and I, .inly
flsherfolk, and the man who would violate
II would Iw n-k'anhsl a hnvinu
the nupanloiinlile hiii and la shunt, eil and
tii-iiounci .1 l,y nil hi fellow.
"A lolmtrr xit I a almple Ptioii-h con
trivance. It reseinbhsi more than nnvthirur I
I rise ail Imnirlise lanlrnue made of wiaahu
; ahtta. Itolh ends are covered with liaise.
aininn iiettiiia! inailpfrom larrtsl r,., with
a hole In the middle of rnrh net, 'I his Imp
la sunk by weight intf It with atone, and
Ilea on the Isittom In a horionial uauiiou.
A buoy fastemsl to il by ro-a tmlicate to
IU owner Hip harntion of each Imp. A
ctal' beiul or other bull thai will temnt
me ever rnvetiuu nml ImiikTry lobster i
plattsl insult the ait, where il ia atrurrtl on
atout Iron hiaika to kirpit atntiounry. Thi
MKiunttrnct the loloter. and he nsnnnol
U-ra alaiui the l lo see how he may k'et at
the nuitnivntiiiK Inormd In hi fninlic
akirniishiiiK Ur discover the net Unix, and
he turn and lair k a himself through it.
"He no ataitier net a In. thoiiKh. than he
iH-com.-a koiiii how au.ire Hint he I in a fix.
He hve nil iiiclinution to
rutin pie the liait that tempted him tn p't
into the serai-. He move nlmut in the
Imp liKikiuu for a way to i-t out Just aa
frnutically ua he searched for a way to Ret
in only a moment la-fere. So n,-itnte,l d.a-a
he become tkat he foret thai hi best
a?sletriiiu work I ncnimplisbcd hyn liack
Hani movement, and lit .h-sn'l try to
back out of the holt in the net a he hacked
In, but exert himself to p t out head lint,
a feat that It I iniHisihle for him to ac
complish because of hi piionuoii daw
that catch lu the iiettinu and hulk all hi
Hut let thi lobster Iw ft'lt-axed
r 1:, t
no v :n r, if .int.ti iuntv,.rk
..i K......I ...
wi icii'ioii, iis'iu na. a vt
i lull, h,!.er and hr.. .t
lint tiuuof Hit J.a-ley rlnli he I .
; With phenomenally l ad lu. K
.......... i
ii ousiiie.s, mi si, i, e.j ,
t.'iroiich otU r c itt. n r."
ed an extensive cotton Han I,.,,,..
Iiiit to the firm of J. T. I'm.. .
, ho r-preaciit. il that he I. ad st i,"r.,
bale t.f col loll st.,r In hi,,;,,,;
an utlvancu on It. Il.t mad,. 1 ,,'
n'sentntloii to t'hlsin, ( hut, I.,
and ir.t from llu-m an n.lvaii,,. ..f
li,Mlman I'k; Vu. Were nU, pn
innko an ndianreto hllu. II,,!,.
arnpeof e.,tt.,n and letter fi '
tr ImllrailnK that tho c.i;,.,, I.., ;
ensign, to him. lnv.-s-.,:i ,., .
however, that W.rma ilhliiot ,.n, ,
tori, and tho firm act nlmt I , r .
tin, my ht hod ohtnili. d from th. -n ',
fled and waa arrest, d later nt Like (
Wiiuii had two neuni li.ei, h, I
ploy ('hurley Kliitf and K, Ul,.
told them hu ttould fflve II, m i ;
and nine' Haitlon nt jt.-, ,
If they would burn hi h d. 'I
n mndo I ho liny la fore he I, ft
Jsirily nasciitctl. Wiein In. tn,, r,
to truck allot the cotton Int,,,,.,'
throw tho balm mi the aide, t ut i'
ami plain litfhl.d candle on t
then ,sk the ahed and I. at,.. '1 , ,
to tin to lltlot her part of the rlry . an nllhl, for the cniull. s .,
burn down for an hour or nr. re. v
aald that ho would I, are thu ni; !.. i
the Urn for New Oil.atu. The i
wrakeiicd when the time came nml : th, Ir employer.
