EUGENE CITY GUARD. rrwartster. EUOENE CITY. OREGON. TRIUMPHANT JAPS They Capture Port Arthur, the Chinese Stronghold. AN IMPORTANT NAVAL POINT Th Twm Oppaslag Nrm mill Coatlaa lo rea leach Other tha Maah of lha Vala Hlar Kasparar reihsr-la-Law likM lha Chlaf Cesaaaaed. Fiuxuiui, Ot tolr IS. A report It In circulation here that J'ort Ariliur hu been raptured by the Japanese. Tlili port ia on of tin moat Important of the Chinese strongholds, and waa the place of refuge of the Chinese fleet after the Utile of the Yalu river, the disabled ehie having Isren repaired and rvflttetl there. It commands the entrance to the Gulf of Te Chi LI on the north. TUB aMPEBoa'a rATIII-IH-LAW. Nxw Yohk, OttoW 18. A teclal from Shanghai lays: Fibeen thousand troops under Field Marshal Oyawa are eni'aiiiM across lb-gent's Sword I'rom oniory to the north of I'orl Arthur and williin aiiiht of that naval atrori(hild. They are waiting lor a favorable moment to move forward, while outride of III port the Japanese cruiser are reedy to Intercept all relreat southward, hung Karl, I lie Einieror' father-in-law, ha reached Mian llai Kwan, the place on the (.hi 1 1 of l.ian Tung where the higli road Iroiu the itxst to I rking begin He lake the rlnrl miiiiiiaiHl, and will try to prevent the landing of force ol IIim enemy at that port, which possesses great strategic prominence. nu. rAiiNtt a ac ii oniia. London, tVtolrcr 18. A dispatch to the I eulral News Iroiu ijil, dated Mon day, says: The two opposing amies nil ft each oilier nu the banks of the Yalu river. The Chines have not fired shot, hut are ninht and dae strength piling l heir defense. Count Yamsgala, the Japanese commander-in-chief, ia awaiting the arrival of heavier artillery lielore attacking the thlnes aitloti Japanese cotii estimate that the Chi new lone altogether nuinliers 35. WO men. The scoot have drought detailed imormaiion aa to the condition of the Chinese defenses, allowing that they are hut so strong aa llrst re port a Indicated The Chinese artillery ia show;n to he leae lorinmabie man me Japanese bad sup posed. A decisive attack ia expected room Varioui Indiraliona justify the helief that the chief aland of the Chi nete witl be at Kuheiichao, diu mot cab to no nr. I.oxmKi, October 18. The Japanese legation haa receive)) advicee to the ef led that Ihe Japanese transport iteamrr Ariakl Marti haa arrived at Yokohama I mi ii I long Kong. A Chineae gunboat It-It Hong Kong a few houra before the Ariaki Maru. lint contrary to eiecla tloni maile no attempt to engage the transport. HOYCOTTINO ILLKUAL. fitNtkil MILES' Mfcr-OKT. law the Troop Aalad la 1'rlllsaJ rarlae. WaauiaoToM, October 18. The annual report of Major-Osneral Mile, com mending the department of the Missouri haa been received, allowing the condl- lion of affairs In that department in remarkably abort document, considering the stormy period of internal itrife cov ered by it. Ilut DotwilhaUnding iU brevity It contains eoine very terae an sigfiltltmiit aUleinenU relative to the tluke. On Una point it aayi alter re citing tbe work the military waa required lo uo: "All of three difficult datiee have been perlormeal In a manner w Inch shows good juilgiiieul ami discretion ou tlie pari ol officers ami good stale of discipline and faithful seivicw on the part of the troops, and It la believe! tliat but lor their prompt intervention much biood ilied wouhl have resulted. "The conduct of Ihe lrns in restor ing order and coiiB.lence where mob violence and a reign of terror existed In Chicago waa markel by great forbear ance, lurtitude ami Uiacipline, and their presence and action have ver yg really con tribute! to the maintenance ol civil laws, and in my opinion svel the country Iruin serious rebellion in a Mate where one hal been publicly declared to exiel by one moat reponibla lor Its exist ence." A lleclalaa la That rftTaet hy a Rhede Island Cuart. rinviDKNre, R. I., October 18. Judge Tillinghast of the Supreme Court to-day handed dow n rescript of national im portance to trades people; The National Aeaociation of Master I'lnmiiera has branch in this Male, which recently is. sued circulars to tint w holt-sale dealers in plmnlrer' supplies waining them not to sod supplies to plumliers who were Hot nieinU'iB of the assta-ialioli. These rin-ulais were particularly ainml at Ma cauley llroa. ol this city. This II nil un derloirk to purchase supplies in theoen maikel, but waa in some instance re filsel. thus brtnir tint to consiilerahle inconvenient'. The linn applhd lo the Mipreme Court lor an Injunction lo re strain the association Irom interfering Willi its business. II. J. Turtiey, tlio hecittsry of the Master I'luniheia' As- wiciatioii of I'mvideiire, was made the teMimlent. Tlie court rays Hint tin doiihteOlv the members ol the assncia tluli have l lie rmhl to purcliMse their aiippllea where they please ami to lotu bine anl a nr. e that they wilt not patron Im wholesalers who sell to mm-members ol their own bsmk luiion, yet they have no right by threats lo cuen-e wholesalers not to sell to noii-liiemiiers ol that as ak'lsllon. The delendant aasovlatioii Was using unlawful lucaiie to compel the plaiiitul to Joiu the assaN'ialion, and the asH'ialion W4 WMiiulullr iiilerleriiw wild the business of the p'laiiitilla. An Injunction waa ordered to issue against the association. TO HtK MH MILLIONS, itadga Jsahlaa fsilllwasd t tastrarl tha Hsaalsra. MiLWAi