Kugcnc City (Juard. SATURDAY NOVEMHEIl 10. The elections have result! in complete victor for lite republican party. No ono familiar Willi Hi Mxuliurili" resulting from ipular suirrago will bo surpriso.1 at the outcome. IJar-l times ami Unart ful stringency are H n''"'1 power ful Kilitical factors tbiit can le callcl into play. tlie lrty in power muni nutl'er from tho silent, unthinking vote. Two yean ago the republican under the JIarriaon administration exjrienecl the womt deleat ever before known In the iKliticn f the country. II was the rceult of the financial depres sion that was then seriously ailed ing the labor and produce markets of the world. This time, while the worst seems to be over, the demo crats t.re in powe r, and have to take the same medicine. The dem ocratic party repeal! many of the Iniquities of the tariff law, thus making necessaries of life cheaper to the consumer, but no party can enact a law that will give us better prices for our product that must lie sjld in the markets of the world. Voters may eipress their dinsatis faction at the poll, but t,ie eco' nomio laws governing supply and demand aro inexorable and party success cannot modify them to any great extent. The democracy has met an over whelming defeat. They hardly have the hole left to crawl Into. The past congress abolished 923 offices which were drawing 1 ,235, y'J2 in salaries every year from tho taxpayers of tho country. Jim liudd of California has blossomed into a governor flower. This is a bud thai Southern I'ucific railroad fronts could not nip. Hard Times voted tguinst the duinucratid party Tuesday. Two years ago the same voter gave liar riiton and tho republican party an equally severe knock-out blow. The xulis1 vole has almost dis apenred except in California and Washington where they ran strong. The greater portion of their vote was drawn from the democratic party. Kugenu needs a good roller Hour mill. There is money in it for any Hrson who his tho necessary capi tal and exierieuco. There is an excellent locul market for mill pro ducts in Lunelle. i i The attention of tho next legihla turo should bo directed to the ex orbitant freight charges mado by llio Southern Pacific railroad where freight is received by that soulless corHiration from tho Oregon l'a- cillo. 1 lie freight rules Iroui Albany to Eugene, 45 miles, are invariably higher than from Han Francisco to Albany, CO) miles by water and DO miles by railroad, besides the work of transferring at Yauina City. For neat and ocn-handcd robbery of tho people tho Southern Pacific management cannot le surpassed. The robUrs that hold up -their trains and relieve express agents of cash are novices at llio business compared with them. Hi nee tho new tar ill" went into ef fect dealers in playing cards have born studying how to effectually evade paying the tax on them, and have at last found a method, says an exchange. The law declare that tho tax shull lie paid on eneh pack containing "not more than 51 cards." The regular number of cards in a pack is 62, but most of those now manufactured contain an extra one, the joker. It will bo an easy matter for the manufacturers to put three jokers in tho pack in stead of one, when the pack will contain 65 carls and be exempt from lax according to tho plain provisions of the law. The principal disturbing factors in wheat at present are Kussia and Argentine. The latter country now ranks third as a wheat pro ducer, the United States standing first and Kutsia second, with the lllack Sea countries, Koutnaniaand Hulgaria fourth and India fifth. India was formerly the dread of the