Ill flew of the fact thai tho reet ,' I
la Rrew out of whole. du arson.
will have n h.-tnl time, It Is th , ,, 1
ir lti'lsf out of thi trouble. In.iir n: .
an-Inleh-stetl las atisn hennh r. I t
ta lo place old cotton h.s.p.lii u
lu the hojio that he c. uld pnne t!
had the iiiimU r of l,.ih of r,,lt, n I
n-pn-seiitrd that he had, r to r.
bllnaelf and cover up ull almrtaK-. s.
n .tiniiaeinent t.f a It. ,
Who Waa IHsaiHiliii.-.l In l ...
.Iny nlfc-ht the laat Wia-kusthe In.- n
tlir.,nli Uio lop of the I. ,11 audi
wouls iils.ut Unit hlstoriu as,tkn...
Ualtlo (.round Um un.aniiy iri.i, :
au aired and beurdtsj Hure, a,.lii,-
a - M rf'. J , '
-ar-- i
men exchan'isl glance uml threw their """'t neo and iils,li-h, ,1 Inlantli nlo nnd
ciar out of the window. All liK.ked """'r vrwl 's-' however,
horror Mm ken a th. v,l f.r.r ,.r ""'"iii.,n larnme mnen, n verted to
t'u'! and Hu n lit Hie basket.
.Mv Ihoiihl conjured up ti.-i,,n of
the destruction of the Cufu Very in Fur-
I Idolalry, ami a ilreudtul s rsecutlon of followed. The kingdom bud
nlm.a.l nlnM..Hl to complete IsirUirisiii
tvhi n she ill. si In Im'.I, nml In r on, iinda-
i. My riiiiiinaliou were suddenly ilia- lint II. nstoretl Chil.iiaiilly
ttirla d by ii about of ".station O!" velUnl
out by a H.rler. The frau fian tlowly
fnun h. r neat nml hlepa , out iimu tho
platform. A mull t.f relief came from us
ull. "Thank heaven!" a-iid one. I trem
bled a I handed out the kikct. with its
tlati-.Mu content. "Thank!" aai.lthe
woman. "Tliati!,! Vmi int d not ,H,k
ao a. an d. There nre only tuuue dainty
tunrm l of f,a. itiM.le for my buabai.d.
but your ainoke w ot ao vile."
a no n..r -Jul..... I.-..1..I. ... n I.- """".
Vounu l't pie. lutl m r nml imnlo hiins, If j, rf.vll.v tsli
on. would bat e m t my dug at him,
only It- the lt..v lumed
A Tala uf Ut ma Iti.butry.
"I luive just come f. .,iu a m-ciie of love
n l robin tv." aaid Ui Hctt ut of New
Vrk tmt. rday. "It wa mi inlcreatinl
fcT.rne, and my friend, who waa Hie prin
cipal, rot the worst of it. There was a
family party in the hotel nt J.ickaoti
t ill.-. Flu , in which we atoppiiur.
Tl." arty wa composed of a man. hi
wife. h wife :Myear-t,. uster and a
h.ld nlsiut ;i y. nr old. My chum was
v. ry much amitten with the CO year-old
1-Vriinl ilaiiced attend nice on her ill
fr.-at 1ih; -flower, theater, lasitini;,
'el all tint .,rt of thtiitf. yon know. I
W II. i lie til 'lit . a to, lot f .t.,itv ....... '
- ----- -i - - j a.'-
tin at
Hit rilht lllolllelit and Mil the wrefeS
iylne;. I couldn't resist whisja-ring to
my Venn what a amart fellow he waa.
and ahe maided lipplot Hiejy.
When thestt two koI tin tl of work the
floy would ait uml talk to her by the
hour toother. S.tnetim.s it waa art.
