The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 10, 1894, Image 2

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A TrU Oraal Thai Waaoaetblac like
a football IcrlBaHk
Tli first drawing room wu very
large one, but there exceedingly bt
tit beauty among tb company. TU
dresaea and jewel were magnificent Tk$
qnecn wm tolerably punctual In enter
ing th tliroDerooiu, and Ll7 Bpeooer
at one commenced tbe fanctiun tjr pre
senting the "female" of th diplomatic
eon, after which Sir Chrlatopher Teea-
brought np tb "male." On of
t) 9 forvln minister wore bin ani
funn entirely covered with gold em.
broidery, with numerous ordi-r and
bag gold key fastened on to the back of
hi coat. The queen then ant down oa
ber tlafe chair and proceeded to receive
the entree people, who were beaded by
aotne member of the government, who
wore the privy councilor' uniform,
Ther waa a Kreat crowd of entree
company, a an exceptionally large nam
br of silnl permission had been grant
cd by the qnecn, but her majity ataid
on fur a few minute after the general
presentation had commenced and then
retired, when her place waa taken by
Prince Christian, next to whom waa
the Prince of Wale, and then the Duke
of York and Edinburgh,
Th crushing and crowding at th re
rlomj barrier wer won than ever, and
there wer orn violent altercation! and
furious sppcals to tb bewildered offi
cial. Several ladle bad their train
daahed from their arm, with th rcault
that they cam in with th train extend
ing In front for emu yard, and two or
tbre narrowly eiraped awkward falls,
Other bad their bouquet utterly de
stroyed, an J many entered th throne-
It Wln a Tuna.. mm la a Vew
lark Tkasl. r.
Hay a man bis a performance ta hi
wd theater?
(Hear UainmenMa think o and baa
offered fur bl opinion.
lit. JUmroeraw-ln I associated with
Moesr. Koater it Illal la th management
of a New York mualo ball which U patron,
tied by tb fait set and occasionally visit
ad by slower cltlaen who ar curious to
ae bow tb faat x t uiium theinwlvea.
air. Haint.eru-tn occupied eeon.plca
an box In hi theater tb other night, and
when Dl Dlo, a Vlrai aluirer with aa
Julian name, appeared on tb ttatr b
treated her wltb loud and long continued
Liases, llatnmerslcin's bis ws aaabrtU
and persistent that It attracted lb auao-
early l, Classes, aa Oaa IMa Oajj
lit cwn aa 4.
Twenty thousand gtunr of uchrei
TU it tb recur J of tb play of tb four
CUcairo gentlemen who hav eat every
Ve laia mtatlw Fee Iroa Ball Da Rat ur (lav evening for ll Hut 18 Tear
steaa rea4 Tke OU aa4 la Hew Mas and euga(jd in that gain which gmrf
ally mark th Initiation of every nor lea
Into tb never ending inyttrrie of card,
Daniel Westervclt and C L. Root hav
played agaiut Tboma Denton Jame
nd Jamta Taylor. TVy bav been
that tail over it broad expanse, and aft-' ergi'd many tim to play whUt rca
er buffeting with it tura thaahipa lino or pinocbl or even op, but never
of Cob alrarlloa .assthiaf; A aval ,
tf7aa. aa4 TkU Faa
Tb aea 1 a grand and yet a treachnr-
cu mother to the thousand of chip
mag Oaari cbaa. IHvart laa KmU
grallaa at 111 tal Jrrla I ram laa l'aiU4
tato ta KarllMra kaattaa aa4 Xarwa.
A Kick .
Crlllvara mine U tb location of lb
northern inuat railway .ml Ion In the world,
tbe terminus. In fact, though on a nominal
branch, of tbe grrat riwnlib railway and
located 17 mile north of the arctlo circle.
tlon of th audience, and many person
present were astonished torocoffiilie In th
oCfendrroneof th proprietor of the house.
Occupant of adjacent boxo protostod
against tlx rllsturuano and wer prompt
ly informed by Jdr. Hamrnerstela that he
owned tbe plaoa and If they didn't Ilk
bl conduct they could go to a hotter re
most go to their hospital for repair. f on mimwul nav tney swerveu iroia M range as u teems 10 iinicricanjs -
This hooital is the drvdork. an I the U-ir dvotion to em hr. iiobern railway traverone of Iherlch.
Thl. bospitai I. thadrydock. and th ,U,u.,y C)Tmt. the four art regions In th. world. Th (.. II vara
doctor are the army of cartful work- lh ' tw0 tJlr. 0f fajth- mountains contain vast mlnes of lb fin-
men who look over can fnlly and repair ! l,r?t 1 ''"T' 11 Vf l if " L LZ tt iron or and som other n.lmmls. Tb
- - i i . I U uririuiv u . . i . i i. ,1,. .,tf Itf.flmla
m'va ur oTuacn nvei. i
very faulty
Bait water is teeming with parasite
of plant and animal life that cling to
the bottom of ship, eat slowly yet
turcly throe go. wood and iron alik or
rust it away, whlla they act a a check
on tb spued by vastly increasing tb
roslatauoa and friction of th water
against tha shin. Tba "god of th
storm ana everywhere" and pick ont
each weak seam or faulty rivet fend
reached their ulnvto-n thousand six bun
4red and fiftieth gam of euchr Satur
day evening, and nNn th occasion of
th twenty thousandth gam each of
, th player intend arriving at th tcena
, of play smoking a SO-ceut cigar. Except
on holiday or anniversaries, it 1 aaid,
i they ar upn-mely Indifferent to tha
' quality of th tobacco they burn.
