The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 03, 1894, Image 2

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rMk.ii tj of im riibMii
Charming Gawa.
"Wbl a charming gown that It 1"
erled tit young woman with theplotur
bat. "I only wish I bad on Ilk It, but
I never could afford It
"Neither could I. my dear, if I hadn't
loat mr oockctbouk,"
"Oood arraoloua, ptrwpariry bat af
foctod your rotud! I don't tea bow.'
"Well, you tea, Albert gave me th
tnonry to buy gown. I told hlin it waa
tot ball enough, but b proteated It waa
every cent he oould afford. I cried ro
two day about it, and a ba didn't
give In then I ooucluded ba waa really
lulling tba truth, to I ttartod out to do
the bent I could. I wont to every dry
rrxxli store In town and nerer worked to
bard in my life, but I couldn't And
what I wanted at tba rrio. Finally la
dtwpeir I derided to take the first pleo
I bud lookod at, and oh, Laura, Imagine
my borror to find when the clerk nad
cut off that pattern that I bad loat my
pocket book I"
"How nerfuctly awfull"
"Wasn't itf 1 thought I thould die. I
knew I would hare to toll Albert all
about It aotne time, to I rushed around
to bit office to toll hint In tba preaenoa
of atrangiTa, when ha oould not aay
anything dreadful. I wept and aocuaod
myself of carolosjine, when ba taid ba
would advertise, for I couldn't reman
bor wben I bad it laat nor bow much
money wat in It. Ilia partner wai there.
and ba termed to feel to tarry for me
be't an old bachelor that Albert didn't
toold much and actually gar ma tba
money tba tocond time."
"And you wont and got the gownf
"Well, no. I bad changed my mind
about that pleo of good, it bad inch a
' cheap look, to I jutt went home to think
"Out yon naror got that gown
"No, I didn't Tba fact is, I found
my pocketbook on the ball table whore
I bad luft it wben I took out my car
fan to put in my glove. I am tocaruful
of money that I don't like to dliplay
much In the car. "
"And what did Albert aay wben ba
found it out?"
"Ho would bare laid a great deal If
ba bad found it out but ba never did.
I knew he'd eoold me fur cnrelcatneaa if
I told him, to I Jnnt kept all the money
and bought my (town. I'm o glad yoa
like It, Uuarl" Chicago Tribune.
Tariff W WItm.
In tli earlliwt time of purcbata a
woman waa bartered for useful good or
for ttmrloc reudored to Lor father. In
thlt latter way Jacob purchased Rachel
and her tlHter Leah. Tbi wa a Bocua
murrlagn, where a man, aa in Ooiiealt,
leaTea bit father and bit mother and
cleave unto bit wlfn, and they boonma
one flesh or kin the woman'. The
price of a brlilo in British Columbia and
Vaucouver aland variua from 30 to
40 worth of article. In Oregon an
Indian give fur her hone, blanket or
buffalo robe; in California, tbell money
or horse; in Africa, rattle.
A poor Damara will tell a daughter
for a cow. A richer Kaffir exjieot from
three to 80. With the llanyai, if noth
ing ba given, her family claim her chil
dren. In Uganda, where no marriage
recently e xiktcd, the may be obtained for
half a docrn needle, or a coat, or a pair
of thee. An ordinary price I a bos of
percussion cap. In other part a goat
or a couple of buckskin will buy a gtrL
Pawilng to Aula, we find her prloe
eomctimo S to 60 ruble, or at other
cartload of wood or bay. A prluco
may be purchased for 1,000 ruble.
In Tartory a woman can be obtained
for a few pound of butter, or where
rich man givea SO small oxen a poor
man tunytucoeed with a pig. In t III
ber equivalent la a whale' tooth or
musket Thcae and timllor price else-
where are eloquent testimony to the lit-
tlo valuo a auvage act on bit wife. Her
charma vanUh with ber girlhood. She
it usually married while a child, and
through her cruel alavory and bit tor life
the often become old and repulsive at
S3. ualmlnaUr 1 to view.
Tba claim I made for Germany of
having the meat oonipleto and tucec
ful tyitcra of tewng disposal of any
country on the continent of Europe. In
Berlin, where the feature of thi eye-
tern are to perfectly rcpnwontcd, tiia
drain from the bouse receive both th
rainwater, th refus water from the
kitchen, etc., and the ooutenta of the
water cloneta, conducting them to an
arrangement of radial tewera, through
which, by a natural fall, they pant to a
dozen different pumping station with'
In tb area of the town. From the
the towage, through th medium of
combined tore and taction pump, pro
ceed through pipe of 8 feet or ttill
greater diameter to the land which th
corporation of Berlin potaeaaea, tba ma
terial thence making it final exit
through a tyitem of conduit to ar
ranged that, bufore reaching them. It
ba part.d with all iu manurial power
to the toil through which it la mail to
pa. Tb towage water thu filtered
teachc th river through tba natural
fall of the oondulu in a comparatively
purified ttatft ow lork Hun.
With Tmi Cmp mt Co.
The Invalid who It tired of taking bar
egg tonlo with tberry, and who dislike
th tost of a raw egg, may be glad to
know that tba egg may ba effectually
disguised in a cop of coffe. Prcpar the
coffee to the taste, with cream and
agar, keeping it very hot until ready
for l'i egg, which mut be beaten thor
ocghly In auotbtr cup, and th pir-patvd
coffee added by degrn to it Drink it
hot, and yon will find it not only pala
table, but strengthening. Philadelphia
TUkW Mlla.
rut milk in an earthenware Jar.
Cover th opening with thick paper and
bake In a moderate oven until the milk
U aa thick aa cream, Thi U often pala
table to Invalid who do not oar fur
milk, New Turk W orld.
rl ( um af rrUal Tartar af IM
Aaterteaa Bar Amelalaa.
