The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 27, 1894, Image 5

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    Aaothrr Pioneer toue.
bally Uuinl, Or'.otw 1. j
Thomas William, an aged ploucer
ol I.ane county, died at lit home lu
Lost Valley precinct, Thursday after, OctoU-r Hth, al SM o'clock,
from exhaustion tecullar to an ad
vanced age.
Mr. Willlumia vti loiru lit Pennsyl
vania, Ocolivr 10, W3, therefore at liie
time of hi death had a few tU.vt l hi
cn-ilit over I lie ll year murk. He came
to Oregon In IkI, la-tug a nicinlicr of
the jarty that waa lost in I lie deaerl
of hastem Oregon, ami dually made
their way dowu I lie Middle Fork of
the Willamette river, In a destitute
and starving condition. II then Bet
tied on the farm lu Lost Valley tin
clnct where he breathed hi last, ill
Oral wife died before he came to this
county, but second wife survive him.
The aona and daughter surviving are:
K. P. William., Win. Williams Kobl.
William and Mrs. W. 11. Kenton of
Loat Valley, C. I.. Williams of Lake
county, Mr. T. J Ihiuteii of Camp
Creek, and Mm. Ocorge Whitbeol of
Mr. Williama enjoyed the esteem
and friendship of the neighborhood In
which he passed the laller portion of
hi life, lu recent years hi mind had
failed, but while rvoviil event were
almost a blank, the event of hi early
life were clear and dUllnct lu hi
The funeral w ill lake place to the
l'leaaaut Hill cemetery tomorrow, Sat
urday, Oct. 1, al 12 o'clock.
ttiintntvi nrt:nrT.
CUt 1 1 f I'ulttT.
V talrM M.rllail4 katbal
K Lack
mm V
.. I'l.poM-lOI -I.I .ml Jur) Hall
llt, Mr.
PoKTI. A.X l, Oct I'J. The eaae of A.
M. Alexander against Moy Llug, lor', i-u,., i.... d, .Ti..i..t
the reoovery of otj on a proiutaaoiy Circuit i.,url convened In thiaclly lu
note Kiveti by the latter to I. . K. l,i k-1 o KUlnr term tin morning al 10 M
woo.! two year ago, tried before JuiIk e'eh". . l the court hour.
Hurley, rt.ulted In verdict for the I Ollbvr pnaeiil- Ju.lg. Fulletton.
defendant The attorney umUv riled I Prosecuting Attorney l.roi, Mierill
a motion for a Judgment, iiotwlth- :Johnu ami t hrk JciiiiiiiKa.
standing the verdict, which motion ! "I he mil of J mote vwhi.ii wa r-
will la argued Monday. During th I centiy published in IneCilARUi was
provm ol the cane quite a little ripple ; called, and they generally aiisweit-d
of excitement wa caused la the court i I" '"cir name.
by the hlund Moy l.lng
The follow mg Juror were excused
for the term: K II Inuiiaiu, K W
O-hurti, U C Widiiwr, 1' J McCullougti
ami J J hjit ni.
lUllllIa appointed: Ovorge lima,
r ive-
who wa on
the w line ttand. The Chlliamau
aid he had executed thia note to l, k
would In ronaldfiatloti of five Chinese
Certificate, w hich went to m used In
Inudlinr Chine, llleirallv. wood l grand Jury; W ivoll and U C
the witness wild, hal freiiuentlv vlit-' man, lor the court.
ed hi place of tillable and talked In The following grand Jury waa
him kimut Intuitu. i'lon.. Im-W. drawii; O F Knox, v.' r Caiuf, J C
wood pnHwed to Moy Ling If hcj llrattaiu, J II lluglaud, M Walli, 1 11
would obtain the photograph aud j Veatcll and Maui Norman. After the
good dcacilpliniis of hi CeleallJiJU'IH-K'v"lKl"" "" auviosi
friend who desired to land, that he auoul bringing inoiciiueiiw moy re
I IjockwoiMl) wotilvl aecure the crrtlll-
cate all right. Lockwood ulnxiieiil-
ly dented Ling a atory on the laml.
he aa:a l.lng hail come to htm a a no
tary public tu the usual way to have
the certificate made out.
Jaat Ice Court.
Oally Guard, Ueubr 1).
The examination of Hldney Horu
yealerday afteriKNiii resulted in hi lw
lug held to answer before the grand
jury, w Itli iMitid llxed at (0(Ai, which
he furnished. The main witm-s for
the prosecution wa Mr. L. liahb and
tlx or eight other wilnerac wete In
troduced for corroborative testimony.
The defense ottered no testimony aud
uhmltted without argument.
