The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 10, 1894, Image 1

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    TH E
IL 20
NO. 4G.
The Eugene City Guard.
.abHtUrr aoJ l'roprlrior,
t ri. UMI !4ll'.tt and H'.'li'.h Hlrvr
I'r in..n
. , Mtttiib.
Hira n intha
.Iftrli'iiJ Unit .V.l.o
riiut lr.-tU-r itl b chT(-d at Ilia (.1
i..a-i...r nJml
Una kliur ihfM tO Hitll. Ofl
I... min i mmitlu M (in
i.,.iur utte yw II 00
l'rni'iit liua in l"al elunia, 10 rent
,t Iiim I . ai B laawiiin.
A-lvrrtUiiur bill will lwrn lr. quartarly.
Ml ..b work miwt b r aiii rot ft piliukt.
CloJu. rVattrits, Chairs. Jewelry, Etc.
y-itU Vor Trarraaitr4.U3
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
1 MtyMlelfiit t 1 1 1 Suruomt
l) li-M ni rai.l.-tea mrr i.i-ti.trior. llmira;
7 Pi a m.: 12 bi 3, 6 f 0 . ni.
S.' Ivilmi and New Prlre. In KurrUn nd
iMisitt'lr (iMiilK, Miitiiiui-ut.,
lirad-lnnr an. I ('catoli-r? ..rk of
II kind, 1-!.
llltnwtl Klre-t, netr rratomr. Knirw, Or
very Pair Guaranteed.
i:i.ln.j J. s. Mills.
Weinke the following oiiiii.liiiii nt.
ary notice from the Ti.l. iln, low Ifc-m.
it-rat, (if Nov. Ii :
J. S. Mill ami family, left
lr Fugtne, Oregon, mi tln Monday
morning (ruin, In make thnt rlly (licir
fuliirt liuiiii'. (In Niliirilnv t'Vciiiiiif.
irt'Viim, n lar)ji' hiiilu-iiiv of (.Itlvm
hiuI frii'ii.U uiilhinil hi tin- I', it.
cliiin li to I. hi i!iliiii MilU uii.l hi
Illlllihli' I. nil. IV II 1,1-MtlV vinm1-1i .
I'lif vt-iiliii' ' t'lilnviil'ly i'iit It'i h
KM itil Imiir, iliirinn u liirli n iiuiiiIm ri f
aililniwin ucre giwu liy pn iniiuMit
rill. n-, i-xmihiiii; in 'lilliui Mill
uiul liiiuiiv llio lilu-li oitvni hi u hii'li
Ilit'V liml iit ii lii-lil iluiiiiir llii lr n-l-
li'lirii In 'I ulrilu, niol IpI'I.Iiiii' tlicin n
(ii il ti ill Un ir ll.'H home. IIi-ll-
n .Mill riMiinlvi fifllnuly niol if
IIK'IIIIy, Inilt'lilllV III Mutton lo Vm.
Urn t'ldli'L'i-mill I'n hi In.
'1'rlnr In liilmi .MilU' full In a m-oi-lilii
In NVMi-iii t l-t; in IssT.
hi- liml M ri ii pfilor nt tin- Cnlli-ui.
luirrli ul (MtrrU in I'n vi-r: iv. Dln.i.
It vuw vlii!i a Hlii'liiit at illriU-lii
I'lilMT'ltV. I lie iilit r of lhi ii:r
ht Iriinuil to kiiou- ltUlinii MilU uiul
Iiim f:iinlly. WO wire tlirii iiiiiirlrt'i
in I !.i ir liouiw, uiul i- nhall in i-r fur-
k'rt I lit" kindly uiul inxliliiiii; il.llilrli.M.
of llirir linuii' (luriiiir Hint vciir. unl
llli' iri'ltTOnity Willi Mliii-li Ki-Iiimi
M ll! jihv tin nitv In !iin I'xct'llt'iil
Alicr n rv liiu "vvitiiI xrur In 'l
rrn Collivi', I'roliKMir .Mill w in iiiiuii
iiniili nt Mi;N, uiul m-iviiI i oilicp
w. k'
Kml Kl.iii 'l nuiof.'r.
t l lUi'y l.r Ki 'il. l.Tl4tTI'
in nK ' Manner.
( li nn up Hie leavr.
Tliu rouiU an drying up raplilly.
1'oiniiilwloiivni court WvdnvwU.
lr. 1'nwcll lUvvm la uow "praolir
Inj; iiiiilii lne" at lacMuia, WatU.
About t-iitjr of the frli uda of MIm
I-iia (iuliiaiiiiih Kava livr aurprlw
mrty nt Ilia rtliifiK of A. UIOiullli
iNttunlny ovviiiiif.
1 Urol. I rilkliiKton, lha young crook
rl I'ortlaml altornry, liaa brvu ni
U iuiil to the H.'iiilviillary for a Utiii
oi iwo yi-are.
Miortly artar Ilia ooIWirafootUlt con-Ir.!;'" .w" f"t'tw,r,
An liuparlatit l int.
I'baiion A.lvaiuv: Tlio cto of J.
A. Murtvvalit aralnt J. M. lUUt.m I
uifof uiiUMial iiiiiortaiuv, niul miiili
llilrrrat la Ulliij luaiiiffaUtl lu It.
Aliout twenty tlilfcrvul ili'Mwitor of
tliu bank of I.liatioii liavi aniiKiiiil
tlu'lr clttlin, aKKitrnluiK t'"1"", to .Mr.
