EUGENE CITY GUARD. trmprUtmr. EUOENE CITY. OREGON. LEAR't .i , C"l-'.MAKIfQ, Apprentlres Inllila I I.I.I ml l.laaar l W list mm lt..a.l la 1 revel. For way that nn il.irk nl tricks th re in In tain th iln asmakrr U very p cuiur. In prot tint truth nf Misstate ment on has only ti gain tb confidence) of It little aprrtiilcgirl that work for on Ihrm ami to Iri her talk. WblU aoiiis of Ibr girls undoubtedly And kind ami rnldcri employer, tba l majority of tliriu liar a very rocky listd to travel. Tin young girl at nr-t luff an apprentlc rwrlvra mi salary r pay nf any kind ami baa to btstnl ami l.slge al home. On ar riving al Ilia nut or bona of ber em ilnjrrr III th morning brr first duty la usually the l.iniM work, washing the dishes, dusting, tic. Tli sweeping aha baa dune the ulglt before. Then alia rune, or, to be morn accurate, walka, oil all th errands, twr) ing iln-ss.-a home toruslnmrra, buying the gns-cri.-s ami oilier prov lalons. Many dressmaker krp several girl doing uoth- , Ing hut what U in buli-nlly known as "sain- I pling." A clrl will start out In the morning and make the round of all the prinrliinl stores. asking fur samples i,f nearly everything LIFE ANO DEATH. Thai's fur tii balaf Why, UMAltmr't ra, -Twin patch of ihoaa sasss atlas That lssmas.1 oa bin In parailU. WhaT forth child? With far to akin. To last lha hooaiauckWa' Up Tba tHilurfljr'acoioaulaaaiilB. What's fnr lha boy Tla l.anntsd wold Tba Minimi's nest la Uafr bold, Tba rainbow's faulsaj put of gold. What's fnr lha onil,f To .Irawia of fama. In shifting sand la writ 1.1 nam, Wit alalia to faa a passion's Oaiua. What's for tba man? ours to bsar Tba ksvl of Mi ami nf rara. And ihimi Iru lirart Ita wslajhl to share. Awl what fnr meet I'slna prlaon bar, rnmfnrt that vrjr Irin man, Uimnrm ami rar-d I he a th it and -4iurg ilortoa In Harper' Weakly. KUaMIJEU THREE. rfl...4 MM . . . T t - I . p""" " i't . vi i ' riiriwn, w no waa dirtouiing una of bla auul'a l-i-l hnmUit with bis 6xmd, a always, upon l-. (ilata. "Iton't Iri tt eat," oontlnne tba wall la lomiNl roung duui, "but thrrs'i No. I!" Vol" "Voti don't aay!" "Comar wrra lb Inrmlulixia ajaoulatlon of lifting wall's aaxiciatea. TlirT bad Dot UlleraJ bim rapabla of aucb rapid manaurarmg. "Karl, tbootfh. That fvJlow baa an ad drraa book cnmpllnd by bis aunt, and tbi Klrl waa tblrd Inlballo. hba Isn't as strong a Na I, nor a wrll luratl aa No. J, but aba Is prrtt jr. and ah baa 7,(M) or (N.uuo In brrown litfbL" Tlila array of facta waa rrsjwrtfully lis tmed to by all xcrt Dan Jm k.ii, bo reached acomfully mt:nmm tba labia fur soma wprt pirkrls. Dun wsa IS aat ba.1 a dua onntpinpt for malrlmoninl gfiaalp. j Tbasprakrr looked amunil tba clrcla trl nmpbautly brfor milling bl remaining bit of information. "He's waiting her an- 1 swer now aim sua a a Jlartwrll young My." Tbrr waa chnnis of quirk gnnwra and offer to bet no stake on naming her In threacbancra, hut tba well Infurineil rnutb roM and sbovnl bis chair nmler lb table. "No," ba said uprightly. "I've gun too far now. You dou't get her name out of Die." Aa matter of fact, though all b had aid waa true Munich, he did not know her nam himself. The other crowded aftr blmontof the room with even mora than the usual hilarity, luavlng young Jaakaon aJunaat the Uhle. Dsn poumt himself a final glaaa of milk. Thcatipprra at Mr. Jarkann'i bnardlna' hotiaawer generally eonnlileml ber moxt aeceasfulrrrnrtoftbeilay. Tbrr waa an nndrnlnble anmeneaa aluMit tb tveakfasts. j and tba theoli.ral atmlenta who boarileil tbr were lurlinrd to awallow tbelr coffe i rnoroaely and hurry to the seminary. Tb dinner liiluht well bar hern worse than llmt Is insight- Imi-a, dm-M kK Ji-U and tbey were. thiMiuh meat waa alwar ixme walling bis aunt's enl ram. He ralnml tb trimiiiltig of every ili- ri.icn. TIm-mi.Ii and high In llartwrll, and It waa Impuaal- "ilk to bis lip and then set it down again taki stn Iter employer, with l hit price at- bl to keep a Ibeolugu very plump al tl.M wllb troull rxpreaalim on bis freckled, taihid loea li ami the name of lb slor week, lint by tea tlm Mrs, Jack un !"mrly '"- II waa trying to put two In whh b she gt eai li sample. Waa wont to repent of all ber small amno- thing together. Hiewi the ilnmiiki r suhmlta lo ber m lea, and being ainater band at bash It bail hern bis turn on the prerlou Sun- ru.toiiii-m, whoM-lect bat they want and and erortieltea and hot pastry ah galnwl TW'I"B to tak tea with hi Kunday give ber th money to pay for It, or else for ber aupprra a reputation that spread r,"' teacher, Misa Arluiali Millicent. hh they go personally to the store and order lb rough the seminary. ' ba Ur" him gorsl thing to rat and hail the K"l sent to them In rara of their I Tben, too, her theolognea at thacloaaof Iwn very etilrtaiiiliig-b was I lie only urriiiarr. i he nig su.rea alluw all Ibe day wrr nsually In a cheerful mood "lr "unuay acnooi teacher In ilartwell, aa drrMmakrr a ilitmunt or rommlMloa and reaily to be pleased with trifles, culinary "' lnT ailmltlxl but when ba bail ranging fnun 0 lo 10 per cent on all bills. and otherwise. They sareil their beat lokea. P"'l"ed going home, anon after tea, under The iln-wunnUr v.ith a numlirr of cue- culled from th funny corner of tberr-llglou tomer thus ahl very nuiterlitlly to ber paper, for tbi evening meal Hera they income by what apicara to bi r iatrona to mimicked tba professors and delivered bean act nfaccoiiimoibiliiin. thrmsrlre oracularly cnncernliM politic Thiisilis' th milk r i ii(l from tbecooisv and aclenc. Must of them wer second and n,lt- tbinl year men and could chaff on another On apprrntli girl employed by an al- upon preaching eipr1rnrca, theatre of con- mie.tuiikni.wn but Mriik'gling dressmaker fregnt.ii and th probability of calls. Iix-ntcil iiiimi-of tliesmallaiilestrn-t where When all other topic failed, thee waa one two day, she waiitad to cry, fur l.e liml nrtrr l.vel an) body that Is, any r . i' i V t i v i t . -.f she waa th merest kii -1.1..1 ogiuawsii) waa now lucapalila of tba emotion that other people aremrd to feel Tb happiness of It might b meant for other people. Hh bad always bad quiet, virginal happiness of h'-rown. And still she waa In aura. l'n imp lov had to grow like other beautiful things, and Very likely rrsiiert waa the proper sol I for It. hb certainly