The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 24, 1894, Image 10

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    fr.iV.a..Ti 1V iluT "if r-iriri-iw - --w,..h. .- .,
for Infants ond Children.
M CastaHa U wall Mlaptod toekililna that
I rmmmrni it aa ajifavtur lossy facrtKlua
kauwa to w" 1L A. Aamca, M. .,
Ill Sa Cttlurtl HI, Ilruuslra, X. T.
"Th ua of 'CMt-irla It so niraraal awl
lu uiartta an wU knows llial It amis a work
of irmcll la raduna it. w an tbs
laU-lllit famllix wlw du 1x4 kn-p Casturl
wlluia sasy rasta."
CtMum ttaarrs, t. I).,
Kwr York Clly.
Tas Cbxtai- Ouarurr, TT Niiuf Bra-tar, X Toaa Crr
Caatorla nm Culin, Ouaatlpatlna,
Now Httanarh, likVTtvsa, t'.nrtaUi
Kill Worm, $tna alas sad ymautmt
Without Injurious matUratS.
"fur samral raw I bar
yimr Taat-la,' and snail ale-ars cuallti I
do id M It baa iararUU protluoad bawnnj
Utia Bbwt and 7U Am, Turk tit
LoxooM, Nov. IW. A Hlianghai H
patch aaya severe lighting I rejiorted
10 have occurred at I'ort Arthur
Xoverulmr IV An Kugllsli merchant
captain has 111 ai(Milwel view admi
ral of the Chinese (Wis. Two trained
women nurses of tl lied Cro So
ciety, who wore on the way to the
aoat of war to alii the wounded had to
turn back, th Chintz authorities
refusing to guarantee them protection.
Thev slromrlv reiiresenled Ihe human
lie of their uilwdon. hut Hheng. the
taotal of Tien-Tain, said to them:
"We don't want to save any wounded
Chinese." A dlsiiatcli l published
here saying the Chinese are Itrclng
from I'ort Arthur, within 15 mile f
which place the Japanese and Chinese
have iuat had an nursirement, result
ing In a Iom of luuChiuese ami WW
llli'iWllilcria !.
New Yohk, Nov. 20. The motion
of I'ugllial I- itjilminous to have the nr.
derofarrft vacated under which lie
la held in IJumj hall for having fulled
to my hla divorced wife alimony, hua
been denied.
Saw Ta.alrlcal raaaalaallan
Ham KitANciwti, Nov LU Harry
Mann, the well known theatrical man
Bircr, hit purchased the stock of Al
liny nut n In the cororatioii which
beam the luttur'a name, and In couse
uueiine now control all tlie theatre
fitimerly controlled hy Ilaymnii west
of the Missouri river. Theae Include
the llaldwlNaud California of this city
and the Muriisiii (Intnd. f Portland.
The company has elcetcil Mr. Miinn
Irealdent to succeed llayman.
Lilr IllllUr lupifMi Jif.
Oakland, 'tat. . Nov. 31. Friend
of William Lair Mill, luw partner ol
ei-Mayor UnvIn, ate auxlnu t tint lie
receive the apiiiitMient of MiiM-rior
Juiltfe, to ailfcecd K. W. HeiiHhnw,
uln lol to tlie aiipreinit In-iicIi. It l
Mid thiil a M lltlon 1 hi U lmlf hit
I hi' n Hied witli (iuvertior Miirkham.
Hill wa formerly a nnileiit of OnKn,
and Inter on wa cnu'iirfi'il In reviiiiK
cmIui of Oregon and Wimlilnnlon.
Ta Tha Uit Jr.
Hahiiw, Or., Nov. ISt. The coron
er'i jury over the ImhIv tound In Ml-
lala lriil;u, rvturneil a verdict that the
ucoenmil calne to III deal ll by caliae
unknown. The iiian'a name wa Oil
land, and not Oilliaui a at II ml rviHin
cd. The cane will proliahty lie turiietl
over to and InveatlKHletl by the next
gland Jury.
Nkw Ohi.kank, Nov. 1S. Oraml
Mauler Soven'lun wa re-clecled tinlay
without oixlllnn In the Knltrlit ol
Ijtlnir aamiuiblv. ItUliop, of Nluana
chuaclta. and Merrleti, of t'olorndo,
were nominated for foreman, the place
now held by ltlxliop, and the latter
waavlected. Hecretery-treaaurer Hayen
waa re-electnl, although there waa
aome opiMMillon. The vllivuae of del
rftaica to the convention, amounting to
IMNI, were ordered paid.
Yrrn IMgt Itetni.
Nov II.
Hunter are uouaually lucky thi
A larxnilrlveof poker went from
Jul liorlli of Hie rldKe today. They
were im-iiik 'inveii to juiicimmi ir
ahlpmeiit. Three empty wairon bp
companietl the drive to gather UP
thomthal might fall by the wa)'ide.
J. V. Jenliliig l-t aeven three
hundred xMiinl.r yeatenlay. They
broke out of the pen ami look drink
from the heep dip vat.