Murtpvaut, Mr tha turoao or tliw ai
lion. OvcMO of the K-aililiK liunliu-a
iiu-n and cltixcm of Ivlanoii anil vi
cinity wrra ulixMMiaHl lal wvk.
Hie olijivt of the plaint itr l tn allow
that at llio tliu th arrrrnl cliiliuiiitu
1IU bmnuna with thu bank, J. M. IUI-
ton waa a partnvr of Mr. C'uwan.
mniiTi i i niMi aitii
i II. : Am
I OiITAi.KliKiiVK.
tl I.nir it nl to V A IjiiiiIi-
niul J Int lot. I, :i, :,, it, bik 7, .j lot
i oik iii, i. v i. nit: 'Kl
Win,,!,. hiuI will- (nil W IrfiliK
i t ni, inn I I lot lot ., ; i.a i.ik 4,
lot i, n, 7. I.Ik ii, lota i, I.Ik h. Iota
is. i.ik ii, i,,t, " :i ,;u l ' lot I, ii. blk
Ill) l'.:irni to lliirvcy C Vint. Ii.
pnrt lot a, l, Ik . Mi I nrlaii.l ml; f jii
iMtfur Kiiirf nn I w id' In llnrvi-y t
nti ii, lot t, , ii, I.Ik I, l.oiiir ,V l.nn-
il. -miil, ii!mi part lot .1, blk I, Mnzo lon
a. I; ;koii.
Jnliii '.',i,r nn. I wife .i Irn I.
1 1 illi!.l HI, liml j i f l of ,.t i, I, U. 1'.,
?"'- ai ti , 1 1 actirtw iioiiiition
j J II lliu ti niul Mif,. o Kiiki-iic Imll
A Savliij: Lnnk, part of lot I, blk II;
f.noo. Alulliiin. ii. .until. ii.
Alill'.vi v nil. I u Hi-to II (' lliini
iplin-v, n trio-t ol bin. I U.i'J'x'Ji.t ft: M.
I li M Wliilm v ( lli iiin tla II Wliil-
! Iiry, n '.nu t of lalnl .1 eh" by ." -lia, In
I m' III, t 17 a, r II w; mil II."
j li II llixi.ii to Mllll,. Ikilton, lolal
ami II, blk II, ( l.i ln r ml; i-on tlmi.
I ii-rnv.
I' S to I.'iri IIjiii n, t of iu- anil
nwj of in-; m- -J tp Is a r 0 w, 1.10.7:.'
ai-ri-a; pntcnt.
I' S to I'liiirxtoii M I) .k, nw of
nw mi- In tp l. r 4-, iii'I of iii'l mi
1' I tp !! n r w, M (ii; Hrr-; pnti-nt.
J (' ICicliiir.lwui niul wilt- to MnrL-n
ni lrii-iili'iit iluriiiL' tin-i ritii nl timeiif
tin- llrr mill Itio re bliililin of tin- ml. , ri t Jmn' Ju.lkiiia, n part of il I t- No 411
L-i-. Liili r hi wumalli il to a w bd r w '' ' 'P ls r . w. lai
hi hi of iiM-fiiliii-x.1 u biili f the I'. i ni'if: f.' mi.
Iimi i- On l.l.i k tituib ol rhil.inaii't
ft. II. Ralia, Ja.,
First National Bank
01 Eugene.
PaU up lash Capital viO.COO
Surplus Mil Prnnts,f50,(l(H)
Eugene - Oregon.
A anaral bnViu l.iwinaaa il.ia on f-"U
at.l Urn.a. rtifl l ilrelu on NKW VhIIK,
'.M, OlIKUoX.
Hill, nf nrhani-a aiil.l ..a fnrrln n-untrii.
li'l-n.iu nwclvH aubjwi t chuck ur o-ititi-rat
i( it-tNic
All on'lwtl-B. -trut'i? !ont w!ll "win
1- rnM atiin!
jTf. ford,
t)(lh M-iIdmi. low, wriio. nn.lrr tlatt ol
March t lUf.Ki:
S. II. MKI. Mk. Co.,
Dufur, Orvuor.
(iK.VTt.KMKX: On nrrivlni; lioinc lt
wk, I found all w i ll ami mix lonely
wiiliinit. Our little Kirl, i llit unit ouo
Imlf yi-nra old, wlio iuul wnittt'il away
In ;W MiUluU, In now well, at run und
vlKoniiiM. and well flenln-d up. H. II.
l'oni;h ("un lini done It work well.
I'othof tlieihlliln-n like It. Your H.
11. Couch l',,ro I'Mi-d n'"' I'1
away all linarHiitwo from me. Hi (live
It to every one, with creel hiirn for ull.
Wialiliijr you prosperity, we are
Youm, Mk. and Mkh. J. K. Kuki.
It foil with to (iwl Imh and rhit-rf-il, and
Trf ht Ilia -infOif'i ork, rlraliao lha
nh lha llradat-h and Lltitr I um, I'J Uknif
Konr ihrw dM a wistk.
atild un!ra poaltlvr t'laranti-
la) MU prr bolllr h)r all drill ?!.
j. lT page,
II. eiiiireh. fur the dUehaive of whlrh
lll.v lie liikea tip liU liouie on the I'n-
I lie ii .ant. M.'inv Irirli.U of Hie lo-li-
op niul In- family, in II tilern matin
ni well at In low n, woul.l heartily join
ii. In fx-iiiliiii; thl voucher of the
blo neiplitiliiill the mi. pie of Kiu-. ne
liuve in the pn-em-e of l!i-hop Mill
ami hi family."
liUli' P Mill nrrived liere with hi
family on the overland S.ttunlnv
liiornliiix mid have taken up their r.-l-ileniv
in Hip Itiitleduu inttni!e on Ker
ry trei't. He will prelieli ill the
United Hrethn-n i-hureli next Humlay
I'rnMilif I np '
I'lili the next h ul-l.-ilure piia-4-n an
aet n-ipilillic rattle lo have more inn,
the pren-nt law riiHll lii the pHiird
IliU of enl lliatkn hholil.l In- lepi-nlnl.