"At a cogent and analytical iwaaoorr be
It without a rival," U th trllmte New
York lawyer pay to th" ffulu of Jamea
C. Carttr, who vu rctadilly aluulod pn
Idnol of the American liar aaaoclnilun.
lawyer love to hear blm talk, and hi ap
pearanee In court alwayadrawte throng of
interested members of tlia pMfeaalon. ila
U a man of eultua and profound learning,
aelaMlcnl rliulNf and a eloat ttuikiul of
bbrtury, but not a Jury lawyer. The aver
aga Jury would duubdeaa conalder blm
tumewliut proay for tlie muon that what
be tald would ha beyond them. Hit great
itrenglh It dUplnred In lilt eruillto and
louloal aririnientt hefuro tlio general ti riu
Judge and the juitart of tlta court of ap
peal or before curb a lionteil Ualy a the
atiltrntor In th ifrvat Inlornatlonal Ilo
ling ratlliputatietween (ireat lliilnioand
th 1'nlled Mau. '
Mr. Carter wat born In uinraoter, Mm ,
Oct. It, I HIT. II waa educated at Ik-rhy
aoaileiny, lllngham, Maa., and at th liar
vard law trhoul, and waa Mlmlttcd to lb
bar In I faithful ttudy, bard work
TlMMUit af RMl4aM af Mw farb Cltr
Waa IaJlj Para Taaa Calaaia taa
City raaar llad4 "lllf Waa 14.
Maay af Taaaa Ham Aaaaar aa "A4."
L m
and a natural talent for th law toon
placed blm on th high mad to tureeaa.
Ill fame It now International, and l It
reeognlxed aa one of America' moat tal
ented and learned lawyer. HI oounael
la touirhl In great caaui Inrolrlng national
and International qunatlunt of grare Im
port, and bit client rarely have a bill of
eota to pay pruvldlng they have a com of
any ttrengtb to begin with.
The moat fainout ee with which hla
name tint ever tieen connected wa the
great Alnaka ami controveray between
(ireat Ilrltain and th United .Stotra pro
vloualy referred to. Mr. Carter waa ooun
ael for th Unllrd Ktatea, and during
lb great legal bntt In before the artiltratora
he more than held hit own with fir
Charlua Ilua-rll, eounael for Great lirltaln
and now lonl chief luatloaof Kiifilnnd.
During tb argument of the murmiutou
quoatloiia Involred th KnitHah prea and
th memliert of tliacoiiiinlwloii pronouno-
ed Mr. Carter't aildre the moat perfect
argument from all ttanilxilntt llml waa
dellverel by any of the eminent oounael
engaged In the caao.
Th mU,l at Waahlngton hat onat
rnorrthan l-)0 It arrr I arrra,
tJ.ail Moa i tJl I . llh and to cl
an., (.r and la xr!l In ala only by M
IVtrr- In K m. Pt Taui't la Lundoo,
Ii.u.!,. la part and fsi, Iaaae t la
tt- I rwnLurg.
Mlat Mary frorlor Take IJIII ttork
tb I'opalar Tbaerir,
MlM Mary I'roitor, the tnletited daugh
ter of the late axtornomar, Klchnrd A.
I'roctor, ili not believe thnt the Inhab
itant of Miir are tlunnling the earth,
for Ilia excellent naon that her father
wat of the opinion thnt there are no petiplo
on the nil plunet to do the algnallng.
You can are how aenai-li-aa th theory la,"
th anya, "when you reflect that a lamllre
the aim of all Heotland would be needeil
make a light Inre ennimh to fl.'iah
thmiiRh the 8l,oon,iMio nille of inoot m
twwn Mart and the earth when at opH
alt Ion."
Mlaa Pmrtor further believe that while
Mora may have been Inhabltixlnt on time
It alnMilierlo condition ha chntiKi'd to
huh b that life of the clmnv ter fniulllar
the pt'oplu of Ilia earth could not now
lint there, rlie nlM dlamunteiinne the
theory thnt the doiililo rannla on, Mnrt are
Intended aa aljpialt to attract the atten
tion of our c)ca.
MIm I'roenirenjoretl unrlvabtl opnortu
nttlea for the ttudy of aatronomy with her
dlatliiKiilahed father, and aha la now win
ning fnine aa a lecturer and writer on the
aul'jwl. Hie I the rldeat dnilhUr of
I'rofcaaur I'roctor and waa born In Dub
lin and educated In England. In Ittttd
Htfia ruiNTna
her father married an American lady, and
th family ramn to th United Ktnte and
mado their hoin In SI. Joaeph, Mo., f mr
Team biter. Mi niml her delmt aa a lv
lurer at lb Chlldren'a building at lb
World 'a fair.
On thla ocraalon a atereoptleon waa
uard, which furl nrreaaltated tb dark
ening of the building, and the young lec
turer, to ber dliinny, wat compelled to
fa.w ber flrvt auilleiic without a alniile
note to ahl her. Hie turoarded In paaalug
tliMtiKh the ordil tuenvafully, and the
riperlene led ber to lecture without note.
Hli dot- not talk over the beada of her
audience, but preaentt great aatronomhwl
fucta In aurh a alinplo, uiiiedantlo man
ner that a child may ajrtup her meaning.
Mi bn aHnt many an hour In th ob-
aerratiiry with ber father delTlng Into the
myalorie of Imineaaurable aac and baa
broom an enthualaatlo and Intelligent
atudent of th wonder of th "slant aun
and hla family" and tba myaterlc of the
filed atnra atara to many billion mllet
dUtaiit that It they al.ould be anuffed out
toiUy Ihelr raj a of lrht already en mutt
to the earth would cuntlnu to reach ut
for a teor or mora year aftr th atnra
Uiamaalve IhmI cenaed to ah In.