reaperteil .Mortimer U. lief flngwell very nun li Imli-rd. IJk herself, be bail lieen early conserrateil to the for eign field, and b waa now ripening lo I give up a great ileal that waa templing to biin In order lo go to henrgitmbia. Thus f.trea rallttl to him day and night, be bail aaid, and ba bad adiied, with closed errs, that lis was sure she, ton, would obey I the call. And there were but two day for h. r anwrr. Oh, the t line was so short I Ami It hnd al reaily rtplmll i Three was a sharp, tinrompmmislng ring at l)enrmn Millliviit'a front door. Mi' I Ai hsah Pe unstrailily. On hand was pressed to bir side; th other full to lb table ami rested on lha map of .Scnegamliia, rib glanced downward at It Involunta rily, and a sens of her duly flashed upon ber. The pn.viileii 11 way waa mvlu straight. Wi would accept Mr. lulling- well's orTer. riluwly sh movnl Into the front ball; she did not wlh to os-n th disw too srxili; it seeineil srHrrely Molest f hberaiiglit ber breath again. It waa Immoli-st to admit a man to th gen tle, prim seclusion of her heart when she Dior than half suspected lhat sh did not lov bim. Her answer should Inv "Not" And yet sh hesitated. Tl. Ml rung again. almost angrily. "Ves" nr "XoP" In an agony of j ''llomst TiiJuii liop to die," fflrmr-l Daniflootiillv. "11i:.iieo1.igurai.cil.tii ;li log almul il al sn;i'-r t'MiUht." MlsaAchsah did In lift her right baud from tba boy's shouliler, but with lb left sh reached around to the tibl la-blud ber and noiselessly closed l j map of rVnegaut- bla. "Dm, "she with ton of mat-' teri f fart bospiiulity lint relu-vml him, "I don't brlirv you lisio I ) ...i j ist yet. Let's go out in the kitchen and mak sum molasses canity, and If any on calls you can com In and say that I'm enf,-.ged." They made candy with gpnt gliw and In an umlislurlsM serlusion until tbesvailrmy n-gulatlon forced Dun to take bis depar ture at II vat rrfliiiile Is-fura in. It waa(iiit too lute ber toexpert any other callrs Just as be waa going out of the d.sir Mis Achuth, to bUutt. r amiui'ineiil. In-lit Im pulsivrly and kisseil th boy's forehra.1. s Mr. Mortimer 0. l-i-f!lii,'wrll awok th next nioniing wlih a sort of half regret. lie boil luleml'-d to call upon Miss Mil-; licciit the previous evening, linhiil, very NETTIXfi Win SALMOX. AN EXCITINQ DAY'S WORK ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER. Haw the I'lss Colored t'lshe af tb ertfc. west toast Ar Captured For Market. Uvely Mark W bile the Tide Lasts astsa et A a ay After All. A STRANGE Wahmsq. aad Kiclllng lUperWs. n -In my youth w. net.., , thing you call mental 1. 1, .,,,. '.'! u, phy aud th llko. but eve,. ... ' r' 11 tagtilar eourag ""J lUa phy aud th llko, but everr n, ucr llATft( At IIOVT rhluk il .il . . ' had no name t,,glr, t. phn,;,,,,,',.'." Ilk most young girl,, ,k, ; ''", all that waa thought of It at all. v. hi.7,, ;;','' "V 1 aniii i nail tell you of," a . '" urn the rn. r. t " '"". , : inn x...,, , sll III nil .1.1. .1.. , "I l .... . ' "t in ri.ii.i.i, " -I. e'.t'.rriiiK in I'l, ,,l. I. , . conlliiir Ui Tim 'In..... ....... ''"'a. at- " ----- ...III . V Tb vessel was the ordinary trim fUhlnf Imat, and tl.rre ieople and an Immrns net tiled It pntty well. In short tlm w real lied the place where th net waa to I thrown out. The flb ruu with the lidr, so " ,M n 1 w" I N, y rk Ih men must work wheu tbe tide la right, i ,h J"''1 ,J u'1' " '"I - "-n i.t. I ,,','.? be It day or night, aud v. could sc boat :,'.!',,,. . ""- f the ,iu; Sll aniutid us, sm just getting the nets sut, ollum pulling them up and killing th C-ll cililklil iu the mrshi-a, while still other acre i niiilug swiftly nut from the island to Is-vin work. As cm li man Is paid for ths (Mi he cut. lies, there Is no law alxitil turn- : i ... i - i. ... ... r. i i ... air sun-r, ouv us,.,-. , p,. -a , ml r(M.n ,Ur,, WOPnrrer J,, up a o- ... ... an . ".- u iimsnig ,,r- rhlKH A nri ,,, wi, ,,o0 the ground noli the li-sa sigiiillcnntly ii.u the aeo oml piiii.t In bla suiteiii. nt of fuith. It ha.1 llitereeteal him ruivediugly, but be was able pnti-d In limny of tin. gntnl.., , ( ,, .iiirni. s nr .... . lion. I dlsn.lstl nivs. lf ..f . ." .r"c ..... . "- i.h mh-- .... iiuwii tu ,ru.. Is-loro n tlrlnif. My s.-at n. of n birg!. glu.s ulaiv.. ir ,r was then called a luirnui,' on w plinfd tho Jewelry 1 )IM ,.r j soma very vniuiiiilii illaniouil Ctrl,. " h.ilr in frmt ' ' t. ! ' h I l,,vt " 'Ullll.j to say wbcu be laid it down that II bail not shaken single cluusruf bis o u system of thoiiitht. i The evening hail Isren therefor well tent, though in hi concentration UKin the article be bad forgotten Misa Milti.vnt , at t lie turn of the tide to make sure of get ting the veiy plai lis considers ths liest IMnng gioiiiul, white an Idler will bs half i,,w t tnw .vnlvlm ii ir . ----- .in rui pi y air ino iigum of the tide in getting out and at bla work. It tells in the day's catch if a man is early or ;-itc. i n r Ih at a as neither among tbe first nor tho I .-t. W e still boil a fair choice of ground, and iu few minutes the fisherman ...... i. . .. . ..,;. ., . , , . , . . . ... .-.. I . lie U.T IIIV SI.IO I1U I II until tt was too late to think of rul tig . , i . . ,, ... . i . .1.-' .. ii . i : '"n'liuin was rowing tip tide ton low of tb uiKitihi r. II would go after (I nner today . . ? . i. . i ii... i i i . .. 7 tut Is nig pniul out as fio.1 as pisthbe. : . r ' ti, m. v.r nf.t ui ntnnji M-, iiitr iminiv iiiif turn IV "As I piled the brush i.iv. v. . t .,.,,-,, f. ll on litis mirror, wl.1. h 'n l!.. t.'j ,,r , nsint Is hind mo, and n I ,,,, ,,., npl -.r. f'.jtm.ta a Ulan 11 W..II .I.U..I ...... . , "" U " "" ' " " ") ""my, unit w mf. a f.uhluii hiiiidsome, I, til il.,iihli ,.,p his cy.-a gilt t. nil feverishly. 