"fdiop," aometitiic ss tryor m ra of
erletice woii.ler nnd often mid and end
of luythoInKy. over which lat ho j;,t
considerably inixttl nt tim. , till oneday
1 waa lu uc h tit that Venn thought
th. v wonbl heur and nubl d mo ,
fullv. j
Tin went on for a coin, le o f month or
I'nt-tillst-ltilla l.tiprraaltih.
A friend of mine cmne nrrissa a ceiip In
the Vi llon siniie, on his llrt tisit to thai
region, uml ns -(..,ii,,l,, i ,e
ity of every d. tail lls.n Hull .s ra-ion.
Kniin inu Hint be vtaa mhlirteil to lit of
abst mi ion, siiti-sttsl that while pre.
rupieil he luul uni ons, iously mentally r,
1st. ntl his aurroiiiidiii.'a nnd a.s,n tin re
alter, without Uitia aare of an iloinu,
tinupariHl a const inna Impreasiou w itli au
lint onsi ioiis one.
A convincing illustration in common n
pi rieiiee is nl',., nil of ua vth. n we are
carefully reailiUa! a Iss.k ami sinldrlily Iw
come aw.uv of hat iiik luriu il a paut- orevi u
mm nil p.i-a tthile Ihiukiiis; of ..n,i I Iiiiik
list nil the lime, and whiuwr turn hai k
and Is um nuain nre siirprise.1 lo Ii ntl Hint
ptery wonl is familiar to ua, ihoiiah Hie
n . id inu ot t r ntaiii w aa net es. ary to supply
what oll,rrl-s- inik'ht have la. u a ifap U
memory. Cor. aielelH'tt.
Ifk.r waa auggrual. and of courae he f"' X bit off tlritvln,;
Was lu f , r it.
nft. r awhile tho card Irmm
to cm- hi way. nml in pot both ho
nl the totin,' woman l'an to 1st
a'iunt eatli !h.r rather lively. Hi
hau l w n a ur w inner, nml he kept
U-ttiiiu; it. The brother in law ami Ins
wifedn j ia dotit. Then tho bmthfr-in-law
L.ked at the irirl's hand and rtai.l be
would li k it f,.r m.t tbin, and the U f
'" "" b. iy. My friend c.,
that aa l, wua wiuuinu tlte
wtlnr fellow's iiiorirr. ho n.asln t car.
After a while there w als.ut .l in th
pot and Ihey were atiM lwttin. At tlml
.int tbe child ran into the rtMui. ami
running tip to the table t... las.,,l , f
aunt. Th.-n the youtur Woman !,t, "till,
by the Way. thi i Fbaaup birthday';
Whoever w in the pot. let ut pita H to
her.' Now. what could the fellow aav'
lie had to a,-r.t.
withdrew frail Itilly. but It'a safe to l-t
that Fl'avor lievt r k'tU tile pot It' the
colJut caave cX rvljvry 1 trvt luiari ut
here. The little crav fiuur.. i,,l.l la,
and out bnit. It-, but I could ,t .r bite
her lip to k,- p back the tear of ih.a
pointmeiit an I loiiin f,,r biimau iiit. r
rnurte and at mpnthy. At last one ibir
he dropped the p. m il and apntntf op,
walkimt to and fro ari l up ami downs
then with a smblen inotcm. nt (Itin her
anusan.iimlthef.s tof IT,v I. loved Vcuua
and w allot. "I ni. ii. ar. Mud God, uuUeuie
ssl, aud In.iau iu al)eiit, aud cU-ver.
and clever and Wlae." She lay
there ipute alill, with Inr ln-id on the
tuarbl.-, and I a.iw a tear fall from ll
eyee of the lot. ly ;.sl,!.a and kbtt n in
the prl dull liair like a luis.uatone. ,
The litt leg-ray atud.'iit liftt.l up lit r head
pitifully and ba ked up into the tweet,
grave, but (alas! for Iter) a M:, ptea.
