0 a. e..V . - , ft 'I '-I The latest investigations by the United States and Cana dian Governments show the Royal Baking Powder supe rior to all others in purity and leavening strength. Statements by other manufacturers to the contrary have been declared by the official authorities falsifications of the official reports. v I AVll IlIMM iMtrftri A . lutt va a,a. uh. ISX wwsawt navOTirna rvnWR VU.f 1 WHLl I nCWTUHH t V MAIUMIlMACniMIXAL AN OPERATION THAT HAD AN UNFOR TUNATE EFFECT. eAKtRS' DREAD. A TuMlhf-l Miiry Teller. In a ilnwn luwn . il.tr (Imp la employed little Imy to ktfp t Litr I'm ntf the pnlniii of thr ptme In an miner nml m t trenrral ntility ninu In winter liming- tiotliiuK ele to CHTiipjr iiiitnU lie line drvrlniml wonderful furiilty Ur telling rruiarkatil tturiea. II hid f'tir to time to iiiitriral J .Mulhiitlan nml arveral ottirrawbobar Ut-ome noted piYVnrlmtor. Ilia ulcnt iu tLi dirretUm I no flunked Indeed aa to nlonl-li the pntnrif the almp, whom L never fail to n-uule with cue uf liiacholce arlirtloii. Tlie oilier nftrmooo Rent Irman who wu In a hurry to mtrb the train took a tint in one of llie elmirx He had notrt fmrlj trilled lu liljt rtndiinli when the j.iuihful aiiiry teller, w it b nina atrloua cnuntrnutier. lirKaii a urw work of tbt lui aimtiou. "Vmi are itnlim away on the train, alu'l yon, niiler I here waaan awnlliiK nod. "I nuppine ynu mind l kuiu down to Gmrx IbU time o' jri-nr. 1 1 ' to mid, yoo know I iim-iI lo live dim a In IJmrgT w ith mjf irnin'pa. Me ail lilm rnlMil popcorn tec tlirr IVr . ml ni acre In our farm, aa on foiiri'l Minn hiInmI pojieura. W lien It got ripe, weal.iukid It an put It lu a big burn. It wa but. an the Intro km dry tine iiiu'ii II rank"! lira, I lie corn J lil an flrw all titer the farm until It mked Itkr it Imil allowed. The next niiirtiiu when our ll cow mine out o' brr bill alir mimt the piMiirn over evrr'thln(t, an tliiiiklii It wan annw ehe lay down ami fmxe to death " lHUavlllr Courier Jour WELL-KNOWN PEOPLE PROMINENT PERSONAGES FROM FAR AND NEAR. Ilea ol the Sua' aurfara. What l the actual brat of lb aiiu'aaur (aeeP VnrMill rotlinalni bavr brrn mnile, but a I In-j vary from l,iJ and a f nut loo lomUlloiiaof ilitfrvm thtrela little pniiect of au I in iix-il lute and reliable annwer to the qiirotloti Snx'lil wave it aa hla opinion that the tciii rni lire mulil lie lint little. If any. bort of lu.Kfi.iiiilili-tirmior the cent itinul thi'riiiiiuirtcr. Sion r tlioliulit that It nilubt he .IT.dU druni-. e. bile I 'on 1 1 lot brouobt It douu to aonirw hi-re la-twrrti 1,4(10 and l,it)l diu'riinof Ibeaauie nutle. M. Ik-nim-rrel, I'mfi-xxor Ijiuuli-yainl Sir William Thonip aoll all ntve on almiit S.r) di-xrera of era tlrndi-, niakinu tbrlr duliict lon from cal Culatioim IhimiI on liir photmphrrea, AcvtmliiiK t -M r't t lair i)rville, tha teuiH-raturp of the kiiii's aurfacedora tut xn-,-,1 '.'. i ili cn Thl alo aitreea with exMriiiii-iit made by both Huiim-o anil Da bray Mrllolirrt It.ill. IbrnMmnniiirrniyal of In-liiml, in hi "Sloiyof the lli-avems1' anya, "WValmll prolmbly lw well wlthlu the tmth If we Male the i liii tlve tempt-rntur of the nun to I nlmul I'.'X) dettm-a r'aXir tuhciL" St liuia Ki-piiblla reopla KM llava lialned llUllartlua la Their FaHlealar aptier In Life llulk la Thla Country aad A broad Mlu Hm MoMBlh.lm. Iin Iloeo MoK-ntlieim, who it the champion amateur oarnwutuan of Amvr lea, received her training for the female race at M. Ixiuit from Feril Kocniit, chain- pion oariman of America anil the Wei tern 1! owing Club. Mint Moren theitn if a dwiiltil 77 ? brunt He. She ii 6 feet 5 imliet tall, and weiirhi 131 txiumla. p hot rowe.1 at 125 si aoaistoaKKTli KIM. poaiuli. She row thirty-four etrokea to the minute, while her opponent. Mine Anhler, take tliirty-aix atrokea to the minute. Tliia rar a an of recial In tereat, beinx the Unit of iU kind lo take place in llii country, except thone of purely local character among lxmrden at aeaaide reaorta. The atakea were the amateur oarawoman chain pionthip of America and in i table trophy. MohainmrilaiiNin InrrraMlna. Molinmniiilniil in l lui-p-ly on the In rn.w In the llrili-li ' I African colony of Mrrrti liiittic, one