The law 1 proxiiij; very tiiiMttUfactnry
to (-tin kini-ii lu I hi portion of IhoMnte
nml mi Hurt will probnbly In- inmle to
have It rrpi llli d in mi far n it npplle
to ImiIikIim eoiinty. It I II ililtli-ull
matter lo make mi ear mark entirely
ililliri'iit from n Ihoiuaml mid one
otlu ih, more or li -H, un.t In ord'-r to
In mi it i nlnm-t neeekkary to uiiitilale
IhenimiinU i-nr In tin nlnioft brtitnl
milliner, In nny (he len-l. The law wn
ilt II I M U ft paf.'i in the iulerert of tliu; i-toi kim ii of Kit-tern Oregon, and
tin V have no lliont'lit or eare for the
iiit' of Iheamnll frv. ilereil make
I W Franklin and wifo to Jame M
Shuub. n tr.el of laud in i-laini 6.1, tp
l r 3 w. J7 arren; Jhi.
Sihii Varnnll to J K Yuruall, a trai l
of hind in liolf U'.'IJ aee 1M tp 17 n r - w,
l.'.s nerif ; f Jul.
Win T 1 lalll. lay nml wi.'e to K A
liillim;, a part ofd I e No 4s ho'. I ii.';i:i,
liiat-e sti. Ill a r J w, 4I.U iieren, ulao
pnrt of d I c Jneoli S Felc-r No 611 noil
Mill, ami of the r II fNix lor and w ifi
i lalm .V.) uoif (',14 tp IS a r J w, lot 1
iH-e 17 tp l i a r 2 w, -.'Ill.i ui-n-a; lo.
(1 W itllluilre nml wifeloj M Hum
ntrnetof hind ltixbij ft aln a trnet of
land 4'il..i It lu chilui No ;is, at- - tp
17 a r 4 w; f.ii.
John A IMiiiiiiimiii and wife lo John
KiieHl, jr., a (nu t of laud in claim 4S
tp 17 r 4 w, 1 neri ; tiJ.
M t tfweii to Herman!; lljelike, a
lrni-1 of land in (ireeii H Moore't ilulin
I notf joll lp hull w, lot 4 and ne of
m- wi- tl tp is i r .j w, nenn; f .iwKi.
AtilIoev nml ifi-to II C lliini-
I'hny, u trait of laud in claiiu 4'J notf
im-.'J In Hi mil w. N) airet; ii.
John A KiIiiiiiiiwiii mid wife to Yur-
lan A I uilriuh, n trai t of laud lui lallil
4s tp 17 a r 4 w, IH.I7 ni nn; tl.
A J Jol iinon, dherill' to J M Horn,
(rai l of land tK'xPiil ft In eouiily tur
vey H i in d I 0 .Vi tp 17 r 3 w : -ai.
V T Hmiiinna mid wife to I-. J and
Zora 1 l.-iiiiiltoii, w of iiw of ne aec
1 lp HI 4 r 4 w, 10 ni-n-a; f.i").
A J Johiiiton, kIh rill', lo (I K Harold
lot 4 nml " and 17 nere in lot .1, nc ID,
ol nui.1 tod Fan, j oruvcrl' bouihl In thr
Mat aiartal
I caoofTi-r the public
innii any oilu r liuuxe;
little dilli renee if half n ih-ren ron I P H . r 3 wi, 77 acre.; ts.oo.
ue thu name ear linuk, ao loui; a lin y
live in dilli rent jHirtloii of (lie county.
Ci.a:r.rliaB Evo anJ Ckia
A rt.Kurt.' for Chronic ;:orEye
fetter, Suit Klu'iim, Sca'd, Old
t'l;ro:iin St.ri I'imT Pores, Eczema,
Iu!i, l'rairio i'cr.-.tthes, Soro NIpplei
an I I'ili s. UUcooliiia? anJ foothin.
Ilun.lreiU of cite Lavo been cured ly ' w J ol a w , nee IU , r 0 w
it after all oilu r trtattnei.t Lad failtil
25 celiU jn'l IhiX.
Ei'i all- t'r (it.urn.i Itvlito.
A I'm M int. home p.-oplu i laini
that lime are harder hele lliini lu ti e
east. 1 hu follim Iny I n iuiler on the
r J Johllitou, kilt-rill', to Sarull II
Harold I ho ii u , li i of ic , II ) of n
w J, M-eiloti it, lp HI t, r f wit, 3JW
ai-rett; t-jo.i'",.
A J Joliti-on, nhi-rirt, to T (I Hen-drii-k
n w J of ii e , rec !, lp ".I, r 3,
wil 40 acre; (II Ui.
AJ Johm-oii, aln rlir, to Sarah II.
Harold ii ) of v 1, w 1 of n e , cei- ' tp
10 , r l w; l3 ncrea; (7.'S.
Arl Cant nil nml wife to fieo V
lluiuk, a w 1, nml e 1 of n e , and n
;i.u nere
eon U'W.
V H to Ailelbart rt Walkley, n of n
e I, nee (i, t L'l , r 4 w, 77 nen-; patent.