I'eopie' Hrty Mathews, Inoompany
with a lady friend of Hprlngfleld, at
t4jidel the Inlereallng tierclaee (feet
waahlug) at the Mviionite churtli to
day. The lyceum at the Oennau tchool
bouae under llit management of l'rof.
lleo. Jonlaii, I U lng of great wwlal,
moral and educational value to the
Theaocial at the achool house laat
evening, waa a decided aucoeas
liotwlthktaiidiiig the building waa
packed till there waa no long
er standing room and waa rather warm
for perfect comfort. The social was
under the iiiamigemeiit of girls who
are not yet out of school. Mrs. More
head, of Junction, and Klitier Jordan,
ofHiulthlleld, who were specially In
vited to bbhInI, contributed largely to
thesilcceasof (he entertainment. The
uui from I he sale of baskets
was much Inrgrr than eiU-d, and
the girls are f. cling cvtully grateful
to I lob Tool and Andrew Oilmon foi
their moat liberal hid 11. l.
Eusrene Loan anil Savings
C. ( lit Kl II
k General Banking Business Transacted.
Thla iNiiik It limirHraixl un.lrr th ! ol
loa iilal ill otTun, a I n a
Sciscrli.'i CiDi!al of
Flit Du Cipltal of
luWrral alluard on li in ilepoalta.
Can rut and Schixd Notes of ( row, Or.
HcIkmiI oiM-neil tMlny In the new
achiail houm with an enrollment of 'M
wholnrs. The lurgcHl ntteuiliince thai
ha U-t'il at this place forseverul years.
hcliool was itixuiiwM-d Monthly after
iiiMin o attend the buriul of little llat
tlo lllnloii, the 3 vear-old daughter of
Mr. ami Mrs. fiunl.l llinton. The
luiicral whm largely utleinled ami the
ulinonl reecl shown to the bereaved
parents and friends.
There ha liecn cniiHideiable sicklies
among the people if the dlnlrict, thus
cntlnliig a giMHl miiiiy canes of alswlice.
Hut for ta-iug piinctunl oilier ways, the
scholur art lining well. There was
only nix cacs of turdinen lu lust
Messrs. Holland, Stephens and Had
ley have been Iriilding a s'alile, or
rather a shed for their horse which
they ride to school.
The new school house will be com
plete when aome few Improvements
are made. The grounds lack several
things of being comtilcte; but the tmmt
needed are out buildings.
One of tlie scholars, Karl dates, ran
a nail In his foot and for a few days
naa txeti very lame.
There are some smiling face and
blight ryes which we have hail here
tofore In the school, which, on acc.iunt
ol sickness, are not at present with u.
lotliem we would say, that you are
greatly missed Isilli by the scholars
ami teacher, and that we welcome you
back to your places as aooti as your
hcallli, ami the health of other In
w hom you are Interested, will iiermlt
As for soma of you, your sciioul dsys
wl!l soon lie gone; ana oy experience
we II ud that the foundation of eilnca-
ton Is laid in youth, and that those
w ho do not lay that foundation seldom
ever gel more than a limited educa
lion. Therefore we urge prompt and
punctual attendance of all who are
within our reach.
W. U Mtl.I.KK
rilKAP TEAlllKKi.
The Ort-g-.i? City Courier U kl in
manner that shouIJ be interest
ing to soinx I-rtim county school
directors: In some school districts
of this county the d:revtora engage
teucheri became they ato cheap,
not becAUse they are well iiualiniM
They invito bids, as if for chopping
wood or fir building a barn, and
tho lowest bidder having a certifl
cuto geta a job. as though the
that a Harder
I eat tu Hire.
liAMUiW. Or.. Nov. !. Karly this
niornlnif II. Oilllam was found dead ou
the stone filling In the center pier of
the n. V. railroad bruits one nine
north of thla ulace. 11 left here
about ft:) Haiti rusv eveulng In com
uaiivofhld Lumiiklns. both sllglly
under Inllueiice of IHUr. Luuipkius
hud a new axe handle which was found
near the hody. Hunduy inornlug
l.umpkiiis cam back and ltiiUirvO
brimo duty of dagogue were to 'out Ollham, saying h had not -ii
I a a i i ri-1 i
nerti ciuiureii. ine oiret iors are -,..,.. i,. r... th-
. . t . iivi aiav sisaivi. . j -sa,
no doubt, honcit in their inleniiona ottlpr bia llU muy j1(11. paint on
the tin roof on lm of the bridge was
scratched, l.-oklnit aa If (Jitllaiil had
been puslttil olf. There Was also paint
ou the bottom of hla boot, ill skull
a crushed III by the fall on the rocks
below or from a blow. Oillialll Waa
AO viara old and an old roaideht of
Lan I) v out has Islely lived Hear Wheel
er's saw mill. The coroner Is holding
auluUel over the body. The two
men had some diflkully with one
auoiher Halurday eveulng while
ind mean well. Their idea ia to
get a jheap teacher in order that
the money might laat long, but
forgetting the fact that a cheap
lenchcr ia often tho dearest. It is
far better for the chidren of a dis
tricl that they be instructed for
three months by a capable teacher
who lovea work than five month
bv a drone who doea not care
w bethel achool koepi or not.