t. lit Ii of the popula tion now belnptif tlinl falih. A etute nld Mt liranrhof I lie ('linn h of Kinjlnnd cxlti there, and prnctlially all denomination of ClirUtlaua have niUlonorU In tha lonj. PilW-lpI om Uken for all papen, ailne nil x-rlillral( at l"wrt prire at S.nhrt Nr. c..iniiiiT. J. P. Ilandley A to., liw Klr.1 nml, I'ottiauit, Or. GIVE AWAY A Saaspte Packaf (4 t 7 o) el Dr. Pierce's -sx Pleasant Pellets To any one tending nam and addrtu to eaj foilal card. OSCE USED THEY ARE ALWAYS IS FAVOR. Ilenct, ear object in lending Iktm out broadcast OS TRIAL, Thry itxolutely tnrt Sick Tleadache. Bil iognM. Cotntipation, Coated Tongue, Poor Appetite. pypcpia and kindred dewnge nu of the Stomach. Liver and Boweli. Don't accept tome tubititnt taid to be "juitatgood." The tubitiiuU cotts the dealer lets. I! costs yon ABOUT lite tame. HIS profit it in the"jnst at. good." WHERE IS i OLRSf A-izrm for Ft Imni. ftortf, Diipcaiary Mciil Aisotlatloa, Aw. HJ IHiia SC. BLFFALO. K Y. lOVtLTY-,r"raw " f r--iv ii.viille; "ill f"t "'it. I'' in .i.mil. ent n hr return mil WiMipKi tai bi'U rii-nri. Ma Jrn rto, Cajlturuia. Krnaal Cady. Erneet Cad v. whom the IVinocrati ol Connecticut have rhown a their leader in the gubernatorial contest, It the present Lieuten ant-! iovcrnor. He ia a prominent Free Maaon, a tiraud Army man on the ttrengtli ol aervii e in the navy during the civil war, a wealthy niaiiulacturer and leading citizen of 11 art lord, lie waa i. .. .. . i .i - 1W2. at htallord. Tal- J ' S i land county, ioet hia T".? father when but l 'li-i . -" veari old. and there- ':'y -Vv- alter anppirte.1 him- ciaTC4cr. aell by lua own la I or. Ilia eiluiation he receivel at the winter termi ol the public icbooU. hi me lnM he haa been iu the II nil of Pratt A Cady, manufacturers of ateam boiler appliance at Hartford. Mr. Cady hat twice len elected l.ieulennnt-dovernor on the ticket with l.uiun 11. Morrn. A Dor-a 1 1 una t AraaUltlveMaa Ore la. Brnwlty After He h Trenhlae-Unt tka aargeoa kkao4 All tha Itlaasa ul Crratol taw r.rrae, "Do yon thiulc criminality la a dla ae?" aakvd the drummer cf tha hotel clerk. "Conme not," arUd the clerk, "It la an acquired habit, and there wouldn't be any crimiiula It children were train ed right" "That bat yon think, but (it down thi-re where you will tie comfurt abK and I'll tell yon amncthing." It waa after nidnight, and aa tha clerk hadn't anything iImi to do he ao wpted the invitation aud at down. "Not a pn-at while ago," went on the drnmmi r, "I waa lu an cantorn city, ni' it bappeiietl that I had a package of aampha ftoU-n by a boy on the atrce t I caught him in the act, and a police man being on the put, for a wonder, I A Few Facia AImI a Iwataaal f amiliar Article t wa4. Btylca change In bread, aa in v.Ty thlug elae, and ahapea that were nu or lea familiar 10 year ago are now uot luado at all Every twikcr trie to have eoiufthing: dial lui live about bta output, and ahnt every lki r think hi bread la the Ut rki t-verybotly who bay baker' bread know there I really a great difference lu it lu appvaranco and lu Uato. The bouacwife make wl-t bread of one kind of f.our; the baker luukee it gim rally of thnw -two brand of vpring wheat Hour and ono of winter wheat niixcil, w ith the reult nf tnak lug a finer, whiter, nuoother loaf, liak- er do not all agree aa lo the exact pro portion lu w hich thiwo flour ahouldbe nil led. Uraliatn flour 1 made of the entire sraiu of tho wheat ground up together; gluten flour of that part of the wheat grain whii h rxiiitam tho gluten. Ky graham flour it made i f the entire gram uf the rye; Ihu rye flour nnwl lu the or diuary rye brewl u Uhually mixed with wheat Hour iu proportion. varying from little w heat up to half wheat Uf the bread Hold in American bakviica about lnrn,.l 11... l.i.. , . l.l. I J to appear agaln-t the Ikit, liut to teach . , . 7i . 1 1 ' . , . Upir cent being divided about equally iuv ueki iiioriuug i waa VJueen Itanavaloaa. The effort of the French to gain con trol of Madagascar bidt fair to caure a big diaturbauce with other Eumpi an power. The warlike native of the ifluinl alto object to Kn-iu li domination. The inl and, which it the Urg ent iu the world, i a monarchy, but la not all under one ruler. (Jueen Iianavalona 3 ...I.. 1 1,. ...rl .