Kvrry morning In lb year, Sunday and
bolMa)a rxoriKnl. from IU,ouou I'j.OiAtalil
bodied man of military arrving ag paruar
with apiiarrnt Inleraa and concern, but
with no xMrttloa of hettennrnt, tb
Dwaairailvrrtiarmtittof "Ilalp VYani
rd." 1 Urm aam iMTaona bav beta doliii
thiaunlnterruptMlly for many year, Kvrr;
on who know anything about New York
knowt that th rraideuta of tb llowery
Park row and Tliird avenue lodging bnuat
are great reader. A laat for periodical
literature andadlalaaU for protractad I
bor ar their two baat known attribiilea.
trrry lodging houa tramp In Nw York,
with arorcrly an rtceutloo, 1 a fervent
newaiiaper render. Jut aa toon aa be baa
akimmnl over the beadllne of Information
from other countriea and other cltlra of thr
UuiUtl Htatea, h tunia bia attention to tb
"want advertlarmenta" and remit thro
can-fully. Indeed, any clerk of a lodging
houa will tell you that tb portion of
new pa per not containing tbeae advert laa
nirnta art often thrown away, wbll lb
loci lng houa patrona trek tbua paper
eMrially In which tuck advrtlameou arr
a feature.
Uul the remarkable part of It all I thai
wbilt all the lodger dilltfrnlly read all tin
"want ad," not I In to ever rcapoeda to t h
demand of the advvrtlarr by calling Thrjt
Biervly read the announcement over, notb
lug mora. Tbua a liowery lodger will early
In lb morning bavrry want "ad" in tbr
awaaper reatl, but abould you be able to
overtake blm at noon and inquire bow
many plarm he baa vlaited In tearch of
work L will thake hla bead ruefully aa he
looka aakance at the free lunch coon tar
and tell you tbat be haa poatpooed tearcb
for emplojrmMit until tomorrow or the dar
It la not, bowtvtr. In lodging houara ouly
tbat thla Btrang craze for reading over la
bor "want" ex lata. You will find it in an
equally pronounced form In any of the pub
lie lihrarit, where men wait their turn to
prru a th adrertiaing column of new
paper, while the ordinary reading matter
la neiclrcted. Aak on of I he library a
Irona bow long be baa been reading auch
announcement, and be will tell yog the
nunilivr of mouth or of years, a the car
may lie.
Aak blm If b baa ever arcurad a xaltloii
aa th reault of bit reading, and be will
ahake bia bead. Aak blm If be hna rrei
tried to get a poaillon which ha la-en ml
vertlaed, and be will alao ahake bia bead
Finally aak blm why he doe not at thai
moment Mart out and anawer In perann
aoniaoltbeaclrertlarnienta II will point
to bia clothe and aay ami It, "How could
man with auch an outfit expect to gi-t a
pliu-ef" If you ara of a curioua frame of
mind and dclre to furtbi-r prolong the con
vernation, yon will mid, "Didn't that fort
occur to you wben you atarted to read the
advrrtiaementa thi morningr' You will
get no anawer. Your queatioo bring tbr
coo vcrui inn to a clnaa,
What la true of th lodging houar and
th imblio lihrnriiw 1 true alao of the
parka, ferry lamia, atreet car and cheap aa
liKina Among a certain cbua of niiem
plowed men nothiug In the way of period
leal liU mtur la ao (mpulnr aa the "waul
mla," but here again the raae I tb aame
Thoa who read tlirra moat diligently and
moat regularly never an-k the jHltiuua
which apparently they cuveL Their
tcarcbe end with th peruaal of the adver
tlaemeuta They learn from the where
help I wanted, and often what i paid for
tcrvicca of a certain ieclflel tort, but thla
doe not luaplre them with the draire to
delvaany deeper tn tb matter, and they
wait until th next dny, when again thr
routine of advrtlarmeut rvadlug I ginir
In the tenement houa neigh borhooda ou
the mat or went aid of town, any new
dealer will tell you tbat b baacertaiu regit
lar cuatomera for the rbenier priced iapei
wno bav or many year lieruard tba ml
vertlaed vm-ancin In employer' aervicm
A ainaidernbl nunilier of then men, while
out of work, are not tb vlctima of penury
or appllcauta for mwtalaiice on that ac
eount. On la a lialgi-r lu a houaa, lung in
arrears. Another rraidea with a mother.
a aiater, a brotbrrin law or a coiiain. Mill
another la walling for tb return of "tbr
buay acaanu." A fourth baa been laid up
witbaaeriou alikneaa, from tbealTetUof
which h haa but recentlv recovered. A
11 fib lin lot bit job, temiMirarilv, a hr
aaya, ami I ouly waiting to b called back
All thea men, the gnaw number of them
mounting high into the lhouaauda,ar look
lug for work. They read th want adver
tiarment aa a bouudrn duty, but though
each calla fur hla favorite advertiaing ma
dium every morning be may eonatanlly br
teen in the vlcliiItT throughout the day.
and make uo effort w hatever to reapoud to
th advert laemenla which be read.
"l out mat nigger," aaid a urwamau
on Ural ven u to a man w ho bapeiicd to
tw in th aam vicinity a lieu the coovrnta
lion took plm-e. "II haa Iwen buying a pa
per to read th 'want mla' from m for aeven
Tiara, ud th only work I bav known
blintodo In that time baa oouie to blm
from relutive or neighlMr. and not aa the
result of anything h remit, Nolwllb
standing thla ha would aaaoon go without
a night's aleep aa hla nioniing paper, and
II in aiirerlUlug sheet Is mlaalug from It
fteklcka llkaaaleert"
It I not lo b Inferred tbat a majority of
uioa a uo reau -want ad ' In New York
paerdonot actually arek mployment.