Among the teacher of this county
are talented men and women, not
a fer who are conscientious in the
discharge of their duties, and in
t at a. at aiLvt.ii ad rnortitTio
A Mevaaai Tkii Slav SUaalllaai
Raw fmitf.
Mixkraholih. Mluu.. Nov. 10. A
many districU thev are recognized Oar tH. D.) eorreondeiil of the
. .1 " . I Jirtiriial MrlrMt 11m fiiliowllltf lufortlia
aa bucii. uui tiity ate umj"; i , - .i. ,.r
placed in pecuniary corniMjtition by
dirt clora with teacher with little
or no qualification, aa though, if a
five-dollar ony i branded with a
certificate on his Hunk, he would
be capable of taking charge of a
district school.
tt i. o. i:t i iki m tu nnntirr
la aititl nnilur txiaiiiva ariltn iuibhimi,
ailllMirif.1 iMPNila only, to cuoj Umrnirii
Itrain anil Niva IS-wr: I MaiiImmmI:
OilhnwMii Nialii Ifwni til lirMama; lu-kof
I oatklfxicat NiWiHUONwi lAaallilil; ail llralnai
tiaa ihT I'owvr of tli tii-iimiiotrtfiin in Hither
aa. ranaail lijrufar.iirtion. Yiiulliful Krnra.or
Katwaaifa I it TotMKtift, t iimm ur jinor,
vlurh ImuU Ii Miarr. I onanuilion. Iianiir
aaj Iknih. Ur mail, tl a Ian: an lor f.nh
writtan aoaraiilaa lo rura or rvl mill UMMiaf . wait
Ufa rC para hi. k IliauUi ha. Ililiuaaotaav
livrt'umWj:t, liur htotnai-h, lbalaia auj
IvoaUiaUue. ol AIUM tlA laauad oulj b
IWHt'KM A 10 1 tM, l)rul.U and aula
afanta, Kufiiua orron.
Not curing to carry
anv lonircr. we win n
of our iimncnsu htock of
: Crocitry, 6!assian, le., :
at jriif8 that will mirprisc
Ereceries it
Call early amlhavo a largf
assortment to jiick from.
Ulll llav Sacesta SCIscllew.
Atlanta, Nov. 'JO The stiualible
over the election of congressional can
dldM(oa lu the 10th dinirlct has been
settled by Mr. Itlack, the Incumbent,
who received a majority of lUUU ou the
face of the returns. In reply to Tom
Watson' oiler to arbitrate lie ha
proiniaed lo submit th matter
to a second election ueat fear.
Watson Unlay slynlfliHl hi acceptance
of tlie proiMMittou. Itlack will lak
hi commission but will resign
.March .
Will Trr It Over Aala.
Atlanta, Oa.. Nov. IS).-Tom Wat
son, iMipulint candidate from the IDlti
tietirgia district, has accepted Itepr)-
seiilalive mack oiler to act lie Hi
controvemy of whether a popullnl or a
leiuiicral was elected Anv. u, last, ly
their trying the thing over agalu.
t l,tls4t Aakl atralaiaa
Wahiiimiiiin, Nov. "0. Owing to
the rncl thai the prvalilenl straiued his
ankle by stepping ou a ctiiiU, ther
was no cabinet meeting imlav. The
preaideut la unable to leave the house
invauac of the aliifulliieaa of the In
jury. Iiill Ik tlhlatara.
t'IMINNATI, Nov. 'JO t'ololirl It.
O. IhKfiaoll, at the lirand ojiera lunis
lual .umlsv night, inatle light of th
dogmas of the tuble. At the Metho
dial miniate rs' iinvliiig this morning,
l!ev. 1'atil V. I'lirnick, of St. I'aul s
church, ripringlteld,0.,dtvlartil that It
wna adigracelriiiciunatltliat ita au
Iholitiea aliuiilil liave permltlel Inger
soli to talk, laugh and scolt'at Jehovah.
He thought the iiilliiater' aamictatioii
otighl to lake immediate steps toa arils
kwearlngoul a warrant lor lugeraoll s
arrest on the charge of blaaphemy.
The lU-v Mr. Villalt said in rrply
that he did Hot tn-lieve lu I he suppreaw
siotl of free sin-rt'h, beside I hey oiKild
not set a Jury In t'lnriuoalli that
would con vict lngersoll on any such
Tho Detroit Free l'ress shows
that in Michigan, where seemingly
no democrats are left was due to
their failure to vole. In (irand
Kapids, for instanct-, the republi
cans lost 404 votes and the demo
crats 4.01G the result of these two
net lossea being an apparent net
gain for the republicans,
Undoubtedly the oiumiiotent fish
erman did it.
Tl ere is a verse in the Iiible
which contains every letter in the
alphabet, and it is said there is
only one. It is the twenty-first
verse of the seventh chapter of
Kirn, and reads: "And I, even I
Art.ixerxes the kin?, do muko a de
cree to all the treasurers which are
beyond the river, that whatsoever
hzra, the priest the scribe ol the
law of tlie (iod of heaven, shall re
quire of you, it be done sx-edily."