"1 am not la-autilt.l like you," ahe
A tt ay I In t.f ll,
fbireru-e- Mamma, luay I hat a cup ol
Mamma - N'.i, Indrrtt; it Would only keep
J nil nxnkp all tiiadit.
I'l.trriu-e- Thru limy 1 bate aoint inis
.Mamma-.Nil, niy dmr; It would ytrtyou
he iilalhttiinrw.
I'hiii-iici I hen I'll tell you ,nt to do,
limmma. l.. t me eat all Ihr h, lister I want,
and thru tivr me a rupnf roller, that I may
lleawakt all nia-ht and not bat a l,lLr
aiaru. Ilrs r a culm INsipia.
1 wo I sl y U
The Mans hai Neil is so much bk lb
p. nil nave VJ tan of jn rann.a i,i u,
illll.rtlirr Itl.aaavtr) abort, alt oder stalk
and b. in nil ) A v. ry hltlr nab
biiiiiiiH- vt ol make It tin, p from ItaateUL,
ihi thr conir try the .trl r.-- ha a li,i.
atout atalk. I if l. i, I mi. a Usr noril w ill iriv !
lu the laTlialof n-ai tl,,n the French ami
1 FiiKb-h wi re ilriven out, so In iMi t In ir
eomhiiictl Ih eta Isniihanl, , nnd tlestroyed
Tunintavp, hut Hit lr is, uld not a n
elrr.te the country. In m .I Kin liadama
Wa iniirih, nml hi si-u r, liasoherina,
tiict-ctihil. She wna a.s.ii am. .athil by nn
olhrr ipi -en, uml ahe t,y the pres. nt ml, r.
At nml near tho capital Ihem ha la-en
Wonderful pronrca. 'I hrce print Injr press.
have la-en eatnhllshed lit the caHtal ami
alsnit I.Vi.immi llildea, tract nnd mnll
Ismk prletetl In the llova tongue. There
are Ui ii.iNKi iiomlunl I nml IM
chtail. In ItOU tho I n n, h r. -allied n
f.s.tlriif uml hnveexl. ii.l, d tin lr p..wi r till
they now it. -.-litre I In Ir ml, ml. n to .-tab-llsh
a prottrlorate otrr tin. w hole Islnml,
take charge of It foreimi atTalrt, t stahliah
nillltnry nnd innlnt.iin r.
Karly last year two A rl.ati and a
Frem Ii companion were munlert ,1 by at, me
Hova In the Interior, nnd the French
rhiirfd thai U wii due to :d- In-
Irik'ni-a. Stain after an embassy tamo to
Wnrhliik'ti'll, and a treaty waa mndo by
Whit h Americans ac.juin.l the rlht of
trade and reslihine, fn ui which Kuro-pi-mi
atatcsmrll imii. hide that the I'tntetl
State will lake a hand In aettliiiK the
tll, sijon. The II, ita ait. m Is nt on war
and havo all lirniy of 'n.iaiu turn fairly
ptiilpK d w Ith Kun s an arm. The 1 rench
think thai &.IKNI o( their aoldn r w 111 Iw
siillicleiit lo uUlue tba whole island, but
. flathtltiK In tho lowland can only be done
by Hit in In the cool, l uiolith.
I The last of the nls.rlK'tn, of M.vlanaa
car Welti ettermliinled is ntiirli- n;,i, and
Hie present liihnhltant are of Malay abak
on the ca.l nnd African on tho wt and
aoiiih. The latter are known In a f ncrnl
ttt.y its Malagasy and nre hint I, in of tho
h iM-t s..rt. It I not twsy lo il. line tho
et, 1. 1 limits i f the llovas' rule, but na to
Ion i.n. ia their uovernmt-til I the only
i ne on the l-!.im. y,i.s n Kunavnlona III
., m, wind Nov. m, l and rule
thn,uh n prime ;nlnlter, who, while ho
In, his t.n.if, la ri oflh lo her liusluuid. She
Is.nin.. tr. utlv att.v he.1 to a white man
wl ii nimh' l.f en-am, of width the I very
ft, ml. ami when the prime minister drove
him out of the Island the ipnf n waa quite
heart hrok, n The French e-titl that all
the irntcrtimcitt nccd.-d w.l a ta x ofllee
aud ticket taker to Nrvmr a comic ej ra
nl part or Imth tho (Ud uml the New
Testament, At the atfo of ll he could n--ply
cornrtly to ull ipieation put to him
r'-ifanliii tiniversil history nml j'tsi-ra-I'liy.