'i; 'r nearer and nearer In mi. uncertainty the girl tis.k tbe gambler's rente ar brought bom after on day 'a shopping lour recently no lea IhanU saiuplcanf valuable bv-e, and all from on store. These cost ber nothing, but must have ctstt tbe stor a considerable sum. iKs-a the linn Ins It. or do the purchasers which bad for them a perennial fascination. Whether they approached It coyly or with practiced nonchalance there wa not a man out of dmcn wbn did not feel that his fit tur profession and bis (Mist eiirleiira war ranted bim In mentioning woman with lb th supiiosjtioti that it waa proper to men tion going and then yield lo ieruaaiona to remain, alia tml not him to star, and b bad been force.1 to come away Iu some cnagnn. At the gate be boil met this lcf flngwell going In. lie thought nothing of It at th tlm. Ihenlogue wer always calling at Deacon Millicvnt'a. Hut what lis bail Just beard startle. I bim. riuppose A f. flngwell wer really going lo marry Mis Artisan I Hy (ieorgr, ba, Dan Jackson, wouldn't al low HI hh waa too gil for hi in a mil lion llmea loo gisal. th waa the prettiest girl In Hart well. If she waa getting a little pay enough uinr for their pun hosra to Uil-1 assuranr of one who knew wheraof h. Old, and tb nicest girl anrwhcni. Hhs mthacrountr I souk , ought to marry a big lawyer, or a hotel Is it not far more likely that the meaner I Msietmm.. ... r... i..i. ' keewr, or th president of a railroad. To pittance out to the sales and cash- and tin.l.len.Mile.l i. l- i . . think of ber marrying missionary who .......... .,.. ,., aoian.w niaae gissi upon at Idle momenta aa one of th possi Krv " wu" "r " " I"'" I I.S ll I fT tktu.f I 1 , . m a, . I lllll sLa s.,,i,t 1 ..lull... I Jl St - nilllleaor aillstant rut lira. Very far from ' .unigweii ner It, Within two or three years al most they nwer that very miiiute. Dan gulped off alleiprrtetl to l married aa a matter of eours. Their widest usefulness in their chosen calling, for Instance, depended largely upon lb abnegation of the single Stat. Some of them hail lasrn engaged to b married fiar year and years. There wer faithful schoolteacher and farmers' daughters iutieully waiting until their lovers should Mulsh th college and semi nary coursa, it bapsueil, however, that moat nf Mrs. Jackson's boarder, though r lir.l. I (i i. M .1 Mrf.l.... a. al..... ben the iippn-ntirt' girl boa luusml safe v I ..In... ........ li.i.. ..m . . . . - - - , - , - ...... uiitii iocs...- through this. -mbn.wio stage In tbe Ufa of vlctlon as to the enact person whom IWI one of the future dictator, of Ih faslilotia, delios n.lghl Indicate aa their life coinpan- ami ,-ry few of tlx in comparatively bat e Ion. and this slight air of uncertainly aa to the patience to do so. she hccoiin- an lin- partlciilara mingled curiously with thru; pniver. Iloraagt-sarenowanrwlirrefroiii I ll IkakTtssitl I atstafsat at tire aaaa at lumt s. I to 1 urii, mill hUo mil luivr rnjoy the vrmi wlUfuctlimof It our ll.o Dw lrl a' ot,Mt.r W(III(I hjlv. . B smused than lrrltale.1 by It all, but thee was only one imiitbcologiral lawrdor at th table nephew of Mrs. Jackson, who did cltorea for bis lasted aud attended Ih acade my, and who was not old enough to sink bis irritation Iu bis miiaenirnl. Dan Jack the illlTcn nrrf The apprentice girl who bos workul with drcMiiiukrr for six month Is considered fiirriiougli ailvanml to Isj Intrusted with the iiiint ruiliin. niary sirtion of lha mya Icri.s of constniitliig adicsa. hlie I al- t overhand the scrims, to Imste on I th hniidaud other simple Ihiiig. Korlhls he villi l, HHvsibly, by I he princely or prinressly salary of f I a week. And from thlaailisliictiou I made for all boliilaya. I he ilr.-M.inak.-r dis s not rensg nice li'unl hul iila) a. hhe count them aa data almciil. the foot v. bo baa takeu tbe vacant plao oi ma IMii.i. r. The hours of labor demandtil of tb Im prover ar fniuiN o'clock in the morning until noYI.s k at nighu Hut with lb a-pn-ut ice girl tin y iiru iail.U. of gnut i-las-lli ity. When the liuprotcraare ready logo home, the appren.i.i. I. ,.r..parinU to.l.-ll.r 7. .. ' 7 . lb. vtork that hits Im, co, -7e.l durina " '- '" -I a , ' " '"'" I all MIKltlllB l 1 IltS l.mai t.x I. a..-. I al.- ..1.1 . ;ithii,.,, .....v i..f..r: . :"rz r" ."" irtweii. ' - whw w I ft, . ..... a I. lotro tal ner own iiumn. A certain girl, wbiim the writer know, had lo ha at her employer a lu.usa cacti nioniing a half hour in advance of I hoot her t-'irl Iu order that ehrciiuld buv Ihuttln d.nt v.ush.i In foru the hour of regular business. -.4.w York Herald. Measuring III Mountains lha Moss, Ily ineons nfag.sal trlesroe a very dis till, t view of the ilium's nil Ime inn) ! i,U talneil. With agtasa having a power of l,in diiiiuct. ra tie. are brought within 9 niileanf tint "ile orb of liighl" Is, ),) illanieter of liuiviilllca lliesur face of our sl.ler v.oil.1 until ll ilmt not apprnrto la. over Z'.t inll.-s away. With Ih hiuh.-sl (Miner j.-t brought to .H-ur, nun ever, no iracc of Inhabitants of any sort has as jet lai n discovered, tboiiub did such a thing nsa hiri,.. town ut it cmhl U easily with such a giasl view of the lunar surface as lhat by employ aud the elm tree Inula lo redden, and Ilia tbnilogue lo prep'tro fur their final exam inations, Dan Jackson's weariness prrocp tibly InrreaMil. Three of the graduate were to Iw married In a nioiilb, ami eoc'i day they bail lo face ronceulnl Iwllery of commciil ami Intcrrogatioii and coiijrctur from their fellow lawnlcr. Thru, list, there was Is-ningwell's case, la-llliigwell waa Ih lawl all around man In lha senior class a stubby, old faced fellow from the f ir west, with a preteruat u rally skull, on lop, and with high cheek bones. His hair waa tbin, ami his big rara moved slightly aa ba at. Whenever he slated a proimaillon or Indulged iu reutrt.w he cl.s.i bla eyes Iu order locoiiceutral bl fiu-ulliea iism the tiucsllon In haii.L He was by rights to lbs llerlitl fell. m ship fur the next two )ears, but III pursuance of a long cher ished wish ttaa alsmt to sail as a mission ary to rH-urgnmbia. He hod refused Iwo chair of philosophy Its western Institutions and was apulurly rt-pulcd at the seminary a pliiliMuphi.-al aysteni of lug a glass sui ll s lhat Kveii to the luikul ce the liusni presa-nt I to bav dev isas me appearance oi Having raguiil and tin rvrn siula.e, ami it Is mull.-, t.ia.ld that the tcl.-moiie ronllrnm this As tronomers tell us that on many utrtaof the be boat lb rieiirgaiiihiuu tongue bis milk fiercely. Titer waa no tlm to lisaa. rloinetblug bail to Iw dun about It, and there waa apimreiitly no one but bim elf who would or could do anything. Kiht miuut b gauil dmpairingly alsmt the room; then be looked suildciily at bla cuffs and fell of bis necktie. Mrs. Jackson icame In. "Duu i," aaid she, "don't you think you better Is; a clearing off those illshcsf" Dan tttmm witbdlgnity. "I aiiiKse you'll bav to excuse m tonight, auntie. 