kSS, IVtolsrr 18 It has de- Velo-d in the procretliligs of llieUn tel Males Court that the Northern Pacific Coinnany throUKh Praylun Ives has made eool its threat and petitioned Judie Jenkins to Uistiuct the nirivers lo bring suns aainst Henry Villnl, Coltiate Hoi I and Charles L. Colby I o recover neai ly (kRI.Uxi allegel to have U-en made unlawfully llironuli Nurlhern 1'acilic deals 'Hie pt'llliou rvlera to the report ol Master Carey, ami chante lbvt and Colby were eseoctated Willi Yillard in the al'ieged lli-)il d. als. 1U sides U'U' allejte'l to have teen made out ol the Northern I'aclllc and Maui toU deal, U'.'t.NlO ia allewrl In have lieen male out of transactions In the OrvKon and Transcontinental Company in connection with the Clncairo termi nal deal; aUmt 40ll.UH Is allewe-l to have been mala out of I he Chicago. ilalent and lUlavia. and tti7UM from the pun base ol ltridepoit and aulh Clniago piocrv; from Ihe ImmI distri bution ol the Oregon and Triiaiiinli d. fen lanla are raid to have male (I0.'J ami from the rale of the Chicago and Northern I'acilic bonds by the same coinpaiiv ll.lloU.U "J. Mill another Und ale is ailege.1 to have netted f 12ll.00. aaalhara rISs Madaslag Kiswasaa. 8 Katxciaio, lVlolr 18. It is re ported that i. VY. Luce, local general freight agent of tlie Union l'ecitl w 1. Noverulier 1 succeeil A. I. Mieard at assistant general lrei!it airent o' the Niuthern l'aiilc, Kuinr of other chanties in the isutliern I'acific olliits arecurienk It is stated that since the policy ol retrenchment went into elT.t t 4JU c erkt have Iwen dimtsed, and thai more diniii-sals are to loilow. One oi the minors la that the land department of Hie Koutliem I'acitle and the Central 1'ecillc are to im consolidated, anil thai l. r wid l-e in charge ol Wiiham II. Mills, at present bead of the Central 1'aCiflc Land drutueat. MATL'HALIZKM A MK HI CAM. tilt Death la e Hassiaa frlsaa Kasallaa Ulpluwalie CaatrMtarsjr. WtaiiiaoToN, October 18. A ditpatcli received at tbe Male I)eart men t jester day from ConsDl-Ueneial Jones sn noiinceil tlie death of Klanislaua Krsmin- itki, naturalized American cilln-n, in a Russian prison at Warsaw Octolier 14, This death terminates diplomatic inci- deiit which marked a new phase in the diplomatic relations of the United Mates and Kussia, in which Secretary lireshaui la umleratooil to have Impressed upon the government of the Ctar the advan tages of our statute ol limiutiona, a lnt h istiuknowu in Kiissisn law. Krxmin iski had lived in America since lrMiU, and had Income naturalised, lie relurne-l lo Hu-sia and a arrested for a political crime, that of participating in a I'olish revolution tlnrlv reara airo. L'lsrn the prompt tlemandof Ibis government he was released on this charire. but Im mediately rearri'Sted lor alii gel riuliei- lleuient caiminilletl wlille lie was a po lice official )tlt Irelore he came to Amer lea, and he was awaiting trial on this charge w lieu liedled. The L'nilewl Mates was powerless lo intervene for his re lease on this charge, and was con lined to an eliort to secure a prompt trial. ATOLLI AKII TIIK A. I. A. He Hsllaeaa That lha Mnvssssat Will be khart-Llvad. MoxTaiAL, October 18. Monslgnore Salolll, who arrive I here yesterday, said in an Interview : " I have noofTlcial mis sion here. My jurisdiction is confined to the United Mates, and I have quite enough to do as it la. Kven now I have business wailing on me In Washington. Quebec la well known throughout the Catholic world for the devotion of the people to the Holy See and to the Church. Ilut you have oilier provinces, w here the rroleslant element predominate, ion have the province of Ontario, which haa taken up I lie idea of the American Pro tective Association to a litrue extent. I do not think that the association which the Catholics from every position of prolit and honor constitutes a smanent or a serious dantier. I. ike the Know-ollii:ig movement It Is founded on ignorance and prejudice, which will m ilisH'lled, and they will pass away. Thev will have a benelicial ellect in tiiis way that they will make Catholics more xeulnus for the defense and propagation of their faith; but audi movements also indicate me necessity on our part of lieing prudent and mo ler- ate and the danger loan which apeais to sectarianism may cause in a mixed country like America." HIS I'AIIKfcll AS A DIVINK. TRADE BALANCE Imports and Exports for Sep teinler and Nine Months. A GOOD, HEALTHY EXCESS Usrisi lha Xlae Maalha Thare Uaa ft a Os.r aateelv Mllllaa Dollar Hal awae la Oar reei-ala WHharawa Crass Ihe Kahlraaaar fur K spurt Wasiiikoto. 0 tober 17. The bureau of statislln has submitted Its report of the Imports and domestic export of the United Mates lit ScptemW, 1M4 and trt'.'