I Thoma U-nton James I a pensioner
of th wholesale bona of Marshall Field
lowly and .urely eal into tha Tital. of , & H, WM . for
th ship, so that every few month it
become noctwsary to examine and re
pair th rcaauL To do thi she must
com out of th wator. Th drydock 1
Just a great box of wood, iron and stone.
connecting with tb aea by a great gate-
that firm and it predecessor for So
year, and about two year fro wa
placed upon th retired list with con
tinued y for service rendered. II
is a sprightly gentleman of mature years,
which he place at C9, but which hi
way. Whwi the .hip U ready to enter. ,rin u,1IHlr of
Among tboa who tpostuIated with
th Irate manager wa on George Keaa
ler, a win merchant and man about town,
and blm Mr. Haromenteln t me led with
partloular ountvnipt. Tb men Anally ad
journed tholr dl.put to tlx lobby, where
Air. KammenUiln smota tbecberk of hi
adversary and was promptly floored for bl
nrsaumDtlon. lleln a fat man. th lm-
room with disheveled beads, torn Veils, I preaario promptly rebounded and wa lm'
broken feather and crushed sleeve.
Borne ladies Indeed presented as lamen
table an appearance a If they hail been
niiKed In a free fl-ht Two had most :
palpnbl bmise on their arm, and an- j
other complained, with pardonabl acri
mony, that sh had received a sever I
blow on her neck from the cocked bat of
"aotne savage" who bad attempted to
push past her. The saloon in which th
Company waited wer dreadfully cold, fur
th Ore, which bad apparently been
lighted Just at th but moment, wer
neither numerous nor large, and It Is dlf-1
Bcult to understand why, in such in
clement weather, there should be inch i
rigorous economy at the paiac In regard
to wood and coal. Londou Truth.
mediately knocked down again by tb
powerful fist of blsopponcnt. This opera
tion wa twice repeated, greatly to the edl
. floallon of a crowd of bystanders, among
whom Dl Dlo and her maid wereoonsplcu-
ous, before "tbe only Italian policeman on
tb force" Intervened.
On repairing to ths station house Measr.
Koster Mai promptly balled Mr. K eas
ier, but refused to belp tbelr partner, who
waa left to cool bl hoc Is for few hour
till bl messengers oould And a bondsman.
In court next morning th combatant
war discharged, with a reprimand, after
Justice Voorhex bad laid down tb law
on a subject of Interest to theater goers
Tbe right of member or th audiene
the gate la abut and the water all pump
ed out; then the workmen, with prac
ticed skill, place the block at the bot
tom of the dock for tbejteel to rut
upon, taking tbe dimension from tb
plan and drawing of th veasuL These
in place, the dock 1 flooded again, the
gate opened, and the ship hauled in.
The gate i now closed again, and while
the water Is slowly pumped ont and the
ship settle down tho docker pull her
thi way or that until h rest evenly
on the koul blocks. Then shore, or
heavy wooden beams, are braced from
the side of tbe dock to tho tide of tbe
hip, and a tho water i pumped away
tba ship stand "high and dry," a ver
ltablo "fish out of water," the bottom,
which wa below the water Una, cover
ed with Beawocd and parasite that
bide the d fort they have caused.
Then the workmen scrape and scour
the unwelcome barnacle and gnu
away, the seams and rivet are all cx
amiuod and repaired, a fresh coat of
paint goe on again, and a the dock is
again flooded the ship rise from nor
hospital bed, and th wooden supjwrts
are knocked away until the float out to
sea again, "healthy and strong," to
uaapleg flags,
Th favorite shopping bag for both
young and elderly women who likesom
receptacle for huudkerchlef, memoranda
aud th triflu accumulated In shopping
ia on of rich black brocad or heavy
corded silk, lined and drawn np on a
liirrstring. Often such bag of black
aitin ar entirely covered by a second
big made from joining many bra ring
that bar Drat been covered with black
twist in a double crochet stitch. Borne
time a band or wide border of the
. rings Joined together cover th upper
part i f tb bag only. Out of thi styl
of decoration ha grown cue of the dec
orative novel. lie of th day, which 1
very popular In Europe, and which ia
just coming into nse here. Itcousistaof
cardboard molds tbut ar slightly raised.
covered with silk or linen thread in
linple crochet stitch.
Tb molds com in th shape of cir
cle, oval. Uare and heart In leal
and In convuntionallxed flower form.
Often th crochet work I mad more
laborat by wiping each form with
purled border, like th lacy loop seen in
tutting. The center of th form may
be filled out with a crocheted chain of
titche, cr with fancy embroidery and
lac titciira don in silk or in gold
thread. St. Louis Republic,
Ma Hoops, kal Mora Drapery,
Fortunately the crinoline scare ha re
solved itaelf iuloa little harm lew stiffen
ing for th bottom of gowns, which ar
to be fuller and wider for the future.
Thi is a it should be, for the exaggera
tion of lightlies wa neither pretty nor
convenient. At time it tiecam impoe
tibl to walk, eciully in a hih wind,
od difllcult to sit down gracefully. Y
hall have a little more stuff in onr
dresses, for which we shall pay a lift!
more, th dressmaker will cliarge a lit
tle morn, t voila tout Meanwhile ev
erybody may Indulge their taste and
wear gnruicuU of any period or none,
provided they have big sleeves and rev
ersor frill on their bodices. I Itk thi
lilrrty of action. Each on can suit her
costume to her t ut and adopt a styl
thst especially please her. London
Tk faaealaf of,
Mr. Croty gave an account of th
founding of 8oroi X3 year ago at a
conference of women held lately in Wil
mington, Del., to celebrate the entrance
of tb new Century club into It beauti
ful horn, a building planned by women,
owned by women aud anperred by
committee of women. Kcfcrriiig to th
ridicul which Hurosia excited at that
tui th quoted an editorial which said
among utlmrluitp Uunx that fit these
womrtt inan.tged to hold togiber for sis
montla wnhsut qnarreliag all rorn
Would ha'v to entirely reronstnict their
idea of women." llrooklyn Lag la
A Btory al a Groal lager' Olfs.