II 8 to Adi ibart IS Walkley, ) of n
e J nee (1, I Hi , r 1 w, MJ uere; pnlelit.
I'ailr iiuar l, Nuii-uiiwr ii.
I'l in llA.iiMi I'liriT.-S. A.Clarke,
autijeet. AniiiMi rn ceiith iiiiiu viMt-( ,. vi leian joiirualUt , U lu re nuii-riii-
l I -.1 1 ,,' . LI . ' ...
I iilli.lll'l ailj. lilt- iii'l i ii " i i 14
very well know ii ill the caft; mid my
ipinioii i that On-K'in and Wutliln
ton nre on the eve of a ceiieml Itu-provi-uietit,
i.iii-t il by a d.ionililu lui-mlfc-ratiuii.
In Nil.ra.-ka liny have
had nliiuwt a total failure of croj , and
oa h4 Mil', red irn-ntly lu Una re
nrt nl-i. Ill H. Lou you do not
tend in if tliu imekilii; of the lined
prune nulled by the Kti,'i-nu CniiuiiiK
Co. nml Mr. Nortl Humphrey. Mr.
I'larke ha eoinii-i'lloli Willi nevt-ral
Kati rn llrm mid much cnilil la due
thi Kentleiiinu for hi lalK.r in Intro
irodiieinit our Iruit. He uy that Hie
( Ir-aoii tiuit wlU at c,M,l piiett while
the I ulifnrnm fruit uoc layL'Miir- Mr.
know what hard Unit are, and I am Clarke i xrt in buy mid lnp at It
niii-hulfi'f ail the prune rnlt III ore
Sou llli yiar.
certain I In-re lint not lai-n one tenth
of the kiltlt-riiijf fluaiiclal ilitlrtv Hint
t lu re hn U-eii sin in the en-t duriiij
tin- patt yi-nr or inorf."
1)1 1.Ji.- Hal tie, tl.iilnhter of Daniel
ami Annie llilitun, di.-d at their home
ni-nr Hudiey villi-, Saturday eveuintf
Nov. 3, of aumint-r e.ui lainl, ni d 2
Not initio: ri -Tlie alioo!inc m rupe
n n uted front Kello, In -I week, ill. I
not turn out to I n m-iimi an all'air I year, 4 fin I IJ .1 iyt. The in
,. u at flrt am. no-t'd. One (if tl a termtilil b.k l.laee ut I he I tali (t ine-
. . , . , Ki nm I brotliera, aed pi, had a tinrrel tt ry .Momhiy ulti-r:iiou.
It t''.l.....'.T.. I.v . r ... b ..... . ... . ....... i ...... 1. 1 i . - - -
. and lliud at him nt lonu' rnnt"- u .Hi a j
lll.-r riM!i l'arn'of l irdi-hol, i-vl l. iitly liiteml
viur junto frighten him nn re than nny
1 thillir !-, and two of Hie allot k
i the youiirf llilill. I he I ) a a am tit tl
hut at no otiu iii4 .ini tiuaiiiat him at
j the examination, be wu uicliarB'i-i.
I'ril toe y( all kind taken at market
Major I.. I). r..rre-t l vliilii g
And. rt. n't on the M' Keiule.
I r.y i Mr 1, S.r. in'er V
Col.T . the Mt Keliile t. k
farm niictioii Ti.cadny I i"i. T. Hall
pur. dinard a colt f .rjli. lie I.114 a. Id
thu animal to I V. I'iikt lt l..r i TV
A K""i Inv.tlint nt.
tiTt at Corvalllt Haturday afternoon
the I iiiverally team, and vlattor from
r.uicene, tiK.k apecla! train lu ti me to
eatili tliu overland at AlbaOy, and rt
turned home that night.
I.. II. McMahau, In lila "Watn," It
authority for the itaU-mriit tiiai-th
Km vriior tot a miary or fliOU a year
iimae f.kju; me aecreury or aula,
w ith atalary of ll.VWniakr H7,l)0;the
atalu in-naun-r make M,UJ to ftO.KO
a year; aim I lie Uierluteudelit of pub
lic liiairui'liou, jJOUO above hit coiiall
lutional aulury.
The lU-v. Mother lWrnardlna of Mk
Alltel hat w lthdrawu tomo of her tia
tera from ht. Mary'a acbmil, together
wltli their -roiinl pro-rty. The
chii, however, will couliuue to be
eomhi. ted by the tlaler and on mora
tyaieuniiio plan. Arclibinlion Oniaa.
1). 1). hn alway had the bimmJ of tha
H-hiNil at heart and haa taken komI
pnuit in pmcurv couiH-tnl teacher.
A bt-autilul day. I'ilv held It muuli'ina.1
..i ..i ... ... i ...
vn-t ii.t.i unlay.
lluaiueaa la aun-lv m-'.linir la tter In
Ijuiu county.
Die funeral of Willi. Wllklnnou oo-
vurn-ii tin alterniKiii at 3 o'clock.
(ii-o. W. Mnirelt haa retired In mi lha
ctlitoMilp of tlm Portland Telegram
(in to l'nrker't oitera houao and iret
; our iii-Keut inr i ue conivrt uow on
Tuiii Abrnma ami Chaa. Davla i
luruitl home iruiu Corvalllt thlt after-
C. M. You uir tinlav PoUMillilalml Ida
Ninth t reel meal market with h la one
on Willaiiiette atret-l. .
City council nut-It one week from to-
iiiKhU The lire alarm ayatcm thould
be adopted at that uieellng.