.t, and for the nine months of Ihe pre. ent calendar year. Tbe following table gives the features of Ihe report fur Kpirmtjr. ism 1M 7Ha,wJ w;m. i J'l, II Was Natnclant bir Mr. Ksplr la Ailr fur a lllvorea. HiisniM, Octolier 18. The divorce suit of Mabel Kepler was heard before Judge Ibshnp to-day. Mrs. Keplerchargrxl tin- litilliliilne-a and desertion. In May, lSDt, she said, Mr. Kepler was at a theological seininury in lloelon. On June 1 he mar ried her. ror a'srut a vear thev lived at Hanover, Mass, Then be rC"ived an amioin loeiit I nun the Methodist llonrd roreign .Miiuns to journey in the Orient. The itinerary of the trip to China included Chicago, and Chicniro was too milch lor him. It was there, she SHa, that lie lell Irom grace, in I lima hia conduct urew worse, and Ilia trans- iiressi riia reached a climax when he fell in love with a dreasmaker. Mrs, Kepler wrote tit ihe missionary societr, and Mr. Kepler was ordered home, lie arrived in llostou in lw:i, and there tleserte I her. She attributes all his (milts lo hi experience aa a drummer prior to enter ing UjKin lua caieer as a divine, riwt A until lttM, Tha Allllad nt lrsblnl Moall Itrgard laa t'uaversiua. I.ondoi, Octolwr 18. A dispatch from Santiago, Chili, says: 1'resident Moult rclaina hi attitude in rvirard lo Ihe con version to a gold buis in July, lStHI the Finance Commission has recommended the raisinn of a Knrotiran loin of Xt.- I Hit I 0l sterling to aiument the conver sion linn', and also that the gtivernmenl shall olt'er to convert nolea from next April at the rate of In pence and Irom Septetnlier at ihe rate ol 20 euce mild lillv, 111. w hen the conversion law he- conn's operative. Tues-laythet hatnber ol IVputie will meet in extraordinary session to discuss the nuance lommis aion'a propisjala and oilier matter. A vote ol nin lideni in the present Minis try will be asked for. Wla ailll Walking. Nxw Yuan. IKlobrr IS. On a private wager of I,(XM made by John Chamber- Uinwith a New York lroker Kdwaid I'avson Weston, the well-known veteran pedestiian, is going to try todemoustrate that he is not too old towelkalsHit lorty lies a dar lor twelve consecutive dat a. He wi I start (toiii New burg on Morulay next, ami Ins route will I loilow ing the line ol the West Shore railroad to Al lny, thence through the Mohawk Yal lev to hrracuse. thence to llimrhamton and to I'ort Jervia. completing lit task t Middletown Satiirilay, Novemler 3, a listened of H miles. Terhlsh Oalragea la Arsaaala. Loniio, IX-tobrr IS A meeting to probtt auainsl the Turkish ontravee in Armenia was held in London tin even ing. Francis H. Stevenson, memlier of Parliament and t hairman ol the Anirlo Ainerican Asrialiin, pmnleil. The Mkera eomplained of the apathy of I lie Ilritisti loreis-n wins ana ol w e Si l iniehan1ls..-J'7 u.,VM lnisirtsul sir lismll-a ... '."J1 r.sfjrtaor ii j..nsj I 'mail IS ol "1.. ...... l !(a.rt kiairl.u llvrr.... .7;'-4 laiuru ol siltsr.. ...... jll,;-e The exports of domestic nierchandiae for the last nine months amount to to77,Of7,(22, againtt 1403,341.873 for the tame time in IH'JX The imports of merc handise during the nine months of 1WH amounted to loU.'l.&l.'.IH. and for the tame time last year i'J-V.372. Dur ing the nine muullis ol lM'.t the exi-eaa ol gold export over imports waa 73,- 0U3.31U and of silver W.Ml.WJ. UOI.D WITIIIIUAWS SUM SIHISf. ITnilad Slates Treasurer Morvan ceive.1 a telegram from treasurer Jordan at New York staling that iVJ OOJ in gold hal la-en withdrawn Irom Ihe suhtreaa urv for export. This is the first with drawal ol any iniNrtauce that has la-en made since August last, and the news has had a ditsiiiieling ellect utstn treus- urvollicials. It wo not, however, w hoi ly unexpected. During tlie llrst week in August the gold reserve nan ten re- blieilloa little below i&.'.ihi,whj. ai the tima the extsirt season hal run its course, and small gain Irom day lo day at length brought the reserve to over MiO,OUI,0"0. Treasury olllcials dilfer as to the cause of these revivals. AMKKH or A foil llT.ttt. Ult Ifaalh Wnulil Knilangsr Kurotwaaa al l abul. I)!Do,Oclolierl7. Nodefliilleslale- ment as to the nature of the illnesol the Ameer of Afghanistan ran be obtained, but it is understood that he is tullVriiig from internal hemorrhage, liencral Imi Huberts, who was for many years com- mamlcr-iii-chicf of the llritish forces in India, was interviewed lo-day In regard to the proluihle addition to the Eastern complications in the event of the death of Ameer Alxliirrnliinaii Khan, and said : hiimlur reiMirls ol illness, ami Irom which the Ameer baa recovered, have reached India in veart gone by, but the Ameer is now older and ronsiaiillv re- urrinu attacks ol the gout must have scriotialy undermined hisgt-neral health. the news doubtless was brought irom Cabtil lo I'eshawtir by horsemen, and was telegraphed from the latter place to Simla, should Ihe question of succes- nun arise, there will certainly lie serious trouble al Cahul between the oppo-iug parties, one fiivoring the succession oi the elder son, Sanlur lluibihiilla Khan, the child of a w ile of low rank who haa I ready held a sort of iower at luhul. I'he second Party inpiNirta the younger royal wile in the inleieal of lief son, wiio is a child. l; m a lormer occasion, when the Ameer's tlealh waa expected, the royal wife made preparations to cine the treasury and gain the adhealuii of the armv. " If the Ameer dies, the Europeans al Calm I will ! in danger from the fanat ical hatred of the Aliilian. which Is only suppressed through Ins crsonal inllu ence. I'liforttinately there lire two or three English women at Cahul, and their only means of ccaM ia a Journey of ltKI miles to Cesliawur, during which they will lie at the mercy ol the Afghans until they reach l.uiidikholal, where they will lie under the protection of the Khylier rilles. The situation it causing the greatest anxiety lo the government ol India. The summoning ol a spevia council is a very unusual proceeding, and it is evident' that Karl Klgiti con siders Ihe situation to be gr.ive." Mr. Martin, the