1'v I got to mak a call right away." "Why, DanT, where on earth ar you ' going to make a call V i "t)ii my Sunilsy ach.s.l teacher." sni.l Dan virtuously, ami Mr. Jocks.ui men, for the sec. mil time lhat day, I that after all waa aaid alsmt his breaking diahea DauT heart waa In the right place ii) how. In a quarter of an hour th la.y hail ar rayed himself In hi summer suit, doumil a red necktie ami high collar and had pain fully written "D. Jackson" in vio let ink iiN.n a lavcl edged canL Then be stillly down tb long street towanl llem-oli Milliceiit's, bl laiyiah heart still full of stern suspicion and righteous wrath. Misa Acbsiih MlUiii-nt sat under lb hanging lamp hi Ih sitting room ga.lug al.stnu t.illy at a map of Sciiogamhia. Mi bad on her Is-st caahiiirr-it was two years old, to I lire, but she had put iu full sleevca that spring and bad vel vet curTs. lVrbast it would last until well, until she bail several new gowns at once; then she ttotnlered If they wore leg of mutton sleeve iu .Sciiegambio, and then she knew sh wua blushing, and she glanced timidly around the liuinaculuto room, hhe w is alone in the 1101110. The dea con was attending a coiifereiu-e meeting In an adjoining town. Her mother had been dead fur many years, thitb mother ami father hud early consecrated their daughter to the service of the l.or.1 In a foreign Held, If the way should 1st provident inlly opened. Tbe deacon bad told ala.ut It in prayer meeting so often that it was a standing ke In heart lx-at faster whenever her father ros lo sH-ak, through f.-ur lhat be might forg.-l bis promise and tell the clinnU auuln alsmt that early Vow, for thus fiu there bad never Isi-n providciilially opened way lo its fulfillment. Achauh Millicent bad known liianv theo .lcat aludelita who v lull 1I0 isf I ho moon v.-rr l.h-l. I be would nulilish bis svsieni In imiuiilaiti exist, also that the elevation of guage ill au abridged form, thereby at one the ci.ks has h.111 deieruiimil l.y m.-ns allaying the iialiv phibsxipbio doubt of tiring and carefully iilna-n lug Ibe shallows th Hciicgainbiaiia and putting them In they cast when tbe sun shluea olillijtlely touch with the ln.s.1 recent occidental Uin tbeiiL thought. ThelHtant boil accepted ' cry accurate maiwof ihcimatti'esiirfar) him provisionally. His statement of f.ii: Ii bav lately lai n drawn, somsof llirmiiain waaoiHisldrrvd t be iiustt masterly d.s'tiim ul a Very large scale, tin some of these maps euniaisrd by a Hart well man for 10 years the I. a atiun of the ililli r. nl (Hvtkala rhai It trausiiareiitly simple III outllii and Scrln- s.1 forth, ami the height of ra, b In f.vt Is tural in term I mil. vy, l.ul inwardly packed I Ii".-.. j,,.v inraaiiiea Willi tit mountains I lull or 1-elIlligv.cll s Irrt-rragable system on th earth. of llietnoiiutaliisoii lha I that anr allcmnt lo nick flstrs In Ita... bis own completely rtwiicilmg tb claim , ' ' 1 siu.ienis who exsvt.i to lie luls of religion and of science. ' anrtmrl.n, and some of Ihrm bad lt-ii very It warnm iitly believed that a a.s.n as 'w "I ners, mil none or them ho.1 ter aaaeo ner 10 marry nun. .orlial any ims.n are I1am.1l fr uin.iw. niers. New tou's peak shutting up aa bright, shining r.s k I'l.tM fc,-l Iu height. ht, limn Kcpuhlin. VglcaJlyaa ilang.-r.Hia as to uie.1.11 with dynauiita. No serious crilli iam bail even been offered iiaui It, and there wa but on obstacle lo laefllugwc ll's Imnieillate IB barkmeiit for b 1 lie 1. 1 He was a bachelor. The Anllqulty of Ih Cat. I and lb board preferred lhat ita rrtimaeiiL. Tt seems hard to Is-ln-ve lhat iliirinii all " lu bcuegambia should be a Uiamnl in long age win, u imsMil la-tween the Bian. lUntiof ritiliulmii and the Christian era Ih Human and (..reeks should hat elwa-u 1,-noraiil t.f theniimt familiar pet of our lunice the common cat. Vet no foci seems more rl.arly thou thla. Ilal.n. In his "Wanderings of I'lanta and Aiiimuls." Insl.te.1 iiimio it. and It lia.sin.-e Itungwell's plight waa thoroughly ap preciated by hi fellow students, and lb re times a day Ii waa obliged to run th gantlet of their suggestions ami adinotd lloua, Open raillery was v en 1 11 ml upon but seldom, for l-a-rtlngsrell's deliberat way M Closing nts eye ami lug th ad. ons rise. 1 or 10 tears she had been al.l. re.1 the "nlits4 girl" Iu llartwrll, and niimtK-rlesa young men ho.1 ailmlreil her, both afar ami In tolerable proximity, but no man bad ever told her thai be loved her no man, thai Is, except Morti r IS. U-f- flugwcll, who bail 11s.ul that rxpmwion on tho iireviou Sunday evening and hod a-ke-l her to accompany bun to St-n.s g.tiulila, Sh b.-vl ri, two day for consid eration, and thla wua the a.von.1 day. 1 1 had Is-eu a strange experience, not at all Ilk hat she bail at timea Imagined It would Imi if ll ever came to brr. He bad not gone down on one knee, nor waa Iber any lov light Iu hla ryes, H had sat quits tran quilly with hi knees crossed and on of bl feet dangling deliberately. Hla ryes wer) cl.ssil iu h fonnulatrd bis pntpost-tl-ai. .Visa Mtllicrnl waa consdnn of vagu disapiHituimeiil here, and yet ah wa n.-t sure but Mr. larfllngwell would have ha.ked ridiculous If be had chosen any ot brr war. lain by the united cllorta of Nual epllbet ftsr retort waa dlscousertliig sctiuiar i x.M.lonl.ts. W know now mat our dumiKtio favorite- w lib Ita win ning, coy way, uneasy a h. ti n-movnl from man's society, and jet never oomplrtrly Inistmg It, with its intsierious old World air-wsa unknown lo the chief nations of antl'tuity till after the t hristian era. lias Hi patient and nation of th Nile vall. y who built the Hall of Col umn at Karnsk. and Mho reaml such Colossal statue as that of I tallies II si Memphis, hot lo a,Kk of the ptraiuids, thai lint lam.d threat. Hereditary an(l Sthyaa il.i-pos which retains la-twea t II. feline raceai.d luaiikiiid iha n,4 ilia out In a generation. Countless tears ami many dyti.wti.w must hate wtssej ere tl il.l.wt nieiiil-rs of ci.atlon becam th nuavl faithful Mrt.oila if tll.L la I'gypt w know H at ,-,is were n-gardi a lib Veneration and 1 u,Ulm.i and butiesl j siU-r tbrir deal U.- 1 Arauleuij. 1 ar la rIL Mlklns-y our fri.