Ill the Weldlor aaw mill flre at Port.
laud yeatt-rday, tlm daiuacu will tie
alMiut t ,""-; no Inturaiice.
The U-autlful weather of vettenlav
HfierniHin HM takun advantnire of
by many to make abort at roll.
A reprrM-nlatlve of the Portland Tel-
cram iN-nt (Saturday evening In thlt
liy. on bunliieae connected with that
lively pnK.-r.
jutueo ueeier la liearlua a cane
thlt afternoon between Ik 1-L Camu-
In II and A. 1). Iturtou. The hone of
contention la a dlvUluii fence.
The Iter. Mother lternardlue, of Mk
Amrel, la here on liualnea connected
Willi (hn rSialeni' achool. Mie will re
turn to her home ou the overland to-
morrow morn in if.
1 he ileiiitM-rnta claim that Hill will
have "I.ikhi plurnlity, while the repu ti
ll. -nn 11 cure Morton liavlnc 6.1,000
plurality. The itcttltiff la about two to
one 111 luvor 01 fliorion.
A. C. Klrkberir left for North Dako
ta thl morning, after a remldetice here
for two year. He haa atock of gooda
iri Unit atate which he hnnea to diatiom
of, and If num-mful, will return to Ku
cenu and enter Into buailieaa. Ilia
laniily tt 1 1 1 reuiaiui here.
loinr C rwk. Grant count r. I'mrl
riio. Ilooit-r and ftniilr and John
Snndera, who It-oentlv left thlt nlaoa
tor nouuiern urevou, nave founO
pamillae at Mlnervla, In Itne county.
on the North Fork of the Hlualaw
river. They are located about thlrlr
niiiea ironi tne ocean. Dul the wave
can he distinctly heard at timet. They
n-ort an abundance of all kind of
1 hit done and hi liability it ettab
llthed. lUUtoti dctile any partner
tlilp or other relation w ith the bank at
the time atated In plnintitPa com
plaink Mr. ItaUton la a man of lurce
liiraua and If thl caw ahould I tli-eld-ed
Kaluat him It would ot-n the d.H.r
to Ul In all the depoaitora with claim
of over ai.UUi. Whitney A Ncworl,
John M. Souiert ami Moutavue A
llackleman are altorm-vt for the
plaint Itr, while J. K. W entherford,
(ieo. K. Chamticrlaiii and A. F. Mowo
repreaeut Mr. Itnltton. It I generally
con ret hi I that Mr. lUlatoll hna gained
the Unit point In having the cam aent
loa referee. Mewira Weatherfonl A
Htowe, after two Jurymen had been ae-lit-till,
urgetl that It wat a cane fur a
referee Inttead of a Jury, while Mcmr
Whitney A Homer wanted a jury.
The court finally referred the cane to
Attorney J. Fred Yale to make the
finding of law and reMirt Jan. I, Isiio.
aUI ' 4
JDLUCf an.l
lluJJ, or t'allfornia. About the Only
MurrMafal Ptmorrat.
l;..:i'. thi city, Nov. S, I'M,
at ' t-j ll.e Wife 'f Paltiit r Ay re, a daughter.
Day & Henderson,
Mi Men
Furniture Dealers.
Eugene, Oreg on.
Makkuii). Dr. Ca-tcr W. Khar.
ile. formerly of thlt rit v. waa marrim!
.tatunluy evening at 8 o'clock, at the
Imuie of the brlilu'i twreiiht. In Dt
Moliutt. Iowa, to Mi Annie Ooodrell.
The ynunir oounle left Immediatelv for
II. .,lr I........ In a... Ill- II-. .1. '
ui. .I'ria.v ... .wa.,iO ,, aail.
Okkuo.n HoPfl. In aaneecli at On
cida, New York, recently to a crowd of
none rower, ttovernor flower aald
"I would ad viae you la rait fewer
Iioim In tlila ttate. I he Sfl.OnO acre In
the Mate devoted lo hap-culture yield
itu tM.umU per acre. In California the
yl. M 1 poundi iter acre; lo Wath
inifton. lonu pound; and InOreamn
l-'.-s), nearly three time aa much uer
acre aa me ya-ni in in la atate. Jlow
can our Impgrowera aucceafullr com-
pete Willi thoMt of California. Wath
Ington and Oregon? Juat aa I have ad fanner to atop raUlnr wheat
and corn here In com pet 1 1 Ion with the
inrmer owning cheap lamia In the
Vieat, f I ad viae you with reft-renr to
iiot. ! not try toeitleraoonteat lo
wmen you win aurely tat oealcn lo a
few year."
Taalljr Hunl. Korantanr k
IllL-fl. I li.M fl U.nllt. fm
'' ' a tijii.t,. p.... an a,..
and Mr. H C. Hmltli, died In Kugene
uii morning ai n-j) o'clock. Ue-it-aaetl
wu horo In Nan Joa, Cal., and
a n 17 year and lu month of age. For
-evi-rnl ii.oiilh Oeotga had been artllrt-
e.l Willi Min In the laek of bit bead
and dt-atlt waa cauaed by the ruplur
o a hod vtnM-1 00 the brain. Hit
l.-ath wu entirely une(ft-ted. He
piMol away without atlrugle. The
funeral w ill take plant (mm the family
ntiili'i.ce. corner Ninth and Illlyard
at reel, fiitwlay afternoon at SM
o clock, to the I. O. O. V. cemetery.