Afghan agent, raid this evening that he did not exieel immediate tiouble in Cahul. Neveii de lea it would he prudent lor the English resident to leave Ihe citv and go lo the Irunlier a toon at possible. KKLLV AMI HI l'LA. He It Again (lathering lha t'namdayed of all a ml a. Oaxiamo, Cal., tK-lolwr 17 "lien eral " Chatlat T. Kellv, who led the San Finneirco regitneiit of ihe Coxey army lo Washington, has completed arrange meiils tor hit new industrial march, but instead of going across the continent be will this time diiect his invading fores toward sail Jiae and the pnsluctive region that lie alon the route. The oh jit tol tins march iatosecme aigna tint s to a Congressional petition (or re bel of the niieinplioel and Im idenlallv to obtain contributions ol supplies for the army that is rapidly increasing in iiuinlH.ia at the big lent on K.'ghth and Kranklin street. Alter the election the little army will man h down Ihe iita-t to a Angek-a, reluming bv way ol lialiera Held, and all a'oug the route the farmers will I ssked to help sil iit the li en who in summer derive low wnges for lti ir work on the ranche. Branches ol Ihe army will he established in various parts of tlie Stste with Ihe intention after ma-sing the force at Sacramento during the next session of the U-iala-lure to pnxved in the manner Coxey and his followers went to Washington. Bath fart 1st la lha t a Head. 0 tx land, Cal., tK tober 17. A uni.tie divorce case will sum be tried in Judge Eiltworth's court. Three years ago Mrs. Jessie Wilton instituted proceedings for a divorce against her husband. William J. Wilson, alleging uitimacv with a Mr. Ittirch. The panics were ali well know n m social circle. The case w aa dropped belore coining lo trial on aotnint ol Mrs. Wilson's death. To-dav the attorneys in making their motion an nounced that Mr. Wilson is al-o dead. There Is due several Ihon-and dollars lor alimony and aitornets' fees, and in or der to settle the daunt ol the heirs and the attorneys the Judge den ud the mo lion lor dismissal. Raaadary Hlseala Adjaslad. Viusoro. 0ctolr 17. AdviiT re ceived at the Mexican legation here are to tbe effect that the boundary dispute la-tween Mexico and Ciuatemala. which lor a time severely strained the friendlv relation Ivtaeen the two countries, bo Chnn-h of England In the Armenians' al lengtn u-en adjusted on terma sa;i jjJcrU.s. ' Uctory to both nauou. AUSWKKKO T aUULTHM. Mis atsplg I Ihe Uaaria f the Assart- aa rratactlv AaaaMtlallaw. Niw Yoaa, Octor 17. At Problbi lion Park laat evening I'r. McGlynn an swerwal some questions pu to Lim by members of the A. P. A. lJr. McGlynn said Charles T. Haskell of Prohibition Park had Landed Lim tbets question! to answer: " la there anything In the constitution of tha Catholic Church which is a men ace to the republican form of govern1 ment?" " Is it true the vows of Catholic priest- bora I interfere with loval citizenship In a republican countrv like our own?' " Waa not Ihe Archbishop of New York compelled to interfere with your riihts a a citizen because ol your polit ical enthusiasm' To tbe llrst question Father McGlynn antaered with an emphatic no. lie added: "TbeCatbolicCbnn hwill not menace this con tit rr. So far from tlie I'oiss Irv ing to revolutionize tint country it is Ihe reverse, and in no countrv does the np holdingof the Catholic faith so please him aa in America." To the second question Dr. McGlynn replied! " I'rierla do not take vows; they only msks) promises at the time of ordina tions. Those promises only restrict the priest in his religious observances and to lellbaev." I answer ye to the third question. K said tbe ria-aker, but those wbo 'n- detuned me made a mistake. Wilier the Catholic Church nor tbe I'.t"" IS in fallible. 1 waa excorut-'inirated. but that sound is all i-a'ed and 1 bear no ill-will." tiiaxok noi riLK Lire. The lllstry of a llurglar Whs la Alas a Hsnlrrsr, Rosto. October 17. Investigation by detectives, ,'ias brought to light the fact that William Itarrett, now locked up in the Cambridge jail ami charged with the murder c( Constable James Farrar of Lincoln, Mass , last Mar, led a strange double life. In New otk city he sup- oorted a wife and child in style, and rep resented lo them that be was a denier in driving horse, while Ihe evidence se cured by the police leads lo the conclu sion that he was also a prominent nurg ,,. t .i .i . lar. ii me ntgnt oi .muv ii i-i a ourg lur entered the house of James Farrar of I 1'irrsr arja aarakenetl. and with Ilia Brother and several neiuhUirs pursue.1 the burglar. After following the lootn-int of the thiel for some hours li..... ...,s .fni.1 Itirrett in tliM wiksIs. and atteaipted to arn-st him. In the struggle allien lolioweo iiarreii aineu kunsr. Itarrett w a catiturerl. however, and on bi.n waa found a complete burg lar' kit. It now develop that Uarrell s real nails ia William llasscll. and the isilh i lmin be has lieen a nrofessional burglar lur rome time. Wbeahiswife discovered who be was, she lelt New York and went to Camilla with her son. It is raid the boy is still ignorant of his father's character. MORTON JUMPED He SuflVrpd the Death Tenalty for Killing: a Sheriff. UNDER JUDGE LYNCH'S RULING TIIK NKW TAitirr. Aaothar Complleallna Itsrdlng IB rre Ale.. hoi Hsrllua. Wasiiinutom, Octolier 17. Another complication has arisen rtgarding the free alcohol section of the new laritrlaw. Secretary