Hughe, the man arrested by mur
ahal Fjtatlalld yestcrdiiV for thruten-
lug to take the life of hi wife, waa
taken before Justice Wheeler thl after
noon at I o'clock, and the cane terml
nateil liit like iimnv similar caea do,
The wife beg Hint the charge I
diimlMMed airainst her lietter half, ami
after the defendant paid all costs, he
waa dlscharued fiom custody. Tin
I a woman' nature.
Mcura. 8. 8. aud Jo. Htcihen were
arreated at their home In otl valley
ytwterday by lVpuly Slierlif hjiklti on
a c bantu of removing aome proiierty
from the Klmlra aaw mill, belonging
to It V. How ard. 1 hey apM-arel be.
fore Justice Wheeler till afternoon
mud asked fir a nrelimlnury examina
tion. Oil account of the w itnesee for
the state not being present the trial
waa postponed until Monday morning
at 10 o ciock.
A Correction.
PsllT Uuanl. October t).
Yeterdav'a OUARI) Ute that the
cost to the countv for brlnelnir F. H.
Weycr from California and bring about
bi marrlnire with MIm Canaday would
lie about $160,and spoke of the klndnes
of the Lane county omciaia in aaaisi
Inir Mr. Wever to this extent.
The total cost to Lane county of thl
proceeding I tU.40. All the rcmum
l..p nt the exnetise. Icsa than I'"), ii
tmld from the state treasury. It may
also le slated tliBt It wan not through
the kindnesaof Lane county olllclal
Hist Mr. Weverwa broucht Imrk to
Omron. but utoti the order of (loveni
or 1'ennover after the circumstanifi
had beeti fully i't lorth to him.
A. 11 WlIKKI.RU, J. r.
ThoOt'ARrtated plainly that the
cost would have to 1 paid by the
countv and state, which la correct
IiW lioanl October SO.
IloHN. "l the wife of J. It. Kramme,
at ISaletn, thl morning, a boy.
, 1H UtHI n II.LKka.
i i. ai i:ri1 Tatwt II Will
I'oBTl.ANn. Or., Oct. 19. The many and acotiaintanre M Mr,
Frank IV-kutn will learn with deep re-
..r, t of the serious illm-w ol mat, oio
pioneer citlxeti of Portland, the pro
prietor of the Dekum bulldliiff, a lead
ing capitalist ol the city, and for aome
year prominently connected with the
commercial iii"iii
Kai-tinr hank. Ijite thia afternoon
i,i. n. million waa such aa to lie regard
-,l u nnicticallv honek-H. For some
time Mr. U-kuiu baa Iwn In fulling
health. and within the last few month
hi disease Iib assumed a very K'e
character. His ailment l ling ii a
dlsea.'. Mr. Dekum ha Utn tea.lily
losing fleali nrl strength for me
time, and a week ago today became. "
feeble that he waa ounpelled to take to
hi lied. ThU afternoon It waa
thought he could not survive long.
Mr. lekuiu came to Portland In 1V.L,
and ha ln resident of the city ever
since. He ha been among the leading
public spirited men of thl city, and
haa contributed no email measure to
the development and upbuilding ol
Portland, Oct a).-Mr. Frank
Dekuru died at 10:10 lat night. He
leave property estimated to be worth
from tl.ouu.ouu to
Iisaiai karwaa tesMlag.
WAaillNUTOX, Oct. ltf. Seliutor
Clorinan left tMlay for New York,
w here he will spetid the balance of the
week. The senator I contemplating a
trip to California and the Pacific coaal
alsiut November 11. He will go with
Senator lUiisom and Culloiu to iuves
tigate the harbors of the Paciflo ot.
rite l'. I r.
Lo.Mmin, Oct IU. A ditch to the
ilobe from Pari till afternoon au
rivate advice revived al the French
capital, Indicate that the condition of
the czar I uopvieM ana lue en a i
A kptclallal Sataaaeaeei.
8t. Pkt:ribi r, Prufc-
or Merxohejewskl, dlrttluguisheil e
cialkst ob nervoua diacam-s, ha been
summoned to Livldla, to take part iu
the treatment ol the czar.
Dally uaarvl, OcluUir
Next Saturday Is the dale set for the
first game of 1 1 tar Intercollegiate Foot
bail Asmiciatlon. The contest will
take place at Forest Grove aud will be
between the Portland uuiversity and
Pacific unlventlty terms. The other
game are eel for the following dates:
Novemlier 3. Hnto university v Ore
gon agricultural college, at Corvulli.
Aovemner a, ifregou aiuie noruiai
cIkhiI v Pauillo university, at Mon
Novemlier 17. iState university v
Pacillu university, at Portland.
November 17. Oreirou state normal
school v Oregon agricultural college,
al Monmouth.