To show Hint democrats did not
vole at the lute election re need
only to refer to tho fuct that there
wero -lO.OX) registered voters
in New York city alone that did
not vote. Tho total rcgisterittion
in Chicago was ;!,'.rvlC I and the
total voto cast was 2o5,i
showing tlmt over ft'J.OUO voters in
that city staid at home. 1 he re
publican victory is not on account
of any abnormal increase in their
vote, but on account of the fact
that the democrats staid at home.
The truth is that the republican
voto is short in nearly all the
An cxclmngo says: I his is a
tieculiar world; one is struggling
for justice and another is tleeing
from it. One man is saving to
bu'ld a hotiHo and another is trying
tosell Ins for less than cost to get rid
of it. One man is spending all the
money ho can make in taking a
girl to the theatre and sending her
llowers, with the hoe of making
her his wife, while his neighbor is
spending what gold he bus in get
ting a divorce. One man escape
all tho diseases that llesh is heir to
and gets killed on a railroad. An
other rscaties with a scratch and
dies with the whooping rough. One
man stands oil" his creditors and
goes a traveling while another
pays his debts and stays at home.
One of the strangest KstofIlift
in the world it away down at Terra
tlel rucgo, in the toe end of the
big shoe, which is what the man of
South America looks like. 1 lie
"office" is a big barrel, and it is
fastened to a rock overlooking the
Straits of Magellan. Kvery
ship that rounds I'ape Horn stops
at this odd ptMtoffice. A boat puts
out to the shore with letters to be
left and thr tailor who takes them
looks over those already in the
barrel, taking out and bringing
away with him any that his ship
can forward to their destination.
Then he fastens the oovcr on the
barrel with its hook and staple,
and the queer old poetoflice that
needs no postmaster or mail bags
is left to itself until the next ship
come by.
on of the leaders of th movement
For several months ail understanding
has existed among th leading ailver
men of the United Mate that emphat
ic demand shall be made that the re
publican nlatloim of IH'M shall contain
an uueo,ulvocal deciarsllon In favor
of the uniualltled coinage of free silver
ami lu thee veil t of failure of the rsr
itubllcMtis to so declare, a new party
movement shall forthwith be stirung
with a two-plank platform, declaring
simi'ly lor lrotectoii aud free coinage,
The management of the movemeul I
largely lu the hands ol Hennlors Jones,
hlewsrland IVlliicrew. and they are
haiking to Senator Cameron as a pi
itleiillal candidate In the event of th
hi Mil of the new parly.
Hi recent election
The results of
have iclveti the
leader renewed conlldeiiee, as they
now believe they w 111 be able to absorb
the remnants of the populist aud
secure through the protective plan
the adhesion of the labor vole of th
KaaL Thus the hone to centralize th
entire free silver strength and much of
the labor vote of the country. My
informant la poaiilve In the declaration
that the republican narty will be forced
either to adopt a elver plunk or be
dcstroyetl. 1 his Intention to rule or
rum Is the fundamental teueiil of the
movement. It la already said Senator
Cameron has consented to Join the
Japanese sfa taeval w lawless.
pHDVINfKTtiW.N, Nov. 1!!. All ofll
cer of the United Slates ship Concord
writing from Chemulpo, Corea, Oct
7. to a friend here says: "The Jbimmi
ese are splendid soldiers, well drilled
anil lliihl like Hirers, showing nnniiar
ter to the Chinamen. In Hie battle of
Sfiitcmber 17. I5.IMXI Chinese were
killed ami only sj men were lost by
the Japanese. For ouick work und
skill in engineering, Hie Japanese ex
ccedany men I eversaw. Kverytlilug
with them ifoes like clockwork. 1 hey
laid iniiitoous acrtsm the river and
marched over a tsnly of Ironist, coll
slating of JO.UtXI men, with heavy guns
and aillllery, ami every tiling com
pleletl In a little over two hours,
They are landing troops here every
day aud marching them ou toward
I'eking, and I should not Iw surprised
if hefoie this letter reaches you they
have taken that city. Septemts'r 1'
they raptured a place and .'UNI.UOO with
It, and the rcisirts are that they killed
every Chinaman in the place Oh
thev are lliditcr from Kightersville,
and If no foreign nations Interfere, or
China doe not come down on he
knee at miii and surrender on such
terms as the Jaiiauene see lit to make,
they will wliw the Chinese oir the fat
of the earth. No Hinder If they have
trot millions aud millions of men in
China, thev are no lighters, aud the
Japs are. The Japanese are also a pro-
invasive nation. lliey have all tlie
latest Improvements lu warfare, and
know how to use them with ettect
while John Chinamen Is no further
ad vs need than he waa In A. I).
Just think ot (luhllng with bow aud
arrows by any nation at tlie close of
the 10th century.
A Peawlar Slaw.
Wahiiiniiton, Nov. 19. The New
print the following: J. H. Van Ant
wern make one political prophecy re-
aardlhk- the national tickets ol Ihisi,
which Is unusually luteiesling. lie
predicts that the California delegation
to the tleniociatic convention will pre
sent the name of Oovernor elect ltudd
for the vice presidential nomination,
He further believes that the governor
will tie supported by the entire rep
entation from the 1'sclllo roast aud
far West.