A pretty story la told anent Mm.
Christine Nllaaon' recent gift of f-VOOO
toward founding a boiital In France
peciolly intended for tb car of dis
ease of the throat. In ber poverty
stricken childhood the great singer was
attacked with croup and waa taken to
tb boepital. where th car and skill
wfcich wer bestowed opoa ber arrested
bav th sam rtuhl to disapprove. But la
both case tb Individuals should lak oar
not to Interfere wltb tbe rights of other
who wish to sit quietly and do neither."
This affray has arousud a good dent of
Interest In tiothnm Drat bcoauie tb cas
Itself I very unusual and next baoaus
tb parties Involved are men of consider
able notoriety. Mr. Jlnnunersteln was
originally Interested In tb tobacco trade,
In which be mad a good dual ol money,
toapplnudlaundcnluble'saldbe. "They j battlo with the wind and sea ami the
enemies oi mo nag sue prouuiy Die.
When wood was umkI almost exclu
ively in building 11110, a very easy and
convenient mean wo found to protoct
the nnder water portion of the ship
from the insidious attack of barnacle
and parasite of plant and animal life.
Thi was done by covering the whole
bottom of the thlp with a plating of
thin copper, for tbe gnlvanlo action of
A few year ego be built two theater In J tho salt water npon tho copper wa to
convert tho ship aud sea into avast bat
tery, where the copper became tho nega
tive polo and was slowly yet constantly
eaten away, the particle, as they full,
taking with them the barnacle and sea
weed as fat as they formed on the
ship, thus keeping the ship's bottom
aud sidos olwnyiclenn, to that tho speed
was nut cut dowu by dragging tho bar
nacle and yards of seaweed through tho
water. Yet oven then tho copper need
ed repairs; faulty timbers rot tod and
crumbled awny, so that every few year
lisrlura and blossomed out as a theatrical
manager. Whllo engaged In that capacity
bl combative disposition bss led blm Into
a number of row. which have gained more
or lea publicity. In Wi he built th
Manhattan (J r House In Thirty-fourth
trout, and after an unsuccessful season
there be entered Into a partnership with
Koster et lllul and converted the house
Into a in unto hall lie once wrote or
aid bo wrote the score and libretto of a
eoinlo onera In SI hour on a wager.
.Mr. Kceslur I personally on of th
1 vary best known men In Now York. II
' -I . t. . -1 . . ... I . . In thm Mtrlr
Including a hansom drawn by a spank- the snip Imil to go luto aryilocx and tie
Ina team. Ill afternoons ar devoted to ' thoroughly overhauled, each faulty tim
business and driving, but at soon a night ' ber replaced and rusty bolt repaired an
has eottled over th olty bo appear In hi
drea suit, and wherever men eongrvgaUt
there b may be seen, lie receives an enor
mous allowance from tbe French wine '
hoiue be represent. Uoatlp bss It that h
receive f for xptuv aud thai b
spends every cent of It.
llodlvlde hi tltn Iwtween Hollywood, '
N. J., and Baratoga Springs during tb j
summer season, aud In th great club
house there I no bravlcr gambler than '
be. In one night lost month In BaraUiga 1
b lost 17,nou In tb United Btate club
house at baccarat. In tbe Saratoga club-
bouse he lost S, 000 at a sitting.
til no loopholo was left for the sea to
work opoa.
Hut with the advent of iron' in the
building of ships tho old means failed.
for whuro copper was placed over iron
the iron became tho negative polo of the
great battery and was eaten away quick
ly, riddling the bottom of tho ship with
many leak. Many devices were tried
the nnder water portion of tbe vessels
were covered with a waterproof layer of
wood, which was than coppered as bo
foro, but wherever there wa any me-
Mr. Kossler gavsa fumous olsmoak In ' talllo connection between the copper
ami iron tne wnoie lurce oi mo oat wry
acted there, and hole were eaten In un
expected and iuaocemible places, bring
ing In an element of uncertainty and
enforcing grrat caro in "shout hing" the
vessel, a the coating of wood is called,
and tho ship still bad to go more often
the betting ring of th Baratoga race
track In August. He had Invited about
eoo guests and had turned tbe entire ring
Into a glgaatie dliilug ball. Nearly all of
tbe turf moo of that auction of tbe country
were prescut. Tbe feature of th reiast
wa th dusacrt An army of about V0
colored waiter Ulrd In after th food bad
bean ditcussod, each one carrying an tut-' than ever to the drydock.
mense watermelon, luto whlcb a llUe of
cbampngn had been pourw). The hot
tic, bead downward, were standing In tb
Tbl 1 not th first row In. which MU&
dl Dlo, tbe singer ha been Involved.