November 12. Oregon agricultural
college v Portland university , at Cor-
v Mis.
November 29. Plate uuiveralty va Pa
cific university, at F.ugeue.
December M. Oreirou (Ate normal
schmil va Portland university, at Port-
Dert-nilier 15, Oregon stale normal
school vs Hlute university, at fcugelie.
lHHember 15. Oreirou uuricullural
colleire va Pacillu University . at Forest
J. W. MoCrum. of the Pacific uni
versity, Is president; A. H. Adilltoti,
seeretury, ami ri 1'. Miattuca, oi me
University or Oregon, ireaaurer.
Khi Ii individual team In the amo-
elation will be taxed t't to form a fund
In purchase a medal to lie presented to
the team winning the largest number
of game during the svaaoti. The ar-
raiigemeiita were o maue mai eacu
team will meet every other team In
the association, and will play 10 game
during the w luter. Kth inslltutlou
i to aeleet one niemoer 10 lepresem ii
team on an advisory coinmitU'e.whleh,
houlil a controversy occur. I to all
as a court of anneal. At the close of
the season thia committee will award
the pennant to the vlctorlou team.
Almoat a ratal Accident-
Florence West: Ole Myrlnd, a rest
dent of Sweet Creek, wa catiied at
ltoe Hill with Frank Hartley. On
Friday morning of last week Mr. My
rlnd arose very early and taking two
ai. one lii each hand, atarteu on a
trail thnt had been receutly made for
water. He waa tripled by aome ob
ject and fell forward, the sharp end of a
brush culoirwith a brush hook, enter
ing the face Just below the eye and
tearing It way Into the nostril through
The sufferer waa taken to
Gardiner where a surgeon lookout five
niecMMif bone, and Mr. Myrlnd return
l to Florence on Hunday. The ahnck
waa so irrtat and the laiu so severe.
ibat no to the hreei;t time the Injured
man haa retained but very little food
in hi lomach. The doctor, however,
pronounced the Injury not iieceiwarlly
lalal, hut H will require close attention
to prevent ucb a termination.
U. B. Land Offloe, lloaebunr, Or.,
Oct at, 'W.
Notice la hereby Iven ttiat theap
nrmwl nlata of survey of the following
townliiie have been received from the
urveyor-Beneral of Oregon, Uvwlt: Tp
The following tmat were dlspuard of
up to the lime of going to pre:
I. John Holland vs J W Hill; to re
oovr money. Continued.
i J M Water v t 1) JohUMiu; to
recover luoiu-y. Cotiiiuuvtl.
tt. In reamiguiueul of IWyd llru;
uMigniiieiii. r iul rcrt niiti.
w. i rustev or r mi .m r. v nurcu oi
Oleliuda, Oregon, v h H lhvlds; to
recover money. Coulluueu.
Ii n W Mepheii el al v l I narii-
hart; foreclosure. Coullrmed.
IS. t. J. Md lalianau v ui it
Walliu el ai; foreclosure, bale cou-
U. U 11 Mills va Harper orkmau;
appeal irotii Justice eouru Nittiwd and
J H McMurrv vs A L rraxlertl
al; foreclosure. Sett led ami dlauiiaeed.
7. n O (larrlwui va A uoiy, kiuiit.
Sot tied ami dismiSM-d.
St. AOlloveyv V M Orubl el
al; continuation. Kale cou0rmel.
83. H N IJutncli v It anu . nun-
dy; to recover money. Continued.
.. . . . . ii ...
M. c r liuiltiun va r im'ji "
ix-cover It ey. Sale coiinrmei.
S7. C It linker va J J uoouaic; iu
reiMver money, rieltlvd ana uiaiuiasen.
43. Isaac l arsou v J aim w n
Carson; to recover money. Bcitieu
and dimii"ed.
60. F M Hyde v Florida Ilyi! di
vorce. Oefeault inerreo io u
Stevens. .
63. Geo It Dorria vs J M llowea el
al; to recover money. Continued.
til). Suauil tirublia va 1 .11 ruooe,
admr; forvcbsiurv. Default aud Judg
70. John Stewart va Oernvj W M0-
Ktilght et al; bs. t aside deed. Con
tinued. . ...
74. Martha I Hay va Jarvia J nay;
divorce. Delault.