- Irharg. Mr. Curulck. after sw fur-
lUlf IS till ChtaptSL tber diruar4oit, procrrlwl with hi
wii , i u w nit I, 1 1 ' mm icv. t ii a. taut,
unions were all w roiig. and that one
great fault with wotkliignien Is that
they advin-at a reform of lb existing
MMfkaital Baa.
Ham Fhani-ihco, Nov. 19. Th
BchniMiher Iter wick has arrived from
Hluslaw w ith a cargo of lumber, and
retain that she paaseil a quantity of
wreckage otrSluslaw liar, (k'tober 2).
A number of doors, window and pan
els from soni vessel' cabin were float
ing, but mm of I he in had marks that
would lead to their Identification.
The doors and panels were painted
wlille, with bmwu ttrliies and decora
tive figures ou tlveni In the shape of a
imnier. I he schooner Slatl liaaactl a
lualrr of liars In about the same local
ity, and the skipper thought that the
wrvi kas-e and piles were from the briar
T. W. Lucas, that wss ahaudoiied at
see nearly three weeks ago.
Sa Fkanu4X), Noe. 3n. The of
lal canvass cf Iat Angrle count v.
Just completed, gives teea plurality
or Sinn, rue crucial uauvaas has now
two rrportnl fnMti every counly In th
state raewpt San Fianclacn and Hum.
botdt. Including the unofficial flgurr
from thtaje two counties th result
shows: ltudd, IUVSJ: tstee, 110.2l.1t;
Itudtl's plurality, 1113.
Mass Tkalr -naassary stall
W'ashixutox, Nov. 20. T lis rail,
road cnniinir whit applied for tmopa
durlnar the rrertit strike to protect
their prorty and availed thenisrlve
ot lb troopa, are im.w (Ming bills w 11 h
the war dertmeut for th trmuspor
taliou ot th ddier.
s ataaaj J
v :ir w
-.-. it
II irv
.:i ITr.cmy was Foiled.
f ilUialii? r i "III" s'litement wilt ta
f. ail a i' ;i .,t. ie iu.t i .t : ' I caniMit drwrital
l .'inumUt ivm ariii: i.,fi iliateltrl Is sir
i rm l.aic n ! I, v 1 1, A.I i. rub and laral
I .hm i . r- , e i j i , f rrv air, to fi rnon.a
III i ,:Nli l -J ;--i:i, Itiat liail taWra
II f tin- 1. I I an.HUi'tl I Ha4 S
a.rjiia.' araane-a I 1 r )T ! a aiitl armtrnl H I
ssi, lii'i't.nr1 i a t liiiii roaii. 'ifini
fiv! :- lil i "i. rsjralel-,ii a,. I II
, i , t rMtti alii, h. a.-.-i.r.
oaT to II.- r.i:Mrr . onilit-lin. Ibrra la so
f. i)ii o it I j ' ti'a'ii a raij. n.-r
r i i .1 i r I il. rn.n--a uriol
i a I, it t ii r' 't tl auffrnrf d.ra.
Ii i..i,i : t l-ri-i t- I liaii twrn a.a-t4rlhf
a tr -r i. il a I.A.r a'ralCr. tut ana tu) ar
ii. n j- - ' . I f i an s4it,rtlanat
cf I'r IIi.m' riai.aT.i!u . rrilti. r-ria'urrd a
li(!ai.4 K :o u-i,, I . Minrnnu a U
mar a I .:! a f- u H-l p -1 N-f.wa
rirrjr t in, f liiali ! li4 la-f l nia,
nit l.. r b a I "l Ui (HI ll aiKhtrai
liKlnatlun ol l.s r-.ut. I ppa f--i aa
rl aa I arrr .-,! aa.1 a (alrant W
tHHin la la wr.l1 thiHit-h I liaif run eoa
l., uil""io I.C. lixir niltrra ha aa4 It.
lia' Uratiirall .Nrrnea air Wianan
uatuaa. aa4 it !aa baa? a a. -iiifa. t,aT la il.f
raaa-a ii la aiaa " J Dir. kina. La Rua. tl.
It M Ilea' UraUarall' rraloa taau.a bf ail
itlunaia ta a loa fuuaalra, ami
dirv.1 tr llaa Ir al lo. t khart.
IfKt . oa t-aipl srW. ft p hutia, tt
kii Ur peaa ixaaul ItlaursBwaS
SSMaaaaW t
i aatafMuMa auvsa.
'lie fight over the wJoplioi of
achool Urika for Oregon waxn
warm. Circulating over the Ut
pre the following repreei.Ulivr of
prosaineat jiuWIialiing housea: T.
W.tiiUn, C. U. Uureliard, Vm.
Taeii, of liion & Co., J. l. Will
iam, W.ll. Wheeler, of Maynard,
Merrill & Co., L. Vue, Mr. i'em
bertou.of L. C. Heath & Co., J.
M. l?tradling, Ira T. Kalon, of
Werner & Co., Captain Kdwarda,
of the American liook Co., J. N.
Hunt, of blieldon & Co.