Four year ago sha wa singing at Dun
ser'a Orphcuiu, Vienna. Her devoted
admirer wo a young ltoumanlaq prluea,
theson of a ltoumnnlan embassador to
Vienna. II was always with ber when
sh drove In lb prater In the afternoons
and In her box al the ojwra where sh
peal th evenings until the time came for
ber turn at th second clot theater al
wblch sh waa singing. It I reported
that this young man, In a moment of Inv
pecunluslty, bad borrowed the singer' jow
sis aud pawned tbetn. This was very gen
erally discussed In Vienna al lh time, and
When the (ierman aiubaisedor to Au.trla,
rriuoo ltcusa, gars on of bl diplomat!
ball tb itoumanlan embMiadar wa In
vltel, but no Invitation wa aunt to bl
On. I
i'ublle comment on tb young man' re-1
latlon to tb singer bad reached such a
tag thai II was important (or him to b
Then the various methods of painting
the bottom with protective paint hav
. been tried and are nscd in all of the
' oraixcrs of our navy. The skill of hun
dred of chemist has been exerted to
Dud a paint that wonld act as the cop
per doe aud throw off the barnacle and
seaweed. Ureat prize have been offer
ed, and a fortune await tho uoceesful
discoverer of such a coating for ships,
yet so far Unno ho been dlsovcred that
act completely, and the iron and steed
thlp which start from port with fresh
ly painted side and bottoms return in a
few mouths coated with barnacle and
weed, which, a it trails in the wa
ter, very materially cuts down tho speed
and power of the ship. Thcu the must
be put in the dry dock and scrubbed and
scraped and repainted. Still worse than
the barnacle and th seaweed is th
water itself when it And an entrance,
be it ever so small, through the paint
to the steel below. Blowly but surely
it runts oat a little pit, wblch extend
wber under 100. Mr. J sines' partner
I Jauie Taylor, a congenial companion
with a life record of To year. It i said
that Jame Taylor can indicate by
graduated system of pressure npon the
foot of Thomas Denton James whether
be is holding right, left and ace, ten (pot
and queen, or no trumps at alL Dauiel
Westervelt I 73 year old. II wa a
salesman for Field. Leiter & Co., after
ward for A. T. Stewart & Co., and finally
for Storm & Hill, retiring when the lat
ter Ann retired. C L. Hoot is the "boy"
of the quartet He U only S3 and is
considered rather wild and frisky by his
companions. Mr. Root drove (tage be
tween Dine Island and Chicago during
the period between ItUO and tIO and
took no stock whatever In th future of
tbe city.
Every Saturday night aa regularly a
th week roll around the four cronie
meet and play euchre. They shift about,
like sittings of the supreme court, from
one bonse to another, but they alway
it in tb same chairs and in the earn
relative positions. Almost eight yean
go Mr. Jumc bronght to a meeting
copy of "Cavendish on Whist," for
which he came near being expelled from
the society.
Tli four player have become so at
tached to th simple game of euchre that
It is now a part of their very nature,
nd in th 10 year of their weekly con
texts only on an occasional cas of sick
ness, to th number of three or four
time in all. ha canceled the engage
ment of cither player. A complete reo
ord of the game 1 kept to show which
ido leads from year to year. At present
Mr. Jame and hi partner ar 151 gomes
head of their oponent. At the ten
thousandth gnmo they were 193 game in
t'te lead, but have been lowing for tbe last
wo years. For a period of five years
'.here waa no material gain for either
All fonr of these lifetime enchrelst
are gentlemen rather simploln their cut
torn, dixiuclined to adopt tlie intricacies
of whist or the novelty of cinch
unwilling toconccdo that some Saturday
night three of their number will meet
at the appointed place, light their cigar,
get the cards in readiness and wait for
one who will never deal the cards again.
Chicago News-Record.
1 xtreaicly fertile and over th vasl
slope and plateaus to th west extend lm
mens forest of th finest timber where
II kind of nm abound. It 1 to this
region that King Oscar now Invite hi
poorer subject to move, and It was with a
view to checking tb grrel emigration to
tb United Mate that tb railway wa
pushed through.
Tb recent formal opening of tb line
wa a great occasion. King Oscar officiat
ed In tbe formal proceeding and madoa
perch which delighted th Bwrdi. for ha
I a great scholar and orator, but tbe point
of greatest luterest 1 that this complete
an undertaking begun CI year go, and
now Bweden Is traversed from end to end
by a railway 1,500 mile long. In 1850
there wer mile cf railway opt rated by
tbe government. In INTO nearly 700 mlli-s
nd In 180 only 1,004. Now there are
1,000 miles, valued at S0,o2o,0ll BwedUh
crowns, nearly 11,000,000, and tb sys-
1 us; , hh i'i nTt- . .1' .
A Scene la a Towa Masting.
To a city man town meeting are a
novelty. 1 attended on some years ro,
over which an ex-governor presided. The
various reports hud been acted npon, and
finally was read by tho moderator an
article on the amount of money the town
should appropriate for the tupport of the
schools this year.
Tha question had hardly been put
when a citizen with a pronounced Ger
man accent juuijied np, and with a ro
guish twinkle in hi eye said: "Mr. Mod
erator, I want to ask the taxpayer to
think a little while before we appropri
ate so much money a we did last year.
What i de nse of supporting a high
school in this town if the children spend
their time learning how many leg a
traddlebug bus got, when they can't
nswer some of the simplest question.