-nd Scril.l.ier mm ins to ! b always short is fund If bla Ua.ka d.'t sell, why d.m't you try bun at om.w i w.rk when you n.til a new niauf Ibasiuer No use, A man mho can't sue red aa novelist hasn't linagtuati.A lo his adversaries, borne of their choicest witticisms, thereforw, Wer reamed until fWrIrnugweirdrartur frouitbctal.l. ' Ouvrutiig late In April bwa so uiani- ' fsstly alasork-U and III leuis-red lhat two Of lilS thatoliuniM Sllik.l .1 aM.-k 1. . L. I lfl the room "lA-fllngweH's ratbrrdown 00 bl lutk. Isn't be?" remarked one. "Looks lik ll Cau l say that I blame bim, though -Iwo refusals Iu ibrr weeks niust ruftt even a pbll.aopher, rhf How Is that, T.juiii) " "Speak for yourself, man. I diia't know tb sriisstlua" Aud lb y.oitb glauosd blandly al an engagement ring tba b has) Worn for six Vrara, "How do you know he baa bad th tu it ten twicef" put in another. "Never mind that - ll a straight Iv seen both their phol.vrapb. t 111 of them Lrcfrrrrd Jaan and. tb other didn't fancy tm because he proasrd by letter." "ticaal ber," asud th man with th ring. "He deserve lo ls blue." "Hut that Isn't the reason why he's bin now. T.siiimy." rrie.1 the caiser delightedly. ' ls.k here, yon fellow vtno't aay aaf- luuigr- 1 brr wee Ixil r.s.1 or Bt buard- A It waa, b had not been ridiculous al all, though perhaiat llttla prusal& Sb uaiiecte.1, however, that be waa rather mailer of fact person, though sh kuw b was very bright aud that lb professors Considered bim an ornament to tb semi nary, tie would undoubtedly make a good husband for som one, and sh herself well, she waa no longer a schoolgirl and ought n. to expect a proposal In ths term nf a sch.a.lgirl's fancy. It was enough that he had pratard al all. was it uotf All the years ah had bora waiting for Just that, had she n.4f I Hut at lost the d.s.r had hern os-ncl. and Why should she stand hesitant la-fur lt j Il.r father would praise the I-ord his mercy, she wa sure; her mot ber, In spite of Ui fact that Mrs. Millicent had alway In sisted that brr chief trial In life waato hav man around, w.aul.1 bat rrj.ticed with ' Ih deas-tm had she la-en alive, lYrbapssh I knew all alsmt it aa It waa. Achsah Milli cent had never felt so near her mother aa sbedld lnth.etwo.Uvs- full of enft aiTeo i tin fur her and an intense lunging lo bav I ter back again. Yet. after all, sh reflected, tb main question wa not concerning ps 1 rental approval, but whether sh loved Mr. 1 larrtingwelL 1 Did sh ..v him Pb wsa n4 at all etir that sh did, and yet When sh rv-lcl ul ptunt In tb circl of Inn cbolea she would let l-fllnuweU's fares. t le I he quest ion when she os iki he d.s.r. If Iber waaacrtaiii sotnelbing In it, sh would marry him. She did not know what It would las, but she felt that she could tel If ll waa there, rib chased her ryes an In a.siii, men sue 1 nre w ineuoor wiuopeu ami sti-pMi ink K. Dan Jackson sfnnl there with bl red necktie and hi lulairiotislr written rani. There was a determined scowl bis honest eye. Hla hair, still wet from tbe brush, was rigorously imrtcd. A flush emliarrnsaiuenl waa Upon bis fm-klnl face. Tbe iil.i-it girl In llartwcll g-,v ltt, gasp. Thru with a smile that would bav quite the head of a less inflexible vis it.. r she put out both bands to him. " by, Dan!" she cried. "I'm so glad to see you. 1-1 t rxect you. Come In!" She relieved him of bis bat and the bevel edged card and olTereil bim the lo?at chair In the sitting room. Ita oat up very straight, looking at her with admiring Brnitiiiy. uisgaxe made ber trifle tin Comfortable, though it pleased ber too. 11 is very goou 01 you to come to see me. lion, sue saiu. I am all alone this even. lug. Well," ho remarked, with a covert mean lug w hich she did not grasp, "I am glad of that. I il 1,1 n t know that you would be." He out bis clean handkerchief, and without unfolding It passed It over bis forehead. Hi .Millicent sitting room warm, and b hud a great tusk Iln p. mil iihiu bltu. Jllsa Achsah ota-iie.! a window and let thensil April night breeze Into the room. A Una roiu wa fulling. hy, yiHi came down In the rain. Dan!" she exclaimed. "I did not untlceit." 'I don t mind tb rain." he sahl "I haven t carried an umbrella all w Inter." Indeed? Isn t that rather imprudent V ..ui 1 uaie to isiiuer Willi ohm. .a,i a goial umbrella, thougli. last r.ill st 11.. 10 iimlircllav ami one of lb.swlh.i.logtiea sU.lo 11 1 rom me." "Do you really think ao" she said laugh Ingly. "That's a serious charge. Dun." "Well, It's true," bo went 011 vindictive ly. '1 hose fellows will do all) thing. You have to watch 'em all tho lime. I leave it lo any academy Uiy." "I'm sir ild lhat wouldn't lr quite fair. Aren't the Is.ys jiiit a little" "I ilillino miiylar," bit admitted mag iiuiiiiuoiialy. "Hut 1 ain't, 1 live right there with 'em, at my aunt's. I eat with 'nil threw tlimaaduy. I know all about 'em. I t.-ll you, you tvmit to i,k out for 'em." She was amused by bis growing nciH, wiimuii 111 tne Icust limleralatidiug tho n -0.1011 of it, and she him on a li'.tU M khly. Any niou.ent Mr. Ix-fUiigwrll might npH-ar at the front ihsir. "Why. Dan. any one would think, to listen to you, that tbe theological studi-nts w.-ro criminals. Now you know better than that. You nally ma-ct tlietu Very much. Come, Iw h..u.-t :" "ltesN-cl 'cm," he cried Incredulously. Hut she wiw hs, Ling bim in the ryes, and ie was forced to imslify bis statement. "Kcsiicct Vmf Why, of course. I rvsisrct aomui.i cm. 1 Here s one at thetilail boll who was suli.tllute half Imu k on the Yul team. Ilvsall right. And one or Iwo at our Iioiimj may Is all ribt. Hut take 'em together they make me timl. And if a man mnke you timl, Misa Achsah. Idoii'l see that it niiik.a any diltereiice whether you rvMHi t Mm or not." MiodropHi lo r i ves a little; h.