- .(uf if it. bom ever. She it ,tbe great granddaitgh - Jr: ter ol Kaliety, and it Tu..aid to le lnteiiaelv f i ..i i.... ..J QI7XX A!IAV- Pu" ' nnitTir.. Ijuxam hhe wa born in lstd and piinted (jueen bv her nredeceMor. who wa her mother. The royal dynaaty of Mmluk'nm ar lattt of blue blood in tpiteol their black tkina. It ha been in ioer mice 1 7t-. Hie nretent IJueen dreete in the garb of Wettern civilisation, h-r drenee lieing importeil from rant. Hie ha been on the throne nearly eleven year. I J-rJL. Count Yauiagala. The nretent commander-in-cliief of the Japaneae army in Corea it Kield Mamhal Count A. Yamagata, who bat jitel brought the l ing S ang campaign to a brilliant -le On account of hit nniet -' J ttrategv be hat lieen rT called the Von Moltke of japan. Count Ya- I J "X- IS I OOCXTTABAOATB. tnagata l about year ol age and r 1 1 n tanaamm aa4 tci who nae vm! lsa " ia an. aanaal aa twu a Car tw Onaaiaalina. It Oaa ewea It baa an inne Ii ia Ml b4 in IwA aai ana rr-wtk aaAa -r IT 41 of bumble origin, lie wa a horn aoldier and received hi mili tary education in Kit ropean x boo!. While yet in hi tern hi ttraUvy and lactic in I be field a commander of an army com manded the admiration of all military men. hince joining the army he hat borne a prominent rt in ad campaign in which Japaneae) force have partici palel. He it contidered tbeablrtttien era! that Japan baa. Count Yamagata hat alto bel l teveral Cabinet po;lioin, but much prefer life in the army. Hsrauuair la (.ar.li. "My dear, doo't yoo latetid to Inrtte Mr and Mra. Green to your partyr" aaiad Uf Billrf. -Certainly not" -Why Dot "7 dearf They r Wenda of our." "What If tbey aref I am going to lortu Mr. and Mra. lirowa." ! "Wall, can't yon tnrlU) tea orean aa wellr" -Way. John Blllee. yon tbotk m wlta yourtantai lirown and (jreeo In Bay purli tngrtbert Why. oext you U be aiag n lo wear blue and yeilow. I declare yoo Beo Un do Idea wkatarer of Laxmacy." LorMlo) Tit-B.U him a leamiti lu the polioe court on time, and there I wa met by a phician, w ho told uie aotucthing whb-h lel me to leave the eate to him. When tho lmy wa called, the phytlcian appcannl with him and deaiml to iniike a ttatemetit to tho court It waa gTatit.sL and he taid: " 'May it plea) the court, I want to awnme reapoiwihilily for lliit offeiiM and for a iiumlier tf other i f a timilar character, which I tuiili otand tho ae rated baa oomruittcd within tho pant year. "'Vour honor,' he tald, 'until aotne- thing inoro than a year ago tint Ny wa a correct a boy a nuy I ever knew. Of good parentngo and excellent training, there i no n-.von why ho thonld uot have been Two your ago he u tuincd a acvoro Occident by la-lug thrown from a bicycle, iu which hi akull waa fracturwl rtirvetly; on that ih4 which phretiologlHtj have ihignated a the bump of nculi.ltivrm ka. I wut vailed iu to treat tho cane, and oihiii examina tion dincovi red that the only thing to bo dono won to rcniovo a p.;rt of the iknll and tn-phiuo the fracture. Thi I did, expKiiig a coiu.idcrablo area of the brain. Tho trephining, however, wna quite micix-'hful, aud I had the plea-tire iu a fuNV week of teoing my patient once more on hi fi-et, and to nil iuteut and purpcaw-a a well a ever, or Tcry likely to bo anon. At thi time, and un til ten-rat month later, nothing tin Initial wo notii-ed about tho Uiy, but after acrcral mouth it wa oliH-rved that bo la gan to purloin tmall thing about tho bouae. Ho wa not tnpc'tcd at find, but ono day hi mother caught him In the act, and ho wo putiUhtd. I may add that at thi time ho wa per bain 13 year old Hi parent were greatly prieved over thi discovery and afterward kept close watch on hint. The hnhit, however, nccim-d to be grow ing on him, and nil tin ir efTorta to check it wc-ro iu vain. They eveu wrut to far a to have their pastor talk to him, but that did no good. Ono day th-y were painfully (hocked by hi ar Put for a theft of trifling diameter. The mutter wa icttlcd a quietly a poKfclble, ami it wa hoped that thi would be a lewxin to him. It modo ab- aolutely no tlilTereuce, and the boy went from bad