The great majority do; th great maioritv
get It, No man who baa stood at tb door
of a New York shop, aalearuoni, factory or
ttore, and watched th aager facat of th
rrowiU who, toon after tunrtra, gather
aiKtui th entrance la reaponae to an ad
vrniaemeiii, could ever fur one uomaut
deny tbat th great majority of men out of
work are but too eager to get again Into th
harneaa, but It la worth remarking that th
feeling tilth actual them dunotxtnd
to many member of th lodging buna
eoaungeut. 1 hi la a big town, and all
kinds of peopi go to makeup lit popuuv
uua .-w l orx bun.
f WU la Tafca rdaa AaV
Ha af a lialliaU achaaa.
'Do yon remember nie" Inquired the
aa he quietly slipped np to tba city
Utor' detk.
"I can't ay that I do," replied theclty
adltor, looking blm over caref miy.
"Yoa remember I wa in ber torn
Urn ago giving policie of intaranc on
bunch of keys!"
"Ob. yea, I remember now. I took
"Ofoonrt. All wise men do. At tba
tame tim, if yon recall it, I told yon I
had a great scheme for insuring umbrel
la on th tame plaur
"I believe I do recall it Uow did ft
com ontr
Th man threw op bia band bop
"Well," b aalJ, "before tbat week
waa oat I bad my nmbrelia Insurance
company at work, with ageut all over
town. The tucceaa waa immediate and
phenomenal. Everybody wanted to tu
tor hit umbrella. The premium waa M
cent a year. Tba amount to be paid to
persona returning loat nmbrelia waa (3
about tba average price of an nmbrelia
a man doetn t like to lose, yon know,
Agenta turned In pollcle by tb pocket
ful th first week. I bail n't any idea
ther were aa many half dollar in circu
lation a I reoeived at my office. Second
week they kept ootning, and I began to
think of plau for a great building oa
Woodward arena fur th accommoda
tion of the business, to b known as tb
Umbrella Insurance building. Third
week it wa ttill going. Fourth week it
rained. Fifth week umbrella began
coming in. I didn't know ther were o
many nmbrelia in th world.
Sixth week it wa wort, and I be
gan to investigate. Watched tba people
who brought them In and got the 13.
Mostly people above tuapicion to look
at Discovered they bad been stealing
them; alwayt picked out one with our
tag on it Didn't know there wer to
many people who thought it no ain to
ateal an umbrella; never thought of that
when I got op tba company; waan't ao
nmbrelia in tba lot worth 3; didn't
know ao many people wore cheap nm
brellaa; eotnething rotten in Denmark.
Just com np here from my office; ttring
ol people ther reaching half way around
tba block wailing to get in. There iau't
money enough left in the fond to bny a
ferry ticket with. 1'va come here to see
If yon won't lend ma tbat amount I'm
not going back, but I notice in tba
paper tbat Mr. Dingbat, tba well
known president of tb Umbrella Insur
ance company, having been tuddenly
called to China, left thlt morning by
way of Windtor and Quebec. Do I get
the price of a ferry ticket? Thank."
And ba went out, leaving tba city adltor
in a condition of partial paralysis. De
troit t re i'rea.
His ralhar la a Holrher aad III Ma4lf
Hat Laaraad TtM-y t'aar taal Tbatr
rtaha-a l-taaaally Mtaat Uadlly llaaaav
bat Ik bselar Kald Mas,
They are having no end of xrltenient
In llrunawlrk, (iermany, over a lellend
t.ihy. Thlt youngater't name la Otto
1'ia-hler, and be is but II months old. If
sll the aiorirs told of blm are tni. th
ilrunawirVc-ra do Weil lo be In a stata of
mental upheaval, for of all tb pnallglu
on reo ml ha Is th moal marvelous. In
brluf, bia aerjiipllhuirnt eonalatt of lb
power to read anything and everything at
light, notwllliaundlng hi temlrr age.
titer be has ones maotered tba alpha!-! In
which the matter I written or printed.
nd In aplleof the fact I hat all his powers.
tare this one, are a little developed M
are thoau of mt children of bis age.
Otto'i fut her la a buuher who, though
well to do as (ierman butcher go, It not
uaawnl of literary taalo or ambitions In
any degruo w Iwitxa vrr. The mother la of
Ilka mi-ntal hnhlt and attainments, ami
both parent are In a state of p r-tiinl
amazement over their child' n-mnrknble
profit I. im t. This waa lint notletdwhen
Ottowoa but about 13 months old. II
bnd juat la-gun to tulk then. One dny
wh'n hla parent ttaik hi in out for an air
ing be allowed gnat Inlereat In all the
tlgnt and placards upon w btch bit lufuti-
n 4
V tatla l.i:i: W'Maa Wb flav It Re
nlrtd a Ulf Itaaara.
Miuy year ag's when tt-wing ma
diliie re lu their litfomr. if indued
tin y ho4 bi. n iuveiitod, a little elderly
bachi'I'ar etiti-red the parlor of bit board
ing houa and In a way peculiar lo him
self mode thlt reot:
Which of yon Imili wiil bem tout
pie of baiKlkerchlef fi me?"
There wa a well bred miff of disap
proval, but not oue assenting voice, Tba
only cine that broke the eilcnro recom
mended bint to take the baudkerchieft
to a toumstros who attended to inch
"It' pretty loneaoma to Lav no
women folk belonging to yon," taid th
aid bachelor, "but I gtnw I can get
along. Thank yon, ladi, for ymr kind
mwa," and ba bowed blmaelf out
At the taute moment a timid bond
detained blm, and a low voice taid in
bia ear:
"Ltave them with me. I I will ac-a
that they are hemmed neatly. I have a
friend who will Uo them for com-
Take them," laid tha old bachelor
grnflly; "much obliged, I'm aura."
Bha wa a gentlewoman, altbongn
aha tewed for a liring, as all women did
In thut day who did not teach achooL
She replied not to Jeer of ber com
panion wben sli tat in tb parlor at
ber work, ezcrpt to aay that it waa a
amall thing to do for a follow being.