wheat producers on this conti nent, but her production of wheat this year was only about one-third that of Argentine. With her vast imputation to be supplied at home, it seems prohabl that India has lieen over-rated in years past as to her ability to expand her wheat production. On the other hand Argentine is a young country with a small population and with plenty of room to t'xpaix! her cultivated area. The enormous increase of wheat production in the South American country of late has sur prised the world. Kussia, too, is a comparatively sparsely settled country, with abundant room to expand Iter cultivated area. With letter shipping and handling facil ities the production of wheat in Kussia iouU no doubt I greatly increased. Kussia and Argentine have always Inch free sellers at low prices, which makes them undesir able competitors in importing mar kets. Iu Siberia there is a rast area of terrritory adapted to the cultivation of wheat. The blark soil regions of that country resem ble, it is said, the famous wheat districts of western Canada. The railway which lh llustian govern or at it now LuUJinj ot.s Si beria is exjK-Ud to 0en a way to export grain from that country and quite a ruili of wheat is looked forss sow ns the means of exert ing is completed. THE ELECTIONS ! ImHj (iO.. Sunmmr . Ailolpli Hutro I elected mayor of Hsu Frsnclseo. Judge IIoIcoiiiIi, fu.loii candidate for governor ( Nt-tiraska, Is prolsddy tlceted by ),oiai majority. Tom Johnson, the great single laser of Ohio, Is among ths defeated. The U-Klslatiire In North Carolina Is In iloul.t. Tim fuiuila elulm lliey have carried It. All the rons'ltutlonnl amendments were earrlel In New York. - - lins irniio dcliMM'ratiu lV a small majority, and the legislature Is alo uc uiovraiic. Waiihlnicton U n-puulirnii !)' 11,000 ami the leKlslatute lias 13 republican nmjoilty. It. 1. island, lhKreat Missouri frce silver advoeale, failed ol re-election. W. L. Wilson, of West Virginia, was defeated by l.VHI. The Montana legislature It republi can. The tletnoernU parried Arixona, New Mexico and Oklahoma; the rcpubll cans I'tah. (icl. Weaver was defeated for con gress In Iwa by ). Jerry Hluiiisou is among the defeated of ll Tuesday. Morton's plurality In New York will be over lOO.ouO. In California the democrats have 1wtMl Ituilil for itovtrnor. supreme Judge, one coiiRrest man and the legis lature is in uouou Tim rHinihllealis carrv Illinois ! OO.rtxi; the legislature Is republican In both houses. The unnftTclul returns Indicate that the republicans have carried Missouri; the lejtislature will be democratic. Imlisiis elects a solid renulillesn del- CKntloil lo coiiKress, and I he legislature w ill nave a iiiuoruy oi w repuuncaiis. The New Jersey dclck-atlon to con-s-resa will lie solidly republican. In Nevada tlie free silver party was uccc-i ui. THK HKNATK. Tl.ii nest Hulled Stales senate w ill consist of 40 democrats, 12 republicans ami o sipunsis. Tk Uses. Tim next lioiiNK will be eolniHsKtl of SIM repuhlieniis, M deiuocnils and 6 populists, Willi lliree uisineis inuoiioi lluSS t.lsrlstt. Ham FiiA.vcisot, Nov. 8. There seems lo l.e no doubt that California has Kone deuiocratin hi far as iroveruor is concerned, but the Ooldeil slate will prolmlily elect a lieutenant -governor, tn.,.1 nf i,i Iii.p Mlitfii oltliirs. ulniost a solid republican roii)riMioiiai delega tion, ami a legislature men win m republican on Joint bullot. W &ain viTihV Vnv. H ( MinlriiiHIl Punlb mo uli'i Hut riitihlitfins 131)0 ineiiilMTi of the hotihd, the democrats 1 1., the MipullMis o, (luuoiiui n. ny stnUn, this would give the