Carlisle, owing to the fuilnre of Congress to make the necessary ap propriation, is unable to put tbe law intoclTcct. Notwithstanding tbe Secre tary's ilaa laion it ia cniitcndcded that al cohol used ill the arts, etc., is Iree since August 1'H. Lm-r ol alcohol In int-li- i ne ami in the arts want to know herein thev violate the law in remov ing revenue stains from the empty bar rels. If they do not, thev will have no vide nee on w Inch to base claim against the government fir the return ol duty paid since the la went into elfcct. Ou the other bund, as the law now stands, thev are liahle to heavy penalties for not h stroyiiig the stamps when the barrels are empty. Mississippi Itlssr lirjr Itnrh. Wasiiinoton. Octolier 17. Judge Ad vocate General I-cmley of the Navy Ie part men t bus just returned to Washing Ion from New Orleans, w here he com pleted the purchase of a tract of land lioining tbe site for a dry dock at Al giers, oiHe.iie that city. The price paid wasHr.tkl'. The proect ol the estate bailment of the gieut die k and naval station at the mouth of the Mis-l-sippi I ... , .1 ; -....I ... I ,1... u t t..itl i.f Imlilurv nan i,ni .n m authorities to the advisabilitv of extend ing the general scheme ol coast defense to that P'linl. It is fell that the al.seme modern defenses at tbe mouth of the great river is a fatal weakness in tbe ui.neral avslem. aa it mill il allord an en- emv ihe opMrtutnty of culling the coun try in two and paralyzing the internal commerce of the I'lilou. KllluH'a Sweeping t'hallenga. Kaunas City, Octola-r 17. The cham pion wing shot of America, J. A. R. El liott, proposes to defend the champion ship against all comers, and haa made the following sweeping challenge: A mutch of a series ol three shisits lo le shot any place agreeahlO lo the maj inly ol contestants. Any one who desires to enter shall iIcnhii (.VHI with the stake holder, and the one making the Inghist average sA-orewill Inkelhei utireniiiotli't. I In t aimed al Carver, Mlllord. llinld. r.rcwt-r and all others who thiuk llu-y are iu tlie chauipionship class. slaaufarlurer llelermlned. Nxv Yohk, Oclolier 1ft The cloak manii'Vturer have determined to re sist the demands of the striking cloak maker and to refuse to make any con- ccs-ioiis the workmen demand. This course was din iilcd on at a met ling here. Nxty men, representing an agreate amtal td HO.tmii.Wv. were present. It was agreed that no manufacturer would nake any concession or compromise with he sinkers without the consent of ail. Suite siH-akeis said thev would rather go out d bust in- than accede to the de mands of the strikers. . rrspasod t'alhnll I'aloa. Rok, Oclola-r 17. The Armenian Ta- trian-h Aiarian in Constantinople tele graphed the Pope yesterday that the ixiaers oppissed to the niiion of the East ern Chiirc'i with the Holy See had in fluenced the Sultan against aiding the Vatican in the conterrnee lo-niorrow cnvriiing this nnion. l-e wotiM pot- pone bis visit to Koine therefore until November. Caagar'a taslssrs, Ivs Aaiu, tX toWr 17. Two years in the county j tit was the sentence im posed on John W. Conger, IVputy Kev- enue Ctillector, who lle.1 from Iresno tiotir three years ago with government funds, and who recently surrendered tawsell. The Haaglng Was Caadwrlad Wllh at Mach rarsaalllg a If II Had Rasa a Lagal AtTalr-Naa af Ihe Mvh t'ssr oalsd His Idaetily. Lixixotok, Ky.,Ot1otKr 10. Ar lynching hat been added to Ihe u,t''.j,. large full series of the Bluegra y,n'1" . . ,, 1 1 of the ing bees. Saturday at the cl- Ueatlyville fair 0ar Mortr- e , " of Klanlon In Powell coV w'nt OUl on the warpath. Two wV"0 Mor,ton at Fl.nlo. nJ "w,l fS.UOO bond. He flf l t,, lr Satur.l.y,anJimm,,',yPlrrT get drunk. Whr luoroog oy ...... ited he started '"" ,or P"" , ho was I. enemy. , fend of long tlandir. "v,n ' i.. nan nd Morton met near the entrance -o 'ir funds, and afler a ifi u .w,t.i nf thttn drew lrutirf. A of shots loilow el, Mor ton using two guns. Ilia first shot broke the shentr right arm at the eltww. John Hogg, ft Iriend of Sims, whipped out his gun and joined In tbe battle. When the smoke cleared away It was found that Suns was .1. ad. having Ireen thrice shot through hi breast, in the alaloiii. n and through the arm. Morton was shot through the neck, while Hogg was unhurt Morton wns hustled to the count v jail and placed under guard. The (teop'e became inliiriiiied, and a nig meeting wat at once held on Ihe public square. Colonel John Irumiuoiid moiiiite.! a barrel and made a speech. He said the murderer must lie hanged, but that the wuik must lie done qtiietlv and with perfect order. Morton bad killed two men in less than two month, and lie must tlie by Ihe rojie. A mob quicklv funned and marchid to the Jail. The 'jailer was overisnwered and Ihe key to Morton's cell obtained, lie was found crouched on the floor, and after a struggle wat seized and drugged out. Seeing ids giime was up, Morton made the liest of tilings and told the mob that he did not rare what they did with him, provided Ibey did their work quickly. After a short parley he was taken to a little bridge some distance from town, and the me was placed around his neck. The leaders drew their guns, and toll him to jump or else he would Ire riddled with bullets. Turning around, the doomed man cursed his cuptor and, ottering wild imprecation, jumped into space. The jump broke bis neck. After dangling in the air for some minutes his Isxly la-came stilT, and a volley of bullets were fired into it. The mob then disH-rsed, leaving the body dangling from tbe bridge. At noon Sun day it was there still. None of the mob made anv attempt to conceal hi identity, and tbe banging was conducted with a much formality as if it had been a legal affair. The murderer was a wealthy man, w ho lived at Stanton. nop. tAiuoujiiA-a ou.tNor .eelwwWItl The Aaclloa Sal la aaaaad. rrabal,., be J(J ,t ,( 8 AH FaAXI IKO, Oj. 