to wote. hat ho ha ttoli n no one can tell, for ho I o ruimlng a fox In hi work, at a rule, imr i it kuowu what ho doea with hi ttealing BtiluM ho has bidden them oniuwhcra. Ten day Ago tho coae came directly to my notice by theft from my own Iioumv I had heard, of courA of what the boy bad been doing, but it did uot occur to mo to think I bud anything to da with it " 'Tho parent came to ma when the theft occurred at my 1ioum and in tho talk about their boy tho uggivtlou (truck mo that perhaps I could offer an explanation, I taid nothing to them, but at'tit for tho boy and made an exam ination of the trephined fracture and dlwori red that whilo I had aavod the boy' life I had alto given hi bump f aoqulhitiveiieM an opportunity to devel op abnormally, aud that It waa growing grent'r every tlay. I did Hot reach thi oonclunloii definitely until a day or two ago, ami thi i the llrt opportunity I have had to make an explanation of what to thoto who knew the ly pro-viou-ly, ia a remarkablo cote of nr.irul retMgreaaioti. Having mado thi ex planation, I wUh to aaxnme the ron tibility for tho boy' acta, and a the prosecuting witneM I willing not to appear againut my patient I would a.k to have hi in discharge!. Hi parent have agreed to kt mo p rfortn another opi-rntlon on hi in, aud I ful attured thut I can render him a rvino which will make nn honcttt man (if him. A he now It ho will continue to grow worm, and there i nothing before him except a priton, for ttenl ho will until hi offenno become inch that be will go to the penitentiary, where hi oppurtn altica may be nimiml."d, but hi dosira to tteal will continue to grow.' "Well." concluded tho drnmmer, "thi tort of thing knocked out the court and everybixly eb, but the prlton er wo turned over to the jiliyslcian a hit patient, and ho took him away with him to a hospital, wbero he taid the op eration waa to be performed at once. That waa a year ago. Today I met the physician on the it roc t h re, and the flrit thing I ked him about wa the boy. lie amlled all otit and told ma that ever ince the otxTatlon the boy bad been U-alily improving, and tur two month pant be had ttolen nothing, although the temptation wa cotiatantly pat in bi way by hi order. 'I think,' na aald M wa parted, 'that the boy it entirly cun-d, and b-r-after whrn I have any trephining lo do I iball ki p an rye on tho bump and not moke a patient either better or wort than nature luttndid.' " Dttmit Free Pp. 1 ba ilaf. The tootm tt the hair are each up piled with a bl.xl veaatl of it own and with jiroptr Derrea, thongb the latter do not exttud Into the hair iUtif. On tl beaJth of the root of the hair the whole growth h p uda. On eith-r aide of the root and a little above it are two tmall glands which aw-Ttte an otly ub itaocw that girt glu to the hair, aud the gland rv to r rotwt lb rccU of the hair from becoming clogged with 6ut Each fparate hair 1 a hollow tuba and through lu length 1 couveyid ti ftxjd eeaential to tteaJlb a&d growth. I1tUbtir0 Lnaoatch. pr cent being divided about equally among graham, rye and gluten, lulier- uon bakerttw the propurtiou or rje bn-ad told 1 very much greater. liukert are all tho timo getting up new thupc in brvail, and thi re can carrely be laid to be any abaulutuly (taudord form, though thi ro are tome that are practically to the oblong, the rouuil, the long, rouud, French atick. Vienna (tick and Yicuua loot There are now about 15 hapea that are luuie or lia commonly told. Aud Uuwe breatU ara made of about at many different kind of dough. Fur luntauco, there it a New England dough, a Vicuna dough, and to ou, each being couipoaed Of a ditTerv'iit blind of inaterialt and mixed and hiuullisl did rcntly, Fi-rhap a uearly ttandord aa any of theee aliapca it the ouo kuuwn aa Js'uw England. Thi it au oblong loaf with Kjmuo cortura, Almint oil of thvae bread are mado lu different ica. The New England I mado in at lcatt five, which are told at 0 cent, S aula, 10 cent, S3 cent and 80 ccuta. I'tually tho 00 cvut loaf I made to weigh a Utile more than three 10 cent lua rea would weigh. Tho amalleat tired New England loaf i tho ouo moat told, a i the cane with all bread mails In tiec, but the b cent and 10 oeut loaviw ore in largo (b iuaiul. aud tliera ia tteady talo fur the louvoa at 24 and 80 ccuta. Tho larger of tho two big loave i aoiuetlmca cut lu two and told in halv.