The canvas of the vote of the
atate board of examiners and the
count achool autierintenJenU will
be m.wle on January 1, 18'J5. The
text book aelectod mutt he intro
duced into tho public achool on or
before October 1,1895.
l'ubliahers will Le rtx-uirod to
give aix monlha for exchange and
introduction of hooka, from October
1, MS'JS, to April 1, 18'Jo, and the
adoption will cover a period of aix
year beginning October 1, 1895,
Voting circular! will be iaaued
to the several count achool super
intendent and the members of the
atate board of examiners during
the present month, and answer to
the same muat be made to the
ofllco of theauperiotendent of pub
lio instruction on or before January
1, 18'Jo.
Sealed proposals were submitted
by publisher on November 1.
A womanly woman is often
said to be worth her weight in
gold, and if this be true a woman
who weighs 130 pounds would be
worth but little over 130,000.
A Chicago Tribune reporter has
figured that, in the eyea of the law,
a woman'a cash val-ie is 1117,953.
Another reporter figures that as
men have paid as high as $1000 for
kissing a woman without her per
mission, and 110.000 for encircling
her in his arms, and the average
woman measuring thirty inches
around the waist, would place her
value at about 1333 an inch, and
then according to solid measure,
an attractive daughter of Kve
would be worth about $6,393,(KX).
The real work of the next session
of the Oregon legislature lies in the
direction of undoing previous had
legihLtion than in burdening the
state with debt says the Albany
Herald. The stAte has more laws
now than it can enforce and many
of tho good old laws were much
better than the new-fangled ex
peri men ta from which the people
have of late years been sutlering.
The editor of tho Milton Kagle,
who no doubt is authority, savs
"So far aa we have investigated
the subject, a hicvele drees for
ladiea is a two legged dress, sinii
lar to a pair of pants, only a little
more so. It is rather full about
tho hip NH'kets and a tritle lo.o in
tho region where you strike a match
and the Isittom around the ankles
is tied to keep out the mire. After
an it is quite a ncatallair and no
doubt will soon be exceedingly
popular. .
liy rcKrting that mining is
elevating in Alacka" the governor
of that mighty waste has submitted
a problem to tho men in there
latitudes who know something
about the art ot hnding precious
minerals. Does he mean to imply
that the miners of that country are
prosecting the atmosphere, or was
it his intention to explain that
they break ground in the earth's
bowels and dig upward, in re
versal of the plan of the famous
Hilhernian who began building his
house hy putting on the roof? Per
haps whnt the governor did write
was "excavating," but even that
would have tinctured his statement
with su-ierfluity.
salem statesman: I he princi
pal thing about the present school
book discussion is "the change"
yes, about I J0O.0O0 of the tax pay
era' "change" that the proposed
change purposes changing by the
change from the pockets of the
people to the purse of the book
Jacksonville Timesi The tieopl
are awakening to the inaide history
of the present fight against the
school books now in use. Hercu
lean effort are being made to foikt
upon the people an entirely new
set of book, which necessarily
must cost them many thousand of
dollars, without any benefit accru
ing therefrom. The chairman of
Portland' committee of one hun
dred, which inaugurated tin on
slaught on the American Book
Company, ia said to be the attorney
of one of the rival concerns, which
may account for "the milk in the
cocoanut." The teople do not
want a change al thi unsuspicious
time, and the school superintend
ent who vote of it ta certainly
lerelict to hi duty.
Kllla ky st Trans.
eAX JlMIt Pal .. n 10 tSt-r.!..
Cslvrrta.ui. an old man of 61 rears, in
enmaing the railroad track, had hi
rlirhl leg crushed at the Sou (hem fa
ct tie depot yesterday. II passed be
tween a cutntr and th niain tvart of
me train mat wss switching in ttie
yard, and waa caught by lb latter.
Amputation was pro aaanr, aud it la
very doubtful if Iw will rtJorer, on ac
count of his age.
Villi Haw; Jai riay.
SA FRAMCTSttt. Noe. IB. Ttmma.
SI. Clair, th respited munWar
Mat r itiprrald, of th hark He. per.
Will Unilnulrfaallv l ar. fnj..
I'olted State lii.trlct Attorney Gar
ter has telerranhaai A I lvn.jlui l
Olney that he doe not are any reason
fer further delaying the execution.
Al St. Paul, Minn., October 27,
the supreme court rendered a de
cision ol value to cyclist. A few
monlhgo N. A. Thompson was
driving along a Minnesota road
and met M. W . Hodge on a bicycle.
Thompson' horse saw the bicycle,
ran away, smashed the buggy to
splinters and injured Mr. Thomp
son. The latter brought suit fur
heavy damages, but the supreme
oourt decided la favor of the syo
list. Judge llU' k says in his de
cision: "liicyclea are vehicles used very
extensively for convenience, recre
ation and business, and the riding
of them upon the public highways,
ia the ordinary manner, as is now
done, is neither unlawful nor pro
hibited, and they cannot be banish
ed because they were not ancient
vehicles, and were not used in tne
Garden of Kden by Adam and Evt."
All the Heading collieries started
dd on October 27. on full time to
run until the end of November,
About 10,000 men resumed work.
Albany Democrat: State Super
intendent Mchlroy has been ap
pointed to the chair of English
literature in the State University
an appointment that will add
strength to the institution.