I want my boy and girl to learn some
thing practical. The other day I wanted
to write a letter to order some borax
that 1 nse In my business, and I said to
my daughter, 'Uretchen, how do you
tiiell borax? and what do yon suppose
she saidT She said she didn't know. 1
tell yon, gentlemen, what w want ia
more common sense lessons and not so
much straddlebug businea." Boston
tain to attend, so b went without aa In
Vlutlon aud told bl boJoM thai he up
poacd bl failure to raralt on Wa das
to an oversight. Tbl nilscunccptloa of
lb situation wa very frankly cleared
away by Trine Keuso, who tuld him that
b bad failed to receive aa Invitation be
rauae Dona bad horn sent him, and that
bis presence thr wa Dot desired, lis
and his father promptly left th mbay,
and there followed a challenge from th
lUHimanlan rniliaoiaili-r wha wa a mem-
the fatal termioat'on which waa throat-1 brrU tb llaearesra family. Tbet was
present al a bail which all Vienna waa cor-, omctlinc almost through tho plate be
etled. Though only seven years of ace.
b rratiiude and appreciation of tha
bem-bts rvceired have never been for
gotten, aud thi gift im lm e :j of
Tka Rko4a tlaa I'roaaaolatSaa aVOIosr
In many an tiou there Is doubt a to
th way in which the name of the kvw
attorney general onglt to be protHiunced.
Ilnvii In Ithula I.Un.l II rl.n t j'
tb. family, they call X Oh-ay.-Doato. I"
Olobe. j . ,
A butcher of Manaaquan. X. Jt, bat
Dtllixrd hi (pare Urn when not rarvicg
ter in carving out riUTt 11 baa
Uauufjctured seven guitar so far, and
rou'.c:.iC pTunooace iban iceUcat la
no duel kills, dl Dlo bas ber Jewel back.
aad the ywr.r j prince ha dropped Into tb
umr tat hi lather laaJ.
Many ranw of catarrh might be avoll
d and other greatly relieved if at the
first sign of any trvraU In fh "early
nafnVe" period tbe nose and throat
went thoroughly sprvd at least once
day with one part of liMcriue mixed
A throat spe
cialist thinks this treatment a much a
part of th gnd and cleanly toi.'et a
broalilng tb teeth or hair or bathing
New YurkP
fore the paint scale drop off and dl
close th defect, which can even then
only be seen by putting Ui ship in dry
dock and examining every njuare foot
Of her bottom platiug.
This all show bow necessary it I for
tb ship to go to their "hospital" and
bow careful her "doctor" shoo Id be,
fur million of dollars worth of property
and million of priceless lire are car
ried every year on those "meaaeogcr of
A Rfcopkeoper Wllk Two Ptltaa,
I wa buying a pair of cpectacle not
long ago from th man that aold m
' every pair I ever had. Several peop!
wer standing at 111 coutiter. I laid
down f 1.50 aud started to go. II called
me lack.
"Two dollars, if yon plea, Mr. By
stander." "Why why." said I in astonishment,
"I thought it wa only fl.50."
"Two dollar, sir. I never sold a pair
of spectacli- in this shop for lex."
1 added the other CO cents and onr
more turned toga Again he interrupted
"I wish yon wonld step back into the
rear of the shop, Mr. Cystandcr. I have
a geological tpecimrn I want to show
I followed him meekly. At soon as w
were out of hearing cf tbe other be
ihoved a half dollar into my band.
There' your geological specimen," he
grow led. "Don't yon ever play m a
trick like that a-airu You never paid 1)
tern of government control Is claimed to
b great turcesa It Is only tho short
branch line or feeder that are operated
by companies.
Sweden It naturally divided Into three
great province, and Norrlnnd, the most
northern, wa largely uninhabited when,
la th session of lfl2 8, tb rlkwlng, or
national parliament, voted to complete
tbl trunk line through It. In 1800 the
line from Stockholm to 1'psala was opened
for tnvlo. In IbsO II roc lied rollcf tea.
Where the great Angermauna river was
CToesed, and there th sc heme wo alan
doned for some time. It was soon proved.
however, that tbe virgin forest beyond
wat of Immense value, and now Norrlaud
supplies one fifth of the export lumber
trndo of tbe world, more thnn (annua and
twice a much a the I'nlted State. Tb
tourist and sportsman hav a new field
opened for then. Yoaemlte ha a rival In
tb mountains, all sorts of gamearo In th
woods, and th many streams, a yet tin'
vexed by line or seine, alwund In flab.
Lake are so numerous In Sweden that
they are estimated to cover 11,000 of It
171.750 square miles, and In them are
some 70 kinds of edlblo fish.
liodcn, near tbe gulf of Bothnia, Is the
terminus of the government road or trunk
lino, and .here Is the Intersection with tho
short road from Lulla, on the gulf, to tbe
Oelllvara mines. It was at Ikslen, there
fore, that tha ceremonies took place, exoel
ami are 1 10 magniucence any previous uispiay
in mo tar nonn. a long irnin oi lesiai
coaches, decorated wltb tho national oolora,
bore th royal family and principal ofll
clals, with many KwedUh noblemen and
capitalists. Tb little town put on Its
gayest attire, and tb king, In th midst of
a complimentary reference to the United
States, expressed a hup that tbl place
would become tbe Chicago of the SwctlUb
north. De It remembered that th most
Southern point In Sweden Is U degree
north of Chicago, and that Duden I lfl de
gree north of Winnipeg, and It will be
een that th king ha great faith, but It
Is also to be noted that th cllmnto Is much
milder than In tbe sam latitude In th
Interior or on the eastern coast of either
continent. There It a concerted moremont
all over Sweden to induce emigration to
Norrland, and It I expected that the prov
Ino will absorb tho surplus population for
many year, reducing Immigration to
America to a minimum and greatly
strengthening ths kingdom.
Sweden still bo less than 6,000,000 peo
ple, and more than half of thvmllvaln tho
southernmost province, or Gothland, the
region from which the (Jotht started, near
ly 1 , 600 year ago, on that great movement
which ended In tho destruction of the Ho
man empire of tha west and tb establish
ment of the Spanish kingdom and iwoplo.