7(1. Geo 11 Small v J II Mosby; to
recover money. Default ami juugiueiu
for $2U'2M, and MU anil inierenu
mi. John M Williama vs A I son W
Wtili.tile: to recover money. Default
aud judgment for f 150.25 aud f 'J5 ally
HI. (I IlChrlstuan vs John II Mi
l.v et al: to recover money. Settled
M.l lliatlltHM.Nl.
s. Carrie L Delaney v Clayton D
Delaney; divorce. Default and re
r-rivd to J K Youmr to take testimony
Ml. K J McClaiiahan v Minnie
Illlichtou et al; Injunction. Judgment
liv .lufalllt.
ks. Mart ha Smith v Cliaa lietinen
at al: to recover money. Jlerault
m . : t. I 1 .. a .
h . Jamea I. scon vs u r. urisiow
et al: lo recover money. Deraiilt
Hi John Mi ouum v a ii risa ei
al; to recover money. No service.
Ural Estate Traaafen.
Rrmrlvl Jallr 1 Ki' AaiaiTtmraT
fleuM Miller and wife to Win Kd
wartl. w 1 of lol 5 nutl N.blk 4; con tl
Clara M Xilnud aim niisoauu 10
John Stewart, Sr, iitidivldeU of a
lol 4, blk 15;in
A J Johnson, slierui. to a r. mini
lev. lota HI and 17. blk 27, rrasler
liyiand s an; con f.i.
JUNtTIOM t l l V.
A J Johnson, sheriff. In F A lUnklu
aud Wiu 11 Walker, lot 4, blk 61; con
w ' - - ...... 1. 1
A J Johnson, siicrni, io r n iunui
and Win It Walker, lot 1, blk 31; cm
A J Johnson, Sheriff, to F A IUnkln
an.l Win U Walker. I of n W i. Slid
lota and 3. sec 31. t 17 S. r 6 w, 14
A J Johnson, sheriff, lo F A IUnkln
and Wm It Walker, lot I, sou I-, i iw a,
A w III ai-n-a noil Sli.(i.
A 1 Johnson, sherlft. t William II
Itavldaon, si of net of liej of swj of
in in is a r 4 w. 6 acre: cou t iti,
A J Johnson, aherlff. lo Adtlie U
Oaburn. wj of ne and ei of nw ol
"liniKitl. lmi acre: cou 114.
L H lo Frauci J Schneider, nej of
l nal of el and el of aei ofseo Pi
in r A w. Iii acres: oatelit.
U H to William Miller, lol No I see 2
io lu a r 1 w. iW.UO acre: liatetil.
M M Mark and wife to A It John
aoti w 1 of n e 1. sec . t IS . r 6 w. NO
..p- Nil! t1).
James Iteastou and wife to Edwanl
I'miihrey. lot 1 and e I or n
in, ri
Malahsl MiVluie, ol Junction 1 II . ,
l ill Kllgeiie.
Cha. Kohu, of Poitlaiid, is in Ku
(cue ou a business trip.
Two sou of France are exhibiting a
couple of bear ou lbs atresia luday.
Collection reported small.
A ll-ninulhe-old child of George A.
Drury died al Coburg tin morning of
bowel complaint Ihe burial will oc
cur tomorrow lu the I. O. O. F. ceme
tery near that place.
Still a little mUly.
Circuit court lu siou.
Yesterday waa a rainy day.
Hog buyers are still around In plen
tiful numbers.
All the churches had good coligrrgn
tioua yeatarday.
The Haverly nil Hiatal are atratitltd
lu Portland.
Hve Frlsudly' new adverliainieiil In
today's Ixue. It will pay you lo read
Wild ferae aud duck are reported
iiuite pluiilbul ou the prairie weal of
The young man with hi slstera g,
ring which It wishes to pawn .'or
1 1M or lea for a Ineal, la coining up
the valley. Look out for him.
Peiry Ileal, a well kuowu placer
miner, was allot by a highway roblier
a few mile Irom finite, .Moul., Thurs
ilay ami will probably die. Ileal ami
his w If Heie ell rout from the mines
lu Gurumu gulch, and had a bug in the
wagnu containing ISiOO lu gold dust.
The higUwaymau emptied a load ol
s'H't Into Heals lMly. Mra. I Us I
wlni'iHhl Ui the hotses uml escaped
with the gold. A posse Is lu pursuit of
the robiwr.
The Dramatic. Neas of Corvulli
contain the following: llert Van
Cleve, the Hageillaii (7) was ial beanl
of lu baleui. ill new coliiatiiy failed
Ut matrlall.e. J. It. Walker, who
left Curvaill early lu AUKtlal to Join
Ward aud James' well known troupe
of trauodiaii. is now wild Ihe com
pauy at Ihtllltuore. He is not iu the
cast, but as au under study come ou
the slai; occasionally as "sclialor,"
"soldier," etc. The onlllpaliy leaves iu
few days for Waaliinglou, 1). C
Miss llwlsy Ogdsil returned to Suleiii
this moruliig.
JudireJ.C. Fuilerton arrived on ti l
morning a Kcal, to attsud court
11. N. Cockerllne went lo Portland
yesterday to reiualu a day or two.