uml iu the muni, your he learned to
aja'ak Ik, til Lit in and French.
lu his fourth year bo employed hi
tiuie in at tidying rcliioim. cfKri:illy tho
hUtory of tho I'brtKtiaii church. Hu was
not only able to Klibly n-i at ull that he
hail read, hut tvii also nblu to reason
Willi cotwiderablo of jud-ment ami lo
k-ive hi own opinion of tiling in fjeneral. j
The kiiuf of Diifiiiiark wi.shed to aeo tlii
wt.ti.b-rful child, ao Lo wa taken to
f'opeiihu ;en. After his return to Lubock i
he bur lie, I to write, ami was lieiniiiii '
on tho atudy of umsio and miitlieiiiaticn,
but bis roiistitntinn la-itur very weuk, Im
took down uml diiil Inno .'7, I
n,-itl 4 J-t nra, 4 months nml 21 iLiya.
What a woiitl.jrful r.ri.rd for a
nliort Lfe. St. U.iua llepnblii;
Keaaenf baa.1 1 a rrtiUr.
I stopjMil at a email town In northern
Virginia. A ynuritf at the Mint hotel
had tnoattteraaml a blnck ami tan terrier.
I rxrrimi'iitttl pxtt-nsively with t hisse thn
dot,- dm inu my May and deduced t here
from a. .inr whirh wrro iiit-viinv
ble. The hutil Veniiida opt iiitloo the Mrett
and tt a a place of rvaort for Kent I. men of
leisure nis.ul town. There wu nlsti a side
nitre.nce Ihiouuh n lari;r yard. I have fre
quently oWi-ved the dot; lylnajasl.spon
the vcrnnd.i when the e tier would rntiT
the aide ynnl en a" fhikstoiup walk, oftrn In
the midst of rouvt-rsation of n tloreiimen.
The terrier would nro-nize the fia.tatrpaof
hi uuister, woiihl utter a low sound and
prinK to his ftf t ami lush at once In the
direction w In ure be heiinl Ilia atrpa. The
tetter mninl to know whnt It
meant, would raise their head, hth tlirir
tads iiniii the 11, sr, alum inn evident signs
(if iimlcrsinmliiiK the alt nation.
I hate atsn thi ttrrler nrocnUe the
ateps of his muster when Hie latter wn at
pomaiiici by two or three other persons.
The tli heal pret i.ion of hi lunnnu wa
mnrvel.nia, ami in no Instance, ao far a I
oliserteil. wna hp tlt-criiisl In I he approach
hiif funisteint. 1 cutuiiHi belit-vrthal he waa
tnudtal by Uir sells t.f ainell, aa It ia rt idtilt
that tbe aetter w l.iasr bjibita of hiilitliiu
liavpilereloasl in t bem much luorrariiaiuv
ollactory p.wir Would naturally have been j
the I'.rst toiletit l I heir nutster'a oni'nat. h
ami it wn nputily rvitlent that th ter
rier' ears the f.rt to catch th
tounUa New Vork Advt-rtiaer.
cornea Immediately panic stricken ak'ain
aii'lreurw his cm.y ellorts to escuiw. .So
matter how Iiuuiy linieaii lobster n,iht Iw
let out of a trap he nouhl just ius olleu act
al once to work lo hecomr a prisoner naiu.
iiuii inosiera are neijii Willi Una htraiiy,
panic the nionieiil tin y liml theiiiseheaiu
a trap I rwdriil fnmi Die fact
I IIioukIi aa many a tuny l found iu one
pol w hen It i tiiktu up, the bail will tad
ilom. If rvt-r, ahow any kiii of buvinu btvn
loiiched by any of them.