Hut be 1 a miser," they persisted.
Koverlbelraa tha handkerchief Were
hemmed and returned to the owucr.
who did not offer to pay-fur them, but
did within the year marry tba gentle
aoul who hemmed them.
The thereafter of their married Ufa
read like a fairy ttory. Doth cava
paaaod away from tlio prosperity which
ttuTonnded thorn, bnt in the heart of
tba city of Boston there i a marble
block that wat built with the accumu
lated Interest of tbo fortuno beqneathed
.on si
IU fhUf IngradUal I Haras
stla... II.. W J .
, U Bar. 4.., IL.
Krala af I la Viet taaa-Tfa. Wkka; im.
tuxleaat la th Warld.
During tlio Algvrlan war. whlh lvt
d from IhU to 1S17, tl)0 French am,
were moro in daii-r from African f.
vi-r than from Algerian cncrnii. p..r.
cral thlnp wera trhd at antidote, ,
prcveutive ly tha tkillful army rl1Vkj
liana, i jnnnj auallitlin was l,li .
the moat efr-tive ftbrifuL-n.
Tie toldicT were onlc-rcd j0 Biix t
in small qnantitie Uireo xw , ,ta
with the ordinary Fnnch wlno, x;J4
lurLhea bappy-go-lncky privuu pr, w
to liko their medlcluo, which at f.i t
they twore at bittTly for tpolllng w'l:h
it bittcrnea thot beautiful purplovin
gar they fondly fancy U wina. Lut
when abalntho alone began to nnurp tia
timo bonortMl place of clarr t In th af.
fuctiont of the French army tlio t il b.
caino an unmixed otia
Abtintho ttraight at a Uvera ,o U a
tlirely different thing from nllnt!,,
mixed a a uedlcino or an
tonla The victoriont anny on t: ir
triumphal return to Paris bioa;-) tin
bablt with them. It It now to wl.l.
tprcad through all clae of pgri,14,
society and Farit give the rn.j
Frnnoc tbat Frenchmen of . .
publicist regard tho cui toiu of uUintU
tippling a a raat national rvlL
Tho cousnjueuco of tho uo end u
of thi drug riprnt to abuse, even wi.h
men of nnuauul will power hu Ik- a
in Franco diaaatrout to a drcaoful do-
grea. Many men of romnrk.-ihlo ,ri.
liancy Lave offered np their brain and
to their ton, who 1 no other than Mont- their live on tho livid ul'urnf ah.intli
gomery bean, tba milllonulra lhia
atory, unlike most ttorie, it true. De
troit Frco I Ye.
Oaa aw Jaa rial ley.
Senator Ferry J. LewU tellt a ttory on
Uongreinan Jo liuiloy, for which, how
aver, ba quote Senator A. M. Carter of
Fort orth aa authority.
"One day." aaid LewU. "Carter and
Joe IUiley wera Handing on the ttreti
wuen tney taw approavlnug them l
darky mounted oa a frisky and tpiriteo
Dorse, whose fin appearance caught thi
fancy of Carter, who it a lorur of fine
horseflesh. Carter bailed th darky and
"That 'a a pretty spirited animal yon
are riding, old man. It ba a good run
li err
--wen, no, ati, n isn't much of a
ruunln ho,' replied the rider.
'Oh, then be U a good trotter. I run-
pose, remarked Carter.
" 'No, aah, be ain't no trotter neither.'
aaid bctplo African us.
'Oh, I tee,' ejaculated Carter: 'belt a
fio. 1 pacer.'
'Ao, aah, dia host ain't no trotter.
nor be ain t no pacer needvr.'
'Well, what ia he fit for anyhow
asked irter.
Juat ter prance aronn an look floe.
boat,' replied the darky, 'an dat'a why I
ba oaten a compliment named himarter
Mar Jo Bailey dar.' Galvettoa
Miss Baaaall's roadaea Tor I-akar.
I am informed that one reason of tha
little rift within tha Perugiui lute con
listed in Mlaa Russell' predilection for
poker. Thi ia a aciouoa to which tha
goldon diva ha devoted much itudv.
bha like a ganto of poker and play it
on tba ttriot rule laid down by Oen
aral Sohenck. Hot parties for thi di
version ar tunally oompuaed of four or
Ova people, each of whom i a million
aire. But Miaa Rustell' lnoome aver
age 30,000, and tbo can afford to play.
Tba limit la high and the betting lively.
Bignor Pcrnginl, whose salary ia only
lft0 a week, could not tit down at inch
a game without risking hi entire week'
earning. Consequently ha waa ralod
out and had to aolace himself with ten
timeutal aria np ttalra while hi wifo
waa winning or luting a fortune down
ataira. Thlt isolation brought dis
quiet ude to hi thought, and next morn
ing ba wa perhap not so cheerful a
companion a a diva would wish at tha
breakfast table. New York Pre,
Taa Aalaaal la Maa.
When w speak of the animal In auto, w
do not nereaaartly diahunor ourarlve. To
b deaernded from and to luherit thefln
quality of altruistic Uv b our glory. I
fancy that arirwhiie among anliuaJa la, aa
rula. Hi nier bu k of aiwer to tarint.
On of th most Taluahl power w bar
negintnl I oiean that of Irarnkig to
understand animal buigiing. They demlr
our cKOiaratloa a murb aa w thetr.
I'rtnca Krapoikta haa not laid loo murb
a oa th lv-t tbat animal It fa la not to
muta a etruggi lor txtatne aa It la a
ttruggletobelpotbrra to sxlaC-L Loula
b loba- OnuorraX.
Aa Uah Tea la Tall Laaf la Trial.