Mr. Campbell, who liva in the
southeastern iNirtlou of tow n, I dun
gerousiy lit.
Mr. It I'eulot who live on the Mo-
Kenxle river, waa brought here for
treatment by a phyaiclau. He Is dan
gerously 111 with drojisy.
W. T. York, one of the proprietor of
.Medfnrd Mall, arrived Here yesterday
. i . i. . i . .. ...
morning alio letb on um.i m avuv
Villi hi homestead uesr More nee.
Katunlav'a Portland Hun: Ml
Ilitby Montgomery, of this city, left
vesterdsv svetilna for a short vllt
tli re stives lieur l.tiireue. M
Motitironierv is well known In Port
land and her many friutids wish her
plrusant trip.
Ths traveling agent from Ulior
hon elsewhere are la-riullled to so
licit onlers here without being sub
jected to a onnt of license, which is s
hardship to our resident tailor ami
dealer in Kent's clothing. Cannot Ihe
city coiinoil suggest a remedy for thl
i!v r n pnlilicaiia in
. c ..'c ta ctuo
1. 1 i.i.!tiii idiii) iroutiio
-t oi Jsnu.iry. The
The fr co
llie lcilali
. i . t
r u.iior I'oio,
U-f.ite I lie l.i-
Scii.ttor lui- ' olcniii rt ul.i Uioii id
the siliiiilMii, ..mi I trt III); lo l" as
sot i.ibl : lii liattire mill ertiitt.
I' I lliU liesltliii al liig l ily
iii ii, h nrld, claim Ci'inmi-M iiii r
K'-yioild 111 hi lejKirt out ling the
H ul l fair jear. The ileath rate
upon a Icisis of a t-uUtiiiii id
I.IhKI.IKIO was only lli.'J, the lowest
id iiny Urge city in Mm world with
, the ikt'tiblc i xi Tptiou of llcrlin.
AciMrding to a Chicago editor,
l.ei I'. Morton has a icparato wig
for every d.iv in Ihe month, by tho
consecutive ti'e of which he is able to
A II.tlN lr."Ul.
iilC itcilUllll for till' tlUllisllllM III
ol the state tutlload ioiiiiiiI-muii la
alni"t tinivef tliriMihoiit tin'
t.Uc, e.i v llic Wilcoinc. Nut that
the men ttlio comprise it are objiv
lioii.ililf; they ate vety pleasant
(.'iilloincn; lull tin1 rti of tin1 c
I'lc think it is it litth toi lunch to
pay out some I lOMM year jn-t to
fiiritif!) our geittleuicn a jVj of ilo
iu uoihiii; exi'ept tiding arouii 1
th' slate iii pal n e car ami hcii,
wineil mid timed by ll.e railroad
Whether tli" legislature v. ill Hi
ctde to this loud and plain demand
is doiibttul. The ntiinerou cainli-
li.tia fnp r:iilr.i:til fiiiiiiniiiniiii'r are
more or Una useful al Ihe capitol make i.plo bt lievo that the Imir on
. . i I.;. I. ... I I,!... tarn ami ihat ll KMtl.
mi n:iwni ill w liuteier c.iine l ie
bosses have to play. K n il lias At tlo en.l of tbo month I.
I ....1 ..on.. ;1,ii .... aside a loinj-haind wig for
pt'iiiv tin iiui " -. i .
and thereby many a neat little job tritium a one.
iff lw wormM Ihrotigh. tiuly : Horrible, horrible! Ami it Imp-
lliree cat! Slicccttl Ml laat, but llicil i.,,-d tm( in Ohio, McKillley' tiw ll
Iccti.ui is alnuys Htpoi.ed till .(lt,. A m gro comuiitttsl u brutal
tlie but of the session, ami more l(utrni;e on a white woman and in
than thirty urc filiting for Uk the attempt to lynch him by an
plait, nti'l reatly to do on thing re 1 xciti tl ttopiiliice thnt) person were
iiirel ol them to secure it. lu killed ami over a score wotinilcd.
t.ui the lohbvllig lllld log rolling this hutl liapnel III H NiUthcru
and duly htlic scheuua uml com- ut it would have furnisheil an
binationi and conspiracies aga-nal uxo'llcnl illiislratiou of the barbur
Hie tHsiple of tin state, that ll'' . isni of thrir Insiplc. Hut in Ohio,
election of tlio coiniiiirsioner uf- never.
fords, is worsn than throw ing
awuy the flll.UK) a year.
tho Ueino
I e, l'W.U acre
It S.
Is MarlSIf HiiSlM Uerse.