It wo not till th twelfth century that
th Swede were Christianized, and In
1603 Protestantism waa made the national
religion. - Everybody ha read how Gus
tavus Vasa freed Sweden and founded the
royal line In 15 J.T, and how, a century Inter,
uustavut Adolphu rained her to th high
est rank, but that royal lino long since be
came extinct, and tbe present King Oscar
I th grandson of Jean Baptlsto Jules
Hernadotte, a French soldier who became
king of Sweden as a result of Bonaparte's
war and Intrigue.
Despite tbe general Intelligence and nat
urally contented disposition of brr people,
Sweden I now tnvolved In a tea of trou
bles. The friction between her and ber co
pm t tier In the kingdom, Norway, ha
grown until tbe bitter I In a political re
volt and demanding Independence. Since
the two were united nnder one king Nor
way ho constantly struggled for a larger
hare of self government until now tbe
radical party, led by the famous DJorn
tlcrn Iijortifon, demand complete sep
aration. HI eloquence In th Norwegian
tongue I described as something wonder
ful, and tbe latest account are that be
and bl partisan ar sweeping all before
them. The Swede are determined not tn
allow a separation, averring that It would
result In a renewal of those bloody strug
gle wblch once detracted the Scandina
vian countries. From this distance lilt
not easy to see how tbe Issue can be set
tled pmoeably. There I also ao Internal
struggle over tb economic and fiscal sys
tem, especially th worldwide Issue of free
trad and protection.
J. F. WiLLoronT.
Tbe greatest docks in ths for a tmir of sat-taclea in your Ufe."
Stoat Ka Ma
Tb blond of a four poend eal contain
w.rr.cWni putaoa k aiU 10 no. Cooties
Bakes U aaeaUaav
Id ar those of th great shipping
port of Liverpool. Washington Star.
AtlaagyC gisgaMoe,
IMC Floosie Tb peopl at th Epis
copal church are verralacffT. don't yoa
think, mamma? '
Mamma No, dear. What make yi a
think ao?
Flaie Wa, every time th mialsUr
topped reading they all said aa titer.
Chicago later Ooeaa.
Many of th bonaee ta Madrid bare a
toeg paint branch twisted along th rail I
big of on of the or pre bajcouire. Thi '
wa bleaaed in on of tbe chnrche oa
I felt that I bad met a genius and waa
humbled accordingly. Cincinnati Trib-
G on nod received bis Cnt instruction
In muaio from hi mother, who wa a
distinguished pianist II won th grand
friz at tb Paris conservatory, w hen be
wa II.
The average weight of 10,000 men
and women weighed la Boston wait
Men, ltl pounds; women, 134 vtj'
C').V7f-.'3 Of COSTERS.
ytiry laa a rrentrtoa. I Iff, kal Ar rM
Pwoplwr All laa Tlata,
A writer i-i the London Quiver ny
that tli- coster are now a Urge cla.
riiotigli the co-t r's work Uistremelj
hard and bis proflt sre frr.'ariOUJ, he
liver, for a Hood piirpov When he speak
of himself as "a general dealer," b
mean that bo tradt lu anything which
nmbli him to turn an hone.! penny.
Hi ordinary mode of lifo is even lower
than is meant by living from band to
mouth. When be turns out in the small
hour of the morning to look round the
market, be may not even know whether
this Uufilo for tho day will consist in
ILh, vtg tal It or fruit lie may take
baty penny breakfact in the street
tad tin n go to Dillingsgntu wltb the
l.lea of "loading np" with tho first, only
to find that everything is too dear, and
then he mut hie away to Fpitallluld or
Covcnt Xiardcn. When be thu arise
with the lark, becanuot toll whether be
will have "a good day" or a rery poor
The most despairing time of all is
when tho markets all round are too dear
to allow of the barrow being "loaded
up. " If the coster can clear S or 4 shil
ling In tbe day, be will not be down
hearted, and should bo earn nothing, or
even make a loss, he looks at the mat
ter as philovvlilcally 0116 could ex
pect There are shrewd business men
among the coster who rise Into thriv
ing shopkeepers. The batik establish
ment for their own nse teaclu them to
tave, and the evening lor receiving de
posit will be one of the liveliest of the
week. The fact i also learned that
there It strength in unity, so that the
London Union of General Dealers in
IU way cxercis) as farreachlng an in
fluence as a city guild
The chairman might correctly have
described himself iu tho words of one
of hi brethren, "1 ain't a eddlcatcd
person, but I know wot' wot " Ho
proved this characteristic by rising into
a thriving tradesman, having ono or
two hoia, and when on one occasion
his errand boy ttolo a box containing
nearly 100 sovereign tho police would
not believe that such a man hod so
much money to be stolen. Tho fact
was as stated, however, and tho "gen
eral dealer" still continued to make
progress, whilo be was well known to
Lord Shaftctdmrv, who publicly alluded
to him as "My friend At first
tight it may appear to bo a humble
thing to bo a leading spirit among such
bumble folk, but in a way there is am-
plo scopo for administrative ability and
Mr. Blsssll Measarea for a Chair.