'ranciaco auction proUblt that the f wl reopened for tha sal of or'n , m,nncr eimilar early in I-cen. jtl, ,, changes lo that of lf' ...uemeut The Orange lnitgene'of K,.er,(Ul Tomon. On ''Hiilund. Duirte and I.o An Url'!i ill a loint meeting of rcpre- '"iative. to-morrow, at which time tbe ISmUm of establishing ft p.-rmanent s-rsnc acoauilton-liousewiu o elded. The men who probably w ill have tha auction-house in charge " ". -. Alliaon and Frank 1'alb.n "",, Jotie. the auctioneer who organire.1 and I . .... I .l.-.i. n..n estab In llliellt last veer. The Orange Exchanges named are :. I 1 1. at una method greatly facil- itau-s the d.sliibulion of lhal crop and saves money for tbe producer. It doe awav with all the small and sepa rate shipments to the Coest cities and towns, a well a to Eastern markets, and U a saving in freight and commis sions. W. W. Jone. who has returned from an extended selling trip in the East, will probably be the auctioneer and gen eral inauager. The location has not yet i i i .lull tii t.'l v. A verv large crop. lift U llr.i - v r . heavy shipments and extensive tales are expected in lact, much larger than those of lost year. The San Francisco auction salesol thecropof lSMl amounted lo IlitO.OOO.end this in spite of the severe Irosl which destroyed tlie larger portion ol the Riverside crop. The outlook for this vear'scrop is very promising, Hatirte and'Kcdlands having better prospect than ever la-fore. These latter pla.-et seem to prefer to ship their fruit fne on hoard the cars lo the principal market, hut they also feel diseased lo join W illi tbe other exchanged ami Iswimie regular shipia rs lo the San Francisco am i The matter will be dclinitely settled within a few day. a rr A I It l VKMKZIILA. STARS AND STRIPES Uncle Sam Declines to Interfer ia me oriental Yar. IT IS NO FIGHT OF OUR BOl'TII AHUCA. Tha Kalllra A gala Allarh l.anrenaa Mar qars, Ilut Ara ICrpulsad. Ixn iinNro M tnQi'KZ, OiTtolsrr 111. The relx-llious Kaffirs in great force attacked this town Us-duy, but were repulsed. A renewal of the attack is exH-led at any time. The situation is serious, for the force defending the place it not sufficient to make ft prolonged resistance. AShlTANt X Oi rKUKIl. Capo-tow, (X-iolier 10. The govern ment of the South African Republic has offered to assist Ihe Portugese at Ixinr enzo Marques against the Kaffirs. T he promised iteiieraliou is regardel with suspicion here as an infringement of suzerainty. HIT IT I DKCI.IKKD. Ixsio!C, October 111. A dispatch to the Times from Ixiureiizo Martpiez says the 1'orttignese have declined the oil. -rot as-si-tauce made them by Cecil Rhodes, Prime Minister of Cane Colony, lo quell the relied urn. The dispatch rays the cable station at Iinrenito Marqm-x has la-en abandoned, aa has l-en the cable onmctel with Ihe llritish warship Thrush, from which all dispatches are sent. I he corresiondent ol the limes eontiniiinir. sues: " The I io er nor yesterday told me be did not believe the rela-l would attack the town, lull they attacked il this morn ing and were repulsed by a beavv can nonade. 1 welve rortngtlese were killed The country it in oen revolt, and the authotities lalkol having astaiance iroiu the Transvaal. The situation is unbear able." WOMIIKKI-TL 1AVKIIN. They Ar Said la llltal lha Slaminalh IDs ut Ksiilurhr. Ucasral llaalaloflha lleporled Inlsrnal Truublsa la That louiilrjf. Wamii-nutom, Octolier 10. Senor Jose Andrade, the Venezuelan Minister to tbe United States, authorizes a sweeping denial of the resrt on internal troubles in Venezuela. Hi latest advices from Caracas date that the intere-ts of peace were never so firmly established. There are no signs of rebellion or discontent among the neuiile. and the situation of atlans ill the country, he esys, ho never lieen more nromisiiig. I.nsilies Willi tin. I'nited Slates is reviving since tl discriminations in favor ol some ol the other South American countries have la-en removed by ihe alsslilioti of the re l inns itv treaties. Rehire thosii treaties went iiitocff.Tl Venezuela was shipping to Ihe United Slates :M.IH,WRI iunds ( iiil.. annually. After Iball negoti ated commercial treaty w ith the Uniteil Mate Venezuela coll.e wa coin-llel to liud a market in Europe, and ihe ship ment to this -o'iiitry led off to a.0lJ, OiiO pounds. Vcm zueian colh-o growers now anticipate another market for their pt ol ml in Ihe l niie.1 r-tates, in which countrv thev nrefer to tell their coffee, owing to their closer proximity, which results in much lower freight rales. An drade bus iiouiliciul continuation of the n-iMirt that Venezuelan lories have .