ST. PfcTKltSBt'KU, Oct ll There
seems to be no longer any responsible
duobt that the cxar 1 rapidly a
proachliiKhlsend. A displcti fn.ui
Lividia Uxlay atinounci-s that his con
dition lias cliamred for the worse since
yesterday, and the imperial family is
K.ed7,A.pec'-' d.-r-toh received
subm-juetitly from Lividia aays the
. i.t .iiliiff suffered from a sud-
. ,..: heart, which cm
pelle-l 1)1111 b
tion became so
ZT' it hslbi ' prevslled U
- . i-l li.-l arill I 1 aiiiii"
afternoon an 111110.1 - -
publish Monday, entrusting the re
gency to the cxarowiU. General Count
Vmnt.fl.l.choff, aid-diM-amp Ulfie
euiper.r. and minl-ter of the Imperial
house; K. P. Prrtdebonaatleff. procura-
.,.,..1 oft he hoi v synod, actual
..rlvv eounellor: Wltle. minister of the
interior, and General
minister of w ar,
of w I, sec 30,t
ife UiKlla F.
Ma k, trrt of land in see 25, 1 17 , r fl
a.- al. .t la a II'. SMC. taf 111 Aa, I fa ' f-lll VS"'.
"v:.a awr.nd i HHGri.wold.nd
. 1.- tuw....ivAr in mf4 nt U
" h " T' VL ' r"" o '.n "v on I num. tract of land in arc 24, t II ., f
W II Hodman ami wife to J K IJar
. ,1 aflur aatil Hate.
SHKRIIiA.f, Keglster.
l, I acre; cm 125.
Ullod Tom.
t,y ouard, -i"lr B.
Afalrsltt-tl audleuce attended
t . I a.'at f 1 1 f Ja.-konvllle
Times'- The resignation of Walla. concert given by Wind Tom at the op
J...,' 1. ..1 ..r tl. 1 irt. 1 .r. Koo la.t hatunlav evening.
I,e heart, which com-1 ' " ' -ti 11 noli While the old nfirni'lia losl uons of
liedown III. cod - K'Erf ruatee last Moi.tlay. ho. r-.wer b. nprtsluce. In a wonder
, critical that hi. 0 i J-X t haj f.n : fuy .ocurate lii.nn.r, muilc on
Yanlm hew. was ha illy 1 1 : a- t 1 pree Wef ,lto deter- heard by him. he is gn.wtng old and
Ihe imlicntioti now am that
I S nator 11:11 will practically liuvo
Rebuilding (iraiit.
Tlie Moro Observer ha the lollttw-
Ing: There are about 4)0 men, besides
nuiusrous team., employed lu rebuild
ing at Grant, from the milling and dis
tilling works lo Kufus, all along ihe
line. Home subttautlal business
houses, and many neat reslden.wa, are
Hearing completion at Murray's, III
what Is known as the Orchard, among
them a store of suitable pnortloiis for
Mr. J. W. Smith, Into wtiicii lie win
move tils stock next mourn. mt
new passenger station, freight house
and W. V. T. oflKes, will m ready for
Mr. OtiareUthi week. "MI jK'r-
aiidiim" is Mr. Walker.s motto, and
he Is just finishing the foundation lor
ths new distillery, ami will lie ready
lo resume work by Ihe tlrst of Decem
ber, on a better basis than ever.
A PHiKrrAiii.K lNi)t:TKY.-Mr. Nor-
rla Humphrey Inform us mat, at
present price., he call reallxe
from hla dried prunes, raieed 00 bis 2-'i
acre orchard, a few miles north of Ku
iruiis. The trees are six yoars old, aud
have been thoroughly aud Intelligent-
I eu It vatwl. His so I ln oosl lor ury
Imr. tilcklna- ami culllvstiag will
prol-ahly anion nt b betww-u l.
and II iVI.Ieavlns the balance as profit.
The fruit buainea Is certainly a profit
able nna. when nronerly attended lo.
What Is such an oroiiaru worui.
Nearly any any farmer eau care for a
ten acre orchard aud never nils Ihe
time when he is so occupied.
Win. Start A PaI'KK. The Fossil
Journal In IU last Issue contain the
follow I ne Item of Interest: Ibs-ky
Mountain Hmlth, tlieaifed printer who
haa been at work lu tins omoe ior
several weeks, departed on Tuesday',
stairs for Mitchell, the citlxcns of that
plaa having lnvltel him togoovsr
aud start a per with a view to agitat
ing the oiiestlon of a new county. The
paisjr will come out about Novemlier
1st, and will be known as the Mitchell
Kugeiii ileitis a lire alirtii sys
tem. W ill she cct 117
Circuit court is in session. It
will likely b an inexpensive lerin
to the tax jiaycrs.