democrats '1, the rcpuiilienns -i, mmiuiisis i sou l.uil.ifnl a 'I'Iim doubtful states are Colorado, Idaho and Wyoming. Wahiii.xoto.v, Nov. 8, 0 p. m. Chairman tubcM'k now estimates that there will be 2'i0 It publicans In the next house. t'ohurg Items. Nov. 4. Miss Ietm Chandler of Cottage Unive vIsIIih! home last Hundny. Several drummers visited Coburg lost week. George A. lrury has accepted a po sition with W. M. Vaitdyiie as clerk. Mr. lVplot Is very low with drtqisy at the residence of C. K. Towers. I'niiit John Diamond who has been quite slrk for the last few weeks Is re ported some better. John Doyle received a severe cut on his foot, w lilt an ax, one day Inst week while working on J. C. Uoodalv's dam. Work with the pile driver on the dam Is progressing rapidly. Coburg will soon have a boot and shoe shop, one disir east of the meat market. It will be conducted by Mr. II. A. Daniels. Mtar Item. Nov. ft. The farmers are busy plowing and sowing fail grain. A. W. Monte and Henry Smith, of Creswull, were at Cltas. Smith's last week gnlherlug up some cattle which they took tot'imwell. (rorjr and Jim I-and, who have been winking near Cieswell, returned home last week. Tins who attended the dance at Mr- ltarker'a last Friday night report having had a good lime. Chaa. Teeters lins built a house and moved Into it on the piece of railroad land which he bought near his father's place. Mr. Itlglow, our slori keejier. ems to be doing a good buslncsa. The store is quite a convenience to the people around hers. Our lis-sl fsKnuvr, IUy I.siul, is busy hauling lunilsT from Jiarker'e sawmill lo his father's place. Pat. Died. In Coburg, Huiijny evening (Kt. 2, lSis, IVrnll C, only child of (leorge and Minnie Drury. Tlie rvmalus were laid to rest In the I. U. O. K. remetery near that place, llahy iVrrvll was 10 mouths and '29 days olj w hen this precious little one was call! lo Join the angels alsive. This arrj Ssrtlnf , ymitif. to fair, sllnl kv iwm l twrlf douai, JuM esSM Is Les liow s Susrr is fsrsliM xi)1 bloom. To u fcw lr niU4 aoulKs - II U Infant !'. !. Asl tti'S k bs'U lsill la tifc X aii sM Is II la iHiti, rrrw:i osr llllW Ssrllnf, Sal fcfr Vat sous sasll swH f ts-tkl tsars. W hrs psrtlBg Is as onus. WASlllsiiTviS, Nov. 7. ieeretary llerlrt has Iwued a formal order re tiring Admiral tilM-rardl, srnir ailmi rl of the navy, and rommaudanl at tbe navy-yartl, oo the Hah tnalaul. I reswell l asasltlrs. Nov. K (irge Tow list-lid anlved fioiu I.sLe county Monday evening. (ins Teul-eli lisdslittU runsay Isst r'lidsy evening, hi l'ni starting si llio blsc k-inilli slu'ii and running nearly home. J. 1. Jones, of College (irove. caiiglit tlieui when It M found that llie had broUi-n the llfrou one wins I, and mushed the seat a lit tle, but nothing el-e. Miss Henrietta Tate has n-ricd a slis-k of millinery In the Heailirouuh building and iirosstosiipi:y a long, felt want. Ili-rvloftre milliuers and ilriwiiiakers hsve made their slay short In Cieswell and that la one na son we had to give up being a county seat town liecause we could not sup port a milliner, but Miss Tute prois-m to slay. H. J Wright Is making soinx iMtih-d repairs on the tii u nil to stop the leaks lu the steeple. Miss (irneo Hunter visited Kogene Weil ues lay, likewise Tim huliivan and wife, also W. 1. Iower. Mteriirjnhrison ami wife made this Ctace a visit last hundsy, rtturulng ome Monday. Several of our people went to Ihe Iay sehiNil housv last Hundsy lo hear Itev. Hiclisrdsiii preach the fumral service of Jlra. Jaylor. The Ol'AKIi'a Coon Valley corre spondent missed the spot entirely lu explaiiiluiiig