-ror-cd the Yurunri territory and occil piiil the Cuytint Valley region, driving off the Ilritisti iKilice. lhal lerrnory, Ihe Mini-tcr explains, is the p tqerty ol Venezuela, and is in nowise connected with the terri rrv in dispute U-tween Venezuela and llritish Guiuna. In other wo ds. if the Venezuelan f.nce are oc- . in, in,. iIih Coviirii Vullev tveion. thev are ' im establishing tlietnselvi s on M-olwrtv w bich la-longs to them, while the llritish Kilice, who ant said to have bet-u driven oil, are mere interlopers TIIK STAMP TIIKrr. Twalv ar II ft sen Hundred Hollar Will t'ovvr lha Lussr. Wasiiinoton. Octolxr 10. The ofll cials of the bureau of engraving and printing express the opinion that tbe losses of postage stamps by the thefts of Smith and bin confederates will not ex- ceed It.LIK) or II,!). Up to this time nearly sixtv-fotir liostmahlers in differ ent parts of tbe country in addition to the one at Ionia. .Mich., have made com plaint of shortage in the stumps slnpM l them, but iu each case the loss was very small. It is exieclcd that bv the middle of the coming week they will have re ceived resrls from all postmaster whose shipment ol stamps It is Is-lievetl have liecii taniereit with. ilii.nii A Reach, who waa arreslol at Otange, N J., and released, is now being hsikod afler bv tbe iststal inspectors' attorney and with his capture il is Micved ull of those who were implicated will have been apprehended. Illlll MIMNU ST It IKK. It Wat Mail In lha lli.l.l Hill liltlrlrl North of Jarksonvllla. jACkhOXVli.i.x, Or., Octolier 15. An other rich mining strike was made here last week. A company, cottiioscd of I' ll. Watson, K. Kubli, Frank Knight and II. 1. Kubli, has lieen working a quartz ledge on liali s creek in the tiold Hill mining district, aismt Iwt-utv mile north of Jacksonville. The compuny has lieen wot king during the past six nu. nth with an erastia. East week tin y struck a twenty-loot ledge, lull of bee gnl I, that look now like the richest stiike ever made in Southern Oregon This (lstsranssl Will Mirk UtksTl lloaorsd l-.lley ar lllsrfl. ,, 0 Itaalaa-ll I Maiuar.d Thaiu,t,u aaa (isrsranssl Waala Psaca. Niw Yoiik, Ocbilsar IS.-.. from Washington says: Ths states has been Invited by theqin,! alliance, comjiostd of Cireat lirit;, France, Uermany and Russia, to j.,ia jj in friemlly intervention in lb rb. tween Chin ml Japan. The Innutio will ls declinttl. The ili-clitmi,,, u based on the lime-honored sjlicy 0 ti " goveinmeiit lo avoid any entanglm liance witU loreign powers. AikiwlL eilgment is made of what the iiiitAtl has to say aliout tbe desirability. . (l4 restoration oi sriv, rie., uut in the u lite language of diplomacy it it t.,r,.i out that Ibis countrv has so far iiiariui . it i l: -sl very wen oy aiieiiuing to us oan Ui,. nt-ss, ami that so long a it iimHiihih, to tirorier by that policy it will not drj irom it. china wot't.n i.ikx to xno it. (Shanghai, Octolo-r 15. A riinior current here the Chinese governm,,. ho coiniiiencoi riegoiiaunin wmi j1;) lor sra-e. China, il ia said, has u - lo at know lelk;e me innepetiileii. e rea and pay a war indemnity to Ji Tin is xsTikfctv iiinrnvt. LtiNlNix, Oi-ltda-r 15. The Pad V.- (iazelte publisbe an inteiview n t leading t-iiinese tniiciai in iui iiin, which be rays, with the exception of ti naval battle at Yalu. not a serious. I,. has la-ell struck at t hina. 1 hit, hs was nierclv the la-ginning of sgiettvu. He deliittl that the battle of 1'ing Yui was crnshitig defeat for the t liiiin. When hostilities are renewed on a lar, scale, be declares, China will produce u ample number of warships. OTOIII KKInt'KK HKC Al.t.F n. IxiNboN, Octolx-r 1 ii A dispatch front Yokohama savs Otori Keisuke, J.iptnsst soldier and diplomat!-, has Is-eti owing to his failure to effect Jatur- rcliiims in Coiea. Count Inoiite. Jp anete Minister of the Interior, id rliurt y proceed to Core. t itiNksx rom c at risu Y N0. IxN ' on, Octolier 15. 1 he Tune i!l to-morrow publish ft dispatch (rum Shanghai, stating that reports I mm Moukden con II rin Ihe stab incut only 4.IHK) Chinese troops, eoiuiiiailr.l bv 'tieneral Tso, were at hug Yar g. Thev repulsed Ihe Japanese until brrr eral Tso was killed. This, it is ailed, explains the small Chine-e loss. AXOTIIKH ITALIAN WABslllf. Rome, Oelola-r 15. The warship I'm bria will sail lor China to-morrow. MSW THICK CLOAK MA Kill. San Dieoo, 0cloU-r 15. Captain Free man and a parly ol prospectors short time ago discovered a series of caverns in the rocky sides of Cajon Peak, a spur of the Cutamaca Range, the extent of which thev were unable to ascertain, having no lights with them. Lost Sun day a party was mudu up for the purpose ol exploring the caves, which were found lo rival the Mammoth cave iu Kentucky Mr. Kubli brought tome of the quartz lo in interesting features, a well a the : Jacksonville, and to-day Kiuiidcd il out size ol the cliuinlr. There are several in a baud mortar, and the proect external opening, by each of which a . proved very rich. Many persons have descent can Iw made Into ait-alled to-day to see the result of the small i hamN-r with several laterals ex- tnortar pro-ect. The mine lul l lieen tending alwut 150 feet to the other jitju-ed i ms tle at but that oiler chainliers. some of which aie of gigantic withdrawn to-ihiv, and Mr. Kubli size. The roofs and tlnors are brilliant savs the company will put up live wit h stalactites and stalagmites, and as s'amu mill at once. . -I 1 I tar a ine investigations nate neen ex tended it it apparent that a most won derful discovery has lai n made. Other passages leading in various directions nib) the heart of the mountain were Ira verse-1 for considerable di-tulices, and seveial mineral specimen of