In tb Uoyt valley, about two niilea
from Whaley bridge, there U an old onk
tree which haa not yet lost Ust year'
leave, fcvrry twig and branch U ttill
densely covrd, comparatively very ft
aartug fallen since tb summer, liven
th hit Intent frost doe not eeio to
bar affected them or leasrned them In
tb least They art of ronrae quite brow-u
and crisp, but tha ttalkt ar yet quite
lastio aud liable and adhere very trna
cioosty to tli stoma It require a gl
poll to detach thern. Th tree preaeut
a rvmaraaol appearance, which b
heightened by contrast with Uioa tur
rouadlng it ail bar and leaf! . Lou
don Tit-Bit.
Tb Oaly BlaaV
Practical Father I told yoa to oQ th I
essior of that tab) aa they would wot
tquaak, bat yoa bav not too It,
OoilfoJ hoo I aouldat to th
alL Uood Sm
Paaaa la Kara.
Europe teem to be more peacefully di-
pu4 at thi tun than it baa bet a at
ui other time not far ia tha paL
Tb nation over there had better not
begin fighting. It would be dangvroua
for them to do to. All th ruler declare
that they ar auxiout for th ntainu-
Banc of peacw; they will show uond
aut by mtlntalnlBg It New kork
A aeaaa af llorrar al a fanvral.
A terrible accident occurml at the fu
neral of A. K-riber at Lamsou 'a. Tha
earvice was being held at Jacob Sori ber '
reaidenca, wbeu the floor of the dwelling
suddenly gave way. and the cofflu and
th pwople were precipitated into the cel
lar. The me of the Lijuml aud the
shriek t of uervout women, together with
the presence of the dead, combined in
creating a tern of hrnr that thoae who
witueed will never forjret To add to
tb borror. a stove filled with burning
coal fell aud burst among the victims
who wer pinned down In th debris
fortunately no one waa killed, nor. it it
hoped, fatally injured. Cur. L'tica (N
X.) Herald and liiuetta
A commercial traveler wa bragging
about tba magnitude of th firm be represented.
"I tuppo yonr houaa la a pretty big
establishment?" aaid th customer.
Big? Yon can't have any idea of it
dimension. Last week wa took an in
ventory of th employer and found oat
fc th first tlm that three raahler and
four bookkeeper were mitsing. That
will give yoa torn idea of th magni
tude of our bnainraa. " Manchester
KaglUk aawrta.
First Swell (pretending to mlstak for
la tuber a rival whom ba tee (landing
In drva clothe at th coatroom. of tha
theater) Ahl Hav yoa a programme?
brcond Swell (np to nnff Tuanka,
my maa. I got one frota th outer
low. Loadoa AJatwara,
orro roKiiLi K, nionior.
tile eye nated and finally matte It clear
that ba wa anxious to be told their menu
lug. It was not an eimjr thing lo do this.
bis mother ) , but It wo finally nccom
pllahed through perseveruncn, the child Ha
tching with op-Mi mouth and wide rye lo
the lnt ruction given.
A day or two later be was tent out over
tha sumo route in chargu of a servant,
w hen be Imitated that alio should atop the
to reuil oil the words on signsnnd plucurd
thut bad la-foro lavn exiiliilned to him.
Thla done, ho called fur further rending,
but the girl hntl read enough, In her juilg
mi nt, and refUMl. At thla Otto erleiLond
got red In the fmv, attracting the atten
tloo of a passing p-iitleiiian, who naked
the cnuao of the child's mnipliilnt. lit lug
told, the gent It'iunn read for Otto, who ex
biblti-d the llvelleat liiaulfeKlatiiini of de
light. Then there wa a little Icaaon at
tlio boy's retpieat. Otto aptN-nrlng to be
eMelally pleuaitl with the letter ' 1," re
pi-nllng ninny time and with evidsnt wit
lainetlon words containing It that wore
rend to hill).
The next dny the precocious yoiiiigtcr
diaouvered thut there Were books and
newapniert In the houao of his luirenta.
and that tin-so ctuitalued printed letters
and wonla. Himv that time nothing but
rending bn aval lid to keen blm ttill. II
ha sees a piece of printed matter whlrh bu
cannot get bold of, bo scniniis until it la
given to blm. Ilo sucne-btl Inlt nrtilug
the licminn nlphnliet in three or four dnya
by Baking tho names of tho letters of who-
ever !inpcncd toJ lu-nrcst blm. iliaijir
ents thoui'ht thuw holu matter so stnnigv
that shortly after they llmt notetl bia i n--
coclty they took him to the dia-lora to lu
qiilra if It currhd with Itauy bodily weak-
Tho doctor teatcd the child's temia-r by
oliurliig blm the eholoo of buokt and Ixi
pen or applet and eherrle. Ilo ahuwed
every symptom of delight when ho muv
the fruit, aa any other child of bit nee
would do, but w hen ho saw tho rending
matter he left the buakct at onre, hla eyes
shining with tlm Intenally of hla ) and
the former clillilltkocxprcKMiin of hla conn
tenanro U-Ing Imuiedlntcly mpplaiited by
a itaik of preternntunil ahrewduea. He
selxi-d tho laaikawlth nil tbo energy of bit
annul person mid bepin to rend.
At many of tho long wonla bo stumbled
and inure hnn once wns more than hoiie.
leaaly stuck. This seemed to minor him
greatly, and ho gave vent to his iluuip
pointment In short linpnlii-ijt crh-. All
tho bot.ks nt llmt ahown to hi In were print
rd In thotitrman text. After littloaome
Latiu works printed In tho ltomun triw
were liautlttl to hi in. 1 hose wonre told put
tied hlin nut a little, lleseenn-d lo but half
comprehend them. Then bo aoked this
location, truly oatonlahliig to come from
li so linumliire aa bia:
bnt it Itf and added, according tc
the faithful trrlbe, who reported the mnt
U-r for a Uerinon imper. "I can mnko out
the letU rs, hut I don't know tho words.