the failure of Ilia daiiee. It is out of our range, hut we have good reason to believe that Ihe eople up there reserveall llieirrymiu-ioving, hsriiiouy-enjoylng and f'silpsttlng Miwers ror the eml-avasionai niusiiv ales given by -reek's IUmI lloy." zkimi. RUBBER BOOTS AR1C avinse m Traia. PlIILAl'LI.I'IMA. Nov. 7. An ex- tuese on the lb-ading mad struck slreel -ar at Nlcelown, l'a. George Conrad, driver, and William II. Iltll bnru, a iasaeiigvr, were fatally Injured riswir ( Tlsae la Mrprat. roHTl.AMD, Nov. 7. Kx-I'remclier W. A. Wllllson. who Is cnHliU-il with dealing up Minie llfl.Ooi) by his for gerhslu this county, received a sen tence of IS years In the state peniten tiary toUay al lue nanus oi juuge i A. hlenlielis. The ex-reverend was spireiitly be omilngly tis'l and collecb.-d. He whs broughi'iiito court early, and heard his rule proiiounivo wmioui a murmur. WlllliHill seemeil to realise last week when he was put on trial that I hero was not much hone, and so heenlmly pleaded guilty lu Iwo Indictments, al lowing me jury to iry unii on inu other two, and then made up his mind to lake even thing cuy liruceforth. The story 'of the wanderings of Wll llson and his various Mies la so fulttll lar Unit It Is an old tale. Tim lour In dictment against Wllllson, and oil which he was arrested In Jojilin, Mo., and brought back lo I'otilund, are for forgeries of promissory Holes. The first Indictment was lor tlie forgery of a note for llono. On this he received a sentence ol seven years. I he second Indictment was fo'r Ihe forgery of aii-ither I1U0O nolo. On this he re ceived three years. This Hole was forced In October, I.V.12, and wus passed on J. T. Itawllnson, and was signed by Willlnui and l-aui r WsKtier. The third Indict inent was for the forgery of a note fir t-'Ml On this the ex preacher received five years. The final Indict ment n-cites the circumstances of a forgery for f TOO, and o:i thlt the forger got three years, making a total of IS years. illlsoti will probably lie com mitted this evening. Il Is claimed thai a nitmU'r of o.her charges could have been brought against htm, but it wus thought that he might get his deserts on Ihe four Indictments for forgery. One of the miMt putlietlo Incidents in connection with Willisou's esca itailca In this community wus his de sertion of his three daiiglncis, one of whom died shortly Biter hi departure from Portland with a woman whom lie had married within a very short time of his meeting Iter. Wllliiw.n's daughters, who weie strangers here, were lelt without scarcely any sopsirt. They bravely tried to defend their father's heartless action, and, by the sid of friends, succeeded In earing for themselves. What has Isn-ame of all the money obtained by Willisou in his fraudulent iqierations is a question that remain unanswered. Kvery cent of the money he secured was probably squandered. Tki IklsrM Hot llrmtMrsl In. Lonimix, Nov. 7. A Shanghai dis patch ssys il Is ntmored the Ping Yang squadron la in l'ort Arthur. The Chinese resirt thsf the Jaanee are rapidly advancing lu Ihe rear of l'ort Arthur, and that a strong Japanese fleet Is outside the harlsir. It is pro liable l'ort Arthur and the Chinese Iteet will fall into the hands of Ihe enemy. Chinese deserters are arriving In New Chwang In largo numbers anUi stricken. A Jsaiiese Hying squadron is reported In be IU0 miles olf New Cuwsiig. t-hlnsss l rswls IaikimiM, Nov. 0. A Hliattghal dls tiatcli says: The Chinese army has I-cn thrown Into a panic by Jaaiicse victories, and are still fleeing liefore Ihe Japane. The Chinese tnsips In Maueliurla are robbing the