On the scale Mr. Duuell ia undoubt
edly tbe greatest postmaster general th
country has ever bad. lie is considerably
over 9 feet perpendicular, and bis bori
ton tal measurements have so far been
withheld from the public. Unfortunate-'
ly for him, he found on his nival at tha
postofflce dojwrtment that bo not only
filled the chair of bi predecessor, but
considerably overflowed it In fact tbe
onicechuiroccupiislby Mr. Wannmaker, !
although of the ordinary size, wo found
to inconveniently small for Mr. Dlssell
that he Immediately secured a reoulsi-
tion for a new chuir, to be built for him ner, she consnltod a card on which iht
ccording to specifications furnished by bad methodically Jotted down her tro
blm. I ore's number. The man repeated tls
The new piece of office furuttnre is to figures slowly after her.
bo made of heavy quartered oak. 80 In-1 "After all. this doesn't sppear to U
chesacroeatheseat. supported on straight your watch," he said coolly, exhiUuc,!
by ingenious crooks.
a Ik Trlaa. Wall Cal,,!. .
else Jaot,.r.d-A, c 'r
CaaaseUoa Wllk Loot Artl,.
During the cold weather f tL,
part of th year an eastern L,jr Tt
ataw'.l known house in th Urt J
th city ordered from a prompt f
rler a cotly wrap of rtuMmu tah:,,
teratlon in th garment were tiei,
and a they would require tim aal tu
lady was about returning .t
quested ber hostess to recciv the M9
nd forward it to her. The long lJX '
delivered on tb promised duy, ri,j tv
"! m jn-oig pacgii for
preasage when th front door bell -,(.
pealed sharply, and a mesaS, p!:rjr
I ing to come from the furrier, Vu
1 bronght, '
It was to the effect that an a'.!rtios
particularly directed, had been ovr!
looked. Tbe furrier requested t he rttura
of the garment and the rul-Uk woiia
be rectified that same afternoon. Xo
bnge box wa about to bo Intrusted to tr
, messenger when a fortuitous imfm'.
came to it guardian. She return' imini
to th messenger that she declmcj tots'
th retponslbllity of permitting snytLiw
to valuable to bo taken away without
written order, bat wonld herself csfl u
the farrier' the following moruirj
That call confirmed usplcior.. Tai
farrier bad antborixed no ono u utt
tbe wrap. It wa easy to draw couo
Ion. j Again, and yet more recently, t lv!y
resident of West Walnut ttr"t founiut
her return bom one mild aftern.An tht
a valuable jewel watch Lad fallen fror
it chatelaine and left no tracri Ul.u.1
That evening her hatband hastened to
have the loa advurtlsctl In the inorai&r
paper. At breakfast the "Lxt tad
Found" column were carefully r4
The valuable chatelaine watch wa de
scribed in the "Lost" lines, end to th
Joy of husband and wife another "id.
wat fonnd detailing the discovery of t
lady'a jeweled watch on the ttrett Io th
same vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, ti
they may be called, were ttill discuwa
b: akfat and the lost watch wuta
man waa announced.
"About a lot watch," so ran Lis mes
sage, "picked np th previous erenicf
on the pavement below."
I "My watch, I'm coufldent " th it
claimed, tpringing from ber chair.
"So yon laid a few moments ugo, wbra
you read the 'Found' ad vertisetueut," r.
Uionstrated her husband. Hut sh lw
lied through the doorway, the caution,
"De careful what you say," ringing in
her ear.
"You lost a watch; I found one to
began tb man. "Describe yours, pleaj.'
Mr. Smith did to, whilo the stmr
kept hi left hand closed, seemin0lv, over
th lost trinket
"Your watch number that I mint
have," continued tbe man at alio flui-M
a brief but clear description. (Jite im
pressed by hi concise, busiuesidikenuti-
legs 8 by 4 Inches, weighing about as
much a the heavy mnlioguny desk be
fore him. It is not the sort of chair that
one would twirl carelessly about while
engnged In Idlo conversation and will
not be In "any danger from the petty
thieve of th departments, who carry
away towels and soap and such like arti
cle. It will, however, be a great com
fort for Mr. Dissell, who np to the pres
ent time ha preferred (landing to con
fining himself to the narrow bound of
tbe chair of hi predecessor. Washing
ton Cor. Baltimore American.
Toaalls Cauterlssd la Bleep.
For five mouths a girl of 13, of good
family, ha been lying in a date of com-1
plete lethargy in a private hospital at '
Yeslnet, outside Pari. The sleeping
maiden ha been recently restored to
coiuicionsnes by Dr. Reffegean, who had '
cheap timepiece of rolled gold.
Grumbling over the waited momcnti,
he quickly donned ber street suit sol
hastened to the neighboring house fruia
where tbe "Found'' notice had iuacd.
Bhe wsa met on the ttircahuld Vy tie
neighbor herself, whose excited gnxtic.
"So glad we wera the fortunate Cuden
of your beautiful watch. Bridget saw it
shining on the pavement as she was light
ing tbe vestibule lamp. When your
brother called 20 minute or so a'o, w
were a pleased to give him tho watch si
be wu to get it Of conrso we were care
ful to have it described, which ho did
aocuratoly, giving the exact number,"
Mrs. Smith 1 still minus her pretty
Jewel, but she bo learnel a cujt.y lesson.
The audacity of these houo tbicvei it
charge of hef. in a ectillar manner. She often really amusing. They win go w
usually lay asleep with her month wid any extent and take the greatest nk to
open and her throat exposed to view. 1 accomplish their end. Ono tnuro exam
The physician noticed thnt one of the plf like the aforementioned, a tru one:
tonsil wa enlarged, o he resolved to , In a commodlou down town re.iucnc
cauterize it with a rcdhot Iron, an opera-1 Yaluable ornament in the library ii a
tlon which would 1 beneficial to th bust of Andrew Jackson, cut in j.;4
patient, even if It did not have the effect , marble by a master haniL The hum i
of terminating ber cataleptic condition, bead, now in the "great majority' rank.