Although the youtliful kluslive
of K.KVpt 1o-n not smokn and i
strictly obedient to the Koran's in
junction not to urn) strong drink,
hit Inula various ways ol amusing
himself. Ono is in his yachts, of
which 1 10 lias, four, tliu liirget-t be
lli) uli. ml ui us nit oi-tnii
liner. I udcr his rub woman s po
sition is fast improving in l'-Kyi't
ami harem lift i din:tpcarilig. Ky
tliu Moliotiietati lair an Kgyptian
ia Mrmitted to have four wives,
hut at present it is considered bad
form for a man to have mure than
ono lit! pin ate.
Jacksonville Times: In a con
versation with the editor of the
Tillies SuMTiiileiitlent Newbury
pnntiuiiced himself as op-Mmed to a
change ol school ImhiKS as a wnoic.
While he tliinkd that a few changes
could ho ma lo lor the good of those
atletitling the puhliu s I100U, he
consitlers that thu look now in
urn) are i;imm1 cnntigh for practical
purMises, especially in tho linaiicial
deprcHioii now prcvuiling. Mr. N.
represents the Hcnlimciil of a large
majority of the school patrons, ami
will vilto acconlinnly when the
timo comes lu iltvnlo this nudum.
The Calif.irnia newsi HiK-rs havo
a great deal to say about the auh
slilution of fruit for wheat as th
crop of thnt hIii to. This change haa
Ix en going on Umlily fur a num
ber of year-, until now, the state,
althouii splendidly adapted to the
production of wheat, both in soil
ami climate, the wheat crop hits
greatly diminishd!, and California
is 110 loiigt-r 'in. f"f fh" treat wheat
state. The change has been at
tended by many gtixl results. The
production of wheat, whilo it waa
unprofitable to the farmer, gave
employment b hut little labor.
Machinery Iks all the work. The
great field of wheat thureforo ex
cluded rural population, and while
tho cities were urowintt lln ro wus
no increni-e in tho jMipulation of
tho country. rruit growinj has
worked a revolution. It fivos
profitable mploynintit t gnat
iitimlx rs of'. The land has
grown more fi-rtilt) ami moro val
uahle ami a new ami most profit
ahlo industry has boon sturbxl.
Tho lieauliful fruit of the I'acilio
coast has not a rival ami need no
tarilf hill to protect it from foreign
competition. I ha canning indus
try is also grow ing, ami fruit which
cannot be marketed in its natural
Utfl is canned or dried.
IICII-T 50 Cllt lK IIM. Brownsville
Times: J- H- Alley, who is superin
teudlug the construction of the new
i i.riati.ii nhurcti In tills idaoe. I un-
douhtnlly entitletl to the distinction of, nMoii.
Corvalli Tiinea: The secretary
of state has advertised for and will
shortly purchase with itabs funds,
twelve dozen ioeket knives. 0,uccr
as it mav seem, these knivra are
neither f ir the taupcrs of any of
tho various counties, nor for the in
digent inmates of any of the or
phan homes of the itate, but are lo
be supplii-d gratia to the members
and (ii-rk) of the coming legislative
In just what way a new
: Ii la -1.0-rtaliinirlita lack the vigor they
once hal. Hi ttiuic and repiiiiion 01
liaii Quart. Orlota 2- ' aouinl bv snellilia wtird phonetically
MarkIKI). At the rvsitlelice of Ihe 1 !.. by the sounding of nrte 011
1 .0.1. in eitv. velerdy tt.e toatio. amtillrinr M-ners 01 ine ai-
aftrrnV.ii. Mr. Chart- ..y- and Mi- pbabel. all seemed to Kiv plew.ure lo
AnnaPialU llev. H. I IJoardman n,e audi-iu. Hi rendition of
ofllciating. The brideirroom s home rotnmou turn were espnially enjoyed.
U in Gilliam countv, and thither the "" ", 4 ,
r' ....-,nU.lei,artel this liiornli.g, A levy of 11 nulla has lawn mad lo
' I ' . . r .... .' . -,1.1 ..fa lna.1 I it. .-.In nmtitr for ail WrUUtV DUr-
!r'::ihH. M. afterrin''VVr.;..-." and Toihiawillbereldcl theau
that the eoodition of the cxar is de I dnjty ry,
havimr ovurauen the wura or more 1 . .M.i,..i 1.. ,.( 1( u, helii legislator
churche. than any other man In "- . i.,.,ine.. ol law-inaking
This I tlx nriletli one ior inn., . - . . . , ,
ebraaka. four 111 1 no ii"i "
distriii it would Ix neither inure ludicrous
1 nor more silly if, instead of a knife,
bail ouart, -tolf a ea il llietlibcr Should nt e'alO eX-
Ji'stk k Ourt liuslnea I tul-t! be furnished llii a monki ,
la-fore tliat tribunal Unlay. Th ease of g uUn j()g wearing a brass col-
fotlv Ulna built in
Orvtfoii, and the llance ia-lng
uled among different slates.