-a. The big loave ara (old to boarding hounc and to privalo familitw al.-o. tSoino folk liko a crukt, aud eoiu like tho iiikido. The big loave are ea ptviully diadrahlo fur thono who like the iutidn. They have proportiouately to weight hwa cru.it thau tho iuailur loavea, aud they ran be to cut a to be nrved In almott any form that may be diKirtil, with cruat or w ithout lin-adt for hotel and reetaurauta ara generally mode iu tpecial thiijiea, They mo a aluipo cumwpoudiiig to New Eng land, and many reiduuranta that don't want to much cruat take a bread that U niudo iu loave about 1 inclic in k'ligtli, aud Hot Very w ide, baked Dot aeparatvlr, but laid cluae together, to that tho loave have cruat ou the cud only. Bomo hotel buy thla klud of bread, but hotel gout-rally naa mure French bread and icuna ttick. Tak ing all tho peoplo together, old and young, it i probablo that about throe quarter liko their bread crutty. New York bun. IANU tlltl, II it not merely the fact that a million men ar aald lo be out of work, with eonte ijuent loat of Unit, place and money that make tb time teem to tougb, but there ar other aggravatlont luperadded, grow In; oul of the willful negleel of ao many, that make the tune teem hard. Ineewl. If heller limea were at banal and good place open to all that ar now Idle, there are Ibnuaanda who would he total It unlit lo go lo work by reaaon of the neglect uf aoina innrmlty which totally nnnia them lo accept a proltered chance. W hat better opportunity could there be to get their pliyalcal condition in good hape than Ih eulo'ced IUlrlia givea them. To 'O to It Uiakina prohl oul uf iiiiaforiune: not to do ao ia making hard tituea ao much harder. II ia poor loie tu matt anything bail grow worae, and it la no economy at all to aavt eipenta by aarrillclng health. A man auta brawn, muacle and brain in aa near ly a perfect condition at la poaailil to gain a victory in Hit battle uf life. It I nioaily fniu a beginning lit little thing that Ih greater one accumulate and Itnally over ahelniua. There It hardly on man who laiMtia wim lit muacle. Inun lb aklllej mechanic down lo thoae who work with pick and ahuvel, bill bat aome boilily ail ineiil neclecteil. What euatly trilling II a. looked at Iroiu reauila. r eiaiiilde the hoiiee, iointa. Iiitameiita. tendon and miiarlr are all under oonalaut alrain from the nature and demand uf their work. Ai hea and laint mual emu. Tbea. net Ircted, Kkiu reai-h the elininio Hag uf aiitleiieil liinha from contracted muacle How many old mechanic have bent ba k and backache w know. T hi I limply a oomution ol neglected luniliaiio, which bad it been treated In lime eould have been rureil In ten minute by hi. Jacob thi. I ni It aiao tra ul all III minor ache and paina. ho certain a cure ou lit certainly tu be In every workingtuau' bouae to niakt hart! liuiet lighter. A i leuer Adiertlaer. A gi'ntleman advertiaetl for wife. and one of the antwer to hi advrrtite- tuetit waa fnun IVenlon. After a lot of loving rorrcmpotidcnce a meeting wa ar rangi-d at I'm -at on ttution. The agree ment waa that he tliotild carry a light blue ailk handkerchief in hit left hand, but Wing tuipliiou! of a aell he weat to PrvMon by an earlier train, and, aa he tuKYtcd. ho found that a few choice ptrit had arranged a warm reception for III benefit A tliort lime before Die train he waa expected by wa due the lady, accom panied by tevenu young fellow, arrived at the .atior., and the fellowa made tliciiisolvr) tcarce when llie train wa ignaleiL The t.lvertiw r followed them to a hotel to watch the development of the play. The young fellow were aw fully diappiihted when the young lady reported that their Intended victim had not turned tip. and they proceeded to apKii it a Judge, jury and couuael to try bun, altlioii .'li he waa alMent. The gentleman waa aked to be one of the Jurymen. All the letter were read. and comiM'l made their tpeechea. After the trial wa over the company ipeut a Jolly evening, and at it conelimiou they accompanied