natives and committing horrible atrocities wher ever they imsi, The Jaitanese on the other hand, are treating the Chinese well, and are conwiuentiy ma-tved with oiien arms. lecroy I.I Hung Chang, the di-palch also states, has Ini-ii nnk-red til I'efclng. The register and receiver of (he land office at Ibss-butg are advertising a second list of railroad lands, which the Southern Pacific ci.mpany has applied for patents to. Townships SI, range 3 wssi, and oa to 40, ranges 3, 4 and a W(t and I east, coufsln most of Ihe land described. TUB MOST STUIMORX Pkln and Scalp !icasr, the worst forms of Scrofula, all blood taii)U and poisons of every name and nav ore, are utterly rooted out by Pr. I'ieroe'i Golden 31ediral Iiscovery. For rvery disease raused by torpid liver or impure Hood, it is the only remedy ao certain and i ffcclire that it can be guaranteed. If it fails le benefit or cure, yoa have yoar rnonsy back. craa. Tetter, Sli-rhrt.m, Ery sipelas, 1 kiils, Carbuncle, FniargeJ lilands, Tumors, aad Swellings, an4 rverr kindred ailment, are com- deul and permarently cured by iL WAY DOWN. Ifyuu want rublx-r bMts ut Way !wii prici-H go to No. 1HI. Wo have a larp stock of all sien of Injotn anl will not le uihIithoIiJ. Call ami examine our stock. YOKAN cS: SON. n. v. s.iT"s. O. W. Ktsssv Norton & Kinsey, Attorneys-at-Law. romsMtelsl ss fro slo Ba.ln.s s S-so-Islir l.fcr Is HsrrU' Illo. ll. r yjsisij w Ti'r'crr?ro I IXTl-ItXATIOXAT, 4'.T:t?Z MCTIOXARY I .-jr. J : rrfl! - VmubrliiMci'-" Slasdsril f -Is I, h. l-il i Ing llfftrs, ttl I. huirnwf utm se-1 I'f srsilr sll Its Vtsrmlyr rm swssril I'T rtny htsis huriiiirn trat ol S l'..l, Sim! oilier L-lnrs-Ims slnit lib out Biuulsir. . (Vl'nrs PrasMsat writes I "For riM will whJrk lbs ers flods hs wnrd SMglit. foe mermnrj of deflnU I "tl.n. rr sflseUir) snsshads la UmIU ! "rullriT prosssclmtlM, far lens Jr ' - r in:rsbsiwle Btatswiml of (acts, ' i uit (or prsrtlrsj im as a working c l.uarf,a Wsbstors lalsnalloiuU' . any otbor slncts volasBO." - fires( sirawifsrif Atithnrltv. I.Vs. . J. Rrswsr, JnW of lb V. f M reim .ui.rltMi "Tbs liiieriisifcuuU ! I - I snr ihprrfi-ettsin( illril.Msnrs. It la all a Mm mm (rs( stauil- , lajtliuriljr." i t ir-K iSTlnrof fAnrrarfvr'rv(nra yi-ar will I'tm Ids mors thaaemmrb nsswy I os )xm sOuril lu Ve wltbuut UT G.Jk C. HERRI AM CO Pabtlmbera. NprlniMd, JsTasa, V.S.A. se,'Sil in rk ssMUbMS ttw rrs rsmjWt. I Mi Imi. rlfm i,uuu uf sarMUl tlltsnS. SjSJSjSjJJJSSi)JSj0JSS Davdt Henderson, UpeetiVeri ac Embnlnicn. Cor Wi. an J 7ihsts. A Slorssf Vere. Xkw York, Nov. 7. The Nether lands American Hue steamer Amster dam arrived this morning from Itot terdsm, after a most tempest uotts voy sks. Hhe was unable to call at Cologne for passeitu-ers owing lo a heavy kuIo. Ortotier HO and 31 she experienced a eytioite, and atroiiir sah-s were encoun tered up to Novemlier 5. when the ship ran Into another huirleane, lusting four hours. The storm w as accompa nied by vivid lluhlnlng and heavy rain. bt. Klmo's rln was seen at the mast head fully 15 minutes. The ves sel received no diiiiinge. nisslsig .His Are Sals. just been reivived here that the four missing men iront me uiiriicii w reca Ing San I'edio are now on Ihe steamer Kureka, en route to Mniiu I!arbra. Sll ASiillAI, Nov. 8,-Koreliiners who have arrived at liino Fim fnnn l'ort Arthur say the Japanese have attacked the latter place by laud and sen. The Chinese licet Ilea inside the harbor. What Jssast Will Acres;!. IinImin, Nov. 7. Tito Telegraph sa) a Japan will demand as terms of peaiw ressation to her of the Island of Formosa, and tho pnvmentnf an