-r fliim-rs were ilriimining on 1 ho ujh u map, as if she went turning over t lit? la.y'a aphorism In her mind. Dan Jackson snw lhat she lu-s, and be dn w a long breath and took the plunge. "Now, for instance," be di passionately, "there' a Ihmlofcue w ho alia npille me at Hie table. He's got a head that s tint on top. Just a flat aa dirt court, l on could play tennis on it, Imu rally. If It wua a little bigger. Aud wheu bc'sgot anything lo say of any lms.rtuiio he kind td shuts his t-jc and orn his mourn ami nn-a at you. ids name is I f nngwrll .Mortimer ti. l-rltlugwrll. He's n.lngto Ik1 a missionary sotnew here, and b 1 Lake ma tlrvd. Now I want to know whether it make any dlffennc whether 1 respect mm or nutr Sho waa silent an Instant, and ths bor. rnrrinl away by tb trluiupbaiit fore of tits own argument, made an Incautious move. "He Isn't a friend of yours. Is hrf 1 don't suppos I (Might to say anything against bim if he la" Miss Acliaab detected the transparent hy pianar. "Mr. Ufltngwcll la a friend of mine," she said quietly. "I am sorry yota don. 4 like biin, Dan. II U a very noble man." Dan's heart came np In hi throat. Ills wont fear were true. then. "Oh. that'sall right." be said weakly. "If all right if . you like bim " Then in passion of revolt ( be, "Did you ever watch bis ears w ag 1 hen he eats'" I The girl laughed In aplte of herself. I There wa no denying It Mr. I flliigwrll Waa .Miasi.aiaily ridiculous, ami all tbe gi-ntl.. proprieties nf Misa Ai baab'a natur rco.H,niod and rc-ni.i the fait for tb - first time. Hut the la.y thought she wa laughing at bim, and toar of helpless an ger -tartcd t.t biaerca. He did n know hat more he could say against luffing- . well, he gron siiiungthe ch.vat of senssv lions Iu his minds a diver epreada his arms uncertainly In t be dim underworld. Then his timvr rl-e-d nrton something. "W.II." ... a.,,,1 r.i: Iv. "I don't s,ipK it niak.-s any .lilfcrencv whether I Use In m .ar li.. I was lo bring the mail Hung a liottt into bis lap. .Mis .M, III, i-iit, while rooK,'lllilig th privilege and honor extended tu her, w n.t lhat she fell Colns llcil to dii'liue bis offer and Is ggul niisalvramestly thai ths subject might not las alliidul In again. U illngivell a line of Hebrew and lipHi bmk moiinifully in bla chair. It was a grrut dlsnpisiliitmeiit to bim. He hwl mode up his mind that she was Just tb wife he needed. It bail seemed such SO unmistakable indication of I'rovidctice that the two previous one dec lined I Ami yet, after all, he rcUcctnl, N-rhaa Ills feeling almut the providential indicator hud been right, and il wus simply the iiuinla-r upon which It accidentally that was wrong. He therefor tk bis addrt- MIK out of the draw.-r. but ls-fore tnnilng to the next name on Uie list be sM-ul a moment ludruwiiiga pencil mark regretfully and rlals.nttely through the name of No. I Hlias ferry iu Two Talc. THE 60UL LIVES. Wbn th drad In their old srar ar lying As Ire n. tu wsk never sarain. When ,stat sre Ihrlr sniilesand Ihelr sighing. tin: any siiiiuiu itirir memonea rsiualnr Though aunshln and spring may bav light. ennl 1 o wuu nower mat mow on their gravea, Tuvugh summer Uwlr tombslon bav uilglitrned. And autumn have pall'd them with leavi Th.mgh winter hav wildly bewailed Iheoj With her illru wind, as sail aa a knsll. Though the shnmJ of brr snow wreath bar veiled them, Htlll how dn-p la our buamu they dtraUl Ths shadow and sun spark I vanish, Th cloud ami Ih Hat lit tier! away. But man from hit hrart mar nut banish fcv'u I hough la thai ar torment to stay, Th reflection leutrts front th river. When the Ire that hung o'er Is cut down. Hut on Mrtuor) 'a calm current forever The shade, without subataiir, I thrown. When quenched In th glow of thmbr, hen th life fir ceases lo hum. Old why ahou IU the spirit n-mriiibrrf Old why should th parted return Becatia thai th fir la till shindig; Itcrauae that Hie lamp Is still bright! While Ih Inaly In d 11st Is reclining. Th soul lives in glory and light. - hsrlott Ilruul. A liny' Itrasonlng. A mother of my arquiilntnno waa Im pressing 11 1 sin her little son the greatuesa and g.aaliicsa of (.od. Ills blue rye wer wide oiN-n wit Ii the wonderful story, thotttrb bisdiinplnl linger never ceased to caress the fnce of a small dummy watch that bad heen to him on Christmas day. Il was evident that his mind was divided between the Creator and the created. "( .mid (oil do anything, mammal1" ha Dually inquired. "t ertoinly." waa the reply; "anything!" "Could ho make my watch keep timet" This rather HiH.rcd mamma, and wb.le he was thinking up a wise answer the lil tie chap broke in: lif course I don't want bim to do it If it I going lo make him let the stars go out, but I'll tell you w hat I would do If 1 was in his plan.. ', make all the figures on watche ami dorks Ilk these Instead of like those no I heel, a k and on papa's watch, so we could always tell what lime it la." The figure 011 bis dummy are Arabic, and why shouldn't they be In the figure of on Unary liuaincs lis instead of In Human liuiueraUr The latter are invariably uiiiil nl 011 dork face with arbitrary Incorrect, nesa, an) how, the 4 being mode thus, till. Instead of thus, IV. Hie sol.ii-m quite naturally makes a 4 year-old child d.mU the omnisi-icnce and otnnlitcnce of tb trentor. .New lork Herald. A llroad Kipsns of I'lala. "If tb burs could stand It," said A. Kowlaithan, wrll known resident of " liinll-g, "a man could Icav Wiuiilne snd ride l,Oi mil.- west and north we. over a level prairie Is-for be would larob structeil by the moiintaina. This give an Idea of Ih great territory lying west of vt luntiH-g, w til. b to the eastern man seems way out of th world. Th soil of this pratrl pnslucts the lineal spring wheat grown anywhere, and this enormous nluin I've JiUt meiitiomil will in a few vear 1st me grcni grauary or th world. Kaatorn ptupl bav a misty Idea of our expansive territory. W ar Just cominrncinu to grow wheat compared lo a decade heiu-e. tnougn our crop two years ago waa 3U.tuu. OlM bushels. W hav but little snow, and In the many years I resided In Manitoba I 11 ever saw the tops of the bright prairi grass coverou. x ante lairty roll In fat, ami w are lamimiug a great cat tie count 17. While nuait 01 our sit tiers ar from aensts th wa- ter, yet the nuinlarr from lb western states is yearly Increasing." asbington Star. A Mlalala B Ih Mhl. It waa 14 years ago, I have hail 10 chil dren. but nothing baa afforded me nior amusement during my married life than tbe "blunder" 1 made one night w hen my oldest U.y wa a lals. 1 had not gist used to lacing awakened early, a I afterward did. I kept bis crib rhst to my bed, and if he should cry during tbe night would giv memo a lew snake to quiet him. On tills night I beard him crvuur and ih...ic-l,i I waa nuking the crib, but iiiairad bail hold or my nusiian.l s nose, swaying bis bead hack and forih. wh.o be cried out, "Klla w hat In the dickens are you trying to do?" I ins awoke me, aa well as the like bun. and they'll go off and Is- mission aries. Ile'agut a regular list of girls, and as fast s one of 'nn won't bav bim b Just trie the next He' tried two In th last three weeks," The ta.y's waa so blurred that h could not are !ia Ai hash's, face. He got op awkwardly. t proud lo let brr suspect bis miery. "I suppaase I must go now. Miss Millicent," be remarked formally. "I've bad a very pleasant time." "Dan." aha said, rising swtftlrand lav lng brr right band isn hi shoulder, with las la miiA ran get some girl to I J1" "'""'ruity of tbething started me laugh lug. but he could nut seranvthniiMa Liu.