Health Restored
No Strength nor Energy
1 Miserable
ia tbs
y$M Hands
"Berarsl yssrs srn. my Mnnil wss In
bail ctxiiltiiim. my at -inn all run duwn,
and mjr gfiarnl Ii. Iih nrjr niiK-h tnv
EalnaJ. ljf haiitla aire covered Willi
us mm, illaWii'itfliir nil the lima. 1
liad no strength In if i-ia-mr and mjr (ret
tm re n.! mill ' In Ihr ealrriiHi. At
at, I runitnrlK-ed tnkliiit Ayrr' Haraa-
fiarllla ami ao nollifi n i-liange hir Hi
?lter. Mr si'il'e tviiitned and wild
It, reneare.1 alrvnrlli. KnriMimsed ly
the teaulla. I k. i.l mi Inking tlisKsr
Miuthlla, till I h ill n'tl u iHiillrt. and
nijr lienllli arelnre,l." A. A. Towns,
plop, llarrl Ili'Uar, Tliimma, N.Pak.
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff Joints,
Harness & Saddle Sore.?,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ai!m:nts,
All Horse A!I.;.cntJ,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrate Ijrcle..
Membrane and Tij-u?
Quickly to ths Vcn
Scat of Pain an J
Ousts It in a Jirfy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mutnti Unlt't'lt Curttu-r .
Mks rtan ns.t stc i
Thar A All M.a.k!,,..,
1)1 Will IVil Vaw tl. ..
cau women iievfli'n-'l 'V'Ji
HI.II.U. ..... ..""',
"I aim n
duilnir Ilia
tbey Jul ww plaiuiy ,hliWI
nielidut.lis vote cuat laat Tni w
Hi ureal iiialorltlfa a.-.,n..i , "
rlii.lil alll.iu.rl.ul I. "
' " J --'!"
IV outvotrtl lliu aut.
lariners tururti out itrmi,
a. ' .
U-l a
lltr .i
11 "
tli stpulisi rty la orlltv,
rr lu Hi minority.
lit wuiiivii worked umlrr high
ur, but thev were not tuni,,,, J
thla on reault. Afltir Wslta tl
fni(." On the day aftr r ttiion ..
mad a ifinnt.rary oruaiilzatiun uVu
purpos of at-curliiK son,. iltT)1
forms from the nt-it It-uiaUm,!"
thla la ttilaa f,.ll,,.l I... . un,M
eainnaitrn next snrlmr mi -
3iimwnr vJ
rm wmu s n. 1 1
a. It IstaadarWht Wrt.t kooka. W
S. It Is saada t4 tne varr SaaM KK
malaria Si aad to cuantouaai
la trwtj raapart aquel or 1 J
ac ienjt la nrj trl. f j
S. Tke makar. gvaraawe arery CO
ba aad erary tnnr ta f
aatkmia.4 la retara rear 9
rKUaaMtaauatacturr CO
straight Hits fall," si.j ,tli of V
woiiuii. "ImL imil ....I "
show you how women in
The atiual suflHire 1. 1
liiK a thorough trial lu Una ?
women hsvs shown whstilieytJr
In caiBlga work; now ti,V,7
prov their worth a legislators sod -
H.wlw.liliai In II... ..I . . .
nnuiiii llireira.
it"" uw utiu aviev'teu 10 vii Iaii
l.iaiaf )mn..h I. -
v.mi.vm v. uw iti(is,aiurr tu
Mrs. Augnnelt M. IVavey Uu'CLt
elected superlnteudent of iiublleT
""i"i "uai Mier SllSil kin
Mr. IVavey brings lo lier wortt
vast fund ofiwrieia In busina,at
fair, hlie wss lefl a widow Uuritictk,
war, her huslmntl dying on a N,uiL,n
Utile Held, and li hud lo tupur
herself and daughter by her o
ertlon. bhe taught st Ii ol rn 0u
jrnia lu IH-OIISIII ClllfS, L.t,
inucipai hi several canes, aud id,,
that experlenee she embarked In rv
ier work, hli was rl oa urr tt
inajvauiiie Aiirnnir, selling
lervt later to assume entire itiutruli
th Hhawhan County Journal,
he managed with coii,,ruLI IM.
era. Mrs. IVavey rame to tolorsoi
about 10 year ago. liuring lift,
Jouru In this city she has leeu Mnh
lletl with charitable and briievuai,
work, and lu the txecutiv work n.
In. proven to lie caiuble and full i
laeu mi naa a strong lilltt n,g ajuut,
the women.