"tine of these Nita noiild lie no obstacle
tt the lobster freedom If the covetous
rmiliw-e only knew It potter, for half a
doen of thrill could tnnh x,t to piece
lua lw-iiikliiiK,oroupwifpof a lulnter's
ureal claw would serve lo tear the tarred
nH- nelUiiK from the Imp a if it hut) lafii
"The people of thi country evidently
have a ureat likuiK for lohst. ra, for over
ii.iMi of the sin - are i.iten by then
every year, without count inu the other
millions that ko on the market iu etui.
A to the tint psiahlishmriil aloiitt the
.u.iiue ctaiai ami otin r slum s Hint can lob
lrrt. Hie way they hate la-en makiiijt In
nvuUiiM,ii the loletter lasla for year, it ia
a wonder Unit there I a loliater left in
those ground.
"Ileaide the thousand and thousand,
of lllldcrsled lola-ter the miscellaneous
army of lobster trnpH-ra furnish Kiev can
Ii I lis! p-luhlishmriir, they have li-h,nii,ri
ol their owu who are constantly trapping
for Ihem-arvenil Hint I know linviiii a
many aa loO men piiKaaittl in the work.
The lnu-Miiit llshinu for lolter off the
.New KiiKlaiid cta.t baa had Ita elf-vt, not ao
niucu iu leseiiln the milnlar of th.-sr
thellllsh that are a. t,t to market, but in
IraM-iiitial the aieof the lobster marketed.
"It U not o many year ait" thnt the
avernife lolxler thai cnine to New York
from .New Kiifcdaud wa VO Inchea Ioiik. not
muntiiiK the ilawa The biiturat avrraKe
bow la not more than half that length
There Usrtl to br Uaiiin,l lotisteraapleiily,
aud I have beard of them Wi ia,-hiioi K A
iolatlvr aa lark-e aa that would hal t lo Iw an
yr.-tra old at least Tina ahellllab ifroiva
trry .im ly, ami at a yrur old su t much
blKKrr than a craw llsh. A loltsttr under S
year old l-n'l Ut f,,r Hit niarket. but lota
of audi yt)U!ortrr bavt lo paaa muster in
pur ftah alalia" York Lven
ilia! Sun.
I I.
tdf.oiMi in ow n i.i: vk.
emnly away nt the turf l ne.iih rhe j
mlk'ht have larn tt it n .-. ( hv the ,i .
tun, ns visitor, write a Loaiisp.ut ,,
tpomlrnl of the t.' Timet. t w
weird mviif, r, ml, ml nil ihn more in.
unit by the fact that the solitary vvorl.:
Wiia illninif ul his own k-r.ive.
For act, -nil ycar.1 Allan-,, n de in
Uvetl near I to 1 1 lo Urouinl In a ride
ratlin, tinlovlii)r nml ui.h.v, ,l. .,
tpeni in Hour or leisun1 nt hi- it,
bt,k. Humor ha It that In i : i
lluys he wn wasil III love and i 'ir,
the solltudfof hi fon st lion,, t , h;
over hi uilsfortiim annil live n 1 1 f. ..; i
am holy contemplat ion. Hi. a;,p ,r
a the year pas., d by has lm-,,n... t'
tho hernill nml thenr luse, but hi- t.-.e
ha emhrn.-etl all the latest lit, i ,'
I'onst.'int Imaalluu over hi i aril, r ,!
polutmriit, however, had It In. i,
eif.vt. Ilo la-came a mlsmiihn,-. a j .
ndst nndoflatenn anient upN.rr. r .!