the advertiavr to the (la- lion. When In train wa J tut ttarting, ho leaned nut of Ilia window and wared hit blue hitnilki-rclilof in the face of hi tbundcratmck eort. London Tit-Bit. IIAt'NTrill In theae i maiiile dra la mini itiln ol a rarity, but an In llvlilual haiinird nllb III lite llial lil,allmrnl nriiralile I a ierMiiaee frtNiuniilv mrl with lUlwllef In Iba abllllr id meilli-lti lo eure la topped tinuklng it aav, Xerxi - Joinw determined to quit amok ing, uot, you know, that it bad any baneful iufluence upon bta health, but aolely for tho ntoaon that be didn't fi-1 Juntilli-d in tpendlug 25 on It a day fur tho wiiily luxury. Jone hud a g d dhipoxitiou and began bi new auheme on Sunday. "Hei'iug I'vo quitimuking, I'll put au extra quarter in the collec tion box today," ba muned, and In the money went Ou Monday, jut to pleato hi little wife, good June bought a 40 cent box uf mixture aud bandod It over with the remark: "No, my dear, it' no extrara gauca Jutt about what I aaved on ci gar today, and we both rati enjoy thi after tea. " Tumday Jone bought a CO cent toy for hi littlo boy out of the cuf.li tiivil by nuHtim nce from tobacco. WoduoMlay ho chuugi-d bl diuiug place down town fritn a k'S oeut to a io out table d'hote, filling Jtihtifled In tp-ud-lug tho extra tpiarler avel on cigar. Apparently forgetting thi on Thtir- dny, tho reformer remarkexl to hlnnwlf: "There' that now umbrella my wife' be n talking about I'll buy that aud charge it up to two week' aavlng on 'mok&' " Ou Friday a new dinner art waa purchased to pleoae tha Wife of bi heart and aet over agaiiint 80 ww ka' aavingi from tobacco, and on Haturday Xerxea June ajx iit Zi Celita for cigar, having lout tlx day of bl luxury, and figured up that he bad "aaved" ou tha wrong tide of hi book Juat about 38. U0. I'hiladelphia CalL Kaklauoa and Tuhare "There are many Internet iug featun1) about tho LVkiuio of Alaska, " auld'A, C Urncn, who ia in charge of Lake Charle Id indu r ttatlon, at thetilljaon. "Ono of the moat Interesting featurtw of thi rxi uliar poople to me baa been their habit of tmoking. They ara invet erate (luoker without regard to (ex. Tl irpiK are made of walnut tuk and are hollowed out in tuch a manner that a great di al of the tolaxcco a well aa the tmoke I inhaled. Tin y will meet every whaling or other vetw-l, and al- Bnt any kind of a trade can be mail for tmoking tobacco. They will deliver Dp the Ivory of the walru at v ry much a than itaraluo and tuko In exchange tmoking tobaivo at e-ycral lim ittp-al wortli. The "Tr-atmt' puuii-hmeiit yoo ran inflict upon nn K.-limo Utodrpnv him of hi tolfcoro," Cincinnati Enquirer. A eee4 ltrRa4. A (ccret it a thing which yn com- maulrate to one whom Too can trut Un, In turn, t V. it to nmeloly that be can trnt and tliat ou b!y n-veal It to aiiMiii-r omvlj!y wlwa-u be ran trnt And ao It go- the rjoiid, but It i (till a Tit, although everybody know it IS-ftiiU Tranacript l I mi I r a nillil form of monomania, although In aoina rave repeated falilirea Inublalu relkt from mnv iliffi'ieut a mree wiMild aiinoM aaca ni llallfV III iloilbl. II. teller Mlfnirh Hlllm haa ili-nvinairaied ita abilliy lo ovarium ilTa- i'a. eoiialllllon. lUar ami tlilnev Ironlile. malarial eomtilalnt ami nemiuanea,, tul lla rcNinl. achievement In lha enmilva lute oiuhl at lenti lo warmitl lla trial by any on troubled with either nl ihalMiveallmeiiu,evtn alinunah hla irvluita efl.irt lo atrial n remedial in nai neen iriiiura. i aa.i nun nerviBienee, Ih Ulnar will euuuuM Ih Banal ouallnal Midsummer Honors From the Midwinter Fair. Californf.1, In her goKlcn prime, never before achieved to grand a triumph as at tho Midwinter Fair just closed. Amonj tho honors confcrrcJ at tho fair was bestowal of tho highest award including gold medal, on Dr. Price's Baking Powder At at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago, the award to Dr. Price's Cream Halting Powder at San Francisco, waa for highest quality, demonstrated by expert analysis, under direction of U. S. Government Chcmuts. Tho requisites, in each instance, were superiority in leavening power, per fect purity of constituents, uniformity and wholcsomeness. Dr. Price's