-!. at, though I did. and still do at ta. Cor New York llecordrr. Why rig lusa I Called "Ilg iron" I a mere play upon tb word "ww." When Iron 1 melted, it run off Into a channel 'called a sow, lb lateral branche of which ar called tb pig. Her tb in rool and Is called pig Inm. Sow has nothtnf to do with swine, but la from th Saxon "aawan." to waiter Hating ww taiv parent cnannel. It reOUlrsd tan wuw thai sraml bim by Ita InUnsity, "Arm J great rff .art of wit tocall tb lalsraj grooves uotigt. forthrrJ eslat buainas,- rrmalnin. at Oa labia, tad g.(J a4 , nwatflUUvw tjuiia Ukf tuuaw wo yg4 piaklng that na s'vl Ha Iil;-' j UtU p:s.-txthjuiga. ong ami waa ' fltte.1 w ith sinkers on on nlgo, w hile th ; oilier wits with a line of float. Ily 1 libit means il was held ill asition ill th water and sort of fi nee against which tho fish 1lash.1l iw they swam up the t n-n in. Tbe meshes were rnth.-r large, and the small fish were able to swim through and continue Ihelr way up the tide, while large on.- were cnugbt by the gills. In a few minute the net waa all tnldout, ml the fishermen sat down lo wait for tbe first llsh lo get rutuiiglnl in t he meshes. The bout mini leisurely up tho stream, and the row of floats strung out be hind 11 l.a.ktil like little bubbltaontb surface of the calm water. Suddenly one of the hit Mile wa Jerked down, and in nn Instant the boat was headed for the plm-r w here It bad moment la fore. The llsheniinu stretched out over I the side of the boat and caught tbe u.-t by tbe 11, il next to where tbe sunken one bad la-en and pnllnl iu the net band over band. A splash, a flurry of foam, and the steel gray bead of big salmon apieanil above I bo surface. Tba man cnugbt up queer weapon, which I hod noticed and wondered alsmt, and t nick the llsh a blow with the knob of Iron on one end of the bar, then turning It he thrust the Ina.k on theothereiid intnthe gills of the half stunticil fish, nutl with pull bis struggling captive Inside the Is wit. A Jerk freed the net, which sank bark Into its place. The big llsh was flop, ping viciously nlsiut, and the innn struck it again and again with his big Iron club be fore It succumbed to Its fitte. We often sjieaK or eye aa having "110 more rxprcsv sioii than a fish's eye," but I never saw lints and anger more plainly expressed than In the eye of that first salmon. Mruiiwhilo the bout bad Issen nulling rnpiu ly now 11 1 lie net lo w here anot her float ha. li-n dragged under. This time th llsh was nearer tbe surface, and the water wa laming nrouiid the edge of the net aa the sal 111011 and tore around Iu hi ell oris lo free himself from the unseen Isuids which prisoned bim. The flahcr pulled in the net a la-fun', but as be drew iuu k his arm to give hi blow full force more isiwcrful cITurt than la-fore tore tbe gills fnu from the restraining con Is, and Hie fish was olf and away like a flush of blue flame darting through tbe water, lint if there Wen-1 wo others caught. one a little la-low us, the other away up at the further end nf the net. This w 11s one of the times w bl. h nnulre quick decision. Which should they go lor lirslP The one nean-st was seemingly not a very big llsh. for the float would Ix.h 11 11 lo the surface every few M-coinls. while the other one wiisdiodiiiig the water into foam In Ins t lTorts toesct.ts. from the net. Kvi- dciitly be was a big fellow, so the boat was toward bim. The bontinau nullnl a If his dinner 1lcpc111l.1l iih.ii our getting 1 mil particular fl-h. The splashing and limping grew more energetic nawedn- near. 1 no iisueniiuii PUUnl Ills a cevca un lurtncrou nisnrms to give himself n Is-tt. show for tho coming struggle. Tho bout reached the stsit; a duck of the head, ami tbe man boil bold of the net; a pull, mid up came a oil 01 a llsli not niiicb over a f.a.t ug, and a hiimpluu k al lhat. A IUh Is sh, so it was taken iu, but the look of dis gust on Hie fucca of tho two men wua com leal to see. .Meanwhile the lower float hud Ixi-n l, la. bing up and down while we wen. killimr our .i.sigiiiiicaui. captive, ami the (suit was and rapidly back to that end the net. Again Hie ll-hermuti d111k.1l and caught the m-t, again be nullnl. but this time the m l did not come home mi rnny Anuther imlland . another La-fure Ihc heml of I be I1-I1 shown! hImivo water. He was an lininetise fellow. ..1 - ., . 1 .1 . uKK r ntr .nan 1110 ursi, ami a smile re- pl.Mtil the luok of disgust on the Usher man s face na bo drew biu k bis baud to gnoip bis club. Just as he waa nlamt to strike the fatal mow the net was Jerked from bis buld Another fl.aiit but a short distance further wu under. There were two llsh to or Ian. now Instead of 0110. The net wa with dilllciiltv sen In lo tbe nlgo of the Iseit, mid the first flab was secured. He waa the biggest salmon I ever ". He 1 t have nearly PO iHiutiils, as lie was far bigger than one wl.l.-h I saw weighed that touched the beam at Ci pounds. Tbe monster waa thrown Into tbeboaL stun11.1l by a blow, and the man pullwl awuy ..a, aue s.11. 11,1 iiu. j nal waa also a Very rnrgo one, out nut riiini 10 our monster. aiusi aa the llsheniinu wasiiushiiiuh.ah.a.k flown to try and catch the llsh bv the cilln tbe lug one Just thrown into the boat L-ave one nop, piuugetl over tbe side, and fulliug fair iiji.ti the arm which held the net tore 11 lire, ami Uitb fish were irone. I be two men sat and ha.k.d al esel, n I, lurnniouiciit.aml I know th.-y they aiooe 111 1 ue issti tual Ihev iu g it timl some relief for tlu ir lacerated feelings lu language which politeiiesa nitrnin.,1 ti,..n rroin using u-fure me. Sau IV inrouicle. so Oltelj I 'ri ft ".ten In.', hut ii-aftin f Hut rnt.t s.i-11-o,., ... ... . a.lh a. ffltn .1 1 ...... I . 