Ial!y ' na-d. Not. ilr V
; tiT IUi k. A ftMti lav-eortfi
fur a punw of 140, waa run at the Ku-
gf-nt tridce yeatertlay afternoon be
tween Claud lilalraml Oua ileanit, of
(iale Creek preciiM-t. Iteam won by
ail feet.
I . Villi unsucrcd day or'.niiht.
j rfr, Willamette street.
Opiosi'c Hotel Kit-
Ax Afvii.EST. Quite a aevere acci
dent happened Dear Tbuntoo hat
urday. A Mr. Ltuff waa tplit
llng wootl when tie atruck bit
kit hand oo the wk with
thebiatleof the axe, making a were
had wound. Dr. fain and Kuaaell
arrctt!lt4 and ampuuted tlie forv
ftticer and a portion of the band. It
it pretty good Idea to let the wife have
thl exerciae, it Attorney liilyeu
AM Ohumix TrpEWHtTKK.-Mat hint
Jenaen, of Aalorla, ha Juat tlnUhi'd
the moilel of a new typewriting ma
chine. The Invention la mado on
nearly the tame principle a the old
ItemingUm, with roller to carry and
hold the per and an lntrnp to Ink
the type. It la operated by an ordi
nary iienholiler, held In the ordlnnry
way, and the character representing
the type are mnrkeil 011 a nlate to
cloMly together that a "pointer," lo
wlilcli the iN-nliolder la loiueil, can be
conveniently plai-etl 011 any letter by
the afmple million of tlie Angela, while,
the hand Itaelf la at rent 011 a fixed
plate. The "Miluler" la no connected
with a type-wheel, by mean of anrlmr
and lever, that when nlaivd appioxl
mately near lo any character on the
plate a correonillng typo 011 the
wheel will be lu nnioer immIiIoii to Iw
accurately copietl on the per by a
alight downwanl preaaure 011 the l-n-
holdvr. The machine it a rare combi
nation of atreiigth. aluiiilieltv and
lightiica, and tlie Inventor aav can be
old at a profit for o. It will weigh
a than eight pound and la not more
than one-tuarter the alio of an ordi
nary tyH)Wiitlng inachlne.
I'ailr Uutrd, N or m lair a
Cai'oiit thk OriiKH. hlierili
Knight of Marlon county caught tlie
ecaied prlaoiier Chaa. built h, at
llrooka. Hat unlay evening. Thl I
one of the two men who eat-aped from
me roia county jail a lew week ago,
Mienir I'lummer ami Henry Day m
cured the other In Creek pre
clnot, thl county, about two week
ago. It la euppoMed when thi one
lay In the Ijine county Jail over lilglit
he became aoiuaiuteil with other pria-
onera who were al'.erwaril illaeliargetl
One of them Informeil Hmith, who
waa In the Ing Tom country wet of
Junction, and ho went to iliook to
tecure hla clothing intending to go to
Han rrancinco. iSherlir Ivnlght learuetl
of hla whereabout and twooHtd down
uMin nun.
lilt: 1 11.1 it i.a.
Ill ft lll.K AS.
hailr l.uard, Snrt-mla l I
New Yoik
It-gialnture n-publieau.
Dtilr Ovtrd. NoTtmlwrt.
A Dipkhrkxt Dm istox. Tmlay'a
Oregon ln aaya: "The demurrer of
lawyer r-. Kindt wu overruled ye
tenlay by Judge Htephen, whun
Kindt Inlerpotwii a plea of not guilty.
Hla trial waa aet for 1coember II. The
demurrer In the Kindt cane waa taken
on the ground that under the law of
thlt atate a man ran only be nroaecut-
nl for ailultery on complaint ol hi
wife, and, In Kindt' cane, the father of
the girl make the charge. Judge
(Stephen, In overruling the demurrer,
gave It out that he would like lo have
the auprotne court pant Uon and con
true the law on thl point." It will
be remembered that Judge Fullcrloii
held to the oiiMiaite view at the recent
term of circuit oourk
bally (iuard, Horfinla-r
A MtaTAKK. In at Wetlucwlay'a
Oi'AHi) the following Item waainiiit-
eil, taken from the Halem ia ni ac
count of the proceeding In thetu-
preme court: "The tui.reine court ha
granted the motion toditinia tlie a(t
ieal In the cae of Ilarbre, reapondeut,
va J. t;. litHtilaie. annellant. a caae an-
iealetl from thlt county." From a
mandate from the aunreme court filed
in the cletk'a office llilt morning, thlt
item prove that a mittake wu made.
The motion to dlMiulae wu overruled,
and thecroa bill filed by J. C.Oood
ale'a attorney' allowing the tranvcript
of apieal lo be -rfected, wu granted.
I'lKXTY or ItKKH.Uival achool
book publlahert are now tlotMliug the
rope!ttve aehoolauiM-rlntrndeiita with
aauiple book. (Superintendent Hte-
veuaon hu already received JH vol
ume, betidt many copy book, and I
till they continue to arrive. Mr. j
htevenaon I now putting In hit timet
looking over them. However it 1 not
likely that many iperluUtinlenU will
vote for a change of hooka at thl time
lite people generally are airninat
Cylng laige auma of money for the
nelltofa few publlahera, txieclalty
when the preaenl laa.k give giaol eat
laf action to tli teat her uf the atate.