is thus confirmed and permanently established u positively tho Best llaklne Powder Ever Mnde Prepar! la Tarn mm Her Tear, One young woman went to the matinee prejiarrd fur the affecting port of the play. Hhe carried lightly towed In the center of a aecond handkerchief a tiny powder puff, whirh ih proceeded to dutt with powder from a littl euaweled box into which it fitted. With the pull concealed In the handkerchief ah calm ly watched the acene progreta to tha agony point. Ignoring the tear that, ttira enongh, began prem-ntly to (treamdowo ber cbeeka W hen the eurtalD fell, how ever, h look Inatant advautageof tli momentary reaction uf the andieura, and wiping her face with on handkerchief. with the aecond the cleverly dotted bet too red no and cheek with the toning down powder, and beamed upon tha wo men abont ber who wr not forearm! -lllUburg DltpaUh. Aa Arehdaeneaa1 (nln4l4 Olrt, The Auttrinn archducheat who waa r eetitly married did Uot take her plendhl bridal rolnj with it embroideries of il Ter marganti- and roatly lac to ber pew homo, but matle a gift of It to the f hurch where her tloter and brothers Prayed continually for her recovery dar ing scrioua Ultima, The beautiful gown U to be made into a eel of Eaater garment for th ptieata, and the brid will keep only for ber remeiiibranc ol tha day the veil of tulle and tha myrtle wreath which all Uornian and Auttriaa brides wear in token of their purity. Waahlugton ha aalniun flahertes worth l,Stit),000 a year and catches 10,000 fur mala It ex porta (H, 000, 000 worth of lumlier and coal and ralaes 10,000,000 buhel of wheat lie Dldat OkJeaVi "But my dear ir," aald th. who procrattlnatea, "if I pay yon this money I will have to borrow It of som. one lie." "Very well, " replied th cold blooded cUlxen, "to lung aa yon pay wnat yon fowa ma I don 'I object to your owing what you pay m. Amerlcaa Indoa. triea, A Lira msi-RAHcsi folict. fallen!-Dortair, I want a aura eure for torn nam Ixillin. loviar-Trr Imomul. Tee dol lar, pleaaa. One bandred year ago the Jajaneae trera to a. paratil fnaa the reriiaimirr A mankind that ao fir a arjy IuUt towr waa erjooemed th7 might alnu4 a wall hart Inhabited th. mooav Fall Medicine I fully a Important and M beneficial r prlng Meilleuie, for al Uilun llierei Itrrai uaiirer to ueaiiu in in van tii lent lrature, odd Itormt, malarial frernit, and the prevalenreof fever and oilier teriou diaeme. All Ihewe may t (voided If the blood i kept pure, the it it-eat ion giHvl, and Hi bodily healtn vigorotu.by taking Hood's Hood's Sarw (will tianaparill My little boy fourteen year old hail terri ble crofuleV Cures htinrhon lilli k. A fntid of iniiild Hood' Haraaiuilll cured hi littl boy, o I nnxiiireda Ixillleof llie meilloiii. and III remit pa been that Ilia bun. Il baa left bi neek. It waa to near llie throat, tliat he rould not have (tood It much Ixnmr wltli out relief. Ma. I4 Hooe, 821 Tliomdlk HI reel. I .well, Maat, l IKMHIH Hood'. PHI. pruiapl aud ciauMul. (jo. SC Qi.Vf BE3T l.uu H-rttla.1 rS II a nV, One eent a doaa. aw- W M It la anld on a a-orni" by ail in aHat. It eure Iimipient "numnio and, the beat Coua and I Croup Cur. Ely's Cream Bab I tttm Hmmnl mm4 I ail , Hr I bar TMt 4 IISMVlla Hil Ih ftr. Apil H-ini itiowh irtrttrl ki-t Urn mtm "t,. T tk Blood should b rich to nourish. Depleted blood meant a pale face and Ananmla. Scotfs Emulsion the cream of Cod-llrer Oil, enrichea the hlood, restore a healthy color, cures Anaemia and tone up the system. Fhyticiunt, the world over, endorse It, Coi't It iv.tiii tj S.is!!t! kt a Mh a r. Tweed, aa a cloth name, am from a mlataka, Ita uamo waa twill, but In a blotted Invoice aeut to a London chant tha word looked lika tweed, and mn it name Into n tou eta imni lurilfLUOUl Nl( I rnia Kane, Na,- anil Anna In v Minnie nllh NllllKNK, wlihoul pain or lupirf In lha klu. Mf-inl ,Umi air elrrtilnr l-aJ ai-ula nanlel. Mil KS Mm. I'd., Kmim Ii, TU Van dtim. PnMId, Or. II yea ar futnlMaart a aartf, k tar I amak laakaith wn Baking Ponder. HENRY'S VCiRBOLIC V SALVE ay lit M"t pnwertul nealluf otntnienl vrf i1lrovnp.i. HIHItY CAKHOUC SAI.VI farm acre. llat burnt, M ai ai hU pimpirt. " " " ire nonadt and enlf. At (or