New York World' tint rciar,!: i, j
eltle. In the light of this his a, t h,n-n-.ird,tl
with no little eoiuvrii. ..t e
ha he completed tho ill-irimr of I, - ,
fnive, but he has onh n tl his own u
liient, w hich I now Is In- ilm.hnl ,,t
of the shop In Iignnsporl. It will !
plain, unassuming graulle shall, an 1
only feat urn worthy of note will I
epitaph, whti-h ho himself eotuHis..
it'utla ii follows, hi Instruction i,.
carver la-liiR Hint there ahoiihl ls inn ,
lal letter In tho verso other
A lat.-li. lor II.M U n-nlli this -l
lm ill-., Is the luwa t.f Ihsl.
Advl,-.. to oil,' nt thu I c'v,-.
Ix.n l hvea"Ut. U"a I Ol I hv. -r. . r
t hen comph te-l, tho niomiini nt ,
order to enrt the atone at the hi... I
tho newly crave, mid what t
next chapter In thi untiaturul tale Ii.
be timo alone can tt 11.
pearl rtaaa whui be ia out of tht latter
1 l,t Uttt r com. aa as f.1 ami H a d.4
tn. 1 he Marts hal .Neil ia a running nasi ia. the plant brain Lea out iu lot. a t una
W Yolk TtIebr:tlU.
ttnblnairln aatl Ih I'nklla.
Ilubiiist. in waa profruorof tht piano to
t' vha at one l.lnr. and It waa lo
one of Inr Ulna that be aaid: " bra 1
first went to lainlaiid and waa young and
rou Id play, I uae.1 lo prrf inn tottupty ball
.Now tLal I am old and cannot play, Ihry
all go w ltd otrr nit and cu t fluda but
IniwvJ lut w ilU a taul fjr ujji Jlary ( "e to tarrforu la,"
moaned ivithetii-aoy. "but 1 will l t
He won tlie pot and"'", "d if"'!."
tno menu!,,- I In-.trd a aort langh t
lind me, and tl.rn the IV. v 'a voice. He
Oa lb Traek of Ih Mirrobn.
! Science ia rn-iwiu n on th.i
het U of the tun ruts". The latest method
tsf coping w ith tin minute but potent
aoorre of tl. av i to literally cat it vol
of the abiding place in which it baa In
stalled it. If. Micro-orgaiiUiua routain
taUtancee for tho n..t art heavier
than water, and thi fjet has led to the
introduction ofametho.1 of reparatinkt
them fnm w t. r, milk and other litiuiJ
by ct iitnfug.d force. A np. of about
4.0(a) a minute -TVta to clear
lrk- niimlsr of tnunibea front the
I liriuid anj r -idcr it LuiL Lxs-Lacga
I aion-a I rlrliralr.l "tlankflsh."
One of tht nightmare of John A si ton's
"Curioii freatun- of .a.logy" ia Hie
nionklish, or at a monk, he l mg Iti.i. iKed
to Aldnitamlu ami Stow f.,r hi ac
count. If throld w nter arr rebnl le. th,
monster were quite common lu the North i
ti a, the llntl-h ll.aliu. I and along the In-h i
etuist up to the year 114, wlnu they are 1
a.,. I to lair l.s-i.ior pit met through : be
rav age ol a plague aiiiular to that w hi h,
wa alTet ting nu il at alsnit theaatnr tune. I
The auperi;tioua t f thosp day U-l.rv '
I hit liny were prirsisor monk w hu l..i.
bet n curatsl for aouir crime and roti.h nuusl
by titsl to au a-ntllri lift Lmra-.h L
Stow 't account of one caught In 1!7 ia as
follow.- "lit had li e ah;sr of a m a.
pot nt and wa kept ia tbt cisll at lx
furd by tht keep, r lhcrr..t All Dianneref
raw meat bt tiul gladly rate, but more
ireeslihe of raw l:-l r, af-. r that L I.j.I
rr.isl.rsl out all n.oiturw. 'liftra be a.u
bn.ugtt lothrchurth, but ahowrd toaigt.