Tho dlkiioaltion of this marvelous bor la
stated tt la) vain and dictatorial to a de
gree. Ilo seema to I cxtvaatvcly proud of
hla accoiupllahmc nt and to realize thnt 1
la tomcthlug that hna already marked him
a a being different from other linhle.
When there are no newapnper or Uaika
within reach, however, be seems to br
sallklled with the thing that uaually en-
rig the attention of little children, but
Il bit of print be shown, and hcfomuki
bit wblathw and rultlit Inalanllr. Ho ran
hardly walk as y, t, and be Hill nurx at
bis mother a hreaat.
From the doctor' Ihe child waa tnkea
borne In a street ear, w here he manifested
a treim-ndoiis amount of Indignation he-
caua there wna no lettering oa lis win
dows. To pacify him a fellow paaaengnr
allowed the halw a couple of letters Theaa
Otto rood, though parts of them were not
' Thlt waa not at all surprising," th
gentleman said afterward, "for they were
written In a ahorklngly bad band."
Tb doctors any titer la no reason fur
Otto't parent to worry about hla phyalcai
health, though they bellere he la the moat
preooriou child on record. 1 (errand Krnu
1'ia-hler rluliu lo bav no desire to exhibit
th Infant prodigy, anil, as may be Ining
Ined, a number of In-rtttan arlrotUta hare
ahown great liitcreat In him. Tbcy pro
Pim to watch OTi-r hla mental development
and If poMlble prevent lu taking ao uu
tv mmeiririU euuraax
Craat EnglUh Darrblar Wa Quite
Dlmdral la UU Vsata.
In hi "Journalist' Notebook" Mr.
Frankfort Moore tell a itory of tha
early lifo of Lord KuieelL It may, ba
tars, turprise tome of those person who
have been nnfurtnnato enough to find
themselves witue fur tho prosecution
in case where Lord Russell ba apiiearvd
fur the defense to learn that in hi
young day be wa exceedingly thy. Ilo
ba loat a good deal of hi early dim
denoo, or, at any rate, ha manage to
prevent it betraying ibwlf in tucb away
at might teud to embarraMi a hostile
witneaa, A a role, witnesara do not
find that bafehfuluot it the most prom
inent cbaracturistio of bit cross exami
But I learn from an atnoclato of Lord
RuawuH' that wben hit name appeared
on the list to proptaat or to rcapuud to a
toaat at one of the dinners of a pntriotio
tociety of which my informant a well
aa Lord Bnasell wa a member be would
tpeud the day nervoutly walking about
Baudelaire, who trntiNlatcd all IV-'i
work into French, bad a terril ly cro
teniae psjwion for tbo pleasant p--a
pulton. In one of bit mail freaks thit
minor French poet uctually painted hit
balr tbo tame tint at tlio beverage that
corroded bia brain, possibly from an
odd fancy to havo the outside of hit
bead correspond with or match the iu.
Alfred do Mnt, who was tlio Frem h
Byron, pint a tenderer, waiter touch,
alto fell a victim to tho drug ufi.r
Oeorgo Bond gave the final mali to bit
fragmentary heart Guy do Maupassant
il reported to hnvo burned bit braint
away with the tamo cineraldlne tl.un.t
The bruin dixonae ratLHil by thit drug it
considered almost iucnrablo. Far wor-e
thou ahxihol or opium, it can ouly ha
compared to coruliio for tho fclLuou of
it clutch on poor humanity.
Yet we take it occasionally nt ia
after dinner tcttler of digittire debt la
thi country, and quito often at nn
pctlxer or tonio Ixforo iiiel.-t, while ia
New Orleans, throughout tho older quar
ter, little cabarets, devoted aluiu-t ex.
cluxivcly to the tale of it, aro quit
What, then, Il thit dreadful drii.k
compowd of, and bow it it made? TI.
I.A .,nw,a .,,.1 nnneui.ltw nnlla la
to collect hit thought. Upon one occa- -J "". uiougn mo pn-
tlou the proud duty devolved upon him to ,unf0, Perfection in tho evil it
of reepoudiug to the toast "Ireland a , a'"'"0 m17JU0 -iiinca .y
Nation." Lato in the altornoon my in- u,-"""u i aieuiioim
formout found him in a couditiou of "Plrlt (m!,'1,, riilly from rariout
disorderly ix-rtnrUtion and declaring I potat.a . f-r instance), ia
thatba ba.1 nn hi.. nf ul.nt h ahnnl.l which, to give it tho filial character,
aay, and he felt certain that, nulcs he j ht'iithium with other nromatio herU
got the help of the man who afterward mA b1l,,.,,r J.t are ground up, or ma
berania mr informnut ba must inovi- ". .uik-
tably break down.
I laughed at him," aaid the gentle
man who had tho courogo to toll th
ttory which I bava the courage to re
peat and did my boat to give him
confidence. 'Sure, any fool oould re
spond to Ireland a nation, and yon'll do
aawull a any other.' But even tliia
didn't give courage, " contiuuid my in
formant, "and I had to lit down and
give him the chief point to touch on
in hi tpeoch. He wrung my baud, and
in tha evening be made a fine speech,
lr. Man, but it wat a pity that there
weren't more of the party tober enongb
to appreciate it I"
Th Coming Hail road Eaglaa,
"Tho railroad engine of the future
will ba a very different machine from
thoae now in use," said T. C. Wil
longhby. "In the flrat place, it will ba
ao arranged that it will run iu a vacuum
by meaiii of air pump. It will ba of
torpedo shape; tn order to offer the leant
possible air rcsistunce,and tho air which
goca into the pump will be utilized aa
an additional motive power to fbat ob
tained from the ttcaiu or electricity
ased. Huch an engine could be con
ttrnctcd to make at leant 300 mile an
hour and would wear longer than any
now used, for the reason that friction
would be reduced to a minimum. A
combination of the principle of tha
present locomotive and of the Pennoycr
airship wonld result In a revolution in
tha mechanical world. I am not an In
ventor, but I know tbat inch a machine
1 feasible and will some day be per
fected. "Cincinnati hnqulrer.