1 . ' .. ..aaaeiy al r. n ,,, . tho tablo la-fom mo, hut hi r.! t I.', I wa Ibriiat Into bla breast, oml.i. i,,. over mo bo suddenly J, rk. I It . A". rnisil high nlaivo mo a small Sp.n.i-i, ,,.,1 gcr, tho bill of which was of .1. or r.iriisa-n.i gou, a It Is call.. I. ),,, n .na aa-fr fi I, .. riiuies, w 11 It'll I 11-.' . , , with a...a .i ...... r ... .. .1 1 1. .11 .i iri'lii lii mom. nts of ihiiiu, r. "I p to this jMdiit I boil I-. ii i fled to cull out or even to ,,. , turning my b.-nd to l.s.k U -bi.'.d wntoiilng the iiiovem.-iiu of th,. as limy wen. rcll.s In th,- mlrr. ... , .. ... as nr o.ougui ...iw ii nis nan. i. w it ii a swift murderous motion, to strike n.e fn-m m rhnlr with slnglo blow, the , , hrnl held mo siuiiail, and 1 spring t hl. f.vt with a shri. k of terror ami lo tho ih sir. "Kveii as I rnn I wondend at .iut,n. ; .iniiiicriiiK i no man, inn ttiutigii , ...ulj not rcmciiils-r nft.-rwanl s.-.-iiig ,:m a, I nil i nui not siny, nut unl.a kliu thed-a.r Hung It os'ii, still scn-niiilngua l.i-t as tho sounds could Insii.. from my li,n. It ip. penod that two of my young m. u r.,u,im had llngcnd later than the n-t ,f tin family at the entertainment n f. rr,,lt, and having Just cumo In woro nuinii; up thn main stnln'ss.', close tu n,v r.,in. Hushing to Hies.', I throw myself lutotu arms of the iieun-st, Cbrlstopher, f, rl.k lng: 'The nuiiit Ob, tho man:' "The two young men burrl.d tu my Mkiiii and bsiked alsmt, but cmhl mv im one. Tho window wcro nil f.i.tem.l. nn, na I hod in v sa l f Just cimo out of to the nmrt incut mid fn.m which no Olio else could have slip, ml Ith-.i.t ,,.ir su ing them tho only chimcc wus f.,rih burglar to have cotut nl.-d IiIiiim If In iu rtsnii. "Hy this lime tho rest of the lion-, h. Id Wcro aroused, nnd n thorough nn !i mmlo, but notrmvof tho sirmigo ti.lter Thumbs and Mechanic. Two men got Into an arvninrnt . day ovwr the expansion of steam in n cj lin dcr. "Why," sa "you don't know auyining aiajiit nuu hln.-ry and the princi pies) of lll.l hatliis Yolir thllllilai sr. n... aha, sil right." He then went on to explain that a man with long, thin thuinls. did not have a m.ih.nnlcai tuni. while th.aaat whl. thick thumbs, bnstd at the ends, were list nral Isirn machinist. 'T never believed in physiognomy." be aaid. ",t ,,0 believe In tbumlsk"-New York Tnlaine. Th Trwe Teal of ftreataea. Richelieu said that in the bands of a man mtirely great the rn 1 mightier than th word, and It my lavas truly said thai f..r man etitin-!y great be must also bare the qualiUcaof true g.uduess. Norfolk Land mark. There Is a queer reptile in the Sacramento talley, California, known a lb blowsnaka A full crown anakaof thla atsscira think nothing of swallowing six eggs al a lima In th schools T I-oodoo th nuDils num bwril in lsvo-1 C.XA: tb total cost of lha board schools waa 4.1 .1SJ0.U0, of which U 171.010 wsa Uirown oa locti rue. Tim AfPAi:iTliil IS TIIK VI!:i;oj:. ootild lot found, so It was thought I I 1 1 rnllcii nalocp In my chair iiinl my fri.l.t wn tho n-siilt of n ilnvuii. "Hy tho next night I hud - t'l-.rot :;!,! been laugh, il Into Is llcvlng this 1 tis.k my M-nt Is-foro tho mirror and l g .u brushing my hair ns lion. -balantly n- .-1 llrat, vi bcii, to my utter horror, I -aw t!..,t flguro fonii Itself from nothing nl -..Int. ly nothing mid agnlu ndv.-im-o u ti n -with that menacing ntlltmle. Again It raised Ita bund to strike, the terrible i -seemed lo glare Into in I tie. flx.d in t!;. . In the mirror, nnd, ns la forc, n l. a-, .1 0 1 1 tho horror that held mv l ri. k. n into mar bio, I lea, s-d to my ftvt mid ran. s. nam ing, Into the corridor without. gl.m ..1 back Into tho nsun, but then' tva. i a Vlsllihi th. ro, but I wna not to Is- iui-i i' i rd this time that nil 0vcrheiil.1l Im.i. . lion was to blaino. I tl. il to my a n 1 . door, nnd ns sho opt nod it fell, falmu.g. 11 her arms. "The next night I that M..ti ,1., my Innl.l, shotild ocrupy n lilile ant, , I ..n la r iH-nlng Into mine, nnd my stalw ,rt cousin Christopher slept 011 net In:'" ball Just outsl.le my d.air. H.-lurnli g l .'n from a ball, f wa fatigm d tu I r,. Ii my hair ns usual, but sat for sum.- 1. nients linking nt myself in the gla- I was a little vain In iIiom days w !.. 11 !1 at once I saw Is-hliid Ino the man, :t!i his k 11 1 fn In bis bund. Hut this time ho did m l ivulve "1 sir, but was th.-ro n nl llh nnd hl.s.l. I. hot bn nth nearly scon-blng the I s my neck. I lin,,l to my, vm:I t scn ain, and as I did so bo tru k at but tho blade glanctil nsldc, w. nmlip.' ' " only slightly In tho should, r. I r -u .-! loud, and be r.-lhil mo with a l-l--w j'.-t a Marian and Christopher enme ru-h:: g In, Seeing them, the rubber mid a--.i- in rprang for the os-n window iind w.n.i ' bare escaissd l.y leaping an r.i-y f. at f r muscular man In tho wliulotr : t1 bouse next diair, which was ul-u '-- n " I only staiut three distant (tins 1 '1 evidently la-en tho way by whl. Ii .' 1 I entered and which he liw-,1 ns an . gn -', but Christopher caught bim uiul (lra.v .1 bim back, and after struggle f u - I Mm, by bis brut hers, who In I- summon, -d by Marian. So w!.i 11 I I ' ' my ryes from my swoon It n l-'s-would 1st lnunlrnr Ivlng bound. ! Dear mo lay a small duggi-r, with a! d of Ktruscnn gold, H1nhl.1l with ru' My assullnnt Wu the son i f the I..' raslding next d.sir, and fn-m li.el ' dn and plcasiiro laryonj his means I Involved bliiisilf hi ,'s l.iy In iHl.i cvlng my diatnonils hail con.iiv,.! t Idea of killing or at least ail. m -i-g 1 nd stealing them to pay his 1. 1 '. I Uiough bl mind had dw. lt r- - on tbe st heme, he had Ik k. l ' ur ' 5arry It out until the night of tl U... ' I ..I llesdji for lbs Iri I m. fll total dilate of the sun. to "' -: In April, will, it is gcncrailr nip;- - be one of tbe lotiput in duration t-f 1 ' e prnv-nt centnry. Lxt.-naive pn-pan!; '' ar U-ing niavlo all over the world f- r !'' oWrration. One ilnglisb party g- - : 1 lUtburst, Africa. aiiJ one to I'.n. bncYi, Druzil; the Hurvna d.w Lot;.".!" ' Pari, sends an eija.liti,n to Afr- Harvard trvlleeolsvrvat..ry will ! r ; rnaentcd at Aniitiijia, IVrn. st. I tl;o I- 8 otatervatory st station iu U..U A nnniber ot other AmericsUui will ; rV JjIj follow.