Itrtirr'i: lt no eiher. H wara of enuutMlall. aald by all drnlU A eenu a . Every man ounht to have on, bet a long tap toward that la th poalon of All coca' Poaoea PLAeriaa. It la certain that they prolong life, by relieving th (train that come from continued suffering. Many a man ran endure a iharp diaeat better than h ran the wear and tear of rain, littl In them!, yet eonalant In lielr traln opon Ih ylem. A weak hack, tiltne of th olnt,ora nea of th muacle teem lo many nn worthy of tpeelal notice. Yet they do not a little to exuauat the power of nhjrtleal endurance. Atuxxa'a Pnaoe PtArrta relit them al one, and no wtae man will fail to naa them on the Aral ai;n of pain. 1 1 1 a vary tuiall premium that n ba t. pay. fiaARDaaTa' Pills will eur Indigestion. Lawenafeln (deapaliln(ly) Ittbeee. I kit fall.dl in neeaii'i. Mrs. L V I, don d fut ua dut long lata. 1 va I on nt tmut iradllun. Srtra or Omn, t'rrr or Tei-aso,! I.ik , a i i.ennr. I Fataa J. t'ntatv make oath I bat he It the aeulur tmrliier ol iba Arm ol t 1. I'nuiav A Co., ilnln bualneae lii lb el if ol Tnl,4o,onn IranilHials ahirreai.1, an that aald arm will par Ibeauatol O.Sk III NDKKO I ul.L IU li aoeh and eevrr eaae ol Cava naa that ran not a cured b Ibauaeul Hal1' CTan ra. IHANK J. 1 HXNXT. (worn te before at auJ anbaerlbed In nif nre-enr Ibil Mb dar el liwemtarr. A. II. I, llJ A. V. i.l.BieiiN 'na4 rkkt. Ilall'l Calarrh Cure I tale l-.ieniallr. and aeta ilireeilr oa Ih blood and niuemi aurlaea ol tu irile. Head lf lealimnnlta. Ire. F. J. CliaKY A CO., Toldo.0V Sold by dnuif Ittti 'taenia. Cat BaataaUa Steve reuabi ae Sat. a til. Tbt OixatA for brawl nut. TMC BIT. aucaaiMtk V. L. Douclas $3 SHOE- gT fW 3. CORDOVAN, ' r R( rvT-a I mmJ . 3.UP0UCF.3 SOLUS. - 'LADIES oi rtu r i. miwvejvw lJ. m ai a""k a I SafA A - tT-Bj'vvwarvtia WvPV' ItOCKTON. JVlAli. aWtlMi 4V lla Hrtl IMwfMtaefl f fcs grskrtto sjfcijsTta la IH vwUi, Ual mvrmtttm leWar aMASalSj ratal U t4MM Ml pftr O U mm KwisfMti KMit, vmt wmum mimtU rasaaa la M?lt easf StfiMtj tm4 WfMaHttc aMiiik!. ! UiSa Sl twWrl ItrfTt-r toriTa re9 at ttlW f ttt tk)M Uf MHat aMf , TtVt. law. r9C vincmwc oothi,1 iMiltfa lllllvlLWII M aVIOI rO OMILOBIM TfllTMIMO SW aali be ail aaiaiaaa. aaoaataab! PiLIFOHXIl UTER1XE TOSIC V iul lluuia Kemr.lr fur ftaall llletta. tarte Arenia wauled In every Uin. AiJree I al. I lerlne Tail 4 en paw a, au nuller aireai, naa fraiMlaco. FOR LAOICtl aiee W KI.I will be Mid bv th Kaeb I beanleal o. fiir mJ nn ol female nantneaa Dial will nm yield lo IlK J H. K'H II AMI HM-1H HANATlVllE lalS, frtea II fa) per bna. fur aala by aJl Orattlala. !. P. N. U. No. ofill H. r. N. U. No. 64(1 ENQRAVINQ 1 1 l.V"VrA flfvirallees.n Mmrktmm JiMSBaitt aVsatW. rttlWTf.HH MKK't-0 k NOW lliwl tU-e re Vjii ia4 i'to4i-nf mv tt'flitOia wi rriaa- rtaVO WSMI JStthlMtM4 Ut 17? br Ih HswtMttff ul li I'p.H ft r AS 4.HAVIMI tl, ili. feM 4wM-Sjri i llS ml iwi Inirnit Itie-aia t fu. . ni lull -rr n utaw-htttof r, pu m ih mum tifvT' Hitnoir, bhuto M iHirniu puw rf il e-lrre IfrltjTt. 4a. Ilftfftnst tif r k n-4 uj rxiire'rVitr ftrtsalt. thi phiiir C. frn mmt thm kihr tlmm tal mum lf i tti tt l f , r- ist'-i f l ! tnif tiMlri prtrosi ltafs.ll kilMlal f sjr tefl. ru4iUrsj betS4 Uf0s aueasvl ektme. J'i r1nira an4 (Mber Ibuuid Mst ttrt SMSsa (. Mnteii4 toft (, 4-T. Umwml,HMtxtImiMU m. 1 UO, "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF8HE USES APOL Ii IA) Y1U t.KL, BAUT lK)tJi VULK BACK ache? Iw everv ttep aeem a bordetiT Yon need MOORE't REVEALED REMEDY. W Oi l K fnH PIIKOS and CROATS. LLW.W. KIMBALL i CI, 1 I iii K. I H K ' III Ill II II llll I I TH", 1 TliV'.TU'J'i.t 1-Acirn: iiA-.i .tv4iAH- tra: Sit Mnrrlaoo. blraal, lar Inam Hutt'linr. ,1., fuHTutSD, 0RCG0M. IB CLOTHING IT Men's Fuits at 13.50. 110.00. 112.50, 115.00, 120.00. Men's Overcoats, 110,00, 112.50, 115.00, 118.00. Yotinn Men's Suits, 13 00, $4.50, $5.00, $8.00, $10.00. Bojs' Knee-Pants Huits, $1.2., $1.75. $2.50, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00. Oregon Wool Hocks. 3 pairs for 50 cents. Whit. LaunJrieJ Hbirtu, 50 cents. Writ, for i'ric List and send orders bj niaiL ii FAMOUS," CLOTMIHO MANUrACTVHIRi Shi Carat. Stwtlt a4 tcta tl-. rOHTLAJIU, a OKAwOB