Birds al Ik Waaria aad Craa Laada.
Among our eastern American birds tht
tllmlce, wrens, creepenOnuthntrhea, wood
warblers, tanagi-r. vireoa, ahrikra, wan
wing, tyraut fiycatclur, tb woodland
group of tbniahea, crows, jay and wood
peckers ar all tre lurer, for th moat part
Beating In trra, and if on or near tha
ground usually In th depth of tangled
underwood. Ou tb other band, a number
of specie belonging to the Urge family of
tb flnchea (aparrowa, buntings, te.) ar
strictly blrda of the gran land, and this is
true eato of aom member of th eloaelr
allied family of starling, blackbirds aud
oriole, notably lu th caaeof th field lark,
torn blackbinla and lli holailluk. Pro
feor ppeocrT Trotter in PcDuLar Htimrm
Tb Bast Tlaaa,
-Why are you ao nao.hty. JoLrnle? It
aretn to me that with tunnmawora o
and pnpawith a Uvkta arm yua migi.
try to l g:iL"
"Hob! aaid J.Xnuia. "That's J-ut iL
uraiwiauw. .toon can Uct Lts for It."
liarpcr t iwvur.
A Mobaaa B.I la t
Tb Mohave bellev that all who die and
are not cremntrd art turned Into owls, aud
wbeo they hear an owl hooting at nlubt
Ibey think it Is thr spirit of aom dead Mo
bar returned After any one (lira they do
not eat salt or waab themarlvra for four
day. They had formerly an annual burn
ing of property, and all would mntrihut
eoowtbing to th flame in expectation of
na going up lo their departed friends a
The chief ingredient ia tho toy nml
leave of tho herb ArtemUlaabiiiithiutu,
or wormwood, which grow from tno
to four feet in great profu-oou uii'l r
cultivation, and which contain a vola
tile oil, alwlnthol, aud a yellow, cn-n-talline,
rcitinou cotupouiid callnl n'.t
tintbin, which it tho bitter princiiil-x
The alcohol with which this and tl.
esscntiult of other anim.ttio pl.intt n o
mixed hold theso volutilo oils iu tola
tion. It it the precipitation of tlio.-o o'U la
water thut cause tho rich clouding of
your gloat when tho nbsintho it ivitiml
on tho crocked lec don' lo rmblemt or
warning of the clouding and tlio crack
ling of your brain if yoa tako to it
ttcadily. Thut every drink of tlio opaliut
liqnid U on object low-on in chimhtry
that carrie it own niomL .
Some barroom Columbnt, nmhitior.1
to outdo Danto and atld anotlier luw. r
circle to tho Inferno, recently invented
or discovered tho nlmiutho cocktail. A
littlo whlaky tho worao tho better a
dash of bitter, a lit tlo tn'ar nnd ili'titv
of iced abtinthomakonbouttlioqiiicke-t
and wlikinliYt intoxicant in thu worM.
Tho contirned nro of abalntho give
rito to epileptic armptomt at nn external
expression of tlio profound dUturban
of tho brain and nerve. One lurgo lo-o
of tho esaenco of tbo wormwood imletd
ho been notetl at causing almost iutant
ly epileptiform couvulMion in nnimali
But the drug is not without its uses fro:a
a broad point of viow. Aa tho name im
plies, it it an anthelmintic, or a pn t y
lure cure for certain kiudt t f animal
lifo that tonietiini inftt tlio intf tin.
of men, catuiing pain and death. Tliit
peculiar property wa well kuown to
tb Oreeks, who bail a wlno iufad
with wormwood called absiuthitc.
In tomo parts of Germany wormwood
it used in lien of hop fur tho brvwirg
of certain brand of bet r, aud it ntiqni
tionably ho valunblo tonlo propertii
Abtintho 1 made almoat everywhere
except in the extreme tropica, and tlie
ft ew iork variety I Just a pxd
bad a any. The duty on French ab
llnlha it very blgb (12 a cao of a
dozen bottle.
Tho first effect of it are a profouu 1
aerenity of temper and a slight beiiilit
ening of the mental power. ompKd
with bodily inrrtio. Till it tho general
rule; but at a famous pbytdcluii om e re
marked of a dreatlful di.wder iu hit
lecture room, "Ocntlemtn, tho chitf
glory of the beautiful di-a.o I am nw
erpbxlnmgi tb remarkable variety of
lu manifvaUttious. " Xgw York v oi A
Whooping cough mar often lie re.o-
Blxcd In th early at.ipea (ln-fore the conca
haa become ehararteriatirl br Id Uiby't
w. v f - mmm aar4 tlf 1 asT la --- '
be Ten or "Whit mountain." as they call , rd of light, inability to bear light ari
h. Yank Iliad.
, by dilation of tb pupil of lb ey.
Mexico baar:ir tldmc) of etelUxatloa
that aom other civilised countrlo Uek. la
every eity, la nearly ery toarm, there ar
auractiv balhhouaaa. iloararar Mt ta
Iowa may b otherwiaa, tb pnbtl baty
boua U pmty sure to be aaataai sttrsoV
Caatara Raara. Keep tb milk for the tbiea par rf
Eaatero roofs ar general i Bat. fn oolUng and refrigerating, and te thai
fort during th summer season. Th roofs " f b- Wholesome as Is tbia amo or
of booata lo thr east art often uaed aa out- I dlrt dlra lurk ia " wh' U U oot
door gardeo. Tb Oreeks gav th roof a . krH
hwrlM? tl" '""ili"' rrrmt mh'