When the republican state cuimc
tloo aaw tlmt a woman Ukui tlie tiikc
was eaaeutlul to it slreiitli, Jin
IVavey, because or lier work in ornu
ii 1 1 . . .
iiiiK women reiuoiuaii t'lulit, mu
Uliauilliously chosen fur the iat
Is not uullkely tlmt Mrs. IVsvry si,
an .1... ...i ...1.1. i .
tin toe on ici w itu aoiiitjr sun uui
Mrs. L'lura C'reasiiiKliaiu, of tLUritt
w ho goes to the legislsture, Is s diuti
ter of a prominent eitixen of llrnlijo,
N. Y. Mie w as etlutitted in tlirputilk'
schools, wheie she early aliuatd il
aptitude for music and jiulilic l
lug. A pnilessloual lire was um'ri
out tor ner, uui reverses III Iter fallwr
bUHiuess prevented the ciniipleliiiu ,
such plans, llei hualiuiid sua oua
inllitl to remove to ('olnnulo furtt
belletll of his health, ami snity tier a
rival here alie has U-eii Itlriitilitd sr
public school work mi fur as the srlr
l It n of a capable btmrd of tiliu-atlno .
coutvrnrd. r nr some yesrs a entail L
controlled the publlo sclusils Ini.J
district w here she lives, ami she lm:
etl a light Uhiii il. During tlie ai.
palgn Mrs. 1'rvaHiiiglisiii msilea(tii'
able Impression upon tlie stutuj. by U
ability as a pubno ss-nker. Mi i
linwl attractive lu apiieiirnnce.
Mrs. Frann- lvliK-k is u. nallv J
North Ite, Mas., where she lived tn
til tlie age of 15, when her parruM
moved to roil, VI is. H
futher wss a tarmt-r, w ho ut tlien w
break ol the war joined the vnlunlma
and fell Is'fnre Vlckaburg. Her ot
brut her died In tlie service (hnf
sickness, and her hualmiid, wlioni i.
married lust at tlie Is Kiniiiiikt of t:
war, rime fiom the ranks to s lai'i
cy, retiring at the close of the ssrtr
ken In health, ou account of winch I,
removed lo Ltilontdti.
Mrs. KlK-k worked with tlieui:!'.
ry comiiiisaiou during the war.
hits been identified Willi the WnliHi
Itelief 1'orim as adjunct of the 0. M
li., which connection was Hi bu1
reaiMiii for her iioniliinlionasligiilt:
candidate from this city.
Mrs. 1 arris C. Holly, of ruewo.
the third woman re,rccntHiiv,
Is from New York City, aud liaitt
rfsltlelil of I olnrado but a few jnx
bhelia a liberal educat inn, a tan. ;
of several duughters, ami Isaaiil tout
chariuing woman.
J. AJ 1
TwrolMC aal nf
Cottaur Uhuvk, Nov. 17.- J. E
McUee Is ill from the Itoheiulsnilx
thi inornlug and reisirts Hist t-
Aiiule mine is In full niertion i
and night, taking out aUul H"J f
day; also thai the other liiiurs
ruuulng in full force. No mil
clletiieut prevail aud a gt tiersl I"
Ing or rejoicing is ri ii over in rr.
pect of reluming gtsMl limes. j
11.14 .st m t aarg ml Hlg r-
llii.ijtnoKO. Or., Noveiuls-r 19.-
. Meatl. who waa examined W
Justice Ueisler 111 I'ortland a (e '
ago, and acquitted on a clisrire 01 r
beizleinent, waa examined Mitur'
ou a cliarve of bliraui v, la-fore Jui.t
Cornelius, and wss held to svtslt
action of the grand Jury under 1.
bonds, which at present writiui -
ha failed to furnlsli. '
Cat Wave la JllaaM.n.
HT. 1'AI U Nov. la.-Zrn wrt!'
prevail thmughout the North'
The lowest reoordeit lementtiin aun ,
th nig lit here was 2 l-?low. I n MsniJ';
was 10 below, Slid in immicru -
nesotallwa lo 10 be In,
1. vim. aava a ciilil WSVf '
f aarl 1st n.
f 'oKVAi.Lia. Or
tornml intiiHitirl a verdict of no' f"
l lo Mr, li A. IMliniiiii, en.',
itli laiceiiy wiih her son V
.Saunders. This acquits a
I.. .
lo lu ueioa. j
says a cold
fSl.S l.ualf. Ii
., NV. Ii -Tb'JJ
brltle. fin years old, w ho
state's iirlncliial wniie
mouth, and she aud her
t-au now return to their fan". Brtjj
ml their iiinievi"--j
ird Ibis trisl It I s"1"!
ing for newly n.srr-i
raaa Oatras'- i I
i.K. Ky . No.
Molinw to spend their l.t tn-.M" ' 1
one who In aril tins trisi n -
quit r proceedli
Ato Ol
'altoil and (leorire tonarii. ' tal a brUtal S-.i''t "
laublitMiii. a white w. '-;
ears old, wife of a ltcii
of flay txiunly, jeatenlay. ''
. ..... ...I., . Ifl llil idir
iref lllf.1 'ii...'iw
1..I.I..-..1. anil ill IllStldi'd ai r
a 1,1.1. ai.a ! do.
was overpowered ami fesrful
Th lienrta-a es sU s r""''p'
llarUiorvllle, wlit re tnr y -I..I
night bv a . of ;
marshala. the cltu.n. sre yrj
tiigiiaut, and thisU-n to
CI nasi Bam Or.
'l'lirli '
Tat Sris
t?. sa V..e.
"""'i if ; ' . . ,,tr st
and Anton. a Adeg-. I r' tl ,r;. tr
i Una I
V.iihtam rlnlilt '' '
I ril.V uriT. ' - - - r,
tol shirts were flre.1 In ti e
midnight, and bel rre tl.i jf
tiiuus her.