In demnlty of f.W.ouo.Kjo to lo.tsw.oiio. A 3liV ItAit.lio.vu Sciikmk. To day's Orcgonlaut Henry C. (Irady, V. W. Johnson and IU W. Jlllohell yes terday Med articles of Incorporation of the Columbia A Kastcru railroad. The capital stock I f-'00,OUO. The articles state that it is to lie the business of Ihe corporation lo build ami eulp a rail road, coniencing at a point In Clutsop pouuty, mar the mouth of the Colum bia river, and parsing through Clatsop county toward tho Nchalcm valley and pas-dug through Columbia, Wasltr Ingtoii.Mulinomah.Clackamas, Mnrlmi tne. llarnev and Crook counties to a point near Hliake river at Ontario, or near Uwyhce, atate ol Oregon. J-'i(change: A retired newspaper man gives this philosophical rtusiu for emitting the bustucsei child is boru, the doctor in attendance gels the eilitor notes It and gets 0; His christened, the mliiistur gels 1 10; the editor writes It up and gels UO; it mar ries, the minister gets another 110; the editor gives a column pun" and gets 0)0; in eouise of lime it dies, the dm tor gets from o to fini); Hie minister gut snotlier i6; the uudci taker l-'i to f.uo; theeditur prints an otiltusry and gi ts and then the privilege of mo iling free of chsrge a card of thanks, snd a half column of 'pome.' " EUCEKE ABSTRACT COMPANY. W.LSCAr30iOOCH. K.::I!r. mice tii-tulr III M.-Clsreii'a build ing, corner Mil and Willnmette streets. ICIIOI'.NK. OHKOON. H. N. CRAIN. Clocks, Jewelry, Sterling arJ Silver-Ptated Ware. lor Watch IUlritig a SjcUlty, EuniCNP., Ohkoon C. M. COLLIER, CIVIL EKC.NEERAKD SURVEYOR. NOTAKY I'UDLIC. At residence cor. 6th and Llniolo Sta. le mn9z rus nmra sri. i, i W LMUM.1 TM. II I II. hi. 4iMif tm im mm m f.:s!sSsisM.iiij ' ' ' Pel yn"A3APBEVCTrV U.M Sin-"' V Mnr.MWf t SB V V T V V L.tM. tf. - 1 1 - l i 1 U Xa'i i-.-isfc. 1111 Its A bKIAMI, HrupI.U sod SfeuU, surn. urvuu. sol D. R. LAKIN, X.krrof lh liimerr Ukln tree; Brt mod In Ijui oiumy In ". A Hi-1 aiork lr liiniM-rly !. Coin mnn Irw. si U Ml A mi sIUo, lljr Slid I'srS Irrr to older. Kswhi'li- rnsir luttonis enl sun rhslrs In. Inmrnl. W III Ukr r-l hesf lss-1 lil.l-s in rt oaymrnl, b1m tri-0s lor work, rsuldl tree mrrrrd slid rvlrvl. SHINGLES FOR SALE. Ciil.r snd while Or .hlnfle lor aal St Btltl, or s ill il.-iurr slim ordured. Will lake lorm lruliir In sirhsngs. Sl'KCI.VL KATES TO DEALERH. MILL FOR SALE. I nfiT t .r mI. my .hiimls mill, .trsm rnilur, hlul. I)!IIm snd lime . ! k.T, mw iinimrr.. .hsllllis. l-ulli-T. t-ln, rslll ol rutllns '.n s-r dsy. sll llr-t e ss. u.suhln.rt si oui-nsll of resl slur. Ad'lr-. II. II. I,AM., Vstlrii, l.suv I n , orvon. I S-s-v .; ft f,nfS n t. f. rrst 3 v.zrz i vi rr.:3 'Katvc? is Mud l O't'-r ,u .'lt -.-I'." l f isrni !". b ti'l,fri- -l ssM' f tjr, fft cie i'k Upmorri l-n.f llfsin nnd !.-'f r.iwr: Ut Msnliots); Uui 'ki.ssi N k-'. t Ktil Drrani-i lrkof I ouhili ; N.TTnuni iM lsnmcl,-; sll Ursin.s xmiiI 1'i -r ri t lh(i. rvniiTi-OrBnn. insiluer vt, esuinsi liro.sr-rif-rlion, t isiiklul Krrors,cr i, ixis I'm. t Tobsrm, lliuiim or Iiiir, wliu h b-sils to 5ll-".-T. I iin.nmi-iinn. InMtnit. snd IVaih. Iy rosil. SI a l: n for 'ijiih vriiln KQsrsntM- oi i-ori fr nf mid aonsr. whVi Li.ir tl'.l rarfi Hli k lli-stlsrhs. liiliou.nras. LirarCuiatilaint, ior Hininsrh, rrl'sis sod lonstiueUon. OUAILA.MttS IcmmxI oulf D)r (WBl'llX tiKI.ANO, bmit.l.t snd Ml Sfetiu, fcJ.rli. in-rcon. ;gFRUIT TREES.. If jrna wsnl to plsul frull In-e. Oil. (sll. yoa rsn S4 per rvlil. on your order by purrh- lug I rum ma KKizifcit. Uij Kurserj Co., Of WlMlliRL'RX, OKKOO.N. nsrtEso FOI rstci LIST. Cigar Clippings, w i I UltllCL'l, cu AusrlsMst ClgUr.4, SHGrsSt. Camly, .,f,ic. NutS, AHRIsSs. 