of rrTrrroee, and at Irt.gtb. wbro (u Wrll
looked to, Lt stole away to tLt tea and waa
gcTer taaan taUi aJX-.'1 "
a Jralttnay,
Firt Chicago Man-lh, lift you notice a
Itutai deal of Jealousy of Chicago while Ul
Near Yora
Peoood Chlcngo Mnn-Jealouayf Why.
lira their akm they ain't got m-nst
enooh to be Jenloua! One ft lhr a-ki-d rue
If w oaal street car: New York Wrtilf.
A (.aalronnnil llraa.
"IVa' you havt any draarrt. Pair"
' Why, aouiethlng to rat afu-r dtuner."
"VI. yut I bar nieu ;rr, tor." Tar
lectinj I or Tluia.
on n;.,st;ou, Mr. Fastla T. I
l to tenuinale
bav i.etcrnuiiisl thai it ia I
our riig.tgt-iiii-tii."
Hut. t lam. Clara - rx.himied tht brart
broain man. Li. Lamia, "woo l
jou .i UI.U , can Uud , ,uU ..J
T IU I tparlraV
tV..f - , .
.y . 1 " ' 'eU.-t-Mjaiic .howi
mru Br grown..- ahurtrr aid womm
are growing ui.rr.
.nV;:N'.', u! '-x'r- I do not know of
J t h.r g Hat baa au.J, . .trruby tffect Z
(ianiblrit Tor tht Itll.le.
'While we have larn away thi ,.-n
nrr," n lalc a woman, ' niv btile .-.i ,
11 and 13 n-Nvtlvdy, h nni.-d f. r tie- ::r-t
timo Hint by n-ading' thrs. chapi. is . i.
Wia-kdny nnd live on Siindav the 11,
could laj flnl.htil In a year. Th vf i:.,
with rcaolveil to begin, Iind nil tt 1 I. i
been Well except thnt there was otilv , m
Ililile IrtH-rt n them. Thi fact cn i' t
dlfllrulty every day, for, with the rv :-.
ty of children, Ihey InvnrlnMy s. l.vt. ,1 t:
amo timo to do their rending, li e, ;
max Wo rcu. hetl tho other il.iywl.. n I
found them ilo p In their favorite g in . '.
crlbtinge and wu warmtt not to Intern:
them, -larause Annie ami I are playui -
game of crll,tgr to a.s which t l i.- ,
hate Hie llihhi llrsr.' which was nn !:
IcrmlnglliiH of gainl.llng and r ligi..u in
structlon whh h I thought best to cl. . '
A Loiter In llnll.l f l.nrrh.
.linong the ancient ibrunn nt r r.t'y with the W.wterl.r I It 1 I I..', ra
ry ass. latlon I a copy of the t'otit .- : i t
Gaiette, pulill-h. d at New k-niwn m. t
datrtl Feb. IS, ITU. In th: ,-ip-r Is ni
advertisement of a lottery to tl
fnmi to build a martina boute as
8c rlngton.
The Mormon taU-macle lu Silt Like
City ia the tnot perfect w hisjs r.;;g g.ii.iry
in tLe worl.L ll.c dn.ppu.g of a la u.:-,
I b.g hat at oneeuj of ti, Inir sir.ii.'. i
i an be plainly beard by person al the i.i .r
Tt camphor tree flourishes In th- 1
lain! a wt il asuo thr mountaina of J..; .i.i
a:.. of'.rD at'ainaogig u.ticsir, th trm.
br;u totartiuira aa murli u M Int Ul
Some pLll.acpher Laa ol.arrred tl. it "'o
lil.g:: goo ttt ttrart cap alr. v. v Ti " yxM it mt i.r-sj
W-ski. """ N,Wiur tea KvxaJli.tener." U!.i.,.:1.;jta.
' U Ii. cob vrrsa; ivtj U to be bj ultiUsue.