Otxili I'KICEfl. Hun: llnoifl
Wright, better known u Viimi-g
Wright, ha been In t rook county
looking lor mutton aheep for aeveral
wevka. He wanted lo.OMj or more, but
only aurtcli)il In buying U-tween
6.0UU and ,f, ami aaya thou having
mutton aiM-i-p iiiiiti tiM-ni entirely t
high. 11 bought VU 2-year-old writt
en, I jO yearling weather and 4-W dry
wee at I2.W all muud; l,(JJ yearling
weather at II S"; 1, itu at lb aame
price. 1 he Prlrwville company would
not an-irpt bit olfer of f I.T.j. for 2 and S-
year-old wethera, but old him a lot of
dry ewee.
Married. Wm, Parker wu mar-
ried to Mra. lu-liekah II. Ja- kon, at
tlie groom 't camp near the Fugen
planing mill nn the evening of Nov. 6,
I or. i. 11. v bllmore omciating. Mr.
Parker wu formerly a realdent of Ku-
r-oe, but for a number of year haa
1 raj m California.
Peiiiiaylvanla ".Vl.Ukl
MaaaailiUtt-tl .So.lNH)
.Mii'lilgau 4o,t)
Wiainiialn l'l.tmo
Indinua 4il,lio
llliiioia wi,ti
Ohio PJI.uxi
Weal Ylrclnla 10,110
Waahlngloii ii.mti
Idaho 2,111
Colorado l.'i.ik)
Knntna ;wi,il
Nehrnaka fi.nn)
Milllleatlllt ft,niJ
New Jeraey ft,(M"J
Itcglthilure republican whieii
lutiire a n i. ul. Ilcnn aenntor
to Ui-.teei McPhertoll.
Coniii-clliut T.-lOO
Ithmlu laland 4,lJ
W'yoiiiing 3,m)
N. Dakota ll.uxi
H. Dakota P.'.oun
Iowa flii.iM)
New Haiiipthlre l.'i,l)
Delaware ,
Mitaiiwlppl AO.utl
Alulmma 40,ioti
Florida '.i,il
I. ouUlaiia "ii.inki
Ottirgin 2.I.MM
YlrciniB lo.ono
Ht imh Carolina 40,uil
North Carolina :m,iio
Mlawourl .' 40,(1011
Telllnnaee 7,UU0
Ciillfornla l.'i.uw
Maryland I0,i)
Kentucky SJft.t)
Arknutn 60.UU0
The next hoiine of n-prewutativi
win proiKiiiiy coiiHiat or Jiiti n-nunii
cnu, I0.1 tleinocrata, & popullvta with
37 dUtrli-l doubtful.
W. IH Wilton, the demur rut lo trader
III tho lint liouae, I pnibably tlefeatiHl
by into. Coiigreamnu rSjiriugerof II
linoii la alo defeatist.
Tammanv wan defcnletl In N'rw
York City by non partbanafrnm 4I,U0J
in ihi,ii. 11111 plurality 111 New
kork C ity wu only nlaiul 4U-U.
The W'orld-'The n-ault In New
York and throughout the country yea-
tcrdny allowed tliat the government
wu never more In the immlt of the
iHtinlo thaii It la In America now. Tlie
defeat yctu-rday wu truly the work of
democrala u Hie Inudallilo again!
Ilnrrlaon waa thu work of republican.
1 here I no ilouhl tliat yealerday'a re-
ulta are duo to democrat who with to
dlncipline thu party leader.
The Illlnola, Kautu, Colorado. In
diana, New Jersey, Connecticut, 8.
Dakota, Wyoming and W. irgiuia
leglalature are republican.
The egllnturv In Nebraska, Min-
neaota, Idaho and Delaware are In
The atate of Nevada la In doubt.
The Idaho h-glalnture I In douhk
It look a if Helena hu been choaeii
u the capital of Montana.
1 lie popuiiat cut a very intor figure
at the election yeatenluy.
Spaelal lo th Pally OValb:
aire t.larlaa merer.
Ham Fkaxcikco, Nov. 7, The offic
ial return are not In yet, but the eleo
Hon of Adult. Ii Hutro for mayor, la con-
ceiled by all.
IIoihK. Nov. 7. Itcpubllcau atate
ticket elcctetl by 2nu or more; leglla-
tur republican. Mormoii vote went
lieavuy republican.
. Itakala.
ItKlinr.l.l). H. I)., Nov. 7. South
Ifctkota republican elect 100 out of lil
member of the Icgitlature. ltvpubll-1
can I.'. H. nen a lor aaaured.
Cli if Aim, Nov. 7. Chairman Tan
ner aaya republican have plurality In
I 111 not of oyer lii.OUO. and have
eleeletl 19 congreatmen out of 22 Willi 2
rem aln 1 11 g ttiil lu doubt.
Omaha., Nov. 7. flue-third of atate
heard from. Ik-turna Imllcat) eleellou
of lloloumb, popnlein, for governor by
auiall plurality. lb-publican have
protiabfy elecleil eongnnieii, with re
iilt in Hixtfl dUtrl. t atlll lu doubt.
Outalde of givernnr, rcpublh-an ttate
ticket elected and legUlnture pnibably
republican on Joint ballot.
14 lltarl.
Sr. Ixrin, Nov. 7. Oovernor Stone
cnncttle the legialature to the n-pub-licau.
hr. Ii lt, Mo., Nov. 7. It kx.k u
If the ttate hu gone republican. 'I lie
legialature It very cloae, and republi
can candidate for au preme Judgo, au
erliitendent publlo liiatru.tioii, and
railroad oomtuianiotu-r may be t-lected.
Dexver, Ci4., Nor. 7. jtt.tit re
turn aliow that the republican ticket
will have 2f. plurality. Miafioth,
rep., elected to diligrea front ft rat til
trn t and prota.bly lirown, np., In o
ond. Irgialture M republican aud
4.1 deinot-raU and (opuliat.