1K)11, foyS. Vrs)t. Are t1ii-aH-st at: JULIUS GOLDSMITH'S. Next door to Hotel Enfi lie. NAT RAPHAEL & CO S. Rheumatic Rings A Hnwli and Prnn.nrnl Curs fur Rheums- ll.m, Nr'irslsls, I uini(o, lion I snd othi-r difc r-. Fries S.OO, snd iM on :dsy trial: II iio rvltt I mom 7 n-lunlrl. ih'iia nruer bjmslL NAT KAI'll A Kl. 4 Co., 1JS Krsrney ML, Dsn Frsnelim, I'sL jlll.Wi si s-.ttJi!i'JCli:elj. t : 1 .. Dri-ii I .1. ... j. . t ' iI'k- L.-mk 1 f tr e.-r , .S.-sii J.ir . uImi t-t IJh a itiihU, O. i. KUMf 1 .m.iv) -r. AciJ IV !sis:. Ansrnilft. A ifi-1 t .r - o's) ml mhor suiaxswh i'ru-sa, U. 7b suuk W Wi4 s f I THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. S I ISI . WMtsra , GH1CACX Unl.l bj stt Irit(tU. EUGENE FLOHENCE STAGE LINE. E. BANQS,Propriotor. Sl.cs lirr Kuk-'iw Mon-lsi snd Thunds)., al oVlork s. in.. iMrnst r srrivms lu r'lrtti-thdav wlls Ins al U'O rlnrfcOm. in. Hilurniti psMfit.fr. Irava KUf-iir In'--d. and rnU. and lh .iv ar.Kr. In N 'ii- ilir nrxl da. si s'eks-k p. m. -iv. i k tKK. r-" fcoL.xo I liil' I'l T'.nkvt. !' tsie f t l i.' llrr barn, Ku crns, or si Hunt j I'av.u.-oiv t'ocSv in Mof. ties. mi) ilivo vnrTiio 11 Mil v i nnvoi iA MIMIIM AMI Kr 1VU1IIU IIIM.I I'Ullj 'CI I 1 1 SJS Clothing, Underwear, Overshirts. Extra Pants, Trunks and Valises, Latest Style JIats, apd Neck-wear. GO TO THK KrBROWfiSVILItE CLOTHING ST0RE.JK HOWE & RICE, Proprietors. FOIiliOW THE GROWD -T0 OUR STORE WE WILL SHOW T0U: 1000 yds Fancy Outing Flannel, reduced from to 12ic 500 " " " " " " llil to 10c.' WOO yds 4-4 Fruit Muslin bleached, 10c jut yd. 1000 yds 4-4 IIopo Mulin bleached, 81 c per yd. 10,000 yds 4-4 Brown Muslin, 5Jc jer yd. 5-G-S-9-10 Quarter Muslin at factory prices. 42-inch Fancy Dress Goods (5 .rdc per yd. English Cashmere, 3(5 in wide, 2")c per yd wo show these goods in all shades. Eiderdown Flannels for houso wrapjiers. gWe Receive New Goods Daily. Junction : City ; Milling : Company, -MAXUFAtTL'REIW OK THE- "WHITE ROSE" -.. -FLOUR.- GUARANTEED o o o o o BEST QUALITY. Tho most jiopular Hour in tho market, .old ly all leading grocers. Rubber : Department o o o o o O ' o TO THE WEAKER: Perhsps you have never worn Ikmtoiis or Hay Htatvs, ami then-fore may not know Hint thry are MADE HETTEH, FIT HElTKlt, ami WEAK LONUF.lt than any rubber made. The next time you want ItL'ltltKltSrallatthe ItACKETHTOitE, and git a pair of the lUMTONK. They will (five you the licet service of auy RUBBERS A SIMXIAL DF.PAHT.MKNT. This Is our fourth sensmi on HUSTONS AND HAY MAT FA We - more than any other lnu, KVKKYHODY WANTS TII KM. You know them, protml'l.v aisrllH-m, and ran see why we sell n n nn.v more of them than others. They are the HTANI):H of the world. It Is so with every article of HEAL Merit. , . The seent of hsvlnir gsl sutii-faciH Is easily told, (let the Hest We are Heudiiiarters fur the lt-st Ikmtons. If you will tell us of als tter Line of KUHllKlttitMUis toe trill discard the Huston and nluee the others In shs k Our l.rlees sre Is low the losit. UACKET HTOKE, Eugene. Ungos. HARDVARE, ooooooooo o o e To suit the times, If II il- "u , e no Hit spk you lasi j r r. , i.riivs In ki-eplnjr mllh tin- 'rllt w Lsne county jinslui t. . Stoves, Eances mi Keaiers K:te,v:.iV STOVES FROM 31T0 S50; aV Any price you wani-o . hometliifig new In Ijird Fin; Slid (hssl. . j ' Can and see our rliin. o o o o " . (ililKFIN II.MIDWAKI: CO, 1:!m- Special Attentionl EVERYBODY! CEND u ycur p.etcriptlcns and! we assure you that the utmost care will be used in dispensing them only from strictly pure drugs.- Osburrj 9 DeCai?o.