.r ilia slate vs ri. H. and J'"
. rml anil It Is llkelv
.1 il,..l,.arv alaiiilnatloll Wlil I'l VilVI President .Morlou a
be held a the grand jury I iu .-a.loii ,,t have the ti-fattioo of riling b-
and thai body can examine luto '' ,ll(,i ljlg j, yvrl oontrs.i Lnglisii
mtlrf- can hman. The court or h rid !.i
Mahrihi-Tt au, if, by A. K. deportation.
Wbeler J. P. at bis oUtoe In Kugeiie
Oregoo, Mi. Ira Gray aud Mue l.lxie
Kuinm all of Lane county. I
the llliltid snid iirt of
cralio party in tho guU rnstorial
content in New York. lndeii
dent dciiUHTats, who have hereto
fore bitterly opsed Hill, are not
only ruorlinK him hut publicly
using their influence in his behalf.
It will Ih a pretty contest. The
chances of Hill's election are daily
growing brighter.
Tho authorities of I.ane county
havo a kind nature. They brought
a young until all tho way from Cal
ifornia to marry a girl, mayim inn
of his choice, lift certainly of her
choice. Her condition would nut
admit uf delay, o llowers, bridal
veil, ami all tho gewgawe winoii
ftouio diem iiitlisMiisiihle kt the
inaliiiuuiiiul ullar were liriiMHl
with, and the jut'uo lied the knot
while they were clad in plain every
day clothes.
River navigation on Ymihill
river brought the railroad to terms.
The McMinnville Tclephoni-Register
ssys that tho Southern I'acilio
of its own accord haa decreased the
freight rate from that city to Port
land lo 71 cent i-r iw poumis.
I'ho l.tth steauier Toledo has been
of more benefit to the community
thsti the railroad commission. One
(lecrcjised the freight faU, tho tither
increased it. I-a l tho comiumsion
ho abolished, and a maximum
freight an I passenger rale I
passed 1 J tho legislature.
Jules Curie, of Juneau, Alaska,
is ono of the few men who can tell
how it feels lo he buried alive from
so - a a I
exitenoiiCt. lie was living av mo
as a fll
timo in New rsiminisu-r, i. v-.
One morning In- l.ud gone Into a
rcstAurant and ordered hi break
fast, when all of a sudden he fell
dead. Al least, that ia what the
dodor aid of him, though he was
conscious of what was passing on
around him all the time. He wua
laid out fir huriol. and hie fricmla
kept tho liMial vigil over him, ho
wai put in a coiTin ami borne to
the cemetery, all tho time realizing
the terrihlu fate that was about to
overtake him, hut unable by word
or r-iiMi U) do anything to prevent
it. He was lowered into tho grave,
hut happily, as tho first clod rat
tled ou his'collin, he U gm tr feel
the blood pulsating at his heart,
and his powers returned to him.
lie found he could move his hand
and began to hammer oil tho colli 11
The present rain will fit the
ground for tho plow. Iiw land
nd that plowel lant fall heretofore
waa too dry uud I ard to jdow,
Jacksonville Times: It is stab d
that a hill will lie introduced In
the next legislature providing for
the publication of our school Imoks
by the sfJte. In view or the fact
that a coufi'lcrahlo sum of money
is spen: ttimually in Oregon for
text books, some of tho legin!sUrt,
with the beet intertsU of the s.t
plo at he.irt, mar favor the passage
of such a law. They should take
the uperieiu-e of other state inb
co".sideralioii, which has proven
quite ileur. California trieI the
t x rmiei.t of publishing her own
-t hool Ih.I(. end now regrets the
f,s! -h a.l venture, U-ttUse, during
Ihe lint five yt.iis ll e plant wi s in
oper-itiou, it cost li e If of that
staff 0"4.7i'0 10 end, l-idcs this
...I sum In r s. I 1 1 I i tit r -i e 1 ui.l
flO-WOO 17 11101. I- r lie
atn'F H ''o 'It. 1, '
thev y fie it t" ' e ! 1 1. !...t. h:i -el '' t -an - '
va!- I
A.k for U. of O. 6 cigara.
i 1
tlit.i k 1 ll- I"' h
1 It. I.i m
. r-
ii.f. ti -r
Id had
1 b-rof
i t.e C. r
L- li e tr-
libei.t j ' '
with only oi.e-l iuilo '.ircg' 11.
of the school
ixipulation of California, afford to
try the exterimenlT"