Wu 1:1:1.1 xii, W. Va., Nov. 7. Wll
ton't defeat lor coiigrnMinian 1 now
oouor ied by the drujocrala.
o' l M
!'.." air !
ncvir exivil
" Xt i.'l
m l proven"
is tLu viTilict
o f m;l!iou.s.
Liver Ilct-
Litor is tho
mol'ciuo to
which you
ran nn your
fiith fur a
0 a r 0. A
mild Un
live, and
purely ro
eLilI", m-t-ini
on tin) Liver
.1 n .1 KM
11c v, Trv ik
Soi l I. all
st. s in Li'jtiM, or in Tuw lcr
to Ui 1 tkcti ilrv 1 'X in i-!.; int.) 1 Ujl
Tli Ktnt.r I lt-r Mr.ll. Inra.
I liait. ii-t-d t.'il. -hMiu..ii. I.'tr.-r t'l-rit-I.C.-r
an I ....t t-.i.ri.-... iv ,, it s ii...
V me ..I ..II liver, I ....i,.-r n a
l.o-ll. tin- rln-1 III 1 1 -t I I . at. . U . Jai
a a, I...-..H.M, V I. out. .11,
rl : HT l ACKAl.E ,
Ua llta X Hiamp la ml a.n n i ii i a p I
lallatf .
ClN INXATI, O., Nov. 7. While re
liulillcau plurality of lhltato I near
ly double that of Mt-Klnley latt year
tliu total vote for tho ticket full hort,
tliowing tint result due. to democrat
laying at home ami not voting.
Detroit. Mich.. Nov. 7. I'n to 1
o'clock p. in. report liiilicnteU7 out of
iou repreintutlve lu next atate
IcgUUtlure will bo rcnublhan.
Two dcmocmU ami oiiu demit-
MipulUt coiiipltto tho lower
Iioiihc. Of 32 tenutora .11 are republi
can. A plurality of hS,nnu for Kiel, la
thown hi the latent lelurnt for gov
Iteiawar Mrf abimaai.
W11.MINOTOX. Nov. 7. Deluwara
complete give a republican mnjority
of 1 100. Itcpul lli-nii elect Cotigrena.
uit-ii and Ooveruor. l-cialaturo will
tninl republican and 12 democrat.
1 ui iiiRun- a republican ucccaor to
la Thlrly Rtalt.
WAriiiiNtno.v.Nov. 7. Aneatimalc.
given out by republican coucrtnaion
al committee, tlaliii that lu the 64
emigre tho republican will have
tl.l.i.rlt IT f.r fntti. 'bl Mini. u.
democrat from 12, pulit i
with 1 Maryland divided evenly.
Thi give republican more than twu
thinl mnjority by atate, thould the
next prenldeuliul l-lectlotl bu thrown
Into thu liniliR'.
atttater nam lleeate.
Mempiih, T1-1111., Nov. 11. Kunatnr
llarri, who wit billed to n-nk at
Itolivar, Ten 11., yeaterdny, arrived Nun
day night and took room at the Itoli
var hotel. About 1 o'clock hu retired
hanging hit vent 011 a chair In the
room. In the pta-kol of the vent were
a goitt watch, valued at lis.,, and tt
in coin. Senator JUrrUilid not lock
the door to hi room. When he arote
thl morning he found the watch and
money miming, A ttrangur who oc
cupied the room alxive the acnaior' la
iit-eltil. The atranger left during
the iilghl without paying hi bill.
! (.Ike lh trelttr.
Ci.kvei.ami, Nov. There hu
It-en trouble for wi-ek In the Cleve
land unlvemlty of medicine and tur-
fery over the apMilntment of Profetaor
leury L. Payne, city fun I liiHitN-tor.
a lecturer In cheml-try. The atutlent
liava tlelnnuiletl or the Ini-ulty that lie
I dltmiiwed and another apiMiiuttsl.
lien 1 -role-tor I'ayue In-gnu hit lec
ture Satunlny tho atudunta tet up the
college yell. The profiswor walUil un
tlll they were through and atartcd
again. Tho college yell drowned hla
voice, tur a half hour title wu con
tinued. Fvery one of the 73 aludt-nt
threw text book at the profna-or. The
latter llnlalied hi lei turn amlilct a
mont riotoua demount rat lull.
nitealaie far rrlaceta Alls.
Sr. I'ETEHMifKii. Nor. fl. A pro
clamation hu been ixiatcd announcing
that Prince Alix haa been received
Into the orthodox church. The pro
clamation enoiu the faithful to tup-
llcate ( t l.lea-lng on the new cxar
and hi t.-trothed.
Pabis, Nov. 6. Figaro nays the flrat
cretlil aaked from the government for
the proMCcUliotl of the Madaaacar CX
jieditlon will be 7S,o(j,oiJ franca.
CitARi.iJiTowx. W. Va.. Nor. 7.
Ciov. MtH'oikle givee up atate. Snyi
republican will have majority In leg
Uluturu. Flklua will be the next ten-
a tor.
Hardy Klllif, an old pioneer of
Douglu county, died at hi homo in
Olemlaie hut rridny, agtil 70 year.
At the lime of bit death he bad a claim
of 17,o acnlntl the government fur
depredation coiumitu-d by the Indian.
Hlzhett Honor WorM Fair.
A pu Cup Cietm of Ta t u P-w.U-. Fret
igra Amm-nii, Alum or ary clh-:f j.'. Jtcrink,