strong sa linparlant Iertloa. SofTii (McAllister, I. T., Octols-r IU. Judge J. B. Stuart has leen holding during the present term of the United States Court that a't parties who have line qualities were loiind. Steps are lie-J heretofore l-en convicted or p'cu liil ing taken to eecure title to tbe laud on guilty to liiiuor-seliing in the Indian which tbe entram-ea were found, which country are incotnietciit to testify. At it still vested in the government, and a the la makes bq-ior-selUng in the In company will he organized to thoroughly dian country a felony, this is a very im explore the caverns, which are raid to lie portant decision, for some of the lending of immense extent, and open their won- , citiena pleaded guilty to this charge and dor to the public. Healal hjr Lachraa. WasmxoroN, October II. An em phatic denial was made to-day by Com missioner of Pensions IM-bren of a state ment published iu tbe West that be bad sent letters to lVmocratic pitmate-, stating that communications concerning pensions will be held as confidential, if requested, or II ol a nature requiring them to be so held. re-eivcd a rtnail line. Il may oa I to di-francliiM-ment wlun tbe country be Coun t a Slate. firar Taaghaa fnsaaa. Cliveland, 0., IVtolsvr li!. llmre Vatigban, w ho is well known by the theater-going public as one of the most ca pable and popular im mU-rt of the Sea brook & Sencer Opera Compuny, bat bevoi- insane. Two Tear ago she wat lletaid: "I neither married to Andrew Jennings of this citv, Thrlr Parade tail Sight lha (leratlsa or MtK-h bli.tlng. New Yoitg, IK-toln-r 13. The asst-m-blageof cloakmakers in Rutgers squirt to-niglit, preparatory lo their 4 and nnm nits-linn, wu marked hr in discriminate clubbing by the :ice Ihe Mailisoii-strtt't station umier "a tnaiidof Captain (irant. Retolveisrr drawn and shots weie tired in tlie a r. ibree times tbe gathering was di-iera. L The square wu the scene of a riot rjo:J SntHTintfiident Hyrnes' permit to pt rude arrived. Even then the slu.-.x mid jo.tling continued. Women td children were treated alike. The pirtie was divided into two sections, lln-tir-t went nlT without inlerruptioti, hut hr second beaded by Joseph lapuiili-s u stopped by the lice ol Ihe HiaU lh-stn-et slttliiin. Itarondes was arn-hd and detained until t he Sergeant in li ore hill communicated with jsiiiiv In si quarters and ascertained thai the parade was autboriretl by the Sujs-nnteiideiil. E gbt thousand iersoii, ol almui "' tenth were women, atsetuijled tu Lnioti square. 80l.NI I.I. epttnbr Nlilpinenls Sim tha rorslga Trail I liiiprnthis;. Tai oma, October 15. The fiirurc tor the SeptemU-r shipments show conclu sively that the foreign lumln-r trade it improving. The Tacoma. the St. Tiiil and Tacoma, tbe I'orl i.lakeli-v. the I'u get -ound and the Stitnsoii Mill Compa iiies, live in niimlo-r. during Septemis-r sbipbeil bv water from I'nget .-uutid neuilv ll.(,tKHIieelof lnmU-r, of li" I" over li.PtO.tkHI leet went to foreign coun tries, including Ati-tralia, Chili. N' South Wales, South Africa, Ibiaaii and Mexico. The remainder went to lull (ornia. , It ia cluimol that the I'aeiflr t os-t I.nnilier Companv of ibis city bruse the world's record recently forcuiting !"" gle. Ihe crew cutting in ten hours '.'. HOD shingles on n Challoner l.-ii-busUr and double-bltM'ker machine. They Traded Wives. ANnrnsoNviLLK, Ind (V-tola-r M Rev. Ir. Smith, well-known in n lmi circles throtighotit Indiana, while pr. a. Ii ing at Winchester la-came iiifut'uhd with the wife of Fred Helm. Mr. Ibl'. strangt-lv enough, fell in love with Minth, and the result was ll.t-v tt:i l I wives. Tins caused a sensation, and ne cessitated Mr. Smith's renretneet frmii the ministrv. Yesterday the Ju...- el the Circuit Court ol Amler vihe d: trict granted Mrs. Smith a divorce. To na Wllh Tartmia lT- Tacoma, OctoU-r H.-On "iii.t ' the great surcess of the Interstate I aif Ihe management to-day decided lo con tinue it nntil Octolier when the !T will close with Tacoma day. when es ur sions from all part of a-hmfton. gon and llritish Columbia w ill i" Ibis city. The Northern I . 1 mn v.Miraifin rittt of i Walla Walla. l from Ellen-' u w North Yakima and ;!.50 from I'oiS-a for that day. Tha llsallo Aoioeraf Will. Ro-.TtiN. Ma-, October 14.-T!.r ai l of the late Oliver Wendell Him- - " file-l this af'ernoou. The s-i.n of !-'."A ia left to Edwanl Jackson II". "'' gruti.Nin of the deceased. 1 1'" t"' the estate is left l-olnteiy an I i .' simple to the ron of He -t. J ! ' Oliver Wendell Holme ol the M-s.n tett Supreme Court. I in to t i- r .) fr..i I tent out tuch a letter nor do I know of and the lias since resided here. About a communication ol that character taring a year .-o she Iwgan to show ains of in odictaily sent put from here. We have tanity, and the disseise deveioed so rap never sought Ihe record t of pensioners idiy and tbe rymptoms twst-atne so pris in that way. The story is purely fabh- nonncetl that yesieriav the waa cninut- Wnrh or tha Mtr. London, IK tolr 1 t.-Tlie VriU'h ( tul at Eouretixii Marqnex lit ' ''-' 1 foreign office thai the l.3' tered tbe otit-kirls of ilut p-rl bnmetl several boif-S Slid n"' several peop'e. It it l-l:eved h- re a party ol r.riu-ii nitnii - of litiat a: I - r- i !; ! i n i.' . n.a ....ttiit i tirn-n 111 laiiueti iiwiii s ...."' - - catioa. " ted to the insane at t lam by JuJ,e White. Eritain. b r to protect the coctulate 0