After the iron had done it work th ' was a man noted for hU wide syuipatiijei
girl, who had been previously insensible , and generous yiews. It did not f xd.
to the pricking of pins, manifested nn-! much comment at hit bouso v. hen. en
mistnkable iirn of pain and uttered a day, a couple of men called and rut"!
feeble crv. From tbut moment sha l-' that the colonel had directed tliout to
gnn to return gradually to consciousness carry th Jackson butt to his not
and at last awoke,' saying to the nun far distant, where it was tofi.ur ua
who wa taking care of her. "Where am I karly political demonstration.
i-m m . ,1 , ' TV.. 1. ... f.imil Werfi DOt t
u luepatieni uau no recoiuviion or . auoimo j . ,
notion of anvthliitr tbot ha.l taken rd.u-e , home, bat an Old Irian woman, v.u
during the five month in which she wa for year been a fixture lu tha w-'
asleep and manifested the greatest sur- i caught sight of the bust as it was h-mj
Mun-tA., .t. , eir ina firvir. c ..n
Tba first agricultural Instrument; the
anoastoc of both rpede aad pibk. was a
Palm Eunday and k kept antil nKher i poinud stick.
mm cuoosr ana mry unui inwaw 1 1
Is vabeututed la th following year.
Tars Milk la t'llla.
There Is no doubt that purer milk can
b got in th cities now than it was pos
sible to find In citie 10 year agn. For
merly all milk cam to New York In
can. Now a good deal of it I put into
glao jar and sealed at the dine. A
"milk raiser" who entire product
come to New York once declared that
b did not believe that a drop of pur
milk gut into the city. He confessed
that he watered hi miik on quart of
water to 24 of milk and be knew that
th peddler and shopkeeper diluted it
till further. Th reason that h diluted
it wa that th middlemen took it for
aranttftl that ha wrmi.l anit ,li,l a!1?w
full pay for what they took. II get I 'nrvf or wast on an average 9.400
cent a quart for milk in summer and 2 of flnPt Ba ,n gecratioo.-St
cent ta winter.-N.w York Sun. Uuut EepubUc.
wise when told alut her extraordinary
long slumber. She U now said to be in
a normal state of health, full of spirits
and eager to make np for her long silence.
Pans Cor. Loudon Telegraph.
W elves Chase a nievrla Rld.r.
One of the most interesting events In
the sporting record of the year was ac
complished by Mr. Fred Wishaw, an
English bicyclist, who recently distanced
fiv large gray wolve in tbe district of
Pukoff in Itufsia. We onght to say that
a herd of elk coming along just aa Mr
Wiahaw' "bike ran into a snowdrift.
th fiv large gray wolves left off chas
ing Mr. Wu-liaw and proceeded to cbos
the elk so that speaking with strict tech
nical accuracy, the pursuers saved them
selves from the record.
Nevertheless they were distanced, for
Mr. Wlshaw state that when tb five
lare gry wolve hove Insight be wa 10
mile from the city of Larrik, and be
calculated that be could cover the dis
tance in 4. minute. Ath wasfiOyards
ahead of th wolve when th elk ram
in, Mr. WUhaw dintam-cd them a long
aa there wa any race. e fear that the
Russian wolves are not what they were,
for In old time tbe story alway ended
in ths wolves eating th hero. Boston
Tk. Waata la riagor Sails.
The average -rson trims off the thirty-second
part of an Inch from each
anger nail a week, or about 1 i inebe
rvery year. The average of human Lf
til over the world i 40 yean. There are
I.K)0.m).(X) people in Uie world who
tached to the family she ha 1 K-rved
long, their Interests were h.-rs. "d ,l"
managed to gain npon thu two men, wo
were hurrying down the ttrett. bur
dened with the heavy marble.
"Yoa Uke that flgger right back to tu
bouse," commanded the aproned capu-a.
"Take it back, or I'll call a I
man. Ef the colonel wanted tuat bp
for. he'd a-wnttea fur it Yoa kerry
' to-"
The men aw that the dumpy.
gowned maid meant business. Ty
did "kerry" tbe bast back, el-e t'".
Bel would have mourned a valual . or
namnt, for he bad not aothoMcJ
removal. PhUadelphia Time.
rasa of llrorll..o la a l-C-Whea
living near N-o-ho r.ill. 0;''
0elBhlsr. bo ansa mark. t '-J '
art frf,m Ihvr La wewti-m M --1 :''
Ikiniimainl hunt ill IT O I''
chickens In the full of the v r. 1
with bira a favorite pointer .'..-' 1 :
taken was sotilhwsnl onni I m,.i
soos, Kan , by railroad, tbtrc-e r
war.1 to Fort pcott. sti.l on tit-,
nearly due en-4 from the lait.-r !
mt rrrr well for a fe '!' "
pan huntiiiir. tut by sum ' ' ';
became lost from binv He i" ' 1 1 '1
buntin It and ns it wss oo u" ,.4
bunt without th dii he e:.t b-
there found tbe 'os ad r:ht.
Acrordimz to tbe r port ef hi- ; ,
dog bad reached there a itbin ! '
th tim b bad lot him. a;. 1 !
iiiuo u nn than j m:m "v
Uio that the dog t.k a near cut I r '
Now. If this dog bad no !! ' f
what had h that ItJ bim to !' -msy
confidently brlirve to U "flJ
sod tru tours for bom hm t
paaaed over tbe other two sidcaof U
'. by raU. Cor. bcieooa
, l '.r-